Puppy love

Bridget has a boyfriend . . . .

And it ain’t Spike!


Here’s how it all went down . . .

First I notice Bridget prancing more than usual whenever we arrive at Dale’s camp. Hmm . . . What’s that all about?  She dances around Dale’s legs until he bends down and acknowledges her presence with some sweet talk and petting (not heavy).  While this goes on, Spike has his nose in Dale’s food supply, so he’s clueless.

When we all board the Perfect Tow Vehicle to ride into Yuma, Bridget makes her move.

She wiggles her ample behind into the passenger seat with Dale!

1-DSC01729He puts his arm around her.  She kisses his hand!

1-DSC01730One time, while driving, I look over and there she is, out of the seat belt and draped across Dale’s leg, dreamy-eyed. 

Uh-oh.  This is getting out of hand.

I glance back at Spike on the bench seat.  Asleep.  The poor guy is oblivious to what is going on right under his nose.

“Bridget, are you in love?” I ask.

She gives me the so-what-if-I-am-look and leans on Dale some more.  Well, girl, you’re headed for a fall because Dale is leaving soon and you better not expect him to call or write . . . .

In other news . . .

I look out the side window of the Best Little Trailer to see a white SUV towing a Casita parked in the road.  That must be Kathy and Gil!  (Kathy comments on this blog as “kgdan.”)

Kathy recently wrote that they’d be coming over to Mittry Lake from the Phoenix area and that Gil is anxious to put the Port-a-Bote in the water to do some fishing.

The crew and I run out to greet them.

Unfortunately it’s cold and windy.  We look up at the blue sky lightly veiled with a few thin, white clouds.

“At least it doesn’t look like rain,” I say, trying to see the bright side.

Gil goes into their Casita, comes out, and hands me a present.  It looks like a wall hanging or a rug, tan with yellow and white accents.

“Do you know what that’s made of?” he asks with a grin.

 I study it for a moment. 

“Plastic bags?” I reply.

Turns out Gil has learned how to crochet plastic bags.  I thank him for the gift.  It’s a pretty neat item!

Here’s their rig in their campsite which is up the lane from ours.

1-DSC01725This next photo shows the view from their campsite.

1-DSC01726Pretty nice, heh?

Update on Dale . . .

Dale realizes he isn’t well prepared for desert travel with the water container he has.  I give him two of my one-gallon jugs so he can carry more.  Which presents the problem . . .

How to carry full jugs of water on his bike.

His sleeping bag, mat, tarp, tent, and backpack packed with clothes, food, and supplies — all go above the rear wheel.  I give him one of my milk crates.  Later I return to Dale’s camp and he’s attached the milk crate to the handle bars, making a handy basket in which to carry his water supply and other items.  It’s perfect!

By evening an Arizona cold snap has arrived.

Dale makes a campfire for me and the crew.  This is his last night at Mittry Lake.

1-DSC01719Tomorrow Dale continues his journey eastward across Arizona.

Coming up in the next episode of “rvsue and her canine crew” . . .

Heartbreak for Bridget!  Will Spike find out?  Will he forgive her?



Here are some gift ideas from my blog’s readers:

Droll Yankee Green Wild Bird Feeder with Domed Cage
Alesis Five-Piece Electronic Drum Set
Traeger Portable Grill
TomTom START 45M 4.3-Inch GPS Navigator, Lifetime Maps, Roadside Assistance
Cra-Z-Art Shimmer ‘n Sparkle Cra-Z-Loom Bracelet Maker
Great Appreciation Thank You Care Package Gift Box


The Perfect Tow Vehicle climbs Badger Mountain near Ephraim, Utah, in late June, 2013.

“An alpine meadow in central Utah at 10,000 feet”

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90 Responses to Puppy love

  1. Jool says:

    OK, I know someone will hit “send” before I do so I may not be the first commenter.

    I hope your weather stays nice for you guys – here in North Texas we are bracing for a record ice storm – and I’m hoping the weather guys are incorrect. 🙂

    I Follow your blog faithfully, Sue.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jool,

      Great to hear from you again. You’ve been with me and the crew for quite some time.

