Always something to buy; a sleepless night, and revisiting Boulder Lake boondock, Wyoming

In late July of 2014, the original canine crew and I reach Boulder Lake, southeast of Pinedale, Wyoming.  The rustic campground at the lake doesn’t appeal to me.  A drive-through reveals campsites are close together and the vegetation overgrown.  It s a humid place with mosquitoes.  That was then.  Maybe it’s different now.

I look for an alternative and find a boondock only a short walk from the lake.

It happens when traveling across distances of the West that one doesn’t always secure a boondock at the optimum elevation for the time of year.  This boondock is too low, relatively speaking, for a summer camp.  I choose it because I’m ready to take a break from the road and it is a nice, free, lake camp not far from the town (with grocery store) of Boulder, Wyoming.

We manage the heat utilizing the Best Little Trailer’s awning and fans.  

Also the private beach provides pleasant respites for Spike, Bridget, and me. Fortunately, after two hot days, the weather changes and we are blessed with cooler air.  

One of my posts from this camp is “Living small and loving it.”  (Posts previous to that one contain more info and photos of Boulder Lake camp and surrounding area.)

~ ~ ~

The crew and I aren’t traveling this summer.  We’re awaiting the arrival of my recently retired sister, Nancy, and her canine pal, Marg, around August 18, from southern Florida to the home we will share in southern Arizona.

Saturday, July 21, in Arizona

On our walk to the mailboxes, Reggie, Roger and I come upon a neighbor weed-whacking his yard.

He’s a lean guy of retirement age.

“Excuse me,” I call out over the sound of the weedeater.

He turns it off.

“What can I do for ya?” he asks.

“Hi. I’m sorry to interrupt. Are you happy with that weedeater? I need to buy one.”

“Yes, I am. This is a good one. I’ve had it for three years and it works great.”

He holds out the trimmer for me to take a closer look.

Black+Decker LST300, 20-volt,” I read out loud off the trimmer.

“Yeah, runs on battery. I got it at Wal-Mart.”

“Thanks. I think that’s what I’ll get. By the way, my name is Sue.”

I extend my hand and we shake. He doesn’t offer his name.

That’s okay. I can relate to that.

As I give Reg and Rog a slight tug to leave, my neighbor cautions,”Make sure you get the one without a cord.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks again!”

The boys and I walk further down the street.

I glance at the back corner of the man’s house and notice he has a rain barrel.

He also has a raised bed constructed with concrete blocks. A shade cloth on the west side of the bed prevents the Arizona sun from cooking his vegetables.

Well, this was a productive little stroll: a weedeater recommendation and a handful of junk mail.

I order the weed-eater online. It’s supposed to arrive at our door Tuesday.  (The rain barrel is coming on Wednesday.)

~ ~ ~

Heat advisory in southern Arizona through Wednesday.

Mike the roofer planned to resume work on the house this morning, however, the heat nixed that. If it’s not raining, it’s too hot. Fortunately there are no leaks and no rush.

Hot afternoons are for watching movies!

The local library has an excellent selection of DVDs and one is allowed to check out a stack of ’em at a time.  Yesterday I finished the last of an eight-DVD set of the Horatio Hornblower series. I had watched it before and enjoyed it just as much the second time (and I hardly ever watch a movie twice).   I love British Royal Navy stories, whether in books, movies, or television series.

Reggie and Roger maintain their usual routine, although these days more time is spent inside snoozing in air conditioning than outside running around.

Sleepless in southern Arizona

A creature repeatedly wakes the crew and me with its pattering around on our roof.

We fall asleep, the footsteps start up, Roger and Reggie race around the house barking with alarm, back to bed, fall asleep, and it starts all over again.

Hmm . . . What could it be?

Four legged, too much noise for a cat.   Possum maybe?  A pine tree provides a way from ground to roof.

Oh well, no more nighttime roof noises since then.  Maybe our visitor moved on.

~ ~ ~


Only four more weeks and Nancy and Marg will be here!



To see products recently purchased by readers or to browse and shop at Amazon, follow any of these links:

Quilt and Shams Set
KEEN Men’s Hiking Sandal
Waffle Woven Cafe Curtains
Naked PB Powder from US Farms
Picnic and Beach Mat
Inflatable Boat Set w/Oars and Air Pump

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