
Monday, November 17

After a quiet and relaxing weekend at our new camp, the time arrives to get errands done!

1-P1010579Before I tell you about that, a few words about the photos.

Yesterday I set out on a walk, camera slung around my neck and with Bridget at my side.  My goal was to snap close-ups of the desert while enjoying the walk with Bridget.

Instead of looking for color, I concentrated on photographing different textures along with the effects of light and shadow on those textures.  The photos may seem out of place in an account about running errands.  I couldn’t bring myself to post another photo of Wal-Mart.

I hope you enjoy this different look at the desert!

1-P1010526Okay.  Back to the story of our day  . . .

The Perfect Tow Vehicle carries Bridget and me into the busy town of Globe, Arizona.

I park in front of the Verizon store only to find out that I’m too early.  It doesn’t open until 10 a.m. and it’s now 9:35.

Fine.  We can go to the auto body shop and come back later.

1-P1010556“Did you say auto body shop?” you exclaim.  (Come on, say it out loud and with feeling.)

“Why do you need to go to an auto body shop,” you ask.

Well, dear reader, it’s a long story and it ain’t pretty.  I’ll explain further in a future post, complete with details and ugly photos.  For now, let this suffice:  I crunched the back door of the Perfect Tow Vehicle which, I suppose, is now more accurately called the Imperfect Tow Vehicle.  Gosh, it hurts to write that.  Anyway . . .

1-P1010586One of the back “barn doors” has to be replaced.  No one was hurt.  No other property was damaged.  And no, I don’t have collision insurance.

I find Globe Body Shop easily on Route 60.

1-P1010553Guys are standing around the office door talking as I park the ITV.   I leave Bridget screaming through the windshield.  One of the men looks away from the group and says to me, “Go inside and take a seat.  I’ll be with you in a minute.  At least that way you’ll be out of the cold.”

1-P1010573Already I like this place and I haven’t walked into the office yet.

Inside a woman immediately looks up from sorting the invoices that litter her desk.

“Hello!  How can we help you today?” she asks with a friendly smile.

I give her the run-down on the damage.  Soon I’m outside with the man who greeted me.

He confirms that I need a new back door. 

1-P1010565(I say “confirms” because several weeks ago I asked another body shop what needed to be done and they said the door had to be replaced.  This was back in Kanab, Utah.  Yeah, the damage happened quite a while ago, when we camped in Salina, Utah.  I’ve been keeping it a secret from you!)

Long story short — well, long story postponed — The woman in the office finds a replacement door at a salvage yard, I receive an estimate, and arrangements are made for me to bring the ITV to their shop next week.

1-P1010587The Imperfect Tow Vehicle will be restored to perfection in time for Thanksgiving.

That will give me something more to be thankful for!  I’ve been driving around with a bungee cord threaded through the windows to hold the door closed.  (The latch was damaged.)  It looks like heck in addition to being a pain to open and close the door.

Back to Verizon to talk about recent overages . . . .

I tell the woman, who doesn’t look a day over sixteen, that the overages are bogus.

She goes to her computer and looks up the record of my usage.  She agrees that I’ve been charged for a huge spike in data usage, way out of proportion to the pattern I’ve established over the years.

She hands me a slip of paper with a phone number to call.

Silly me thought SHE would make the phone call for me and fix the problem FOR ME, since I didn’t make the errors, Verizon did.   Here we are with a classic case of “It’s not my department” or more directly “Sorry, it’s not MY problem.  Have a nice day!”

I trudge out of the store with the slip of paper in my hand.

1-P1010585Enough about Verizon!  I don’t want to think about it.

Next we pull into Wal-Mart.

I saved the best ’til last . . .  After a couple years of procrastination, I get a shingles shot!

I trot straight over to the Pharmacy Department.  That in itself represents a tremendous act of fortitude.  People frequently warn me of rattlesnakes and coyotes in the desert.  A far more dangerous situation, one requiring exceptional courage, is sitting in Wal-Mart’s Pharmacy on a busy Monday surrounded by the people hacking and sneezing and touching surfaces with no restraint.

2-P1010531The wait is long, but I don’t give up!

It doesn’t hurt physically or financially.  The Medicare co-pay is $45 as opposed to the full price of five times that much.  The doctor tells me to stay around Wal-Mart for at least twenty minutes in case I have an allergic reaction.  All I feel is a slight headache for a few minutes.

1-P1010521I race around the grocery section, tossing items into my cart.

Poor Bridget has been waiting a long time.  Fortunately it’s a cool day.

All is quiet as I approach the Imperfect Tow Vehicle.

She probably wore herself out barking.

“Hello, little girl.  Did you think I’d never come back?”

1-P1010602I hold her happy face in my hands, kiss her cheek, toss the groceries onto the passenger seat, and we head for home.



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319 Responses to Globe-trotting

  1. Janis Harrison says:

    I am so grateful you were not hurt!!

  2. Lorenzo says:

    Sue, I absolutely LOVE the photos today. We live a few miles from you and see the wide vistas every day but never take the time to enjoy what we’re walking over and around. Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Lorenzo! I posted these photos in order to show the beauty we often overlook, so I’m very pleased with the compliment you gave me. Thanks.

  3. Diann in MT says:

    Yay! Granjan, you are FIRST!!!

    Glad you are getting the repairs done by a good outfit that will repair the door rather than sell you a new one. Hope everything works out for you, Sue.
    Hugs to little Bridget!

  4. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Oh, you have such a wonderful eye for textures, colors, composition….all those fancy terms for saying…Gee, you take wonderful pictures!!!! Sorry about the damage to the PTV but you have to admit, you have been very fortunate in your travels when it comes to this problem. And most important, you are okay and the damaged can be fixed. All is well.
    Hope you are enjoying your new camp… Rest well.
    Love you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline,

      You’re right. All the miles I’ve driven, all the backing up with no one to look for me… and only a crunched door. Do you know this is the first accident I’ve ever caused? It’s the first time I’ve ever put a dent in a vehicle in over 50 years of driving.

      Glad you appreciate my photos. They aren’t technically perfect, but I still like the results.

      Love you, too!

  5. Calvin R says:

    Sad to hear of your need for body repairs, glad it’s the van’s body and not your own or Bridget’s.

    I like those “macro” pictures. Many have difficulty understanding the beauty of the desert from landscape pictures, but these are easy to appreciate.

  6. Elizabeth in S.E. NM says:

    Good grief Girl!!!! What a saga! The PTV has been not so perfect and you never
    told us till now! Oh well….. glad you will be getting it all fixed up soon….

    The pics today are terrific! I especially like the last one!

    We had snow here in S.E. NM the other day…..temp down to 30 hi and 20 for a low!
    Wish I was moved to AZ….. Maybe some day…..

    Take care of yourself and Miss Bridget…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, E2!

      You had snow? Are you at a high elevation?

      I didn’t say anything about the PTV because there didn’t seem to be a good time to fit it into a post. Also I didn’t know when I’d find a body shop I liked and I didn’t want blogorinos nagging me about getting it fixed. Haha!

      Thanks for the compliment on the photos. The “stars” in the last one are what’s left of very tiny flowers, about an eighth of an inch across.

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        Rather like having about a dozen mommies and daddies, isn’t it…

      • Elizabeth in S.E. NM says:

        Here in S.E. NM we are at about 3300’…… It is considered “high Desert”….
        You surprised me, remembering my “nick name”…. 😉

        Take care of yourself young lady….. and your furkid too!


  7. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    And you were worried about a dryer rack grabbing the attention of the Ranger?

    Bungee cord all the way from Salida Utah? OY!

    Glad you got your shingles shot! Photos were neat!

    Have a great night! We are pooped! AO is already sleeping as she spent the day jumping like a deer through the snow! She also rooted around like an ant eater! Why? I haven’t got a clue!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Oh….remember that weird format? It happened again….and poof there was a new post. So apparently when you are drafting up a post….the format changes!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Yep, we’ve been looking pretty tacky driving around held together with a bungee cord. Now you know another reason why I didn’t attempt the Apache Trail. I could see the contents of the PTV (ITV) falling out the back as we went up the steep parts.

      AO sounds so cute. Her first snow! I hope you took pictures.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        She was born on Christmas Eve last year! She has seen snow before but apparently forgot!

        When the snow began to thaw last year she would search for the last piece of snowbank to pee and poop on!

        The PTV will be looking brand new in no time! Let’s hope the replacement door isn’t blue! Hah! IM KIDDING!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, I forgot she saw snow last year.

          You’re kidding about the door, but I’m not. If it’s already white the job won’t take 2 or 3 days and I won’t have to live that time at the body shop!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Why? Because she can of course.

      What more reason does a dog need?

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Gracie does the same thing! Being a petite 15 lbs, it does not take much for her to get swallowed up by snow! She will sink, then pop up, having a blast! I think they might trying to find grass when rooting in the snow.

      Braced for the next lake effect snow?! I grew up outside of Chicago, so I am all too familiar with that kind of snowstorm. Stay warm!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        AO had snow all over her snout! We were roaring!

        My ipad does the same….I’ll be typing and all of sudden it freezes! Sometimes I hit the button on the right side and it unfreezes. Other times….I have to re type.

  8. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Love, Love the photos today. I have no idea what kind of plants any of them are and I have no idea what kind of bird the feathers came from, but they are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.
    As far as the little accident, life happens. Be safe

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      I don’t know the origin of the feathers or the names of the plants either, other than the surprised saguaro. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

      Yeah, the door is an inconvenience and an expense. Stuff is bound to happen. I’ve been very fortunate.

      You be safe, too.

      Oh, that’s a prickly pear cactus, the one with the drooping fruit.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        I think they are turkey feathers!

      • Sondra-SC says:

        I’m pretty sure those are owl feathers! Love all those texture shots!! I immediately said out loud BODY SHOP as I scrolled and read your You knew what our reaction would be…glad its only a door that needs to be replaced…Bridget sounds exactly like my Flossie she barsk the minute I leave my van and its very distressing to ME..
        When I lived in Brooklyn, the salty road conditions rusted my hood hinges on the little Mercury Tracer I was driving at that time…so when I opened the hood both hinges snapped! So for 2 months I drove around with a BLUE tie down across my hood and hooked to each front wheel well to hold the hood on!! I finally located 2 hinges at a salvage yard via the internet and on a Saturday replaced it myself..a body shop wanted to charge me $200 it took me about 2 hrs to do it myself..the little Tracer was made of aluminum so the hood was very light weight otherwise I couldn’t have done it.
        COLD here 16 last night!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Sondra,

          Good for you, taking care of the problem yourself and saving a bundle, too! There isn’t any way I could replace this door myself. Besides the weight, the post may be bent and one has to make sure the door seals well to keep rain out. It’s going to be a hefty bill. It’s worth it.

          16 degrees last night in South Carolina? What’s the world comin’ to!

          Could be owl… Cinandjules says turkey . . . I haven’t seen any turkeys around here, but I do hear an owl every night. 🙂

  9. Wickedlady of Shelton WA says:

    Sue: Many on the Womenrv forum have complained about Verizon and bogus usage.
    By the way: They are saying that you can get a better deal from them by going to “change plan” and see what is offered. Verizon will not tell you about this.
    Hope the repair goes smoothly.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate that information, Wickedlady. I’ve heard about a few people experiencing the same thing. It’s annoying, to say the least.

  10. Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

    CONGRADULATIONS Sue!! I knew you could do it!! Hopefully you, and I, will NOT be in the very small minority that get Shingles after getting our vaccine!! As always, LOVE your blog! Happy Trails to you…


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      HAHA! I’ve been sitting here watching my laptop monitor wondering when Larry M from the Pacific NW was going to react to me FINALLY getting that shingles shot.

      As I sat waiting for the shot, I read a poster that said “1 in 3 will get shingles.” Of course, without a reference of what the 3 represents, it doesn’t tell you much. 1 in 3 people in general? 1 in 3 people who’ve had chicken pox? 1 in 3 people who drive Toyotas? Whatever! I’m glad I got that shot! The odds are much better once you’ve had the vaccine.

      Thank you, Larry, for urging me to take care of it. Happy Trails to you, too!

      • Sondra-SC says:

        I was the one in 3 last in 2013…not fun!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Ooh, sorry you went through that. I’ve heard it can be a pretty nasty experience.

        • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

          And I was the 3 in 3! Yes I’ve had Shingles 3 times. First diagnosed at age 24, again in 40’s and again in 50’s. And told NOT to have the shot until recently and now they think maybe but no one is sure. Luckily with time 2 and 3 I got anti virals and was over it quickly except the post pain for a few months. My worst case was time 1 and they had nothing to offer but pain pills and prednisone ( which they no longer give I read) and some kind of soaks. It is a miserable disease. Husband had it this past summer and at least I could sympathize. I don’t wish it on anyone and glad Sue you will most likely never have to deal with it.

