New Casita decor and disappointing news about Ajo boondocking area!

Tuesday, January 21

The crew and I hop into the Perfect Tow Vehicle and leave the Best Little Trailer behind.

We’re off to Yuma!


Aww . . . Look at the cute landing gear at the back of the BLT!

We zip across the desert, glide onto the interstate, and a short while later, pull into the parking lot of — you guessed it — Wal-Mart!

After doing Wal-Mart, we motor over to the UPS Customer Center!

I pick up a box from Amazon, check that all my purchases are inside, get back on the interstate, and head for home.  Let me show you my new goodies . . .


No, I’m not reading that book. It’s a freebie that came with the Paperwhite.

I don’t know why I didn’t order a cover for the Kindle Paperwhite when I bought it.  This is a purple “Moko cover case” with magnet closure.

The Paperwhite is my first electronic device with a touch screen.  After about two minutes trying to push things around with my finger, I realize I want a stylus, too.

You know how I love to loll around in my lounge chair, getting the most out of the day by reading, drinking, sleeping, staring into space, grumbling about passers-by, and so forth?

Fun, except for one thing . . .


With this thingy attached, I can drink two drinks at the same time and wait for two phones to ring!

The only thing I don’t like about my lounger is there’s no place to set down a drink or the e-reader.  I have to pull over a side table.

Sheesh.  All that work in order to relax. 

Well, no more!  See the nifty tray?  It’s proper name is “Prime Products utility tray” and it’s just the ticket for a lazy retiree such as myself who balks at having to move a side table.

I get the idea for this next purchase from one of my readers. 

I see the item on an orders report from Amazon.  I don’t know who ordered it.


It even has its own drawstring bag to keep it cozy.

Hmm . . . I should get one of those!

This is the description:  “My Passport Ultra 1 TB portable external hard drive USB 3.0 with auto and cloud backup.”   (I think it’s the word “Ultra” that sells me on this item.)

Sure, I can back stuff up in the cloud, but, dang it, I want my photos in something I can hold in my hand.  A bunch of my photos still sits in files on my former computer.  I’m going to transfer them, as well as the more recent pics on my laptop, onto the external hard drive.

Okay.  That’s the stuff I got from Amazon.

How about a look at the fabulous, new decor!


Bridget assumes her classic please-don’t-hit-me-with-the-camera expression.

I’m not bowled over by the colors of the quilt and sham. 

A bit pale for my taste.  They don’t exactly “pop.”  However, have you made your way through Wal-Mart’s bedding department lately?  It’s a walk down the Aisle of Gloom.  Who comes up with these color schemes?

The color choices are black, brown, light grey, and dark purple and — oh, what the heck, let’s get wild — plum.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want dark and dismal bed covers.

When I come across the light aqua-and-gold quilt among all the dreary burial shrouds pretending to be comforters and quilts, I grab it and toss it into the cart along with two matching shams.

Over in bath accessories, I find a rug in a similar shade of blue.


Spike strikes a lively pose to demonstrate his joy over a new quilt!

I love living in a 17-foot travel trailer.

Put up a few curtains, spread out a new quilt, stick the pillows into matching shams, and for the finishing touch, throw a new rug on the floor.  Done!  The entire house is redecorated!  Now go sit in the lounger with a cool drink at your fingertips!  Tap that stylus on your Paperwhite!  Smile smugly because you backed up your photos!


As I’m sitting outside tapping my Paperwhite with the stylus, a green truck pulls up.  Huh?  Who’s that guy in the camo hat and beard?  A woman jumps out from the other side and runs around to greet me with much enthusiasm.

A miracle occurs and I recognize her.

“Glenda!  Hello!”  Now I also know who the man is (making the assumption that Glenda didn’t dump her husband for someone new).

“Jeff!  Hello!”

Kira the Keeshond runs over to greet Bridget and Spike.

I met Glenda, Jeff, and Kira (Casita Escapes) when they camped next to me and the crew last winter at Ajo, Arizona.  They recently returned to camp there again.

In the course of conversation, Glenda shares some disappointing news regarding Ajo.

“You know where we camped at Ajo?” she begins.  “Well, they’ve fenced it off.  Five strands of barbed wire all along the road.  Some guy walked over to the mine and got killed . . . ”

“No, he was injured,” Jeff corrects.  It’s not clear what exactly happened.  Whatever the case, apparently that land belongs to the mine, not the BLM, as commonly thought.  For several years the mine company has allowed RVers to camp in the sites along the road.


One of our camps at Ajo. What lamebrain cropped this photo? They took the top off the saguaro!

Now there’s no more camping on the mine side of the road.

It’s the fear of liability, of course.  The fence extends on the right side from the fork in the road at Darby Well Road (where the scary smuggler warning sign is) all the way to where the mine tailings end.

“The guy putting up the fence told us we had to move.  We found another site in an open spot by Cow Plop Mountain which was nice.”

Be aware, readers, that the number of places to camp has been reduced, especially if you plan to visit Ajo during the first weekend in February when the fiddlers’ festival takes place.

Wednesday, January 22

Jeff and Glenda stop by to drop off Kira on their way to the dentist in Los Algodones, Mexico, not far from here.  Yesterday I volunteered to watch her, as it’s too warm to leave a dog all afternoon in a Casita.

Bridget and Spike host a play date!


“Oh boy, this is going to be fun, right, guys?”

Not really.  The three canines look each other over for about one minute.  Then Bridget lays down some ground rules.


“This is a temporary arrangement, Kira. Got that?”

Kira patiently waits in the shade of the PTV for the return of Glenda and Jeff.  Bridget and Spike ignore her all afternoon.



If you’re interested in any of the items I bought from Amazon, use the descriptions I gave to do a search in the Amazon search box in the sidebar.


December 2012


Sunset seen from the Darby Well Road boondocking area

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117 Responses to New Casita decor and disappointing news about Ajo boondocking area!

