Patience, purchases, and pups

Friday, December 12 – Sunday, December 14

Friday, Bridget and I climb aboard the Imperfect Tow Vehicle and motor northeast to Globe, Arizona.  I’m antsy to leave Oak Flat after a two-week, forced camp awaiting the conclusion of the Crunched Door Saga.

The weather is sunny and pleasant.   Somewhere near Top of the World, I respond to Bridget’s nervous whimpers and pull over.  Poop time.   Then we’re back on the road.

We stop at Cobre Valley Motors Body Shop in Globe for an update on the door.

1-P1010850The shop had emailed me, letting me know that a door was picked up from a Phoenix salvage yard.

After a blue door and a red door were found to be unacceptable, this black door passes inspection!

Duane tells me the outside of the replacement door has been sanded and is being painted today.

Then, of course, we have another weekend to wait.

“Monday or Tuesday, the inside will be painted.  We’ll let you know when to bring the van in.  If you don’t hear from us by Tuesday noon, get in touch with us.”


Next we toodle over to Wally World.

1-P1010847I leave Bridget (displaying her usual dramatic protest) in the Imperfect Tow Vehicle.  Inside the store, I zip over to the men’s clothing department and find a rack of Wrangler, button-up-the-front, long-sleeved shirts, the kind I usually buy.  A closer look reveals that these are flannel-lined!

Most of my shirts are a subdued shade of tan or loden green.  In the spirit of the season, I go bold and pick out a cranberry shirt with a cranberry-and-black plaid lining.

This is a timely purchase.  Cold and rain are on the way!

While in the men’s department, I look at thermal underwear.

Just the tops, of course! I pick out a dark green thermal shirt in an extra-large size.  Extra-large will cover me all the way down to mid-thigh and be roomy, perfect for cozy sleeping and lounging, worn with fleece pants and socks.

I’m on my way to the grocery area when I remember Bridget.

“The bed!” I say out loud to myself.  I roll my cart over to the pet department and choose, not one, but TWO doggie beds.  I hope she likes these because that old, ratty, threadbare bed of hers is going bye-bye.

One bed is the typical kind with a bolster around the perimeter (shown below); the other is a fake sheep’s wool rectangle for the floor of the canine condo.

Notice the rips in Bridget’s old bed.

1-P1010851 (Later… Bridget doesn’t like either of the new beds, of course.  Too bad.  First sighting of a trash bin and the old one is gone!)

I toss some fresh fruits and vegetables and a carton of milk into my cart and soon Bridget and I are on the return trip to Oak Flat.

Yes, the cold and rain arrive.

As I’m making myself a cup of yerba tea, the campground host lady knocks on our door.  “Just want to tell you we’re gonna’ get a lot of rain.”  We chat for a bit.  She tells me about free camps in Nevada.  I ask her how long her commitment is as host of Oak Flat and she repies, “Until May.”

I restrain myself from groaning in her presence.

The rain starts very lightly that evening.

Except for a few, short downpours, we don’t get anywhere near the amount of rain that was anticipated.  I check the wash that runs behind the Best Little Trailer.  The water only fills half-way up the banks of the wash and quickly soaks into the sand.

Whenever there’s a break — when the sun shines brightly in the afternoon and there isn’t any wind — Bridget and I walk the campground roads for exercise and diversion.

Sunday, December 14th, is the coldest morning we’ve experienced this winter.  

It drops to 30 degrees, maybe lower, although the town of Superior, which is only about four miles from here, experiences a low in the mid-30s.  Oak Flat is much higher than Superior and elevation makes a difference in air temperature.

Neighbors arrive!

This group (below) pulls in about five days ago, all men.  The first morning they’re up at six splitting wood, making a campfire, playing loud music, and having a grand time, yelling and laughing with abandon.

I go outside and take this photo.  The men make a racket until about 8 a.m. when they leave, probably to go to work, God bless ’em.

EarlyPartyPeopleFortunately the newness wears off, I guess, and after that first morning, they aren’t outside partying at dawn.

Okay.  Get ready for a warp-speed transition coming up . . . .

Remember Janie?

Janie is the dog I gave to my friend, Lynn, before leaving Georgia to pick up the Best Little Trailer at the Casita factory in Texas.  Recently Lynn emailed me this photo from her iPhone.  That’s Janie in the middle of her two housemates.

