Murdock Campground in Sawtooth National Forest and Bridget has a close call

Friday, August 14 and Saturday, August 15

P1060724The crew and I cruise the loops of North Fork and Wood River Campgrounds and find them crammed with campers.  I didn’t come to the mountains to look at graphics on the side of a motorhome . . .

P1060705 Instead, we take a gravel road off of Route 75 to Murdock Campground ($14 regular/$7 with senior discount pass).  I love gravel roads and dirt roads because they keep a lot of campers away!

I choose the site at end of the campground where no one is camped. 

Across the road Murdock Creek burbles along.  I can hear the river through our open windows.  (Although I find out it’s too cold by morning, going down into the 40s.)

P1060695-001Bridget, Reggie, and I take walks on the wide gravel road.

P1060710Several paths go from the road to the creek.  We go down each one we come to.

P1060697 Reggie catches on fast. 

He finds a new path — “Oh, here’s another one!” and away he goes, leading Bridget and me to the river.

P1060728Our first afternoon at Murdock Campground, when not at the river, we relax outside at our campsite.  I read my Paperwhite and study the Idaho Benchmark atlas.

Gee, all these beautiful  mountains.  I want to camp in them.  It means no internet and no blog though.

P1060694After supper I putter inside the Best Little Trailer.

I open up a box of lens cleaner and proceed to wipe down my electronics.

I pick up the Verizon jet-pack.  It’s amazing how dirty it is . . . not only fingerprints.  What the heck is that?  Food?  Anyway . . . .

As I wipe the jet-pack I accidentally press the” on” button.  The little screen lights up.  What?  3G and 3 bars!  Yippee!  What a surprise!

Bridget has a close call.

“C’mere, Bridgie.  Come get in your suit.”  I put it on her and clip on a leash.

“Let’s walk the campground.  I think I saw a dumpster when we came in.”

Off we go, Bridget on a leash, Reggie on his 20-foot tether, and me carrying a bag of trash.  I dump the bag in the bear-proof dumpster and we continue on our way through the campground.

We meet a nice couple from Canada.

They’re camping in a 1975 Boler, cute as can be.  Of course, we chat about how wonderful fiberglass trailers are!

The crew and I continue walking past campsites, most of them occupied.   I shorten up Reggie’s tether.  I hold the loops of vinyl-coated wire in my hand to keep him close to me, the same distance Bridget is on her leash.

P1060700As we pass a campsite I see three twenty-somethings — two men and a woman — sitting outside in camp chairs, talking.  Three big dogs wander around their campsite.

Reggie sees them and hurries ahead, obviously not wanting anything to do with them.

“Good idea, Reg.  C’mon, Bridge.”  However, there’s no hurrying Bridget.  She’s doing the best she can, which is a slow walk.

I should’ve picked her up!

What happens next takes only a few seconds.  The three big, black dogs sprint out of their campsite, heading straight for Bridget.

Hmm . . . . Are they excited and want to meet her or . . . . ?

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” I scream, as the lead dog growls and goes for Bridget.  Bridget squeals, scrambles to get away, dust flies, she falls backward, kicking . . .  She’s on her back with two of the dogs over her!

At the same time, I lift the loops of covered wire I’m holding and . . . .


I whip that wire onto the head of the dog going for Bridget’s belly.  That really good smack startles him and he stops attacking.  I keep flailing at all three of them with the tether . . . “GET AWAY!  GET AWAY!”. . . until they back off.

P1060709The owners come out of their campsite, calling their dogs.

Other campers emerge from their campsites to see why someone screamed.  I bend down to examine Bridget.

“Are you okay, honey?”

I check for blood and am relieved to find none.  Bridget wants to get away from the area and starts to walk toward our campsite.  Reggie and I go with her, but not before I turn to the young people and say,

“Leash your dogs.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.  We were playing ball with them and we didn’t see you coming . . .  blah, blah, blah.”

Does no one take responsibility anymore?  They weren’t paying any attention to their dogs.  Three loose dogs makes a PACK.  Having three BIG dogs off-leash in a campground is irresponsible. One of them is an attack breed, for crying out loud!

P1060711It’s a good thing I’m too shook up to express my thoughts out loud.

Someone picks up Bridget’s black suit with leash attached and hands it to me.  It came off during the attack.

I watch Bridget closely as the three of us return to our campsite.   Oh, darn!  She’s limping!  Now she has a sprain. . . .

I pick her up and carry her to the lounger.  I sit with her on my lap and feel her leg muscles.  I manipulate her leg and paw.  She doesn’t indicate any discomfort.  I check her pads.

“Oh, I see what the trouble is!”

Apparently, as Bridget scrambled to get away from the pack, she jammed some kind of sticky, tar-like material between her toes.  I remove it and she’s fine.  Thank God that’s all it is.

P1060708I hold her against my chest, her head tucked under my chin. 

I stroke her face.  She snuggles in closer to my neck.

“You didn’t need to have that happen to you, did you, sweetie.”  I pet her, talking softly.  A flash of what might have happened comes to mind and I choke out a sob.

Reggie sits by the lounger, watching.

He looks up at me, his head tilted.  I reach down and give him a pat.

“We’re okay, Reggie.  We won’t be walking the campground any more.”

P1060737Sunday,  August 16

We break camp and find a private boondock along Big Wood River!


NOTE:  Bridget continues to be fine.  No sign of nervousness around other dogs or people since the incident.  Me and Bridge, we’re a lot alike.  We have our moment of hysteria and move on.



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278 Responses to Murdock Campground in Sawtooth National Forest and Bridget has a close call

  1. Dawn in NC says:


  2. Evelyn says:

    I’m glad Bridget is doing better. Poor little girl. 🙁

  3. I am so glad you had Bridget close and that Reggie didn’t try to get into that ruckus. That was so scary for her and you. No excuses for the big dogs loose like that. Your pictures are the best this time. Love traveling with the three of you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks re; the photos, Judy.

      The dogs ignored Reggie. They were behaving as a pack and the instinct is to go after the weak and the old.

      • Larry in AR says:

        A pack also know which dog is the leader of another pack and that may have triggered the attack.

        I also had an off-leash dog attach mine at a state park last summer. As you said, it happens so quickly, you hardly have time to react. Although the other dog was larger (looked like a white wolf), mine got the better of the encounter and the attack broke off quickly.

        I had nothing with me for defense, but I now carry a hefty walking stick on every walk. God help the next one that tries that.

  4. Janis harrison says:

    Oh my goodness what a scare for you and Bridget .So glad it ended well. Thanks so much for posting.Huggs grandjan

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Janis,

      We’ve been very fortunate. Four years of camping…. many campgrounds… no dog attack until this time.

  5. Shawna says:

    Wow, almost first! Thank God Bridget wasn’t hurt!! I’m with you Sue; no one takes responsibility anymore, and if Bridget had been hurt all the “I’m sorry’s” in the world wouldn’t have helped.
    Sure a pretty area you were in. Nice photos!

  6. Pat in Rochester says:

    What a fright. I’m so glad you ALL are ok. People can be such idiots.

  7. Pat in Rochester says:

    Hey, loving the tie for first! Is a tie for first a first? For this blog, that is!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know… I think there have been two coming in at the same minute and we didn’t give credit to the second one….

  8. Sherri D says:

    That just frosts my cake and not in a good way! Dang people who don’t think their dogs are a problem. grrrrr SO glad Bridget is ok! What a scare!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sherri D.,

      Yes, it was scary. I didn’t know I could scream like that! Ha!

      I don’t like to bring negativity into my blog. However, this is what can be encountered in a campground, and it’s good for people to be aware of it.

  9. Annie in Oregon says:

    Oooh that scared me to death hearing about the attack on little Bridget. I have a small yorky and want to socialize her with dogs we meet but you just never know which way it is going to go. And my little yappy dog’s head is a bout as big as a tennis ball. Anyhow so glad all is well. Pets and love to the doggies.

  10. Linda Hughes says:

    That was to close! So glad everything turned out ok……some people just don’t think or just don’t care! Give your baby a hug for us, take care and safe travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Linda. I remember when Spike was bit by a big, sweet, golden retriever (or maybe it was a lab). Anyway, it was a very gentle breed. The two of them had been around each other, getting along fine, and then, bam! They had a fight. Very weird. I’m glad Bridget didn’t get a puncture wound. It took Spike’s a long time to heal.

      • tesaje says:

        Poor Bridget! So glad she wasn’t hurt thanks to your quick action.

        My dog has sporadically attacked dogs she was very friendly and playful with. I finally figured out it was because she was was in pain and blamed the other dog for hurting her. Fortunately she didn’t do any puncture wounds and I now muzzle her when around dogs. The golden may have had pain. It can be hard to tell when they hurt. They are so stoic.

        The way those dogs attacked, the owners had to know they are dangerous to other dogs.

  11. Pamelab says:

    Wow. That was a close call. Even if you had big dogs, it could have ended badly. So happy to hear you are all well. Beautiful photos. Thanks.

  12. Pam N. says:

    Omg, that was terrifying to read! Thankfully you had presence of mind to do something! Not sure I could’ve reacted as fast, so yay, you. Infuriating the way irresponsible owners could cause a tragedy–and sweet, sedate little Bridget sure didn’t need or deserve such a scare.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam N.,

      Lots of Pams come here! 🙂

      I don’t know that I had any “presence of mind.” I just reacted before I knew what I was doing. It turns out that vinyl-coated wire in loops makes a very effective weapon.

  13. Lynn Brooks says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!
    This kind of irresponsible behavior makes me FURIOUS!!!
    This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!
    There are leash laws & rules for a reason!!
    I know I’m “Preaching to the choir”, but that really ticks me off!!
    I full timed for 5 years w/my GSD, Lady. She was only off the leash when she was IN THE MOTOR HOME!!!
    And my girl was a trained Therapy Dog!!! So, I knew I could trust HER to behave well — it’s all the others I was worried about!!
    I’m so sorry that happened to sweet little Bridget!!! I’m glad she’s ok!! Poor little girl!!!!
    I would have given those people a piece of my mind!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynn,

      You wouldn’t be upset, would you? 🙂

      You’re kind-hearted and caring to react so strongly to the attack on Bridget. Thank you for feeling her scare!

  14. Betty -Shea says:

    Thank goodness all of you are OK!!! 3 big dogs charged my Honeygirl when she was just a puppy ,she pulled the leash out of my grip to get away…and away she went…could not find her …she was sooo scared ..gone that day,,the next day too!!!The second night she was crying at my motorhome door…Thank G#d!!!
    Hugs to you and the furbabies….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Betty-Shea,

      What a tortuous, two days for you and terrifying for Honeygirl! You must have been so thrilled to see her at your door. Poor thing must have been hungry, thirsty, tired, and scared.

