From Riverside Campground on Canyon Ferry Lake, MT, to a rustic camp by the Yellowstone River

Monday, August 7 and Tuesday, August 8

Shortly after I back the Best Little Trailer into our chosen campsite at Riverside Campground, Canyon Ferry Lake, Montana, the camp host appears to say hello.

He also wants to make sure I understand the reservation system.

“This is a reservation site so you have it on a one-day-at-a-time basis.  In other words, don’t pay for more than one day in case someone reserves it.  I don’t want you to pay and then lose your money. I can’t give refunds.”

I thank him for being considerate and add that I understand the system.

“I only plan to stay a day or two anyway.”

He responds pleasantly, “As it stands now, the site is open until Friday.  Enjoy!”

Reg, Rog and I walk the path by the river to the dam.

Green vegetation grows on the water along the edge of the river.  I don’t know if it is considered algae or some other kind of aquatic plant.  No signs warn to keep oneself and dogs away from it.  Even so, I don’t let the crew near it.

Other than a few people fishing on the opposite bank, we are by ourselves.  

What little activity there is at this campground mainly takes place at the boat ramp and dock.

I wonder how long it will take for the young man who “owns” that boat to become tired of the loan payments . . . .

The camping day limit at Riverside is 14 days.

(That is, if I remember correctly!).  You can see more photos of the campground in the previous post.

Amenities and other details are listed at various websites found by searching the internet for “Riverside Campground, Canyon Ferry Lake, MT.”

That reminds me of something I’ve been wanting to mention.

If you want to find one of my old blog posts or you’re interested in a topic in an archived post on this blog, simply do a web search (not the search box on this blog which is nearly useless).

Search for “RVSue + propane heater” or “RVSue + San Rafael Reef” or whatever topic/camp you want to find.  Usually that does the trick!

Well, I’m not surprised this is a reservation-type campground.  The “nicer,” popular campgrounds are more likely to be so.  

To tell the truth I prefer the rustic campgrounds and boondocks.

I don’t mind being surrounded by weeds or brush.  Enough of a clearing to make a camp, to keep the unwanted critters away and to provide room for the crew to play, and I’m happy.

The less a place is landscaped and hovered over, the more likely one sees wildlife and also the more relaxed I feel.

There’s a different atmosphere in a campground left “rough.”

I like it.  

Camping in a place like Riverside is a pleasant change from rustic.  Sometimes that’s what one wants, especially if a water spigot or dump station is needed.

Two days of a “nice” campground are enough for me.

Besides, by Wednesday the smoke catches up to us!

You can see the smoke in the first photo of this post and in the next one, too.  (I bet you thought it was poor focus again!)

Wednesday, August 9

Since I packed up the outside stuff last night and I never unhitched the Best Little Trailer, breaking camp is quick and we’re on the road again early this morning.

We roll on Route 284 south through fields of wheat (I think it is) and hay.  Next we turn west onto Route 12 to go into Townsend and then pick up Route 287 south to Three Forks, crossing the Missouri River on the way.

Notice how the mountains are blanketed with smoke in the next photo.

At Three Forks we board Interstate 90 again.

The PTV pushes east . . . past Belgrade, Bozeman, Livingston . . . We keep going until we’re out of the smoke and into a sweet, rustic campsite on the Yellowstone River.

More about the new camp coming up in the next post!




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123 Responses to From Riverside Campground on Canyon Ferry Lake, MT, to a rustic camp by the Yellowstone River

  1. Willow (AZ) says:

    Such a nice post, I enjoy your adventures so much and Roger and Reggie always make me smile

  2. Dasher - Tampa Bay says:

    Hi Sue. Just ordered a camera through your site. Thanks for being my inspiration .

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome.

      Gee, thanks for the order, Dasher! I’ll look for the camera. It will probably show up on tomorrow’s report. I hope you take many spectacular photos with it.


  3. Dawn in MI says:

    Wow, that’s some boat! Love the hay bales too! Hope you can keep in front of all that smoke, stay safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Hi, Dawn,

      Yeah, it was kind of funny to watch this young guy roaring up and down the river with his particular taste (?) in music on full volume… a portrait of Look At Me. Ha!

