Photo Essay: Walking Ivie Creek

Friday, May 16

1-DSC04314Much of the morning I attend to this blog, writing a post about our arrival at a boondock along Ivie Creek in Fishlake National Forest northwest of Salina, Utah.

Bridget and Spike become fed up with me and stage a protest bark.

“Okay, okay.  I’m closing it up right now!”  Can’t blame the little pumpkin heads.  They want to explore their new home.

We go for a walk along Ivie Creek.

1-DSC04287A family arrived late yesterday and parked their travel trailer in the site across the creek from us.  The trees hide them from our view.

1-DSC04288The day-after-travel day is stay-at-camp day. 

It’s good for the crew to investigate their new home before I cart them off on an errand  or excursion somewhere.  That fits my pace just fine.

1-DSC04277What’s one thing that makes a good camp?

The opportunity for interesting walks!  Walking this creek is such a pleasure.  I love finding shady “rooms” like this one.

1-DSC04275The water cascades over mossy, rock terraces. 

Unlike the constant roar of the Green River rapids, Ivie Creek makes cheerful, bubbly conversation.

1-DSC04300It isn’t long before Spike decides it’s time for a soak.

You didn’t think we’d make it all the way through this walk without Spike taking a soak, did you?

1-DSC04292In fact, he takes several!  

On this short walk, Spike tops his personal best for soaks in one day.  The water is icy cold and probably makes his arthritic bones feel better.  I love how Spike lives life to the fullest!

1-DSC04293Bridget and I sit on the bridge together.

We cuddle and watch the water flow downstream.  Spike is around somewhere doing whatever Spike does when my back is turned.

1-DSC04303 This is a happy, peaceful place. 

How could anyone be nervous or agitated in a setting such as this?  Bridget and I gaze at this scene (below) from the bridge until Spike shows up.

“Ready to go home, boy?”

1-DSC04313When we return to camp, I eat lunch and follow it up with a nap with the crew.

Coming up in the next post . . .

The excitement continues tomorrow as Spike, Bridget and I go to town!



I appreciate every order.


My best pals

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95 Responses to Photo Essay: Walking Ivie Creek

  1. Cinandjules (almost out of CA) says:

    So serene……what a lovely place.

    Love Spike and his soaks. Have a peaceful evening.

    When I started typing there were no comments……..maybe….just maybe!

  2. Marcia in PA says:


  3. mockturtle says:

    I never get tired of Spike’s soaks. 🙂

  4. DesertGinger says:

    OMG….I’m getting closer!

  5. Gloria Brooks says:

    What a beautiful paradise! I wouldn’t have thought it about Utah, but, by golly, now I’d love to visit if there are more sweet nooks and crannies about the state!

    Today I explored Lake Tahoe and found to my dismay that the place is just too popular for very much prime area dispersed camping, despite what my ranger station bought map for Humboltdt-Toiyabe said! Grrr! Everything I thought would be great for camping which I found on the map is gated! And I think most of the gates are up permanently by the sounds of the ranger station call I made today. I guess National Forest doesn’t always mean we’re free to camp after all, at least near the prestigious, ritzy, glorious Lake Tahoe (it is like a jewel) save for three places, and I think I can only do 1 of them because of my Internet needs. I really had wanted to camp by the lake too, but, unless I pay for camping, it’s not happening. So, I think I’ll have to settle for camping near Truckee and and that one remote place north of the lake.

    To top it off, I have a friend that was wanting to come join me camping for a while. I feel like I’m running out of my “camp luck” on this one, but, I can’t give up. So, I’ll be scouring my maps more. It’s become like a part-time job now. Thankfully I”m on break from teaching. It used to be so easy to find camps before this. Tomorrow I’ll head to the Truckee, CA ranger station for assistance. I called them and they said they’re not allowed to give dispersed camping info over the phone. Ooooh. Interesting. Another prestigious place.

    Another fear I have is the stronger presence of bears in all of these mountainous summer camps. I’m not sure if I can be prepared enough. My main solution has been double zip lock bagging and garbage bagging food and trash too keep the smell down, which attracts them.

