Roper Lake State Park, Safford, Arizona

Monday, March 28 (continued)

In the previous post, RVSue and the crew leave Las Cienegas National Conservation Area in search of a green camp that is less prone to wind.

P1100299Roper Lake, Safford, Arizona

We pull into Roper Lake State Park and stop at the pay booth.


Since we don’t need to run our air conditioner on this cool, windy day, we don’t need hookups.

I pay $18 for one night.

A sign says that campsites are “available night by night if not reserved.”  I take this to mean you can set up in a campsite, pay $18 (or $28 if a hookup site), and, if someone reserves your site for the next night, you have to move out.  I don’t confirm this because we’re only going to stay one night anyway.

P1100304I drive around the non-hookup loop to get the “lay of the land.”

The loop is close to the lake, which is nice.  However, there are cabins along the edge of the lake and they are presently occupied. (Cabins are $65-$70 a night.  That’s what the website says.  However, it also says the non-hookup sites are $15 when they are $18 in reality.)  You can see photos of the interior of cabins by following this link.

The campsites are pretty basic, not much more than paved, parking pads around a gazebo for group events.  Thank God Almighty, no event, family reunion, whatever, is going on!

I choose a site with no neighbors.

P1100309Look closely at the above photo and you’ll see the campsites on either side of us.  It is our good fortune that no one sets up in either of these sites.

Once we’re settled — I don’t unhitch — it’s walk time!

Bridget and Reggie, cooped up in the Perfect Tow Vehicle for most of the day so far, are excited to explore.  Reggie runs ahead and then waits for us to catch up.

P1100311This little trail links the poor section (without hookups) with the ritzy section (with hookups).  Ha!  Wouldn’t it be funny if the sign said “Haves $28, Have-Nots $18.”

Actually the little trail is the way to the shower house. 

(Yippee.)  Anyway . . . .  This reedy end of Roper Lake is full of birds!  There must be a hundred birds singing and chirping, completely hidden in those reeds and tamarisk trees!

P1100313We walk past a small beach.  Dogs aren’t allowed on the beach.  I take a few photos and we keep going.

P1100314Bridget, the self-appointed ringleader of our traveling circus, decides we’ve walked far enough.

She turns around and heads back toward whence we came. 

“Okay, Reggie.  Her Royal Poombah says it’s time to go home.”

P1100317Well, that wasn’t much of a walk.  They both seem satisfied with it though.  And the wind is picking up again . . . .

Inside the Best Little Trailer, I go online to see how the blog is doing.

Bridget and Reggie eat some kibble and relax on the bed.  I have the curtain on the rear window pulled open.  A flash of red catches my eye.

Was that a bird?

I shut down the laptop and the crew and I hurry outside.  It’s a bird!  A little, red bird flies back and forth from the mesquite tree to the picnic table at the next campsite.

I set up a chair to watch, camera at the ready.

P1100321He seems very interested in us.  Apparently we are in his territory.  At one point he flies over our heads and swoops past the BLT.  This is the same kind of bird I saw at Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge — a flock of them flitting among the mesquite trees.  Follow this link to see another photo and to hear the Vermilion Flycatcher.

In addition to our brightly feathered friend . . . .

The more sedately dressed doves and quail roam around the campground, quite at ease with the presence of campers.  Typical of a dove, one claims the top of the cupola on the group shelter for a place to rest and survey the activities below.

P1100319After I take the photo above, a male shows up and starts chasing the female around up there.  Sorry, no photo!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot . . .  American Coots (the avian kind) swim along the edge of the lake.

Tuesday, March 29

Upon waking I peer out the window above our bed.  Dawn is breaking!  The sun is rising from across the lake!

My immediate impulse is to grab the camera and run out to take a photo.  To do so would require I stand in the front “yard” of one of the cabins.  Shucks.  (A vehicle is parked in the spot that is empty in the photo below, taken the previous day.)

P1100308 While packing up and preparing to leave, a chorus of birdsong emanates from the reeds.  All at once the birds rise up and noisily fly over the campground.  I can’t tell what they are.  They make small, dark silhouettes against the sky.

P1100302Wind urges us to make an early start. 

