Photo Essay: Scenes along Piedra Road

Thursday, June 10

From Target Tree Campground east of Mancos, the crew and I head due east on Route 160, passing through Durango, going all the way to Pagosa Springs.

P1120085-001I’m skipping over those many miles because I don’t want to relive them and I wouldn’t be doing you a favor by writing about them.  Beautiful scenery along the way, of course.  However, I wasn’t able to appreciate it much.

Friday traffic on Route 160 from Durango to Pagosa Springs is nuts. 

There are people who are in a hurry to die, I guess.  The crew and I make it through with our lives and with the Perfect Tow Vehicle and the Best Little Trailer intact.

Thank God.

I check the campgrounds along this route and none of them are right for us.  That’s why I push us further than usual.

At Pagosa Springs, the PTV carries us north on Piedra Road. 

Piedra starts out paved and after a few miles turns to dirt/gravel.

These photos tell the story of the drive to our next camp.  I hope you enjoy them!

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~ ~ ~

“We’re here!  Look, Bridge!”

P1120134“They named the campground after YOU!”

~ ~ ~

In the next post . . .

The crew and I set up camp along Williams Creek!



Here are a few of the items that RVSue shoppers recently ordered from Amazon:

Women’s Swim Shorts
Oil Cloth Yellow Stripes
Stackable Under Sink Sliding Basket
Lifetime 3-Heights Folding Utility Table
Day Clock Digital Calendar – Extra Large
Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin


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140 Responses to Photo Essay: Scenes along Piedra Road

  1. Colleen says:

    Great pictures. Hopefully I will be on the road soon. Thanks.

  2. Marsha / MI says:

    Bridge has her own campground. How nice.

    The river looks like it would be cold.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, that water is cold! Makes for good fishing conditions…. :


  3. Colleen says:

    Great pictures. Hopefully I’ll be on the road soon. Thanks.

  4. Ilse says:

    There is nothing like staring at your email list on your phone, when suddenly RVSue pops up. Do I need to get a life?☺️

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      I’m going to need a flow chart or maybe there’s an app I could use…

  5. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    Definitely my kind of country…hope it’s all you hoped for!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kristi & Daisie,

      Thank you. We’re having a wonderful time. Couldn’t ask for a prettier setting!

  6. Susan in Dallas says:

    Beautiful pictures! Smile for the camera, Bridget!

  7. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    I feel your pain about driving in traffic. Looks like the second part of your drive was way more enjoyable. I patted that last picture of Bridget. That’s a great shot of her sweet face.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree. Bridget glows in that photo! When I saw Bridge Campground on my map, my immediate thought was “We have to go there!”

  8. Rick & Brock the dog, WA says:

    Hi Sue!
    Wow, Brock and I definitely need to go there. Beautiful meadows. Brock says just think of the squirrels there! I bet there are zillions of them! Safe travels. Glad you’re off the wild Rt 160 and in some peace and quiet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick & Brock,

      Reggie can confirm for Brock that squirrels are abundant here. He can also confirm that they’re faster than he is. Poor guy tries hard.

      Anyway… Great hearing from you again… I think my timing was bad for driving Rte 160… Everyone was in a Big Bad Hurry to start their weekend.

  9. judy in east texas says:

    Good afternoon Sue and the Crew….once again I am in awe at your travels and the pictures you provide for us. I am making plans to travel through Colorado next summer. You are just making the planning so easy!
    I want to camp along side the creek with you! It looks like a perfect resting spot.

    Stay safe out there and rock on, judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Judy, and good afternoon to you!

      I wish you gorgeous green fields, magnificent mountains, and gurgling creeks…

  10. Linda (Wisconsin) says:

    Well deserved, Bridget. Obviously you should have a campground named after you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Frankly, I think EVERY state should have a Bridge Campground. It would show the proper respect to HRH.

