Procrastination ends with the right motivation!

Friday, January 1

If all goes according to plan, today the crew and I will break camp and leave Midland LTVA near Blythe, California. Bridget, Reggie, and I enjoyed it here.  We don’t usually camp in one spot for six weeks!

The peace and solitude through the holidays has been great.  And contrary to my first impression of Blythe a few years ago, I do like the town.

“Yeah!” says Reggie and Bridget in unison.  “Blythe has a Carl’s Jr. where they give you burgers!”

Well, they don’t really say that.  I bet they would if they could.

I commence packing up.

It’s soon apparent how much we’ve settled into this camp.  There’s a lot more than usual to pack up.

This first day of the new year is gorgeous!  The sunshine lures me to the lounger several times.  Besides there are hummingbirds to watch.

I start a task and then see something else I want to do and first thing ya’ know I’m not breaking camp. I have no focus today!

If I don’t get my act together soon, it will be too late in the day to go searching for a new camp.

I’m taking one last look at the blog when Reggie escapes out the door!

I hold my breath as I watch him run away across the desert.  He stops and looks back at me.  Then he takes off again.

That little rascal!

I step inside the Best Little Trailer and peek out the window.  The next time he turns and looks, he’s not such a big shot anymore.  Suddenly he realizes he’s alone.  You never saw a dog run as fast as Reggie heading for home!

I give him (and Bridget) a treat, and, with a hope and a prayer, let him wander off again.  Each time I call him home and give him a treat.  After a while, Reggie calls it quits and happily hops inside the BLT for a snooze.

Gee, I’m hungry.  I think I’ll cook up some stir-fried vegetables with fried rice . . . .

And that, dear reader, puts an end to breaking camp this day!

Saturday, January 2

We are definitely breaking camp today!  The black tank is completely full!  I pack up while hopping on one foot and wiggling around with an urgency that I lacked yesterday.

At the last moment I dump out the sugar water from the hummingbird feeder and pull up the pole.

I’m sorry, sweet friends, to do this.  I hope you find another feeder.

I recall the many times the male hummingbird serenaded the desert from his perch in the ironwood tree.  I’m heartsick for what I’ve done.  I push aside my guilt and toss the feeder and pole inside the PTV.

“Okay, crew, we’re ready to go!”

The Perfect Tow Vehicle pulls the BLT over to Midland’s dump station.  I hook up the hose, open the valve, and, rather than wait a moment more, race inside the BLT.

Whew!  Made it!  Talk about cutting it close!  I really can stretch the time between dumps!

It’s good to be on the road again.

After driving through Blythe, the crew and I head south on Route 78, going past freshly tilled fields and through Ripley and Palo Verde.  After that, we’re crossing empty, brown desert and numerous washes, rolling up and down past mounds of volcanic rock, and along stretches of tamarisk that hug the bank of the Colorado River.

We meet several RVs — at least twenty — going the opposite way, probably heading for Quartzsite.

I bear left onto Ogilby Road and stop to give the crew a walk-around.

We continue south and it isn’t long before we come to a familiar area.

A few RVs are scattered about.  I drive us up two sandy, BLM roads searching for a secluded camp near the Cargo Muchacho Mountains.

P1080882Three times I let Bridget and Reggie out so the three of us can investigate possible camps together.  All the secluded camps are taken and I don’t want to crowd next to anyone’s camp.

After about an hour of searching, I drive us back toward the main road.

Well, that looks like a possibility over there.  It’s more exposed than I want, but we have to camp somewhere.

I drive the two-track lane over to the trees by a wash.  Gosh, this looks familiar . . . .

I burst out laughing!

All this searching and we end up at the same campsite we had the last time we were here!

P1080880Our camp off Ogilby Road, Winterhaven, California, west of Yuma, Arizona

I set up camp and heat up left-over stir-fry with fried rice for a late lunch/early dinner.  I pour kibble in the crew’s bowls.  Together we eat outside and relax! 

(Bridget sees the camera and scoots under the BLT.)

P1080881Nice and warm here . . . .

“C’mon!  Let’s go for a walk!” 

P1080886By this time the sun is low in the sky, hence the dark photos.

We cross two wide washes near our campsite.

P1080890On the return to camp I take this photo of our new home.

P1080891At sunset we take another short walk.. 

It’s good that we moved.  Reggie is energized and Bridget isn’t shirking walks. 

“You’re such good boondockers.  You didn’t fuss one bit when we were on the road.”

I lean down and pat Bridget.

“And it’s so nice to have you walking with us, Bridge.  We gals have to get our exercise.”

P1080895Back at camp, the crew beds down while I go online to read the latest comments to this blog.

Gosh, I love this life!




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144 Responses to Procrastination ends with the right motivation!

  1. Lois (AZ) says:


  2. Pat H. says:

    Hope you are enjoying the new yeat!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gosh, Pat, if you’re not in first place, you’re second! 🙂

      • Pat H. says:

        Oh well, I hope the wind isn’t bad where you are camping. It’s windy in Tucson today and supposed to rain all week. I’m heading to Phoenix in a few days and then Quartzsite to meet friends. Then it is boondocking until I head back to Oregon Coast and hosting.

        Sue, how do you decide where to go next and how far in advance do you plan? Do you select places or states you want see at the beginning of the year?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Not very windy today. Usually the wind comes later in the day.

          When moving from camp to camp, I often don’t make specific plans. I scout out options. When coming to this camp, it wasn’t until we came to the fork in the road that I chose Ogilby rather than the Salton Sea.

          To answer your question about choosing states at the beginning of the year…. I’ve done that and then gone somewhere else. This is a fly-by-the-seat-of-one’s-pants operation. Haha!

          I don’t know where we are going this year.

  3. Corkerinna620 (Mobile AL) says:


  4. Renee Galligher says:

    Happy New Year!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Same to you, Renee!

    • Renee Galligher says:

      What a good posting. You put such heart into your writing that I too feel the hurt at having to take down the hummingbird feeder and the gasp at that stinker Reggie taking off for a run, then the relief of seeing him come back. Smart to give him a treat. He’ll learn soon enough who butters his popcorn!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        🙂 Thanks, Renee. I’m glad you liked the post.

        Yeah, I didn’t want to miss the “teachable moment” with the Reginator. It was the perfect place for lessons. He was familiar with the area since we walked all over and the landscape is open so I could watch him. Still, it was agonizing to see him so far away!

