Return to the road and the open desert

It’s 7:30 a.m., the start of a beautiful day in southeast Arizona!

The crew is suited up and ready to hit the road for our first boondock in almost two years.

Reggie and Roger wait inside the cab of our new pick-up truck, a 2013 Chevy Silverado 1500, extended cab, V-8, 4×4.  (More about the truck at another time.)

“Rog, we have to wait for RVSue to do a safety check.  Then away we go!”

It’s Sunday, March 15

Gee, almost two years since the crew and I came off the road.  Doesn’t seem like it’s been that long . . . .  I’m glad I had the guy at the shop check the tires and air pressure . . . . Love this truck . . . .

The center console is put back so that the front seat is like a bench seat for the boys to be next to me.

Before reaching the interstate, while on a straight road with no traffic, I press the brake pedal to test the adjustment of the brake controller for the Best Little Trailer.

Hmm . . . . Seems too light. . . . There, that’s better,  just right!

The old feeling returns . . . .

When we reach Interstate-10 and roll up the ramp to head westward, that delicious feeling of anticipation returns.  There’s something about the open highway that stirs the spirit of a natural hobo like myself.

(Our journey begins shortly after the nation was shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak.  Businesses and other workplaces are closed.  That situation, plus it being a Sunday, means very little traffic on the interstate, even as we pass through Tucson.)

“Well, boys, whaddaya think?”

“Are you getting that boondockin’ feeling?”

Reggie has settled himself down beside me.  Glassy eyes indicate sleep will overcome him soon.  He knows what this is about and is relaxed.

Roger, on the other hand, sits at attention, eyes fixed on me.

“Roger, are you going to sit there and watch me like a zombie for the entire drive?”

Yep, he does.

For six and a half hours, except for the two breaks at rest stops and one stop for gas, Dome Head sits there staring at me.

Much more traffic in central Arizona.  Lots of trucks and folks with California plates heading home.

~ ~ ~

“Isn’t this a great place for dogs?  Be still a sec so I can get a good shot.”

~ ~ ~

I think this was the rest stop a few miles east of Gila Bend.  If so, those are the Maricopa Mountains.

~ ~ ~

“Ooh, look at all the brittle bush (yellow) in bloom!  And there’s globe mallow (orange), too!”

~ ~ ~

Longtime readers, you probably guessed . . . .

We’re on our way to Midland Long Term Visitor Area, our familiar winter home during our full-timing years.  (Midland is about eight miles northwest of Blythe, California.)

“Reg!  Rog!  We’ll be there soon!  I see the Big Marias!”

Our friend Del waits for us at Midland.

He’s expecting us to arrive today.  While we were getting gas at the travel center east of Quartzsite, I called to let him know we were almost there.

Brittlebush blooms reach for the sky all across the desert here.  Gorgeous!

“There’s Del’s place!  Let’s stop and see Skeeter first, okay?”

Roger’s eyes widen. 

He turns his head, searching for his friend whom he hasn’t seen in years.  He’s never forgotten the name Skeeter.  Reggie jumps up to the window to peer out with Roger.

I park, open the door, and here they come — Skeeter, Buddy, BeeBee, and, of course, Del. Del, a snowbird from Idaho, is tanned from months of desert camping.  He greets me with a big smile.

Pandemonium erupts as I open the truck door.

With all the jumping around, barking, general confusion and excitement, I don’t take a photo.

“You made it!” Del exclaims as we hug.

He’s probably thinking he’d never see us again.  For several months in numerous phone calls I promised we would come for a visit “soon.”  Reasons kept coming up and “soon” never happened.

Until now!

After we all visit for a while,  I position the Best Little Trailer so our back window faces sunrise and flowers.

How strange it feels to be here again.

Tomorrow morning we’ll take a long and lazy walk like in the old days. Reg and Rog will like that.  It’ll be fun.

We’ll follow a sandy wash and let it take us wherever it goes.  We’ll meander through creosote and brittlebush, around palo verde and ironwood.  Memories of a life untethered will flow like run-off from the Big Marias.  And when the cool night air has faded, we’ll turn back to beat the sun, the crunch of desert gravel marking each step on a path of our own making toward home. 

In the next post I’ll tell you more about our reunion and include photos of the canine campers!


~ ~ ~

NOTE:  For those of you unfamiliar with Midland LTVA or the characters mentioned in this post, the link below will get you up to speed.  You’ll see photos of a previous campsite as well as the area around Blythe.  You’ll also meet the crew’s pals (preview pic below).

BeeBee, Skeeter, Roger, Buddy, Reggie  (Toby and River, not shown, passed away at ripe old age.)

~ ~ ~


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~ ~ ~

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169 Responses to Return to the road and the open desert

  1. I’m so excited that you’re out there again! I can’t wait to read more about it! I bet the dogs are having the best time, you too! The desert looks beautiful and I think there are plenty of things still in bloom.

  2. KC says:

    Thanks, I needed this!

  3. Columbus Calvin says:

    Good morning!

    It’s good to see a new post from you! I’ve tried not to harp on it, but I know the road gets into a person’s blood.

    I like to pick out a favorite of your pictures. Today, it’s the rest area a few miles east of Gila Bend. That one makes me want to go see the place.

    I’m glad you updated your tow vehicle. The other one had transmission issues, if I recall correctly. Those bother me if I’m traveling.

    I look forward to more.


    • Cathy says:

      Hey Calvin, we are staying just 3 miles outside Gila Bend. This is where we have wintered for several years. A neat little town with several very good restaurants and three dollar stores! We love the name too….very “old west”. There’s a KOA here too, but we are retired Air Force so we stay on the Barry Goldwater miss legend range.
      Best to you!

  4. Gene Siesky says:

    It’s great to see you on the road again Sue. Your readers have missed you. Looking forward to hearing what happened to the van. Like you, I once bought a truck where my dogs could sit up front next to me.

  5. Elaine Magliacane says:

    Good to see you out enjoying the desert and traveling again.

  6. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue!

    Gosh, it feels so wonderful to get another camping post. I love the pictures of the flowers and the pups! Thanks for taking us along with you again! I look forward to hearing the news of Del and pups. I had forgotten my desire to one day go out exploring like you have. You’ve brought it all back to me now. Thank you!

    I have been enjoying the small pleasures of life…going walking with friends, quiet times in the sunshine with my cats, watching the birds and critters at my bird feeders. Two squirrels have now found their way to my bird seed. They are welcome to it. I put plenty on the ground for them as well. They make me happy watching them as I attempt to work from home.

  7. William Weekley says:

    It is so wonderful to be able to follow your journey on the road again. I’ve missed you all. Love the new truck. You’re an inspiration to me.

  8. Anna in NC says:

    Wow! Glad to see and read this! Been missing your travels! Always reading, seldom posting. Bad of me, I know.

  9. Sandra says:

    As I sit here this morning and read this alot has changed in a month. I’m on alot of boondocking groups and as of a few days ago they were closing this area. I hope yu all are okay!

  10. Joan kincaid says:

    Hi, this is Joan and I think we met you while camping near Pagosa Springs, Co. We were pulling a horse trailer with living quarters. So nice to find your blog. I came home and bought a class C motorhome. Maybe we will see each other again.

  11. Terri Dingley says:

    Good to hear from you again, RV Sue! As we are pretty much stuck in our homes right now, it’s always nice to read of your adventures in the desert. We live on the edge of Petroglyph Natl Monument so are able to hike in the desert as much as we want these days, which keeps us from going nuts! Most places in NM are closed right now. Looking forward to when they aren’t! Hope ya’ll had a great Easter! (And that goes for everyone on this blog!)