JanieandPalsNotice the body contact.  Janie always was a snuggler!

Monday, December 15

Sunshine and clear skies!



Can you believe?  Only ten days ’til Christmas!  Look what RVSue shoppers ordered recently:

Genuine My Pillow Pet Comfy Panda
Snuggle Safe Pet Bed Microwave Heating Pad
Work ‘N Horse Lined Riding Gloves
A Christmas Festival with Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Mexican Santa Figurine, 7-1/4-Inch
Progressive Industries 30 Amp Portable Electrical Management System

Click here to shop Amazon now!

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118 Responses to Patience, purchases, and pups

  1. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    I see you got credit for the PI 30A PEMS I bought. Excellent.

    Wait, what is the cold and rainy stuff? I hope you can find someplace warm and dry once the IPTV transforms back to the PTV.

    We are still sitting on this house trying to sell it. Good news is we are using our trailer quite a bit. It sure is fun…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s wonderful, John… Love the way you put it — “It sure is fun…” 🙂 I agree!

      Thank you very much for the purchase of the electrical management system through my blog. Nice commission. I’ll take that as a Christmas present from you!

      This is a tough time of year to sell a house… Maybe in January the right person will come along.

  2. Racheldls says:

    Hi Sue

    It is good to know the imperfect towed vehicle will soon be rectified. 🙂 I have not had a chance to get on here much but it’s always good to see your posts dear lady.

    Take care and be sure and let Bridget know that Macha sends her tail wags and lots of sniffs. 🙂

    Rachel :~) Lord bless you.

    We cannot change the wind, but we can adjust our sails.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rachel,

      Great to hear from you and Macha again! I’m going to take a look at your blog. I always enjoy your writing. Blessings to you both.

      • Racheldls says:

        I’m afraid I have not been on my own blog very much either but I’m hoping to be soon. I’ve been dealing with some issues with my computer. Trying to do any of this on my little phone is more frustrating than I usually care to deal with but I’m hoping we have solved the problems and I will soon be posting again. 🙂

        Take care talk to you soon. 🙂

  3. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    I know you will be glad to have that door fixed!!! And I hope Bridget adjusts to her new bed 🙂 I knew she would say “But, I just got the old one broke in good” Today would have been Dad’s 95 birthday. Wow! When talking about our memories of Christmas, I shared the one where I got a new bike…New to me..and of course it was painted battleship grey. One of the few Christmases with no snow so Dad took it with us to Gramma and Grampa Sutherlands. I want to ride to our cousins’s house but I was told to go via the pasture. I didn’t quite make it… ran over a big rock or “something” and the ball bearings fell out of one of the wheels. LOL…. It was a great bike though!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Haha! Oh, the memories… I think I got that same bike a few years later, painted red. No wonder you didn’t quite make it… That field was full of rocks, even though Grampa picked them every spring.

      I did the same calculation on Dad’s would-have-been age.

  4. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Love the red shirt. Have to watch for those when I go out. Bridget you will love your soft new bed once you give it a chance. It looks soft and snugly. I sure hope that door is ready soon so you can scratch that hitch itch. It’s raining here, started off and on during night. Our kitty girls send Meowy Christmas to you and Bridget. Looks like maybe I’m 3rd in this morning. Thanks Sue for sharing your life with us.

  5. debsjourney says:

    Hi Sue,
    Looks like you will be able to leave that campground very soon. I bet you are ready for new scenery. For a moment I thought you were going to get back your other little brown dog but I see she’s very happy where she is. Glad you got some warm clothes for the cold spell.

    Right now my home is being painted again today and it looks great. What a big job it is.

    Do you ever get tired of not having a nice bath tub to soak in? I was in my bathtub yesterday thinking that soon I wouldn’t have this type of luxury. It’s going to take some time to get used to this new full time lifestyle. I wondered if you have times when you miss those creature comforts.
    Also today I got health insurance for the first time in a year and it was reasonable. Blue select, from Blue cross/blue shield.
    I’m getting a lot of important things done. Stay warm
    and safe. Hugs Deb

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      To answer your question… No, I don’t miss any “creature comforts.” I suppose if my mind were to go that way, I might. I live in the present as much as I can. I’m so darn happy the way we’re living now that I don’t feel lack, I feel abundance. You know me… I’m thrilled to buy a shirt at Wal-Mart. Haha!