      Hi, Linda! 🙂

  11. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Nowhere near the top but that is ok. I enjoyed the post first. Such beautiful country. I really like where you are now. It is hot here, but we are getting rain about once a week, so everything is green. I love the rain, but I have to mow more often, something you do not have to worry about any longer. I bet you have forgotten what a lawnmower looks like. Be safe and enjoy this beautiful place.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jean,

      That sounds like Mississippi summer! Hot and a weekly rain, lots of green grass that you can see growing…

      Well, you’re close to right about a lawnmower. I haven’t thought of one in a long time. 🙂

  12. AZ Jim says:

    Nice calm pictures. I am curious about the way here but I reckon you want to forget it so I understand. I enjoy some of these homesteads like the ones in picture # one. I wonder how far they go for supplies, how far to medical help and what kind of winter weather they have to go through to get to either. Hi Bridge and Reggie boy. Take care Missy and think good thoughts….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jim,

      I would’ve liked to show photos of the countryside from Mancos to Pagosa Springs. Much of the road climbs up and down and around with few places to pull over for photos.

      Add to that, maniacs riding on your bumper… Two-lane road with speed limit of 65 mph (which means 70 mph to some people)… So close to the rear of the BLT that I couldn’t see the car in my mirrors! And six cars behind that one, also tailgaiting…. and yet, when there was a place to pass… oh no, stick right behind us, putting on the pressure.

      I got so weary of it that I put on my flashers, slowed to a stop in the road where it was clear, and sat there waiting for the idiots to pass. I mean, what is that all about? Playing conga line? Is everyone afraid to be first in line?

      See what I mean? I can’t write about it and remain sane. Whew!

      That homestead in the photo had about 12 miles to go for supplies and medical. I imagine winter is very wintery. 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Retired rat remember! Not partaking in the rat race to die!

        My philosophy is…I’m doing the speed limit or a speed that is safe for the conditions. If the tailgater wants to pass me…go ahead..because if I speed’re still going to be riding my bumper!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I never speed up because some fool is pressuring me. Some of them won’t pass! They think it’s normal to drive like we’re cars in a choo-choo train.

  13. Ken (in Queen Creek, AZ) says:

    I have been catching up on your blog, Sue. Your pictures get better and better. Glad to see you are doing well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Are you new to comments, Ken? Welcome, blogorino! Thanks for reading the older posts, and also for the encouragement on my photography. I hope you are well, too.

      • Ken (in Queen Creek, AZ) says:

        Hello, Sue. I don’t know if you remember me, but we met once while camping at Painted Rock Campground near Gila Bend a couple of years ago, a few days after New Years day. I am sure you meet so many people you cannot possibly remember us all. We did work on your PTV a little and I met your dogs too. I have followed your blog, but never posted before.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, wow! Yes, I remember you, Ken! You’re the guy who helped me put the PTV in gear! I wrote about you. Gosh, it’s great hearing from you. You really saved my bacon that day.

          I’m thrilled that you follow my blog. Thanks for letting me know… blogorino. 🙂 Feel free to join us anytime!

          • Ken (in Queen Creek, AZ) says:

            I was going to reply earlier, but the whole blog password box thing came up and then I went camping for 10 days. I wanted to let you know that I find your work VERY useful. Frequently, I search for pictures of an area that I am interested in exploring and I find some of YOUR pictures. Well Done! I am very appreciative. Glad all is resolved with your blog and now I have some catching up to do.

  14. Applegirl NY says:

    Absolutely beautiful.

  15. Jan Johnson says:

    Such beauty! Such majestic mountains! Really pretty places you are finding to set up your home.

  16. I made it over…whew! it was a hard road for me too. I just had a conversation with my boss about cutting my hours, getting ready to retire in September…here I come! Make room out there for me…. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      There’s plenty of room for you, Shirlene!

      I like the thought of you cutting your hours as retirement approaches. You need to be well rested for the exciting times ahead! 🙂

  17. Stanley Watkins says:

    I try to find your spots on Google Maps for future trips with my wife and sometimes Google Maps and MapQuest are incorrect. You posted that Bridge campground is on the Piedra river but Google Maps shows the campground on Williams Creek. Can you clarify. Also. Did you look at the other campgrounds along the way. The area looks so beautiful. Thanks for including us in your travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Both names may be correct, Stanley. Piedra Road goes to Williams Lake. On my Benchmark map it also shows Piedra Road as Forest Road #600 becoming Forest Road #631 all the way past Bridge Campground to Williams Lake. It does not label it Williams Road.