  12. Judy Lavelle says:

    I’m so excited for you to be back and on the road again. Can’t wait for your posts to see your campsites and all the pretty scenery. Love the truck too. Safe travels😊

  13. Linda R says:

    Wow. That is wonderful that you are out and about again. Can’t await to hear more.

  14. Glinda says:

    Love your truck! I have one just like it and it pulls my Casita great. Can’t wait to hear about your travels and see your beautiful pictures. I’ve missed you!

    • Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

      Hi Glinda, I think we met you at the El Paso, Tx. Rest Area where we discovered our Casita battery was dead. We went on to the Quartzsite Rally but only stayed one night because it was too much of a hassel running the truck all the time for power. Looked for you there but didn’t see you. Sorry we missed you. Gloria

      • Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

        Glinda, Oh no, it was City of Rocks State Park in New Mexico. Getting old is better then the alternative is all I can say. Enjoyed our visit with you.

  15. This is lovely! Thank you. Blessings… Lynn (writer of blog: Life with Lynnie)

  16. Aww good to see the boys & pals again out in the wild blue.

  17. Pam says:

    WOW, you’re back!!! (I hope) Really needed to see the boys…….We have hung up our keys after 15yrs on the road. Hope to get smaller RV to do some extended trips.

    So nosy minds want to know, is this a precursor to going back full time? Love seeing the front of your house, so pretty, and the truck……you’ll love it. Probably was time to up grade as the van served you well and for so many miles.

    Great to “see” ya again.


  18. Northwest Patricia says:

    Wow, what a wonderful surprise! Looking forward to updates.
    Take good care.

  19. Chad in PA says:

    Good to see .I left AZ March 1
    and am back in PA.Pickups are the best.

  20. KGDAN (Wapato, WA) says:

    Oh, Sue, what a glorious feeling to read this post! Memories return of our first meeting at Dome Rock. So happy to see you on the road again. Thank you!

  21. Betsy L Murphyl says:

    So glad that you’re back out exploring even though we can’t be right now!

  22. Gail in Buckeye AZ says:

    Thanks for the post its GREAT hearing from you!

  23. Susan in Dallas says:

    Wow, a GREAT start to Monday! I can hardly wait to read about your new adventure.

    As a sidenote, I found a website written by a farmer in Oregon who sells his milk to the Tillemok (sp?) company. Its complete with pictures of all his cows, or “ladies” as he calls them. LOL

  24. pat says:

    Thanks for sharing your travels with us again. Always enjoyed turning on laptop & seeing your beautiful pictures. Great to see pups running around & seeing 4 legged friends.
    Safe travels

  25. Nora now in Pascagoula says:

    Welcome back. Looking forward to hearing about the last several months you took to prepare for this trip. Do you still have a house to go back to?
    I have been living in Pascagoula for almost a year. Although it’s been for sale I still have my Class C in the yard. So far have not had the itch to get back on the road but you may re-inspire me. Have lost two of my crew in the last year so would only have one companion left for the road.
    So glad to see you back.

  26. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Glad to see you are on the road again. Your trip sounds like fun. Enjoy the new tow vehicle.


  27. Bet Crawford says:

    Oh Sue, it is so nice to hear from you and the boys! I was worried when we didn’t hear from you for long periods of time. You have a very intriguing way of writing and I look forward to all of your posts. I hope you have a fantastic visit with Del and his crew!

  28. JoanneG from San Rafael says:

    I am so happy for you and the crew to be out boondocking again. Congratulations on the new truck. We have a Chevy Silverado 1500 4×4 we bought new in 1996 and it is one great truck!

  29. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Oh, I can’t wait to show my grand nephew. he will be so happy. It is nice seeing Reggie and Roger along with their friends. Your pictures are very inviting and soothing. Glad you had a wonderful visit with Del. Your blog today brings a great sense of happiness and calm. Also, nice to see the blogorinos stopping for a chat on the porch.

    Take Care

  30. Millie says:

    How exciting that you are “On the Road Again” – we just couldn’t wait for you to get on the road again 🙂 Glad the old feelings are flowing back. Can’t wait to follow this adventure…and as always beautiful photos!!

  31. Laurie in Eastern NC says:

    It is great to see you guys back on the road again! We are at home like most, but looking forward to a long camping trip when everything opens back up. Your post has me thinking of the future! Thanks!

  32. Sharron says:

    I too am so glad to see you on the road again and sharing your travels/adventures! Enjoyed your ‘home’ adventures as well, but I was so inspired by your travels long before I was able to get on the road myself. Visited so many of the places you visited and shared. I have missed you. Be safe

  33. Ed Helvey says:

    Glad to see you’re back on the road, Sue. This is a tough time for everyone, but I’m sure for a lot of “road warriors” it’s presenting a lot of challenges.

    I wish I could be out there rolling down the roads and passing mile markers, but unfortunately, I’m still in recovery from the cancer fireball that almost ended me last August – and since then have been through aggressive radiation, chemotherapy and, at the beginning of January, 10 hours in an operating room to remove a significant part of my anatomy. That was followed by 13 days in the hospital and then 5+ weeks in a skilled nursing/rehab facility. I got out of there just in time for the coronavirus pandemic to cause me to self isolate in north-central WV at a friend’s home. Due to my very weakened immune system, it will be a while before I’ll have the pleasure of traveling the highways and byways again.

    So, I’ll be vicariously enjoying your travels (along with a few others) as I continue to recover – and, hopefully, see this pandemic subside and return us to something that might resemble what we considered normal pre-pandemic. Happy trails and be safe.

    Live free and be happy,

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Ed,

      I’m sorry to hear about your cancer. I’m glad that you were able to rehab and get out of the health care facility before the virus hit. I hope that you recover well and beat that nasty cancer!

      • Ed Helvey says:

        Thank you, Dawn. Everything in due time. I’m looking at this experience as a time to gain a new perspective on life – as we all should do, periodically. Be safe, healthy and happy.

  34. Alice Windle says:

    Well, this is a nice surprise ! You sure haven’t lost your nack for great pics, The fur babies look good. Love the truck ! So glad your out and about, ENJOY

  35. ccandcanine says:

    So happy to see you back on the road again! What an Easter surprise.. We are at our homebase, while our daughter in law, an ICU nurse, is using our Bigfoot trailer in their driveway. In the meantime, we’re taking care of grandkid at our place… we are pretty lucky here in Oregon….our governor took action early on, and our curve is pretty flat….

  36. Kurt says:

    RV Sue! I’m so happy to see you back on the road, even if it’s not full time(?). I’ve been on the road full time for a year and a half now. What an adventure! It was Tioga George and you who planted the seed in my imagination. Thank you!

  37. Lee says:

    What a bright spot during these times
    Glad to hear you are rolling along on a new adventure.

  38. Lauri C. says:

    Oh boy!!, I’m So excited for ALL of us!!! Can’t wait to hear the details!!!

  39. Karen LeMoine says:

    Such a treat to hear from you! Curious since you only named a few of Dels dogs did some pass? Didn’t he have 5 or 6? Glad you are able to get on the road for awhile . Cant wait to to hear more details.

  40. Diann in MT says:

    So good to see you back on the road. I towed my tiny trailer with the same truck as yours. Congrats on that acquisition. You are set up for years of road miles! One of the greatest feelings I experienced was the sense of power sitting behind the wheel of that big V8. In fact I affectionately named my truck “V8”. Thanks for continuing the saga.