  5. Pam and Maya says:

    Hi Sue, Bridget and Reggie! I really identified with the guilt you experienced pulling up that pole for the hummingbird feeder. I once had one hover over the camper the entire time I packed up, making me feel very guilty! I kept telling him, ” sorry little guy”.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I felt awful! I still do! Before I left I stuck some orange halves on the ironwood tree, but I don’t think hummingbirds care about that. I’ve seen flickers go crazy for oranges . .. . I even thought about giving my feeder to another camper. That’s a short fix though and kind of presumptuous. The break has to happen sometime. Still it seems cruel.

  6. Gorgeous site!! Happy that you are having a great start to 2016!!!

  7. Chris(MN) says:

    I think that when I start boondocking next year, I will definitely have a hummingbird feeder.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      They are a delight to watch and, if you’re lucky, you’ll have one come along that sings!

      Little things like putting out a feeder and a mat by the door, a little table maybe, whatever…. They make a camp into home.

    • Chris(MN) says:

      What am I saying? I am going boondocking THIS YEAR! I forget that I am finally getting close to my retirement in June. Yippee!

  8. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Thanks again for sharing all of these wonderful campsites you visit. Hope you and the crew have a wonderful 2016!


  9. Lois (AZ) says:

    I think I did…I think I did! Cross that off my New Year’s list! Been following along on a regular basis and still continue to enjoy your blog and life on the road…my dream! I just made the 75th birthday…a real milestone! Forecast is for cold and rain…darn El Nino! Feel sorry for “winter visitors” who use AZ as the escape. Keep up the good blogging that entertains all of us! HAPPY NEW YEAR.
    PS: Today is Sunday 1/3…yesterday was Tuesday?? What did I miss? LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lois,

      How in the world did Tuesday sneak in there! Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it. How weird. Anyway…

      Oh, don’t feel sorry for those of us visiting AZ (or southern CA) for the winter. We’re better off than a lot of people!


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Happy, Happy Birthday, Lois! 🙂

  10. Pamelab says:

    Hi, Sue – lovely photos again. That looks like a nice spot and pretty private. What a colorful sunset! Will you wait to see hummingbirds before you set out the feeder? I love hummingbirds, too.
    I’m in the Houston area and it is chilly today – 57 right now.
    Happy New campsite and New Year to you and the crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pamela… I wish the same for you!

      With hummingbirds you don’t have to wait to see one before putting up a feeder. They zip in from far away once they see red. The last time we were here there were hummers all over. I’ll put up a feeder today.

      57 is brisk, not bad if there’s no wind. Bundle up! 🙂

  11. Janis says:

    Sue, Sorry I’m bothering you so much–can you use your camper while it is still hooked up to your trailer? That’s what it looks like in the picture. You see–i don’t have a camper yet and I’m interested in the escapes or the casitas like you have. I’m just sitting here looking at pictures and reading blogs on my tablet wishing I was you. Maybe someday it will be me!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You can chart your life how you want it to be!

      To answer your question… Yes, you can camp with your travel trailer still hitched up as long as you can make your trailer level by choosing a level spot or by putting wood or levelers under a wheel for side-to-side level.

      I make it a practice to stay hitched the first night. That way I can see if I want to stay in the camp. Why unhitch and then have a generator or some other noise make you miserable, and have to hitch up again to move elsewhere, for example.

      In fact, I may move this camp. The way I have the BLT positioned I can’t see the sunset from inside. I’m toying with the idea of turning our house the opposite way. I hesitate because that will put our door so when I step outside I can be seen by the nearest neighbor who faces this way. Ah, the search for perfection….

      I’m very pleased, Janis, that you include my blog in your dreaming-at-the-tablet sessions!

      Oh, and you are never a bother…. I love questions!

  12. Shawna says:

    Late Christmas and Happy New Year wishes Sue and Crew! Been away with family and other obligations. Good to “see” you and the fur babies enjoying your life, and I look forward to the adventures 2016 will bring to you and yours. And me and mine. This may be the year!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the holiday wishes, Shawna. You’re not too late when every day is a holiday, right?

      I hope this is The Year for you! Whatever the new year brings, may you find joy in it. 🙂

  13. Phiesty in Utah says:

    I so enjoy your blog as I feel a part of a community that really believes you’re never too old to enjoy the outdoors and nature, whatever way you choose. Happy New Year to you, Bridget, Reggie and all the readers. Wherever you are in your pursuit of adventure, please continue to share. It helps us all keep those dreams alive and real. Everyone take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like what you expressed in your first line, Phiesty. “. . . I feel a part of a community that really believes you’re never too old to enjoy the outdoors and nature. . . . ” This is a fine, fun group of blogorinos!

      It’s my pleasure to help keep dreams alive… and a privilege. Happy New Year to you, too!

  14. Kellee says:

    Happy new year Sue and Crew! Hope 2016 is full of fun and adventure for you and the crew.

  15. Chris B says:

    Happy New Year, Sue!
    The entire desert seems to be quite cold right now. We were planning for our annual trip to Quartzite but will probably wait and see if it warms up. We generally go the 2nd week of January. I prefer not having to use a heater. We’ll see what happens.
    Diego is the same as Reggie when he discovers that he’s alone. When we are hiking, he likes to play leader and occasionally gets a little too far ahead of us. Clete and I will hide behind a bush or tree and he panics. It’s kind of mean but it reminds him to stay a bit closer to us.

    Happy travels and keep warm!
    Chris B

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris B,

      I just realized that I’ve replied to you recently without thinking that you’re the Chris of Clete and Diego. I hope I didn’t sound too weird! I zip along with comments and don’t always make connections. Of course, that happens in all sorts of situations, even on very slow days! And I do mean SLOW. hAHA!

      Hey, a little tough love for Diego and Reggie does them good, the little imps!

      Man, the Big Q is pulling them in! I saw lines of RVs heading that way yesterday. I love it when I meet a bunch of RVs going the opposite way. With each one I say, “Ha, one less neighbor!”

      It may warm up considerably by the end of the month… at least the lows…

      • Chris B says:

        I don’t remember any weird comments or anything out of the ordinary. 🙂 There’s a few Chris’s included in your gazillion annual website hits and comments (congratulations on that), so I’m sure that it can get confusing.