      • Betty -Shea says:

        Hi Sue, It was pure torture…I cried.Hugged her so tight when she came home…that was 11 years ago…she has never left my side since and she watches like a hawk…my bestest girl!!
        Hugs and love to you and the crew!?.

  15. Donna 'N Girls says:

    Oh Sue,
    That’s my biggest fear, a big dog off leash attacking my two. Since I’ve been out, I’ve seen off leash dogs at every stop.

    It’s all, not my dog and not my kids. I don’t get it, and the rules, which of course I follow, are not inforced!

    I’m glad Bridgette is o.k. give her a hug from the three of us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Donna,

      Another issue is…. If a person lets their dog roam around loose in the campground, how does the person know where the dog has pooped so they can clean up after it?

      Thank you for caring about the Bridge. She hasn’t let the attack bother her.

  16. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Wow, I’m so glad Bridget is okay. I know what you mean by those large attack dogs. We have a German Shepherd at the end of our cul-de-sac. The first week I have Angel, that dog is loose and came charging down the hill after Angel, who was trying to do her business. I grabbed her by the harness and circle her in my arms until the owner got him, but before that happened he charged up the other hill after another small dog. It was scary!!
    We did meet the owner over the weekend, who had his dog on the leash and we tried to socialize them, but all that ensued was a lot of growling and barking so we decided to just keep the away from each other.
    Angel only weights 12 lbs. and her whole body is about the size of Duke’s head. Poor Bridget, I can only imagine what she must have been feeling with two large dogs standing over her stomach. You were brave to rescue her, Sue, but I guess that is what we do for our pets without even thinking of ourselves.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Well, you did what you could to socialize them. Sounds like that dog is very territorial…. not good in a neighborhood.

      I know you will take good care of Angel and keep a watch out for that dog. I hope the owner realizes the seriousness of the situation.

      Bridget let out a squeal when they came at her. She was as shocked as I was. Her experiences in campgrounds with other dogs have all been positive until this.

      Cuddle Angel for me!

  17. Far be it from me to be controversial. But, if attacked like described, I would have shot at least one of the dogs then and there. And, yes, I carry a weapon…for predators.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Would have been better to shoot one of the careless, unconcerned owners.

    • Pamela K says:

      Nothing controversial about it from here. I’m a firm believer in the use of force to defend myself and my family’s safety…yep even fur kids are our *family* and need protecting from predators too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The dogs aren’t the ones at fault. They obviously weren’t trained well and they operate as a pack. All three looked like mixed breeds, one obviously a breed designed to attack. Discharging a weapon in a campground would get you in a load of trouble, but you probably know that.

      • Pamela K says:

        Yes, Sue you’re right about the boat-load-of-trouble to shoot a firearm off. Also shooting a bullet that close toward the ground can cause a bounce-back, right back to you! But it still felt good to have said it anyway 🙂

      • My good friends in law enforcement have mentioned more than once that the magic words are “I feared for my life. I thought they were going to kill me.”

        You are correct. There would have been trouble until the facts were known. We still have a right to keep arms and to protect ourselves. Remember, I’m reacting to the “attack” as described. I’m not a gunslinging loon.

        All ended well (I hope). But what if Briget was torn to pieces and then they turned on you? Would you still be concerned about the “load of trouble”? I’m not trying to start an argument. But you did say “three dogs”, a “pack”, and “attack”. That would have been enough for me.

        BTW, I would NOT have shot the owners. Unless they shot first 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          No, Ed, I don’t think you’re a “gunslinging loon” but I gotta’ tell ya’, I love that phrase! I may use it sometime. 🙂

        • Mike Leonard says:

          I agree with everything you said. And I carry concealed every day, and have for twenty years. I have four little Bichon dogs, and they are family too.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Not controversial at all….but some things you may want to consider….easier said than done…it is REALLY difficult to hit a moving target ie a dog with a gun. The smaller the barrel increases the likelihood of a miss….unless it is a contact shot.

        Next is the load ie the grains…too much and will go thru and thru…striking your dog. Not enough…takes longer to stop the threat.

        Lastly is the backdrop…where,when you miss, will the round go? Ricochet back? Or hit little Bobby who is holding the leash..that the dog slipped.

        That’s just the dog part…next comes the legal part. Perhaps the firearm would be better used….as a club!

        Make a decision then live with the decision you make. Hopefully you’ll never be in that position…best wishes if you are.

        • Can’t argue with anything you have stated.

          • Pamela K says:

            Ed said…
            My good friends in law enforcement have mentioned more than once that the magic words are “I feared for my life. I thought they were going to kill me.”

            Ed, we are not looking to beat you up about the way you might handle the same situation. I think that Cinandjules and I are just saying that there are so many factors to think about and so little time to react to the choices you might make. Your law enforement friends hold the common view and it is easy to *say* that when there is no present danger in saying it. That said, today’s judges are making odd rulings from the bench. What used to hold true is not always what is ruled upon. Even when it is person-upon-person the old *I feared for my life…* phrase has been questioned a lot lately, and even ruled against. And many judges rule a family pet to be mearly and animal of little value. Sad but reflective of the times we live in today.

            • Pamela: In my response to Cinandjules, I’m not sure which part of “Can’t argue with anything you have stated” you don’t understand. I agreed.

              On the other hand, you are making a lot of presumptions about judges vs. how we should conduct ourselves vs. the law vs. one’s experience with a weapon in stressful situations vs. the basic right to protect oneself.

              In shooting the dog that was part of a attacking pack, the “fear” was for MY life, in causing me to shoot, not the “family pet” .

            • Pamela K says:

              I didn’t understand. I admit I did read it to say you didn’t agree. It is late and i’m tired. Aside from that though, I amnot making assumptions. I stated facts about what some judges have ruled on in the past regarding *feared for my life* issues. I won’t beat that one but it is a card that is played way too often and it has lost a good deal of punch because of that. As for any other issues, you make it sound like I am foolish. Far from it! I didn’t get this old being less than wise in my thinking. I don’t think for other people either. I put forward an idea to consider, they, you everyone has to account for their own choices. Just saying that the average person do not have a built up set of sound reflexes to draw on when in Harm’s Way. It’s usually not the time to be trying something new and hope that it works, IMHO, that’s all. And yes, my bad for not reading it correctly the first time. I jumped because what she said was spot-on good advise!

        • Pamela K says:

          Well said, all those thoughts came to mind, especially true of the *bounce-back*…ricochet.

          • Pamela K says:


            • Don in Okla. says:

              Bear spray or pepper spray. I carry mine when walking my dogs and it’s good for two or four legged miscreants!!
              Glad you all are alright!

            • Pamela K says:

              Pepper Spray… ONLY if it is CS Grade Pepper Spray. The other kind of cheap pepper spray is too weak for an attacking animal and when used on a person, say one who is very drunk or on drugs it is way too weak to be totally effective. Often it will simply make matters worse by making a human attacker mad and thus more determined to do you even more harm. So CS GRADE Pepper Spray is good and thenothers kinds are not really good enough to put much faith in. CS Grade is used by police and the military, etc.

    • Angie2B says:

      My husband and I were walking in a local park one day and a racoon attacked us. We did absolutely nothing to provoke the attack, it just came out of no where. I will never forget the feeling of being totally defenseless. It was one of the worse feelings I have ever known. The only thing we had with us was my purse that had a long shoulder strap. The racoon was really focused on going after my husband. It was snarling and hissing. He took my purse and was able to hit it in it’s side to kind of move it away from him. That thing just got up and kept coming at him. My husband was backing away and stumbled. It gave the racoon the chance to nearly get him. I started screaming at that thing at the top of my lungs. It paused and looked at me and I think was deciding to come after me. That pause gave my husband time to get back on his feet. He had to repeatedly hit it because it just kept coming after him. We were eventually able to out run it, but I have no doubt if I had not had my purse with me, my husband would have had to fight that thing with his bare hands. The park ranger guessed that it probably had distemper. I Will Never Go Near A Woods Again Without Something For Defense! A walking stick, Bear spray, just something that can be used for protection. It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Period.

      • Anne says:

        I would disagree with the ranger. The attack you describe is a classic description of an unprovoked attack by a rabid animal.

        How long ago did this happen?

        If recently (within the last year – rabies can incubate that long) – you might wish to consult you doctor regarding rabies treatment. For both of you.

        Rabies transmission doesn’t always require a bite – one just needs to come in contact with a drop of saliva. Which the racoon may have been spraying around in it’s rage.


        • Angie2B says:

          It was about two years ago. We went to the doctor, but seriously everyone blew us off. No one took it serious. We called 911, because we had concerns of it attacking someone else. The operator laughed but called the ranger for us. It was in a city park. I think we just got lucky.

          • Anne says:

            Thank you for your response. Scary stuff.

            You have inspired me to dig out my old waking stick. I will take it with me from now on.

            I think you got lucky. 🙂


  18. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

    Happy to catch up on where you guys landed next – safe away from fires and into the mountains. Happier still the Bridge took a tumble but isn’t down for long. She’s like you in that way as well. 🙂

    So timely that you and Cate where just chatting about Casita trailer options because today I placed the order for my very own 17LD and I am SO excited! It’s my upcoming 50th birthday gift to me. The lead time has grown longer than expected, but I am also hoping to snag an earlier date if someone else cancels. At the latest it will be an early November delivery, and that gives me plenty of time to gather up what I need to outfit my little caravan in comfort and style. With this nonstop WA summer we have going, I have high hopes it will extend well into the fall and even lead to a mild winter for enjoying our public lands after the fires are out. RVSue, I am so glad to have had access to your experiences and opinions to help me decide on which trailer was ultimately right for me – thank you for giving all that it takes for you to maintain this informative, entertaining and compassionate blog!
    Cate: For Casita options, I said no to the microwave (rather have kitchen storage), high lift suspension (not needed with my tow vehicle) and the video package (books and laptop will more than suffice) – good luck with yours too!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Molly,

      Regarding your first paragraph…. This post is about what happened last Sunday. Since that time the smoke situation worsened forcing us to flee! We aren’t out of the smoke yet. I’ll keep moving us until we find good air.

      CONGRATULATIONS ON PLACING YOUR ORDER ! That’s an exciting event. I wish you much happiness and enjoyment with your Casita.