  11. Oh no! Not a boo boo on the PTV! Don’t you just hate looking at it? Our newest crunch, inflicted by traffic cones, won’t be fixed until we get to Florida next month. Fortunately, like yours it’s mostly cosmetic. Good luck with your repairs.
    I love the photos today. So much texture!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Juley,

      Traffic cones… I’ve come close to hitting those things. Thanks for mentioning the pics. I’m glad you enjoyed them.

  12. weather says:

    Now there’s proof that “life don’t need ta be perfect ta work” ! I had a car that needed the hood tied down to drive for a while-got where I needed to go just as well as I did in every other set of wheels.Didn’t have any effect on my happiness factor,heck -start,go,stop-it’s all good when that’s all you’ve got for a while.I’m glad you didn’t alter your immediate plans in a rush -over cosmetic inconveniences ,is my point.

    It’s good to hear another confirmation that you’re more than capable of toughing it out while taking it in stride.I swear I have a friend that was going to cut short a shore walk we were on because she needed air in her tire and the shop was closing soon.Can you imagine that?Obviously I just did it and showed her how to,it’s that whole gender thing again that I picked up on here-that we needn’t climb into or stay in that mold…

    Now onto the great selection of pics in this post-multiply what you’ve shown by the hundreds-that’s how I see desert when I’m in it,too.How wonder-full and perfectly you to see it,capture it,share it…Thanks ,Sue ,this may sound odd,but I feel more at home now ,within my own home.I’d been talking with my mechanic’s sister,lovely woman in manners,kind hearted and sweet-yet as fussy as they come.I stood there in my steel toed boots ,scruffy jeans jacket and warm wool hat while she talked about advice from her hair dresser…I needed a good dose of real right about now and you’re it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s a great last line, weather! I burst out laughing! I can picture you in your “realness” listening to the advice from a hair dresser… two worlds come together!

      About the woman needing air in her tires… Good for you for showing her. One small step for womankind! Gosh, that kind of helplessness on the part of a capable woman is soooo out of date. Just like men saying they can’t cook. Can’t blame them. Women have fallen for that line for centuries and will continue to do so. Well, you know how I feel about strict roles for genders!

      We’re a lot alike. A vehicle’s purpose is to get us from here to there. How it looks while doing so is not a major concern.

      I’m puzzled by your statement “I feel more at home now, within my own home.” Why is that? Because of your conversation with the fussy woman? (No hurry to answer)

      • weather says:

        Yes,it is because of my conversation with the fussy woman-because we’ve spoken ,done favors for each other,met each others “people” over a long period of time,I’ve learned to really listen to her-get”into her world”,to see if she’s alright or just a bit frazzled.If it’s more than that,I’ll stay and find a way to help.

        Turns out that today she was fine,just having a bad hair day.To find that out I’d listened and discussed conditioners and thinning hair as though we were anxious about some profound matter.I actually find it hard to breath when I “play in the shallow water” with people for even a few minutes.I’m not saying that they’re not worth it or that I don’t love them,it’s just hard to do ,always has been.Patience on steroids=perseverance comes to mind.I’ll never shut people out because they’re different-each offers beauty when I take the time to find it.

        Not everyone’s built to go deep-you are,so after wearing what feels like a plastic face I walk in my own door still wearing it,I check in finding you here and grinning take it off. I feel at home,like being with someone similar-like a natural family resemblance exists-unguarded self free to just be -know you’ll understand whatever I say about things few are capable of even considering-not have to dumb down or phony up .

        Does that make clear to you what I meant?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’m very glad I asked, weather. What an interesting reply, full of quotable phrases.

          I laughed at you holding your breath when you “play in the shallow water.” Hilarious! I can’t express how pleased I am that you can be your “unguarded self” here with me and others of like mind. You don’t have to “dumb down or phony up” — Love that! Gosh, how many hours of my life did I waste doing those two things? I hate to think of it. Too many, for sure.

          How does one discuss conditioners anyway? I’d be at a loss. Haha! (That was a rhetorical question. Please don’t revisit that subject. Once in a day is enough!)

          Oh my, you have me chuckling. Reading your comments is always a treat.

          • weather says:

            Thanks,I’m chuckling now ,too.In case you ever do trap yourself into an “alien” discussion,I find looking very interested by tilting your head and saying”Really?!” …..”And then what?!” now and again sometimes helps 😉

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          “Play in shallow water….”

          Oh, weather, I can so relate to you! Your comments had me chuckling, too! Glad you are at home, and not just in the literal sense! Stay warm! 🙂

          • weather says:

            Hi Denise,we’re all laughing now-yeah,it’s great to be home!Got my flannels and fuzzies on!happy child here 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I’ve got my sweats and fuzzies on. 🙂

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Flannel, fuzzies, a nice cup of tea, and Gracie pup snuggled on my lap – check! 🙂

            • Edie (OK) says:

              I have my sweats and fuzzier on and could totally relate to that conversation!

              Many days at work I marvel at people’s sensibilities and priorities. And common sense…

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              Well, Weather, an interesting interchange you set up here!! Heh, I like my poor thinning hair to look as well as it can, but me and Hubby do the cutting…me the front and front sides and he the rest (per my instructions). If I thought I could find one to do it as I want it, I would pay the money more happily (not totally happily, but in part). If I loose any more and that is indeed likely, soon I will have to just wear a hat…but I have an awful time finding one I like that fits!! ARGH!! And no I do not color my hair. Though for many years, folks thought I frosted it…nope, free from GOD as it happens. But after I got a few gray hairs and life was so hard….I simply felt I had earned ’em and wear ’em proudly!! That was made easier as Hubby quickly turned white. Beard and all. And to his credit he never complained or does now, as to how I look. Fortunately!! And hair is the least of my worries…oh dear….we do be rotund!! Youth faded oh so fast…where did the time go?

            • weather says:

              The time went to loving,working,walking our way through life-changed our hair,skin,bodies,minds,hearts-it’s a beautiful path with a beautiful part ahead when good folks like you Elizabeth are part of it.

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              Thanks Weather…and I would say the same about you!!

    • Timber n' me says:

      Weather, I think it’s neat that there are Gals out there in the real world that can fix their cars/ trucks and not get upset about getting their hands in the grease and grime that go’s with fix it yourself folks, Hey, I’m a guy that asks for help too, when I can’t figure out what’s the sound coming’ from under the chasse , but manage to fix it in do time, once I find out what’s making my ol’ gal make the sound I am a hearing, she’s 38 years old, a FORD, to boot, but, we, God n’ me, gets her runni’ good again. Timber, he just lays there, under the truck, with me, watching me, while I work on the ol’ gal ,,,,,,me

      • Timber n' me says:

        WOW, I type Slow, But you gals got me LOL so much, I forgot what I was thinkin’ and I love it, Have a Happy Thanks Giving , to you all ,,,,,us

        • weather says:

          Glad you got a smile and laugh out of our chat,Rusty,besides my note to you below this one,I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving back to you and Timber!

      • weather says:

        One nice thing about a set of wheels with some age on it is that they weren’t built to need a computer to find and fix the problem like all the newer ones are.You learn and know your way around whatever you need to,whether it’s donkeys,mountains or Fords-being taught by the Master works 🙂
        If dirty hands are part of it,we’re blessed to have soap

        • Timber n' me says:

          Your right on Weather. When you all was putting on your flannels n’ fuzzies, I got out my 4 point Whitney and my soft sole high plains brain tan Elk moc’s . ,,,,,,Timber was in the cab-over bed with his dog blinky, with his raw hide bone. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,rusty

  13. Teri in SoCal says:

    Love the photos. (as usual) The one with the white fuzzies (I think it’s the 7th photo down from the top of the post) looks like a place where fairies would land, if there were such a thing of course. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, that describes it very well! There’s another world to be seen in small places, quite beautiful. Hope all is well with you, Teri!

  14. Speaking of “it’s not my department”…the other day, a small package (a box) was put in our “community” mailbox at our place of business. Although it could be inserted into the box from the back by the postal carrier, it could NOT be removed from the front, OUR access door. When I saw our carrier a day or two later, I told her about the problem, that I literally had to cut the package out of the mailbox, nearly damaging it. She said, “Ya, I can’t be responsible for my “subs” on my day off. That’s why I always bring your irregular items into the store.” I asked if she could make it known to her “subs”. She grabbed a form with an 800 number and said “Call this number”. I told her that I did not want to call some 800 number, that that’s why I was telling HER. I had not even finished my sentence before she turned away, started her truck and drove off. I’m SURE this has NOTHING to do with why the Postal Service is bankrupt in more ways than one. And I’m positive that she won’t bring our “irregular” mail into the store anymore.

    Be safe kiddo!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      Yeah, there’s a lot of ‘call this number’ or ‘look it up online’ taking the place of people helping others. I wasn’t surprised with Verizon. As for the post office, I knew an employee of the P.O. There are so many regulations (that’s government for ya) about what the employees can do and how they do it that I’m surprised any of them can think for themselves.

      I can understand your frustration. Simple solutions based on common sense are in short supply.

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        Speaking of “call this number”, our phone number ( for the past 28 years) ended up being a digit off from the “new post office” built about 15 years ago. Ever since then we get calls now and again, more during times when people are stopping and starting mail for vacations and holidays, asking if we are the post office. People tell me “a blond at the post office said this was the PO number. I have had a number of people actually argue,with me that I MUST be the post office. I have been known when certain people dont believe me the first time and call again and again, to make a comment such as, we are stopping your mail because we hear you are mean, or no we decided to close the post office. The post office suggestion, well when they are not denying I get their calls, is for us to change our phone number. Must sound easier to them than to keep giving people our number. We have learned to watch caller ID very carefully.

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Hilarious Velda….aren’t people something else?? Now WHY would a PO employee answer the phone and then tell them it was the wrong number anyway?? Well, we live amongst a rather dumbed down population I think….

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          Right after I got out of college my phone number was 1 digit off from the local eye clinic. At least once a week I would get a call from a very confused and yet very sweet old lady trying to make an appointment but she couldn’t see the keypad well enough dial the number. On several occasions I took their numbers and called the clinic to ask a nurse if they could call them.

          Hopefully now that I’m getting close to “that age” some of that karma will come back to me.

  15. Joe Baker says:

    Hi Sue, You might know but thot i would mention that big spikes in data usage can be indicative of a trojan program hitching a ride.

  16. Deadeye says:


    Your photos just keep getting better. I am in the market for a new camera. Which one did you end up buying?


  17. Kellee says:

    Glad you got the shingles shot – got them four years ago and they are nasty! Now about that flu shot…:) have you done that?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kellee,

      Sorry about those shingles getting you… No, I haven’t had a flu shot. I used to get them when I spent my days in a middle school. I haven’t had one in four years, don’t know if I will.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        And which flu or flues will that shot cover anyway?? How many varieties are there anyway and if you catch one, will it be the one the shot is for?? BE VERY CAREFUL when it comes to flu shots. Some years ago, hubby got liver damage from one and it is something now that will never go entirely away. Sigh…we go to doctors for HELP!! Why do they call it practicing medicine anyway?? That has puzzled me…practicing…hmmmmmm

  18. DebsJourney says:

    Hi Sue,

    Very nice to see the photo’s of textures and colors of the desert. I take those type of photos too.
    Loved your tale of life with Sue. 🙂 Sorry to hear of your booboo on the door and you keep a good secret! Important to do that from time to time. Glad it’s getting fixed now. Well today I got a appointment to have a break controller and sway bar installed and as it stands I will go pick up my tiny home on Tuesday. Also I’m getting a cargo rack for the back of my DLC (dear little camper) I have a lot of plans in my brain now of how I’m going to make it my own with all sorts of shelves and space savers. I can’t wait to get it here. Now I have a few months to sell my place and all my extra stuff.
    Become very organized and be a minimalist. Wow what changes are here.
    Had a really good Vet that makes house calls come yesterday and give my two darling pups all their vaccinations and overall check up and she gave me travel certificates so now the girls are ready to partay!! We’ll be hitting a few dog parks now that they are fully protected and get them used to having fun with other pups.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      You are really pulling everything together, woman! Did you see all the congratulations from fellow blogorinos? We’re very happy for you.

      Oh yes, nesting inside your rig is tons of fun. I’m in the middle of re-organizing my cabinets. Not as much fun, but I’ll be happy when everything is put away better than it was before.

      Have fun at the dog park!