  1. Suzi from MD says:

    Love your purchases! The tray is awesome 🙂

  2. Mary (MN) says:

    Once again great pictures. I love the one with Bridget and Kira. Goofy critters. I will have to take a look at that table, because when the weather warms up here that is where I will be – outside in my chair. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      “When the weather warms up here” in Minnesota. . . oh, dear. May you have an early spring and a long summer.

      • Mary (MN) says:

        Sue I decided not to wait for spring or summer. The sun is shining and I am splurging and turned the heat up to 70, a perfect day even if I’m not outside. The back bedroom is a cheery yellow with lots of empty space from the downsizing – so I set up my camp chair and my new tray should be here tomorrow. I am set. Now just to get the Kindle and I can relax away. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I LOVE IT! What a great idea! Maybe you’ll start a trend across the frozen north. People camping inside their homes . . .

          Mary. . . You are wonderful and I mean that exactly… You are full of wonders!

  3. Brian says:

    Great little hard drive Sue. I have several. Just remember to keep it safe and in a different place than your laptop. That reduces the risk of losing all your images.

  4. Lacy says:

    You crack me up:
    Aisle of Doom and Gloom
    Dreary burial shrouds

    I needed a giggle tonight and you didn’t disappoint. Yes, you nailed Wal Mart to a “T”. Although I totally understand about wanting a ‘pop’ of color, I LIKE the new stuff – it says “SPRING”! And it makes the crew look even better (how is THAT possible when they already looked PERFECT?) The BLT looks great – I LOVE the curtains.

    Oh I thought I’d throw this in: today is Thursday. I’ve been confused all week due to the holiday on Monday. Then it hit me – you’re kinda like this all the time except for one big difference: you don’t care!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a fun comment, Lacy! You’re right about the new decor… It’s very spring-like… a nice change from the previous red quilt. I wanted a light, fresh, clean look for our living space.

      I’m very happy with the curtains. They filter the light into a soft glow. For once in my life, a decorating decision came out right!

      I don’t care what day it is, unless I’m waiting for packages to arrive.

  5. Jean Fox says:

    Hi sue, cute landing gear you have there on your BLT. I like the utility tray. I just got one myself (Amazon, of course) but have not used it yet. I just left my home state of PA on Sunday to begin my full-time RV travels. I am so looking forward to the lifestyle you have been living these last few years. Nice pics as always. Best to you, Bridgett and Spike.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hip-hip-HOORAY FOR JEAN! You’re on the road! I know my readers join me in wishing you safe travels and exciting, new experiences.

      Please feel free to ask questions here or share what you learn along the way or good camps or whatever . . . The readers of this blog helped me a lot when I started out, and they continue to do so… We’re here for you.

      Have a wonderful new life that began last Sunday!

  6. Larry M says:

    Those portable hard drives should come with a big WARNING Sue. I’ve had two of them suddenly stop working! Lost all kinds of stuff. Fortunately, I had backed most of my data, music, and pictures up to DVDs. Now I use a large capacity Flash Drive for backup. But, I still back up to DVD. And, (another lesson learned) I store the DVD’s in paper sleeves. Not is the plastic binders that you can buy to supposedly protect them. Those things in fact cause wear along their outer edges…eventually leading to failure. LOVE your blog!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry,

      I’m happy you love my blog but Big Bummer on your experiences with portable hard drives . . . 🙁 I appreciate the reminder that nothing seems to be fool-proof or a perfect solution when it comes to electronics and technology.

  7. Ladybug says:

    Well, no. Actually, I was anticipating the UPS Customer Center to be the first stop! I don’t have a touch screen, just the touch mouse on the laptop (which I hate) so I could see a stylus being an essential tool. If I ever break down and buy a Kindle, I’ll remember to get one.

    I have a similar quilty blankie from Wal-Mart, but mine is in burgundy, dark green, gold and ivory. I thought it was fairly cheerful, until I threw a beige flannel sheet over it for extra warmth in this extreme cold. What a difference! I like the blue/yellow, but I agree, could have a bit more ‘pop’.

    I thought Bridget looked a bit excited in that pic with Spike and Kira. Maybe it was so warm it just made the doggies too lazy to play.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ladybug,

      I admit I’m still getting used to the touch screen. I do love the Paperwhite. I haven’t used it much because people gave me several paperbacks and I wanted to finish them first so I’m not carrying them around …

      Well, last night I sat up in bed with the Paperwhite… all the lights off, the crew asleep, in the dark with the lit screen and the curtain pulled open above my bed. The self-lit screen — very easy on the eyes and the stars still in view out my window… Life is good!

      Kira was a little depressed and worried, most likely. She was a different dog when Glenda and Jeff returned . . . bright eyes, scampering and hopping happily all around . . .

      • Geri Moore says:

        Similar to Bridget and Spike when I baby/dog sat for them when you and Chuck went to Mesa Verde! Bridget moped, Spike slept until you got back! Then they came to life again! LOL! Sure glad you are warm! 32 degrees here at Lake Kissimmee State Park at 7:30 this am! brrrrrrrrr!

  8. mockturtle says:

    Sue, I like your quilt and sham. They look great! 🙂

  9. Dawn in MI says:

    Seems like a practical bunch of stuff you got! That’s one advantage of having the link, you get to peruse the list of stuff bought and find some stuff I’d never think of. Glad you could dog sit too…I’ve often wondered how people do all the stuff they seem to need to do when they have a dog..hard to leave them in the RV…or the car…in many types of weather. And so many places don’t let you take your dog…would be somewhat of a problem I’d think.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      If one loves their dog(s) like family, they’re never a real problem, just need consideration. The crew hasn’t kept me from most places or experiences. Of course, I’m not a museum/restaurant/indoor activity person, and it’s no big deal if I miss a trail because dogs aren’t allowed. I think my blog shows that there’s a lot to enjoy in the company of dogs.

