Green, green grass of home

Thursday, May 15

Before leaving Green River, Utah, the crew and I stop in town to prepare for our next camp.  At Ace Hardware I have the empty propane tank filled and the half-empty second tank topped off.

Next we swing into Green River State Park to dump the waste tanks and to fill up the water tank and the water jugs ($5).  At the Sinclair station I pump some gas into the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  A dash into the convenience store to buy a bag of trail mix, and we’re good to go!


We travel about 120 miles due west.

Interstate 70 takes us all the way to Salina, Utah.  Another twenty miles or so on Highway 50 and we arrive at the turn to Maple Grove Campground.

1-DSC04255I’m not interested in camping at Maple Grove. 

Instead we are going to a familiar creek side camp on the forest service road before the campground.  Maybe you remember it from last year?


The road is a straight shot across bucolic Round Valley.

We pass cattle grazing on fresh, spring grass while we move toward the Pavant Range and Fishlake National Forest.  I hope no one is in that pretty site we had last year!

1-DSC04350Green enfolds us as the road curves toward forest and rock cliffs.

1-DSC04257I left our Green River camp on a Thursday, rather than Friday, in order to better our odds of obtaining this former campsite that the crew and I enjoyed last year.  Oh, please be empty, please be empty . . .

1-DSC04266As we approach the site, I look through the trees for any sign of an RV.  Is it clear?

Yes!  We got it!

Happily I back the Best Little Trailer among the trees.  I maneuver until the BLT is close to level.  I throw down a board behind the low wheel and back up onto it.   Our front door opens to a slope leading down to a grassy lawn and cheerful Ivie Creek.

1-DSC04316 That’s enough set-up for now!  I want to look around!

1-DSC04269I let out the excited crew.  “Look!  Do you remember this place?”

We run down the bank to greet the creek like an old friend.

1-DSC04311“Spikey, are you thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?”

1-DSC04283Spike initiates our camp with a good soak in the clear, cold creek, immediately followed by a wiggle in the grass.

1-DSC04282Bridget seems to recognize the grassy lawn as she scampers to and fro.  “Are you glad we came here, Bridge?”

A kiss-on-the-run is her reply.

Gee, this morning it was sand.  Now it’s green grass.  From one idyllic camp to another.

“Okay, nut cakes.  Let’s go finish setting up our new home.”


NOTE:  “Green, Green Grass of Home” is the title of a ballad written by Claude “Curly” Putnam, Jr.  It was first recorded in the sixties by Johnny Darrell, then by Porter Waggoner, Bobby Bare, Tom Jones, Charley Pride, Roger Miller, Johnny Cash, Joan Baez, Trini Lopez, and Merle Haggard, to name a few.  Still popular into the seventies, it was sung by George Jones, Elvis Presley, Kenny Rogers and others.

 Green, Green Grass of Home



We’re camped in the same spot as June 2013 when this photo was taken.

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123 Responses to Green, green grass of home

  1. Suzi in MD says:

    Hello RV Sue 🙂

  2. Hotel California says:


  3. Hotel California says:

    Nope. Two.

  4. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    I like that spot, can’t wait to camp there myself.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      All sizes of rigs can camp along the creek. There are a couple of sites on this side and on the other side, too.

      • Renee (from Datil) says:

        Sue — You mention sites available for ALL sizes of rigs at this location (which is GORGEOUS!!). Even for us? (you remember…beyond big rig, with the semi & 40′ 5th-wheel). We do still like boondocking, just need to be very careful that (a) we’ll fit in the campground and (b) we can get back out! Working on possible new routes from AZ to MT.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, you will fit! 🙂

          Here are complete directions:

          Going northwest from Salina on Rte. 50, you will come to the Maple Grove Campground sign on the right with a left-hand turn lane. Turn left and the road goes straight as shown in photo. Then the road makes an abrupt left turn (you won’t have a problem with it) and follows the fence line. Then it heads to the right and weaves up toward the mountain and MG campground.

          The creek and boondocking sites are on the right side of the road. You will pass a road with a gate (private property). Then you will come to a spur road to the right. At the end is a big, clear area where you might fit but I don’t recommend that spot for you… very unlevel. (I only mention it in case the better spot is occupied.)

          Keep going and you will come to a decent dirt road to the right (not a spur). That road goes over the creek.
          You turn onto that road and the site is immediately on your left. You can see the site before you turn onto the dirt road.

