Into each life some rain must fall . . . but this is ridiculous!

Leave it to RVSue and her canine crew . . .

. . . to camp on the edge of the continent facing into an immense storm battering the coast from typhoons over the Pacific.

I wake to the Best Little Trailer rocking like a ship at sea.  Gee, maybe I’d better check that we aren’t a ship at sea.  I squint a look through the window.  The black forms of bushes whip and wave frantically. Well, apparently we’re still on land.

Rain pounds one side of the BLT.  A beacon flashes . . . or is that lightning?  Sheesh.  I pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.  Rinse (and I do mean rinse!) and repeat.

I wake at daybreak to the sound of rocks being thrown at the BLT.

Wha?  I sit up.  The noise is thunderous.


In the dim light I can see Bridget’s face peer out from the covers.  Her eyes are big, black marbles.  “It’s okay, honey.  There’s not anything we can do about it anyway.”  Turtle-like, we pull our heads back under the covers.  After a few minutes the rat-tat-tat stops and we doze off.

I always sleep with the blinds over my bed pulled all the way up.

I like to wake with a view to the sky.  This morning I wake to see a sea gull flying backward. Huh? Good golly, that’s some wind out there! 

RVSue Tip of the Day . . .

When birds fly backward, cancel the picnic.

The large, back window of the BLT faces the ocean.  I move to sit next to Spike’s sleeping body.  I study the view through the rain-splattered glass.  No wide, smooth, peaceful, inviting beach.  Gone.  Instead a relentless army of dirty, mean-looking, crashing, roaring breakers marches to the cliff upon which the crew and I sit.

I’m glad this campground is up on the cliff because I wouldn’t want THAT knocking at our door.  Gee, I hope this isn’t low tide . . . .

Okay, you get the message.

We’re in a storm.  And the storm covers a big area of the coast from Canada through Oregon.  I had hopes of making a mad dash inland and southward today, but that’s out of the question.  I’ll tow in rain if I have to, but I won’t tow in heavy rain with gusty wind.  The crew and I will have to sit tight and wait for a break.

It may not be much of a break.

I understand this weather pattern is going to sit here like a big ol’ toad that won’t budge even when you poke it with a stick.

For obvious reasons I don’t have photos for today’s post.

Except for this one, taken shortly before the storm hit . . .


Bye for now . . . Keep your powder dry!


NOTE from The Weather Channel:

  • Washington/Oregon coast:  Gusts over 55 mph, possibly reaching 80 mph Sunday along Ore. coastal headlands through late Sunday
  • I-5 corridor:  Occasional gusts over 40 mph through late Sunday


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98 Responses to Into each life some rain must fall . . . but this is ridiculous!

  1. Caroline near Seattle says:

    yes, it’s definitely a Fall storm but it seems no worse than the usual storm that blows in at this time of year. We lost power a few times yesterday and lots of branches are down.
    You’re wise to stay put until it passes. It’s better to sit comfortably in the BLT than get battered as you drive down the road. Better days ahead! Stay safe and dry!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Caroline,

      I’m sure you’re used to this. The Weather Channel says this is more like a November storm. I added part of the report to the end of the post. No, I don’t want to drive anywhere soon!

  2. Dawn says:

    Glad to know you’re hanging on…and still have your sense of humor! Must be an amazing sight. And site.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      The breakers pull way back, revealing the beach, and then come crashing all the way up to the cliff! It is quite a sight . . .

  3. Sye says:

    Hiya – toss some soap and the BLT and get a free pressure washing!!
    Last night around 10ish i sat here and the sky lit up 4 times in unison and the thunder rolled for what seemed like 5 mins, then the hail came, the torrent of rain – and I thought – oh poor Sue in that lil bubble house – I bet her ears are giving her fits and seeking cotton balls about now!

    Had a dream my house was built on the stilts you see in the ocean front homes because of flooding — and in the dream the house was rocking all over the place – at any moment waiting to be picked up and tossed to OZ or at least come crashing and flying to earth –well water — I really must have been wondering about you… cause my house is built on solid ground in a wind tunnel that a few years back caused my roof and siding to fly away – but never the entire house.. LOL

    Oh – you could take a snap out your back window of your cute lil bungalo =)


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! A vivid dream not too unlike reality!

