Fun at the beach before crossing Willamette Valley to an outstanding camp!

Monday, June 15 (continued)

It’s a windy, foggy, cold day as the crew and I motor south along the Oregon Coast on Highway 101.

Even the gulls are hunkered down.

P1050735 - Copy - CopyI stop at waysides and leave Bridget and Reggie in the Perfect Tow Vehicle while I watch waves pounding against rocks.  Fascinating to watch —  too foggy for photos of the sea.

At Newport I shop at Safeway.  Fruits and vegetables from Washington, California, and Oregon are bountiful.  I buy lots!

At Waldport I buy regular gas ($3.05 a gallon).

The manager of the station pumps the gas, cleans my windshield, and offers to check the oil.  I’m happy to have her do so, as I’m thinking it’s time for an oil change.

“It looks good!” she announces while showing me the clean oil on a paper towel.

Before leaving Waldport to go inland, I stop along Alsea Bay to check this blog.

We return to Blackberry Campground

We follow Route 34 along the Alsea River to Blackberry.  Since I’ve already introduced this camp, I won’t repeat all that.  I do want to share photos of campsites for those of you who would like to use this campground for an inexpensive base ($16 regular/$8 senior pass) for exploring the coast.

I back us into the same site we had last week.

P1050769Other than the camp host, the campground is empty.

P1050758 - CopyI have a new way to walk the crew.

I discovered that putting Reggie on one end of the 20-foot tether and Bridget on the other end, the crew can wander and Reggie can run around while we go along.

P1050765I hold the line in the middle, of course, and let either one pull it through my grip as they wish.

See how pretty the sites are? 

And they’re level, too.  The photo below shows a handy water spigot.

P1050761“Well, guys.  Maybe tomorrow the weather will be better and we’ll go to the beach. ”

P1050768Later in the evening . . .

A car camper and a Class C enter the campground.  They hit the road the next morning shortly before we leave the Best Little Trailer and ride the Perfect Tow Vehicle to the beach!

Tuesday, June 16

There’s something about Waldport that appeals to me.  Even its welcome sign is appealing.  It’s well-designed, descriptive, brightly colored, and the slogan fits.

P1050755We cross the Alsea Bridge (shown on the sign above) to go up 101 to Driftwood Beach.

This is the same beach we went to before.

I like it!

“Hey, Reggie!  Wanna’ go for a run on the beach?”

P1050749Pay no mind to Bridget’s sad, dejected, persecuted look in the photo above.  When I put the camera aside and let her and Reggie out of the PTV, the glum face disappears.

Meeting a handsome black dude on the walk to the beach helps brighten her outlook, too.

P1050741 - Copy - CopyToday is slightly cooler than the last time we were here.  Bridget happily accompanies me as I walk over the dunes toward the water.

Reggie cuts loose!

P1050746-001Here’s a close-up of the action!  Note the aerodynamic position of the ear flaps!

P1050746I attempt to catch Bridget in a photo as she careful steps across the sand.  She sees the camera and immediately plops her butt down.


A few tense moments!

After we’ve played for a while, a young couple with that black dog walk toward the path leading up to the parking lot.  Reggie sees them and tears off across the sand.  Unwittingly the couple herds Reggie toward the path.  Dang it!  He goes up that path, no tellin’ what will happen!

I don’t run after him because I’ve learned that he takes that as a cue to keep going further.  I wait.  At the last moment the young man and woman realize what they’re causing Reggie to do.  They stop, hold back their dog, and Reggie runs over to them.

While he’s occupied with them, I come along and scoop him up!

We play some more out by the surf.  I put my camera in its case due to the wind.  I notice the crew tiring.  The cool wind and exercise catches up with even the most energetic of pups!

P1050743 - Copy - Copy“Wasn’t that fun! Let’s go home and have some lunch.”

On our return to camp at Blackberry, we again cross the Alsea Bridge.


I park at a viewpoint and take the photo above.

Well, we’ve had our Oregon coast experience for this year.  Tomorrow we’ll go across the Willamette Valley to a new camp!

Wednesday, June 17

P1050763 - CopyA long day of driving!  Not that we cover a great distance.

Route 34 is slow-going.  It’s a two-lane road along the river (which is down there somewhere beyond where the road’s shoulder would be if the road had a shoulder).

Driving this road feels like maneuvering a bumper car at the fair. Turn to the left, turn to the right, yank it back to the left, zip around to the right without pause for mile after mile.

I drive 40-45 mph all the way to Philomath.  Fortunately only one car behind us and he makes a suicide pass on a curve without either of us or anyone else buying the farm.

If you like to follow on a map . . .

P1050779We go from Philomath to Corvallis, due east to Interstate 5, then due north on the interstate past Albany.  (Did you know that Benchmark atlases show the interstate’s exit numbers?)  We take exit 238 to Jefferson.  I miss the turn I want at Jefferson and drive six miles before I realize it.

“Interstate 5?  What the hell are we doing back at Interstate 5?”

Apparently I drove to the next ramp north of where we exited.  Sheesh.

I backtrack to Jefferson.

I take the turn I originally wanted and drive to Scio where I make another error.  (I’m on a roll!)  I want to continue eastward.  Instead I lose my sense of direction and end up going northeast to Stayton.  This is agricultural country.  Lots of fields of grain, some corn, soybeans.

I’m not interested in crops or scenery today.

This drive is beginning to wear on me.  I take Route 22 southeast.  We drive along the North Santiam River.  Given that I’ve made two route errors today, more than I’ve made in years, I stop and ask a person at a Napa auto parts store if I am indeed in the village of Wehama and if indeed the campground is not far from here.

Armed with specific directions and hopeful I’ll follow them correctly, we complete the final leg of today’s journey and arrive at . . .

Fishermen’s Bend Campground!

What a find!  It’s an exceptionally fine, BLM campground.

Get this —  All the sites have electric hook-up and most have water, sewer, and kitchen waste drains.  Trash bins, picnic table, and fire ring, of course.  Plus a river walk and, good God in heaven, there are SHOWERS!

And . . . hold onto your hat . . .  you get all that for only $8 a night if you possess a discount pass!  (Without a senior or veteran’s discount pass, it’s $16 a night.)

Oh, and also I pick up an internet signal!

P1050778Eight dollars a night for full hook-ups and along the magnificent North Santiam River!

More about our camp at Fishermen’s Bend in the next post . . .



I appreciate you shopping Amazon from my blog.  Here’s a sample of items recently purchased by readers:

Camp Stove
Bike Panniers
Battery Back Up Tower
Signature’s Cashews, 40 Ounce
Large Tote, Brown Waxed Canvas
Color Scanner with Auto Document Feeder

P1050742 - Copy - CopyDriftwood Beach, Oregon


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174 Responses to Fun at the beach before crossing Willamette Valley to an outstanding camp!

  1. ,Janis Harrison says:

    I think you are so dog smart !! I would have run after him, my bad.

  2. #2?

    I love seeing that Reggie run!

  3. Well that is a nice looking campground! I have to say Oregon campgrounds are pretty much some of the nicest ones out there! I guess you will be staying there for the full 2 weeks 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jill,

      No, we only stayed one night at Fishermen’s Bend. It was great! For a large campground that was filled to capacity it was surprisingly pleasant and quiet (all electric = no generators!).

      Even so, we moved before I had a chance to be irritated among so many people. Ha! We moved for other reasons, too… More about that in the next post. I’m very happy with the campground we are in now.

      • Looking forward to the next post then 🙂

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Happppy Father’s Day to all Fathers!! Hope you all have a great day and get to see your kids and grandkids.