Our stay was short and we didn’t see much of the lake. We pull out of Roper Lake State Park, drive through Safford, and take Route 70 to Globe and Tonto National Forest.



Here’s a sample of what readers recently purchased:

Fire, 7″ Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB
Southpole Men’s Fleece Pants
Reverse Osmosis Water Storage Tank
Merial Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control
The Essentials of Living Aboard a Boat
Wrap Around Step Rug


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122 Responses to Roper Lake State Park, Safford, Arizona

  1. Chris B says:

    I love the birds! Looks like a nice place to walk around.

    Chris B

  2. Elaine in Colorado says:

    2nd! LOL! Love your descriptions and pictures Sue!

  3. We made a U-turn at Zion and are back at Las Vegas Bay. We will head to CA and drive up 395.

    The solar showers were working at Windy Hill. Not sure about the ones at Cholla.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John K.,

      Yeah, north of Zion you run into cold and, most likely, snow. Taking 395 is always a good choice. Enjoy!

  4. Kitt, NW Wa says:

    The final photo is spectacular! The colors are amazing. Another interesting and informative post.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt,

      Thanks re the last photo. The fresh, spring-green leaves of the mesquite make the red of the flycatcher pop!

  5. Ilse says:

    …and now I have to backtrack and read. Haven’t had a chance the last few days. I quit my job today, because I decided that the universe was sending me lots of signs that I should do so. Since I obviously ignored the hints, my guides/Angels/Flying spaghetti monster made me chop my fingers (I’ve been mowing for years, after all, and never felt the urge to check how well the blades work), so I finally got it. So by this fall at the latest, I’ll be out there again in my Ladybug Home.?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You probably made the right decision to quit. Those “hints” don’t kid around! And we don’t want you having any more accidents. I hope your hand is healing well.

      Yay! “Out there again in my Ladybug Home.” That’s great, Ilse.

    • Dawn says:

      I’m with RVSue on the hints! When a Chilean Mapuche doesn’t listen to spirits calling her to be a shaman (a Machi), the woman will continue to get sick with mysterious ailments, get progressively worse and will be showered with ill luck and fortune…and apparently the spirits are quite persistent, never giving up until she takes her vows–or perishes!

      Thinking on that, I also high five your decision to quit! May favorable winds blow your way 🙂

  6. Calvin R (still waiting in Ohio) says:

    I guess I’m the non-avian kind of American Coot, at least for now.

    Roper Lake State Park looks nice, but a bit out of my range for the sites with hookups.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hey, Calvin!

      Yeah, why pay $28 for one night. One can camp for an entire month for less in places just as nice and a lot less crowded. Well, there are times… like when we needed air conditioning on a really hot day… that the price doesn’t seem so bad.

      The hookup sections were pretty full. I saw a lot of tv antennas. Maybe that’s why.

      • Calvin R (still waiting in Ohio) says:

        Maybe people are watching the basketball playoff. “March Madness” indeed, when you’re sitting in the middle of thousands of beautiful birds, flowers, and the rest of Arizona’s natural scenery.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You could be right. I’m often taken aback by the absence of people out and about. Some people pull into a campsite and they hardly ever come outside. Maybe their RVs are TOO comfortable?

      • Calvin R (still waiting in Ohio) says:

        If those people stopped to watch the basketball playoff, they’re missing the best part.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          I love nature and being outside, but March Madness is my favorite TV watching time. Love college basketball, but mostly just tune-in at March Madness as my DH isn’t a big fan.

  7. carlene back in NoCal says:

    Lovely Vermilion Flycatcher… didn’t think I’d become a birder by just volunteering at Bosque del Apache for 4 months… but I’ve got a few on my list… this is one I wanted to see but missed it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Lots of Vermillion Flycatchers in Arizona. . . .

      That was neat, carlene . . . .you volunteering at Bosque del Apache. Do you think you will do more volunteering?

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Carlene, Did you ever meet Lynne B. of Winnie Views blog?

        • Carlene at NoCal says:

          Yes I did meet Lynn… A wealth of info both with birds, travel and single RV living. While at Bosque there were up to 18 other RV’ers in 12 or 13 different rigs… What a great learning community. It was wonderful.

