Lost and Found!

In the last episode of “RVSue and her canine crew,” RVSue realizes Roger is missing from their Arizona home when he doesn’t come running at the call for supper.

Sunday, March 24 (continued)

“Come on, Reg.  We have to go look for Roger.”

I snap Reggie into his harness, put him on-leash, and we head out the front gate to the street.   I watch Reggie closely, hoping he will indicate which way we should start our search.  (I once had a dog respond to my request for help.  He led me down railroad tracks through town to his best pal who had run off.)

“Go this way?  Okay.”

You’re probably wondering . . . .

Why don’t I drive the Perfect Tow Vehicle around the neighborhood?

Well, for one thing, it’s hitched up to the Best Little Trailer.  I don’t want to lose precious time unhitching and then opening the double gates.  Also, when one of the crew has escaped in the past, every time someone quickly scoops him up and puts him inside their house or yard.

Given a chance, Reg and Rog come home after a few minutes.  

Maybe walking around with Reggie will signal any “rescuer” to come out with Roger. How long has he been gone? A few minutes?  An hour?

As we walk I check the fenced yards.  When we arrive at Tom’s house, Tom is sitting on his porch.

“Tom, Roger has run off!  Keep an eye out for him, okay?”

“Oh, no!  Roger’s lost?”

He jumps to his feet.  

“I’ll go look for him.”

In a flash Tom is on his new, red scooter buzzing around the neighborhood, circling all the blocks.

A car slows for a stop sign.  I grab the attention of the driver as she comes to a stop. She promises to let me know if she sees Roger.

During all this, Reggie is enjoying the walk.  No sign of distress.

Back at the house  . . .

Quickly I put together a Lost Dog poster.  Reggie and I walk to the cluster of mailboxes and I tape the poster in a place where I’ve seen “lost pet notices” in the past.

I wish I had a printed photo . . . 

Tom reports no sign of Roger.  Darn.  It will be dark soon.  “I’ll give it another try.”

“Thanks, Tom.”  If Roger were wandering around, we would’ve seen him by now.

Darkness falls.

I put out an All Points Bulletin.

I go online and spread the word across the neighborhood via our internet grapevine, giving plenty of information, including our phone number and a photo of Roger, his sweet self surrounded by our yellow flowers.  Replies come in from neighbors, lots of concern and promises to keep a watch out.

But the phone doesn’t ring.

“Well, Reg, it looks like we have to wait for tomorrow.  Roger will come home tomorrow. He will, sweetie.  I know he will.”

Gee, Reggie is taking this awfully well.  (He nearly had a stroke when Roger stayed a few hours at the vet’s in Dillon, Montana.)

I turn on the front porch light and we go to bed.  

Reggie curls up next to me, as usual, and I stroke his fur. Roger’s empty spot seems enormous.

Well, Reg is a bit subdued but not anxious.  That’s a blessing.  Tomorrow I’ll go to the library and print out photos of Roger and distribute them to animal control, vets’ offices, post them in supermarkets . . . . I’ll call the microchip people, check the web . . . . I’ll make more signs for the road . . . . Knock on doors . . .  Oh, Roger!  PLEASE COME HOME!

For the first time since moving into our Arizona home, it’s just me and Reggie.   The porch light stays on all night.

~ ~ ~

In the middle of the night . . . .

I awaken to the sound of dogs fussing with each other.  One is wailing.  Could that be Roger?  I throw back the covers and run to the back door, turning on the patio light. Stepping out in my bare feet, I listen.  Silence.

That seemed to come from the south, not far.  Tomorrow I’ll drive over to the next block and go door-to-door.

~ ~ ~

Monday, March 25

Morning dawns.

Reggie and I go to the back door for his potty run.  As I pass the laundry room window, I glance out at the Perfect Tow Vehicle parked in the back yard where it is hitched to the Best Little Trailer.

“Roger?  Roger?  ROGER!!!!!”

There’s Roger sitting in the driver’s seat!  His eyes are full of yearning as he peers out at me.