  41. Ron Hutchison says:

    Hi RVSue & Crew,

    I’ve been along for the ride from the start with you, Bridgette, and Spike. Y’all were a fun crew with your adventures and a share of mis-adventures. I loved those guy’s and I love the new crew of first Reggie and then Roger, too. Though they are not new as its been a few years now with those boys. I must admit I haven’t read all of your post since you settled down in your house, but, let’s say I kept up. It’s good to see you back on the road again. I know I miss it when I’m not on the move in my Casita for a long while. It’s been awhile, but I’m the guy that told you to try the blue corn pancakes at the little cafe in Bluff, UT.


  42. Nancy in california says:

    Hi Sue and crew!
    I am so thrilled that you are on the road again, and that I can share in your adventures. Especially now, of course, when they are trying to lock us up and throw away the key. I have been doing some day trips exploring southern owens valley area. They are closing OHV roads to prevent groups congregating, I guess.
    Seems to me they are just squeezing us all closer together by limiting space. What do I know…the world is suddenly full of amateur epidemiologists running the show..
    Love your choice for the new PTV. I have a 1997 Chevy Silverado 1500, 4×2. Still drive it every day. A real workhorse!
    Good to see you and crew again!

  43. Elizabeth says:

    Nice to see you doing a bit of travel again, Sue…enjoyed this post!!

  44. John McDonald says:

    How wonderful to see you traveling again. You made my day.
    Cheers John
    Duluth MN

  45. So happy you are on the road again! Enjoy every minute!! I cannot wait to get out there again!!
    Have a wonderful trip dear lady Sue!

  46. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Hi Sue, Good to see you back in your old stomping grounds. I had to delay the laundry and dishes to read your blog! Look forward to all of your doings on the road. Take good care.

  47. Lisa W says:

    Oh Sue and Crew,
    I am so happy to hear that you are out in your old stomping grounds! I was sure that you and the boys were missing it. Have a great time, and can’t wait to hear about the truck.

  48. weather says:

    Oh my, it would already have been a wonderful trip and boondocking again experience for you, adding a chance for the boys and you to visit friends you hadn’t seen in so long makes me so-o happy for all of you.

    You and Del had phone calls ahead of time. For the dogs it was their first contact with their friends in almost 2 years, how precious their reunion must have felt to them ! One that hasn’t shared a home and life with animals seldom understands that they enjoy friendships in much the same way that people do. How fortunate for your and Del’s dogs that you get that, and provided a chance for them to share time being together again.

    As I slowly read what you’d written and enjoyed each photo it was as nice for me as seeing all your posts has always been. Yet it somehow didn’t seem real until you mentioned positioning the BLT so your back window would face the sunrise…what a glorious gift to awaken seeing that amid the quiet and beauty of the desert. Thanks for sharing another part of your life with me and all those following your story, Sue.

    • weather says:

      Correcting my own comment-
      What I meant by ” Yet it somehow didn’t seem real until…” wasn’t that your having been there didn’t seem real. I meant because it’s been a while since your previous trips , I hadn’t yet felt again like I was there myself, then memories of similar times let my feel the familiar process of setting up and the sunrise that follows it. I so enjoy the way your writing let’s us feel like we’re with you in the story.

  49. Marieta Cox says:

    Hi Sue, Reggie and Roger, so happy to hear from you. I missed the 3 of you. Have fun and keep us posted about your adventures. Stay safe.

  50. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Glad to see you traveling again, at least for this trip. We have all missed your adventures.
    I like your new tow vehicle. Will you be on the road for awhile?
    It was really late when I got to yesterdays post. I don’t even know if it posted should have checked before I started this.
    Reg & Rog look happy and healthy. Really missed seeing them and their antics. Angel Has was under the weather last week, and has been on medication for some stomach issues. The vet said it looked like she got into some grass or dirt that made her ill. He also put her on an egg and rice diet, now she wants that all the time, the little stinker. She is doing a lot better now. That tablet was bitter and the only way i could get her to take it was mash it into peanut butter.

    I hope all is well with fellow blogorinos.

  51. mk reed says:

    Yay ~ On the road again! can’t wait to hear of your new adventures!

  52. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    On the road again!!!! I love it!!! So happy to see the post from RVSue and Crew. Love your pictures and am looking forward to seeing more. Have a great time!
    Love to you and the crew

  53. Joel in OR says:

    Glad to see a new post! I had hoped you’d get on the road again soon.

    I moved to Oregon just this past weekend. It’s a lot easier to travel on the road these days, but things get complicated once you arrive at your destination.

    I had mentioned a former coworker who had just gone full-timing with his wife and child. He has a blog too, and I’m a bit anxious since he hasn’t done an update in almost a month. They were still in Mexico when he last posted. Hope they are okay.

  54. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Well this was a surprise!! I hope you will have a great trip for however long it is! I know I enjoy reading your blog on the road and when you are at home, it doesn’t matter you are just such a sweet person and I love all you write!

    Love the new truck! Looks really nice! I look forward to hearing the “rest of the story” and hearing about your adventures!

  55. Joe in TN says:

    Hi, Sue,
    Great news…RV Sue is on the road again! I spent last winter in AZ and SoCal and would love to be there again. Glad you’re there tho’. Makes the world seem almost “normal” again. Looking forward to every new post in this journey.

  56. Rob, hunkered down back in WA state says:

    It’s good to see you on the road again!

  57. Colleen in Camp Verde says:

    Great to see a new blog post! The wildflowers have been glorious this spring! We have spent the winter in Arizona, roaming around quite a bit but are now waiting out the craziness in Camp Verde. We are definitely loving Arizona and all of the different landscapes. Can’t wait to hear of your adventure.

  58. Linda Rose, Molly and Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    So glad to read your post. I haven’t been out in my Roadtrek in a couple of years. Maybe you will inspire me like you always have done before.

  59. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    Oh Sue, you have given us something to long forward to in these long, indoor days and nights! I am so excited that you went back out on the road (Willie Nelson singing On the Road Again comes to mind). I can’t wait to hear how R&R readjusted to the nomad life, how Del is doing, and see some new photos. I will be sitting here in front of my screen, with popcorn, waiting 🙂

  60. S. Kaeseman says:

    Happy Days for you and the crew.
    Hope you all are enjoying yourselves and things are going well for you.

    Sounds like a nice truck you now have. Look forward to the story.

    Take care, be safe and have fun as always.

    S. Kaeseman

  61. Suzicruzi says:

    What a joyous post Sue!

    I just posted a day or two ago and nothing has changed. We did decide to get off the toad and house and dog sit for the next three weeks. As I sit here looking out on my domain, on our last day at Kofa, I’m a bit sad. It’s windy and my eyes are watering (dang sunblock!) but damnit, I’m sitting outside and basking in the loveliness one more day. I took a walk earlier and photographed my last desert wildflowers for the season.

    After housesitting we are heading up to one of your old camps near Sunset Crater, North of Flag. It will be cooler there but not cold any more. I look forward to journeying again already!!

    Thanks for the news of your reunion with Del and Skeeter! I got so excited reading your post. Ha Sure brings back memories years ago reading each of your posts in bed at night thinking about, and planning for when we too would hit the road to go get our brand new Casita and begin a life of traveling where ever the road led.

    Cheers all!

  62. Sandy Lane says:

    So happy you’re blogging again!! Love the pics ! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your trip.

  63. Wendy C- Bribie Is, Oz says:

    What a nice surprise to see you guys out and about again. Take care,

  64. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    So glad to see a post from you!

    Thanks for the virtual adventure!

  65. Adrienne says:

    I knew it! Would you believe that I’ve been thinking about Del and Skeeter for the last three weeks? Thinking wouldn’t it be great if Reggie and Roger could see their friends again…I’m beyond happy!

