From Rogerson to Roger’s first boondock!

Tuesday, May 30 (continued)

In the last installment of RVSue and her canine crew,  the crew is made whole again with the addition of Roger, the former Homeless Dog.  He and Reggie lead the way around the RV park to the Perfect Tow Vehicle and the Best Little Trailer.

Rogerson RV Park, Rogerson, Idaho, between Twin Falls and Jackpot, Nevada

I pop the pups into the PTV and go into the store.

I had promised Anita I would take a few photos to promote her establishment on this blog.  Rogerson Service, Route 93, Rogerson, Idaho, is a gas/diesel station, grocery and convenience store, cafe, and shady RV park located near Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir

Record-breaking walleye are caught at the reservoir.  You can get a fishing license and supplies at the store.  Grab a hot or cold drink along with a kolache or cinnamon roll, freshly baked by Anita.

Anita told me about a man who came into the cafe.  

After receiving a warm welcome and taking a seat, the man watched while Anita cooked him breakfast behind the counter.  When she turned around, holding his plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, she saw that the man was crying.

Anita asked gently what was wrong.  The man gathered himself together and replied, “One of the things I loved was watching my wife cook for me.  You there fixing my breakfast  — I miss her very much.”

When you stop at Rogerson Service, say hi to Anita for me.

And let us know that you did!

Rates at the RV park are very reasonable.  Reg and I stayed there for a week for $100 plus tax.

~ ~ ~

Okay . . . . so I take the photos and return to the PTV.

This is what I see as I walk across the parking lot.

Hoo-boy . . . My crew awaits.

Oh, sheesh, Roger is half out of his harness already!  And Reggie — He’s deliriously happy or punch-drunk from playing.  What a pair of goofy guys . . . 

“Time for us to leave Rogerson.  Good memories made here, right crew?”

“Bye-bye, Rogerson.  Bye, Anita.  Maybe we’ll be back someday.  Thanks for everything!”

I drive us north to Twin Falls.

All the way, Reggie and Roger wrestle and play beside me.

At Cheney Road (Route 30) I zip over to Bish’s RV again.  My to-do list has become quite long.  Many of the items I can’t accomplish right away.  Bish’s (on May 30th) is booked up until June 22nd.

One thing I can do is replace the broken anti-sway bar.  

Bish’s sells me a new one:  $42.79 less discount of $4.28 plus sales tax of $2.31 for a total cost of $40.82.  It comes with a ball for the hitch and a ball for the trailer tongue, neither of which do I need.

Whew!  One less item on the list . . . .

“Okay, why don’t you two settle down and take a nap while I drive?”

Fat chance.

Route 93 takes us through Twin Falls, across the Snake River, and through Jerome to Shoshone.

I stop at Food Lion to pick up a few groceries.  

Reggie and Roger find a lovely bunch of iris upon which to relieve themselves.  These pals do everything together!

At Shoshone we turn northeast and about six miles past Richfield, we come to the sign for Pagari Bridge.

Across the bridge are two, riverside campsites.

I choose the second one, a pull-through.  I could’ve backed the BLT up to the river’s edge in the other site but I don’t want Reggie and Roger that close to the water.  This section of Little Wood River is deep with a strong current.

I do let the crew check out our front yard.

I set up camp and crank out the awning.  The crew has a chance to patrol around our site.

This is a good camp for Roger to learn our daily routine without the distraction of people and other dogs.

I cook a turkey burger for lunch.

Okay, time for me to relax while Reggie and Roger play.

Under the awning and next to my lounger, I put down an old, folded quilt to make a pallet for the boys to play on.








Reggie and Roger play all day long.


In the PTV.

On the pallet.

In the house.

On my bed.


Way past Reggie’s bedtime the two of them are still jumping, snarling, hopping, humping, biting, rolling around . . .

Until I pick them up and put them in their beds.

“That’s ENOUGH, you two!  Tomorrow is another day.”

They sleep so soundly they’re like concrete dog statues tipped over.

Well, we made it through the first day.   And here we are at Roger’s first boondock!


