One of the most charming boondocks yet!

Tuesday, September 22

Hi, Blogorinos!

I’m skipping a lot of what has happened to me and the crew since the last post in order to give you a glimpse of our present camp.

P1070440This boondock is perfectly charming!

I honestly can say that this boondock is one of the most charming camps we’ve found in the past four years of living on the road. I’d like us to stay here a few more days, even though we don’t have internet.  I’m typing this as we sit in the Perfect Tow Vehicle on a side street in the small town closest to our camp.  Even in town the connection is very poor (1G with 1 bar!).

Our camp is in the woods on our own private road off of a forest road. 

No one is around.  The most noise comes from the delightful creek that rushes along the edge of our back yard.   Oddly this campsite is not in a campground.  I say “oddly” because the site has a nice picnic table and metal fire ring.  The weather is perfect and the campsite is free!

P1070455I apologize for not responding to all the comments under the previous post, as well as those that appear under this post.  I am pleased to see that readers’ questions were answered for me.  Thank you!

When I find a place with a stronger connection, I’ll go back in time and fill in where we traveled and camped prior to moving here.

Bridget, Reggie, and I are enjoying our newest home very much. 

So far there have been no gunshots to scare Reggie and no neighbors to annoy me.  As for Bridget, well, she’s Bridget and everything is hunky-dory with her as long as the food keeps coming, the bed is warm, and we’re at her side.

P1070426Thank you for your patience and loyalty to this blog in our absence.  It means a lot to me.

Until next time, be well and happy, and if you can . . .

Boondock like you mean it!




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158 Responses to One of the most charming boondocks yet!

  1. Morning Sue,

    Wow, that does look like a great and isolated booondock site. Gurgling stream/creek and two loving dogs for company – what more could you want. And as usual you gave us some great photos.


  2. Amazing campsite! And another photo of poor Reggie doing his Thing…how embarrassing for him!

  3. Barb A (Phoenix) says:

    It does seem to fit on all criteria. Great place

  4. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    What a pretty spot. I hope when you have time you’ll tell us how you found it, being that it isn’t in a campground. You remind me of those dowsers who find water with divining rods, only you find great boondocks!!

    • Gary says:

      Yes, finding a spot like this is a talent learned. Share with us Sue. I still haven’t got up the courage to take my rig off road. Of course it’s a little larger and that is part of the problem. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        If I might make a suggestion?

        I had done hundreds of nights “overnight parking” (rest areas, random street, even campgrounds), but had never “woodsy boondocked.” I read Sue’s blog and for my first time, chose an “easy” spot that she had discussed, was wide open (to many rigs), easy to find, etc. It worked out swell. My rig is smaller than Sue’s combo, so I didn’t have any problems there. However, it was a spot that could easily have held a hundred 40′ Class A’s too (spread out).

        So my suggestion would be to start with a “known” boondock, even if it’s not the most scenic (mine wasn’t, although it had its own charm). Pick an easy one that you know will work. Look it up on Google maps in the satellite view so you can “see” it before you ever get there. Look up where you will turn around. (I even do this with Starbucks along my route – coffee and free wi-fi – sometimes – especially when I’m towing as in that case I am 50′ in combination.)

        I’m not sure if it’s okay to mention another blog, but I’m going to hope it’s okay in this case as they have “promoted” Sue’s blog many times, and the two have complimentary styles, so one doesn’t really “take the place” of the other. It is

        I mention them because they boondock a lot and have a Class A that is 42′ long. If they can get into a spot, anyone can! Maybe pick a spot they have shown in order to get your feet wet.

        Sue “teaches us to fish,” but for the first time I think it’s okay to just borrow a known fish 😀

        • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

          Good ideas – thank you! I do read Wheelingit and marvel at the places they get their rig. For us, it isn’t so much worry about maneuvering into and out of a boondocking spot – it’s more about the condition of the road (i.e., ruts, etc.) to get to the spot. Sometimes, just driving on the highways in California (the 101 and the 5 in certain areas), the road surface is so rough, our Class A sounds like you’re in a hardware store in the middle of an earthquake!!! I worry that something important will fall off or become inoperable from all the bumping and grinding (pardon the image – lol).

  5. Elizabeth in S.E. New Mexico says:

    Howdy SUE & CREW…..

    What a lovely place! Just got up from a nice nap and here you are!
    Weather here in S. E. NM promises only in the 80’s this week. It does
    appear, should that be true, that summer is ending….. That is fine with
    me….. It has been a long and very hot one…..

