Finding a good boondock in the rain can be challenging!

Thursday, August 4

Goodbye to McDonald Flats Campground at Green Mountain Reservoir, after a single, overnight stay.  The crew and I return to the mountains south of Silverthorne, Colorado!

Instead of retracing our route, we take a shortcut towards Leadville.

Route 91 passes Copper Mountain and a mine, Tenmile Tailings Pond, and Robinson Lake.  It’s an easy drive through forest, with no scary drop-offs or difficult switchbacks.  The Perfect Tow Vehicle carries us up to 11,318 feet.

A sign announces “Fremont Pass” and I grin.

We did it!

Ahead a gray curtain of rain moves quickly over the mountains toward us.  For this reason I don’t stop to take photos.  We have a camp to find!

The rain falls steadily.  When we reach Leadville, I pull over next to the welcome sign to wait for it to let up.


During a lull the crew makes a potty run.  I study the Benchmark map.

Here’s a summary of the next few hours of this rainy day:

I bypass Turquoise Lake and Twin Lakes.  We continue southward in on-again, off-again rain to the Clear Lake Reservoir area.


I turn at the sign for Railroad Bridge Recreation Area, and drive southward along the Arkansas River on County Road 371.  Rafters are out in full force.

What’s a little rain to a rafter!


We pass three or four boondocks (occupied) before reaching Railroad Bridge Campground which is basically a turn-around with a few picnic tables, no trees, and all the appeal of a parking lot well on its way to becoming a weed lot.

I park and get out to read the information board.

“Eighteen dollars a night?” I exclaim to no one in particular.  (This is an Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Campground.  No 50% discount for seniors.)

“That’s right.  They must think this is pretty special.”

I turn to see a short, stocky man with a bushy, grey beard and wearing a crumpled hat. He looks like a prospector.  Come to find out, he is — a bona fide member of a national prospectors association.  We talk, ignoring the rain.  I ask for suggestions, pointing out that I don’t like to camp near people.

“Oh, whine, whine, whine,” he replies.

“I’m not whining,” I shoot back.  “I’m stating my preference.”

He backpedals, amicably sharing information about boondocks at Stone Cabin.

I had seen the road leading into that area, but passed by it due to concern about mud.  (A long-time reader of this blog had told me about campsites there.)  Prospector Man assures me the roads are okay since he just came from there.

I check it out. 

No good.  All campsites are taken.  Trees are down all over the place due to recent logging, making it an unappealing place, at least to my eyes.  The rain doesn’t help the optics.

Okay, enough fooling around.  I’m not looking for boondocks in the rain.  Too many people camping around here anyway.  It looks like our best choice is a return to Clear Creek State Wildlife Area’s campground.  It’s dispersed camping, it’s free, and we can be “home” in a few minutes.

I choose a site away from the river and other campers. 

Whew!  Now we can relax!

P1130369Photo taken on a subsequent, sunny day

Friday, August 5 – Wednesday, August 10

Dear readers . . . . I know this post is long and covers a lot of ground.  Bear with me while I try to get this blog caught up!

For five days it rains in Colorado.

Not all day.  Regularly every afternoon.  I don’t mind it at all.  In fact, it’s nice.   I have internet!  I blog frequently and catch up on the news, which is time-consuming finding sites that don’t lie, an interesting challenge.

P1130317The Best Little Trailer as seen upon our return one day from shopping in Buena Vista

I think my recent post about the incident with the two girls having a campfire during a fire ban tainted the impression I’ve given of this camping area.  It is a good camp (and free!). These five additional days are enjoyable for me and the crew.

We go day-tripping, taking Route 24 across wide-open grasslands.

South of Fairplay, we investigate Buffalo Springs Campground (meh).  On the way out we take a little break.


Next we head toward Weston Pass. 

The poor condition of the road keeps us from going all the way to the pass.  On the return to camp we drive through the overlook for Collegiate Peaks.


At the campground we meet a young couple and their canine crew.

They travel around setting up sound stages for musical events.  Their crew is Charley (4-year-old Great Dane, female) and Skylar (10-year-old Border Collie mix? also female).


Bridget finds Charley’s size intimidating and retreats.  Reggie, on the other hand, figures size doesn’t matter!


A pedestrian bridge crosses Clear Creek. 

We didn’t cross it when we were camped here previously because it seemed there were always people on it and on the other bank.


The campground has cleared out somewhat and we find the bridge empty, as are the easy walking trails on the other side.  I like to wait until conditions are right.


Bridget, Reggie, and I enjoy these walks — at least once a day — for the five days of our second camp at Clear Creek.



NOTE:  To avoid confusion, especially for those of you who read comments — As I type this post, the crew and I have moved out of the Clear Lake Reservoir area, camped on a mountain, and now are camped along a creek, the latter having internet signal.  We will camp here for a few days and each day I hope to bring the blog closer to real time.  To keep up this pace I may not fully participate in comments, although I’ll read every one.  — Sue




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140 Responses to Finding a good boondock in the rain can be challenging!

  1. Cinandjules (NY) says:


  2. Wonderful pictures Sue. Surely do enjoy following along on your travels. I have a funeral to attend later this morning, then The Chiweenie Brothers, Burger, and I are off for our own little adventure. Enjoy your weekend!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, this is a tough comment to write a reply. Condolences, Shawna, regarding the funeral and best wishes for a great weekend with your crew!