    If this loop doesn’t work out, I may decide to head back to AZ where I think the camping choices are easier. Heck! I’m even considering buying land for like $2 or 3K in Show Low, AZ so I have a secure summer place to go to. Or, I may try going further north. But, the further north I go, the more gas it will be and then I have to get back to the desert in Oct/Nov. I’m hesitant to buy land. But, it’s just that I have to work still a lot this stage of my life, and when spells like this crop up, it’s kind of an insecure feeling and it would be nice to have a secure retreat in the summer months. Right now, as I type, I’m sitting in the ever faithful (okay usually) Walmart parking lot in Carson City. I think tomorrow I’ll probably venture up to Truckee to see what camping is available there until the remote place north of Tahoe opens next Monday. So, that’s my life for now!

    If you don’t mind my asking, do you find looking for spots easy? Have you run into difficulties finding spots? It doesn’t seem like it. Perhaps your first year?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gloria,

      I hear your frustration and discouragement. Do I find looking for spots easy? Sometimes. Other times not so much. It becomes easier with practice. Sometimes the difficulty has nothing to do with skill or lack of it. Some areas are just plain difficult. The key is to stay away from popular places. You are in a difficult area, so don’t lose confidence. It’s not you!

      I haven’t camped around Lake Tahoe because I avoid popular places (and when I break that rule, like going to Moab, I regret it.).

      That strip from Susanville at the north end, through Reno, Lake Tahoe, Carson City, continuing on 395 south to Mono Lake… That area is National Forest camping, state park, or private rv parks, as you know.

      One can’t “go camp in the forest” for two reasons that I can think of: (1) Sitting in an evergreen forest can be blah… trees, trees, trees and they all look alike and (2) bears. I like to be off by myself but not in bear country. I go to campgrounds in order to take advantage of bear proof containers. In short, I pretty much stick to NF campgrounds in that strip I described. This early in the year many of them are too high and thus too cold and some aren’t open yet.

      BTW, If you are relying on National Forest maps to find boondocks, you will be misled. Their maps (with the dots for campsites) show places to camp that are inaccessible, too exposed, in a ditch, rocky, unlevel, ugly, impossible! I rarely use NF maps. Also, as you’ve encountered, some NF districts work to make boondocking difficult.

      As you go further south, you can camp for free near Bishop and Lone Pine (Alabama Hills) and have internet. It probably will be warmer there. If that interests you, do a search on Wheeling It blog for boondocking north of Bishop.

      I suggest you consider Utah for summer camping, rather than Arizona. The National Forest Service districts in Utah seem to be more boondocker-friendly than many areas of Arizona (generalizing here, but there is some truth to what I say). The reason I suggest Utah is this… The state is a mixture of low and high land, forested and not forested, plenty of creek and lakes, and near towns so you’d have internet. Some time we can talk more about this.

      I wish I could tell you what to do right now. My experience is limited because I’ve stayed at Washoe Lake state park and moved quickly through that area on trips southward in the fall.

      I’ll study my NV and CA Benchmarks. If I come up with any ideas, I’ll let you know here. Sorry I’m not more helpful. Keep in touch.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I need to make a correction… The area around Mammoth Lakes has some good dispersed camping areas. Do a search and you’ll find them.

        Glassy Creek is a large campground (FREE) not far from 395 and it has bear resistant containers. Mono Lake is not far from there, fun to explore. Unfortunately the elevation makes it cool this time of year. In the summer the campground is crowded. The crew and I camped there last fall and it snowed but I loved it. The view of the Sierra is spectacular.

        You didn’t say whether your friend is flying into Reno or arriving on wheels. I assume you’re in that area because she’s flying in.

        • Gloria Brooks says:

          Thank you Sue. You’re more than helpful. It gets my wheels turning in different directions instead of just “stuck” in my “but this is what I want to do” mode. I’ll look at and consider Utah. I picked out a few spots already in Mammoth, but, again, it’s the bear question. Yeah. Gosh, I think the bears just may boot me out of my original plans. I’ve seen the forest and it’s breathtaking here. This morning I met my first red saprophytes and photographed them.