      It’s chilly here but not real bad…. yet. Stay safe and off the roads, if you can.

    • Chuck Hajek says:

      Sorry Jool, looks like you gonna’ have ALL the winter delites. Hunker down and stay warm. Chuck,Geri n the K9Kids.

      • Reine in Plano says:

        As I am gratefully sitting in my WARM house, sleet and freezing rain is falling outside here in Plano, just northeast of Dallas. The whole DFW area is under a winter storm warning that merits Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel. For those of you who watch the Weather Channel, you know it’s bad when Cantore shows up. The temp isn’t supposed to get above freezing until maybe Monday. The saddest part is that they cancelled the Children’s Medical Center Christmas Parade on Saturday for the first time in it’s 26 year history but sub freezing temps and icy streets just aren’t safe for a parade. The Dallas Marathon is currently still scheduled for Sunday but who knows.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Reine,

          I don’t know why my spam filter caught your comment. I apologize for it appearing late. I always enjoy hearing from you. Hope you are staying warm . . . .

  2. Roger in SoCal. says:

    wow…getting closer to number one!
    So now I’ll read your post, as I do religiously each day.

    Thanks Sue for all you do.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Roger. I appreciate guys like you who take the time to write a comment. It seems to come naturally to the ladies . . .

  3. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Sue, this is a great post and the suspense is killing me 🙂 Seriously, it’s sweet to see how Bridget has taken to Dale. He must be an exceptionally nice guy (of course he is, or you wouldn’t be hanging out with him). I wish him well on his journey and look forward to your next post.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marcia,

      Bridget made a fool out of herself, throwing herself at Dale every chance she got. Sheesh.

      Dale called his sister and told her about my blog. So she will probably see the good wishes for her brother. Some day Dale will see them, too. (He’s already left as I type this.)

      Glad you liked the post. Thank you.

  4. Dave says:

    great story and a cliffhanger to boot…. best wishes for Dale…..you are a super friend Sue!

  5. Timber n' Rusty says:

    Ahh Bridget, loves like that, Dixie , the dog next door is 30 feet away and we just talk to each other ,,,,Oh Oh ,,,,I gotta go, my human’s coming ,,,,,Timber

  6. bea says:

    Hey, that’s “our spot”! LOL
    We parked their too while we were at Mittry Lake. The view was beautiful, but the racing trucks along the road were not. They threw up too much dust for my taste. The palm trees were more lush too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bea,

      It’s too bad some inconsiderate people spoiled your visit to Mittry Lake. The more I camp in free places, the more I realize that any place can be (and sometimes is) ruined for camping by self-centered jerks.

      I haven’t had any problems with dust. There is a group of about seven dune buggies that goes by once in a while. They go by, rather than circle around and around, making ruts and dust clouds, like some do, so they haven’t been obnoxious.

  7. Marg Mims says:

    Puppy love is so hard to get over. We are set up for a big winter storm here in the Ouachita Mountains. Do not mind snow, but this is supposed to be an ice storm. Stay warm Sue, stay away from this cold weather if you can.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ice storms are the worst. I remember some bad ones from when I lived in Georgia. Not so much of a problem of ice hanging on and breaking power lines. The big problem was black ice.

      Be careful, stay safe, and keep warm, Marg!

  8. Cinandjules (still in CA) says:

    Oh Bridget…. You make me laugh! I thought it was cute how they were sharing the seat AND seatbelt!

    How clever was that present from Kathy and Gil.

    Sounds like Dale and you hit it off! Nice of you to give up your equipment to make dale’s travels easier! Your paths will cross again. Safe travels Dale.

    PS you did very well not to show Dales face in your pics. I too thought awhile back that he was doing something other than collecting wood!

    frigid here in the Bay Area….35 degrees! Guess it’s a good acclimation weather for NY. I’m headed back Monday night! Goodie bags are packed!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Yes, that was nice of Gil and Kathy to gift me upon their arrival.