  16. weather says:

    If you hadn’t taken time to enjoy more-sunshine , time relaxing and bird watching, you’d have missed the opportunity to teach Reggie to return. Where else would you have found a place that familiar and safe for him to learn that valuable behavior? Providence seems to have had that camp give you a bon voyage gift . I believe any kindness or meal we give to a person or critter provides them with strength to face what comes next. The hummingbirds likely survived the windstorm there with that strength. And because they are alive will soon be enjoying meals elsewhere . Those receiving your attention and care for any length of time are enriched by it. I hope you enjoy smiling about that while you are making your site homey and just right. It’s funny that you didn’t realize you were choosing the same one again, it really must be the best one around there. I’m glad a new environment is fun for the crew to explore, so Bridget gets excited enough to enjoy extra walks with you, that’s just precious 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your message about Providence has me feeling much better about deserting our hummer friends! I hadn’t thought about us helping them through the dust storm and cold snap. And you’re right about staying long enough in a familiar place allowing Reggie to have lessons on coming home when called. You’re a great therapist, my friend. 🙂

      I read your comment shortly after making our new camp “homey.” Actually I mean our new, new camp because I moved us a short distance away, just further up the wash. An RV left which allowed the move and now I can see the sunset from the back window. Sometimes Bridget and Reggie go to bed early and I hate to disturb them by going outside to look at the sunset. Plus I love change!

      I hope your day is fun and full, or relaxing and lazy, whatever suits you!

  17. AZ Jim says:

    Reggie is no dummy. He is not about to leave his happy little home and you. Feeding hummers is fun, we feed them year around here. Always fun to watch. They are territorial so we see “new guys” com in for a quick sip or two before being run off by the feeder “owner”. They don’t like sharing. Good post!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m going to answer a few more comments and then I’m going outside to set up our feeder. You’re right, Jim. It’s fun to watch them and to hear them zooming around camp! I hope to attract another songster. 🙂

  18. Sealarkesmiles says:

    Hi Sue and Crew! Happy New Year in your new digs! Great move with Reggie! Me? I would have freaked out and ran after Lily if that happened which would have probably the worst thing to do. Kudo’s to you (and Reggie).

    So you like questions, huh? Well, I have one for you. Lily and I are putting the ‘Peanut’ in storage tomorrow and heading off to Texas to pick up our new camper. (YAY) I have seen lately of some Casita’s being stolen and I have always wondered if you secure the BLT in any particular way when you go to town or are away from it for a length of time. Being that it is your home, like mine is, if anything happened to it that would be devastation in my estimation. I do have a lock on the tongue lever (?) but thinking about beefing things up for the new one. Thanks in advance and you all stay well and warm!

    • Karen LeMoinel says:

      Sue here’s my question. Since you live in a Casita could you do a post regarding what you carry in supplies such as clothing, linens,tools,kitchen items?You get the idea. I’m always curious and nosy? I love lists! Thanks.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Karen,

        I’m happy to answer that question. I’ve answered it before, a long time ago, so it won’t hurt to repeat it. I’m going to write whatever comes to mind, in no order of importance or necessity.

        First though, I don’t carry “linens.” All I have in that department are in use with no spares.

        Kitchen items? The basics… dishware, cutlery, pots and pans, mixing bowls, hand can opener, utensils, dishcloths, coffee pot, a camp toaster, storage containers, a few spices, bag clips, ziplocs…. nothing special, no powered appliances.

        Clothing? I started out with too much. I quickly realized I’d never dress up again so that stuff went to the thrift shop. At present we’re in mild winter weather. I have 7 shirts (men’s — two are flannel, some are short sleeve) hanging in the closet, a pair of jeans (a couple pair of spare jeans in a bin in the PTV), and two pairs of cut-offs in the inside drawer. One thermal shirt (men’s), a couple tee shirts, two pairs of sweatpants, one sweatshirt — those items for sleeping mostly. I have a couple of cotton nighties for warm weather. A pair of KEEN hiking shoes, Keen sandals, Bearpaw boots, and slippers. One coat I rarely use. A zip up vest which I wear a lot. A couple pairs of shorts. Also enough underwear to last me almost two months in case I don’t get around to doing laundry. I also wear cheap ($3 at Wal-Mart) cotton camisoles which I change often, thus saving wear on my shirts.

        It may seem to some that I carry a lot of clothes. I admit I don’t need all that I have. I tend to stretch the times between laundromat visits which requires more clothes. I’m constantly re-evaluating what I have and what I should give away.

        Let me know if you have further questions.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sealarkesmiles,

      No, I don’t do anything “special” when leaving the BLT, other than the lock on the tongue which is always there. I love the freedom of leaving my house behind. If I start worrying about it, then the freedom is compromised. If someone steals it, I’ll deal with it. The crew and I could sleep in the PTV until a replacement BLT is purchased.

      It’s a personal decision. Nothing wrong with searching for more security measures.

      When you consider all the little fiberglass egg trailers that are scattered all over, it’s a very small percentage that are stolen.

  19. KC says:

    go to Amazon and do a search for Freshette by Freshette.

    Every woman who goes on road or boat trips should have one handy because the need to wee does happen when restrooms are not always available or sometimes not very clean. This product and an empty disposable drink bottle with cap or the great outdoors will get you through the situation. Do a practice session or two with it when you get it so you are not trying to figure it out while hopping around on one foot.

    It is also a very good item to put into an emergency preparedness kit because running water might be disrupted for a while and toilets unusable because of that.

  20. Piper (Virginia) says:

    Hi Sue and crew! I could just see Reggies cute little face when he realized, “hey I am all alone out here” Lol.

    Have you ever been to Alaska in the summer?

    Enjoy the sunshine!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Piper,

      No, I’ve never been to Alaska in the summer or any other time of year. If someone would move it, let’s say, between Nevada and Utah, I’d go there in a flash. It’s too darn far, especially since I do all the driving.

  21. Robbie Hanna says:

    Since I have followed your blog you have been in the west. Have you ever traveled the east coast or Midwest ?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Robbie Hanna,

      Welcome to my blog and to comments! Good to see you here….

      I traveled from my home in Georgia (which I sold) to Texas and once in the west, I have not desire to leave it. My entire life up to that point was in the east. I’ve seen Maine to Florida. . . . not a lot of public land and that can make travel in the east expensive.

