Hot time at Kofa, what a lazy bunch!


In case you haven’t stopped by “rvsue and her canine crew” lately, here’s our camp on King of Kofa Road between Yuma and Quartzsite, Arizona.


Obviously this shot was taken while we were out and about in the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  The antenna signals us, “Hey, I’m over here!  Come home!”

Wednesday, March 5

A very cloudy morning.  I try to take some good photos.  They lack the “oompf” that good light provides, so I simply walk the desert with the crew.

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“Empty” desert charms me. I don’t know why.  Give me some creosote, palo verde, and various drab bushes and I’m one happy camper!

Prickly pear are all over the place!

A few have blooms.  I’ll wait for them to be closer to their prime before taking photos for the blog.  I come across a prickly pear about three feet in diameter and it’s loaded with buds.  I count sixty-four in all.  What a sight that will be!

By the time the clouds clear, it’s afternoon and it’s hot.

My plan to wax the Perfect Tow Vehicle does not come to fruition.  Instead I read and nap in my lounge chair on the shady side of the Best Little Trailer, wash a few dishes, and let the day drift by.

All in all, a very lazy day for all of us.


Why work when you can lie in cool shade on a sunny afternoon?  (And give a dirty look to the photographer… right, Bridget?)

Thursday, March 6

First thing this morning, I get the tire pressure gauge out of the PTV.  I want to check the tire inflation while it’s still cool and the sun isn’t high enough to heat up the tires on the southern side.

The gauge reads from 43 psi to 44 psi for all six tires.

The wear on the BLT’s tires looks even. I’ve been told that the Marathon tires that came with the BLT from the Casita factory are not good tires, that they have blow-outs, and I should replace them.  It’s hard for me to do that when the tires look in good shape and, additionally, when I’m a cheap son of a gun.

Of course, the PTV’s tires look great because they haven’t rolled over many miles since I purchased them last fall in Oregon.

I decide to drive us up the road into Kofa National Wildlife Refuge.

“Enough of this lazing around.  C’mon!  Let’s go, guys!”

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Oh no, not more desert photos! Oh yeah, baby . . .

Only two other campers are here this morning.

They, like us, are camped on Bureau of Land Management land along the road leading to the refuge.  I like camping in or near a refuge.  One doesn’t see trash and tire tracks all over like in other parts of the desert.  The credit goes to the refuge’s volunteers and staff who clean up after the neanderthals and enforce the regulations.

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Are these three young saguaros or another type of cactus?  Do you care?

I pull over to let four dune buggies hurry by.

I guess I’m an old fogey, driving so slow.  For me it’s not how far you go nor how quickly you get there. It’s what you pass as you go, and what makes you pause.

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A pretty roadside scene.  No dune buggy required.

Soon the dune buggies are nothing more than a plume of dust weaving across the desert.

I think about my readers a lot.

Over the past two, almost three, years readers have told me they live vicariously through my blog.  They aren’t camping or traveling because of family responsibilities or because the house hasn’t sold or because they’re still working toward retirement.  Sometimes one wants to full-time but the spouse doesn’t.  Maybe the timing isn’t right.

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The saguaros lean slightly westward.  Or  maybe it’s the photographer.

I take it as a privilege to share my life with you.

I remember the anguish waiting for the day I would finally be able to toss the crew in the PTV and head out for the horizon.  I so badly wanted to take charge of my life and be free to roam. There were a few times I screamed at the walls in frustration.

I thought I’d go nuts.

If this blog helps anyone get through the “dreaming and screaming” phase, it’s an honor for me to provide it.  I’m thinking of putting together a post on how I came to choose this way of life and how I prepared for it.


Incredible mountain formations all around and you get a photo of this.  Typical!  Sheesh.

The crew and I don’t follow the road far into the Kofa Mountains. 

I want to save the scenery to photograph on a day with better light.  I pull into our campsite and park the PTV at a lazy angle.  I let out the crew and plug in the cable, linking the PTV and the BLT.


I haven’t tilted the solar panel lately. The extension cord lets me park the PTV without having to bring the bumper close to the BLT’s tongue.  It’s our new laissez-faire approach.

Some of my readers like to see photos of Bridget and Spike and read about their latest antics.  I haven’t included much of that lately because, quite frankly, they’ve been the boring-est pair of nutcakes lately.  Sleep, eat, nap.  Sleep, eat, nap.  Which, now that I think about it, pretty much describes me.



By going to Amazon through any of my links, I will get a commission from whatever you purchase and the price you pay will stay the same.  You don’t have to do anything extra.  For instance, if you click on the brake control link below and end up buying a book, I will get credit for that book purchase as my code is embedded in every link, search box, and ad I post.

Here are a few of the items purchased recently by readers:

Tekonsha 90195 P3 Electronic Brake Control
Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Puppy’s Piano
Sony Bluetooth Headset
Armarkat Pet Bed Mat 49-Inch by 35-Inch by 8-Inch
Parker Women’s Devlin Printed Pant
BadAax Yellow Soprano Ukulele

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219 Responses to Hot time at Kofa, what a lazy bunch!

  1. Bob Martel says:

    I’m one of those who has lived “vicariously” through your blog and appreciate every one! My wife finally retired last fall, and we recently purchased an Airstream and plan to begin our adventure this coming summer. Keep up the good work!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, you and your wife are going to go to wonderful places and make many splendid memories with that Airstream! The summer of 2014 is bound to be one of the best summers of your lives.

  2. Rhonda says:

    We read your post everyday and look forward to hearing about what is happening with you and the crew.
    Canadians can no longer purchase from
    We have to go through
    Unfortunately, does not carry cool things we see on

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m really sorry that Canadians have lost I’m not saying that because of lost sales for me. I know that I would miss a lot if suddenly I couldn’t shop there. You can find practically anything and it’s easy to order.

      • Darci says:

        I’m a little confused as I am Canadian and shop on all the time. Is there a reason that some Canadians are having a problem buying from the website? I avoid the Canadian version for the most part because the prices are higher. 🙁

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Now I’m confused, too. I assume your shipping address is Canada. Maybe someone will enlighten us both.

          • Darci says:

            Yes. I have a shipping address in Canada, a few in the US depending on where I need to collect my items, and even overseas. There are a few occasions when a vendor has said they don’t ship to Canada, but then I just click on one that does. Haven’t had big problem at all. Anyway, sorry to hear that it has been a problem for some. The only thing I notice is that some will charge higher shipping fees, but if I reeeaally want something I usually pay it. 🙂

  3. Jessica says:

    Count me among those who learn and dream through your blog.

    My retirement countdown timer reads 5 years and 67 days. Sigh.

  4. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    I would love to see a post about how you came to this lifestyle and how you prepared for it. I have read all your posts from the beginning, but I would love to read more about those days. I love your pictures. I am not a professional photographer so any clear picture of something looks good to me. I love the picture of what looks like grass in bloom even if it isn’t mountain formations. Wish my days were more like your day in this post. Sounds and looks wonderful. Thank you so much for your time and for caring what we readers are interested in. We appreciate it all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the feedback, Jean, and for the sweet message.

      I’ll go ahead and start thinking about what to write about my decision to full-time and how I prepared for lift-off. You sound like a person who can be amused by simple things, like waves of grass across a desert plain. That’s a gift.

      • Cat Lady says:

        Sue, you might want to give Jean and other newbies to your site the url that you told me about yesterday when i asked you how you got started, etc. A clicky to the right/left of the blog might be helpful, too….or not. Just sayin’.

        Cat Lady

        BTW, did you get credit for the coffee maker I asked about?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, I did get credit for the coffee maker! Thanks again. Apparently there is more than a day’s delay between the placement of an order and it’s appearance in an orders report. I’m glad you asked again.

          I think I’ll follow your suggestion with a minor adjustment. I’ll put the link on my “About RVSue and the crew” page. My sidebar is already getting junky with lots of stuff.

          If my upcoming post about how I made the decision to full-time, etc. turns out well, I may put that in an easily-accessed place, too.

  5. Kitt NW WA says:

    Lazy days, that is what living a simple life is all about. When we hit the road and land in the perfect spot, the days become so simple; eat, sleep, read, relax, and watch the world go by. We find ourselves in another dimension, a calm peaceful one.
    I know, there are the occasional potholes, but the peace can smooth over the bumps.

    Sue, you are living this life full time – and I love that you share it with us. Your blog takes us to that special place no matter where we are.

    While I’m nattering on I want to say Magnificent Photography, it puts all of us right there beside you – YIKES! Well, maybe not that close.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt,

      I see people going here, going there, doing this, climbing that, off they go, this way and that!!! And I mosey on back to camp where a cold drink and a book beckon me. Glad I’m not the only one. I guess there has to be some tortoises among the hares. 🙂

      Thank you for encouraging me on my photography. This was a tough set of photos. There are days when the light is perfect and the world seems aglow and it seems like there are no bad photos to be taken. And then there are days like today… either too dark and dull or harsh light.

