Fun with my camera, fun with my crew

Tuesday, September 15 (continued)

Our camp is in Fishlake National Forest southeast of Salina, Utah.

P1070357“That was exciting, wasn’t it, Reggie!”  

Reggie and I are on our way to join Bridget at camp after visiting with the horses and mules in the corral (See previous post.).  Reggie zooms around me in the joy of a morning of fun and new experiences.

P1070345I stand in the road like a master of ceremonies at the circus while Reggie flies ’round and ’round on his tether.  I happen to look across the big meadow.

“Oh, the horses!  They’re down by the aspens! What a gorgeous scene!  Hold still, Reg.  I have to get this.”

The small herd is quite far away. 

I zoom in to capture both the herd and the tall aspens behind them.

P1070339-001Now to zoom in even closer!

P1070341It won’t be long and this opportunity will pass. 

P1070337Reggie tugs impatiently on the tether in my hand. 

“Only a little while longer, babe.  Be a good boy.”

P1070342Horses and aspens . . . two of the things I love about this camp.

P1070312-001The moment passes.

The horses slip into the forest and out of view.

“That was so much fun, Reggie.”  I put the lens cap back on the camera.  “C’mon.  We can go now.”

When Reggie and I left this morning, I didn’t shut the door of the Best Little Trailer all the way closed.  I wanted Bridget to be able to bust out if she wanted to or needed to.

Reggie and I see her sitting on the blue mat waiting for us.

As soon as she sees us, she trots forward to walk with us the last few steps to home.

P1070350“Hi, Bridgie baby!  We’re back!”

Wednesday, September 16

After a night of on-and-off rain, the crew and I wake to a dark, overcast day.  When there’s a break in the rain, we walk down Oak Ridge Road.  In the same location where the red tail hawk swooped over us previously, I see a hawk perched high in a dead tree.

There isn’t much light and it’s behind the hawk, giving me not more than a silhouette to photograph.  I zoom my camera as far as it will go and take a picture anyway.  Later I upload the photo to Picasa editing and lighten it to make the hawk visible, at least.

P1070304Not a great shot, but it’s something!

I have fun playing around with another photo of the hawk, this one dark and moody.  Can you feel empathy for the hawk?  Have you ever felt this way?


Okay, enough of that . . .

For two nights and mornings rain falls lightly on our camp.

P1070283In the afternoon sunshine, the crew and I take long walks on Oak Ridge Road or on the trails through the forest.

We startle deer and watch them bound gracefully between the white pillars of aspens. I savor the happiness of being with my two best friends in this peaceful world.

The days are cooler now.  We return to the BLT invigorated and with good appetites.  Soup supper for me both days!

P1070282Soon we will move.  I’ll pick up my mail and packages in Salina and we will search for a new place to call home.  I’ll take good memories of this camp with us!



Your Amazon purchases, whether large or small, are appreciated.  Here is a sample of items recently ordered by readers:

2-Tier Wall Rack
Orijen Adult Dog Food
Tumbling Star Quilt Kit
Japanese Mandoline Slicer
Mr. Heater Portable Propane Heater
101 Things to Do with a Dutch Oven


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167 Responses to Fun with my camera, fun with my crew

  1. Love the horses with the aspens !!! ? great post and magnificent pictures! Grin!

  2. Love your photos. Gorgeous.

  3. Mary says:

    You make us laugh. You make us cry. We love the crew!

  4. Wendy H says:

    Another Beautiful blog!! Love the pictures! Please continue to make all us wannabes jealous! Thanks for blogging, Wendy (Illinois)

  5. Jolene/Iowa says:

    This is just a wonderful camp and your pictures are great!! Your blog is just wonderful and always a high point in my day when I see it in my in box.

  6. It’s a beautiful camp. I’m glad you’re all enjoying each other and the season.

  7. Sally says:

    Your pictures are terrific… and I so love to find your posts in my in box… thanks for allowing us along on your wonderful life with your 2 best friends! Sally -Vancouver Wa.

  8. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    What absolutely beautiful pictures!!! The horses and the aspen are stunning. Looks like it was a wonderful walk in the woods.
    Sending my love

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Always warms my heart to see you appear here, Pauline. Thought of all of you Mississippi family today. Hope all is well. Love you!

  9. Chuck Hajek says:

    That is someones remuda and they know their horses! Your pictures are gorgeous as usual ! We really miss Utah and all of the west.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      I don’t understand your first line.

      Thanks for calling my photos gorgeous. I was wondering how many horse photos I’d have to post in order to get a comment from Chuck. 🙂 I know you miss the West. How could you not?

      • Chuck Hajek says:

        Hi Sue! A remuda is a string of horses assigned to the cowboys of a ranch. It will take 2-3 horses a day per cowboy on a roundup, gathering or grazing change. Between jobs, the horses are rested….not so the cowboys!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          This remuda has a good life. The horses have work to do but they aren’t overworked. They look well fed and they can roam around together in a large area.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          BTW, Chuck… The buckskin in these photos is not the same buckskin as in the previous post.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay. Now I understand. I looked up the meaning of remuda. You’re saying they chose their horses well.

      “A Remuda is a herd of horses from which ranch hands select their mounts. The word is of Spanish derivation, for “change of horses” and is commonly used in the American West. The person in charge of the remuda is generally known as a wrangler.” — wikipedia

      • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

        Our word for the day, remuda. My spellcheck doesn’t even recognize it.

        I am going to miss this site when you move to another camp. Thanks for allowing us to travel with you.