      • Carlene at NoCal says:

        Yes Bosque was my first but not my last. I’ll be at Haystack Rock , Cannon Beach Or for this summer. Oregon Island NWR. Combined with Oregon state fish and wildlife. And I hope more in the future. Im in shingle springs ca at my kids place for about 5 weeks. Changed out mt door privacy glass with tinted tempered glass. Another view window.
        I was very blessed to be at Bosque. It is a magical place.
        Great blog Sue. Travel safe and hugs to the pouches.

  8. Well, almost…smiling.

  9. Lynn Brooks says:

    Beautiful birds!!!
    Thanks so much for the pic!!!
    Lynn B. (Baltimore,MD)

  10. Susan in Dallas says:

    I wouldn’t think Bridget would bark at the birds, but does Reggie? With so many being there he might wear himself out. Pretty camp site!

  11. Linda from Oregon says:

    Glad no one was parked in the no hook up sites so you almost had it to yourself. We are having summer here in Oregon. It was in the 70s for a few days and by the end of the week we should have 80s but being Oregon we know that the following week it can be 60 and pouring down rain. Oh well, the sun feels good and everything is blooming.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Linda,

      Sometimes my photos are misleading. There were about ten other campers in the no hookup section. Of course I always try to put us by ourselves.

      Oregon . . . It’s a beautiful state, no question about that. The weather can be “challenging.” I hope you have another sunshiny day today!

  12. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    The last photo was beautiful! I hope you found (past tense by the time this is posted) a pretty, non-windy place.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Cynthia,

      Thanks re the photo. Yes, we did find a place without wind, a pretty spot with lots of flowers. Enjoy your day!

  13. Deena in Peoria, AZ says:

    Hi Sue and the very cute Crew…
    Love the pictures of the birds and the covered bridge. I too was wondering about Reggie and the birds – saw your answer to Susan above. Miss Mollie sits on the grass under the orange trees and watches the Quail family that have moved into the lemon tree area (about six feet away), I am always amazed that she just watches and doesn’t chase them as she does the Doves. Makes for an enjoyable morning and evening with her and her “pals”.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Deena,

      That’s sweet — Mollie sitting on the grass watching the quail. Maybe she doesn’t bother them because they seem like little, happy people. Whereas doves with their mournful sound can get on a dog’s last nerve! Ha!

  14. Laura - Illinois says:

    I just LOVE the photos today! Actually I love the photos everyday… but these are really pretty with the red birds! Good to see your furbabies are doing well too! I may not write often, but I DO read each and every blog you post! I talk about your blog too to others who are wondering just what they are going to do when it comes time to retirement. I love your ideas!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Laura,

      Thank you very much . . . for loving my photos, for reading every post, and for telling other about my blog. You might help someone find a retirement lifestyle they never would’ve thought of without you pointing the way!

  15. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    Just love the pics of the birds…and the lake with the reeds. The weather there seems perfect. It is going to be 0-10 degrees tonight…UGH!!!! I am half way through taping (Frogtape rocks) and painting my kitchen….turquoise!! I just love it! Two days ago it was 60 and I spent 3 hours in the garage cleaning it up. It felt fantastic to be “almost” outside. My granddaughter Nora remains “the cutest kid EVER”. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Krystina,

      I love your color choice for your kitchen! Bright and cherry! The weather is yo-yo-ing here, too. I just hope we get to enjoy some Spring weather before slamming into the usual heat and humidity of VA summers. Have fun with Nora! 🙂

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        Thank you Barbara. I REALLY love the color. The accessories are going to be red (LV red). I am making red and white polka dot valances for the windows and I have a few 1940’s 50’s items to use as well. The kitchen is almost as big as my whole RV was so it is fun looking for “stuff” to put in there. Have a great day. It is 10 degrees here!! I want spring!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Krystina,

      You are such a crafter! What the heck are Frogtape rocks?

      A freshly painted kitchen in turquoise — Wow! It sounds gorgeous… and there are many products on the market right now in that color. Accessorize! What fun!

      • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

        LOL RVSue! Frog Tape is tape that you put on the woodwork so you don’t get the paint on what you don’t want it on. 🙂 I have always “cut in” with a 1″ Purdy brush but I cannot do that anymore because I cannot see to do it. Redoing a home when you are 69 is a real challenge but I am determined to do it. My kids Dad and I built a house back “when we were young”. I did all the painting and staining….including 12 over 12 windows…LOVED it! Also loving it every time you post!!! xxoo

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, you mean “painter’s tape.” I never heard of Frog Tape. I though it was some kind of craft project… Make a frog out of tape.. Haha!

          • Velda in Roseville CA says:

            Not just painters tape, Frog tape has special chemistry/adhesive to keep paint from oozing under its edges, supposed to be better than blue tape or masking tape. If you have ever pulled tape after painting and find little areas where paint oozed under, you will appreciate frog tape. Guess they named it after the sticky feet of certain tree frogs. It does work well. And comes off easily.

            • DesertGinger says:

              My brother is professional painter. Also my close friend Terii.neverheard of frog tape.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I never did either. Did a search and found a review that said alligator tape works better than frog tape. Isn’t this fascinating?

            • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

              Hummmm, I got the FrogTape at Home Depot because everyone said it was the best. I had my doubts about, it but it really was fabulous.

            • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

              Hey Kristina! I have missed you here off and on… Glad to hear you are so energetic! Would love to see photos of your kitchen!!!

              Hi Sue!

      • DesertGinger says:

        No Sue….frog tape “rocks”…. Frog tape “rocks and rolls”. Get with it!

  16. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue,

    Roper Lake looks like a charming place…except for the tight sites and cabins nearby. I love the photo of Reggie pausing on the covered bridge. The sweet picture of Bridget and Reggie walking in tandem on covered the bridge made me smile….two chums heading home after a short walk. I love those little pups! I hope you enjoyed a long, hot shower and got your $18 worth!

    The past few days I have awoke to birdsong. Spring love is in the air. Yesterday morning someone was singing his little heart out to attract a mate. His concert was very impressive. I hope he was successful – I was certainly charmed! 🙂

    Sending you and the Crew wishes for an enjoyable Sunday! Thank you for sharing your little corner of the world with us. Hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      I could picture Gracie and I sitting on that swing outside the cabin overlooking the lake. We would be swinging, enjoying seeing and hearing the birds….just watching the world go by. In my minds eye, there are no cabins, noisy people, or anything blocking our view. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise,

      Yes, I got my $18 worth… a place to spend the night, pretty surroundings, a shower, water, and trash dumpsters!

      Thank you re the photos. The Bridget and Reggie side-by-side shots are among my favorites.

      Enjoy the sounds of spring! To think there are people who ignore birds singing… We know better! Give Gracie pup a special hug from us…

  17. Betsy in PA says:

    Hi Sue!
    Woke up this morning to lake effect snow on the ground . . . but your beautiful birdie pictures reminded me that spring is still there under that new blanket of snow! Less than three weeks and we will be on the road, can’t wait! Love to the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Betsy,

      Less than three weeks? And it just snowed again? I expect you’re going to love heading down the highway, and you don’t have long to wait. 🙂

  18. Janis Harrison says:

    Hi Sue ,your vermilion flycatcher is a rare find here in Louisiana we may get to see one once in awhile so I am jealous that you can observe their behavior so much.they are fun to watch as they Sally back and forth catching insects .I always enjoy your post and pictures and so look forward to the next one!! Like eating peanuts !!
    I took the daughters and the grands camping last week it was so much fun but it was too much too soon just as the blogorinos said it would be. I have been resting up trying to figure out a way to make it easier on me and have decided to upgrade to an all in one unit like a class a or class c. A short one no longer than 24 ft. So the search is on !! Blog away my friend and may the wind be always at your back.Huggs Grandjan

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Janis,

      I’m so glad you and your family had a great camping trip! You made memories that will stay with them a long time.

      I’m a bit concerned about you making a big decision during a time when you’re reacting to pushing yourself too soon. You have more recovering to do. If you do decide to go ahead and purchase a Class A or Class C, choosing a small one is wise. You’ll fit into more places and it won’t be as awkward in parking lots and traffic.

      For now, rest!

      Thanks for the enthusiastic mention of my posts and photos. Unlike peanuts, they aren’t fattening!