  66. Eileen says:

    Happy travels, Sue. Stay well and safe!

  67. Cat Lady, outside Baton Rouge, La. says:

    Good to see you and the boys back on the road enjoying boondocking again. I’m looking forward to reading of your time with Del and his crew and other spots you might have visited. I hope you will continue to take short trips out with the boys and take us along with you. I don’t think you’ll go back full-time, just fun-time, and that’s good enough. You’ve worked too hard on your perfect-for-you house to just chuck that away. Good hearing from you again, Sue…you have been missed.

  68. Pam says:

    So happy to wake up so your post! Welcome back to camping! I look forward to waking up to RVSue and crew again – at least for a while!

  69. mary batt says:

    Hi Sue-(smiley face here)!

    I checked in – and saw a surprise! Sounds crazy but welcome back to your own blog!!
    Always nice to hear from Rusty and the other blogorinos!

    We have been busy with the usual things but are enjoying all things “Spring” such as growing tomatoes, flowers, weather, chasing dust bunnies, small car trips to nowhere, neighbors, and then… to hear from you and see your pics!

    I have to say a few, well-most all, of your pics are Classic Sue Winners!
    It is composition, subject, balance and ‘tone’ in the pics that get me and I am sure the other blogos as well! I am not a photographer but I always like SOMETHING about them!

    White house in background, with 2 expectant faces in ‘new’ white truck-gorgeous sky…
    Pups with searching faces-(what is Sue doing?)…
    First travel stop with mountains in distance (YES!!)…
    *A WINNER Sue Classic* Tree with crisp outline tree shade to frame the desert and distant mountains and 2 cloud puffs…
    Nature in flowers and mountains…
    *ANOTHER WINNER Sue Classic* A peeking corner of Casita like a curtain opening up to desert and mountain vistas…
    *And IMO ANOTHER WINNER Sue Classic* The Gang of Canines: “Commin’ Runnin'” or “The Runnning Spirits”…Dogs in Joy – Nothing like a pack to run with for a dog!!

    I am so glad you caught the pics you did. Happy to ‘see’ you all again, too! Your gang of blogos are a blessing also!!

    Later gators!
    mb in Abita Springs, LA

  70. Terry says:

    Oh so happy to see this post. I have missed them so much. Your way with words and the beautiful photos.

  71. FloridaScott In Huachuca City, AZ says:

    Hi Sue,
    Great to have you back! Missed your regular posts, even the thrift shopping, house related ones. For me it’s more than the content of a certain post, it’s your ability to make even mundane errands entertaining, Funny and informative. It’s your writing style. I hope you had fun out at Midland and look forward to future stories.

    Were in Huachuca AZ now and with all the virus chaos ,we may just stay until things calm down, or possibly longer. We really like SE Arizona and who knows we might just settle down here.

    Last fall we left Bisbee area and were heading to Ajo via Tucson. Stayed in Tucson for almost two weeks getting ready for the day trek to Ajo and Dianne had a heart attack. Oh Boy! She is fine now. An ambulance ride, three stints and a short very expensive hospital stay and all is well. Her Doctor said if this had happened in Ajo, she would be dead. So our new orders are to eat strict heart healthy diet only and to stay within a fairly close proximity to a hospital.

    It makes our travel plans more difficult, so change is in the wind for us. Can you believe we have been on the road for almost two years. Keep the blog posts coming even if it’s local outings.. You are Always fun and entertaining!

    Be Well, Stay Safe & Happy!

    • Cruzer says:

      Whoa- Scott & Diane! How “lucky” you are that you were where you were at the time of Diane’s heart attack. Someone was watching over you! 🙌🏼 I’m glad to hear things are okay for you guys now. We’ve been on the road almost 2 years as well. It’s hard to believe I’ve been a part of Sues blog for about 3, 3.5 years now. I can’t tell you how many boondocks of hers I’ve bookmarked for future reference. Maybe we’ll pass each other someday? Stay well, and blessings to you both! Suzi

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Be well, Dianne! Hi, Scott!

    • Elizabeth says:

      So glad you guys were in the right spot at the right time for Dianne…thank you for that good report and that things are going ok!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      So thankful that you all were in town when Dianne needed emergency care. I am glad that she is now doing well. Maybe the change in travel plans will allow you both to see and experience places and things that were not on your radar in the past. 😊

  72. ApplegirlNY says:


  73. Brian says:

    Have a great trip RVSue. I enjoy your posts from home or on the road.

  74. Cruzer says:

    Sue, just a quick comment;
    I found an old post of your camp with Ken and Scooter at Willard Springs. We may try there too, before going up to Sunset Crater (area) camp. The thing is, new reviews on Campendium complain about ATV noise and group camps. You know, times have changed. We saw a huge difference in ATV usage in the Kofa, and Darby Well road too this year. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many of those ATVS in or around Ajo, as we did this year. And you know what? They come in multiples, like some sort of tour group; 5 to 8 of them at a time. It’s a bummer.

    After we get to the Flagstaff area, and scope out the WX forecast, we’ll decide on either Willard Springs for warmth, or a more Northern camp for the coolness. There are so many forest closures now, we have to check by the day almost.

    Hugs to your little men.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I didn’t know it was you, Suzi, with your new name “Cruzer.” 🙂

      The house-sitting decision is good, gives you pause before going northward/upward too soon. I understand about ATVs. I saw changes happening to the detriment of camps 5 yrs ago. Badger Mtn Camp near Ephraim Ut was deteriorating, for example. Maybe more ATVs on public land due to the shelter in place. It’s one of the few activities people can do as a group while social distancing. Plus it’s a way to work out rage on the environment.

      As for Willard Springs, don’t want to be negative because it may work out fine for you — just a heads up that Coconino FS isn’t always boondocker friendly.

      You and Larry are master boondockers already! I’m thrilled with your reports… Hugs to you both and a pat to Kitty.

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Okay on the Coconino Sue. Thanks for the heads up. 😍

        Someone I’ve known for a long time reentered my life and she calls me cruzer- so that’s where that comes from. Lol. I’m still Suzicruzi. Just a temporary identity crisis. 🤣

  75. Nancy Klune says:

    I am so glad you are out and about but mostly glad that you are okay.

  76. Nancy Klune says:

    Forgot to add glad your friend and is “pack” are well.

  77. Laura Ours says:

    So happy to see you are on the road again for a while! Hoping the area’s you want to camp at stay open, I have read on various site’s that people are having a heck of a time trying to find a place to stay. Huggles to you and your crew!

  78. JBTaz says:

    Happy to see your posts again. We’ve been here at Midland since Christmas and don’t know when we’ll start back home to Montana. Your old post about Midland is why we came here this year. BTW, I thought I seen you, but the new PTV thru me off! Be safe.

  79. Sheila Melcher says:

    Hi Sue,
    So glad to see your posts again, you have been missed. Can’t wait to see what adventures you have in store. Being in central California, I’m anxious to get out camping as well but most of the campgrounds are closed until further notice. Until we get back to “normal” I will camp vicariously through you and your pups. Be healthy and safe!

  80. Dasher says:

    If I remember this fits a term I learned, Hitch Itch. That is something many of us are experiencing during this Shelter at Home phase. We will once more live vicariously through your posts. We will see the sunrise and sunset through your descriptive prose and photographs. We will imagine, as you share, the smells and sounds that surround the BLT. We will smile and perhaps laugh at the antics of the Crew and their furry friends. And we will thank you for taking us along for the ride.

