Morning musings during a beach walk — Flaming Gorge Reservoir

The good thing about neighbors who like to party at night is there isn’t any sign of them in the morning.

1-DSC05913We can’t see the neighbors from our camp on Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

1-DSC05905When the generators are turned off and the party people are sleeping the morning away, the crew and I have our own kind of fun on the beach.

1-DSC05882We don’t need any gasoline.  We don’t need any toys.  All we need for fun is some sunshine, water, the beach, and each other.

1-DSC05875The few days that we’ve camped here it has been very hot.

The awning and the reservoir make it pleasant, in spite of the heat.  Whenever the urge hits me, I stop what I’m doing and walk down to the water.  I don’t bother to change what I’m wearing.  I walk in wearing my shorts, top and waterproof Keen sandals..

After a swim,I stay in the wet clothes for their cooling effect.  It’s a great way to live!

1-DSC05885I don’t know what it is about this water but my hair, which is past my shoulders now, has become fluffy and soft as a baby’s and I can’t believe how tan I am!

1-DSC05908Even though I love it here, my thoughts are on our next camp.

I could find another beach camp north of here.  The shoreline is one cove after another with dirt roads to their beaches.  I do need groceries.  I’ve run out of breakfast food.  Don’t even have oatmeal, not that I want to eat oatmeal on a summer morning. . .

1-DSC05917We’ll have to go to Green River for groceries.  That’s about 30 miles away.  I’m not gonna’ leave the BLT here and then have to come back.  Once we’re in Green River, I’ll want to keep going to a new camp.

1-DSC05911Gee . . .  Green River is going to be hot.  Low elevation.  Grass, sagebrush, few trees.  Badlands.  Not good boondocking country.

“C’mon, Bridgie!  Aren’t you the little mountain goat today!”

1-DSC05909We need to head for some mountains.

The dang air conditioner isn’t working!  Why is it that I place us in a spot where we have to cross a dadburn DESERT precisely when the air conditioner is on the fritz?  Gosh, that stretch from Spokane to Ellensburg last year was hell with no a/c . . . .

“You, too, Spikey!  You can do it!”

Why am I hollering at a deaf dog?  Sheesh.  He’s probably glad he doesn’t have to listen to me any more.

1-DSC05910Well, we’ve done pretty well as far as the bugs go. 

Here it is almost August and we haven’t dealt with mosquitoes, biting flies, or no-see-ums.  A few back at Pelican Lake, but they weren’t bad. 

1-DSC05901I want a good-sized mountain stream or a lake.

If we could find a waterside camp at a higher elevation, 8,000 feet or so, with no bugs, that would be ideal.  So we have to ride with the windows down.  Big deal.  It’d only take a couple hours to make it to the Wind River Range.

1-DSC05912-001The Wind River Range . . . .  I like the sound of that!

1-DSC05892Back at our campsite, I freshen up the crew’s water.

I pour myself a glass of Pepsi from the fridge and settle into the lounger with my atlas of Wyoming.   I trace a possible route and look for campgrounds and possible boondock areas.  Yeah, maybe we’ll leave tomorrow . . . . 

There goes Spike, off for another soak . . .



Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt-Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker, Turquoise
Midwest Black E-Coat Exercise Pen, 24 Inches by 30 Inches
Jeep Shopping Cart and High Chair Cover
Go Power! 120W Portable Folding Solar Kit with 10 Amp Solar Controller
Phoenix USA White Exterior Shower Box
A Child’s Introduction to the Night Sky: The Story of the Stars, Planets, and Constellations–and How You Can Find Them in the Sky

1-DSC05879“Wow!  You’re a water dog, too!”


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107 Responses to Morning musings during a beach walk — Flaming Gorge Reservoir

  1. R. (Western Colorado) says:


  2. Reine says:

    Since you already said you moved, I’m guessing that this post describes Saturday??? Glad you were able to enjoy the morning while the noisy folks slept in. Although I’m not noisy at night, I would be one of the ones sleeping in. Early morning just isn’t my thing.
    Looks like you had a great time even with neighbors who like to party.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I am so glad you’re here, Reine. I have a question for you. Remember the poles and strap that you gave me? I want to use them. I tried while at the beach camp but couldn’t get it set up right, mainly because it was too breezy at the time.

      Do I put the threaded end into the awning gear area?

      Yes, this post is about Saturday. Those who read comments get a sneak preview .. .

      • Reine says:

        Put the pole up with the non threaded end in the awning gear area. It should wedge in and extend it and put the threaded end in the outside end above the leg. That will let you wrap the strap around the pole on the part that slides out so it catches on the bigger part of the tube and then secure to the frame of the trailer with the bungie cords. I would practice a couple of times in places without any wind. We also wrap a tie around the end of the awning and stake it down as an extra precaution especially since we often deploy our awning in Texas campgrounds where the wind can come up suddenly. Let me know if this is clear as mud.

  3. DesertGinger says:

    Rats! Missed again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What’s that saying? If it were easy, everybody would be doing it. Oh, and here’s another one… Better luck next time!

    • weather says:

      Ginger my dear,what you haven’t missed: a chance to offer many here replies-of understanding,sympathy,interest/support about ideas,noting their humor,wit or whatever,like you were just strolling among friends all day.