  10. Lois (AZ) says:

    Considering you had a headache…you outdid yourself again…great post! Great pics and pets!! Thanks for brightening my evening…just watching Thursday night football…your post has that beat!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! Better than football… What a compliment!

      I’m feeling much better now. The headache is gone, the blog post is done, and the comments couldn’t be nicer! Thanks for letting me brighten your evening.

  11. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    OMGosh those shots are amazing! I think I felt Reggie move the air past me! 😛

    I cannot thank you enough, Sue. For letting me (us) in on these treasured moments. The stress flies away, nearly as fast as Reggie can run… It really is a gift.

    Thanks, and Hugs from Hoquiam!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      It’s a privilege to help someone get rid of stress, and it’s especially nice to do that for you. Yeah, that Reggie can move! He has these fits where he runs like crazy…

      You say you can’t thank me enough. Seeing you appear here faithfully, Barb, and sending hugs from Hoquiam, is more than enough. It’s icing on the cake!

  12. Penny in AR says:

    That first photo of the horses in the aspens took my breath away….beautiful! Aren’t aspens something, and so pretty when they start turning golden. I think that camp would be a hard one to leave! You ‘n crew are living the life!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How nice that you see the beauty in the photo, Penny. It took my breath away when I opened it up on my computer the first time. Nature at her finest!

      This camp has been all about the aspens. We’re surrounded by them and some of the most beautiful stands that I’ve ever seen. Well, you can see how thick they are in these photos . . . and tall! My gosh, I had no idea they could be so tall.

      • Penny in AR says:

        The white bark against greenery and rocks and mountains just make them my favorite!

      • DesertGinger says:

        And of course everyone knows that aspens are the largest living plant organism. A grove of aspens is actually all one plant. And the largest one of all is very near Sue.

        • DesertGinger says:

          Here it is…Pando…in Fishlake National Forest. Maybe that’s the one you’re in Sue?

          • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

            First a vocabulary lesson and now a botany to boot, pando. All new to me. Thanks, Ginger

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Pando is located a mile off the southwestern end of Fish Lake. The road we are on — Oak Ridge Road — is a short, dead-end off of Gooseberry Road. Gooseberry winds through the mountains and ends up at the northeastern end of Fish Lake.

            We’re about 20 miles from Pando, as the crow flies, and we’re also at similar elevation, good for aspens.

            The year the crew and I went to Capitol Reef NP and camped near Loa, we drove over to Fish Lake and must have driven past Pando. I didn’t realize it at the time.

            Thanks for the link… root system 80,000 years old, some say more than that. Hard to comprehend!

        • Suzette (TN) says:

          I had NO IDEA, Ginger. Thanks for sharing and enlightening.

  13. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    The first picture of the horses grazing among the aspens is my favorite. I like how the lines of the trees are mimicked in the angles of the horses heads….all down at the same angle; perfectly symmetrical. I love the Salina area. I am glad you took us back for another visit!

    Wishing you and the adorable Crew a peaceful night. Sending hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    P.S. – it has been a very tiring, hectic week at work. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! Your posts this week have made my day! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Denise. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the posts this week.

      Interesting observation about the horses and aspens. Here’s something for you to look for. It may not show the same on your screen. . .

      See the black horse in the second horse photo? Is the horse looking at the camera or is the horse looking into the woods? On my screen it’s hard to tell…

      Wishing you a peaceful night, too, and an easy day tomorrow! Hi, Gracie pup! Hug your mom for me!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Thanks for the hug!

        I zoomed in on my iPad mini, and it looks like he is looking into the woods. I thought I could see his whole mane, so that would mean the back/side of his head is facing the camera.

        Glad your headache is gone!

        N’nite! 🙂

  14. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    I’d love to see how that lady is getting along in her A-frame trailer — the lady who returned from Ecuador. Does anybody know her blog address?

    • weather says:

      Click on “Challenges leaving…” post in the column on the right above listing previous posts.Scroll down to find where.”Janis P not in Ecuador” commented there on September 5th.Clicking on her name will take you to her blog.

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        Got it! Thanks, that was nice of you! Maybe her blog should be called littlebittypointyliving! Cutest darn rig! Saw photo of an Aliner rally once, so the only thing cuter than an Aliner is an entire row of Aliners! That girl’s an inspiration — just like our RVSue. Except, unlike RVSue, she can’t stand up straight anywhere but in the middle of her trailer. Still and all, I like the Aliner better than sleeping half outside hanging over the edge of the trailer.

  15. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    Hooray!! I am number 40 — now I will go back and read!!

  16. Val R. Lakefield On says:

    Such lovely photos. The horses with the Aspens in background is my favourite. Reggie certainly seems to enjoy boondocking & he looks so cute in his sweater. I can’t let my dog off leash & with her I use a flexi leash. Works well for us. Have our little Taylor Coach all packed & ready to go in the morning. Only two nights at a provincial park about a three hour drive away. Calling for rain one day, but we will manage. No internet for three days. Look forward to your next post when I get back.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Val,

      Thanks re the photos . . .

      Those flexi-leashes are nice. I had one break at the pull of a dog though. Probably was a cheap one. That would be the start of a disaster if it happened with the Reggie Man! I use the covered wire tether. It’s easy living — When it’s time for a walk, I unclip one end and away we go, and reverse that when we return.

      I hope you enjoy your weekend excursion. One doesn’t have to drive far to have a great time camping!

  17. Sue, your photos today are breathtaking, particularly the one of the horses in front of those aspens, I think it was the third photo. Stunning!