      Good for you on the progress toward your launch date… Your to-do list is shrinking fast! Hugs to you, too, Deb.

      • If you ever do get a hankering for lots of soaking, swimming, hot springs and such….take a trip to Cody, WY. They’ve got a wonderful large indoor and heated recreational pool/spa center. It’s cheap, too! Day rates.

        There’s hot springs around there somewhere, too. Although we didn’t partake when we went through. But I’ll bet they are awesome.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Well, if you are able to boondock some of the time, or at least stay in inexpensive state parks, I bet you will be able to afford an occasional stay at a motel with a good soaking tub. There are always ways to get our little indulgences satisfied…

      • DebsJourney says:

        Ginger that is what I thought of. I could splurge once in awhile for a nice hotel with a bath. Always a way to work things out. I’m spoiled because this home I’m living in has a roman oversized tub which I love. 🙂 But that’s ok.

  6. Cat Lady in Baton Rougea says:

    Bridget may still be able to smell Spike’s scent on the old one. Just a thought.

    Cat Lady

  7. Actually, that’s a good looking shirt. Great selection. As for the door, I hope it goes well, but I’m not optimistic. Fingers are crossed.

    And finally, I hate to break it to you, but “winter” has not arrived yet. December 21st is the first day of winter. In one of my former lives, I was a meteorologist. Among other things, I have a firm grasp on the equinoxes and solstices. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed H.,

      It is a nice shirt. Thanks for noting that. The Wrangler shirts I’ve bought in the past have held up very well, no shrinkage and no color fading. (The women’s shirts at Wal-Mart are crap.) I never did get involved in the pursuit of designer clothing. If a shirt serves me well, I don’t care what the label is or that I bought it in a store that sells automotive supplies and turnips. Haha!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      As for winter not arriving… I don’t have a clock nor a calendar and when I look at the night sky, I see stars and the moon . . . . Winter starts when I feel it. 🙂

  8. Sue,

    I think THIS door will be a hit! I have gut feelings about things…so contrary to Ed I am optimistic. 🙂

    But he’s right about the weather; here in AZ it usually doesn’t get “weather-like” until after the holidays.

    Heck, at Halloween we sweat in our costumes!

    But I’m hoping for a good winter up in Northern AZ. I’m thinking of taking my motor home up to take a dip in the snow (if we get any!) at the end of the month. I really miss it.

    Wasn’t it nice to get a recent pic of Janie? She looks very content.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cindy,

      I think you’ll probably find some snow this winter in northern AZ, around Flagstaff, but maybe not at the end of this month. I remember an early spring snowstorm in Ash Fork. I’d rather skip that. You have fun in the snow for me.

      Yes, good to see Janie, she’s such a love. I knew she’d be happy under Lynn’s care . . . .

  9. AZ Jim says:

    Boy! That body shop is taking it’s sweet time in the infamous door doctoring. I hope you are at the end of the road with it soon Missy. I know you want to move along south. We’ll leave a porch light on for ya….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      I think it’s a matter of logistics with the door delay. A door comes in, it’s no good, another door is ordered, and in the meantime an entire car needs to be painted and they begin and then other jobs are started right before the next door shows up and is no good. At one point Duane said they only had one bay in operation (This was around Thanksgiving). Now if it isn’t done this week, then I’ll run out of patience. 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Having grown up in a body shop family…one brother is a mechanic….yep, that is how car fixing goes. My dad and brother usually worked 6 days a week and up to 20 hours a day, depending on the situation. (Yea, I know…where did THAT energy come from…I have no idea cause I did not get that set of genes). But there are always MORE emergency situations that arise….and a smaller job might get set aside. Especially when the parts are not correct (and if THAT ever a problem!!) I do hope your wait is over however!! Or you can find maybe a better spot to camp? Sorta sounded like you maybe are not overly keen on that one, Sue…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          This camp is okay. It’s November, the vegetation is dull colored, it’s been rainy . . . .The surrounding area is intriguing and the mountains and cliffs are spectacular. I like our camp to be pretty or cozy. This is a clearing. Fine for a few days, not for over two weeks!