        Sue, will my Buggy fit in Fisherman’s Bend?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, it will. You definitely will need a reservation to make sure you have a long enough site. This may be difficult for you to do well in advance because of your medical appointment and not knowing when you will be free to go on your way. Anyway… Go ahead and look at Fishermen’s Bend at and play around with the reservation system — you can see the campground loop diagram, see the length of sites, and also see when sites are available and so forth. We were in the main loop. I believe the River Loop is more expensive.

          • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

            Good Morning RVSue 🙂 My next appointment is tomorrow at 3:30 and I do not know if it will be the last or not. I hadn’t gone on to the reservation site because, as you said, I have no idea when I can be there. Kinda losing my mind here! 🙂 Another day, another book read!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Life will straighten out for you soon! You can look at the reservation page in the meantime to get a feel for how far ahead or how close you can make a reservation… Good morning to you, too!

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              I will do that 🙂 Thanks!

            • Hi Krystina, I feel your frustration… The blogorinos will be waiting to hear how things went for your appointment. You probably will not get many answers tomorrow, but at least that is one more challenge out or your way. I believe you are getting to the end of your tests and close to getting the answers that you need that will enable you to continue making your life decisions. There are many prayers with you for a wonderful outcome for this adventure. Your attitude has been great, keep up the good work..

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              Thank you Shirlene and thanks for saying my attitude has been great! I was trying to keep it on the down low but it was hard to do. Especially when I am bored out of my mind. I will let you all know after the camera voyage tomorrow.

            • shirlene says:

              I will be thinking of you… 🙂

  4. Marilyn Dennison, Dania Beach, Fl says:

    Hi Sue,

    First, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this journal. Being incapacitated for 4 months had me not in the best of mental straits. I have read your entire journal and most of the comments. Keep them coming.

    I am certain there are others in the same boat as I who haven’t bothered to comment but you are their dose of sunshine. I also use your Amazon link for purchases which is a small thing I can do for thanks.

    One question. How do you manage to find such lovely, isolated on water places like this one. I looked at the earth view and it is truly amazing with the trees and water, plus the hookups and showers. It is quite a find.

    Enjoy your stay there. I worry Reggie might go after a rabbit but he truly seems to enjoy running. I don’t think there are many rabbits along the ocean.

    Good health and peaceful surroundings to you.

    Marilyn in Dania Beach, FL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilyn,

      What a lovely message for me. Thank you. And thanks also for reading my blog from the beginning (with comments! Wow!) and choosing to shop Amazon from here. I really do appreciate it.

      How do I find “such lovely, isolated, on water places like this one?”

      1) I look for the tent symbols on my Benchmark atlas in areas where I want to visit.
      2) I choose those next to water, then research the campground online.
      3) I avoid campgrounds that are in popular areas near tourist attractions or are on through routes. Of course, this isn’t always possible, like when going to the coast.
      4) For boondocks, I do the above and also evaluate the topography (elevation for air temperature), the forest roads, proximity of supplies, etc.
      5) I wake up lucky.

      Good health to you, Marilyn. I’m glad my blog has helped you through difficult times. Feel welcome to write anytime.

      • Hi Marilyn, please join us often, we really like it when we get new blood. 🙂

        • Marilyn Dennison, Dania Beach, Fl says:

          Thanks, Shirlene.

          I promise not to be a pest but will contribute at times when the opportunity arises. I want to feel like I am contributing and invading this enjoyable and interesting journal. It is like a family and want it to stay that way.

          Marilyn, Dania Beach, FL

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Welcome Marilyn…I feel so happy just seeing your name!! It was my darling mom’s name!! Hope you will come back to visit. I so understand having months being laid up…twas being hit by a mack truck that got me. But you know, I was able to be online a lot and learned SO MUCH about my distant ancestry and also helped a friend with hers…and that was really a fun thing!! Hope you can find many ways to learn things, even while laid up!!

  5. Shawna says:

    So easy to take a wrong turn. I took one in Des Moine one time and ended up in Missouri — miles into Missouri. I wasn’t licensed to drive the truck in Missouri. Fortunately the gentleman at the counter in the weigh station was kind and didn’t give me any flak; just a head’s up on which exit to take next so I could get back to Des Moine.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh dear, Shawna! I feel better about my mistake. At least I didn’t end up in another state! What an embarrassing situation. . . .

      • Shawna says:

        Des Moine had major road construction at their interchange going on and once you get out of the city the country all looks the same. All said in my own defense of course! 🙂

  6. weather says:

    Wow,Sue,your bottom photo makes that water look worthy to be called a river! So often people attribute that title to what I’d consider a stream,or creek at best.The sound and feel of being near it must have been exhilarating.What a prize that camp was,you score again!Clever way to walk the crew,you must have been glad that works,seems like it will make your excursions more fun and easier for all three of you.Glad you managed to get back on track-missing a turn twice is not like you, sounds as though the beach play tired you more than you felt.

    “Well we’ve had our Oregon coast experience for this year.” you say casually. Life has sure changed into dreams come true for you.There was a time when that seemed so unreachable…I’m thrilled for you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Yeah, walking the crew on the tether works very well. Since Bridget usually walks close to me, Reggie has several feet to allow him his frenetic sniffing, first on one side of the lane, then the other, and then a run ahead of us. By the time we return to our campsite, he’s had a lot more exercise than if he’d been on a short leash.

      The North Santiam definitely is a river! That’s a lot of water moving fast to the sea. . ..

      I know why I missed turns. I do best when roads are marked with a number and direction, like “34 east.” The little towns in the area we crossed don’t always have that kind of signs, instead there are names for the roads. Plus the towns had zigs and zags. And I was a bit tired. Not from the beach, from that winding road through the forest from Blackberry Campground to Philomath. It’s the kind of road where you have to give it 100% concentration all the way, every second.

      Anyway… We made it and the camp was worth the drive.

      I may be casual in describing our dream-come-true, but I’m still amazed to be living it!

      I appreciate you sharing the thrill of it all.

      • weather says:

        Little Mister Ball of Energy might give you a moment’s peace to sit still before he pounces on you demanding another walk now that your tether as leash strategy is working him out more,woo hoo!Oddly,your site meter shows an empty black box.If it comes back on,neat!If it starts at zero for some reason,I think last I noticed it read 2,065,000.Mick would probably know about how much to add per day ,if it matters to you.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, weather, for pointing out the sitemeter. I would’ve thought the problem was only seen by me and due to poor internet signal.

    • weather says:

      Moments before sunrise a cold front came through,the sudden shock of temperature dropping made everything stand in place,still as if waiting for what might come next.Light rose making bark on trees turn gold,then blond,then apricot,the seagulls recovered and flew past tinted pink in the next shafts of sunlight.In the time it took for the air pressure to balance itself so the lake and leaves began moving again it was quiet for once.No wildlife ,troupe or noise near me I had the world for my own until full color came back and a new day brought it’s usual activity.I’d watched a replay of creation.The plant life put in place ,experimenting until just the right shades and hues fit,the lake and what lives there done the same way before it was given the movement of life.As the trees filled with birds again I walked away,there’s only so much awe one can hold at a time…

      My neighbors and acquaintances here used to start conversations with an odd habit-they’d complain about the conditions no matter what season we were in.I learned to not mention liking it pretty quickly.Instead I’d ask if they noticed this or that at sunrise.Now many of them get up to see it .They don’t notice the same things I do yet at least they glimpse the gift of different lighting on the earth,on themselves,their thoughts.I’m fairly sure they don’t know how that started and I’m glad.Planting seeds is more fun than long talks for me.