    I accidentally spent the night in Tennessee yesterday. I was having some car issues with my relatively new car (less than 12,000 miles). Turns out the dealer is one state over from where I am. I set off for a real journey. Thirty minutes later my car is dead in a major intersection. Eventually the cops came to block traffic so they could get me of the road and then much later the tow truck came and my car got to ride on a flatbed to Tennessee! I got stuck having to spend the night at a hotel, missing my little RV terribly! They are having trouble replicating the issue so I came back here with the rental car they are providing. What a crazy day yesterday was! Hopefully they figure out the issue soon and get it fixed quickly afterwards. I need to get traveling again soon! I’m supposed to be leaving here on Tuesday but I’m not so sure at this point. Car problems stink! Life on the road is always interesting, that’s for sure! And sometimes downright scary!

    • Suzette (TN) says:

      Deborah – Tennessee is a mighty big state. But, if you’re near Memphis, need some company, need some help, need a place to crash, message me on Facebook. I just liked your page, and I’ll leave a short message for you there so you can respond easily if needed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deborah,

      Well, that does not sound like a fun time! I’m confused … What rig do you have? Your car is a toad and you were on the road while your rig was somewhere else. I know you told us all this but I can’t remember with so many readers and things going on…

      I hope things get back to normal soon for you. Yes, car problems do “stink.” Good luck!

      • Deborah says:

        Car is toad. I’ve got a class c which is in the western mountains of NC. I’m back in NC nor but car remains a hostage in TN. Unfortunately the dealer couldn’t replicate the issue so I’m told to go get it again. I’ve called the manufacture and they want me to sit tight for now, leaving the car there. I will not drive it through the mountains until and unless it gets fixed first. So I’m waiting…hopefully I get a good outcome!

  18. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Your photos of the horses and the aspens are just gorgeous! What beautiful horses. Great photos and post. I really enjoy hearing about you and the crew. I don’t have a pet right now, but it seems to be such a good idea for the activity and the company. Thank you.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Pamelab. If you have the time and means for a pet, I highly recommend it. Besides having documented health benefits, they are just so awesome to share your home with. Unconditional love is a rare and wonderful thing. My fur faces keep me going!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamelab,

      I recommend a pet while living the way I do, of course. There are situations where having a pet is very difficult and restrictive… If one enjoys entertainments like museums, concerts, restaurants, amusements, etc. where pets are not welcome, and those entertainments are more important than the companionship a pet provides. Also if one has health issues requiring lots of appointments or if one has bad allergies…

      If the above doesn’t fit you, then I hope you will seriously consider sharing your home with an animal. I can’t imagine life without dogs.

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the photos. Thank you.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I’m reading this exchange with heart. I had a beloved pup for 16 years, my constant companion. And yes, like you say, there were hassles when doing certain activities, or (on the rare occasion he wasn’t with me) needing to get home by a certain time. Also some things were relatively off-limits (certain international travel, etc.).

        I have been “dog-less” for five years now. Yep, none of the “hassles” listed above. Lots of freedom. No expense of high-quality food or those unexpected vet visits. Also none of the love, companionship, sweet fur to bury my nose in, good “forcing” me to get outside and walk, etc., easy way to interact with people (which I can use!), tail happily thwapping when I get up or come inside, and so much more.

        I’m starting to think maybe it’s time to let another wonderful companion into my life. Certainly if somehow providence brings one to me, but maybe even to seek one out.

        Either way, I really enjoy reading this.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Pen,

          Providence ain’t what it used to be… regarding dogs, anyway. Used to be that strays were plentiful. Not anymore and that’s a good thing. They’re scooped up by animal control and turned over to rescue organizations, if not killed. Why am I saying this? Because providence may need a little push if you want to find that special dog who’s waiting for someone like you. 🙂

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Understood. (Although thanks for your words!). That was just my mental progression. Stage one was that no dog could measure up to my beloved pal. Stage two was “wow, this freedom is not all bad; think of the things I could do that I might have “put off” for the last decade and a half.” Stage three was “well maybe if a dog presented itself, then it’s like fate and I would go for it.” Stage four is “and maybe I should actually try to make it happen.”

            (By “maybe” I just mean that this is the way my mind ponders, not that “maybe” I would love and take care of a dog once I had one. To me it’s an 18 year commitment (that you hope lasts that long).

            A month or two ago I was driving through Flagstaff and saw an adopt-a-dog type fair. Not my usual thing (crowds, “competition”), but I stopped in anyway. Heart open…. you never know…

            As it turned out the dogs that fit my mission (youngish, female, 40# or less when full grown, some feeling of connection) had massive waiting lists, and …. ugh. I’m just not that competitive, and of course don’t have the fenced yard, etc. Not that I won’t put out effort in the right situation!

            I don’t mean to sound like I only want the cream of the crop. It’s just that the last couple of years with my pup were difficult, he had serious health issues, and it was so heartbreaking to lose him that I need to at least have hope that that day would be far in the future (you never know, but I’d like to stack the odds in my favor).

            Anyway, I know what you mean. Seems like days of yore when the right dog would just appear, and you’d ride off into the sunset together.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I certainly understand the importance of choosing the right dog. There are folks who have a calling to adopt senior dogs, disabled dogs, hard-to-adopt, etc. Then there are good people who do not want to make that extra commitment, yet can provide a loving, secure, healthy, happy home to the “right” dog, meaning a dog that will fit into their lifestyle and holds the promise of longevity. No sin in that!