  81. Jan Johnson says:

    Ah, more vicarious travel!! So happy to see you and the boys heading out again. I remember that little pack of dogs and how much fun they had. I can’t believe it’s almost two years ago you bought your home. It’s a great time to do this considering most are stuck in their homes right now. Safe travels!

  82. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Thank you for sharing your trip with us. I am glad that you were able to go back to that peaceful camp and have Del and his crew nearby. It sounds like it was a joyous reunion for you and Del as well as the pups. Reggie and Roger look so happy to be with their friends. 😊

    I wonder if Roger will be able to relax on future trips. It sounds like he felt he had to keep a close eye on you. Maybe the new truck, change of routine…if we only knew what he was thinking!

    Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 💕

  83. Elizabeth says:

    I read a blog from a nice lady in England, tho’ she is Canadian and married to a Brit. I thought the little poster she had on her entry recently was so appropriate: “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.”

  84. Elizabeth says:

    Remember when puddings were made on the stove and then you needed to wait at least overnight till they were set and cold? Well, I had been lazy, buying some in the cold part of the stores, and for some time, rarely ever even seeing the almond milk ones that we needed. So I made some at home!! OH MY GOODNESS, friends, we really need to go back to making it from scratch again…tis oh so much better!! Heh, another product the stores are no longer going to get me to buy…I like saving about 75% making it myself too!! Hope the rest of you are doing some food experiments…at least with Chocolate…after all, Chocolate is medicine. I used Coconut Sugar which I use for a lot of my cooking as it is less problemic to us. Also, daughter got a corned beef and had a bunch leftover which she gave to us…so we had some yummy corned beef and saurkraut sandwiches last night and this morning some corned beef, potato and onion hash!! We had not had such in forever!! Anyone else having fun experimenting with recipes etc??

    • Cynthia in San Clemente says:

      Cooking more creatively has definitely been one of the silver linings of this Covid cloud. I find myself unwilling to waste anything, so we are having lots of unusual combinations and most have been delicious. And yes, I am cooking from scratch more – bread, tapioca pudding, and wonderful soups. Unfortunately, I am also creating more craft cocktails that we are enjoying out on the porch every night, waving to the neighbors out walking their dogs. Thank heavens for elastic-waisted pants; I’m not looking forward to trying to fit into my jeans again!

      • Elizabeth says:

        Cynthia, Glad you are having fun cooking too!! Heh, what else do they think we should do?…cutting back on our supplies forces us to be more creative…after all, Americans have long been “make do” people!!

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Elizabeth!

      Good for you making pudding from scratch. I’ve never done so. It is amazing how much better things taste when they are home made. I made a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies yesterday. I also added walnuts and chocolate chips. They are quite tasty if I do say so myself! Unfortunately, I am eating them at an alarming rate! Elastic waist pants for me after quarantine 😉 Corned beef hash…yum!

  85. Christine Humphrey says:

    I am so, so happy for you and the boys, and can’t wait for your next post! I”ve missed ya’ll so much! WOO-HOO!

  86. weather says:

    Yes, Elizabeth,I do remember when pudding was made on the stove 🙂

    Sometimes we made what we called refrigerator cake. Graham crackers as the bottom crust, chocolate pudding layer, more graham crackers on top of that, then a layer of butterscotch pudding.

  87. jazzlover says:

    RV Sue and Boys, Thank You! Just the serious shot in the arm we have all needed! Some more than others. Good to see your old followers here. Keep us posted, hoping this is a good shot in the arm you needed as well. Good to hear from Del and his crew. You all Be Well! You have Been Missed!

  88. Rick & Brock the dog says:

    Hi Sue,
    My dog Brock and I wintered in AZ and the Midland LTVA till mid-March. We wanted to say thanks for your blog. I referred to it several times in our travels this winter.

    It’s good to see you back. And a new truck! Cool. We’re back on our property in WA. Came back in late March hoping to start the build on my shop and living quarters. Doubt that will happen given the shut down. Oh well, we’re safe and healthy. You stay the same.

  89. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and my fellow blogorinos!

    I hope everyone had a good Monday. It was cool, grey, and rainy here. As I worked at my kitchen table, Gracie pup was in her crate behind me. She was snuggled in her blankets, sleeping hard and snoring lightly. It was a good day for my sweet pup to catch up on her beauty sleep! 😊

    Elizabeth, Cynthia, Dawn, and weather: after reading about homemade pudding, bread, oatmeal cookies, and refrigerator cake – oh my gosh…I was craving something sweet. I ate a vanilla low fat yogurt. That did not satisfy my sweet tooth, so I opened a package of chocolate chips and had a small handful. That did the trick! 😋

    Did you know that a large package of Jello or a small package of Jello Instant Pudding fits perfectly into Glad snack sized containers? Buy the containers once and then one can make snacks for pennies on the dollar. It is a huge budget saver, especially for families packing lunches for their kids. It is nice to have snacks at the ready for us older kids, too!

    Glad Mini Round Food Storage Containers – 4oz – 8 Containers – $2.99
    Jello Large Box (6 oz) – $1.29
    Jello Instant Pudding Small Box (3.4 – 5.9 oz) – $.99 – $1.29

    Ready made for convenience:
    Jello 4 pk – $2.39
    Jello Pudding 4 pk – $3.99

    Prices from

    Helpful hint: the containers will fill very close to top, which makes putting the lids on tricky with high potential of making a mess. Ask me how I know…🙄 Put the containers on a small cookie sheet before filling them. After filling, put the cookie sheet in the fridge, allowing the Jello to set a bit before putting the lids on.

    A couple weeks ago, I picked up a can of Lucky brand Strawberry/Rhubarb pie filling. I have a rolled premade pie crust in the fridge. My plan is to make individual turnover type pies. That way I can freeze 1/2 the pies for later enjoyment.

    Sue: sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup. Enjoy your visit with Del and his crew! We love you! 😊

    Have a good evening everyone! Please stay safe and well! 😷

  90. Elizabeth says:

    Denise…glad you are figuring out ways to spend less too!! Haha…it is exactly one thing that should result from all this mess…and yes, I do blame the stores…I worked in retail for several years, quite a few years ago now…but if you plan to fail…generally you do…and they have done so in a lot of areas, in my opinion!!! I hope this trend will continue…I applaud everyone figuring out ways to be as independent as possible.

    I had a bad food reaction today…so spent most of the day asleep in my recliner (Benedryl is the best sleep aid, though I took it to cut back the allergic reaction!!) I need to not take risk…which for me, is some foods!! Argh…old dog still trying to learn eh?

  91. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you Denise…I am doing ok today!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      That is great, Elizabeth! 😊

      • Elizabeth says:

        You are sweet Denise!! You know what else happened? I have a bum knee that was in horrid pain and when I had this allergic reaction and had to take the Benedryl to deal with that…a nice side effect was the swelling all went away from my knee and it has been the best for ever so long now!! Two days and no pain and walking about (ran a few errands today…with mask!)…still no pain!! It never occurred to me that Benedryl would help with my damaged knee (I had a bad fall over 18 yrs ago…but I am older now and arthritis tends to be more a problem). I am SO grateful to be free of that pain…it may return…but I hope it will be awhile!! Sometimes there is a benefit to a problem eh?? (some knew and prayed for my knee too…not discounting prayers either by the way).

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Reduced pain and swelling was an unexpected, but welcome side effect! Anything that helps, right?! 😊

  92. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Everyone!