      I imagine the BLT with her top half painted red like a fishing “bobber.” I wonder how well we would float . . .

      I tried photos through the window. It’s too dark outside and the window keeps fogging up and is streaked with rain.

  4. Cherie from OH says:

    I’m praying and hoping you all come through this unscathed. I’ve been wondering…is your solar panel glass or plastic and how do you protect it from hail damage?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cherie,

      I don’t do anything to protect the panel from hail damage. At first I did, then someone reminded me that the panel is meant to sit on top of a structure, like a house, up on the roof. I don’t worry about it.

      The cells are “poly-crystalline.” The specs for my solar panel can be seen by clicking “Solar” in the heading.

      Thank you for your concern for us during this storm.

  5. Barb Brady from Spokane WA says:

    “This morning I wake to see a sea gull flying backward.” Good one, Sue! I had a great big belly laugh! Love all your pics with the new camera. The pics with the old camera were good, too. Thanks, Mick!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb!

      It may seem like I do, but I don’t make this stuff up! That bird was losing ground… er, air.

      Thanks, glad you like the photos.

  6. Caroline near Seattle says:

    You’ve definitely got the right attitude. You’re seeing the best and worst of PNW weather …. it’s all part of the adventure!
    Was there a sunset last night? I flew into SeaTac Airport last night and as we approached I could see bright pink streaks in the sky to the west. I hoped you would at least get a nice sunset out of this!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, I wanted to experience the PNW and it looks like I’m seeing the full Monty.

      I’m all set to sit this out. I’ve got plenty of propane and water, the waste tanks were emptied recently, and the fridge and cupboard are well-stocked. I’m hoping Wednesday the wind will die down enough that we can make some tracks south.

      Nope, no pretty sunset from this vantage point.

  7. Alan Rabe says:

    You have fared pretty well for your first major storm. I’ll bet next time you’ll be quicker about getting out of harms way. That is also one of the pluses to living in a RV, you can leave when disaster is looming on the horizon. At least you know that the BLT is in fact a well built little trailer, lesser units may well have been blown away like the house of straw when the big bad wolf blew and blew. 🙂
    Seriously, I am so happy you are doing fine, having been thru several Kanes I was very, very concerned with your welfare.
    It does look like this will continue thru tonight and your unit is just to light drive in it. So just stay where you are and make like a duck, let it all roll off of your back. It is good that the back of your trailer is pointing into the wind, broadside might have resulted in a different outcome. Don’t be so quick about leaving tomorrow. They are calling for serious flooding on your side of the mountains. there is no hurry so sit tight. You should be able to get some pretty nice shots of all the storm damage to the beach, wish I was there for that.
    Anyway, enjoy.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alan,

      Thanks for your concern. Yes, we are doing fine and I have no intentions of getting on the road until the wind dies down and the roads are cleared.

      It may seem possible from afar but I couldn’t outrun this storm because of its speedy arrival and size. I would’ve if I could’ve!

      • Alan Rabe says:

        Still, it is rather exhilarating isn’t it. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, it is for the few moments I can bear to be outside.

          What’s REALLY exhilarating is being cooped up inside this capsule, 24/7,with Spike! Good Lord, he is one wound-up puppy!

          • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

            I’m wondering about the… um… walks that are necessary when one lives with pups. Does this weather convince them to be quick about it? Hard to catch the right whiff from a bush when there are 50 mph wind gusts…

  8. Mick in TN says:

    Nothing like a Navy training session on dry (wet) land in your Castia Destroyer Simulator. As a veteran of 7 years in Uncle Sams Canoe Club (USN) I hereby appoint you the honorary rank of MC1. Anchors away Matey!

  9. Vicki McLane says:

    We’ll this is the third try 🙂
    Thought I would suggest the pups point of view of the storm, with maybe some pics.
    We just returned from a week on Lake Superior, it was very calm compared to what your having. Be safe.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Vicki,

      I considered a Canine Corner in the Storm until I took a severe look at the interior of this trailer. It looks like a storm hit inside here. No way I’m posting this on the web!

      I don’t know why but I like to do housework in good weather. Fling open the windows and get tidy! Bad weather and I let everything fall where it may… 🙂

      A week on Lake Superior… sounds nice. Maybe I’ll try that someday.

