On the road to a new camp and, oh, what a camp it is!

Okay, it’s decision time!

I sit up in bed and grab my Benchmark atlas.  We have to leave Sunglow Campground this morning.  For the gazillionth time I examine page 67 which shows Utah to the north of Loa.  Hmm . . . Highway 24 is a good road . . .

Koosharem Reservoir is about 30 miles to the northeast.

It’s on the Paiute Reservation in Plateau Valley.  Yes, that’s where we’ll go!  If it’s not right, we’ll still have most of the day to look for something better.

Bridget and Spike soon figure out we’re breaking camp.

As we drive out of the campsite, Spike looks out the window and barks. 

No kidding.  He barks at the campsite.  I think he wants to stay!

“Oh Spikey, you’ll get more soaks.  I promise.”

After going eastward to dump tanks and take on water at an RV park in Torrey, we turn westward.  We pass through Bicknell, Lyman, and Loa where the people are hard-working, wholesome, and pretty darn orderly, I’d say.


The grass is always cut and edged.

Lovely and in order!

Lovely and in order!

Gee, I love this valley . . .

Moving right along . . . To get off of Highway 24 onto the road going down to Koosharem Reservoir, there’s quite a drop from the pavement to the dirt.

A guy on a bike is in the way.  He’s sucking water out of a bottle.

“Excuse me!  Uh, sir?  Excuse me?”

He slowly puts down his water bottle as a car comes up behind me in the no-passing zone.

“Would you be so kind as to move so I can get through?”

Instead of moving, he starts to argue. 

“You can get through.  There’s plenty of room.”  He takes another slow suck on his bottle.

Now two vehicles are behind me looking at my turn signal.  I don’t believe this guy.  I have to block traffic to explain why I want him to move?

“There’s a sharp drop.  I want to come in at an angle so I don’t scrape,” I hurriedly shout. For heaven’s sake, humor me, idiot.

“Oh, you won’t scrape.  I have a fifth wheel so I know.”  Uh, what does THAT have to do with anything?


He moves three feet over.  I carefully take us over the drop, squeezing past the expert on my tow vehicle and my trailer.

Sheesh.  What is his problem?

The reservoir is lovely in the morning sun.


Pelicans!  The crew and I hop out to investigate.


Well, it’s dirt-parking-lot camping but for one night it would be okay.  I take some photos.  I could watch the birds and the crew and I could walk along the shoreline, ask the people fishing if they’ve caught anything . . .

“OH NO!  C’mon, guys, RUN FOR IT!”

A swarm of no-see-ums attack my head and chase us all the way back to the PTV.

Lesson learned?  Stay away from lakes with marshes during the month of June.

Moving on down the highway . . .

Highway 24 passes by the Rainbow Hills (el. 6,525 ft.) through the small towns of Sigurd and the aptly named Vermillion.




Next is the town of Salina.  From the size of the font on the map I figure it must have a grocery store.  I want to stock up before settling into camp.

It’s a lazy drive between hills, rather than over them.  That’s okay with me!


A quick pass through Salina and no grocery.  So I turn around and drive up to a guy sitting on his trailer loaded with four off-highway-vehicles in front of gas pumps.  Looks like a local.

“Does this town have a grocery store?” I ask.

“Go to the four-way stop, turn left.  You can’t miss the turn.  It’s the only intersection in town,” he responds with a slight smile as if to say, “Can you believe I live here?”

Soon we’re on the last leg of today’s journey.

At least I hope it’s the last.  We travel westward on Route 50.  Our destination is Maple Grove Campground in Fishlake National Forest at the base of mountains of the Pavant Range.  A lush green valley spreads out to the left of us with forested mountains beyond. This gives me hope and my anticipation grows.  There it is!


I park the PTV to take these photos and to savor the moment.


The road goes to the mountain and takes a sharp left around a cattle ranch (that speck in the field above).   We curve to the right into lots of green!


Well, this is it . . . Maple Grove Campground.  Please be wonderful . . .