      Thanks for the hope. We still have some smoke but it isn’t bad.

      • Dawn in MI says:

        Lots of money tied up in that boat…which is his choice I suppose, but I really really hate when I have to listen to someone else’s choice of music, at least if it’s very long that I have to listen to it. I’m out camping for trees and birds and nature and stuff, not their music. Sigh.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s easier to shrug off the “music” when it’s kids, meaning 20s and younger, because young people haven’t always been taught to be considerate of others. When people in their 40s and 50s play loud music in camping areas, I lose tolerance fast.

  4. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Hi Ya, Sue…quick read and hello…friends have arrived to take me to a movie and dinner…they have fallen in love with your Boys….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deena!

      Hope you’re enjoying the movie and dinner!

      Sending dog slobber kisses from the crew to you and your friends . . . 🙂

  5. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    Scary how fires can be so big the smoke covers a whole region. Looks like you and the boys found a nice spot to land.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pam, we are a couple camps ahead of the blog and in a “nice spot to land.”

      Hope all is well where you are…

  6. Rocky Mtn Bob says:

    Seen that before on reservations. If you are there on site why can’t you reserve it if available? Here it cuts out the middle man, a reservation system requiring tel or internet reservation.
    Had to get that off my chest! Stay with it Sue, still enjoy your blogs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bob,

      Good to hear from you again. I’m pleased you still enjoy my posts.

      Two things come to mind regarding reservations . . . When you reserve a site, it’s for the following day. You can’t “reserve” a site for the present day. Also a fee is charged to reserve and you know me, that fee grates on my behind, to be crass. Ha!

      • Rocky Mtn Bob says:

        You too! Have delt with those reservation people, some are ok and others have no idea what goes on in the real world! Several years ago trying g to reserve sites I had been to before was told it was a tent site and told them yes but primarily rv site with room for tent also and booked it for rv I would be fined, etc. Called back next morning reserved that site, no problem, oh these guys were in an office , somewhere in N.J.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It doesn’t inspire confidence when the answer you get to a question is different depending upon whom you talk to.

          I’ve never made a reservation to camp and I intend to keep it that way!

  7. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    HI Miss Sue!
    OMG I am so glad you did not come this way! Have you been seeing the ultimate chaos the eclipse is making in OR? Wowzers!!! The traffic is like LA or worse and well… gas is at a real premium. Seems they didn’t think very carefully about that!! All for a couple of hours.
    We are headed camping Sunday to Wed. We have a ‘kickball extravaganza’ for our 7 yr old granddaughter. We will street camp one night and be in a state park for 2. We have done nearly no camping this year at all and it is horrible! Moosee Misses Us! I believe it will be our Kali’s last trip. (Aussie is 15). 🙁

    Smoke has gone way down, but wow the clouds are here. Hope all those people can SEE the eclipse on Monday or they are gonna be ____! 😛

    Hugs from Hoquiam and beyond.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I’ve been thinking the same thing — I am so glad I didn’t choose to go to Oregon or Washington this summer. It sounds insane!

      Good for you, getting out with Moosee at last. Have a wonderful time!


  8. Carol in MT says:

    Thanks for the tip on searching your blog. I never thought of that, but I bet it works great. Glad you’re enjoying Montana.

  9. Jenny Johnson says:

    Close to FIRST!!!

  10. Diann in MT says:

    Oh, Sue! You were so close to me. LOL! I live in Absarokee. You may have seen the sign on I-90 for the turn off. Those Beartooth Mountains are in my backyard and serve as my playground.
    Been smokey, huh?
    Continued fun and great travels for you and the crew. Love that last pic of THE BROS!

  11. Pat from Mich. says:

    I agree with you about the young guy and his boat. Why do those kind of people think everyone would like to hear that noise they call ‘music’? Ah well, that’s my rant for the day. I remember Flint Mi in the 80’s. The auto plants were working their people overtime and 7 days a week for a couple of years. A lot of people cought expensive boats, motor homes, vacation cabins, snowmobiles and other toys figuring to pay for them with their huge overtime checks. Then, one day, the overtime ended and it was back to 40 hrs a week. Literally, it was one day overtime as usual, next day, none. People were offering their toys for practically nothing just to get out from under the payments. Anyone with a little cash could have gotten some really nice stuff for pennies on the dollar.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think that’s “counting your chickens before they hatch” or something like that. It must have been a shock when the overtime stopped!