          You can recognize it by the pretty rail fence running between the big, flat campsite with fire ring and the creek. I took a photo of that campsite today and will post it for you.

          Our present site is the last spur road to the right. It’s too small for you.

          There are more sites on the other side of the creek, accessed by the road that goes over the creek, but I haven’t looked them over recently. I think they would be too tight for your rig.

          If you should find the site taken, you could look at the campground’s single sites. There may be one pull-through that would work.

          I personally think the boondock sites are nicer than the campground sites, and not just because they’re free. 🙂

          • Renee (from Datil) says:

            Thanks, Sue. You’re a doll for putting out such detailed directions for us. This goes into my file in case we do go that way…

  5. Marcia GB says:

    So nice to be able to return to the spots you enjoyed last year. It looks so nice there. Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marcia . . . We have been enjoying this camp. The weather is ideal, about 5-10 degrees cooler than what the weather widget reads in the sidebar because our elevation is higher than Salina’s. We’re at approximately 6,500 feet and Salina is 5,160 feet.

  6. Barb George says:

    OH MY GOSH that spot is PERFECT! I would never ever leave!!!

    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  7. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    I’m number 10 today. Getting closer. If I cut my hikes short maybe one day I can be #1.
    The high desert is getting hotter. Today it got up to 88 degrees so I always have to slow down while hiking and drink lots, lots of water. Then I stopped in Walmart to get a roast chicken ($4.98). It is puzzling but every time I have a roast chicken I think of you Sue, Bridget and Spike. Why is that?

    I remember this camp from last year. Is this a place where you took a picture of Bridget sitting in a big field of wildflowers? I never camped in that area but already loved this place. Are there restrooms? I always look for great places to tent camp but I need to have at least an outhouse.

    Sue, do you remember some time ago I asked where you took a picture of wild onion and you gave me detailed directions? Your picture was so vivid. Well, I never got there but today I hiked on Black Ridge trail in Colorado National Monument and there were fields and fields of wild onion but they were all white with a slight pink inside.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, R.,

      Hope you enjoyed your rvsue-and-crew chicken! Haha!

      The photo of Bridget sitting in a field of wildflowers was taken at what I dubbed “Bluebell Camp” on Badger Mountain near Ephraim, Utah. Ephraim is only 36 miles north of Salina and Salina is about 20 miles from here.

      There were lots of wildflowers growing along the creek when we were at this camp last June. It’s too early for them now, although I do see some phlox, dandelions, and Indian paintbrush. Some of the trees are in bloom, as shown in one of the photos in this post.

      You really do a lot of hiking! Do be careful in the heat. The field of white wild onion sounds glorious. I’d love to see that. Look how you’ve educated me! I didn’t know a wild onion flower from a daisy before you identified that purple flower for me.

      There aren’t any restrooms here. The campground has water spigots and restrooms. The fee for a single site is $15 regular/$7.50 with pass.

    • Willow says:

      Wow R,
      How I admire that you take a daily hike, you are inspiring me to get moving early and enjoy a morning walk.

  8. Robert says:

    I see fishing and a nice campfire if I were there……….ahhhhh enjoy

  9. MK in NE GA for now says:

    I remember that spot, glad you got to it again this year! Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MK… This is a memorable spot, and handy, too. I like the drive between this camp and Salina. I need to do laundry and take care of a few other things.

  10. weather says:

    We run down the bank to greet the creek like an old friend-what a terrific description.
    That is exactly how I feel about so much in life-environments included.
    Love the”please be there,please be there”, too.That intense wanting ,the words and the happy dance that follows is the story of so much of my life.Honestly,it pleases me as much when it happens to you.
    And,oh joy,could the pups be any more demonstrative of their happiness?My wonderful day just got even better!Your artful photos capture so much.You must have driven 150 miles that day,quite a jaunt considering everything else there was to do,yet I’ll bet you were so excited it took a while to wind down. Wow,just wow. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather . . . I’m glad my post revives memories of pleasant times in your life. I get to enjoy my days three times. Yes, I do! The first time is when I experience the day. The second time is when I put it into words and photos. The third time is when my readers react to the sights and events of the day. How great is that? 🙂

      Actually, even though I was excited to snag this same campsite and to see this place again, I was feeling pretty mellow. Lots of greenery does that to me. Thank you for the compliments.