    It is good to know you are in a beautiful place and happy with your

  6. Jolene/Iowa says:

    This boondock looks lovely. I love your description of it and the pictures are beautiful. Who wouldn’t love a place like this and a creek to boot!! Have fun!

  7. R. now hiking in Grand Teton NP says:

    Yes, it is a great spot. You really know how to find them. Enjoy your stay and privacy. I too have a great campsite right outside of Grand Teton NP and it is free (Teton NF) with the most amazing view of the Tetons. The weather is so perfect for outdoor activities. There are some great hiking trails in this park. I stayed one night at Jenny Lake campground (tents only) and although I got a nice and somewhat more private site than majority at this campground I decided to leave after the first night because of mice infestation. Had to dispose all food, vacuum and wash my car inside/out.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Ugh! Sorry to hear that about the mice. Sounds like your current spot is wonderful though.

      • R. now hiking in Grand Teton NP says:

        Yes, my current spot is simply wonderful and so close to the park. My plan was to leave the area today but it is a perfect weather for hiking and any other outdoor activities. Tomorrow is my birthday so maybe as a gift from myself I should take a tram to the top and hike from there to Marion Lake or farther.

    • Cab Fresh! Jeeeze, I hope that’s right, I’ll check on the name tomorrow morning. It comes in small packets, non toxic to pets and kids but works great repelling mice! Also you can buy it on Sues Amazon link! Also, peppermint oil on soaked cotton balls will keep mice away!

  8. Susan in Dallas says:

    Ah, a lovely home in the woods with water frontage! How great is that!

  9. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Hi Sue, lovely site please do not leave too soon because of us, we would rather you stay as long as you can, which if it is not a campground…well…..see you in Arizona in the winter…

  10. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    photos of the camp are beautiful. I haven’ read the post yet. Will be back shortly.

  11. Calvin R says:

    That site looks excellent! Leafy green, level or nearly so, decent-looking road, quiet. I like all of that. So does the Crew, by the pictures.

  12. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This site suits you perfectly, away from rowdy neighbors and generators, a nice creek and decent rails for walking the crew. I think I could sit there in the lounger all day and marvel at the peacefulness, read and take a nap or two. Doubt that I would be in a hurry to leave.

  13. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hi, Sue and crew –
    I am happy for you! A creek, some shade, some sun, peace and quiet, and it’s free!
    I agree with Shirlene – stay as long as you can and all your blogorinos will be here. Have a lovely boondock. Thanks, again.

  14. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    One of the best boondocking sites yet eh? You seem to have sixth sense when it comes to finding the perfect spot. This ones perfect perfect!

    Glad to hear Bridgee babee and Reg man are enjoying life! Another peeing photo? Hah

    Enjoy your stay…….what’s the hurry? We’ll entertain each other…until you find a signal!

  15. AlanOutandAbout says:

    I wonder if some local has kinda snatched this spot and made it their own little private spot so to speak. Finding a picnic table in such a place is really kind of rare and unheard of.
    Enjoy it though.

  16. weather says:

    “Bridget,Reggie and Sue are enjoying their newest home very much.” Sue finds it perfectly charming (and it looks and sounds like it is). I think it’s great that she wants to stay there a few more days,connection or not.In fact being out of touch is likely for now adding to their freedom to just enjoy being there and together.It’s good to know that they are all set and safe.I think I’ll spend my time until she “comes back” here as she wished for us-being well and happy.Hope all the blogorinos are doing well and are able to enjoy the things each of you are doing.See you all later 🙂

  17. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    #19 that’s a great number –love your new camp!!

  18. Cate W/Portland Maine says:

    Hi Everyone (& Sue when you return),

    Hope you are all well and content where-ever life finds you today.

    Sue…after you leave will you share the location of this perfect, charming boondock location with us or is it destined to be Sue’s Secret forever more?!!
    Have a wonderful time with your little ones and don’t worry about us.

    Warm & caring thoughts,

  19. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Beautiful site Miss Sue! Don’t thank us so much for being loyal, we thank you for taking time to share such beautiful places and great times you and the crew experience while living on the road! I love the new site and the path that leads away from your camp looks inviting for a good hike. Reggie and Ms. Bridgett look great and always relaxed at every new yard they come to. Take care, so glad you checked in, was kind of worried if you and crew were ok……have a blessed week!

  20. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Hi, Sue! What a pretty spot! Your photos are gorgeous–I’m truly captivated this fall by light shining through trees. Enjoy your days–ear skritches to the crew.

  21. Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

    Just be safe.

