Reggie goes to the vet

Saturday, May 16

Reggie’s eyes don’t match!

His right eye is big and his left eye is little!

This photo gives an idea of what I’m talking about, although there are times when it looks a lot worse than this.

P1040835-001Notice how his left eyelid droops over his eyeball?  He squints that eye and sheds tears from it.  This is not good.

I’m very concerned about Reggie’s eye because a few days ago I saw something floating in that eye. 

It looked like a sliver of wood on his eyeball.  Of course he was channeling Jack Russell at the time, hopping around being hyper, and when I looked in his eye again, the sliver was gone.

Did it come out or did it slide under the lid?  Is it behind the eyeball?  And if the thing is still in there, what does that mean for Reggie?

P1040846Our campsite near Bend, Oregon

I’m not one to run to the vet at every little thing.

However, an eye problem isn’t something I’m going to “wait and see” because I don’t want Reggie to “wait and NOT see!”

Bridget, Reggie, and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle and rush to the animal hospital in La Pine.  

I’m relieved to find it’s open, this being a Saturday and it’s already noon.

P1040836Photo taken later in the day, after closing time.

Reggie is given a 2:45 p.m. appointment.

You know how I like to drag everything out in a long story with every he-said-this-and-I-said-that.  I’ll try not to do that.  Instead I’ll get to the point with a brief summary.

We return at 2:45.

I carry Reggie in and he recognizes the smells.  This gives him the shivers.  A little comforting and he stops.  I hand over Reggie’s shot records to the assistant at the front counter.  She makes up his file.  I put Reggie on the scale.  Nine pounds even.

We are assigned an exam room.

While waiting, Reggie pees on the door frame.  I put paper towels on the puddle to soak it up.   The vet comes in.  Introductions.  I report the sliver I saw in Reggie’s eyes and also that one eye looks bigger than the other.  I also add that he hasn’t given any indication of pain.

The vet looks at Reggie’s face and says the eyeballs are the same.  It’s the eyelid closing around his left eye that makes it seem smaller.

Well, that’s a relief.

Then she examines Reggie’s eye with a light.  She puts drops in it that turn a bright green.  This is to make any scratches on the eyeball visible.  I hold my breath as she examines the surface of his eye.

“I don’t see any scratches.  It looks good.”

I resume breathing.  The drops anesthesize the eyelid area, too, which allows the vet to swab under the lid with a Q-tip.  She notes that there’s inflammation, but it looks clean.

Reggie is being a very good boy through all this.

“You’re going to have this happen periodically with a terrier,” the vet explains.  “They like to stick their face into everything.  They put their eyes in dirty branches.  It would be good to have a saline solution or artificial tears on hand for an eye wash when needed.  If you see a yellow or green discharge, bring him in, of course.

She prescribes an ointment of neomycin-blah-blah-blah-hydrocortisone to be applied twice a day.  She tells me it’s not possible to predict exactly when the inflammation will go away.

I ask a few questions about Reggie’s general health and we’re done!

Oh yeah, the bill. 

Office exam: $49.  Ocular dye/anesthesia: $18.  Ophthalmic ointment: $18.  Total:  $89.

The above scenario occurs while I’m dealing with multiple layers of tech issues over a period of three days.

These are issues involving a visit to Verizon, setting up my new Galaxy S6 smartphone, experiencing the crash of my old computer, removing the hard drive and transferring data to my never-yet-used Lenova computer, dealing with the loss of all “remembered” passwords and re-entering them only to find they aren’t recognized, being unable to log-in to this blog . . . .

P1040840. . . . trying to fix my screwed-up email accounts, can’t access my Amazon Associates account (have yet to deal with that issue), online chatting with Hostgator for a few hours, downloading Picasa to the Lenova and setting up photo files, and, for added fun and frolic, simultaneously learning the infamous Windows 8!

Oh well, that stuff will be resolved.  The important thing is —

Reggie Man’s eye is okay! 



NOTE:  I’m aware of the Classic Shell download for Windows 8, as well as Windows 8.1 and the upcoming Windows 10.  I’ll get to it eventually.

ANOTHER NOTE:   I hate to mention this.  If you are one of the three gawkers (that I’m aware of) at our campsite recently, each of you put another nail into the coffin of this blog.  Drive-by rubbernecking makes me self-conscious to step outside my home.  Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


P1040839Eyes of love


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285 Responses to Reggie goes to the vet

  1. Angie2B says:

    The gawkers could have just been looking at your casita. People look at my Compact Jr all the time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No, I can tell the difference.

      • Chris B - Southern California says:

        I’m sorry. I’ll stop. 😉

        Glad that Rocket Man is good to go!

        Chris B

      • Ruth Rocchio says:

        Sue, since you have income from this blog and your readers, why would you stop? Sending angels.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Ruth,

          Because I value my privacy and peace of mind more than I value the money I receive through this blog. Thanks for the angels!

      • weather says:

        Regarding income and rewards of a person’s endeavors to share their experience,knowledge,joy,wisdom and hope with others-

        One with vitality,talent,gifts and skills,such as Sue,has many options available to market what they have for profit financially and of the heart,isn’t limited to any particular choice like this blog.The balance wherein necessary personal security and ease of mind can be kept is key in making decisions in life.If ones calling is to give something to humanity it need not carry sacrifice beyond what is healthy.

        This note is about my own thoughts on the subject,not meant as advice or in response to anyone else.

  2. Evelyn says:

    I hope Reggie’s eye gets better real fast. It’s hard when our fur babies to have something wrong with them. They are so helpless. Get better soon Reggie.

  3. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Sorry Mr Reggie had to see a doctor. Know you take good care of your fur kids.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Velda. I feel better for having the vet look at him. Her advice will be helpful in the future, too.

      • Sondra-SC says:

        Hi Sue, so glad the eye problem is not bad serious and glad she did a good exam and was able to address the problem with some help! I can see his right eye is puffy. Give him a hug from me…and the Bridge too of course. *S*

  4. sandy says:

    Poor Reggie 🙁 Hope he’s back to himself in no time!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Sandy. Actually, I don’t think Reggie is bothered much. He’s playing and acting silly and wanting to explore. 🙂

  5. Karen LeMoine says:

    So glad Reggie’s eye will be OK! I was holding my breath! Maybe the gawkers are fans trying to get a glimpse of you! Yes it is an uncomfortable position to be in. Be careful and safe!

  6. Utah Bonnie says:

    I’m glad Reggie’s eye is ok. Maybe he needs some terrier size goggles so he can go bushwhack without getting eye boogers and giving his mother heartburn and vet bills.
    I’m sure the tech issues gave you more heartburn though. The nightmare of user names and passwords gives me major angst almost daily.
    I hope the gawkers were just checking out that snazzy Casita.

  7. Glad Reggie is okay! Learning a new computer is NOT fun! That is why it has been over a year since I posted! I do keep all my passwords safely written down however! If anything happens to me, Chuck will know how to get into my several accounts! I change my passwords 2 or 3 times a year anyway! I’d never remember which password went where if I didn’t have them written down! Hahahahaha!
    To the gawkers…. GET OVER IT…. GO AWAY! LEAVE SUE ALONE, SHE DOES NOT NEED YOUR EYEBALLS SNEAKING PEEKS! Blogerino’s follow Sue’s words, there is nothing to be gained by following her from campground to campground! GO AWAY!
    A public service announcement!
    Let us know how you like your new phone…. I need one too !!!
    HuG your fur babies for us!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I don’t know why, but the passwords I wrote down wouldn’t work… I think it has something to do with moving to a new computer. I don’t know. I kept getting treated like I’m attempting to hack or something.

      So far I like my new phone… I’m still learning it.

      Thanks for the public service announcement. Maybe we can put that topic to rest now.

  8. Eye issues are scary…so glad he’s OK! And $89 doesn’t sound too bad for the vet visit. Sorry about all those other problems; hope they’ll all soon be behind you so you can go back to your relaxing life!

  9. Debbie Hearne says:

    Sorry people can’t enjoy what you share with us without infringing on your privacy. I would hate to see you cancel the blog, for me its like getting a letter from a friend. On days when I get stressed out from the world I love opening your blog and sharing the beauty of your photos and the antics of the pups.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Debbie,

      When I read comments like the one you put here, I’m reminded why I write this blog! Thank you.

      • Sally S Jacob says:

        I have to totally agree with Debbie- I really look forward to your posts… and the “away” time you give me… a slice of special times. I enjoy the anticipation of discovering the adventures you and the pups are doing! I have followed you almost from the very beginning… and while we will never meet – you and the pups are a part of my world for sure… and being on my own as well with 2 four footed room-mates I find much in common with the day to day living… may you continue to keep blogging and folks leave you alone!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Sally…

          Like you, I “enjoy the anticipation of discovering the adventures….. ” We take off for a new camp and I wonder what’s ahead for us . . . It’s a pleasure to share that with you!

          Single with dogs… That’s you and me!

          Thanks for the parting wish. I appreciate that! 🙂

          • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

            “with dogs” reminds me of an interview I just saw of a little boy who had a therapy dog.
            News Reporter: What kind of dog do you have to help you?
            Little Boy: He’s a “Golden Achiever”!

      • I’m glad Reggie is better. Eye problems are no fun at all (talking from experience). Too bad about the gawkers. I know how you feel though, it’s hard being a personal person in a public realm. However, I agree with Debbie, you have a great blog Sue!

  10. Jolene says:

    I’m relieved Reggie is ok. The computer stuff I hate. I bought a new laptop in Jan. and I purposely found one that would work for me with Windows 7 on it. I was thrilled because most of them were Windows 8.

    I hate that you are having trouble with gawkers. Someone from our RV group is doing a blog for select friends and family and she decided after she had it set up to go to a private blog and people had to have a password to be able to view it.

    I guess that would be an option and I am sure you get a feel for who you can trust. I hope it never comes to that but it would allow you to continue your blog, keep your Amazon money coming in unless they have a rule about it being in a closed blog. It would also allow you to feel safer that people wouldn’t know exactly what you are doing.

    I have learned the hard way that some people just are out to hurt people sometimes.

    • Jolene says:

      Oh the gal in my RV group is doing a trip to Alaska and they are blogging their trip.

      • Jolene says:

        One more comment about that other blog. I am one that she allowed along for the ride and it has been awesome and you know that they don’t worry about the people reading it because they have allowed each of them to be there.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I see what you’re saying. The thought of having a private blog doesn’t appeal to me. Maybe that’s a carry-over from jr. high school days … too much like a clique! Ha!

          Seriously… I’m glad it works for your Alaska traveler friend. I want my blog easily accessed by new people and sometimes people are snarky and then they are nice again (like me) so I’d hate to shut the door on them.

          Good for you on the Windows 7. I bought this computer a while ago and didn’t know about the troubles with Windows 8 until a few days after the purchase. Oh well. 🙂

          • Jolene says:

            I understand completely what you are saying about the blog and I would feel the same way. Just wanted to throw it out there.

            You’ll get through Windows 8, your’re a smart lady! 🙂

      • c collins says:

        I would certainly be appreciate being allowed access to the Alaska blog . When will it begin and how will I “log-in” ?

