Reggie and I get a good deal!

Thursday, February 16

Irrigation canal, Blythe, California

Much like the water in these photos, my unsettled feelings of the past few days level off.

Field of alfalfa on the left, freshly plowed field on the right

One of the reasons Reggie and I are again at Midland LTVA in Blythe is to get a few things done.

Today we roll into town and stop at the Verizon store.

I have a few nit-picky “problems” to straighten out.  Fortunately I connect with a young woman who knows what she’s doing and we work through my list of Annoying Things Regarding My Verizon Account.

In the process I ask for a better deal for my Verizon jetpack and Samsung smart-a** phone, the latter which I hate and never use, but I own it, so there you go —

“Modern living through crap you don’t need.”

“I hear you’re offering an unlimited data plan,” I remark nonchalantly.

You’d better give me a fantastic deal because I’ve paid Verizon through my nose and every other dang orifice FOR YEARS and WITHOUT COMPLAINT.

The young woman compares the cost of my present, crappy plan with the new offer. 

Turns out I will save about $40 a month and gain more service!

Unfortunately I didn’t pick up the scrap of paper where she calculates my new bill (and it doesn’t show up yet online).  From what I can recall, basically, for $130 I have unlimited talk and text which means nothing to me because I don’t talk and text, plus 20 gigabytes split between the jetpack (internet) and phone (phone).  This is 10 gigs more than I had.

NOTE:  It also includes a payment on the purchase of the phone.  Don’t ask.

Any more details than that, I don’t have for you because, frankly, this stuff bores the socks offa’ me and makes we want to run away really far.

Upon leaving I see a rig for sale sitting in the parking lot next to Verizon.

It’s a 1996 Santara Class A.  I should have looked to see if it has a slide.  Anyway . . . .

I thought I’d post the pic if only to show an attempt to sell a rig like this.  It could have 50,000 miles on the odometer or 250,00.  It does look in good shape on the outside.

A reader asks how the new refrigerator is working.

It’s working great!  The old fridge was not cooling this well, probably due to a door that wasn’t creating a tight seal when closed.  The new one is running very efficiently.  I’m amazed how little propane it uses.  It’s true I haven’t done much cooking lately.  Even so, I now realize I was wasting a lot of propane with the old unit!

I haven’t tried the propane heater.

Every day and night since it was put back together again has been warm.  I’m wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt today.  Stopped wearing sweatpants and thermal underwear top for bedclothes quite some time ago.

We use a heater more in the fall if and when we don’t skedaddle southward and to low elevation soon enough, or in the spring when I push the season and head north and camp high up too early.

Here’s an example from June 2014 when the crew and I camped at Tinney Flat Campground (elev. 7,000 ft.), Santaquin, Utah.  I used the heater!

“‘Come on, it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you’ in June”

From Verizon we cross Hobsonway to the K-Mart parking lot.

I find the only tree-shaded parking space in the lot.

“I’ll be back soon.  Be a good boy and I’ll bring you a present.”

Well, actually, he ends up getting two presents. 

While perusing the toys and other products for dogs, a woman stands beside me examining different treats.

“I don’t trust any of this stuff,” she says.

“I know what you mean,” I respond.  “My dog is small and I’m afraid he’ll choke.

“You know the best thing I’ve found are these elk antlers.  My miniature poodle isn’t very big and he chews on one of these things for the longest time.  And he’s not eating anything, just chewing.”

I pick up the package of one antler piece — $6.99. 


“I saw the same thing at the pet store for 13 bucks,” she points out.

I take the woman’s advice and buy Reggie an elk antler.  He loves it!

I also select a toy.

Reggie’s toys have suffered a great many casualties the past few days.  Duck L’Orange is losing his head, Blue Monkey has both an arm and a leg injury. Your Baby and Pink Piggy are okay but they could use some relief from the constant assaults from the Reggie Man.  (Armadillo is missing in action.  I hope he will turn up.  I might have left him in Vegas.)

I choose Yellow Chicken.

There goes another $6.99!  (Ahem . . . Have I mentioned lately I earn a commission on any Amazon products you purchase through my blog?)

Yellow Chicken is a hit!

Pink Piggy and Your Baby enjoy a reprieve, while Yellow Chicken bears the vicious attacks of the ferocious Reggie!