  3. Geri says:

    wow! #4? #5 ?

  4. Pat in Rochester says:

    Last picture before your note, that’s where I want to be.

  5. Kat says:

    Someday I hope to be in the top 3 again, but not today…lol. Love your posts. Thanks RVSue and Crew!

  6. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    I know what you mean about finding just the news without opinions thrown in. It is time consuming.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Teri,

      Not to get too political here…. I fear for our country and freedoms with a populace passively consuming misinformation every day. Good for you for seeking the truth!

      • Don in Okla. says:

        Hi Sue and Crew.
        I especially enjoy your blog since you don’t let politics intrude on the comments and your blog entries. Very refreshing! I had been reading several other RV blogs and they have fallen into the mud slinging morass called politics with their blogs. I will no longer read them as I get entirely toooo much of the stuff on the daily news and such.
        Thank you for keeping your blog above the fray. It is much appreciated!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I know exactly what you are talking about, Don. I have found RV bloggers spouting the most ridiculous nonsense about a candidate, obviously the result of swallowing the lies of the mainstream media. Not only was I appalled by the ignorance, I was disappointed that they would write derogatory, even vitriolic, blog posts based on misinformation. Anyone who relies exclusively on CNN, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NPR, NBC et al, as well as the NYTimes, Washington Post, et al, for information is being fed a full diet of propaganda.

          I suggest the new OANN (One America News Network) which is available on television and online, as well as Breitbart News. The in-depth analysis at is excellent. It’s amazing what one can learn about our corrupt government and media at these sites. Lots of good info on the campaigns, too.

          Thanks for writing, Don. We live on the brink of perilous times and it’s important for every U.S. citizen (and Canadian — their media is just as bad) to make the effort to become informed of the truth. I truly believe the upcoming presidential election is the last chance for America as we know it.

          Okay, enough of that or I’ll be one of those bloggers who slipped into the “morass called politics.” 🙂

          • JazzLoverWMa says:

            Sue, I am a few blogs behind. I saw you mention OANN and Breitbart News, neither of which I had ever heard of before. I just read a N.Y.Times article today, 8/18/about people with deep pockets giving Trump a boost. If it were not for the “deep pockets” I probably would have passed right over it but I was nosey as to who’s deep pockets they were. In it, it stated that a Stephen K. Bannon,the executive chairman of Breitbart has just become Trump’s campaign chief & went on to say that Breitbart often amplifies Trump’s message and goes after those who are perceived to be his enemies. As I said, I’ve never heard of either of these two organizations and the article was from the NYTimes so who do you believe and how much?
            Am glad as are many who follow you that you are not political, Thank You. This is not why we follow the adventures of RVSue and crew and there are many different reasons we are with you as there are different blogorinos. Just wanted to let you know what I happen to find & will not speak of such matters again. Already gave me a headache just reading the article.

            Loved the size difference between Charlie & Reggie, gave me a huge chuckle, and the last of Bridget is my #2 favorite after the one of her looking back at you in her “car”. Sorry Not great at condensing sometimes. Your time in Colorado has shown me so many different, beautiful areas I never knew existed and will most likely never see and I send you my thanks after each blog altho they may not appear in print. Take Care & Be Well.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              The New York Times is not to be trusted. It is owned by Robert Murdoch who has an agenda to push. The NY Times has published outright lies about Mr. Trump and when shown to be wrong, with solid, documented evidence, no apology or retraction was made. This happens frequently. That’s not journalism. It’s propaganda.

              People with deep pockets giving Mr. Trump a boost… What is that nonsense? Mr. Trump financed his primary campaign out of his own pockets. He can’t be bought by anyone. I wish I had the figures handy comparing the money H. Clinton has taken from big donors (in the millions) compared with D. Trump (in the thousands.).

              Breitbart News may “amplify” Mr. Trump’s message in an effort to counteract the massive, daily onslaughts and lies against his candidacy. The important thing is Breitbart does not fabricate stories. The truth is what bothers the media like the NY Times because it does not fit their agenda. Mr. Trump doesn’t have “perceived” enemies. He has real ones and they are many because he is exposing their corruption and they know their gravy train will be derailed when he becomes President. I pray for his safety and for that of his family.

              Good luck trying to figure out what to believe! It can be exhausting, but it is important that every voter do their best. Always ask yourself, where’s the evidence? Where is the source of this information?

              Thank you for your kind words about my blog. It is difficult for me to keep politics off my blog because I’m terrified of what will happen if the wrong person is elected.

              You may find this transcript of Mr. Trump’s NC rally helpful. There’s a video, too, but the transcript tells it all.

  7. Marilyn Moore says:

    Hi Sue N Crew
    Even Colorado experienced the 2016 Monsoon. Happy to see this post. Getting a little bit concerned. Happy now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s nice to read that the appearance of this post made you happy, Marilyn. 🙂

      Keep in mind this summer as the crew and I travel the mountainous state of Colorado that the best camps are usually where internet isn’t. This means we have to drop out at times and then play “catch up” on this blog.