  19. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    What a pretty place!! The birds, the water, the covered bridge….really nice. I love the last picture and the one of Reggie on the bridge.
    Praying your travels are not too windy.
    Big hugs and lots of love sent your way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pauline. Hugs and love to you, too! Give Tawnya a hug from me. She sent me an Easter wish that made me smile.

  20. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Awe! Perty little bird. 🙂
    I love doves. There is a large supply of them here, and in fact I have a nest of them outside my office/guest room every year. They are happy there… I hate the ‘mess’ they make but they make up for it with their song. 😛

    LOTS of RV traffic over here the last week or two. Last week was Oregon’s Spring Break, this is Washington’s. I keep trying to fill my time and not get a hankerin’ to go out to camp… since I know it will be anything but calming! Weather is gorgeous here though… so my toes want to GO!

    Hugs from Hoquiam!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Barb,

      You’re the second Oregonian to mention your good weather right now. I hope you are able to enjoy it. You’ve had more than your share of difficult weather!

      Wishing you a wonderful day!

      • DesertGinger says:

        I think Barb is in Washington…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Right, I worded that wrong. Should’ve said “You’re the second person in the PNW to mention your good weather right now.”

          Oh well, I try.

          • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

            LOL I love it! I am in WA but spent MANY years in OR so I will claim both OK? Good Catch Desert Ginger!

            It was gorgeous yesterday. We headed to Westport for a bit… not long. I have an icky knee that was not happy with the beach. 🙁

            Looks like later in the week will be even lovelier!
            Hope you are well and take care!

            Hugs from Hoquiam!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              As if I don’t know that the “Hugs from Hoquiam!” are from Washington state…. sheesh. I must’ve been in a zombie state of mind when I wrote that.

              I’m sorry your knee made itself known during your outing to the beach. I’m happy you are having lovely weather, Barb in WASHINGTON! 🙂

  21. Jan says:

    Beautiful shot of the bird in the tree.

  22. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    Hi Sue and Crew! Maya is on strike this morning she refuses to go out in the SNOW! We are hanging out looking at your beautiful photos and dreaming of the road. The reservation policy that all of these state campgrounds have is really annoying to me, if you are in a campsite it seems so unfair to have someone reserve it right from under you. Camping with a pop-up I’m especially more sensitive to that because it’s work to set up and break down, I want to always stay more than one night! Oh well, guess I need a Casita some day :0)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam and Maya,

      I don’t like that reservation policy either. Imagine someone sets up in their campsite and the next morning they are told to move out of it because someone else made a reservation for it. The person breaks camp and moves. Then the people who made the reservation don’t show up. 🙁

  23. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    well guess that will teach me to go to bed at 9pm…
    got up this morning and find your post from last nite……..
    the state parks are good for hiding for one nite out of
    the wind…well worth the money……it seems the wind
    has been really bad even here this year…..havent gone
    fishing in 3 months because of the wind….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Chuck,

      Oh, 3 months with no fishing… That’s not good! 🙂

      State parks are worth the money for an overnight rest-and-refresh. Most of the ones I’ve stayed in, I wasn’t interested in staying longer than that. Of course, I don’t go to the ones where you need a reservation 6 months in advance…

      Hope you can wet a line soon, chuck!

  24. Terri From Texas says:

    Wonderful flycatcher photos! I spent time at Big Bend chasing one around and never did get a good picture. I checked our bluebird nest box yesterday and there are 5 little blue eggs this Spring. We usually have it occupied but last Spring there were none so I am happy to see it occupied again. I love AZ state parks but they are pricey. Is there a senior discount in AZ?
    We are headed to the beach in a few days with our
    “dune dog” as we like to call him.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Terri,

      No, there isn’t a senior discount at AZ state parks. I don’t know of any states that discount for seniors, other than their annual passes for residents.

      Have fun at the beach with Dune Dog!

      • Penny in AR says:

        Arkansas state parks give seniors 62+ a 50% discount week nights and 25% Friday and Saturday….just show drivers license. We have some beautiful state parks, but summers are very hot and humid. Go to Arkansas State Parks website.

      • Elaine in Colorado says:

        Which makes me think …… are there parks that give Disabled a discount. I thought that I saw in Colorado that you can get a free pass to parks if you are.

