Salmon Falls Dam and how a little book influenced my life

Sunday, April 19

“Come here, Bridge, and get in your suit.  We’re going to walk over to the dam.”

1-P1040442View of Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir from our campsite

The crew on-leash, we walk the road that connects Lud Drexler Campground with Three Creek Highway, the route that goes east from the campground to Rogerson and Highway 93 in southern Idaho.

Soon we’re winding our way through sagebrush and Salmon Falls Dam comes into view.

1-P1040295With the leashes in one hand, I stand at a barbed wire fence and take photographs.

1-P1040301Reggie and Bridget keep moving around, jiggling my arm and the camera.

“Okay.  You two sit here for a minute.  I won’t take long.”

I hook their leashes to a metal fence post.  This development is not met with enthusiasm, to say the least.

1-P1040304Quickly I grab this shot south of the dam.

1-P1040303This next photo gives a close-up view of the basalt cliffs.

1-P1040305I unhook the crew and we move close to where to road goes over the dam.


One more view looking south . . .

1-P1040330About Salmon Falls Dam . . .

Salmon Falls Dam is a “masonry arch-gravity dam 217 feet high and 450 feet  long, impounding up to 230,650 acre feet of water in Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir.  When full, the reservoir extends for 17 miles upstream, encompassing 3,400 acres. The dam and reservoir control runoff from a drainage basin of 1,610 sq miles.”  — Wikipedia

Next we cross the road for a photo of the other side.

1-P1040327I’d like to get a photo of the bottom of this gorge.

The lack of anything but air between us and the bottom quashes that idea very quickly.  (Cows have trampled the barbed wire fence to the ground.)  Being tugged by the crew near the precipice gives me a touch of vertigo.

“Let’s get away from here!”

We scurry back to the road and return to the campground.

It’s such a pretty, warm day that we take our sweet time.

1-P1040299 - CopyHow can we resist a patch of soft grass with dandelions?

I sit on the ground with the crew.

1-P1040308In this next photo Reggie demonstrates one of his many acrobatic skills — the front leg-stand!

1-P1040307“We interrupt this frolic among the dandelions with other news!”

Well, not really news, just some rambling thoughts.

I finished a good book recently. 

It’s  Yellow Mesquite by John J. Asher.  It has a dual setting of Midland, Texas, and New York City.  The plot line is engaging and the characters are realistic.  Near the beginning there’s a part about teenagers drag-racing that I skimmed.  After that the story takes off and it’s quite enjoyable, so stay with it.

Speaking of good books . . .

Remember Golden Books?  Those skinny books with the cardboard covers that children loved in the forties and fifties and probably ever since then?  I was admiring Reggie the other day, how cute he is and all, and a Golden Book popped into my mind, one of my favorites.

The Poky Little Puppy!

(Not that there’s anything “poky” about Reggie!)

Oh my, the poor little poky puppy had to go to bed without any strawberry shortcake.  I remember studying the illustrations in that book, totally entranced by the cuteness of the puppies, especially the white-with-brown-spots pup featured on the cover.

Remember this?

ThePokyLittlePuppyIt’s Epiphany Time!

That cover illustration is why I favor white dogs with spots!

Curious, I zip over to Amazon and there it is, presently available from Random House!

The Poky Little Puppy (A Little Golden Book Classic) by Janette Sebring Lowrey and illustrated by Gustaf Tenngen.

Nearly 15 million copies have been sold since it was first published in 1942.

Anyway . . . Now I know why I was attracted to Spike, Bridget, and Reggie!

1-P1040313My not-so-poky little puppies!






Goodbye sunshine!

The weather has been wonderful ever since we arrived here.  As I type this we’re in our 9th day at Lud Drexler Campground and the weather has turned miserably cold and damp.  In fact it is raining as I type this.

I feel sorry for the weekenders. 

Late yesterday people with a tent moved into the site closest to us.  Their car is over there right now.  I hope someone took them on an excursion or something.  This isn’t a day to be in a dadburn tent!

Sometimes I wonder about myself . . . .

Early this morning Reggie is in a hurry for a walk.  Bridget couldn’t care less.  Her face expresses my feelings exactly:  It’s too cold outside!

Quickly I change out of my sleeping clothes and put on my shoes.  Reggie and I run around the campground, and I do mean run.  So what if the other campers see me looking like a crazy fool!

We stop for Reggie to pee.  That’s when I notice my footwear.