  22. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Hi Sue,
    It does look lovely there. Boondock like ya mean it and don’t worry about us. You’re worth waiting for ❤️

  23. Susan in South Central WA says:

    Oh that site does look perfect, loving the dappled sunlight. It looks so perfect for sitting outside reading and drinking gallons of coffee (about 30° too high for my taste for taking long walks though :-). And only a halfhearted “oh Mom I don’t want my picture taken” glance from Bridget. Score!!!

  24. AZ Jim says:

    What a find! I hope you stay as long as you want there. We’ll enjoy knowing you are finding such peace there. If you take a ride and post in a few days it will be fine but if not no biggie, we’ll play nice and know you are happy and loving your boondock. Make sure to keep a record of this place for next year. Hi Gang!! Hope you all are doin ok. Jim

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Hi Jim, I hope you and yours are doing fine as well. 🙂

      • AZ Jim says:

        Doin ok Shirlene….Kinda eager to see how Missy is doin too. She and the crew sure have a nice spot there in the woods.. Last time I was in Huntington Beach was probably about 1938 as a little boy.
        Lot’s of changes out there. I was born in L.A. and spent much of my childhood there before moving to San Diego. I retired in SD in ’91 and I’ve only been back for brief visits.

  25. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    beautiful spot…..if you and the pups are happy hang out for awhile. “Boondock like you mean it” Love it.

  26. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Hello all you blogorinos , isn’t it nice when Sue is relaxing in the ultimate boon docking spot, we can still visit and enjoy ourselves?

    Weather, have you taken your new trailer out any place yet?

    I have spent the past couple of days doing some mods on my Casita. The porch light only operated from outside, so my Skip put in a two way switch, now I can turn it on from inside.,how strange was that? Perhaps the newer trailers have that done already . I also got much needed storage by hanging a cloth shoe rack inside the tiny closet, put plastic shoe box in each slot and labeled each noting contents. It made a huge impact on making things neat and organized. Doesn’t take much to keep me occupied and happy

    Also,trying to get meals made and frozen so dear Skip will have goodies while I am in Klamath Falls. Starting the countdown..three weeks…

    • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

      Terrific idea on the shoe rack/box invention.

      Enjoy your time away.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I’ve been wondering the same thing! weather, talk about your t@b (if you feel like it).

      (This makes me laugh as it reminds me of high school days, when one would have a new boy/girl friend and it was like “just ask me something ” (I want to talk about him/her.) LOL

    • weather says:

      The only place the T@B has been to is a campsite on the same lake I live on.A timeline best explains why.Aug.13th I made the final deal on price,went to the dealer and left a small cash deposit.Aug.20th the dealer got the back ordered Wrangler hitch and installed it while I test drove towing the T@B with an identical Wrangler the salesman owns.It worked well so I paid for everything,registered it and got it onto this lake’s beach.

      Aug.23rd one of my dogs went to the rainbow bridge.This took a toll on my other dog and me.She has needed to learn and adjust to many changes, during this past month that necessitated a vet visit.Three steps forward,pause to rest/ recover,three more forward,repeat. It’s best she be introduced to the T@B when well and ready so seeing it as fun will be the mental and emotional association going forward and living in it full time.

      It’s less that I haven’t wanted to talk about it,more that I usually try to focus my comments on only what there is for everyone to feel happy about.My faith allows me to believe everything’s timing has wonderful reasons .Late last Friday the T@B’s side tent arrived.If I hadn’t seen many internet photos of that attached to a T@B I’d have settled for a very different RV .It’s an integral part of the living space (an additional 100 square feet)needed for us to feel “at home” in(road version of what she’s always had -our own outdoor fenced yard as private safe domain). It rained on the weekend and the grass/soil has now dried enough to put it up solidly.So forward we dance…

      As for the T@B itself I am every day more thrilled and blessed to have it-well built,solid,gorgeous,comfortable,great design for all functions,all light and views within ,has a just roomy enough yet cozy feel.Having traveled and camped with only coolers,camp stoves or just cooked using wood/coal fires I find the inside facilities, small frig,stove,cupboards/storage terrific And ,huge to me issue,approaching it gives me that “freedom with a sweet haven in whatever place I want to be” feeling I’d looked for.

      Probably you asked expecting to hear about great camps found ,axle and other weights and tanks working out well,Ha!Now I’m picturing high school-“Warning,the T@B report is some current history/philosophy?! thing,let’s skip it and go have some fun.” I hope the rest of today includes lots of what you want to find in it 🙂

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        Sounds wonderful and perfect for you. Thanks for the update.

      • Lee J in Northern California says:

        I loved your reply!
        I am so sorry you lost one of your fur friends, that is always an eventuality I dread, and wish you didn’t have to experience it.

