Good, free campsites at Otter Creek Reservoir . . . for another time of year

Sunday, September 20

This post takes us back to the time leading up to the camp shown in the previous post.

P1070371Oak Ridge Road, Fishlake National Forest, near Salina, Utah

The Perfect Tow Vehicle rumbles down Oak Ridge Road, towing the Best Little Trailer, and carrying me and my crew on a search for our next camp.

At Gooseberry Road I brake at the stop sign.

P1070108“Goodbye, you bovine bi . . . . “

P1070107“Reggie!  Your language!”

Gooseberry Road takes us to Interstate 70. 

The highway cuts through dramatic scenery on its way west to Salina.  The crew settles down, realizing this isn’t a short trip into town.  Reggie curls up in his bed between the front seats and Bridget stretches out on the quilt on the bench seat.

P1070373What a great feeling to be on the road again!

We don’t take the Salina exit. 

Instead we continue on I-70 to the next exit.  Vermillion cliffs come into view at the aptly-named village of Vermillion, followed by Sigurd.

P1070374Why do we exit here?

Looking at a map (or perhaps you can recall) there are three main routes south from Salina.  One could drive Interstate 70 (ugh).  Another way would be Route 89 through Sevier Valley and Richfield.  This is a pleasant drive, one we’ve taken before, and the allure of Fresh Market Grocery in Richfield is strong.

However, this trip the crew and I head south on Route 24.

The drive is two-lane,very scenic and with little traffic as it passes the Rainbow Hills and traverses Kings Meadow Canyon.  I slow at Koosharem Reservoir, briefly consider camping there overnight, but decide against it when I see six or seven campers along the shoreline.

Shortly thereafter Bridget and Reggie wake up.  Time for a potty break . . .

Instead of going to Fish Lake, the popular destination, we turn onto Route 62.

P1070375-001Our journey continues through sparsely populated Grass Valley, passing the occasional farm or ranch.

P1070379The landscape gradually changes from the bucolic to empty sage plain bordered by stark mountains, specifically the Tushar Mountains on the west and the Sevier Plateau on the east.  Just as I’m thinking . . .

Well, I’ve seen enough sagebrush to last me for a good long time . . .

The blue of Otter Creek Reservoir appears!

P1070385I didn’t start out this morning with any intention of camping at Otter Creek Reservoir State Park.  This elevation is low (under 6,500 feet) for September temperatures (over 85 degrees).

As I drive along the western shoreline, I’m surprised to see campers boondocking!

It’s been my experience that a reservoir that is claimed as state park territory is not available for camping.

P1070383Otter Creek State Park (across the bay in that line of cottonwood trees)

A gravel road parallels the western shore and from that road, spur roads run perpendicularly to free campsites!  Being a dyed-in-the-wool boondocker, I can’t resist checking them out.

This one is a beauty!

P1070387Look closely at the campsite in the photo above and you’ll see a fire ring in the center.  This makes the spot an “established campsite,” indicating that you can camp here.

P1070389It’s hot here on this September day, and there is no shade. 

We’ve camped in this kind of heat before and been perfectly happy with all the windows open, the Fantastic fan in the ceiling going, and the awning extended.

Hmm . . . maybe we should quit for the day and spend the night here.  It will be cool in a few hours.  I could watch the pelicans and coots on the water . . . .  This site, though very nice, is not for us.  I don’t want to camp near that severe drop-off.  I’d keep imagining the crew falling . . . .

Here’s another nice site, at the end of a point where one can launch a kayak or small boat.

P1070385A few people are out fishing in boats.  I doubt they’re catching much at this time of day and time of year.

I drive down another spur and discover someone is holding the campsite by the lone tree.  An unoccupied travel trailer is tucked in the shade.

We could camp on the beach — the ground is firm enough — No, it’s too hot for that.

P1070392We turn at a sign for Fisherman’s Beach.

There are four shelters over picnic tables, as well as a vault toilet.  Two campers are here, one with soft-sided “wings” and the other a fifth wheel.  The sight of four dirt bikes and a humongous generator has us pulling away.  (Words of warning:  Otter Creek Reservoir is on the Paiute ATV Trail.)

