“I’ll be home for Christmas . . . . “

Christmas Eve

Hello, dear readers!  The crew and I send you greetings for a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, wherever you are at this special time of year.

And here we are expressing our holiday joy for the camera . . .

Reggie, Roger, and I are home for Christmas. 

Isn’t that a delightful phrase?  “Home for Christmas.”   That classic song has been rolling around my brain ever since I heard it somewhere while out and about yesterday.  Happens every year.  No doubt you have one on repeat in your head, too.

” . . . if only in my dreams.”

~ ~ ~

I push a cart full of necessities and goodies across the Wal-Mart parking lot.  The air is brisk and the sun bright.  Cheerful shoppers load their packages into vehicles. “Merry Christmas!” floats over car tops and truck beds.

Oh no, that tire is going flat!  I can’t go home with that.  Well, I’ll head straight over to the tire shop.  That tire has been going soft for a while now . . . . Will I ever learn not to procrastinate?

Moments later I pull in and park.

The only place available puts the Perfect Tow Vehicle at a right angle to the back end of cars lined up in front of the shop.  I leave as much space as possible between them and the PTV so they can back out, and then I go inside.

Man, this place is busy!  All my fellow procrastinators must be here, the day before Christmas Eve, getting set for the drive home for the holidays . . . .

The young man behind the counter deals efficiently with customers bunched in front of him, as well as a nagging cell phone, guys from the shop handing him clipboards, and, of course, a computer screen.  My turn comes up and apologetically he tells me, “It’ll be about an hour and a half.  There are two ahead of you.”

Only two? 

That’s good news.  All these people must be here to pick up, not drop off.  

As one does while waiting for unexpected automotive work of any kind, I sit in a plastic chair and contemplate.

Will the tire need to be replaced?  Is this place trustworthy or will they try to rip me off?  

A vision of nail-hammered-into-tire comes to mind.  I shake it off.

~ ~ ~

The bell at the door rings again.

A woman comes in shepherding two boys around age 4 and 7.  The older boy has in hand a Ziploc baggie of dollar bills.

When their turn comes up, the woman tells Counter Man,”We’d like a gift certificate for ten dollars.”

The younger boy adds joyfully . . .

“It’s for our grampa!”

Counter Man sets about the printing of a certificate.  The younger boy clutches the baggie as if it is frankincense or myrrh.  Together with the woman (their mother? grandmother?) they count out the dollars.  Seven dollars total.

This leads the woman to explain that she’ll take the seven and give the man a twenty from her pocketbook and he’ll give ten dollars change back, etc.  The boys nod, probably more in trust than in understanding.

Meanwhile . . . 

Folks around me discuss holiday plans. Arrangements are made for an employee to leave early.  He’s anxious to get started on a drive to Texas.  Customers depart the shop throwing warm wishes of “Merry Christmas!” or “Have a safe trip!” over their shoulders.

The bell at the door jingles with each exit.

Ha!  Another customer gets his wings . . . .

~ ~ ~

Suddenly the door bursts wide open!

Two men — a customer and a shop employee — hurry up to me.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am.  I backed into your van,” the customer reports in a stream of anxious words.  He quickly adds, “It’s okay, there’s no damage, just hit your front bumper.  Do you want to come out and look?”

“No, that won’t be necessary.  I trust you. . . .   You didn’t even need to tell me.”

The employee explains it’s the shop’s policy to do so, no matter how minor.

Then the customer and I engage in a little gift exchange:  He gives me another apology.  I give him a smile and a that’s-okay.

~ ~ ~

The waiting room is a mess. 

Boot tracks of dirt lie in a crazy pattern across the floor.  Models of old-timey cars and trucks sit in a traffic jam on a shelf.  They show no sign of ever having been dusted.  Oily grime adorns the counter edge in time-worn smears.  As in tire shops all over the world,  a stack of tires emits that awful, tire odor.

In contrast, on the wall, a shiny garland of tinsel festively underlines red cardboard, cut-out letters spelling a glittery Merry Christmas.

Okay, obviously, cleaning is not a priority here.  People don’t care about that.  They come here for the washing away of vehicle problems.

And over there  . . . .

A small ceramic nativity scene, complete with wise men and shepherds (not going for Biblical correctness, are we!) along with various animals, all gathered around the manger and the Holy Family.