        I have looked at the t@b at a local rv dealer, and would have probably bought it had I not had my heart set on a Casita, I do however wish I had one of those lovely side tents.
        Now that the ground has dried somewhat, I hope you have a lovely adventure to share with us very soon!

        • weather says:

          Casitas are great,I saw one locally while I was shopping around .My jeep doesn’t have the towing capacity for one.Nice that we both got our heart’s desire!I’ll keep you posted .

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, weather,

        Thank you for the update on your T@B. That side tent will really make a large living area for you and your troupe. I hope with each passing day brings healing and that things get a bit easier for you and your pup. Sending you a loving hug!

        I thought of you this past Saturday. I was out running errands, when a huge bird flew over my car. No one was behind me, so I was able to hit the brakes so I could try to identify the beauty. It was an eagle! I was near the James River, so I should not have been surprised, but in the past have only seen them by boat. I was all smiles as I sent up thanks for the lovely gift! 🙂

        N’nite! 🙂

        • weather says:

          Your loving hug and sweet hope was wonderful to feel and brightened my morning,thanks,Denise! This year we had a large population of golden eagles.The bald eagle that visited often and his occasional companions and many other far smaller birds moved on to where there is less competition for food and encounters with raptors of many types.Not very far from here are many wooded areas and meadows untouched because they are unoccupied by humans that they can enjoy .My thanks are for their all being able to find and have good and safe places to live ,where ever those are!Your gift(the sighting Saturday) must have made your day…sending you a loving hug,too, enjoy autumn’s beginning.

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Thank you for the loving hug, weather! 🙂

            Yes, seeing that regal eagle made my day! I have not seen a golden eagle yet, but have heard that there have been sightings nearby. So many eagles in your backyard….how wonderful! I am glad that there is wild land for the birds and animals. My fear is that “progress” will take away the food sources and sanctuaries for our wild friends. That is a big part of why I try to make my yard as inviting a possible, providing food and water sources and nesting and hiding spots. The thanks I receive in beauty and birdsong are a bonus!

            Enjoy your day! 🙂

      • AZ Jim says:

        You never bore me or anyone else so share with us when you feel up to it Weather. I am sorry about your loss. I know the heartache only too well. Hang in, it get’s a little better each day.

        • weather says:

          Thank you very much,Jim.I hope you and Detta are well and enjoy this year’s autumn.hug to you both,I think of you often -having a warm spot in my heart for you.The days that I see you on here are always better for me 🙂

      • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

        Weather: I’ve just now had time to go back and read comments, and I’m so sorry to hear about you losing one of your babies. Your attitude is wonderful; it helps so much to focus on the good and positive – after all, that is what our animals do. I know you will be reunited with all your furballs at Rainbow Bridge someday.

      • Gail in arizona says:

        So sorry to hear you lost one of your furry loves. We just a week ago lost our precious Duchess…bless you as you move forward and your new digs sound great.

        • weather says:

          Thank you for the blessing,Gail.With your loss of Duchess being so recent, your note- with it’s encouragement and sympathy for me- says a lot about what a generous heart you have.I pray it soon be healed from the sadness you’re going through.

  27. Glenda in OZ! says:

    How lovely this place looks……….so quiet and secluded……..can’t wait to find out what has lead you down this road to this perfect camp site.

  28. Lady Piper and Rusty/AZ says:

    Great Camp Sue and Crew,, it looks fantastic and we would like to know where it’s at for a future camp sometime next year,,,,, it’s raining hard to day and we’re waiting to see the VA doctor tomorrow ’bout 10am, we went yesterday morning at 7am for blood test and a EKG and Lady Piper didn’t cry or howl while I was getting my test,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But she got loose when I opened the camper door and ran into the front desk of the VAMC, at where I caught up to her and brought her back to the cab of the truck,,, I guess ,, maybe her old owner was a vet and when he went to the VA, she went too. OR she just wanted to see where I went,, but all is good and the Reps liked my baby girl,, she was licking them to death when I caught up to her,,,, I’m going to hook her up when we go tomorrow.,,,,,,,,,,, and later we may go back to Flagstaff area the 25th to meet up with my brother and his wife on their return trip back to Kentucky,,,,,,, that way when we head to the Rendezvous , at the Boy Scout camp near Warm Springs , California,, off Hwy 79 , we’ll be loaded up with all we need to do the trip on the 1st. of October,,, The Rendezvous starts the 2sd. thru the 10th and we may see friends up in northern Perris near March AFB after the Rendezvous,,,, then back to our home base territory near Lake Havasu City, AZ. for our winter camp ,,,,,,,,,Have a great time up there Sue , at your great camp and give your babies a hug from us,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty and Lady Piper

    • Larry in AR says:

      Rusty, I know you will always take good care of the Lady, but if you “hook her up” in the cab of the truck or the camper, please be careful that she doesn’t get tangled up in her leash while you’re gone. They can get into some awful fixes (speaking from experience) if they get nervous while you’re gone. Take care and hope all goes well at the VA.