    Just Checking in. It’s been overcast and rainy and cool all day. So, I’m sitting at my dining room table finishing up work, listening to Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. It’s the perfect music for the mood of the day. I’ve been looking out at my front porch with joy. Since I am teleworking, I really enjoy looking at the flowers and herbs on my front porch. Usually I’m so tired after working that I don’t care what is out there, if anything at all. This year, I planted two rosemary plants, have basil in a pot and in another very large pot have three cherry tomato plants started along with some thyme. I have some very small, new, azalea bushes in front of my place. They outdid themselves this year. The three in the back are called gardenia azaleas. They were spectacular with white blooms, probably 20-30 per little tiny bush. I still have not attracted very many birds with my feeders, but I do get a few usual customers. I have two pairs of finches, a pair of cardinals, one mourning dove, two squirrels and a chipmunk. It’s nice to look up from working and seeing them eat. It makes me smile.

    Tomorrow I’ll probably make some baked pasta with cheese and spinach and zucchini. I’m excited to try out a new microwave popcorn bowl that my sister sent to me. It’s orange silicone with a really loose fitting lid. I think that it can even go in the dishwasher. My sister was really sweet to get it for me. I was complaining to her that I had recently figured out that all of the microwave popcorn that you buy from the store had palm oil in it. I know that orangutans are going extinct because a lot of their habitat is being used to grow palm trees. I know that I can’t help everything, but not getting products with palm oil is one way I want to try to help. Anyway, popping corn on the stove was very messy and got grease stains all over my favorite shirt. Hence, my sister sent me the new microwave popper. I’m about to try it out. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Look forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Dawn!

      Your front porch and backyard plantings sound lovely! I hope your herbs and tomatoes do well. Picking a perfectly ripe cherry tomato to enjoy right off the plant is a summertime pleasure. I predict that homemade marinara sauce is in your future! It will be doubly good with your fresh tomatoes and basil. Sounds like the azaleas gave you lots of enjoyment. I will have to look up gardenia azaleas – I have not heard of that variety. Have fun enjoying the wildlife who visit your yard. That was very sweet of your sister to buy you a microwave popcorn popper. You are all set for movie night! 🍿

      Your baked pasta dish sounds good! Tomorrow I plan to make a batch of red beans with rice.

      Have a good weekend, Dawn! 😊

      Please stay safe and well. 😷

      • Dawn in NC says:

        Hi Denise!

        I hadn’t thought about making homemade marinara sauce. Hmmm…sounds like a great idea. Nothing beats a home grown tomato. A singer named Guy Clarke even wrote a whole song about the virtues of home grown tomatoes.

        How are you and Gracie pup? How did your red beans and rice turn out? I may ask for that recipe! How are you doing in quarantine? I am an introvert. For the most part quarantine hasn’t been so bad for me. Of course, there are things that I miss. However, I’m really starting to chafe at not being able to visit with friends. Last night, after social distance walking with a friend, we decided to continue the “party”. I was in my kitchen making chocolate chip cookies and my friend was sitting outside, in front of my kitchen window so we could be socially distant, but still talk. It was really nice!

        I hope that you had a great weekend!

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Dawn!

          Gracie pup and I are doing well. I am with you about missing contact with friends and family. We talk on the phone and/or text weekly. I will be glad when we will be able to get together. I greatly miss that.

          A few weeks ago, one of my friends stopped by to drop off an item that she picked up for me at Costco. We visited for a while; I was on the back porch, she was safely distanced on the patio. It was wonderful! I like how you and your friend socialized, but still kept your distance. Bonus! Chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven! 😊🍪🍪🍪

          The red beans and rice was awesome! Of course, I am happy to share the recipe! I use the Hillshire Farm New Orleans Andouille Recipe sausage (1 1/2 pkg). Leftovers freeze well. Enjoy!

          Have a great weekend! 😊

  93. CherylinMI says:

    Sue, I’m feeling a little anxious…not getting an update from you & the Crew…Is everything OK? Just a bit concerned given the condition of the world. If this is too intrusive, just delete it. No feelings will be hurt…I promise. Inquiring minds like to hear from their friends. Stay safe…Woof, Woof! to Reggie & Roger!

  94. WOW!

  95. Speed Gray says:

    Sue and the Pooches:

    So glad you are back on the road! Enjoy yourself and be safe!

    Speed Gray
    Grand Rapids, MI

  96. Suzicruzi says:

    Good afternoon Sue,
    Quick note; (lol, a quick edit- this isn’t quick after all!) this quarantine business of closing down some disbursed camping is a real bummer. During our 2 week dog sitting gig in Havasu City, I began to read your blog again from 2012. I can’t tell you how it’s cheered me up! Seriously. Now we are in Flagstaff at a lovely Boondock in the pines. I’ve been reading every one of your posts regarding Flagstaff and all surrounding posts before and after your visits to Flag. I know very well about your Sunset Crater area camp. We did not go there due to sketchy cell service, but we are driving up there tmro or the next day to see if I can follow your directions to that lovely camp with a view you camped at in 2012 and again in 2013.

    I’ve read and reread about 300’ feet from the road vs 30’. Where we are now, off highway 180 N of Flag, we are definitely farther than 30’. Its confusing. I really want to see that old camp of yours! If we like it, (what’s not to like?) we will possibly move there next week. We are high, 8’000 ft, and it was 34° this morning. We did not turn on the Wave 3, as it warmed up quickly. Frankly it was a treat after plus 100° days for the past 2 weeks in Havasu.

    I’m reading most of your blog posts from April and May, in all your years on the road, to get ideas on where we can disburse North of Flag on our way back to WA state. We will be back in WA the end of June for dentist visits, and Kitty’s rabies and dental cleaning.

    I’ve read your post on camping at DeMotte and Crazy Jug point twice. Also all the spots you camped in after you left Sunset Crater camp. All your posts about Rosevelt Lake are also on my mind. especially Schoolhouse Rec Area near Rosevelt. Thanks for the good info about the Tonto Passes. I doubt we will backtrack down that way from here this year. Besides many campgrounds with services are still closed, damnit. It really looks like we’ll need to scout BLM land and open NF land. Dixie NF in Utah is open, and we got a tip about camping up out of Leeds. My big concern is it’s getting warm. We have to stay high. Do you by chance have any ideas of disbursed camping between here and say Dixie Nat’l Forest? I wonder if Larry would be game for that long drive out to crazy jug point to camp a night or two? I read those posts throughly so I know you left the one area due to some “messy” people up there, and found you own private spot on your way back out from the point. And once back out you stopped and camped at De Motte. I should maybe call or look online to see if DeMotte is in fact closed. It looks high enough to still cool down at night.

    In closing, I want to mention that reading your blog back in the Spike and Bridget days has really made me happy. I’ve played with my benchmarks making lots of notes during this past month of down time. Just thinking about resuming our travels is getting me all excited again! Lately your blog is something I haven’t been able to put down. Perhaps you are due for a reminder of how wonderful your blog really has been for the past 8 years, or so. It reads like an adventure novel, and it’s kept me company many an evening.
    *forgive typos , phone is so tiny to proof read on after typing this much already. ☺️

    Thanks Sue,
    Suzi, Larry, & Kitty in Flagstaff, AZ.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzi, Larry & Kitty,

      I’m glad the old posts are still of value!

      My memory of that camp with a view across from Sunset Crater isn’t perfect. I do recall coming to a sign at a T in the road (choice of left or right). Turn right. You’ll come to a fork. Going straight the road descends. Don’t go that way. Bear right, road ascends. Big campsite on the left. We camped at the next one (IIRC) on the left and was able to keep the 30 ft. distance.