  6. katydid in Chicago says:

    Count me in as another vicarious dreamer. Retirement can’t come soon enough!
    I am curious about all those desert plants. What do they smell like? Do any of them have a pleasant fragrance or a pungent odor?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, katydid,

      I neglect the olfactory! The most fragrant plant I’ve come across… or plants, actually … are the sages. Crushing the bursage leaves gives off a distinctive aroma, reminding me of Thanksgiving turkey dressing. I’ll try to remember to test more of the plants I see for their fragrance.

  7. Vicky says:

    Sue, I’ve followed your blog since the beginning and you always amaze me. My husband and I are down to 22 months until we too can retire to the freedom of wide open spaces and more time for sleep, eat, nap! Looking forward to the post on how you decided to live this lifestyle and also your upcoming adventures this year.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Vicky,

      Okay, good to know… another vote for how I decided to full-time. I’m very happy for you both now that retirement and the road are drawing close. I still awake with joy to the knowledge I don’t have to go anywhere, no more commuting to work, ahhh…. love it!

      • Margo (in Ohio) says:

        I stumbled upon you thru a facebook group that listed a recipe of yours and referred to this blog–I don’t remember the “date” of the original post that introduced me to you ; however, I was so intrigued and learned so much…and felt so comfortable in “getting to know you” that I went back to day 1 and it has taken me since November 2013 to get to this post!!! I just found out the other day that I can access from my works’ computer so I’ve been catching up faster than in my free time at home!

        Love it, learning from it, and enjoy all of the photos…have had some LOL moments and some moments that comments have raised the hair on my neck!!!!

        having said all of that, I would be very interested in a post about how you decided to do this etc…

        thx for sharing your life-and the crew!- with me!!!

  8. Gayle says:

    “… didn’t come to fruition” are useful words to live by!

  9. Hi Sue,
    Having lived in the Rocky Mountain states for 25 years, cloudy days are rare and nice for a change. I call the cloudy, rainy/drizzly days Scottish days. That’s when it’s nice to have the day off and I brew a pot of tea and read and nap all day.
    I’m not sure I ever heard the reasoning you took to full timing? Hurry up and tell us. We’re on pins and needles!!
    Thanks for the help on the blog. I think one of your readers help me find the comments section.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Robert (nice Scottish name),

      I’m going to go over to your blog and leave a comment! I’m glad you have it running now. Blogging adds another dimension to life on the road. I hope you enjoy it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Robert… I tried to comment but couldn’t figure out how to “log in, click title at bottom”… Sorry to be so dense, but if I am, others are, too.

  10. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    I’m so glad I found your blog. I have read every line written. Some more than once. I also use the search function when I need to find information on a particular topic. Like now, I need to go back and reread the post on tires as I will need to be getting some HD tires for the truck this summer. That’s my brake controller there. I hope you also got credit for the Benchmarks. I forgot to order Washington! Just placed the order.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John,

      What are HD tires? That’s a very nice brake controller you ordered. Tekonsha is a proven brand and the electronic screen looks great. Mine doesn’t have that.

      A lot of orders have come in lately for the Benchmark atlases. Probably some of them are for you. Thanks! I forgot to order New Mexico. Don’t know why. I didn’t realize I didn’t have it until recently. I put it on my Amazon wish list waiting for my next order.

      I appreciate that you have “read every line you have written.” 🙂

  11. weather says:

    The few plants that can thrive in places unsuitable to most others seem heroic- and deserve being given admiration that’s brought to the attention of others.Story has attraction because humanity is drawn to the heroic.Just saying,I think you’re doing it just right.
    your idea about telling what brought you to where you are sounds great,hope you do it sooner than later as I’d love to hear all about it.When I decided full timing was what I wanted I thought I’d made it up.actually didn’t know people did it( because I wasn’t telling anyone my offbeat idea sure to shock most)Found out it was not new as I looked up the wheel base of my jeep on the web…might in part explain why your blog makes me such,a smiling reader

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Great to see you here again! I didn’t think of full-timing all on my own like you did. I needed someone else to present it to me.

      You’re on to something about the delicate flowers that bloom in this harsh environment. If a plant can be heroic, many of these would fit that mantle! I was thinking something similar while looking at the tissue-paper thin petals of a prickly pear flower. . .

      Keep smiling and keep coming back!

  12. Marg says:

    I put your picture of the little church, blue trim, red flowers that I am not going to look up how to spell those things right now, anyhow, I put it on my Facebook site. I gave you full credit and said you had given me permission. I also put about your blog and “people who cannot do, can at least enjoy your doing.” You might have some more fans, as if you needed any. I think the picture was very pretty, the background of stark, brown dirt, mountain and the contrast of white and blue with red with a couple of green trees. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. My daughter is a photographer and I follow a fellow that paints pictures of these Ouachita Mountains with his camera. I do not regret not being able to hold a camera still because there are your pictures, William Rainey’s, Kelli Mims, and my husband takes pictures for me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How nice of you to share my photo and my blog with your Facebook friends. Thank you, Marg.

      You are a person who delights in the visual, much like me. I’m glad I can bring these scenes to you. I’ve heard the Ouachita Mountains are quite beautiful.

  13. Barbara says:

    I too live vicariously through your blog. We have retired but are one of the ones, who shared the dream to full-time, but health issues dictated otherwise for the time being. I am still hoping he will change his mind and do it anyway.
    I would also like to read more about your full-timing decision and the preparation, as well as your decision on the Casita, vs. other RV’s.
    Do you know the name of the blooming grass. It is a most interesting grass or cactus.
    You are an inspiration to all of us who dream of your life.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      I wish I did know the name of that grass. It enlivens every photo it’s in.

      Your comment and others have me enthused about going back to my “early days” to write about my decisions leading up to this vagabond life. I’ve committed myself… Now I’d better go ahead and write it!

      I thought of you when writing about “the timing isn’t right.” Sometimes the thought will leap into my consciousness…”Oh, I should’ve started sooner.” Then I shake my head, “No, it wouldn’t have worked any earlier than when I did start. The timing wasn’t right.”

      Hello to your husband and best wishes to you both . .. .

      • Marg says:

        My aunt shared my gypsy blood. Unfortunately, she never moved from her little town, but did come see us when we RV’d. She passed away February 1st. It was a big loss to all of us. She had no children, her nieces and nephews were her children. I talked to her in January. I told her I still had some dreams of fulltiming. She told me to do it now, when I got to her age it was too late. I can honestly say, she did not look a day over her 60s, but she was 91 when we lost her. She was ageless. I am happy to follow your travels Sue. I RV’d once, I have not missed out on much. I am happy to read your blog and travel through you.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It sounds like your aunt was a wonderful person in whom you could share your thoughts and dreams. I’m sorry for your loss, Marg.

  14. DeAnne in TN says:

    Well, they called school for tomorrow. Some of our county roads are still treacherous. I guess my big decision for tonight is whether to start a new book or knit. Parents, teachers, community–all are complaining, but I admire our school system for taking a “safety first” stance. I have had no problem with the extra days given–I have been able to find peace and quiet that obviously my soul needed. I fear that many in society have lost the skill of “just being” and living in the moment. Your blog is perfect for those of us who still practice. Count me in for a vote of “the story of how RV Sue considered her name.” Hugs to the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, DeAnne,

      I think teachers need “snow days” more than students do! I’m glad you had some quiet time at home. You’re right about the lost “skill of ‘just being'”… I have to remind myself at times that it’s not necessary to do something. Just be!

      Why did I choose RVSue? Because TravelTrailerSue doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue… Haha!

      • DeAnne in TN says:

        Haha! But you could have been “GA Sue in a house with a garden” or “Retired at the beach Sue” or even “Log Cabin Sue in the mountains.” Intrigued minds want to know–what made you choose the rv life? I know I’m speaking for many…

  15. mockturtle says:

    Sue, I had four Marathon tires on a small trailer and never had a problem with them. They were still in excellent shape when I sold it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know what I think? I wonder if those blow-outs were due to driving several hours in the hottest part of the day in summer at too high a speed, with 14 inch tires, over-inflated… who knows what caused those blow-outs? I see people towing over 65 mph all the time which is way too fast.

      Thanks for the feedback. I’ll keep an eye on their condition.

  16. Reina says:

    Hi Sue!

    A friend directed me to your website because I just ordered a new Casita Trailer (Spirit Deluxe) which I should get by the end of April. Me and my Arrow (Chihuahua/Pomeranian Mix) will be hitting the road soon. Your postings have given me an insight as to life on the road. I’m really excited and I wanted to thank you for your postings. I have so much to learn but I am encouraged!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Reina! Congratulations on your new Spirit Deluxe! I wish you many safe miles and happy camps in beautiful places. What a great companion for the road… Arrow must be a cutie.

      I had “so much to learn” when I started, and I still do. It’s not necessary to know everything, only the willingness to learn as you go. April will be an exciting milestone for you!

      • John K - Mobile, AL says:

        Checking tire pressure is one thing most people never do. As you know, I ride motorcycles and tire pressure is very important. That has carried over to my four wheeled vehicles as well.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I was thinking about motorcycle people the other day. Used to be most of the bikers one saw on the road were young people. Now I see mostly. . . um, not so young people.

          Well, of course! They’re the same people!