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      I’m anticipating having a big learning curve soon. Our older son, who lives with us, has been a Beta tester for a while for Microsoft. He has been playing with Windows 10 for a while and has been rewarded for finding some bugs with a free copy Pro when it comes out, so looks like I will be going there too. I am glad I have him here to walk me through it, but he says it’s not a bad adjustment. He likes 10. I’ll let you know if I have any hair left by the time I get going. LOL
      Sue I have thought about you all day. I don’t know a solution but I treasure my virtual travels with you and hope people keep their nose out of your life. It would be a huge loss to the community of people who look to you to show them the way into full time travel without breaking their bank. I have learned so much here and continue to learn from the wonderful circle you have grown.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Velda,

        You are very blessed, as no doubt you know, to have a capable son to help you. Yes, do let us know about Windows 10 as I’m sure there are interested readers, including moi!

        I appreciate that last paragraph, Velda. I gripe about the downside of blogging, yet my spirits soar when I think of people seeing the possibilities for their life, in spite of limited resources.

        And yes, this is a “wonderful circle”… I’m very grateful!

  11. Elizabeth in WA says:

    We used to have a terrier/blue heeler mix dog…who lived past 14 years by the way. She had dark hair around one eye and light hair around the other, just like Reggie…I had noticed he appears to do what she did…at least outside, she kept the eyelid closed more on the side with the light hair, sometimes almost entirely closed. No vet ever said there was any problem…we just assumed it was due to the difference in the color of the fur around the eyes. Glad Reggie is also ok.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Interesting! I wondered about that, too. Reggie has brown eyelashes on one eye and white eyelashes on the other. In fact, I didn’t take him to the vet right away because I thought the light hair was the reason. It’s hard to say…

      Anyway, I’m applying the ointment just in case…

      • Pam N. says:

        That is so interesting, the different color eyelashes. Glad the little peanut checked out okay! Windows 8? You’re a brave, brave woman. I’ll avoid it and hope 10 is better. Tiles and hidden screens and no Start menu with words…no thanks:)

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Pam N,

          Yeah, no start menu is like trying to drive a car without a steering wheel.

          The different colored eyelashes is one of the things Reggie’s foster dad pointed out when I was taking a look at Reggie at the adoption event. I should call him and give him an update.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Never hurts to apply the ointment…I would do the same. You know I was thinking…my grandma had the lightest blue eyes you ever saw (Dutch and English blood there…) and sunlight was awfully hard on her eyes. Our grandson who has very blue eyes as well, wears sunglasses a great lot (even the very bright lights in our local Walmart bother him)…I wonder if the color of eyes as well as for a dog, the fur around it…well you just wonder…from your photos, I think Reggie has lighter colored eyes than some dogs anyway too…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          His eyes are amber. Not as light as a Husky’s light blue eyes.

          I know what you mean about sensitivity to light. As a redhead with blue eyes I had a lot of trouble when I was younger coping with bright light and glare. My eyelids would redden and tears would form. Funny how that problem went away with age…. Of course, now I wear transition lenses… Maybe I should get some for Reggie. 😉

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Yea, I understand…when my hair was its original color it was auburn…and my eyes are green…not all that dark…so was hard in the bright California sunshine growing up…I imagine you know to have your skin checked every so often too…I have had to have some precancers burnt off…but no big deal…when you get them at that stage anyway.

  12. I am so glad there is nothing seriously wrong with Reggie’s eye! We recently had to take our dog to an eye specialist for an ulcer. I know it is not fun. Neither are computer problems and new phones (hate getting them set up correctly). Hope all is completely straightened out soon.
    On another note — I and the thousands of others who follow you will really get royally ticked if those gawkers don’t CUT IT OUT! I so enjoy your posts, as do a lot of others and I hate to think of a few rotten apples spoil it for everyone else.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa W.,

      An eye specialist for an ulcer? That’s scary. I hope your dog is okay. (Forgive me for not keeping up with your blog… I can’t keep up with all the blogs any more.) Reggie’s little eye incident is nothing compared to that!

      Thanks for the words about my blog. I’m glad you enjoy it.

      • Fall of 2013 my littlest Shih-Tzu tore a hole in one of her eyes, or “ulcerated” it. It was due to her eyes being very dry…a common problem with Shih-Tzus.

        We had to apply 5 different meds on a 2-hour rotation schedule for 4 days straight. 1 of the meds was a serum that was made from the blood of my other Shih-Tzu…since they couldn’t get a vein of the injured Shih-Tzu…so, our other one became a “donor-dog.”
        Doing anything else and she would have lost the eye. The emergency vet didn’t think we’d be able to do the schedule, and was very condescending and kept telling us to take her to an eye specialist.
        Well, of course we did what was required, and she didn’t lose her eye, and we never took her to any specialist. The treatment was actually over a month’s time, after all was said and done. Now she’s on eye ointment twice per day for the rest of her life because of the chronic dryness. I also wash both Shih-Tzus eyes with colloidal silver once per day.

        Just a couple months ago, however, she’s developed a cataract in the OTHER eye. I didn’t think they could develop so quick. Anyway, eyes can be serious business.

        Re tech stuff: I can relate. Although I’m puzzled as to why you’d buy a computer, and then not use it? When I buy a new PC, I can’t wait to get on and get rid of the old one…LOL

        I did just buy a “new-to-me” laptop; it’s a refurb Alienware (Dell) from 2014, with Win 7 and it’s super powerful with both SSD and Hard drives…something I need for all the videos I’m doing, now. Since it’s a year old it also has a optical drive…which they’ve done away with on most LTs now. It took months and months of me researching before I decided to buy it. I love it. I just sold the old LT yesterday for $90. LOL It was a basic, slow, weak Acer from like 6 years ago.

        I’m sorry you’re having problems; yes it treats you like you’re a hacker because you’ve got a new operating system, and probably different security settings. Also, during my process I discovered that the Firefox Browser updater had a virus piggybacking on it. So I also switched to Chrome…wow, what a difference. So glad I switched.

        My phone is the Galaxy S4, which I also love. It’d be pretty hard for me to give it up. I didn’t know the 6 was out already. I read reviews about the S5…and everybody said it wasn’t worth the jump, so I still have my S4. Please let us know how you like the S6, Sue.
        Also, what kind of phone did you have before that, so I know what you are comparing it to?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good golly, what an ordeal with your little dog. You obviously are devoted . . . That’s a tough regimen you went through and you still have to be very attentive. Even your other dog helped by giving blood. Your vet knows what he/she’s doing!

          I didn’t know that about shih tzus. . . the dry eye condition…

          So far I like the Galaxy S6 although I haven’t used it much yet and I’ve never had another smartphone. My last phone was a cheap tracphone or something… A flip phone from Walmart. I used it til it fell apart, held it together with tape for a while. The flip part fell off at one point. Very classy, pulling that puppy out of my purse.

          • LOL…really!? I’m laughing out loud over here! Tape!?

            Well, this is the picture in my head: you’re holding the S6 in both your hands and beams of light are shining from it to the sky…while voices go “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh”….in the background. that’s the scene in my head…seriously!

            As for my devotion….well…I’ve already told you about the ordeal I was having with my parrot, Fred for over a year (We let him go over the Rainbow Bridge last month).

            It’s just all part of life!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              The tape kept the battery from falling out.

              Actually when the Verizon rep handed me my new Galaxy S6 I could hear the theme from “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

              Oh that’s right… You’re the one devoted to the parrot! Gosh, how difficult it must have been to say goodbye…

            • You have no idea!

              It was so, so hard.

              Just today, I went by a parking lot, and the space he and stopped in on his very first visit to the vet. It was just a wellness check…just to set a baseline…we had no idea he would get so sick. Anyway, after we left the vets…we stopped at this shopping center to get a Starbucks…a treat to celebrate a great vet visit. So he was in his traveling cage, and I just brought him into the Starbucks with me.

              Today I went by that exact same spot, and I just burst into tears.

              I feel like I failed him so miserably.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              That guilt after losing someone you love is awful. I hope you can get past that soon.

            • Me too. Thanks Sue.

              The day he passed we found out he was sick with diabetes on top of his chronic infection…I’m sure it played into why he wouldn’t heal up. So then I felt even worse that he was suffering more than we ever knew.

              I appreciate your good thoughts, though 🙂

            • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

              So sorry you had to say goodbye to Fred. Parrots are incredible companions. Our Suzie ( orange winged Amazon) has been with us now 36 years and we know she is at least 40 and she will someday be greatly missed but we are glad she has overcome some health challenges.

            • Thank you for the kind words, Velda. Fred was 52. We were not his first flock, but we had gotten so close in such a short time. It was hard on all of us, since we all pitched in working on him. At least I know he appreciated the efforts we all made.

      • Sue, no worries about my blog — it is really nothing more to keep family and friends aware of what we are up to. My dog had a spontaneous ulcer on her eye that didn’t heal on it’s own (evidently these happen with many middle aged dogs). We went to our vet twice, and finally to the specialist. The new epithelial cells on the eye would not adhere to the cornea as they should. The specialist actually scraped the eye to try and get the cells to attach, it didn’t completely work – so was done a second time. Many drops and much ointment later her eye is good to go.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Whew! It’s amazing what can be done. I’m very, very happy that all the effort (and I’m sure expense!) brought about a good outcome for your dog. I can’t imagine the worry you endured.

  13. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Oh my dear, you have been through the mill lately…your life has been such a wonderful thing to,share, but it simply must be shared on your terms, your rules. Shame on those that violate your privacy, no excuse..ever…

    It would totally creep me out to know I was being scrutinized, for what ever reason, so sorry…

    We returned home from Oregon, our son is struggling along on crutches but the broken foot surgery went well. Why is it that when your child suffers the parent suffers as well?
    So I can sure understand your concern over the issue of Reggie’s eye, poor little guy, but so glad it was treated. I will remember this for future reference if my rowdy terriers have eye issues, off to the vet!

    After reading your experience at Collier State park, I for sure want to camp up there now. I spent one night there last fall, but I just went to meet my son and his family for a brief time. Will probably go back up within a couple of months to camp a few days ,as son and family will be moving into their first home of their own. I told him I wasn’t too good at moving furniture but I could make a big dinner outside on the grill for his moving buddies..why is it a person gets a broken foot just before your house closes? Oh man, talk about Murphyed. So we will mix work and fun…get away before we have to work too hard, lol.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      Good to hear your son’s foot surgery went well. Is there ever a good time to have a broken foot? 🙂

      Oh, my trip “through the mill” is nothing compared to what others are going through. At least I’m not on crutches when having to move!

  14. Shawna says:

    The Chiweenie Brothers and I send heartfelt “get better soon” wishes to the Reg Man, and to you RVSue, that all those techie problems will soon be resolved.
    And don’t you dare even entertain a single thought about letting the blog go! I am sure you can get some readers to help you rid yourself of those gawkers.

  15. Ukulele Teri says:

    Glad Reggie is okay. I like the idea of goggles, they would look so cute on him!

    Your Blog is a breath of fresh air. I live vicariously through your travels, and make notes for some of my own. I don’t think I will be full timing anytime soon as the other half is not into that.

    We are planning a 4 week trip this August, since I don’t have to get back for the start of the school year this year. YAHOO. Not much boondocking in remote places. We will be hitting the National Parks, Yosemite, Lassen, Crater Lake, Glacier, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons. The CA and OR parks are to break up the drive. The bulk of our time will be in Montana and Wyoming.

    To the gawkers, knock it off!!

    Happy Trails to you Sue and Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Teri,

      Wow! You have an exciting itinerary planned! Have a wonderful time . . .

      I like the way you describe my blog… “a breath of fresh air.” I’ll try to remember that the next time I’m tempted to stink it up. Haha!