      • DebsJourney says:

        Yes Sue so many wonderful blogorino’s wishing me good luck is so fine! Once I put my mind to something I totally go for it.
        Between fears of being on the road alone and learning all the in’s and out’s of fulltiming and keepin everything running safe and being able to back it in a tight space is mindboggling but other than this I’m all in. It’s exciting. Have to learn to put away my clothing and was up dishes fast so the cozy home is not a mess. It’s not like having a house with a few rooms to hide a mess in.
        lol oh boy what a huge change for me.

        • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

          Let me add my best wishes and happy travels. You will never be alone between your crew and your fellow Blogerinos !

          • DebsJourney says:

            hi Velda! That is what keeps me happy knowing although I am traveling on my own I still will have the warmth of Lily and Rosie, and all the dear friends on the blog. Nice feeling for sure.
            I know I’m more of a people person them some and I plan on meeting up with some other solo rvers and hanging closer to communities. At least at first. 🙂

  19. Would you consider a pneumonia shot? Flu is uncomfortable, but survivable. Pneumonia can hospitalize a person, and leave you vulnerable to future lung issues. I had pneumonia in college, and it was just incredibly painful. Medicare will cover a portion of that as well. Are you current on TDAP? Pertussis is on the rise, every time I walk by a coughing child I just want to run away. OK, enough nagging.
    Great photos, you have a good eye.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Allison,

      I appreciate your suggestion, as well as that of Kellee. I have mixed feelings about these shots. Here’s some thoughts and I’d like to hear anyone’s responses…

      I have a pretty good immune system and no known health problems and no chronic diseases. I’m rarely sick. Am I susceptible to pneumonia? I’m only around groups of people when I go to the grocery store and laundromat. How many strains of flu are there this year and what portion of the flus does the shot protect against? What is TDAP? What is pertussis? (I have spent a lifetime not paying attention to medical stuff.)

      You aren’t nagging. Thanks for the compliment on the photos.

      • Jeannie in Washington says:

        Hi Sue,

        Pertussis is whooping cough which is on the rise again in the US. It is particularly harsh for children and older people and can have some severe side effects if not taken care of. TDAP is a combination shot for Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis. It’s recommended to get a tetanus shot every 10 years or less.

        The pictures are fantastic, by the way.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Tetanus… Gosh I haven’t had one of those shots since childhood. Thanks for explaining the terms for me. I knew all that at one time and it fell out of my head somewhere along the line. 🙂 I remember having pertussis as a kid. My mother spread Vicks Vapo-rub on my chest and put a hot, wet cloth on top of it. I don’t know how helpful that was. At least she felt like she was doing something.

          Thanks re the photos.

          • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

            I got the pneumonia shot years ago because I have minor asthma, but for you, I wouldn’t really bother. (same with the flu shot) It only protects from the most common types of pneumonia, so you can still get it. My father got pneumonia twice a few years after getting the shot.

          • BadgerRickInWis says:

            That’s too funny. Just this week I was talking with a co-worker about how our mothers would use Vick’s when we got sick. I don’t use it today but sometimes I will sniff a jar in the store just so those memories of being taken care of come flooding back. So strange how scents will trigger such strong memories.

      • chas anderson says:

        I have never had a flu shot and never get the flu, so why get one?

        Lots of other nagging annoyances but hey, I never expected to live to be 63.

    • Diann in MT says:

      Sue — just wash your hands after being in those environments. Limit your exposure. You should be good for the flu season.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        GOOD advice Diann!! And keep your hands away from your mouth and nose too. We chew xylitol gum when we go in public places like stores, or when we get back out to the car…we have had people cough and hack on us….so far so good. And I use xylitol nasel spray at the teeniest start of a cold or sore throat as well as extra Vit C. But we take a fair amount of vitamins, minerals and herbs too. Usually don’t catch things, even if our grandchildren feverish and snotty nosed and all, are all over us. I was the one always called to help our older grandchildren when ill and now we have some 5 and under….walking germ factories. Well, after having pneumonia a couple years in a row a friend told me about Echinacea ….took too much and had a bit of an allergic reaction though it took care of the beginning pneumonia…but though I never took that again, have not fallen ill with it again either. So I wonder if it kind of gave me some lasting immunity. If you eat well, take whatever vitamins, etc that you need…and now I am hearing more about the protection we get from taking probiotics and our doc told us to begin taking some and we are so doing….good for the gut anyway…so why not? We rarely have needed help with diseases caught from others since we began taking vitamins, minerals and herbs…years ago now. Staying away from sugar is said to help the immune system. So at least during the sickest times of the year…

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi,, Diann,

        I agree with your advice. That’s what I do and will continue doing.

        I’m also drinking emergen-C before and after exposure.

  20. Susan in Dallas says:

    Just been lurking for the past couple of weeks but had to comment on the gorgeous photos. Can’t decide which one is the prettiest as they are all so beautiful! I drive a 1999 SUV and want to keep her until she is 20 years old. After all, she’s paid for and runs, the two most important qualities in a car. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sure! Take care of that car and enjoy many, many months and years without car payments. You’re right about the two most important qualities in a car. Your insurance is lower, too.

      Thank you re the photos.

  21. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Third time will be the charm…I have tried to write this comment a couple times and then my iPad mini keyboard locks up. Ugh! Ok, let’s see if I can remember what I wanted to say!

    Hi, Sue…I just love your macro photo study! There is so much beauty in nature’s tiniest details! We have been given so much beauty to enjoy. Such a gift! The pictures filled me with wonder: What kind of bird left those beautifully striped feathers? Did the same bird find food, water or shelter in the sanguaro? It that a bent piece of metal, maybe a nail, tucked in with the rocks in picture #4? Love the tri-colored textures of the moss/lichen…wonder if it is the same, just different ages? The last picture of the minute flowered looks almost cottony. Thank you for the “food for thought.” Your new camera shines in macro mode…bringing to life what your eyes see.

    Sorry to hear about the PTV ouchie. She will soon be good as new. The most important thing is that you and Bridget were not hurt. Verizon: I sympathize with you…I feel your pain.

    Hope you and Bridget have a peaceful, restful night. It was 16 degrees this morning…a bitter cold, windy day. I have Gracie snuggled on my lap as I write this, providing me welcome warmth. Life is good! We are sending you and Bridget warm hugs! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate you persevering with your iPad keyboard until you were able to post this comment.

      Your questions reveal your inquisitive mind and curious nature. I like producing photos that make people wonder. You took the time to reflect on what you see in them and to appreciate the details. That’s a compliment in action. Thank you.

      I hope your night is good, too, and that you wake to warmer temperatures without wind. Hugs to Gracie!

  22. edlfrey says:

    I had a huge spike in data usage with Verizon last month also. Almost 1/2 of my total monthly plan within 6-8 hours. I contacted Verizon online using their Live Chat (sort of like the RVSue Comment section) where I received a courteous and prompt solution to the problem. They then dropped the ball on that solution but when I contacted them again using their Live Chat they fixed that within minutes.

    You might give that a try however your experience may be totally different.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      I wonder if this is intentional on the part of Verizon. You had to get their attention twice! I wonder how many people don’t come back the second time.

      I like using Live Chat, as opposed to a phone call. When you’re done you can obtain a transcript in case any promises were made.

      Yeah, results my vary.

  23. AZ Jim says:

    I’m glad you finally got the shingles shot. Here’s the deal, if you have had the shot and still get shingles at some point, they claim it is much milder than if you didn’t get the shot. I always get the flu shot and I have had both the Pneumonia and shingles shots. It is just insurance against the most serious elements of those diseases. You little dickens not telling us about the cargo door. Did you think we’d scold you? I am glad it is a simple replacement and not actual body work. Just paint and install. Your pictures are as usual, great. Whatja buy me at Wally world? *Hugs* for Missy and Bridget

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      She’s getting pretty clever about only showing the PTV’s front end in the photos!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      How often do you have to get the pneumonia shot? I realize the flu is yearly.

      I didn’t say anything about the door because I didn’t want a lot of suggestions where to get the work done or questions why I haven’t taken care of it. I know, juvenile behavior.

      It’s probably going to be over a thousand bucks, according to the estimate. It looks like the hinges and post are bent, in addition to the door being crunched right at the latch. It was a freaky accident. I’ll explain it when I show photos of the damage.

      What’d I buy at Wally World? Nothing fun. I had this long list of non-food stuff to buy, things to help me re-organize the BLT, and paper goods, and so forth. Because I waited an hour for the shingles shot I had to hurry out to Bridget.

      I need to go back into town to do laundry. I can’t pass WW without stopping. I’ll stock up on stuff like toilet paper and other necessities because I want to stay out of the stores as much as possible until after the holidays.

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        The pneumonia shot is advertised to be a once in your life. (then they keep suggesting that you get another one)

        • DesertGinger says:

          The pneumonia shot is every 5 years. And yes, I have had pneumonia after the shot. Just had pneumonia last summer after knee surgery.

          • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

            Exactly, but all the ads for the shot say “once in your life” – no mention of every few years. (there is an ad running on TV right now)

            There are many kinds of pneumonia and the shot only protects you from a few of the most common.

      • AZ Jim says:

        I think it is a one shot deal for pneumonia although I did hear it may require a booster after years. Tetanus shots are good for about 10 years. I spent 3 weeks in the Marine hospital in San Francisco when I had pneumonia in the service 57 years ago. Oxygen tent very high temp and no fun at all.

  24. Barb George says:

    OMGOSH! Those photos are amazing.
    Ugh to the shingles… haven’t had the flu shot either… not sure if I will. Got the whooping cough one a couple of years ago since I was traveling and LOTS of kids had it here…
    OMGOSH those photos are wonderful 🙂
    Hugs from Hoquiam, where I am too tuckered to spit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great response to the photos. Thank you!

      Get the shingles shot. Now that I’ve had mine I get to bug other people to get theirs. 🙂

      Crawl into bed and sleep well, Barb. It’s nice that you drop in even when you’re worn out.

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        “Get the shingles shot. Now that I’ve had mine I get to bug other people to get theirs. 🙂 ”

        Next I suppose your going to start bugging me to get the back door of my truck fixed. 🙂

  25. John Turner says:


    Have been following you for about a year and half, but this is my first comment. My wife and I enjoy your post. The pictures are super and I enjoy and look forward to your postings. [We are located in Suffolk, Virginia.] I am retired and my wife is planning to retire this spring. Now hopefully some travel.

    I’m setting up a small 21 ft. TT for a trip out west this spring and summer 2015. Hope to visit some of the places you have posted about. I promise not to look you up for a “drop in visit”–Ha!

    I do have a question for you. Have you been happy with your solar panel and batteries in the PTV as opposed to having it on and in your BLT? I will be towing with a Ford 150 and could place the solar cells either on top of the trailer with batteries on trailer tongue or on top of the truck bed cover with batteries underneath. I’m interested in your experience.

    John (SpanielCamper)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John,

      I love it when readers come out of lurkdom and introduce themselves. Welcome to you and your wife!

      To answer your question. . . I am happy with the solar panel on the PTV’s roof and the batteries inside the PTV. This set-up has worked very well for me. All I have to do is remember to plug in the PTV to the BLT when we return to camp. I had an extension cord made — I think it’s 10 or 12 feet — to allow me to put the solar panel in the sun while keeping my home in the shade. I also can angle the PTV toward the southern arc of the sun during winter when I tilt the panel without having to angle the BLT also.

      The thought of attaching a solar panel to my then-brand-new trailer with its perfect fiberglass shell really bothered me, considering the sloping roof and the flat part of the roof not being large enough area for a big panel.

      I didn’t want the portable panels, although lots of folks are happy with them. Mainly it was the possibility of theft (and having to put them away to prevent theft while gone) that turned me off the portable set-up.

      In fairness, I think there are lots of folks who like having the panel and batteries on/in their rig. With the BLT’s limited space I didn’t want to give up the room for batteries.

      As for your situation… Being able to put the batteries on the trailer tongue is a good space-saving option, as long as it doesn’t make your tongue weight too much.

      If you put the panel on the truck you need to affix it in a manner that will cushion vibration when you’re on rough washboard, and also so there is no noise from air passing by it. My panel is on a roof rack, not directly attached to the roof, and the panel can be tilted, which I do starting around Thanksgiving for a few months.

      I can’t say my set-up is the best because it’s the only one I know. I’m perfectly happy with it and glad I had it done that way.

      I invite readers to add their thoughts on the subject. Again, nice hearing from you, John! I wish you and your wife the best of luck making all the decisions necessary to be ready for next spring.