  17. Caroline nr Seattle says:

    I came across your blog maybe a yr and a half ago….not sure how I found it, but I went back to the start and read all the entries. Back then I had been thinking about spending 3 months on the road at retirement in order to visit BC and Alaska, then the thought expanded to 1 yr to include fall in WA and OR and winter in CA/AZ. Now it’s looking more like 2 yrs!
    Can’t say that I live vicariously thru your blog, but I too am a single woman with dogs, so I find it quite informative AND interesting to hear about your daily life; whether it’s how often you need to shop, how the dogs behave, little things that go wrong (or right), maintenance, camp sites, etc. Mundane or not, they’re things to consider. So thanks for sharing!!
    BTW, I currently have 2 yrs in mind for my travels. Have you thought about how long you will FT? and what you will do/where you will go when you’re done with FTing?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Caroline,

      I had to smile reading how your plans kept expanding in time.

      I want to full-time as long as I’m able and if that’s a long time (given my age) I bet there still will be places I’ll want to go. Like everything important I do, I let my plans evolve over time with a lot of research, analysis, and dreaming.

      I may be foolish to hope that my Amazon earnings continue for another 5-10 years or more. If they do, that would give me more options concerning what I’m able to do when I have to leave the road. That income helps me save every month. Maybe I’ll be able to buy a piece of land . . .I don’t know. Like I said, it will evolve over time.

  18. Val, Lakefield says:

    Hi Sue, really like your new camp. I too, live through your blog. You had been on the road over a year when I discovered your blog. One dreary day I sat and read all the posts from when you began. That was the day I decided to sell the adorable Aliner. You had me wanting to see the desert & I figured with skylights heating up the camper, and no holding tanks, etc, boondocking would not be comfortable at all. My 92 yr old mother has Dementia and lives next door, so while we can’t go too far yet, I travel with you. Daughter is giving us one month away in the new coach next winter so we will see
    how we do. I check my RV Sue bookmark daily and am always glad to see a new post.:-)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Val,

      Ohmygosh, you sold your Aliner because of me and my desert photos? I’m always stunned by the things my little blog can do!

      You certainly will do better with holding tanks. Get the biggest ones you can on a rig that you like. You have a good daughter to give you a break from mother-care. And you are a good daughter to keep your mother close by.

      Thank you for being a faithful visitor to my blog.

      • Val, Lakefield On. says:

        Well, had thoughts of selling anyway, but your travels helped the decision. Our new trailer being small doesn’t have very big tanks but I think we will manage. Don’t plan on FTing…3-4months away will do, maybe 5.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You sound like you want a life like Reine and Paul’s (see Reine’s message several comments below here). They have a great life of both permanent home and extended camping trips.

  19. lynne says:

    I vote that the young cacti are saguaros…not that this hill person would know! And I care as any plant lover would.
    Felt privileged to see the desert in bloom (before we left). Awesome!
    Lynne in Tennessee

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynne,

      Quite a change…. from desert to Tennesee. The only reason I doubted them being saguaros is how close they are together. Usually saguaros stand alone. I wish all the cacti blooms would show up!

      • Ed says:

        I don’t know what kind of cactus they are but like you I doubt that they are saguaros. A saguaro usually is protected by a “nurse tree” and many people think that the saguaro’s need of water will eventually kill the ‘nurse’. I can not see 3 saguaros getting enough water to survive if they are that close together.
        Having said that, I’m not sure that a barrel cactus cluster could grow to that size either but that would be my guess rather than saguaro.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I did notice today that many of the saguaros grew through the “arms” of a palo verde. In fact there’s a saguaro in a palo verde at the edge of our campsite.

          My thinking is the same as yours… They seem too big and elongated, unlike any of the barrel cacti that I’ve seen, unless they’re a variation.

  20. Betty-Shea says:

    Hi RVSue…we appreciate you too! I look forward everyday to see what you and the crew are up to !
    And I would love to hear about your decission about becoming a fulltimer…mine came when I figured out how brainwashed I was into becoming “a good in debt consumer”
    I decided I wanted to live on my terms…not for the bankers and all the credit card companies…I was a slave to debt…to live “the good life” how nuts was that…?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Betty-Shea,

      I haven’t written very much about “living on my terms,” although I think I’ve demonstrated that philosophy many times. There’s a special freedom that one doesn’t realize one loses when going into debt.

      Getting out from under the burden of debt dramatically improved my outlook on life and, reading between your lines, it improved yours as well. I see these McMansions and I wonder how people can yoke themselves to all that.

    • You’re so right, Betty! Now that I have a retirement date in place (12-31-2014), I’m freeing myself from debt by living more frugally than I ever have! It feels SO good to close paid-off accounts, knowing that I won’t take that debt into retirement with me!

      And Sue, I’ve read every single post of yours but I would love to hear what brought you to consider FT’ing. I’m grateful you made that decision–you’ve taught me so much about being present, finding joy, & not settling. Thank you! Hope you & the crew are having a great day today. Hard to believe it’s already time (Sunday!) to move to DST. Or does AZ not move their clocks?


      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You’ve got me in your cheering section, Dawn, regarding being frugal and dumping the debt. Good for you! Your retirement will belong to YOU!

        Arizona doesn’t believe in a lot of things the rest of the country follows. Haha! Including Daylight Savings Time. To tell the truth, I’ve given up trying to figure out what time of day it is. I go by the sun mostly. We’re very primitive, here at the BLT! LOL!

  21. Kim says:

    I think a blog post providing some historical perspective on your journey is a great idea.

    Sweet Bridget. Still camera-shy after all these years. But you gotta love a gal who sticks to her principles no matter what!

  22. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Lazy days are good days! Sleep, eat, nap, pee, pee and pee! 🙂

    Sidewall blow outs are nothing to mess with. It’s good that you check the air pressure and wear on the tires! Plus you’re not the “lead foot exceed the speed limit” type to push the tire’s limit.

    The age and exposure to the sun’s uv rays are also a key factor. We always kept our tires covered. Prior to our journey across the USofA we had 2000 miles on the tires. But they were 8 years old with probably 95 % of the tread left. We put new tires on …just for peace of mind.

    I would love to read about the Sue before RVSue and how this all evolved.

    Have a great night!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I do need to cover up the tires. I’m bad about that. You were smart to replace those tires before taking off across the country.

      I don’t know that I’ll go into much detail about “the Sue before RVSue” . . . just enough to explain how I decided to live in an RV. Anything before that is too depressing!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Oh dear…you tore that rear view mirror off a ways back!

        I meant I would love to hear how you made your decision!

      • Ed says:


        Do not feel bad about not covering your tires. You move frequently which keeps the ‘juices’ in the tire rubber flowing. It is only when the tire sits for long periods of time in the exposed sun that covers may be beneficial. How many passenger cars and trucks do you see parked with their tires covered in the sun exposed company parking lots all over this country?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good point, Ed. You make sense, as usual. 🙂

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Yes … Sue moves frequently which keeps the oils flowing in the rubber. But she is also in sun baked AZ. Being proactive instead of reactive has it’s advantages. Proactive means it takes less than two minutes to cover them..which increases their life…reactive means you spend money replacing them in a shorter amount of time.

          Also if marathons are “prone” to side blowouts…why not take the time to perhaps decrease the chances of it occurring?

          In regards to the parked cars….do they have windshield shades up or are they waiting for their dashboards to crack? Or do they even care?

          Sue is so diligent about waxing the BLT ….why neglect the tires?? Your “structure” is only sound if you have a strong foundation! Not to mention the precious cargo that is inside.

          Again…just my opinion.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Oh my, you both make sense!

            • Ed says:

              Cinandjules (NY) opinion is probably a much safer one than mine.
              What I said was based on my experience living in Phoenix, AZ from 1968 to 1982. We were some devil may care Arizonians back in those days. I did not have windshield shades up and the sun cracked my dash, many people smarter than I used the shades. I was smart enough to put a quilted cover over the steering wheel however because it was too hot to touch in the afternoon.
              There were probably people smart enough to cover their tires every morning and the take the covers off every afternoon I just never saw anyone do it. Many years have passed since then, it may now be a common sight to see whole shifts of workers streaming out to the parking lot in the afternoon and taking off their tire covers before heading home. I’m old and have not kept up with all the progressive thinking that has been going on around me and in many cases left me behind.

      • Gayle says:

        Love to hear about some of your classroom experiences, however!

  23. Nita says:

    My reason for loving your blog. My husband and I loved the desert southwest. We spent a lot of time in Arizona and the Big Bend area of Texas. Since he is now deceased I cannot travel as I once did. Your photos keep me going to bring back many great times. Thanks for the photos, places I can no longer see in person. So you are doing a great service to the non-traveler.

  24. SusanS says:

    I replaced my RFT original tires on my Rav4 with AVID’s that have a 75k mile warranty. Anything was going to be better than the original tires. At my next 3000 mile oil change and tire rotation at the Toy dealership they told me I had 60% left on my tires so I should be thinking about replacements. I read them the riot act on that one! So learn or make sure you know what your tire wear should look like for the number of miles on them. 🙂 But you know that.