      Happy trails to you, too…

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Not that Sue is likely to get them, but “Doggles” are nifty looking for dogs that can use them (sticking head out window of car, riding in motorcycle sidecar, etc.)

      I see they are available on Amazon, too.

  16. So glad to hear Reggie’s eye has no problem. I can certainly understand your concern. I just don’t get gawkers. What for? And why? Sheesh, at least the rock stars make millions of dollars for the lack of privacy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sherry,

      Love your last line… so true! Yeah, Reggie’s okay. I want to take good care of him.

  17. weather says:

    Note to gawkers and other losers pulling similar stunts regarding invading solitude-

    Get a life people-if you don’t have enough pride not to follow someone around that clearly wants nothing to do with you-at least fake it for dignity’s sake,hire a date if you need attention that badly!Feigning liking someone so much that you can’t resist the chance to see them is pure deception.If you cared you’d respect their boundaries.That behavior can lead to your being sorry one day,not everyone is as non-aggressive as Sue when defending their privacy-or that of those they care about-enough said.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, weather. Apparently this isn’t something that’s going to stop. I tried nice. I tried nasty. I tried repeated messages about privacy. If I don’t fight it I’m afraid it means more gawkers, more photos of our camp, more photos of me without my permission and so forth.

      I don’t think it’s repeat gawkers. It’s new gawkers every time, probably thinking, oh well, I’ll just take a quick look… I really hate bringing it up, but I don’t know what else to do.

      • NV Teacher says:

        Your encounter reminds me of a movie I watched on Netflix called Tracks. It’s about a women that walked 1700 miles across Australia with four camels and her dog. A couple of stories were written about her and pretty soon she had tourist groups driving out in the desert to find her and get her picture. I hope the lookie-loos don’t ruin it for everyone. I’ve enjoyed your posts so much I’m researching Casita travel for my retirement.

        • Monica-CA says:

          I recently watched that movie, Tracks. I thought of Sue while watching the movie. That was a great movie!

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I’ve never seen the movie, but enjoyed the book when it came out (around 20 years ago). Author is Robyn Davidson.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good luck NV Teacher finding your “magic carpet” for retirement travel. Thank you for stopping by with a comment. That woman (Tracks) sounds tough!

  18. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    I’m so glad Little Man is ok and you took him to the vet to get him checked out. Terriers need nine lives like cats have because they’re always sticking their heads in, under and around anything that looks interesting. I know the gawkers must be annoying, but you’ve become such a celebrity I’m surprised the paparazzi aren’t following you too !! I just know I’ll be in the grocery store checkout line some day and see you and the Crew on the front page of one of those gossip magazines!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      “Little Man”…. I like that! Well, as for gossip magazines, show me the money!!! 🙂

  19. Betty Shea says:

    RvSue,you are dealing with so much!Reggie is fine and the tech stuff will get done…take a deep’ll all work out!
    When I get gawkers..I pretend to pick my nose…they go away!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Betty Shea,

      I appreciate the suggestion but I can see a photo of myself picking my nose being circulated on Facebook. Good heavens! LOL!

      Oh, my life isn’t bad, just going through a little tech turbulence . . .

      • Betty Shea says:

        Not to forget Instagram,Twitter,tumbler and Flicker…LOL !!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Boogers go viral!!!

          • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

            I gotta tell a booger story. One day years ago I was on my way home and stopped at the last stoplight before my turn into the neighborhood. Something caught the corner of my vision and I turned just in time to see the driver next to me pick his nose and look at it. The kicker? The car next to me was a Roseville police officer, and the driver, yes, a uniformed officer. I quick turned my face away and laughed so hard I cried. Good thing I was almost home.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Oh, I hope he doesn’t google “Roseville police officer” and see your comment! Embarrassing! You were good to look away and hide your laughter.

  20. kathy ann says:

    I have do much on the past wanted to comment, but for some reason or another I haven’t, but I must today. Please don’t leave, Stop your blogging or close it up (unless I can come too). Your blog makes my day. I stop everything to enjoy your travels. Look at the pretty pictures and cute puppies. I hope that some stupid people don’t cause you to leave. I hope they are reading this, cause that’s rude of them. I know I would never intrude. Do a drive by or anything. My family are avid (rabid ) duners, and I knew exactly were you were at when you were in the area but the would be no way I would intrude, heck I didn’t tell my husband until we were home that I knew (not that he would of done something) I just kept it a secret when I was there. Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy Ann,

      So nice to hear from you! No, I don’t plan to close down my blog. I wrote that because, if anything does close down my blog, it will be loss of privacy.

      Thank you for being very considerate. You sound like a very nice person and you make me happy saying my blog makes your day.

      You take care, too. 🙂

  21. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Hi Sue. Glad to here the Regman is doing fine. Pets are pretty stoic when it comes to such things. Scamper had an abscessed tooth and had to have 4 teeth removed and he has to go back to get 4 more done. However he never let on that he was in any pain and if I hadn’t noticed the swelling I wouldn’t have known. I did notice he wasn’t eating like he used to though. $89 is nothing, try $850 with more to come.
    I would advise against using a third party product trying to recapture windows 7. MS removed the entire interface and whoever is trying to reinvent it may get most of it but possibly not everything and eventually MS will change the OS so that the old interface won’t work. Also if you have an issue MS won’t support it. Just move with the times.
    I know you don’t want a lot of stuff but I use an external hard drive to store all my critical stuff so if the computer crashes I won’t lose it. Quite often it is a hard drive crash that kills the machine and you won’t be able to get it back.
    As to passwords I use a kind of formula/pattern I devised for my needs, It supports different levels of security and the occasional need for changing. Just come up with a pattern that is easy to remember for you. Being a former math teacher you should be able to come up with something.
    Don’t worry too much about gawkers, you’ve become a bit famous and occasionally someone will recognize you. You have had several people recognize you, like the man with the lost dog, with no problems and you didn’t seem to mind it. And knowing how you don’t want visitors they stayed away. I really don’t see how you could expect much more from people.
    Wishing you the best, Enjoy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alan,

      Yeah, I’m not squawking over $89! I’m sorry you, your wallet, and Scamper are going through all that. Best wishes…

      I’m not going to download Windows 7. There’s a newer version of Windows 8 and I’m told by the Verizon guy that Windows 10 will be coming out and those of us who have Windows 8 will be able to download that. In the meantime, people seem to do okay with Classic Shell which fixes the desktop to a regular Windows.

      By the time I get around to downloading Classic Shell, I won’t need it. I’ll be used to this dang Windows 8!

      You say I can’t expect more from people? I can’t expect people to be considerate? I can’t expect people to not hover around my home? How many people would stand for that?

      As for “the man with the lost dog”… You mean Rusty. That brings up an important distinction. I’m glad you gave me the opportunity to clarify. Rusty is a real-life friend. Gawkers are NOT real-life friends. They’re strangers.

      You say don’t worry about gawkers? I’ve revealed a lot about myself. I’ve offended some people. Strangers staring at me at my home give me the creeps.

      I know you mean well. I’m not upset with you. I’m just sensitive that this intrusion is something I should accept.

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        No I wasn’t talking about Rusty, Just recently a man had lost his bird dog and asked you if you had seen it, and then he recognized you.
        I understand your concerns but people are people and well they seem to be quite obnoxious and rude when it comes to others and do things that they wouldn’t want done to them. Many people seem to live vicariously thru others and just can’t curtail their actions or interests.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Okay, another distinction… The guy who lost his bird dog was acting normally. He didn’t come to my campsite because he wanted to gawk at RVSue or to take a picture of my camp because it’s where RVSue lives. He came to my camp because he wanted another camper to be on the look-out for his dog.

          I’m not saying no one should come to my camp. I just don’t want to be treated like an object of curiosity. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to clarify further.

  22. weather says:

    Hi Sue ,as always,feel free to edit or delete whatever you choose to in my comments.On a lighter note ,Thank God nothing was stuck in Reggie’s eye.My pups like to stick their faces in things ,too,a bee’s nest,porcupine’s side and skunk’s trail come to mind.I’m glad you found a vet open and were able to relax about at least that issue.I’d wondered when you’d need to start using your new laptop and am impressed that you got as far as you did with making that and your phone work,what a hassle.Your years of diligence in so many areas is,once again, paying off by making you able to tackle things until you experience success.Thank you for posting when you have so much to do,I hope you find time to have pleasure and peace.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, weather. You always know what to say to put me back on track. I’m hoping the gawker topic will die out so we all can talk about happier things! Thanks for the option to delete…

      • weather says:

        Happier things like one morning soon when it’s coffee time you’ll hear the Pacific’s waves as I hear the lake’s- and pups tuck in near us as we type about morning song and Light’s gifts… 🙂 have a really nice evening

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’ve decided there’s no hurry any more to go to the coast as I’ve missed the window for the pre-season time. I need to find a quiet place to go through the Memorial Day weekend and then think about our next move.

          • weather says:

            Missing that window opens others-to spend time where and when you choose,always nice to have that 🙂 and to know holidays and the festivities involved with them only last so long.Thanks for fixing the typo earlier,guess I was paying attention to focusing on what you give instead of my sentence.I appreciate so many such kindnesses that you extend…We have a distant rumble of thunder here.NY state’s radar shows rainstorms passing through until late this evening.As I enjoy exciting skies and winds,and have my little fur pal in her Thundershirt,I’m happy about the changes and experience the gorgeous clouds will bring.

            Hope your latest efforts in accessing your accounts and the rest are proving fruitful.My goodness, you put a lot of time into managing things,may you be eternally rewarded for all that you do.Hugs to darling Bridget and little Reggie .

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You’re kind to acknowledge the time I put into this blog and all the rest. I’m thrilled to have the time — all my own to do as I wish!

              I’m rewarded beyond measure for what I give here. I look at the comments under this one post and, gosh, it’s hard to believe . . . so many good people wanting to share and help and even ready to “rise up” on my behalf. Most of all, I’m rewarded with interaction with some very special people like you, weather.

              I’m glad the thundershirt calms your pal. We had rain for a while today, too. The drumming on the roof is like a lullaby. The three of us curled up together under the covers. Such a sweet time, listening to the rain and the breathing of my tender babes napping.

              You won’t see this until morning… Hope you slept well. 🙂

    • weather says:

      Thanks,Sue and Good Morning,I did sleep well and awakened to paths strewn with new flowers, that the rain drops are still on- from last night’s thunder storm.Violet colored petals on some,others white and fresh-none are much larger than the sparkle in an eye and there are hundreds of them!Sweet scents blend with the smell of pine and the lake’s clear water splashing on the sand makes walking outside a really intense experience,wow! I’m touched that you placed me within a “some very special people” category…

      On a page where we’re tip-toeing around on eggshells cautious to distinguish terms,real-life,virtual…Ha! I’m fascinated with words so note one definition of virtually means actually.Having taken the actions to “interact=have an effect on each other” ,and establish a “friendship=it is when someone comes to rescue you from a rough phase of life” …we’re friends,it’s truly that simple.I hope today spending time as you wish includes carefree bits that stretch into long ones 🙂

  23. Monica-CA says:

    Poor puppy! Glad to read that it isn’t a serious eye problem. Sorry to read about all your other problems with modern technology. I have been reading some of the blogs of folks hiking the PCT this year. This year is a record number requesting permits, some 2,000. That’s too many folks walking together, but I’m sure many will drop after the first month. Some of the information from the bloggers makes the trip seem like they aren’t even hiking in the wilderness. Either too many people or frequent stops into towns are the main topic of their posts. I prefer your adventures of solitude and nature. I’m looking forward to your next location. Oregon looks very pretty. Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Monica,

      That’s interesting about the crowds walking the Pacific Coast Trail. Gee, it sounds like a highway. 🙁

      Yes, solitude is better and one doesn’t have to hike the PCT to enjoy and appreciate the blessings of nature. Thanks for writing…

  24. Nancy says:

    Hello Sue,

    First let me say I hope you never go away due to gawkers, but I can understand your consternation regarding this invasion of your privacy.