  22. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    I so appreciate your ability to procrastinate just one more day. 6 weeks in one place must be some kind of a record for you. I held my breath when Reggie took off and then breathed a sigh of relief when he came back. I’m so happy that you are loving this life and generously share it with all of us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a nice comment, Linda Rose. I surprised myself by staying at Midland for 6 weeks. I don’t think I could’ve produced the series of review posts if we were moving more. 2015 required the most energy of any of our vagabonding years so far. I enjoyed the rest. I hope all is well in Carmichael, California!

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Linda Rose, we are practically neighbors! I’m just into the edge of Roseville,near Citrus Heights.

      • Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

        Velda, I’m just at the edge of Carmichael, near the edge of Citrus Heights. We’re close for sure.

  23. shirlene says:

    Hi Sue…..we have been watching the weather closely for the upcoming week. .you see we are going to the Salton Sea this weekend. .better weather there than here. .go figure…so good you turned away from Salton Sea otherwise I would think you were stalking me! Two years in a row would be wierd. 🙂

    Rain is on the way….stay snuggled up in your little egg. .I hope the weekend is clear…honk if you pass by accidentally….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      We’ll get the rain out of the way before you go to the Salton Sea. As we left Blythe I saw a v-formation of birds heading westward toward the Sea, probably coming from Cibola Wildlife Refuge …. I did see a group of three blue herons along an irrigation canal. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen them in a group. Usually they’re standing alone.

      You’re going to have fun, Shirlene, birding at the Sea!

      • Jackie says:

        Sue I just looked on the map just to see where you were at and I traveled in the area when I was driving back and forth at times from east coast to west coast and back. One time I took the Southern route and drove from LA and got on #10 headed to Texas. I also got to looking at areas I drove going to Las Vegas from Phoenix and a couple times that I just went driving around. I have been all back in Prescott area, Cottonwood, Sedona, and Flagstaff. I enjoyed the travel but it just wasn’t comfortable and I was always in a hurry. Now I want to do it at leisure. I want to be able to stay 1 day or 5 days if I choose. I also want to plan ahead to learn as much as I can things that can help cut cost. In the past when I talked about doing this people was always discouraging about it and gas was a big issue. Gas should not be that big of a issue unless I was going for a long distance before I actually start camping and or if I was to take off and drive directly home then gas would be a direct higher cost. What are some unexpected cost that you have had along the way that most people would not think about. What has been your most favorite place to visit.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          My most favorite place to visit? I can’t answer that. There are too many and once I start recalling them I can’t stop!

          What are some unexpected costs? The first thing that pops into my mind is the new, back door on the PTV to replace the one I crunched. That’s all I can think of because other big expenses were planned for or expected, such as installing solar, replacing tires, replacing the laptop, vet care for Spike, having the BLT’s wheels greased… I’m probably forgetting something.

          Gas hasn’t been an issue, even when it shot up, because I live rent-free most of the time.

          You’re right… Travel isn’t as much fun when your time is limited and you have to rush. It’s a different feeling altogether when you can mosey or procrastinate whenever you feel like it.

  24. Audrey says:

    Favorite line on the blog today, ‘Gosh, I love this life!’ That’s Great!

  25. Biz Crate says:

    I also appreciate your re-list of the items you carry as Karen requested. I have seen more and less itemization in past posts and I learn something each time I review one. This time “no powered appliances” stood out to me. I put the cuisanart speed stick with all attachments in the storage box.
    So far, so good, in reducing my possessions to a manageable size. I have my kitchen down to one and a half cupboards and 2 drawers. I may still have a bit to go there. My next challenge is to put together the drawer system that I bought for my RV and use it in the house for now. I will move my “keep” wardrobe items into it to see how it suits me. I’m still working and it’s COLD up here. All of business and winter clothing is segregated so final disposal should be a snap.
    Action is ramping up but May will be here sooner than I think, I’m sure. I’m open to suggestions!
    Thank you, Sue and blogerinos for all of the guidance you’ve supplied so far!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Biz Crate. I’m curious… What is this “drawer system” you bought for your RV?

      • Biz Crate says:

        Sorry, “system” sounds more pretentious than called for. Metal frame and mesh drawers that will fit in an awkward hanging closet space that I’m afraid will become a black hole. I tried the plastic stackables but they were either too wide, too narrow – anyway – this looks Goldilocks approved: just right!
        I’ll take it apart later and rebuild it inside of the closet when it’s time. Of course, it won’t fit thru the door intact!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks for the reply, Biz! I’ve tried a few different things to get the most out of my little closet. No “system” is perfect. Right now I have nothing. Just a bar for clothes on hangers and the bottom is my dirty laundry basket.

          Good luck making it fit.

  26. Applegirl NY says:

    It was exciting to see you move to a new place again – and it’s a re-visit- very cool. I wouldn’t worry too much about the humming birds. Most animals are opportunists and they’re used to moving on to the next feeding ground. I wonder if they’re like gold fish and forget things quickly. I do think humming birds are among the most wonderful creatures. I love it when they come to my garden.

    Good for Reggie on coming back so quickly when you went inside. He’s true to the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      Yes, this is a return camp. It has become apparent to me that there are only so many boondocks and low-cost camps in the SW that are warm during winter. I’d love to have every camp be a new one, if only to keep my blog interesting. I do enjoy returning to former camps like this one. It’s large enough that I’m confident I won’t find it worn down.

      The feeder is up and no hummers yet! I’m surprised. Usually they arrive while I’m hanging the feeder on the pole.

  27. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    Hello RVSue and Blogerinos! So, I have done the unthinkable. I sold my RV and bought a small house with almost 2 acres 🙁 :-). It is 6 miles from my Daughter and Granddaughter! For 3 weeks I have been hauling out the owners stuff (he is in a nursing home), cleaning and more cleaning. Luckily all the furniture etc. came with the house. I have a great view of QBurke Mountain in Burke. I have a wonderful sewing room and cannot wait to get the quilt done that I started 39 years ago!!! The house is located in a rural area and my 3 neighbors are not very close. As much as I miss being on the road in my RV, I am happy to be with my family. There is no doubt in my mind that I made the right decision. Now that the house is “kinda” put together I hope to respond to RVSue posts more. I miss you all!

    Love to all 🙂


    • Being near family can really be nice. Enjoy your new home!

    • eliza says:

      I’m so happy to hear you are well Krystina…I have been hoping for the best. Enjoy your new home and happy new year!