NOTE TO BLOGORINO “CAROL IN MT:”  Thank you for telling me about Pagari Bridge! It turns out to be a very memorable camp, as the next few posts will reveal. — Sue


Every purchase is appreciated.  These links take you to some of the items recently ordered by readers from Amazon:

Utility Tray
Hydraulic Air Jack
Adult Washcloths – 480 ct.
Cuisinart Cast-Iron Single Burner
Hanging Toiletry and Bath Organizer
Medical Alert Necklace 


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117 Responses to From Rogerson to Roger’s first boondock!

  1. Linda Hughes NC says:


  2. Dawn in NC says:


  3. Reine in Plano (when not camping) says:

    Sue, I remember seeing that quilt early in your travels when it was closer to new. Quilts never die. They just get used differently!

  4. Reine in Plano (when not camping) says:

    Wow, I’m third and I read the post first.

  5. Linda Hughes says:

    They are so darn cute together ! I love your blog, be safe!

  6. Susan in Dallas says:

    Oh, those boys! Love, love, love the picture where Reggie is looking like he tied one on and Roger is half out of his leash. As I can tell from this post about your first day with them, you are indeed in for some adventures with these two!

  7. Donna n Girls says:

    Oh boy, a couple of roughhousing boys. What a happy life for you all.
    P.S. I’ve got two girls, they roughhouse, too.

  8. Kitt NW WA says:

    Great post! Love the non-stop fun.

  9. VictoriaEP formerly in Estes Park says:

    OMG. The photo of the boys and the iris is suitable for framing. Hysterical! So glad the boys are having as much fun playing as we are watching.

  10. Lee J in northern california says:

    Beautiful. Dogs 🐶 Playing, rivers, flowers, Anita’s place, what more is there to want?

  11. Pat in Rochester says:

    The last photo makes me want to leave the office right now and go sit there.

  12. Suzette (TN) says:

    Great post! It’s so nice to see you all adjusting and settling in. I laughed out loud at the tandem pee! I found myself wondering if they were wearing themselves out. Turns out, they were! I’ll bet you really welcomed a bit of peace and quiet at the end of the day.

    Love the camp!

  13. Hi Sue and Full Crew
    I love this post. It reminds me that time long ago after my BH passed away quite suddenly I would go out for breakfast just to hear men’s voices in conversation.
    So happy for your blog. It has it all, adventure, mishaps, mystery, humor, pathos, and TaDa…beautiful photography of our country!
    Happy Trails and camping.l

  14. ApplegirlNY says:

    Those boys sure look like they belong together. How nice for all of you.

  15. Elaine from BC says:

    Awww 🐶🐶 💞

  16. Donna n Girls Chandler, AZ. says:

    I forgot to mention, I love Anitas cafe/store, and the story about the gentleman missing his wife.

  17. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    Great post. Had me laughing out loud. And the irises. Just call it synchronized peeing! And the one of Roger half out of his harness? Priceless. Awww Sue. Just reinforces what your heart already knew. Congrats!

  18. Jolene/Iowa says:

    OMGosh, what a fun post!! These boys are going to keep you young!! This is going to be so much fun watching their adventures!!

  19. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Love the picture of the boys peeing on the irises!!!! Sounds like the 3 of you are in for a lot of adventures!!! All the pictures of them playing made me smile. Love it!
    Hugs to all 3 of you.

  20. Karen LeMoine says:

    I am over the moon regarding Rogers new life! He is so filled with joy and wonderment! Thank you thank you Sue for making it happen. Our man Reggie has a brother to play with and to teach the finer points of boondocking. May happiness,peace and contentment always follow you!

  21. Jan NH says:

    I do believe Reggie and Roger were born for each other. I am so happy to see how bonded they seem in such a short time! I just love that they can’t seem to get enough of each other!

    Back from AZ yesterday. What a temperature change from 104 this weekend down to 54 today in NH!

  22. Sharon in MO says:

    Congratulations on Roger joining the crew! Best wishes for happy trails to all. It is obvious from your pictures that Reggie and Roger are best pals already.