1-P1040449Oh well, at least both feet are in my beloved Keens!

We will stay put as long as the rain lasts and then I’ll make a decision about when and where we make our next camp.  (Please, no more suggestions, thank you.  I become overwhelmed.)

In the meantime I have a lot more to tell and show you from the past eight days we’ve camped at Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir!


NOTE:  In comments we’re discussing books and movies from childhood that made an impact on our lives.  It’s fun reading.  Join in!  (Click on the title of this post to open comments.)


I appreciate every Amazon order you place through my blog.  Here are a few of the items that readers recently purchased:

Wooden Dump Cart, 7 Cubic Feet
Amazon Gift Card – Email – Celebrate
Dog Goggles UV Protection Fashion Eyewear
Refrigerator/Freezer Wireless Digital Thermometer
Bodyline Back-Huggar – Extra Wide – Bariatric Style
Champion Power Equipment Inverter Generator, 3100-watt


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147 Responses to Salmon Falls Dam and how a little book influenced my life

  1. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    First???? I’ll be back!!

  2. WOW, am I #1. I took time to read the post also.

  3. Tina says:

    Oh Cynthia, you are too fast!!! 🙂

    Back to top to read post.

    Northern CA

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Like Shirlene said, the California people are on it today! I wonder if WordPress has different servers that serve different geographic areas and sometimes one area might get Sue’s posts a little sooner than others???

  4. Well, we So Cal people are ON IT!….anyway…I was just hoping that you would be able to stay 14 days…is there a limit there in Idaho? And I hear earthquakes are acting up North of you….lived with them all my life, just hang on, they only last for a minute and not about to do anything to you and your set-up unless you are under a mountain…ha!

    Where ever you go, whatever you do next, we will be happy for you….and just a reminder to the many in Idaho, does anyone need to remind you that if you see Sue, “she is not there!”…safe invisible travels to you Sue….but we will be there is you need us in a pinch…

  5. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Great post, Sue. I too felt the vertigo just looking at the photos, so I can imagine it must have been a little unsettling to have the dogs tugging on the leash at that edge of that drop-off! Then I burst out laughing when I saw your shoes. It reminded me of a time I had to be in Los Angeles for a 9 a.m. trial and I wanted to leave Orange County very early to get there in plenty of time. I dressed in the dark and left the house while the sun was just coming up. Parked the car, walked in the courthouse, sat down on a bench outside the courtroom waiting for it to be opened, and crossed my legs. It was then I noticed I had on one navy pump and one black pump. I was moritified, but there was nothing I could do about it. Over the years, I’ve wondered if anyone else even noticed it!

  6. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Precious Pup should actually be Reggie’s name, lol.
    What a wonderful post, I love the photos. I have never been to the area but you are inspiring me to add it to my wish list. I do think the tourist folks in various states should follow your blog, you are way better describing the spots you visit!

    I have friends in Post Falls, they told me they had an earthquake last night, what’s up with that? I actually read somewhere that earthquakes have occurred in every state. How is that for a bit of useless trivia?
    Have a wonderful day my dear, hug the puppies!

  7. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    Love your footwear, you like them so much you have another pair just like them at home. You pictures are wonderful. I have never been in that part of Idaho, but it looks very nice.

    I read “Pokey Little Puppy” to my children in the 70’s and 80’s and I have bought copies in the last few years for my grandchildren, who also love it. It is such a sweet little story and the pictures are good too. They are colorful and well drawn.

    It is raining here today too. Stay dry and warm. Look forward to more great pictures

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      Jean, that’s so funny! Another pair just like it at home. Wish I’d thought of that when my friend wore one navy and one black shoe to work!

  8. claire says:

    i too loved “the poky little puppy” when i was a child. i had long since lost/donated that little book. imagine my joy last summer at a garage sale to find a copy, $.25 later i was again the owner of this book. i will keep it now forever, i still enjoy looking at the pics. guess you just never outgrow some things, claire and merlin, excellent schnoodle

  9. Dawn from NC says:

    Hi Sue,

    I’ve never commented before. I discovered your site about a month ago and have been quickly going back and catching up with previous blogs. I wanted to thank you for posting these. I get to have adventures vicariously through you! I look forward to each of your new blogs to see what you and the nutcakes are up to. I love pictures of the canine crew. It’s a long time before I can retire and enjoy the good life. It makes me happy that you were able to. Have a great weekend!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome to the group here, Dawn! I’m happy you decided to join us!