    • mrdsee in Riverside says:

      They say the 2 best day’s during the ownership of a boat are the day you buy it, and the day you sell it!
      Not to mention that boat to a mechanic stands for “Break out another Thousand!”

  12. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Beautiful..and good to get out of the smoke….I totally don’t see the point made about the ‘look at me’ mentality, what’s up with the big hoop thingies to hook skiers to that sport huge speakers? I like to hear quiet, birds, leaves rustling!
    This is one reason I like to camp at Woodward reservoir in the winter, the ‘kids’ are home…
    So folks, we are headed to Oregon tomorrow for klamath Falls. North on I-5 to 97. Hopefully it will not be crammed. Any input about the traffic? We are grandkid sitting! Love,those kids….movies! Park playgrounds! Picnic! Bike riding! Weeeee!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, LeeJ,

      I take it that Woodward Reservoir is in Northern California. (?) Have a safe, pleasant drive to Klamath Falls (not being sarcastic, being sincere). Enjoy the grandkids…

      • LeeJ in Northern California says:

        Yes, near the town I was born in, Oakdale. It is crazy stuffed there in the summer, but winter is quiet, lots of birds to watch.

    • Susan in south central WA says:

      My husband was registered to ride in the Crater Lake Century Bicycle Ride today but we cancelled out on Wednesday. Didn’t feel like fighting eclipse traffic and sitting/driving in more smoke in Klamath Falls over the weekend. Anyone else notice how beautiful this morning’s crescent moon is? (8/19/17)

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I missed the crescent moon, but the sunrise was splashing pink light on the river… photo to follow, of course … 🙂

  13. ApplegirlNY says:

    Love, love, love the picture of the rolled hay bales with the smoky mountains in the background. Can’t wait to see your camp on Yellowstone River.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      That field of hay bales was quite a sight. It was huge! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to capture the enormity of it.

      I’m looking forward to showing you the Yellowstone River camp!

  14. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    HI 😃

  15. Pat from Mich. says:

    Picture a farmer on the phone to his froend as he watches one of his cows running as fast as she can with a round hay bale rolling down the hill after her. “Roy, your hay’s achasin my cow agin”.

    Well, I ordered my dog food from Amazon through your link. Hope it goes through ok.

  16. Karen in Pacific NW says:

    Maybe it is a family boat and there was no need to finance it. Or maybe the young man started working in his early teens. Such things do happen in ranch country where a teen can begin building his own herd on the family ranch and also share in the profits of the family corporation ranch land crops they helped to raise. I have a neighbor who started flipping houses for income in his early twenties having learned the trade in his teens. He paid cash for his power boats, 4 x 4 truck, snow mobiles, jet skis, home, etc. He is from Montana 🙂

  17. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    Starting to think about and plan for our/my Utah dream trip. Looking at atlas. Wondering about weather there end of April, beginning of May 2018. All discussions greatful.

    • Pat (Ky) says:

      Should be a great time to be there. This past April and May I made my first long trip with the Casita and that is where I went. It took me a month to finally get to Utah…not many miles per day; plus I spent quite a few days visiting my brother in the east mountains outside of Albuquerque. I did get into some snow in NM and took a detour to the south to get out of it.

      I didn’t realize how high Alpine and Luna were. Still had slush on the roads but absolutely beautiful with the sunshine on the snow covered mountains.

      The farthest north I went was up around Capital Reef. The weather was great. Very pleasant temps and not much rain. On the way back I did stay at Lone Rock and thought it was so hot. I think it was in the upper 70’s but compared to what I’d been in, it seemed hot.

      I don’t know how you plan to camp; but that seems to be a very busy time of the year for that area. Lots of people out and about.