      I said no to the microwave, too… I forgot to mention that to Cate. I also said yes to an awning. The high lift suspension is for rough, rocky, rutted roads. If you don’t plan on going into rough areas, you’re right… You don’t need it.

      Good luck preparing for your launch!

      • MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

        Being chased by smoke must be very challenging – I hope you can find a place soon where you can put down those 14 day stakes and relax from all the planning and anticipating the changes in the wind. So tragic that yesterday we lost 3 firefighters in the Okanogan fires in my state. This season has been brutal.

        Thanks for the Casita “cheers” on my order. : )

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Ooh, congratulations! New Casita! (And my favorite layout, to boot :D).

      I can’t wait to hear more about it when you get it, your mods, etc.

      Both of my little rigs have come with microwave ovens (I bought used, so no option to omit them), and I have wasted no time in removing them to reveal LOADS of glorious storage space. In fact they both had at least as much space behind them as they took up themselves. So double bonus! (Although the Casita one may have been fit more efficiently.)

      I never used one much at home (even when I had grid electricity) so that made my choice easy. Anyway, it’s a nice chunk of space and usually in a prime location.

      I’m excited for you – great idea for a 50th birthday present.

    • cate walsh says:

      Miss Molly,

      INVU! How exciting to have placed your order…now the wait and the preparations for the fun to come. I’m back and forth between a Casita and an Escape but a fiberglass TT for sure. Its very helpful to hear what options Sue and others found useful and which ones to pass on.

      Let us know how things progress and again…congrats!


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Molly,

      Congratulations on ordering your little glass egg!! What a wonderful Birthday present. That lead time will go by quickly! Whoo-Hoo!! Wishing you many happy adventures! 🙂

      • MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

        Thanks Denise and Cate! Shopping for supercute decor (ok, and boring useful essentials too, I guess) will help the time pass quickly. : )

    • I absolutely loved my Liberty Deluxe! I feel sure you will love your also! Happy trails !

  19. lindale says:

    You write so well that your misadventure had me almost crying. I could just see the whole thing happening so fast and the barking, and screaming. You were much nicer than I would have been. I am glad that you have found a nicer more private campsite.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, lindale,

      Thank you for the compliment on my writing. I think my “niceness” was shock. It wasn’t until I sat holding Bridget that it hit me how close she came to being hurt and maybe badly.

      On a related note… Many times readers have wondered how I can camp alone, just me and the crew off by ourselves. People are the usual cause of problems. That’s why I like being away from them!

  20. Yikes. Glad Bridget is doing well. That really could have ended badly.

  21. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Well I did start to cry! What astounds me is Reggie! My gosh he is so good to NOT get into the mix!
    I am so glad Bridget is OK… I love the way you put it ‘We have our moment of hysteria and move on.’ I am gonna use that one!
    Breathe… breathe…

    And yes, I agree. NO one wants to take responsibility any more. Like you said–blah blah blah. UGH!!!

    Congrats on the 3 bars! That is a plus!

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    • Sally says:

      I agree, scared stiff the next sentence was going to be … and Reggie went to save Bridget ….etc.. I think all 3 of them get gold stars for grace under fire!!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Sally… I can’t imagine Reggie in that mess. I guess he knows he’s small and doesn’t stand a chance against the big dogs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I’m sorry I made you cry! You have a tender soul, dear one. And yes, Reggie… I don’t know what he did when this happened, other than he kept away from the action. He gave me the first clue. Usually Reggie is anxious to meet new dogs. He overcame his fear of big dogs and learned to greet them without barking. Then he sees these dogs and wants to get away from them.

      I hope he doesn’t go back to barking at big dogs. We shall see.

  22. Chuck Hajek says:

    No damn excuse for their dogs behavior accept their humans ASININE STUPIDITY….they DAMN well should have been on a leash. Was the camp host around????

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      No, the camp host wasn’t there at the time. When he stopped by my campsite later, I told him what happened. He asked me where the crew and I were standing at the time of the attack. I told him we were on the far side of the campground road and the dogs charged out of the campsite and came across the road to Bridget. Of course, he also asked if Bridget was okay.

      He apologized several times, saying he was sorry it happened. I told him it wasn’t his fault! He said he was going to talk to the people and make sure they kept the dogs on leash.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        It’s good to hear that the camp host took it seriously, AND is going to speak to the campers. They sound too thick to probably learn anything from it, but I’m still glad the camp host is going to do it.

  23. I am so glad you kept your wits about you and saved Bridget when you started slapping the loops of wire against the other dog, stopping the attack! Ad you panicked, the result may not have been as happy! Good thinking Sue! We are so grateful that the Divine Miz B is okay! Please give a few extra kisses from us!?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      It is a good thing I had those loops to use as a whip because, if I hadn’t, I would’ve dove at those dogs with my bare hands. There’s no time to think in a situation like that. I reacted before I knew what I was doing.

      Bridget is doing great. I’ll remember to give her your love when we settle in for the night. 🙂

  24. Heather Fisher says:

    I’m so glad that Bridget came through without too much harm done. So many people are just irresponsible jerks. They don’t care about the consequences of their actions beyond will-this-harm-me and, therefore don’t care. Keep your babies close and loved. Safe travels.

  25. DesertGinger says:

    I cannot tolerate people with big dogs who ignore leash laws. Have they no sympathy for little dogs? I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been as nice as you. Glad you have moved on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      I hope you are feeling better, stronger, and more your usual, energetic, go-get-em self!

      People get dogs without having much understanding of their instincts and possible behaviors. Just because a dog behaves around family or at home, doesn’t mean the dog can be trusted in a strange environment with unfamiliar people and unfamiliar dogs around, like there are in a campground.

  26. Calvin R (Ohio) says:

    I just about had a heart attack from the description! First and most important, I’m glad Bridget’s ok.

    We had a discussion about defenses against animals not long ago on Bob Wells’ blog. I’m glad you had the right item in hand to slow those dogs down. I really can’t think of any better thing to do. My personal choice to carry would be pepper spray, but I’m not sure it would work in that situation, because of the aggressive dogs being so close to Bridget.

    I certainly agree with you and the other blogorinos that those dog owners are irresponsible. I wish I had some solution for that beyond vigilance. I’m glad you were paying attention.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      Sorry about the near heart attack…. You never know how this blog is going to go. It’s a mine field!

      Seriously…. One word in your comment jumps out at me — vigilance! I’m going to try to be more vigilant when in campgrounds in the future. I think Reggie’s tether makes a darn good defensive weapon against attacking dogs. It got that dog’s attention immediately. With it looped, it’s like carrying several whips. My ear-piercing scream might have helped, too.

      Thank you for caring about Bridget.

  27. Wow, that was close. I am so glad that Bridget wasn’t hurt. Good for you to whack them with Reggie’s tether. I can’t stand when people don’t control their animals. Hopefully your new camp is nice and peaceful.

  28. eliza says:

    I’m so happy Bridget is okay!

  29. weather says:

    It’s perfect that you cuddled Bridget while that horrible incident was still fresh in her mind.Obviously to express love,examine her and comfort you both,and Reggie,plus as she receives that cuddling as the height of approval ,her confidence remained intact so she’ll face people and dogs the same way she always has.Striking the attacker immediately and continuing to threaten the pack until they backed away-another great series of moves.You handled the entire affair most admirably,I’m very proud of you Sue! I profoundly hope all commenters are educated and experienced enough in the field to know ,as you and I do,that human intervention,well done,in that type of situation is in every way the right thing to initiate and finish ,period.I have found it necessary many times and been bitten without injury during a couple,and would not change a thing,or have any regret about,all I did.I am beyond happy that Bridget,Reggie and you are alright!

    Wonderful that you made it to the Sawtooth Mountains .Despicable that irresponsible people allowed something to mar that.Your photos are beautiful.I seldom say a particular place you’ve gone to is one I’d love to visit,too,yet this one really appeals to me.Since you first mentioned it to me in a reply a while ago I’ve glanced at photos on the web a bit,and now at yours a few times.There’s a peculiar blend of several things-color,river,rock,vegetation,mountain height and shape through the area that makes it seem as if I’d feel something special there.Thank you very much for the view,and all you shared this evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Your support of my actions is very much appreciated! When I wrote this post I wondered if someone would attack me for striking the dog. There are some really stupid trolls in cyberspace!

      As I expected, the regular readers of my blog — the blogorinos — are “educated and experienced enough” to understand the situation. Sometimes you have to take quick and drastic action to prevent tragedy. I know you would do all you could to protect any member of your troupe. They deserve our protection, right?

      I’m glad I could give you another glimpse of this area. Too bad we had to cut our exploration short due to the smoke. It’s all for the good, I’m sure . . . time will show that.

  30. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Another gulp moment……

    It amazes me how folks can be so ignorant.

    Great WOO (weapon of opportunity). I could almost hear it whipping thru the air as I read. The “whack” was great…you bet it got his attention!

    No lie….if it was me THAT dog would surely be limping!

    Glad Bridgee Babee is okay…and Reg man what a cutie so concerned as you held her.

    Sheesh! Surely some folks need to pick up the clue phone!

  31. Pamela K says:

    I was so glad you had that long, long tether to use as a sheild against those dogs!
    Bridget had to be so scared!!! It’s awful to see your life flash in front of you at thsoe times.
    I think I have said this before but will repeat it here again. I ALWAYS carry a few screws and a very long screw-driver in my pocket when I walk my dog or cat. My pets are always on leash and there is almost always dogs who are not. I have had to draw it out a time or two but never have had to use it, thank goodness. Even so, I would use it in a heart beat and go right for the throat, heart and eyes if need be. And making loud screams for help. If it sounds cold, I admit it, but I would do whatever I had to do to fend them off! Sue, you DID GOOD!!! And you are lucky those dogs did not turn on you, too!!!

    I think I would call the local Police or Park Rangers and file an Attack Dog report about it. Those people, young or old, should NOT have those dogs if they don’t keep them under full control, especially in public spaces!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      I understand the screwdriver, but why do you carry screws? Surely you don’t plan to screw them into someone’s head, do you? Haha… Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Actually, it’s not a bad idea. Some folks could benefit from a brain screwing!!!

      Oh my….

      I don’t think you are cold at all. There are situations that call for drastic measures and it’s good to be prepared. About “going for the throat”… I saw Bob Wells on his site, holding a spear. Maybe I could get one with a shoulder strap. Add some feathers. Walk around the campground making practice thrusts as I go…..


      Thank you for telling me I did good.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      What a clever idea, Pam!! Thanks for sharing!!