  23. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Cuteness alert!! Those two guys are just made for each other. The photo in the car is like a canine mug shot – all it needed was their booking numbers under it!! And the shot of them co–peeing is just too funny. And all the wrestling and playing – how in the world did you keep them on one side of the PTV and not in the way of you driving? And what do you mean you “put them in their beds”? I know Reggie sleeps with you, did you have to put Roger in a crate to separate them? Inquiring minds want to know!!! And wow, the speed of that river looks really crazy. My husband just got back from a 4 day motorcycle trip up to the Sequoias (in California) and his videos of the Kaweah River and waterfalls were just incredible – tons of snow melt this year!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      Reggie has a doggie bed at the foot of our bed. An identical bed is in the PTV, set between the front seats. I take that bed and put it on the floor of the BLT for Roger. By morning both pups are out of their beds and curled up next to me.

  24. Kathryn says:

    Sue, I am so happy for you, Reggie, and lucky Roger. I must have missed the post where you decided to bring him onto your crew. It’s clear that you three were made for each other.

    Congrats to all and happy, safe travels to you and the crew.

  25. Looks like the Boys are a pair of non stop bundle of joy, love the photos of the boys in the side mirror and as they are waiting for you,, Anita’s operation of the business looks great, must be hard to run everything for her,,, well it is clouding up and acting like a storm is comming our way fast, but this day it might let loose of it’s liquid sunshine, it’s kind of nice, cooling down in the afternoons and clears up just as fast,,,,, have a great week and stay safe and give Reggieman and Rogerrocket a huge hug from us too,,,,,,, Rusty n Piper

  26. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Oh too cute! Made me laugh out loud 😃
    Especially love this post. They’re quite a pair, fun to see. Oh my goodness, constant playtime, I hope they work that out to a nice balance.
    Also thanks for bringing me some sweet memories of our Reilly & Murphy. We used to call them, “the boys”.
    Wow big changes while I was gone. All the best to you and your crew!

    We had a great trip and are home safe. We survived 106 ‘ at Windy Hill Campground Lake Roosevelt AZ. We had hoped the elevation would be high enough to be bearable yet close enough to drive into Mesa. (We had family business in Mesa) Not so bearable, but as I said we survived and overall it was a fun and successful trip.
    My favorite campsites this trip were:
    White Spur Campground, pit toilets, drinking water, shade from towering Ponderosa Pines, very close to Prescott AZ. Prescott Nat.F $15.00. $ kind of high for average NF campgrounds no doubt because it is SO close to Prescott
    Milner Rec Area, BLM, near Burley ID, free, we scored the primo spot on Perch Point. Well known by the locals, I wouldn’t go here on a weekend. Even midweek there was one party boat and a few groups day fishing, tho no one bothered us. Apparently it’s well patrolled, the Sheriff took care of the party boat. Great bird watching for both field birds and water fowl.

    Well I must go to work. Take care. I’ll read comments later❤️

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Correction: My husband reminded me Milner’s Rec Area was not free but $5.00 a night. It was not one of our free campsites. Well worth $5.00 in my opinion.

  27. Michelle says:


    I have been following your blog for years, but never posted a comment. What a beautiful story of how Roger became part of your family…..those two dogs are soooooo precious. Thank you Sue, for bringing a ray of sunshine into our lives. You and your blogerino family are the best!

    Michelle in Lodi, California

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And you are part of the blogorino family, Michelle. Welcome! Thank you for reading my blog “for years.” I’m always thrilled to hear from those who ride along with me and my crew. Do keep in touch!

  28. Dawn in MI says:

    Oh my, these two are going to be a handful! Love the photo of the two of them in the PTV waiting on you. How did Roger get halfway out of his harness already? Gonna have to watch that one for sure. But I think he’s so attached to Reggie he’s not likely to streak off even if he gets off his leash for a moment. Plus, if he gets used to the fact you’re the Food Lady, maybe he won’t want to wander far.

    Reggie must be in heaven to have his friend around all the time. He doesn’t get jealous over attention Roger gets? Or Roger get jealous over Reggie? I think they’re just happy to be together. I’m glad it’s working out, though I suppose there will be moments.

    Did they sleep all night?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Nights pass extremely well. The crew sleeps through the night. The first night I took them out for a quick potty run around 1 a.m. which was necessary sometimes for Reggie before Roger joined us. The two get along really well. Reggie had to exert some authority over his food dish (Roger has an insatiable appetite!) and one time was very annoyed when Roger woke him up to play.