      Unless someone read the whole page,they wouldn’t know that-Meanwhile you’re dealing with pain and issues familiar since childhood.Hopefully before a podiatrist says drastic measures are called for,you’ll point out that potential changes in weight,health conditions and life may suggest slight interim measures, are suitable for a time .

      Just wanted to tell you that I’m,again,impressed with how you carry yourself,with who you are.

  4. Kathy from Florida says:

    I love the Wind River Range. Spent a lot of time there last summer.The Pinnacles campground and Brooks Lake campground are both nice and generally pretty quiet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy,

      The crew and I camped at Brooks Lake Campground! I think it was summer 2012. It’s gorgeous there. I believe Brooks Lake Campground is closed this summer, forget the reason. That’s where I saw bears, including a grizzly with two cubs, and a moose with a baby. I had fun taking photos of the dude ranch horses (over by Pinnacles Campground) when they were let out of their corral and galloped to green pasture.

      We’ve also camped at nearby Falls Campground. Beautiful area. I want to explore the southwestern side of the range.

  5. DesertGinger says:

    Okay, over my fit of pique. Closest I’ve been yet; perhaps a harbinger of good things to come.

    The lake looks much calmer now. I could totally lounge under your awning; it’s your version of my carport! But I get the itch to find a new camp, too. I have an explorer streak, too. Although I don’t envy your trip to lower elevation with no a/c. Even here in SoCal, couldn’t manage without my a/c.

    I don’t know if I have mentioned that in 2008 I had my left foot rebuilt. They took my heel off and moved it over, then replaced my posterior tibial tendon, and the ligament as well, with tendon and ligament from my calf. Did some other stuff too. Well, yesterday my foot/ankle started hurting and today my PTT is all swollen. Not sure what is going on with that, but it isn’t good. And quite painful. I think perhaps I’ve been on my feet too much, but certainly not as much as I used to before knee surgery. There’s always something, to quote Gilda. Thank god I have pain meds.

    So…can’t wait to see the spot you find. Ta-ta.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ginger! You had your foot rebuilt? Good heavens. . . No wonder you were anxious about the knee surgery with that in your memory.

      I’m sorry it’s acting up. Of course, you know to report anything unusual to your doctor.

      • DesertGinger says:

        Yes sue, I was born with super flat feet and the left one was almost club. I wore orthotic shoes since I was 20 and was the subject of much amazement whenever I went to the California College of Podiatry for treatment. “Look, she walks on her ankle!” Finally it got so bad I couldn’t really walk and had the surgery in 2008 where they realigned the foot to the ankle…and I think that is what pushed my knee over the edge. It was used to living with the misaligned foot! Now, it seems to be going the other way. They have replaced and realigned my knee, and the foot is complaining. I wonder if they will ever be in synch?

        I only have knee doc in Tucson, but will be getting referral to foot doc post haste.

  6. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    I’m #1 because just came back from a simple get together with a friend and I wanted to see if Sue let us know were she is now. Anyway, I had a hamburger which looked and tasted like a sawdust but company was great.

    There are many cool places in WY. Snowy Range has scenic lakes and wildlfowers should be spectacular by now. Look up also Happy Jack Road but that’s between Laramie and Cheyenne. Also east of Laramie is Vedauwoo campground. This not your ordinary campground. It feels isolated among rocks and boulders and you feel there are no other campers but you. Some charming spots near Dubois and Cody. Bighorn Canyon has wildhorses. So many areas in WY you could probably spend a few years there. Wildflowers on Beartooth Highway in July were as spectacular as one can only imagine. Personally I wouldn’t go near Yellowstone NP this is time of the year. It gets crazy crowded there.

    You described really well my hair. So different than in humidity of the southeast.

    Goodnight Sue! Goodnight Crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Goodnight, R.! I’m signing off, too. Talk to ya’ in the morning!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, R.

      Thanks for the suggestions. I agree with you. I could spend years camping in Wyoming alone and would still be finding great camps and wonders. I think our time in Utah this past spring and into the summer showed that it isn’t necessary to cover a lot of miles. Each state would take several years.

  7. jolene/iowa says:

    This has been such a nice camp for the most part. I can’t wait to see your next one.

    I have a product to share and I used your link to Amazon to get this description for everyone. I personally used it this past camping trip and it worked great and has good recommendations. Bug Soother insect repellent. Natural and safe for pets.

    Bug Soother Bug Repellent 8 Oz Natural

    Jolene — I replaced your link with one of mine. Sue

    • Jolene,
      I’m so glad that you posted this. I live in Florida and at least one time a season I get a rogue mosquito who decides to move into my apartment and bite the heck out of me! Before going to bed each night I’ve been dousing myself in lemon eucalyptus repellent. While it works quite well, I’ve gotten to the point where the smell is killing my sinuses and making my eyes all goopy! This looks like a worthy substitution. Of course there’s always the option of getting rid of that sucker but that has seemed impossible so far! Thanks for sharing!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Gee, Deborah. .. . If I were you, I’d hunt that mosquito down! Get out the night vision goggles and fly swatter!