1-P1040973I drive pass the self-pay station ($15 regular/$7.50 senior pass) and at the fork turn into the single-site area.

It’s very shady.  I mean, it’s VERY, VERY shady.  Darkness cloaks the PTV. 

Gee, the sites are awfully close.  It’s Saturday and campers are jammed into the slots . . . er . . . the campsites.

People stand or sit near their campers and watch listlessly as we pass by.  What is this?  Feeding time at the zoo?

Children of the corn stare through the gloom.

Oh boy, this is terrible!  I hurry us around the loop (as fast as one can hurry in a 5 mph zone.)  Look to the light.  Look to the light.  Trees reach out over the campground lane.

Hey, wait a minute!  These aren’t maple trees.  Maple Grove Campground?  These are OAK trees.  Well, I guess there were maples here back in the thirties and forties. 

Gosh, that means there’s a bunch of people who’ve been running around for years calling oak trees maples because they camped here during their formative years.  Just goes to show, you can’t blame everything on the public school system . . .

Now where the heck are we gonna’ go?

I slowly drive back down the road . . . the national forest road . . . Hey!  This is public land. We can camp along this road. I look to my left and see a short dirt lane going down to a clear area by some trees.  In we go!

Yes! We can camp here. This is nice.  And what’s that through the trees . . .  Oh my gosh, is that water?

“C’mon, sweeties!”  I turn off the PTV’s engine, jump out, run around to the side door, and let out the crew.  “Look, guys!” I shout as I run to the trees.  “There’s a CREEEK!”

Bridget and Spike are as excited as I am. 

Together we scramble down the bank to a green-grass meadow.


 “Oh this is beautiful!” I exclaim as Bridget and Spike scatter about.  “I LOVE this!”


I dash upstream where the creek cascades over rocks creating a spray of waterfalls.  What a bright, sunny, cheerful place!  I love the sound of the rushing water!


“Bridget!  Spike!  Come up here!”


My gosh, it’s our own private park.  No noise but the sound of water and songbirds.  No bugs.  No neighbors.  I can’t believe this!  What?  No lion lying down with the lamb?  Ha!

1-P1040955To think people are up at that . . . that internment camp, paying upwards to fifteen dollars a night, and here we have all this to enjoy . . . for free!  I couldn’t have designed a better camp.  





Together we play up and down the stream.  Spike, of course, does what Spike loves to do.


“Let’s go and set up camp.”  This is so much fun!  I love deciding where to park the BLT.


The Best Little Trailer sits up above our green lawn and the creek.  Both can be seen from our window.


At dusk a doe visits our camp, having stepped out of a copse of oaks.  I only get a glimpse before Spike barks like a holy terror… er, terrier.

Later that evening I lie in bed looking up at oak leaves silhouetted against a moonlit, starry sky, while the steady, soothing sound of the creek through the open window lulls me to sleep.  Thank you for this day.  Thank you for this wonderful place to call home!



Note:  We arrived at this camp on Saturday, June 1st, so the crew and I are into our sixth day here, as I write this.

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84 Responses to On the road to a new camp and, oh, what a camp it is!

  1. Steve says:

    After following your blog for over a year and reading it from start to finish….I come to see this great post of yours with great pictures again after writing this post on my blog today:


    I know what you mean by liking privacy but I must say your blogging has inspired me this past 20 months.

    Thanks RVsue!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I read your blog post. Always a good read. I take it my post today has cleared up your question about whether the dogs will have a good environment on the road? LOL

      I’m of the mind, as you probably know having read my blog from the beginning, that there’s a special freedom in not being tethered to a house. Of course, that’s a decision tied to finances and preferences, so I’m not telling you to sell your house or to not sell it.

      My approach to full-timing was 1) Do my homework 2) Choose the right time and 3) Throw caution to the wind, ditch everything, and seek adventure on the road!

      Best wishes to you, Steve, and thank you for reading my blog.

  2. Cynthia says:

    That last picture is pure paradise, Sue!
    Cynthia (& Scout!)