P1070382“I’m hungry.  I think I see another place with picnic tables and shelters.  Let’s stop for lunch.”

Tamarisk Beach is set up with two wheelchair accessible picnic sites.

P1070393With the crew resting in the shade under the picnic table, I eat a light lunch of pepper jack cheese, saltines, and orange juice.  The crew had a big breakfast this morning and neither Bridget or Reggie are hungry.

Should we camp here or keep going?

Reggie jumps up with a start!  Ants! 

“Oh, baby, that’s not very nice.  C’mon . . . Let’s get back into the PTV.”

“Okay, crew, do you want to spend the rest of the day and overnight here?

P1070105-001I’ll take that as a “No!”

The crew has spoken.  We won’t camp at Otter Creek Reservoir.  I agree.  I’m not in the mood for summer.  My senses have become attuned to autumn and I’m wanting more cool mountain air right now.

Why did I go into detail about this place? 

P1070384Another boondock, this one across from the state park

Because there are several nice, free boondocks where one can enjoy bird-watching and fishing from the shore or from a boat . . . at a different, cooler time of year and hopefully when the water level of the reservoir is higher. . . .  Driving with care, one could bring a fairly big rig to the shore.  Stock up on supplies first because there aren’t any good-sized grocery stores nearby.

Next post:  Through Kingston Canyon on our way to the mountains!


NOTE:  I’m publishing this post shortly after several new, important comments came in under the previous post.  You may want to take a look.  I’d love to participate in the discussions there and under this post, but I’ve kept the crew patiently waiting a long time in the PTV while I blog.  We’re parked at a gas station where there is internet signal.  Bye for now!  Sue


P1070104Definitely two votes of “meh”


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117 Responses to Good, free campsites at Otter Creek Reservoir . . . for another time of year

  1. Suzette (TN) says:

    Quick enough to be first??? 🙂

  2. R. now hiking in Grand Teton NP says:

    Hi Sue and Crew

    • weather says:


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Happy, Happy Birthday, R! Enjoy your special day! 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Happy Birthday! Are you on the tram? 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, R. . . . I hope you had a very happy birthday!

      • Mick'nTN says:

        Happy Birthday “R”

        • R. still in Grand Teton NP says:

          Thank you RVSue, Mick’in TN, Sidewinder Pen, Denise from Richmond, VA and Weather for thinking of me. Yes, I took the Jackson Hole tram to the top and then hiked down and down and down again and then up all the way to Marion Lake. It was a little over 8-hour hike with a very short time for a snack. On the way back I had to go down then up and up and up again. 4,000 ft. elevation change. It was a beautiful day. I’m thinking about returning to this park and go backpacking in 2016.Thanks again

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Well I guess another year has not taken a bit from your legs and lungs. Go you! Glad to hear you had a great day in a beautiful area 🙂

            • R. still in Grand Teton NP says:

              Well, that’s no so. My lungs like high altitudes and changes in elevations but I pulled my left leg muscles a few weeks back and had to do only shorter hikes for a while. Now I’m back to longer and more satisfying hikes. As long as I’m able.
              I trust you’re having a great day right now.

            • R. still in Grand Teton NP says:

              I should add I hope all the Blogorinos here are having another great day

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Thanks, R. Hike on! 🙂

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Yep, just hit the road after an extended stay in one spot. It was a nice spot, but I do love to ramble!

              Glad you are back up to your epic hikes.

  3. Rhonda says:

    Beautiful pics! First? WooHoo!

  4. Suzette (TN) says:

    Laughed out loud at Reggie’s comment regarding spending the night.

  5. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    So as usual, the first two to three pictures of the crew had me laughing out loud…and Reggie with his language, well he calls them as he sees em. Loving the pictures of the road stretched out before us…let’s go! Have a great time with your new site, I hope this means you have connectivity! Hugs to the crew and little ear scratches.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene,

      We didn’t have a connection at the “charming camp.” A few hours ago we moved to a new camp and there’s internet! That’s how I’m here replying to comments… I’m happy the photos gave you a laugh!