          Are bears really to be that much feared or is their fear mongering going on among the NF folks? If I double, okay, triple zip lock bag opened food, double or triple garbage bag my trash (keep it in the van in a tote), not cook in the van, eat cold sandwiches in the van all summer, I should be good right? Here’s my stubborn streak coming into play. I know you’ve not tried what I’m almost willing to do. But, I have to say, last summer, I think Bob and crew and I camped in bear country and didn’t even realize it! We were in Williams, AZ and the Flagstaff area. Not a bear did we see. Anyway, I’ll have to follow my gut on this one. But, right now, I’m a bit scared with my makeshift prep and to bring a friend in to boot. I don’t have bear containers. I have so much food opened, I couldn’t possibly fit it all in one bear container unless I purchased a giant container which I’m sure is out of budget right now.

          My friend is coming in on her wheels – a camper pulled by a small SUV. She wants to buy a house out west. She wants to look in Reno and then Boulder, CO. I’m here because I’m aching to see this part of the country and it happens to be the area she wants to explore too. I may follow her to CO. We’ll see how we get along first LOL. It’ll all fall into place, I’m sure. If I make peace with the bears, then I’ll probably proceed with my original plans, which, as always, are written in jello. Otherwise, I’ll consider Utah. But, I need to decide quick before the summer heat rolls in making travel very difficult across multiple states.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I forgot that science is your subject. No wonder you see interesting things in the forest that I don’t!

            Best of luck working through this situation, Gloria.

          • Marsha (MI) says:

            As long as you’re not in a tent, I wouldn’t worry about camping in bear territory. Just be bear aware and watch the really smelly foods. We stayed at Soda Butte NFCG near Yellowstone last year. There was a known bear attack in 2012; in fact someone was killed. Although they had bear boxes, the only thing we put in it was our small gas grill that we usually keep in the back of the truck. Our food we kept in the fridge and cabinets in our TT.

          • Marilu says:

            Hi Gloria,
            I’ve lived around bears or camped around bears a good portion of my life. There are bears and there are BEARS. California has no grizzly BEARS which are larger and more dangerous. The closer you get to Canada, the more likely to run into grizzly bears

            California has black bears which can be brown, black or cinnamon colored. Black bears are much smaller than grizzlies. They can be a nuisance around camps but they are generally afraid of people. Just make sure you don’t get between mama bear and her babies. When hiking let bears know you are coming by making some noise. They don’t like to be startled or feel trapped. If a bear is nosing around your campground, bang pans together and yell at it.
            If you are tent camping there are lots of precautions you need to take. While camping in an RV you should be fine. Just don’t leave anything smelly outside.
            If you are lucky a family will wander by your window and you will get to observe these beautiful and interesting creatures.

    • Cinandjules says:


      If all else fails…..there is a beautiful rv park called Coachland in Truckee. It’s coming up on Memorial Day so things are going to be hopping anywhere near the lake.

      • Gloria Brooks says:

        Thanks, Cinandjules. I’ll keep that in mind! Perhaps I’ll be spending the night at one of the gates waiting for them to open on Memorial Day LOL!

        • Marilu says:

          There are some nice boondocking spots near Bridgeport, south of you on 395. We were there a month ago. It was cold at night but very nice during the day. Ask at the ranger station in Bridgeport.

  6. Boy, Spike sure is getting deep with that soak! I was shivering just watching:) But he was loving it!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      At least this water is clear. Green River water is muddy. That may be why Spike is soaking a lot in Ivie Creek where he didn’t care much about it at Green River. He’s has discriminating tastes in soaks!

  7. Annie says:

    Beautiful! All that green makes me think about taking a vacation from the desert.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Annie, after spending the winter in southern Arizona, followed up by red rock country and desert in northern Arizona and Utah, I’m appreciating GREEN.

  8. Susan in Dallas says:

    Great camp site an I wouldn’t mind sitting on that adorable little bridge and getting my feet wet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      This place is like something out of a children’s book. I expect the birds to start sewing me a new outfit while the squirrels sing happy songs and dance on logs. Haha!

      • Gayle says:

        Oh, that’s funny! I remember little birds with ribbons in their beaks flitting around Sleeping Beauty as they made her gown. I’ve made a few gowns myself. It’s the Prince I’ve had trouble with.

  9. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Love these mtn. camps by the stream. How is it for longer hiking, my travel buddies are 65lbers and need longer runs. Is it fairly safe to do? Ticks are bad here this year, is it a problem there yet?
    Funny how much I look forward to pics of Spikes soaks.
    Wishing you a wonderful week

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for that nice wish, CheryLyn. I wish you the same.