  10. Brian says:

    Thinking of you and the crew.
    Batten down the hatches and weather the storm.
    Be ready for some great photo opportunities
    after the storm clears.
    Stay dry!

  11. Cari in Texas says:

    Wow, when I got home from church today I watched’s little blurb on the storm where you are, and I started praying for you. It sounds like you are safe so far, I’m just hoping you stay that way! Storms like that are scary enough in my bricks-and-sticks house, I can’t imagine being in your little egg.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      Thanks for the prayers. We’re okay. The rain let up for a few minutes so the crew and I trotted around the track. Trying to use up some of Spike’s pent-up energy . . .

  12. Debbie Hearne says:

    Hi Sue,
    I know just how you are feeling. We were at Fort Stevens SP when the first storm hit,
    we are in a trailer also, so we stayed put. Saturday morning we opened the door and
    we were sitting in a 6″ lake totaling surrounding our trailer. Hubby panicked and put
    plastic garbage bags over his shoes waded out into the lake and hooked us up to leave.
    We drove as far east as Cascade Locks. The rain is still coming down but at least we are on higher ground and no wind. Our poodle Molly goes to the door, looks out and
    decides she can wait a little longer. Take care and drive safely when this rain is over.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Debbie! You really were hit! That must have been a nerve-wracking experience. I’m so glad you made it okay to higher ground.

      Some of the campsites here are flooded, but most are okay. Our site has good drainage. There are some other campers here… A couple in an A-liner, another in a Class A, and a group in tents! They have tarps strung all over. Their site is further back among the trees so I don’t think the wind is as strong. I couldn’t do a tent in this weather!

      The crew is the same way as Molly. The first potty-break of the day is postponed until emergency status!

      You stay safe, too. Thanks for writing.

      • Eileen P. says:

        I camped at Fort Stevens two years ago during beautiful weather. Last night as I was reading your update, I actually had the thought, “at least she isn’t at Fort Stevens”, which struck me as being much lower than the description of Kalalach. Stay dry, all of you.
        Eileen in Phoenix

  13. mockturtle says:

    The latest NOAA forecast for the north coast says:

    If you have hatches, batten them down.

  14. Cinandjules (temp in CA) says:

    Hang tight! Hold on to your desert hat! Have you got the stabilizers down?

    Spike may like soaking but he may change his mind with hail flying sideways!

    Bridget on the other hand knows when it is like that poop and pee tasks are done with a quickness. Have a wonderful night!

    Took my mom for a walk to Lands end where you can see the golden gate bridge …we saw a pod of whales! I spent 48 yrs in the Bay Area and never saw anything else other than sea lions and running from the pooping sea gulls!

    Dearest Mick and Alan,
    I do now understand about how Skype is not free from places away from your home. I am on this contraption called an iPad. It’s certainly a learning experience. Fun but it uses too much “juice”. I asked Siri or whatever her name is….if she was a man or a woman? She replied….we don’t have enough time for that! Hah.

    Regards, Cindy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You saw whales! Wow! All we’ve got here are seagulls flying backwards!

    • Mick in TN says:

      I have a picture of the bottom of the Golden Gate taken from a Marine helicopter as we flew under the bridge, having just taken off from the Presidio. (1967). Pilot Mike also has a “I” thing with Skype and we got the audio to work but not the video.

  15. DeAnne in TN says:

    Remember Pecos Bill that rode the cyclone? Well, now I picture RV Sue riding out the storm. You are sitting on top of the BLT with Spike and Bridget as the draw horses, err..dogs with their black harnesses and red leads. Yee Haw!

  16. BARB GEORGE says:

    Sue have you gotten the update? 40 has grown to 75+ mph. PLEASE BE SAFE.
    Hugs from Hoquiam,
    where if you need a refugevwe are here.

  17. BARB GEORGE says:

    Glad you still have internet. Whew…what a ride!

  18. Jean wheatleyIn Molalla says:

    and ice cream that must be eaten.I am experiencing this storm in my snug daylight basement with a large oak overlooking my roof.Yor dream reminds me of the dream my daughter related to me about our earthquake here in the PNW. She dreamed that her newly occupied manufactured home was being r-pled. Damn auto correct, repo Essex.