        • Deborah says:

          Evidently the sucker has some kind of stealth mode! I’ve seen him flitter past once or twice but that’s about it! Very frustrating to say the least. However, I’m happy to report that I may have finally waited her out – last night no repellent and NO bites! Hopefully she be dead!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jolene. Many of my readers are hesitant to use any product that might contain ingredients harmful to themselves, their pets, or the environment.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      No problem. I had went to Amazon from your page but I knew you would be able to put it the way you needed it to be. It is just an awesome product to have on hand in case of those nasty gnats, and other bothersome pests!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Ever seen those battery run electric fly swatters?? Those are a MUST have!! ANY part of a bug touch that grid and ZING no more bug!! FRIED!! Being it is a fairly large screen (looks like a tennis racquet)…sure helps in hitting the buggers.

        • Jolene/Iowa says:

          Yes, those are in our possession also. They do work good but the little gnats go right through them. Also those might be hard to handle while I am out there flinging fly line around on my fly rod! That would be a sight, fly rod in one hand, bug zapper in the other! lol! 🙂

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Yea, you are right…I guess nothing gets those gnats!! Nasty too…but probably not dangerous like misquitos…

  8. Kat says:

    My recommendation – Half Moon lake northwest of Pinedale, WY is an excellent site. It’s right on the edge of the Jim Bridger Wilderness area, in the mountains so it’s cool, but sunny for your solar panels. When you take the Half Moon turnoff (where the road will become dirt), go over the Sweeney Creek bridge, but do not stop at the first campground; go past the closed “resort,” continue on the dirt road to its end where wilderness hikers park. Drive down the hill to your right on the barely used track and park in any of the spots on the lake. Peace, solitude and beautiful, clean lake water that Spike will Love. 60 years ago this was an established campground with pit toilets and water. They’ve shut the water off and removed the toilet so it’s no longer used as an established campground, but I’ve camped there as recent as last summer and it was Bliss! Nice hike to the Inlet, day hike to Fayette Lake. Try it, you’ll love it! Kt (Mercer Island, WA)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks a lot, Kat, for the recommendation. There are several lakes and rivers in the Wind River Range that I’d like to explore during the month of August.

      The crew and I are unable to do day hikes. That doesn’t matter. We find enough to keep us happy and amused wherever we go.

      As I type this I have “wildlife” wandering around the BLT! I don’t want to preempt my next blog post by giving out details. Wow! This camp is a great beginning to our exploration of this part of Wyoming!

  9. Debbie N says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and really love your way with words. I also have two dogs that I consider my two girls. Rosie is a bichon/shitzu and Lily is my baby and she’s a long haired chi. Anyway I will be buying a trailer this year and plan to solo camp fulltime. At this time I am grieving the loss of my wonderful husband who passed from a battle with cancer in May. Our plan was to be workkampers and travel our beautiful country but as life changes on a dime I will now be keeping the dream alive and do this on my own. So reading your blog and doing lots of research on my new lifestyle. I figure next May will be the big move. So much to get rid of. Anyway I wanted to introduce myself and let you know how much you help. Thank you for sharing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Debbie,

      Welcome to my blog and to the community of commenters! Thank you for introducing yourself. I’m very pleased that you are riding with me and my crew.

      I am sorry for the loss of your husband and the grief you’re experiencing. I hope your focus on the dream you shared with him will help you through the difficult moments. I admire you for forging ahead. Keep in touch!

      • Debbie N says:

        Good morning Sue,
        Thank you for welcoming me to your blog. I know I’m needing time to get used to my new single lifestyle. My husband Mark and I had a really good relationship for 13 years. We met in 2001 and it was believe it or not love at first sight. Both of us were 50 and we knew we wanted to be together. Better late than never. Seeing him so ill at the end was horrible. He was so tall and strong and healthy when we met.
        Now at 63 I find myself alone. I know I need time to heal from this deep pain and I will eventually. Now I just live day to day with the only plan in my life is that eventually I will create a new lifestyle on the road. A friend said so now you want to live like a gypsy? lol yep! I grew up in CA. and never really liked Florida but life got me here. (another story) But at least I did find my soul mate here so that is all worth it.
        I have friends all over Ca. from Mount Shasta to Palm Springs. I do want to see Colorado first since I’ve only flown over it. So many places and National Parks to visit. Don’t know where life will take me but I’m alive and I’m going to be prepared as much as possible. Women like you are inspirational! I do like being retired although I will be doing art fairs in the autumn and winter in Florida. I’m into painting and creating jewelry and have made a living at it for over 22 years. So I can live almost anywhere and find some extra income. Ok I think I’ve shared enough. Nice to talk to you Sue. Hope you have found the perfect spot. Enjoy! Deb

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you for sharing the story of you and your husband, as well as some more about yourself. I look forward to hearing how your life and plans play out in the future.

          Nice talking with you, too, Deb.

        • DesertGinger says:

          Debbie N, my deepest sympathy for your loss. This is a good place for support; I’ve been going thru some struggles and everyone has been so kind. I am curious about your business..,do you sell your things at craft fairs? I’m not ready yet, but might really like to pick your brain someday, as creating art to sell at fairs really appeals to me but I have no idea how to get started! And I love your plan to travel! I’m hoping to have my own BLT in the next couple of years, and travel at least part of the year. Anyway, welcome to the blogorinos family.