      Thank you for the nice compliment. It’s a pleasure to know you’re riding along with me and the crew!

  10. JW says:

    Another great post Sue. Would have loved to see the expression on your face when you saw the shoes.

  11. Willow (AZ) says:

    LOL about your shoes, I did the same thing myself one time. Reggie is such a dear little dog I’m happy he has found the perfect home for himself and Bridget is so tolerant of him, I think she is happy with the arrangement.
    Thanks for sharing your latest adventures with us and book recommendations. Happy trails…

  12. AZ Jim says:

    More good stuff. You are getting your exercise with the help of the crew that’s clear. I used to have a 50′ radio tower in my field in Calif. I climbed it many times and foolishly even without a safety belt. I was much younger and stupid at the time. Now, I cannot go near the edge of any high object unless it has a wall or rail. I get vertigo just as you did. Keep up the fun….we’re with ya…

  13. Great post, as usual. Loved the pictures of the damn and the information on it. I heard it could get a little miserable weather wise up there for a few days. I remember the “Pokey Little Puppy” with fondness. Golden books are a great way to get little ones interested in reading and books. Reggie does a very creditable handstand, I’m sure Miss Bridget was saying — showoff!

  14. Shawna says:

    Oh, that little Reggie is the sweetest pokey little puppy! (and yes, I remember that Golden Book! I had a copy of it that I read to my boys when they were little).
    Loved your different shoes……sorry, but I am still chuckling.

  15. wildflower in prescott says:

    That shoe photo sums up my retirement life perfectly!

  16. weather says:

    Definitely one of my favorite posts ever.Just my speed- Golden Books as recommended reading and today’s author dressed as recklessly as Pippi Longstocking,Ha!A dandelion patch instead of a bench as your pick to sit on makes it official-as nonsensical as it sounds – by moving forward you’ve made it back- to the fields of your childhood walks and dreams-polka dot puppies and all,Yippee!

  17. BuckeyePatti (Ohio) says:

    Okay, about the shoes. LOL LOL I have done that myself, too, and sounds like a few others as well! Gosh that little unpoky puppy is now doing acrobatics? Wonder what else you’ll find he can do (other than steal your heart). Poor Bridget actually looked annoyed about having the leash hung on the fence. Ooops, sorry Bridge, I’m sure it wasn’t for long.

  18. Patricia in Colorado says:

    Hi Sue!
    I had scholastic books that I collected. One was titled “Old Bones” true story about a race horse who looked like a bag of bones. I so wanted a horse when I was 10. I had it all figured out to keep it in the garage and he could eat the grass in the yard so we wouldn’t have to mow. I guess I could have done the same thing with a goat! I have never been to Idaho, it looks like flat land? I love the way one ear of Reggie’s flops over. Take care!

  19. Barbara (from Nashville) says:

    The scenery is lovely. Really like Reggie’s handstand. Not just cute, but talented! Bridget just looks so sweet, like the big sister, taking in all the nonsense. I had to laugh as the mismatched shoes, since I almost did the same thing on Monday as I was getting ready for exercise class. Had on one of my old exercise shoes, then put on the newer one.
    Thought they felt funny and when I looked down, it was very apparent. The newer one is really colorful, compared to the old one.

  20. Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

    Them Puppies are so cute , I mean Bridget and The Reggie man. We’re getting high winds along with rain and sun, Sue. I’m sure glad we filled up on propane, it’s been chilly in the mornings, so I cooked up my mountain man bread with garlic and Mrs. Dash in the mix, used the Teflon sauce pan with the lid with butter flavored Crisco and made 6 6″ round flat breads and Timber like to get into the Tupperware tub to help himself to them, lucky I caught him trying or I wouldn’t have any. He likes my cookin’. have a great stay, stay warm and hug them puppies for us,,,,, oh, nice pair of shoes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,me

    • Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

      Cindy n’ Jules, did you read my comeback to you in the last post? You 2 stay warm too.,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Yep I left you one back!

        Did you get a camp stove? Mountain man bread…care to enlighten us?

        • Karen LeMoine says:

          Yes a recipe please!!!!

        • Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

          Yep on the stove. Mountain man bread consist of flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt, mix dry with a treck, in our M.M. terms is a 3 prong fork,. then add water, just enough to make the fixin’s a little thicker than pancake batter. now if you want to flavor it, lets say sweet bread with bananas, raisins and Ground Cinnamon and a table spoon of Brown Sugar. Now pour it all in the batter and mix it up good. Now in my day of walking all over the West and Livin’ as a Rocky Mountain Fur Trapper livin’ in a 28″ Eastern English Wall Tent we would get a good small fire a goin’ out side with good hot coals, then put the Tin 10″ fry pan on the coals and warm it up, put in the pan a tad of Butter flavored Lard ( Crisco), then pour in the batter, just enough to cover the bottom of the pan, put a lid on it and set it on the coals. check to see if it’s dry on top and if it is, flip it, now test the bread in 3 min. with your finger by pressing the middle and see if it rises back, if it does, it’s done. 2 cups makes 5 t0 6 breads what ever size pan between 8″ to 10″. now ya brew up some JO and your set for breakfast, lunch and it sticks to yor ribs, Pilgram.

          • Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

            Oh, I forgot to mention, that one can add just ’bout any thing to the batter or make it plain and make up some gravy to put the bread biscuts in. how do I make my M.M. gravy, well I get out my Tin Corn Boiler, it’s a large tin cup with a handle and a hinged lid, I heat it up on the coals and put in a large tablespoon of Butter Flavored Lard, (Crisco) and melt it down, add cut up Elk or just in case we don’t have Elk, we’d put in yesterday’s Coffee grounds, some pepper and spices, stir it up and add 2 tablespoons of flour and stir it up while it’s on the fire. now the more ya burn it the darker it gets. Next add cold water and stir it up to mix it. the more it boils the thicker it gets. watch out or it will get so thick that you’ll be able to eat it with a knife n’ fork, but ya don’t want that, ya want it just right to put yor bread biscuits in. Try it out, Cause when Napoléon was invading France, the French to keep from starving would cook these foods up to keep going. And the resapee was brought over to the U.S. by the French Fur Trappers in about 1789. It was a great supple to the Long Hunters who lived in those days being a Company Man or a Free Trapper. And we are still here, Living it all over the Country, 365 days/24/7. If ya want to see or read ’bout us , go on line and check out the latest and future Rocky Mountain National Rendezvouses at there web site. ,,,,,,,,,,,, Rusty aka Feathers

            • Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

              In stead of a teas spoon use a table spoon of the Crisco, in the startin’ of makin’ the gravy, sorry , ,,,,,,,

            • Lee J in Northern California says:

              That was so good to read! Thank you Rusty! I admire folks that try to keep the old ways and research it so they get it right!
              I am a docent at Columbia Historic State Park here in California, and my role is to cook over a fire, and show people how it was done back in the mid 1800’s here in California. I love the old recipes and will sure try to make your bread, thanks again!

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              My grandparents coming out of the Great Depression, also made this type of gravy. A ROUX I believe it is technically called. It is true, however much you let the flour brown colors it. They would use the stuff left in a pan they fried some meat in, to make it, if they had it…otherwise, used some butter and flour and water and or milk. Of course, you sop up every drop of gravy with whatever bread you have on hand, right?

            • Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

              Ya Betcha, Elizabeth in Washington, never waste the gravy. If no more bread to soak it up, treat that good dog by putting the rest on his food, he/she’ll follow you anywhere, yep,,, I guess that’s how Gravy Train Dog food started. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Rusty, I fixed it to read tablespoon. Thanks for sharing this information on my blog!

            • Timber/Rusty on our way Northeast says:

              Ah shucks Sue n’ thanks. I like tellin’ n’ teachin’ folks ’bout us Mountain Men, How we did things, how we lived, what we wore, what type of shootin’ irons, hawks n’ knives we had and how we started fire. All vary primitive, but very functional to survive the day. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    • PookieBoy north of houston says:

      Rusty….cant seeem to get your website to come correctly…can you check?

  21. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    We don’t like heights either!

    Funny about your shoes! At least they are on the right foot!

    Hmm. I don’t remember that children’s story!

    Stay warm and enjoy the rest of your day!

    Oh BTW ….Couer d Alene was for my interest……not a suggestion for you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I knew you meant for yourself.. just sharing what I saw. 🙂

      You must have read The Poky Little Puppy!

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        I’m thinking Reggie has decided to let you call him whatever you want — Pokey Little Puppy! Reggie Man! “Whatever she wants to call me is fine with me. Small price to pay for such an awesome lifestyle!