  6. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    My favorite kind of post…I had to run and get the atlas to follow along! Love the info on Otter Creek reservoir. After a google search, I found the BLM info about the facilities that you mentioned. I loved your idea of the spiral bound index cards to keep track of campgrounds. Now I have a card with the info on Otter Creek Reservoir on it!

    You’re keeping us guessing about where you’re headed….only the hint “up Kingston Canyon”. Maybe you’ll land at a boondock in the Panguitch Lake area. Anybody else care to guess along with me??

    • edlfrey says:

      I think somewhere near City Creek Rec Site. Maybe a spur road off FR 132 0r 617 in Cougar Canyon?

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        I thought she said this post was leading to her current site of the most charming camp. Wasn’t that in the first line under the date?

        • edlfrey says:

          You are absolutely correct “this post was leading to her current site of the most charming camp”. Where is that?

          That is what cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) was asking others to guess. A boondock in the Panguitch Lake area or my guess was City Creek Rec Site area.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cc and canine…

      I started keeping track of boondocks on cards until I realized (doh) that this blog will jog my memory. I do still use the cards to jot down notes from my research on potential boondocks before setting out to find one for the night. The spiral cards are just the right size to have handy while driving.

  7. edlfrey says:

    I wish you had taken FR 640, or what the Richfield Ranger District call Gooseberry #640, to reach Otter Creek Reservoir. It looks like the road is just as good as Gooseberry Rd or Oak Ridge Rd and it would have taken you past Fish Lake. You could have then reported on road conditions and perhaps avoided : “Well, I’ve seen enough sagebrush to last me for a good long time . . .”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      I considered Gooseberry #640 very briefly and decided against it for these reasons:
      1) We were traveling on a Sunday and I didn’t want to face the RVs kicking up dust as they race out of the Fish Lake area. I saw them go up there… lots of them!
      2) I wasn’t sure of the elevation. The road goes close by Mt. Terrell at 11,547 ft and a short spur off #640 goes through Daniels Pass at 10,242 ft. … Bridget and I don’t do well with elevations over 9,500 feet and I don’t know yet how Reggie would fare.
      3) I’ve seen Fish Lake and the campgrounds along it… Not a big draw for me.
      4) #640 only goes to Fish Lake, then becomes Route 25 ending at Route 24. From there we’d have to go north, and then the route from that point on is the same as the one we took…pick up Route 62 and drive through Grass Valley and the sagebrush to Otter Creek Reservoir.
      5) #640 is gravel. I was in the mood to cruise on a paved road. That fine dust gets into everything! 🙂
      6) #640 is part of the Paiute ATV Trail. Need I say more? 🙁

  8. Applegirl NY says:

    “I’ll take that as a ‘No!’.” Hilarious pic!

  9. Karen LeMoine says:

    Oh Sue the pics of the Crew make my day! So funny! You almost have me believing they really do talk 🙂 I don’t care where you camp just keep taking us with you!!!!!

    • Gramma Dy says:

      Guess you haven’t had a dog…. They do talk and their looks convey
      1,000 words.. Suggest you get a dog, two or three.. You’ll listen even
      if you don’t want to… LOL and you’ll have more love than you could
      ever imagine..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen,

      After four years of vagabonding and blogging as we go along, I can’t imagine living and traveling without the blogorinos…. 🙂

  10. Calvin R says:

    Reggie’s expression in that last picture says, “Ok, but where are we headed?” clear as a bell. I tend to like more heat than those around me, and 85 is just about right for me in drier air. I’ll have to go back through and learn more than I did in a quick reading.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      It was probably 90 degrees or more when we stopped at Otter Creek Reservoir. The crew and I have become used to crisp mornings in the 40s and afternoon temps around 80, camping at higher elevations. I imagine it would be very nice to camp at the reservoir in spring when the fish are biting and the air is cooler.