  10. weather says:

    Nice of Lynn to send the pic-Janie picked the best part of the “bed” to be on,she must be used to pampering,good for her,and for you having chosen a great forever home for her.Thanks for all you do for critters that gives them such happy stories-that’s a very significant part of what makes your blog and you precious.

    Great photo above that,even with neighbors you manage to make the scenery there nice.In case you’ve not yet thrown out Bridget’s old bed,sometimes having the new one under the old gets them used to the new smell/feel more easily.I’m glad you went with Christmas festive for your shirt-not only will it help you celebrate and enjoy your holiday,it’s really nice !Sunshine and clear skies,Yippee!Enjoy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Lynn is a very nurturing sort of person, and very thoughtful, too. I enjoyed working with her. As for Janie, everyone she meets is family.

      Thanks for the sweet comments. I’ll try your suggestion re: Bridget’s old and new beds. Enjoy your day, too!

  11. ja says:

    To acclimate a dog to a new bed we always laid the old one inside the new one for a few days. Helps to transfer smells they are accustomed to being around.

  12. Applegirl NY says:

    We have never had body work take less than 3 weeks, even if it seems to be something simple to us. I don’t know why that is, but there you have it. I was hoping you would have better luck with the PTV, but I guess not. Soon it will be a distant memory.

    Love the pic of Janie and her friends. The big black and brown dog on the right looks exactly like our old “Rascal” – rescue dog and best one we ever had. Still miss him.

    Great arboretum pictures yesterday too. Gorgeous colors.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      The long time for body work may be because of the nature of paint. I don’t know how the equipment works. I don’t imagine they can jump back and forth from painting red, to painting white, to painting red again. ?? Not like auto repair shops where they have several jobs going at one time and can move back and forth between them. Then there’s the sanding that has to be done.

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the arboretum photos and Janie with her pals.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        You are right in part, Sue…the paint does have a lot to do with how long it takes for repairs!! And the weather at the time, as well as other factors such a bugs, etc in “buggy weather”…

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I remember now that big day when my dad’s new “paint booth” was finally onsite and operational and how pleased he was as that gave them so much more flexibility in getting the paint part of repair jobs done!! Seems he did not have to get up and go in to paint at odd hours so much after he got that…they could control so much of the environment that way and that booth was cleaner than any kitchen let me tell you!! It was built beside the rest of the shop…totally separate!!

  13. Elizabeth in WA says:

    So happy for your other dog Janie…and how well she seems to be taken care of!! That no doubt makes you very happy. Looked like those dogs are all good buddies.

  14. Susie Rollyson says:

    I am so ready to hit the road. We are going to head west Dec 31st I hope and head towards AZ. I have read your blog now for about 2 years and I so enjoy it. Traveling thru you and your experiences. Now I will making my own discoveries in these beautiful states.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susie,

      That’s part of the fun… “making my own discoveries.” I appreciate you reading my blog for 2 years and letting me know you’ve enjoyed it. Here’s to an exciting 2015 of adventure!

  15. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue!

    You, my dear, have saintly patience…. I have faith that the third door will work out and that you will be able to move on, sooner than you expect! I am sending up extra prayers for a timely resolution.

    Yesterday, I spent three hours cutting light sets out of my pre-lit tree. The last couple years, it was striped in a sense…the top unlit, then 1/2 of the middle and bottom portions were partially lit. I like the tree, so that is why I took that route instead of pitching a perfectly good tree out and buying a new one. I think it is about 6 years young. The new lights are strung, and I plan to finish decorating it tonight. I hope to get all the chores done this week so I can bake some of my Grandma’s Spritz Cookies and Iced Sugar Cookies this weekend. Gotta keep the family tradition alive! 🙂

    I really like that Wrangler shirt! Love the color! It can double as a light coat in moderate weather. Wrangler is a good brand. I used to buy Wrangler jeans for my ex-husband…they always wore well, washed up nicely, and provided me a nice rear view! Funny how some of the few remaining “bargain” brands provide a much better value than some of the newer, cheaper made brands.

    Thank you for the update and posting the picture of Janie. It made my heart smile to see her so happy and content!