      I don’t like to show faces on my blog. I try to keep my own off it, too. The internet is pervasive and forever… You never know the ramifications of posting someone’s face. I figured the one of Dale by the fire is okay because in that photo he looks like any number of men. Rusty said it was okay for me to post his face.

      From what I hear on the news and from readers here in comments, the crew and I are doing okay re: weather. Some frigid temps all over … East coast, west coast, and in between, doesn’t matter… It’s cold!

      Keep cozy!

  9. Roger in SoCal. says:

    Hi Sue it’s me again, I have a few questions if you don’t mind:
    1. I am amazed at how you find all the free BLM land, is there a book listing all those areas?
    2. If you stay on the areas that are unpaved…what happens if it were to rain? I hope to get a small class A and I would be concerned about getting stuck out in the boonies, is this a needless concern?
    I love the idea about boondocking, my brother just told he thinks I am a loner ( he’s not happy). Oh well, my mother who is now 86 told me when I was kid I would always threaten to run away and “Live in a cave as a hermit”, grow a long beard and let rats nest in it( I had rats as pets, I was a strange kid).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Roger,

      Question #1: There are boondock books but I don’t own one.

      I rely almost completely on my Benchmark Atlases. They really do give me enough information (not trying to make a sale saying that!), now that I’ve had some experience boondocking. I used to research a place online AFTER I found a possibility on my Benchmark. I don’t do that so much any more.

      It takes a while to get all you can from the maps. Reading the maps and then going to the actual places, you get better at finding good boondocks. I still do find boondocks from “word of mouth” — friends, fellow RVers, and the locals.

      Question #2: Funny thing is, we hardly ever see rain! To answer your question . . . It’s not a “needless concern.” First off, I try not to make camp in a depression, a place where water will collect or seep to. My first year living on the road, I camped in a spot that was questionable. I could see that a previous rain formed a lot of mud that subsequently hardened. So when it looked like rain was coming again, I moved the BLT to higher and firmer ground. This was at Ash Fork, Arizona. Rusty helped me find a better camp. As it turned out, it didn’t rain — It snowed!

      Where I’m camped at the moment here at Mittry Lake could become muddy, but it would take a lot of rain for that to happen. I’d move before it got bad. And I have my all-terrain tires to help! 🙂

      Of course the physics of the PTV pulling the BLT are different than the physics of a Class C, but common sense and caution should be sufficient.

  10. Ladybug says:

    I’m assuming the crocheted item is a rug. My understanding is they wear well, get the dirt off the shoes, and clean easily (throw in the washer or hose off)!

  11. Edie says:

    Bridget is precious. 🙂

  12. Cherylyn says:

    Still enjoying your blog very much. Haven’t posted in awhile kind of bummed had hoped to be on the road to warmer climates myself this fall but some health issues set me back. I’m shooting for next summer or as soon as the house sells. It was -9 degrees here last night (eastern Oregon) way colder than usual.
    Stay warm

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Cherylyn, that is a bummer! To be all set to go and then, bam! I’m sorry. I hope to be able to congratulate you next summer when you get on the road.

      Thanks for letting me know you still enjoy my blog. Great to hear from you!

  13. Kim says:

    Awwwww …..

    Dale and Bridget in the PTV

  14. Susan in Dallas says:

    Boy that picture of Bridget sitting with Dale and looking at you says it all! Priceless for sure. And poor clueless Spike. Funny, funny post – just what I needed today. There’s an ice storm coming in Texas and I think I might be house-bound for a few days. Got enough reading material and/or other projects to pass the time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good idea to stay in the house, Susan. I checked the online news again… Man, what a storm!

      How do people live in places like North Dakota? I don’t know how they can take these winter storms. And you folks in Texas… heat waves, ice storms . . .

      Happy to know you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and warm!