      I am getting anxious to get on the road again. Hopefully Sept and Oct will find me headed to SD and Wyoming. Could get a little cold but I love the prairie in the fall and I haven’t been back “home” in a couple of years. I haven’t played tourist out there since I was a kid. Am looking forward to seeing all the places our family used to camp.

      • Virginia620 (AL) says:

        Thank you, Pat, for your reply. I thought end of April, first of May it wouldn’t be so crowded but you think it would be?

  18. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    That is a pretty site beside the river. The photos of the dogs checking out river are so cute. Angel doesn’t have much interest in the water, she would probably just look at it like Reg & Rog do. She would much rather just snoop around in the grass, bushes, etc.

    Don’t know if you looked at the end of the last post, but I got to look, firsthand, at a Casita today and fell in love with the coziness of it. She has the Independence, which I considered, but think I will stick with my original choice of the Liberty Deluxe. Hopefully I will be able to move ahead with ordering sometime in the near future, with or without DH being on board with it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I did see your comment under the previous post and replied that I’m excited for you…. It must have been fun to actually be inside a Casita at last. I had to buy one to do that!

      I haven’t been inside an Independence model. Don’t know if I’d prefer it over the Liberty Deluxe. As you know, I’m happy with the Liberty model.

      You may find you like to do your crafting outside using the picnic table or a good, sturdy folding table like I have.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        I thought of that, most of my crafting I can do without a problem, but I was thinking of my quilting projects, where I need to set up my sewing machine. I wasn’t planning on making any more large quilts, but just little things like coasters, placemats, maybe a table runner, pot holders. Something small just to satisfy the quilting urge. I even made quilt designed curtains for my mother-in-law to match the quilt I made for her. I may just give it up though as I have plenty of other things that release the creative juices. We’ll see.

  19. Li says:

    Reggie has a poet’s soul. He always looks so expressive. Roger looks ‘ruff ‘n ready.
    The smoke seems endless. Li

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good job, Li, contrasting Reg and Rog! Two very different personalities, yet they get along great, being the best of friends and housemates.

  20. Debra & Misty in OR says:

    I love hay fields- when freshly mowed and after the hay has been baled. Love the smell of freshly mowed hay!

    I have been on the N CA & S OR coast. First time in OR. Oh my, the coast is so unbelievably beautiful. I went as far north as Newport. Then needed to start heading east. So figured I would try to stay in the path of totality since I have to go this way any how. I found a nice boondock just east of Prineville in the Ochoco NF on top of a ridge looking west to the Cascades. I arrived on Tuesday and will head out next Tuesday morning. I went into town yesterday to do errands. The was plenty of food in the grocery store, all the gas stations had gas etc. Today the wind shifted to west so I am getting smoke from the fires in Cascades. Forecasted to shift back to north and hope it does. I am working my way to SD. I think I will be trying to dodge the smoke as you have been doing Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Debra, on scoring that boondock! I know that area… I bet you have a pretty camp.

      You must have been relieved to find the store well stocked and plenty of gas available. You’re right about wind moving the smoke. We’ve run away from the fires and then the wind carries the smoke wherever we go.

      Good luck dodging the smoke as you go toward SD. It’s next to impossible to do so, but it’s kind of fun to try…… takes you to places you might not have gone. 🙂

  21. Cinandjules🌵 says:

    I’ve always wondered about those hay rolls. A bale is easy to dispense…as it flakes off in layers. I’m a city girl (transplant country bumpkin) so don’t be making fun of my city girl terminology. How does that work with a roll?

    Oh those two are so silly…neither one of them have four on the floor!

    Google search..RVSue living on less and enjoying life more! Your results will be: Simple things in life, respect for others, nature, and it’s critters, leaving no trace, serenity and peace.

    Imagine all the people living life in peace.

    Thanks for sharing your journey!

    • Denis - Richmond VA says:

      “Imagine all the people living in peace.” Amen!

      Hi Cindy! 🙂

    • Renee still in Idaho says:

      I believe those hay (from alfalfa) are straw rolls from the shaft leftover after the wheat has been harvested. You see his more often with straw then hay and I wonder if it’s because hay generates heat and can be combustible.