  8. Geri says:

    All the photographs were wonderful, but the best was the last, the one of Bridget! She really is looking good and slimmed down. Give her a special hug from me! My next favorite was the shot of Charley. the Great Dane! What beautiful markings! I have a real fondness for Great Danes and she is a beauty!
    Glad to see you back at the free camp for awhile. We have had every day, all day long rains for about 4 days. Then the rain slacked off just giving us showers a couple of times per day and night. It sure cooled things off for us! Today is the first day without rain so far, but it is still overcast and cool.
    All those beautiful photos of Colorado! Thank you so much for sharing! Belly rubs to the crew and hugs to you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Geri!

      For those who may not know or remember, Geri is talking about the panhandle region of Florida.

      Thanks, Geri, re the photos. It was fun seeing Charley and Reg together, trying to relate to each other.

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Geri, where are you on the panhandle? We have camping reservations on St. Joseph peninsula next winter. It looks beautiful. It will be our first trip to the panhandle.

  9. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Oh Bridget looks REGAL in that last photo! She is gorgeous! Of course Reggieman is great too…

    Have fun!
    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      That photo is from our first stay at Clear Creek. I’ve been looking for a place to insert it. Often posts carry more photos of Reggie because he’s easier to photograph. I try to balance the shots of the crew.

      I hope you are enjoying some sunshine in Hoquiam! Love those hugs… ooooh. 🙂

  10. Susan in Dallas says:

    Love the photos of Reggie with his new friends and Bridget just taking in the scenery and looking relaxed. Great examples of living in the moment and what joy it can bring. Thank goodness we got some much needed relief from the heat (107 degrees yesterday – hottest day of the year so far) with a storm and more predicted for next week. Cloudy skies sure look good!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sue,

      Well, that’s good news! Relief at last from the Dallas heat… I wished Barbara from Hoquiam some sunshine ….. For you, cloudy skies! 🙂

  11. Chuck Hajek says:

    Great pics as always Sue! Great one of Ms B!!!!

  12. Mertinkentucky says:

    Hi sue and babies (crew),
    After dealing with neighbor’s on both sides of me, who think they own the entire street and park big dump trucks in my driveways with out even asking permission, i am starting to now understand the reason to be away from people! ! Beautiful area.,safe travels to all
    Mert and Asia 6

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Mert, neighbors can be very obnoxious. I can understand you being annoyed with that!

      I have yet to suffer a problem with people when all by myself. 🙂

      • Mertinkentucky says:

        I am hopefully not far behind u on being by myself, the older i get,the more annoyed i get with people, especially foolish,inconsiderate one’s; )

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          My condolences Mert…where we are, being rude and inconsiderate is an art form!! Sigh…one thing to look forward to missing once we know where to head next!! I cannot for the life of me, figure out WHY people must beep their locks on their vehicles at least 3 times…do they not hear the first or second one?? I had hubby disable ours so we can lock the doors and not bother the neighbors. Heh…a few nights heard someone messing about…and pushed the lock button…no sound of course, just flashing headlights for a bit…heh!! It seems to help whoever these pests are, to go on their way quickly.

  13. rvsueandcrew says:

    Time to pay attention to Bridget and Reggie . . . Be back later!

  14. Terri From Texas says:

    Think thats the best pic. of Bridget, ever! And of course, Reggie keeps on being cute…

  15. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    Beautiful picture of Bridget, my new favourite. Reggie always makes me smile. It is so cute the way he gallops along side of the big guys.
    We have had no rain all summer with very high heat. Fire bans in place as it is dangerously dry. Finally a very welcome rain last night & today.
    Seems like you have adjusted well to the higher elevation. Enjoy your stay at Clear Creek. The lake where I live is called Clear Lake it is on the Trent Waterway System. We get boaters passing through from as far away as Florida.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Val R.,

      I bet it is lovely at your home. I’m glad you’re receiving some much needed rain which may prevent fires from erupting. All the rain in Colorado has resulted in a lifting of the fire ban.

  16. Great photos, as usual. Loved the ones of Reggie and the Great Dane. Shows size doesn’t matter, heart does. And Reggie has a lot of heart. Bridget is looking good. Glad you didn’t get as much rain as a lot of the other states have lately.

  17. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    You have certainly been busy with locating campgrounds. Glad you returned to Clear Creek. It is lovely there. Would be better, though, with fewer people. Bridget looks absolutely beautiful in that last photo. HRH can really show her stuff when sh wants to.
    Reggie, well what else can you say for the little dickens? He is just too cute & funny for his own good.
    Have to tell you this. Angel, like Reggie, likes to run. So, we were out walking Thursday am in the heat an humidity, when my neighbor who was out for her morning run caught up to us and stopped to speak and pet on Angel. When she left Angel just stood looking like she wanted to run too, so Jackie turned and came back to get her. Angel was good to run until she realized I wasn’t there. Then she stopped and pulled Jackie back to me. Guess she was only good for running if I came too. What a silly dog! Speaking of her, it is time for the afternoon walk. Enjoy the weekend.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aw, what a sweet story, Barbara. Angel wants to share everything with you, even a run. You’re the best!

      Thank you for the compliments on the crew. I agree. 🙂

      You have a great weekend, too, Barbara.