              I don’t like competing either. I passed up several dogs before Reggie because others seemed determined that they had to have that dog! To get around the competition, I showed up early at the adopt-a-pet… ridiculously early! It paid off and Reggie right now is chomping on some high-priced kibble at my feet as I type this. haha!

              When the time is right, you will know, Pen. If never, that’s okay, too.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Thank you, Sue. It means a lot coming from you.

  19. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Love that first pix of the horses and the aspens. I think it needs to be my desktop wallpaper. Absolutely gorgeous. I’m happy that little Reggie got to run his zoomie laps. Sounds like a wonderful couple of days.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda Rose,

      The first photo of aspens and horses is an odd shape, not the standard 4:3 ratio. That’s the way I cropped it for what I feel is the best effect. I’m glad you like it!

  20. Glinda says:

    Beautiful photoes !
    Would you mind sending some of that cool air to Texas….
    Looking forward to seeing the next camp.
    Safe travels.

  21. Lisa W says:

    Great post today, Sue. I love the photos of the horses, your camera takes nice zoom shots. Glad Bridget joined you for the last bit of the walk. I love soup weather, so would have enjoyed the weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Lisa. The zoom on my camera is fun to use. Even handheld (no tripod) it takes presentable photos. Those horses were very far away from the lens!

  22. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Your photo of the horses in the trees is awesome, Sue!!! I can see a painting like that gracing the area above a couch, for instance…nice earthy colors…I find them comforting and relaxing! Happy travels!!

  23. Jan Johnson says:

    Oh those photos of the horses in the aspens – so so so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your beautiful places and your little crew members – I look forward to it so much!

  24. Bob says:

    Great photo’s!

  25. Karla in Kentucky says:

    So many of your pictures would be so pretty developed to poster size – especially the horses and Aspens. They are awesome pictures! Thank you for sharing them with all of us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Karla. I could hardly wait to share this batch of horse photos. I didn’t want them to compete with the “smart mule in the corral” story and held them ’til the next post.

  26. Lynn Brooks says:

    Such beautiful pictures!!
    I think that hawk may have been staring at the ground, looking for his lunch!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Lynn.

      Yeah, the hawk probably was looking for lunch. The scruffiness of the feathers, along with the hanging head and stark setting on a dark morning, created a look of sadness.

      We tend to think of hawks in terms of a predator. I thought it would be interesting to project emotion onto this hawk.

  27. weather says:

    Seeing it from the road(as in your photo from What Makes a Good Boondock post) I’m guessing you didn’t anticipate staying at that campsite being as great an experience as it has been.I’m so happy for you and crew to have had all of it, and for this long.I hope you did sleep well last evening and feel good this morning.

    If you decide to move today it seems you’ll leave having had all the best gifts that place has to offer.I enjoyed all the photos in this post and love the part of the story with Bridget resting at home ,free to get outside and wait for you there until she trotted to finish the walk with you!

    My first reaction to the hawk photos and your question almost made me write a paragraph discussing rough parts of life.When I looked at it again I realized looking downward that way may well have been simply looking for food or at anything below.I like that much better and now see it as a thoroughly happy post 🙂 I hope your day is,too!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Your first paragraph is very true! An “ordinary” boondock becomes a marvelous camp — It’s happened many times before and only when we stay long enough to experience what makes a place a marvel. When one’s home is easily moved, it’s tempting to go, go, go and, in doing so, to miss a lot.

      It was sweet to see Bridget trot out to greet us and walk us the rest of the way home. She was genuinely pleased to see Reggie as he was to see her. I’ve left her behind a couple times now, when that’s what she wanted, and she hasn’t seemed at all upset when we return.

      You’re right. I projected sadness upon the hawk while fooling around editing the photo. The hawk was probably looking for a meal. The photo made me realize that I tend to think of hawks as being strong, vigorous predators, not ever as old, sick, or weary. Anyway…. the enjoyment of the process of creating a photo is part of this “thoroughly happy post” which is why I titled it as I did.

      I don’t know if we will move today or not. Yesterday I thought we would. The UPS center doesn’t open until late afternoon — I would hitch up and pick up the packages on the way through town — and that makes a very late arrival at a new camp.

      Wishing you happiness this day, as always…

      • weather says:

        It’s good to hear that you have thought about arriving late at a new camp.You are more than capable of making good decisions and not wanting to imply that you aren’t I’d resisted the urge to mention- taking on a long day including driving,tasks,choosing a camp with your senses and feelings in fine condition- all might be best done after you’ve had more time just feeling well again and enjoying what you have at the moment.

        thank you for your lovely caring wish ,you add to my happiness

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, I was just explaining my thought process… I know you are aware of all the considerations influencing the timing of a move… I’m feeling pretty good today, thank heavens!

          I hope you are, too. 🙂

    • weather says:

      Earlier this week I’d heard my neighbor using a cap gun and knew he was using it’s noise to chase off some critter.The next morning an unfamiliar cat was in my backyard that didn’t want to play with my dog ,and just hissed instead of running away.The next day I’d seen three of her kittens at the open side of a wood shed and blocked the area off with some lumber so my dog couldn’t disturb the family.This morning when we looked there was no sign of them here,obviously mama found somewhere more quiet to take her young ones to.So I listened to the geese having breakfast in the lake until it was time to come and see which of the troupe was ready for theirs.Good morning,Sue,I guess because you prefer to move on Sundays you’ll get a chance to see a lot of whatever or whoever is outside today.By the time you read this you probably will have already done a bit of that.I hope you and crew enjoy it all !