  25. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi again. My kindle runs out of room to type. Anyway, just enjoying the heck out of all your travels
    and looking forward to seeing where you will end up this summer. We want to go to the Smokies in November. Anyone know if that is a good time or have any tips on where to camp? We have a 22 foot trailer. Thanks RvSue for your blog!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Terri.

      Blogorinos: Any suggestions for a trip to the Smoky Mountains?

      • Calvin R (still waiting in Ohio) says:

        My wife and I drove the Blue Ridge Parkway and tent camped one July about ten years ago. That Parkway ends near an entrance to Smoky Mountains National Park. When we reached the southwestern end of the Parkway, the altitude made the weather quite a bit colder. We camped at the last campground on the Parkway, south of Craggy Gardens Visitor Center, in temperatures in the lower 40s F–in mid-July. (We also had a bear alert, which made us nervous as tent campers.) Check Smoky Mountains National Park’s web site for more information on altitude. Higher elevations there are probably cold by November.

  26. Beautiful Birds Sue and great post too!,,,,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Rusty. I hope you and Piper are enjoying this beautiful morning!

      • We are doing great and watched the morning sunrise on the Sierras mountains to our west, it was fantastic,,, but we stayed in till the ma-sket-tos left.. we are camped in a cross road/trail and moving just 50 yards to the east when the camper moves out ’round 10:30 this morn, then we’ll have a great spot,,, Piper loves it here and says hi to you and your Babies,,,, we are in ’bout 3 miles and I have been watching the morning Rock Climber’s to our west,,,,,

  27. AZ Jim says:

    I have seen Roper Lake on maps but never in photo until your post. Then I looked it up on Google and it is a nice spot. I am sure a nite there recharged all three of your batteries. Nice post Missy……

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jim, and good morning to you and Detta!

      I didn’t do justice to Roper Lake State Park. Between the wind and the crew wanting to hunker down (me, too!) we didn’t explore it. There’s a hot springs/hot tub at the park which was being enjoyed by a couple of women. It’s right next to the road, no privacy screen. Even so, some folks don’t mind apparently.

      Beautiful Arizona day today, isn’t it… 🙂

      • AZ Jim says:

        It’s the kind of day I wish for you and the crew on each day you choose to spend here in your adopted part of the country. I am happy you are enjoying this year here.

  28. Kathy (NC) says:

    Beautiful photos, especially the flycatcher. Love seeing Bridget and Reggie enjoying their surroundings. Hope you have another beautiful place to enjoy today.

  29. Rita Phoenix AZ says:

    I am enjoying a tour of AZ….I zip by some of these places on roads and freeways never giving it a thought to stop and explore. I love the camp grounds…put them on my list of places to visit. The cabins are rather expensive I thought….usually they are round $24 a night and you bring your own bed linens. I prefer my tent but occasionally I rent a cabin. Love the colorful red feathered birds.

  30. Dawn in MI says:

    The shot of Reggie in the bridge is so cute! As is the shot of the two of them together. But that last breathtaking! 🙂 This all looks like so much fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is fun, Dawn. I set up my chair in the shade at the back of the BLT and watched the flycatcher flit from one perch to another. He frequented a certain branch on the mesquite tree. I focused the camera at that spot and had my elbow propped on the arm of the chair. I waited. After several tries, I got the photo I wanted. Then I watched the doves and quail. I gave up on the quail. They’re too skittish and quick for me.

      • Marilyn, Dania Beach, FL says:


        You did a terrific job catching the bird with the camera you have. Shutter lag makes it difficult.

        Keep shooting and posting the bird images. Have you started your “life list?”

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, Marilyn. Have I started my life list? It’s a little late for me to do that. 🙂 I’m not much for lists. I’m still trying to catch the knack for writing a grocery list.

  31. Such a pretty spot, nice that you had it mostly to yourselves. I love that Miss B decides the pack’s hiking direction and duration 🙂 She’s quite the character! The little red bird is spectacular, thanks for sharing. You are seeing so much of Arizona on this “leg” – it is definitely a diverse and beautiful state.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee… Yes, Arizona is “diverse and beautiful.” It’s no wonder people (and birds) flock here every winter!