  3. AZ Jim says:

    Your little story of the creep on his bike reminds me of a story. Years ago I was standing outside a salvage yard talking with a friend completely engrossed in our conversation when I suddenly heard a loud horn. I looked up and there was a semi truck. I turned and looked and the driver leaned out the window and announced ” I’m not telling you guys I’m gonna run over you, but I am saying in just a few seconds my truck will be where you are!” Obviously we moved and I laughed half way home about it.
    Hi to you and my little furry buddies….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Jim . . . .Maybe I should’ve used that line!

      Love it when I get a story in return for a post . . .

  4. cinandjules (NY) says:

    So much for sharing the road. You’d think that with you politely asking him to move he would be nice about it.

    No see ums! I am the human bait for those critters…allergic as hell! For those who don’t know about them..they are the size of a gnat…a chewing gnat..that you can’t normally see until they bite you. They like your hair, behind your ears, under the brim of your hat…and they are so small they can get through the screen on your windows. What purpose they have on this earth? Fortunately they just sprayed our area..so everyone is careful not to disturb the ground.

    Your campsite is once again absolutely beautiful. Love the shade! If there is water around Spike will be in it. At least it isn’t red clay mud….bet they love lying in the grass!

    Does the BLT have a screen door? I can’t remember.

    What do you mean 6th day?? We just got here! Enjoy paradise!

    • cinandjules (NY) says:

      Is something wrong with your time stamp? Or is it me? It’s currently 7:39 pm EST.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Oh darn, someone mentioned that a long time ago and it got lost in my to-do list! I’ll fix it . . . soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      These no-see-ums were big enough to see… either they’re mutants or not no-see-ums. Anyway . . . The buggers got behind my glasses and I had to snuff them out of my nose (snuffing is sniffing in reverse). They sure helped me make a quick decision about that camp!

      Yes, the BLT has a screen door. I hardly ever use it. I like the trailer trash look: door hanging open without a screen. Fortunately no bugs around here… well, a few at dusk. Lots of birds around. Guess they’re keeping bugs at bay.

      Yes, it’s the 6th day! I finally caught up this blog!

  5. mockturtle says:

    Seek and ye shall find! Good work, Sue! 🙂

  6. The beautiful site you found is the kind I would love to camp at. Your blog really makes me want a small camper in the very worst way. I’ve been searching for Scamp, Casita, and other light weight trailers, but so far nothing has sounded promising. I don’t want to pay for a new one at this time of my life, and the used ones don’t remain on the market very long.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know what you mean, Martha. I tried to snag a used Casita and it soon became apparent that I never would be fast enough. Some people do get them though. Maybe a reader knows the secret. I wish you luck.

      • Walt says:

        I wish a smaller rig like your would work for us when we are able to hit the road. However, we likely will have our autistic son with us, and we do like a few of the comforts home – as well as the ability to move our home when the urge strikes. 🙂 That is a gorgeous site, though. Maybe I can figure out a way to make smaller work for us. Hmmm . . . (gears in brain start grinding)

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re right… Small is good, but you still want to be comfortable so y’all aren’t mad at each other every day. LOL Three people in the BLT would be a nightmare!

          I wish you luck, Walt, finding the right “fit” for your family and for your desired mode of camping.

          • Walt says:

            Ah, yes, there’s the rub. My desired mode of camping would include the ability to do a lot of the type of camping you’re doing, but the right fit for the family would likely not “fit” my desire mode of camping. Since my wife/chief accountant says we won’t be able to go for several years yet, there may be time to figure out something.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You need to decide whether you will “go solar,” too. I wouldn’t leave home without it! 🙂

    • Rosemary in PA says:

      I suggest that you join the user forums for the type of trailer that you want. They have their own “For sale” and “Wanted” forums and I see used trailers for sale there. I think some people just don’t want the annoyances that come with advertising on eBay or Craigslist and so they choose these forums to sell their trailers because they know people there are already seriously interested in the brand.