      First reaction to Crazy Jug Pt. — It takes a lot of driving through pines to get there. I am glad I went there once but wouldn’t go back. The area between Demotte and the north rim, along 67, did not seem like a boondock area. Realize, however, that I was there relatively early in my travels and maybe didn’t recognize the possibilities. I recall a lot of open grassy area.

      The road west from DeMotte takes you into pines and the infamous “porcupine village.” 🙂

      I’m sorry I’m not more helpful! I didn’t explore that area much.

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Thanks Sue! ❤️
        How are the boys today? And you?

        After writing I checked for ideas. Sometimes the reviews are all over the place, but still, somewhat helpful. The key now is to find open FS roads. Some randomly are barricaded for the virus, which is such a complete shame. I’m sure we’ll find our way North no problem. We have a few pins to follow from the cutest Canadian couple we met while in Kofa before the housesit in Havasu. They were making their way back to Alberta by way of stealth camping last month, and sent us a pin of each of their camps. I think at least one of them is useable to us on the West of 15, due West of Zion. Then they angled off Eastward somewhat and we would want to head NW. Anyhow, if some good obscure camp comes to mind, give us a holler. We’d be much obliged.

        “Have a good one” Sue! (Remember that town?)

        Suzi. 😎

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        …Turn right at the T in the road, bear right at the fork in the road….

        I love your detailed instructions, Sue! They are worth their weight in boondock gold to Suzucrizi, Larry, and Kitty. 😊

        I know you and the boys are enjoying boondocking in nature’s glory. Soak up the peace, beauty, and solitude. Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! We love you! xo 😊

  97. Suzicruzi says:

    Darn Sue,
    I forgot to ask you about FS camping off of 67, South of Jacob Lake. I know you stopped at the visitor center there and picked up some maps you said. In case the Visitor Cntr is closed due to the virus, and we can’t pick up detailed maps, I’m wondering if you picked up any ideas while in the area. I notice on my benchmark maps, they don’t always have all the smaller roads on them. Anyway— Thanks again!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Suzicruzi,

      I hope you, Larry, and Kitty found a good place to avoid the high temps. 😊

  98. Oh my goodness! You sweet lady! Good to see you again!

  99. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue, Suzi, Denise, Weather, MB and fellow Blogorinos!

    I hope that you are staying safe and well! I miss you all! It is truly strange the times that we are living in right now. I don’t miss my commute to work, but I do miss the people. I don’t miss feeling that all my energy was given to work that day, with little for myself at the end of the day. I do miss some of the work that I could only do , well at work! 🙂 I am very fortunate that I am able to work at home. My heart goes out to all those who have lost jobs and livelihoods. I am having to go into work, briefly, to put away packages. On the way back, I inevitably treat myself to Chick fil a drive through. The past 4 times, I see the same man sitting in his wheelchair in the small median in between six lanes of heavy traffic. I began talking to him. His name is Randy. He is a young man. I don’t know what his back story is, but he lives in a tent around the area. I can’t imagine how difficult life must be being handicapped AND being homeless (he is a double amputee). You always know that there is probably a bigger problem that caused him to become homeless in the first place. Although I did buy him lunch, I know that he needs much more than that. I was wondering if I could ask you guys to pray for him. Long term, I feel like that is the best way that I could help right now. I do believe that prayer changes things.

    Spring here has been beautiful, with the beautiful weather. Unlike some springs, this one has not gotten too hot too quickly. While we’ve had a day or two in the eighties, most of the time the temperature is in the 60s or 70s and cools down at night. It has been delightful, as for the past two months, my heat and a/c have been turned off and my windows have been wide open. The cats love the fresh air as well.

    I look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Dawn!

      So glad that you are enjoying Spring! The temps have been bouncing around here, too. We are under a freeze warning this weekend. The lows tonight will be in the 30s. Don’t forget to cover or move any tender plants if this front passes through your area. 🥶

      Randy will be in my thoughts and prayers. We have seen and felt the power of prayer. You are a blessing to Randy….to lend him your ear and buy him lunch. Sometimes it is the little things that mean so much.

      My weekend plans are cleaning, cooking, and sewing more masks. And of course give Gracie pup lots of attention. 😊

      My go-to for Chinese takeout had been closed for 6 weeks. It is a tiny place that is owned and run by a husband and wife; no employees. They reopened a couple days ago. I was so happy to see them – I wished I could have given them hugs! I have been sending up extra prayers that all small businesses that I support will be able to weather the storm and be ok after the dust settles.

      Gracie’s groomer called me this afternoon to let me know that he is closed until June 11, so no appointment tomorrow. We chatted for a while. Before he closed 6 weeks ago, he celebrated 30 years of being in business. He is worried but hopeful that he will be ok. I told him that Gracie is never stressed and is so calm after her “day at the spa”; she falls asleep on the drive home. We’ll be back when he is able to reopen his doors.

      Have a great weekend, Dawn! 😊

      How is everyone else doing? Inquiring minds want to know! 😉

      Keeping us all in my prayers. Please stay safe and well, my friends. 😷

  100. Barbara Buchanan says:

    Hi sue,

    Can’t tell you how wonderful it was to get this email from you! I do hope you, Reggie and Roger are still there enjoying the company. What a delightful picture, seeing those dogs running together. My dog is getting old (a rescue so don’t really know her age) and the thought of not having her just tears at my heart. I don’t know if you ever got the last message I sent, but I was still crying about Bridget as I read one of your old blogs. Because of you my dog now has a stroller which she just loves!!!

    I left here March 11 for a two or three month trip. Got down to San Francisco and all the campgrounds were being closed, etc, and my kids really said I must go home, so turned around and drove home. I am not that secure in my boondocking abilities. For those that are I’m sure they are fine. I did get to be adventurous and try some new things; two nights in a rest area, one night at a Love’s Truck Stop and one night in a casino parking lot. I know that probably doesn’t sound asventurous to most, but it was for me and it felt quite liberating! (For those of you who don’t know, I am almost 78.).

    I still just love my van. Built a new shelf in it yesterday.

    Sue, thank you so much for sharing your life with us.


  101. ApplegirlNY says:

    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY – to all of you who are mothers or have a mother!
    Blessings galore!

  102. Rebecca says:

    I had not checked in for a bit but think about your adventure now and then – thought I would check on you & the team 🙂 Very nice to hear you are out on the road and your description sounded wonderful. I hope the rest of your trip is equally as enjoyable for all of you!

  103. Elizabeth says:

    Just checking in…and reporting that STILL my bum knee has been good, all these weeks after the Benedryl event!! I am indeed grateful!! We 2 are just being lazy and not doing much…still some recipe experiments most weeks…and finding that using Boxed company online as well as Vitacost has been most satisfactory…Vitacost has gotten things to us in 2 days even…and if you order enough, no shipping!! LOVE IT!! So we are still learning new ways to cope with this crazy world!!
    Hope all the rest here are doing well…I think having a change in the weather has been good too…and maybe here most of the pollen has finished so that helps me feel better for sure!!! Been wondering how everyone else is too…and of course, what on earth Sue and the pups are doing these days!! (Saw weather in parts of AZ at least was already super hot…that would make a hermit out of me!!)

  104. ApplegirlNY says:

    Hello Blogorinos! We are spending our first spring weekend in the Adirondacks. It’s so nice to be in the mountains again, with the sun shining. We had quite the thunderstorms last night, but all clear this morning. We’ll be outside all day dodging the black flies, but it’s worth it. Quite a bit of tidying up from the winter to do, but we love our little place in the woods, near the lake.

    I hope everyone is well, thanks to many of you for continuing to check in. Go out and get some fresh air and sunshine, if you’re able. It does a body good!