      • Lady Piper and Rusty/AZ says:

        Hi Larry in Arkansas,,,,,,,, I have a retractable short leash to keep Lady Piper at bay and when I go into the VAMC or a store, She goes into the camper where she has her bed, water and plenty of air flow,,, thanks for the heads-up, I’ve been down that road also with “Timber”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

        • Lady Piper and Rusty/AZ says:

          That’s “Warner Springs”, not Warm Springs,,,, Mataguay Scout Ranch, south of Warner Springs is where the Mountain Man (and families), Rendezvous is going to be,,,,,,,,,,, rusty aka Feathers,,,,,,,,,

          • Larry in AR says:

            I love the rendezvous. As a matter of fact, I’m headed to one at Fall River State Park near Fredonia, KS this weekend. Will be my second year. I don’t have the “trappings” (at least not yet), but I sure enjoy the atmosphere.

            • Lady Piper and Rusty/AZ says:

              You’ll lern th’ survival ways too, pilgrim! Ah lived th’ life as a Rocky mountain fur trapper fer 31 year, 24/7/365, all on foot with my pack team of two Donkey’s,, and ah miss th’ life of full timin’ , bein’ of 1818 ta 1824,,,, now ah jus teach,,,,,,,,,,,, keep yor power dry and keep yor top not’ ,,,, and when ya get to th’ end of yor rope, tie a not’ in it and hang onnnnnnnnnn,,,,,,,,,,, HOOORAAW,,,,,,,,,,, feathers

    • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

      Rusty, I’m glad to hear that Lady Piper behaved herself and didn’t bark while you went into the hospital. I take it the collar you bought her did the trick! I’ve been thinking of getting one for our Guinness, as he has been starting to bark inappropriately now too! But I misplaced the little slip of paper where I wrote down what you bought from Amazon….Could you refresh my memory?? Guinness thinks Lady P is quite a looker!!! Happy tails to you both!

      • Lady Piper and Rusty/AZ says:

        HI CC and crew, I didn’t get the anti bark collar on Amazon. com,,,,,,, I bought the collar at a feed store in Chino Valley, AZ. ,, for 62.something cause I needed it now,,,,,,,,, sorry,,,,,,,,,, I only use it on her when we go to the VAMC in Prescott and my next visit will be in April next year when it’s cooler than September,,,, but hopefully she’ll be broke by then,,,,,,,,, I let her howl the rest of the time,, that’s her way of talking sweet to me or letting me know something,,,,,,,,,, have a great day,,,,,,, OH my doctor says ,, I’m doing great,,,,,,,, rusty

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      Glad to hear that you got a good report from your docs. Great news!

      Take good care of yourself and that sweet little girl. 🙂

      • Lady Piper and Rusty/AZ says:

        Thanks Denise,,,,, No pills did he give me and Dr. Roth said he’s mailing me a letter of certificate that Lady Piper may be my Assistant Animal and to keep doing what I’m doing for my good Health,,, Now all I must get is the dog vest and continue training her to stay at my side when we go shopping,,,,,,,,,, Walmart, Home Depot, and most stores I go to allow dogs in, even when it’s supper Hot in the parking lot,, so soon she’ll go with me everywhere I go… Isn’t that neat? ,,,,,,, rusty

        • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

          Rusty–That’s great news that Lady Piper will be your support animal, and able to go with you into stores. I’m sure that you’ll have no problem training such a bright young lady! It sounds like you have a good doc that listens to you, and comes up with this great solution to your problem of leaving her in the camper.

          Guinness sends his love to Lady P

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Oh, Rusty…that is wonderful news! Lady Piper will be able to protect you wherever you are….she won’t need to sit in the truck or camper and worry while her Daddy is away. 🙂

          Now Miss Piper….you study extra hard when learning your lessons and manners. Soon you will be by your Daddy’s side 24/7! Good girl! 🙂

        • weather says:

          God bless Dr.Roth and you and Lady Piper,Rusty.How good of that man to help you with the certificate.Now both you and your beautiful girl will be happier and more comfortable-that and your good health report are wonderful news 🙂

          • Reine in Plano says:

            Fantastic news about your health and the Assistance Animal certification. Folks often don’t realize how important emotional support is. It’s well documented that petting a dog lowers blood pressure and Lady Piper has to be way better for your than pills. Get the vest and get her trained and y’all will be set.

        • Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NH says:

          Hey Rusty, hope you get this, I train service dogs and would love to outfit your lady with a vest. I will poss again on a newer post by Sue, if you get this maybe Sue can connect us by email. I won’t be home till mid October, but could get on it then. Could help with training to…long distance.., if you like.

  29. Lynn Brooks says:

    Soooooo pretty!!!

  30. Karen LeMoine says:

    A free camp and a splendid one at that! Boondock Like You Mean It would be great on T shirts or caps. Cant wait to hear of your adventures prior to you posting this. Enjoy the solitude with the crew! Until then camp on!!!!!!

  31. Suzette (TN) says:

    Oh, wow! Now, that was worth waiting for! Hope you enjoy every moment in your special place.

  32. Teri in SoCal says:

    What a gorgeous place to call home.

  33. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    What a delightful camp! It truly is charming! It is relaxing just to look at the pictures. It is cute that Reggie man marked his territory, and that the site met Miss Bridget’s approval, too. The last picture of them made me think that Bridget was anticipating a tasty treat after coming back from a walk….rotisserie chicken? Enjoy the peace and quiet next to that babbling creek! Thank you for sharing with us…who needs Calgon to take us away?! Your pictures and prose take us to so many beautiful and relaxing places. Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    Hope all the blogorinos are doing well – enjoy the evening! 🙂

  34. Wendy in Thailand says:

    Sounds like I have missed a bit, on holiday in Australia at the moment will play catch up when I get home. Stay safe you three.

  35. Leave it to me to get busy and get behind on 2 posts! Caught up just in time to see this piece of heaven on earth that you have found! Lucky lady! It looks beautiful from here! Tomorrow is the first day of autumn! Enjoy !!! Love y’all! ?

  36. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Looks beautiful and peaceful, Sue…what more could a person want!!?

  37. Pamela K. says:

    Your newest camp is quite the find! No doubt Reggie likes it, he has already taken to marking his turf, lol. Miss Bridge is looking mighty lively too. Her eyes are just dancing in the light, her look is pure pleasure 🙂 Yep, that camp really agrees with all of you.

  38. Toni says:

    Hey, I just wanted to pass on the update to my Windows 10 disaster. I got my computer back from repair and they had to replace the hard drive and the motherboard! I can’t believe this update did all that damage! Oh well….carry on!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Toni,

      Glad that your PC is whole again! Thanks again for the Win10 warning! I will delay upgrating my os until they work out the bugs. Free download….with free glitches….no thanks!

      Have a great day! 🙂

  39. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Upgrading……not upgrating!

  40. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful First Day of Fall!!

    Bring on the colorful leaves, pumpkins, mums, Indian corn, and colorful gourds and squash! Pumpkin Spice anything is good! 🙂

    • Toni says:

      My absolute favorite time of the year. I’m a fall/winter lover and I’m so glad it’s finally here.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Me, too, Toni! 🙂

        • Karen LeMoine says:

          Me three!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Hi, Karen,

            Target has Pumpkin Spice coffee, M&Ms and Oreos, Pumpkin Cheescake cookies from Pepperidge Farm, Belvita Pumpkin Spice breakfast wafers…. 🙂

            • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

              OMG – I just tried the Belvita Pumpkin Spice breakfast wafers. Soooo good – especially dunked in my morning coffee. I love all the yummy flavors of this time of year. Now if it would only cool off here in California so I could start baking and making soups.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Yep, love this time of year. The only downside is I now have to get up for work when it’s still dark out. Somehow it just never seems right that I have to get up for work before the birds do.

      • weather says:

        hm-m,perhaps life is preparing you to not miss sunrise’s songs and glory …the way it did for me all the years I drove to work in the dark not knowing the joy that was ahead

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          I’m not sure how to respond to this Weather.
          Yes, I have no doubt that life is preparing me to embrace every new day and to great the rising sun as the miracle that it is.

          But in terms of driving to work in the dark not knowing the joy that lie ahead. Well, all I can say is your work life must have been a heck of a lot different than mine. 🙂

          • BadgerRickInWis says:

            Make that GREET the rising sun. But than again, I guess both work.