      Enjoy your evening!

      • weather says:

        Good morning,Sue,
        It is great that you get to enjoy your days three times!Gee, I hadn’t see that in the list of benefits blogging brings you until you said that.
        You know,I was puzzled by you saying that your post revives pleasant memories for me until I realized that was in response to my use of the word story.
        In the vernacular that denotes events made distant by time or being imagined.I see everything as part of one big story…
        So,while I was speaking of my current AND prior way of experiencing life,you saw me just remembering.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good morning weather!

          I can understand you being puzzled. I don’t know why I responded that way. You obviously were talking about your outlook on life, not memories.

          When I respond to comments, I’m often multi-tasking. I might be cooking or tidying up or chasing after Spike. Sometimes I’m in the middle of writing a response and Spike decides he’s not waiting another second for dinner or I look out the window and he’s up to something he shouldn’t be, whatever. I go back and forth. I read every comment carefully and reflect on them, but sometimes I do mix things up.

          You have a wonderful, positive energy that flows through your life and touches others. I enjoy hearing from you very much!

          • weather says:

            Enjoying and maintaining the happiness we’ve been given,we’re both busy while we share it with others.
            So I’m not surprised when either of us misses a detail or uses a phrase the other doesn’t easily understand in our chats.It’s fun looking for different words,questions or opportunities to restore clarity.

  11. Ed says:

    I associate Green, Green Grass of Home and Detroit City with Bobby Bare and Vietnam 1967-68. There was also Harper Valley P.T.A. by Jeannie C. Riley and Ode To Billie Joe by Bobby Gentry that every Vietnamese girl singer could belt out and sound like the real thing when they could not speak a word of English.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That time seems so long ago. Maybe not to you, Ed. Funny how music makes language easier. Stutterers don’t stutter. Students remember facts when put to music. I bet listening to those songs takes you back to that time and place as if it were yesterday.

  12. Steve says:

    Thats a great site Sue, I think possibly one of the best you have been to. I wonder if you could email me? I have a couple of questions I want to ask you about solo travel and dogs. Thanks

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Steve . . . Are you sure you can’t ask those questions here? Every time someone asks me to email them, I end up answering a question that several readers would also like to know. Doesn’t matter how many questions you have. I’ll be glad to answer them as best I can.

  13. Mid May through mid June seems to be the perfect time to visit that area.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Last June I spoke with a man up at the campground. He was camping with his children. He told me his parents brought him here several times in the autumn when he was a kid and he wanted to share it with his own kids. He said it is the prettiest in the fall when the maple trees are ablaze with color.

  14. Timber n' Rusty says:

    good to see your in your ol’ camp of last year, it sure is green and I bet ol’ spike loved the soak too , bridget looks like she’s happy also ,,,,,,,timber says hi ,,,,,,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi to you, Rusty, and to Timber, too!

      How’s the garden coming along?

      • Timber n' Rusty says:

        Great! I’m growing Tomatoes’, Hot Peppers, Sweet Peppers, Green Bell Peppers, Black Zucchini , Strawberries, Blue Berries and German Thyme and Lemon Thyme and all are starting to bloom ,,,,,,,,,,,Rusty

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Wow! Looks like you have a green thumb for container gardening. I never got the hang of it. Keep ’em watered and, Lord knows, you don’t have to worry about them getting enough sun. 🙂

        • Cat Lady says:

          Wow, Rusty! All you need is squash, cucumbers, and watermelons then you’ll have a bunch of Southerners headed to your house for supper, lol. Hope your garden bares lots and lots.

          Cat Lady

          • Timber n' Rusty says:

            That’s not all. And a Train running in and around it. I’ve been building a Town too.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Soon you can load strawberries on the flatbed car and take them to market. That train is so much fun! I enjoyed sitting on your porch watching it go round, with the real sound effects. By my visit next spring you’ll have a lot of the town done.

  15. Diann in MT says:

    Welcome Home, Sue and Crew! So glad you have headed into the green part of the West! Isn’t it like strarting the summer camping season all over again!
    Spike and Bridget are in heaven. So cute that they both remember the fantastic comfort of the place.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann,

      I remember Spike and Bridget were very possessive of this camp. They wanted to run everyone off the grass and away from the creek. Spike went nuts one morning because a herd of cows walked through. I think it’s one of the crew’s special places.