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        The people in North Dakota are used to it. When you grow up with it, it is just the way it is… and you deal with it. I personally hated the cold and snow, and was thrilled when I could finally leave after college graduation in 1970… swore I’d never go back. But, when the parents need help and you’re an only child, back you go. After two winters, I bought an RV and escaped for a few months. Dad had died and Mom lived in a condo where plenty of people watched over her for me while I was gone. Now Mom is in full care, and I can go south for 6 months. Actually ice storms aren’t that common up there… it is too cold for most of the winter, so it falls as snow… and the wind blows it away.

  15. Dave says:

    And here I thought Bridget and Spike were brother and sister…at first I was wondering what kinda family you were running there RV-Sue! (lol). Hope it isn’t too cold down there, it is freezing up here in Sacramento area…another 3 weeks or so and we head south ourselves. –Dave

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dave,

      It’s cold here but not as cold as it was at Glass Creek not long ago. I hope those freezing temps don’t come over here.

      Bridget and Spike aren’t related at all. I adopted them out of two different pounds several miles apart and at different times.

      Only 3 weeks to go! It should be better weather by then.

  16. Evelyn says:

    Loved your post today. I’m west of Sacramento, near Willits, CA and right now at 10pm Thursday it is 25 degrees. It got down to 21 last night and froze my house water pipes. Just 8 days ago I bought my class c and it is the shop right now and mom(86 years old) and I hope to be out of here by early January. Wish we were already gone.
    Love your pictures and story of Bridget in love.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Evelyn,

      Ah, you’re a romantic… You loved Bridget’s love story. 🙂 Something for everyone at “rvsue and her canine crew!”

      Gee whiz, 21 degrees? That better not come here! I’m not letting my propane supply get low. That’s for sure.

      I bet you’re loving the sight of your new home-on-wheels!

  17. Kellee says:

    Love the photo of the fire! I could smell the wood smoke. Best of luck to Dale in his future trek.

    Bridget – too adorable!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kellee,

      I’m typing this the following morning after watching Dave pedal away. This cold weather has me wondering how he’s doing. He didn’t have a coat so I gave him mine. It’s not an expensive coat, yet it is very warm and has a hood on it. I’m glad he has it. He almost didn’t accept it.

      Wherever he spends his nights, he will build a campfire like the one in the photo you like.

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        This man worries me. (even though I never met him) He seems so unprepared for his trek And this cold weather is going to last for awhile.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I feel the same way, Connie. I did what I could. There’s a point at which you have to let a person do what they’re determined to do. At 55 years of age, he’s his own person. It is hard not to worry though, as cold as it is at night.

  18. chas anderson says:

    We are going to Mittry in February.We have a 32 footer.Any problem getting in there with my rig?

    By the way,we have a rat terrier mix named Eddie,who is a handsome dude.I showed him Bridgets picture and he perked up.He’s young,is she a cougar?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Charles,

      Here are a few tips about coming to Mittry Lake…

      Do not drive in the way I did. In other words, do not take the Imperial Dam Road from Hwy 95. It is easier (and less dirt road) to drive north out of Yuma from Hwy 95 (16th St) or from Interstate 8.

      Take Laguna Dam Road (paved). It goes through cultivated fields and thus, at one point, it makes a sharp turn (no problem) around the corner of a field. After about 6 miles or so, it becomes a dirt road which may be washboard or it may be nice and smooth, depending upon when it was last scraped. Heavy rains will make it muddy, of course, with standing water across the road. Slim chance of that in Feb.

      When you get to the lake, campsites appear along the shore on your left and there are at least three sites where your rig will fit nicely. When you get to the Day Use Area, you are at the end of the campsites and there’s room to turn around and go back.

      If the shoreline sites are taken or you want to be further away from the road, take the loop road off to the right (as you approach from Yuma) that goes up a small hill (not really a hill… a higher area). There’s a large, flat parking area up there which I showed in a photo in a recent post. You can see big rigs in the photo.

      Important: Be sure to get on the loop road when it first appears. You would have a hard time going up from the other end. That part of the road is in bad shape.