      Hubby carries wasp spray in our car…should not kill anything, but oh boy will they be hurting frogs till they get to medical help. We have never needed it. Well, as aggressive as the bees are getting here (with no rain)…may be needed for that!! When I say bees, I do not refer to honeybees!! The kind who can sting over and over again…and without provocation!! I have been so relieved since my natural hair color is gone…those buggers liked it far too well!!

      • Pamela K says:

        Your idea of Wasp Spray is a good one. I used to keep a can of Spray Starch behind my front door for such *at my door visitors* should I need it. Sounds odd but we lived in a very well to do neighborhood and would have all kinds of door-knockers come and ask for donations etc. All this was before the current laws put limits on such activities and gated communities were not as common as today. After we had a prison work team worker walk away from a work detail and hide in our back woods…well…thought it was time to put a can there. Spray Starch works great and has a long range of spray 🙂 Your Wasp Spray should do the trick too, down wind of course 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Interesting idea, Pamela, starch…never thought of this one!! Thanks for another idea…these days we just never do know what will happen…never hurts to have a few things close at hand!!

          • Pamela K says:

            At that time we never used our front door, always using the back deck doors. When the door bell rang or a knock sounded at the front doorway I knew it was someone who didn’t know us well enough to know that the back doors were the ones everyone used. Starch can in hand came in handy as a reason to cut any chats short. “Oh, I’m sorry, this needs to be short because I am ironing clothes right now.” LOL, worked every time. 🙂 No *normal person* is going to keep you taking long if they might cause your house to burn down, right?

  32. Larry R says:

    I would have got their license number and turned them in. You know is was not the first time and will not be the last time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry,

      I was so very glad Bridget was okay and I decided right away we would leave the next morning and not walk that way again. I let the campground host handle it. I would have been more likely to take action if Bridget had been injured.

  33. Kay Dattilio says:

    Sue and Crew…My left hand was over my mouth, my right hand in a glad she’s ok. Bless her heart and I’m sure Reggie was smart enough to not dive in. OMG, I’m so glad you were there….if I would have had pepper spray this would have been the time to use it on the owners, whoops, I mean the dogs! Smoochies to The Divine Miss B and Mr Reggie the Studmuffin!

    Kay from KC!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      I can picture you reading my post! Great description… I don’t know if I would’ve manipulated the pepper spray fast enough. It all happened very quickly.

      That Reggie is a studmuffin, isn’t he. Just look at him in that photo … He’s all boy!

      We’ve already established Bridget’s divinity. 🙂

  34. Oh my gosh, too scary!! Poor Bridget, and poor you! I’m so glad she’s OK. I hope those stupid people learned a lesson.

  35. wildflower in prescott says:

    I have two chi mixes and I pick them up anytime I see a dog off leash. One time I picked them up on a city trail and as we passed the man and his very large off leash dog he said: “good thing you picked them up because my dog thinks they are prey.” Yes, seriously that is what he told me.

    Glad Bridget is fine.

  36. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    whew…that was close…I was holding my breath as I was reading your
    post…..I know exactly how you feel……5 years ago Flaca my precious
    long haired chihuahua went to the neighbors house about half mile
    away and got in the pen with 2 big dogs and when I saw her the big dogs
    were eating her up…I jumped the fence at a run to save her but too late…
    mostly my fault for not watching her closer….she passed away about 15
    minutes after that happened
    UGH….yep folks just wont take responsibility for their actions….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Chuck, how horrible! I’m so very sorry that happened to Flaca. It must have been very hard on you, and, I’m sure, it still haunts you to this day. I’m sorry my post brought it to your mind.

      • Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

        not to worry Sue….I think of her every day since Pookie
        looks just like her….HA! imagine that! I am so glad
        Bridget is ok….as senior citizens we all have to be careful
        to not get injured that can lead to something else….
        loved your pictures!

  37. L.P. n' me says:

    Shure Glad Bridget n’ Reggie are ok,,, There a Bunch of folks like that ,, that just don’t have a CLUE or they just don’t care,,,,,,,,,, one should report them,,,,,,,,,,,,,, When Timber was young and we were camped up by Round Lake near Three Finger Jack in 2009, a group of people had Pit Bulls running loose and when Timber and I would walk down to the lake to get water, I carried a spray bottle with Vinegar in it and if them dogs came close to us, I’d give them a sqwert and they run back to their camp sqweelin’, got yeld at by the owner and told him to leash your dogs or they’ll get shot next time they come charging at my leashed dog,,,,,,,, There was a sign stating to leash your dog, 6 foot limit by their camp too.,,,, they left the next day, driving like mad men kicking up gravel n’ dust,,, someone needs to straighten them folks up right,,,,,,,,,,, nice camp and photos,, glad you three are in a good boondock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lady Piper and Rusty,

      That was a pretty smart way of handling the situation. You were training the dogs to leave you alone, something the owner should have done.

      The squealing of the tires, kicking up dust… typical behavior when people do something they shouldn’t and are caught at it.

      We did move to a good boondock after being at the campground for two days. Now we have left the boondock, running from the smoke….out of the mountains…

      • Anne P says:

        Excellent idea to carry a spray bottle with vinegar! Thanks for the suggestion. I sometimes camp with my large dogs who are always tethered. But they’ve been hassled by other dogs. Thankfully only a snarl and drive by. Vinegar seems a little more compact than a cattle prod! Glad all was OK, Sue.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Wow, had heard vinegar might work…thanks for letting us know it did!!

      • L.P. n' me says:

        Well Elizabeth, my grand dad would use vinegar to teach our dogs not to chase cars by getting in his Hudson and drive pass them and if our dogs went to chase the car he’d squirt them with the vinegar till they learned not to chase cars, trucks or anything with wheels and it worked,,, so I use vinegar to chase mean dogs, people, away,,,,,,,,,,,, me

    • DesertGinger says:

      Vinegar? Dogs don’t like vinegar? That sounds like a good idea.

      • L.P. n' me says:

        D G,,, If your training your pet,, water it down,, if not,, make it as strong as to your likening,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

        • L.P. n' me says:

          BTW,, one should spray the vinegar solution into the eyes of the offender, being animal or human,,, it only blinds and stings till rinsed off, but wont do lasting damage,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

          • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

            Oh good Rusty, I was wondering whether to spray the dog or make a salad! I guess the eyes would do it. Otherwise, throw a head a lettuce with the Vinegar. 🙂

  38. Gary says:

    I had a similar problem with a pit bull and a Doberman attacking my Aussie. I got after the owner and the very next day they ran up to me and my eight year old grandson but stood of when I yelled at them. I reported therm to the ranger.

    Once a fight starts you can’t stick your hands anywhere near them. Lucky you had a weapon to distract. After my incident, my brother-in-law made me a two foot club the size of a shovels handle to carry when out. I would hate to use it but you have to have something to break up a fight. Jagger has fear aggression now with other dogs. Makes me sick.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gary,

      That is a shame that your Jagger has been affected like that. You were smart and right to report them to the ranger. It’s especially scary when there are children present.

      Yes, it would be hazardous and not very smart to try to break up a dog fight with bare hands. I would’ve tried though, not stopping to think of the danger. It’s awfully difficult to do nothing when someone you love is being attacked. I see the wisdom in carrying a club as a defensive weapon. I’ll be conscious of the loops of wire in my hand from now on!

      Best wishes to you and Jagger..

  39. Val R. Lakefield On says:

    The title of your post had me saying “Oh No” before I even read it. Such a frightening experience for you all. Hugs to (((( Bridget)))) so glad she is not injured.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Val…

      Sorry to give you a scare…. At least I didn’t title it “Bridget attacked by pack of dogs in campground!” or something like that. 🙂

      Thank you for the hugs and caring for Bridget.

  40. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

    Reading that had my heart pounding…so, so glad she wasn’t hurt. I’d have been kicking and screaming at the dogs AND THE OWNERS. Dumb a$$es. Thanks, I feel better knowing that you are gone from there. You’ve got some really gorgeous pictures as usual. Had to scroll back to look at them more closely after I hurried through the post to find out about Bridgets close call.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda Rose and the Four Ms,

      We left the campground even though the people with the big dogs probably left that day also, it being a Sunday. Even so, the incident kinda’ took the shine off the campground, if you know what I mean.

      We got a fresh start in a new, river camp!

      I appreciate your kind words about Bridget’s welfare.

  41. Lee J in Northern California says:

    People can be such morons. So sorry poor Bridget was their victim but glad you were her protector. What do people think anyway, or is it not thinking…or do they just not give a rats rear….

    I had an incident here at my house two nights ago. Some of my sister’s friends were here to pick her up, and they opened my big gate to pull in and get her suitcases. The man kicked my Arlo and rolled him about three feet. My dog in my yard..Arlo is a whole ten pounds, never is a bad dog…very friendly. I screamed at him, told him to Not Kick My Dog. This man and I use the term loosely told me my dog had injured him seriously…my dog wasn’t even close to this man when he kicked, the man had to reach out..I saw it happen…so I yelled at him again and said I saw what happened and my dog did not injure him, didn’t touch him. I told him to leave my property..NOW. This person apologized to my husband, said he did t know why he kicked Arlo, he didn’t know why he did it, that he had been having problems controlling his temper.
    I really think I would have take a stick to him had I had one at hand, I was that angry.
    These things happen so fast, you just never know how it will work out, but gut reactions take over don’t they?
    My poor little dog limped yesterday, one leg was sore..but he is ok now. I just hope the next time a man comes in my yard Arlo isn’t ready to defend his territory.
    I am so glad Bridget is ok. So glad you had that wire tether in your hand, so glad I didn’t have a big stick….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      That’s unbelievable that someone would come into your fenced yard and kick your dog! Why not just back out of the yard if he felt threatened? Serious anger management issues there….

      I’m glad Arlo is okay, poor guy. One couldn’t blame him for being defensive of his own self and territory. Boy, there are people walking around who are like powder kegs ready to explode…

      Arlo sounds like a good dog. Love his name! Thanks for caring about Bridgie.

  42. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    There is a lesson to be learned from this experience I think. Once a dog fight starts there is no way except a fire hose that will stop it. If you try, your own dog will bite you and the other dog (dogs) too. There is no need to use deadly force to stop a dog fight. The answer is Bear Spray. It works first time every time and you can buy a aerosol can at almost any Sporting Goods store for $25. It shoots a stream at the offender that is like 20 feet. You can stop about any animal with this spray. But don’t use it on Big Foot, I hear he can zig zag while holding his breath and still get close enough to kiss you. With all the camping in bear country that you do it is good insurance against bears and other critters that may do harm. Not only to protect the dogs but people too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Joe, about the bear spray. I mean to get some… and then I forget. So thanks for reminding me.