    One of my cats loves to protect our yard to the extent that he will entangle with one of the many ferals who loves to roam these parts. He’s tough but he’s no match for them. Consequently, he has had this same thing happen to him and I was all bent out of shape, too. No one messes with my pets! Vet said and did the same thing and all was well, but it’s been six months and although the eye doesn’t weep as much, it’s still incongruent with the left. Looks exactly like Reggie’s eye in the photo.

    As for your tech issues, you are Albert Einstein compared to me! LOL I had trouble even envisioning some of the things you described. Technology offers wonderful things but &%$# is it a pain in the @*$ to deal with. You’ve got all the smarts, however, just need the time and patience.

    Again, please don’t go anywyhere because there are many of us who are quite content to know you only in virtual space, who get a real lift from reading about your life, and we’d miss you a lot if you did decide to go offline.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nancy,

      It’s tough to ignore an eye issue, as you know with your cat. Elizabeth (above) made an interesting comment regarding the “smaller” eye…

      I’ll have to train myself not to worry over it, unless there’s a colored discharge or something obvious. He’s going to have sensitivities, like your cat…

      Oh, I’m no techie. It takes me days to fix things that others fix in a few minutes. And most of the time I have to find someone to fix things for me!

      Thanks for the kind words about me and my blog.

  25. Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

    I’m really glad to hear Reggie’s eye is better, and that you now know what to lookout for now. 🙂

    Like everyone else here, I love reading your blog. I’d hate to see it go. I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to suggest that you delay posting it to the web until you’ve moved on. I, for one, would enjoy it just as much. Maybe more knowing your privacy was being protected! 🙂

    Lastly, I keep all my passwords in a Word File. I protect the Word File by requiring a password to open that file. In Word 2007, which I use, this is a complicated process as described here:

    I imagine all Word programs after 2007 have this feature in them. The trick is figuring out how to do it. I would have never figured it out were it not for the reference above. 🙂

    Happy Trails Sue!! Larry

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry M.,

      Thanks for the suggestion about delaying the blog. I’ve done that and the quality of conversations drops with the loss of immediacy. Anyway, that’s not going to solve the nosy people from stalking my campsite. Thanks for the link.

      I don’t have Word. Forgive me if I don’t investigate this right away. I’ve been up to my ears in technology lately. I write my Passwords on paper and then tape those papers to the inside of my cabinet doors. Old school.

      Happy Trails, Larry!

      • Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

        As long as none of your passwords are “password”. LOL 🙂

        You don’t carry your bank pin #s in your billfold I hope! LOL 🙂

        I’m not crazy about where you keep your passwords… 🙂

        Here’s one for you. Save your passwords into a word, or whatever, document file. Then email the file to yourself. (A lot of people don’t realize that they can actually send emails to themselves.) As long as you don’t delete the email, it’ll probably remain up there in the cloud forever. Subject the email “Dear Auntie”, or something which doesn’t describe what it really is.

        Then maybe save the file to a CD which you can hide. Maybe label the CD “Country Music”! LOL Delete the document file from your computer if it’s not password protected!

        I could go on, but the above will protect you in 99% of bad scenarios… while allowing you to keep your passwords available, and safe.

        As always, HAPPY TRAILS Sue!


        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Gosh, you don’t like the tape-it-to-the-cabinet-door method. I can do a lot with tape.

        • Sandy in Georgia says:

          That’s what I was going to suggest. I emailed a file to myself which stores my passwords. I have had to retrieve it twice. Worked like charm.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Only thing is, I don’t think e-mail is particularly secure – I mean, unless you have a special encryption/portal/etc.

            Not that it’s not fine to choose a less-secure way to deal with passwords; I only think it’s an issue if the actual security isn’t what you think it is. Sue knows just exactly how secure her papers-stuck-to-cabinet door are, and so that’s fine. I’m no expert, but I think using open e-mail may not be as secure as one is expecting, and that mismatch is where I see a potential issue.

            Many people use something like “OnePassword,” which is on your local drive, and or there are online services that are supposed to keep it all secure (depending on how much you trust that concept). I think one might be LastPass.

            I do something more similar to Sue’s method (although not exactly the same). Anyway, just wanted to mention that open e-mail is something you might want to look into in terms of it not being all that secure.

  26. Pat in Rochester says:

    Sue, I would miss you and the crew so much. I hope it never comes to that. Oh, and get well wishes to Reggie.

  27. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Sue: feel free to delete this if you don’t want links on your blog, but out of curiosity I googled “portable motion sensor alarms” and found this:

    Pretty inexpensive and you can set it or a nice “chime” or a loud alarm. It might be great for embarassing the gawkers and keeping them away!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the link, Cynthia. Mostly the people drive up to my campsite, sit and stare, or drive by my site once or twice, rubbernecking. Or use the next campsite as a lookout point. A motion sensor wouldn’t fit this situation. I don’t want to sound an alarm when the ranger or camp host or regular, non-snooping visitor comes around! 🙂

  28. AlisonPNW says:

    I am SO glad to see little (9 lb!) Reggie is fine, It’s so troubling when we are worried about our pets. And that now you have got through the hurtle of his first trip to vet. Seems he recovered well. What a scare! Reasonable fee too. Look forward to hearing more from you as you cross through Oregon. You have the ability to make an old familiar place seem new again. And you see the best in a campsite someone else might drive right by because it’s not “spectacular” enough.
    Oh and also: Technology. Hate it. My condolences. A necessary evil, kind of like getting your drivers license renewed the old fashioned way used to be. Hope it gets squared away soon!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alison,

      Yeah, I love Reggie so much that I’m afraid of the worst and turns out it’s not a big deal.

      I smiled to read that I “make an old familiar place seem new again.” What a nice thought! You mentioned how someone might turn down a campsite because it isn’t “spectacular” enough. I’ve had that thought about a campsite but took it anyway and then it turned out to be great! First impressions aren’t always accurate.

  29. Barbara in NJ says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! My husband and I are motorhome “1/2” timers and really enjoy reading about your adventures. Keep up the good work, you are very inspiring . Our little puppy is three years old and already has about 20,000 “road miles” on him, isn’t it great to experience the adventure through their eyes too?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara in NJ,

      Another Barbara! 🙂 Yes, having pets along makes travel experiences better. Thanks for the encouragement and enthusiasm for my blog. Welcome to you and your husband… Nice hearing from you.

  30. Susan says:

    I am glad Reggie is okay. I can so relate to the tech problems . I have been having all of the same problems for over a month now. Computer crash, new computer, loss of email use for my main email cause apparently it was so old it all of a sudden doesn’t work anymore !!! Now, I have gone with a Apple computer as I found windows 8 to be so frustrating. I love the apple but of course it is a learning curve as well !!!

    Bend looks awesome ! Don’t think I have been there . Was just reading about it on “wheeling its ” blog . Did you run into them ? Looks like they where recently there as well.

    By the way, you may not know who I am but I have followed your blog for years and post every now and then.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      Yes, it is difficult to keep all the Susans apart. It’s a popular name in our generation. 🙂

      Thank you for following my blog “for years.” Good luck with learning the Apple!

  31. Sharon says:

    Hi Sue, I read your blog to learn about all the amazing places you go and the places to camp. The Ruby Mtns got my attention recently. I am familiar with Big River CG, and camped there about a year ago. That CG is very close to a residential area, and there is a high traffic use driving around the loop., even at night. I found that traffic to be disturbing. Maybe if you were further out in the forest it would be better. I am happy that your dog is fine. It is sure nice to know what to do next time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sharon,

      I don’t know when you were here, maybe in warmer weather? I haven’t seen a lot of traffic on the loop. Campers come in for Saturday and then leave Sunday morning. The rest of the week there’s only one or two campers or none. Like most camps, one time it’s peaceful, another time it’s not.

      I do think I’d be wise to leave here before Memorial Day Weekend. Our 14 days will be up anyway.

  32. Wheelingit says:

    Very glad Reggie’s eye is ok!! Sorry about the tech troubles. I sure know what that’s like. We recently went with a password program (LastPass) that keeps all our passwords centrally for us and can be accessed from either of our computers. When everything settles for you, that might be something to look at. Hopefully this is it and you have no more tech issues for a while!!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nina,

      I’ve heard about these password programs. Seems like a method people like. With my track record, I’d put all my passwords in a program and then not be able to open the program. 😉

      • AJ says:

        I can recommend LastPass, I use it as an extension in the Chrome browser.
        All you have to remember is one password for LastPass.
        And if you need to, you can access it on another or new computer with just that main password.
        It will even generate random passwords like websites want you to have (at least 1 number, 1 symbol, 1 cap, ETC.) which you (or I) could never remember, but it does.

  33. Kay Dattilio says:

    Sue, 3 things, 1. I am so glad Mr. Reggie is ok. From what I’ve read on your blog…we folks love our animals and treat them like family. We are stressed and distressed when something is wrong with them. 2. I am somewhat tech. challenged so have no idea what you are dealing with phone/computer, etc. 3. Give the stalking gawking idiots the finger and keep on blogging! We need you! Kay from KC

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      Well, you’re a spunky lady! I’ll keep that middle finger strategy in mind. As it is, I duck inside the BLT and hide very un-spunkily!

      Nice to hear from you always… 🙂

  34. Wendy Wyatt says:

    I have myasthenia gravis, so when I saw Reggie’s eye, it was the first thing I thought of. Hopefully he got something in his eye and it will be the last time you have to worry. I looked up MG in dogs and terriers are specifically mentioned as being at risk. Just something to file away, and I hope you never need the info.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Wendy,

      Oh, when I saw Reggie’s eye I imagine all sorts of things… MG was the elephant in the room, er, BLT. I certainly hope we never have to deal with that. I’m sorry you have it. Thanks for the link.

      And thanks for stopping by! Good to see you here!

  35. PookieBoy north of houston says:

    Windows 8…..EEEEEKKKKKKK!!
    what happened to windows 98?……my mama always said….IF IT AINT BROKE
    DONT FIX IT…..

  36. Judi Copley says:

    I am happy you are back after a week of tech-horrors. And, I am very happy Reggie’s eye is ok! I hope this week is an improvement.

  37. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Anything involving the eyes….is scary! Glad it wasn’t major and your were able to find a vet.

    A bottle of simple saline (soft contact lens type) is pretty handy to keep in the First Aid kit for you and the crew. It can be used for wound washing or rinsing the eye. Used as a stream…it can flush a foreign body out..avoiding further damage. Of course you’re gonna get soaked in the process! Hah.

    Can’t help with the tech problem. I did notice your name was in purple lettering yesterday. You know…like those who have their blog attached to their name. (Don’t know what that is called)

    As for the gawkers…..some folks just don’t think the “clue phone” is ringing for them! Another thought is….some folks are jealous of your success and know that is one of your pet peeves.

    Are you playing with reg man’s paws? He’s got them see thru nails which are really easy to clip!