          • Debbie N says:

            Thanks for the warm welcome. For the past 22 years my closest girlfriend and I did art and craft fairs all over. We traveled quite a bit and had a lot of good times. We were both single in the beginning and it was easier to travel being single. I got married in 2006 and she got married in 2007. Amazing how life takes you so many places. No mistakes I guess. But the economy has really changed for crafters in he past 5 years. Not as good as it once was. There is a lot to learn to get doing fairs to be smooth. You have a lot to deal with … like mother nature kicking our butts etc. Now that I have started social security I don’t have as much pressure to need to make as much. Anyway it’s what I do so I will continue to create and sell stuff. Having to go on without my beloved husband is so difficult. Sue says she is never lonely but I am so lonely for him. Oh well life does go on. Each day is a gift and I do want to experience a lot and have cool adventures. So I’m now on my own and it is so different. I’d love to talk to you anytime.

            • Reine says:

              Debbie, you are not alone. I know several folks who are camping solo to fulfill or continue the dreams they shared with a spouse who is no longer here. The best advice I ever hear to a grieving spouse was to not make any major decisions for 12 months. That gives you time to begin to heal and gain perspective on your new life. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

            • Debbie N says:

              Reine, I so appreciate hearing from new friends here. I’ve been going to a Hospice counselor weekly and she also told me not to make any big moves for a year and I agree. In August I will join a spouse loss group and just take things slow. It will take me at least this year to be able to do everything needed for a move. I wish this was easy but it’s not. thanks 🙂 Deb

  10. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Sounds like you have handled the heat well, Sue…at least the water looks fairly clean too!! I hope the next spot is safe, quite and cool!! With NO bugs!!
    Hubby has back surgery Thursday if the insurance company gets with it and pre-oks it. So we are preparing for that as well as we can. I am very grateful to be here in this area for this…but the driving I am dreading beyond all dread!! Our daughter may help us in that dept…but she has to leave her little kids with her in-laws…just no easy solution is there?? I so hope and pray it will help him. He has suffered a lot and gone downhill a great lot the last few months. He is only 64…so not old yet. But we both agree we have aged far quicker than we ever thought we would. Have to take all possible ways to enjoy life while we still can. We are still loving the ocean breezes and the views!!
    Thanks for sharing your travels….it is very interesting what all you see and do!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      You didn’t say where the surgery will take place . . . Seattle, Portland maybe?

      I imagine your husband is more than ready for surgery after the long period of suffering he has endured. I don’t know how people live with chronic back pain. It’s difficult, to say the least, to enjoy life with a backache and real pain must be much worse.

      I wish him well and you strong and steady. I’m sure you both are in the prayers of many of us blogorinos. 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Hi Sue,
        Thanks for your kind words and prayers are always appreciated of course too!! His surgery will be in Seattle. The doc was judged to be one of the top 10 in her field in 2011 and 2013 and does it as minimally invasive as possible. So we hope for good results!! His arm pain has surpassed the back pain. The doc says he will have to live with the back pain, but she hopes to get the nerves happier (they are being pinched by arthritis and bone spurs). He has gobs of arthritis. Fortunately, on the other side of the state we just saw our old doc who does have solutions to arthritis and healing nerves…so once the protruding disc is taken out of the way (part of it), hope is the nerves will at least quit making so much pain…and hopefully within 18 months heal up…but time will tell as to whether he can fully recover the use of that arm and hand. Probably should have gone to her sooner…but we went to her as quickly as we could once we learned of her from a shirt-tale kin who had had surgery with her. Not wise to go to someone you have no recommendation for, in our opinion. I will let you know the outcome of all this…word of mouth may help someone else eventually.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, do keep us informed, Elizabeth. You never know how something written on the internet will help others.

          It would be wonderful for your husband to have some relief so he can better enjoy those ocean breezes!

        • DesertGinger says:

          Elizabeth, you and your husband will be in my thoughts. I so hope all goes well and your husband gets some relief.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Thanks Ginger!! One never knows what a day will hold…and sometimes we just have to hang on. We are hoping and praying for the best. It has occurred to us that we are much better situated here as to good docs…hopefully at least…than where we lived in NC anyway.

  11. Applegirl NY says:

    The Wind River Range. I love the sound of that, too. Can’t wait to see and hear about it.
    It does sound like it’s time to move on to cooler mountain air. Looking forward to your next post.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      We might have stayed by the reservoir longer in a new camp. Being able to soak and swim on a whim makes hot weather pleasant. However, with no place for supplies nearby, it’s problematic. The distance isn’t huge, but the roads to get to the nearest store (the spur roads) have to be driven with care. Plus the shaky internet connection. It’s tiresome when every action online takes several minutes.

      We had a short and sweet beach camp, even during the holiday. You’re right… It’s time for mountains!

  12. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    Good morning Sue! Good morning Crew! I trust you and your crew is going to have a cool and enjoyable Monday. I can almost hear hiking trails are calling my name right now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, R. . . . Your “good morning” is above, under last night’s comment. 🙂

      Have a good Monday hike!