      Yes, Roger does like to escape. He hasn’t tried to get out of his harness since that time in the PTV, which probably happened when they were playing. I admit I had reservations about adopting Roger because he is more difficult to control and keep safe, especially with the way we live. I’ve learned a few strategies to keep him from shooting out the door.

      • Jolene/Iowa says:

        Sue, don’t you imagine that some of Roger’s insatiable appetite is due to him having to hunt for food for awhile? I know when we got Harley he was 10 months old and had been in a house with 2 other dogs. He was skin and bones. He would gulp down his food as soon as we would feed him and would have eaten more if I left it out all the time. We think he was having to fight for food in the house he was living in before. Now he is fine but it took awhile for that to get better.

        I also think that since you have given him a home and love and Reggie, he will be reluctant to go to far even if he does get out.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Roger definitely has missed a few meals in his life or, at the very least, didn’t get enough. I’ve always left out food for my dogs so they can eat whenever they want. I’m letting Roger eat his fill with the anticipation of him cutting back after a time. He does need to learn to let Reggie have his own food, too. We’re working on that!

          • Jolene/Iowa says:

            I know you know what you are doing. You have been around dogs for years. With Harley, we were told the breed, Boston Terriers, will eat themselves to death if you let them. It was in the book we got on the breed as well, so we just got a quality dog food and went by recommendations.

            It sure is going to be fun to watch Roger evolve with you and Reggie as he gets used to the “family!”

          • Karen LeMoine says:

            Roger has to learn about Carls Jr 🙂 The magic pick up window!

            • Renee Galligher from Idaho says:

              That’s a good one, Karen!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Oh my, I hadn’t thought about the pick up window. That ought to be interesting! I hope Rog has more patience than Reg had when he was new to the procedure. Ha!

  29. Jan Johnson says:

    The photos of those two looking out the window for you and simultaneously watering the iris are just too cute! Roger has gone so quickly from a scared stray to looking confident, secure and right at home. I love that they have each other.

  30. It’s amazing how quickly Roger has made the transition to a wary homeless dog to a happy dog. He looks so glad to be there in the PTV.

  31. Sarvi in OR says:

    That’s just like my house with my boys… the shepherd mix I adopted a month or so ago and my chocolate lab. They start playing the moment they wake up and don’t stop until bedtime. All.Day.Long… I feel your pain!

    Roger is adorable though, and I’m glad he ended up with you.

  32. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I have a female that looks just like Reggie named Sugar. She plays like that too. I have two big dogs that she will not leave alone. Suzie is a lab mix and 14 years old. She has arthritis real bad and sometimes I can see in her eyes that if she had the means she would kill the little dog and laugh on her grave. Sometimes we just have to put Sugar in her kennel to give the two older dogs a rest. We are hoping that after she is spayed she will calm down at least a little. Sugar belongs to my grown son that still lives with us. He takes her for long walks everyday and that helps.

    So glad that Roger found you. I like the picture of them both peeing on the Iris. They are like mirror twins. One on one side and the other the opposite side.

    Thank you for sharing and be blessed.

  33. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Oh that’s too funny! The boys seem to love each other’s company! Nice place Anita has there. The man’s tears must have melted her heart. Glad she made him breakfast like he remembers it!

    The crew peeing….like a mirror! Upside down boys! Silly bundle of joy!

    Sometimes extra “whatever’s” can help someone else out…down the road!

    Sounds like the crew is happy, you’re happy, the BLT is fixed….onward desert woman!

  34. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    I’m so glad we’ve had a nice wet spring so everything is still green and pretty for you to enjoy! I’ve driven that route many times and I can say there aren’t too many people in that area unless they live there or are fishing–and fishing ain’t good right now with all the high water. Have fun!

    • Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

      If you get headed to east Idaho (my old stomping grounds), I can point you to a few good boondocks. My Dad worked for BLM for many years and scouted out a lot of places. He hated camping next to people and he passed that inclination and the camping sites to me. I live in southwest Idaho now and I think I’m missing those lonely ol’ campsites now. Too many people in the Boise area!