      Peace to you, too!

  16. Betty-Shea says:

    Hello RVSue and Crew…this post touched my heart…it is good to touch the green, green grass of home !!
    You, dear lady are livin’ the dream.!!
    Keep on dreamin’! What a wonderful dream it is!

    Hugs to fuzz babies…
    Tha.k you….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Betty-Shea,

      Yes, this life is my dream come true. I hate to think that I could’ve let the dream die and then I would’ve missed all that’s happened the past 2+ years.

      Always nice to hear from you . . .

  17. Pam Wright says:

    Gorgeous place to relax! I see many more soaks in Spike’s future:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam . . . As I type this we have been in this camp for four days, and, yes, Spike is enjoying daily soaks. He already has topped his personal record for number of soaks at one camp!

  18. DesertGinger says:

    I love to travel and discover new places, but I really love re-visiting familiar and well-loved places. It feels like coming home…even if home is wherever you are. When I travel in Europe I always stay in a town for a week or so, so I can have the experience of returning to that yummy breakfast place or that lovely park. Whenever I m returning to something I feel like a local for a moment.

    This really is a beautiful spot. But I noticed you didn’t pick up groceries. Are you not staying long?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      You pay attention to details! You’re right. I didn’t pick up any groceries before leaving Green River. Remember the run up to Price’s Wal-Mart? When I wrote that I stocked up, well, I REALLY stocked up!

      Also I knew we would have easy access to grocery stores at our next camp.

  19. GypsyPurl says:

    Hello Sue & Crew! That looks so peaceful and lush. I just love cozy camps. I could stay there forever, just happy I get to see it with you guys. We will get a chance to get away shortly, but not like what you have there. I’m thankful, helping me get over a severe case of Cabin Fever. Have fun and stay safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, GypsyPurl,

      It’s amazing what a little outing will do for a case of cabin fever. Sometimes you just have to get AWAY! Enjoy!

  20. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,
    From the Green River to the Green Creek….another calm, refreshing, revitalizing spot. It looks lovely!

    Sounds like Spike is loving his soaks and that Bridget is having fun frolicking in the grass. Have you dipped your toes in the stream yet? I have a vision of you sitting in your camp chair just on the edge of the stream…enjoying a cup of tea….you and the Crew just blissed out with happiness. Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I haven’t done exactly that . . . yet. What I have done is stand in the creek with Spike at my feet, me bent over washing the mud off his legs and belly. I like to sit up on our “hill” in the shade with a cup of tea, watching the creek bubble along below our camp.

  21. Beverly says:

    Glad you made it home. I think the Elvis version of the Green Green Grass of Home is the best. Spike sure loves his water front homes.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Beverly,

      Elvis’s voice matched the meaning of the lyrics. He had the kind of voice that was hard to separate from the man himself … his values, his love for his mother and for home. He also did a great job with “I’ll be home for Christmas.”

  22. That is just an absolutely beautiful campsite Sue. I can just feel the solitude and the coolness of the water. Your pictures are wonderful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Sherry. I see you’re in Pennsylvania, another place I remember as very green (when it’s not covered with snow!).

  23. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    Hi Sue!

    Enjoying the ride with you as you travel north and stay cool.

    So happy to see you have returned to the Ivie Creek camp. I think this was my favorite place last season. Well, this and Badger Mountain. Both are on my bucket list of camps once I’m free to go and do some explorin’. I may be a desert rat but give me some mountains, creeks and meadows to really make me a happy camper! God willing, next summer I’ll be living out of my Scamp and leaving the desert heat behind for some mountain breezes and meadows of wildflowers. Less than a year until I retire and start livin’ the life I’ve dreamed of for the past decade.

    Question for ya–have you ever had any contact with Dale since you parted ways?

    You’re a woman after my own heart and an asset to me as I plan for my own journey through the West. A look into your daily way of life has given me much positive reinforcement and that encourages me to take the leap of faith that I too can take to the road and live my dream. You’ve give me so many ideas for a life of roamin’, not to mention some great destinations to experience. Keep up the fantastic job of writing and taking those gorgeous photos. Any day with a new post from RVSue and the crew automatically becomes a better day!