  13. If you make it to Cody WY, please take a side trip down South Fork Road!;postID=6296825249680083672;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=104;src=postname

    At the very end of the road, in the last photo but not shown, you will be at the edge of the shallow Shoshone River and there were 2 boondocking sites there, empty the time we visited! Beautiful drive and I’d do it again in a heartbeat! Boondock sites would be great for the BLT, but too small for The Mothership! We loved the Cody area! Hope the link works…. if it doesn’t, do a search on our blog if you are interested, look for South Fork Road. Loved the photos!!!! Long hair and a tan huh? Going Native ???

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I remember you mentioning Cody before as a place you and Chuck enjoyed. We may go that way — I’m not sure.

      I tried the link (BTW, do you know tinyurl?) and it asked for my password and then I got tangled up in Google profile stuff. Gee, Google is like a person who stands too close. It seems whenever I deal with Google I want to yell, “BACK OFF, PAL!”

      I’d rather readers do as you suggest, rather than posting links. Then we don’t have to deal with Google inquisitions (or I don’t have to edit comments to change Amazon links). For instance, opening a new tab and typing “Geri Moore-Hajek + South Fork Road” works. Thanks for the suggestion, Geri. It is a beautiful possibility.

      Nope, not going native. Going lazy… too lazy to get a haircut!

  14. weather says:

    Good morning Sue,
    Fresh day being met with satisfied sighs at every view my eyes and mind see,my state is best described as brimming over with celebrations inside.

    Your seeing this spring and summer’s camps as so amazing,-being so tanned with soft longer hair,-taking photos of Bridget that emphasize her muscular legs and beautiful expressions-….all this and lots more is what I note as being the results of your outlook and expectations having become even more hopeful than ever before.

    My absolute conviction that -faith in-hoping for-expecting -the best, produces it,is demonstrating it’s results in our lives all the time.Our effect on each other in this and other areas is part of the gift He’s given by showing us each other.

    The ballet of placement,timing,resonance and movement I watch streaming through creation is sublime in perfection that astounds me.May the sand,water and air of your home turf cool you three- as this morning takes you along it’s path.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      Thinking along the same paths . . . and I’m also astonished at the intricacies of nature. You describe the “ballet” well.

      Oh, gee, Spike is barking for breakfast. I have to go… be back later! Sorry to cut this off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Boy, do Bridget and Spike love to eat! Whenever Spike makes a demand, I’ve learned to jump.

      Our morning opened in a delightful way which I’ll write about in the next post. Once again we have been led to an exquisitely beautiful place. Every camp has its own personality and character. It’s like I meet a new friend at every camp as I get to know the camp’s uniqueness.

      I do expect to find good camps, although I admit my faith in finding the next one does falter sometimes when obstacles appear. Later I realize that the obstacles changed our path and directed us toward the good camp!

      What is it with Spike this morning! He’s outside rolling in something, something smelly, no doubt. One of the mysteries of life — that someone so demanding and exasperating can be so darn loveable!

      Blessings on you and your troupe. . . 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Dogs…the one thing I never understood is why they find stinking stuff to roll themselves in, when they have such great noses and can smell so much we cannot…yet they must do it once in awhile….weird things!!! I do miss our last one and always will, she was beyond wonderful…but even she had some extra baths from time to time because of rolling….argh!!

      • weather says:

        That you perceive and/or are surrounded with…your morning opening in a delightful way-in an exquisitely beautiful place-new friends with unique character to appreciate-being directed toward the good in your path-strong appetites proving the robust health of you three-Spike’s vitality made evident through his unwavering turf and pack protecting skills that “rolling” is for-your finding him more loveable than ever

        Everything you express while in the midst of hurried activities,by nature of spontaneity,accurately reflects the facets,there since childhood in you,that our Creator is even more delighted than I am, to see brighten this world.

        Please know the generosity of extra time and effort you gave me by returning to add such nice extras to your reply this morning,including the blessing for us,is among the details I never miss while thanking you,as I am at this moment.

        P.S.Wish you’d tell me what you got on that grocery trip-I’m often glad to see someone else find my favorite things great,and I think much that your partake of …would surely improve lots of folks experiences 😉

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi again, weather,

          It was a quick trip into the grocery store because of the crew waiting in the PTV. Most of my favorite foods are fattening… cinnamon-raisin bread for toast being one of them… love it with coffee!

          Living with a small refrigerator, I can’t always store the necessary ingredients to make a variety of dishes, like salads. That’s why I was happy to find the Smith’s store in Green River has an excellent deli. I bought cole slaw, “crab” salad (which I don’t usually buy because it rarely looks appealing, but this is good), broccoli-nut salad, and pistachio parfait for a treat (small container!).

          Don’t feel like eating poultry these days. I bought some quality cheese– cheddar, colby, pepperjack, and cream cheese. I’m beginning to think that items are labeled “reduced fat” because my ingesting them reduces the fat of the item as it is pasted onto my body. I’m not getting the exercise I used to.

          I go on binges. For several months I wasn’t interested in fruit. Now I’m eating it every day. Picked up some nectarines, bananas, plums, and oranges.