I’d better cut this short.  The images are too violent for this blog!

Later . . . .

I’m at my laptop table reading stuff online.  I glance at Reggie in his bed beside me.  He’s fallen asleep curled up next to Yellow Chicken with his head on its neck.

Hmm . . . Money well spent.




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81 Responses to Reggie and I get a good deal!

  1. Go Reggie! There’s nothing like having a new toy to kill.

  2. Linda from oregon says:

    I just updated my phone too. I also got the unlimited.

    • Linda from oregon says:

      The deal started on Monday for unlimited data and everything else for $80 a month plus the stuff they add on like taxes.

  3. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Awww, Reggie is so darn cute with his new toy….glad to see ya both, Sue and Reggie

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  4. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    Was that rig $11,000 or reduced by $11,000? The latter, I’m sure.

  5. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    I remember that snow in June at Tinney Flats. Almost 3yrs ago. Wow

  6. Susan in south central WA says:

    #7? Oh poor Armadillo! Hopefully he’ll show up again next year the way Pink Piggie did (I think it was pink piggie that you re-found under a tree).

  7. Pat Hall, Corvina Beach says:

    Glad you got your errands finished and are enjoying Midland. It’s windy with dark stormy clouds at Corvina Beach. The waves are lapping on the beach and I’m seeing a few whitecaps…..can’t have sunshine all the time.

    Nice pics of Reggie and his new toy….that boy loves to play .

    Hope you don’t get too much wind!!!

  8. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Omgosh you are too toooooo funny.

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  9. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better. I used to give my dog those antlers when she was a puppy. She loved them! You’ll be relieved to hear they last a long time. :). Well, at least mine did. I love Reggie’s dog toy names and pics. He scored big time today!

    Have a great night!

  10. Pat from Mich. says:

    My guys love new toys. It takes them only a few days to get the squeaker out. As soon as I see it out of the toy I pick it up and toss it. I’ve started buying the toys without stuffing because I’m tired of cleaning up fluffy stuffing.

  11. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Just in case you don’t read the follow up comments on your last post – I was just irritated at those people that came and ruined your privacy. I grumbled for you most of the day 🙂

    Between the new yellow chicken and blue from the spillway (?) I love to see the latest color!

  12. Marilu in Northern California says:

    It looks like rain and wind a re heading your way if they aren’t there yet. Stay out of the gullies, Sue.

  13. Ha! Reggie showing Yellow Chicken who’s boss! Glad the other toys get to have a rest. 🙂 Oh and enjoy your extra data, that will be nice to have!

  14. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    Great post. Loved the photos. The turbulence in the canal is surprising. I guess I just think of a canal as being a flat, calm stream. Glad your repairs are paying off in unexpected savings on propane. Every little bit helps. Your Reg is a handful. I do believe he and my Toby would have fun together. Both very active and cute. Ok I’m biased about my dog!

  15. Dawn in MI says:

    Ahhhh Reggie-Man You are too darn cute. Glad you like the presents Sue got you, she spends more on you than herself you know. As it should be…right? 🙂

  16. Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

    You have some nasty weather headed your way! Our friend in California are in the middle of it now and Barb says the rain is coming in torrents and is non stop. So since you can’t outrun it, get prepared!
    I love Reggie’s new toy! I need to get Radar a new toy, he won’t play with any of the toys he and Doogie-Bowser shared.
    Do glad you got a good deal at Verizon! Chuck and I both need new phones…. ours are at least 5 years or more old and they ain’t too smart! Or it could be us… but anyhow they are falling apart! (so are we! haha!)
    Hope the storm passes you by, but looks unlikely, stay safe! Give the chicken fighter a hug from us! Love ya!

  17. Ken Canada says:

    Hi Sue…
    Love those pictures.
    Thanks for putting Paulines contact on your blog.
    Ordered 3 red hats from her. They are very well made….love them.
    Ken Canada

  18. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Love That look in Reggie eye in that last picture. “What do you mean don’t annihilate him yet.” Back in Missouri now, but wish i was out there. Glad it is warming up. getting time to move slightly north. How is rusty haven’t seen post from him for awhile.

  19. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Happy Friday from very windy and rainy San Diego! Nice long three day weekend to stay home and enjoy the rain. My little apartment has a skylight and it sounds like I am in a camper when it rains. Very nice sound. Enjoy the rain.