      When it’s warm, I shop or whatever in the morning or I move very quickly, never leaving them long. The PTV has dark windows and great insulation which helps a lot.

  10. Cinandjules says:

    You made me chuckle through your entire post. I must admit the aisle of gloom was funny!

    A new fresh look for the BLT. Love the tray! And the ultra thingamajiggy! How are Glenda and Jeff? Tell them I said hello!

    Dog sitting Kira how nice of you! Bridget whispering sweet warnings was cute!

    Too bad your camping site is now off limits! Mines…. as in fall through a shaft mine? Yikes! Well better safe than sorry….for you and the crew!

    Enjoy your night! Thanks for taking the time to entertain us!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cindy,

      You’re welcome!

      The abandoned narrow, shaft-type mines are a problem in Arizona.

      “Approximately 24,183 abandoned hardrock mines exist in Arizona according to the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service estimates.”

      Some figures are higher than that. People fall into them, try to mine them using pumps and die of CO poisoning, drive ATVs, quads, whatever, into them.

      I remember when I taught middle school and one of my duties was to monitor the hall between classes. Students would walk down a busy hallway, looking backward. I’d stop them and say, “Life lesson: Always better to look where you’re going, not where you’ve been.”

      Nice to have your approval of my purchases… The advantage of not having much is appreciating every little thing you get! I get a thrill out of a plastic table for my lounger!

  11. Pat in Rochester says:

    I love the chair tray thing. And I agree about the Walmart color choices. Last weekend I had to buy sheets. I ended up with what they call ivory and I call tea stains. But they are comfy. I do like your new quilt colors. Spring colors are nice to see in January.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      Tea stain sheets! I know exactly what you mean. Hmm… Let’s see… What can we do to mess up ivory? I know… Let’s make it look dirty!

      The spring colors do set a good mood in my little home. And since the crew and I don’t experience winter very much, it fits better to decorate for the warmer seasons.

  12. Mark Watson says:

    Some Ajo camping spots closed? NUTS !! They’ll probably all be fenced off by the time I retire and get out there.
    (from Denton, Tx …. still)… but last week was in Lajitas Tx for a week. Lajitas is about 40 miles west of Big Bend Nat’l Park. T’was a great week to be in the Casita.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Love your last line, Mark! I have found every week to be “a great week to be in the Casita.” I’m happy for you.

      Well, I guess I’d better get on the road and find some more great boondocking spots for your retirement, Mark!

  13. DeAnne in TN says:

    I love the tray–that is something that I would definitely find useful because of all that trying to move a table and all. Too funny! And I love the fact that it has room for two phones–how in the world have we survived without phone trays?

    I agree about the bedding selection at Wal-mart. They must assume because we don’t want to spend $200 on a comforter that we have bad taste and are colorblind. I sleep with dogs too. I’m not spending a lot on bedding when it’s washed as much as I have to. You made a good choice, and the light colors brighten up the interior along with the curtains. Looks great! One advantage of your small space–you can totally redecorate without a lot of $, fuss or time. Can’t wait!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, DeAnne,

      Freedom comes in many forms. I like the freedom of not caring very much if one of the crew jumps up on the bed with dirty paws. It’s not a crisis… simply wash it . . . It’s a cheap quilt. If I’d paid $200 or more for it, I’d have the job of protecting it all the time. Not that I’d ever pay that much . . . .

      Poor people and bad taste. If the only clothes and furnishings you can afford are loud, awful colors in stupid-looking designs… well? That doesn’t necessarily mean you have bad taste. It’s that or nothing! Kids clothes are the worst. Inexpensive shirts for kids almost always have crazy pictures and words on the chest and predictable colors (bilious green for boys; shocking pink/purple for girls).

  14. Ladybug says:

    Oh, and about that tray……you do realize you could have gotten one of those caps that holds 2 cans (one on each side of your head) and has 2 straws instead, don’t you? 😉

  15. Ilse says:

    Well that sucks! Ahem, excuse me… I’m sitting in the walmart parking lot in Yuma waiting to go to Ajo tomorrow. Bummer.i think I should go anyway and see what other places there are. I know there is a National Park type of area farther south. The plumber’s wife told me about it today while we were sitting in her yard in Yuma while her husband worked for three hours to fix the fittings and put my grey water tank back into its usual place, from where it had decided to detach itself fully loaded this morning on the way to the dump at La Posa South shortly after we had passed the IRV2 gathering spot. What a surprise, I didn’t know grey water tanks do that. There are a couple of not so young gentlemen resting their sore backs tonight wondering what on earth possessed them to carry a completely full 28 gallon or more tank to the side of the road.
    Like your purchases. How do you convey to Amazon that you want your things shipped a certain way? I bought a 12v Tv and put as my address general delivery in Quartzsite. Of course they sent it Fedex and I ended up driving to Lake Havasu City to retrieve it. Now I can’t get the antenna to work. I better quit whining now, after all this is YOUR blog:-)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ilse,

      Sounds like you’ve had a hellish day! I’ve never heard of a tank detaching… What a PAIN. Maybe you should contact LazyDaze about it? I’m glad some people were around to help you.

      Let us know what it’s like at Ajo now that the fence is up. I really enjoyed that area, including the town . . . I never went to Organ Pipe National Park.

      No, you can’t tell Amazon how to ship. That’s a bugaboo that is bringing Amazon lots of complaints from RVers, including mine, more than once. I’ve had good results using a UPS Customer Center (not UPS store) because the USPS isn’t involved at all. Unfortunately the big UPS “hubs” are only in certain cities.

      Hey, you have a right to whine after your dropped-tank trouble! It is good to hear from you again, Ilse. Happy trails!

      • Ilse says:

        Hi Sue,
        I just love being a woman and able to change my mind whenever I feel like it, so Max and I are in our old spot at Sidewinder Road. It was just so much easier. Most of my very few neighbors are the same ones that were here four weeks ago.
        Here’s to another beautiful day!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Well, good for you, Ilse! I was going to invite you back this way. I didn’t because I was afraid a bunch of readers would misinterpret that as meaning I’m no longer a recluse. 🙂

          A bit breezy today, but, really, the weather here is pretty darn good for January. The sunrises and sunsets have been stunning lately.