      Anyway, this is a good post. Good thing the host came and talked to you, but seems that there would be a tag on the sites that are reservable sites. Well, each state is different.

      Hey! You are on your way to Yellowstone. We hope to be at the end of the month of mid September, at least to the Tetons for FS camping. But if it’s too late, some of the FS CGs close and we will “have” to stay at Gros Ventre, Colter Bay, or Mammoth. The only consolation will be that these will have less traffic mid to late September. Take care and keep on posting. Looks like you are trying to catch up to the timelines. Thanks.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Renee,

        I’m glad you liked the post. The camp sites do have tags indicating they can be reserved. The camp host wanted to make sure I understood the ramifications of that.

        We aren’t on our way to Yellow NP. I hope you enjoy it when you go!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      About those hay rolls…. When I first moved to Georgia, I saw that those round bales were left outside all winter (no barns like in New York state). My first reaction was, gee, how wasteful, to leave hay bales out in the field to rot.

      Then I realized that the outer surface of the bale, whether wrapped or not, protects the inner part of the bale. Livestock eat the good hay that’s “inside.” They stick their heads in there until all the good hay is eaten and eventually the outer part of the bale collapses.

      Well, that’s more hay bale talk than you expected, I bet!

      Interesting results to the RVSue search…. 🙂

  22. Susan in south central WA says:

    An early morning drive from Bozeman to Livingston has always been a favorite section of I-90 (except for all the recent developmet). Hope you found a good out of the way spot for Monday!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Susan. We did find a good spot and will stay here into next week. Wishing you a calm and enjoyable Solar Eclipse Day!

  23. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue and Crew!

    So glad that you have been able to stay ahead of the smoke….not like last year, when the fires and smoke seemed to be at your heels. Sending up prayers that you and the zoom-zoom brothers will continue to be guided to safety. 🙂

    “Rustic” or “rough” campsites are the best! When left natural, the birds, animals, and insects do not lose their habitat. Camping in harmony with nature and all of God’s gifts – what can be better? 🙂

    Today my best friend and I are getting together to enjoy a tasty Mexican lunch, and then on to Hobby Lobby to browse the Christmas craft supplies and decorations. Chores can wait!!

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, Sue. Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! May you all continue to blissfully enjoy your adventure! It was so nice to “see” you popping in to make comments! You have been dearly missed! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise!

      You’ve probably already had your Mexican lunch with your friend. I hope it was prepared just how you like it. Gee, Hobby Lobby. I haven’t been in one of their stores in about eight years. I remember they have a well-stocked art and craft section.

      Thank you for the kind wish and for missing my comments. I enjoyed reading yours. Always a pleasure to hear from you and Gracie pup!

  24. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Both camps look beautiful. Your pictures are always wonderful. Have been meaning to mention that your photo at the top of the page is so cute!!!
    Have a great weekend
    Love you

  25. weather says:

    The photo with the hay field really shows how thick the smoke there was. I can imagine how rough dealing with that is for the permanent residents of the area. It’s great that you can tow your home into a place with clear air.

    This morning I saw fifteen types of flowers along the path between my door and the shoreline. They are all what most consider to be weeds. The wildlife here enjoys the “rough” aspects of this place as much I do. I understand your feeling more relaxed in “unimproved” atmospheres, so do I.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I picture you counting flower types as you walk to the lake. I don’t know what makes a weed a weed. Some flowers are “more special” than others? Makes me think of the arbitrary division of classes among people. Maybe weeds don’t have “good breeding?” Oh well, being a plebeian myself and no longer tending a garden, I like what are considered weeds! It’s nice to know you do, too. 🙂

      Wishing you a pleasant weekend….

  26. Ah, yes. The pay a FedGov contractor to use ‘your’ campground. Folks planning should be warned that while many of the campsites here list “10% are open sites” (or some other number) are for walk-on campers – we found many of the campgrounds reserve every site ‘cuse that means more $$$$ for the contractor. When we contacted the Govt type to voice our disappointment, we got a shrug….”It’s all done in DC” seemed to be the standard answer. The agency gets their dough, so *meh* to the folks left out.