    Have a great evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I appreciate the tip on how to use a saline solution. I’m a terrible nurse so feel free to give me that kind of advice any time. I’m going to pick up saline solution next trip to the grocery store.

      I’ve clipped Reggie Man’s nails and he’s due again. It went okay the other time. I gave him a bite of chicken after each one. I need to take care of his nails more often like you do AOs, every Sunday. 🙂

      Yes, I’m aware of a few nitwits who talk about getting together to drive by my camp and annoy me. I understand the thrill of doing that. In fact, I’ve done something similar myself. I think I was ten or eleven.

      You have a great evening, too!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Walmart has inexpensive brands.

        Make sure you check the expiration date…anything that goes into the eye..dig WAY in the back of their stock.

        Chicken is a good bribe! When AO was a pup…I would use a LED penlight to see the quick (black nails)…so I let her play with the LED as I snipped! That worked as a distraction for awhile….until she chewed the @$%# out of it and it wouldn’t turn on!

        Yes every Sunday….inside cats, ferals and AO!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Gee your nail-clipping regimen puts me to shame.

          Good advice on expiration date…

          BTW, my name showed as purple because I was turned into a regular reader. I couldn’t access the admin page!

          • Cinandjules (NY) says:

            Ah ……a commoner for a day!

            I get my hard contact solution in Syracuse. Needless to say I hoard. Often times the dates are close to expiration so I dig dig and dig!

            It’s an OCD thing…plus the sound of nails clicking on the hardwood floor drives me nuts!

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        When you flush an eye, wash from midline towards the outer corner. Saline is a great thing to keep. I Have a box made I think by Allergan a contact lens supplier of these little plastic ampules witha break off tip, made ESP for rinsing eyes. When you visit Wallyworld look near contact lens supplies, might have the product. I keep a few in our rv first aid kit for emergencies.

  38. CRedd n Tx says:

    Hi Sue & Crew

    So glad Reggie’s eye is okay, and that he was a good patient for the doctor. Perhaps he knew the doctor was trying to help him, and make sure he got better.

    Technology. As others have said, it’s great when it all works as it is supposed to, but a real pain when it doesn’t. Sometimes when I have used a different computer to login to one of my accounts, the host does not recognize my computer. It had something to do with an EIC number – seems each computer has a unique EIC number.

    As I have mentioned (at least I think I have) I drive a school bus as well as substitute in the classroom at the high school. I have a set of rules posted on my bus and Rule #1 is “Treat others with courtesy and respect including their rights and property”. When you apply this message as it is intended, there will be no need for other rules. As you, I crave my privacy and alone time.

    Sue, your blog is the main one I follow, I follow only a few. I look forward to your post each time. I read the blog and all the comments. The comments section adds so much to your blog as lots of interesting and useful information is exchanged. I find it very educational as well.

    I encourage you to please keep blogging as we blogerinos have grown so attached to reading about your adventures, and sometimes misadventures. Seems you are really enjoying the area wherein you are now located.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Clayton,

      Always good to see one of my favorite Texans here! Thank you for the encouragement and the enjoyable comment.

      Yes, you’re right on the change in computers and not being recognized. Very frustrating!

      And you’re also right about needing only one rule for people to get along. That’s one of the first things taught in courses for teachers on classroom management. Actually it’s a great rule for the entire population of the world!

      School bus driver… Man, you’re brave.

      I’m proud to read that my blog is the main one you follow. That’s a really nice compliment. 🙂

  39. Taranis says:

    I’m sorry to hear of all the tech issues you’re having, Ms. Sue. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones where setting up and using different operating systems and smartphones comes easy (I run a few Windows Server and Ubuntu Linux virtual machines on ESXi and Workstation (<- that part is for the techies around here!)

    In my daydreaming about someday doing the vagabond lifestyle, I often wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to put together a vagabond tech blog/website/reference – something that's written especially for the mobile lifestyle and that's easy to read, digest, written for the non-technical person, with plenty of step-by-steps and screenshots. As I'm a Systems Administrator and Engineer already, I write tech instructions for our Sales guys all the time (and they are very non-technical people).

    I know the Technomads have done something very similar – in fact, they've gone far beyond what I would have the time for. But it would seem like having some basic recommendations/walk-throughs for password security, browser plugin's, "Do's & Don'ts", getting familiar with Windows 7/8, etc would be handy. Like a Field Guide sort of.

    Anyway, enough rambling on that subject.

    I'm happy to hear Sir Reggie is going to be okay. Eyes are nothing to mess with. I couldn't help but think, "Wow!" If only I could've gotten away with that kind of a bill when I got a piece of blackberry bush in my eye a few years ago. I think that bill was several hundred. Maybe I should walk on all four's, wiggle my butt and bark at the mailman. The neighbors already think I'm weird.. what could it hurt?

    As for your gawkers.. well I can only hope they come to their senses. Some people think the rules apply to everyone but them. Truth be told, I'm afraid of getting the crap beat out of me (and I'm 6'6" and 260) or worse yet, an assignment of college-level math (word problems **shudder**) with a due date of Wed.

    I don't care what anyone says, that's a whole lotta "Nope!" right there. Head down, keep movin'. 🙂

    Enjoy your evening, Ms Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Taranis,

      I can’t advise you or even understand you when you talk about your vagabond tech advice dream. I can say this: If you see a need and have a vision for filling that need, chances are you’re onto something good! Go for it!

      Ooh, blackberry bush in the eye….. I assume your eye is okay… I hope so.

      Enjoy your evening, too! It started raining as I typed this comment. It’s a lovely sound on this fiberglass house of mine. 🙂

      • Taranis17 says:

        Oh yes it’s fine. I was pulling out about 1/4 acre of the stuff by hand. Took a long time, but was great exercise. Anyway, I have no idea how it happened, but went to the hospital where I worked at the time. They did about the same procedure as they did for your Reggie, only he found something. Scratched my cornea, which healed in about a week. Been fine ever since.

        We had a wonderful thunderstorm last night. Lightning and thunder everywhere. I cracked open a window and let the soft pit-pat of the rain mixed with the rolling booms lull me right to sleep.

        My wife, for her part, pulled our Great Pyreneese onto the bed and sandwiched herself between him and me so the thunder wouldn’t get her. The dog approved of course, and takes his protective position quite seriously. The comfy bed doesn’t hurt either. The drool, however, is a problem.

  40. Sharon says:

    So glad Reggie is ok. I love reading about the little man and Bridget as dogs are my passion. I have 2 myself. Hope you keep your blog going as it is the first one I check when I am through with my day and always look forward to see what is going on with the 3 of you and your adventures. I also jot down hits for being on the road as my husband and I hope to have our first RV sometime this summer. We will be part-timers and I learned about solar from your blog and we plan to have a system installed. I think it is very rude of people to invade your privacy and totally understand as I am kind of an introvert.

    Take care and continued prayers for healing of Reggie’s eye.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sharon,

      I can’t explain how I feel warmth coming from your comment, the part about how you check it and look forward to it and love reading about the crew. It’s like being hugged with words. Thank you.

      Reggie’s eye looks better already. You send high-speed prayers! 😉

      Have a good evening…

  41. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    So glad Reggie is okay.
    I don’t post very often but, You have changed our lives! We have been going fishing to a urban pond in the valley. It has a handicap fishing pier and cement walkway all the way around it. Hubby has even caught several fish.
    I am hoping he starts feeling good enough to start camping soon.
    I have learned a lot from you and others bloggers, so a big thanks!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Michelle. Hello to you and Hubby!

      I love hearing you’re out and about, going fishing. I hope your husband feels better so you can take that super-duper, tricked-out rig of yours to some neat campsites this summer.

      I’ve seen several campgrounds and parks like you describe, with cement walkways, and fishing piers with ramps. You have the initiative and gumption to find them. Thanks for keeping in touch!

    • MB says:

      I LOVE the area around Salt Lake! Logan Canyon…..Bear Lake…….Good memories. 🙂 Have fun out there! MB from VA

    • MB says:

      So…..PS. I suppose everything is relative…..Logan Canyon is a bit on up the line from Salt Lake. But when you’re in VA, it seems to be “in the area”. ;-P

  42. Ron in Tx says:

    Well shucks mam, you cant blame a feller for gawking at a good looking female,it just comes natural.
    Ducking before Sue punches me
    The way things are nowdays it might be a female gawking at a good looking women

  43. kgdan says:

    Hi, Sue! Here’s something to brighten your day. Today, while Gil was pruning one of our Hawthorn trees, he noticed a nest. He looked inside & there inside were 3 newly hatched birdies. They had their mouths open begging for food, possibly thinking he was mama bird. He backed away carefully.

    We are getting an upper hand on the yard & things are starting to look pretty. I harvested & immediately ate 5 strawberries today. This week put 4 new tires & shocks on our new TV–big sucker! Had to install running boards in order for me to get in it! Still looking for that elusive new trailer.

    Your photos keep us hankering for the road. Longer & longer stretches between Dr. appts. so that’s good. Weather is very good here. You keep heading north, y’hear?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy,

      Your home sounds nice…. baby birds in nests and freshly picked strawberries…

      Wow! Your truck is having a make-over! Great to hear Gil is doing well… and that Yakima is having good weather! We’ll get to Washington before the summer’s out… Enjoy your home and good luck rig shopping.

  44. Glinda says:

    Sweet baby Reggie. So glad he is ok.

  45. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    So glad Reggis is okay and already showing improvement.
    I would also be annoyed with gawkers. Your blog helps me keep my RV dream alive. It is also entertaining and I love seeing the beautiful photos of parts of the country that realistically, I may never get to see. I check several times a day to see if a new post is up.
    I’d sign up for the email alert, but I check the blog before my email. (I do not have a smart phone.)
    Keep up the good work, Sue and hopefully the idiot gawkers will get a life of their own and leave you alone.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Keeping the dream alive…. That’s my goal! Thanks for all the encouragement you give me. I’m sorry I’m not more regular … with the posts, I mean! Ha! 😉

  46. A Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    Hi Sue,
    Big follower here (not in campgrounds!) Former vet tech and also Persian cat owner here. For Reggie eyes (also Bridgitte) Next time in Walmart or Walgreens and get the saline solution for contact lens. You can use their brand it’s all the same. Comes in a big squeeze bottle for around a dollar. Feels so good (try it!) squirting that little stream in the eyes. It’s PH balanced for natural eyes and give a nice fresh wash. Keep the leftover neo/hydro cream, it never goes bad and you will need it later. A tiny bit in the eye melts and goes a long way. Great stuff! They will both get used to the squirts because it feels so good. lol saline squirts that is. You’ll see. If it had been foreign object it would have been swollen shut and horrible looking. But she’s right Terriers and their noses poking………
    LOVE your blog, travels and pics. Happy open spaces to you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, A Gal and a cat in FL,

      Interesting, helpful comment! I’ll look for that big bottle of saline at WalMart. Thanks a lot. Happy open spaces to you, too! and keep loving my blog.

  47. Lynn Brooks says:

    Dear Sue,
    So glad Reggie’s eyes are all ok!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Lynn! There’s still some inflammation, judging from the smaller look to the eye, but I think I see improvement.