  11. Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

    Looks like a nice spot. Do you think there will be spring wildflowers?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilyn,

      I wouldn’t expect many wildflowers at Otter Creek Reservoir in spring due to it being arid sagebrush country. I wondered about wildflowers at our mountain camp (Camp Charming)… I suppose there would be some. We would enjoy returning in springtime…

  12. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I love the pictures of the crew and the horses. Reggie sticking his tongue out was hilarious. Do you ever worry about him jumping out the window? Angel gets so excited while riding, I keep her on one of those seat belt tethers. That way she can see out, lay down and not be climbing into our laps while I’m driving, plus she is safer, if I have to stop quick in traffic.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      When I posted the photos of Reggie and the cows, I figured someone would ask about him jumping out the window. When the PTV is in motion, the passenger window is never down more than halfway. I brought it all the way down when stopped at the stop sign, because, I admit, I wanted good photos for the blog. 🙂

      As of yet, Reggie won’t jump to the ground from the seat when the door is open. He thinks nothing of jumping four feet high but balks at jumping four feet down.

  13. Meh…… that’s funny. Wonder what it is like in the winter!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The average of low temperatures (F) in Dec. and Jan. is 7 degrees and the average high is 40 and 39 respectively. The average monthly snowfall Oct through Apr in inches… 1, 2, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2.

  14. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Utah has so many beautiful area’s to visit and I love being near the water, but not the noisy atv’s and such as that……can’t beat peace and quiet! Take care and stay safe, give the little babies a hug for me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Yes, no matter how beautiful a camp, how many positive features it has, if there isn’t peace and quiet it’s not a place I want to be. Fishlake National Forest is very ATV-friendly making it challenging for the peace-and-quiet campers.

  15. Lisa W says:


    Thank you for the post that includes some bigger boon docking sites. Oh how I envy you your small casita so you can go to those tighter, smaller sites. The crew was absolutely right telling you to continue on to a cooler area. We are currently sweltering in the heat of Tucson as we get some repairs done to the rig. At least we are suffering as full timers – yay!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa,

      I like your positive attitude! 🙂

      You’re welcome re the larger boondocks. It’s hard for me to say exactly what size rigs can go to some of my boondocks because a lot depends upon the driver and what he/she is willing to put the rig through, i.e. ruts, dirt, uncertainties…

      I hope your repairs are done well and efficiently…

  16. Piper (Virginia) says:

    Loved Reggies look when you asked if they wanted to spend the night. I loved his tongue sticking out! Bridget didnt look thrilled either. So cute. Some place cooler will be nice.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Piper,

      I love it when the crew gives me photos I can play with, add silly captions, and work into the “story” of our day…. I’m pleased you enjoyed them.

  17. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Too funny!

  18. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    Oh Dang #24….Foiled Again!!

  19. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    I told my friend once that she talks about her dog as if it talks to her.

    “It doesn’t have to talk.”

    Now I get it with those pix!

  20. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Good news day! GIL’S EKG at 5 months post atrial aversion and 3 months since last check looks so good the cardiologist took him off Warfarin! Yippee! Now we just need to finish the rental rehab, find the renter we want and off we go. We are now at the point where we can see the finish line. The major hard stuff is done.

    Have been watching Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. Regardless of anyone’s views of anything related, he is an inspiration. Very rare to see these days.

    Fall is moving in here with a flourish. Though I am more of a fan of Spring, I’d have to say it is beautiful here this year. Great temperatures and gorgeous days. Hope it holds til we get to the south.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      That is GREAT news. I bet you two can’t wait to get on the road with your new rig. Again so happy to hear about Gil.

      Oh, and I have to agree about Pope Francis. Even the choice of his name inspires me, and there was a time I never would have thought I’d feel that way about a Pope.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Wonderful, wonderful news! Glad that you all are seeing that big, bright, shining light at the end of the tunnel. Those days of that light being just a glimmer are in the past. Whoo-Hoo! 🙂

      I have had the extremely rare opportunity to work from home the past few days. I had the tv on in the background, watching/listening to Pope Francis. He truly is an inspiration. He is surprisingly more progressive than former Popes. I loved most of his speech to Congress….especially about the Golden Rule…treating others as you wish to be treated. Working together for the better good… A good reminder….does not matter what one’s religious background or beliefs are…simple, common sense things that at times, seems that much of humanity has lost sight of. To think of how things could be different around the world if the simple values would be held dear again….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great news, Kathy and Gil ! What a relief that must be for both of you. And to drop a prescription… fantastic!