  35. AZ Jim says:

    You and your boys are bright spot for me and it provides good feelings for both Detta and I. I am able to walk now using a walker and for short distances unassisted. I’m really on my way back now. I had the best care in both the hospital and rehab. My neighbors have been so helpful knowing I cannot drive yet and Detta had to give it up due to her vision. Love me some Roger and Reggie and their Ma (that’s you Missy)……Best wishes you kind person, HUG..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Jim is on his way back!

      Great news that you’re on your feet again! You send good feelings my way, too. Hugs to you and Detta. 🙂

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      Good to know you are on your way back to good health Jim! Give my best to Detta!

    • Krystina says:

      Happy to hear you are doing so well AZ Jim!!!

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      So glad to hear you are on the move with your walker, Jim. And what a blessing to have kind neighbors to help you out.

    • JazzLover says:

      Glad you are on the mend AZJim, we’ve been wondering. Always good to have neighbors who care and help out when needed. Good people draw good people when the need arises. Slow and steady gets you where you need to be. Hello to Detta.

  36. Cat Lady says:

    I’ve added Anita’s business to my Google “Want To Visit” Saved Map. I hope to get out that way by next year, fingers Xd. I’ll be sure to tell her you and the boys sent me. They are just too cute, Sue. I’m so proud and happy for you.

  37. CHERYL KLINE says:

    I laughed so hard at the boys. You have made two little lives very happy 🐶😀
    Thank you for sharing your story.

  38. Steve says:

    I have really enjoyed the story of Roger from the first post you mentioned him to now. It looks like those two partners in crime are the perfect match and were made for each other. It seems that Roger is also a good travel dog inside the van as well as waiting for you while you run errands. (no damages). I liked that you took photos of the gas/store/diner … ties in with your posts while you were there.

    I read your blog daily and have for years. Great to see you have two dogs traveling with you again.

  39. Hi Sue and crew,

    Wow crew is plural again, that is fantastic. The pictures of Reggie and Roger sure show how love can change a dog or person. I am so happy for all of you.

  40. Linda Rose, Muffin, Molly & Midgy Carmichael, Ca says:

    Such a happy, happy story! Love to the 2 R’s

  41. cc and canine ( now in Oregon) says:

    Your boondocking site is lovely…but the river is running quite high. Your weather underground has a flood warning. I hope that all is well, and you were able to move up to higher ground if necessary. Has it been raining a lot lately, making for muddy roads? or is the flooding concern due to snowmelt upstream?

    Once again, I hope that you and the crew are safe and happy…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for your concern, cc. It has rained all around us but very little on us. The river rises a little bit every day (not close to overflowing its banks), probably a combination of snow melt and rain in the higher elevations. No mud at our camp, roads are good.

      BTW, the flood warning you see at weather underground is for now (June 6). We are no longer at Pagari Bridge or where flood water is a threat.

  42. Carolyn in AZ says:

    Such rambunctious little dogs! They are so cute together. Roger is a great addition. Peeing on the iris together–I laughed out loud!

  43. Marieta says:

    This post is so funny. Reggie and Roger are going to keep you on your toes and young. Have fun all 3 of you.

  44. Pam and Maya, still in NY says:

    WOW!!! I’ve been gone for a month and was busily catching up on my RV Sue episodes when I find out about Roger. Congratulations Sue, I’m so happy for you. What a great post. This totally made my day.

  45. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    That Roger reminds me of CookieDog, he can get out of almost any harness ever made. And wow Reggie sure looks like he tied one on last night….LOL. Glad the crew is complete again. Repairs are never ending, doesn’t matter if you are in a stick n bricks or a home on wheels. At least you get to enjoy new scenery all the time, and you don’t have to mow a lawn and pay high property and school taxes. Glad you parked a little further from that water, it really looks like there is a strong current happening there. Enjoy your adventures.

  46. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Ah, so cute, the boys playing so much together…glad you found someone that Reggie is happy with!!

  47. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    Oh those two little peanuts are so cute!!! Those faces, waiting for you in the PTV, that energy as they wrestle. So sweet! Roger still has “the operation” waiting for him somewhere up the road? Or is he going to retain his cojones?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Roger will gain a “new attitude” as soon as we find a convenient place to settle near a vet/animal clinic.