    Ok, gotta start pulling out some ornament boxes and get cracking on finishing decorating the tree. Hope you and Bridget have a good evening – stay warm! Hope your neighbors are quiet tonight. Hugs from me and Gracie pup. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      It wouldn’t be Christmas without a struggle with tree lights. 🙂 God bless all the women who knock themselves out with decorating, cleaning, shopping, cooking, baking, wrapping presents, dressing the family in holiday garb, and keeping the special family traditions alive. Some men help… Seems that women take on the bulk of the preparations. Of course, some handle it all on their own being single mothers.

      I’m betting it will be quiet here tonight. The guys started up with the loud music last night. I let it go for a while, listening to the thump-de-thump-thump of the base for an hour or so. Then I walked over in the dark and asked them to turn it down, which they did. Why people have to be told, I don’t know.

      Be sure to enjoy a relaxing hot drink — tea, chocolate, whatever — while you sit back admiring your beautifully decorated tree.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Big sigh, Sue…WHY is it that those who love such loud drum beat just assume everyone for miles ALSO LOVES it?? I wish they all got migraines from such as I do…it would make life so much easier for all of us eh?? At least they turned it down…I hope they will remember!!

  16. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Nice shirt….flannel lined at that! The color is nice!

    Whadayamean you’re getting rid of the old ratty one! Binky…that might be her Binky bed! I know just the trick to get her to like it………follow these steps carefully….ready?

    Place said new bed on the blue indoor/outdoor rug just outside the BLT! Stretch both arms over your head and let out the loudest most convincing yawn…rhino style! Then speaking in a hush tone….suggest it may be time for a little nap!

    Kick off your Keens and step into the bed. Glance over at Bridge and make sure she’s watching. Using your feet…start digging at the cushion like your fluffing the bed to the perfect texture. Spin around twice….and make yourself like a pretzel as you lay down. Nope that isn’t the right position….jump up…dig two more times and plop back down in the same postion you had the first time around!

    Let out a sigh….as you nuzzle your head in one of the corners! Bridget will either be rolling her eyes at you or she’ll want to join you!

    Enjoy your evening….stay warm!

  17. Jim and Vickie Rauch says:

    Hi Sue, hope the door works for you, sounds like you’re ready for a change of scenery. Will be keeping up with your adventures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim and Vickie,

      Good to know you are staying with us, even during this stalled time. Our adventuring slows down in the winter. If you haven’t read our early adventures I encourage you to do so.

      Anything before June 2013, go to (not dot-net).

  18. Sondra-SC says:

    Its amazing to me that people are so selfish…surely they know the music is too loud for a campground…Makes me wanna go Rambo–lol

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sondra,

      I find it interesting that I’ve never received an apology when asking folks to turn down their music. I’m the “bad guy,” whereas they’re were just having fun. Give me a break.

  19. DesertGinger says:

    Love the Wrangler shirt. I am so much bigger around the bottom than the top, I’m sure I could not wear men’s shirts. I hope my gastric sleeve fixes that.

    Well, I have been offered a job at HRBlock. Whew! We start January 5. Don’t know when my surgery is scheduled, but need to figure it out.

    I need to spend the rest of the month working on my house and getting bedroom ready for visitors. My friend Jesse is coming through for a night or two in early ?January, then my friend Sheila and her boyfriend will show up about January 10th to spend the winter. Can’t wait!

    Saw the doc today and am moving in the right direction. Need to get cardiac clearance for my surgery; other than that I’m almost ready I think.

    It’s chilly here; in the 50s during the afternoons but gets pretty cold at night. I love this weather. Perfect for me.

    I hope that darn door works so we can hit the road!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Congrats on the job D.G. I know you have been stressing over that.

    • DebsJourney says:

      Good luck with the surgery 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      Congratulations on the job offer!

      Men’s shirts aren’t always narrow at the bottom. There are plenty of men who are “big around the bottom” so you might find something. It’s nice to buy clothes that last without having to pay big bucks.

      You have a lot to look forward to! I’m happy for you, Ginger.

  20. Pat H.....Oregon says:

    Hi Sue, have you been out the road that goes past a mine. I know it isn’t far from you, but can’t remember the exact location. It takes you to the east side of the Superstitions and it very pretty. I did a few hikes in the area and one backpack trip. Just a suggestion for a quick trip for you and Bridget.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat H.,

      There are a few different roads that go east of the Superstitions. And there are a lot of mines around here. Don’t know which one you are referring to. Roosevelt Lake is on the east side — We did explore a forest road over there and another one accessed west of Superior.