      People go up and down the “hill” from the first entrance, rather than continuing on the loop. (I’d like to use east, west, north, south… but I’m not sure of those directions.) Just remember it’s the first dirt road to the right when you get to the lake, as you come in from Laguna Dam Rd.

      Eddie… reminds me of the Jack Russell in that Fraser TV show. I think Bridget is … well, let’s wait for the next episode. 🙂

      • bea says:

        We had a 20 footer Dieselpusher + car trailer and had no problem. There a spots along the road where you can park parallel to the road with such a long rig.

  19. I sure hope Dale finds nothing but warmer weather and smooth highways on his travels this winter! Bridget really bonded with him! WoW! Radar is such a love sponge! He bonds with everybody like only a love starved canine can! LOL! Keep warm Sue! Having a heat wave in Bradenton FL, 83 today and sunny! But soon that storm will affect our temps too! 🙁

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      That Radar is a cutie. I’ve never seen such a face as his! And what a softie. He melts in your arms.

      Yeah, I really wish Dale wasn’t heading off on his quest during one of the coldest weeks of the year. He wanted the challenge and he’s getting one!

  20. Linda in TX says:

    Well, I’m intrigued by that rug!! Would Gil mind if you posted a photo? It sounds RV practical!

    That fickle Bridget is just too cute!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      I’m sure Gil wouldn’t mind. I’ll show a photo of it soon.

      • kgdan says:

        Gil won’t mind—he’s too excited about fishing. Just got the port-a-bote in the water. He’s been waiting for this since we left home in Oct. The rug was made by Gil’s sister (saw them over Thanksgiving). She taught him how to crochet!!! And now he is making one.

  21. Ruth(Tennessee) says:

    Oh Bridget, how’s the broken heart since Dale left? Love reading about your adventures.
    I notice we are getting closer to that million hits mark. You have a lot of devoted readers, me included. Hug the crew from another devoted dog lover.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ruth,

      I agree — I’ve been blessed with lots of faithful readers. I remember when I was amazed and excited when the sitemeter hit the 1,000 mark.

      I’m guessing you aren’t “another devoted fog lover.” (I fixed it!)

  22. Ruth(Tennessee) says:

    PS please post a pic of the rug, it sounds intriguing.

  23. Deb from NJ says:

    What a great post!!! I was smiling all the time I was reading it. Seems Bridget has her game on! Great pictures as usual. Love a great campfire. What no marshmallows? LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      Little Miss Bridget has been piling on the charm lately. Glad you enjoyed the post and pics. As for marshmallows… Funny you should mention them (see next post).

  24. AZ Jim (Brrrrrrrrrrr) says:

    Hi Sue….Looks like Bridget did get attached to Dale. I believe animals do detect kindness in humans. I don’t trust anyone the animals don’t like. It’s cool here 30 when I woke today. I have all our plants covered. Thanks for all you did for Dale. It will come back to you somehow. Stay warm.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Hope you are keeping warm and your plants are good.

      Bridget is very sensitive to feelings. She reads my moods all the time.

      Dale suffered the loss of his mother and lifelong friend recently, so he is grieving. I think Bridget picked up on that and wanted to comfort him. Sure, I might be reading too much into it. However, I’m with these two nutcakes of mine, 24/7, which means we know each other pretty well.

  25. Tara says:

    Hi Sue, great post…it was a perfect start to my Friday am. This week at my work was one of the most stressful ever, then this am I got to sleep in, see fresh dusting of snow (first of the season in portland, or) and read your delightful post! Thank you Sue, happy Friday.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, and happy Friday to you, Tara.

      There’s something calming and restful about the quiet fall of snowflakes. Good therapy after a stressful week, as long as you’re where it’s warm. I’m happy this post helped you “de-brief.”

      I should go back to Portland. Now whenever I think of it, I see a deluge of rain on my windshield as I drive the center lane of the interstate.