  18. ApplegirlNY says:

    I echo the others – that picture of Bridget is absolutely wonderful. She looks like a champion.

    Hot, soupy weather here in Upstate NY. Mosquitoes are out in full force. Even the critters don’t want to go for a walk in this. I will remain grateful that it is not February.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Funny about Bridget. Runs from the camera most of the time. Then there will be a moment when she poses in a very flattering place (much like a cat knows to preen next to a vase of flowers, sit on a windowsill in a sunbeam, lolls amid colorful balls of yarn, etc.). I laugh wondering if she thinks, “Go ahead and take my picture while I’m looking good, and then back off!”

      New York mosquitoes… I remember those!

  19. Pat from Mich. says:

    38th!!! WOW!!! Haha, your campground looks fabulous. Best of all, it’s free! Noting fazes Reggie, does it? What a guy! I’m two weeks from knee surgery now, getting along ok. Not near as much pain as the last time with the other knee!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good to hear you aren’t having as much pain as before, Pat. Sounds like the surgery didn’t “faze” you! 🙂

  20. Judy Johnson says:

    Yay…top 50?! Now I’ll read.

  21. Debbie from So. Cal. says:

    Sue, it was so good to see your post this morning. Reading your blog is like an ongoing travel drama and I can’t wait for the next installment. We are leaving early tomorrow morning for Oregon. We bought a new trailer in May and I’m still adjusting to the two additional feet in length, I’ve been backing okay but I really have to watch the rear tires when I make sharp turns. I hope you find another beautiful place to explore and relax.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Debbie,

      How exciting! You’re off to Oregon with a new trailer. Yes, two feet will make a difference, although I’m sure you will adjust to it easily. I dragged the BLT over a big rock yesterday, after 5 years of towing her and being careful. No damage, no big deal, just surprised myself. Good for you with the backing up. It gets easier with practice.

      Have a wonderful time in Oregon!

  22. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    I agree with Others, last picture of Bridget is very regal! The almost all feet flying off the ground Reggie with the Great Dane is enjoyable.
    Glad you are enjoying this area, it looks clean and refreshing.
    Apartment Warming party is tomorrow. Monday will be the start of a relaxing time, return to crocheting and taking Mollie to the park in her own wheels to run with the winds. We’ve been practicing and she is improving (so am I with walking without the cane). Early morning will be the best as it is still hot here.
    Hope all is going well where you and the Crew are now.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deena,

      I bet Mollie is loving you taking her for walks, after a long time having a back yard. She reminds me of Spike and Bridget right after I sold the house and bought the BLT. Neither of them had much experience being walked on a leash and they enjoyed it right away, trotting along side by side. I’m glad Mollie is doing a good job. Best wishes to you, Deena, for freedom from the cane!

      Have fun at your party tomorrow and enjoy some relaxation.

  23. edlfrey says:

    “I turn at the sign for River Bridge Recreation Area…”

    Is that right, not Railroad Bridge? Railroad Bridge is in the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area. Maybe the sign is wrong?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Ed. It’s an error. This was a devil of a post to write, so much to “cover” and several days have elapsed. I will not be surprised if there are more mistakes. I’ll change River to Railroad.

  24. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    What a wonderful picture of Bridget!!!! As always I love your pictures but that last one is such a good one of Her Regal Highness Miss Bridget!!!

    Sounds like you have been busy!! Have fun and take care.
    Love to all

  25. 11Blade says:

    Eighteen dollars at Railroad Bridge (Arkansas Headwaters Campground)?! Wow, they’ve gone up. I was there a couple of years a go and it was $16….for nothing but a parking spot. Yes, there is a toilet facility, but no water or garbage pickup. They couldn’t even get a camp host to stay there that year, too. I figured out after/during that stay that I could have camped FREE right across the road in the open spot (BLM). Yes, it is not scenic, but I’m a GPAA member, too, so that’s why I was at that site (panning on the Arkansas).
    Keep a close watch on the ‘kids’, I’ve heard the coytote pack singing just the last 3 nights here up Shavano Road.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, 11Blade,

      Thanks for the reminder to be alert for coyotes. I’ve become so used to hearing them howl at night that I don’t mention them in posts anymore. They came very close at our Antero Pines Camp, which is in the general region of Mt. Shavano.

  26. Marysia says:

    Hello Sue, Just FYI. Railroad Bridge Campground is run by the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (Colorado Parks and Wildlife). They have six campgrounds on the Arkansas River. All are $18. I do not like paying for campgrounds to feel like one of the packed sardines but we did stay at Hecla once because of it’s convenient location. My husband kayaked through the Brown Canyon and Hecla was at the put in/take out. Hecla like all other AHRA campgrounds is typically populated by the paddlers.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Marysia. I admit I guessed it was a county park. I really didn’t pay much attention at the time due to the rain. Obvously I “threw” this post together! 🙂

      Thanks for the information. I’ll correct the post.

  27. retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

    I love this post. For me, it is a reality check. The man who accused you of whining. Not everyone understand the need for solitude and peace many have. Shame on him for voicing his misguided thought. As my mom used to say…you can have a thought and not voice it! And your not finding the perfect camping spot. Sue, you so very often find the most idyllic, peaceful, beautiful spots to camp that sometimes I am afraid I think it must be easy. I forget how much time you take doing doing research, and how many times the area just isn’t right. I know you do live a blessed life, but it takes work. Fun work most of the times. Productive work most of the times. But not always. AND you share this all with us. For me, thanks for the reminder that not every day is camping by daisies.