      • AZ Jim says:

        If he is using a equalizer hitch the tongue weight problem goes away. I lost a 18′ Trailer on the HWY 8 grade going up from AZ to California in a heavy crosswind without a equalizer hitch (I had only a anti-sway bar) My next two trailers had equalizers. Highway Patrol said the gusts were just under 80 mph. Live and learn.

  26. Pneumonia is a one time shot. Tdap is every 10 years. Whooping cough (pertussis) is really hard on people in our age group, as is pneumonia. I’d rather get the vaccine than have the illness. All it takes is one unvaccinated kid to cough in your vicinity in Wally World, or one sick adult not covering their mouth while coughing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Allison. I should get these shots. Now to get to the Wal-Mart Pharmacy without catching the flu or whooping cough on the way . . . .

      • AZ Jim says:

        I never go in Walmart pharmacy. I get all our meds there but I use the drive up window after ordering the prescription via telephone. No fuss no problemo and best of all I don’t have to deal with the cooties that are awaiting the unwary inside.

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      That is interesting because when I was in the hospital in August the nurses kept asking me if I had had the pneumonia shot within the past five years but when I got it they said ten years. Now there is a second pneumonia shot being advertised on tv and saying it is different strains dpfrom the first one and that you need both. For now I’m skipping it since I had the first one a few years back. Do need to update tetanus though.

  27. Dawn says:

    Absolutely gorgeous photos!

  28. illinois jane says:

    Hi Sue,
    …just stopped by to say hi and see what you’re up to. I like to photos– the last 2 are among my favorites. Didn’t read all the comments but got a kick out of your exchange with Weather.
    Too bad about your van–nice driving record though.
    I hope to be finished with all this crazy-making preparation and head out in about 3 weeks–right after our family Christmas.
    Hi to all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jane,

      This will be a most memorable holiday season for you. Only 3 weeks to go and you’ll be on the road. I wonder where you will go first from Illinois. Someplace where there is no snow and ice perhaps? Well, of course!

      Glad you stopped by. Thanks for complimenting me on the photos.

  29. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Ha Sue, I am laughing too hard to even write…I can so relate to your every word tonight.
    Thanks for the laughs very sincerely…
    Take Care my friends, gotta go laugh

  30. Lynn Brooks says:

    Oh Sue!!!
    Those pictures are fantastic!!! The colors and textures are so real!!! I feel like I could reach out and touch each flower, cactus, rock, feather, etc.!!!
    So sorry to hear about the back door on the PTV!!! Glad it will be fixed soon!
    What are your Thanksgiving plans? Do you see family or friends nearby?
    Do you do a little “pot luck” with other campers? My late husband & I did that a few times… It was a lot of fun!
    Hope you have good weather now!
    Thanks again for allowing us to share your adventure!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Lynn.

      It’s kind of you to wonder about my plan for the holiday.

      I’m hoping very much to enjoy Thanksgiving like I have for the past 15 to 20 years (with one exception with friends which was nice).

      I’ll count my blessings again and thank God for them, eat a simple meal that’s easy to fix, walk with Bridget, cuddle her, and enjoy the beauty and peace that surrounds our home. With luck the only talk I’ll hear will be from the desert birds during the day, the coyotes at dusk, and the owl at night.

      Good God, save me from potlucks! I can’t think of anything I’d want to do LESS for Thanksgiving. I don’t plan for there to be any other campers around.

      I’m glad you had those happy Thanksgivings with your husband, Lynn.

  31. I so enjoyed the close-up photos of the desert and its many textures. Thank you!

    I am also glad to hear you got your shingles inoculation. I’ve known people who got shingles and, boy, once I saw what they went through I made a commitment to myself to get that shot once I qualify. It won’t be for a couple more years, but I’d much rather get that shot than get shingles! I’d hate to see you have to go through that, so good for you.

    Sorry to hear about the PTV door. Bummer! It reminds me of the zen concept of impermanence…everything changes. Sometimes things change very quickly and surprisingly, like a door suddenly becoming crunched. I find that things like this in my life are a great reminder to cherish what I have right now because it isn’t going to last forever.

    My brain loves to live in the past or worry about the future, so getting a reminder to appreciate the mundane things in the moment (like intact working doors) is always helpful for me. I hope it is so for you as well. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Michael. Always good to see you here.

      My mother had shingles. She probably suffered with it more than I knew, she being a person who didn’t complain and me being unaware, at the time, of how painful shingles are.

      READERS: I hope everyone who has reached age 60 will get the shot. Don’t be a procrastinator like me who risked shingles for six years. Good for you, Michael, making that commitment.

      Ah, the door… an inconvenience, no big deal. I’m very fortunate to have the means for the repair.

  32. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    Oh, my, goodness – this batch of photos is just breathtaking! Thank you for sharing the smaller details of desert life with us. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the overall beauty of a place without taking the time to investigate what that beauty is composed of.

    Typical Texas weather here this week. It went from 70 and sunny to 20 and snow flurries in 3 days. We had 4 days of below freezing temps in the morning and 30-40 degree daytime weather this week. Working outside was not fun this week. Now it’s warming up and they’re predicting 70 by Saturday again, with 90% chance of some serious rain. We really need the rain so I’m not complaining, and I’ll have finished my ATM work for this quarter so I can just stay inside.

    I’m glad to hear you got your shingles shot. My mother had it about 10 years ago and she said she would not wish that on her worst enemy. I’m in a clinical trial study for another vaccine right now, but as soon as I can I plan on getting that shot, and that pneumonia one. Some things it’s better to be safe than sorry, in my opinion, and our health is one of those things.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      What you wrote in your first paragraph is very easy to do. I’ve done that many times when touring grand places like our national parks. Although I enjoy the spectacle and magnificence, I like the small, more “ordinary” places, too, where one can camp where the ground is not trampled and discover at leisure the smaller glories of nature.

      What is it with Texas? Has it always had such uncomfortable weather? Well, yes, the rain is a good thing. Glad to hear that. Also that you don’t have to work outside in it!

      Take care, Cari (sounds like you do that already with vaccines)!

      • Cari in Plano Texas says:

        Regarding Texas weather, no it hasn’t always been this crazy. I chalk it up to global warming or climate change – I’ve lived here almost all my life and I don’t remember it being this extreme when I was growing up. I live in the Dallas area and we get the fronts coming in from all directions, so it gets a little more dramatic than other parts of the state. It’s always been really hot in the summer, though. Usually we don’t see ‘winter’ weather until mid-January, so this cold snap is just a little early.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I appreciate the answer, Cari. No offense — I know how Texans love their state — but the weather is pretty darn crappy.

          • Cari in Plano Texas says:

            No offense taken – I’ve heard that for years LOL

            It all depends on where you live. Central Texas has reasonable weather most of the year (and trees that change color). The coast, well, it has beach weather. Here in North Texas it varies, so it’s always interesting! We don’t have near the extremes that some places have, like New York right now, thankfully. And the scenery is worth the occasional weather problems!

  33. Mick'nTN says:

    You sure are good at keeping secrets … so … what else don’t we know???

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, there is one more thing . . . um . . . Remember the little antenna pole, the “dummy,” you gave me? I . . . uh . . . forgot to put it in the bumper mount when I took down the big pole. It was on top of the spare tire and now it’s… it’s … GONE!

      I’m so sorry, Mick!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Confessions of a Desert Woman! Stay tuned!

      • Mick'nTN says:

        I have a spare dummy antenna; just send a mailing address. The knob may vibrate out if it is not tightened against something. I just knew you were hording more secrets. LOL

      • AZ Jim says:

        There’s more Mick. She is still holding something back and it’s probably a biggie. Maybe we can loosen her tongue if we ply her with booze! Come on Missy……talk!!

  34. Susan in south central WA says:

    Happy to hear you got your shingles shot. I had the shingles in the late 2000’s. Painful! I came down with pneumonia in October and the doctor started quizzing me on when the last time I had all my assorted assorted immunizations. With my answers of between never and 15 years, needless to say I am working my way through them all…

    At Walmart I use the antibacterial sheets on my way in and my way out!!

  35. Wayne Scott says:

    Very Very good pictures. Man do I need to practice and figure out how to do that!

    Is it not a wonderful no-service world we live in today. For a COMMUNICATIONS company, you would think they would be very capable of communicating internally and help you avoid the frustration,,, hummm that’s it. They want you to be frustrated, wear you down so you go away and don’t bother them with issues like their mistakes and poor service! I thought Verizon was quite a bit better than Sprint, but sadly find they are only better, not quite a bit.

    Bummer on the PTV.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Wayne,

      You remind me of the time I drove halfway across Wyoming, out of my way, to go to a Verizon store which I thought was open on Sunday based on their phone message.

      What I didn’t consider is the possibility that Verizon employees wouldn’t think to change an outdated phone message. Boy, was I mad! I gave them a phone message to remember . . . .

  36. kent says:

    Yes, this is Kent from New Mexico and Tuttle Creek.
    I laughed outloud when I read your comment comparing rattlesnakes and the Walmart Pharmacy on a Monday. We, too were in Walmart Pharmacy last monday for flu shots. AcKKK!!! Wanted to get a mask and lotsa hand cleaner! Hehe!. We escaped unscathed, so far…..

    I read each and every blog, but don’t post much. Being an amateur photographer i just want to say, congrats for stepping out and shooting something different once in a while. Good for you! It’s good for the creative flow and gets the juices going. Nice pix. enjoyed them very much. Hope to see you around the south if and when it happens.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kent… Regards to Carmen…

      Congratulations on getting your flu shots without getting the flu or catching a cold at Wal-Mart!

      A reader put me on to emergen-C vitamin powder. It seems whenever I go to Wal-Mart, that evening I feel slight body aches, sometimes temperature fluctuations in my body, faint headache… I’ve learned to drink emergen-C before I go to Wal-Mart and afterward, that evening. Another the next day…
      It takes care of those things.

      As for the photos, thank you. It’s a creative challenge coming up with photos that don’t reveal our location. A blog has a voracious appetite for photos!

      Be well and happy…

  37. Applegirl NY says:

    Wonderful photographs. Right now our trees are almost compelety bare, so the views in the Northeast are opening up in a new way. I can see the bluish purple mountains through the trees on my walks in the woods, and then when I look down I enjoy the beautiful acorns, all shiny and autumnal looking, on the forest floor. Always something to see, if you look.

    Bummer on the PTV door. Great that you’ve found a place you’re comfortable taking it. I would think that finding reliable services while living on the road would be one of the bigger challenges. You’ve certainly worked out a lot of it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      You’ve painted a well-remembered scene of November in New York. Thank you!

      Living full-time on the road is a big, beautiful puzzle, the kind that engages you totally and the pieces are all there, just have to find them. I haven’t figured out how I’ll leave the PTV for two days, but I’m working on it!

  38. Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

    Wow RV Sue…LOVE the pictures!!! Love you getting your shingles shot…it is on my list. As you already know, I had Mifi usage overages as well. When I called they admitted that my usage was way over what I had been using…guess what…I already knew that!

    I think it was the last post that everyone was talking about how to dry your laundry without using the dryers. I put a tension curtain rod in my shower (I take it down when driving). I put my wet stuff on hangers and hang them up. I also have a small drying rack that I can put up in the living space for all the small stuff. Works well.

    Happy to see the PTV door is getting its booboo fixed. Hope everything is going well at your new home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Krystina,

      It’s fun to see where you travel! Wellton… I remember it well. Coyote Wash and the PTV in sand up to her axles. Nice people there.

      When I first started living in the BLT, I did some hand-washing of laundry, hanging it outside or inside if necessary (the latter I don’t like). It wasn’t long before I realized I prefer taking all my dirty clothes, towels, bedding, whatever to the laundromat in one trip, get it all done at one time, and then I can forget about it for several weeks.

      There’s no right way… whatever you like to do. Enjoy Wellton!

  39. weather says:

    The oak leaves are moving so fast all I saw when I looked at them was a caramel colored blur.The howling wind that blew them lifted the fallen ones from the ground and sent them flying over the houses’ rooftops.As I watched the storm speed across the lake toward me,it’s sound grew into roaring.The gull and geese calls could barely be heard as they began flying to the shore’s edge for shelter.Clouds thick and heavy block the sunrise for a moment,shades of white turn silver everywhere I look.My God,I love this morning!Hope you aren’t having much wind Sue,I know if it stays too long that you stop enjoying it.I hope ours returns tomorrow at dawn again.This day’s beginning could repeat itself as often as it wanted to and I’d thrill to every one.They charged me less than a third of my guesstimated cost to fix the jeep,it only needed sensors not a whole new system.May good news of many types make you happy today!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good news about the Jeep repair, weather!