      As for the campground being on Williams Creek, you are correct. The campground is a short distance north of where Williams Creek joins Piedra. I will edit the post. Thanks for pointing out my error.

      Yes, I did look at Lower Piedra Campground and Ute Campground along Route 160. The former is situated in an area of OHV activity. That nixes it for us! Ute is heavily shaded, has short sites, and did not appeal to me at all.

  18. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Wow! I step away for a meeting and bam! Another new post! You all must be sitting on your keyboards, shoulders hunched, index finger ready to hit the enter key to scroll down and type, “First?!” and gleefully I might add! Hmmppph! Well, here I am at the near bottom, but not for long, I must say and another blogorino will be following me.

    I love that campground name too! With the photo of Bridgey’s smiling face as the last thing we see . . . perfect!

  19. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Has anyone else here receiving a random “Server Error”? I got this at home and now at work.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s Hostgator causing the problem. I’m trying to resolve it with them. Something “crawled” my site, spiking the usage, which triggered Hostgator to place a restriction on my blog. Try refreshing when that happens. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Very annoying!

  20. Bridget looks very happy to be in “HER” campground. Affidavit like a not-so-fun sieve, hope the site and peace prove to be worth it.

  21. Tom Moore says:

    A dead on picture of Bridget….What is the world coming to ?

  22. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    The road may have been ehhhh….but once again the results are stunning! Bovines galore…wait where is Reg mans ears? Bridgee babee you are special!

    Enjoy your evening!

  23. Diane J says:

    I got the Server Error too but then tried again and it worked.

    Love the photos!

  24. Sherri D says:

    We are getting ready to go on our first real vacation and will be camping for two weeks. Your postings have spoiled me!
    I want campsites next to gurgling streams or waterways so I can watch the water flow by!!! You find the most peaceful sites. 🙂
    Thank you for all the eye candy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Sherri D. I don’t mind sharing eye candy. The other kind? Nope. 🙂

      Best wishes for finding a great camp. Have a wonderful vacation!

  25. Geri says:

    A great dirt road to end a hectic drive and then to find such a wonderful creek to call “home”! Yup! your camp angel is working overtime!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! “Camp angel”… Reminds me of that old pop tune, “Teen angel.” Yeah, we manage to stumble upon some really nice camps… 🙂

  26. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    wow these blogorinos are fast today…………
    I have many pictures on my office wall that resemble some of
    your great pictures here……….
    seeing Pagosa Springs reminds of the time we stayed at Fun Valley
    campground so we could sh0ower and shave….best part of our trip
    that year. we caught so many rainbow trout I bought some dry ice
    brought extra home….
    thanks for the reminencence….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, chuck.

      About the pictures…. When we were rolling along on Piedra Road a mountain scene came into view and I thought, “I’ve seen that mountain on a calendar!”

      Love your Colorado stories… So many trout you had to pack them for the ride home. 🙂 Bridge Campground is a fisherperson’s paradise. You’ll see what I mean in the next post.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Chuck… I meant to ask you. Did you ever figure out what kind of pillow you have, the one you want to order again?

  27. edlfrey says:

    When I saw that you had turned on Piedra Road I thought of Pagosa Smiles ( the back of the office is on Piedra). That is the dentist I went to in Pagosa Springs and had a tooth extracted on 27 June 2014. That also answers AZ Jim’s question somewhat about where do people in that are get medical treatment. I drove two round trips (220 miles) from Chama, NM to that dentist and was happy to find him. In fact I set a cleaning appointment for the following year and stopped on 14 August 2015, a travel day from Chama, NM to Monticello, UT.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      Pagosa Smiles sounds very familiar. Maybe I read about it on your blog… or maybe I saw a sign or the back side of the building. Gee, 220 miles (altogether) for the dentist. There are folks who would drive 220 miles to get away from the dentist. Ha!