  48. rita from Phoenix says:

    Recently I was at Costco and just outside the door were two dachshund dogs…so I asked if I could pet the dogs. I notice the brown dog had one eye bigger and lighter in color (light blue) than the other eye. I almost thought it was an eye transplant but I asked about the eye. Apparently that’s the way the puppy was born. It looks kind of odd but Bacon (the dog’s name) seemed happy as a lark….I couldn’t help it but I had to pet them and talk to them. They were so cute. Sorry but sometimes I’m a gawker too….don’t mean to invade anyone’s privacy but you wonder ‘Is that RVSue?’ It sure looks like her rig…LOL Anyway, I told my daughter (when you camped near Prescott) RVSue is camped just beyond those juniper trees but she likes her privacy and does not appreciate people dropping by… we zipped by towards Prescott. I’ll try to limit my gawking to wild life from afar 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      Thanks for your thoughtfulness and consideration. When my blog wasn’t as popular, it was fun to meet readers. I’ve made real-life friendships that way (and I hope they aren’t getting the impression I wish they’d go away!).

      However, things are different now. I can’t encourage visitors the way I did in the early days of this blog. That’s why I’m not writing very much about my encounters with people, friends or otherwise. In fact, friends have found the attention unnerving, too.

      Interesting about the dog with different sized eyes. I wondered that, too, about Reggie. The vet thinks the eyes are the same size and it’s the lid around the eye making it look smaller.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I’m glad you mentioned this. Although I doubt our one meeting qualifies me as a real-life friend, I was starting to feel kind of sheepish about even that one time (although I didn’t drive by and gawk, and we only met up when you invited me over). Anyway, maybe that was back in “different times” before your blog got so popular. I’ve had a couple of “opportunities” since then to meet up with you but have purposely refrained. I understand how a good thing can become too much of a good thing.

        My idea of a great camp (or fixed house) is one where I can go outside and no-one can lay eyes on me. What a freeing feeling. (‘course now there are drones so I guess one is never really private, but that notwithstanding).

  49. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Soooo glad Reggie’s eye is doing well and the Vet checked him out OK. Did you tell her Reggie had gone swimming of late? Maybe the water was part of whatever is making his eye swell, just a thought.
    As for the Gawkers, you need a warning sign.
    Not just a cheap paper sign, but a small real printed professionally permanent sign.

    There’s a THIN LINE
    GO AWAY!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      No, I didn’t mention Reggie going swimming. He only walked in the water briefly. His eyes didn’t get wet and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him rub his eyes with his paw. What I did see was the big sliver about one-third the length of the visible part of his eye! Yikes! Blinking on that thing had to cause irritation.

      I’ve considered the sign strategy. I just want to have a normal camp.

  50. cc says:

    FYI – you can use Neosporin ointment as an antibiotic for your pet’s eyes. you have to buy a new tube and use it strictly for that aninal (cross contamination is a no no for eyes), but it does work. If Reggie’s going to stick his face into everything, its also a good idea to carry some children’s benadryl. Some insect bites and even some cactus spines can cause allergic reactions, and its a cheap way to be ready. I had a dachsund mix who forced me to learn both of these tricks to keep the vet bills down!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Neosporin ointment is for external use only. Do not use in or near the eyes, nose, or mouth. If you get Neosporin ointment in your eyes, rinse immediately with cool tap water.

      Perhaps you’re thinking about Neomycin ….an optic medication and is a compound used in Neosporin.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        And actually, speaking of Neosporin, I was reading that its use has fallen out of favor with medical professionals because it can (often?) cause a dermatitis. And plus it’s been found that just a jelly (Vaseline or etc.) pretty much does the same job of sealing out contaminants and keeping something from crusting/scarring.

        The other day I was at a specialists (dermatologist) having something done and they prescribed just that (jelly) and not Neosporin. I asked about what I had read and they confirmed that’s their practice now. No routine application of Neosporin (or similar) but instead just use “jelly.”

        Of course I’m not a doctor, so everyone should still do their own research/decisions.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cc,

      I did have some benadryl for the crew years ago since Spike used to come in with a swollen face due to some bite from unknown Georgia critters. I should pick up a bottle. Thanks for mentioning that! Good advice!

  51. Linda Rose & the 4 M's says:

    First let me say, glad Reggie is ok! Secondly, I feel your pain regarding Windows 8. I had to have my grandson show me how to shut it down when I first got it. I’m used to it now so I’m sure you’ll figure it out too. I recently got the Samsung S6 and I absolutely love it!! Takes great pictures too. I have an app called Evernote and that’s where I store passwords. I have the same app on my laptop and on my Kindle Fire and my phone. I hope the next few days are much more relaxing than the past little while has been. Your bloggerinos are happiest when RV Sue and crew are happy..and healthy. Smooches to Bridget and the Reggie-man from me and my furry crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda Rose,

      I’m hearing great things about the Galaxy S6. Although I’d probably be impressed with any smartphone, I like this one. Thanks for mentioning the Evernote app. As for the Windows 8, it isn’t as daunting as it was at first. The Verizon rep set it up so I can flip from the tile-style start page to a more Windows7 style start page. Still don’t have a start menu, but I’m learning to do without it. It’s like anything with computers. When something is new it doesn’t seem to make sense. After a while it’s easy and automatic.

      Thanks for the sweet words for me and my crew. Hope this day is wonderful for you and the 4 Ms!

    • Taranis17 says:

      I’m sorry to say, but using Evernote to store sensitive passwords, especially in plain text, or even in a passworded Word file, is quite a security risk. You are much better off using an app like 1Password that is designed for password security and encrypts your information. It works on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

  52. AZ Jim says:

    First of all I am pleased little Reggie’s eye difficulty isn’t something serious. You are the Sue I’ve come to love for taking quick action to get him checked out. I’m sure the little tough guy will be fine in a few days. The password situation is puzzling to me in that I have a couple of computers and the passes work on both so I don’t think that is the problem. Any chance your caps lock was on? I have done that. I sure hope you get to the bottom of that soon. Gawkers! A chill literally ran up my spine when you suggested it could drive you to drop your blog. I would sure miss it Missy. I really hope it doesn’t come to that. My best to you and Bridget and Reggie. PS I conned you into keeping Reggies name and I bet you can’t think of a better name for the little guy now, can ya? He’s a natural Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Yeah, I think you were the one who convinced me to keep the name Reggie. And you’re right… It fits him perfectly. So thanks!

      No, it wasn’t caps lock. This is what happened…. I had all my passwords set for “remember me.” The change in computers removed that automatic password and when I tried to put in the passwords manually they were rejected. As you know, try a few times and then you aren’t allowed to try anymore. You have to go through a procedure. *sigh* Add to that a new phone number and emails that didn’t work right (no email with a temporary password showing up) and blah, blah, blah…. Lots of little tangles….

      Today I’m going to work on finding my way into the Amazon Associates account. More fun!

      • AZ Jim says:

        It WAS I who extracted a promise from you not to rename Reggie and I am sure glad you did, he is Reggie from the tip of his little flop ears to his paws.

  53. shelley in california says:

    I love to read this blog if you gawkers mess it up for me I am gonna be ticked off!

    So I am planning a trip to backpack through Scotland/Ireland with my 22 year old daughter…any tips? Anyone do this? We will stay in hostels and get around by bus.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shelley,

      Wow! Backpacking Scotland and Ireland with your daughter! That’s outstanding!

      My sister Pauline has gone to Scotland a few times as she has friends there and our ancestors are from northern Scotland. She didn’t backpack it though.

      Readers…. Any personal experience with Scotland/Ireland travel?

  54. Joy Sutton says:

    Gawkers bother me too. Like you I like my corner to my self. I will share my awning but not my box. I will follow in your footsteps though, on the lookout for boondocking. Following power leaks right now , making boondocking a chore. . Then began to think of the times I may have been mistaken for a qawker. I don’t get to fly away as much as I like so sometimes drive into a likely looking camping area and slowly peruse it with envy and go on down the road persuing my affairs. If I was a solo camper at the site, I might feel gawked. Lol

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joy,

      I don’t think you have to be timid about looking over a person’s campsite, as long as you’re quick and discreet about it, as I’m sure you are. I wouldn’t mind that at all if I were anonymous.

      I used to have people slow down to look over my huge garden, back in the day when I had a property in Georgia. They would see me seeing them and we’d exchange smiles and waves. When strangers come up to me and ask about my solar panel or the BLT, I’m happy to answer their questions and chat.

      I understand your wanting to “peruse” to dream about camping. 🙂

  55. MB says:

    Good morning Sue! Glad to hear Reggie is OK. My Chihuahua has that issue sometimes. And it seems to happen more in the warmer months when she goes out more. She is 5 lbs and wears coats in winter but when Spring comes and she can go out “naked”…..she takes every opportunity I will give her! 🙂 There have been times when I was about to take her to the vet and then it cleared up. Maybe stuck her head where it didn’t belong or maybe pollen. Glad you and Reggie are OK. As I tell Bella….”If you’re OK…..I’m OK.” 🙂
    And on another note. Bella and I went and sat in our “favorite” travel trailer again yesterday. I pictured what it would look like with some personal touches and where things and animal companions would “fit”. This dealer leaves all his trailers unlocked and leaves you alone to look. He would also be able to install solar. 😀 Anyway, when we were driving away I had tears in my eyes. Not because I was sad that I couldn’t go yet…..but because, for the first time I “knew” that I would. Have a wonderful day out there! Love from VA! MB

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, MB,

      Five pounds? That is tiny! Like you I wondered if I should give the eye more time to heal on its own. Not knowing Reggie well and his tendency toward eye irritations, I thought it best to take him in. The eye probably would be okay on its own in time. Anyway… The vet visit was as much for me as for Reggie. I gained a mini-education as well as the ointment.

      Those tears… I understand them. It’s like standing in a dimly-lit room and suddenly the door opens to light and color. Wow! I’m going to do this! You may have another moment of tears . . . When you have your rig and you’re “out there” and the reality of your dream-come-true hits you full-force. Wow! I did it! This is REAL!

      Thanks for starting my day with smiles!

  56. Cathy P. of KS says:

    So glad Reggie’s problem wasn’t major as my heart sank when I read he had a problem since I have two dogs of my own, I felt your pain.

    I know it won’t help but I apologize for the gawkers and I don’t know why people have to be that way. It is so hard to get a private moment anymore. Gosh, you are so up front with photos and tales of your life, I already feel “up close” enough to not have to physically scope you out. I have people stop in their cars when I am out walking my dogs in town to tell me my old senior dogs are “cute” and I am sure they don’t realize how uncomfortable it makes me to have a car pull up like that and stop.

    You should set up periodically somewhere, invite the curious and sell tickets! : ) I hope if they are here, they get the message. I surely understand.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cathy P.,

      Thank you for understanding. No, I won’t be selling any tickets. 🙂 In fact, I’m doing everything I can to minimize the fact that I do socialize on occasion. It’s a challenge sending conflicting messages: Yes, I still want to see my real-world friends and No, I don’t want to entertain virtual friends because there are so many!

  57. So glad Reggie is fine. I thought maybe he was just trying to be debonair but you were a good mom and knew the difference 🙂 Now you’ll both be better! And Bridget too, who I’m sure thinks he was just faking it. Our vet is putting together a “go bag” for Tessa and including eye wash and ointment. She’s a Wheaten Terrier and also can’t keep her face out of everything.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      A veterinarian-created “go bag.” How nice! If I had done that, I would’ve had an eye wash and ointment already! Great idea…

      Aren’t terriers a delight? Wheatons are great dogs.