    Be well and stay safe! A scratch behind the ears for each of the crew!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a great comment, Audrey! You left me chuckling… “Any day with a new post from RVSue and the crew automatically becomes a better day!” I need to paste that on the lid of my laptop for those days when I don’t feel like writing.

      I am thrilled that my blog has given you encouragement and is helping you put yourself in that Scamp to move down the road to wonderful camps . . . full-time! Less that a year to go… Hallelujah!

      No, I haven’t heard from Dale since he took off on his bike. I think of him often and wish I’d hear from him.

      Great hearing from you, Audrey!

  24. Rita from Phoenix says:

    They say dogs/cats never forget their home…they travel miles to get home when lost. I bet Spike and Bridget associate green grass with Georgia, their first home with you. They sure look happy in the pictures. I think they prefer green grass and water to desert, cactus and sand.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      Maybe they do have memories of their yard in Georgia. You’re partially right about preferring “green grass and water to desert, cactus and sand.” They love the green grass and they also love soft sand like we had at our last camp. Bridget ran around on the beach more than she’s run anywhere else. They both like to lie on the sand in the sun and absorb the heat.

      The kind of desert they don’t prefer is where the ground is rocky or there’s cholla! 🙁

  25. Cinandjules (temp in CA) says:

    Whooooeeee. I’m forty seventh! 😉

    I can smell the grass and hear the creek! What a lovely spot!

    Spike is so predictable… soak Spikey boy! He’s smiling!

    Enjoy your evening!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sorry, Cinandjules. . . I replied to comments above yours and you aren’t forty-seventh any more. Better luck next time!

      Yes, Spike and Bridget are nothing if not predictable. This morning Bridget wakes up and can’t get herself out of bed. With her head resting on the pillow and with sleepy, soulful eyes, she watches me make a pot of coffee.

      And then in comes Spike from scouting out the creek already. He crashes into the BLT, full of spunk, ready for breakfast. He yells until I get up from the laptop desk. Then he hops up and down in anticipation while I rustle up breakfast. Meanwhile, Bridget’s head has slid back under the covers.

      Yep, just another morning at the camp of RVSue and her canine crew. 🙂

  26. Cindy says:

    So, SOOOO gorgeous!!

  27. AZ Jim says:

    I remember this spot. You were lucky enough to find it vacant again. How cool. I know Spike is enjoying his soaks in the creek. Bridget is happy to be anywhere you are methinks. Have a wonderful stay Missy…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jim. I switched my desktop photo to the one with Spike smiling in the grass. That pic makes me smile.

      I hope you and Detta have a good day!

  28. Jean and Skip says:

    What a lovely spot for you and the muchkins, I think when it comes to vagabonding, you are doing it so right.

  29. stan watkins says:

    Such a great spot. Your nomadic lifestyle gives you such diverse camp spots. I hope to do what you’re doing with my wife some day. Now with that being said I wish to break out my crazy hat again. You are now entering areas in which bigfoots have been observed and heard so I want you to be vigilant. Strange things may occur such as strange odors(cross between bad BO, wetdog), small stones being thrown around you and at your BLT. Hard hand slap on the side of the BLT in the middle of the night. Huge voluminous screams from near or even far.You have coyote and elk in the areas you go to but if it’s a bigfoot you will know the difference due to the low frequencies in the sound. You may see human shaped barefoot prints ranging from small(juvenile) to huge (adult) which will have a very wide foot with toes that are more blocky and straight across than the curved human foot. The crew will most likely know before you that something is up. You may see strange eyeshine at night usually reported as orange in color, big,wide set and high off the ground. I know from my posting last year that you think comically toward this subject and feel this is a good attitude but if things start to happen as I have described then it is better to have some knowledge of what may be occurring so you wont be fearful. The BFRO website is a great source for reports from around the country including 2 near you. I know you to be an inquisitive and obviously adventurous person so I remind you once again to be vigilant and open to an encounter. Hope this doesn’t creep you out and I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Stan,

      Maybe it’s Bigfoot, but maybe it’s the mutant campers. . . “strange odors” . . . “huge voluminous screams” . . . “strange eyeshine at night” . ..

      I’m pretty sure I’ve camped next to those folks. Sure does sound like them. Next time they camp near me I’ll check their footprints and report back to you.

      • stan watkins says:

        Not really interested in bad campers but do keep me posted on any strange occurrences regarding any giant apes. I’m used to ribbing but one can’t pick and choose one’s life experiences. I try to spread knowledge. Some are receptive others are not. The subject was once a joke to me as well. Love your blog and the knowledge you share.