      There are times when I wish I had seen certain news events on television — such as Pope Francis’ visit.

      Best wishes finding the perfect renter!

  21. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Hot here in Grants Pass Oregon today too. Reggie looked like he was cocked & locked ready to do battle with those beeves once again. I like the way you have of making it cartoon like with those two talking. Horace Greely said ” Go west “, but up is good… 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe!

      Hot in Grants Pass… I never would’ve thought that… Maybe you need to get back to Wikieup to cool off… 🙂

  22. wa_desert_rat says:

    The look on Bridget’s face as Reggie was letting loose on those cows was priceless. Your crew definitely has personality.

    The smoke has cleared out of central WA’s desert and we’ve had sunny days with temps in the mid 70s and nights down into the 40s for the past week or so. Not much wind and I’d love to get a chance to take our little West Wight Potter out onto Moses Lake for a last sail before the weather (and lake level) close sailing down.

    We are WIndows free here. I’ve used Linux since 1995 and last year I moved my Sue to Linux because she was doing banking on her computer and there is really no way to secure Windows. Her mom – age 82 – also asked me to move her to Linux. Takes a (very) little getting used to but it does everything you need (and lots more besides).

    Most of the campgrounds are starting to close down around here. Since we are now weekend camping again (Sue is back at work in her school district) we no longer get the pick of spots on a Tuesday afternoon. But the state park at Steamboat Rock will be open all winter with hookups and 1/2 price for disabled campers.

    Looking forward to hearing about all the other campgrounds you’ll find on your way back into AZ.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, WDR,

      Interesting comment with lots of details… About Linux… It’s a matter of the known vs. the unknown. It’s scary when the unknown is technology. I’m glad you are happy with it.

      Your recent weather sounds perfect!

  23. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    good to have you back, Sue….we’ve missed your posts…….
    your right about moving on….summer is over…

  24. Laura says:

    Not sure if this is the right place to share this or not, but I found this article interesting for those who blog and those who travel…. free rail service for bloggers???

  25. BadgerRickInWis says:

    “neither Bridget or Reggie are hungry.”

    WHAT???????? How can that be? 🙂

    But what a great post. All three pics with both crew members in the PTV are fantastic. You perfectly matched the captions to their expressions. Well done! I especially like the reflection of the little mans face in the mirror.

  26. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    well, its about 3:15 am in the morning and I just finished watching the movie INTO THE WILD…..normally I wouldnt mention it but thanks to your travels I recognized some of the places this movie went to…..
    Salton City and Slab City were 2 places this guy went to and stayed for a while and of course I knew about it because of your postings….if you or your blogorinos get a chance
    rent the movie or if you have DirecTV it is showing for a couple of weeks on Encore channel….true story of a kid took out across America with nothing and ended up in Alaska but I wont tell the ending…..

    • Jeannie/SW WA says:

      Chuck, is that the story of Chris McCandless?

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Yes, that’s the same one. The film “Into the Wild” was written and directed by Sean Penn (based on the book). Emile Hirsch played McCandless.

        • Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

          Sue, I hardly ever watch movies either on TV or go to the movie theaters….I am more of a history person and love shows like Ken Burns Civil War that keeps my interest up. every now and then I surf the channels and stop at something that looks interesting and INTO THE WILD was such a movie…….it made me cry it was so sad….but I was overjoyed at recognizing Salton Sea…..HA!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      I’ve seen the movie and remember it well. In my saving-for-retirement days I allowed myself a subscription to Netflix. Movies were my main entertainment and, boy, did I watch a lot of them.. When I was down to films made in countries I barely knew existed, I realized it was time to find something else to do. Ha!