I bolt out the patio door and run to him.

“Roger, honey!  Oh, you poor thing!  I am soooo sorry!”

Babbling apologies, I scoop him up and carry him inside.  Setting him down at the crew’s meal station, I go to the fridge and retrieve his dinner from yesterday.

“Rotisserie chicken, Roger.  Your favorite.  You must be starved.”

Roger scarfs it down so fast Reggie doesn’t have time to get jealous.  I fix Reg a bowl of chicken and add a few more bites to Roger’s.

“Gee, Reg.  Isn’t it great to have Roger back?  Here we were stirring up the whole neighborhood and all the time Roger was in the back yard.”

Reggie knew where Roger was.  That’s why he wasn’t upset.  What must he think of me? What did Roger think, out there all night?

Life returns to normal.

Roger and Reggie attack each other for the first of many, joyous play-fights this day.

 Roger and Reggie run to the barking corner of the front yard.

Roger makes it clear to the bad ol’ school bus (and to our neighbors) that . . .

Roger Is Back And In Charge!

Gosh, Roger.  Why didn’t you bark like that when you were shut up inside the PTV?


NOTE:  I’ll include more photos in the next post. I didn’t want to hold up the conclusion of this little tale about Roger.  — Sue


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~ ~ ~

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58 Responses to Lost and Found!

  1. Sandra Collins says:

    Too cute of a story!

  2. JoanneG from San Rafael says:

    So glad he was never in any real danger. Poor baby!

  3. Laura Ours says:

    Oh I have to share with you a story since you have shared your story with us! I have 3 cats, Snickers, Ollie and LC (which we pronounce as Elsie, I spell her name LC as a reminder that she is the “L”ast “C”at I take into my home for a while) anyways…. One day I hear my cats Snickers and Ollie hissing at a cat that is on my patio on top of a table that is looking into my home. This cat is one that roams my neighborhood, she/he looks a lot like LC. I think this one is a sibling. Anyways…. this cat is sitting on the table and I decide to go outside and talk to it and see if I can approach it. This cat does not run away as I walk up to it, I think to myself, this cat really really looks like LC… then I look even closer and I think to myself… this IS LC! I grab her by the neck and take her inside! Oh my goodness! She must have gotten out when I went outside to get a package from amazon! I am so happy you found your fur baby! Huggles!

    • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

      Oh my….how the heart skips a beat when someone’s missing!
      Glad it worked out ok! Seems like Rog might be getting the “itch” to hitch up the BLT as well! He’s comfortable in the PTV…that’s why he didn’t bark! Probably thought you were just going to the store.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You may be right about that.

        I think he may have barked when I was away (in the house or out looking for him) and I couldn’t hear him, and then, when I was nearby, he saw me so he didn’t bark, figuring I’d let him out.

  4. Carlene & Corky says:

    Oh my, what a happy ending but very funny story… So glad Roger is safe, Reggie probably wondered why does Roger get to have a sleep over this the PTV? Huh Mom?

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Carlene & Corky

  5. jenny Johnson says:

    Top Ten Makes me happy and it makes me even happier Reggie Man is safe

  6. Sherry Waldrop says:

    Thankful he’s home! Glad all your neighbor’s were willing to help look (as well as your on-line friends).

  7. OMG glad it wasn’t summer!! LOL

  8. Jeff (AZ) says:

    I’m just glad it wasn’t summer.

  9. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Oh my! What a story! All night? Wow.
    I love this blog.

  10. Columbus Calvin says:

    You’re a great storyteller! I’ve read published mysteries that didn’t handle their storylines that well.

    I’m glad Roger was safe the whole time. I wonder if he stayed quiet at the beginning to tease you. If he did, I bet he learned a lesson.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, now that you mention it, Calvin, I don’t think Roger has ever barked at me. It may be something he won’t do under any circumstances.