  22. Chas Anderson says:

    Had a bunch of those books including that one.We had to sell Mom’s house and put her in an Alzheimer’s facilityand I found them while preparing for the sale.There is a young family from Poland across the street with little ones.Mom lived in a Polish neighborhood and was fluent.The parents were not familiar with the books but the kids whooped with joy.Probably about 2 dozen Golden Books.I am 64 so they were easily close to 60 years old.They were bought for me by my Godfather Uncle Stosh Lewandoski who taught me to read so well that I could read before I got to kindergarten.Stosh is 90 and doing well.He lived with my Grandmother who never learned English and was blind.Hewas 57 when she died.Then he finally got married after she was gone.We all knew he never married before because he felt obligated to take care of his mother.

    Best guy and uncle anyone has ever had.

  23. Karen LeMoine says:

    Those Little Golden books are quickly becoming collector items. Nice pics as usual. I just love the photos of the kids! They need to take some of you lol! Can’t wait to find out where we are all going next. Till then be happy and safe!

  24. Donna in CT says:

    I have a photo just about like yours.. I wear Merrill clogs. I have four pairs, each a different color. They all feel the same. Two pairs were under the coffee table so I slid a pair on, not paying attention. Got to Paneras to have lunch, standing in line, look down, and started laughing. One was tan, and the other, navy blue. I took a photo when I got home and put it up on my Facebook. We all had a great laugh.

  25. Dawn in MI says:

    I think I’ll put Yellow Mesquite on my ‘to read’ list. I have the same problem, taking pictures when I’m out with the dog, and I’m hardly ever out when the dog’s not with me, she is always pulling on the leash and jiggling my arm. I usually put the least end on the ground and step on it so I can get a better shot. She is still offended though. Because why would I be photographing anything else but her?

  26. Dawn in MI says:

    PS: LOVED those cardboard covered books!!

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      I had many Golden Books and used to open the front covers, stack them up, and stamp them inside — playing librarian. I really wanted to be a librarian until I discovered that it required graduate school!

      • Dawn in MI says:

        LOL I went back to school when I was 50 and got my library degree…and then the economy tanked and I got let go from my new library job…but it was still a great job.

  27. kgdan from WA says:

    We passed by the turnoff to your camp couple of hours ago. Had intended to say hello but we have a medical issue with Gil and went straight to St Luke’s ER in Twin Falls (where they have an rv park btw). Will have to cross paths another time.

  28. rvsueandcrew says:

    It’s fun reading your memories of Golden Books and also the times you went out of the house wearing different shoes. 🙂 I don’t see the need for me to add my 2 cents to every comment. I’ll jump in here and there. My computer or connection is being difficult today anyway.

    Besides The Poky Little Puppy, does anyone remember The Saggy Baggy Elephant (Little Golden Book)?

    I remember how sad I was seeing the elephant cry!

    It would be interesting to read . . . What book or movie from your childhood do you remember vividly? What influence did it have in your life?

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      Compton Encyclopedias! My Grandma brought me home the full set of Compton “discards,” one volume at a time on the bus from her job at the UCLA library.

    • This was mine: The Little China Pig [Rand McNally Junior Elf Book 8059]

      I had to search and search…I couldn’t remember the exact name…just the picture on the front cover. Funny…it’s a Rand McNally book!

      It disappeared when I moved from Chicago to CA in 1968. Then I kinda forgot about it, as I never could find it.

      During around 1990 when my daughter was about 3-4 years old my maternal grandmother was going through a phase where she would make scrapbooks that told some kind of story about the particular great-grandchild she was intending to give the scrapbook to. I guess that was a cool thing, but I couldn’t appreciate it because she had cut up the Little China Pig book to get the pictures out to paste in the scrapbook she gave to my daughter!

      Mind you I was in college at the time getting an English Lit degree. Books were sacred to me.

      Well..I blew my stack, and I never forgot how she defaced my special book.

      Not a happy story, but what can I say…that’s the story. I almost bought one off Ebay for myself about a dozen years ago, but I thought better against it since it was now only associated with an unhappy memory.

      Yes…I remember Saggy-Baggy Elephant, Sue. I was sad about it, too 🙁

      BTW, I think it’s cool how Pokey Little Puppy influenced your dog preferences 🙂

    • PookieBoy north of houston says:

      you always leave me wanting more…..and thats good!
      I grew up in the 40’s and 50’s and I still have nightmares
      about the movie THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL
      that I saw in 1951…..that would have made me 7 years old.
      mama would give us 25 cents to go to the movies and
      movies cost 9 cents to get in, coke was 5 cents, popcorn
      was 5 cents so we had 6 cents to buy candy or whatever..
      and of course, I read all the Hardy Boy books…..