  27. weather says:

    It’s interesting,and nice ,to read a post about what was turned down,and why.And,as usual,to enjoy great photos of scenes and creatures.I especially like those white horses.Still,my favorite pics were of the crew 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather… Bridget and Reggie are scene stealers! Yes, the white horses are lovely…

      I appreciated your thorough reply to a comment under a recent post regarding your T@b and the progress you are making toward camping with it. You are making good decisions that come from a sensitivity for your troupe. All in good time . . .

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        This reminds me that I wanted to add something to the last comment section, wherein a couple of us said to weather that we would like to hear more about her T@b. Weather, I think I can speak for both myself and the others in saying that we weren’t necessarily looking for tales of camps and trips. I think we knew you weren’t probably doing those (yet!). I just really wanted to hear how you were settling into it, experiencing it, maybe puttering, or what have you. I love to travel, but I also like to feather the nest, and to hear about how others do it with a “rolling nest.” 🙂

        • weather says:

          Hi Pen,there’s been a lot of 24/7 playing nurse/trainer to the troupe so not much feathering yet- my feather bed and pillows are coming with me,though.I have done some puttering,trying out things to keep for living in it.A funny part of my experiencing it is how items I’d gotten here with both my husband and I in mind living here in NY State make no sense going forward.Like a quilt that’s great to have when coming in from it being 25 below outside, dishes,towels,etc. suitable for a Schwarzenegger type guy are so not right for a tiny woman’s life about to be spent mainly in the southwestern states.I try one thing,choose a much smaller and lighter version and say “it’s ju-ust right 🙂 “- a hobbit or child like house!

          The table it came with will work well in the tent,isn’t very heavy, folds up well so is a bonus I won’t use inside the T@B itself.The “booth”set up works for me not opened into the flat position many use-comfortable and large enough for me bed, living room,walking around space,etc. that way .

          Because I’m removing the Wrangler’s back seat to use that space and a rear bumper rack for spares of food, clothes,supplies,tools,portable furniture for use outside and in the tent thankfully I don’t need to modify the T@B to accommodate any of that.I am,though,going to install a ceiling hook to hang my crystal chandelier when not driving.The prisms all the windows and light make with it are beautiful.

          • Dancing rainbows that fall from crystals are always a delight!

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Great to hear your report 🙂

            I know what you mean about “best” changing. When I was first going sailing, the higher tech camp towels were in their infancy and only very small. I had to work a bit to convince my buddy that “thin cheap” bathtowels were the way to go vs. the nicer, thick & thirsty ones. (Not that I normally care what type of towel someone else is using, but just try washing one of the latter in a bucket, using only a small amount of water – not to mention drying it.)

            ‘course now there are pack towels, The Absorber, etc.

            I hear you on the open space. I like a table as much as the next person, but not if it means there is nothing else left over.

            Great that you have the tow rig for storage. That’s one place I’m envious of you camper/trailer haulers! If I ever pull a toad it will be at least 70% as a kayak rack, bicycle storage, lounger-holder, cabana carryer, etc. And then, oh yeah, it drives too. 😉

          • Weather, you may not see this as I’m behind in my reading, but wanted to say that many of us leave the T@B table home, and use a smaller table both inside and out. Since the table, in the lowered position, makes up the full bed, we make what are called “bed slats” to cover that space in place of the table. However, since I solo travel over 90% of the time, I sleep wheel-to-wheel across the back. I keep the “sofa back” of the U-shaped dinette in the down position 24/7, and have a twin memory foam in that space. I thought maybe this information would be helpful. We have a lot of info in the files of our Facebook page, too.

      • weather says:

        Good morning,Sue (Gee,it’s nice to have you “here” to say that to)

        Thanks for your support re my decisions and for understanding them.As you well know,our fur(and feather) family members are worth every consideration.Human friends are fit into each others schedules as time allows,our critter friends are always there for us

        Hope your current home site and day are lovely in whatever ways make you happiest at the moment.The cat and kitten family I’d mentioned have made a home out of the old wooden deck I sit on at sunrise.They are nice enough to allow me to share it with them,Ha.I clearly no longer own it,they do!I’m going to my favorite local farm stand in a while to choose pumpkins,gourds and mums !

