In today’s post we remember a pretty boondock among pines by the Tieton River in Washington. The original crew and I camped there in August 2013.
Our first camp along the Tieton was Willow Campground.
From there we moved further along the river to a delightful, secluded boondock. See “Finding a riverside boondock — Tieton River Camp!” and subsequent posts.
Reggie, Roger, and I are presently in Arizona.
We’re camping in the house we will share with my sister, Nancy, and her Westie, Marg, beginning in August. I look forward to having both of them here, including the furniture that they will bring with them! (The house has no furniture other than what I moved out of the Best Little Trailer.)
We will return to boondocking the western states at a later date, yet to be determined.
Monday, June 18, in Arizona
Interior painting continues. Today I roll more “Vanilla Scone” onto the ceiling and walls of Nancy’s bedroom, having finished the den in the same color.
“How did you choose your bedrooms?” you ask.
Well, you probably didn’t ask but I like inserting dialog, so there it is.
Okay, about the bedroom choice.
Being that I’m coming out of more than six years in a home whose interior is about 15 feet in length, including the bathroom, I’m not concerned about which bedroom I have in the house.
Before I can paint the bedrooms, Nancy and I need to determine our bedrooms in order to choose paint colors to complement bedroom furniture.
I let Nancy choose because either bedroom is a palace compared to what I’m used to!
In an email I describe the pros and cons of both rooms.
I’m pretty sure which one she will choose. Sure enough, her email comes back and she picks the bedroom with the bigger closet.
Hmm . . . Or maybe she’s just being nice and letting me have the room with the attached bath.
Anyway . . .
The walls and ceiling are done! That bedroom has the loveliest, natural lighting of the entire house, the kind of light that brightens your mood at first sight of it, takes you by the hand, and draws you over the threshold. With the new paint? Heavenly.
No rain today. Sunny all day.
Tuesday, June 19
You know how, when you’re considering the purchase of a house, you hire a home inspector?
I did that and the inspector suggested roof repair. I’d already noticed the fascia with dry rot. The inspector pointed out the absence or incorrect placement of flashing on the fascia. The fascia needs to be replaced with proper flashing and painted.
And, you know how it goes: As long as we’re replacing fascia and flashing, that old gutter and bent downspout might as well be replaced, too.
So it isn’t a big surprise to find the roof could use some attention.
(Note: The roof doesn’t leak and isn’t in danger of leaking at this point.)
I discover that securing a roofer in Arizona in the months prior to rainy season can be challenging. I make calls, leave messages, and nobody calls back.
I discuss this with my realtor.
She’s very helpful regarding local services and names I can trust.
“No one calls me back! What is it? Is it the heat? (At the time temperatures are going above 100 degrees.) Do they quit for the summer and head to the mountains?”
“No, quite the opposite. They’re very busy at this time of year. Everybody waits until the first storm cloud of monsoon season gathers on the mountains and then they think, well, I guess it’s time we got the roof fixed . . . .”
She encourages me to keep trying.
I do and, whaddayano, a roofer calls! In fact, it’s a roofer who has already given me an estimate for the roof-plus-fascia job. He says he will return to Arizona around the 19th and will get in touch once he’s back.
Today is the 19th. I’ll be very happy to see this work underway!
To wrap up this post . . .
One more photo of the Tieton River boondock, as seen from the path to the river:
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