    Very frustrating to see open site after open site, only to be told they are “reserved” and will likely only be used on the weekend…. Some sites in popular campgrounds near fishing spots may be reserved up to a year in advance….

    So, if you plan on visiting Alaska, check before you come up to avoid disappointment. If you plan to do any fishing while here, ensure you have your reservation locked down in advance.

    Otherwise, the wood smoke from a forest fire isn’t just annoying (like living in an old fire ring, eh?) the smoke can get into your clothing and other fabrics and the odor can last for weeks after. Glad to see you were able to escape the smoke.

    Again, thanks for posting the photos and being very detailed in the location and current condition of the campsites. We will be in rural NV next summer and are planning to be out at some of the more remote sites – now that we know the roads are passable.

    Looking forward to the further adventures as you travel.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Don,

      I know what you mean about seeing reserved signs on campsites. I can’t help but be annoyed. I realize there are people who require reservations because they travel far in a short window of time and don’t want the risk of not securing a campsite.

      However, it does change the “feeling” of traveling from camp to camp. I don’t know how to describe what I mean. It’s like the difference between a meadow leading up to a hillside of trees, growing randomly…. with a field surrounded with barbed wire leading up to a hillside subdivision.

      Not a perfect analogy but I think you know what I mean. Without reservations one wanders; once reservations are required one is meeting appointments.

      I appreciate the feedback on my blog. I hope you will let us know how your Nevada travels turn out. I want to see more of NV… Considering the blog has held me back. Needing internet signal for this blog is kind of like being tethered…. like the crew!

      At any rate, I hope you keep in touch.

      • chas anderson says:

        Sue the NV/CA area around Death Valley is rather interesting and starkly beautiful.There are probably 300 miles of unpaved road in Death Valley and dozens of old abandoned mineworks etc.When I towed the trailer my truck was 4WD and it was easy to park the rig and unhook.There are some boondock spots near Beatty etc but the problem you would have is the lack of a high clearance vehicle is the same that I have now with the Class C.

        Having seen probably 40 National Parks Death Valley remains one of my favorites though admittedly not for everyone.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s past the time when I should’ve seen Death Valley. I’ve meant to go there for the past couple years and somehow I’m sidetracked. Like this past spring I ended up in Rogerson!

          The BLT has the high lift axle and, although the PTV probably wouldn’t be considered high clearance, it does well on rutted roads with deep gullies across them. Not 4WD though… If I need 4WD I’m better off not attempting that road anyway. 🙂

          You have sparked my interest again in Death Valley…

          • chas anderson says:

            I have egged on numerous friend to visit and all are surprised by it, not entirely what they expected.If you can tolerate washboard Saline Valley Road will get you away from the tourists who are all on the paved roads.The charcoal beehive kilns are up at about 7000 feet and there are some spots up there that are easy to get to.It is a big place so moving around for a coupke of days at a time is a good plan.

  27. AZ Jim says:

    Your comment about the boat reminds me of the old hack, “a boat is a hole in the water into which you throw your money”. Having a 24 foot cabin cruiser years ago I can attest to the accuracy of that statement. Take care Missy….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim!

      I hadn’t heard that saying before.. It’s a good one! I hope you are doing well, you and Detta, too. 🙂

  28. Lisa in San Diego says:

    am wondering why the hay bales are blue and red on the ends?

    • Ed says:


      The bales are wrapped in a net. I am not certain of this but think that the sides of the net are colored differently to provide guidance to the operator on proper setup in the baler i.e. the blue goes on the right or vise versa.

      Then again some nets have a pattern on them so I may not know what I am talking about – as is the case many times.

  29. Cheryl O says:

    In the Puget Sound area of Washington, we endured the smoke for a few weeks, maybe a couple, but seemed a very long time without being able to see clouds or blue sky. I was even worried I wouldn’t be able to see any of the eclipse with the haze. The smoke/haze is gone from here now and will be in the 80’s with clear skies, though.

    I’m curious if you’ve been able to notice your solar charging use as much as you usually have been without all the smoke.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cheryl O,

      Good to hear from you always… I haven’t noticed any difference with the smoke. I don’t keep a careful watch, just enough to make sure the light turns green on my controller. I suppose I’m complacent or over-confident or something like that. My solar works great under various conditions. Of course, it’s important that I live well within the capacity of my 200 watt panel and battery bank.