  20. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Looks like Yellow Chick is fulfilling it’s reason for existence. Elk antler, um, might need to look into those. Please keep us updated on how long it lasts. I heard about the new verizon data plan, but know they will sell me an expensive phone (ok so my phone is well over 10 yrs old), I definitely need a new one. Enjoy the great weather out there. It’s so cold and snowy back east. Thanks for the great pictures of Reggie.

  21. Linda-NC says:

    Hi Sue-Reggie made me laugh with his new toy. Vicious little bugger:) I too am a Verizon customer. Ugh! Always got along with my cheap Tracfone but I needed to upgrade for my new lifestyle with a jetpack and phone. If I turn my head a certain way, sometimes I see the gun pointed at my head. Now they got me. Ugh again. I can sympathize with that. I am feeling so much better with my new toy. I walked two miles today! I am relaxed and stress free. Maggie is learning the rv stairs and is settling in. She can get out on her own but needs an assist to get back in. Being the smart dog that she is, she just looks at me to let me know that she is ready now to go in. I am well trained. Have a good evening.

  22. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie….gotta say the Reggie is such a cutie. My Donald loves his toys….the only thing is that he commits murder and mayhem. He can do it in less then 10 minutes after I give it to him. He loves those elk horns though, oh but his favorite is pigs ears!!! Gross for me big he does love em. He’s here in Atlanta with me and we are staying with my boss….she has 5 border collies so he’s have a big time playing with them and herding sheep when she goes up to their Farm. I don’t get to go to the farm since I’m here working on a deadline.

    Well stay safe out there and rock on my friend..Judy.

  23. Cynthia Blaylock says:

    Sue, praying for your safety – there are flash flood warnings for the So Cal deserts. We are having incredible rAin and wind here. They closed Knotts Berry Farm due to high winds.

  24. Chuck Hajek says:

    Thinkin’ Yellow Chikin’ not long for this world !!!!!! Great pix as always, stay dry kiddo !

  25. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Reggie is worth every cent you spent. See, you saved money on propane just for this purpose!

  26. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    The irrigation ditch is ominous. The Oroville dam situation is pretty crazy! Can you even imagine?

    Verizon paying out the nose and every other orfice made me laugh! More for less is better…but it sounds like she sold you a phone!

    Still have the same flip phone….I remember yours was held together with tape. We pay 50 bucks a month for it to sit in our junk drawer for the past 7 years. Keep it as Verizon is the only carrier that works in the boonies of NY. When Jules returns this summer she will go to the Verizon store and get a “prepaid” flip phone that will work on the “hill”. Apparently not all models do.
    Duck L Orange is losing his head? Armadillo is MIA? Perhaps you’ll find him on another trip like piggy!
    Does Reg man get baths? He stays so white…running around in the desert!
    Glad to hear the fridge is running perfect and using less propane.
    Stay dry and safe….weather is a bit sketchy!

  27. Elizabeth says:

    Reggie the entertainer!! Funny photos…thanks!!

  28. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    Um ahem—–========>. Is that sidebar look who’s talking thing new?

  29. Sunny says:

    I can relate about the dog toys. Sasha shakes hers so hard she beats her sides with them! I also have been trying to look into that unlimited data plan for Verizon. All the calls I’ve made to them have ended up being automated and no info on that new plan. Guess I’ll have to go back to the Verizon store at Buckeye when I leave Ajo next week! I hope you are happy with your real with them.

  30. Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

    So I feel like I’m living in a mini Twilight Zone episode and here’s why.

    Tonight we were watching this silly show on Travel Channel called Ghost Adventures where a team of paranormal researchers check out haunted places. It’s silly (and probably mostly contrived) but fun, and the places they investigate are interesting (favorite one took place at the Clown Motel in Tonopah, NV).

    Anyhoo, in this episode they were checking out Leslie’s Family Tree restaurant in Santaquin, Utah, a town I had never heard of. Then, during a commercial, I checked my email and started reading your blog AND WHAT AREA DO YOU MENTION BUT SANTAQUIN, UTAH! Now how weird is that??