          • weather says:

            Thanks,every item you mentioned has spent minutes in my fridge-if that long-before I ripped into it,…except the reduced fat products,I tasted some and tossed it directly into the trash-waxy,bland,weird chemically tasting stuff-creeped me out just trying it.I’d sooner let my jeans pinch a little than plow through the red flags I sensed with all that,oh well.

            Binging-on certain food and everything else I enjoy-is the story of my life-wouldn’t trade those wild traits for tame ones for a second-dull routines and things have always felt suffocating to me…..-gonna go wreck my hair in the soaking wet country side now—-I do spend 5 or so hours most nights refraining from unseemly behavior,of course then I wake up 😉

            • DesertGinger says:

              Weather you are so funny! I’d rather have tight pants, too. And I do! Going the other way soon.

          • DesertGinger says:

            Wow Sue, your body is directing you to summer eating. Makes sense that poultry, which goes bad so quickly in the heat, would be off your list wHile more resilient food like cheese calls your name. And of course you want fruit in fruit season. I bet when autumn starts to roll in you will return to craving meat and hot foods. As for fattening foods…all the good stuff is. I guess we just have to eat less and walk more. Hopefully I can walk more, soon!

  15. Cari in North Texas says:

    Your photos of the reservoir and the crew soaking and wading were welcome relief from the heat here in North Texas. It got up to 104 yesterday, and I was out working in it. That’s what I get for giving myself the day off on Friday 🙂 The up and down sides of being self employed.

    I can’t imagine not having AC – here it’s a necessity. I hope you either find a cooler spot or someone you trust who can fix yours. Although if you’re heading north, hopefully the weather will cooperate so you won’t need it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      I’m pleased that my photos gave you some relief from the heat, if only in your mind. If I ever drive into Texas again, it will be in the winter!

      Air conditioning isn’t as important when retired and living like I do. When one has to go to a workplace or interact with people a lot and can’t go around looking like a wilted vine all day, a/c is essential. We manage to have comfortable weather by moving up and down in elevation and taking advantage of the cooling effect of water nearby.

      The PTV is another matter. Most of our driving to this new camp was in high speed zones… 65-75 mph. I don’t drive that fast, but I was able to keep our speed around 58-60 mph most of the way and we were kept cool by the air rushing in the windows. Again, it doesn’t matter if my hair is messed up….. the benefits of retirement are endless!

      I do hope you Texans get some relief from the heat, although history indicates you won’t get much. 🙁 Be careful working in the heat, Cari.

      • Cari in North Texas says:

        Well, the weather gods are smiling (a little) on us this week. A ‘cold’ front is coming through and dropping the temps into the 80s the rest of the week, plus maybe a little rain. Woo hoo!

        I am very careful out in the heat. I’ve had heat exhaustion before, not a fun experience, so I know how to avoid it. Thankfully, the AC in my car does work, and I’ve started keeping a wet cloth in the front seat to wipe my face and arms with when I get back in the car. I’ve altered my schedule a bit this month so I work until around noon, then go out again after 7 – I get the same amount of site visits done, plus I avoid the worst part of the day.

        It does sound like your lack of AC is not a problem, which I’m glad to hear. You can move to more comfortable surroundings, plus you don’t have to dress up. My retirement days are drawing closer, and I’m looking forward to the lack of responsibilities and the freedom to change locations when I want to.

  16. FLKamper says:

    I’m a huge oatmeal fan and this is what I switch to during the summer- ‘overnight oats’ and eat them cold in the morning. You can find tons of recipes on the web but here are some from one of my favorite sites:

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, FLKamper,

      I didn’t know about overnight oats. Interesting! Good heavens, those recipes sound scrumptious…. My first thought is the oatmeal must be like concrete the next morning. I haven’t read the recipes yet, but I assume you don’t cook the oatmeal which is why the texture is good the next morning.

      This idea is excellent for campers! Thanks for telling us about it. I don’t have any oatmeal in the house right now. I do plan on trying this method.

    • DesertGinger says:

      I just copied these; they sound very intriguing. I tried to do something similar once but the next morning the oats still tasted totally raw, just like they came out of the box. Hopefully these will work better.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Oh my oh my…and the other recipes on this site and another site linked on here (sugarfreemom)….thanks so much….looks like gobs of great recipes to try out…many in our family eat gluten free and low sugar or no sugar….

    • JodeeinSoCal says:

      They always look so yummy, but every recipe I’ve tried has been paste in the morning 🙁

      • FLKamper says:

        I use regular old fashioned rolled oats when I do these (not quick oats). Although I’ve read many posts from folks that use steel cut oats in these recipes, I haven’t tried them yet.
        I make these all the time (usually 5 at a time) during the summer so I can grab and eat after I run in the morning (and I’m in Florida). All of mine have turned out perfectly, I use the same ratio as I do when cooking them- 1:2 oats to almond milk then add in all the extras.