      Very still here in contrast to your stormy scene. A cold morning. Cloudless sky, faintly blue. No gull or geese calls in this place. The song birds are quieter than usual. No raven calls either. Maybe the birds are hard at work finding food to regain energy spent keeping warm overnight.

      The sunshine coming through the curtains, as well as your message, warms our home. That’s the “good news” you wished for us. 🙂

      Bridget and I will wait for the air outside to warm before going on our early walk. I learned not to start out before the night-chill leaves. We walk a little bit and then Bridget refuses to go any further. She turns around and goes home. Independent little girl!

      • weather says:

        Independent ,I believe,is almost always a good and admirable trait,though at times it isn’t easy for those close by to deal with.In Bridget’s case,I’ve often thought that her refusal -to participate in walks,be sociable with certain critters,climb into,onto,out of certain things that involve certain movements stems from intelligence.If she resists things that bring the least discomfort,rather than aggravate potential soreness- she takes care of herself -treats herself as if she’s delicate.At times I have concern for my troupe members because they aren’t that way!Their exuberance has caused a few vet visits and many more worrisome hours of concern for their safety and well being.Oh well,if we could program them to suit us better we may as well have robots.As it is their antics and love fill our journey with happiness,so viva la difference!

        Faint blue skies and quiet birdsong surrounding your warm home sounds so wonderful,I’m ever so pleased for you.Your holiday plans are purely delightful and so right,so appropriate,you’ve got such a better understanding of thanks giving than most…

  40. Connie says:

    OK, how the heck did you manage to get Medicare to pay for part of your shingles shot? At Walgreen’s, they told me it’s not covered by Medicare. I had to cough up the entire $200. Same thing happened to my aunt.

    Do you work for the Feds or something?!? LOL!

    Great photos BTW.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It was covered under Part D. Maybe you don’t have that?

      • AZ Jim says:

        That is it. I don’t have Part D and was told it covered it but I had to pay for it too. $200+ !! Worth it tho if it prevents shingles or lessens it’s severity.

      • CRedd n TX says:

        I got my Shingles shot about 4 years ago at the counth health department in the county wherein I live. It was only $10. For the folks who are stationary, it might be worth checking out. Don’t know if it is the same everywhere. It might vary from county to county and from state to state.

        • Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

          I got my shingles vaccination in 2008, before I qualified for Medicare. Paid $205 for it. Worth every penny if it keeps me from getting shingles. At least it reduces the chances. 🙂

  41. Shirlene says:

    Good Morning My Friends, nice to hear each morning is greeting us in a different way..mine was beautiful, not to chilly, but in the high 50’s…sun out and shinning. Although on my way to work this morning the sun greeted me right in the eye…making sure that I was awake and ready to start my morning…I am switching to Peppermint tea in the morning but the fact of sharing it with you makes it even sweeter…Tomorrow I will be leaving to go out of town for a few days…I hope you stay warm and cozy and out of harms way…As always I will be thinking of you and weather while I am gone and hoping for bliss for both of you and all blogorinos…

    • weather says:

      Hi Shirlene,I’d hoped you would be here before leaving on your trip!I’m sure you’re traveling with whatever you’ll need packed along with you,and that if that includes something with access to this blog you’ll at least be able to read our holiday thoughts and wishes for you.Just in case-May you be blessed with the bliss you offered ,good health,love,peace and all that makes you thankful friend,you’re traveling with my love sent to you every day-enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I hope the trip was smooth without incident. Let us know you arrived safely, Shirlene, okay?

  42. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Good Morning ya’ll

    Apparently Mother Nature has something in store for EVERYONE! Wherever you are be safe and be prepared! Something so little as a bottle of water, blankets or a jacket in your car can mean the difference of a good day or a REAL bad day!

    We have a duffel bag that is always placed in whatever vehicle we are using…whether it be summer or winter! You won’t read about us….in the newspaper!

    With that…..the weather predictions in regards to snow has gone from inches to feet!

    • weather says:

      Given your common sense,street sense and overall intelligence I’d expect you to be prepared,yet it still makes me glad to hear about it.Among the things I carry are a plug into the lighter jump start kit,insta-charger for the phone,instant coffee,liquids and food,warm dry attire,pillow and blanket,etc.Do you have any suggestions for me that most wouldn’t think of?I’ve thought that carrying spare gas might be good,yet haven’t as I’ve concerns that it might not be safe to do so.What are your thoughts about that?Stay safe and in touch,you get hit hard in your location,I’m always relieved when you check in, and respect your chucking the debris 😉

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Gas….not advisable. Just make sure your tank isn’t under a certain level YOU are comfortable with.

        We keep a multi tool and a LED flashlight. We tend to have warm attire available because one can always take it off!

        If the battery is dead what good is any plug into the lighter device? sorry! They have little battery packs that charges electronic devices, has a flashlight and will jump your car! It’s called Anti gravity microstart…AMAZON has them and you can store it under your seat!

        In regards to debris…..I try to keep the house clean! Ya know?

        • weather says:

          Thanks re the gas advice.What I have is named Porta-Jump.It charges the battery in ten minutes when the adapter plug is where the lighter usually is so one can then start the car.I’ll check out the device you suggest as well and probably get one soon.Being ready can make such a difference.I know most think having triple A or similar roadside assistance is enough,yet I think if I can’t get out they can’t get in to certain places.

          • AZ Jim says:

            I advise carrying a space blanket, a gas siphoning device and a EMPTY gas can. The blanket takes up no room and can save a life in a blizzard, the gas siphoning is in case a friendly stranger happens by and a can to put the gas into your vehicle. I also carry a folding shovel, a machete, spare fuses, waterproof matches (you can make them yourself if need by by using a small amount of candle wax). Think about what you would need in an emergency and take it. A candle burning on the dash board on aluminum foil and heat a small space to preserve life. It’s fun to know too that you have a water source (bottle or whatever) and some cookies or crackers or the like to nibble on if needed.

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              We have similar to the space blanket is a SOL emergency blanket…much sturdier. I didn’t want to fess up to the fire starter stuff but I keep strike anywhere matches..with a small rock in an old plastic 35 mm film container. In another film container is cotton balls with Vaseline smooshed in it…for the fire starter! Granola bars.

              A MACHETE? I am scared of you! 😉

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Toilet paper! Oh good god don’t forget….you want to keep dem tidy whiteys WHITE!!!!

          • weather says:

            Jim and Cinandjules,thank you.Most of what you’ve added is always with me.I do need to restock fuses and spare wiper blades,now that I think about it…While we’re fessing up-I carry my own equivilent to a machete,am armed for defense,survival,etc.,with or w/out the car’s or any other shelter.Not trying to come across as paranoid here-just learned ways long ago to be able to back up my confidence,so to speak…having siphoned gas the HARD way that I may have once mentioned here before,I really should replace that particular hose 😉

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Good afternoon, all!

      It’s been a busy morning, followed by a lunchtime meeting, so this is the first chance I have had to check in. Hope everyone is doing well!

      Regarding what to bring in your car for emergencies…if you take your pets, be sure to bring some extra water, food, blankets, and any meds that they might need. Speaking of meds, take a few days worth of your meds in a snack bag, too. I like the idea of the “protection” items. Not sure what I would bring for that…maybe a hammer under the front seat – a “safety measure” that my Dad had as part of his emergency kit.

      Heh-heh…toilet paper! Yes…that is a must. Or at least have your glove box full of napkins! 🙂

      Have a great afternoon!! 🙂

      • weather says:

        Hi Denise,Work sounds busy,I hope it went well for you.Those are great additional reminders for many of us,thank you.Your dad’s having something that could serve more than one purpose made me grin.I started carrying stuff to instantly be able to picnic/survive/camp when my son was wee-moved/traveled coast to coast- a lot of things took on more roles than I first knew they would,too.Have a nice and snug evening!

  43. Donna 'N Girls says:

    Hi Sue,

    I can relate on pot lucks. Can’t stand them. It’s just that I know how I keep my kitchen, and I’ve seen others kitchens. ’nuff said.

    I’m one of the lucky few that got the shingles shot and then got shingles. My Doctor was so excited, he had been waiting for a patient to develop shingles after getting the shot!

    I told him I was happy I could accommodate him!

    Hope everything works out well the ptv.

    • Gayle says:

      All this about potlucks reminds me of my bad church potluck experience. I worked hard 2 days on 2 cold pasta salads. When done, I transferred them to aluminum pans because I didn’t want to chance losing my bowls. So after lunch, several parishoners asked me at which deli I bought my pasta salads! When I said they were my Hollywood Bowl pre-concert recipes, they all agreed that I “didn’t need to lie.” Is that a backhanded compliment, or what??!!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        The moral of the story? When forced to go to a potluck, pick up salads at the deli and save yourself a lot of work. 🙂

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:


        • Gayle says:

          Exactly. When in RV parks, have you run into lots of potlucks? It’s always an event at a Casita rally.

          • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

            Every time you comment here and I see your picture, I think “Where did she get a picture of me”? I have the same picture of me and I have on (almost) the same dress, my hair is like yours and we kinda look the alike!! Amazing. Yes, and you (we) look adorable. 🙂

            • Gayle says:

              Who, me, Gayle? Or RV Sue? If me, I gotta see this, just in case we were separated at birth! I’ll be watching this space! 😉 😉 (that’s us, maybe)

            • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

              I did mean you not RVSue. Unfortunately, all my pictures are at my daughters house in Vermont and I am in Wellton, AZ. It seriously is a hoot. Wish I could share it with you 🙁

            • Gayle says:

              The photo must be my Google ID photo — my 4th
              birthday photo, birthday
              hat, teddy bears, and all!
              “A hoot, but adorable” pretty much sums up my

        • Gayle says:

          It’s a metaphor for life. You learn it after you struggle with it!

  44. Mick'nTN says:

    Is the Globe USPS good for Monday, Tuesday?

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Why yes it is! What Ya sending me? Hahhhhh j/k

      You are such a love! Sue’s protector, angel and dearest friend!

    • Mick'nTN says:

      Too late, dummy antennas have been shipped via USPS to Globe, Az; hold for pickup at 101 S. Hill Street ( the big courthouse building, architect: James A. Wetmore).

      • Mick'nTN says:

        What’s with your email??, phone??. You are really “off the grid”.

        Detectives Cin&Jules, we may have a fugitive here!

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          What is a dummy antenna? Anything that holds up that wilson antenna which might be the reason for being a fugitive?

          • Mick'nTN says:

            The Wilson antenna / mast fits in a socket that allows rotation and has a threaded shaft / knob to lock it into position. When the antenna / mast is stored in the BLT for travel a short piece of PVC pipe is placed in the socket and locked. This prevents the shaft / knob from vibrating loose and being lost on the road. We call the short piece of PVC a “dummy Antenna” … just ’cause.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I lost the dummy mast around the time I crunched the door. Knob has been holding fine these several weeks.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Mick… Are you talking about MY email? It’s working fine.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Mick,

        Darn! I wish I’d seen your message earlier. There’s a post office not far from me… I’ll be in Globe Monday or Tuesday but I’ll have the BLT with me.

        • Mick'nTN says:

          I thought you were having the PTV fixed in Globe?

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I am but it will be in the shop for two or three days. I won’t be able drive it. If it’s not finished until late Wednesday, I may not be able to get to the P.O. before it closes. Since this p.o. is downtown next to a courthouse there may not be parking for both the PTV and BLT. I’ll drive down there and look. If no place to park, I can come back another time.

            I’m under a 14-day limit at Tonto NF and since it’s a 50 mile round trip to Globe, I won’t be hauling the BLT back to this camp once the PTV is fixed, unhitching, and then driving back to Globe to the post office.

            Instead I’ll tow the BLT to a new camp in Tonto NF closer to my intended direction, leaving from the body shop as soon as I can. This will put me at a new camp on the other side of Globe.

            I’ll unhitch from there and return to Globe, not on Black Friday… It may be the next Monday, Dec. 1st, the day the 14 days are up. The post office will hold it for 30 days.

            I forgot to mention… The reason I’ll have the BLT with me when I go to the body shop is I have to stay at the body shop for 2 nights while the PTV is being fixed.

            If I can get to the p.o. before it closes for Thanksgiving and if I can find a place to park, a lot of the above won’t apply.

  45. DesertGinger says:

    Ahhh pot lucks. I usually wind up bringing everything I want to eat because I don’t trust others cleanliness and because a lot of people don’t cook very well. Some of the stuff they bring to our park potlucks is just awful. We have a potluck on thanksgiving, and I may have some of the turkey but will bring my own dressing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.

    I’m getting my hotter monitor today to wear to monitor my heart. After that I can start on my beta blockers. Yay!