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good afternoon, weather! It’s nice to have you here to greet me back! I missed sharing my mornings with you and everyone . . .

          I’m happy about the cat and her family being safe and secure at your place. Be careful or your troupe will expand. 🙂

          “Pumpkins, gourds and mums” … what fun!

  28. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Hope you are enjoying your cozy boondock! I loved the pictures on this post. Especially the portraits of Reggie in the side mirrors! And the prim and proper Miss Bridget…I could see her little nose upturned, her whiskers cringing in offense of Reggie’s salty language! Love that little guy…he always speaks his mind!

    Enjoy your day! We are getting some well needed rain….100% chance through the weekend. Sending you and your adorable Crew hugs from me and my adorable Gracie pup! 🙂

    Hope all the blogorinos enjoy their day! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I’m late replying to some of these comments. I hope your Saturday has been enoyable for you and Gracie pup!

      Rain is good…

  29. I noticed those Otter Creek boondocking spots as I drove past last week on the way to Bryce Canyon. The low morning light made them look even more tempting. But I had other plans.

    Right now I’m camped at the place you stayed on the Green River. Thanks for the tip. It’s way nicer than the truck stop parking lot in town. 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! I’m delighted, Al, that you found that camp. I agree… It sure beats the truck stop. Aren’t the “monuments” on that road stunning? Such a pretty area and a total surprise when coming from the main road through Green River…

  30. The look on Reggie ‘ s facr when yu asked him about overnight is priceless! I wish I was there boondocking. We camp the same as yu. The more remote the better we like it! Less we carry is great!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sandra,

      I like the way you put your preferences… “more remote the better” and “less we carry is great!”

      Funny how that works… The less you have in stuff and in people, the better it is!

  31. Bev says:

    Jim and I worked at Otter Creek. Jim groomed ATV trails and I worked in the entrance station. Oh…the stories we could tell. We had a premium parking spot and worked with a fun staff. A lot of people fish Otter Creek. Recently, the young Ranger took his twin boys to hunt for “mud bugs”–crawdads in the lake.

  32. Susan in Dallas says:

    Great adventure that involved cows, horses and a hilarious conversation and expressions from the crew! You tell ’em Reggie! It’s actually “cooling down” to the very low 90’s here. Hopefully summer will leave sooner rather than later. Guess the older I get the more I’m not up for the triple digit days.

  33. BuckeyePatti in Ohio says:

    I got a kick outta “The Crew Has Spoken”. Yes, listen to the crew! Ready for the rest of the story…:)

  34. Denise - Richmond VA says:


    I noticed you started replying to comments. Hope you enjoyed the break. We missed you!! 🙂

  35. Lucky me! I must be about #108! Hahahahaha! Some days I just get here too late! Everything has pretty much already been said, but I gotta tell you, Reggie’s response to the bovine bit____ and the expression on Bridget’s face was most certainly indignation at his ” remark ” made me laugh! Your words sure fit those images! Then Reg-Man sticking his tongue out at that campsite was hilarious! Thanks for the chuckles, the good photos and the reasoning behind the WHY and HOW you choose your camps! G’night, sweet dreams!

  36. David says:

    Not sure, but I seem to remember you do not want links so I’ll just point you in the direction. Since you seem to like Salina, UT area, look for Welcome To Salina Utah on You Tube and there are two songs about Salina with beautiful pictures of the people and area (area may be liberally extended at points). After watching the video, I googled Salina UT Balloon Festival which looks like it would be really cool– except it is in June which would be hot for your travel schedule.
    Safe travels,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, David,

      I tried to view the youtube videos and my computer kept giving me an error message. It does stuff like that. I’ll try again later. Thanks for mentioning them.

      I did see a sign in Salina about the Balloon Festival. Yes, I do like Salina. I like a town located at the intersection of some good roads (rather than along one road) and also that has some small town character.

  37. Terri From Texas says:

    You are SO hilarious! One of the reasons I keep reading…

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