  30. Lovely says:

    Hi Sue,
    I just got my 17 foot trailer. Now I have to learn to tow it and hitch it. Nothing like putting the cart before the horse.

    Any advise for a complete novice ? I’m getting the house ready to sell and will be taking the trailer on it’s first trip….0.6 miles to a camp ground. I figure a dry run was in order.

    Enjoy your blog very much.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Lovely! I wish you many wonderful camps with your trailer. You aren’t the only one who put the cart before the horse. I never camped as an adult, never towed a travel trailer, never hitched or unhitched one either, and look how far I’ve gone! You’ll learn it, too, and then that confidence will take you wherever you wish to go. Best wishes… I’m glad you enjoy my blog. Do keep in touch. 🙂

    • chas anderson says:

      Unhook on level ground.Carry leveler boards and empty the black tank before the grey are good advice.

      If you do nothing else pay get someone you trust to regularly check your wheel bearings, not just repack the grease but look at the bearings when he does it.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You know, chas? That’s good advice about unhooking on level ground. I don’t think I’ve ever shared that. Hitching up is rarely difficult, but the one time I struggled with it was when the PTV was on an upward slope (with hitch downward) and the BLT was on level ground. I’ll never unhitch in that position again!

        • Hi Sue, I made Eclipse Veiwer out of a portable DVD Player box and been watching, I’m satisfied with what I’m seeing being so south of the line,, if you remember back in your school days, just take a peace of paper and put a pin hole in it, stand with your back to the sun and near a flat spot to where the inverted light will show up, like something white,,, have a good one,,,,

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I know you’ll be careful with your eyes… It’s almost noon here and, without looking at the sun, I see no difference although the morning light has a grey cast. Could be smoke! 🙂

  31. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    When they wrap the round hay bales in white plastic my family calls those marshmallow farms😃

  32. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Hey all,
    I just wanted to drop a note and let you know I was thinking of the three of you as I eat my dinner of rotisserie chicken. I hope you found a nice calm spot to experience the eclipse. You’re always in my heart.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I feel the same way about you, Rick. You have touched my heart many times in the past, especially with your words of tenderness about Spike and Bridget. You’ve also made me laugh, both when I read your words and also when I recall them, sometimes months or years later.

      I miss your being here frequently and regularly like in the past, although I understand there are reasons for that which is okay.

      Do “drop a note” from time to time, whether you eat rotisserie chicken or not. 🙂

  33. Ben says:

    How do you know that the guy who “owns” the boat has loan payments? Some of us pay for things in full up front.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ben . . .Welcome to my blog! You are now officially a blogorino!

      “Blogorinos are kind and friendly and fun to know!” Thanks for joining us.

      To answer your question… Of course I don’t know the details about the guy with the boat. See my message below.

  34. Sue (in my van) says:

    Happy Solar Eclipse day Sue! Finally caught up to date with your blog yesterday, whew..took me a couple months and that was skipping most of the comments. I love all the crew stories, they bring not only you much happiness but me too!
    Currently at ‘Land between the Lakes, Taylor Bay’ the path of totality.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sue,

      I’m not sure if you’re a new Sue or already a blogorino… Forgive me for not checking, the crew is getting restless…

      Thanks for reading all my posts. That’s quite an accomplishment as well as a wonderful compliment for me. I will try to include more stories of Reg and Rog. My posts lately haven’t been very creative. It’s more difficult writing about stuff that happened several days ago… But I will get us caught up!

      Happy Solar Eclipse Day to you, too! 🙂

  35. Terri in Sunny Texas says:

    Good to hear from you, Badger Rick. I always enjoy
    Your comments!

  36. Terri in Sunny Texas says:

    Ben, chill out. Keep up with the comments. It was a random speculation by RV Sue and she already said she was probably wrong.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know why your comments didn’t land under the comments you refer to. WordPress does that sometimes.