    Skipping school today as I’m not feeling well; stomach is bad and queasy. But I do have homework! Lots of homework.

    I hope all you folks in the snow are warm and comfy. Our weather in AZ is amazing. In the 40s at night, and 70s in the day. Just perfect.

    • weather says:

      So glad you’re enjoying amazing perfect temps,hope your feeling better by now.The first time I remember you mentioning your park’s pot lucks was when you fell because of your knee.You’ve sure come a long way since then,I love that Thanksgiving is the reason you’ll be at one now.I include you and your triumphs among what I’m grateful for!

      • DesertGinger says:

        Hi Weather! Enjoying all your recent posts! Never pictured you in steel toed boots! Hope you aren’t buried in snow. I know you appreciate all seasons, but 8 winters in Albany was enough snow for me. So glad to be in Tucson!

        • weather says:

          Never expected to live in snow country again when I first left,either Ginger,or to wear those boots!-Yet following my heart and commitments landed me here after California.One too many run ins with icy pathways,rocks, tree roots etc. banging up my feet made me want deep tread good looking leather full protection.I know you can appreciate wanting to just walk safely in comfort more than anyone I can think of!This way when I want to wear or do less country like things I can.Tucson sounds like a dream ,believe me-I,like you,just make the best out of whatever the day brings 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, DesertGinger,

      I’m with you regarding potlucks! I work with a guy that does not wash his hands after going to the bathroom…gross, huh?! So, when anyone brings something in to share, we keep an eye on it. Once he has helped himself to the cookies or such, I will mark a discrete “NS” on the item or on a Post-It note. NS=Not Safe. That is our code for eat at your own risk!

      Is this your first time taking the tax prep classes? At the end, you’ll be employed for tax season? Good luck!

      Hope you are feeling better tonight. Your AZ weather does sound perfect! Take good care – sending you a hug! 🙂

      • DesertGinger says:

        Hi Denise! No I took classes before and worked for Block for 3 years, ending in 2009. But the class was way different, without all the homework. This class is hard! And I forgot a lot of stuff since ’09. But I’m hanging in.

  46. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    When you first started out about the camera, I was thinking…oh no! Did she drop her camera?

    Is that a tent peg in one of those pictures?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know what it is, John. I didn’t notice it until I opened up the photo on my laptop. It could be a long nail, an Allen wrench (although I don’t think so)… It’s short, about four inches.

  47. Pamela K. says:

    Hi Sue and Miss Bridget…

    Bridget, little sweet one. I sure do hope your leg gets better for you. You certainly are a sugar-pie and I shall keep up with your outings as the days go on.

    Spike, baby boy, you are missed by so many. Still loved by all of us! I pray that you have found the fun, joy, adventure and peace that only doggie-heaven can offer you. I have no doubt that there is a wading pond or stream up there with your paw prints all over it! I will check back from time to time to see your sweet face and that carefree wiggle of yours. You gave me many smiles along your journeys…and your get-a-ways as Sue ran after you!

    Miss Sue, I will continue to check back from time to time but I have found that I am just don’t blend well in the comments of this group. Your group here is one that has many common likes and dislikes. Some I share in common and many I do not. It’s not a judgement call, nothing of the sort. No right or wrong thoughts, just who I am compared to you and most of your followers here. You see, I’m a loner sometimes. I also have been known to RV close to others as a way of meeting people too. I have been known to leave a light on at night when the campground is way too dark for me. Yet I enjoy a good star gazing and moon glow at its best too. About being alone… I often will not go anywhere for days at a time too. That said, I have also been known to hick up my heels and have a fun, somewhat loud, time when in the company of others. All these things and other things brings me to simply read your blog and not comment anymore. I am certain you will understand, I hope so at least. Know that I do like you and your bloggers, and I admire your collective likeness as a group. I just simply am not comfortable enough to feel that I fit in here. I thank you for your wisdom and your sharing of knowledge. Some that I will take with me as I travel and will remember that I learned it from you or from the bloggers here. So, not to drag it out and not to try to fit in where I am a bird-of-a-feather, I say thank you and wish you and yours only the very best your travels and life can offer. Hugs, Pamela K.

    • DesertGinger says:

      I, for one, will be so disappointed not to see your posts. You always have interesting and informative things to say and I have enjoyed your posts a lot. I hope perhaps you might reconsider. In any case, just know I thought you fit in great. hugs.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Pamela, I agree with DesertGinger…and hope that you might reconsider. I have enjoyed reading your posts as well. You will be missed…take good care of yourself. 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Pamela, I also agree with the others here. I will be sorry you won’t be chatting. But understand when you feel you do not fit so well (certainly places and times on here I do not as well). But hope things will be well with you, wherever you go and hope you find places to feel a sense of belonging too.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      The description of your social activities and the desire to be alone describes our life to a tee!

      You took the steps to come out and join us…I encourage you to stay.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      It isn’t necessary to “fit” here, but if you don’t feel comfortable, I understand. One great thing about blogs is you can “take ’em or leave ’em.”

      Thank you for visiting us, go in peace, and remember the door is always open for your return. 🙂

  48. Pat in KS says:

    Hi Sue,

    You really outdid yourself with today’s photographs. I think my favorite is the 5th one with the sun shining thru the mass of green stems and the little white flowers, but it was hard to choose just one.

    I want to add my two cents about the pneumonia shot. For years I had heard pneumonia referred to as “the old man’s friend”, suggesting it was a gentle and benign way to peacefully pass into the hereafter. Well, then I was in the hospital with a bad case of medical malpractice and I developed a fever of 106 degrees and pneumonia. There was nothing gentle about it. I was very ill for close to two weeks, most of which I do not remember. I do remember pushing the call button and telling them I was drowning. I ended up with asthma and for the first time realized in my mid 40’s that I was lucky to be alive and that I was going to always have to live near good medical care. You bet I’ve gotten my pneumonia shot and will get my shingles shot as soon as I finish dealing with my current medical mini-crisis. I also get flu shots because I have young grandchildren. I adore them, but they are petrie dishes full of bacteria. I want to be able to continue enjoying them for a long time.

    I really enjoyed some good laughs today over weather’s plastic face and her wonderful turn of phrase. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving next week and enjoy staying home on Friday and enjoying peace and quiet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      You’re the only one who mentioned the photo with the light coming through the green stems. That’s my favorite, too. I feel like a bug on one of that plant’s stems and light is coming into my tiny home. I chose that one for my latest desktop wallpaper.

      I appreciate you adding your experience with pneumonia and how you approach your own healthcare. May you enjoy many Thanksgivings with your grandchildren, all of you healthy and happy!

  49. Timber n' me says:

    Well Sue, We hope you are doing great and that the ITV gets her body done and looking like a PTV, like nothing happened to her and we hope it doesn’t cost much. Try to have a good day/night and give that HRH Bridget a BIG HUG from us ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,us

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Rusty, for the sweet message.

      When I pay to have something fixed, if I’m able to pay it, then it didn’t cost much.

  50. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Sue, hope the car repair will be satisfactory in every way!! Sorry for that expense. But at least it is just metal!! So more fixable than a body!! When the mack truck hit me and the car was towed away, hubby came home to an empty garage and came in and said, “Whatever happened to the car?” I said, “Well, I am really sorry but you no longer have a car, but you do have a wife.” After loosing my brother years prior to a drunk driver, his response was one of gratitude I was ok!! Though we both were so sad about the best car we had ever had. It was fixed eventually…we paid as much as the lousy insurance company deigned to pay. And it sits at daughter’s place in NC awaiting our next trip back.

    And I do hope Sue, that you, and anyone else who might decide to load up on vaccinations, will only do so if close to a good medical center, and being you have little Bridget too, a good boarding place for a dog….as insurance that you won’t need any extra care. And stay put until all chances of the illness getting you are past. And there is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO WAY I would get a mixed bunch at the same time. Let your immune system deal with ONE DISEASE at a time….just one…not a lot. What are the chances in life that you will ever get more than one disease at a time? SO therefore, why push your luck? Give your body the best chance you can to manage what you put into it. And after the shot? Take gobs of anything that helps fight off such…drink gobs of water, anything to help the system fight.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Your experiences remind us to pause and consider carefully the decisions we make about our health.

      Thanks for the wish for the PTV. You’re right, it’s only metal. If it weren’t for the fact that it doesn’t close securely, I probably wouldn’t bother to have it repaired.

  51. CRedd n TX says:

    The third picture from the top, the one with the cactus, looks like a fish in the water with only it’s mouth and one eye visible. Or like an animal peeking around the corner at me. The two dark spots I called an eye and mouth make it look that way. I saw this picture yesterday and did not see it. Then I saw it again today and there it was peeking at me.

    Good quality pictures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CRedd,

      I enjoyed seeing what you see in that picture. I see a young, carefree girl throwing her arms up in the joy of play.

      I should do a post that all the photos are saguaros looking like something else. The kind where you might not see it at first and later, there it is! That would be a fun challenge for me to find and fun for readers to interpret. Thanks for the idea!

  52. Bob G says:

    You say: “I tell the woman, who doesn’t look a day over sixteen, that the overages are bogus.”

    The very next day, Brian at
    “There’s “something” going on that I can’t seem to identify. I raise the data limit and reduce usage… and STILL Verizon says “more data was used”…

    Now… when that happens when the damned air card is turned OFF… my shorts start getting twisted tight.

    Something has got to give cuz my patience has expired! So… I finally got logged directly in here thru my phone gadget… idea is to see just how much I can really do with this… and maybe in the end DUMP that “jetpack”. (cuz SOMETHING ain’t right with that) … how do you use 1.5 gigs… with the thing OFF???”

    Not to get all paranoid and such, since two is not a trend, blah, blah, blah….but maybe somebody IS out to get you guys….


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s more than two. I suspect many are experiencing this, given the fact that I’ve heard of six, including Brian, in addition to myself. Sure, it could be an outlying cluster, but my world is very small causing me to doubt that it is.

      • Bob G says:

        Wish I knew a good alternative. Since Millennicom went down I’m gonna need a new hotspot in the spring. I’ve been eyeing this deal:

        5 Gigs good for 2 months for 50 bucks seems to be the sweet spot, and there’s no contract and you can re-up by phone or internet with a credit card or Walmart purchase. However, bear in mind you can’t just waltz into any Walmart and expect to get what you want because there’s three varieties (which look much alike):

        zte z288L, which operates on Verizon
        zte z89G, which uses ATT
        zte z289L, which is on Tmobile

        So far, my local Walmart only carries the latter, which is pretty useless to a traveller who camps in the boonies. Also I’m not sure my version of the Wilson Sleek will work with anyone be Verizon. Maybe, maybe not.

        I wish there were something better. Since I am only a part-timer, anything with a contract is a bad deal for me. I think we are all going to miss Millennicom for some time to come.

        • Jan in Montana says:

          I am using the S Talk hot spot thru the same tower that I previously used the much more costly verizon air card. I actually seem to have a stronger signal now. Don’t have any booster. A month ago, I had a shut down and called S Talk tech. They ‘rebooted’ the unit-took about 5 minutes total time to fix and gave me back my full gigs for the inconvenience. I only use the 4 gb/2 month/$40 as I mostly use for Sue’s great blog. I too liked the green stalks and sunlight photo and saved it–thank you, Sue.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            You’re welcome, Jan. You gave me a smile.

          • Bob G says:

            Thanks for the reply, Jan. Good to hear from someone who is having success with the S talk hotspot. Bodes well for the future, the future being next April or thereabouts. Do you know what model number you are using? Did you buy it at Walmart?

            • Jan in Montana says:

              Bob: I got it from the nearest walmart here in MT. Unimax U240C. I understand that the ‘C’ links to verizon access, which is about the only thing that works around this area. Big note–there is no antenna jack, just a power adapter port. I buy cards to refill or you can use auto fill.

  53. weather says:

    Good morning Sue,
    Happily this morning I found that,once again,the heavier snowfalls bypassed this place.The one drifting around us while we’re outside has light dancing flakes- they barely land on us- then disappear.Hope the birdsong near you is audible and that today’s warmth comes to you soon.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Good morning, Weather! Glad that the heavy storm passed you by! Happy news that the Jeep repair was not as expensive as expected.

      Stay warm and enjoy your day! 🙂

      • weather says:

        Hi Denise 🙂 It’s a wonderful thing to have a trustworthy kind mechanic.We’ve driven together before to demonstrate exactly what our concerns with a vehicle were to each other.This time,as usual,he found only what was wrong and fixed it.Too often we hear stories of or encounter dishonesty and ensuing bad relations among folk,in business or just life.I feel very blessed to have as many great relationships as I do-ours among them.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      Gentle snows, those “light dancing flakes,” are quiet guests who don’t stay long. The dense snowfalls arrive with bluster, commanding our attention.. We soon tire of them and wish they’d go away!