Atop an old metal table next to an half-empty styrofoam cup, the miracle of Jesus’s birth is humbly represented.

Counter man hands the gift certificate to the woman.

“It’s for fifteen dollars.  That’s the smallest we have. . . . It’s okay. (smile)  Merry Christmas.”

The woman thanks him.  The older boy slips the precious piece of paper into the baggie.

“We’ll put that in Grampa’s stocking, inside a card,” the woman explains to the boys as they leave.

~ ~ ~

After about an hour, it’s my turn!

“We replaced the valve stem.  That’ll be $16.46 with the tax.”

“That’s all?” I exclaim delightedly, digging in my purse.

Isn’t that nice.  Shame on me for thinking bad thoughts.

I climb into the Perfect Tow Vehicle and buckle the seat belt around me.  For a moment I reflect on the warmth of the tire shop waiting room.  I see that old metal table against the wall with the creche sitting on it in a desert of old shopping circulars, displaying The Best, Most Precious Gift of All.


“Unto us a child is born . . . .”

Well, the bill has been paid and I’m free to go!

I turn the key and head for home.


~ ~ ~

NOTE:  More photos in the next post.  Promise! — Sue


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~ ~ ~

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114 Responses to “I’ll be home for Christmas . . . . “

  1. Terri from. ABQ says:

    Yet another amusing, fun, reflective post from RV SUE! Thanks so much and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  2. JoanneG from San Rafael says:

    Merry Christmas, Sue, Reggie and Roger!

  3. TERRI from ABQ says:


  4. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Wishing you and the crew a very Merry Christmas! Peace, love and joy!

  5. Gail in Buckeye AZ says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and boys!

  6. Merry Christmas and happy new year

  7. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,,

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from beautiful cold windy rainy San Diego.
    Have a wonderful New Year in 2020.


  8. Erika says:

    Merry Christmas dear Sue and crew

  9. Carlene and Corky says:

    Merry Christmas to You and Yours… and a blessed New Year.

  10. Beth Crawford says:

    So glad to hear that you are all home for Christmas! I always look forward to hearing what you and the boys are up to. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year !

  11. Diann in MT says:

    Merry Christmas, Sue and Crew. You bought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful Christmas story, be it so humble.
    I also roared with laughter when you announced that another customer “got his wings”. You are a really gifted writer and I am so blessed to enjoy your words.
    Glad it was just the valve stem. Jeeze, your fears of possible shenanigans are universal. No apologies!

  12. Laura says:

    Merry Christmas RV Sue, and to the crew & blog Erin is also. The words you share touch the soul. “God bless us, every one”.

  13. Rusty says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and Crew, Fantastic post for the Holidays, love the photos of the Boys,,, well I’ve been in the hospital again and out just in time for the festivities here at u.s. vets and we all are having a great time and Tomorrow will be even better. I have completed my programs and Monday morning will be getting my Voucher for a permanent apartment at the new u.s. vets over at 1040 Whipple street come February and after I know that I don’t have Cancer then I’ll be getting a VA home Loan to get land , put a pad down and get a Brand new Manufactured home on it with a 30 year plan and then I will be set, $85000. Payments bout 350 a month with no down payment and I will be able to pay the yearly property tax and or till it’s time to go to my last home with the Lord .
    I thank you all for your support in Prayers and wishes and I have asked the Lord to Bless you all and to keep you all Safe during this Christmas and New Years. ,,,,,,,
    Love to all,,,,,,, Rusty

  14. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Merry Christmas to every one.
    I enjoyed the post, Sue. So kind of you to think of us. Reg & Rog are cute as ever. I noticed that Reggie is getting more of the grey spots on his skin as he gets older. Angel has quite a few of them herself. She will be 10 years old soon, but pretty spry for a senior dog. She still walks me all over the neighborhood twice a day and we take a a medium walk midday and just a short one before bed.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Barbara!

      Gracie pup turned 10 this past August. People are always shocked to find out how old she is and comment that she has so much energy for her age. Other than moving a little slower in the mornings (don’t we all?!) and the start of cataracts, she is still my little mischief maker! Gracie is snuggled on my lap as I type this.