  21. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    I’ve been meaning to ask you about the water situation seeing as the west is in a severe drought. How often do you have to pay for water for your fresh water tank? Have you ever run across water that was so gross you had to go somewhere else? Inquiring minds…

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      John we have had that happen before we knew better. Often not a good idea to get well water, which has not been treated with chlorine or water that someone tells you is high mineral or “very soft”. Took a lot of flushing to get sister in laws well water out of our tank and lines and what a smell! We filter all water we drink through a Berkey filter anyhow but the nuisance of clogged aerators on faucets and shower and or smelly water is not fun. A sediment filter is a good thing as well. They can be installed or between spigot and your hose.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John K.,

      Usually water for the fresh tank is part of a dump station fee. I never use a spigot right next to the dump. That spigot is for rinsing the sewer hose. A “potable water” spigot is usually further away.

      I’ve never come across gross-tasting or smelly water, causing me to go somewhere else. Since I hardly ever hook up the tank to water as one does in a campground site, I don’t use a filter. If I were to sit in one site with a hose running from spigot to my tank, I might hook up the sediment filter I have.

      I haven’t had any water problems. That may be because I use water from the tank primarily for flushing and small tasks, never for consumption. Our drinking water is kept in one-gallon jugs that I fill at potable water spigots or vending machines (24-50 cents a gal.) or I buy water by the gallon off the store shelf.

  22. Eric says:

    It’s a good looking shirt you bought. Love the color now and as it ages it may get a soft worn look like denim. Good choice. Eric

  23. G says:

    Are we in for a Janie and Bridgett reunion in the near future? I have wondered since Spike passed away whether that thought had crossed your mind…G

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, G,

      No, there’s hardly any chance of a Bridget-Janie reunion because I have no interest in returning to Georgia.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      I too thought about that scenario.

      Janie looks very comfortable with her pals…how unfair it would be for them now that she’s part of their family!

      Kind of like when humans go their separate ways and split up their pets! Who benefits and whose sense of normalcy is disrupted?

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Excellent point.

        What people probably don’t know about Janie…. She came into my home a lot later than Bridget and Spike did. Plus she has the personality of “I love everybody” which told me she would not pine for us, but rather she’d “love the one she’s with.”

        Looking at the three dogs, I knew Bridget would suffer greatly if I left her, Spike not so much, and Janie not at all. When I dropped her off, she already was settling into Lynn’s place and didn’t react as I left. Lynn reported her becoming the sweetheart of Romeo soon after.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Or worse yet, when humans go their separate ways and dump the pets in the pound. I cringe when looking at adoptable dogs on websites and the reason given for them being in a shelter, sometimes on death row… “Owners were moving to an apartment that didn’t allow dogs.” Huh?

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Yeah I don’t get that either! If they don’t accept animals why would you even consider living there?

          That happened a lot with foreclosures …people would leave their animals IN the house!

          It amazes me to no end what folks do nowadays! Something got lost in the upbringing!

  24. ramblingal says:

    Brand new to this blog so please indulge me: why didn’t you take Janie on this trip? I’m planning to travel with three dogs soon altho I have reservations about their behavior. Can’t imagine any of them resting in their wheeled carrier like Bridget does.
    Hope I don’t have to leave any behind.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ramblingal,

      Welcome to my blog! I’m happy to see you here. 🙂

      Here’s why I didn’t take Janie along when the three of us (Spike, Bridget and me) set out to pick up the BLT at the Casita factory.

      Several factors:

      1) I had never camped before, let alone with 3 dogs.
      2) I had never seen the interior of a Casita, but I knew there wasn’t much room.
      3) I had very little information re: full-timing with dogs (not like is available today) so I was very cautious how I would approach it.
      4) I was determined to make solo full-timing work. I evaluated every aspect of it, looking for “weak links.” Trying to manage three dogs by myself while having to do everything by myself looked like a situation that could lead to disaster.
      5) Full-timing is the vacation I never had during my working years. I didn’t want it to become more work.

      Do I feel the same way now? Not as strongly as I did then, now that I’ve been solo full-timing 3+ years and am aware of what I’m capable of handling.