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        Thank you so much for the warm wishes Eliza. I do love being home but will miss the road forever! I am a big “nesting” person and I will be nesting for quite a bit longer. I cannot wait to plant flowers and tidy up the outside…fun, fun, fun!

    • Pamela K. says:

      Congrats on your new home. I can understand being grounded to enjoy family. The road will always be there, who knows, maybe a tiny teardrop is in the cards for some weekend camps with the grand-kids later.

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        Hi Pamela 🙂 When my kids were young we went camping all the time…I sure miss those days with them. You are so right, I will be camping with Nora as soon as she is old enough. She turns one on the 26th. Yikees, where does the time go???

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Krystina, So glad to hear you have found what you need and are close to kin!! Sounds like it is all working out for you…and that is what is important!!

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        Good Morning Elizabeth! Yep it is working out so well it is a bit scary. Missing the warm weather on the road…it’s zero here this morning!!!! As I get older I FREEZE all the time UGH. I hope all is well with you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Krystina, on the new house! You are enjoying your family and that’s important during these years when Nora is small. I wish you much happiness. I do hope you will keep in touch with us.

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        Happy New Year RVSue and Crew! Yep, I’m a homeowner again. Yesterday I made an adorable valance for Nora’s room. Love sewing in my new “sewing room”. I have a lot to do as I need to paint ALL the walls. It will take some time as my back will not be happy when doing it. Oh well. I love being able to go online to keep up with you and all the Bloggerinos. Stay safe and happy. xxxxoooo

    • Mick'nTN says:

      Looking at the intersections in Burke and Sutton, I would start a Auto Body Repair and Towing service. 🙂

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        OMG Mick…you are so funny but you are right. There are no body shops near here LOL! Luckily I am close enough to go back to my old auto repair place, Burke View Garage. Love those folks 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations on your new home, Krystina! I know you will enjoying being close to family, especially your little granddaughter! 🙂

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        Happy New Year Denise! I was afraid I was not going to find a house I could afford that would be close to daughter…took awhile to find this one. I LOVE the location and cannot wait till spring to get outside and “cutesy”. I have a beautiful, really old garage (classic from back in the day) that I can work in. I now have a beautiful drop leaf antique table that came with the house that is in need of being refinished. Cannot wait to do that and there are 3 other things that I refinish as well. I will be busy…which I love. I hope things are going well with you.

        • Applegirl NY says:

          Congratulations Krystina! It’s not the “unthinkable.” It’s a whole new adventure. You don’t have to be on the open road to have an adventure, and this sounds like such a great thing for you right now. Plenty of travel ahead, if you so choose, and a place to come home to. Glad you’re near that little one.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Oh, Krystina…your new home sounds just perfect for you! You were brought back to VT at the right time….so you could find your cozy home! Another example of how things happen for a reason and sometimes it is not obvious why at the time. I love it! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!! 🙂

  28. Hello Sue and crew,
    Glad you had peace and quiet for the holiday season, I’m sure it did the body and soul some good. Reggie is a little rascal, seems like he may have learned a lesson. Nice “new” boondocking site, enjoy it.

  29. Pamela K. says:

    Hi Sue and Everyone!
    It was interesting to read your list of household items and clothes items, etc. I have found that I really manage those kinds of items very well and take only those items I know I’ll be needing. My problem items are the extras (non-household items). For me, those are the ones that seem to eat up room and yet seem to be the hardest to leave behind even in a pinch! Some of those items are things like leveling blocks, battery powered drill, bottle jacks, flashlight w/batteries, fix-a-flat, spare tire, my bicycle and rack, screen room, camp stoves, elastic bandages with First Aid Kit, spare eye glasses, extra water jugs, coolers, port-a-potty, camera bags, the camp chair and lounger…the list just seems endless at times! I don’t carry many clothes and roll-up what I do carry. Kitchen items are at a bare-bones with my camp stoves. Even so, all these items are something I am FOREVER trying to parse or purge altogether. Then there are the two power sources…the goal zero 400 and the 1800 watt power station. Add in the portable solar panels and it can be daunting sometimes. Oh, and the tools in a small tool box, emergency road pack, and the camp table for cooking. See what I mean?! All that in a Van is pretty amazing but I sure would like to limit some of it. WHAT is the “forever” question?! I guess my point is this: I don’t take the kitchen sink, lol, but all the “other stuff” takes up the extra room as if I did. Any suggestions for us who Van or Car camp, anyone? If am finding it is a whole different kind of camping than the Airstream trailer is. The Airstream I have down to a fine science after so many years of doing it. Now if I could get it down some for the Van camping life would be much more organized for those shorter travels ( 2 months out).
    All this is not to complain at all, I gladly do it but it would be nice t hear how others manage all that gear in their Vans or small Cs.

    • edlfrey says:

      I manage “all that gear” in a 24′ Class C by NOT carrying most of what you have listed. I have no need for a lot of it and have not needed a lot of the rest. There probably will come a time when I will need something that you have listed that I do not carry but so what. I’ll deal with it when that time comes, meanwhile I have avoided carrying ‘whatever’ for YEARS.

      • Pamela K. says:

        All my camera gear and tripods are a “must” to have with me. The emergency gear for Van repairs, etc., is a must have for me and well as a really well equipped first aid pack. The screen room is an option but since the flying insects seem to love biting me, I deal with it by taking the screen room and I do like too sit out in it during a lite summer rain too. I guess it depends on where you camp too, what different states you visit. The deep south and the beaches are my go-to places most often, flies/gnats can be a problem during certain seasons too. I could see leaving some of those things behind with a Class C which most likely has its own awning and a whole lot more room inside with built-in cabinets for longer term storage. My Van is an Express Van, not very large. It only has 6 storage bins and the rest is floor space or under the bed storage. Not much to compare there with your Class C. I would guess that your Class C has the same level of storage as my Airstream has. With the Airstream in tow I don’t have storage issues.

    • Biz Crate says:

      I’m gonna need a bigger rig!
      I don’t think I’ll need a camp stove and a screen room since my small C has a stove and a screen door but I was considering taking a small propane grill for cooking outdoors. The tools that some guys carry as “have to haves” are pretty intimidating for me. There are only so many tasks that I’m willing to take on. I have invested in an LED headlamp and I think it may be one of two flashlights that I’ll bring – the other is also pretty small. I’m also hoping some things will do double duty like duct tape and a towel in place of a bandage until I can get to an ER (outside of an antibiotic cream and a few band aids). I haven’t gotten around to thinking about all of this “other stuff” yet.
      I’m in for a serious wake up call by May!