      I discovered the reason for the birds’ quiet. After a cold night they were sitting on high branches of the palo verde and mesquite, and on top of the saguaros, chests puffed out toward the rising sun. Once warmed they began to sing.

      Stick your tongue out and catch a snowflake for me, weather.

      • weather says:

        Will do! How delightful a discovery you made-I simply love each part of your whole rising sun picture-and to imagine it ending with little precious songs…wow!Sharing a smile with you in appreciation of lovely visits-the one’s pleasant to feel and remember.Nice,too,to realize that dense one’s melt away… 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        So happy you are hearing bird songs, Sue!! We miss that here. All we get usually are crows…and they were not given a pleasant wake up gently voice!!

  54. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue and fellow blogorinos!

    It is a sunny, clear, cold day here, but all is good! It is Friday!!! Whoo-Hoo!!! I’m doing imaginary cartwheels in my head….something that is no longer a possibility with a (ahem) mature bod! If I tried to do a cartwheel I am pretty sure that I would break something! LOL! 🙂

    Sending everyone warm wishes for a wonderful day!! 🙂

  55. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    When people are sick they should not be given immunizations. But I doubt if Walmart will tell their customers that. I’m suspious of all shots now days.
    Well it was bound to happen sooner or later the PTV is no longer a virgin 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe,

      WalMart has you fill out a questionnaire about your health before you meet with the doctor. Since my health is presently good, I don’t know what would’ve happened if I stated it wasn’t on the questionnaire.

      Yeah, the PTV has to take her lumps like the rest of us. 🙂

  56. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Ipad froze just as I was about to hit enter!!!!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Here’s a condensed version:

      My take on immunizations…is money for the pharmaceutical companies.

      Correct me if I am wrong. We all get childhood immunizations in order to attend school. Later in life….they suggest getting additional immunizations.

      The flu has different strains every year. Are these strains geographically based? And how do they know which strain to immunize. Once you get the shot…it doesn’t prevent you from acquiring the flu…it just minimalizes the severity!

      Taking precautions when you mingle with people with snot and cooties is a must! Living in the woods we are more suceptable to Lyme disease and Hanti virus.

      With pets, studies show the yearly immunizations are not necessary…but your vet will still suggest it! The ONLY shot require is rabies. The study also shows the long term effect on your pets is actually detrimental to their health. Remember everything has side effects….(ie erections lasting more than 4 hours is a medical emergency). Generally the complications are greater than the issue’s face value.

      I’m sorry for those who fell under the 1 of 3 who got shingles! They say 1 in 3 will get breast cancer…does that mean we all lop off the tata’s?

      Everyone has their reasons to get or pass on the immunizations…neither of us are at that age….when the time comes….we will probably have the same thoughts! Is it ignorance?

      We don’t know what lies ahead……what will be will be!

      • Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

        A gal friend of mine got this years flu. She had skipped her flu shot. It really knocked her down. She says she’ll never skip getting her flu shot again. I always get mine. It’s NOT a placebo! 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Your reply would assume we are all alike!! Even doctors don’t say that!! We have the internet for a lot of information, but tho’ not all will be correct, in any direction, it does help one be more informed.

          My youngest child had her health wrecked by immunizations. The doc is who connected those dots, not me….pre-internet days. But anyone can believe anyone they choose too…it is to be hoped it will not be your beloved child who WILL NEVER BE ABLE to be 100% well now. With mine, at least it is just stomach issues and digestion troubles….some have much worse horror stories. She was the most perfectly healthy little baby you ever saw until we got her shots started. We were late so doing because her sibblings had colds there for awhile when it was time for her to start shots and I had no one to leave them with while I took the baby in. So first the immunizations threw her into FULL BLOWN asthma within days of the first immunization. You try dealing with a 4 month old infant with asthma!! It was beyond scary. Then with all the antibiotics she had to take for all the horrid ear and respiratory infections (it was constant nearly) she had to have the first 10 years of her life, it destroyed part of her digestive tract.

          She has been the rest of her life now trying to restore it…well, she knows now that ALL grains, every single one available out there…even ones you have probably not heard of, she cannot digest. Would you like to live your whole life without just even wheat? Much less the alternatives, including rice?? She is 31 now…long history there to look at.

          I see the difference between her and my other children as a difference in how they made the immunizations. My olders had some issues with them, but it was not beyond something we could handle. There is almost 6 years between my youngest and the next oldest sibling. If there was no money being made on immunizations, I could believe easier that they truly are meant for our best interest. Why are they not sold at cost? For me, I will forever, the rest of my life, feel responsible for what happened to my youngest. FOREVER!! I would give anything to have spared her the suffering. It is a risky thing to encourage others to do something that might harm them or their children. It is why I always speak out.

          I would not wish all that came to our family upon my worst enemies. The cost was the least of it all…I only mention that as some folks do not care unless something affects their pocketbook. A nurse friend who has been one her whole life…still is and is nearing 70 now has been keeping notes on such things along…her own kind of research…it is interesting that when polio vaccinations began there was only 3 kinds of polio…and with the years, now there is more (mutated maybe)…one wonders what the future will hold.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I feel the heartbreak in your comment, Elizabeth. Every time you think of or see your daughter’s suffering, your heart breaks all over again. It’s a sad burden. One can tell you it wasn’t your fault. Doesn’t help much. You’re a mother.

            As for vaccines, I don’t know the best answer. I do want to mention that the AutismSpeaks organization attributes infant vaccinations (given in the past) as the cause of some cases of autism. They specify that the vaccine itself wasn’t the culprit; it was the mercury-based preservative (that is no longer used in the manufacture of vaccines). The cause of autism remains controversial.

            I only bring this up to point out that health problems caused by immunizations in the past may have been the result of how the vaccine was prepared, not the vaccine itself. (Not referring to your daughter’s situation, Elizabeth.)

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              Well, we will see what happens with our grandchildren now who are getting vaccinated. Time will tell. I would find it more reasonable if each child were tested first before ever giving them shots. But now some are administered even before they leave the hospital and usually that is less than 24 after they are born.

              One of our grandchildren with Asperger’s was tested by a dna doctor who helped them figure out what they could and could not do with him. So apparently there is that kind of testing available. I do find it strange as some years ago we were told that there was no more polio. I wonder where recent cases have then come from, if the vaccinations truly work?

              Well, aside from the untold suffering of the children, is the toll on the marriage, even if there is enough money to deal with all the doctors. We spent so much of my hubby’s electrical engineering income on medical for the kids that now he is retired we have virtually nothing. We are ok. But if we get some catastrophic bills….we won’t be. It has been a very hard life.

              I wish what we are being told was the truth. But I think it is not. Some doctors aware of this. Most we went to quit administering the shots. I really think it was the liability. Not just financially, but maybe these good people felt guilt after seeing some results. Even though they do not make the shots themselves. I wish we lived in a world that really believed in always telling the truth…but I have not seen that. We have had our trust so violated.

            • Beekeeper says:

              My sister had polio. My friends had polio. I will never forget the look on my mother’s face when the Dr. thought I had polio. I love vaccines.

      • weather says:

        Really like your take on this subject.I’ve had one immunization shot in my entire life.Had a natural aversion to poison,chemicals of dubious purpose being injected into my body with needles since I was a kid.Did whatever it took to prevent it and got away with it,thank God.I watched two great people ,my parents,just observing here-My father tried everything medical “science” offered to keep himself going to take care of us ,died- barely 57- at their hands.My mother used what grew in the earth when needed,outlived him by twenty plus years.I’ve used herbs and natural sources of vitamins as daily supplements for decades to aid my bodies responses to what’s around,have encountered bouts of illness/pain/disease-fought and beat them and the odds- am still going fine.I offer no recommendations-to each their own.Just saying-I heard zero ignorance in your comment.

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          So agreed Weather…it is interesting to note that the average age of doctors I have heard, is far below that of the general population. Sad really that they who have tried to help us (well in years past anyway I think most were truly there because they wanted to help…now with the huge money to be made, who knows?) Our very excellent doc told us about a decade ago that the very best thing we could do in the future would be to do all we could to strengthen our immune systems…he feared a lot of what has happened over the years. Were it not for him, by the way, even with GOD helping us, I think our youngest would not have lived too long past 10 years old. When I first found him, all the regular docs in our area had no answers for our daughter whose stomach was basically not working then. SO how can one live long without eating??? Not any good answer to that one.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Oppss…meant the average age of death for doctors…is a shorter life span than average population.

          • weather says:

            Elizabeth I find you to be such a dear sweet woman,always,and reading of these problems that so weigh on your heart,pray that ease is soon given to you and your family. Again,I make no recommendations,won’t offer advice,don’t claim that my choices are the ultimate solution for anyone other than myself.That being said,I want to thank you for the note.An interesting(to me)note on the subject is that prior to water treatment done for the sake of sanitation’s very real benefits few people developed polio and other diseases because their exposure to them happened early in life and gave them natural immunity thereafter.So round and round we go go-help this-hurt that-life has problems,it’s so good that we offer each other comfort along the way..Hope this day finds you at peace friend,weather

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              As always, happy to hear what you have to say, Weather…wow, never ever came across the connection between water treatment and disease. I do know that chorine anyway is not good. We lived in a remote place and only sometimes were we told that they were treating the water….and since we have lived there many of those people in that neighborhood have had cancer. Most in fact. Guess having only 20 months there was probably a good thing. Once we learned what was going on, we ony boiled and filtered our water, or used spring water for drinking from the store. We had to bathe in it also, however. We hope no ill falls on us later on from that. Of course, I am not against medical treatment. But I wish more tests were done to determine what was safe for each individual before administering. Some have good strong immune systems and can handle anything and are most fortunate indeed. My older kids were fully immunized as was I in my day. But I have had a lot worse health issues than my brothers too….I will always wonder if that was part of the reason. It is ok. I feel I have done my best to warn others. And if they choose to walk that path, fine. What does concern me is making getting them mandatory. So often in society what is a choice at first, becomes mandatory. My daughter here with the small children was going to insist we go get the worst shots done so we would not give anything to her children. We have had all those diseases except whooping cough which we got about 10 years ago. Reading up on that, it is supposed to work better than having the shots to have had it. Of course, we never went out to get sick!! I had it worst. But since then, have rarely caught anything my sick grandbabies have had…no matter how feverish or coughing etc they were. My daughter finally listened to us. But we did not badger her. Told her it was ok if she did not want our help. We would go on our way. She changed her mind. It would be wonderful if all suffering could cease in this life even. But we at least have the hope of a day to come that will be like that. I feel for those that do not. Thanks for your note, Weather!!

            • weather says:

              Hi Elizabeth.Nice to hear that you and your daughter found a way to work things out ,and be reminded of our hope.Before communities in western civilization put water safety measures in place(until the end of the 19th century)most babies were nursed-the immunity that gives let them be exposed to disease without illness-once exposed safely they remained immune thereafter.My point is that I don’t think you need expect your exposure to chlorine to cause problems for you in the future,it wasn’t the culprit-lack of exposure to disease while immune was. hugs 🙂

      • Bob G says:

        “What will be will be” is NOT a philosophy I can adopt regarding vaccinations. I used to get the flu every winter, sometimes twice. Laid up miserable some period between a week or three, year after year. Since I started getting flu shots every fall about 10 years ago, I’ve not had the flu.

        It works for me.

        A personal anecdote: I had a sister before I was born (if you follow). In 1946 she died of polio. She was 3 years old. She was well on Wed., sick on Thursday, in the hospital on Friday, dead on Saturday, buried on Sunday. That’s the way it happened back then, and it happened a lot. The shock of it nearly destroyed my Dad. Many people these days have forgotten history.

        If Carol Lynn had managed to make it another 10 years without encountering polio, Jonas Salk would have saved her life, and I would have grown up with a sister, might even now have a raft of grown nieces and nephews.

        People who miss their vaccinations survive these days because the rest of us have gotten them. I’ll take all I can get.

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Wow Bob….hope you are right…and thanks for taking them for us!! Hope you and others are correct in that belief. Those of us with horror stories are not having fun living with the results either.

          • Bob G says:

            Well, Elizabeth, it is not a matter of “belief”. It is a matter of life and death. It is a matter of facts that you can easily look up. Vaccines are not always miracles. Not everyone reacts the same way to every vaccine. But the numbers do not lie. Take polio:

            “The 1952 U.S. epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation’s history. Of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year, 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis,[1] with most of its victims being children. The “public reaction was to a plague.”