    So here’s the ultimate coinkydink story, if you have time. About 11 years ago I was walking and listening to a radio station where calls were being taken about bucket list items. One woman said she wanted to find her birth mother which got me thinking about my own mother who had a baby and given it up for adoption when I was about 10 years old (my brother and I found out after she died). As I walked I wondered if our half-sister would ever try to find us, and then that same day in the afternoon I received an email from my brother saying our half-sister had located us and wanted to meet! Cue Twilight Zone music…

    Take care during the coming rainstorm and stay away from the washes!


    • Pauline in Mississippi says:

      WOW Robin!!!! So glad you and your brother have found your sister!! Great story

    • Shirley Altenes says:

      That is wonderful! I have two half brothers that I’ve never met and don’t have a clue if they took on my dad’s last name or not. We tried to find any information that is out there but no luck! So happy for you!

  31. Rob says:

    I liked the elk antler, looks like Reggie did too. Neat idea.

  32. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I too have Verizon and really can’t complain. I have not and probably will not go to the unlimited data plan unless my traveling dream comes about. I do not stream, need a jetpack and talk and text very little. I use my phone when necessary and sometimes text, but really don’t like it. I am on a 700 minute family plan with unlimited texts and the bill is reasonable. I hate my new smart phone, but my old flip phone was about 6 years old and the flipper broke, DH still has his.

    Love the pics of Reggie with the yellow chicken. Due to the injuries suffered with his other toys, maybe he needs a Timex, since they take a beating and keep on ticking. HaHa!

    Hope the storms don’t get too bad where you are. Stay safe.

    • Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

      Barbara, if you are 65 or older and use very little data, they have a plan for you! Chuck and I got on it and for both of us, 2 phones, it runs $55 a month! I went in threatening to go to WalMart Smart Talk if they didn’t give me a good deal! We use our phone very little and that $189 a month was ridiculous to pay for how seldom we actually use our phone. I didn’t talk to the regular employees, I went straight over to the guy in the suit! He got on the computer, looked us up then he called up somebody and came back to us with the unadvertised Senior special of $20 a month plus taxes brings us to $55! Go in with an attitude!

  33. Sharon in MO says:

    I am glad to see Reggie likes his new toy Yellow Chicken! It sounds like you are getting a lot of errands done. Great to hear your new refrigerator is running well and efficiently.

    Yesterday was a sad day for dear hubby and me, as we sold our Casita, after 10 1/2 years and many wonderful trips together. DH’s health will no longer allow camping although we hope to continue some traveling. The good news is the couple from Michigan who bought it seem really excited to have it. We wish them good times camping in it. So I will continue to camp vicariously with you, RV Sue. Thanks for letting me tag along on your travels.

  34. Our sense of economy kind of goes out-the-window when it comes to our pets, doesn’t it? I can never turn down a treat or a new toy for Fay Wray. This, despite knowing that she only likes one kind of treat, and the only toys she will play with are an old shoe string and a small felt candy cane that used to be a Christmas tree ornament!
    Glad to see that Reggie is more appreciative of your efforts!

  35. AZ Jim says:

    Great post Missy!! I am so glad to see you feeling better. You are so lucky. Your life is one I so envy. I am not able anymore to do what you do and that is the reason I stick with you year after year, you are my travel and adventure. Another reason you are lucky is your little boy Reggie. He is a delight, I love him from afar. Rain headed our way for tomorrow and Sunday. The whole Southwest needs it and I like to see it for that reason but those damn weeds…..Hang in there Missy, we count on ya….J

  36. Mike says:

    You may know this.
    Cricket is owned by Verizon, unlimited (if there is such a thing) 65 a month, with pre-pay agreement, I believe. Uses the same towers they say. I do not use it. T-mobile family plan for me. Works on all major highways with the exception of 20 or so miles along the I-8 corridor near Mexico’s border in Arizona.
    That Reggie Man is a lover, not a fighter, …I suppose each compliments the other when it comes to a good fella like the Reginator.