      • Pamela K. says:

        “I’m gonna need a bigger rig!”
        Maybe, maybe not. Some small rigs are very well designed with their storage and floor-plans. I have seen some large rigs with less storage than my Airstream has. So it is really about what your own rig currently offers to you. As for the first aid kit, I learned the had way about that when snow skiing and it’s just you, your partner and your best way to handle the emergency at hand. Now I carry more, not less and carry strapping tape along with duct tape 🙂 I do think I will travel more lightly this coming Spring/Summer. During Fall camping I do tend to pile it up more and take more emergency stuff with me.

  30. Yay Reggie, he knows where his roast chicken comes from! Ha! So glad he came back! I know you were too Sue! A big sigh of relief and smart of you to turn that into a learning event! Treats! ?
    Speaking of treats…. I thought of you today! I made my green chili chicken enchilada casserole! I remember that you liked it that time in Zion! This was the first time I made it in over a year, yummy!
    So now you have the sunset at your back window! That is one of the best parts of a home on Wheels, easy to change the scenery! Give the crew a few extra belly rubs from us! They are the sweetest pups I know, well except for Radarxand DoogieBowser of course! Hahahahaha! Got my fingers crossed for hummer to visit soon! Enjoy your new spot Sue! Love the journey you are on! ?

  31. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Since this seem to be questions day, I have couple for you. Is there any storage area under the seats of the Casita? I know your model can be configured with a bed across the back and still have two side seats and small table, but can you tell me how much floor space is between the 2 seats? Maybe 2 ft give or take?

    I haven’t tried the tether exercise with Angel yet. For now she seems content with the catnip ball and tug of war with her sock. Last night she brought me the sock as my reward for putting her back in bed, which is usual, but it fell off the bed, so she jumped back down to get it play some more and brought it back. She is a mess. I also have added an extra walk during the day, and we play a chase game in the house.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      There’s a little bit of storage under the seats along the sides of the interior. It’s not much because of the wheel well. I don’t use it because I discovered that if I put anything in there I forget it’s there and I make myself crazy looking for whatever I put in there.

      I measure 27 inches for the width of the center aisle. That’s the Liberty Deluxe model. It might be slightly less with the Spirit model. I remember when I walked inside a Spirit at the Casita factory it seemed more “closed in.” I really don’t know for sure.

      Terriers will keep you on your toes! Angel keeps you going like Reggie does me. 🙂

    • Lee J in Northern California says:

      Barbara I have the same model Casita Sue has, so may I butt in and answer? The underseat area is taken up with holding tanks, battery compartment, the compartment that holds the electric cord. It would be possible to hide something,very very small in one of them but not practical. Sue has one side seat taken up with plastic cabinets that have drawers and she sleeps on the other bench. I think I have this right! We both have the Liberty Delux floor plan.
      I have mine set up with a twin mattress across the back, a full size would fit, but I have my twin pulled to the front of the area and a series of plastic boxes, just larger than a shoe box, lined up lengthwise of the mattress across the space that is the width of the rear of the trailer. These hold various things, flashlight my kindle, first aid kit, cards, mini backgammon set, stationary, weather radio…lots! The bed actually makes down into a king bed, which I do when my husband joins me, and I sit the plastic bins in the floor.
      The floor space is probably two feet wide. I have two plastic bins that slide under the bed and are easily reached. These hold clothing, shoes, plus the pipe tube legs of the table. This leaves a small table that fills the space between the kitchen and the bed, it is set up when we are eating, computing, playing games indoors, otherwise the table top sits on edge behind my back cushion and the pipe goes under the bed.leaving two small couches facing each other.
      Sue commented about her closet…that it was just the closet plain and simple! I have a hanging cloth bin holder that holds plastic shoe boxes. I have them filled and labeled, makeup, face cleaning, bath products, my hairbrush, underwear, socks, I even keep tea making things in one, kitchen knives and tools.
      Even with this in place I can put shirts, coats, in place without trouble.under all goes a mesh laundry container.and my umbrella fits !
      That still leaves the cabinets that circle the top of the trailer! Amazing engineering….love my Casita, can you tell?
      I must admit I have space in the back of my truck that has a cap. Outdoor things such as rug and outdoor chairs…

  32. Pamela K. says:

    Well folks,
    Spoiler time in the football area…so if you don’t want to know about the final Minnesota Vikings VS Green Bay Packers game…look way now, OK.
    My beloved Packers lost. Good news is my beloved Klemper is elated because his Vikings won! In the end, I’m happy for him. It has been a few years since they won the Champs and to do it at the Pack’s home field…well…it makes it even sweeter for him. It was a good game and we listened to it on the radio instead of seeing it on the TV. That made it feel so wildly retro!!! Well, that and homemade Spaghetti with French Bread made it a Sunday Night special…even if my Packers lost. Klemper will be beside himself tomorrow at work, LOL, bragging. His poor co-workers will need ear-plugs after the first 30 seconds! HA!

    • Applegirl NY says:

      We really missed Jordy Nelson this year. Love that guy. Heartbreaking to see him on the sidelines. On to the 2016 season! We love our Packers.

      • Pamela K. says:

        Applegirl NY,
        Yep, 2016 football season will fill in those times when camping in at a standstill here. It gets pretty intense with my hubby as a grad from University of MN and my son went to the University of Wisconsin so The Pack, The Vikings, The Gofers and Badgers are all the rage here. Of course I have loved The Pack since my college days back in the 1970s so for me it has come full circle. 🙂

  33. Pamela K. says:

    Chris in MN,
    Here’s a shout-out to you…

    Congrats on the Viking’s win today (assuming that is your team of choice). It was a really good game. For “today”, your team was better.
    Now I’m off to lick my wounds and look to the play-off for relief 🙂

    • Chris(MN) says:

      I was in shock! The Vikings are usually such heart-breakers. Yes, winning against the Packers on their own turf was amazing. The Packers always give it their best.