      You know,Sue,that’s what you do when you open up Utah,Arizona,Oregon for readers that hadn’t really seen their own backyards before.It’s more than a set of fresh eyes looking at a scene-it’s your love of the earth and all that live on it that affects everyone.Good morning.I hope your laptop’s not being persnickety today and that your early hours and coffee are good.I guess you are putting ideas together for a new post for whenever.Really anything you use works-just a few photos ,words,snippets of news-it’s your point of view that captures.I love that you’re always honing your skills and gifts in teaching,photography, and story telling,finding more things to offer whoever needs it.That’s your innate character of excellence shining.You never had to though-you always saw past today’s restrictions and surface for the possibilities and beauty of this world and still do.

      Gee,that’s a bunch of words to tell you something simple.Hi,I found this page on the internet and have read it since then.I really like you and your blog .It lots better than the rest.Kinda brightens my days the way hope does 🙂

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        So well said Weather – Good Morning – You have such a gift with words. 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good morning, weather,

        Knowing when to stop talking is a valuable skill, rare these days it seems. You wisely “plant a seed” instead of haranguing your neighbors, allowing them to make their own discoveries. You do the same thing here!

        A remarkable thing happened a moment ago. I was struggling to respond to your comment, not being in the right frame of mind due to the sitemeter snafu. (I tried unsuccessfully to correct the problem and my internet connection is too slow, keeps dropping). I reread your message. As I came to the part where you wrote “at least they glimpse the gift of different lighting on the earth . . . . ”

        At that moment I look up. Out the side window I see our back “yard,” which I’ll describe as a shady dell in the forest. Shafts of morning light have transformed it! So lovely I jump up and run out to take a photo. I snap the photo, the light moves, the moment is gone, but the change in me remains. Much like what you do with your light touch. Ha! Sure makes a sitemeter glitch unimportant.

        Thank you for giving me this — a fine accompaniment to my coffee — much better than a technical problem!

        And thank you for seeing good in me.

        • weather says:

          What a great moment,Wow-kicked my already happy mood up another notch. No way the timing can be seen as mere coincidence…I appreciate everything else in your reply,too 😉

      • eliza says:

        love this.

  7. Pamela K. says:

    A very special campground find indeed! Just think, all that for an un-heard-of cheap price. Sue, you have really opened up Oregon for so many of us, me included! I have really pondered over going to that area when we take our trek to that region of the country. Seeing all your wonderful photos, hearing about the nice camps and people makes going there a no-brainer. Good heavens, couple that with the low costs and the ocean shores…well…I may have just found my long term homebase for our future rving needs. Longterm meaning two weeks in one place or so and during certain mild -weather times of the year. Anyway, it has been wonderful to have been introduced to Oregon!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 All this planning for next year while planning outings for this year has me doing circles in my head, lol. Deep south beaches for now and the southwest and west coast for next year. Geez, I even had to rent a storage unit to store all my Van and Camping stuff just so I would have room for last evenings groceries in the Van…how bad is that?! Well, truth is, I took out 2 of the Van’s seats to make extra room for upgrades so I did need the storage unit for those to be stored in. It is certainly amazing how full those units can get in such short order! LOL. I think I need to practice downsizing a little more, say what?! Otherwise I’m going to LQQK like a passenger train heading across the desert, HA!

    Have a fine day, you and crew, drive safe, camp safe and mostly ENJOY! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      I wrote you a reply earlier today and then I lost it due to the shaky internet connection here. I’ll try again!

      It’s funny that you write “you have really opened up Oregon for so many of us” because that’s what someone said about Nevada earlier this year and someone else said about Utah last year. I’m opening up these states for me, too.

      I enjoyed the energy of your comment. You always have something going on. Good luck with the van upgrades and your plans for this year and next! I hope your day was fine, too.

  8. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Wow! What a beautiful spot you’ve found. Since we’re headed up to Oregon in August, I’ll have to see if we can stop there. I’m curious – any particular reason you aren’t staying near the coast longer? I’m guessing maybe you think there will be too many summer tourist/crowds … at any rate, can’t wait to see where you go the rest of the summer!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      There already are too many tourists/crowds for me. ::) You don’t see them in my photos because the weather has been cool and windy. They’re roaming the streets. Ha!

      I left the coast because I wanted to go while I was still enjoying it. I can take busy places for a short time and then I’d rather be somewhere else. Plus, since I didn’t want to camp with the crowd, opting instead to camp inland, it wasn’t something I could sustain…. driving back and forth between beach and campground.

      There aren’t that many affordable and uncrowded campgrounds and it looked like the weather was going to stay just a mite too cold.

      • Chey says:

        The best month on the WA coast is mid September through mid October or maybe later; kids in school, people back to work, beach to ourselves for the best weather all year. Brookings OR is known for 68F in Decembers. Sequim WA, on the Straight of Jaun de Fuca, is compared to San Diego, as it stays mild and reasonably rain free in the winter.

  9. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This Campground is so fantastic and you’re close to the beach. I can’t wait to read about Fisherman’s Campground, though. Reggie sure has a blast at the beach. One can’t help but laugh at the little guy. I know about missing turns to places, it can really be frustrating. Why does it seem like when you make the first goof, they keep happening?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Well, I wouldn’t say Blackberry is close to the beach. It’s close enough that a commute to the shore is doable. Yeah, Reggie running on the beach was worth the trip from southern Arizona.

      My sense of direction was definitely off on that trip to Fishermen’s Bend.

  10. Tara from Pac NW says:

    Bridget cracks me up with her, “sad, dejected, persecuted look” –LOL!

    I’m excited to hear more and see more about Fishermens Bend. I think this is a campground that I have heard of and meant to visit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tara,

      You probably have heard of Fishermen’s Bend. It is a very popular campground, not surprisingly. I don’t think I’ve seen a better deal anywhere.

  11. Sharon in MO says:

    What a beautiful campground along the Santiam river! Hope you have a great time there. Running on the beach sure looks like a fun time for you and the pups.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Sharon. We did enjoy the campground. The crew met a lot of dogs which was good for Reggie’s socializing skills. As for me, my socializing skills remain unchanged. 🙂

  12. Kristi & Daisie says:

    This post has made me start marking campgrounds on my map. I’ll be starting full-time in August, leaving from Boise. Oregon is my first place to travel and I’ve been watching for camp sites. This one sounds wonderful. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kristi & Daisie,

      Do keep in mind that Fishermen’s Bend is low elevation (around 600-700 feet) which could mean hot temperatures in August. Maybe you’ll be in the area during the cool of fall . . . . ?

      It is important to arrive on a weekday other than Friday and early in the day. The campground fills up.

      Congratulations on your approaching launch into full-time RVing! I wish you many great camps!

  13. Carol says:

    hello there! stumbled across your blog somewhere, sorry I can’t tell you how I found it.

    Really enjoy your photos and many stories of “the crew.” we’ve had a rat terrier and they can be a handful. excuse the language but our “little bill” was sometimes referred to as the rat terrier from hell. he had quite the personality! we now have 4 adopted four leggers, 3 little ones in the house and big jack in the back yard.

    we went quite a bit larger in the trailer department. recently traded in the class c (by the way, while reading some of others comments today I came across your reasons for not purchasing a c. you were correct on all points!) for a 32 foot 5th wheel.

    retirement is coming in the next 18 months and we’ll be hitting the road. considering full timing for awhile and if we like it I think the plan is to come back, sell most everything and just travel for a bit. kind of figure if we get tired of it we can always head back to Oklahoma and buy another house.

    thanks so much for sharing your life with all of us.

    extra “rubbins” for your four leggers from me!

    take care and continued safe travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Carol. I’m glad you “stumbled” upon my blog.