          If we’re out walking and should happen upon you and Max, be sure to shout out, “Hi, Sue! I’m Ilse!”

  16. That was me who bought the My Passport external hard drive. I keep all my photos and digital art on them, I have 2 to back each other up. My last drive from Western Digital lasted 8 years which I think is great as they are well used. Plus you can take it to a friends to share pix or just plug it in if you get a new laptop. No transfer process necessary.

    I’m also concerned about the loss of boondocking land. With all of the boomers retiring and some people abusing it with trash and waste left behind, it’s going to get harder finding nice places off the grid.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rosemary,

      Gee, I appreciate you ordering your hard drive through my blog. I made a few dollars and I finally got around to getting one for myself.

      Every day more boomers “get out there” which means every scrap of trash, every little bit of damage to the environment, every plant removed, every bit of fishing line left lying about, every tire mark and rut…. all will accumulate to wear down good camping places. I hope everyone reading this will commit to leaving their camps better than they found them. It’s a good message to pass on to grandchildren, too.

  17. Barbara says:

    Hi Sue,
    I checked the reply to my comment (1/20.) Wanted to thank you and Mick for the response and calculations. When I get to RV I want to go solar, but bake most of the dishes I cook, or the one-pot method. So, I was thinking of a small micro/convection but had no idea how to figure out the solar situation.

    Do you have a/c in the BLT? Since you move based on weather/temps, thought maybe you do not. But I thought I remember your talking about having one with heat strips, the I know you don’t use anymore.

    I like the new decor, but it is quite a contrast from your last bedding. Did you look on Amazon for bedding? Or try Target?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      You may find a microwave is more worry than it’s worth, referring to worry about power drain. There are many alternatives as we discussed on the recipe post comments. Once retired, there’s time to cook the old-fashioned ways . . .

      I have an air conditioner with heat strips. The a/c is standard equipment on a Casita. I hardly every use the a/c or heat strips because they require a generator or electric hook-ups.

      I looked on Amazon for bedding. I prefer quilts and Amazon’s quilts are either too nice for my use… or I couldn’t see well enough from photos to choose.

  18. Anne H says:

    I know what you mean about trying to find bedding! I just went shopping for twin bed linen for my trailer – if you don’t want Space Rangers, you’re in trouble!! I did find a set of aqua that was OK, and almost got some coral – but finding comforters etc to match – insanity!! I ended up going too dark and that is a very bad idea when traveling with a very white cat.

    I’m glad to see that you have the same Amazon problem that I do – I see what other clever things folks have found and then it’s just so easy to click-and-buy!! I love your little tray, but am restraining myself (I did bring the stupid table along, might as well use it).

    • SusanS says:

      I finally remembered to pick up a twin fake down comforter at Target a few weeks ago (usually sold out by the time I remember I want one). Bought it and then found out duvet covers cost a fortune. Ended up buying a new in package IKEA duvet cover on eBay. Well within my comfort zone price wise! IKEA has some very colorful quilts an covers.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Well, Susan, when I’m at my paranoid best, I see duvet covers as part of a conspiracy to make consumers buy more linens!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anne,

      I had to chuckle at your Space Rangers remark. It’s like single adults don’t exist.

      It’s an elimination process choosing bedding when you have a pet(s) getting on it, too. Solid colors are a no-no, especially dark colors, because of the white hair . . . theirs and mine! 🙂

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        Matching the dog hair… my mother always had pugs, so she lived in a beige world. I hate beige… and since I have her last beige half-Pug, I live in gray because it too hides the hair. Amazing how many life decisions start to hinge on the color of one’s dog’s hair. I like to say that my life is the dull version of 50 Shades of Gray…

  19. MK Reed says:

    Sheesh you been busy girl…shopin’ and dog sittin’ and re-decoratin’…I’m worn out just reading about it!

    I agree about wally world, their current buyer must be a goth type person, I actually considered the exact pattern you have…LOL. I’m trying NOT to buy anything new for my full size ancient bed in hopes of moving soon, I want a queen size so there’s room for me and the dog. I’m tall enough that I have to sleep diagonally on the full size.

    The BLT looks great with the new colors btw.

    The photos and comments of the critters are great as usual. I do hope Bridge and the Spikester are good hosts to Kira.

    Oh and I do love the hat on and off.

    Enjoy your blog always!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MK,

      Thanks for all the compliments. I think you hit on the reason for the awful color selection at Wal-Mart… The designers are probably twenty-somethings with nose rings and spiked hair with purple tips . . . Goth! Give me a break! Who wants to sleep in a haunted bed!

      Ah, the hat… It keeps the sun off my scalp and serves as a wall hanging, too. In my little space, the more functions something provides, the better!

  20. Jean wheatleyIn Molalla says:

    do what the Bayfield do, pick up some of those AW rug/blanket things, they’re bright, look neat inAll And Kellies home,Pheebets like em too.Don’t bother to buy an IPad,it’s hard to use,and kit doesn’t last”….a real POS!!!I thick Macy’s or Target may have bright quilt, my daughter got them somewhere

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      Don’t know what AW means… Did you mean SW as in Southwest?

      I considered what I call “Mexican blankets” a year or two ago and decided they are too heavy. These quilts are thin so I can adapt them to the temperature by using them as a single cover or by folding them for double coverage. The Mexican blankets wouldn’t work well like that. Plus I don’t like the feel of them on my face.

      The colors are fabulous, though. So many designs and combinations from which to choose. They certainly do enliven the rooms in Al and Kelly’s home.