  34. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Your description of hurrying to dump the tanks had me chuckling! This is the second time in recent past that you were enjoying an extended stay and put off a visit to the dump station until absolutely necessary….you always make it in the nick of time! 🙂

    So relieved that Reggie hightailed it home once you were no longer in sight – whew! Your new location so will allow you to enjoy sunsets in the comfort of your BLT viewing room – sweet! Hope you, Bridget, and Reggie enjoy exploring the area around your new site!

    Have a great day! Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    P. S. – I like how you added a definition of blogorino to your site….so fitting, especially since you coined the term! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise and Gracie pup!

      I’ve been wondering if anyone saw that addition to the sidebar. Thanks for the feedback. I try my best to encourage people to comment here because “the more the merrier,” of course, and a dynamic community of blogorinos makes my blog special.

      With 5,000 visits or more each day, only a very small portion of readers makes comments. I hope that will change. Every time a new person appears with a comment, no matter how small, this place is made better.

      That’s why I love you and all the folks who drop into comments regularly. You’re an important part of this blog!

      I hope your new year is off to a great start. Hug the pup for me!

  35. gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    RVSue, you must have a flashlight. Is it anything unique or just a Walmart special? I see all these internet ads for tactical military flashlights, throwing light hundred of yards ahead of you, illuminating the entire battlefield! It can even be more useful than a weapon, as in bonk on the head or strobe light into someone’s eyes if push comes to shove. It even flashes SOS! I didn’t know I needed this til now! Operators standing by!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, gayle,

      Ha! “RVSue, you must have a flashlight.”

      Well, no, I don’t. *gasp*

      When the crew and I go outside after dark for their potty runs, I turn on the outside light by the door and sometimes I wear my cap with a headlamp (cheapo) on it. There’s also a light on the front of the BLT in case I need to fiddle with propane tanks after dark.

      Being a morning person, I’m not compelled to be outside after dark. That’s when critters come out. Also I don’t drive after dark. Not much need for a flashlight. I had one I never used and eventually the batteries died.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I do like “flashlights,” so I’ll pipe in. Reason I put it in quotes is that since headlamps became a manageable size (they used to have large battery packs that made them a bit unwieldy), I rarely use a flashlight. Still have one, but the headlamps are my “go to,” and I do go to them a LOT.

      I like and use the Petzl Tac-tikka. But what I look for in general:

      1) Nothing on the back of the headband as I like to be able to read in bed with one (lumps hurt).

      2) Body (where light is) can be tilted up/down.

      3) Switches I don’t have to get out the manual to figure out.

      4) A red light feature. One reason is that red light preserves night vision. Another is that if I’m with someone else, using the red light gives me some light and yet when I look at them in conversation they are not blinded (pets too). Mine has a flip up/down red filter, which is quick and easy.

      5) Some sort of standard batteries that I already have as rechargables (mine uses 3 AAA).

      6) Relatively small head so I can stick it in my pocket, don’t have a huge appendage when wearing it, etc.

      7) Head that doesn’t hurt my head. For example, although Black Diamond make very good equipment, their headlamps for some reason hurt my forehead. Petzl don’t.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Interesting, Pen. You sure do know how to analyze a product!

        Um… Someday get a Paperwhite (sometime after you buy the outdoor mat you covet). They are wonderful! No need for any other light.

        • gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

          Pen, you should sign up for those programs where mfgs mail you stuff for free that you get to keep if you do a review! Nobody does those reviews as well as your Petzl review! I want to walk at night in my neighborhood, bumpy sidewalks from tree roots for 11 blocks to the Palisades to watch the sunset. So miner light won’t work. I tried to read in our van with miner light when stealth camping, but needed to be under blanket not to be seen. Back to the old drawing board.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Pen,

        I second your recommendation of the Petzl headlamp. I purchased the Petzl for my trip to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon a few years ago. Walking from the lodge to my cabin after dark, it was a necessity! I, too, like how it is small and has several functions.

        I love Sue’s little online family here….there is always something to learn! 🙂

  36. Shelby (TX) says:

    I know this is probably a really dumb question but I’m going to ask it anyway. Do you ever get lonely traveling by yourself? How long have you traveled by yourself? I have been reading your blog on and off for years and I never see you mention visiting family but I may have missed it. Anyway, as always, it is a joy to read your blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shelby (TX),

      Not dumb questions…. 🙂

      No, I don’t ever get lonely because I don’t know how to do that. I’ve never been lonely, not ever, in my entire life. Seeing the way people can be plagued with loneliness, I consider it a gift not being able to experience that negative emotion. It’s sweet of you to wonder about that.

      Prior to picking up the BLT at the Casita factory in Texas, I visited my sister who lives in south Florida and also my sister and her family who live in Mississippi. We keep in touch via email and this blog. I also have an aunt and cousins in northern New York state. My sister Pauline keeps me up-to-date on their lives, as she travels to NY every year, has a permanent address for mail, and has a Facebook account.

  37. Pamela K. says:

    Good Morning!
    Where are all the early birds? Coffee’s on!

    • Yawn! Ok give me a minute, I need a cup of coffee, the sun rises later in this neck of the woods, what the heck, it is the middle of the night here when it is 4:24 you time….heat up the coffee!

      • Pamela K. says:

        Shocked! Shocked I say…I thought you would be up all night partying on that beautiful beach of yours. 🙂 Well, passing the coffee your way, that’ll help to get those sleepy eyes awake.
        I know, 4:24 AM, I have no shame… ~HAPPY MONDAY~

  38. Bob McQuade says:

    Hi Sue
    Odd, but I was just thinking about the hummingbird setup I had at Ogilby Road last year and how I have missed shooting the little guys, and then when I checked on you and your blog, there you were ( are ). I am at Salineno, Texas volunteering at a bird feeding station and, although there are many colorful birds to shoot here … absolutely no hummingbirds. Really enjoyed running into you there last winter and hope our paths cross again, would get a kick out of meeting Reggie.


    • Pamela K. says:

      Shooting them as in BANG, BANG?!
      Whatever for? They couldn’t be a good food source or anything! I hope you mean shooting them with your camera…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bob,

      How nice to hear from you again! Of course, I thought of you when I realized I pulled into the same spot as last year. I would’ve taken the site you had if there weren’t a Class A sitting in it. 🙂

      I enjoyed meeting you, too, and also your little darlings, Jenny and Samantha. Enjoy your volunteer work — It sounds interesting.