      Only 18 months to go… Good for you! It sounds like you’ve considered your options carefully. You are fortunate to be able to give full-timing a test run before selling out. I wish you safe and happy travels and I hope you will keep in touch.

  14. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I had to laugh at the picture where Bridget looks like she is barking . In my mind’s eye, she was scolding Reggie for getting too rambunctious and tangling the lead! LOL! Glad that Reggie had another opportunity to run on the beach, and that Bridget had some more meditation time seaside. The Fisherman’s Bend Campground is a steal, even without a senior pass! Great find! Looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Hope you and your dear Crew have a good evening! Sending you all hugs from me and my dear Gracie pup. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I’m probably too late to wish you and Gracie pup a good evening, so . . . . good morning! 🙂

      I think I caught Bridget in mid-yawn in that photo. I have you trained to think of what she’s saying!

  15. Julie says:

    Hi Sue,
    Wonderful reading about Oregon coast. I spent a week @ Beachside with my scamp & 2 canine scamps south of waldport in May. Love yachats even more than waldport. I like beachside because of easy access to miles of beach. Of course it’s very popular. Going home west out of Florence stopped at a beautiful cg off 126 probably Whittaker creek where you stayed. Pushed onward to burns & the burger cook provided directions to a cg called idlewild. Not a soul there. Beautiful spot. Am leaving next week for lamoille cyn (Thomas creek) outside Elko. Another beautiful spot if you venture that way. BTW my canines are terriers too. Take care & thanks for your wonderful postings. Julie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Julie,

      That probably was Whittaker. Not much else on 126. Enjoy Lamoille Canyon. We were at the state park near there but it was too early in the year for the canyon. The road was still snowed in. I’ve heard it’s a gorgeous place. I smiled to read about Idylwild Campground, north of Burns. I wanted to camp there when we went through Burns but we were early for it, too, at over 5,000 feet. Once again, it’s all about timing. I’m glad your timing was right!

  16. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    Your photo of Reggie and Bridget at your van window reminds me of my photojournalism class assignment back in the day — take a photo of someone and capture their character in one head-to-shoulder shot.

    Ah, you got it! You get an A! P.S. Those racing on the beach photos really made me feel as if I were there! Thanks!

  17. Dawn in MI says:

    Thanks for taking us all to the beach one last time before you turned inland. This looks like a great camp too! Hope the crew enjoys it as well.

  18. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Don’t know if Eliza from the previous post will see this, but if she is interested in the Oliver, she may change her mind after seeing the cost. As you know, that was my choice, but in my visions of RVing, I will move around based on weather as I want to go solar and propane, no generators, means no A/C or furnace. Thus, the added expense seems too much, at least for me. If she wants to know more, she can respond here & I will fill her in. I have been to the plant & seen it first hand, both models.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      You turned away from the Oliver for the same reason I did. Well, actually it was because they stopped producing them for a while and then I realized it was more money than I needed to shell out.

      You may consider getting the A/C for whatever rig you choose. Even though you won’t power it with solar, if you should find yourself having to stay in one place, like for medical appts. or something, and it’s hot, you could run the A/C with electric hook-up. Just another thing to think of as you plan..

      READERS: If you have questions about the Oliver fiberglass travel trailer, Barbara has been to the plant and will answer them for you.

      • eliza says:

        thanks for thinking of me and responding! What I like about the Oliver is that it seems really set up for cold-weather camping, which I want to be able to do (not extensively, more like I don’t want to have to leave a place I love because of cold weather, other than bad roads if I was going to leave soon anyhow!). And the workmanship looks so top notch. On the other hand, Sue’s solar set up and flexibility seems fabulous. I’m not so much worried about the cost at this moment (I know it is about 40-45) as I would be that if the plant closed again it might be hard to find warrantied repairs (small company, etc.) Barbara – what did you end up getting? I would love to hear more about the plant.
        I did read a review (viewed it actually on youtube) and was very impressed. But the guy also has a Travato class B and a tear drop trailer he tows with his Miata. So he has his niches for each thing….
        Speaking of youtubes, Sue, have you ever considered doing one? you could post videos of superannoying camper stuff, but also the sounds and beauty which surround you, and the crew’s hijinks.

        • eliza says:

          just posting again so i can hit those two notification buttons which I just saw….

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You make valid points, eliza. You’ve given a lot of thought to the Oliver and how you will use it. I’m sure Barbara will respond to your comment with more information.

          As for videos, thank you for the suggestion. Videos do not fit the style of my blog. My blog is popular because of its simple format. I also think people like my blog because it is a comfortable place where stories are told. Videos would change the atmosphere, sort of like turning on the television when folks are gathered around the hearth sharing their day. 🙂

          • eliza says:

            your blog is such a wonderful place; i have been living in it for the past week…the next best thing….. and also your blogerinos are so respectful and kind. so thank you for sharing and being so responsive. the thing that made me think of youtube was the couple that threw all their trash in the fire pit and you picking it up and placing it in their car. i was a little scared for you, but i guess you had sized them up pretty well and knew they wouldn’t attack….but i was also thinking about the educational value of showing people what’s wrong with their behavior…and i know that’s not really what you want to be thinking about, having escaped the educational world. i was also kind of being a little lazy and sselfish, because i would love to see that puppy racing and jumping and flying, and the bridge doing her sit-down strikes, rather than having to piece it all together in my mind….
            again, thank you….

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You’re welcome, eliza….

              Maybe “having to piece it all together in my mind” is why you’ve been living in my blog this past week. Hmmm ….??

              Just teasing…. Maybe someday you’ll do the videos…

              BTW, see Deb’s comment below. She has a youtube channel.

            • Barbara (Nashville) says:

              If cold weather camping is your thing and you are not concerned about finances, then go for the Oliver. It is very well constructed, and has that double hull and insulation. It even has a pantry cabinet. You do have to pay extra for insulated windows. The solar panels are more expensive than others I have seen, but they do mount them. To get the few options I wanted, it came to about $47,000. If finances weren’t a concern, I would definitely opt for the Oliver 22ft. The price difference between the smaller one and the 22′ is only about $3,000. For that amount, bigger is better. The folks at the plant are most helpful and knowledgeable. Keep in mind too, that it is heavier than a Casita and the tires are truck type, which will hold up well, but cost more to replace. Since I would have to purchase a tow vehicle, it is too costly for me. Unless the economy crashes, I wouldn’t worry bout them closing again. They have so many orders, the plant it operating 10 hour days, 6 days per week. I have not yet purchased due to hubby’s health, but have decided on a Casita Independence. Hoepe this helps.

            • Be sure to mention RV Sue when you purchase your Casita! She gets a small dividend from them! Helps keep her on the road!

            • eliza says:

              Barbara – thank you…this is kind of my thinking too. I was wondering about a tow vehicle, and was thinking about the Toyota Tundra or Nissan Titan. I’m not sure if that’s more truck than would be needed, but I would like to be able to store our bicycles and maybe a kayak inside. When you went to the facility did they discuss the tow vehicles at all with you? It’s not that money is not a factor at all, more like I am still in the fantasy phase and probably can afford this, assuming I don’t do anything else wild and wonderful. But thanks for taking the time to respond. It is helpful to consider other options and talk about the “why” as well as the “what”….