            Sure, some people were immune. Some threw it off. It could have been worse. But after the vaccine:

            “In the U.S, following a mass immunization campaign promoted by the March of Dimes, the annual number of polio cases fell from 35,000 in 1953 to 5,600 by 1957. By 1961 only 161 cases were recorded in the United States.”



            “His sole focus had been to develop a safe and effective vaccine as rapidly as possible, with no interest in personal profit. When asked who owned the patent to it, Salk said, “There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?”

            And this is only one disease. Before vaccines, various kinds of flu killed millions. Other sorts caused only discomfort.

            In 1918 one variant ” infected 500 million[2] people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and killed 50 to 100 million of them—three to five percent of the world’s population[3]—making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.”


            There never was a vaccine for that one.

            What we call “flu” changes all the time, which is why there is a new vaccine every year. It’s a moving target. And every year there is the chance that it will become a mass killer again.

            Take the vaccine, and thank God for it.

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              If you really are into research Bob, read some of what Dr. David Williams has to say about the flu of 1918 that killed so many. In Australia they did figure out how to stop it there eventually…bet you never heard that one. Because of how we have applied some of what Dr. Williams shares in our own families, yes down to my grandchildren now, there are some things that do help in killing off viruses. You might want to know this for whenever the next one hits.

              I have kids now, even when they know what happened to their sister, make their children get shots. Our youngest grandchild is now 20 months old. A very smart little girl…we feel she is somewhat diminished however from how she was before so many immunizations were given to her. Remains to be seen if she will have other issues.

              One bad reaction she had (of course they put 5 shots into her legs at one visit) caused her legs to swell double their normal size and she screamed S C R E A M E D the most shrill cry we ever heard, for hours!!! We helped walk the floor with her and try to comfort her. I wanted my daughter to take her to the emergency room…but she would not….cause the dumb nurse she called said it was normal. I never heard any of our other children or grandchildren cry like that. I have read it can indicate brain damage. Which it may have caused some…she is exceptionally bright so I guess she will be ok even if she lost some brain cells in that time.

              I did beg my daughter to not allow them to give her so many at one time…so she has cut back on that…though the clinic badgered her about that. HOW AWFUL…any of them offering to help with whatever the results are after that?? I would have switched doctors immediately. It is hard however to find medical staff who really care. I realize how fortunate I was to have doctors who cared about our ill infant…though I did quit one of them and find another. AND most definitely yes, it is a belief as surely as a religion for some. Perhaps you have no children. One learns so much by experience.

        • Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

          “People who miss their vaccinations survive these days because the rest of us have gotten them. I’ll take all I can get.”

          AMEN to that Bob G! The science deniers do not rock, and the earth isn’t 6,000 years old.

        • Calvin R says:

          It’s individual I guess. I’m 57 years old and have never had flu in my life. I got the shot a couple of years ago and didn’t get it that year either. You have a point about once-common childhood illnesses, but with the strings attached that others have discussed. I’m not so sure about adult illnesses. And let us never forget that corporations, including doctors and hospitals, exist first to make money and anything else is not their first priority. That’s why they are called “for profit” organizations.

    • weather says:

      Correcting myself here! In hindsight I realize that my placing quotation marks around the word science as I did ( in my reply I typed medical “science” ) was insensitive of me.In truth I find true science admirable and meant no disrespect to anyone or their personal choices.The case in point (with my father as the subject) involved people with limited ,if any,access to information that would have helped him instead of hastening his demise.If anyone was offended or felt that I was implying a lack of intelligence among those with other beliefs than my own,I both apologize and am sorry.

      • weather says:

        Adding a note later-this thread and similar ones on this blog are things I find so touching about the people here.It’s like we stand in a circle calling to each other “Caution” “Watch Out” “Don’t get Hurt” .Bringing experience,information,whatever we can to each other,in the end we all just want to help.Though in the fields of illness “there’s safety in numbers” usually doesn’t apply-here at least I see “there’s comfort in numbers” as each offers something to the next.Hope everyone has a good weekend.

        • Timber n' me says:

          Hi Weather, I’m unable to get a Flu shot. The last one I got back in the U S Army nearly killed me and that was back in 1968. Since then I’ve been taking a Chines herb called Astragalus, I take it before going to town or after I come back. A herb company, “NOW”, 100 caps @ 500 mg. each. A bottle go’s for $6.85 at our loco HERBS HERBS, here in L.H.C. When I feel something coming on, I take 2 with 2 1000mgs of C. By the next morning, I feel great. And every once in a while, I also drink Creosote Tea, a Native American plant that grows in the Southwest. I pick it, rinse it, and dry it and use it with a screened Tea spoon to brew it up and yes it taste like it sounds, but a little of honey fixes that, or I’ll put it right in my morning JO. Go on line and check it out, it’s one of the many herbs that the Native Americans used in taking care of illnesses in time and time again. Like O Sha root. Oh, I haven’t had the Flu or a cold and such for a long, long , long time. ,,,,,,,,,,me

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      The Ipaditis must be contagious! Did you upgrade to 8.0? My mini started having issues after I downloaded the update.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Ughh. Yeppers….they’ll have another “upgrade soon.

        I did notice it doesn’t try to auto correct my words as often! Some of the words that come out of its “mind” makes me laugh!

        Not to mention makes me write like an idiot!

  57. kgdan says:

    We got the S Talk hot spot back in Rock Springs, Wyo just before Flaming Gorge. It is prepaid; has not worked in all locations, but when it does, has a strong signal. We got the 5g for $50/2months. We use multiple devices with it. Here in Laughlin where we stay for several months, it works very well, much better than what is offered by RV park.

  58. DesertGinger says:

    I always get the flu shot, have had pneumonia shot several times…..and I get flu and pneumonia every year. Hospitalized with pneumonia the last 4 winters. I’m in AZ now and hoping I can get through winter without getting sick.

  59. Hey Sue!

    Oh my gosh, these photos are amazing! You are an artist! I love textures!

    I think we’ve all crunched a little when it comes to auto bodies. It’s nothin’ but a lesson learned so we’ll do it differently next time. 😉 “ITV” LOL!

    You’re so brave for getting the shot! Patients with patience! Hope you’re taking vitamins and immune boosters. You are a strong woman!

    Wheweee, they’re a lot of comments here! Wish I could read ’em, but gotta go.

    Love ya Sue and Bridge!

  60. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Sleep tight Sue and Bridget!

  61. john fossildreamer says:

    Hi Sue, Just to share my thought’s,,, and if it helps one person, I did my share..
    I’m 77 have cancer I’m fighting, it’s going OK,,, Had pneumonia remember it well,,
    had the flu, remember it well,, today I get the flu shot every year,,, Have a couple
    of other little issues like stents, etc… BUT Please get the Shingles Shot..
    I got Shingles almost 5 years ago left side of my face from the eye up, was lucky I
    never had an open sore or scab,, doctor’s said the pain and itch would go away..
    They lied.. 5 years later After trying many drugs , and now maxed out on gabapentin 3600 mg each day just to stop from me ripping my face apart… I know there’s still
    a chance you could get shingles after getting the shot, but i believe the case would be
    nothing like mine…. When I was getting chemo like almost everyone, It was a B
    but I knew in x amount of days I would start to feel a little better before my next treatment…
    SHINGLES never let’s up you don’t feel better GET A SHOT
    ok I’m off my soup box….. I Love your picture’s…
    Safe Travel’s Sue

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, John, for helping me. If it weren’t for you, I doubt I would’ve gone in for the shot.

    • Teri in SoCal says:

      John, I just wanted to say that I hope your treatment goes very well. My dad is 79 and going through treatment for cancer. Some days are better than others, and I would give anything to make it easier for him. I hope you have some easy, amazing and wonderful days ahead.

      • john fossildreamer says:

        Teri in SoCal,, Thanks for sharing,, Your right some days are better than others with cancer treatment, and you just keeping plowing ahead.. On the bad days I try to think about The 6
        kids my wife and me produced, that led to 16 grandkids,,
        that led to 5 great grandkids,,, And I’m still here to see it all,,,
        It’s really fun to watch each one find their way,, funny & crazy
        So what Im saying I had a hell of a life so far,, It’s been fun….
        And I know your father thinks about his family and all his fun times he’s seen in his life… and I hope his days are easy for him.. john

        • Teri in SoCal says:

          Thank you John…and you are right about everything you wrote. My dad is my hero. And I’ll bet your kids feel the same way about you. And might I say, your attitude rocks!! Kick that cancer’s butt!

  62. Mick'nTN says:

    Your package is at the Globe PO now.

  63. weather says:

    The absence of things is what I notice first approaching the edge of the cliff.No fog,rain,snow,mist or white caps the lake was named for long ago.A native tribe called it White Water then ,to warn others to expect all it’s storms.Today shining water twenty two miles long,five miles wide-glares brightly as far as I can see.

    Folks staring at walls and pavement are already naming these the grey days of winter.I’m presented a world full of color and life each time I awaken,stepping into it I just call it morning.One more chance to hear it’s song,play with the troupe,enjoy coffee,get ready for the day.Good morning Sue,I hope yours allows time for freedom.I’m pushing tasks to the bottom of my list-first up-this visit,second-leaf watching-third-puttin’ my shades on to drive the jeep to nowhere in particular.I just love that place,don’t you?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have sunlight on water this morning with “a world full of color.” We have blue… Blue mountains under a blue dome of sky. The distant mountains look two dimensional, like hastily cut out pieces of paper, one on top of the other, making a collage under the soft blue sky. Last night at dusk a coyote yipped and barked no more than 30 yards from our windows. I went outside to listen. Not a threatening sound. This morning I see where he/she dug up rodent dens not far from our campsite. The first thing I heard this morning was a raven chortling in flight.

      I think I recall you saying your grandson is coming this weekend. Have a pleasant “cruise” in your Jeep!

  64. john (POPS) says:

    Sue ! Good morning . I just came upon your site today , and I cannot fully express my admiration for your life style choice . I own a 13′ Boler , which is just going through refit . Next winter I plan on spending 3 or 4 months on the desert in New Mexico , and your blog has givin me some fresh ideas . Take care , be safe . regards POPS

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, POPS! I’m very pleased that you found my blog and that you have received some benefit from it already.

      I haven’t camped in New Mexico since my early months on the road in the fall of 2011. You can read about those camps at (NOT

  65. DesertGinger says:

    Well, finished my ‘holter’ test yesterday, so today I started my beta blockers. I’m not sure but think I feel better already. The beta blockers will supposedly stabilize my heart rate and blood pressure, and I do feel less fluttery in chest and less shaky, so I think it is working! Just been sitting in my chair reading. Haven’t done any homework or housework. Have Sunday and Monday to do homework. Maybe I’ll do some tonite. But am enjoying my day of rest. I hope tomorrow I feel even better.

    It’s rather chilly here. I don’t mind it but I don’t have proper clothes. I guess they must be in storage. But getting things out of storage is too much for me; I will have to wait till my friends get here in January. I have a couple jackets and a couple pair of jeans, if I’m not too fat. I really just need some warmer shoes…all I have are sandals. Maybe I’ll buy some when my check gets here.

    Ok, back to my book… eBooks. So easy.

  66. JazzLover WMa says:

    Good Morning Sue and HRH

    I know I am a few days late to this post but wanted to add my 3 cents worth. Good job getting the shingles shot, have a friend in Maine who got shingles and he said it was one of the worst things he has ever lived through. As for pneumonia shot, it might be nice if the medical profession could agree on if a person needs it just once, every five years or every ten years. It makes me wonder if these people are reading from different drug company releases. I got it after I had pneumonia. Seemed reasonable to get the shot as I was in the twilight zone with the pneumonia and didn’t even realize I was sick until I was admitted to the hospital. The flu shot is a case of “are they giving me the shot for the types of flu in my part of the country or what?” The flu shot seems to me, to be a crap shoot. Some people get the shot and get the flu, others don’t get the shot and don’t get the flu and so on. Don’t like the idea of the combo shot TDAP at all. Unless you step on a rusty nail or get bitten by an strange animal you don’t need one. In your case, the adage “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” comes to mind. You have been doing alright to date, OK, going into Wal-Mart is like playing Russian roulette due to the number of people in the store but it appears your taking emergen-C works for you.

    Thank you for not posting another shot of Wal-Mart. Your change from looking straight ahead to looking down was neat. You once again show what some of us just walk by and never notice. How is Bridgets’ leg doing?
    Be Well.

  67. JazzLover WMa says:

    oops, meant to say you do not need a tetanus shot unless you step on a rusty nail or get bitten by a strange animal. Just the thought of a combination shots gives me the creeps.

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