    • Elizabeth says:

      How lovely that you have a gorgeous place to go to!! We live in a forested region…so kind of pretend we are “in the woods”…but such places as yours are much to be desired!! Hope your weekend is fun!!

  105. jazzlover says:

    Good Morning Sue and Boys! What a welcome sight to see your post and know you are” On The Road Again”! Be it just getting your feet wet again with meeting up with Del and his crew or the start of looking for cooler places to spend the summer months, it’s is wonderful. Love looking at the pictures of the trip, Roger is so funny, and Reggie must be in seventh heaven with his buddy Skeeter. The weather in the North East has been a crazy roller coaster ride for several months and continues to be un predictable. The pictures are what some of us need now who are staying around familiar ground. How did you chose your newest PTV? Don’t know if this trip is the start of finding cooler spots for the summer or just a meet up with an old friend but enjoy, take some pictures please, “Hi” to Del, and a hug to each of the boys. Be Well and enjoy your boon dock.
    It is nice to read the comments from old time followers and some new ones as well.

  106. jazzlover says:

    Sue, not sure what happened at the end of that post as the last statement about old time and new followers was from the post I tried to send previously and “captcha” prevented it???

  107. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and my fellow blogorinos!

    I hope everyone is doing well and that you are enjoying the weekend. Things are quiet here. I need to make a small grocery run and then catch up on some chores. After my “need to do stuff” is out of the way, I will be working on some sewing projects. Gracie pup just reminded me that she will require lots of love and attention, too. As if I could ever forget!! We will have good weekend. 😊

    Remembering the men and women who protected our freedom by paying the ultimate price. Thank you to our military families for their sacrifice. 🇺🇸

    Sue, I hope you and the boys are well and happy. Maybe you have moved camp to a higher elevation to escape the heat, or even cane back to the a/c of your home. Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup!! We love you! 😊

    Please stay safe and well my friends! 😷

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello Denise and all blogorinos!

      Thank you for your comments during my absence. I apologize for the misleading headline of this post. Reggie, Roger and I returned to the desert but only for a brief camping trip. We are home, healthy, happy, and enjoying warm AZ days.

      Presently we’re having a “cold snap” with highs in the high 80s. It’s already topped 100 degrees this year. I’m surprised that we haven’t needed the A/C yet. This house must be well-designed because we’ve been comfortable.

      New post is half done. Don’t know when I’ll get it finished. I keep stalling out, but will keep trying.

      Thanks again for being here,
      Bye for now,
      Sue and the boys

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Sue!

        Thank you for the mini update! xo 😊

      • Columbus Calvin says:

        While you’ve had that hot weather, we’ve been having cold here in Ohio. We finally got within shouting distance below normal yesterday. Today’s well above average and the whole week ahead is forecast to be more of the same. Ohio weather is a roller coaster.

    • weather says:

      It’s great to hear from you, Sue, and the blogorinos that have left us all a note. Life in my little corner of the world has been lovely in most ways. Time on my laptop and this smartphone just has needed to be limited due to an uncomfortable muscle situation that typing aggravates. Miss and love you all. 🙂

  108. Elizabeth says:

    So nice to hear from a few, Sue and all…glad you all are ok. Sorry to hear you are suffering with pain, Weather…that is never fun…hope you recover soon!! We are holding on here per usual. Hubby did get good news this week about his recent blood work…everything good and he has almost reached his goal with the blood sugar. Which during this time of stress for everyone, was a nice surprise!! Keep us posted on the sewing projects, Denise!! Heh, my sewing area is a mess (reorg going on etc) so hopefully I will actually get to sewing again soon too!!

  109. eliza says:

    I hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day – staying safe and healthy while enjoying summers and remembering the lives lost during war times. Such a strange mixture of emotions, but the importance of life threads through it all. I am so grateful to Sue for putting all the work into this blog, and interacting virtually in blogorino world, and to the many people who have also contributed in the comments. Just wanted to say thank you.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      You beautifully put into words how many of us feel, eliza.

      I hope you are having a good Memorial Day, too! 😊

  110. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Elizabeth!

    So happy to hear that your husband received some good news from his doctor! Yes indeed, getting good news is a wonderful blessing during these challenging times. 😊

    I can relate to having a messy sewing area. As part of trying to get things organized, I intermittently am sorting through fabric, patterns and such. If I purchased fabric for a specific pattern, I put them together in a Ziploc bag. That way when I get to that project, everything will be together.

    Have a great week! 😊

  111. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Hi Sue, my nephew that just loves the Crew is turning 6 soon and his birthday pool party is today. Some of his friends and their parents are attending at his house. I really wanted to attend but I’m staying home. I made a crochet family of the 4 RVSue crew members for his wall. It will wait until we are all safe to gather together. I am trying to make the BLT and PTV for the other wall.

    Last Sunday, 5 sisters and myself got together online to do a virtual escape room event. We have done several times different escape rooms here around Phoenix in the past, when our very competitive natures surge sometimes causing issues. This time was the best…it was live with a staff member being our camera holder…we all saw different things and we were all able to our various skills and experiences make it to the exit with 30 seconds to spare…we were laughing, letting each of us to their best…it was a blast! Sisters from Yuma, Idaho, Texas and the Valley, we are planning to make this a monthly event.

    I have only been out twice to pick up my groceries on 1st Wednesday and once to do a drive by birthday wave. I have always been a “gungho” person so imagine my surprise with my hesitation attempting to reentering to the world outside my apartment. I need to replace my broken phone (in person), pick up meds and I keep finding excuses NOT to leave my security. I finally was able to make a face mask (not a sewer)…I order face shield because when I put on a mask I become asthmatic and it triggers a panic attack…I am doing better with the new mask and the shield. I am going out tomorrow no matter what. I could asked one of the relatives but I just don’t want to be the cause of them getting convid-19. I am going to just pull up my auntie bloomers and get moving forward, nuff said.

    I look forward every day to your blog. Sue. I like seeing if you or a blogorino stopped by – I love the stories and the imagines I picture in my mind; I use the search by picking a date and going to the closest site which I enjoy and have been doing info searches based on whatever you talked about – which I use when I talk to the Crew’s #1 youngster nephew fan; I particularly like the geologic searches that I do based on your backgrounds. I can still travel around the West and enjoy the sights.

    Yes, the cold snap has been enjoyable but now it is time to close the arcadias starting tomorrow, today’s 98 is the last of the two digits. I am glad that you are still able to be comfortable in your surroundings. Ear scratches to the Reggie and Roger.

    Hi blogorinos, positive thoughts and happiness to All of you.

    Remembering Memorial Day!

    Take Care!

  112. Suzette Simmonds says:

    How fabulous to check in and see you back on the road! Love the truck! Love the photos! Love the boys! Can’t wait to read the next post!

  113. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue and my fellow blogorinos!

    Long time no see! I hope this test message goes through… I know WordPress has been giving Sue a fit.

    Sending love and hugs to all. Keeping Sue, her crew, and all of her blogorino family in my thoughts and prayers. xo Please stay safe and well. 😷

  114. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Yea, I see 2 test messages…Weather’s and Denise – Richmond, VA.

    Hi Sue, Crew and blogorinos. Today started with 70*, apt opened and fresh air is being enjoyed, of course, Saturday will be in the 100’s again but hey, that’s Phoenix, AZ living.

    I hope that your wordpress issues are over; I am glad that we are able to see blogorino messages to you and each of us…we are family.

    I am going to spend a week house sitting with Lexi the Chihuahua while her family (Sister) is enjoying Yellowstone. I will be getting my puppy dog bliss with Sweet Lexi.

    Take Care for now

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