      This lady doesn’t go to Macy’s or Target or the areas in which they are located. 🙂

  21. Pleinguy says:

    You got some nifty gadgets there; very useful stuff. Hey, I like the color combo of your new quilt. I was wondering if UPS charges you for picking up at their store? Is that how you normally receive online orders?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pleinguy,

      You approve of my shopping! Always good to hear that . . .

      The UPS Customer Center, otherwise known as a UPS hub, does not charge anything.

      Be careful not to confuse it with a UPS store. Those places charge $10-$15 PER PACKAGE.

      One of the reasons I’m hanging around Yuma is the proximity of a UPS hub.

  22. Elizabeth says:

    I think your new quilt and accessories are pretty…surprized you can find anything that nice at Walmart…so agree with you about their buyers!! What are they thinking anyway?? Looks like the doggies like it fine!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Nice to hear you like the quilt. Actually the “new decor” looks better in real life because the rug on the floor is a deeper shade of blue and the gold ties in with the color of wood cabinet doors. We needed a new quilt, and the shams were threadbare.

  23. Kay says:

    I’ve had many conversations with my residents, we’ve all discussed the RV lifestyle. Everyone has said “the cost of living is driving them into thinking about RV living” and I agree. However, like everything else we average Americans find to beat the high cost of living, the good old government and even private sectors will shut us down, making it difficult for many to find a boondock site. Look how many town/cities have banned Wal-Mart camping. That’s why I think it’s so important that we all pickup after ourselves and keep our BLM lands clean. So we don’t lose the great opportunity of boondocks spots. Well, it’s began to snow here in Colorado again… I wish it would have waited about another 4 weeks!

    Bridget and Spike, I am really surprise at your hospitality. What’s up with ignoring your guest? You should always be kind and good canine hosts… you never know when you might have to spend a few hours as guests!

    Love your gifts, Sue. You really know how to entertain us, keep it up! Next, you’ll need the shade umbrella for the chair and then train the crew to rub your feet! Maybe one could learn how to mix and deliver the drink!!! Oh, I best go to bed, the dreams are happening before sleep tonight.

    Enjoy! Kay

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      You bring up two important points. RVing can be a way to enjoy life on a modest income, but only if the person is able to live contentedly with less and can adapt to new experiences.

      You are so right about keeping public lands clean and as undisturbed as possible, so they aren’t closed to camping.

      Too many people think fire rings are for trash (which blows away) and that it’s okay to leave tire tracks everywhere. How many people get out and rake over the deep ruts made by their motor home, trailer, van or OHV? A little rut can expose roots of plants and cause them to die. A rut can turn into a gully with heavy rains, and a gully can eventually topple cacti and wash out a road. I’ve seen it.

      More snow for Colorado…. darn! 🙂

  24. Cat Lady says:

    Sue, if you’ll provide the clicky link to the products you purchased, we can click on it and go directly to Amazon and buy the item, too. For instance, I’d like to buy the purple Kindle paperwhite cover. I’d like you to get the credit for the sale. If you’ll provide the clicky on your site, I’ll use it so you get a few coins for the sale.

    Just a thought.

    Cat Lady

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cat Lady,

      Nice to hear from you!

      About links . . . If you look at the comments below the post about recipes (link in sidebar), you’ll see that I put a gazillion links in my replies to help people look at items like cookers. Well, the next day I get my Amazon orders report and my conversion rate is down the toilet.

      What is a conversion rate? It’s the relationship between the number of clicks on a link and the number of those clicks that converted into purchases. Amazon rates their associates according to the conversion rate.

      Every time I put links (like at the end of posts), I hurt my conversion rate. I make links for the convenience of readers, but if I do that too much, my average conversion rate plummets and Amazon might bump me out of the program.

      All you have to do to see the Paperwhite case, for example, is type “Moko Paperwhite cover case” in the Amazon search box. When the page comes up, choose purple.

      I appreciate you wanting me to get credit for your purchase. When you use the search box or any other method to get to Amazon and buy something, I get credit. Thanks!

      • Linda in TX says:

        Sue, do you get some kind of credit when we use your link just to look, even if we don’t end up buying? I have a feeling that’s a stupid question….

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Linda,

          No, I don’t get any $$ credit… only when a purchase is made. Amazon is aware of how many unproductive clicks my blog generates, as well as how many productive ones, too.

          I remember when Tioga George first set up Amazon on his blog. Well-meaning readers clicked on his links, over and over again with no intention of buying. George had to tell them not to do that because it was hurting his conversion rate.

          I put up links to Amazon, not only to sell stuff, but to enhance my blog (so people can look). I just have to be careful not to do that too much.

          Good question… I’m glad you asked it.

  25. DeadEye says:

    I have to second the notion of having at least TWO external hard drives for back up. Last week I was backing up on a new one (1TB) and I checked one of my other Western Digital drives I have had for about 5 years. I could not open a MyDocuments back up folder at all. The hard drive kept crashing. A few other folders did open. I am glad I had another with the same back up. These things are not infallible and since we don’t use shoe boxes for our photos anymore it pays to be extra careful.


  26. Linda in TX says:

    Oh, I DO like the quilt colors! Very light and bright and look nice and blend-y next to your tabletop. I think those colors will be more restful to the eyes than bright primary or dark colors would have been.

    We have little side trays like that, too, and I like them a lot! All I need now is a comfortable footrest! I usually put another lawn chair in front of me (with a padded seat for my heels!).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      I was a bit tired of the bold red quilt and shams. This is a welcome change and the pattern won’t show dog hair. The texture is such that hair can be brushed off it easily. Some covers get static electricity and that’s the worst.

      Everyone seems to like those little tables for their loungers. They’re not expensive and add a lot.

  27. Pam Wright says:

    I do like the comforter…reminds me of the desert. Cute:) Good job!

  28. Zil says:

    Thanks for the information.
    But I think Bridget is saying “if you bring that camera closer I will snap its little neck.” not that she would, but she has to posture.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Zil,

      Bridget makes paranoia an art form. I’ve given her countless meals, hugs, soft words, belly rubs, ear skritches, a soft bed of her own, cared for her when she was injured… My gosh! I hold her in my arms every night and snuggle her. And she still acts like I might do something bad to her whenever I point the camera her way!