  30. SusanS says:

    Beautiful campsite and great smile on Spike’s face 🙂 I laughed when I saw the title of your blog and started singing. I’m afraid I am of that age that remembers that song and most of the words!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      Spike does have a great smile. I wish I could capture Bridget’s smile. She puts on her serious face whenever I point the camera at her.

      Now go click on the “Green Green Grass of Home” link and learn the rest of the words! 🙂

  31. Jim says:

    You really have yourself a great camp spot.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      It is great. That’s why we came back here. Why search around for another camp when I already know one that couldn’t be better? Nice to hear from you . . .

      LATER . . . Gee, Jimbo, I didn’t realize this is you! I don’t usually reply to comments from the administration page because it gets confusing trying to tell what is a reply to a reply, etc. All I’m seeing is what you see. Help me out in the future, okay? with a little hint maybe? 🙂

      Your camp at Baker Lake has me wanting to go that way. Beautiful!

  32. BuckeyePatti says:

    Somehow I got booted off your e-mail list (dunno know what happened), but I’m baaaack! What a fabulous campsite…again 🙂 Looks like you and the pups are loving it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patti,

      I wondered what happened to you! Good to have you back.

      You weren’t the only one. A few readers reported that the notification stopped. I hope you signed up again. 🙂

  33. Gayle says:

    Lovely campsite Sue. So much so, I’d be reluctant to ever leave. Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gayle,

      It would be easy to stay here for a long time. When I start feeling “attached” to a place, then it’s time to move. That’s the feeling I had for the Green River camp. Reluctant to leave, but ready for change, too.

      • Gayle says:

        I understand that feeling. No matter how much I like staying in a certain area, after awhile I get “hitch itch” & know it’s time to move on.

  34. Bob's gotta bus! says:

    Just saw Big Foot a few moments ago here in West Virginia. BF can’t be in two states at the same time, known scientific fact. Relax, Sue, we’ve got you covered.

  35. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    You are in my favorite spot from our travels with you. I dream about camping by that little creek. So glad we are back.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      I know what you mean about dreaming of a certain camp. I saw someone, online of course, camped along the Rogue River. It may have been Tioga George. That scene captured my heart and I vowed that I would have my own rig someday and I would camp along the Rogue. And I did! 🙂

      Always a pleasure to hear from you . . .

  36. Mark Watson says:

    What did you think of the 3000 foot elevation gain leaving Green River and traveling the first 35 miles west on I-70? You didn’t mention how the PTV performed so I assume your a veteran driving in the mountains and long uphill climbs thes e days… good for you.
    Mark Watson (still in Denton, TX but in a matter of hours will be pulling the Casita out to Fort Davis , Tx)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mark,

      Oh, what a climb! Funny you mention it because I almost did write about it. I changed my mind because I knew once I started I’d go on and on about it. The road keeps going up and up and just when you think you’re at the highest point the road curves around a cliff and there’s more! And more! I’m glad I didn’t find myself on that stretch of highway when I first started out . . .

      The PTV handled those 35 miles very well. Of course, we were in 2nd gear with flashers on, going about 40 mph most of the way. The temperature needle went up about halfway between its normal spot and the red, danger zone.

      Oddly, it was later in the trip that I had momentary concern. We were more than halfway to Salina in a forested area, going uphill. Suddenly the PTV seemed to lose power. She wasn’t running hot. It reminded me of the time the air cleaner came loose. Gosh, it was like driving against an invisible wall.

      Fortunately, a rest stop appeared and I pulled in. Checked the air cleaner and it was fine. Everything looked good. I walked the crew and then got back on the highway. No problem.

      Here’s my theory… We were blessed with a tail wind or no wind all the way from Green River. Then as we went up that hill in the Fishlake National Forest we hit a direct head wind. By the time we returned to the highway it was gone. What a relief.

      I don’t know how far it is from Denton to Fort Davis, but I assume it’s far because EVERYTHING in Texas is far. Haha! Have a safe trip, Mark. Good to hear from you again.