    Now, those sweet pups of yours…oh my gosh, but so much personality!!! Love, love, love Reggie with the Great Dane. He just has a wonderful time with a new friend! And HRH Bridget…I too echo how wonderful she is looking.

    Thank you for sharing your days with us all. Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are. Belly rubs, hugs, and prayers.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, retiredcajunlady,

      I think the man spoke without thinking. You know how people pick up a habit of using certain phrases or having certain reactions. It was a criticism, nevertheless, and I’ve learned not to let that sort of thing go without correction. He was very helpful, showing me his maps and chatting.

      Thank you for your support for how I write my blog, including the things I include for a real picture of what it’s like to be me. You’re absolutely right. I am blessed to be living the perfect life for me. I wish everyone could, whatever is perfect for them.

      I appreciate the prayers. Happy weekend to you, too!

      • Nancy from South Georgia says:

        I liked your comment “…I’ve learned not to let that sort of thing go without correction.” I, too, have FINALLY learned, I’m proud to say, to call out things like that as they happen and not stew later. I think it was part of my Southern upbringing (always be sweet) that made me fear confrontation of any sort, even something like correcting someone’s perception. But, as you know, it must be done. If not, people will sometimes get bolder and take even more liberties and make other assumptions.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It took me several years to learn that, too!

          Excellent explanation, Nancy, and you are so right… letting people throw negativity at you while you remain “sweet,” only encourages them to throw more.

          I have discovered that some people use first interactions to establish superiority or power. It’s rarely an outright display of power. More often it’s hidden, like in a joking manner such as “Whine, whine, whine,” but it’s a power play, nonetheless. If the man had not moved himself to an equal plane with me, I would’ve walked away.

      • Fuji-maru says:

        Hi! RVSue,

        Sometimes I’m in the situation like dropping deep in muddy trenches of a phrase in English.

        At this time, that is “including the things I include for a real picture of what it’s like to be me.”

        I finally got to conclusion after long consideration without Britney’s Help.

        “a real picture of what it’s like to be me” means “a real picture that has very important meaning for me behind its simple appearance though”.

        Is it right?

        Thank you in advance,

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, you’re right. Here’s another way to understand “a real picture of what it’s like to be me” — In other words, “know me well, not just what I appear to be.” of “see me for who I really am.”

          I admire the way you work at your English, Fuji-maru. It’s a tough language, especially the way we play around with it and talk slang. I don’t think I could learn it while an adult. Good thing I learned it when I was a baby!

  28. weather says:

    You closed the previous post by mentioning that returning to the mountains or not would affect the rest of your summer’s travels in Colorado. I’m guessing that you chose not to try to see the northern half of the state this year. Seeing the entire state’s highlights is more the style of folks that RV as tourists or in their first year on the road.

    Do you plan to find, live in and enjoy places you missed in the southern half before it’s time to head for the desert? You’d said previously that if you never spent another day in Colorado you felt you’d seen her essence. So even if you don’t spend part of autumn there, or go back during a future year to see the parts north of you, you’ve lived what you’d dreamed about already.

    It’s nice that you were able to camp away from the clusters of other people at Clear Creek campground, and see more of what’s there on your walks with the crew. Besides the photos of them I love the 2nd and 7th ones with the clouds on the mountains, beautiful!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You’re right about our Colorado travels this year. To include Rocky Mountain NP and the northern part of the state seemed like too much. Another consideration was air temperature. I could see us easily caught in a low elevation area (hot) in August since I don’t travel far in one day.

      Of course, now that I’ve written that, I may end up circling around that way in the fall. I change my mind a lot!

      But, yes, I have a good “feel” for Colorado now, even though there’s much more to be experienced this year and maybe, God willing, in another year.

      You love clouds. 🙂 Thank you for noting those photos. I hope you are enjoying each of these August days….

  29. Cat Lady, Central, La. says:

    >31″ of rain since Thursday morning. Got 5″ in my home. More rain predicted thru next week. Will live in Motorhome until repairs to home are made. Never flooded in 43 years. Also got in my hubby’s 2 trucks. The Weather Channel has been having a lot of coverage of it. I’m not far from Dennam Springs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good heavens, Cat Lady! Five inches of water in your house? I’m so sorry. You’re fortunate to have a motorhome in which to live until you can move back into your house.

      I wasn’t aware of the rain situation in Louisiana. Man, that’s a lot of rain!

      Stay safe and dry… Thanks for the report.

      • Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

        A lot on the local news about flooding in Baton Rouge area, and I know Denham Springs just east of BR. Prayers offered to you Cat Lady.

    • retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

      Oh dear, CatLady, I am so very sorry for you! Down in Terrebonne Parish, we have had tons of rain, but no flooding here in my area..I am in the northern part of the parish. Thank God you have the mobilehome to move into. Just a thought…did you remember to turn off power at the breaker? Very important for safety. You will be in my prayers and I will offer my rosary for you and others affected by the rain. Take care.

    • retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

      Just another thought, if you can, pop the baseboards off the walls. It helps with the water absorbing and wicking up the walls. It also helps with the drying out and keeps mold from forming in between the walls.

  30. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    64th or 65th. Love all the pics, but that last one of Bridget tell is STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS!!!

  31. Cat Lady, Central, La. says:

    5″ is wading pool. Folks on the backside of our subdivision have water over their heads inside their home…that’s bad. So I’m blessed and can’t complain. Just a bump in the road for us. Hugs to the fur babies.

  32. PNW Alison says:

    Hi Sue! It’s been nice reading about your Colorado explorations. Mountain Passes get easier with time and acclimation don’t they. I like how you share your decision making process. And of course your beautiful photographs which just get better and better! Thanks for inspiring us.
    Hope you’ve had a chance to get some of the fantastic local peaches in the Buena Vista / Salida area. Do you find them better than Georgia peaches?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Allison,

      No, I didn’t have any of the local peaches, but I have been eating Olanthe corn. Very tasty!

      My experience with peaches is …. It isn’t the location where they are grown so much as the weather conditions leading up to harvest. I’ve had Georgia peaches that were so good you could cry over them and other years, meh. I did see some white peaches at City Market in Buena Vista (not my preference). I wasn’t in the mood for peaches and they don’t keep as well as grapefruit, oranges, watermelon, and blueberries which I did buy.

      • PNW Alison says:

        I agree about those white peaches (blah), and the conditions. Colorado’s are almost always excellent. I can’t remember where exactly it was, but somewhere along that Salida to B-Vista road there was a huge farm stand selling very local very fresh very amazing peaches.
        BTW Has anyone told you yet it’s BEE-OO-na Vista? (Not Bway-na).
        Anyway, it’s nice to be back reading your blog, and know when you’re still enjoying our beautiful public lands and spreading goodwill.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’ve heard it pronounced three ways. Bona Vista?

          I’m sticking with Bway-na Vista, staying true to my visitor status. 🙂

        • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

          My bro and sis in law that live there just call it Bueny. 😛

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            We’re up to 4 ways. I like Bueny.

            • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

              You may or may not have had time to do research of this area. There is sooo much history around there. Quite a lot from the Gold Rush era. More current, though, you are not too far from the Extreme Security Prison. Many famous and really bad men are there. Think of deposed foreign leaders and many criminals that were/are in the news. I heard they are getting their gardening merit badges as they were supplying much of their own produce. Who knows? … They may also supply the local markets.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I did see the prison… the outside, that is.

  33. Glad you were able to find your way back to a nice spot in the rain. We enjoyed the daily rain when we were in Colorado and Wyoming – never enough to make mud 🙂 Having a nice trail to walk every afternoon is such a nice treat. Charlie looks so patient with his little pal! Beautiful photo of Bridget at the end of the post :-)))))

    • edlfrey says:

      “Their crew is Charley (4-year-old Great Dane, female)…”

      Reggie is not shy with the girls – even the BIG ones!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Reggie is quite a guy!

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Hmmm… It does give one pause. The ‘logistics’ of their .. uuuh… union. Whadya think his chances are? Would bet he thinks he can do anything. I know we don’t want to think of the Regginator as anything but a playful puppy. But you gotta admit… the offspring would have her beauty and grace and his larger than life attitude. Sorry, but this visual just hit my funny bone and I can’t stop giggling. 😉 😀

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree, Jodee… just the right amount of rain to make the world fresh and to give the flowers a boost. 🙂

      At the conclusion of our first camp, Clear Creek was half as wide as when we first arrived. At the time we left our second camp there, Clear Creek was back like we first witnessed it.

  34. Carol in the Finger Lakes says:

    Whoo-ee! 77th! That’s my age.
    It’s raining here too, in the Finger Lakes. It’s been so dry, the leaves on every corn plant have been sticking straight up in spikes…and my well is slowly getting lower and lower. Today there have been several sharp showers, and this thirsty clay soil is soaking up every drop.
    It has been so hot here (hot for upstate New York, that is–wow, mid 90s!) that it’s hard to face all the work needed to get this house ready to sell. Down now to painting, inside and outside, and Getting Rid of Stuff. Where did it all come from? So it’s so good to read your posts, see your photos, and be reminded of my goal.
    I really will be on the road within a year–in something. A van? a trailer? I wonder what it will be?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carol,

      It’s hard to pull together the ambition to paint when the weather is hot and humid. Maybe a little bit each day, very early in the morning. I’m pleased that my blog reminds you of your goal.

      It will be very exciting when you decide what kind of rig suits you and your budget and then even more so when you find it. Good times ahead, Carol!

  35. Fuji-maru says:

    Hi! RVSue and Crew,
    I love the welcome sign in the US. There were many different kinds of welcome sign I saw through my travel. Archaic and handmade style leaves an impression.
    No matter where, almost featureless, rare with word “Welcome” in Japan.

    BTW, I studyed the word “optics” in this post. It seems from a political term.

    Have a nice day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Fuji-maru,

      That is very interesting that one does not see welcome signs along the roads in Japan. Maybe we have them in the U.S. because it is such a big place and people often have to drive far to reach the next town.