    I too travel vicariously through your blog and photos. Seriously doubt if I could ever talk the hubby into an RV again even though we really enjoyed the little 1961 Aloha we had 20+ years ago. (plus we’re living on 1/2 a paycheck between the 2 of us right now so not really shopping for anything….)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      Man, that was pretty bold of them to give you such obviously false information. Good for you, reading the riot act. That must’ve shocked them! It reminds me of the guy in Borrego Springs telling me I should have my brakes checked before going another 1,000 miles, due to the wear they showed. I had them checked and they were fine, many miles left to go.

      Always a pleasure to hear from you, Susan . . . .

  25. Mary (MN) says:

    Sue I am one of your readers for whom the time isn’t right for full timing or even much traveling. I suspect from reading your earlier posts that you had a clear idea of what you wanted and worked towards that. In my opinion that is the key – knowing what you want.

    Hubby and I started discussing our retirement plans about 5 years prior to my retirement, he had retired early for health reasons but cancer couldn’t stop him so he is fine now.

    At that time we made the decision to ‘age in place’, stay put. That decision involved making a huge financial investment in this property, an investment not easily recouped when/if we sell.

    We also committed to rescuing many critters and still have 4 of them.

    Now, years latter and after the loss of many friends and elderly family we both want to run away and especially to escape the frozen tundra in the winter. We can do it, but the financial costs are prohibitive.

    However, thanks to your lifestyle inspiration and the comments from your many followers we have chosen the best of both worlds – for the time being. 🙂 The simple sizing continues and the emphasis is on enjoying each day. We may not be camped in the desert or by the seashore, but we can kick back and spend the day reading whenever we want.

    • Mary (MN) says:

      Sorry I pushed the post comment button when the phone rang and before I finished my thoughts –

      Best of both worlds, being able to read about your adventures and admiring your photo’s while for the time being we age in place with the simple lifestyle. 🙂 Thank you for providing the enjoyable break from the long winter. 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You’re welcome, Mary. I’m glad you took the time to write and to explain your lifestyle and how you came to decide how you want to spend your retirement years. Everybody needs to find what suits their personality, family, friends, financial situation, health needs, individual interests, etc.

        I’m happy you have the “best of both worlds” and know the importance of living simply and enjoying each day.

        • Mary (MN) says:

          Of course that is just me trying to make the best of bad decisions resulting from indecisivness, I would much rather be on a beach in the sunshine.

          Those Petego pet tubes ordered through your site will be an experiment this summer in trying to take the critters with and going anyway. 🙂

          Know what you want and go for it, I didn’t and wish I had a ‘redo’ rather than this ‘make do’.

  26. Deb from NJ says:

    I must say that I follow your blog for a variety of reasons. When I first found your blog I just knew that when I retired that I was leaving in a trailer to travel out west. I lived in Colorado for approx. 13 years and had done a lot of tent camping by myself at all the National Parks and Forests that I could at the time. So I knew that I wanted to go back there and do more traveling. But hadn’t heard about full timing at the time. I don’t remember how I found your site but I am so grateful that I did. It was then that I realized that what I wanted to do was called a “fulltimer”. Here I thought I was going to go do something unheard of….lol. Little did I know at the time that there was a whole community out there doing what I wanted to do.

    I have read your blog from the beginning and at times I will go back to the same date in past years to see where you were and what you were doing. Actually this morning I went back and read some of your March 2012 postings. So I would love to hear they whys of your decision to live the way you do.

    Like I have said in the past I have approximately 5-6 years before I can retire. I hope that I remain healthy so that I can live my dream.

    You mentioned your Amazon earnings in one of your comments above. If you did not have that extra income would you still be able to maintain this lifestyle as you do now. What would you have to do different if you didn’t have the extra income? (If you don’t mind me asking)

    Love the photo of the crew cooling off under the BLT!

    Have a great evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      I enjoyed your comment very much. To answer your question regarding Amazon income . . . .

      I lived as a full-time vagabond from August 2011 until January 2013 before I became an Amazon Associate, so, most definitely, I can and have lived this lifestyle without that extra income. You can see that is true by looking at any of the months income and expenses shown under the Money category in the header.

      Since I do not rely on the Amazon income, I wouldn’t be doing anything differently without it, except I wouldn’t be able to save as much.

      Where the difference may (emphasis on ‘may’) occur is in the future, but only if my Amazon income continues for a number of years. Then I may have the savings to do something I wouldn’t be able to do without it.

      I don’t ever want to rely on Amazon income because it could disappear in a flash.

  27. Tina says:

    Hi Sue
    your blog is the highlight of my day.My plan is to do as you are doing. I also love the memories Spike and Bridget provide, so much like my shelties Tanner And Tia who are both gone now but could be their twins (especially your little girl being your shadow!) Don’t ever think you are boring, it is a joy to contemplate that my future could be like yours if i can ever get enough saved to retire. I appreciate the good and the bad info. I admire you so much and wish you thevery best!
    Please keep writing for you have a gift that is most appreciated.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tina,

      I appreciate your kind and complimentary words. It must give a pang to your heart to see and read about my crew. The lives of our pets are way too brief!

      Nice to hear from you! Thanks for the encouragement.

  28. Susan in Dallas says:

    I used to have a tent camper and enjoyed taking my son on trips. We drove from Texas to California without air conditioning in the car. Lots of great memories!
    I have read all your posts from the beginning and look forward to your story of why this life was your choice. Also, whatever happened to the dog you gave to your neighbor in Georgia? If I remember, he was not a terrier like Spike and Bridget.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      You’re talking about Janie, the brown and white dog that moved in with my friend and former colleague, Lynne, and her husband, and their big dog, Romeo. As far as I know, all is well. I should email Lynne; it’s been a while. I let time slip by . . . Giving up Janie was one of those decisions I had to make. I knew I couldn’t handle three dogs on the road and in this small home.

      It’s good that you gave your son those tent-camping experiences.

      • We may need to make a similar decision about our cat, Slim. Here at home, he’s accustomed to going in and out. He knows his territory very well and lived as a stray before he came to us 10 years ago. We worry, however, that when we’re boondocking, he won’t know his territory & might become prey for one of the many predators out there. He wouldn’t be happy staying inside all the time & I can’t imagine him in a kitty harness with a leash. Fortunately, we have some time to figure this out. I worry about Slim…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I don’t know anything about travel with cats. However, I have been surprised by the cats I’ve met on the road and how well they’ve adapted. An example is Anne’s cat (We both camped on Palm Canyon Road together recently.).

          I asked Anne, wasn’t she afraid her cat would run off? She told me it wasn’t a problem. Animals do know and appreciate where their food comes from and that, I think, more perhaps than affection for their owners, brings them home.

          I understand your worry . . .

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          BTW, Dawn… I did finally reply to you re: solar in shady Washington (under “The circle of life on the road” post).

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:


          Prior to living in NY we lived in the SF Bay Area. Our cat, Adirondack came and went as he pleased…until he came home with his back leg mangled from being hit by a car.

          That did it for us….he became an indoor cat…clawed at the blinds to get out..howled etc. We got a a wire dog kennel and if he wanted to go outside he went into the kennel.

          Fast forward to NY…we live on the woods and things get eaten here. His wire kennel is out on the picnic table. He asks to go out and walks to the kennel…I close the door behind him. When he wants in…I open the door and he walks to the house.

          What I’m saying is Slim will adjust. The wire kennels fold down and is easily packable.

          If this is something that is feasible for you and slim…start it before you take off…so it isn’t traumatic and he bolts out of your rig.

  29. Lolalo says:

    Add me to the list of wanting the story of how you came to fulltiming! We are at that point – planning our escape. I retired early and our motorhome is just waiting to hit the road. Got quite a few ‘details’ to work out first, but things are looking up! Until the day comes, I will continue to follow your adventures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, I hope you will continue to follow our adventures after the day comes, too! I wish those details would get out of the way so you can fire up that motorhome!

  30. Jane Onken says:

    Hi Sue… another enjoyable post. Had to chuckle at “cheap son of a gun”. Count me in on wanting to hear how you prepared to fulltime. I remember you saying it was either spend your money on your house or spend it rving. It hit home because that’s exactly my situation. I’m getting scared though, dang it–about leaving the comfort of caring neighbors mostly, friends and family and a neighbor’s dog that loves me, too, believe it or not. I’m 67 now and can feel that if I don’t do it this year, my giddyup may just give it up. Melancholy over the loss of my 20 yr feline companion is influencing some, I know, but I’m kind of freaking out over the thought leaving life as I know it and striking out by myself. I’ve been working toward fulltiming for 2 years, bought a Casita in Oct, am readying the house to sell. I even know I’ll regret it if I don’t do it! I feel like the cowardly lion in need of c-ourage! Gish! It ridiculous! You didn’t have any second thoughts or fears, did you?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jane,

      What I felt isn’t very relevant to what is going on with you, but to answer your question… No, I didn’t have any second thoughts or fears. Not that I’m particularly brave. I think it was because I was desperately tired of my old life and extremely desirous of a new life.