      I have to get over to your blog to see if you’re in Dolores yet. 🙂

  28. DeAnne in TN says:

    Beautiful, delightful, gorgeous and breathtaking scenery. I really think I am going to be a mountain girl! (But, south for the winter, of course!)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, DeAnne,

      I hope you are enjoying your summer break and don’t have it all glommed up with teacher training stuff. Yes, you can be a mountain girl, a desert girl, a river girl, a coastal girl, a grassland girl . . . . . whatever you choose!

      • DeAnne in TN says:

        Sigh…teacher training starts last week of June and then sporadically through July. Of course, we report back first part of August. I’m being a bum and wasting lots of time on the Internet and Netflix. I think I have a “to do” list somewhere…can’t wait to see/hear more about that pretty country.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          If you want to be a bum, go ahead and be a bum. Teaching takes a lot out of a person. Relax, DeAnne. You deserve a break.

  29. Cynthia Hilt says:

    Beautiful! Cows grazing in fields . . . what a concept!

  30. weather says:

    Your drive through traffic makes me cringe a little just hearing about it, I’m kinda glad you didn’t share the details. Thanks, I did enjoy the picture story of the rest of your way there.Gosh everything there looks huge. I imagine in person it seems even more so.Huge mountains, huge swathes of trees, huge herds, huge fields of flowers…except your beautiful little Bridge. How fun that you found a campground named after her 🙂 !!! Did you get excited when you discovered there was one? I’ve never mentioned that a cat called Bridget owned my son and I for many years. We found her under a bridge we were fishing beside where someone had tossed her as a kitten and named her after it. I like the connection between a landmark and wonderful creature that you share life with better. A befitting honor for someone that’s the queen of every campground she graces with her presence.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, what a lovely tribute to Bridget in your last sentence, weather. That is so nice.

      Funny how little connections can be found between people, like wispy threads… the two Bridgets!

      Astute observation about Colorado and so much that is huge. The camera tends to diminish the mountains. They do loom large when seen in person!

      Okay, now I have to find Reggie Campground. 🙂

  31. Retiredcajunlady says:

    In my mind’s eye, your pictures are exactly like I dreamed Colorado would look. There is true beauty in them. I am so sorry for your traffic troubles…yuck! I can’t wait to see and read about HRH Bridget’s Campground. Belly rubs and hugs for the pups, and prayers for you all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Retiredcajunlady,

      Oh, as bad as that drive was, it’s a small price for what we were given to enjoy by the end of the drive.

      I feel the same way … Now we’re in a place that one imagines (or dreams) to be Colorado.

  32. Larry in AR says:

    I remember when Pagosa Springs was a little more quaint and serene. That was before people from places not to be mentioned (in consideration of not offending anyone) decided to leave those places and turn Pagosa Springs into the same kind of place they were trying to escape. OK, I know McDonald’s is not on everyone’s favorites list, but what kind of people require McD’s arches to be green?

    BTW, the drive from Durango to Pagosa is rather scenic if you can catch a time when traffic is not so bad.

    Your tailgaters remind me of this past weekend when I was pulling my trailer through a town with major road construction and desperately needing to switch lanes. The car in the next lane was right on my left bumper, but when I slowed to let her pass, she slowed as well, but was close enough I couldn’t switch lanes. It was then I noticed she was taking pictures of my trailer with her cell phone. &%$#@*&%

    • Larry in AR says:

      Shoot, forgot to mention how much I like the pictures. Kinda makes you forget all the bother and frustration.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! That’s the kind of compliment one doesn’t need!

      You’re absolutely correct. That drive into Durango and out the other side, all the way to Pagosa Springs, is very scenic. I hope my post doesn’t give the opposite impression. Without photos it’s tough to describe it and I didn’t want to get us killed.

      The part of Pagosa that I saw (and I admit that wasn’t much and it was Friday afternoon) had that oh-so-trendy atmosphere that makes me want to flee. Which I did. Turned at the light and didn’t look back.

      Green McD arches? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

      Once again you add much to my blog, Larry. Keep coming back!

  33. Kitt, NW WA says:

    Spectacular countryside! The road winding down and through the valley helps give the mountains some perspective – nice job on the photo essay. And last, but not least, a most beautiful portrait of a happy Bridget!