      I could handle 3 dogs, although 2 are easier. You probably will do fine with yours, although I don’t know what kind of behavior is giving you reservations. If your dogs tend to wander, sprint after scents, and such, be sure to have them micro-chipped.

      I don’t regret the decision. Janie’s happy and well cared for.

  25. Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

    Wow RVSue, your patience is amazing….staying there in one spot while you wait and wait. I am proud of you!

    I also want to thank you for telling us about the thermal top for sleeping! I am sooooo brain dead. I have been searching for 3 months for something that would work for me. Why didn’t I think of that??

    A few of us here at Tier Drop RV Park are going Christmas shopping today for a needy family. We met them yesterday and they are amazing! I will get to wrap some presents after all. Fun, Fun and more Fun here. Having a blast.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Krystina,

      I get a kick out of reading what fun you’re having at the RV park, all the friends you are making and activities you participate in. I would die there — curl up in a ball and implode — haha — whereas you are invigorated and having a fantastic time. You and I are great examples showing how differently one can find what suits best while living full-time in a home-on-wheels. I’m happy you found what is a right fit for you, Krystina. Your enthusiasm and excitement are wonderful!

  26. weather says:

    This year the pine trees produced a bumper crop of cones,the wildlife here’s picked them clean.The wild bushes’ berries,oak trees’ acorns,vines ‘pods,weeds’ heads full of miniscule seeds-gone-critters around here are set .Now they’re all on a long holiday stretch-food’s stored,home’s have been found or built,it’s warm,without a care in the world, one by one they’ve just come out to play.I love the tail end of autumn because now they can all relax,too.

    Some of us are out earlier than the rest,have the world all to ourselves.A golden eagle drifts over me,stray seagulls,squirrels,crows-soon we’re joined by dozens of others.Countless swathes of blue sky and colored cloud strips switch positions and take turns disappearing-the only thing steady,anchoring the view is the lake.It lets waves wash over it ,wind toss it around,hues change it’s appearance yet never lets go of it’s song,has the same rhythm hearts ,oceans,trees,tall grass and winds do.Good morning Sue,hope you hear something wonderful today,too.News from the body shop of course,comes to mind!

    • Shirlene says:

      Hi Weather, always blessed to see your comment…enjoy your day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      A happy picture you’ve painted with your description of critters having their homes prepared and provisions stored for the cold days and nights ahead.. . able to “come out to play.” Much like the harvest festivals people enjoy!

      The most notable wildlife here has been coyotes yipping very close to our campsite. I imagine they were perched on the boulders behind the oak trees. This was during a brief sunny and warm interlude one recent afternoon. They, like Bridget and I, were probably delighted with the cessation of rain and a break in the cold. Ravens are here, too. No sign of road runners or jack rabbits. And no word from the body shop! 🙂

      • weather says:

        Considering the campers near you recently,the ravens and coyotes probably exercise a certain amount of bravery to visit,guess anything smaller’s feeling timid.Hope waiting for news doesn’t stop you from enjoying ,Love the “harvest festival” idea,thanks!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re right about the critters. That’s one reason why I like to camp alone with no one nearby. Humans are too noisy and disruptive! When in a secluded camp, the wildlife are more likely to visit and often do.

          • weather says:

            HUGE reason to learn well how to boondock !

            Gosh,Sue,your mentioning that as a reason,makes me realize all the more how other types of RV lifestyles would be akin to having a home in a crowded suburb.Not that there’s anything wrong with that,it’s just that I’d feel robbed-makes it even more understandable why clingers seem like intrusive thieves taking more than just quiet away…

            This gives your guidance on this blog value on a level I’d previously considered,though not this thoroughly.Thanks again for doing all it takes to share and teach so well.

  27. Shirlene says:

    Good Morning Sue, Good Morning Weather, I just finished reading the blog and at the same time finished my coffee with peppermint creamer in it….what a great morning it has started out to be….I love the pictures, especially of the neighbors, it brings more realizm. I love the color of the shirt, it probably lights up your face, although not many see it except for Bridget….I like her new bed, she will like it also, it just may take a minute….some of us are resistent to change.. throw some dirt on it, that should do it…lol. I am going to get a refill on my coffee and peppermint creamer and get on with my day. Habe a great day, mine was made better by reading your blog and seeing Weather’s comment at the end just at the right time….I love this blog…Hugs to Bridget and I hope that door gets replaced this time…fingers crossed.