      • I have the same problem with my cat, Suzy. This cat has never been hit/spanked/physically harmed by me in any way but she acts like I am going to murder her when I walk into a room. She sits on my lap, gets lots of loving, good care, etc. However, she is a rescue and had some behavior problems when I got her at about 16 weeks old so she may have been traumatized by physical discipline before I adopted her. Or she is just plain skittish. No one ever sees her except me as she runs and hides as soon as there is a knock at the door.

        And cameras??? I have exactly two pictures in 14 years where she is actually looking at the camera. Suzy has the automatic, look-the-other-way response and no amount of coaxing is going to change that.

        Nonetheless, she is a sweet cat, very intelligent and I adore her.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Cats are notorious for that kind of behavior, although some are completely trusting and calm. I had a cat once that never — and I mean NEVER — walked across a room. She always crept along the walls.

          In fact, I had a student like that, too. She had a fear of open places. Somehow she managed middle school, moving along the walls. 🙁

        • Alan Rabe says:

          I have the same issue with my Cleo. I got her from the SPCA when she was about 5 months. Original owners named her “Flea Bag”. She is scared of every thing. If I am sitting or in bed she is all over me for affection but if I get up she runs. She loves to go out but if she sees anyone or hears any loud noise she runs inside. I suspect the first owners had kids that terrorized her but she still is as sweet as she can be.

          Note: on external hard drives. The smaller the more prone they are to break. Everything is smaller and more fragile. I have two full size Iomega 2 terabyte drives I have used for several years, One is my programming source code drive and it runs virtually non-stop.

          If you see something in Walmart, Home depot or Lowes or any such store buy it then. When they sell out there is no guarantee that they will restock it. If they find something similar but for less money they will buy it and drop the original, even if it is an inferior product.

  29. mary (in Colorado) says:

    Bridget and Spike may not have wanted Kira to feel too “welcome”. After all, she might get invited to stay for dinner and they would have to share the turkey.
    We have a black lab that ignores visitors to our house, and acts as if she’s being displaced till they leave. Who knows what goes on in their heads?
    Everyone enjoys some new treats once in awhile..thanks for sharing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      Oh, definitely, Bridget didn’t want Kira to feel welcome. To her, every dog is an intruder and Must Be Told!

      Spike used your black lab’s strategy… ignore!

  30. Barb George says:

    I love the new ‘do’ for the Casita! Doesn’t it truly make a difference just in the small stuff? LOVE it!

    Our weather is so confused… my daffodowndilly’s are starting to peek through. UGH.

    Hope you have a grand rest of the week!
    Hugs from Hoquiam!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Barb,

      Daffodowndillys? That’s a new one for me. Cute!

      I love daffodils. When I moved to Georgia, I discovered they are called jonquils there. I planted a round bed full of them (white with yellow centers) near my back door and garage. They turn toward the sun. When I drove in my driveway their “faces” were turned toward me, bobbing in the breeze as if to say, “Welcome home!”

      Thanks for the positive words on my new decor on a few dollars!

  31. Bill & Ann says:

    As a volunteer for almost three years now, it has become more and more apparent that boondocking areas have been shut down for good reasons. The biggest one is lack of clean up by the users. As volunteers, Bill and I are constantly roving the back country (federal and state lands) cleaning up back country ground toilets (UGH!), trash in fire pits with the rocks thrown in on top of the trash and…untold mounds of dog poop. We spend approximately fifteen to twenty hours a week with clean up in order to keep the back country looking pristine for the next user. With more and more people using the BLM and other free boondocking areas it is imperative that we, as users, use common sense regarding our use of the free areas and clean up after ourselves and each other. If we don’t do so, volunteers will discontinue volunteering and more and more areas will be closed to boondocking. We all need to take part in keeping the boondocking areas clean, safe and open for our use not just the volunteers or paid federal and employees.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bill and Ann,


      You speak from experience. I’m glad you shared the perspective of those who clean up messes left by lazy, careless, and/or ignorant people. Thank you very much for the work you do!

      You make a good point about the dog poop. I think some people figure it’s okay to leave poop around, thinking it’s “natural” and will disappear with time. Well, in the meantime other people step in it, smell it, and look at it!

      I don’t always remember to carry poop bags. When I don’t have any with me, I make a depression with my foot and bury the poop or I place a rock on top of it. I didn’t always do that and then I learned.

      Tenters, hikers and people without toilets: Stop leaving your dirty toilet paper around! Gosh, who wants to look at that!! You think volunteers should pick it up for you?

      Which is another good point you made . . . We need to remember that the people who clean up our messes are volunteers. They don’t have to do it!

      Thanks again for writing this important message. Hope all is going well… I’ll probably be back that way in a few weeks.

  32. Pauline Nash says:

    Interesting blog!! Love the goodies you bought from Amazon. Will have to look into the chair tray thingie. The BLT looks great…you have done an excellent job of interior decorating. Agree with the Wal-Mart statement. The colors for bedding are terrible. The sheets were either too dark, a weird color or looked faded. Yes, I saw some tea stained ones also. I wanted a set of just plain white and had to settle for a faded blue. Oh well, life is hard!
    It is cold here in Mississippi!!!! I am not complaining about the cold because I complain in the summer about the dreaded heat. Just wish there was a happy medium
    All is well with the family here. Granddaughters playing basketball which keeps us going from high school gym to high school gym. Love it! Jake shot a 4 point deer…I know you are cringing…but he was so proud. Even prouder when Melissa cooked some of it and served it here for supper. I won’t touch the stuff but everyone else told him how good it was.

    Stay safe, Dear Sister…love you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline,

      What’s the world coming to when ya’ can’t buy white sheets, eh? I remember when those were the only kind you could get.