  34. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Lovely, lovely photos. Beautiful area. Sorry you had crappy traffic. Hopefully, you and the crew can settle in and have a relaxing stay.

  35. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hello, Sue and crew –
    I was surprised to see that Bridget sat for a glamour shot! She is pretty mellow, isn’t she. I have heard Colorado is beautiful even when there is no snow, and they were right. How wonderful you get to spend time there with the pups.
    Checked on Verizon jet pack today. I plan to wait til mid July to actually get one. I may start out with the 10 Gig package and see how that works for me. Happy to learn I will be able to keep my current phone and not have to buy a new one.
    First week of August will be here before I know it and I will be picking up my Casita in Rice. Getting excited. You have been a big inspiration and have given me the courage to get out there. Thank you, Sue!
    Happy Travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab,

      You may not need 10 Gig since you aren’t a blogger. It would be nice to have it though. You’re making good progress… The mystery is taken out of the jet pack and you can cross that decision off your list. You’re right…”first week of August will be here before I know it.” I’m reliving my own excitement at that stage…

  36. edlfrey says:

    How are you and the crew doing in your efforts to adapt to altitude? The reason I ask is you have sort of got yourself in a Colorado cul-da-sack if you want to avoid altitude.

    You could go south to Chama and then back toward the northeast on Highway CO17. But that goes over Cumbres Pass, elevation 10,022 ft then La Manga Pass, elevation 10,230 ft. Or, go thru Chama and then US64 but it has a summit that is 10,000′ also.

    Last but not least there is Wolf Creek Pass on US160 that is 10,857′. Just to get you in the spirit of ‘doing’ Wolf Creek’ here are the lyrics from a song about a great crossing.
    Me an’ Earl was haulin’ chickens on a flatbed out of Wiggins, and we’d spent all night on the uphill side of thirty-seven miles of hell called Wolf Creek Pass. Which is up on the Great Divide?

    We was settin’ there suckin’ toothpicks, drinkin’ Nehi and onion soup mix, and I said, “Earl, let’s mail a card to Mother then send them chickens on down the other side. Yeah, let’s give ’em a ride.”

    Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide
    Truckin’ on down the other side

    Well, Earl put down his bottle, mashed his foot down on the throttle, and then a couple’a boobs with a thousand cubes in a nineteen-forty-eight Peterbilt screamed to life. We woke up the chickens.

    Well, we roared up offa that shoulder sprayin’ pine cones, rocks, and boulders, and put four hundred head of them Rhode Island reds and a couple a’ burnt-out roosters on the line. Look out below; ’cause here we go!

    Well, we commenced to truckin’ and them hens commenced to cluckin’ and then Earl took out a match and scratched his pants and lit up the unused half of a dollar cigar and took a puff. Says “My, ain’t this purdy up here.”

    I says, “Earl, this hill can spill us. You better slow down or you gonna kill us. Just make one mistake and it’s the Pearly Gates for them eight-five crates a’ USDA-approved cluckers. You wanna hit second?”

    Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide
    Truckin’ on down the other side

    Well, Earl grabbed on the shifter and he stabbed her into fifth gear and then the chromium-plated, fully-illuminated genuine accessory shift knob come right off in his hand. I says, “You wanna screw that thing back on, Earl?”

    He was tryin’ to thread it on there when the fire fell off a’ his cigar and dropped on down, sorta rolled around, and then lit in the cuff of Earl’s pants and burned a hole in his sock. Yeah, sorta set him right on fire.

    I looked on outta the window and I started countin’ phone poles, goin’ by at the rate of four to the seventh power. Well I put two and two together, and added twelve and carried five; come up with twenty-two thousand telephone poles an hour.

    I looked at Earl and his eyes was wide, his lip was curled, and his leg was fried. And his hand was froze to the wheel like a tongue to a sled in the middle of a blizzard. I says, “Earl, I’m not the type to complain; but the time has come for me to explain that if you don’t apply some brake real soon, they’re gonna have to pick us up with a stick and a spoon.”