    • weather says:

      Your coffee and morning sound great,Shirlene,may the rest of your day be that way,too,mine’s always better after hearing from you 🙂

      • Shirlene says:

        I had a thought of you this morning on my way to work, in the rain, in my was: wait for it……what was your life’s work? it must have been really intersting because your words encompass so much…

        • weather says:

          Life’s work-lofty title,guess I’d call it communicating what I’ve always seen as what Life meant our adventure here to be-a way to experience love’s dreams and excitement.To finance that I’ve employed my time,gifts and assets in whatever field best lent itself to the task at hand .Owned,ran,taught/spoke at day care centers,a private school,non profits and ministries of many kinds,as opportunity presented itself used real estate,restaurants,bars,retail endeavors such as a hobby -antiquing -to reach folks while augmenting my income.

          Explaining all that would take a while-short story-I chose heart leading instead of human counselors early- recommendations, scholarships and titles they offered would have used my brain for profit instead of just as a tool.Whew, this is a long reply,hope it answers your question! 🙂

          • Shirlene says:

            Ok sure…..I get it, you are a preacher, of the heart. What a wonderful life you must have led, which is why you have been from Coast to Coast and now maybe, on your way again, spreading your life’s work….somehow I was expecting counselor, as you are to me at times..keep up the good work. Love to you and troupe

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      You’re super-happy this morning. I need to get myself some peppermint creamer! 🙂 In truth, I don’t care for peppermint. Your words “I love this blog” are what makes my morning bright! Thanks for the cheery message.

  28. kent says:

    Love the Cranberry shirt. Nice to have some color and a little variety in wardrobe!
    And the new Bridg-Bed too.

  29. AZ Jim says:

    For Sue and any others who lost a dear pet.

    I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
    I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.

    I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
    “It’s me, I haven’t left you, I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here.”

    I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
    You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.

    I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
    I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

    I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.
    I want to re-assure you, that I’m not lying there.

    I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
    I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said ” it’s me.”

    You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
    I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.

    It’s possible for me, to be so near you everyday.
    To say to you with certainty, “I never went away.”

    You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew…
    In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

    The day is over… I smile and watch you yawning
    and say “good-night, God bless, I’ll see you in the morning.”

    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
    I’ll rush across to greet you and we’ll stand, side by side.

    I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
    Be patient, live your journey out…then come home to be with me.

    (From: Beauty for Ashes)

  30. Timber n' me says:

    Well, we must think a like, I just bought the Forest Green wrangler flannel shirt at Wallyworld yesterday. I had the same problem with a bed for a pup a long time ago and what I did worked, I cut up the old bed and placed some of the old into the new bed and it worked, later as time went, the old parts ended up in the trash and She didn’t care. Timber’s voice tone is changing , it’s getting deeper and he says hi to Bridget. ,,,,me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      That’s funny! You bought the same shirt, only in green, and I almost chose the green one! (I have enough green shirts.)

      Thanks for the idea on the dog bed. Hmm… I hope Timber doesn’t have a sore throat.

      Keep warm and cozy in your new shirt!

  31. weather says:

    As no news has been posted,I’ll hazard a guess.Since no e-mail arrived around noon you called the shop.Apologetically they said “Glad you called,just checked your door,had expected it to be dry earlier,and it finally is.” When you drive there they put the ITV right in the bay,saying they’ll do their best to be finished by four o clock.You walk around and meet someone from the tattoo parlor who happens to be camped next to you.Good thing,the shop wants an extra hour really early morning to make sure every detail is P.Your neighbor dropped you home just now,promising to be quiet with his buddies tonight and drive you in on his way to work.Or…I’m not even close.

  32. Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

    I see that someone bought the microwave dog bed warmer. I have one of those that I have used for the last three years when I am traveling in the cold. I don’t like running the heat at night, so I have a 12v heating pad and Mugsy has this. Pop it into the microwave for 4 minutes before bed (funny how the dog gets as much use from the microwave as I do) and it is still a bit warm by morning. I put it under her bed in her little soft sided kennel for the road.

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