  19. Chuck Hajek says:

    Hang in there, Kiddo!!!! Our Oliver made it thru Katrina up in Ft Smith, Ark and all the 20 Casitas (from 78-new) did just fine. I bet you will watch the weather a little more now, riigghhttt? Told ya so, told ya so, neener, neener.
    You do have your stabilizers down, right, RIGHT???

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, the stabilizers are down. Um, do you see where I am? Should I have driven into a forest for this WINDstorm that’s covering TWO STATES? Neener, neener, neener.

  20. Marilu Paulson says:

    We’re still hunkered down at South Beach State Park in Newport, Or. I’m pretty sure the thud I just heard was a tree falling. There is a berm that shelters our trailer and the shorter trees but the tall pines are really swaying. It looks like you are completely exposed but what a view! Thunder this morning was very upsetting to dog, Rosie.
    Be safe, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilu,

      Those swaying trees would make me nervous. We’re very exposed here but at least we aren’t under any trees.

      You be safe, too.

  21. Tawanda says:

    Have you heard that PNWer’s have webbed feet? It’s true, if your not a native just stay long enough and you will have them too 🙂

    Can just visualize those waves from your vivid descriptions, I don’t care much for the ocean or beaches myself but have soo enjoyed the pictures you’ve shared, good eye!!

    From what I’m seeing on the weather reports it seems you are just about over the worst of it. Hope it’s quieter tonight for sleeping or at least relaxing…

    Can imagine how the BLT, that is nice n roomy on fair weather days, would get to feeling pretty cramped in these need to stay in kind of weather days, quite a stormy test for you the crew, BLT and PTV ….

    Back here where you drove thru this summer (which turned out to be the hottest ever) without an a/c, we’ve gone from summer right into winter, the mountains on both sides of the valley are snow capped already. 🙁

    Enjoy the morning after, look forward to the pictures to follow…
    Be Well..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tawanda,

      What valley was that?

      Yeah, we’re housebound. It reminds me of the time we were caught in a snowstorm in New Mexico. See blog post, “Oh no! More snow!” I love the worried face on Bridget at the end of that post.

      • Tawanda says:

        The valley between the Wasatch and Oquirrh mountains (Salt Lake).

        Oh my, sub-freezing cold and snow storm, good memories ahy 🙂
        Love that picture of the kids, Bridget is just how I imagine she must have looked peeking out from the covers as you described.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Now I remember! You live in that suburb of Salt Lake City that I drove through before getting on the interstate.

          Bridget is such a worrier. Her forehead wrinkles up and her eyes expand. She’ll snuggle close all night tonight!

  22. PNW Alison says:

    Hi Sue, we’ve been tenting down in Rogue River Oregon – in the southern end of the same storm. . I do NOT want to be tenting in the woods in the kind of winds my car’s weather channel is predicting! At the first break in the weather we took the tent, tarp etc down to hightail it out of there. But we weren’t fast enough, and everything is completely soaked. We’re now in a motel in Grants Pass, drying out.
    Maybe it’s time to consider a Casita…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Alison! Tenting on the Rogue River? That’s NOT the place to be…. which you fortunately found out from the weather channel. I am very glad you are in a motel! Smart move!

      I’ve had some hair-raising moments in the past few minutes. The wind is coming from the south, hitting the BLT broadside, lifting us up a bit. The ocean is an incredible sight. Huge waves about to break and then the wind lifts the wave up and sideways. The sun is almost setting. It’s throwing an eerie glow over the roiling water… what a sight!!!

      • PNW Alison says:

        Omg, the BLT is being lifted up? That sounds scary! I’ll assume since you don’t sound too alarmed, that its not as bad as what I pictured. The storm does sound awesome though. Your description of the sunset over that roiling water is great.
        I’m glad you and the crew are well equipped, safe, and cozy. Tourists do come in the winter from all over to storm watch in Kalaloch and LaPush. So enjoy the thrill!
        I’m disappointed to be in a motel, but very happy not to be out in that storm. Hot bath then watching Masterpiece Theater in bed make for a cozy evening.

  23. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Hi Sue, It sounds like you are getting the royal treatment out there. Have you thought about getting the inflatable ready to go? 🙂


  24. Anne H says:

    Yup! You’re getting a true taste of pacific northwest weather! Earlier in the year for sure (so you can be grateful that it’s at least warmer rain 🙂 ) but an indicator of what’s to come – and then stay for 5 or 6 months. 🙁
    This is why I’m planning on a trip to the southwest for jan-feb – otherwise, the trailer turns green with mold.
    Stay dry and don’t let the pups blow away!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anne,

      I “can be grateful that it’s at least warmer rain?” It’s gets colder than this rain? Poor Spike went outside and came right back in. He had a terrible case of the shivers. I dried him off as best I could. Bridget and I curled up with him until they went away.