  37. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Just spotted Bigfoot here….he really booked it from WVA! At this rate, he should be near the Cheasapeake Bay bridge tunnel by nightfall. Rumor has it that he is looking for his bud Godzilla…..he got word that “Big G” might be catching some R& R at the beach! 😀

    Your blog and your reader’s comments aways proivde wonderful entertainment during my lunch break – thanks! Have a great day! 🙂

  38. Wickedlady of Shelton WA says:

    Bigfoot lives here in the Pacific Northwest but he does have relatives in other areas.

  39. sandy Arcari says:

    Hi Sue, My husband and I really enjoy your site. We are looking at fiberglass TT as we are downsizing from a 34 foot with 2 slides to about 16 foot. We like the Casita and Scamp, but so many different makes out there. Have you written any blogs on comparative analysis of TT and do you have any recommendations. Would appreciate Hate to make a bad decision. Happy Camping!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sandy,

      Nice to hear from you. I’m pleased that you and your husband enjoy my blog.

      No, I haven’t written any comparative analyses of travel trailers because all I know is the BLT. It’s the only TT I’ve ever had.


      If you have experience with fiberglass TTs, please share what is pertinent to help Sandy and her husband make this important decision. I’m sure they will appreciate any information or opinion you offer here.

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        What’s the best trailer really depends on how you hope to use it and how you like to camp. But without question the best resource on the web for all things “egg” is

        Lots of discussion on different makes and models of fiberglass trailers. You can use the search function to research and there are friendly folks that will be more than happy to answer any specific questions you have.

  40. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Green grass, green trees and water!! Yeah, that is my favorite combo! Always love to see Spikey enjoying a soak. Ordered some Chaco sandals through your link today….curious to know if they show up as credited to you.
    Sending Lots of Love and Big Hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Pauline! An order placed today will show up in the report issued tomorrow or the next day. I’ll let you know when I see it (in a reply to your most recent comment).

      Hugs and love to you, too!

  41. BadgerRickInWis says:

    I just LOVE that opening shot. Seemingly all of Utah laid out before you and the snow capped purple mountains majestically rising in the distance. It’s like your living the lyrics to America the Beautiful every day.

    And I guess this speaks to your skill as a storyteller but I never would have thought that a picture of a dog I will never meet, soaking in a creek I have never seen, would put a smile on my face that will last all day. As always thank you so much for allowing us to come along with you and the crew on this amazing journey.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      “. . . living the lyrics to America the Beautiful every day.” I love that!

      Actually your entire comment has me smiling. I chuckled over the last paragraph. What is it about Spike that people love? He’s the devil in disguise! He’s self-centered and stubborn! He won’t give me any indication he cares about me, Bridget, or anyone else in the world! It’s always all about HIM.

      Yet everybody LOVES HIM! Hahaha!

      Thanks, Rick, for the compliment and the laugh.

  42. Ever stop at Mom’s cafe in Salina? It’s an institution.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know, Al? I’ve driven by Mom’s Cafe several times and never stopped. I think I’ll give it a try the next time I go to town. I was going to eat at the Mexican place, based solely on the number of cars usually parked there, but you’ve got me thinking Mom’s.

  43. Ron in TX says:

    That song was the most popular around with the GI in Nam
    Sort of fit the time and place.
    Water, seclusion, pretty weather, I dont think you can get any better than that .
    Well maybe if you threw in a few aspens.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ron,

      Ed also remembers hearing that song in Vietnam.

      I like aspens, too, but if there were any growing here, it would be too dang cold! I see a stand of aspens on the top of the mountains here. They haven’t leafed out yet.

  44. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Happy for you that you were able to secure the same spot as last year………….simply beautiful……enjoy!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Glenda,

      One of the many advantages to having a small rig is you can get into tight campsites and a lot of other rigs can’t… which means your odds are better that the site will be empty when you arrive! 🙂 Hope all is well with you!

  45. Nick says:

    In the desert at this time of the year, how often do you encounter a snake, scorpion etc?


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nick,

      I’m probably not the best person to answer your question because I leave the desert in April, which is when the desert is warming up and the critters are coming out to play.

      Maybe some of my readers who spend their summers in Arizona or the California desert or southern Utah will help me out here. I’ve only had an encounter with two snakes since coming out West over two years ago… both harmless, one in the road and one visiting our campsite at San Rafael Reef. I’ve seen one scorpion outside.

      READERS: Anything to add re: snakes, scorpions, etc.?

  46. Ron Sears says:

    Love this place Sue……………be safe.