      I hope you, your husband and sweet Angel have a wonderful Christmas! 🎄

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Thank you Denise.
        Unfortunately, my hubby’s health is getting worse. He just got out of the hospital Friday night with pneumonia. He has a swallowing issue that the say cannot be repaired so he will continue to get pneumonia more & more frequently. Says he only wants to be treated 5 times. Says he done with medical. Declined assisted living & physical therapy and if he dies, he dies. It is sad, but says he is just tired of it all and knows he will never get any better, with this, his heart, kidney failure etc.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Barbara, I am so sorry that your husband’s health has worsened. I am glad that you have Angel; she needs her walks and hopefully that allows you to get a temporary reprieve from care taking. Please remember to take good care of yourself. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Sending you a **hug**.

        • Elizabeth says:

          So sorry Barbara…you are in such a hard place…will pray for you guys and hope your husband won’t suffer more…so hard…my hubby going downhill too…though not to this place yet!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Barbara ….I’m sorry for the struggle you and your husband are going through. Good advice from Denise — Do try to take care of yourself, too.

    • Cynthia in San Clemente says:

      Barbara, I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s illness and discouragement – although it is certainly understandable. It’s tough to stay positive when someone you love and care for is wanting to give up. I’m glad you have your pup to lighten your days. God bless you.

  15. Sherri D says:

    What a wonderful early Christmas present, a post from Sue and crew! I can’t tell you how many times I have thought of you over the past year or so. I always delight in seeing you are still kicking it with the boys. Thank you for sharing another little chapter, even the redo of an older chapter. 🙂 May you and yours and your boys have a wonderful holiday season in your home. hugs hugs hugs

  16. Elaine Magliacane says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and the crew, and to all the folks here that follow Ms. Sue and crew, May God bless you and keep you until we meet some day.

  17. What a lovely story! Hope that you, your boys, and all the blogorinos everywhere are having a wonderful holiday season!

  18. weather says:

    What a terrific experience for you to have been a part of because your tire was going flat. Too often one hears complaints about rushing and rude people in stores, parking lots or shops around Christmastime, thanks, Sue, for sharing scenes of good folks being sweet.

    You’re right that typical manger scenes aren’t Biblically correct, still, I dearly love seeing them. A couple of months ago I bought a lovely small one and last night I placed it in sight in time for Christmas Eve. Above it I placed a glittering star…
    None of my holidays are celebrated on a grand scale. Polly, Kyla and I enjoy and appreciate all we have every day. I know that Reggie, Roger and you do, too. Still, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve And Christmas day that feels as special to you as it does to me.

  19. Rochelle in Indiana says:

    A very Merry Christmas from Indiana, where we’re looking at the warmest Christmas in 37 years. 56 degrees at 4:00 in the afternoon in late December!

    We just made the reluctant decision to skip tonight’s church service as we are both coughing up a storm- don’t want to spread illness around, particularly since some in our smallish congregation are already dealing with some pretty serious health challenges. What is a temporary nuisance to us could be much more to them.

    So we are enjoying our Christmas music – Bing, Dean-o, and a beautiful song called “Hallelujah (He has Come)” sung by a trio named Barlow Girl. We will pause to read Luke 2 (could almost recite it from memory at our age 🙂) and reflect on the best gift ever given.

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  20. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Merry Christmas Dear Susan. Home for Christmas…..that is so special for you, I know. I really liked your tire store story. Sometimes the Christmas spirit comes in the most unusual places. Many hugs and lots of love to you and the crew. All is well with us
    I love you so very much

  21. Merry CHRISTmas! Happy New Year! Blessings…

  22. Shawna says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and Crew! And a spectacular New Year!

  23. Linda Hughes says:

    Merry Christmas to you and the crew!

  24. Columbus Calvin says:

    “Will I ever learn not to procrastinate?” I don’t know about you, but I will. Maybe next year.

    Your header picture is utterly gorgeous. I’m glad you and R & R are enjoying home.

    I’m glad it was just a valve stem and glad you know where there’s an honest shop.

    At least for this week, we have weather here in Ohio so nice I don’t envy southern Arizona. I put some miles on my bicycle Sunday. I celebrate the return of the sun this time of year, and I had a great time of it doing that.


  25. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ms. RVSue, crew, and Bloggerinos! Just checking in today and so happy to see this beautiful post. Wishing y’all the best always.