      Start here: http://www.fiberglassrv.com/forums/ and then select the “Manufacturers” tab at the top. Select the one in which you are interested, then go to their forum to see if any are for sale. And good luck, I will also be there one day…

  7. Ingrid says:

    You’ve found another sweet spot to call home. We should be full-time next month and hope we’re able to find some hidden gems ourselves. Enjoy!

  8. cozygirl says:

    What a little determination and an extra punch to keep looking will bring you! Reminds me to not give up, round an extra curve and land in such beauty! I could almost feel that running brook….I’m in love!

  9. Dedra says:

    If its a National Forest, it’s public land and you can park along the road?
    That’s good to know. I passed NF roads on my trip and I wondered about that.
    Thanks again for your blog. It has helped me so very much.
    Great pictures. Love too the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Generally, in theory, you can camp along a National Forest road. Utah is pretty easy-going. However, Arizona is tricky. You have to get the AZ map in person, by mail or online for the particular National Forest you want to camp in. Some roads are okay, but not all. You can’t camp further than 300 feet from the center of the road, other places it’s 30 feet.

      Those two examples show how it’s important to know what’s the practice in the state you’re in. Call or stop in the NF office and talk to a ranger when in doubt. AZ will slap you with a fine… I think it’s $265.

      In any event, look for an existing campsite(fire rings are a clue). It’s never a good idea nor is it necessary to make a new campsite.

  10. Ladybug says:

    Biker dude (and I use the term loosely, since real biker dudes are more polite than that) is an idgit. Fifth wheel trailers track totally different than bumper-pull trailers. Especially small ones!!

    After that auspicious start to the search, I was holding my breath when you found the camp. I kept expecting a ranger to come charging out of the woods yelling ‘you have to leave! We bulldoze in 5 minutes!!’. Not only do you write cliffhangers, you write thrillers!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That guy was a jerk! As if he knew whether there was something like a muffler, whatever, hanging low under my rig.

      This place is so gorgeous, I admit that the first day I wondered if a ranger was going to kick me out. It’s too good to be true! After that I figured I’m okay.

  11. Barbara B says:

    I am getting more and more eager to hit the road. I read a lot of different blogs but after I read yours they go down from there. Gary, “We’re Wingin It” had a good blog, but he gave it up. Sure do miss them.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for that compliment, Barbara. I never came across Gary’s blog. I know how blogs can become a daily habit.

      This post seems to have generated a lot of eagerness in readers to get out on the road! 🙂

  12. Geri says:

    OMG! OMG! OMG! You have found Eden! It is beautiful there! I have to admit being a bit envious! Sometimes being a stubborn old woman who refuses to settle for nothing but the best pays off! LOL! It certainly paid off when you discovered this place! Loved all the photographs and seeing the crew along the water! Thanks once again for letting us tag along!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Geri. I wanted green and water . . . and that’s what I got! So happy.

      Isn’t it fantastic? The crew and I have been loving every day. Yes, I am stubborn. I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t bear the thought of being crammed into a tiny site surrounded by other campers. And have to pay $7.50 a night for THAT? Oh no. I’m too spoiled.

  13. Dawn says:

    Wow. That’s all I can say. Oh…and WONDERFUL!

  14. Mindy Reed says:

    Stunning absolutely stunning camp site it looks like another RVSUE camp Nirvana!

  15. Don’t you just love it when you hit on something you weren’t expecting!! What a magnificent location. You and the crew all very happy!! Enjoy!!

  16. I love that you live your life with such passion. It inspires me to continue to do the same, in my own way. 🙂

    Fabulous post today, one of your very best for sure. Thank you for the pleasure it provided. I looked up as I finished being immersed in your new camp’s sights and sounds, and and likewise gave thanks for the beauty our love affair with RV’ing continues to deliver in spades.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Tamara. It’s my pleasure to write about our camp. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

      A grateful heart is part of the secret to happiness. Of course, gratitude comes easily when one has the freedom of mobility an RV provides, enough dough to live a simple life, and access to beautiful, peaceful places in which to camp. I wish you the best. Live your passion!