      The vet and I talked about terriers and the special challenges that come with them. She said she has had people come in with a terrier as their first dog and wondered how they would cope. 🙂

      I’ve never had a purebred terrier. Like adding water to a glass of scotch, a mixed-breed terrier may be smoother to handle…. 🙂

  58. Sorry you are having so many bad things happen at once. I tried to use Windows 8 for about 8 months. My new computer crashed after only a few weeks of use. The computer guy I took it to, said I could have just reinstalled Win 7 from my old computer. And now Windows has Windows 10 coming out – I wish you could start with that.

    When my laptop crashed in Ottawa, I decided to pay whatever it took to switch to a Mac. I had a little problem getting all my files transferred, mostly because I use an on-line backup and needed a PC with a Mac-formated external hard drive to retrieve them.

    But everything is easier on a Mac and you can get MARVELOUS service over the phone or at an Apple store. And they offer lots of free classes.

    Hope everything is soon back to normal.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilyn,

      Good to see you here! Interesting about reinstalling Windows 7 and also that you switched to a Mac. I don’t think I’d dare do that, but I’m glad you are happy with the change.

  59. Good Morning Sue, looks like it has been quite a week for you…I totally understand about the Window 8 thing. We just recently got a new laptop and of course we are having quite a time adjusting…I just revert back to my Sony and the heck with it…but I know that it will all be better when 10 comes out.

    As far a gawkers/stalkers, I like the idea that one of the blogorinos has about taking a picture of them…lol…post it here under Shame on You…so we all can see…no one wants to be there!…I would be absolutely horrified if I appeared there.

    On the Vet business, good job both on your quick response, and good on the Vet for such a reasonable vet bill…it always seems to cost me at least $200.00 for anything, because you know they always have to draw blood…lol. Bless little Reggie’s heart for being so good with the vet and bless you for making him feel so safe and comfortable.

    Enjoy your day, your campsite looks amazingly wonderful, once again. Stay safe, and keep your camera handy, both for wonderful photos and for anyone you can catch with their pants down!…ha!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      I did hate to say goodbye to my dead Dell with Windows 7 on it. I should’ve learned Windows 8 while the Dell was still alive. That was my intention. Of course, I never got around to it. Well, at least I had the Lenova in my possession at the time of the Dell’s demise.

      Yes, we got away cheap compared to what some vet visits cost. I dread hearing a vet suggesting tests . . . .

      Thanks for the suggestion on photos. I’m not at that point of desperation… yet! 😉

  60. Lacy says:

    So glad to hear that Reggie’s eye remains healthy! The photo kinda looks like he’s giving a “stink eye”! Your computer issues sound FAR WORSE than dealing with the vet. Good Luck with all that fun. I rely on magic……that’s about the gist of what I know about all that tech stuff.

    As for the 3 gawkers…….they better NOT shut down this blog. The universe of Bloggerinos (sp?) would rise up and whip some tail (that’s not how we say it down south, but I’m being nice). Have you thought about taking pictures of people that drive by? Just so you have a ‘record’ if needed?

    Wishing you all well, safe and happy,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lacy,

      You make me chuckle…. “The universe of Bloggerinos would rise up…” Too funny! You made me think of special-effects scenes in movies where a hundred-thousand warriors charge across a battlefield…

      No, I don’t want to antagonize with my camera, however tempting that may be. Thanks for the suggestion anyway…

      Thanks for the nice wish… Same to you, Lacy!

      • Lacy says:

        Chuckle away Sue……but you know there are a fair number here that would pitch a fit (and being from the South, you know the holy hell that could be!) if this blog would go POOF!

        And you make me chuckle LOTS. I’m still giggling over the neomycin blah blah blah hydrocortizone crack!

        You know the drill: carry on! 😀

  61. Millie says:

    Hi Sue,

    So glad that the Reggie Man is OK. My own furbabies have scared me from time to time…like the time my little Chihuahua decided to take on a wasp on the back seat deck in the car. Heard her yelp as I was driving down the NYS Thruway. Pulled over to rescue her and in a very short time her little lip started to swell…a frantic call to the vet and I was reassured that she would likely be just fine but to stop and get some children’s liquid Benadryl just in case she seemed to have breathing difficulties. No breathing difficulties but she looked a little like Elvis for a couple of days with that swollen lip!!

    I too will share a bit of what your blog has come to mean to me. I’ve been mostly a reader, not posting often but enjoying your adventure week-by-week. I love Bridgie and Reggie and cried for the loss of Spikey, wishing I could leave flowers on his little grave. But I instead I sent up silent prayers that my own pups would meet him at the Rainbow Bridge. Your adventures give me a glimpse of what my own retirement could be, although I don’t even imagine that I’ll convince my DH to full-time it but maybe half-time 🙂 I truly have the vagabond spirit and am happiest when I am behind the wheel headed to someplace NEW! Prayers for your continued adventures and the privacy you seek. Hugs to the furbabies!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Millie,

      Your chihuahua going after a wasp is scary enough, but on the NY Thruway! Watching your beloved dog’s face swell up . . . I had that with Spike. One night it was so bad that I had him drinking water through a straw. By morning I could see he was going to be okay. Whew!

      Seems like more women report wanting to full-time and their husbands are the ones who are reluctant to do so. Not a fair sampling… Maybe husbands don’t report/comment as much. Anyway…. I’m glad you’ll be able to travel part of the time. Your statement “I truly have the vagabond spirit and am happiest when I am behind the wheel headed to someplace NEW!” says volumes. I suspect your spirit would wither if forced to stay in one spot during retirement.

      I wish you and your husband many exciting, fun travels.

      Thank you for your feelings toward Spike and the prayers for him. He was quite a guy! I don’t think I’ll ever stop missing him.

      Nice hearing from you, Millie. Enjoy your day!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Of course I don’t know your situation, and plus you sound like an intelligent person who could figure out the options on your own (and yet I’m still commenting, aren’t I….). Anyway, just the thought that I read a few blogs of happily married women whose husbands prefer not to travel and they have RV’s of their own and take off on various trips (then returning to homebase for those joyous reunions :)). Typically it’s a smaller rig since it’s just for specific trips – Class B or the like – although of course it could be any RV, a car-and-a-tent, or whatever.

  62. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    Just wanted to let you know that we were not the gawkers…..didn’t know you were close to us (@ LaPine SP) until we had a wi-fi connections in Winnemucca. We know how creepy it can feel, and wouldn’t have bothered you anyway… We hightailed it home from there, but got stranded in Rawlins, WY in the big snowstorm they had along I-80. Sure wish we had the time to mosey along like you do.

    Since you got Reggie you’ve only stayed in established campgrounds….Are there any places in Oregon to boondock where you can avoid the lookie-loos?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cc,

      Seems like that part of Wyoming has some fierce storms and powerful winds. I’m glad you got through it okay, although being stranded isn’t any fun. Yes, it’s wonderful to be able to mosey. Trouble is more apt to find us when we hurry!

      Sure, there are lots of places to camp in Oregon that are more secluded. I camped here because I wanted to be near stores and services and my real-life friends for a while. I’ll be breaking camp and going to a less visible place soon.

  63. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    HOLY MACARONI you have a LOT going on!

    Glad Reggie is OK! Silly boys! 🙂

    I have to say, when you were over in our area last year, I was searchin’ you out… not hunting and certainly not trying to spy on ya, just in my own ‘brain dead little kid way’ hoping to get to wave at ya! The folks that you saw, may have remembered late on that you don’t care for drop by company… I hope all will respect your needs (including ME, if I see you out and about and forget, since my rememory is busted!). You have a right to privacy and peace… <3 I try to tell people to always call me ahead, as I get scared with drop-ins too. Not many do it though…

    I have put our event 'The 1st Annual Grays Harbor Different-Abilities Walk, Roll and Stroll 'in the record books' so to speak. What a DAY!
    We had 17 people pre-register. I love those people!
    78 walkers, rollers and strollers!
    Weather was misty with a dose of chill…
    Furthers from home? Dori from Portland
    My children were all here (except one son in law who was working)!
    Lessens learned:
    2 people to not depend for help (sad face)
    Bring extra tables (see above)
    Order medals for all–rather than specialty races… That was a NIGHTMARE!
    We had face painting, goodies and all sorts of FUN!

    OH MY GOSH we had so much fun Sue! I have not even opened the cash box to see if we came close to breaking even, but that was not the point. We had strolling 'minstrels' with guitars, in the rain, with the kids. We had folks from 1-80 in ages! We had ALL sorts of Different-Abilites and it was so wonderful.

    I came home and died 🙂 barely moved on Sunday!

    Anyway… A giggle or two was had. Still work for me to complete — the after stages of any event. And CAMPING this weekend (FINALLY!). We will be in Silver Falls OR for a Silver Streak campout!

    Hugs to you, with respect and peace,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I have a lot going on? Compared to YOU? Oh my, what a time you had! I’m very happy it was a success and fun and it sounds like it was better than you imagined. Wonderful that you are involved in that, Barb. Thanks for sharing it here.

      And now you are going camping. Have a fantastic time with your silver streak pals. You deserve it!

      “Hugs to you, with respect and peace,” too!

  64. AZ Jim says:

    You know when you think about trust in animals it’s a beautiful thing. Here’s a tiny dog and you pick them up and with our big hands manipulate their body to where we want it and then, like in Reggies case, we might reach for a eye lid and squirt a liquid into the eye and through it all, they trust. They trust based on you and how you’ve treated them and how they have come to depend on and love you. It’s a beautiful thing…really. Keep ’em flying Missy…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      I read your comment this morning before heading out the door. A few times throughout the day, the crew had me thinking about what you wrote and the trust they have in me. I agree… It is a beautiful thing.

      I pick up Reggie with one hand and he calmly floats through the air from the floor to my arms, like he was meant to fly! No fear at all, complete trust. 🙂

  65. Hiya Sue!

    So I saw you had a new post but was going to “save it” for my lunch break read…but then I see “Reggie goes to the vet” and my heart sunk and couldn’t wait!

    Well, I can totally relate to your Reggie’s eye scare….when we took our 2 1/2 week trip up to WA over Christmas this past year, our baby girl (13 year old, 5lb chihuahua) Chaquita started having a watery right eye (and yes, we spell it Chaquita, not Chiquita, cause my husband says she’s a chihuahua, not a banana…haha!) Anyways, it started to get swollen, too, and she was messing with it a bit. This is a girl that you can never tell when she is in pain, makes it hard for us! So, of course, I’m freaking out…we are no where near home, it is the day after Christmas, and a lot of vets we called were closed for the holiday. We did stop at one, but then they told us we couldn’t get in to see the vet for 8hrs, and we were kinda on a “schedule” to get to our family’s house by the next day. ANYWAY…we were going to let it go a few days till we got to Sequim, but my husband knew I was still really worried. He actually sees a vet literally on the side of the 101, in Raymond, WA, like it was there just for us. We pull up right in front, they are closed. He decides to go to the door to check, and believe it or not, the vet was in, she was checking on all the pups boarded for the holiday! She let us in, she checked out Chaquita’s eye….no charge! She didn’t see anything either, did that green eye test, the works….she prescribed us some drops, for just in case…she could have filled it, but then would have had to write us up as an appointment, so she said just go to a pharmacy to get it filled.

    So….we stopped at a close by CVS, I take the prescription in, and had to explain it was for my dog 🙂 I had to wait for like 15mins, and it was so funny to be sitting there waiting, and they call out “Chaquita, your prescription is ready!” Hilarious!