      Yeah, I can see where the southwest would be very appealing. The desert is looking better and better to me. 🙂

      • PNW Alison says:

        Have to agree with Anne, the air temperature is on the mild side considering the rain and wind. At least down here in Oregon. Using my highly technical rating system of “how high up do I need to zip my sleeping bag” I’d say last night was in the high 50’s. I would have expected high 40’s.

  25. Phyllis says:


    Your gonna be fine, those winds are what we Oklahomans deal with on a daily basis. Somebody wrote a song about the winds sweepin down the plain. It certainly is exciting to read your play-by-play.

    On another note, I was reading on CNN an article titled 10 ways the shutdown will affect you, not you per se, us but, of course, when I got to number 10 I couldn’t help but think of RVSue. “The 368 National Park Service sites closed.” Now we could talk about religion if you’d like, ha ha.

    Stay safe,
    Phyllis in Oklahoma

  26. mockturtle says:

    It now looks as though the most intense winds will be on Vancouver Island so you may have dodged the proverbial bullet. They will likely get wind gusts in the 80mph range.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, mockturtle,

      Much calmer this morning… I think we had gusts in the 60 mph range in the middle of the night. It was like trying to sleep on a trampoline in use.

  27. Sherry in Oregon says:

    Having lived in the PNW all my life, we have one of these big storms every couple of yrs. They can be scary, but as long as you’re away from any big limbs that can fall on the BLT & you’re “well anchored,” you should be ok. It should be heavy enough to, as they say, ‘weather the storm!’ At least, I hope so!
    From what I hear, it’s supposed to dry out starting Tuesday…. nice weather scheduled for the weekend. Fall is my favorite season here & we generally get some REALLY nice days at the beginning of October. Warm days with just a hint of chill in the air & cool nights.
    I think we’re due for some nice “Indian Summer” fall weather!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sherry,

      Are you sure “Indian Summer” wasn’t last week? 🙂 I’m convinced it’s time for us to leave Washington and head toward the desert. Last night was very persuasive! LOL!

  28. Gayle says:

    Wow, I’m having lots of fun with this storm thang!

    “When birds fly backward, cancel the picnic.” Now THEM’S words to live by! Sounds like something Chief Seattle would say (paleface). Be wise, be safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gayle,

      Looks like the “fun” is over! I actually caught a glimpse of blue sky this morning, a small patch through the clouds. What a night! Bridget and Spike were okay until midnight or so when the BLT started heaving and jerking. Spike insisted he had to go outside to investigate! What a guy!

  29. Elizabeth says:

    Well, we headed out from Seattle area on our way south to California today…nasty driving indeed…but we have been in worse on the East coast sometimes, so we carried on. We are glad to be safely here near the border of CA tonight. No wonder it was bad…we did not know this was coming…had company the last few days and busy, busy. Hope you will be ok too…guess it is to be ok rainwise in the AM at least.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Elizabeth! Thank God you made it there safely! Yes, I’m writing this the following morning and there does seem to be some improvement. No rain… at the moment. Glad you’re safe.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Oh yes, did me some talking to GOD while in that storm…and the other drivers…mercy…that makes things SO MUCH WORSE!!

  30. Squawking Goose says:


    Be aware of news of cataclysmic events to occur in your area…..????

    San Francisco…gone, Los Angeles…gone, etc / Flee California! More Warnings From The Lord!

    Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:32

  31. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    We here in Grants Pass Oregon are sharing the storm with you. Where was all this water a few weeks ago when we were suffering from the smoke of all the fires? It’s a good thing your BLT is made of hard sided fiberglass. If you were in a Airstream travel trailer your poor tin can would be a bit dented I think. Hang in there, I have it on good authority that the sun will come out…no not tomorrow, but Thursday [sorry Annie]. So enjoy the free BLT and PTA wash. Hunker down and snuggle up with the Canine Crew and remember what Al Jolson said, “wait a minute folks…wait a minute, you ain’t seen nothin yet”!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe! I’ve been wondering where you’ve been… missed you!