            • eliza says:

              and I hope all goes well for your hubby and that his health improves.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Sue, Thanks for the suggestion on the A/C. Guess I should get that, since I have a couple of health issues myself. I will probably prefer to come back to Nashville, for a while due to my cancer followups.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          We did not discuss tow vehicles , but they did say the dry weight is about 4200 lbs, if I remember correctly. It may be on the website. The only thing that did disappointment me was the exterior storage, but I did like the big tanks. You won’t go wrong with the Oliver, but for me it is out of reach.

          • eliza says:

            thanks Barbara – just from my reading I also think it is definitely good to get the AC – if you are in a place where you need to stay for any length of time you can be comfortable if the weather changes. and if you or your husband need medical care you can be comfortable if the weather changes…and especially if you need to be in Nashville in the summer….I want to travel places where the weather changes (northwest mountains, southern Utah, both coasts) so I want a home that can handle differing conditions.. My thought is to spend a couple of weeks in a place to get to explore the area and become somewhat familiar with it. So that’s why I like the egg-style and want a trailer so I can leave my home and come back to it. Like Sue, but slower…and want to make it to the east coast, and florida too. I’m in the midwest now, and miss my mountains and the sea…Maine is my heart’s home, but then I love Montana too. and so many other places feel like home to me. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a sheepherder’s wagon, but I did when I was in my teens and that always has stayed with me as the perfect home….I just don’t want to have to worry about the horses!

  19. Lynn Brooks says:

    Oh my gosh!!!
    That Reggie moves like lightening!!!
    What fun to see him loving life!!!
    I’ll bet you’re so happy you rescued him….or, did he rescue you & Bridget?!?!
    The campground you are in looks & sounds FANTASTIC!!!
    I am putting that one on my “MUST DO” list!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!!
    PS. Don’t worry about missing your turn(s) — I did that TWICE today & I e lived her all my life!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynn,

      It is fun watching Reggie. Like all dogs he knows how to live in the moment.

      You had a turn-around day, too…. Sounds like you were preoccupied. I’m glad you made it home okay. 🙂

      Gee, I think this is the longest comment I’ve ever received from you, Lynn. Thanks! I enjoyed it.

  20. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    You hit the jackpot! What a lovely photo of the river!

    Run like the wind Reg man…

    Uh oh….did someone add another stove to his collection?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! I know who you’re thinking of . . . 🙂

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Huh???????? What????????????

      Not me I’ve been good 🙂

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        In fact if all goes according to plan the next stove I buy is going to be attached to a 17ft Bigfoot. 🙂 🙂 🙂

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Ah….so the Escape 17b is off your short list? 🙂

          • BadgerRickInWis says:

            Ummmmmmmm, well not exactly. I still waffle back and forth between the two. In a perfect world when the time is right the perfect 17B comes into my life. I have been inside one and they are great and would allow a smaller tug than the Bigfoot.
            However what ever I get will probably be used and used Escapes go so quick and compared to others even a 8 year old Escape brings top dollar. Bigfoots on the other hand are more plentiful hence more affordable. Especially if I’m willing to travel to western Canada and go through that hassle of importing one into the U.S.
            It’s all still years away of course, but dreamin’ and sceamin’ get me through the day. 🙂

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              I hear ya! Rick! Thank goodness we have Sue and some of the blogorino family to live vicariously through until our time comes. 🙂

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Waffling is ok, just make sure you add some real maple syrup!! 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Sure you have! 😉

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Well that post order got messed up!

          I almost pulled the trigger the other day on an escape 17b. Ready at the end of June…put it on the truck and deliver it in July….cept it was red. Ugh.

          Had it been gray graphics…it would be on its way here.

          Then I thought…who is gonna show me the WDH thingymagiggy…and all the other orientation stuff?

          Whew…that was close.

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            They would not change the graphics for you? I was wondering if one made a visit to the factory, and put a down payment on a trailer, if Eacape could do an early orientation. The WDH could not be addressed, but everything else. I know, if you are unable to make the trek to pick up the trailer, if is scary to be on your own. Heck, IF BadgerRick, you and Jules, and I were ready to pull the trigger at the same time, we could form a convoy to Chilliwack! NY…VA….WI….it could be done. I am still dreaming, hoping and working, as Rick is. Sigh.. It would be nice to see you all get yours… 🙂

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Escape not Eacape! Auto correct has a mind of it’s own tonight!

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              My “build list” had many more items..most luxury..a few necessities.

              You know you only get a nano second to make your decision when one pops up…cuz they sell within hours.

              A caravan…would be fun…the blind leading the blind! Hah! At least we would have a plethora of camp stoves!

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              At least we would be in good company! 🙂

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              BTW…I’m “reetired” on escapes’ site.

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Cool. I am “winelover”, but have only posted once before Thanksgiving when I spotted a 21 in the Whole Foods parking lot. I think it may have been Mike Lewis’.

              I love KarenH’s 15a…Egbert…so cute. Add a bath, and walla…a 17b! 🙂

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Bracing for a violent storming coming through…rain, wind, possible ping pong sized hail (holy cow!) and a possible tornado. I can do without the hail and tornado..hopefully that part will miss us.

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Yikes…accuweather shows several “red bands”…stay safe…

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Had some scary moments last night with 70+ mph winds and violent lightening but all is well. A couple tornadoes touched down a few miles away, lots of trees down and utility poles were snapped in half like toothpicks. Lots of property damage in the area, but I have not heard of any injuries or fatalities…so that is a blessing. We were lucky. I expected to lose power or have some trees down (I have had straight line wind damage several times in the past), we were spared. Gracie, who did not get her beauty sleep yesterday due to a grooming appt, slept blissfully through the storm. She gets a little anxious from thunder and lightening, but once I tell her it is ok and shrug it off, she is fine. Last night I was anxious…and was thankful she was zonked out and oblivious.

            • weather says:

              Thank God all is well for you,Denise!I kept praying while checking the news for your area ,so glad you updated us.

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, weather! Hope you have a wonderful day! xxxooo. 🙂

          • DesertGinger says:


            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Weight distribution hitch. It spreads the weight of the trailer evenly over the four wheels of the vehicle, helping to ensure a smoother, safer tow. Oh, and you have to look at your tow vehicle’s user manual…some vehicles do not recommend using this type of hitch. 🙂

  21. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    I enjoyed your comments about the Scio area because my best friend has a ranch outside Scio on the way to the Fish Hatchery. I could easily picture exactly where you were in the area! Have to ask my friend about that campground. They take horses and go camp various areas in Oregon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s too bad I was focused on the destination (a camp for the night) instead of appreciating the journey. Then I would have seen more and related more here about Scio and the area. I wasn’t living in the moment, which may have contributed to missing the turns. I do remember it being a pleasant landscape of farms and fields and towns with community pride.

  22. Alice says:

    Hi – love your blog and puppies. I just got an rv on Thursday and plan to start traveling as soon as I get used to it locally. My question is since I will have my two fur babies with me, what do you do with them when you go into a store (grocery as an example). I’m guessing it isn’t so hot up there that you can leave them in the trailer? I’ll be driving a class C and C that I have alot to learn. I’m in So. Fla.
    Smart not to chase. My trick is “ok, time to go get cookies” and start the other way. That is the fastest turn you’ll ever see.

    Love your posts !!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:


      Having had a class c with three cats and a dog…here are my suggestions. Your house will go wherever you go…you’ll have to plan your adventures entirely with the safety of your pups in mind.