  37. Chris B and Diego in Southern California says:

    Gee, Sue. You could have warned us about the violent photos! :-0 I’m going to have nightmares! Diego likes to perform squeakectomies on his toys then run around the house acting like the squeaker is his voice. Total goofball!
    The weather looks beautiful! We are having the big storm today and so far, so good. Had to drain more water off the pool and feel so darned guilty for it, but there’s plenty more to come. California is looking beautiful right now. More rains than we have had in years.
    Glad that your feeling well and keeping warm!
    Chris B

  38. Claudia Meyers says:

    We, my husband and our dog just missed you at Verizon store. We got new phones and had them serviced there. It was confusing to find…too many old addresses for our Garman…wish we could of seen you there! Keep up the wonderful posts and adventures….you two are the highlight of my da

  39. Sherri says:

    Hello! It’s been a rainy, blustery day here in the San Francisco area, and the weather looks much worse where you are. The wind is what worries me: hope you and Reggie uare ok.
    I’m a couple of years from retirement, and your adventures inspire me! Have gone back and started from the beginning: currently in September 2013.
    You and ReggieMan make me smile.

  40. vickie carter says:

    I totally get the tec stuff bores me to want to run away from modern society.Reggie is lucky to have you as his best friend.

  41. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue!

    Glad that you had a knowledgeable Verizon person to assist you. They are a rare breed! I still have a “dumb” phone for calls and texts. I don’t want to spend extra dough on my cell service until I have to! You now have less aggravation over the Verizon bill, and no more aggravation over the fridge and heater – yippee!

    Reggie is such a good boy! He scored a new playmate and a chew toy. Does the antler have an odor? A friend gave her dog some sort of antler and she said it stunk up the house.

    Thanks for the report on the fridge. Glad that it is now sipping propane.

    This weekend and most of next week we will have spring like temperatures during the day. I would not be surprised if we get at least one more round of snow before the end of March. That is Mid-Atlantic weather – crazy at times! I have lots of catching up to do on chores inside…gotta get them done so I can spend most of tomorrow outside, soaking up glorious sunshine. In the meantime, every blind in my home is open, washing the inside with happy, warm light.

    Have a great day, Sue! You and Reggie stay snug as two little bugs in a rug, snuggling, reading, snacking, and napping through the stormy weekend. Take good care! Sending you both love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  42. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Great post as always and of course, love the pictures. Reggie and his yellow chicken are so cute. Concerned about the storms they say are headed your way. I know you are mindful of the weather so I know you will stay safe.
    Love to you and Reggie.

  43. rvsueandcrew says:


    Thank you for your concern regarding Reg and me during the storm. After a warm, blustery morning, the wind grew in strength and the air temperature dropped. Much dust blew in from the west.

    It rained all night long and is still raining this morning. A narrow wash wiggles past our campsite and it filled with run-off. It’s only about a foot wide. Looking out the back window now and I see the water is gone from the wash. Only a drizzle falls at the moment.

    To answer a few questions raised….

    Reggie is self-cleaning. I’ve never given him a bath, yet he stays bright white. If he rolls in the dirt, I can clean him by brushing off the dirt.

    I was unclear in this post about the phone payment. I didn’t buy a new phone. I’ve been making payments on the Samsung for a while and those payments continue until May, even though I have the new plan. BTW, no interest charged.

    Yes, there’s a new feature in the sidebar — Look Who’s Talking! You can see if there are new comments and by whom without opening the comments tab. I also hope it lures more folks into comments to join in the talk. 🙂

    Well, it’s going to be an indoor day for us. I’m glad Reggie has the elk antler (no, it doesn’t smell) and Yellow Chicken to help pass the time. He’s into his post-breakfast nap at the moment.

    Stay safe wherever you are and thank you for being a part of my blog!


  44. weather says:

    What creative imagery to see feelings leveling the way water does, I love the whole idea. Imagining times with roaring waves, only small ripples or placid still peace- nice, Sue, wow.

    Any thing that keeps Reggie happy and occupied in a way that he enjoys is a good find. I think you got three goods deals-his elk horn, yellow chicken and your new Verizon plan. Thank you for including the details about that.

    Last month Windows 10 automatically installed new updates three times on my laptop. That used almost 15 GB of data on my Verizon jetpack. In order to not pay $15 for each of those I temporarily changed my data plan. The monthly cost was $65 more than I’d ever paid before and doesn’t include my phone. I’ll stop in the store to see about doing what you did .

    Just so folks are aware of this, Verizon’s new unlimited data plans come with some restrictions on speed that aren’t being mentioned upfront yet are found in the contracts small print .(This doesn’t apply to yours ,Sue), after the first 10GB of data you’re dropped to 3G speed, after 22GB you’re in a line behind other users for access and speed, roaming(which often affects RVers) speed is essentially to slow to use.