  17. Bev says:

    Were the bugs “May Flies?” Otter Creek had a prolific hatch when we worked there. They are harmless but they get into everything–everywhere. Barn swallows love them and we would watch the barn swallows swoop after the bugs every night. I’m enjoying your trip through that part of UT…such fond memories. Have you noticed how many small towns are in that part of UT? Reading about the Mormon settlement is an enlightening read.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know, Bev, I think you’re right. They probably were may flies. I’m not versed in bugs. LOL

      I have become very interested in the history of Mormon settlement. The visit to Bluff Fort where I saw the artifacts of that period — personal possessions, tools, photographs, furniture, etc. — made it real for me. The video shown at the Fort chronicled the arduous passage across Utah. Hard to imagine men, women and children traveling by wagon through country with canyons, ravines, cliffs…. Just imagine being a blacksmith and having to cart all the heavy implements needed … incredible!

      • Bev says:

        Panguitch celebrates the quilt walk which is an interesting story. Parowan was a military establishment and a source of supplies. You may have heard of the Mountain Meadow Massacre. There is still more to experience on the “other side of the mountain.”

  18. Glenda says:

    Just read your comment on my comment on your previous entry and you are right Sue…………..I had the idea that Utah was all desert and while that is also beautiful in its own right what you have shown us today is so beautiful, with a mix of both worlds. Simply stunning, so light and sunny with the contrast colours in the hills and crags! Love you new camp.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, Glenda… I wish you were in the U.S. seeing all this in person. I can tell you would appreciate what this land has to offer.

      I made a big deal out of the dark campground up the road. It’s okay up there, but when one can camp where it’s “so light and sunny,” anything less is, well, less.

      My mood is easily influenced by light and sound. Sunshine on a grassy meadow together with the cheerful sight and sound of water over rocks lifts my spirit!

  19. Gaelyn says:

    Scored again. You have the 7th sense of finding a home space. Love to listen to a creek especially surrounded by all that green.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Gaelyn… I wonder if the concept of white noise came from the sound of a creek. It’s nature’s calming agent!

  20. Dave says:

    I don’t know your secret Sue, but once again you have fantastic camp site and it’s FREE!

  21. shelley says:

    I follow George the vagabonders supreme, when he up and quite thank god someone mentioned your blog I can get my adventure fix and from another woman to boot! Oh and with dogs…I love dogs! Really enjoy your blog thank you for letting me escape!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Shelley. I’m glad you found us!

      George was my escape for many years. He’s the one who inspired me to chuck my house to hit the road and write a blog about it. I’m not ready to follow him into Mexico though, mainly because of the language. I like to be able to talk my way out of anything!

  22. Elizabeth says:

    How beautiful…so glad you found this lovely spot and hope each day will be a complete joy!!!

  23. Timber and Rusty says:

    Hi Sue and Crew, did you find a store?, if not, in Ephraim, up 89 above Gunnison is a Wal mart, or to the South, in Richfield, a Wal Mart is there also, If you buy a Atlas at wal mart ,they usually have listings of the states and where the Wal marts are, I inturn tare out the states I would visit, of the Wal marts and put each list in each BenchMark map book, so as We travel’d my maps with Wal mart stores would be out. Timber says, Spike, be careful in those cold, snow cold creeks, ok bud, Buurrrrr

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I have a list of Wal-Marts. That’s a good idea to stick the pages inside the Benchmark maps. I tend to forget to look at the Wal-mart list so thanks for pointing out the Wal-Marts in Richfield and Gunnison. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the inside of a Wal-Mart.

      You know this part of the country pretty well, Rusty.

      • Timber and Rusty says:

        Well,,,,First Ron-Dee-Voooz and walking them thar Donkee’s And Then Driving this F- 100 up there to those Mountain Men Rondevouze’s and seeing those great hills and pass’s, with my buddy Timber, ya jus kaint ferget them trails, darling Sue and crew

  24. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    I have been told that the term babbling brook comes from listening to the water flow over the rocks and debris…it sounds like people talking sometimes. I havn’t heard it myself but I’m kind of hard of hearing…so lay there quitly, shut your eyes and listen for the babbling brook. Maybe it will tell you secrets…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Joe, you may notice that I never use the phrase “babbling brook.” Why? Because the sound of people babbling annoys the socks off me, whereas the sound of a brook is a joy to hear.