    Well, Earl rared back, and cocked his leg, stepped as down as hard as he could on the brake, and the pedal went clear to the floor and stayed there, right there on the floor. He said it was sorta like steppin’ on a plum.

    Well, from there on down it just wasn’t real purdy: it was hairpin county and switchback city. One of ’em looked like a can full’a worms; another one looked like malaria germs. Right in the middle of the whole damn show was a real nice tunnel, now wouldn’t you know?

    Sign says clearance to the twelve-foot line, but the chickens was stacked to thirteen-nine. Well we shot that tunnel at a hundred-and-ten, like gas through a funnel and eggs through a hen, and we took that top row of chickens off slicker than scum off a Lousiana swamp. Went down and around and around and down ’til we run outta ground at the edge of town. Bashed into the side of the feed store… in downtown Pagosa Springs.
    Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide
    Truckin’ on down the other side
    Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide
    Truckin’ on down the other side
    – C. W. McCall

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wholly crap. WE’RE DOOMED!

      Don’t know how the heck we’re getting outta’ here, Ed, but now I’ve got those lyrics rolling round in my head.

      “Well we shot that tunnel at a hundred-and-ten, like gas through a funnel and eggs through a hen… ” What a line!!

      Thanks for the info on routes from here…. To answer your question — We’re doing fine at 8,000 feet. We may make a run for it… Hope the brake doesn’t feel like “steppin on a plum.” 🙂

  37. Judy J. in upstate S.C. says:

    What absolutely gorgeous pictures. Something bound to make. everyone happy! Snow, cows, mountains, water…what more could we want!?! Can’t wait to see your campsite on that wonderful creek. For now, I can just imagine sitting there in the coolness(or better still, on the edge of the water) , reading my book.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks re the pictures, Judy. I can tell you enjoyed them! I look forward to showing you Bridge Campground and then, after that, the boondock where we are now.

  38. Love, love, love this photo journey. Only wish that I had plans to duplicate it this year. Oh, to have a chance to meet with the area ranchers and talk shop. Only thing better is Bridge as Click Bait. Now that is marketing! Works for me. I’ll post my A Prime order tomorrow! Blessings.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Blessing to you, Marilyn. I’ve never been a rancher and I’d love to talk shop with them, too. I have a few photos of ranchers for the next post. How’s that for a tease, eh?

      You’re going for Prime… Thank you!

  39. Well ,,,,hi there Sue , great post and photos, hope you 3 are having a great time near them Rockies, I commented just a few minutes ago , but I think I forgot to hit the post button, oh well,, but we are up Ephraim Canyon, Utah, page 59,,,,,,,, oh now I have a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, it’s nicer and easier to use, so far,,,,BTW , Piper says hi too! !! ,,,,,, rusty

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You don’t need to tell me the page number… We camped there, remember? 🙂 Twice we camped at BlueBell, another time further up, and the last time we were just below Bluebell, the road off to the left.

      Wow, a new tablet! I’m glad it’s working better for you…

  40. Barbara from Camano Island says:

    Not sure why but I always particularly enjoy seeing you on dirt roads. So far away from hectic freeways, perhaps. Very peaceful looking. Beautiful pictures too.

  41. Penny in AR says:

    Hilarious, Ed! I’ve actually heard that song! Sue, you’re in one of our favorite areas, and we’ve driven to Williams Lake several times…..beautiful drive and a beautiful canyon on that road! Creede is a neat area, too, and the drive over Wolf a Creek Pass is only scary for a little bit!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      We haven’t gone up to Williams Lake yet. We started that way on Sunday I think it was. The road from Bridge Campground to the Lake is very washboardy, maybe the worst we’ve ever been on. Besides the road, lots of weekenders. I decided to go there on a weekday, if we go at all.

      “Only scary for a little bit”…hmm…

      • Penny in AR says:

        Prob not scary for you at all, but hubby has height issues! But we made our trip in May to Zion, on to Arches and did great. Love, love southern Utah…must go back with more time!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I remember you mentioning your husband’s problem with heights. I can relate. I’m glad you both were able to enjoy Zion and Arches!