  48. Shawna says:

    It appears I have missed a very important event! I just knew Roger belonged with Reggie and you! This makes me very happy!!!! Congrats!!! Off to read the details!!!

  49. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Love, love 💟LOVE the happiness in this post! What a pair! The picture of them waiting at the window for your return was just too precious! Thank you for the peek into Anita’s store! Hi Anita! Hope you are reading this and meeting all your new friends! Check in with us once and awhile and say howdy to let us know how you are doing! Sue, you have a full and lively crew! Wonderful story, amazing photographs and can’t wait for the next installment !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri…. My camera is amazing. It can pick up detail through dog slobber! 🙂

      • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

        💗💙💚!!! A bit of love sent for each of you! I have read this post at least 6 times and just love the photos! Those two pups are just so much fun!

  50. Toni says:

    Those two are perfect together. So glad Reggie has a brother.

  51. Paula in Indiana says:

    Anita’s place looks so warm and welcoming. I hope to visit there one day 🙂
    I have a list of all the places you’ve been that look interesting to me for when I can eventually full-time.

    Sue, you are outnumbered; way too much testosterone going on! Are you sure you don’t need a third female crew member to balance things out?

    Poor irises, LOL!

    I can’t remember where you adopted Reggie. I wonder if Roger and Reggie could have been litter-mates. (Probably a long-shot.) It almost seems like they already knew each other. Male dogs don’t usually get along so well.

    Looking forward to more adventures!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Paula,

      Reggie was adopted through a rescue organization in North Las Vegas. He came from the streets of Santa Fe.

      BTW, I added another page to the header: Camps of 2017. You may find that helpful when compiling your list.

  52. weather says:

    Rogerson Service really does provide so much of one might want or need, wow! From homemade cinnamon rolls to fishing licenses, I’m impressed. All of that at reasonable rates with such a nice woman giving warm friendly service is a find. Thanks for including the details and photos of the parts we hadn’t seen yet. I imagine Anita’s been a comfort to many travelers through the years.

    If you had deliberately conducted a nationwide search for a dog so well suited to be part of your and Reggie’s family I don’t think you’d have found one as perfect as Roger. I’m still in awe of how wonderful it is that you were led there so you three could now be together. Those boys are amazingly matched in cuteness, playfulness and energy. I’m ever so happy for each of you.

    Gee, what nice place to boondock that place along Little Wood River is. Rushing water nearby is always a welcome sound . Adorable pictures of your crew, Sue, what a feel good post 🙂 !

  53. Laura - Illinois says:

    Hi Sue,

    I thought you might enjoy seeing how someone transformed a stable into a home. It IS huge! Something like over 2500 square feet, but I love all the water running through the house (yes, water runs through this house) and the photo’s you shared on this page today with the water flowing, made me think of this.

  54. Laura - Illinois says:

    Was just about to buy a seat cushion on Amazon. Then I realised I almost did that without using the link on your blog! Does everyone know that if you use the Amazon link on Sue’s blog, she benefit’s from that? Even if it is only a small purchase, all add up over time! That said, now I am off to Amazon via Sue’s link!

  55. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Omgosh. I am gobsmacked! So so happy for you!!! And for the CREW! Can’t wait to read more adventures of the whole lot!

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  56. Jo Wishnie says:

    Doggie love. The pic looking out the window is precious–that Reggie grin. Happy ending for all 3 of you.

  57. WI & FL Beverly says:

    Just caught up on a lot of your posts. It warms my heart that your crew is complete again. I’ve been following you since you picked up the Casita and went on the road. Thank you for sharing your world. You are wonderful!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Beverly. Thank you for being a loyal follower all these years. We’ve been through a lot together! 🙂

  58. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Oooooh, those mischievous boys. Roger must be in doggy heaven! His best pal to tussle with all day long, walkies, grub and what a great first boondock. I can only imagine the enthusiasm that is a part of everything for the new complete crew.
    Reggie- “Hey Roger, this is our van. We ride up here.”
    Roger -“Gee Reg, this is great,…wanna wrestle?
    Reggie-“See Rog, we have a special quilt for a play mat”
    Roger-” Cool Reggiman, …hoop, hey. Gotcha pinned, YAHA”
    Reggie-“Ah ha, no ya’don’t…. I’m a commando!” HIYAH!!
    (walking by the river)
    Roger-“Hey Reg, does this make me a boondog?”
    Reg-“Not yet Rog, but you’re off to a good start…”
    Roger-” Hey, wanna wrestle?”