      Good to see you here again, BTW. I hope you and the missus are keeping cool in Wikieup!

  43. Susan in Dallas says:

    Such a shame that people can be so selfish and not think their actions have consequences for others. Glad Bridget is OK and Reggie didn’t get targeted either. Your pictures of this campsite were outstanding, so picturesque.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      I’m happy you liked the photos. Thank you for mentioning them.

      It’s hard to say what the problem is with those dog owners…. selfishness, ignorance, immaturity, laziness… definitely clueless! May they not put any other dog at risk.

  44. AZ Jim says:

    I am so sorry for Bridget. Damn idiots in a crowded campground with three big dogs off leashes is criminal. I am glad Bridget wasn’t hurt badly and I hope she isn’t sore tomorrow. I would have had a less than friendly chat with those jerks. Nice way to have an otherwise great day ruined. You did exactly right to prevent some serious injury to your little gal Missy, good for you….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Sweet of you to feel sorry for Bridget. This incident happened last Saturday. I watched her closely after it happened. She wasn’t up for walking in the evening that day. Fortunately the main road was smooth enough that I could push her in the stroller while Reggie got the exercise he needs.

      She slept well that night and didn’t seem to have a “charlie horse” or anything the next day.

      Interesting…. While I was pushing Bridget toward the campground that evening, I saw a person watching us closely from between the trees at the campground. I’m not sure if it was one of the dog owners or not. I like to think it was and that they thought Bridget was in a stroller because the dogs injured her. Let them worry about receiving a vet bill. Ha.

      I told the camp host and he promised me he would deal with them and make sure their dogs were leashed.

      Thanks for telling me I did the right thing, Jim.

  45. Wayne D says:

    On a pathway at a secluded area in Florence Oregon,a person walking his dog,minding their own business on leash was ambushed by an ill tempered coyote from the brush,and it got the little dog, killing it almost immediately. The owner said he could do nothing, found a tree limb on the ground and began beating the coyote with the limb, of which the coyote did back away and off the pathway . Little dog had no chance. Since that episode, it reminded me that when taking Tike on a walk,with leash, I carry a small prod (electric stun) with me to use. It’s suppose to shock 50,000 volts so it says.
    Haven’t had to use it, sometimes I wonder if I could use it at such close range. Perhaps a club with ability to reach out further would be more beneficial. I fear some day on these trails of running into a disguised black bear, then what chances do I have? Maybe a small bear wouldn’t know I was going to shock it, a bigger bear might chew my arm off. I know I’d go down in a fight for the defense of my little dog
    Glad you all survived the ordeal, I wonder if the suspects continued to let their attack dogs stay loose after that episode, or had the decency to leash their dogs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Wayne,

      A very thought-provoking comment. I would think the electric shock would ward off a bear. Yet you’d have to be so close to use it — you say it’s a “prod”– that it would be a very dire situation for you to use it!

      My problem with defensive weapons is this. When I walk the crew, I have my hands full with two leashes (unless it’s a situation where Bridget can go off-leash) …. plus I have the camera to take photos for this blog. And I’d have to remember to bring the weapon along… You see where I’m going here…

      As for the dogs… I’m confident that the camp host did as he said he would and made sure the dogs were leashed. I doubt he kicked them out as they probably were leaving anyway the next morning on Sunday.

  46. Elizabeth in WA says:

    There are times a nice cattle prod would be a good tool!! I am very glad Bridge and YOU are ok!! I was bitten at age 10 breaking up a dog fight between my dog and the neighbor dog…my hand was on my dog’s collar when the other dog, who also loved me, by the way, bit me good…lots of blood…these many years later the scar is still there. And unfortunately because the dog’s rabies shot was not up to date, it had to be quaranteened and I got to wait a long month hoping my poor belly would not be put full of those awful shots!! The dog was ok. But in a fight…a big stick, or broom, or some such is safer than getting inbetween dogs…so I learned!! Nothing wrong with kicking a big dog in the gut either!! Nothing at all!! I hope you told the ranger what happened….those people should have been ushered off the property and quickly. Dogs like that are very dangerous to children and even adults too!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      The thing about dogs in a fight. They get in a “zone” where they are unaware of what or who is around them. That’s why you were bitten by a dog who loved you. That must have been a scary experience for you at that age.

      I didn’t tell a ranger. I let the camp host deal with them.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I am glad that the dog who bit me also loved me…I realized that for some reason she and my dog simply did not like each other. I was also yelling my head off for help while trying to separate them!! Yea, I learned not to get inbetween dogs fighting…later saw my mom at times taking a broom to fighting dogs…seemed to work too. Of course, none of them were dogs bred to fight either. I will walk out of my way to avoid certain breeds. Yea, that particular one and their owner may be just fine…but how do I know?? It is hard when you are always in new areas, to know what danger is hiding in the bushes ahead. Usually dogs will alert their owners if they notice…at least that!

  47. Tawnya says:

    Hi Aunt Susan ! I won’t tell you what I would have done to the dogs and owner, I do not want to offend anyone so I will just suggest maybe a can of pepper spray. Spray the dogs and their owners ! I have 5 large Rottweilers that will attack. It’s my responsibility to keep them under control when others are around. I am responsible for anything they do. If you can’t handle that responsibility then you shouldn’t have the dogs. anyways they just better be glad yall didn’t get hurt! You have a niece that is a lot meaner than any dog ! I love you to the moon !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tawnya!

      You are so right about the responsibility of controlling one’s own dogs. I think a lot of people get a puppy — ooh, he’s so cute — and then the puppy grows up and is pretty much left to do whatever he/she wants to do.

      Five Rotties are a big responsibility. I know you can handle it. You’ve never been one to turn away from a responsibility. That’s one of the things I’ve always admired about you.

      I love you to the moon, too! If I ever need a fighting partner, I know who to call! Hi to Brian!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Tawnya, we have never met but all I can say is what a great niece.

  48. shelley from california says:

    Thank goodness Bridget is okay, I got choked up reading about the attack on her and am so happy for your fast reaction. Give her an extra gentle hug and kiss form me. I am going to kiss and hug my old gal right now. Thank god she wasn’t harmed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shelley,

      We have to take care of our old girls. They are gentle souls and easy targets. Thank you for your tender note for Bridget.

  49. Robert says:

    Sorry to hear about your brush with todays youth and irresponsibility, I had the same sort of encounter years back and I flat told the ding a ling woman and her rotten kids, if their dog (pit bull) came over and picked a fight with mine again I would put it down. The law stands behind me in the state of Oregon, mine was tethered and her dog ran free.

    Pit Bulls are not a bad breed, they get a bad rap from asswipe owners that encourage aggressive behavior. Ive known responsible Pit Bull owners and they are the sweetest dogs and extremely intelligent.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What you say is true, Robert. Pit bulls are very loving dogs. They do need to be trained well. You were wise to take immediate action by warning that woman.

      None of the dogs in Bridget’s incident were pit bulls.

  50. Kris Pedersen says:

    Do you ever get spooked, or uneasy, during the dark nights when you’re boondocking alone in the forest? Like hear a noise, or hear Bigfoot scream in the distance……and youre all alone with no cell coverage?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kris,

      No, I don’t recall ever being “spooked or uneasy” while camping alone in the forest… or in the desert, for that matter. I’m trying to remember the last time I had that feeling. I’m pretty sure it was from a person in daylight.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      It seems like the only “creatures” one has to really worry about are the humans!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I sometimes do, for a moment (having or not having cell coverage doesn’t matter though – I guess it’s a combination of being older and not “used” to having cell coverage, plus knowing that by the time someone got there, if something was really happening… probably too late).

      BUT, I know that feeling is just for a moment, and likely has a lot more to do with scary campfire stories of my youth, than with statistical reality. Could something happen if I’m out camping in the boonies alone? Sure it could. But I believe it’s MUCH MORE likely for something bad to happen when I’m around people, which is when I’m not camping alone in the boonies. So I just let the feeling pass, when it comes, and I don’t let it stop me from being out in nature alone, which I enjoy. If I need to, I just picture myself the next afternoon, sitting or walking outside in my lovely, sunny campsite 🙂

    • I camped alone, out in the woods, or my favorite was church parking lots, and many rest areas for 6+ Years and never that I was in danger. I feel that if you carry fear around with you, that you will attract fearsome things! I met absolutely wonderful people on the road because I really REALLY wanted to meet awesome people! Whatever energy you put out is what you get back! I travelled with a slide in camper in a GMC truck and 2 dogs!

  51. Karla in Kentucky says:

    So thankful that Bridget and Reggie are okay. I sometimes carry an umbrella that opens with a push button. This quick action will startle an attacking dog. I only had to use this once when walking my dogs in our neighborhood and a loose dog came running towards us. It backed off quickly. If it had attacked, I would have used umbrella to poke or hit. Buy a long umbrella with loop to hang on arm. Can use as a walking stick as well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karla,

      Interesting that you mention an umbrella as a defensive weapon. When I was having a conversation with the Canadian couple I mentioned in this post, the subject of bears came up. The man suggested a rainbow-colored umbrella. Not only does opening it, grab attention, it also makes you look bigger and the colors can confuse the bear.

      Thanks for a good suggestion. One thing though… How do I keep folks from laughing at me while I stroll in the desert during the dry winter carrying an umbrella? Haha!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I guess you’d have to add petticoats and button up shoes. Then the “parasol” would blend in 😀

        You’re welcome 😉

  52. MB says:

    What I cannot believe….and I read it twice to make sure…..was that the 20 somethings were not out there helping you get their dogs away from Bridget! I love my dogs dearly but if I ever saw them do something like that, I would pick up any available object…..and….well, you get the picture. So glad Bridget is OK. You know, I have a friend who has a Toy Fox Terrier. She has a very strong personality. My friend has noticed that she does not challenge confident dogs. She looks for the “weak” ones. My friend knows this and has her leashed anytime they are around strange dogs (even though she is only about 10 lbs.). It sounds as if these three saw Bridget’s weakness. Makes me want to kick some owners’ butts! Again, so glad you three are alright. Love from VA!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MB,

      Here’s why they weren’t out helping pull off their dogs. Unlike their excuse, they weren’t paying any attention to their dogs. The dogs ran toward Bridget without barking. It wasn’t until they were upon her that they growled and made other fighting sounds. At that point the owners were at the back of their campsite, while we were on the far side of the campground road. By the time they came out to their dogs, it was all over.

