Saturday and Sunday, September 1 and 2 in Arizona
I’m sitting on the porch when a car slows to a stop in front of the house. A man in his thirties brings down his window, sticks out his head, and hollers a question toward me.
“You wanna’ sell your Casita?”
“NO! I love it too much!”
This exchange makes me curious. Online I search for 2011 Casita travel trailers for sale and find a few listed in the $12,000 – $13,500 range.
The Best Little Trailer is worth a lot more than that to me!
It takes me and my crew to wonderful and wide-open places, such as the one in the photo below.
The Best Little Trailer above a pretty canyon in Utah.
Read and see more of this free camp in the April 2014 post, “From Green River to a sweet boondock in the San Rafael Reef.”
Pecans, pecans, pecans!
When I first walked the property and saw two pecan trees growing side-by-side, I became hopeful they would prove to be prolific producers. As you may know, many varieties of pecans require pollination by a compatible, yet different, variety.
Two trees together is a good sign.
I enjoyed the nuts from my two pecan trees in Georgia. Every fall around Thanksgiving those trees were laden with more nuts than the squirrels and I could eat. I froze several bags of pecans every year.
Both pecan trees at our Arizona house are young (maybe between 4 and 10 years if grafted, older if from seed, which I doubt) and not very tall. They’re healthy and promise to give an abundant crop this year.
Okay, calling for recipes with pecans. Care to share yours?
Roses in bloom again!
Nancy and I are surprised by our rose bushes pushing forth buds and blossoms at this time of year. Apparently the rain awakens a second bloom.
Since taking the photo above, several more buds open.
It’s fun learning the cycles of plants on the property.
The front door receives a face lift.
Nothing like painting an old, dirty, white door a rich shade of turquoise to improve the looks of a house! Nancy and I chose the color Navajo Turquoise and we think it’s smashing!
The stucco is cracked below the threshold. That will be patched. Also a fresh coat of white will be applied to the trim around the door. A new, black, door handle would be the perfect finishing touch. That, however, will have to wait.
Let’s close with a few glimpses of Margaret, Reggie, and Roger . . .
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The links below take you to Amazon products recently purchased by readers and where you can browse and shop:
Utah Benchmark Atlas
Women’s Quilted Vest
The Pampered Chef Mix N Chop
Cast Iron Pre-Seasoned Griddle Pan
Bike Phone Mount for any Smart Phone
Tire Pressure Gauge w/Easy Read Glow Dial
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