  32. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Love the post and photos. Bridget & Reggie on the Bridge is so cute. The flycatcher is a beautiful bird. Of course our redbirds are the Cardinals. They are abundant here. There are also a lot of blue birds and purple martins in our neighborhood. They are all building nests and mating. The bird songs are so nice this time of year. Angel likes to watch the birds, but if they are sitting on the ground, she will chase them. The Canadian Geese have left finally. Now we can walk by the lake without the mess on the street and in the grass.

  33. weather says:

    You certainly chose a refreshing place to relax and rest in. A bit of looking at a lake, short walk on a lovely trail, birdsong chorus, shower and sleep, I imagine the three of you left there feeling quite soothed and satisfied. “your traveling circus”?! 🙂 !, love it! Thank you for the links you included in the post. I used each of them and listened to the song of the vermillion flycatcher then read the story over again, lovely…I hope you are having a good day where you currently are. A very windy snowstorm just ended here.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good afternoon, weather!

      I hope you are enjoying the aftermath of “a very windy snowstorm.” You’re welcome, regarding the links. I thought of you when I posted the links to hear the birds’ song.

      Yes, we’re having a good day. It’s sunny, warm, and calm.

  34. That bridge is pretty cool. I miss all that desert vegetation.

  35. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    What a nice place! The cabins are cute….similar to the ones at the KOA’s.

    Liked the photos of the gang. Reg man “looking back” is adorable. Bridgee and reg walking together is priceless…such a happy crew! Yay!

    It’s absolutely freezing here…23 with a windchill of 5 and snow! Birds are coming out, loons are here in the morning, so winter is almost over…I think.

    Have a great evening and thanks for taking the time to share your “dash”.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Cinandjules,

      Poor birds in a windchill of 5… Y’all keep warm and have a good night!

  36. Cat Lady still stuck in Central, La. says:

    Good a.m., Sue and Crew. Looks like I won’t be able to give you credit on Amazon in the future. Louisiana has changed the tax situation and Amazon is no longer giving you credit from what I can understand…yeah, they went up another percent on us (I’m now 10.5% in my area). Looks like this will last another 5 years at least. By then, they’ll decide not to faze it out as promised and will just keep it. Hope you don’t see too big a drop in your commissions but apparently other states are doing this as well.

    Hugs to the fur babies.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Cat Lady,

      Before everyone reading your comment stops shopping Amazon from my blog, let me do some research first. I hope what you write isn’t so!

      I will report here later what I find out. Thanks, Cat Lady.

      LATER…. The crew and I returned from morning walk. I didn’t have to do any research because I see (thanks to weather’s research!) that the Affiliates affected are those who are residents of Louisiana. Whew! Sales have been way down this week (depressing!). Now I know that might not be a permanent downtrend. 🙂

      • weather says:

        new Louisiana sales tax increase nixes online referrals-an article I found by typing that in a web search, says it affects Amazon affiliate bloggers from Louisiana, Sue, It appears that won’t affect you, thought you may want to read that to see the details there .

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you very much, weather and good morning! That clarification makes a big difference. I’ll read the article.

  37. Cat Lady still stuck in Central, La. says:

    I’m so confused…does this mean I can still go to your Amazon site and you’ll get credit,
    fingers Xd?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, you most certainly can! The situation you mentioned only affects Amazon Affiliates in Louisiana (no more commissions).

      Thank you for asking, Cat Lady, and for caring that I get credit for your purchases.

  38. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    Hi Barb from Hoquiam!!! So happy to hear from you. How is it going? If I can find your email I will send you a pic when the kitchen is done. It HAS to be done so I can get outside if it EVER gets warm. 10 degrees here today and will be cold for at least another week. Painting my BR next. It is bigger then the kitchen…I could set up a party in there 🙂 Have a great day Barb!!

  39. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hi, Sue – I know I’m two days late and two dollars short with this comment. I really like listening to the bird songs. Thank you for being so thoughtful to give us easy access to that.
    I have been deep into a project that I want to finish this week, and it looks like that will be the case. I haven’t read any blogs for about a week.
    Take care and thank you for your super duper blog!

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