      Go early when the sun isn’t the hottest…find shade if possible, leave the roof vent open as heat rises….and then RUN through the store like a wild banshee.

      If your fur kids aren’t used to being in the trailer DONT leave any side windows open.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alice,

      Congratulations on your new rig! How exciting for you!

      What do I do with the crew when I go in the store? I can understand you asking this question, since you’re in south Florida. As you know, of course, it’s best to go shopping as early in the day as possible. You probably will camp with electric hookups so you can have air conditioning, I assume. Leaving your pups inside your Class C that has been cooled down will give you time to do your shopping.

      The PTV is upholstered through-out and the windows are tinted. In hot weather I keep my time in the store short. I don’t hesitate to speak up if someone is holding up the cash register with small talk or some such. I say, “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt. I’m very concerned about my dogs waiting for me in my van. It’s such a hot day.” People will get mad if you ask on behalf of yourself. Ask on behalf of dogs and they are happy to accomodate you. Strange. Anyway . . . .

      When I return to the PTV, the crew may be a bit uncomfortable but probably not more than over 75% of the humans on the planet. . . You’ll learn your rig and how long it stays comfortable under what conditions. Oh, also… The crew always has access to water while in the PTV.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations, Alice! Wishing you many happy travels! 🙂

  23. Susan in Dallas says:

    Love this campground, definitely my kind of place. The trees, space, river AND showers? Perfect. Bridget and the camera, what a funny, funny face! You don’t have to guess what she’s thinking. Have a great time at the beach.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Susan. We did have a great time at the beach.

      I hope I haven’t confused folks, jumping from one campground to the next. The photos in this post are of Blackberry Campground where there are no showers, but lots of space. Fishermen’s Bend Campground has showers and the river and sites are close together.

  24. Diane in Portland, OR says:

    Inspired to full-time by RVSue, I too was thinking of the Oliver for its insulating capabilities, but discovered a wonderful alternative in the Escape trailer (made in Chilliwack, BC). The owners of Escape Trailer Industries are pretty fabulous people, and the Escape Forum has a wealth of information. My Escape 5th wheel will be ready on July 20th. I’ll be full-timing shortly after that.

    • eliza says:

      i’ll look into the escape too. anyhow, i am not looking to buy this minute, but hope to in a year or so. so i won’t get too fixated on my daydreams….

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Eliza,

        Not sure where you are located, but you could call Escape Trailer Industries, and they could refer you to someone nearby that has an Escape. Check out their website. Production is running about 10 mos out…all trailers are made to order. Escape does offer undercarriage foam insulation and 12v tank heat pads as options. Have fun researching your rig! 🙂

    • eliza says:

      oh, and congratulations!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations on your new Escape, Diane! My hopes and dreams are for a 17b….one day! I check the Escape forum multiple times a day to absorb knowledge and drool at folks builds in progress! I second your recommendation of an Escape. The stock model is nicely equipped, and one can add as much or as little equipment as they desire. Great timing for you, with the U.S. dollar having more buying power right now in Canada. Have you named your trailer? Will you be posting updates on the forum? July 20 is just around the corner!! Whoo-Hoo!! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! So many blogorinos are choosing and buying their rigs, retiring, launching into full-time vagabonding!

      Congratulations, Diane, on making your decision. It’s a huge step! I wish you many safe miles and happy days wherever you go with your new Escape. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing here.

  25. Jodee Gravel on the road in Bodega Bay, CA says:

    More fun on the beach, Bridgett cracks me up. She manages to pull off the martyr look every time – poor thing! Surprised to see you’ve left the beach behind so quickly, but perhaps you’ll be revisiting farther north this summer. I’m not a fan of long driving days, especially when they include getting turned the wrong way. So exhausting. Love that little campground in the trees – such a deal! We’ve loved our time in Bodega Bay, and head north ourselves tomorrow.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      I’m not surprised that you’re surprised. Ha! If I could camp along the beach all by myself I’d stay a long time. 🙂

      The way it is, a few visits to the beach, a few tours up and down the coast, and I’ve had enough. That’s one of the great things about having wheels under one’s home… You can take it or leave it at a time of your choosing.

      I’m glad you enjoyed Bodega Bay. Safe travels!

  26. AZ Jim says:

    115 yesterday, it’ll be the same today. Snowbirds gone so less traffic, no out of state license plates at the supermarket parking lot, no lines to get a seat in the restaurants. All the smart folks are gone just leaving we old dummies behind. It’s hot but the mornings are great and late nights cooler too. Still, I was locked inside more in snow country than I am here. Bonus, no shoveling heat.
    Missy, it’s just great watching your smallest charge running with such total happiness on the beach. Your idea of walking them each on their own end of that 20′ tether is a good one.
    You have a wonderful campsite now. All the comforts of home. I know you’ll enjoy it hopefully for days.
    You driftwood shot reminds me in some areas up that way I have seen signs warning of it being a violation to gather or burn driftwood.
    Well, have fun, give the little ones our hugs and you take care…Hug for Missy too

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Jim! I am so relieved to see you here this morning! I read the temperatures for Arizona and wondered if you had succumbed to the heat. You weren’t feeling that great the last contact we had.

      Just as I was contemplating writing a shout-out to you… “Jim? Are you okay?” … here you are! Thank heavens. And I’m glad you’re still loving Arizona. 🙂 Enjoy the absence of the pesky snowbirds!

    • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

      115 degrees!!!!!! Holy Cow. Being from Vermont I cannot imagine 115 degrees. I too was wondering where you were. Happy to see you are ok.

  27. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Pure genius to tether Reggie and Bridget together, but ever since I read that I have this image in my mind.

    After breakfast, coffee and blog posts Sue and the indomitable crew set off for a walk down a beautiful wooded path. Shortly afterwards Sue becomes distracted by a battered and world weary butterfly who is still a champion of nature.

    The camera comes out. The royal keister goes down. Just at this moment Reggie spots a particularly frisky chipmunk……..errr……ground squirrel……. errrr…….little fuzzy thing with a teasingly fluffy tail.

    In an instant he is at the end of his leash, his little feet continuing to travel a million miles an hour as he kicks up great rooster tails of dirt and quickly digging a hole half way to China. At this point Sue has captured the perfect shot of the veteran flutterby and looks up exclaiming. “Oh Reggie, how on earth did you fall down in that hole.”

    Bridget simply rolls her eyes and the happy family continues down the path of another perfect day. 🙂

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Badger Rick,
      You’re hired! LOL. You can tell us stories anytime! 🙂 A nickel for every story that is sure to be worth a million. We love hearing your wonderful tales, veteran butterfly…PRICELESS. Who else but a veteran story-teller would ever think to describe an elderly butterfly in such a sweet way?!! Perfect 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh my gosh, Rick! That happened this morning! Only it wasn’t a butterfly, it was a rhododendron and Reggie didn’t make it halfway to China. He was kicking his back legs in frustration which would’ve made a deep hole if he weren’t on pavement!

      Cute story… You’ve read a lot of my blog posts. So many that you could write them yourself. Haha!

    • shirlene says:

      🙂 🙂 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Somehow I can just picture Bridgee babeee plopping her Heiny down or walking in the other direction to stop Reg man.

        And then gazing over at you with them big Browns! What? I gotsta teach him right?

    • DesertGinger says:

      What was that bedraggled butterfly’s name…I forgot!