      You are wise to analyze your feelings and fears so that you can deal with them. As I was reading your comment I was wondering if, perhaps, you didn’t really want to take this leap. Then I read your words, “I even know I’ll regret it if I don’t do it!”

      Just because I didn’t have second thoughts or fears doesn’t mean one can’t have them and still make a successful transition. Start out easy. Drive short distances. Stay in RV parks or the driveway of relatives if that helps. Make reservations if they make you feel secure. Whatever it takes.

      I’m intuiting that your fear is in the slashing of the line tied to the dock where you’ve been moored a long time. Remember you aren’t leaving home. You’re taking it with you! 🙂

      • Jane Onken says:

        Thank you, Sue, I’ll keep those thoughts in mind.

        • DesertGinger says:

          Jane, I feel your pain. I’m within a few weeks of slashing the line that holds me to my mooring…also in NY…and I’m a bit scared. But, I will hold onto my friends here, with Facebook and Skype, with email. And, hopefully, I will be able to travel back here in summers. Also,don’t forget you will make new friends. Think about all the friends Sue has made in her travels. I’m renting out my house. Perhaps that is an option for you; then at least you know you could go home again.

  31. Barbara says:

    It is nice to know that you thought of me when you were talking about the timing. For now, I have beaten my cancer, but as I said, my hubby has some health issues. It have wanted to be a gypsy traveler since I was a kid. Guess it came from growing up poor. My husband was all for it until the health issues.

    I can relate to the lady talking about her debt. Thankfully, I am almost debt free including our home, which is condo. I was kind of surprised when you said you somewhat depend on the amazon purchases. Your money columns look like you save quite a bit of your income. Of course, this day in time every little bit helps.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m am very glad to hear you say you have beaten your cancer. I wish you and your husband well in dealing with his health issues.

      Did I say somewhere that I depend upon Amazon income? If so, I wasn’t writing clearly because it’s the opposite. I never want to depend upon Amazon income because it could stop or diminish greatly at any time.

      Maybe I was talking how my savings from Amazon income might influence what I do in the future, i.e. an exit plan.

      Money was tight when I was growing up, too, and I share the gypsy gene with my late father.

      Best wishes to you and your husband . . . .

  32. TexasTom says:

    We are getting closer to the road every day and your blog keeps us on point.

    The flower of the prickly pear cactus is very pretty and the fruit makes a very good jelly.

    I run Nitrogen in all my tires now. It will expand with heat as compressed air will but will not leak out as easily as compressed air and is dry unlike the air from most corner stores and service stations. It came in our CRV but I not sure if all Honda dealers have the ability to replace the air with Nitrogen. Never had to add any in over a year.

    Tell Bridget and Spike that Blackie and Brownie our two Chihuahuas say hay. Guess what color their coats are? ;c)> After 7 of them in almost 50 years we ran out of names we liked and darn it they had to have names.

    Keep posting and I’ll keep reading and shopping at the big A.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tom,

      I’m chuckling over your explanation of the names Blackie and Brownie. Too funny! My two Whiteys say hi.

      Yay! Shop the Big A! That’s what I say! Thanks, Tom.

      Okay, enough silliness. Nitrogen in tires. I’ve heard that’s a good thing. Same with the prickly pear jelly, although I’ve never tasted any.

      • Geri Moore says:

        Hey Tom… in case you didn’t know it, the fruit of the prickly pear can become some righteous wine! Magenta in color and a treat for the tongue, and I am not even a wine drinker but I can tell you that prickly pear wine is the best I have ever had the pleasure to drink!

      • Ed says:

        Nitrogen is a very good thing IF you’re a race car driver but I’m not so sure that you need it Sue.
        You faithfully check your tire pressure which provides all the meaningful things that nitrogen would. IF you never checked your tire pressure then maybe(?) there would be a reason for you to consider nitrogen.

        • TexasTom says:

          Geri, I would try the wine.

          Ed, You are right on the money. I have inflation monitors on all my tires and they have made me lazy for sure.

          Talk about lazy, my pickup has two LED screens and an on-board digital safety check and diagnostics system. I never open the hood any more.

          I wonder why Casita doesn’t have a two axle trailer as an option. Easier to back up and the trailer can carry more weight.


          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Probably because Casita has found a very lucrative niche and the trailers are flying out the factory door?

            • TexasTom says:

              Sue, Agreed! I love the Casita brand and boy do they hold their value but two people and two dogs is just to tight for us.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I understand. I’d be homicidal if another person shared this living space with me.

  33. Count me among those who would love to read about how you came to choose the road less traveled (to borrow from both the poem and the book of the same name). I’ve no doubt many will glean some useful tidbits for future use.

    One of your subheadings refers to “a lazy day for all of us.” Oftentimes, those are the best days. I cannot yet full-time, but I know I feel as if the weight of the world lifts every time I can take our trailer out somewhere and simply sit and enjoy my surroundings. I feel more in tune whenever I can get out of the city. Sadly, I cannot do so all that often, so I get a little of that from your blog entries. Thank you for that.

    Someone else mentioned a retirement countdown. I have a bit of one in my head as well. I hope to retire in five years, give or take a few months. I worry, though, that my wife may have a different countdown on her head, being that she is a few years younger. I wonder if different retirement countdowns would be considered valid grounds for divorce. Not that I would divorce her. I think she might be the only woman who could put up with me.:D

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Walt,

      You brought back memories for me re: escaping the city to relax. I used to come home each day stressed out of my mind. That’s when I bought my first “anti-gravity” lounge chair. I set it up in my backyard, the part that wasn’t neat and landscaped but in a natural state. I’d put the seat way back so I was lying flat looking up at the light coming through the tree branches. That’s one of the places from where I’d dream I was many, many miles away, camped in a peaceful, quiet, secluded place.

      Occasionally I read on my blog that one spouse wants to travel and live in an RV and the other wants to stay put or keep working or be available to aging parents or adult children or whatever. I hope you and your wife work things out so that you both enjoy fulfilling and exciting retirement years.

      • I think we both want to live in an RV (fortunately). It’s just that, being a few years older, I am in a bit more of a hurry. 🙂 I know we’ll get there, but the waiting is murder.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I see… I’m glad you both are on the same page re: the RV. I can relate to you being “antsy” for the road!

  34. Deborah says:

    Hi, Sue!
    When I first visited the desert in Tucson we were out looking at property with a real estate agent. She wore the most heavenly perfume! Every time we were together I just about swooned over the scent. Then one day we went to the property without the agent and guess what? Her perfume was still there! Okay, so obviously it wasn’t her perfume but the perfume of the desert – the lowly creosote bush! I found it hard to believe that something as simple as the creosote could smell so fantastic! For me, the creosote became the smell of the desert.

    I no longer live in the desert but when I last went for a visit, I got into the rental car and it started to rain, the secret to the creosote’s release of its scent. Once again I was able to experience the ubiquitous smell of the desert and it actually brought tears of joy to my eyes. For the next 30 minutes, until I reached my destination, I just kept inhaling big, luscious deep breaths, luxuriating in the desert perfume.

    I live in Florida now but I’m convinced it is temporary until I can make it back to the desert. My favorite season, and I think it is the same for so many desert rats, is monsoon, the fifth season of the desert. Between the rains, the sky, the thunderstorms, the flowers, the desert perfume and the break from the heat, it is by far my favorite.

    So glad you are out there for those of us who are not yet able to hit the road! I love your writing but I particularly love how you care for your readers. You have found a wonderful way to balance your need for solitude (oh, do I understand that need!) and the human need for contact. Brilliant!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deborah,

      I’m intrigued by how much your sense of smell factors into your enjoyment of the desert. I went right out and crushed some creosote leaves! I must be deficient in an olfactory way. . . . 🙂

      Your story in your comment is delightful. I do share your love and affinity for the desert. After reading your experience with the monsoon time of year, I want to experience it also, but it’s doubtful I ever will. Can’t camp in Arizona’s summer heat! I suppose I could camp in the mountains and go to the desert floor . . . hmm. . . .

      Your last paragraph is sweet. Thank you for writing, Deborah.

      • DesertGinger says:

        Sue, I also love monsoon season. You might want to consider splurging for a week t a campground with electricity in order to experience monsoon season.

  35. Tina says:

    Hi Sue,

    I am one of the dreamers for now who lives through your travels and thinks one day I will be there. It’s hard sometime to just shut my mind off, it does make me want to scream … ha ha ha! I’d be very interested in how you came about this lifestyle and your thoughts on the process.

    You truly are the double rainbow when I read your blog!


    Northern, CA

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Tina! Your comment gave me a smile this morning.

      It looks like I hit on something of interest to many readers when I suggested a post about my decision to sell my home and become a full-timer. Maybe I can keep folks dreaming without screaming at the walls!

  36. Lacy says:

    I appreciate you and your blog more than I could ever express. I doubt I’ll ever be able to ‘strike out’ like you have…..too many obligations. But I can dream!

    Sweet Dreams,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lacy,

      Maybe there’s a way to have a modified version of “striking out?” Whatever you do, I’m happy you let me spin dreams for you through this blog!