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good morning, weather…

        The neighbor with the cap gun could learn a lot about tenderness from the mother cat struggling to protect and nurture her offspring. Oh well . . .

        You listen to geese in the morning and I listen to turkeys… Ain’t nature fun!

        You are smart to introduce a tether to your dog to prepare him/her for travel. My troupe has had their breakfast and are under covers until the sun clears the ridge and warms the yard. No, we haven’t moved yet… 🙂

  28. weather says:

    Neat!After I clicked on post comment I saw that Lynn had just posted with the same idea about the hawk!Happy grins here!

  29. Dawn in MI says:

    Wonderful. My favorite shot is that first horse in aspens shot..with the horses at the bottom. That’s just a great catch!

  30. Suzette (TN) says:

    That first picture of the horses in the aspens! Now, THAT’s a calendar cover. Now I’m going to go back up and actually read the post. 🙂

  31. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    OMGoodness Ms. Sue, you are taking some of the most beautiful pics! The one with the horses grazing in the aspens and the hawk pic with it’s head down are so wonderful…..all the pics are amazing, thank you so much for sharing them with all of us. You are in a beautiful place and having to leave it must be hard to do sometimes……but just reading past post and your current post, I can see you are up for the next adventure in a new camp. Your post always brighten my day and let’s me see what’s out there in nature to enjoy……blessings to you and the crew……by the way, Reggie’s sweater looks warm and cozy!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Thank you for all those wonderful compliments!

      It’s not hard to leave a place — sometimes I feel a twinge of bittersweet — because I’m confident there will be more places to love in the future.

      Actually Reggie’s blue sweater is thin, not as thick as a true, cable sweater which probably would be too bulky. It’s enough to hold in his heat. I figured out it’s better to put his camo harness on the outside of the sweater and fold the turtleneck over the harness. That keeps the sweater from sliding down his back.

  32. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I was looking in your Amazon list and I really like the Tumbling Star Nuetral Quilt. I may have to buy that for myself. Whoever bought the quilt kit, is it hard to put together, to they give you everything that you need to assemble the quilt?

    I learned something this morning I did not know reading the comments. I did not know that a grove of aspens were all one plant. I love this camp. I am going to miss it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      This forest is easy to fall in love with!

      I can’t tell who ordered the Tumbling Star kit. I hope he/she reads comments and sees your questions.


    • Suzette (TN) says:

      Jean – I don’t know about this quilt specifically, but usually quilt kits contain fabric for the top and binding. Usually they do NOT include fabric for the backing, nor do they include batting, and this one appears to be typical, although they do not specifically address whether the binding is included. It’s not common to find quilt kits with the pieces already cut out, and when you do, they’re usually not this affordable. Questions/answers on the Amazon listing indicate the instructions are not highly detailed, but just looking at it, I’d say someone with a moderate amount of experience should be able to put it together.

  33. MB says:

    Absolutely beautiful! Hauntingly so… a good way. I love both horses and hawks so the pictures were extra special for me. I had horses of my own for a long time and still take care of other peoples’ as part of my farm job. I had a black one with a white star and a buckskin like the golden one with the black mane, tail and legs in your pictures. Both were great horses. Both gone now. I got my black one at 6 months of age and she almost made it to her 30th birthday. No more after that. I had decided by then that I wanted to take to the road soon…..and horses are even harder to fit in a camper than two big dogs! Thank you for the wonderful pictures and memories of my horses and of Utah. Have a great day Sue! MB from VA (for now)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow. Almost 30 years with a horse. I hardly can imagine the relationship you two shared and how difficult it must have been to see her go. I’m glad if the photos in this post and the previous one revived sweet memories of your black horse and buckskin.

      Thank you for complimenting my photos.

      • MB says:

        Yep…..we were so close that once I dreamed that she was out of water. She was sooooo thirsty! It was such a vivid dream that I could not get it out of my head that she needed water. I lived down the road from where she was stabled so I got up and went through the woods in the dark with my flashlight. When I got there I shone the light into her water tub…..plenty of water. I was laughing at myself when I heard a noise from her run-in shed. Don’t know how it happened but she had gotten locked inside. She usually came and went at her pleasure. I unlocked the door and she went out…..straight for the water…..and drank….and drank…..and drank. 😉

  34. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Good Morning Sue, I usually comment on your pictures, I so enjoy them. BUT, this post, these pictures have reached a whole new level! The horses in the Aspens needs some kind of award in my book, I don’t think I have ever after all the years of enjoying your pictures has a picture been so remarkable for me. The composition of the colors of the horses, each different but complimenting each other. Wonderful!. Sorry if I gush, but I am not a stranger to nature photography and this one takes MY cake. The hawk picture looking down in haunting. I think it might be a Coopers Hawk, I was trying to see if the tail was banded or not, which would be the telling feature. Have a good day, thank you for the pictures. Oh and of course, your dogs give lightness to our hearts. Enjoy your day, as it is Friday, I will be enjoying my weekend. Catch you later. Thank you for your note about our pups! I will let you know of lab results.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Shirlene,

      I’m delighted with your enthusiastic praise of this batch of horse and hawk photos! All were lucky shots. I could’ve easily not seen any of it… the hawk up high and the horses far away…. and how nice of the horses to graze in front of that massive stand of aspens. Wonderful surprises from nature!

      Oh, don’t apologize for gushing over my pics. I eat that up! Haha!

      I do hope you enjoy this weekend. Thank you for your very encouraging words.