  47. Willow says:

    I’ve only lived in Arizona 4 years I love it more than I thought I would. I do quite a bit of hiking and in four years I’ve seen 1 small rattlesnake, a scorpion in the bathroom when I was in Cave Creek, I hot footed it out of there, also a beautiful Gila Monster on the side of the road. When I’m hiking I’m always aware that there are poisonous snakes etc. So I am always careful, but so far no close calls. Oh and a big tarantula, They are kind of creepy I wouldn’t want one on me, but interesting to view. It’s a beautiful state and so different than the rest of the USA.

  48. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Wow, what an appropriate title to see tonight! I’ve been away from home since Friday, staying at hotels, and drove back this afternoon. As I got within the last 20-30 miles, the only thing I could think was, it’s good to be home! And I don’t mean the house ‘home’-since unlike you, I don’t carry mine with me-but just being back in Middle Tennessee.

    And this trip helped me make some firm decisions which I’ve been mulling over lately as to how my retirement will look when it comes. I’ve decided I won’t be a full-timer; I’m too much of a nester. But at least it’s because of choice, not because of thinking that it’s the only way!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ladybug,

      Good for you! Now you have a clear vision for your retirement. From your comment I gather that this decision comes from analyzing yourself thoroughly and the decision you arrived at feels right. Not everyone will be happy as a full-time vagabond. I do hope you’ll stick around here anyway. 🙂

  49. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    I spent many months in various deserts of the southwest during last 8 years. Our visits included Anza Borrego Desert SP, Joshua Tree NP, Death Valley NP, several areas of the southeast AZ and other areas of AZ, deserts of UT, deserts of WY and now a high desert of western CO. I spent plenty of time outside since I am a regular day hiker. I hike 4-5 days a week and my hikes are between 8-14 miles long. This is going to be my second full summer in a desert of CO. When my husband was alive we spent usually February, March, April until mid-May in a desert. Then we moved to CO. Anyway, this introduction is to give an idea I’m familiar with desert environment. I saw snakes maybe four times during all these years. I heard rattlesnake twice. One time it was under a boardwalk in the state park in UT near Alamogordo. I forgot a name of that park. “Lee” something. The second time I heard a rattlesnake it was during a hike in NY State. Yes, not in any desert but in NY State. So often we think of snakes residing only in a desert but they are in other non-desert areas too. When we lived in the Adirondacks upstate, NY we had garden snakes our cat used to kill and brought them to our front door. Good cat! As to scorpions I experienced this thing only once when we were staying in a cabin near Bisbee, AZ and I stepped on a scorpion at night. That was painful. We didn’t know anything about scorpions in AZ so it was a fast drive to emergency room in Sirerra Vista only to find out there are no toxic scorpions in AZ. At least I wasn’t charged for diagnosis.

  50. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    I’m sorry I posted my above answer in a wrong place. This should be under Nick’s question to Sue “In the desert at this time of the year, how often do you encounter a snake, scorpion etc?”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ll alert Nick that your reply is further down the page. I’m sure he will appreciate you sharing your experience.

    • Ed says:

      That would be Oliver Lee Memorial State Park near Alamagordo, NM not UT.
      That doesn’t change what you said about snakes in the desert and I appreciate your comment very much. I may be alone on this but I do get tired of the ‘snake’ question coming up about once a week.
      There are a lot of things that are going to kill you before a rattlesnake – lightning for one! Yet no one is asking how often Sue has seen lightning strike nor how close nor was she scared nor commending her for her bravery in being where lightning does strike. No it is always – snakes.

      • R. (Western Colorado) says:

        Ed, this is why I included my experience with a rattlesnake in NY. Thanks for correcting my misplacement of Alamogordo. Of course it is in NM not UT. Yes, that was Oliver Lee Memorial State Park

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I don’t know why but your comment strikes me as hilarious, Ed. You nailed that!

      • Nick says:

        Question had to do with “how often”. Answer was “not often”

        Not happy to be chastised for my curiosity.

  51. Geri Moore says:

    I am reading this post a few days late! Work interferring with my reading time! I love that photo of the BLT snuggled down with all that green around! What a beautiful photograph of Ivey Creek! Seeing Spike soak always brings smiles and mind images of Bridget happy dancing in grass… 🙂
    I love this camp/home !!!

    Now onward to catch up to the next blog post!

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