      I like your phrase “random speculation.” You nailed it! I had to be wordy about it. Ha! (below)

  37. rvsueandcrew says:


    I was doing well to post every day and now I’ve become a slacker again. I started a new post two days ago, stalled out yesterday, and today I hope to finish it.

    I feel it’s necessary for me to explain how my blog posts are written. Or more exactly, how they are intended to be read. In the past I realized from reading a certain type comment here and there that not everyone fully understands how my posts are to be read. By that I mean the mechanics of reading my posts. This is difficult to explain but I shall try.

    When the font in my posts appears in italic form those phrases and statements represent my thoughts. I think we all understand that.

    Furthermore, since I write my posts in the present tense, even though the “story” is in the past, the words in italics were my thoughts at that moment in time.

    Make sure you understand those two points before reading further.

    Now, when I’m out walking with the crew and I see a very expensive speed boat which previously I saw operated by a young man in his early twenties and such young man was behaving immaturely (blasting music in close proximity to a campground), my immediate thought at that moment in time was . . . I wonder how long it will take for the young man who “owns” that boat to become tired of the loan payments . . . .

    Step back a minute and think about this. Is every thought that passes across your conscious mind based upon facts? Is every thought the result of careful, statistical analysis of probability? Is every thought that pops into your mind one that you would consider true or perfect or kind or a thought you would want the world to know?

    Of course not.

    When I write my blog posts in story form, I try to bring you the reader into my world. I even try, at times, to bring you into my thoughts (hence, the remark about the young man with the boat).

    It is up to you, as the reader, to respect my thoughts for what they are: a product of who I am.

    Back to the young man and the boat. Of course it is possible that the man, through hard work and thrift, paid for the boat in cash. The boat could’ve been a gift. He might be a trust-fund billionaire. He might have stolen the boat or received it as payment for criminal activity. He might have borrowed the boat from his uncle. He might have made the last payment on it a year ago. There are numerous possibilities.

    They are irrelevant to the story of that day in my life, of that moment in my mind.

    What I immediately thought — due to my limited knowledge of young men and their expensive boats — is that he has large loan payments. That was my thought and that’s why I typed it in italics.

    For readers to rise up in protest at what I thought at the time is to miss the point of why I wrote my thought. That statement about the loan payments is totally valid because it was my immediate thought.

    Most of my readers understand this. Maybe those of you who objected to the statement understand this also, but were caught up in the subject of young men and loans and reacted without thinking.

    If you do not understand what I have written here as explanation, please read it again carefully.

    To summarize simply, my thoughts are my thoughts. This is my personal blog in which I share my thoughts, flawed, irrational, not based on facts, whatever. That you are allowed glimpses into my thoughts are gifts I present to you. If you receive them as such, perhaps you’ll be less likely to criticize.

    If what I’ve written does not apply to you, please dismiss it without taking offense.

    Now about that blog post I need to write . . .


  38. Cinandjules🌵 says:

    Rock on desert woman….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ppffffttt! You’re so funny. I almost doused my keyboard with coffee!

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        Ya know 99% get it….anyone who has followed gets it….

        We are passengers on your journey…your thoughts, your decisions, your destinations, your actions, your gas, your time, your life! Quite simple!

  39. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    You should be able to see the beginning effects of the eclipse about now! Hope you and the crew don’t look up with unprotected eyes! Florida isn’t in the path, just as well because its cloudy and drizzling!
    Loved this post and all the pictures! Hope y’all are happy, healthy and smoke free!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I promise not to look at the eclipse. I’ll watch it on YouTube later. The sky is clear here so I expect to notice a momentary darkness.

      Thanks re the post and photos. As always, I wish the very best for you, Chuck, Radar and Tater. 🙂

  40. JazzLoverWMa says:

    Your blog, your thoughts, your impressions and your take on what is encounter on a day to day basis. Isn’t that what a blog is supposed to be? Never fail to learn something from each one you write and the comments that follow. Your photography speaks for itself. So nice to see nature as it really is without the crowds at your boondocks and know you go the extra mile to find such gems.
    Love the boys antics. What a bond they are developing. Thank you for your gifts. They are appreciated by those of us who cannot get there right now.

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