  35. Jodee Gravel on the road in Ukiah, OR says:

    Absolutely beautiful pics of the horses in the aspens. Their many colors against the white of the trees is so dramatic. So fun to try and get a good shot with a dog on the end of a lead in one hand – do it all the time 🙂 Beautiful hawk, looks to have his eye on some supper. This has been a very special camp.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jodee,

      Someone kindly wrote in a comment above that one of these photos deserves an award. I think there should be a special category in photography competitions, “Hand-held camera with dog yanking on hand-held leash.” Bring it on! Right? Haha!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I vividly remember how that “adds” to the photography experience. “Okay, just don’t pull for five seconds…. just one photo!” (Of course they have no idea, and are just being themselves.) Definitely a special category in the contest.

      • Jodee Gravel on the road in Dayville, OR says:

        The “entries” would be quite interesting :-))))

  36. Again I say, beautiful camp! Those photos with the aspens and herd of horses… LOVE!
    I also want to say that it warms my heart to hear someone call their canine pals their best friends! LOVE!

  37. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    what can I say that hasnt already been said?

    ps…..just read about your headaches that you
    had several days ago……..I get those every now
    and then and take Goody’s headache powders
    they seem to knock it out pretty quick…..hope
    your over them by now…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      Thanks for sharing your headache remedy. I use ibuprofen. I haven’t tried Goody’s…

      Yes, I’m fine now. I guess I need reminding ever so often that I cannot eat chocolate!

  38. judy says:

    love your post….what an exciting day you and The Reg had. The pictures are awesome. Thanks so much for sharing your world with us.

    Stay safe out there and Rock On…..judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Judy. I’m happy you like the photos and it’s my pleasure to share the things we enjoy…

      You be safe, too.

      Okay, Reggie is pestering me to take him outside…. and so, another day in the life of RVSue and her canine crew…. 🙂

  39. carlene from Colorado City, CO says:

    Good morning Sue and Crew.
    I loved the horse pictures, I rode as a kid and so enjoy seeing them and watching their movement.
    I made up time, reading the last 2 postings at once, no internet / cell at La Vista Campground in Sanibel National Forest. But have electricity for $12 a day. There are 6 walkin (no reservation) sites and about 10-11 reservation sites with power. I decided to stay thru the weekend, all the reserve sites are full but time will tell about the 4 walk ins that are left. Now if the wind would stop again.
    Reggie and his stylin’ blue sweater. I just love it.
    Got to get propane and some supplies, only one store to pic from so I’ll see how successful I’ll be.
    Fall is certainly in the air and thanks so much for sharing the aspens in fall with all of us.
    Happy and Safe Travels to Sue and the Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carlene,

      Interesting details about La Vista Campground. Have a relaxing weekend, out of the wind. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like moving on a Friday. I prefer Sunday through Wednesday for moves. I find the best spots empty that way.

      Only one store for supplies… Sounds familiar. 🙂

      I enjoy your reports. Thanks for sharing with us and also I’m pleased you liked the horse photos.

      Safe and wonderful travels to you…

  40. Steve says:

    Cool, you’re right in our backyard. Utah is great.

  41. edlfrey says:

    Your two hawk pictures and what you said “Later I upload the photo to Picasa editing and lighten it to make the hawk visible, at least. I have fun playing around with another photo of the hawk..” reminded me of another blog that I followed – Kate and Terry-Travels in Cholula Red.

    The blog started as a travel blog then became a pictorial travel blog. When they went off the road to downsize and sell their home it became a pictorial blog with a few captions and then Kate started “playing around” with her pictures. That lasted for perhaps a year and the blog died 9 July 2014.

    I am not suggesting that is what is going to happen to you and your blog it is just that the demise of that blog was brought to my mind by the pictures and what you said.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      Boy, when you decide to leave town, you really leave town! I had to look up where the heck Yerington is and found it is in western Nevada…

      Several times over the past few years readers have made suggestions on how I might improve my blog. Some of these suggestions I have incorporated but, for the most part, I set them aside. Not because the suggestions were bad. I figure why change what seems to work well for me.

      I do appreciate you pointing out what can happen when one is carried away from their original, successful blog content. Not to be concerned… I won’t stop writing about washing my dishes, finding boondocks, walking the crew, and dumping my tanks any time soon. 🙂

      • edlfrey says:


        The quick way to see where I am at is to use the Camp Maps drop down menu that is in my new spiffy NavBar. Open the menu and select 2015, the current year, and the highest numbered map marker is my current location. The map is interactive also so you can zoom in or out or drag it around.

        I do appreciate that you went to the trouble of finding my location but I have made it easy for you. Want to see where I have been in past years select another year from the menu. Want to read what I had to say while I was at a location then click on the marker then Journal in the InfoWindow – I have made it easy for you. HA

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Okay, Mr. Show-Off with your fancy maps with map markers and your NavBar and drop down menus, interactive this, zoom that….pffftt! I could do that.


          BTW, I like your re-designed website. It’s very clean and easy to read. Only one thing missing… a line-drawing caricature of the peregrinating graybeard next to the title.

  42. Applegirl NY says:

    Catching up after several very busy days. So glad you’re enjoying the aspens and the horses with your best friends. It sure is beautiful.

    The second picture of the hawk is awesome. Different than what we usually see. Take care and enjoy the rest of your stay at this beautiful boondock.

  43. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, the horses in Aspens are beautiful. I’ve saved ’em all. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to bring such beauty to your readers. Youse the bestest..