  26. Wendy N says:

    Delightful, Sue! Thank you. Happy Christmas.

  27. Pat Hall says:

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  28. Suzicruzi says:

    & Hope.

    Merry Christmas to all! Suzi, Larry, & Kitty

  29. jenny Johnson says:

    ……and a very Merry Christmas to you and the Crew

  30. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for sharing those nice stories you were part of, Sue…so much often happens in Dec. that we try not to even go shop more than needed then!! Yea, our car that was hit will likely be ours to pay…woman won’t respond to hubby on email even. Oh well..another 2K down the drain likely…ours will have to be fixed…it could otherwise fall off in the road and that could mean more money. Tis only money tho…at least no one was hurt!! love being home…all days really…so happy for you and the boys…a great place to be and you have a nice place there too!! Hugs to all 3 of you!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Merry Christmas, Elizabeth! So glad that you and your husband were not hurt. Maybe a call to the police department for advice? She may have given you a bogus email address.

      • Elizabeth says:

        thank you so much for your advice, Denise…she was visiting her sister across the street from our daughter…so guess I will pay a visit when I get the chance, too.

        • weather says:

          So glad no one was hurt, Elizabeth ! Perhaps letting the authorities contact the woman is best, they might not need to contact your daughter’s neighbor, and so then you wouldn’t need to either. It would be nice to avoid hard feelings between neighbors for your daughter’s sake if possible. Sending you hugs and hopes for a blessed New Year.

  31. Alex says:

    Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year to all.

  32. Sue Cates says:

    Merry Christmas!

  33. Carin says:

    Merry Christmas Sue, Roger and Reggie!

  34. Alice Winle says:

    What a great story ! Wishing you and your fur babies a blessed Christmas and New Year

  35. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sue, Reggie and Roger! Take Care

  36. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Such a nice surprise post, Merry Christmas Sue and Crew.

  37. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue!

    Thank you for your newsy Christmas card! Reggie and Roger look like they are blissfully happy! 😊

    Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup!
    Merry Christmas! 🎄

  38. Linda in NE says:

    Wishing you and the boys a very Merry Christmas and a most Joyous New Year.

  39. FloridaScott In Tucson AZ says:

    Hi Sue,

    Wishing You A Wonderful Christmas Time! Hope All Your Dreams Come True!


  40. CherylinMI says:

    She, Reggie, & Roger,
    Merry Christmas Eve! Have blessed Holidays. Looks like Reggie has the upper paw in the “Tussle in the Sheets” competition! Go REGGIE! Love to all Blogarinos!


  41. Pam, Maya and Cisco in Ajo says:

    Merry Christmas, Sue and Crew! Wishing you health and happiness in 2020.

  42. Betty/Tucson says:

    Merry Christmas Sue!! What a wonderful slice of life Christmas story….I felt like I was there in that tire shop with you! Love, laughter and peace be with you in the New Year💕✌😄

  43. Annie says:

    So many parts to that story: acceptance, honesty, generosity and kindness. …loved the setting…an ordinary hard-working tire shop. Thank you Sue for sharing and reminding us that life is still good and interesting….and can be found in everyday places. Wishing you and the crew a cozy Merry Christmas!

  44. Joel says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and Crew! I’m a latecomer to your blog, I believe I first started checking it out a couple of months ago and am gradually reading through all the many entries. There’s so much to read, which is always a good thing.
    Happy New Year to all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you and welcome, Joel! I hope you have many hours of enjoyment and learning while reading my old posts. Nice hearing from you!

  45. Airstreaming Pagey says:

    Merry Christmas, Sue and crew. Thank you for sharing your travels and beautiful home with us.
    I hope your New Year is filled with joy and adventures, both grand and quiet.
    And the best of wishes to the rest of you who have follow Sue and the fur babies!

  46. Wendy C- Bribie Island, Oz says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and boys, hope you have a lovely Christmas Day! 🎄

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Wendy…. Our Christmas was lovely. I hope you have a Happy New Year with plenty of rain to douse the brush fires!