    I am glad a good night’s sleep was had by all.

  59. Carol in MT says:

    It’s great that the Pagari Bridge/Little Wood River camp has worked out for you. I’m happy I could share a boon-dock site with you after having stayed at so many places you’ve shared with me. BTW the water in your photos is much higher than when we passed thru!! If you find yourself near Philipsburg, Montana you might give Stoney Campground on Rock Creek a try. I know you could find some good boondocks in the area too.

    AND last, but not least, I’m so happy to see the crew has expanded to include Roger! one lucky dog

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      I looked up Pagari Bridge on Google Maps and the two photos associated with it are of campers and the satellite view shows a camper there too.

  60. Linda a says:

    Such a fun post Sue…. Lots of humor, but you may be a bit frazzled
    going from a fairly structured day and night to lots and lots of
    action. Hopefully the boys will find their balance.
    A friend took in a rescue dog and the vet check up gave
    him some worm pills and that alone helped a lot with
    the huge appetite.
    So nice you have a big heart….. You have a sweet family!

  61. Isn’t it amazing how they can play non-stop for hours and hours?!

    Anita’s little store looks wonderful, and she’s such a loving soul.

  62. Joyce sutton says:

    Hmm. How do you ever keep the tethers sorted. Lol. What a lovely story ending/beginning.
    ozarkjoy is now in revelstoke bc/ca

  63. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Another amazingly wonderful post. Anita’s campground and services looks pleasant and comfortable. I love the story about the fellow and breakfast.

    Those boys have a ton of energy, don’t they? I hope they’re not wearing you out or making you feel left out as they fixate on each other. They must provide you with a lot of entertainment. I find it amazing that Roger is settling in so well.

    I just love your blog. Seeing the next installment in my inbox makes me smile and perusing it gives me a few minutes of delight during a very difficult period of my life. Thank you and may you be blessed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Whatever you’re going through, ValGal, I’m glad you can find “a few minutes of delight” here. Take care.

  64. Rebecca Kite says:

    Those guys are going to wear you out. Love how they get along. Becki

  65. Hyla Mess says:

    So glad to see you now have both Reggie and Roger. They look like they were meant to be together.
    Any ideas on where Roger came from?
    I am happy for all three of you. Enjoy each other to the max.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Roger showed up at the RV park. He was seen running along the highway. One of the residents drove around a loop that allowed him to drive Roger back to Rogerson Service and that’s where Roger stayed, although no one could catch him. He probably was dumped because anyone losing a dog in that area would check with Rogerson Service. There isn’t much of anything else around there.

  66. DJ says:

    Howdy Sue

    Can you give me a website address for Rogerson Service?

  67. MK Reed says:

    Love the story! Sounds like you’ve found the Reginator’s soul mate in Roger!

  68. Renee from Idaho says:

    What a wonderful post, Sue, and what a life to live with two wonderful, happy go lucky, guys. What a joy it must be to watch them all day and laugh at their happiness and antics. I just love that first photo of them at the PTV window, waiting for you. I laughed out loud at that and so many of the other things you reported here. I’m sure there is an adjustment period for everyone, but Roger will only blossom more. I’m happy for you all.

  69. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Oh how I loved seeing the HAPPY little new best friends! They are Meant to be.
    Pics are great!
    Take Care Sue and Crew!

  70. Ida Green says:

    Welcome Roger!! What darling little rascals are The Crew! They just smile all the time! Thank you for sharing your boys and tour travels!

  71. Pat Gabriel says:

    Totally love the picture of Reggie smiling with Roger and his harness half off. So precious!

  72. Lee says:

    Hi Sue
    Just catching up with you and your blog while I have some internet. Congratulations on your new crew member, Roger. He is so cute and looks so happy in your photos. Looking forward to future blog posts.

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