  37. Barrie says:

    Hi Sue,
    I have also heard many negative things about Marathon tires but… My travel trailer, a tandem axle unit, has 4 of them on it since new. They are now weather cracked and should have been replaced 2 years ago; I’ve been procrastinating… my bad. This winter I bought 4 new Marathons to replace them. After 25 years in the trucking business I know that any tire can fail. Failures may be caused by a variety of reasons; road debris, poor tire pressures etc. If they’re working for you, as they are for me, I suggest you hang on to them until the tires show signs they should be replaced. Every time I stop, while pulling the trailer, I walk around and put my hand on each tire to ensure they’re not hot. If any are hot there’s a problem. I continue to read every post. 🙂
    All the best,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barrie,

      I really appreciate you taking the time to “talk tires” with me and my readers. I respect knowledge gained through experience.

      Thanks for sharing your good habit of checking the heat of the tires when towing your trailer. I never thought to do that! I’ll try to make it part of my routine, along with checking the hitch connections, when stopped on a towing day.

      • Jeff says:

        Like Barrie I also feel all my tires for heat at every stop. I also feel the axle hubs for heat. By the way I can’t recall have you had your trailer axles greased and brakes checked at all?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I did have the brakes checked and they’re good. I’m confused about greasing the axles. Was I told at one time that the kind of hubs my axles have don’t require greasing? Or am I imagining that . . . ???

  38. Patty McKinley says:

    Hi Sue,

    I have only recently been lurking & reading about your day to day life as a nomad, but have enjoyed every bit of it! I am only just now speaking up because I would like to put in my vote for you to put together a post on how you chose this way of life and how you prepared for it as well.

    I too, have plans of hitting the road and my trailer is an 18ft Clipper I purchased a couple of months ago, even though I am far from being able to cut loose and take off just yet. I bought this little trailer now, so I can camp on the weekends and learn about what it is I need to learn before becoming completely independent of a brick and mortar home & lifestyle that much of society seems to think should be the norm! I haven’t even camped in her yet! Soon though… very soon!

    Currently I am in Largo, FL and live here with my father to help him out. So this is where I will be until my father’s time to leave this world, so I certainly do not want to ‘rush’ that day, but look forward to the day I can hit the road.

    I love your blog and reading about your day to day life, and the crew too! So yes, I too, live vicariously through you until my time comes!

    I shop on Amazon ALOT… so count me in!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello, Patty,

      An Amazon shopper (thank you) and you live in Largo! I can relate happily to both!

      Several years ago I used to night-fish off the Largo pier. I remember the beach at Largo as being very pretty. I hope it still is.

      Your father is blessed by your presence, I’m sure.

      You are wise to actively prepare for the next chapter of your life. I looked up this photo of a Clipper ultra-light trailer. That’s a really nice size for you.

      Welcome to the comments page! I’m pleased you read my blog. I hope to see you here again.

  39. Cheryl Ann says:

    Sue, I wish we could have lazy days, but it is Dr. Seuss week at school and we’ve had “crazy hair day”, “crazy socks day” and today the kids are supposed to come dressed up like the Cat in the Hat! Oh, boy! Another day of… CHAOS!
    Cheryl Ann ~ I’ll be having a beer (or two) tonight, FOR SURE!
    P.S. I relax by reading your blog! Thanks!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cheryl Ann,

      I taught 4th and 5th grade for a few years until I bailed into middle school (frying pan to the fire). I remember those “Storybook Character Days.” Being old-fashioned, I found the purpose of that a bit hazy. It seemed like it was a way to teach children that school is a bunch of nonsense. I think Dr. Seuss’s books are great, of course, but a WEEK of chaos?

      Later, I found how difficult it is to teach geometry and pre-algebra to students who have been taught that school is one big Playground of Fools.

      All that to say… Good luck! You will survive! God willing, my blog will be here to help. 🙂

  40. I love those gray drab bush pictures. They look so soothing. Really give the desert personality. Thanks for sharing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Doug,

      Your recent blog posts take me back to earlier camps. The crew and I camped at Brantley Lake in NM shortly after picking up the BLT. From your photos it looks like there’s a lot more water in the lake than when we were there. Also your Ajo header photo — We visited there two winters. Your photos are great!

      I appreciate your comment on the “gray drab bush pictures.” It’s good to know you “get” what I see.

  41. Jean Norenberg says:

    I read your blog reguarly and have always noted your comments about all the people who write comments later. However, this is the first time I have been able to locate all the readers comments! Sure would be easier if there were a link on your blog page to get to these follow up comments! Not sure how I found it today, and probably won’t be able to find it again. I RV and have limited on line time so cannot spend lots of time searching for things. Please do consider placing a link on your blog. Thanks.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      Your suggestion to link to comments certainly would make things easier for people. However, I don’t know how — or even, if — that can be done, because the comments are not another page, but are an extension of the blog post. It’s a dynamic feature that I cannot put on a page in order to link.

      In other words, how the comments are opened up is part of the blog’s “theme,” (format). I could change the theme but that would mean losing other parts of my blog’s appearance that I really like and that readers are accustomed to.

      I agree with you… Finding comments isn’t obvious to a new visitor to my blog. Thank you for caring enough to point this out.

      You can get here by looking for the word “comments” at the bottom of each entry. Usually it will have a number in front of the word indicating how many comments have already been made. I wish I could make the word big and bold. Even that isn’t within the format of my blog’s theme.

      After a while, if you continue to read comments, it will become easier.

  42. Linda Bailey says:

    Hi Sue,
    I, too, have been silently reading your blog for about a year. I started thinking about RV travel and decided to see what and who was doing it, why, where, etc. I relate more to yours as I am a single “old lady-but young at heart” lady that doesn’t like a lot of people.
    I have been my Dad’s caretaker for the last 2 years until his passing (at 98) last month, so my planning has stepped up, I bought a Travel trailer, and have been singing “on the road again” in my head.
    I would love to read a blog about your planning, etc. I love your day to day blogs, because you don’t whine or get depressed. You appreciate each day and I love that.
    I have always been a “why not” kind of person, but as I got older I began to get self doubts – your blog has swept all of that away, so Thanks RV Sue and the Crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      What a delightful comment! I had to laugh at the part “because you don’t whine or get depressed.” Haha! I hate to tell you this . . . I don’t do much whining (well, a little bit), but I sure know how to get depressed. I try to keep it off this blog by disappearing for a day or two, for your sake as well as mine. 🙂

      Yes, I am grateful for every single day. I don’t take credit for that though. Really, how can I NOT appreciate every day when I wake up in beautiful surroundings in perfect weather where peace and quiet reigns, birds sing, sun in my face, gentle breezes, hot cup of coffee in hand, two adorable (if somewhat exasperating at times) little pals, and another day belonging entirely to ME!

      I feel sorry for the few bloggers I’ve come across (and I don’t go back to) who are fortunate to live a similar life as mine and yet show no evidence of appreciation. Gratitude is part of the secret to happiness. You can’t have one without the other. At least that’s my thinking . . .

      Your father was fortunate to have you for a daughter. You’ve earned your wings. I’m happy you have your trailer and can take flight! Enjoy each day… and thank you for stopping by with a comment.

  43. Abel in Austin says:


    Longtime reader but i don’t post comments often. I had 4 Marathon tires on my 16 ft enclosed cargo Trailer. I didn’t have any problems with them except that they wore more on the inside which was probably for not checking the Tire pressue often. Other than that i was pleased with them. Never had a blowout and my trailer was always fully loaded.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good to know, Abel. I appreciate your feedback very much as you make me more secure with my decision to keep the tires a while longer.

      The internet is powerful, as we all know. I wonder if someone told about their blow-outs on a forum and instead of taking responsibility for poor tire maintenance or overloading or whatever, they blamed the blow-outs on Marathon tires.

      Then other people piled on, blaming the tires, thus removing themselves from being responsible for their own blow-outs. First thing you know, a rumor is started that Marathon tires are bad. Just as people like to cluster around a lone camper, they tend to cling to the opinions of others without any research or analysis at all.

      Hope all is well in Austin…

  44. MK in NE GA says:

    Sleep eat nap sounds mighty good to me. In fact I will be performing a serious power nap shortly (should this be a new Olympic sport?). Like most here I follow your blog and would love to hear how you arrived at and the steps taken to full timing.

    The “stuff” issue for me is slowly dwindling, my Samsung tablet has solve most of my book issues, I have several that are out of print and not on Kindle and I do re-read them. I also have a large collection of DVD’s…LOVE movies. I can live without every stick of furniture I own so that’s not a problem. I’ve been researching TT’s and have found the one I want a Nash 17k – more of a 4 seasons and having towed sailboats to horse trailers I do like a duel axle set-up. I’m waiting not so patiently for the real estate market to return to my area so I can sell out.
    There are so many things I can live without but some I’m having difficult decision making issues so hearing how you got there will be helpful including how you re-homed your dog. I have a sweet but demented dog right now he’s not a good traveler and has serious melt downs during car rides, loud noises like gun shots and T-storms so I don’t think life on the road will be good for him and he would not be a happy camper.
    There are so many questions for me to answer your “how you got there” will be helpful.