      I haven’t seen a tick nor a flea since we’ve come to the West. There is a trail that goes out of the campground and through Rock Canyon. I’ve heard that’s a nice hike, too ambitious for me and the crew though.

      Your bigger buddies would have lots of area to run. There’s a dirt road that goes to the mountain a different way than through the campground. The crew and I walked it last year but we didn’t make it all the way to the other creek. We met two teenagers on the way and they said there are falls up there.

      The cliffs are popular with rock climbers, I hear. I haven’t seen any. Guess they come here in the summer.

      I’m glad you look forward to photos of Spike’s soaks because there are days when that’s about all I’ve got!

      • Cinandjules says:

        Tick season is off the chain in NY.

        At home we keep the brush near the driveway short….seems to help…all of the kids get Frontline Plus…but that doesn’t stop the buggars from riding on their fur.

        Annie Oakley’s sister Maddie went for a walk on the Erie Canal trail and had twenty of them. One managed to burrow in.

        Annie will get her Lyme series when I get back. Nothing to mess around with!

  10. Robert says:

    Anyone with high blood pressure and wanting off meds should find a place like that, it sings with serenity and relaxation.

  11. No soaks for this duck below 95°F. Brr, Spike.

  12. I know that you’re not positive how old they are, but do you have a reasonable idea of how old Bridget and Spike are?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      My guess is Spike is 14-15 years old and Bridget is about 9-11 years old.

      • Sally says:

        Oh Sue, I hope they live to be 30 for your sake. That is one reason we don’t have a pet….it is so hard to let them go. I cannot imagine my arthritic bones in a ice cold soak. Go Spike!!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, Sally, for your wish for Spike’s longevity.

          Many times — when Spike makes me laugh or when he touches my heart with his cuteness or when I shake my head at his unique personality — I tell myself, “This is what I need to remember and be grateful for when he’s gone.”

  13. Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

    Finally got internet hooked up here in MN. Arrived back from AZ about 10 days ago. Good to catch up on the news of Sue and the Crew. Love this camp… a Spike Soaking Paradise!!

  14. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Camping close to a stream can give you a strange experience sometimes. Ever hear the term Babbling Brook? Well sometimes the water running over the rocks can make you think you hear voices of people talking. You’ll look around expecting to see someone but no one is there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe,

      Nope. I’ve never had that experience. I never got that “babbling brook” description because people don’t really babble. Babbling is soft on the ears and people talking usually aren’t.

  15. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Gorgeous camp…glad you all are having a nice time there. You think the COLD water HELPS with arthritis?? I would think something like a hot tub would be nicer…but that is just because when I am hurting I stay in a very warm shower awhile…

    • Marsha (MI) says:

      I had arthritis in my left knee a couple months ago and the physical therapist told me to ice it. Spike may know something we don’t 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know… Maybe the water is so cold it makes him numb?

    • DesertGinger says:

      Well I have advanced arthritis in my knee…which s why it is being replaced next month!….and the main thing I do for pain is ice it. Ice is always good for inflammation of any kind. Heat is mainly effective for muscles and soft tissue strain or stiffness. Spike would probably love heat when he wakes up in the morning, as his muscles would be stiff from sleeping. But when he is out on a hike, muscles warmed up, the inflammation in his joints probably feels quite….inflamed…and the cool soak is perfect. That’s my guess based on my knowledge and personal experience.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That sounds exactly like what is going on with Spike! In the morning he lies in the sun. On a hike he soaks in cool water.

        • DesertGinger says:

          It is amazing how animal’s instincts lead them in the right direction. I bet that we would take better care of ourselves if we were more in tune with our instinctual responses instead of shoving them down. ‘I know I’m tired but I can keep going’ type of thing we all do.

  16. weather says:

    Dancing and waving their arms in happy excitement- even the shapes seen in the branches of the trees of your top photo seem to be celebrating being in that place.
    Rock ledges covered with moss as soft cushions to sit on while the stream sings to you,no wonder you imagine being clothed by birds as a princess to be,your receiving the royal treatment in having such a wonderful place to live.Have a beautiful time there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      You do what I do…. I look at the forms in nature and personify them or interpret their forms as messages. Boughs over the BLT are shielding us from harm (when actually they could fall in a strong wind.). A flower peeking through dead wood — “bloom where you’re planted.” The call of a bird — “don’t give up, don’t give up.” A tree hacked with an axe, broken and bare, yet sprouting a new branch — “pick yourself up and make a new start.”