  28. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Oregon mornings to everyone.
    It’s afternoon here in GA. And a hot one already but the wind is up so that makes it feel cooler anyway.
    I thought I would share a ~find~ I found in the grocery at Walmart…a treat for us coffee drinkers 🙂 Coffee creamers that do NOT need to be refrigerated are pretty common. BUT this one is like an Almond Joy candy bar in creamer form!!! ~SCORE~. They are called International Delight Almond Joy Mini I.D.’s Coffee Creamers. 24 to a box. So, if you are like me and love Almond Joy bars…go for it! I love the Delight brand coffee creamers because they leave little to no after taste in my coffee. Well, there ya have it. Something to add to your coffee in addition to caramel, hazelnut, french vanilla, and mocha…making life on the road even sweeter. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You are sooooooooo far ahead of me gastronomically, Pamela. I tossed a tablespoon of chocolate powder in my coffee the other day and thought I was being wild and crazy.

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        That gave me a hardy laugh! I like my coffee plain with milk in the mornings and sometimes with a flavored creamer in the late evening but not too often at that. Finding those little Almond Joy creamers may have just changed up my after-dinner coffee routine.

        • Well, might as well share our summer coffee addiction here! I will make the coffee the night before and very strong! Let it sit and cool. Morning comes and its high 80s by 9am! I pout the coffee in my blender, add half and half and 3 shots of Kahlua and a tray of ice cube! Iced coffee smoothies! Great way to wake up!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            That will start your day off with a smile!! Yum!! 🙂

            • You bet, energy to go, big smiles all around! Each batch makes a blender full and = 3 cups of coffee each! So when you add that Kahlua and tray of ice, everything weakens down quite a bit!

            • Pamela K. in GA says:

              I just read your ice coffee favorite, YUM!!! 🙂 We are also huge fans of iced coffee and we also make it the night before. As for the Kahlua, I used to live on the stuff, lol. That and loved Bailey’s too.Used to put Bailey’s in our hot cocoa mix…another fav for colder weather. Strong coffee, it has to be strong! My neighbors used to say that my coffee was strong enough to walk away. They were right 🙂 When I was on the police department I would make a pot at the first of the shift. Sometimes it would get so busy that it would sit and get so strong it was like Karo Syrup 🙁
              but we drank it anyway,no fast food chains on every corner back in the day so we made do. I have blamed, more than once, my love of strong coffee on my time at the PD.

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              A couple more more chocolate variations:
              Peppermint Patty – add Peppermint Schnapps.
              Buttered Nipple – add Butterscotch Schnapps. (not sure how that one got it’s name!)
              Add whipped cream if desired, and enjoy! 🙂

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Hot chocolate variations…

          • eliza says:

            my favorite thing is just black coffee, hot, with vanilla ice cream. you put a little bit of ice cream in a spoon and dip it in the coffee – then “eat” it. the clod and hot, bitter and sweet, just creates a taste circus….so wonderful…

    • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

      Wow Pamela, is my coffee B.O.R.I.N.G!!! I have to get with it. Gonna try it. 🙂

  29. DebsJourney says:

    Sue, What beautiful campgrounds you’ve found and what a wonderful time the pups are having too. Lovely photos and the place I want to visit.
    I am beginning to move into my trailer (Christine) I get her parked here on Tuesday. I am happy to announce that after going to the surgeon I am able to wait for hernia surgery till after I get medicare in Oct. I have some help moving into my new home and then decided to put myself at a local RV park near by for my shake down and get to know my Christine intimately. My you tube channel is growing with over 575 subscribers. It helps me pass time and communicate with such great people.
    rvdebs journey

    • DebsJourney says:

      I will be staying for the month of July which is good for me to finish up anything I need before heading west. Oh and at least my rv park has a nice pool. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      Great news on the delay of your surgery and your plan to move into your RV!

      I’m glad you mentioned your youtube channel. Eliza suggested I do youtubes… Why do what you’re already doing so well? 🙂

      Congratulations on your success!

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Wonderful news on all fronts!!! Nice when Life turns around in a good direction 🙂

    • DesertGinger says:

      So happy you can wait for surgery! Now you can settle into Christine and start to enjoy yourself. I recuperated in my trailer when I was very sick in 2006, and it worked very nicely. It was small, cozy and east to get around while recuperating. Good news!

    • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

      So Happy for you Deb! Happy that you can wait for the operation, Happy that you have help and Happy that you will doing a shakedown at a local park. Guaranteed you will organized Christine a bizillon times. I have been on the road for 15 months and still organizing!!! Have FUN 🙂

  30. Applegirl NY says:

    Hi! We just got back from a quick overnight in the Casita. We took it down through the Catskills, and since we were doing the scenic route, it took us 3 hours to reach our destination over very windy and steep mountain roads. Not relaxing, but beautiful.

    We took a wrong turn 2 miles from our final destination. It seems like we always make our mistakes close to the end of the trip. Thankfully it didn’t take us long to correct our mistake. We also found someone to confirm our whereabouts. Always best to ask.

    This new campsite looks like the jackpot, Sue, I can’t believe you got all of that for such a bargain price. And to be alone too… we paid way too much for a campsite this weekend. It was a private campground, so you know they’re expensive. It was almost empty when we got there, some folks pulled in at midnight and the screeching laughter didn’t end until 2:30am. The worst camping experience we’ve had. Oh well. It’s over and done with, now we’re home with nothing but the sound of the breeze through the trees.

    • Casitagirl from NY says:

      Where were you, if you don’t mind my asking? I live in the Catskills, and I want to avoid that area! Looking for quiet, quick, close getaways this summer!

      • Applegirl NY says:

        Hi! We were at Bethel Woods for a concert and stayed at a campground at Swan Lake. I have to say that the proprietors were wonderful and that it wasn’t a bad place, so I don’t want to bash it. Unfortunately no one was policing the noise. I’m OK with some noise up until Midnight or so, but after that – no way.

  31. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Seems you could make your photos into a book for sale if you desired to, Sue!! Just love all the photos…of course, forest is my favorite place…and not too bad being near inland seas either 🙂 …today is breezy and wonderful…was even able to nap this afternoon in this noisy area…the breeze sure helped!! Could have turned on the little AC…but was able to sleep anyway, with the breeze blowing the curtains and even under covers…love it!! Hope your weather is the same there!!

  32. Timber n' me /on the road headin' east says:

    Hi Sue, We been campin’ and no Signal to follow, We left Sisters a week a go and camped up in Payette NF, near Spring Creek CG, North of Weiser ID. Left this morn. and we’re campin’ over nite near Tuffle,,,,,,,, in the morn,, we’re headed to the Sawtooth NF be low Burley, then in 9 days on to WY.,,,,,,, give the pups a hug from us and have a great day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

  33. Maryanne Davis-Baldwin says:

    Naming one’s RV was mentioned recently-my Funfinder is named Ms. Anonymous, having gone from my late husband’s extremely noticeable wooden Gypsy Caravan to this white/red 18’9” blah-looking trailer. This winter I became more acquainted with her traveling to FL from CT & thankfully missed the worst winter in recent times. Due to my white hair & big red Tundra I get lots of offers of help, but with practice, backing up, unhitching & so forth have become easier-less heavy duty heart pounding! Due to uncertainties with the electric/gas changeover for the fridge, I didn’t boondocks even a tiny bit. The state campgrounds I stayed in may have been not as bucolic as your boondocks but I appreciate how kind & helpful people can be. My dream of traveling out west is getting closer as the family’s longtime summer home has been sold & no longer available as of August. One last trip up to Maine in July will be bittersweet, but will go with the flow, & make lemonade out of lemons–maybe a fall trip/adventure to start? Your wonderful blog is something I look for every day. Your photos amaze me with their composition & content. Thank you for all the time you spend on it.