      I’m convinced what spurred the attack was Bridget being old and weak, and therefore vulnerable. Even when they went after her, she did not do anything to defend herself other than to attempt to flee.

      Thanks for caring about the Bridge!

      • MB says:

        Oh I do care. Funny how you can care for folks you’ve never met. 🙂 And your description of her response brought tears to my eyes. Around here we have a young Mountain Cur who lives down the road. She is so sweet. But sooooo high energy. My poor Hazel just does not know how to cope with her. Sadie (the MC) is all over her and Hazel struggles and comes to me for help. There was a time when that would not have happened. Either she would have played with her or told her in no uncertain terms that she did not want to. I can’t imagine the same scenario but with three dogs who were not playing. Glad you had that “whip”.

  53. Krystina ~ Victory, Vermont says:

    Oh RVSue!!!! I saw the title of this blog and immediately had a knot in my throat! How awful for all of you. Happy to hear that Miss Bridget is ok…phew…and that the dogs did not attack you. My opinion of the “losers” you meet is that they believe “the rules” do not apply to them. High and mighty idiots. Sorry you are in a situation where you have to constantly move to a safer place. Just come to Vermont…it is perfect here 🙂

    Krystina xxoo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Krystina,

      I agree…. Vermont is perfect in August and will become even moreso the next few months, if there’s such a thing as more perfect! I grew up in New York state, a stone’s throw from the Vermont border. My birthday is in October and I remember every year that I lived there my birthday was the most glorious of the year… Usually the leaves were at their peak of color and the air so fresh. Back then people burned the leaves in their yards, rather than composting, and that aroma was wonderful to me….. *sigh*

      I hope the shingles are healed and you are enjoying each day. Thank you for being concerned for Bridget!

  54. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    I am so glad Bridget is OK. That was close, packs can be very fast and many times you cannot break them up when in a frenzy. We love you Bridge. Take Care Sue and Crew.

  55. weather says:

    Hi,Sue,with your frequent moves to continue departing smoke filled areas you may be traveling again today.If so,I hope it isn’t a very long trip in distance or time-you were online late for you.With the topic being addressed in all the discussion centering around the need for caution and vigilance not being one that provokes relaxation,my point is that you may not be quite as well rested as usual.I was also following along and awake a bit later than I ordinarily am and am glad today’s obligations involve no herculean effort.

    This post certainly has been thought provoking and that is a good thing for us all.It being morning I’ll ,for now,focus on the gifts of another wonderful day.Sunrise revealed a sky filled with several types of clouds both beautiful and informative.We’ll have a bit of occasional rain so I’m glad the pups and I have had the opportunity to enjoy being outside a lot already.I hope you and crew get as much of that as suits you today and that all you breathe in is nice-including this outpouring of so many of your blogorinos caring about you three-how lovely!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      It is touching that so many blogorinos expressed relief at the outcome of Bridget’s encounter at the campground. It may seem to someone new to the comments section that we’re a bunch of irritable, frustrated, angry people, disgusted with the world (haha!), but any negativity expressed here comes from a sincere love of our pets and an affection for each other. You know that . . . .

      How sensitive you are to think of the effect of replying to these comments last night might have on me this day! The crew and I do face another long leg of our Journey Away From Smoke. I should’ve planned for an early start. Instead I postponed my shower until this morning and here I am, enjoying messages on my blog, as well as a second cup of coffee. The crew is napping in bed, instead of in the PTV.

      Your expected “occasional rain” sounds delightful. . . . much like that shower awaiting me! Enjoy being inside with your pals today, and when you go outside for a frolic or two in the glistening landscape.

      • weather says:

        looking forward to your letting us know that you’ve arrived well satisfied at your next location when you are able to,until then may we all travel through our day and roads feeling and being blessed.

  56. Alice says:

    So glad the pup is ok. My heart breaks for her being so scared. Quick thinking on your part ! great job….I so hate it when a dog is loose. We’ve been attacked 3 times, 2 were harmless but one was not good. I’m with you shoot the owner and retrain the dog. Seriously you do need to watch for ricochets with a gun.

    on another note the pics are beautiful, and 40 degrees, wow, must be awesome.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alice,

      I’m sorry you had a bad encounter with a loose dog. Thank you for complimenting the photos.

      The mornings were very cool in the mountains. I had to pull out my flannel jammies again. I do believe we had one morning in the high 30s… Poor Reggie was shivering when I took him out to pee first thing. I packed away his sweater and do you think I could find it when he needed it? Of course not! He did his fastest pee ever . . . .

      You have a wonderful day!

  57. Eileen Dykeman says:

    so sorry to hear of the attack on Bridget. it reminded me of when my Missy (a beagle) was attacked by a big black dog a few months ago; the elderly gentleman walking toward us was too frail to be able to control his two big dogs (even though they were leashed – obviously, he should either walk them one at a time, or not own dogs that are about 80 pounds each!). of course, I never walk Missy near his street anymore. the vet had found a small puncture wound on Missy and put her on antibiotics, so she is fine (but she now gets nervous around any dog that gets excited to see her).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Eileen,

      It’s great to see you here again! I’m sorry about Missy’s injury and her subsequent nervousness. May she heal in all ways.

      Your story about the elderly gentleman with two dogs he’s no longer strong enough to control brings up another consideration when choosing a dog.

      Hugs to Missy!

  58. Suzette says:

    Oh, wow! I’ve been away on vacation in Maine (GLORIOUS!) and just checked back in. So happy to hear Bridget’s scare turned out OK. I’ve been in a similar situation, and I know how hard the reality of the situation can hit – even after it’s over. I’m afraid I don’t like people very much, and irresponsible behavior is the main reason. What jerks! It’s good to know the three of you are fine.

    The news is just full of stories about western fires today. You’re in my thoughts.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome back, Suzette! Thank you for your kind message about Bridget and for thinking of us concerning the fires. We aren’t in any danger, only inconvenienced a bit. I met a very interesting person yesterday that I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the smoke sending us this way . . .

      Blessings to you this day!

  59. rvsueandcrew says:

    Good morning, blogorinos!

    It’s time for me and my crew to get moving again! Thank you for joining in this discussion and for the concern you expressed for Bridget. Keep your pets close and share a special moment with them today!

    Again, if you don’t hear from me, it may be because of no internet or no energy after a long drive!


  60. chas anderson says:

    Same thing happened to Juice.A 130 lb. Great Pyrenees ran out and attacked her.Juice is tough but can’t bite back because of the jaw.I had to wrestle the other dog.I am 225 and was no match for it.Owner’s attitude was boys will be boys.No damage happily.

  61. Terri From Texas says:

    Very happy Bridget is o.k. It is good you are not a person who panicks! Also love your photos! Did you get a photo of the Boler? Stay safe and smoke free! Also a book recommendation-Call the Midwife, by Jennifer Worth. We are watching the tv show right now and it is great. I am also simultaneously reading the book.

  62. Terri From Texas says:

    panics. Can’t believe I misspelled that!

  63. Diann in MT says:

    So glad Bridget and you survived the misfortune of running into The Creeps of the Woods and their dog pack. I leave campgrounds the second I encounter loose dogs. Just too much of a hassle to find the owner and ask them to change their manners.
    Anyway, Sue, the smoke is really thick here in southern Montana. Have you thought about driving south into Wyoming? Thankfully not much fire action going on there. Good travels, Sue.

  64. Piper says:

    Oh my gosh!! I felt like I was there! I would of been screaming and kicking at the dogs. Poor Bridget, what a fright to have. So glad Bridget wasn’t hurt.

  65. Gene in Ohio says:

    My little Lilly has been attacked 3 times by large dogs, (in my neighborhood). When I walk her in a campground, I carry a riot baton from my police days. When she sees an unleashed dog approaching she scrambles for me to pick her up. That’s when I usually yell for the owners to “GET YOUR DOG!” Some people are very irresponsible and think you are the one with the problem when you confront them. Years ago while in the Banff area, coyotes roamed the campground. That’s when I got concerned about carrying some kind of protective weapon. A Bobcat or a wild animal is not going to retreat without force.

  66. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Love the pictures of creek and the fact it goes down to 40 degrees. I stepped into glacier lake in Alaska and froze my toes. I don’t know why but I always have to test the cold waters by stepping in. I’m sure glad Bridget is fine and Reggie too. My son walks our dogs for the very reason you describe. Our little Rudy was attacked in his own back yard. The neighbor’s dog (pit bull) jumped the fence to attack Rudy and ripped Rudy’s muscle from bones….major surgery done. We called animal control and they prosecuted the owners….we are being compensated for surgery bills. I think the camp host should have fined the owner of those dogs….a talk to keep dogs on leach is not going to work. The owners will eventually let their dogs loose again at another camp site. Our former big dog Hieka (female German shepherd) didn’t like small dogs so we had a heavy and short leach on her when we walked her. After a while, she was too strong for me to walk her so my son did that chore. Hieka died of old age.

  67. Renee says:

    Note to Sue: we have a new e-mail address (shown above)

    So sorry to hear about Bridget. I cannot imagine what my reaction would have been had my dog been attacked &/or hurt by another dog while the owners were sitting there. It makes me furious when people don’t keep their dogs on leash, particularly in campgrounds. I’m so glad that she (& you) are OK…

  68. Terri From Texas says:

    Call the Midwife is on PBS I believe but we get it on Netflix. Currently in the 4th season, I think.

  69. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    I’m so glad Bridget is okay. As you told the story, I could feel my heart beating faster – for you and Bridget and because we have had the same thing happen. I’m ok with people having their dogs off leash if they will respond to recall and they are not aggressive. But just recently, we were on a nearly deserted beach in Oregon and some woman had a large mixed breed dog sitting next to her – we didn’t see the dog initially. We had our little 15 pound terrier mix and 85 pound pit bull on leash as we walked about 50 yards away from the woman on our way down to the water. Suddenly, her large dog took off and came running towards us. As soon as I realized he wasn’t friendly, I scooped our little one up. The woman yelled for her dog to come back, but he ignored her and charged our pit bull. The two big dogs got into a ferocious fight and our pit bull got the worst of it, since he was being held back by my husband. The stupid woman was standing there doing nothing, so my husband finally got a good kick in at her dog and my grandson jumped in and grabbed his harness and drug him back to his owner. I can’t even remember what I said to the woman, but I know it was unprintable and not nice. Afterwards, my husband said he was tempted to let our pit bull go and just take care of business, but unfortunately, any altercation is always blamed on the pit bull breed and I don’t want my dog euthanized because some idiot can’t control their dog. I guess we’ll have to start carrying some sort of weapon to protect our dogs.