          • Penny in AR says:

            It was awesome, inspiring, etc …need lots of time to see it all! We were glad we swallered hard and took the iffy roads!?

  42. Chris B in Southern California says:

    Wow! The scenery just keeps getting better and better! I’m jealous!

    Chris B

  43. Elaine in Colorado says:

    Oh what memories riding along Route 160 ….. never again I say.

    As always I love the pictures but the one I love most is the last one of Bridget. I just noticed that she has “eyebrows”! Are her ears soft and velvety too? They look like it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Did you mean that you’ve driven Route 160 and it was a bad experience?

      Those eyebrows are a characteristic of rat terriers. When a rat terrier sleeps, those little brown dots look like eyes that are open. I assume that’s to fool predators?

      Yes, here ears are soft and velvety. 🙂

      • Elaine in Colorado says:

        Well Sue, as I remember from 15 years ago, we went from Metro Denver to Arizona we drove through some national forest and way up in the mountains …. with the fog on top of the mountains it was the most horrible trip (read – scary).

        Finally, I’m happy you have the blog settings fixed ….. I was freaking out not being about to read comments and the new blog that Bridget wrote – which is now stating on your blog – not found. Sigh!

        As for Bridget’s “eyebrows” looking like eyes when she is sleeping, that very well could be (sounds about right). I love all dogs and adopt my friends dogs, they get “birthday” and Christmas presents from me. This past Christmas 2 of them received paw shaped stockings to be hung with everyone else’s. I’d share a picture but don’t use flicker although I do have a facebook page with items I have made.

  44. Hyla Mess says:

    Thank you for sharing those absolutely wonderful pictures. Makes me wish I was going to that area myself. Hope you have an enjoyable stay there.

  45. AZ Jim says:

    Missy!! You are back!! I know you must be tired…I’ll see ya later…

  46. Rita fr Phoenix says:

    I agree with all bloggerinos the photos are stunningly beautiful as well as Bridget’s mug shot…she looks bright eyed and bushy tailed.

  47. Denise says:

    I cannot read your latest entry, it asked for name and password. Lots of folks on the RV Living the Dream Facebook page are getting the same message.

  48. Reine in Plano says:

    Yippee!!!!!!!!! The blog is back up. Been some very worried Blogorinos. Several folks posted on CasitaForum when they got the wierd messages. Hopefully all is fixed and Sue can concentrate on having a great time.

  49. Deena in Peoria says:

    Sue, I am so happy to “see” you!

    Oh my gosh, couldn’t get pass the login mess for several days; really didn’t realize that I was so fearful of not seeing your beautiful blog and missing my Blogerino Family that when I tried again before shutting down for the night…knowing I would be blocked – I actually started jumping up and down and hooping it up when your header appeared – lovely PTV and the BLT. I am very thankful that the “mean, ole Glich” is gone!!! Miss Mollie is running around getting her seat belt leash, guess she thinks it is time to go for a ride in the car. Funny girl.

    Loved the pictures, water is so relaxing. Wonderful picture of HRH Bridget.

    Hopefully, will be moving into an apt by end of the month; escrow closing is June 30.

    Have a wonderful evening, I know I’ll sleep better knowing you are back “Live”.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  50. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

    I got the login and password on my phone and tablet all day today. Just fired up my desktop PC to see if I got a different message and I get: Page not found. I went back to the most recent post the I could access and it’s this one. Looks like Deena posted about an hour ago that the “glitch” was gone but it’s not gone for me or else it’s “glitched” again. Yep, lots of worried blogorinos. It felt like I’d lost you. Here’s hoping that it all gets resolved very soon. I do feel better that at least on my PC I could access an older post.

  51. pjreads says:

    I couldn’t get anything at all! Made a comment on Wheelin It to Nina and she replied that she was having the same issue – so I figured you’d find out and fix it. So glad, because I’m excited to hear about your travels in Colorado, a state I love and visit often! Sorry that you’re having some kind of internet issues.