  47. Millie says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and Crew💕🎄


    Merry Christmas Sue. I’ll Be Home For Christmas…….beautiful song, beautiful memories. You may or may not know the history. That beautiful song was written many years ago by a dear family friend. His name was Kim Gannon. Kim lived in a neighboring village of Greenwich, NY. Very close to Cambridge, your home town and mine. Kim was an attorney by trade but he liked to write songs on the side. After that song, a whole new career was launched. In order for his clients not to know about it, or get distracted by it, he wrote his songs under another another name for a bit of time. Broadway hits, and other success quickly changed that also. He moved to NY and it was all history from there. He always loved his hometown of Greenwich and in his last will and testament he left a good deal of money to the town to use for beautification, scholarships, etc….. Fun fact, you may or may not have known..Have a wonderful holiday season and New Year.

  49. Eileen says:

    A very Merry Christmas to you and those precious little boys!

  50. Anna in NC says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!!
    Abundant blessing to you in the new year!

  51. Texas Sue says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and boys!🎄 May God richly bless you and your family all the days of your life! May all your dreams for 2020 come true ❤️

  52. Jean in southaven, ms says:

    Hi Sue, thank you for the blog. I can relate to your waiting room experience. Wonderful that everyone was so happy, hopefully it will continue. Love the pictures of the boys. My Sugar looks so much like Reggie. She would love to play with them. We got her a kitten to play with. She is so happy. They play all the time and we love watching them. MERRY Christmas and Happy New Year.

  53. Pookie and Chuck says:

    Merry Christmas to you Sue…….

  54. Lisa W says:

    Great story that shares the Christmas spirit. Glad the “fender bender” didn’t even result in a small fender bent.
    Merry Christmas to you and the crew.

  55. Rover Ronda says:

    Merry Christmas Sue & crew & blogorinos 🎄

  56. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and everyone!

    Sorry I am late to the party. We were busy with work, shopping and Harley. Harley went down hill really bad the last month and he died here at home in the comfort of his pet taxi with us nearby at around 1:15ish pm, Friday the 20th of Dec.

    So that made the holidays even sadder. The true gift is the birth of our Savior and I am thankful for that but the month of Dec. was a tough one for us. We are sad and grieving but it gets a little easier every day. Harley was almost 10 years old. The cancer protocol we had him on was helping some but his mast cell cancer was just too advanced and aggressive. I know we gave him a good life and he gave us unconditional love!

    At first I didn’t know if we wanted another Boston Terrier but after almost a week now, we have decided when we are ready, that is what we are looking for. The breed just really fits us and we love them.

    I hope all of you have had a wonderful holiday and that 2020 will be a good year!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      I am so sorry for your loss of your dear Harley. He was blessed to have you and Rick as his family. I know you both are heartbroken. May you find comfort in knowing that you did the best for him. Sending **hugs** for both of you.

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Jolene, So sorry you lost Harley. Take care, and we hope you fill that Terrier hole in your heart soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      Thank you for the wish for the holiday and new year. I send the same to you and Rick.

      May 2020 be a time of healing of your broken hearts over the passing of your precious Harley. I’m sorry you are going through the awful pain of this loss.

      Harley couldn’t have had better parents nor a better life. Boston Terriers are especially sweet. I can see why you want to stick with that breed.

      Thank you for sharing here, Jolene.

  57. ApplegirlNY says:

    Such a wonderful Christmas story, Sue. You are such a good writer. We miss your stories (no pressure -LOL!).

    So glad you and the boys were home for Christmas.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi again, Everyone!

      Your comments are so warm and friendly I have to thank you again for what you add to my life and to this blog and to each other. You say the nicest things!


  58. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Late but still here…..
    Hope everyone had a nice Holiday.

    Nice to hear all is well at your home, Reg and Rog and the PTV faired well! Cute story about the gift certificate for grandpa.

  59. Doug says:

    Very nice Christmas post RV Sue. Glad you have found your home. Merry Christmas!

  60. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    Don’t know if you intended a double entendre or not, but I couldn’t help thinking, “Yes indeed, the bill has been paid.”
    It was so nice to see a post from you and see pics of the boys. I’m glad life seems good for you. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas staying home, and pray for a blessed 2020 for you and R&R.