      I do lie in bed and listen to “our” brook. When I’ve been at this computer too long, I like to walk down to the brook, sit on its bank, watch the water, and listen.

  25. Trip and Lisa says:

    Love that creek Sue and wonderful reading as usual.Thankyou so very much for sharing.

    The Varsity dogs got us thinking about the boiled peanuts from the fellow on the north side of Helen so many years ago,,,,so tonight as we read your blog,we are sharing boiled peanuts ( cajun style ) and they are sooooooooo good.We order them frozen Sue and nuke em,lol.
    Let us know when your going to be holed up awhile somewhere and we’ll send you some.
    Have a great day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Lisa, I don’t know how to say this gently so I’ll just give it to you straight.

      I hate boiled peanuts. Oh my gosh, what a horrible invention! Please, please, do not figure out a way to send me boiled peanuts. In fact, it may be against the law to ship boiled peanuts and other questionable substances through the U.S. mails. LOL

      I’m glad you enjoy them so much. I appreciate the thought. 🙂

      • Trip and Lisa says:

        Don’t let those folks from Georgia hear ya say that about them thar boiled peanuts,LOL.
        Okie Dokie then,we’ll share the Varsitys and keep the peanuts then,lol.

      • Mindy Reed says:

        LOL I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who hates boiled P-nuts! Living in NE GA right now and it’s almost a sin to say you don’t like them and it ’tis the season.

  26. Ooooooooooo how I am missing our travels in the great South-West. So many of you fellow Boondocking Bloggers out there enjoying your travels & lifestyle. And here we sit for the summer again. Ooooooooooooooooo woe is me:((

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Al . . . You sure are in love with the Southwest! I thought of you and Kelly while walking around this very green camp because it reminded me of your very green locale in Canada. You do live in two beautiful places!

  27. Rosemary in PA says:

    What a beautiful site! And I think the sound of a babbling brook is the best “sleeping aid” anyone can ask for. Hope you can stay even longer than the usual two weeks if you are enjoying it this much. But then, I’m sure the road will beckon once again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Rosemary . . .

      As much as I love this perfect camp, what will probably have the crew and me on the road again is the need to take on water and dump waste tanks. That usually works out to be 14 days, give or take. You’re right about the road… I want to see where it will take us next!

  28. Renee says:

    Now you’ve done it! Found a spot with green AND mountains — right after I was whining about all green & NO mountains in the midwest! Gorgeous place…again.

  29. jamajoan says:

    Darn if I can remember what I clicked on to get your posts in my emails. What did I do on your old site? You are an inspiration for me to solo, sing and simplify my life!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Joan… When my site was moved to Hostgator so I could self-host, I had to give up the email notification feature that the WordPress platform provides. As yet I haven’t found one to replace it. I hope you will bookmark or make a shortcut and continue to return to rvsueandcrew.net.

      Thank you for your kind words about being an inspiration.

  30. Teri in SoCal says:

    What a beautiful place you’ve found, I love to be anywhere near water.

  31. Sheri says:

    HI Sue! I have just finished reading your blog from the beginning to now…it took me a few weeks but what a wonderful few weeks they were…like reading a good book and you don’t want to put it down!! I subscribed to your blog on my Kindle at first and then went online and found you…what a gem!! I can see from the comments that your life gives so many people hope that they too can do something similar although I think maintaining a blog such as yours would be a lot of hard work and you do it best!! Thank you for all your hard work and letting us into your life in such an intimate way! I will shop through your portal and continue to read your blog although i am not usually much of a commenter i had to let you know that you have given such delight to another person! Give the crew a treat for me!! Hugs!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello, Sheri! And welcome! A special thank you for going back to the beginning and reading all the adventures of me and my crew. It’s been an incredible journey so far.