  70. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Oh…..Connie and Mugsy….where are you?

  71. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Sue: Just wanted to add this – our canine family and I will light a candle tomorrow for Spike and say a prayer for you, Bridge and Reggie. And maybe, in honor of Spike, we’ll go searching for a bit of water to lie in! Love and safe travels to you.

  72. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Good Afternoon Sue, I hope this message finds you in a wonderful campground, in beautiful surroundings and with a happy heart! I wanted to say that I want to sit beside Bridget on that road in your last picture. That is my kind of place and my future. Love to you and the pups.

    Hi to all the Blogorionos!

  73. Kay Coop says:

    My dog was attacked yesterday by a big dog. I picked her up and both dogs went nuts. Thankfully, neither of us was hurt…but so annoyed that they dog was running loose. The neighbor finally got ahold of the dog and put it in the fenced area.

  74. Linda, high in CO at 8500' says:

    Hi Sue and crew
    Thank goodness Bridget is Ok. Our fur babies mean a lot to us.
    The Colorado mountain s are Smokey today due to the 90 plus major fires burning throughout the West. My heart goes out to all the people affected.
    Safe travels!

  75. Today amy Navajo friend, Manny, who lives in Monument Valley posted photos on FaceBook that he took of a beautiful smokey sunrise, smoke from Idaho he says! Wow! Many miles for smoke to travel from Idaho to Az/UT border! Stay safe!

  76. Oh Sue… frightening!!!!!

    Okay, I have to admit I did not read your title…I was so excited for a new post I just started reading….I got to the line “Bridget has a close call.” Then it starts the story of you suiting her up, etc, and I went back and re-read the previous paragraph thinking I missed something…

    Then I realized, oh no, she’s detailing the story from the beginning, because something is really wrong…I was dreading it but couldn’t wait to find out what happened….poor Bridget!!! Poor you!!! I would have died a million times if that happened to me and my Chaquita girl….so happy your instincts worked in your favor, love how the mind and body just reacts and defends without you even realize what is happening. It is a good reminder for all of us to try to bring along some sort of defense against attacks of any kind when we’re walking our pups, or even walking alone.

    Hope you are in a great new camp by now!

    Big hugs and kisses for the Bridge!! And hugs for you, too, I’m sure you needed a few after that frightening experience! And of course, some for Reggie, too (can’t forget that cute little guy!)

  77. AZ Jim says:

    I was looking at that pic showing Reggie looking back toward you and thinking how that little fella’s life has changed SS (since Sue). Where he now has a complete world all centered upon you and Bridget. I bet all memories of his earlier life have been pushed out of his mind. He adores his Missy and why not?

    • weather says:

      was hoping there’d be a touch of Jim on here-your comment demonstrates why.

      • weather says:

        to be clear -why seeing AZJim makes me smile before I even read your comments,why during a moment of wishing right then I’d be shown more good in the world I notice you’re here and sigh in relief,why now I’m smiling at how fortunate we are that you’re part of this

        hope you and Detta are staying cool and well ,Jim 🙂 weather

  78. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Just want to add my two cents that thank goodness Bridget is OK and that you’re all OK, for that matter. It’s so upsetting that people don’t watch their dogs and these bad things happen. A friend of mine had his small dog attacked while being walked on leash on vacation in Florida. The dog almost died but fortunately they were able to get him to a vet quickly and surgery saved him, but it ruined the month’s vacation they had saved for for several years. Their dog couldn’t walk for several weeks and was afraid to go out for a walk when he could. Just bad news all around. Thank goodness you reacted quickly! I hope you never have to go through that again.

  79. AZDonna says:

    I always take a small canister of pepper spray clipped to my belt loop when I walk. It makes me feel much more confident around strange dogs … and humans.

  80. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    My heart was in my throat as I read about the attack. So glad that Bridget, Reggie and you are ok. Shook up to hell and back, but are ok. Quick thinking, using the tether as a weapon. I hope you inflicted some hurt on those demon dogs. Happy to hear that the experience did not make Bridget fearful of other people or dogs…thank goodness for that. Reggie was a such good boy, trying to lead you all past the threat, and then staying out of the way. Extra hugs for you, and extra kisses on the head for HRH Bridget and brave Sir Reginald.

    One of my sisters and her hubby have a Border Collie that is the sweetest thing. My sister says that she is the Welcome Wagon for pups….always happy to meet and greet other dogs in their small neighborhood. Last year, my brother in law was walking her, and stopped to talk to a neighbor. A dog down the street that they had not seen before, bolted out of its yard and attacked her for no reason. The dog, which was about the same size, bit her and clamped down on her head. My BIL actually had to pry its jaws off her head. He did not get bit, but their sweet girl had several puncture wounds in her head. Two vet visits and meds, and the pup was ok. My sister called the police/animal control to report the incident. The animal control officer came out to take the report….come to find out that she had been out there earlier in the day for another bite complaint from the SAME dog. Here is the kicker….the County would not impound the dog or press charges against the idiot owners, but they told my sister that she and her husband could press charges and take the owners to court for the vet bills. What the????!!!! Tax dollars hard at work for who?! Madness! My sister and her husband don’t have the extra $$ to pursue this. They were thankful that he did not get bit and that their pup was ok. I just asked her tonight about the incident…she said he no longer takes pup down to the end of their street when they go out for walks.

    Sending extra hugs to you and the Crew. You are in my thoughts and prayers….that you will be guided to safe havens to stay clear of fire and smoke. Love from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Seems it is always the innocent who pay for the guilty huh?? Too bad…well, several here offered some good ideas…even something like vinegar…that may make the dog not want to come near you in future. Dogs only increase in attacks it seems which is why it is so important that they be confined 100% if prone to bite and attack!!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Yikes! Glad your BIL and the border collie weren’t severely injured. You would think that two incidents in the same day would get animal control to enforce some kind of containment on the obviously aggressive dog.

      I wonder if the USPS delivers their mail or they have to pick it up.

      The incident with your BIL is a civil matter. Small claims court does not involve attorneys. Your BIL can recoup any money spent on vet bills…up to the small claims limit which should be around 10k. Since AC was notified the paper trail has already been started. The small claims process is really simple.

      If that’s something he wants to pursue…let me know..I can assist. In most cases, their attention to a problem will be only addressed…when it hits them in the pocket.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Thanks, Cindy. I appreciate your offer to help!

        The neighborhood that my sister and BIL live in has changed over the years. Lots of garbage to put it lightly. They have had gas stolen out of their cars…now they have locking gas caps. Their Sunday paper would get snatched…so they cancelled their subscription, and they even have had people putting their trash bags next to their supercan on trash day. Another BIL (who is a a LEO) has told us that there is a lot of gang activity in their neighborhood. So…they decided not to pursue it.

        It is a shame you have to choose between getting justice and fearing retaliation. Myself and another single neighbor have had problems with the rental house between us. The general consensus of the immediate neighbors is that there is drug and possibly prostitution activity in the rental house. Too much in and out traffic. The stories I could tell….with you all being former LEOs, you would not be surprised. When we spoke to the police, we were both told to be careful, that if we complained, that the crappy neighbors would figure that it was us and could retaliate in some way. My neighbor said she is afraid that they would poison her dogs. So…we chose to keep a close eye for trash accumulating or if the grass is not cut. If things start getting neglected, the county gets complaints from five neighbors – safety in numbers. We all own and like our homes….this rental really is an eyesore and a detriment to the neighborhood. The owner is out of town…has it as an investment. My neighbor and I have contacted him to complain. His response was that he cannot kick them out…they are good renters….always pay 6mos at a time in advance. Is that a red flag or what?!

        N’nite….actually, good morning! IN.SOM.NIA. Ugh!

    • Pamela K says:

      Another bit by the same dog, on that same day, and the county control officer did nothing?! I think I would be calling or writing the county commissioners and pointing out how they failed to carry out their mandated duties.
      Glad both the brother-in-law, and the pooch, are fine.

  81. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    Grrrrr…..She could have been disemboweled in a flash. Just makes me furious, Sue. This same thing happened to my bassett hound several years back, a neighbor was not paying attention and opened her front door as we walked past on the sidewalk in our own neighborhood. Her “attack breed” dog rushed out and rolled me dog over on her back. I dragged on the dog and the woman’s husband thankfully arrived on the scene so it was just one second or two….but still, just not right.

    So glad your baby is fine and WOW she is some kind of proud of her Mom.

  82. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Late to the party here after spending a couple days camping but all I can add is BIG TIME mistake attacking the queen with the Royal Guard so close at hand. They are just lucky that you didn’t let your special op’s troops at em’.

    Seriously though, like others have said I think you handled the situation perfectly. (no surprise) even when acting on pure instinct your actions to protect your crew come from a place of love. Pure Mama Bear. (that’s a very good thing in my book)

    Sorry that Idaho has been so inhospitable. The area just north of where you were is one of my favorites. Oh well, maybe next year. May you find clear skies and nothing but joy where ever you end up. All my love to all of you.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Also I meant to mention how impressed I am with Reggie’s reaction. Just a few months ago I think a scared little dog that had known nothing but unease in his life would have reacted much differently. But now, after being surrounded by your unconditional love he is able to step back and let you deal with it knowing that he can trust his pack leader to defend her pack.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Lucky you to have been out camping! Hope you had nice weather and put one of your stoves to good use! 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        I was wondering… many stoves DID he take with him?

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          LOL, just one this time. The MSR Microrocket. I was backpacking and every gram counts.

          But yes, it was very nice to get away for a couple of days. I decided a longer (read more expensive) trip would not be moving me towards my full time goal. So I’ve settled that for the next couple of years I will sate myself with trips of a couple days and stay closer to home. Made sense at the time, but I’m yearnin’ to get into some real mountains. Not much of that in these parts.

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          BTW Cinandjules, did I mention that my GF took a second part time job?
          So now she works at Whole Foods (20% employee discount) and REI (30% employee discount)
          God, I LOVE that woman. 🙂

  83. Mike Leonard says:

    I am so relieved that Bridget is okay! We may be full timing it in our Casita before too long. Just have to sell our place. I have been trying to remember what you do about your mail. And what about voting? We live in Washington State right now. So many things to think about!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mike,

      I apologize for the delay in answering your questions. I hope you see this!

      I use Americas Mailbox for mail forwarding to whatever General Delivery address I indicate to them. You can read about them at their website. They also provide vehicle registration service, among other things. Americas Mailbox provides me with a street address which I use as my legal address for voting and taxes. I chose SD because it collects no income or sales tax and doesn’t require annual emissions inspections. You can learn about these topics at various websites. Do a search at or any other RVing forum and you’ll see tons of discussion about the choices available.