          • weather says:

            Wow,Rick,sorry- I now realize that my note made my meaning very unclear!I meant the job enforced habit of getting up so early might stick with you when you stop working there and/or retire.If so, your enjoying all that dawn offers would be a wonderful result.Plenty of my work life was as joyless as the average person’s-the joy ahead for me finally came and stayed when I could stay home for sunrise-like my life is today.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Retirement training! Not to sleep away the morning, so one does not miss the magic of the early hours….not having to be anywhere except in the moment! 🙂

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Rick,

        I know what you mean. I am still working and will be for quite a while. *Sigh* Just remember that each day at work is a day closer to your dream. And that we have to work through a Monday to get to Friday. That being said, Happy Friday Eve! The weekend is just around the corner! 🙂

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          I usually don’t get up for sunrise, but do delight in taking Angel for a walk around 7:00am and the birds are still singing and playing games with each other. The sun is still on the rise, and the neighborhood is peaceful. The fountain in the lake making it sound like rushing water. Our community is going to put some benches down there, to take a short rest and watch the ducks and geese, which will be so nice. The walk down & back is probably 1/2 mile or more. We make the same walk in the evening. When the weather gets a little cooler, We will walk further and maybe add another trip during the day.

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            It is almost a different world, before the rest of the neighborhood wakes up. So peaceful, except for the birds singing and squirrels scampering! Those benches will be a nice addition to your community.

  41. Piper (Virginia) says:

    Beautiful and relaxing! You and the crew enjoy

  42. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Happy Autum Equinox everyone! Still hot here in So. Cal but the mornings are becoming cooler and more damp. The smell is truly Autum.

    Weather is probably busy playing at her new T@B…she has to get the troupe used to it and riding in an automobile for longer periods of time. I am sure she is handling things in her very special way to make things perfect for whatever she will be doing.

    The blog is so deep in Sue’s soul that I am sure she will be back with us from the side of the road soon, just to say hi. But I hope she spends as much time as possible in that lovely spot, she deserves a rest.

    Everyone have a great day.

  43. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi Everyone, Sues boondock looks lovely!! We are back from our Canyon “tour”. Canyon de Chelly in NE AZ, Walnut Canyon and Sunset Crater Natl. Mon. near Flagstaff, Chaco Canyon in New Mexico and lastly, Seminole Canyon near Del Rio, Tx. Several state parks along the way-Fool Hollow Rec. Area in AZ, City of Rocks State Park in NM, Manzano Mts. State Park in NM, among others. Had some adventures plus a good time!
    On another note-be aware that Windows 10 does not come with Windows Media Player-you have to buy something from them or get something free from the web. It is for that reason we are not getting it. It also screwed up my father-in-laws computer, as well.
    Be well everyone!

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Good to know about windows 10. Still in holding pattern for that. Thanks for the update. 🙂

      • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

        Windows 10

        I just read to make certain your motherboard and hard drive is compatible with Windows 10 before installing. I had 8.1 on my laptop so I was not worried.

        Personally, if one doesn’t have a touch screen, just stay with the operating system you have. If it ain’t broke, don’t install.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Your trip sounds awesome, Terri! Were you all able to explore each area for a day or two?

  44. Applegirl NY says:

    Hi Everyone. Yes, Sue, you’ve struck gold again, with that beautiful boondock. Take time and relax, that’s why you live the way you do. We’ll be here.

    I repeat everyone’s best wishes to all for the beginning of fall. We’re having perfect weather here in Upstate NY. Warm, sunny days, cool nights. My apple trees are absolutely loaded this year. I’ve made several pies, frozen tons of applesauce and apple slices, given bushels away, and still, the trees are full. It’s great.

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Oooohhh, please send a piece of that apple pie this way! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Yum!! I second Shirlene’s request for a slice of apple pie, please! Enjoy your bounty, Applegirl! 🙂

    • R. now hiking in Grand Teton NP says:

      But do you have Cortland apples?

      • Applegirl NY says:

        YES! I have one Cortland tree (my absolute favorite). These are what I am using now for eating, applesauce and pies. I like their sweet crispness when eaten fresh and how they cook down in the pies. I know some folks like a firmer apple in the pie, but I like mine almost like sauce. I also have an Empire tree. My father-in-law’s favorite. These are not quite ripe, and are best for eating. Another week or so, and they’ll be perfect.

  45. Utah Bonnie says:

    It looks like Reggie has found it to his liking enough to put his stamp of approval on it more than once. Gotta love those little guys! Enjoy your little slice of paradise while you can and I’m looking forward to updates but I don’t blame you for wanting to stay in the boonies as long as possible.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bonnie,

      I love the forest, especially at this time of year with the leaves changing and the light making the treetops glow. Thanks for the nice note.