      I have all sorts of ways to do nothing! Haha!

      If the birds don’t show up with my new wardrobe soon I’m going to have to do laundry.

      • R. (Western Colorado) says:

        “If the birds don’t show up with my new wardrobe soon I’m going to have to do laundry.”
        Forget about laundry. Enjoy your life as it is even in dirty clothes. You have so much to live for.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, R.!

          I appreciate your message … very true!

          However, there are dirty clothes and then there are DIRTY clothes. Mostly it’s the bed covers and throw rug. In this small space, I need to keep them clean or the place looks dumpy and that bothers me.

      • weather says:

        Laundry?!!Aw,you oughtta just rinse something out in the creek.You know a laundromat might kick that”everyone’s a potential enemy”gear in.Tee Hee On the other hand, you’ve been in such a good mood lately that you’ll more likely catch yourself smiling at your good fortune in having new towels and face clothes mixed in that pile.
        Slate gray clouds appearing as the protecting feathers of angels wings during the countless storms I ‘ve run outside to experience,thunder competing with the fear mongering voices of those that love me yelling”Can’t you see the lightening?!!Get in here,come ON!”.Since I always let the thunder win that competition,guess I’m the last one that should be dissuading you from the excitement that a stormy little mind set a run into town might give you.Have fun.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Washing laundry in the creek is picturesque but in reality it’s a heckuva lot of work. Which brings up a related topic…

          Another picturesque practice is hanging clothes on the line when boondocking. In some NF districts (not all) that’s a sure way to attract the attention of rangers, not the helpful kind of which there are many, but the kind under pressure to move “transients” out of the area. I try to limit “drying in the sun” to a few dish towels.

          • weather says:

            Yes,I remember in an older post you had mentioned the 14 day limit as a way of preventing folks from moving in and hanging clothes lines like they intended to remain indefinitely,and an incident about a flying dish towel!I completely agree about machines making laundry easier.
            This week the heat from my dryer was not venting to the outside.I got behind it and reinstalled the exhaust hose and connectors,works perfectly again.And yippee,no repair bill because there were “no male parts” needed to get the job done. 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Haha! Love your last line, weather! That’s what I say to women who are afraid they won’t be able to hitch or unhitch a trailer.

              Good for you . . . It’s a great feeling to tackle a problem and solve it without a repair bill.

  17. 4DogsRV says:

    Sue, I have been following your blog for about a year now and have yet to make any comments. I am so busy taking in everything you write about. My husband and I and our 4 dogs (2 labs and 2 Chihuahuas) will be taking off on our fulltime adventure in about 2 years so I have begun research on all of the great places to visit. We are planning to boondock for most of the trip, unless there is no place available. Your travels have been such a great resource for me! We are very much like you, just us and our dogs and some good ol’ nature is all we need. I am busy collecting all of the Benchmark Atlas’ to check out the locations you visit and Google Maps and I are on a first name basis! Your current spot in Fishlake NF was so incredible it drove me to write. I looked on the map to try and locate where you are based on your directions from your previous blog, as this place is an absolute MUST stop for me and my crew, but I am not quite sure I am finding it. Are you willing to be a bit more specific about your current location so I can add it to our route?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, 4DogsRV!

      I welcome you and your husband to my blog! Thank you for following me and the crew this past year.

      You didn’t say if you have the Utah Benchmark. I don’t know at what point you feel you might be missing this place. Looking at the map follow Rte 50 out of Salina going northwest toward Scipio. About halfway between the two towns there is a straight line going due west. If you can put yourselves on that straight road (shown in a photo in the previous post), you will find the boondocks. Simply follow the road. If you come to the campground, you’ve gone too far.

      More specific directions . . .

      Going northwest from Salina on Rte. 50, you will come to the Maple Grove Campground sign on the right with a left-hand turn lane. Turn left and the paved road goes straight. Then the road makes an abrupt left turn and follows the fence line. Then it heads to the right and weaves up toward the mountain (not steep) and Maple Grove campground.