    Your photos are stunning as always!

    • MK, we just bought the Nash 24M–we like the double axle & off-road chassis (whatever that means)! We’ll be taking our first trip down to the Oregon Coast in July–can’t wait! Have fun shopping!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Dawn! Now you’ve got me hankering for the Oregon coast again!

      • MK in NE GA says:

        Nice trailer Dawn, what I’ve read about the Northwood product is good and since I am from Oregon and I want to spend as much time as I can in the PNW, I’d like something more suitable for where I want to hang.

      • MK in NE GA says:

        Dawn went over to your blog and tried to reply but it wouldn’t let me. I typed a bunch about snake avoidance training.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MK,

      I give you an “A” on your report of your progress in simplifying and preparing for the road. Good idea to put the books on your tablet. Books are a pain to tote around, even a small quantity. The process of paring down possessions forces one to learn what it is that is important in one’s life, and that teaches you more about yourself. What to keep is a practical consideration, but it’s also very personal.

      I’m sorry that your dog has “serious melt-downs during car rides.” You’ve probably tried calming aids, and, of course, there’s the thundershirt. If your dog could have some positive experiences in a vehicle, being sedated perhaps, he might surprise you after a few trips. You know best. I do hate the thought of a nervous-type dog being re-homed, but sometimes difficult choices have to be made.

      My former dog, Janie, is a cheerful, people-loving type, very adaptable. She quickly became part of the family of her new home. I was fortunate to have a dog-loving friend to take her in. I wish the same for your dog if you can’t resolve the travel issue for him.

      I wish I could remember if you are a man or a woman! Is it Ms. MK or Mr. MK? Help me out. I’m an old lady. Haha!

      Thanks for the compliment on my photos. Keep moving toward your dream!

      • MK in NE GA says:

        LOL old cranky woman would be me.

        Odie will have to be re-homed, I’ve worked with him for over 2 years and no marked improvement…tried everything and I mean everything to the tune of over $600. in training and stuff like the T-shirt (what a waste) music, trainers and behaviorists. The only thing that works is ACE a serious drug to knock him out and that’s no way to live.

        Books have been a big part of my life and a real “badge of courage” for me. Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s my parents were told I was “mildly” retarded, turns out I wasn’t, I was mildly dyslexic and struggled with reading and math. I wanted to go to college but that was out according to pretty much everyone. My parents agreed to send me to a CC LPN school (real cheap back then) thinking I would be out by the end of the term. We had to take a reading comprehension class as a pre-req and we were all tested…I was diagnosed and given the tools to read and not only read and understand but to read REALLY fast! I graduated with honors from my PN school and passed the grueling 2 day national test on the first try! That one teacher changed my life in so many ways. Once out of nursing school I became an avid reader and my home was always filled with books. The joy of reading for me means so much and finding the book tablet is a big problem solver for me personally.

        Sorry about the long story but being able to read is so important I just couldn’t resist telling my story.

        Can’t wait for your “how you got there” stories…maybe it could be a whole sub-series…LOL and a book…LOL

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          That’s a remarkable story, MK. That one teacher made a powerful change to the direction of your life and to the fullness of your life. Thanks for telling us about it.

          Sorry about your dog though . . .

  45. Bill from NC says:

    Gmornin Sue n crew! I made it!!! I am in Quartzsite learnin about lapidary at the Roadrunner Club, love the desert, my first time in one! Glad you got the comments working again. Bill n Sadie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Bill! You’re livin’ the life!

      I went to your blog and read your most recent entry carefully. Tears came to my eyes as your enthusiasm poured off the page right into my heart.

      I love how you have found a new hobby and the excitement you have for learning more. I emphasize how much I enjoy being alone. That doesn’t mean I don’t share the happiness of those who have found a group situation in which they feel comfortable and have fun. Good for you!

      And this is your first experience in the desert and you love it. That’s grand, Bill. I can’t tell you how happy I am for you and Sadie!

  46. kgdan says:

    Well, finally today’s the day! We depart our wonderful winter digs and head south. By this afternoon we will be camped briefly in Quartszite. Couple of days there and then to Yuma; turning west toward CA. We are going to Baja afterall! We will enter Mexico at Tecate then head to Ensenada and points south. Destination is Bahia Concepcion. This even after MRI results that confirmed that hubby ended up with torn rotation cuff while at Mittry Lake early in Dec. Armed with big bottle of Rx Ibuprofen he still wanted to go south. Says surgery can be done when we get home!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Gil is a trooper! The love you two have for your excursions to Mexico is contagious. I wish speaking Spanish were contagious, too. If it were, I’d catch it and be on the road down Mexico-wayyyyy!

      Like Bill (comment above), your excitement and enthusiasm jumps off the page. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time! Thanks for dropping in to give us an update . . .

  47. Geri Moore says:

    Wonderful comments on a great blog idea! I think going back to your inspiration to become a full time gypsy nomad would be a wonderful idea! Your photos, even when taken on a sun-shy day are wonderous! Love the plain old bushes as well, they may lack color but they more than make up for that with texture! Mountains or no…. that was one of my favorite shots of the day! keep on keeping on girl! You are doing something right and I love seeing it happen for you! You have a natural way with words and have developed a natural way with the camera. Your readers love you for it! Hug the crew from us!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Geri, you are such a positive person! I’m soaking up all the compliments and encouragement. You are a great cheerleader for me!

      You’ve been on my mind lately as you start workkamping at Myakka SP. I hope you have a great time in that pretty location. Wish we could visit. Spike could hog your couch and snarl at anybody wanting to drink out of the water dish and Bridget could sit on your lap and whine. Wouldn’t that be fun? Just like old times!

      Thanks for making me feel like the best thing that ever happened to the world of photography. Haha!

      • Geri Moore says:

        Working on a blog about it now. A lot of your readers may not know that they can better afford to travel and stay at a nice state park campground (if they are not yet prepared to boondock) for free. Work 20 hours a week and get campsite and full hookups as compensation! I suggest or going to any state park, example search Florida state parks and look up volunteering to find out more. Oh well, I will include more info on my blog…. LOL when I finally get down to it! Not as timely with my blog as you are with yours!

  48. Reine in Plano says:

    Wonderful post today. Fellow readers, don’t be too discouraged if you can’t or don’t want to strike out full time. Paul and I really enjoy camping in our Casita – we call it running away. However, we have mom’s in their 90s and grand girls close and we really like living in our house so our choice is to age in place and travel 75 to 100 days a year. I think the BIG take away from Sue’s blog is that you have to evaluate your life and your circumstances and do what works best for you. I would also encourage everyone to figure out how to live debt free. We have found that choosing to live on less really gives us MORE enjoyment and freedom.

    Sue, one thing that seems pretty common for folks on the Casita Forum regarding trailer tires is that they age out before they wear out. Our plan, and that of many others on the Forum, is to replace them every three years. Since we replaced our axle last summer with a hi lift one, we’re waiting a bit for the 14″ tires to get older before replacing them with 15″ ones. My thoughts about the reports of the Marathons is that folks who have problems speak out and those that are doing just fine (most folks) keep silent. Since your Casita will be three years old this summer you may want to consider planning for trailer tire replacement in the next year as preventive maintenance.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Reine,

      Great to hear from you again! Your comment is great. I needed someone to take the time to give another perspective to this discussion about full-timing. It’s not right for everyone.

      You and Paul have wisely carved out a life of balance between connections with family and the freedom to travel. I’m pleased that you were able to do this, as I think you’d be unhappy if your lives were all travel or all in a permanent home. You’ve taken some wonderful trips in your Casita!

      Good point about living debt-free and about the Marathons. My plan for the BLT’s tires is to replace them later in the year, perhaps when we are in a no-sales-tax state, although that’s not as important as safety.

      Thank you for another thoughtful comment. Best wishes to you, Paul, and the family.

  49. Ilse says:

    It’s nice to see that the Amazon link actually works Max got a new bed!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ilse! It’s YOU! I’d recognize you anywhere! 😉

      I was wondering if I’d hear from you again, so your appearance here gave me a smile.

      Thanks for ordering the dog bed from my blog. It’s a nice, big one… I hope Max enjoys it. Happy travels!

  50. Tia in North Carolina says:

    I find it entertaining when you list what people have bought on Amazon. We read your blog to get a glimpse of your way of life, but also come away thinking about the type of people who read your blog. What kind of person buys a puppy dog piano, or a ukulele, or maps? I think wow, what a diverse group… Somehow they all have you in common.

  51. Varmint says:

    Having noticed that you now plug your power line in even though you’re not hitched to the trailer worries me a bit. I hope you’re not as absent-minded as I am, as it would only be a matter of time before I’d drive off while plugged in, and we know how that would work out!

    I’m enjoying your blog more with each post. It helps keep me inspired and planning ahead for my own travels, although I’m not sure if I’ll publish mine in as detailed a manner as you do. I really don’t like folks knowing where I’m at or being able to track me down….seen too much of that already, even at my age!