      Thank you for the very nice compliment on my storytelling. You see the good. I, on the other hand, see a story that could’ve been made better. 🙂

  11. Dawn in Michigan says:

    Whew! Glad it wasn’t hot outside!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Me, too, Dawn. . . . although if it were summer the windows probably would’ve been down since I don’t use air conditioning in the PTV.

  12. Janet Parker Doublier says:

    You write so well. I had a similar situation with my Doberman and the silence was deafening. He was in a closet – not normal as he’s afraid of tight places. I was running around the neighborhood, then driving.
    like a madwoman.
    How wonderful when they are found.

  13. Diann in MT says:

    What a cliff hanger! Isn’t that the truth? You search up and down and pray your Roger is safe. Now, Sue, do you think he is itching to hitch??? LOL
    I am so glad he’s back and you are all into your routine again! Love it!
    The weather here is cold and gloomy which is the way it happens in the northern Rockies this time of year. Spring is in the year, and about mid-April the days will warm into the 60’s and then it’s transplant and garden turning time. Looking forward to planting potatoes and onions at the end of April.
    Take care. Have fun. Follow that Roger’s lead and get out there into the beautiful large outdoors.

  14. Oh, what stress and strife! So glad your yard really is secure and that Roger was OK!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes! You mention another good part of this incident — I don’t have to find and shore up the place that Roger used for an escape. 🙂

  15. Leah says:

    What a happy ending!

  16. weather says:

    How fortunate for Roger that he had the comfort of the PTV’s soft seats and warmth as a place to spend the night and curl up to have a few hours of sleep. I imagine many of us and the sweet creatures that live with us have had rougher hours than the ones he spent before being lovingly carried inside and given rotisserie chicken. I hope you didn’t feel too badly about not realizing where he was sooner than you did, Sue, similar situations could easily happen to anyone.

    It’s no nice that your dog once led you through town to find his best pal who had run off. Once my young dog escaped from our fenced in property through an open gate as we were carrying packages through it, then ran like the wind until she was out of sight. I brought my male dog out and just said “Go get Bailey”, he found, took command of and brought her home…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great story, weather! Don’t you love it during those moments when we manage to communicate clearly to our pets? What a fine dog. He and Bailey were well bonded.

      For certain Roger has experienced much more discomfort, distress, and difficulty than that night in the PTV. I felt badly when I first realized I could’ve prevented the situation but I didn’t feel that way for long. The boys wiped that feeling away. No recriminations, no grudge… typical of dogs, they were overjoyed we were together again.

      No “coulda,’ shoulda,’ woulda,’ 🙂

  17. Lauri C. says:

    Oh I’m so happy we have closure! That rat!….actually THOSE ratS! Neither of them telling you and letting you go in & on!

    I certainly understand the lack of concern on Reggie’s part! I could definitely visualize that with any of my dogs!

  18. AZ Jim says:

    Thank God!! Believe it or not but as a recent widower, I have come to love those little guys as though they were my own. If I could I would have a little dog or kitty but sadly due to my bad knees I cannot. I miss having other lives in my house. When my Detta was here it was a HOME.

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Dear Jim,

      I feel for you, honey. My house has never had just me living in it. I would like to suggest that a home is where you find love. You and Detta had lots. Now your love for her is palpable, but her love for you is in your heart and not as obvious. I’m sure you have some of her things with good memories attached, things she loved. I wish I lived closer as I’m sure if I came for a visit, love would greet me and the house would be filled with it. Sending big hugs and lots of love, Uncle Jim!!!

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      So Sweet Jim. How are you doing? I think of you all the time and pray for you as well. Detta is watching over you.

    • weather says:

      Oh, dear Jim, my heart goes out to you, with your now being the only one living there… You are a naturally protective, loving, nurturing and care giving man. I can understand why having a little one to take care of and love would make you feel more at home, happy and fulfilled.

      Perhaps knowing some of my experiences will help you consider options that
      would be possible for you even with knee problems.