  44. Karen LeMoine says:

    Mystical is what I call the pic with the aspens/horses! I can see and almost feel Fall. I’m waiting to walk on the leaves hearing the crunch under my boots! That and the smell of the incoming season is Fall for me!Safe passage to the next camp! Love you and the Furries!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Karen, for that loving message. I don’t know where you are… I hope it’s a place where you can crunch the leaves under your boots. 🙂

  45. Mick'nTN says:

    The hawk pictures taken in poor light, full 60X zoom and hand held show how great the camera’s stability circuit works. Notice how sharp the edges are. Did you lean against a tree or use other support? To see just how good the image stabilization circuit is, you should try a 60X photo with the stability turned off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mick,

      Did I lean against a tree or use other support? Ha! Nooooo… I was standing in the road with Reggie. I could’ve been standing on one foot, I don’t remember.

      I agree. My camera is great!

  46. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I love a happy ending to a story. This post was great and sweet Bridget patiently waiting on her family to return. You outdid yourself on the photos today. The second one with the horses in the tall aspens was stunning. When I first saw it, I thought it looked like a painting, the light was perfect. Thanks for sharing your life, travels and photos with us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Barbara.

      Wait ’til you see Reggie in his new fleece vest! You’re gonna’ want one for Angel. He looks so sharp!

      Thanks for the kind words about my pictures.

  47. Pamela K. says:

    This post was so calm and nice, I really loved reading it.
    Could you hear me commenting about those wonderful photos??
    “Ooooo, I like this one…”
    “A clear FAV…”
    “Maybe this one is my FAV…”
    “That horse is *connecting* with Sue!” Yep, that one has taken a *shine* to her!”
    “LOL, Now she is even giving Sue the *side-eye* 🙂 Not to be too obvious about her affection for the camera…”
    Last photo —–
    “Awww, she stays behind another minutewhile the others have left…sweet girl.”

    I think she’s going to miss RVSUE and her camera and crew when they leave!
    Sue, it’s clear why you love that peaceful camp so much 🙂 I hate to see you leave it…but there are more great camps around the *next bend* as they say:)
    ps: And that Hawk – gives me the creeps!!! Best to keep an eye on him/her staying close for a reason…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela K.,

      You may be right about the horse. The buckskin that I featured in the previous post, the one that is allowed to range free, is in the habit now of grazing in the meadow across the road from our camp.

      She whinnies to the other horses and I can hear her when inside the BLT. I always look out the window because sometimes she runs across the meadow, another beautiful sight I don’t want to miss! Of course, she doesn’t run like that when I’m out there with my camera…

      I’m happy you loved reading this post. Thank you.

  48. Norm (TN) says:

    Ok, you’ve gone and done it! Aspens and horses, horses and aspens. You really outdid yourself this time . . . and succeeded in dragging this “displaced” Westerner out of lurking status into posting. Thanks for sharing the beauty. I can see it, smell it, and feel that mountain air with the first hints of the coming winter. Thanks for sharing and making my day. Peace.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Norm!

      How great it is to see you here again! You and Chuck (of Chuck and Geri) are both displaced Westerners… I can get you both here with my photos of horses, round-ups and cattle drives… 🙂

      A reader of a post or a viewer of photos who says he can “see it, smell it, and feel that mountain air” is giving one of best compliments ever! That made me smile.

      Peace to you, too.

  49. Your first shot of the horses and trees immediately shot me back to one of my favorite artists from the 90s. Sue, if you have not seen the early works of Bev Doolittle, I hope you will Google her. Especially if you might want to paint some of your photo scenes some day, I think you will find her work quite fun.

    Bev began a skyrocketing career by painting “camoflauge art” of pinto horses in aspens and snow. Basically, you must study her paintings to find the horses (and often other animals) within the aspens trees. Quite beautiful and mind-boggling. Because of your pic, I went to her website. Her works progressed to other subjects, so you have to scroll on her site for some of the aspen works — or just look at the images that come up first with a general Google search of her name.

    As always, a fun read to catch up with you and the crew. I read all of your posts, just rarely comment.

    • Karla in Kentucky says:

      I really like Bev Doolittle’s work too. I had forgotten about her but was interested when I was selling horse prints yrs. ago. Thanks for reminding me. Will look up her more recent work. The prints of black and white paint horses in the aspens were stunning.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carla… I hope you will comment again soon!

  50. DesertGinger says:

    I just finished my latest story. I think my skill is improving but won’t know until I get feedback. One of my classmates just made it to the publishing, after just one shadow story. I’m not sure what I am lacking that makes her a better candidate than me, but I’m trying to figure it out. I have my fingers crossed that this story does it, but I just don’t know.

    Tonight is my last night in my house. I am moving back to my friends place for a few weeks tomorrow. Tenants take possession Sunday. The new Knife class starts Monday and I am excited! Also, we have been told the new website will be ready in about a week. Then we will practice with it for another week, and then have the official launch. Woohoo!

    It is starting to be chilly in the mornings, and my cousin in Calgary already has the first snow! I hope I don’t run into any snow when I am driving home in late October. I hate snow. I have driven cross country a couple of times in terrible snow storms. Makes driving really slow, and I can’t really sleep in the car when it’s that cold.

    My girlfriend in Los Angeles is pregnant with twins, and wants me to come and stay with her. After I spend a little time at home in Tucson, I may do that. I like Los Angeles an d have several friends there. She lives in a nice apartment complex in a nice area, so I enjoy visiting. Her mom is coming for 6 weeks when the babies are born, and I don’t want to be there then. But maybe before that…

    So, I’m just checking in. Like everyone else, love the photos today. Makes me want to get a camera and try my luck. And I also need to do my HRBlock classes soon or I won’t get rehired this year. I’m getting too busy!