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Ron Sears says:

    Well if Dale has any heart at all I’m sure it will hurt a little also.. I am a large man 300+ and my heart belongs to a 3.5# minpin named Darcy.. I worry about her more than my grandbabes. She like me getting old, 14, and I dread the day we have to part. But it’s strange how something so small can come into your life and completely control it..I bought my first motorhome because of her.. Most motels won’t let you take a pet in. The first time I took her into a motel room she decided she wanted to learn to bark! Well about a month later I bought my first motorhome. Ever since then everything revolves around this little girl…Pretty sappy hey. I’ve told you in past post how I wasn’t crazy about that desert life out there. Well today a would take about two weeks of it. It is snowing to beat the band here in Arkansas after dumping freezing rain all last night…I can’t wait till summer or when I have my affairs in order here so I can head south!! Be safe..Ron

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ron,

      I apologize for your comment appearing late. I don’t know why my spam filter wouldn’t let it post.

      I have to chuckle at your tiny min pin being the center of the life of a 300+ lb. man. Shows you have a big heart to match your frame. Not sappy at all… You have someone deserving of your affection. Love is never wasted on dogs.

      Yeah, the desert looks pretty good these days. Be careful on the roads in freezing rain . . . Hope it passes soon.

  27. lindale says:

    I so wish we were there with you and kgdans but we won’t be getting out of here until after the first. We hope to meet up with Kathy and Gil and they can tell us all about meeting you. It is about 15 degrees this morning near Fresno and the furnace in the fifth wheel has been running none stop. I guess its time to do some heavy baking to warm things up. Snow tomorrow is forecast.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, lindale,

      Might as well make something scrumptious to eat while warming up the fifth! Your temperature at 15 degrees is the lowest reported in comments.

      Kathy and Gil can’t get online right now (no phone signal). I’ll tell them what you wrote here.

  28. Shirlene says:

    Hi Sue, Great post. It was a wonderful post to the end of an uneventful week after all the festivities of Thanksgiving…Love the picture of Bridget looking back at you as if she has something you don’t. Spike just wants to nap…none of that girly stuff for him..Stay warm, it is even cold here in So. Cal… Getting closer to buying my Class A so I can be out there with ya’ll (but not too close) lol. Safe travels Sue, thanks for making my mornings.

    Shirlene in So. Cal.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Shirlene. My mornings are “made” by reading comments.

      Ya’ think Spike takes the Bridge for granted? 🙂

      • Gayle says:

        Of course Spike takes Bridget for granted! Remember the song from “Fiddler on the Roof”?

        “But, do you love me?” sung the wife.

        “Well, I’m here, aren’t I?” sung the husband.

  29. BuckeyePatti in Ohio says:

    My, oh my, Bridget, you little oochie. LOL Hope you aren’t in big trouble with the ole Spiker. Awww what sweet pictures of you snuggling up to Dale 🙂

  30. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Oh sweet Bridget……….so loved this post about her short but beautiful love affair! I wish for Dale safe travels………..he has been a great companion to you and the crew for the time you have been in camp. That must be the best thing about your life……….meeting so many nice people along the way!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Glenda,

      Yes, Bridget’s “short but beautiful love affair” is over. I hope you are enjoying summer in your hemisphere, because the States are being slammed with cold, snow, freezing rain, and all that winter can bring. The crew and I happen to be holed up in a relatively warm corner of Arizona.

  31. Willow says:

    I really laughed at Bridget expression she looked so coy sitting next to Dale……spike better start paying more attention…… Stay warm it’s pretty chilly out there, but sometimes it just nice to stay in, stay snug and read a good book.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Willow,

      The crew and I are fortunate to be in one of the warmest places in the country right now. I look at the photos of wind-driven snow and stalled traffic… brrr! I’ve had enough of that in my life!

      It’s chilly here but nothing to complain about. Hope you are “snug” and warm.

  32. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    The world wide weather patterns are changing because of the Sun Cycle we are in. The Sun has gone berzerk and is changing from a hydrogen to a helium sun. The sun gets hotter and bombards us with rays scientists know nothing about. This causes the undersea volcanoes to go off heating the oceans and this melts the ice. The new bread basket of the world will be in Saskatchewan as Mother Earth moves and new poles are created. Hang on tight as we are in for a terrific ride.