  52. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Tried several times yesterday to get on…but this box showed up and showed you had to post your name and password…trouble is, I had no password, of course. I wondered if like some bloggers, you had decided to shut er down to most, Sue. You would not be the first to do that and I hoped you were safe and it was not a safety issue!! Loved the photo of Bridge….she is so cute!!

  53. Mary says:

    Ditto here.

  54. Kathy N in Michigan says:

    Wow, sometimes things happen that make you realize how important something really is. I follow your blog and have for years but have never spoken up before. But the glitch made me realize how important it is to me and how much I appreciate you and your travels. It is like a window into the life of dear friend who you really admire. Your honesty and approach to life are wonderfully refreshing and the photos are great. I was so happy this morning when the password glitch was gone.

    I might not be a daily contributor but I wanted to take the time to thank you for the communication and the comfort your blog provides. Hug the crew (I have fallen for Reggie).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome….

      Welcome to comments, Kathy N! Thank you very much for reading my blog “for years.” That’s a great compliment. I hope you always feel comfortable here and continue to enjoy my blog.

  55. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    we missed you
    I used every password I ever had in this world but none worked…imagine that….HA

  56. weather says:

    Imagine how many smiles and sighs of relief this page appearing is causing, wow! Hi, Sue, I hope you’re able to just enjoy your blog and day. You may be inundated with more questions and messages than you can reply to so I don’t expect one. Hopefully there’ll be plenty of chances to chat on here going forward. I’ll take this opportunity to mention something while it’s on my mind though. If, for any reason, you ever want or need to reach me, feel free to email me. Have a wonderful time doing whatever you and the crew are up to 🙂

  57. Applegirl NY says:

    Yeah! You’re Back!

  58. Paula in Indiana says:

    Yay!!!! Glad to see you back. No need to reply, Sue, I know you will probably have hundreds of comments, but I just wanted to let you know how much I missed your adventures, all your gorgeous photos and the sweet fuzzy faces of the crew. And the blogorinos : )

  59. rvsueandcrew says:


    I just rolled out of bed, fed the crew, put the coffee on, opened up this blog, and YOU’RE HERE! OH, WHAT A HAPPY MORNING! THANK HEAVENS!

    I have the new post ready to go. You may have seen the top part of it and still couldn’t open it up. It was a false start as I scrambled to fix things.

    Your comments touch my heart! I feel like we’ve been away on a very long, arduous journey and this morning the crew and I arrived home again to open arms. You are the best!

    I’m anxious to get us back to normal by putting up the post. Before I do so, I need to know one thing.

    What are you seeing when you come to my blog? I need to know if a box comes up for you to log in and, if so, what does it ask for? I’m talking about this morning when you try to open my blog…

    Thank you.



    • weather says:

      This morning there is no box asking for anything, this page appears just as it normally would. When I try this morning to open the new post(that was sent to my email yesterday) a Not Found notice appears, which is the same one that appears if one typed something into your search blog box that didn’t exist.

    • Elaine in Colorado says:

      I no longer see the box asking for a user name and password …. thank goodness!

  60. Suzette (TN) says:

    Oh, yay! You’re back! I missed you and had no idea how addicted I was to checking in on you. 🙂 Every few hours, I’d give it a shot. Yesterday I ordered something on Amazon and wasn’t able to click your link, so you didn’t get credit for it. I felt so bad about it. Bummer! It was just a $9 purchase, but still….

    Now I’m gonna go back up and actually read the post. I’ll bet there are legions of us who come to the comments section first. 🙂

  61. Jillian (North Dakota) says:

    Morning! Your site opened as usual today, no log in requested. Glad you are back.

  62. Harl4me in Fl says:

    Hi Sue! Missed you a bunch lol, my how we are all addicted to this blog. I have some news…I’m getting a new puppy in July!!??? he will be a show dog as it has been on my bucket list since I was young, I’m luck that I have quite a number of friends in the show world that are willing and able to help and mentor me. Shoot me an email if you want to see a his photo. I’ve been brainstorming names but will leave the final choice until I pick him up and see his personality. So stinking excited!!! It gives me about 8mos to get him trained to go on the road with me…..or me trained, however you want to look at it lol.

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