      When you wrote that we hadn’t seen nothin’ yet, you spoke truth. Quite a night! It’s morning now and the bad, bad storm is slinking out of here. Yeah, all this rain would’ve been great during the fires. Kind of like farmers who look at rain after their crops have dried up.

  32. Dawn says:

    The power of the internet. People from across the country wake up this morning and check the weather in the Pacific Northwest, all because we care about someone temporarily living on the very edge of our country. And we’re all worried…so all those worry vibes and cyber hugs have just got to keep you safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      It is unreal, isn’t it? Sue is amazed by the caring and concern shown RVSue and her canine nut cakes. Well, I’m happy to report that we didn’t fall off the edge of the country!

      Thanks to all for helping me get through a turbulent night . . .

  33. Mindy Reed says:

    Being from the PNW, I know about those storms, it sounds like your in a good place to ride it out! Stay safe and enjoy! Give Spike and Bridget a smooch from me and The Odinator (aka Odie my Swedish Vallhund).

  34. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    So glad to see posts from you this morning so we know you are ok. Glad you made it thru all that weather. We are getting rain today also, first we have had in over a month. Now I guess you know why that ocean-front campsite opened up for you. I have loved visiting the PNW with you. I have really enjoyed all the pictures. I have never been in that part of the country.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      It has been fun touring Washington for the first time. I’m glad you were along for the ride. And I’m also glad you are getting some rain, too!

  35. mockturtle says:

    There was a confirmed tornado in Puyallup. Blew a train off the tracks and damaged some industrial buildings.

    So glad you and the crew are OK. Hope the park stays open, too. 🙂 We could get an Indian summer next month, you never know…

  36. Jean Fox says:

    I’ve been following you for a while now & getting caught up on older posts. You have been an inspiration and a wealth of information. You have given me the confidence to do this full timing on my own starting early 2014 (god willing). I traveled for years with my husband until his passing a number of years ago. Didn’t know if i could pursue it solo but you and a number of other blogs I follow have shown me the way. You have a great writting style – I feel like I’m right there with you. Great pics too. Keep on keeping on – safe travels to you and the crew

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      Good for you! I wish you the very best as you prepare to full-time and for the the years you live “on the road.”

      I’m glad you’ve discovered that women can full-time solo. I haven’t come across any part of full-timing that requires a (male body part). 🙂

      Thank you for reading my blog, including the older posts, and for the compliment on my writing.

      There’s a lot of information in the comments, too. Nice to hear from you, Jean.

  37. Barb says:

    you’re the first one I thought about when I heard the weather forecast, and also when I was driving through driving rain on 405 in Bellevue…I knew that if we were getting slammed, that you were probably also. Glad to read that you’re safe. I am so sorry you have had to bypass some of the most scenic parts of Washington (Hoh, Cape Flattery, especially) 🙁 Tatoosh is so scenic, maybe you can see it sometime next year 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Um, which Barb is this?

      To all the Barbs… hi! Yeah, it’s good to leave something for a future trip. We had a great time without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. I’d love to come back!

  38. Pauline says:

    Didn’t post anything on the last few posts because all I could say was…WOW….WOW…Breathtaking….WOW….Beautiful….WOW. You get the idea. However with you facing a storm I found some more words…BE CAREFUL….Stay Safe….BE CAREFUL…stay safe. Then of course there is my old standby… What an exciting life you live. The pictures are gorgeous and the crew is as cute as ever. Love you Sister Susan.

  39. Barb says:

    Whew! You made it through? I thought of you too, though that wasn’t this ‘Barb’ before 🙂 I had no internet!
    Here in Hoquiam, we are OK. Over in the Puyallup area they had a tornado and closes some schools (granddaughter was one of those lucky ones). Hope all is well and that your fingernails are still intact!
    Hugs from Hoquiam,
    Barb (George)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I thought of you, too, Barb, as I bumbled around Hoaquim and Aberdeen. If I had seed the Labor building I would’ve asked for Barb. I think that’s where you work. What colorful houses! That’s a busy area, yet close to the ocean. It would be fun to explore around there.

      I’m happy to hear you and yours made it through the storm okay. Fingernails are okay… knuckles are still white (see next post!).

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