    It’s great that you get to wear clothes suited to warm temperatures day and night now, Sue. I’d wondered about your heater because I thought it may be a good idea to try it out while you’re near Blythe. That way if any kinks showed up the shop that fixed the leak could resolve it so in the future when you need it you’ll be certain to be all set. I wonder if you ever started carrying saline solution to rinse Reggie’s eyelid if he gets his face into something that bothers it. It may be an optical illusion or just the shot you took that makes it appear that his eye looks the way it did when you took him to a vet for that before.

    Enjoy your day in the beautiful desert where your home is now. We will be reaching temps close to fifty degrees today. I’m heading out to have lunch with my grandson and granddaughter soon. Grand day, grand kids 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather…. Yes, I bought saline solution back when someone, maybe you, suggested it. I’ve noticed that Reggie’s eyes are not the same size. The left one is always slightly bigger. Also, what you see in the photo is one of his expressions… kind of like a narrowing of the eyes when he’s feeling victorious over a toy, but instead of both eyes, he narrows only the one on the right. That’s his tough-boy look.

      About the roaming with Verizon, for the first time ever my jetpack sent a message asking for roaming confirmation. Instead of giving it, I removed the battery, reinserted it, and no more roaming. I’ve heard those charges can be astronomical. Good luck obtaining the best plan!

      Yes, I should try the heater while in Blythe. Thanks for the reminder.

      I’ve wondered how your grandchildren are doing. Have a wonderful lunch together!

      • weather says:

        Thanks ever so for replying with all the information and good wishes. I’m glad I checked before leaving in a few minutes, and to know Reggie’s just putting on his tough-boy look 🙂

      • weather says:

        While I was out ( my grandchildren are really well, and the lunch and visit were wonderful) your mention of being asked to give a roaming confirmation came to mind, and raised a potentially red flag. I called my local Verizon store explaining the combination of phone and jetpack service deal you got, saying that I, too, was interested yet had a question. He assured me that only with unlimited data plans will the drop to 3G speed after the first 10GB are used and other caveats I’d mentioned pertain. I’ll assume the roaming check was an anomaly based on his current knowledge. It was quick thinking on your part to remove and reinsert the battery, nipping it in the bud and hopefully that won’t recur. As my current plan is paid to date I think I’ll wait a bit before changing anything, until we see how things workout during your current billing cycle with them.

    • Elizabeth says:

      So happy for you Weather…hope time with the grandkids was super!!

  45. Tim in Seattle says:

    That little Reggie man sure is a cute guy. My 175lb Mastiff loves elk antlers too. He does break them down eventually but they last for several weeks. They are more expensive but great for their teeth.

    I have Verizon too and looked at the unlimited plan. Be aware that you get 10 gb PER LINE of high speed data and then they drop you to 3G speeds. So you’ll need to hotspot the phone if you need higher speed data after 10gb runs out on your Mifi. 3G might be fine for a lot of activity but just be aware of this catch. I choose to keep my 18gb plan with rollover for as long as I can.

    Have a great weekend Sue and give that Reggie a hug from the blogorinos.

  46. So nice to have the wide open spaces surrounding you. Glad to hear the new frig is working out so well – ’tis the little things :-))) Reggie and his new toy look like a perfect match!

  47. Liz says:

    Hi Sue & Reggie!
    Looks like Reggie is enjoying his two new treats! I’m not if this will help or not, but if you go to Technomadia & click on the video, Cherie does an approximate 7 minute video of the new Verizon deal.

    Liz-Boise, ID

  48. DeAnne in TN says:

    Hey Sue and Reggie! Just doing my quarterly check-in. Three day weekend is much needed. Our county here in TN was hit particularly hard by the flu and my school was hit the hardest with ill teachers and their families. Of course, I’m too mean to catch anything, but it has been hard to cover classes, use planning periods to help out and change lesson plans because 10% or more of your kiddos are out. The worse seems to be over. I am really excited because I have booked my yearly fall break cruise to Cuba! I know it will be a once in a lifetime experience. Looking forward to it. Glad to hear that everything has been repaired or replaced at your home and am delighted to see all the pictures of the Reggie-man. Take care.