    Keep on, and enjoy your retirement, girl, as you surely earned it. And thanks for sharing with us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Varmint,

      I don’t like people to know where I am either. However, I love writing and sharing and showing photos and acting like a know-it-all and receiving tons of compliments and selling Amazon stuff and learning about people’s dreams and trying to help them . . . and all that comes with an open blog of my life. Life is a series of trade-offs. I try to protect my privacy while, at the same time, being very un-private on this blog. Insanity reigns!

      Sweet of you to show concern regarding the power cable. Not to worry… The two parts of the connection slip together in a way that they would pull apart, probably without damage, if I were to forget to unplug.

      One habit I have which serves me well is this… I try to do everything as a routine, in the same order, when hitching up, when unhitching, when preparing to go to town, as I can be very absent-minded. In other words, I make the steps automatic so that I do them without having to think about it.

      I wish you much enjoyment, too. I appreciate the warmth of your comment.

  52. Darrell says:

    Sue, Just a note about your tires. As a long time RV’r one thing I would caution you about is becoming complacent about your RV tires. Typically any tire made in China are considered “Chine Bombs” because it’s not if they will blow but when they will blow, they always seem to go at the worst time and usually do thousands of dollars worth of damage to the RV. They are considered to be of very poor quality. I would suggest that you do a little research and determine the country of origin and the manufacture date of your tires. Most serious RV’rs recommend changing any tire made in China and any tire over 5 years of age. The country of origin and date of manufacture will be molded into the side wall of the tire. as an example a tire might have LMLR5107 molded into the side wall This tells you the manufacture date is week 51 of 2007. The country of origin can be found a this link:

    I’m fortunate in that the tires on my 2010 Jayco were manufactured in the U.S. They no longer are unfortunately.

    Hope this helps keep you safe.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Darrell. My Marathons are dated week 22 of 2010. They weren’t put on the road until I picked up the BLT in August of 2011.

      I’ll take a look at that site. I appreciate the link and also you caring enough to address this issue.

      I’m thinking replacing them this summer is more than soon enough.

  53. Dawn from MI says:

    I went back a while back…long while back I guess, and read your first posts…so I know a little bit about the start of your adventure…but would really like to know more about how you got ready and what caused you to jump into this lifestye.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate you reading the early posts. I will try to put together something worthwhile about my thinking prior to choosing this lifestyle.

  54. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Okay…..who bought the BadAxx yellow ukulele?

    I love looking at the different items people buy!

  55. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi RvSue,
    Here is my two cents about trailer tires. We bought our 2009 Airstream (single axle) in 2011. It had not traveled much at all and the tires, Marathons, looked excellent. We took it on a week long trip to Alabama in 2012 and then prepared for our trip to the Grand Canyon in Sept. of 2013. My sister, who has a gigantic 40 foot toy hauler and who has been doing this much longer than us, kept saying Change your tires, change your tires! (Like Cassandra of Troy) Anyway, my hubby, who is very smart when it comes to mechanics, and autos, and all sorts of stuff, kept telling me “There’s nothing wrong with those tires!” So, I said no more. We set out on our trip on a Saturday with our first stop near Fort Stockton. Out in the boonies. And guess what? A tire blew on I-10 where the speed limit is 80 (we were going 60) right as we rounded a corner. So, we called for help and made it to the campground. We ended up having to drive about 70 miles to Odessa on Sunday to the Walmart and were able to buy their last two Marathon tires. Later on, we looked under the trailer and the damage was awful. We bought some Gorilla tape (great stuff) and taped the bottom up and continued on our two week trip. The damage later was, get this, $7,000 dollars! For a blown tire! I was so glad we had a single axle trailer! ( And that we were insured) My sister told me you should change your tires every 3 to 4 years.
    Anyway, thats the story! Still enjoying your blog very much! You can’t imagine (or maybe you can) how much I want to chuck everything and just wander around!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      That’s a terrible tale of woe and near tragedy! I’m sorry you went through all that, but glad neither you nor your husband nor anyone in the vicinity were hurt. Not a way to have fun!

      If I read you correctly those Marathon tires were at least 4 years old when you had the blow-out and had sat in one place for a large part of every year. I don’t know if that history is significant but I suspect it is.

      However, the fact that your husband inspected them and concluded “There’s nothing wrong with those tires!” gives me pause…. unless your husband is a major tightwad (no offense intended toward hubby, just speculating) and saw what he wanted to see. Probably (in hubby’s defense) looking at the exterior of a tire (I’m guessing) doesn’t always give you a true picture of the soundness of a tire.

      Like I wrote elsewhere, I’ll probably replace the BLT’s Marathon tires later this year.

      Thanks for sharing your dreadful experience with me and my readers!

  56. Edie says:

    I’ve read this post, and all comments, twice.. 🙂

    I keep forgetting to comment and cast my vote for the post on how you decided to go full timing. So here it is, better late than never.

    Have a wonderful evening!

  57. Terri From Texas says:

    We are frugal, but not tightwads! Ha! No problem-I love sharing tales of woe and tradgedy! We now know better about the tires and we did have a fantastic time-it was our 20th anniversary trip!

  58. LeeJ says:

    I am a tailender here, lol, but would love to hear the decision making process that led you to full timing in your Casita..It sure seems to be the perfect lifestyle for you, and that is what it all about isn’t it? finding your niche?
    The folks that have found real happiness are the ones that have figured out that living within your means and following your heart is the way to be happy.
    My new to me Casita came with a brand new set of Les Swab tires, so hearing all the stories about the tire calamities made me happy about those new tires.
    I get more great information from you and your RV Sue groupies, and I am proud to include myself in that group!

  59. Glenda in OZ! says:

    So live the dream with you Sue and if my crew tuned as well they would be loving what Spike and Bridget get to see and do………………beside sleep, eat, nap, sleep, eat, nap!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Glenda,

      These two renegades do have it pretty darn good! I bet yours aren’t suffering either. 🙂

      • TexasTom says:

        When I come back being a dog in Sue’s crew would not be bad at all.

        Our two mutts have only one real job. Just keep the elephants away from the house and so far they have kept their end of that bargain so they can stay but one elephant in the yard and they are out of here. ;c)>


        • Gayle says:

          Says my organic gardener friend who gets free elephant sh*t every year when Ringling Bros comes to town: The worst thing about an elephant [in your yard] is all the peanut plants that spout up in your garden later. Good doggies, good doggies! LOL…

  60. Andre Roy says:

    Have a very nice day Sue… and the crew…. always following you…from Québec city. If ever you come here in the quebec area… we offer to you to park with a view on the city…. water /elrct…. free… all the time you need….

    By Andre

  61. Dawn in MI says:

    Especially like the yellow ukulele….had to go look at that on Amazon! 🙂

  62. kgdan says:

    Thought of you and the “stuck in sand” incident yesterday. Less than 1 mi on road when no cold air from ac. Visit to Chevy dealer – quote of 4-5 days to fix @ $1700. Declined for now & 2nd opinion. Made it only 20 mi & pulled over to recover. Not being full-timers one of us saw doom/gloom & wanted to go home! Other said we would stick it out. This morning- new day; started for Q and ac started up like there was no problem. We are now at our favorite Dome Rock site where we first met RV Sue! Patience and resilience are my new goals.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! Somebody just avoided a $1700 mistake! Good for you. . . I’ve come to realize that some problems go away with time. Glad yours did!

  63. sherry says:

    How are Bridget and Spike dong on the raw diet?
    I love reading your blog have been reading from almost the start.

  64. DesertGinger says:

    I had planned to work longer than I did at my last job. I just got really sick if it and quit one day. Probably not my best decision. Shortly after tht I started my social security. Somehow I muddled through. Then in February I purchased a park model RV in Tucson. After that I started working on renting out my house in NY. I’m so pleased to announce that I found my tenants, the first day the house was listed. They move in may 1. Now I just have ‘wrap up’ chores. Getting rid if the rest of my stuff by donating. Gathering medical records for me and my dog, I hope to be all done and on the road by march 27. Once I get moved to Tucson, my next goal is to buy a small trailer and tow vehicle,so I can travel during the summer months. The whole thing is a process. One step at a time….but I do see light at the end of that tunnel!

  65. we’re not set up to boondock but more and more I think we’d like it. at the most we can go 4-5 days with our water (36 foot 5th wheel), maybe more if we learn to conserve. But we’d have to live with the sun and not use up the batteries..

    Your blog and others who travel and find secluded campsites are what I envy now.

  66. Kris says:

    would love to hear your “why I decided to do this story”. We’ve been planning this for a while but things may be a bit different than what we had hoped. I can relate to your story about kicking back in the lounge chair and imagining being boondocking somewhere. Kris

  67. LenSatic says:

    RVSue, we were camped east of you last week on King Rd. We saw your Casita, but you were not outside so we didn’t bother you.

    For a couple of days, our two Casitas were the only ones along the road. Then a Class A came in and camped just 200′ from us in the same turn-out. I posted about it on with pictures: You were gone when we left so we didn’t even get a chance to wave to you.

    We did enjoy the Proving Ground’s entertainment, though. We even posed for a family portrait for the drone that orbited us for about 20 minutes. 🙂

    Take care!

    Pat and Nancy

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