      You and Jerold were always so supportive of the activities of Scott and Tawnya, and now you’re doing the same for the grandkids. They are very fortunate to have you both cheering them on. Say hi to all from Aunt Sue!

      Hey, Jake’s a southern boy and that’s what boys do in the South… shoot stuff. I know what you mean about venison. I don’t care for it myself.

      Mississippi weather is a lot like Georgia’s… It’s either hot and humid or it’s cold and where the heck is that tornado headed.

      Love you… Enjoyed your newsy comment!

  33. Wheeling it says:

    Whooo hooo….you’re backing up! You are becoming a technological wizard 🙂 really too bad about Ajo. More and more free places are closing down sadly and most of it is due to abuse and/or lack of common sense.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nina,

      I’ve been thinking about you two today… Wondering about your meet-up planned for today. You are very brave, inviting folks during the Quartzsite madness, and as popular as you are among RVers. When I saw your open invitation to the hordes I about lost my lunch! You are so courageous . . . and outgoing!


  34. AZ Jim says:

    Ever consider the “barking dog burglar deterrent”. Amazon sells many of differing prices and barking and growling sounds. Most attach to the door so any vibration or doorknob turning gets ’em going. You have the crew with you most of the time you are away from the BLT so it won’t scare them. Prowlers hate growling dogs, it’s usually enough to keep ’em moving. Your little Casita looks so alone when you leave it behind.
    Just an idea. PS I use a HP external drive as one of my backups. I’ve had PC’s since ’96 and never had a hard drive fail but one never knows and who in their right mind want to lose that precious photo of uncle Orval wearing a diaper at the New Year house party in 1976?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re funny, Jim. I don’t have photos of Uncle Orval but I do have a first edition photo of a fish sandwich from Chimacum, Washington. How ’bout that!

      Oh, and I also have to save and protect my photo of my external hard drive… ON my external hard drive. *crosses eyes*

      Are you the one who ordered the barking door thingy from Amazon? I have a different strategy. I figure burglars would rather break into a $100,000+ rig than my little trailer. I mean, why bother with the BLT?

      • Larry M says:

        LOL Sue. Since when were these burglars bright enough to be logical?? 🙂 But, one can’t always be “home”. Fortunately, many RVers look out for each other. LUCK to you!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Burglars may not be smart enough to be logical, but they’re definitely greedy. No big screen TV or big stash of cash in this little capsule of a home . . .

          It’s only stuff anyway . . .

  35. Renee (from Datil) says:

    Kira is a beautiful girl (don’t tell Spike & Bridget I said that!). LOVED the photo of Bridget posing on the new comforter (which is very pretty & light) — and the caption is perfect. Got me to laugh right out loud at that one! I have a paperwhite sitting out on my Amazon wish list…I just need to get beyond my resistance to buying one when I still have a nightstand full of paper books. I really need to stop getting them from my kids so I can feel justified in buying the Kindle.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      What IS it with Bridget? It may seem funny on the blog, but in real life, her paranoia is tiresome. Gosh, would it kill her to put on a happy face for the camera?

      Aw, go ahead and get that Paperwhite. You can read in the dark! Can’t do that with a paperback, unless you get a book light and those things aren’t fun. Plus you’ll have an excuse to pick out what color case you want and what color stylus . . . Look at all you’re missing! 🙂

  36. Bob G says:

    Not all is gloom: Do a search at WalMart for “Global Trends Josie Bedding Quilt Set” and you’ll see.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bob G,

      Okay, it’s red and pretty… but notice how dark it is?

      BTW, I had to remove your link (Walmart is a competitor of Amazon.)

      • Bob G says:

        I used Walmart because you were talking about Walmart.

        But this is interesting. Does Amazon require you not to show links to competing brands, or did you just invent that fetish yourself?


        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s in the Operating Agreement for Amazon Associates. Also, it makes sense that I would rather have my readers directed to Amazon where I make money, rather than to Wal-Mart where I don’t. 🙂

  37. Bill from NC says:

    Touch screen is sometimes impossible Sue. I have a touchscreen Samsung tablet and am trying to set up a wordpress blog and using android or full web will not let me post pics or type a long comment or post because the words wont scroll up out of the way. Plus the screen goes out of site when you type and pulling it down doesnt kerp it there. Oh well maybe I am eoing something wrong or bad signal. One thing is for sure I luv a good fight and I am gonna lick this thing!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Bill,

      Oh, the frustration! I tried to help Janet with her blog on a touchscreen Ipad (back when we camped at the RV park in Quartzsite). Drove me crazy!

      There has to be another way to scroll words out of the way.


      • cinandjules says:

        They have apps for blogging. Lots of them…it’s in blogger language so I have no clue as to what they are even talking about!

        To avoid using up your data…..when you go to a free wifi area…download it there.

        I would zip thru 10GB in no time…so I would take my ipad to my sister’s house and use her wifi to download.

  38. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Hey, I have a kindle just like what you bought w/the same book LOL. My daughter upgraded so she gave me her kindle w/the purple cover. She also left her books on the kindle in case I wanted to ready any of them. I’m with you…I love bright colors. Last year I bought hot pink sheet set for my bed that matches my hot pink throw pillow…brightens up my room. I used King size pink, blue, white tiny striped flat sheet as bedspreads since summers here are very hot (my bed is a double). I recently bought light blue sheets with white stars printed on them from second hand store…they are in excellent condition w/650 count thread by Tommy Hilfiger. I also snagged two bright red king pillow cases by the same designer. So summer bedding will be red, white, and blue w/white linen bedspread. Can’t wait to paint my room and put sheets on bed.