  17. JodeeinSoCal says:

    Your wet clothes story reminded me of growing up in the desert where the afternoons could reach 120. There was a large community pool where us teenagers spent most days. By mid July that would start getting old so we would ride our dirt bikes to the pool, walk into the water in our clothes, over our heads, walk back to the bikes and ride out to the desert until we were dry. It usually meant about a 20 minute ride before we were returning to stay in the water :-). Dubois, WY on the Wind River, is one of my favorite areas of the country. Hoping to hear there’s still no bugs where you landed!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It sounds like you had a very free youth… Good way to cope with 120 degree heat . . .

      Dubois is in a beautiful location and is a pleasant town. It won me over when I found Wifi with tables conveniently located next to outlets at the laundromat.

  18. DeAnne in TN says:

    Hi Sue–can’t wait to see where we go next. I would just like to say than you to readers like R. and Kat and Geri who share their insights on recommended roads, parks and campgrounds. I keep a very thick notebook by my computer and write down all these suggestions. Knowing there is a pretty site to explore will be like looking for treasure!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, DeAnne,

      That notebook must be very thick! I’m not that organized. I also like the thrill of discovering a beautiful camp all on my own and then sharing it here. Silly, I know. As you say, it’s a treasure hunt.

    • R. (Western Colorado) says:

      DeAnne, I have two more. Grand Mesa near Grand Junction, CO. Because of its high elevation it is usually 15-20 degrees cooler than down in the valley. In July wildflowers are magnificent and there are many places to camp for free. 14 days limit. In addition, this is where I saw hundreds of elk on one trail. In the end of September aspen trees deliver a very pleasing show. Another area seldom visited is near Meeker, CO. Flat Tops. It has great fishing and it is popular with elk hunters. I have no idea when hunting season is in CO. This is not my type of activity but there are hiking trails and again elk and wildflowers. I noticed a few boondocking sites but at that time I really didn’t pay much attention to primitive campsites for RVs.

  19. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    While you’re researching, also check to see if there’s any fires in the area you’re going.

  20. Timber n' Me says:

    Hi Sue, can you get into your email yet? ,,,,,Rusty

  21. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    This has been a pretty camp site. Love the water!! Now I am anxious to see where you will be next. Pictures are always great. Love to see Spike and Bridget having a good time. Wish you would post a “selfie”!!
    Love you, Dear Sister
    P.S. down 47#

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline,

      What? No mention of NYC? How was the trip? (If you sent me an email, I didn’t see it because I can’t open my email account. )

      47 lbs. lost! You must be thrilled! Don’t disappear on us . . . 🙂

  22. BadgerRickInWis says:

    What a sweet goodbye to a wonderful lakeside camp. And I think that pic #4 might be one of the all time great “Spike takes a soak” pictures. Perfectly framed and he looks so happy, I’ve made it my desktop for the day.

    Can’t wait to see where fate has blown you next. I just LOVE the Wind River range and hiked these several times in the early 80’s when I spent a wonderful summer in Wilson WY. As always, thanks for not forgetting to pack the blogarino’s and taking us along for the ride.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      Unless I change my mind, the crew and I will move around the mountains of the Wind River Range for a month or so. Lots of camps to choose from!

      Spike’s on your desktop!! That strikes me funny.

      I still rate the Spike-as-otter pic as my favorite of late. . . the one with the back of his head above the water. Gosh, one of these days I need to make a photo album of Spike soaking.

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        Oh I can’t wait.
        I did a 8 day solo trip in the Gros Ventre wilderness area in 1984 just a few months after it was designated a wilderness. I saw 2 different groups of hikers in the first mile from the trailhead and than didn’t see another human for 8 days. It was fantastic.

        In fact, you know how sometimes in life you need your mind to go to a special “happy place” (like when I’m in the dentist chair, in line at the DMV, Christmas with my ex-wifes family etc.) well for the past 30 years my “happy place” has been the Gros Ventre. You will probably be a bit east of there but just know that I’m thrilled that I get to go along for the ride.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          And I’m thrilled to have you with us, Rick.

          Hey, one never knows where RVSue and her nutcakes will go. Maybe we’ll camp the Gros Ventre. I’m not ruling it out!

      • Gayle says:

        Oh, yes, that’s exactly the Spike photo I loved & laughed so much!

  23. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Love the beach camp but the heat would have me heading for the mtns. as well.
    Excited to follow your trek thru Wyoming, I hope to go there sometime as well. Working hard to channel positive thoughts and good results as I struggle to get healthy enough to travel.
    Mosquitos have come out in droves here (4000′) may need that bug spray. Also may want to check out water hemlock if you are not familiar with it. A beautiful, deadly plant to both humans and animals, found by water. It has exploded in our mtn. area. I wasn’t aware of just how poisonous it was until my daughter worked for our weed control district who were trying to control it in our lower range and pasture areas.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CheryLyn,

      I looked up water hemlock and this is what I read:

      “Water hemlock (Cicuta douglasii)Water hemlock is the most violently toxic plant that grows in North America. Only a small amount of the toxic substance in the plant is needed to produce poisoning in livestock or in humans.” Gosh, it looks very similar to other plants.

      Sorry you are fighting a mosquito infestation. They do know how to make one miserable. Best wishes for your health to return quickly so you can travel!

  24. We humans are rather crazy. We spend the winter yearning for the warmth of summer, then, when that warmth arrives, we wish it was cooler.