    But, it did help, and she was good to go after that, even though we never figured out the cause. And now I know of a compassionate and helpful vet in Raymond, WA!! (Vetters Animal Hospital if anyone is going along that way!) Peace of mind is worth it in my opinion!!

    So…I get why you took Reggie in…that was all I kept thinking, too… it could be nothing, but if it’s something, losing vision or the whole eye is scary!

    Sorry for my long story, but it’s what we would all probably do for our 4 legged loved ones!

    Hope you have a great week and best wishes in finding a new relaxing camp before the busy holiday weekend! Hugs to you three!

    Hi to all the blogorinos!!!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I had to get a prescription for my dog once (happened to be at a Walgreens), and it was so funny to see his first name and then “his” (my) last name on the prescription. I guess I never thought about my dog having a last name — LOL.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I know… It’s funny! Really makes them seem like our children.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          And there were a couple of times after that that I took advantage of his “having a last name” when he was into something he shouldn’t have been. It was always with a sort of mock anger, mostly, but you know, “First name/Last name, just what do you think you’re doing?!” Carries more authority than just “Oh, Scooter, no.” 😀 😀

          This is making me smile now – good memories.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marla,

      Ha! My blog is like a candy bar you intend to save for later and, first thing ya’ know, you’re eating it!

      Enjoyed your Chaquita Christmas tale…. complete with Christmas miracle, finding a vet without hardly trying. I know how worried you must have been.

      BTW, never need to apologize for a long story. You make my blog more interesting and fun! Have a great week. . . .

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Candy bar… save for later….? I read the words but don’t understand the concept.

        😉 😉 😀

        • I know, huh?!? 🙂 Now I want a Snickers!

          I don’t know who I was fooling anyways….like I thought I’d make it till lunch to read the post, regardless of what it was about 🙂 But I did put off my work I SHOULD have done first on the back burner….Sue and the Crew are much more important! Priorities!!

  66. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Hey Sue,
    I’m not sure if I ever mentioned it but if we took your Reggie and my Dexter and looked at them in silhouette I think they could be twins. Maybe that’s why shots of Reggie ALWAYS make me smile. Dexter is brown and tan while “he who creates smiles” is of course tan and white but they are remarkably similar in body type. Same shape head, same cute little tale with a bit of curl, same long adorable legs, same kind of floppy ears, they both weigh 9 lbs and of course the same type of slightly protruding Chihuahua eyes.

    Dexter is now 6 and she has had eye trouble with little cysts or scratches 3 different times. Each time she has gone to the Vet and they have given us ointment so I am VERY familure with what your dealing with. Not sure how Reg is taking it but Dexter will pry her eyes shut as soon as she sees me coming. So here is a little game that I found for getting the medicine in her eye and not smeared across that cute little face.
    1. Put a dab of ointment on my right index finger
    2. Dip my left index finger in some peanut butter
    3. Place little squirmer in my lap and hold my left hand above her head
    4. As she reaches up and focuses on the peanut butter hold her eye open slightly and rub the finger with the ointment gently across her eye. (do NOT confuse the hand with the ointment with the hand with the peanut butter 🙂 )
    Not sure if you need this or not but there you have it.

    This is too long as it is so I’ll just say good luck with the tech stuff. Hang in there your’re a smart cookie and I know you will get it. Confidence levels are high!!!

    • AZ Jim says:

      Your little trick reminded me of pilling a dog or cat. I used to put the pill in a piece of soft cheese but my little guy would eat the cheese and out would come a wet pill. A vet said the quickest and most humane way to pill them is to lift the chin, slide your fingers under the gums and when the mouth is open push the pill back on the tongue to the point of no return, they gulp once and the pill is down. I always did it that way once I learned how and it always worked slick.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      Reggie has been very cooperative about the eye ointment. I squeeze a ball of ointment onto a Q-tip and then hold his chin firmly, tilted up. He lets me apply it with no squirming which amazes me because he’s a squirmer!

      (The reason I use a Q-tip is to avoid squeezing out more ointment than needed while trying to apply it. I hold the Q-tip sideways from his eye which keeps me from poking him in the eye with it.)

      I hope I don’t have to resort to the peanut butter routine. Thanks for explaining it here for the benefit of everyone.

      • John K - Mobile, AL says:

        How to give a cat a pill:

        Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

        Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

        Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.
        Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

        Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

        Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat’s throat vigorously.

        Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.

        Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil, and blow down drinking straw.
        Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink 1 beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse’s forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

        Retrieve cat from neighbor’s shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.

        Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of Scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another shot. Throw T-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

        Call fire department to retrieve the damn cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.

        Tie the little @!!@#@#$%’s front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy-duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of steak filet. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

        Consume remainder of Scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and remove pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

        Arrange for SPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

        How to give a dog a pill:

        Wrap it in cheese.

  67. Timber/Rusty inthe Zone says:

    Glad the Reggie Rocket Man is ok.,,,,,,,,, sorry ’bout your PC Troubles and hope you work them out.,,,,,,,,,,,, We’re east of Flagstaff near Winona and it’s 65 degrees out n’ cloudy, but the NOAA man says warmer days are a commin’ by Wednesday.,,,,,,,,,,, Give them pups a Big Hug from us.,,, OH, as we were commin’ up 17 from Camp Verde , a Small station wagon pulling a pop up trailer passed us, then they pulled over and took our photo as we passed them, I thru the lady a Peace sign and she waved, then continuing on up the road, they slowly passed and took another photo and Timber said hi in his usually way as they waved once more, then they slowly disappeared up 17 north.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,rusty

    • AZ Jim says:

      Gotta be careful with those peace signs Rusty, make sure BOTH fingers show up plainly.

      • Timber/Rusty inthe Zone says:

        Two finger peace signs is all I thro, God says No to the other signs , AZJim, and if one cuts us off, I pray for emm and ask the Lord to Bless them. ,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      The kind of encounter you mentioned — someone recognizing you when you were out and about — are fun and friendly. (It’s the snoopers at my home that I don’t appreciate!) Taking the photo without your permission is a bit much, but if you’re okay with that, great! You have many fans. 🙂

      You and Timber enjoy the good weather coming your way!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Rusty, I wasn’t there so I can’t say of course. But those folks may have just been reacting to your unique homemade rig rather than recognizing you from your internet fame. I know if I saw a homemade camper like yours going down the highway I would probably give the driver a big “thumbs up.” You’ve got one of the coolest rigs around!

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        And yes I understand that your situation is different and despicable Sue. Anyone who would recognize you should also realize that you want to be left alone. This blog is NOT a map to the homes of the stars.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good point, Rick. I didn’t think of that.

  68. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,

    Glad that Reggie’s eye problem is not serious. I know that is a huge relief to you! Sorry to hear about your multiple tech issues…sheesh Louise, when it rains, it pours, huh? Sending you positive thoughts and prayers that all of the buggerboos will be straightened out sooner than later!

    Sondra, Kay (in KC), and Shirlene’s suggestions for dealing with the gawkers made me chuckle! Unfortunately, the folks that are doing this are not friends of you or your blog. If there is some “game” going on to see who can spot you and invade your space, well, it is a pity that these folks don’t have something better to do. Posting pictures of offenders will just give them what they want. “Did you see that hateful note and picture SHE posted on her popular blog?! The nerve!” High school mean girl stuff. YAWN…get a life, folks. If you don’t like what Sue has to say or how she says it, don’t bother to read her blog…really….move on. Oh yeah…Bless Your Hearts.

    Keep on doing what you are doing, Sue – we love you and the Crew. Hope you have a good evening! Hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  69. DesertGinger says:

    Well, we had an eventful weekend, with tornados hitting the outskirts of town and the sirens going off all night. Just like when I was a kid! We also went downtown to the Mayfest and walked around a bit. I wore myself out. After we left that had Hop Jam, which is a free concert put on by the Hansen Brothers of ‘mmmmBop’ fame, and a beer tasting. So get this…Hansen had one hit, but apparently have fans from around the world. People flew in from Ireland and Belgium and other parts of Europe just to see Hansen. Who knew? Tonight I’m doing laundry and Chris is making a tomato tart for dinner. Tomorrow I get back on the road up to Joplin to visit friends there for a day or two. Then driving for three more days.

    So glad Reggie’s eye is ok. Hope all is well with everyone. Love to all.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Safe travels, DesertGinger! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks re: Reggie.

      I’m enjoying your trip updates, Ginger. Such a pleasure to read about you doing stuff when a short while ago you felt helpless and discouraged. Have a wonderful time!

    • Krystina - Oakdale , CA says:

      Be save DG! Happy to hear you are having a good time. Sounds like alota fun.


  70. DebsJourney says:

    Hi Sue,
    Wow so many replies here… Like everyone else I am very relieved that Reggie is fine. I would have done the same thing for my babies. They are part of our hearts for sure.
    As far as people sneaking around you are pathetic. Recently I put a video of me driving to Costco and accidently my license plate showed up… Got this freaky scary reply from this guy saying “Now all the rapists can find you”
    Of course I clicked on his name and all his videos he is wearing a scary ski mask and with sharp huge knives etc so scary and I immediately deleted that video.
    Some weirdo’s are lurking at us.
    Deb…. being way more careful now

    • Timber/Rusty inthe Zone says:

      Deb, read Psalm 23. It’s a Psalm of David, I read it when I have a bad feeling or when fear comes near, it helps . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,rusty

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The internet provides a voice for cowards who are “brave” behind anonymity.

      • So many are very brave behind a keyboard also….cyber crimes…I love the new TV show CSIcyber…they show how vulnerable we are all on the electronic highway. But here we are, on the highway, I do not know if I can unplug and get off, it is how I get so many things done now….What happened to the good ol days!

  71. DesertGinger says:

    I think it’s important to remember that fear is not reality. We make up many things to be afraid of, but few of them ever actually happen. Then when something does happen, adrenaline kicks in and we go into survival mode and don’t really have time to be scared. So just kick fear to the curb. It doesn’t really protect you at all. If you want to be cautious, you can make cautious choices without getting fearful.

  72. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning Sue and fellow blogorinos!

    Sending everyone wishes for a wonderful day! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  73. Good Morning Sue, lots of interesting comments to read through….When the comments get this long I know that we are probably due another post…I hope your computer issues are working out and we will be able to see more of your beautiful campsite, sans gawkers….I was supposed to be in Oregon this week for my BFF’s birthday, but had to cancel…so I am taking the trip by way of your blog. Enjoy your day and morning coffee as I am doing. I like having coffee with you! 🙂

  74. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Sung to and apologies to the theme from Rawhide.

    Been Waitin waitin, waitin,
    Though my breath is bated,
    Keep those posts apostin, dear Sue!
    Through rain and wind and gawkers,
    Don’t be a stalker,
    Update this here blog anew.


  75. Tesaje says:

    Hi Sue. Glad little Reggie is ok. My rule is never mess about with eyes and ears. My very trusted vet told me that hydrocortisone is very bad in the eye if there’s a scratch. Speeds healing with no scratches so self diagnosing and treatment is not good. That’s why they want to do the green stuff.

    She is so right about terriers. Nose into everything. My collie isn’t much better.

    I would love to know how you choose a vet on the road. How do you find out if they are good? My pets have some specific issues and I’ve seen some vets that I’ve been appalled at their ignorance. If I ever get out of my house and on the road, my vets will be the one thing I’m scared of losing.

    As for gawkers, yuck. The price of fame. Have you considered not revealing your location until after you have left?

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