      My dogs sometimes got in my cat’s way when she wanted to eat,drink or use her litter box. So I put her dishes and litter box on top of a washer, dryer or seldom used counter top,and kept a chair close by as a stairstep to help her reach those surfaces. She could easily jump/climb up there whenever she wanted to access her supplies, and bonus,the filling and cleaning involved no bending, knees or squatting on my part.

      Also I used a counter top for a bird’s cage once, yet birds will manage to escape, and one needs to be very agile to capture a loose bird, so I would not readily recommend your getting one.

      Aquariums make nice homes for all types of fish, or they can be landscaped with sand, moss, rocks and a water pond for small turtles. Cages also work nicely for wee hamsters, etc.

      A cat may try to get at any creature smaller than another cat, though, so decisions about “blended families” need to be made with caution.

      Just offering a few thoughts, you know what you can/can’t/should/shouldn’t do.

      Sending love&hugs and saying a prayer for you my friend,

      • AZ Jim says:

        Thanks old friend….I have been thinking about a cat (had many over the years). I will let you know if I work it out. The fish thing just doesn’t appeal…I want a warm little friend I can pet and hold. Thanks for your friendship of several years…

        • Cynthia in San Clemente says:

          Jim, I think a cat (especially, maybe an older rescue cat) is a great idea. Weather’s idea of putting the litter box and food up where it would be easy for you to reach is a good idea too. Cats – if they’ve been socialized properly – love to cuddle and snuggle – that could be just what you need now. I’m sure you’ll figure it out

        • A Gal and a cat in FL says:

          Dear Jim,
          I hope you can find a sweet kitty who needs a home at a shelter. So many older ones who need love when everyone wants a kitten. Like someone mentioned you can put the food and box up a little higher so you don’t have to bend. Kitties are so sweet and loving. I hope you can get one to love. Hugs to you

  19. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    So glad that Roger was found safe and sound! My heart goes out to you. I know you were terrified. *hugs*

    I hope you enjoy the weekend…maybe a short trip? Weather will be mostly nice here. Nephew #2 is coming for a visit. I am looking forward to catching up, just spending time together, and having him help me with a few chores. I am putting a pork roast with bbq sauce in the crock pot tonight. We will have a bbq feast tomorrow! 🙂

    Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂 You really hit the jackpot when you found your home and neighborhood. You have your privacy, but also caring neighbors whom you can reach out to in an emergency. That is the kind of neighborhood I hope to find when I downsize. Neighbors looking out for each other…yes! That is what I need and crave. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Roger probably hopped into the PTV while your attention was elsewhere. He is ready to hit the road! **hugs** 🙂

  20. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Sue and Whole Crew!

    Thanks for not making us wait too long. Do you suppose Roger was not about to let you hitch up and go without him? Like a dog climbing in your suitcase while you try to pack letting you know he IS going too? How did you even get any sleep?

  21. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    So glad Roger turned up safe & sound. Think Barb in Florida hit it on the head. He probably thought you were getting ready to hit the road and he wasn’t going to be left behind again.
    I can’t recall which of you fine blogorinos told me to give Angel the pumpkin for her tummy issues, but it is working like a champ. She loves it and hasn’t had any problems since. I mix a tablespoon of organic pumpkin puree in her morning feeding and she is doing great now. Thanks again.

  22. Elizabeth says:

    Well, Sue, so glad it was not too hot!! And all is again well!!

  23. Linda Rose, Molly and Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Whew!! All is happy now. Glad the little guy was safe and sound all night but sorry for your empty spot at the same time.

  24. Li says:

    Oh that is too funny! And sitting in the driver’s seat, no less. Reggie probably enjoyed a little, ‘special me’ time with Roger elsewhere. But how stressful for you! Still, I had a laugh at the thought of him sitting out there while the search commenced.

  25. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    That was quite a story…..poor Reg, Too bad he couldn’t honk the horn. 😊. So glad he is safe and sound.