      The creek and boondocking sites are on the right side of the road. You will pass a road with a gate (private property). Then you will come to a spur road to the right. At the end is a big, clear area with two fire rings and with access to the creek down the bank. It’s not very level, but that portion of the creek is lovely with two cascading waterfalls.

      Keep going and you will come to a decent dirt road to the right (not a spur). You’ll see that the road goes over the creek. If you cross the creek on that road it takes you up to three nice campsites — large (big rig), medium, and small (truck camper or tent). The road is rutted part of the way due to someone playing with their testosterone truck when the road was muddy.

      When you turn onto the road that crosses the creek, there is a huge site immediately on your left, before you cross the creek. You can see the site before you turn onto the dirt road. I plan to show a photo of this site before we move to another camp.

      The last spur road before the campground is our present camp. It will accommodate a rig up to the size of a small Class C (but don’t take my word for it). As always, when in doubt, walk it out.

      Best wishes to you both!

      • Cat Lady says:

        Got it…you can’t get there from here, lol.

        Hugs to the fur babies.

        Cat Lady

      • 4DogsRV says:

        Thank you VERY much for the info. We can’t wait to stay there. We look forward to “following in your Casita tracks” vicariously for now but can’t wait for the real thing.

  18. Linda says:

    I think this is the most beautiful spot yet. I really enjoyed this photo essay. Did Spike always do his soaks, or was that something that he started doing later on (maybe as ache therapy as you suggest)…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      If I remember correctly, Spike started soaks as soon as he had access to water which was when we started full-time travel.

      When we lived in Georgia, I don’t remember taking the crew to water. I did put out a kiddie pool in the summers and he soaked in that.

      He’s not a bounce-around, jumpy, splash-in-the-water-to-get-the-stick type of dog. It may simply be that he loves water and enjoys it in his own way.

  19. Dixie(MN.-AZ.) says:

    Oh Sue!! What a Fantastic site!! We can’t wait to explore Utah! Will and I enjoyed every mile of Utah coming back home to MN. last week. We went through Bluff to Moab and then the canyon along the Colorado to the interstate to Colorado. I thought of you the whole way—I knew you had been in the area and were not too far away!! Loved Spikes soaking pix!!! Hugs to the Pups!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dixie,

      Nice to hear from you again. I’m glad you and Will had a safe, enjoyable trip home. The route you describe goes through spectacular scenery. You know why I love Utah!

  20. JodeeinSoCal says:

    I love a green area with just enough trees to provide some shade and variety of view, but not so many as to lock me in……this site is just perfect! It’s wonderful to share your travels with companions who can enjoy the same things, only differently. Bridget is quite content to sit with you and watch the water while Spike loves to soak – and neither have expectations of the other joining them. It’s a lesson for all who travel together :-).

  21. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,
    Love the pictures of your hike along the creek. What a tranquil place….they helped me decompress after a tiring day at work – thank you.

    Spike and Bridget are so cute! I like the picture where she is sitting patiently on the bank while he finds just the right spot for a soak. Aren’t our pups the best?! I am so thankful that I have Gracie to come home to…a silly, happy doggy grin, an excited bark, happy jumping in circles and endless kisses. They are the perfect co-pilot to have in life!

    Enjoy your evening, Sue. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Denise. Good morning! Yes, I did enjoy last evening. I listened to XM radio.

      I like the name Gracie. She sounds like pure joy.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Good morning Sue!
        Yes, Gracie lives up to her name. She is a very loving little girl.

        XM radio – do you have the unit that can be used both in your vehicle and then dock it for use in your home? Are you happy with the programming?

        Enjoy the day! 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I have both. Reader Linda gave it to me. 🙂 I’m happy with the programming. I listen mostly to the “Bluesville” station. Also NPR and Fox News so I can keep up with the propaganda on both ends of the political spectrum. You enjoy your day, too, Denise.

  22. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Just perfect. That’s all I need to say 🙂

  23. Glenda in OZ! says:

    With your words Sue I can just about hear that bubbling brook! I love that Spike goes off for his soaks 🙂 I think Bridget stays behind with you so she can have that special “me time”………….clever girl!!