    Regards to all.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Hey DeGin,

      Glad to hear everything is working out! Have a great day!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I enjoy your posts about rambling and road trips (planned, taken, or just considered). I think we could be road sisters sometimes 🙂

      Isn’t it amazing the difference a day makes in driving? One day you’re white knuckling in a blizzard, and it’s no fun. Then if you wait a day, it can be dry pavement, and sunny, sparkling skies. (‘Course sometimes you don’t have the luxury of waiting, or it takes more than a day.)

  51. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Fun 2 (squared) math teacher!

    Living your dash…everyone is happy!

    Bev Doolittle….now that’s a blast from the past! Her work is awesome…the trees have eyes! Her pintos are great!

  52. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Hi Sue
    What breathtaking photos!! Especially the horses and Aspens, I think you found a little bit of heaven on earth. And Reggie looks so handsome in his cozy blue sweater as he flies around you. I love every bit of every post.

    As you can see by my sign in, we have done a bit of traveling and are now enjoying the weekend with family. A couple of days off the road is welcome. I have had to drive a bit more than desired in order to get it all done in the time I have before my next class in Oct. So, here is a travelogue in a nutshell……

    We have stayed at one National Forest and three state parks, Oceola NF near Jacksonville, then SP near Savannaha, somewhere in NC and another just south of Washington DC. Our second day started awful with breaking camp in the rain, a leaky shower (think wet dog) and an encounter with a porch cat. Needless to say I was coveting those RVs around me that people could stand up in AND make coffee while being out of the weather. I can’t wait to get my camper!After this start, the day was perfect, haha.

    Our next stop in NC, cliffs of the Nuese SP, was pretty and cheaper, 20$, not bad for only myself and a family on the loop, my own water spigot and path to the central pottie, but I had no cell signal, drat ! I stayed near the family, 3 sites away, because I thought those with children would be the most vigilant if I needed help, and the kid noise was tolerable. We enjoyed cricket song, nighttime raccoon visits and delivery of bagged ice to our site, thanks to the friendly ranger. Such service I mused as I relaxed in bed with Tommie snuggled beside me and Buddy snoring under our bed.

    Our last stop was a very crowded Pohicks Harbour (?) SP just south of Washington DC where my signal was spotty at best. I am so looking forward to getting my camper set up with solar and a Wilson antenna, thank you Mick. I was amazed that the 100 sites were nearly all taken, but the night time and daytime noise was minimal. Maybe because most of the occupants were retired military on a reunion/bivouac, they know how to camp in large groups and function well. Overall Buddy has proved to be quite the traveler, relaxing in the back of our camper with the back open as I had breakfast. Of course both he and Tommie were on leash and firmly tied to the truck. I don’t take chances with my boys. We’ve had nightly insect serenades, hot showers, cool sleeping temps in the 60’s and safe drives despite trucks and rush hour traffic where everyone was in a rush except me, teehee. So from here we will head to the green mountain NF and finally get my camper YEAH!! Now I can catch up on the comments too. I have been finding more and more lessons from Sue as I continue to travel, all the little things that keep me comfortable and safe, almost like having my own excursion guide.

    I do have a question for you Sue, how do you prepare the inside of your camper for travel? You have mentioned some things before, could you share more details about how you keep possessions safe and secure while on the move ? Thanks for all you share. I won’t have a signal in the green mountains so I will catch up to you all later. Happy travels to all, smile and wave.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How do I prepare the inside of the BLT for travel…

      One side of the interior is storage drawers which means I don’t have much stuff that sits “loose.” Stuff is inside those drawers. Before moving, I place these drawers on the floor and on the bed so that they don’t fall during transit.

      I also have dishpans I use for any other loose items. For example, I toss kitchen stuff that sits on my counter into a dishpan…. container of Dawn dish soap, roll of paper towels, the percolator, any unwashed dishes… Then the dishpan is set on the floor. This is a VERY convenient method, especially when wanting to make an early start!

      Also I check that items in the refrigerator will not roll and cause damage, i.e. a jar or bottle of milk goes on the bottom.

      I lock the windows, secure the cabinets with their push-in knobs, close the ceiling vents, and make sure faucets are tightly closed. The laptop is wrapped securely in the comforter on the bed. Close the curtains and that’s it!

  53. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Oh I forgot to ask, would you mind if I painted some of your beautiful photos? Especially the one of the horses and the Aspens in this post ?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t mind at all, Lisa. Go ahead and enjoy!

      It’s fun reading about your journey, the places you stay, both good and not so good… Gee, sounds like this blog!

      I’m curious about “I thought those with children would be the most vigilant if I needed help.” What kind of help did you anticipate needing? Sounds to me like you’re doing very well on your own!

      • Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NorthFLo says:

        Well when I drove through the park there seemed to be @ 6-8 cars and no sight or sound of the people that came in them. The park was open till 10pm, so I wondered if these invisible people were the party type who hide out till the staff goes home. The family and I were the only ones camping, and I had no cell signal so being near enough to call (with my lungs only)for help seemed prudent. Of course I was also tired and had not met the friendly ranger who delivered ice to my door. BTW thanks for your complementary assessment of how I am managing these new situations. Your positive opinion goes a long way to boost my confidence.

  54. Ron in Tx says:

    There is something about a dog running free just to run that makes me smile and laugh.
    Keep it up Reg

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Me, too, Ron. I laugh and laugh while Reggie runs and runs. I do believe the more I laugh, the faster he runs. Happiness is high octane!

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