  34. eliza says:

    I love the idea of an initial boondocking rally, so you can get the benefit of so many people’s experience, and technical expertise! A lot of full-timers seem to secretly miss their stationary homes and rush right over to fix stuff for you….that’s the impression I get. And also why Sue’s blog is not only so much fun but also so very helpful….do you like the Tundra? I’m thinking of that as a tv and will probably go test drive one soon but am curious what its like towing…..

  35. weather says:


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, weather, for that wish to all those who are fathers.


      I don’t know when I’ll get a post published. I hope soon. I worked on it yesterday until I had to give up and I’ll work on it some more this morning. I also tried to fix the sitemeter. It is still counting visits, just the widgit isn’t performing, so it’s not a pressing problem.

      I’ll focus on the post rather than replying to reader comments. Y’all have a wonderful day. If you are fortunate to have a father to hug today, give him an extra one from those of us who don’t. 🙂


  36. cate walsh says:

    Hi Sue and crew,

    I’m one of your new fans, and LOVE your blog, great photos, sense of humor, and the crew antics make me smile. I posted to one of your blogs while you were off line, received some wonderful tips and encouragement from the other RVers, and now can’t find which blog I posted to in case you replied. Darn!

    I’m inspired, and hoping to hit the road in one to two years. I’m in the research and planning stage. I don’t have a house to sell or any significant assets. I will have my SS ck and a small pension. Should I finance my first rig or cash in part of my pension to pay for it? I estimate my monthly income without working will be around $1500.00 and I would like to try workamping too. Oregon will surely be one of my destinations. I’m keeping a list of your camp sites for future reference. I currently live in Portland, Maine.

    Your other “fans” suggested I ask for your advice as you have made some good practical and careful choices to get this lifestyle launched.

    Anything you can share will be most appreciated. Happy trails and tails, Cate W.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cate,

      Click on this link, open comments and scroll down: “Pioneer Trail and where to go next?” You received several replies. I think I gave you advice there. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask.

      $1500 a month is enough if you are debt-free, you don’t buy a rig that’s expensive to drive, maintain, and repair, and as long as you have savings for maintenance, repairs, medical expenses, and other unforeseen events or life changes. If you don’t have savings, then workkamping is a good idea and then save, save, save.

      You asked if you should finance or cash out your pension. Do not cash out your pension! Start saving as much as you can ASAP. Cut out all unnecessary expenses. Eat cheap food. I’m talking about depriving yourself. I went without A/C in Georgia in order to save. No vacations. No restaurants. Thrift store clothes. Sell things you don’t need, which, if you’re like most Americans, is a lot. If something breaks or wears out, don’t replace it. Cheap coffee. I would not buy a stick of gum or a candy bar!

      Try to avoid financing or at least keep the loan very low so you can pay it off quickly.

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        If I may chime in here just a minute…
        About SS plus your pension being your only reliable sources of income when you retire and whether to finance your rig with a cash-out of your pension or not. Well, here’s my thinking about that. You have one, maybe two full years to research everything about the financial conditions of your pension plan so make that time count. Some pensions providers are in different stages of trouble from poor investments over the last decades. Read all you can about how sound your pension provider is. Annual Reports, costs they are making, etc. Get copies of any annual audits and make sure they are signed by the audit company and not just a annual statement sheet. Ask any questions of them, in advance BEFORE you count on them as your income source. Check out the Gov sites to see if they are on any watch lists too. This will give you a heads-up as to whether casing out vs counting on them long-term is best. Sadly, I know of several full-timers who didn’t ask those questions and didn’t do the research and have had their pension payments cut by more than they can afford to lose. Often they look back and wish they had cashed out and managed their own savings plans instead. Afterwards the cash-out options reduce or go away completely, so now’s the time to find out what’s what with them. Annual Reports are rosey worded. Look out for what directors are cashing out vs buying more shares, etc. While Sue’s pension is from the teacher’s pension, other funds are less stable is my point here. Ask the hard questions and find out before hand 🙂 Sometimes, not always by any means, a cash-out for a nice rig is wise if you feel a hint of pause that your pension plan may change downward over time. I say this because I personally believe the downturn is not over yet, especially regarding senior ‘s pension and SS payments. When my husband and I started doing our own research it was astounding how many pension plans are in serious trouble, ones you would otherwise think are very sound providers. Most are formed as an Org. They have certain reporting requirements to the State and Feds so the info is there, just often well hidden unless you dig deep to find it yourself. Anyway, just my own 2 cents, do your own research and do what you think is best for your long-term plans. Either way, make that Dream Happen! 🙂

    • eliza says:

      Hi Cate – I am also still in the planning stage, and just have a few thoughts – one important factor is really how you live now and what are your habits as far as spending and lifestyle. I think most people have things they do to give themselves comfort or security. Like eating out, buying stuff they want as opposed to need, giving things to others. If you look at Sue’s blog, you see how she really changed her behavior long before she got the rig – she was in essence living as she now does, except in one place. She has true frugality, and has dedicated herself to making this work. I can be frugal, but that has not been my habit. So I know if I went full-time, I would want to do a fair amount of “full hook-up” camping (also a fair amount of boondocking or dry camping); I would also want money in my budget to travel to see family members. I have to put those things into my fantasy budget too. I am looking at our current expenses and spending habits, and thinking about what would be different if we were full-timing (in our case, it would be part-timing, for about three months at a stretch two or three times during the year, probably more than half-time). Some things are less expensive than we assume (like gas, if you are staying long term in a place and travelling 100 miles between sites, can be less than you now spend commuting – or campsite fees might be less than rent) – but some things might be more (food, repairs) then see if you can change habits if needed to make this affordable (no eating out, or the other changes Sue made). Sue’s blog is wonderful and she has been able to make some money through Amazon, but if you are going to workamp you might find the work itself not that profitable or even tolerable (depending on your talents and skills and how much you like dealing with people). We need to have a really good medical insurance plan, and have savings for emergencies and repairs. That’s why the debt thing is a big problem because it sounds like you are having to choose between debt or the income from a pension, and that means no savings. The information I have read indicates that almost everyone has needed some kind of repair work to their rig within the first couple of years, and even if it is covered by a warranty you still need to pay something. I really like Sue’s approach for those of us who are retirement age. There is another cool blog (hope its okay to mention it here) from a younger person who is working various gigs around the country to support herself, but she also started out debt free and with a little in savings (Interstellar Orchard). That gives you a sense of what kinds of jobs are out there for full-timers and whether they pay or are just for the campsite. I find planning and scheming to be a lot of fun! Good luck with it all…..

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Excellent advice, eliza. Thanks for adding to what I wrote!


        • eliza says:

          thanks Sue! on a side-note, is there a way to contribute to your adventures if one is not an amazon shopper? like a paypal account for all the entertainment and advice you have provided?

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            How sweet of you to want to do that, eliza! No, I don’t have a paypal account. I receive many blessings from the blog and from people like you who take the time to participate. The Amazon income I do receive as well as seeing your name appear here with a comment is thank you enough. I truly mean that.

            • eliza says:

              i’m so glad you are able to have this life. i’m just not an on-line shopper (yet) and did want to contribute. and i bet there are a lot of lurkers (slackers?) like me…(and the amazon link is awesome)
              maybe bridget will get a paypal account….

  37. Deirdra Doan says:

    HI. Where do you get these discount passes you talk about? Thanks so much for sharing Oregon.

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