  24. Edie says:


    I have a question regarding Amazon. There is a program that gives a percentage of sales to charity called “Amazon smiles”. Apparently if there were a link to your blog for this site,, you would get credit and so would the charity. I have a couple of questions. 1) does this decrease your earnings in any way? 2) if it doesn’t can you please add a link to the smile site? Trying to support the humane society but not decrease your revenue!

    Thanks for everything you do!

    • Edie says:

      By the way, I did google it and landed on an Amazon site description and it appeared that it would not impact your percentage. But that was not “official” per your contract or whatever. If you don’t want to mess with this feel free to delete my posts.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Edie . . . I can’t comment on the program you mentioned right now. My connection is slow and I have a blog post to write and other online stuff to accomplish. I will do a search and check on it though. Thanks for the suggestion.

        • DesertGinger says:

          Well…I just have to say, speaking only for myself of course, that having your site linked to a charity might discourage me from buying here….depending on the charity. There are some that I absolutely do to support. And there could be others who feel that way

          Just a thought….

          • weather says:

            Similar thoughts made me investigate that program a bit.The consumer would only have purchases affected by it by choosing to enroll in the Amazon smiles program,gets to select the charity of their choice and not one they object to.However,for the complexity Sue would encounter by joining,and we would deal with when ordering the limited inventory this pertains to, the resulting half of one percent of the purchase would be more easily donated by calling the charity directly to give them a contribution.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Thanks for researching this further for me, weather. I appreciate the explanation. I do want to keep my blog as uncomplicated as possible, including the Amazon aspect of it.

            • Edie says:

              Weather is right, you get to pick your charity, because I was told to sign up for the humane society. But I am for keeping things uncomplicated for Sue too. I thought it might be a simple “add a link” issue. No worries for me but I had to ask. 🙂

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            You do make a good point, Ginger.

  25. Cindy says:

    You take such wonderful pictures, Sue! Are you using a “real” camera, or your Smart Phone?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Cindy . . . It’s a real camera. Not one of those super-duper cameras with long lenses. Mine is a SONY cyber-shot 20.4 mega-pixels.

  26. Dan says:

    I have seen a lot of pic’s of spike laying in the mud and water, and am wondering how you handle getting dirt all in the trailer and on the bed. Do you have carpet on the floor?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dan,

      Spike has the kind of short fur that is easy to keep clean, even on a mud-soaking pup like Spike. I don’t let him inside the BLT until he is completely dry. The dirt falls off. Once in a while I need to rub his legs and belly with a towel, but usually he’s self-cleaning. Then he’s allowed inside. I have vinyl flooring. If mud is tracked in, I let it dry (which happens quickly in dry climate) and sweep it out the door.

      As for the bed, I don’t use sheets which don’t brush off as easily as off a quilt. I fold the quilt and that’s our under-bedding. A refold it to make it to the next laundry day. Sometimes I take the quilt outside, give it a shake, and drape it over the lounger to air out.

      I’d hate it if I had to deal with carpet. The vinyl floor was more expensive but worth it!

  27. Lee J says:

    Did you ears burn yesterday?

    We were at the Grass Lake Rest Area on Hiway 97 in Oregon, and two cute little eggs were in the parking lot. One couple were pulling the cutest little Boler, on the beginning of their summer trip, and a couple from North Carolina that were pulling a Casita…so your name came up and we talked about the lady from Georgia that full timed in a Casita. This couple towed with a Ford van for all the reasons you stated previously…so there we were, talking about you and your crew..

    The big surprise was the comments my husband made, he really was listening those times I read your blog to him and showed him your wonderful photos…you make quite an impart on us Sue my dear!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I got a kick out of your story of you and the “egg people” talking about me in a rest stop in Oregon. I hope it was all good!

      Also your surprise at your husband’s knowledge of “rvsue and her canine crew.” I’m glad my blog holds his attention!

      Thanks for the report, Lee. I enjoyed it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I got a kick out of your story of you and the “egg people” talking about me in a rest stop in Oregon. I hope it was all good!

      Also your surprise at your husband’s knowledge of “rvsue and her canine crew.” I’m glad my blog holds his attention!

      Thanks for the report, Lee. I enjoyed it.

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