    I too use an external drive to store stuff. I haven’t backed up my computer so I guess I’ll do that soon. I loaded up a lot of pictures since August. Just got back from Las Vegas for my niece’s birthday celebration. We went to Valley of Fire and hiked to Mouse Tank, ate at an award winning steak house at Circus Circus but I think I prefer to cook my own steak…always have and prob always will. We also shopped at a new outlet mall north of Downtown Vegas. Had fun w/niece, sista. I love you new quilt and I see Bridget and Spike approve also. Have fun and enjoy the warm days.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      Isn’t it fun to discover a great deal, like your 650-count sheets? Gee, you’ve been having a grand ol’ time! I’m glad you had fun celebrating with your niece and sister. This weather is wonderful… You enjoy, too!

  39. Chuck says:

    Hi Sue! 32 here in central Florida but sunny! Is the Border Sign the one that we camped next to near Ajo????? I hope not but sounds like it…..Geri will probably comment later on the girlie stuff(comforter)! Stay warm! Woof, woof from the Boys

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      Yep, that’s the sign. Turn right at the sign and there’s a fence along the road keeping people away from the mine and all the campsites on the right-hand side.

  40. Crystal says:

    Oh, I love the new bedding! I have a bright yellow T@B teardrop so I went with fun and cheerful colors for bedding, pillows, seat covers, etc. I use mainly turquoise, orange, lime green, and some fuschia. To find blankets and pillows I usually went to the teen bedding section. I had seat covers made in lime green/white zebra print. When I tire of the print and color, I will just quit using them.

    It seems that when I wait and wait for my time to experience something, it’s no longer available because of abuse of a few others. How many times have we been prohibited from enjoying something because someone either got hurt, damaged it, or committed theft? Too many… A few often ruin a good thing for many. I hope I get to boondock some day. Many, many thanks to the volunteers!

    I assume you have to remove the chair tray before folding the chair? Does it just snap onto the frame? I have the same type of chair and would like one. I’ve also had an external HD on my list for, oh, probably a couple of months. lol I need to get in gear. I keep putting it off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Crystal,

      The statement “Majority rules” doesn’t have much basis in reality. Our society has been and continues to be shaped by the minority. One person does something stupid, reckless, lazy, selfish, cruel, or destructive . . . and the rest of us have a new restriction placed on our lives.

      Don’t be discouraged. Boondocks will be available to you.

      About the chair tray… It simply snaps onto the A-frame of the lounger legs. You can use it on the left-hand or right-hand side. It’s not big and cumbersome, making it easy to store. Yes, you do need to remove it (simply ease it off the frame) before folding up the lounger.

      Your color scheme is lively and daring, which often makes for a fabulous interior. I bet it looks fantastic. With our small abodes, we can experiment and change the colors more often than if we lived in a McMansion.

  41. Linda says:

    give Spike a big smooch for me.

  42. Pat in KS says:

    I, too, like the cool colors in your new bedding. You will enjoy them as the days heat up in Spring.
    I’ve been reading about boondocking. Even if I never get to actually experience it, I will have the fun of reading about it and I will be able to discuss it intelligently with my son. What I read involved lengths of white plastic plumbing pipe with a cap on the bottom and at the top and paper coffee filters for backwoods potty breaks. I guess dog poo would go in also. That way you can haul everything out with you. They mentioned cat litter or stuff to deal with odor. It is amazing what I can learn just by reading about it. I do hate it when a few yahoos spoil something for everyone else.
    Enjoy the new items. They are very cheerful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      Another vote for the new decor . . . 🙂 It’s already “spring” here, temps in the seventies, so the cool colors of my bedding suit the season. I’m liking the colors more and more. Spike has taken over the plush rug for naps.

    • Crystal says:

      I use a “Luggable Loo” potty. You can read about it online, and maybe you have. I buy the biodegradable bags with double zips that you toss in the trash. I don’t know that I would boondock with that system, though. For now I use campgrounds, and my Luggable Loo is for night use.

  43. Willow says:

    I really like the southwest colors of your new quilt, it’s fun to brighten our homes with color and inexpensive too. I love to change couch pillows etc.
    When things are looking a little dull in my condo, it cheers me up and sometimes I even breakdown and clean because I get so excited.
    Enjoy your blog so much….and the letters from your interesting readers.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Willow,

      Yes, it is fun. We really needed a change. And you’re right… It gives motivation to clean. Especially the white curtains . . .

  44. Leilani says:

    I think the colors of your new bedding are wonderful and you shouldn’t second-guess them. The blues help make the space airy and the yellows add some cheer. And the bonus is those amber gold tones ( that’s how they read in the pics at least) which perfectly pick up the wood of the cabinetry. I might have gone with that color (golden tan) on the rug, too, maybe in a washable or hose down-able indoor-outdoor chunky textured sisal weave, but only you know what’s best to hide critter fur. I’ve got a shaggy white pup, so I’m pretty drastically limited in what I can choose myself.

    And I hear ya on the dour colors available in bedding these days. It’s not just Wal-Mart, the somber look is everywhere. There’s been a creepy funereal phase in design for the last five or so years with greys and greiged-out tints everywhere and all of it so ridiculously overdone in decor blogs and magazines.

    I like grey in certain contexts and lighting conditions, but as a fad it is now so ubiquitous even in rooms where the solar orientation of windows and local climate makes its use aggressively depressing. It’s the avocado green and harvest gold of the day, unfortunately and we have to wait it out.

    Anyway, first-time commenter I believe, but I just wanted to jump in and say well done on your choice!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Leilani,

      Welcome to my blog and to the wacky world of comments! I found your analysis of color very interesting. What you point out about my new quilt and shams has turned out to be true… blue airiness, yellow cheerfulness, and the gold ties in with the wood cabinetry.

      I have a tan rug. I replaced it with the blue because the tan seemed to bring down the colors of the quilt, if that makes any sense. The blue rug, instead, seems to enliven the quilt colors. (The floor is tan and there’s a lot of wood color in this small space.) Overall the effect is very inviting when stepping into my little home.

      Thank you for the positive feedback! People who now live in grey-black-plum depressing decors will look back someday and wonder what the heck they were thinking. Nice to hear from you, Leilani. Stop in again!

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