      Yes, optics is a word commonly associated with politics, although it can be used with other references, especially in casual writing such as I do, where I often stretch the rules. 🙂

      You have a nice day, too!

  36. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Greetings, Sue!

    Everyone seems to be gushing over the glamor shot of Bridget. Would you mind some more fawning? She looks wonderful! It is so obvious that she is a spirit that one would have to surrender their heart to. Your love and sacrifice to care for her has been a blessing for us all. I’ll bet her presence in your life has enhanced it more ways than we will ever know. Thank you for sharing her with us. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, MV gal. Bridget is mysterious. With Spike I could read what was going on in his head and, even though he wasn’t an affectionate guy, I felt we were linked. A similar bond is developing with Reggie.

      As for Bridget, I detect a barrier (maybe that’s too strong a word), an aloofness. Perhaps that’s because her greatest bond was with Spike. I don’t know. Like a say, Bridget’s a mystery. Maybe it’s a class thing — a peasant trying to relate to the Queen — Haha!

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        I agree. Animals bond in their own way. My cat used to only show up when he heard the cat food opening. Then gone again. Now, he comes and checks on me every hour or so for a head scratch then sits nearby until I get up and he follows me when I walk around outside. I just wish he would give me a bit more privacy when I use the ‘litter box’.

        We are lucky they let us in their lives. 😉

  37. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Oh, forgot to ask … are there still lots of prairie dogs the popping out of ground like a whack-a-mole game in that area? It has been a long while but those memories stayed.
    Sure, I can remember minutia like that but don’t know where I left my glass of tea. % )
    Aging does have it’s unfair moments.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Nope. I haven’t seen any prairie dogs in quite a while. I think the elevation of our camps has mostly been above where the prairie dogs make their homes. They could have been at Salida East but I didn’t see any. Too many people and vehicles probably.

    • Fuji-maru says:

      Hi! MV gal,

      I appreciate you have given me an opportunity under the previous post for writing somthing like my curriculum vitae in English that I’ve not ever done before.

      I reconstructed using those comments and put it up into my blog.

      Thanks again,

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Greetings Fuji-maru!

        Thank YOU. You have given us a clearer mind’s picture of who you are and what you do/have done. By doing that, you have added to the many things that make this blog interesting. Some folks that come to this blog, like me, are very interested in what other people have experienced. Extra points to you because you are from Japan. It is most enjoyable to ‘talk’ with you here.

        Perhaps on another of Sue’s post, you might be so kind as to ‘tell’ us about something you recall from your RV adventures that was funny or things you have learned while ‘on the road’.

        I, too, wanted to mention that I appreciated your ‘chat’ the other night while we waited for Sue’s next ‘chapter’. I have always been interested in English words and phrases, which is a conglomeration and remix/mash-up of many languages. Now, I look at them with even more curiosity when I think of how they sound/what they mean to someone who is learning how to get their message across from another language that uses a different set of ‘letters’ and has little or no Latin or Arabic base influences. So thanks for adding that little bit of fun, too.

        Your blog pal, (‘pen-pal’)
        MV gal

  38. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    Reggie chasing the Great Dane reminded me of a bronze statue I once saw of a Pony Express horse racing to deliver the mail on time. That photo of Bridget is a beauty.

    I want to scoop both of them up and give hugs and kisses (they’d look at me like “who on earth is THIS?!?!”) because they are both just so darned cuddle-able.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I can see the statue! I’ll deliver your hugs and kisses to HRH and Reg as soon as they wake up from morning nap. 🙂

  39. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Well, not everyone understands our need for peace and quiet, in our increasingly noisy world, it would seem, Sue!! But for some of us, we are healthier when life is calmer!! Glad you figured out what to do…I am sure it is frustrating at times. We are still in a quandary ourselves. Looking at ideas online as to properties, etc. via Trulia, etc. And some things in other areas of our life have begun to change a bit…so we have to see where it all goes…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Elizabeth!

      Yes, “we have to see where it all goes.” Sometimes the passage of time is all it takes to make a path to a better place appear clearly. It can be fun looking at possibilities. I hope you find what is right for you and your husband — a place of calm, quiet, and beauty.

      Enjoy your day!

  40. AZ Jim says:

    Bridget and the Reg look good and healthy. You take great care of them Missy. Reggie won’t let a Great Dane intimidate him, hell he takes on horses and cows. Stay between the rain drops….*Hug*

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Thank heavens for good health, eh? Reggie has all the energy and glow of youth, and Bridget, although moving slower these days and sometimes unsteadily, is enjoying each day. As long as their tails are wagging, they’re eating and pooping normally, and sleeping well, I figure they’re doing fine.

      Hugs to you, too, Jim.

  41. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I was on my computer early this morning, checked your blog for an update….not yet, but I could “feel” that you would be posting today! Speaking of which, Miss Mischief Maker a.k.a Gracie Pup, has begun to get quite creative in showing me that she is annoyed when I am busy on the computer, reading on my Paperwhite or making notes for reference in a little notebook. The new “trick” is for her to nudge the Kindle and notebook off an end table in the living room while I am in the den on the PC. This morning she even managed to get the pen out its molded holder attached to the notebook. I scold her, but chuckle to myself over her ingenuity. Gotta love our pups!! 🙂

    My favorite photos are of Bridget and Reggie side by side on the bridge, and Miss Bridget’s portrait! This portrait is a close second favorite to the one where she is looking up to you with love, sporting a happy smile while riding in her carriage. 🙂 🙂

    The BLT always looks so tiny when surrounded by other RVs. A cozy little cottage among McMansions!!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend – I hope you found a peaceful spot to land! Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise!