  33. Edie says:

    Wow, you gave up your coat. What a kind person you are! Thank you for making Dale as comfortable as possible on his trek.

    I think Bridget has a happy, but maybe a little bit guilty, look on her face. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Edie,

      It wasn’t a big sacrifice for me to give Dale my coat. I have another one. I wanted him to have it because he didn’t have anything with a hood on it. Plus he didn’t have anything that would keep out the wind and damp. All his tops were like sweatshirts. That coat I gave him does a good job holding in body heat. Sleeping on the ground in this cold weather, even with a tent and ground mat, is tough without the right clothing.

      I like your analysis of Bridget’s look.

  34. John fossildreamer says:

    Hi Sue Was reading another blog me and my dog at http://dewelldesigns.blogspot.com and came across this chapter below,
    I do not ever remember you telling your readers about this, and I myself
    Have purchased a couple of small item”s but I went to Amazon first. Sure
    Hope that you received your % for them…
    I want to thank all my readers who have used my link through to Amazon.com to wander around, see what’s available, check prices, etc., then make your purchases. I finally figured out why I wasn’t getting credit for my daughter’s purchases. I asked her in an e-mail: “Did you find your item, then go back through my link to make your purchase?” The answer was yes, and that is why I wasn’t getting the credit. We can’t blame Amazon for not giving me or another blogger credit for a purchase that started out on Amazon’s site. Bloggers get a small percentage of sales that start out with our site’s links. I’m not suggesting or advising what you should do, but a little information is a good thing – especially if we are looking for something we saw or read about on a blogger’s site. But now I know and I wanted you to know, too. 🙂

    Hope you know about this and I‘m just not recalling reading about it in your blog
    Safe Travels

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John,

      I think the blogger is referring to cookies. Amazon “remembers” what portal is used to enter its site for 24 hours and that’s where the credit goes. In other words, if a reader enters Amazon through one of my links and then leaves, any Amazon purchase made within 24 gives me credit.

      Actually, Amazon prohibits its Associates from getting credit for purchases by family. I found it’s difficult not to because of what I explained in the first paragraph. However, if Amazon’s robot figures out who is family, the purchase by family will not be credited to the Associate.

      Thanks for looking out for me, John!

  35. wa_desert_rat says:

    Stumbled upon your blog and enjoying it. We have a friend with a 13-foot Scamp that she uses mostly as a place to sleep when she is working away from home. Cute little trailer that can be towed by practically anything and is, at least, water tight; if not roomy.

    Dale sounds like a pretty decent guy if Bridget took a liking to him.

    After the “Lone Pine” reports I decided to follow you more closely since the SW from NM to the deserts of CA are where I always liked to roam. We live in the desert of WA state (and, yes, half of the state is a desert with sagebrush and rattlesnakes despite it’s “evergreen state” motto) and love rimrock and quiet places.

    We do not RV in a small travel trailer any more (our ’70s 21′ Streamline is up for sale) and have moved to a newer ’93 diesel pusher towing a Jeep but it’s only because I have always wanted a comfortable place to sit down and read. 😀

    Keep up the reports. In two years (when *my* RV Sue retires) we’ll be down there in the winter.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Craig,

      I welcome you both to my blog! I’m glad you stumbled upon it and found something of interest in it.

      Ever since I wrote about eastern Washington, I’ve felt guilty about that post. I wrote as if there’s nothing of value there, which is out of character for me. I usually appreciate any and all landscapes and find beauty and value in them. I guess I was tired from the heat with no A/C and the long drive from east of C’Oeur d’Alene to Yakima.

      Since that time I read Zane Gray’s “Desert of Wheat” and through his writing was able to “see” that area for the first time, not just glancing at it from the interstate.

      I recommend that book for you to read in your comfortable rig, if you haven’t already. Nice to hear from you!

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