  26. That silly boy!! The BLT was hooked up so he was ready to go!!

    Glad you let us know before that he was home safe – but I sure didn’t guess he never left home :-))

  27. JoanneG from San Rafael says:

    This blog reminded me of a similar story. We were dog-sitting a 90 lb yellow lab. I went off to work and left the lab and my mutley in the house. When I got home, only my dog greeted me at the front door. Now, all windows and doors were locked and closed but there was no sign of the yellow lab. I looked all over the house calling the dog…no response. I was hyperventilating, wondering how am I going to tell my friend I LOST HER DOG?! Finally, I noticed the door to a tiny half bathroom was closed, but I always left it closed. The lab had managed to open the door and shut the door behind himself! So relieved to find him. Could not figure out why he did not bark when I was calling and calling him!

  28. Suzicruzi says:

    Yes I agree; great story!

    I just want to say, that this happened to me too, very similar, right down to the front seat, and it scared the crap out of me!

    Whew! 😅

  29. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    Thank heavens everything turned out OK. It’s simply terrifying when you think something has happened to one of our babies. I can only imagine how worried you were. And your storytelling had me worried right along with you. Whew! I’m tired now!

  30. Gene Siesky says:

    The detective in me knew how this was going to end. When you first wrote about Roger missing, I wondered if he was in the PTV. Glad it had a happy ending.

  31. Libby K Nester says:

    Roger had a front row seat to witness the search party. Reggie thought, “Oh boy, we get to take a special walk without Roger.” It happens to all of us when our furbabies go missing. He was safe.

  32. Pam and Maya in Ajo Az. says:

    So, so, relieved that Roger is safe! Thanks for another great story Sue!

  33. ApplegirlNY says:

    Well, Sue, You can sure get us all riled up before we share a collective sigh of relief! Sorry you had to be stressed out for a bit, but it sure did make good reading.

  34. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    So I’m confused on what happened. Did Roger jump in the PTV when you were in it the previous day and then you accidentally locked him inside? I wonder if he’ll be hesitant to get in the car again? I’m so glad you found him – poor little stowaway!!!

    We were dog-sitting a very good friend’s Maltese a few years ago while they went to Las Vegas for a few days. I was super careful not to let her out in the backyard because of all the coyotes in our area. Mid-day one day I couldn’t find the darn dog. I searched the entire house, in closets, under beds, behind furniture, in the garage, every square inch of the back yard, calling her name the entire time. I started getting scared that someone had left the back door open for just a minute and she had gotten out and a coyote had gotten her. I literally had heart palpitations thinking about having to call her “parents” and tell them I had lost their dog. I went out to the front of the house and saw some neighborhood kids riding their bikes. None of them had seen the dog, but I enlisted their help to ride around the neighborhood looking for her. I went back inside, sick to my stomach, to make “lost” posters and guess who was sitting right in the middle of Sammy’s bed like a queen bee? I have no idea where she had been when we were looking for her, but it sure as hell wasn’t on Sam’s bed! I have never been so relieved to see a dog, but I wanted to strangle her! I didn’t tell her parents until almost a year later and now we all laugh about it, but I know that sick in the pit of your stomach feeling when you think they’re gone 🙁

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      No wonder you were confused about the post. I put the sub-heading “Monday, March 25,” in the wrong place! (I fixed it.) You would make a great editor. 🙂

      Roger went missing the afternoon of Sunday the 24th and was found the next morning.

      Your story is more tense than mine, and very well written. It’s bad enough to lose one’s own dog but how does one face telling friends that you lost their dog? Glad for the happy ending!

  35. Tesaje says:

    So glad he’s ok. My girl likes to go visiting and can disappear inside of a minute. There’s just no downside for her because shes so friendly and people are nice but every time I worry.

    Once a cat disappeared and a big blizzard came up. I kept going out in the storm and called, thought I heard a meow but not enough to even locate the direction. Took a couple days for the plow and me and the neighbors to dig out. He finally used the path to come home. From the paw prints, he sheltered under my neighbor’s eave near their furnace exhaust. They can be maddening.

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