  49. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    Be safe. Hope the bad weather stays away from y’all. 🙄

  50. DesertGinger says:

    We got the remnants of the CA storm here in Tucson today. Very windy and wet all day. I am ready for warm weather! Continue to enjoy my car and slowly learning. The other day I left sitting in my carport in Park, running. I thought it was off. You can’t hear the dang thing. My neighbor came over to tell me my interior lights were on, thank goodness. And I finally learned how to turn the GPS off after you reach your destination. I also keep misplacing the key. I went to valet parking the other day and couldn’t find the key to give the attendant. Since you don’t have to use the key but just have it on you, it is easy to misplace.

  51. Suzi says:

    Laugh if you will, but I’m still catching up with your life on the road. I just finished April 24 of 2015. What spurned the comment here is when you wrote about Reggie’s hand stand. I have to chuckle b/c I have volunteered at our local Humane Society for 7 years as a dog walker (among other things), and over the years there have only been a handful of dogs that handstand when they pee. It’s absolutely hilarious!! It’s always the little male dogs, and each time we get a new one in that does that, I can’t help but watch in amazement and smile. I comment too, on the little golden book ( I still have mine from childhood) of “Pokey” and the white dogs with spots- and your doggies with spots. What’s not to love? When you got Reggie, I was SO excited! Not just b/c he’s so dang adorable but b/c I see this in my volunteer work at the shelter, and adoption events quite often; where someone has looked and waited for the “perfect” dog for a very long time….. it’s just such a heartwarming homecoming when the little guys and gals go home with the “perfect human” too! We always know that’s going to be their forever home and it’s just the best! I live in Vancouver, WA. and enjoy reading about your travels. Back awhile ago you commented about the very soggy TP after your visit to the OR Coast. Boy can I relate! I’ve lived here now for 27 years, after being born and raised in Hawaii. I’m retiring w/in 2 years, with my hubby, and we are already looking at Vans and small trailers. I hope to “see” you all out there very soon! PS. I’m definitely NOT a Klingon! I like to be social, but not close. HaHa.. I see a bit of Sue in myself. LOL. Happy Trails everyone, and be safe. suzicruzi is what I go by 🙂

  52. Shawna says:

    That Reggie is so adorable!
    I totally understand the phone/internet thing. Getting internet while on this adventure has been the bane of my existence. SOOOOO frustrating. It makes me almost, ALMOST, want to stay put back in Calif.

  53. rvsueandcrew says:

    Just a note to let you know . . .

    You may want to hold your comments because a new post is almost ready!


  54. Sonia says:

    Hi, I read all of your posts but don’t comment much. Well guess what? Today will be a day I do. I just love Reggie’s little cute face, don’t tell him I called him cute. LOL. Back in September 2015 I lost a fur-baby and my other fur-baby was just too sad. So a few weeks later I rescued another fur-baby and brought her home. It has been almost 2 years since I have had her and I am just noticing the alikeness (and differences) of Reggie and my Foxy. They both have the spots on their bodies that if you look closely enough you’ll see. They are both light brown and white with white toe nails. Reggie has floppy ears, Foxy doesn’t. Reggie loves to play with toys, Foxy doesn’t. I know you rescued Reggie, have you ever wondered exactly what he may be? About a week ago I was looking at Foxy’s adoption paperwork and saw they have her down as Chihuahua/Dachshund mix. I don’t think Dachshund at all, so I started looking for common Chihuahua mixes. I found that she may be a Chihuahua/Toy Fox Terrier mix, called a “Taco Terrier” or “Chitoxy”. She has all the characteristics of the two breeds. So I went looking for pictures of the mix and was I surprised. What people posted on various sites about their Taco Terriers blew my mind. Here is a site I read that made me interested in learning about this feisty little breed.
    This explains my Foxy to a “T”…What does the Taco Terrier look like?
    This dog is small weighing just 7 to 10 pounds and standing 6 to 10 inches tall. Has brown or hazel eyes that tend to not be as bulging as the Chihuahua, and are oval shaped. The ears are large and pointy and has a muzzle that might be long and pointed. The head is fox like and his body is in proportion, small but sturdy. The front legs are muscular and has a single layered coat that is short. Common colors are black, white, brown, tan, red and brindle.

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