  84. Pamela K says:

    Vinegar, huh? I would have never thought of that. Great idea! I will remember that and put a spray bottle in my van tomorrow! Recently my hubby and I returned from getting groceries, it was late that evening, and two dogs cornered our van coming toward our windows. Since we had groceries to take in the camper, we laid on the horn for the owners to come and get them. The owners were miffed about the horn waking up some campers. Told them to explain it to anyone who asked by saying how dumb they were to let their dogs out unleashed in the first place! One small dog, one large dog…but both very snarly and both seemed to hate cars at night. Large one was an attack breed. Yelling at them had no impact at all, but the horn worked 🙂 Vinegar, yep, that would do it! Thanks Rusty!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Well, Pamela that does beat all…I do think vinegar would give those dogs something else to think about for awhile too!!

    • L.P. n' me says:

      REMEMBER,,, Aim for the eyes,,, it will sting like crazy, but if washed or flushed with water, it will dilute and cause no permanent damage and the intruder being animal or human will leave you along to get away,,,,, but use your judgement, a human might come back with some recourse,,,,,,,,,, rusty,,,

  85. Lisa says:

    All of you have great suggestions for dog/self defense. I will have to pursue something. Luckily where I live, any injury to a service dog is a felony. Not that I would EVER let anything happen, I depend on him far too much. We avoid other dogs and I have carried a taser in the past. Another deterrent is my dog’s appearance, an American Bulldog and Labrador mix, he is often perceived as a Pitbull. This is an error I correct only depending on the circumstances, where we are, who is asking and how. Eventhough my dog wears a vest with two inch tall letters identifying him as a SD, some still ask…..sigh, there’s no fix for stupid.

    I am so glad Bridget is not hurt. Have you considered a hands free tether lease? It can go around your waist or over one shoulder, leaving your hands free. I would love to send you one, if you email me a location you could pick it up.

    I am catching up to you, only 14 months behind now, yeah. Next month I head north to retrieve my Boler, begin my renovation and countdown to being a vagabond. I am looking forward to it!!

  86. Susan says:

    Oh, that is so scary !!!! I am glad Bridgette is ok. A friend of mines little dog recently got attacked by a pit bull at her daughters house. Friend visiting with dog and said ” He’s a good dog, just after she said that the dog attacked Peanut ( a small poodle mix) . She was torn up pretty bad and had to have lots of surgery, hospital care. I heard yesterday that she is finally doing ok.
    I hate it when people with big dogs let them run like that. Happens all the time when I walk my dog. Big dogs come running up, owner says, “Oh , they just want to play !”. Well, guess what ? My dog does not want to play and he will growl at them if they hover over him . That can then cause them to want to fight. Thank goodness I have been lucky so far in that nothing bad has happened. And my dog never runs up to other dogs . It is always the other dog running to him.
    I have to say , it really bugs me when dogs run up to me or my dog !!!

  87. Pamela K says:

    Hello everyone,
    About all the current wildfires…
    Does anyone here remember about the 1994 wildfires at the base of Storm King Mountain in Colorado? Over a dozen firefighters were trapped and killed in the blazes.
    I ask because the 1994 blaze touched off a federal investigation by OSHA about the Forest Services fleet of planes (ie some were water tankers) that were suppost to be used to fight those wildfires and the *Sheep-Dip* of CIA planes. I came across this info while, among other things, researching current public lands sites and forest service sites and the almost mandated use of the current reservation system for campgrounds. It caught me by surprise, to say the least, since those needed planes were out of the U.S. being used for…well…other things. Seems it all turned into a real scandal of sorts and made me wonder about all that info being collected in the current *small company* who is NOT at all small who now owns all that collected data. I ask because a number of us here have voiced dismay and conecerns over the need to reserve campsites well in advance…and the costs of doing so. Not to mention that our private data is collected in doing so.

    Any thoughts anyone? As promised, I said I would delve more into the reservation systems being used and their ownership so this is not a new topic or concern, but merely a follow-up of a curious nature. If anyone is interested in learning more Google search Sheep-Dip CIA Planes and The Forest Service. It’s an interesting read and pretty shocking since so many campgrounds and their roads are now closed to the public. Hum, not sure what, if anything, to make of that history and today’s need for the collection of our data. It does, however, beg the question…WHY and by WHOM?

  88. weather says:

    Hi Sue,I hope as I type you’re settled in for the rest of the day and evening somewhere you three are comfortable in.Your “Journey Away From Smoke” has been going on for almost three weeks,wow what a trek!Filled with the good and not -so-much,the lovely and plain,and the easy enough to take in stride and the parts more challenging it’s taken a lot of skill,faith and energy.Add restful and restorative to what I hope about where you are.If perchance you have access to internet and check your blog please don’t feel the need to reply to this in lieu of relaxing a bit.I just wanted to say hello to you and the blogorinos-Hi everyone,what’s for supper?I shared tacos with the pups.

  89. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hello again, blogorinos!

    The crew and I are camped in an Oh-My-Gosh-I-Can’t-Believe-This-Place campsite and we are out of the smoke at last. Well, maybe not entirely since the smoke seems to be all over the West. However, it was nice to see blue sky above us all afternoon.

    We covered a lot of miles the past few days which makes finding this beautiful, cool boondock all the more precious. Yesterday’s overnight boondock had no internet signal. I do have a good, steady signal at our present camp! We may camp here for two weeks!

    I hear some thunder and it’s beginning to rain, so I’ll keep this short. I’m too fuzzy-brained to blog tonight. I always do better in the morning anyway.

    Wow! What interesting comments! I hope you’ll excuse me from continuing with individual replies. Know that I read every word. Thanks again for your thoughtful, caring messages.

    See ya’ tomorrow! You’re a great bunch of people, you know that?


    • weather says:


    • Pamela K says:

      So glad you and the crew have finally found a cool smoke-free camp site! I hadn’t said so but I was alittle concerned about Miss Bridget’s breathing in the smoke, it can be hard dogs and especially the older ones…I’m sure she is fine but good to get out of that stuff anyway. The weather here has been gorgous at evening and nightime. Perfect for sitting out with friends and later for sleeping. We had our wind siren go off awhile ago but the skies were calm, not sure why it went off. No rain or straight line winds, all is calm. Well that’s it for a Friday night in GA. You and the crew rest well. Have your coffee in the AM and mildew around until you feel like logging on again. We’ll be here. Nite Nite 🙂

    • Dawn in MI says:

      Happy happy happy for you all! Enjoy!

  90. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    “…a great bunch of people…” Birds of a feather stick together!! 🙂

    Enjoy your cool boondock and try to catch up with yourself. It has been a busy few weeks keeping ahead of the fires and trying to stay smoke free.

    Sending hugs to you and the Crew from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  91. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hi, Sue –
    Hope you are having a good night and will see blue sky again tomorrow. You have a signal, anyway.
    I am in the process of trying to figure out what travel trailer to get. I think I might be a full timer in a year or so. I like the idea of lighter weight and want something small. Also, I am in the process of reading all your older posts.
    Do you have a favorite way to lock the tongue of your casita while you are off in your tow vehicle?
    Thanks, so much for all your posts. I am inspired.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab in Houston,

      I lock the BLT’s tongue with the key lock that came with it from the factory. I hope you enjoy reading the old posts!

  92. Dawn in MI says:

    OMG. I’m late…am on the road and not reading. My dog Katie was attacked in a campground 2 years ago…attack dog was about Reggie’s size. Katie is a sheltie with a heavy coat so didn’t get hurt…but I was screaming bloody murder and trying to pick Katie up to get her away from the unleashed little monster. Her people weren’t the least bit upset by it. Walking your dog in a campground shouldn’t be scary but it is because people are idiots.

  93. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Tears in my eyes Sue as I read your account of the dog attack upon Bridget. I brought back the memory of our poor wee Bonnie losing her life under such an attack from a German Shepherd in the street outside our house. This dog was on a leash but the owner had no control. So sad to lose a dog that way, I was powerless to stop it. I am so relieved that your Bridget is ok and came to no harm………… sorry this had to happen to her….poor darling. Give her lots of cuddles and you too Reggie!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Oh Glenda, how awful. I’m so sorry that happened to your Bonnie and you 🙁

      • Glenda in OZ! says:

        Thanks Sidewinder Pen…………it was terrible what happened and I can still see it happening in front of me and I was powerless to help……….poor little Bonnie.

  94. Pamela K says:

    Boy, the more I read about dog-on-dog attacks makes me wonder if, maybe, the dog food processing being done to day has anything to do with the increased agression? Yes, there have always been bad dog owners…but it seems there might be an increase in attacks over the past few years. What with all the pet foods being made in China and other places now too. Would sure be an eye-opening study IF that were the case! Maybe a Ph-balance thing, who knows?

  95. Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

    I don’t know whether this link has been posted but this site shows the active fires and locations.

    Be safe everyone.

    Marilyn, Dania Beach, FL

  96. Terri From Texas says:

    Looking forward to hearing anout your OMGOSH camp! Meanwhile I get to help hubby wash and wax the trailer this morn for our upcoming trip to AZ and NM. Can’t wait. Hope the fires stay away! We will be checking out City of Rocks in NM and Fool Hollow Lake in AZ to name a few. Any comments on either?

  97. Jolene says:

    I am so glad Bridget is ok. I just went through this with Harley at the campground after his surgery for an intestinal blockage. I was walking him in the campground and a grandson was walking a dog he couldn’t control. The dog came charging at us. I yelled to get that dog because our dog just had surgery. The grandfather came running and got to him in time as the grandson was being dragged on the ground. Some people just don’t think.

  98. Darrell says:

    Sue, sorry to hear about Bridget and the pack of attack dogs. It’s a similar situation everywhere you go. Here at the Cheney State Park in Kansas it’s the same thing over and over. The state law says your dog must be on a leash at all times while inside a state park. However, many people ignore that rule. In the summer of 2010 I was bitten on the back of the thigh area by a loose dog which the owner says “he won’t hurt anyone”. BS if you get my drift. Just yesterday our dog, on a leash, was attacked by a dog not on a leash. Now my dog is a pit bull who can hold his own in any scrape but he shouldn’t have to contend with it but it happens a couple of times every year.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Darrell,

      I hear what you’re saying. There are signs all over campgrounds, some in words, some in pictures for those who can’t read, that dogs must be leashed. I know I’ll be much more careful with Bridget from now on. Now that she’s old and not as fit as she used to be, some dogs see her as prey.

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