  61. jazzlover says:

    Maybe you were meant to have your tire go low so you would end up at the particular tire shop and witness all that you did while there, Hmmm? Just a thought. You spent the holiday in a house you made into a home for yourself, Reggie and Roger with a lot of searching thrift stores and other places for just the correct additions that would all go together and refinishing pieces that fit perfectly when you were done to put your special stamp on your own special place.
    Just got released from my Dr. after shoulder repair surgery beginning of last month. Not driving for that long made me look for a straight jacket, fortunately none would go around the sling I had to wear. All good now. Has anyone heard from Az Jim? Take Care, Hugs to the boys, and Love to you three. Be Well.

  62. rhodium in SW VA says:

    It is too late for Merry Christmas, but the happiest of New Years to one and all. We will be off to Texas just after Jan 1. The kids visited for Thanksgiving and when the grandson was walking by the pond he saw a little cat. It was friendly and he picked it up and brought it in. We had seen it around since the summer, one of the many barn cats around. It checked out healthy and now has her shots so she will be a late Christmas present. They are cat people anyway. Nobody around here claimed it, no one is missing their pet.

  63. Brian says:

    About to buy my van and trailer. It seems to me the PVT would be a cargo van with a security barrier and no windows to reduce the risk of break-ins. I see a lot of these vans with the security partition already installed and usually some shelving. Just found your blog, love your adventures

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Brian,

      Welcome to my blog! Happy to have you join us!

      A couple thoughts…… What you say may have validity. I won’t dispute that. However, I hold a different perspective. A cargo van may be seen as a work van, i.e. expensive tools inside. This could be why they have a security partition and shelves.

      The PTV being a passenger van doesn’t signal that there are valuables inside. It’s not a flashy, expensive vehicle.

      The PTV has been the perfect tow vehicle for me. Your perfect tow vehicle may be something else. If a cargo van suits you, go for it!

      Having said that, if you come upon a great deal for a passenger van, remember I traveled and camped for over 7 years with the PTV without any break-ins attempted.

      Best wishes as you plan for your own adventures! 🙂

  64. Dee says:

    “Unto us a child is born . . . .”

    Well, the bill has been paid and I’m free to go!


  65. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue! What a wonderful Christmas 🎄 letter to us! Thank you! I hope that you have a wonderful New Year.

  66. Sandy Arcari says:

    Hi Sue…. We have a question for you. We have a 35 ft travel trailer and love it for local camping. Getting ready to retire and want a small travel trailer so we can take trips out west. We live in Fl and don’t want to haul our big rig cross country. Considering a small fiberglass trailer like a Casita. Wondered if you could share the pros and cons of the Casita and would you buy it again. We will be buying used. Basically, we want something that will tow nicely cross country and will be used primarily for sleeping. Thank you for any insight you can share. Sandy Arcari….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sandy,

      Yes, I would buy a Casita again. The BLT was a comfortable, secure home for me and my crew while we traveled and camped. I can’t imagine any trailer being easier to tow or to maneuver.

      Pros and cons? A gazillion pros! The only cons I can come up with are 1) I didn’t like the shower. Not because it was a bad shower, just that I hate a shower consisting of a low-pressure trickle. I think this is probably something that is part of RV showers in general. 2) Casita has had some problems with the door latch (some years were recalled, online research will tell you which). There are also youtube videos showing what to do if this occurs.

      My satisfaction with Casita is based on one person living with two small dogs. I am aware of Casita buyers who didn’t keep their Casita because they found it too small for two people. (Maybe the man was tall? They were big people?) I’m also aware of couples who love their Casita, so it’s something only you can determine.

      You plan to use it primarily for sleeping (although rain will fall some days). The Casita can be made into a double bed. You may want to add a mattress topper for more comfort.

      I don’t know anything about the other fiberglass trailers. Best wishes to you as you plan for your retirement. May you enjoy many wonderful years exploring the West!

      P.S. I removed your email address. I never respond to questions via personal email and it’s not a good idea to have your address posted.

  67. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Merry Christmas Sue.

  68. weather says:

    It’s so great to hear from you!I hope you’re doing really well and that you’re happy.

  69. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy New Year, everyone!! 😊

  70. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy New Year and Happy New Decade Sue, Crew and blogorinos!

  71. Elizabeth says:

    Wishing a much better year this year to everyone!!

  72. Steve says:

    Just read some of your posts and wanted to thank you. Very refreshing. Are you still traveling with your trailer? Kind regards.

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