      I appreciate you acknowledging the work that goes into this blog and your plan to use my Amazon links.

      Thanks also for the uplifting comment. I hope you will appear here again as your enthusiasm is a joy to read.

  32. DeAnne from TN says:

    Beautiful site, Sue. As I was looking at the pictures, it made me want to write this one down. I know that you have been gracious and kind to share all of your sites with us, but I always thought I would want to plot my own course and find places the way you have. However, this site is a keeper. Thanks for sharing once again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, DeAnne. Nice to hear from you again . . .

      I know what you mean about plotting your own course and finding your own places to roost. I find myself avoiding places people have told me about which is kind of weird. I guess it’s the love of discovery and sharing something new with you and the rest of this blog’s readers that drives me down the road to the unknown. Hope all is well with you and your canine crew!

  33. Beverly K says:

    I’ve been missing some of your postings and will have to go back and catch up. I was spoiled by receiving messages directly to my email account whenever you post. With your new site, that’s not happening. Do we have to reregister somewhere? I seem to recall on the old site there was a place to subscribe to receive your postings. Anyways, I will get caught up and try to not miss your writings. The photo you took of the stream with the mountains in the background, your home for now….WOW…how picturesque. You really have a knack at boondocking. I tell so many friends about you, Sue. I know they are followers of you now, as well. Thanks for all the enjoyment you spread to all of us. Bev

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Beverly,

      I’m sorry the email notification option is gone. It was part of WordPress’s hosting platform. I couldn’t transfer it to my self-hosted site. I hope you will put my blog on your favorites list or make a desktop shortcut.

      Thank you for telling your friends about my blog. I’m glad you enjoy it enough to want to share it.

  34. Cherie from OH says:

    Wow, what a find! You sure have a knack for finding cool sites, Sue. I’ve added that gorgeous Route 24 area and also that campsite of yours off Route 50 to my list of
    “must-sees” in hopes I get out that way some day. Thanks for sharing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      This is a wonderful country. What a difference between our Sunglow camp and this Ivie Creek camp, and yet they are only a short, morning’s drive apart. I hope you do come this way, Cherie.

  35. Sheri says:

    Hi again Sue! For someone who said she doesn’t comment often…well here it is twice in one day! I actually have a question and i see that a fellow commenter has addressed it as well..I too was wondering about not receiving any e-mails from your site after the change to .net…also I have not received any new blog posts on my kindle since May 29th, the day you changed over. I am wondering if anyone else is having trouble with these two issues? Of course, going to your blog on-line is absolutely no problem since you are worth it but I was a little spoiled with turning on my Kindle each day and reading a post from you (except of course when you were out of cell tower range!). Maybe a general comment in your normal post would help more than just me with these two questions! Thank you!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Sheri… Comment all day long if you want!

      I never thought to change the kindle setting. I’ll have to contact Amazon to have that fixed. Thank you so much, first for subscribing to my blog on kindle, and also for letting me know about this glitch. So sorry that happened.

      Lots of folks apparently miss the email notification of new blog posts. I’ve tried to replace it on my new blog location with no success. I’ve given up, temporarily, trying to add a new plug-in because my connection is so slow here. I will, however, get in touch with Amazon right away about the kindle subscription.

  36. jamajoan says:

    Thanks so much, Sue! You have explained well the email notification absence. Glad to read that others had similar concerns.
    Here in Mongolia Amazon would not or could not sell me a Kindle that had Wifi two years ago. I didn’t question that situation because I was just excited to receive any Kindle after I got here. They shipped it to me (customs was very expensive) but it has been “worth its weight in gold” as I have downloaded many a book. There are so many choices in technology but my $99 Kindle has been a great companion. Now as I return to America this month I will have more technology choices, but less income. 🙂 Your experiences with the internet, blogging, etc. make you a marvelous resource for answers…..and well, your experiences as you continue to solo rv and boondock are amazing! Bookmarking is a must ~ can’t miss a chapter in your novel.

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