A near catastrophe, an invasion, and a return to Glass Creek Road boondock, CA

October 2013 the original canine crew and I camped in a secluded boondock near Glass Creek, not far from Mono Lake and Mammoth, California.  “Glass Creek Road Camp” was a most appreciated boondock during that period of time when many campgrounds were closed due to a government shutdown.

The burnished colors of fall were lovely, the view of the Sierras stunning, the wildlife delightful, and the snowfall a wondrous surprise.  

“Glass Creek Road Camp”  

My present canine crew — Reggie and Roger — and I are spending the summer at our newly purchased home in Arizona as we await the arrival of my sister, Nancy, and her dog, Marg, in August.  

Monday, July 2, in Arizona

I have a stack of DVDs to return to the library.  These hot, summer days the crew and I are active in the mornings and early evenings.  During the afternoons our activity slows way down.  Most afternoons I push back in my lounger, which is set up in the bedroom, to watch a movie.  Some afternoons I crawl onto the cushions on the floor (that serve as my temporary bed) to take a nap with the boys.  And, of course, there’s always the internet.

Anyway . . . 

I keep a steady supply of movies on DVDs from the library.  I choose around ten at a time because, invariably, once I have them home, I toss a few aside before I find one I want to keep watching.

Before taking off to the library . . .

I check the oil level in the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

Hmm, down about a quart.

I walk around to the passenger side of the PTV to get a quart of oil from under the bench seat.  When I get to the side door, I look down and see that I almost stepped on . . .

Horned Toad!

Another near catastrophe!  This is the second time I almost stepped on him. The first time was in the yard (photo).

Now he’s lined up for certain death directly between the front and rear wheels of the PTV!   I scratch the gravel with my foot and send him scurrying away.

He stops and stares a few times.  Roger and Reggie watch from the other side of the chain link fence.

Good thing I checked the oil before backing out of the drive or Horned Toad would have become Creamed Toad.

In other critter news . . .

Ant invasion!  Inside the house!   A battalion of tiny black ants invaded the laundry room where the crew’s food and water dishes are located.

You see, Reggie and Roger, as part of their ongoing royal treatment, have kibble available to them 24/7.   This all-day buffet is served with water and that’s what attracted the ants.

I’m all for being kind to critters but I will not extend that to kitchen ants.  If I could talk them into leaving, believe me, I would.  Instead I use up what’s left of the ant spray, and, while in town to pick up more DVDs, I buy another can.

How do the ants get in?

They enter by way of the drain hose for the washing machine.  Not hard to figure out.  A line of ant soldiers was marching across the floor from the washer to the crew’s dishes.  I descended on those invaders like a weaponized drone and wiped them out.  No mercy!

That’s it for today’s post.  I hope these wintry pics send cool breezes to those of you in hot, humid places.

Happy Independence Day!



Fall colors, Mono Lake, and a morning surprise” and “Snow camping! Glass Creek Road Camp” — October 2013.


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