  25. Dawn in MI says:

    Do you ever get to a spot where you wish you could stay longer? (Like this place for example). Do you ever feel like putting down roots in the perfect spot? Or do you always have a wanderlust? I’m just curious, as a person that is in a house and longs for the road…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Yes, I often wish I could stay in a camp longer. I usually try to leave a camp while I’m still wanting more.

      By wishing to stay in a camp longer, however, I’m referring to days or weeks. Since I sold my house in Georgia and began a life on the road, I haven’t longed for a permanent location for a minute. Of course, there’s always the possibility that could change, although I don’t see it happening in my near future.

      My “home” is within me. Where I am is home for me.

      • DesertGinger says:

        I think about this a lot, as I too have wanderlust. However the past few months have shown me a terrible truth: wandering works if you are healthy. When you have complicated medical problems you want to go back to the same people, just so you don’t have to ‘start over’ every time. Also, you want to be near friends and a support system. When you aren’t able to go grocery shopping, it is so nice to have a friend to help you. I still want my BLT and I still want to wander. That’s part of why I’m working on my health. But I’m also glad I have a ‘home base’ I can go to if I need it.

        • Dawn in MI says:

          When I was a kid I told my Mom I didn’t want to live anywhere, I wanted to live in a RV and move around. That was before I knew there was such a thing as a full-timer, and certainly before I knew that women did it alone. She said I’d always want a home to come back to, and I didn’t believe her. I still don’t. I don’t think anyway.

  26. Larry from Milton, FL says:

    Hi Sue,
    You should try the west side of the Wind River Mtn range. It’s incredibly beautiful and not crowded, since everyone on the roads just drives by, headed forthe Tetons and Yellowstone and instead. The small town of Pinedale, WY is located central to the range and has a good grocery store with an incredible number of big mounted heads of every type of big game animgal along every wall (deer, elk, etc). We haven’t been there for 5 or 6 years but prices there didn’t seem excessive, nothing like in southern Utah for instance. I did feel like that the animals were all staring at me while we shopped, though!
    We’ve camped at Boulder Lake (just southeast of Pinedale) and Green River Lakes (north of Pinedale) which are typical national forest service campgrounds (like you, we get half-price too, but now we prefer “free boondocking”. I think you’ll easily find lots of great, free boondock spots all along the west side of the Wind River range north and south of Pinedale. I have a map on my computer marked with all your best boondock sites. It sure would be nice if you could find us a few primo camping spots near Pinedale so I can plan our next trip out there. We treasure every one of your posts and it’s such fun keeping up with you and the crew!We’ll soon be hitching up our Casita for a trip to Glacier National Park. Hope you find a great spot to call home for 2 weeks, wherever it is. Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry,

      Stay tuned and you may want to add this boondock we’re at now and future ones to your map!

      I hope you have a grand trip to Glacier. The crew and I haven’t been there yet. So many places to go . . .

  27. cozygirl says:

    Probably too late for the latest grocery trip but I’ve been thinking about you. The RYE Triscuit with caraway seeds…..only 5 ingredients! Anyway….delicious :O)

  28. Kat says:

    Ur right! Home is wherever you are! For the past 6 months, Home was my 20′ Rialta RV which took me 13,000 solo miles from the Seattle area south to Southern CA, east to Florida, north to Quebec, then back to Seattle – all on back roads. I boondocked everywhere (except Boston), checked off many items on my Bucket List (Joshua Tree, Plymouth Rock, Great Smokies, D.C., Finger Lakes, Niagara Falls, Mount Rushmore, Glacier National Park driving the “Going-to-the-Sun” road, hiking some of the Appalachian Trail, while doing genealogy in libraries, archives, and cemeteries! The US is truly a gorgeous country, full of wonderful, friendly people! I’m thinking of taking my Home to Mexico and Central America next summer……….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! That’s some ambitious traveling and you did it in 6 months? Why the hurry? Perhaps to do genealogy research . . . .

      No doubt about the beauty of the U.S.! One could travel it for decades and never grow tired of it. I find some of the best experiences are the “little places,” the places people often pass by on their way to popular attractions.

  29. Sondra-SC says:

    HOT here today I’d have enjoyed a dunk in the lake for sure! We put a sweet 8 ft round vinyl pool in the old horse pasture a couple yrs ago it was so nice to get in there and soak after doing the yard work…then a squirrel decided to sharpen his claws on it and it collapsed.
    Fun while it lasted!! Relocation day, sounds exciting!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sondra,

      Time for you to go down to Kmart or wherever and get another vinyl pool before they’re all sold out. 🙂

      Moving day is always exciting — the drive through landscapes never seen before, the challenge of finding a new camp, the fun of setting up our home and exploring our new “yard.”

  30. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    So I hiked today on Turkey Flats Trail but didn’t see any turkeys. Plenty of butterflies and birds. It was 63 degrees when I finished my hike. What did you see today Sue?
    Keep cool

  31. SusanS/south central WA state says:

    104°F most of the day here (and the forecast says even hotter the next few days). I should have walked the 2 blocks from my office and taken a dunk in the river. I would have dried on the way back. Hope you and the crew have found a nice cool place to relocate!!!

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