  39. Doug H says:

    Nice to see that you are able to extend your stays in areas and get the most out of your black tank. I put a dump valve at the end of the pipe where we connect our hose so we can actually open our tank valve and it will increase our capacity by about a gallon or more due to the length of the pipe running from the tank to the end. you can buy them at walmarts, about 20 bucks and they just clamp in place like a hose. Also gives you advantage of stopping and fluids if you main valve ever starts leaking. I enjoy your adventures every day. keep up the good work!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Doug H,

      Very clever of you! I don’t think I dare mess with that… and I do mean MESS. 🙂

      For me, being forced to go to the dump station is a good thing. When I have to take the BLT to dump, I move camp. I learned from this last camp at Midland how easy it is to settle into spot and “grow moss” on the wheels.

      Thanks for sharing that tip. There probably are readers who will try it!

      • Nancy S indiana says:

        Reading about moving to dump your black tank brought back a funny (to us ) memory. We used to have a class c, one summer we’d been boondocking longer than we’d planned, but were having so much fun we decided to stay longer. Leaving only when we we needed to dump.(REALLY needed to dump ) We had quite a long drive to a dumping station down a windey 2 lane road on an extremely hot day. There was a young man on a motorcycle behind us unable to pass for a few miles, as there were two vehicles in front of us. We smelled sooo bad, when he finally passed he was yelling, hurling obscenities & shaking a fist. We felt really bad about the smell but it was hysterical at the same time. On the bright side maybe it taught him to wear a helmet, if for nothing else to filter out pooh pooh smells. ?

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Interesting. In both my rigs (previous one that only had grey tank, and current one with both grey and black tanks) the blade valve is within three inches of the cap on the end of the pipe (i.e. where the effluent exits the rig and goes into the dump hose). So I wouldn’t gain anything. How does it work when the blade valve is a “long way” from the dump house connection? Hook up the dump hose and then walk around and open the blade valve? Just curious!

      One huge pain in my last rig (camper van) is that the dump (grey only) valve and hose connection were on the “wrong” (passenger) side of the rig. So I always had to go into dump stations “backwards.” Usually fine, and I made sure it was not at busy times, but of course I would occasionally get “Lady, you are going in there backwards!” as if I didn’t know it. Was especially a pain at places like where they have one at the exit of a rest area – you can’t exactly go backwards there! To compound it, I didn’t have space to carry a super long dump hose to go under the rig (and how fun that would be to set up) to the “right” side.

      Now it seems like such a luxury to just be able to drive in and have the dump valves on the usual side!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Never heard of such a thing! That would be a pain. Poor design.

      • Doug H says:

        My valves are clear in the middle of the rig so there is about 4 ft of 3 inch pipe after you open the valves before the fluid reaches the end of the pipe where the hose connects so I can gain a lot of space by having the other valve where the hose connects. have only used it once tho.

  40. Chris(MN) says:

    Good morning everyone! My propane guy just left. He comes every Monday morning and tops off my 100 pound tank that I rented for the winter. It is beautiful outside. The trees are all covered in hoarfrost and are sparkling. Supposed to get below zero next week but so far I am staying snug! No hummingbirds for me yet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Chris (MN)!

      Wow…. Your 100 pound tank is topped off every week…. I guess I’m out of touch with what it takes to heat a house when temps are going down to zero and below.

      I’m glad you have propane delivery and won’t be caught without heat.

  41. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Good morning and Happy New Year everyone! Looking forward to the new year & possible warmer weather soon. We are hunkered down— no, it’s not THAT cold here in Laughlin but not the typical comfort we like.

    So excited that our Seattle Seahawks are ramping up for the NFL playoffs. Next three weeks will involve intense attention to football. We will meet the Minnesota Vikings next weekend. Lots of Vikings fans here in Laughlin. Seems like those folks don’t like winters there. We are flying our Seahawks flag proudly! ?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy and Gil!

      I don’t know anything about sports… I admit my eyes glazed over reading your second paragraph.


      Someone else reply to kgdan and talk football for me! 🙂

      • I got your back Sue…..My Greenbay Packers forgot to bring their luggage with them and the game just sucked for me! I have been a Greenbay fan for years even though I have never been there! But I love, love, love the play-offs and my butt will be planted in front of my big screen for the next several weeks until football season is over. This is the most exciting time, you lose you go home! What fun! And of course the big superbowl Parties are the best…our superbowl party is at a friends house on the bay this year, going to be beautiful and fun…lots of food. Oh, Kay, I also like the Seahawks, fly that flag high!

        • Nivrapa in AZ says:

          Wow! I had no idea that there were so many blogerinos that are also NFL addicts. Another one here.

          Since I’m a Cardinals fan, I’m not having a good Monday morning (Seahawks 36-Cardinals 6). I love, love my football and schedule my weekend activities
          around game times. Interrupts my boondocking something fierce sometimes, but I can usually satisfy my “needs” by catching a game or two on the radio wherever I am. I’m okay with that but there is nothing like sitting in Sun Devil Stadium and feeling the energy. Originally from southeastern PA, I still have a fondness for the Philadelphia Eagles and hate that their season is over already.

          That Packers-Vikings game was a good game. Here’s hoping there are several more thrillers in the next few weeks. Football playoffs–my favorite part of the sports world. Let ’em rip!


        • Pamela K. says:

          I had zero idea you were a Packers fan! How on earth did I miss that?! They are my team, I’m so loyal to them. We had planned to go to our local sports bar to see them play the Vikes…had on my “G” mittens, my Game Day Pins, and “G” puffy vest w/t-shirt. It was cold and windy so we stayed home and listened to the game “retro-style” on the radio. Made food and enjoyed the cozy evening. I hated that we lost, but Klemper was elated at the Vikings “win”. I licked both my chicken wing fingers and my wounds! No doubt my son (a huge Packers fan too) was cuss-in’ all the way from Texas, lol. I told Klemper that his Vikes needed that “Feel Good” win. HA!

    • Pamela K. says:

      Kathy and Gil,
      Well, well, playing the Vikings next weekend, huh? I’m sure Klemper is going to seriously hoot and holler for his beloved Men-In-Purple. But, on the Off-Chance, should your Seahawks “win” then I shall take pride knowing it couldn’t be to any nicer folks than you and Gil. 🙂 So, let the Play-Off games begin!
      “OK Vikes! Let’s make some NOISE!!!” (shakes the Purple and Gold) 🙂

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