      It’s impossible to stay mad at our mischievous little pals. Can’t blame them for their ways of stating their opinions, given that they can’t talk a language we understand. 🙂 Gracie pup loves you so much and wants to share every moment with you, not with the Paperwhite! The Paperwhite is the enemy!

      You mentioned the photo of Bridget looking up at me from her car, with love in her eyes. I think that post about “I got a new car!” is one of my favorites. In hindsight it seems to me as if Bridget really wrote it and I enjoy listening to her! Ha… I’m losing my mind.

      “A cozy little cottage among McMansions!”…. Love that… It’s so true!

      Thanks for writing, Denise… You and Gracie have a wonderful week!

  42. Ray & Yukon (Lawrence, Kansas) says:

    I think its cool what your doing; and i am planning on getting a Toyota Tacoma 4 x 4 and a teardrop trailer and take to the road next year. I have a question about camping out; isn’t it expensive to stay at “campsites”? Isnt there a fee every day for staying at them? I would appreciate info on that; i am not sure where to camp once i get on the road with my dog Yukon; a 2 year old male Siberian Husky.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome to my blog, Ray & Yukon! And also to this place we call Blogorinoland! I’m always thrilled to meet readers here.

      In the U.S. (which is all I know) camping is as expensive or inexpensive as you decide to make it. I have camped entire months without paying any camping fees, by staying on public land (BLM, national forest).

      When camping in a campground, yes, the posted fee is paid daily. There are some free campgrounds but they are increasingly rare.

      I like to mix free camping on public land with some inexpensive campgrounds and, in rare instances, an RV park that charges less than $30. Some RV “resorts” charge $45 and more a night. You can figure that staying at the resorts every night can become expensive very quickly.

      My method of mixing free camps with inexpensive campgrounds allows me to live within a modest budget and, at the same time, travel wherever I wish to go.

      Here are a few examples:

      January 2016: 29 days of free camps, 2 days in a Long Term Visitor Area ($2.86 per day based on $40 for 14 days): Total monthly camping fee: $5.72

      April 2016: 29 days of free camps, 2 days in an RV park while sick ($20 per day): Total monthly camping fee: $40

      July 2016: 29 days of free camps, 2 days in campgrounds ($10 a night): Total monthly camping fee: $20

      To answer your question directly: No, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Note that the above examples are camping without hook-ups, relying totally on solar power and propane, and the campground fees were 1/2 the regular price using a senior discount pass.

      I love questions. Feel free to write as often as you wish, whether you have a question or not. Good luck with your plans for you and Yukon to “take to the road.” Keep in touch!

      • Ray & Yukon says:

        Is there a list posted on the internet of where these camps are at? Would like to send you a picture of me and Yukon also; so you know who your chatting with; not sure how to attach a pic to this site you have.

        Ray & Yukon
        Lawrence, KS

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You can find free camps on the internet at and by going to the BLM website or National Forest website for the area you are interested in. (Do a search.)

          I don’t know how long you’ve been reading my blog, Ray. I often mention my Benchmark atlas for the state we’re traveling in. Benchmarks show the boundaries of public land (free) and also show campgrounds.

          A photo isn’t necessary — I’d rather get to know you through your thoughts, rather than appearance. I don’t release my email address on my blog.

          If you haven’t read my entire blog, I encourage you to do so. For the early posts, which include the days of planning, go to (as opposed to which are the posts from June 2013 to present.)

          • Ray & Yukon says:

            Ok; thanks; and i just started reading it today; as i finally got some time off. I look forward to going up in the north country; as Yukon loves cooler climates; a 2 year old male siberian; who thinks he is a person………lol…

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              The internet is your friend for info on the north country. I don’t know anything about that. Consider the U.S., too. We have plenty of cold weather areas.

      • Ray & Yukon says:

        Do you happen to have a camping supply list? I am retired military (us air force); and us flyboys never camped out like those army guys; lol…………we always had room service; lol…………..

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I have posted what I carry in the Perfect Tow Vehicle. I don’t know where that is at the moment. I’ll reply to other comments and take care of some things around here this morning, and I’ll try to post a supply list later.

          Maybe blogorinos will help me with a camping supply list?

  43. Rhodium in RI says:

    First! We just have to use Matthew 20:16 rules. But seriously, this Colorado summer is, for me, the most scenic yet.

  44. Velda in Roseville CA says:

    Ray, the list depends on how you will camp. Tent, trailer, motorhome. Give us an idea and we can be more specific. I use several list apps on my phone that come with pre-written lists I modify to suit. Ultimate checklist is one I like. Used it last fall to prepare for a stay in my class B van at a hospital while husband had surgery. Had separate lists for food, clothing and supplies, shopping in advance, meal ideas, and stuff I needed to do to prepare our disabled son to be on his own a week. Give us some specs and we will help!

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