  46. BadgerRickInWis says:

    You all sound very happy, so in other words – Paradise Found!

    Oh yeah, and your campsite looks pretty nice too. 🙂

  47. janis harrison says:

    Dear Sue,I want you to know how much your blog helps me. I am having a rough time with the chemo ,surgery,and yesterday we shaved off what was left of my hair. Grueling stuff. But when I get to read your blog I can get outside of my self and feel your joy,peace, and contentment. I am truly grateful . Please keep up the good words.
    I am not at the computer as much as I used to be but we set up a facebook page about this journey if you want to read it is GranJan’s Journey some of it is funny and some kind of tearful.all of it is true.I feel like I love you,your pups, and most certainly your adventures.Sincerely Janis Harrison aka Grandjan

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Grandjan, so sorry you have to go through this. Keep up the good fight. There is a lot of hope on this blog and a lot of good people to lift you if your spirits drop. Hopefully you will be able to keep up with us on a regular basis soon. 🙂

    • Jodee Gravel on the road in Lakeview, OR says:

      Sounds like you’re doing good stuff to keep you positive and a FB journal will not only help you but others going through a similar journey. Sue’s blog keeps many folks grounded and focused on a positive future – and getting out of our own heads for a while is healthy for everyone 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Janis, sending you lots of positive thoughts and support. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Please know that we are thinking about you, even if you do not feel like checking in. Take good care of yourself. Sending you a hug! 🙂

    • Lee J in Northern California says:

      Janis, I hear you! I am almost three years out from cancer surgery, and I feel wonderful. I was thinking this morning while doing barn chores, how lovely to finally feel good doing this job, and saying a prayer for those beginning the journey. Shovel, rake, pitch, brush, toss hay, water, and nothing hurt! So I will keep you in my thoughts dear one, keep us posted. Embrace your bare pate….it was the only thing on me that wasn’t wrinkled!
      Find joy where you can, this will pass. It didn’t seem possible to me three years ago, I didn’t think I would ever feel normal again… And I do….wishing it for you really soon.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        I am two years out of breast cancer surgery myself. I am very thankful that it was caught early and I was fortunate enough not to have had chemo nor radiation. So far so good on resuming a normal life. In addition to my dog walks, I go to Silver Sneakers classes 3 days a week. Our local “Y” has classes for cancer survivors as well. Those that have gone say it is great. Our local hospital volunteers started a breast cancer survivor luncheon for anyone that wants to join in for support and fun. We go to a different restaurant every other month.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      My best wishes and prayers are with you, Grandjan.

    • weather says:

      Dear Janis,I pray that more joy,peace,contentment and swift thorough healing be yours.I’m sure you do love Sue,her pups and her adventures,loving helps us through both wonderful and grueling stuff.Sending wishes for the wonderful,in all ways.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      I will sure be praying for you. Hugs!

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Sending good, positive thoughts to you GrandJan, and prayers too if that’s ok.

    • Sally says:

      Janis, I hope you are having a good day today. I have been in your shoes. Chemo, radiation, surgery, whole nine yards. But as others have said, you will feel normal again. Relax and be the princess you are while you are kicking cancer to the curb!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thinking of you, Janis, and wishing you well!

  48. Jodee Gravel on the road in Lakeview, OR says:

    Thought of you and the crew when we were in Burns for the night. I think that’s the closest we’ve been to your route so far. No more fire and there is rebuilding happening in the burn zone near Seneca. Your spot looks perfect, even without internet, and the crew looks so content 🙂 Safe travels.

  49. Terri From Texas says:

    Please be strong and know that lots of people are thinking about you and praying for you!

  50. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Heads up sky watchers!

    Tomorrow evening is a total lunar eclipse. That coupled with close proximity to,the moon should make for a beautiful event. Just after ten PM here…check for your specific time!

  51. Dawn in MI says:

    Holding you in my heart Jan. Stay strong.

  52. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi Denise,
    Yes, we took a couple of days at each park to explore the areas, though not as much as I would have liked! Probably the best state park of all was City of Rocks State Park! I read about it on Geri Hajeks blog and Wheelingits blog, also. The park was a little hot, but uncrowded and was a blast crawling across all those rocks! And we had a shade tree so the heat wasn’t really a huge issue! It really brought out the kid in me! My husband said I “looked as happy as a possum eating persimmons!” Chaco canyon was practically a spiritual experience-seeing ruins in North America 1,000 years old was amazing!

  53. rvsueandcrew says:

    Oh my. I tried to catch up on all these comments…. There are so many! 🙂 If I skipped you, it’s nothing personal. I love y’all!

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