    • weather says:

      The Door in the Wall, by Marguerite DeAngeli…encouraged me to never give up trying to find a way through,to keep reaching…

      • weather says:

        oh,and being seven and not rich I had read less well made books until then,this one had an embossed seal,was nicely painted -gave me a taste for nicer things,to this day I prefer leather bound covers,good art…

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Books are a treasure…while I also use a kindle some…I still prefer to hold the book in my hand…smelling somewhat those pages….sometimes in older books, touched so long ago by my long gone beloved kin!! Thanks for the memories, Weather…

  29. Loved the photo of your shoes all mixed up! Takes you right out of the celebrity stratosphere and pulls you to normal with the rest of us! Grin! Chuck wears mixed socks of mixed colors all the time! So funny! I only buy white socks now, soon he will run out of colors!
    What is Reggie doing in the dandelions??? Looks like he is walking on his front legs with back legs in the air! The dance of the dandelions ???

  30. NancyM says:

    I’m a new follower, and I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. We recently sold our Casita to a loyal follower of yours — that’s how we found out about you. I have a question about the Amazon connection. If we link on to Amazon through your blog, you get a financial benefit? I’m a frequent Amazon purchaser. So if every time I want to buy through Amazon, if I first go to your blog and link in that way, it helps you out?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, it does, Nancy. Thank you for your interest in my Amazon efforts.

      And welcome to my blog! I hope you continue to enjoy reading it. Also feel welcome to join in our discussions any time. 🙂

  31. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Tee Hee! I thought that too about Reggie and the Pokey Puppy book! I collect antique childrens books and toys and just love the illustrations. Can’t go wrong with a golden book!

    Today I had a girlfriend day. I took a friend to a flea market/country sale where a few of my trailer girlfriends are hanging out. What fun!!! I don’t do that often. Now, I am ready for sleep! Tomorrow is another day.

    Can’t wait to hear about the new camp!!!

    Hugs from Hoquiam!

  32. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Welcome Nancy!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:


      Blogorinos……who bought Nancy’s trailer? Or did ya fess up, have a party and I missed it!

  33. edlfrey says:

    This has nothing to do with what you have posted but something I noticed today – maybe it has always been like this.

    This is what the bottom of your posting looks like when on the Home Page. Notice the “older post”.
    Posted in Idaho | Tagged dogs, Golden Books, Idaho, Jack Russell, Lud Drexler, RVing, Salmon Fals Dam | 46 Comments
    ← Older posts

    However at the top of the page it looks like this. Notice there is no “older post”.
    Salmon Falls Dam and how a little book influenced my life
    Posted on April 24, 2015 by rvsueandcrew
    Sunday, April 19

    If you have the most recent posting Page open it looks like this at the top and that same arrow with the title of the previous page is also shown at the bottom just before Comments.
    ← Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, Idaho
    Salmon Falls Dam and how a little book influenced my life

    What I am suggesting is the Home Page have an “older post” at the top as well as at the bottom. This would make it easier if you are opening at the Home Page and you want to go back to the prior posting. Just a thought; since I now know how the site is structured the END key gets me to “older post”.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Interesting, Ed. I don’t know how I would put “older post” at the top also. I don’t see that option on the theme’s settings page. Why not simply scoot over to the side bar and click on the title of the previous post? Or like you mentioned, hit the END key.

      You’re expecting an awful lot from a person who confuses east with west. 🙂 I’d be happy to do that if I knew how.

    • Monica- CA says:

      Ed, I went to your webpage to see your blog. So, where is your “older posts”? I don’t see it anywhere, top or bottom of the page. I wanted to quickly flip through your blog but I don’t see an easy way to read past posts.

  34. Norm (in TN) says:

    Read The Pokey Little Puppy to my kids and grandkids. And, yes, they all loved it. Thanks for the memories.

  35. Lynn Brooks says:

    That book “The Pokey Little Puppy” was my daughter’s favorite!!! If I have read it once, I’ve read it 1,000 times — LITERALLY 1,000 times!!!!
    But I can certainly see why you would love little white dogs with brown/black spots!!!
    The Dam looks wonderful! Great pictures! Thank you!

  36. Lacy says:

    HA! Loved the shot of the shoes. What can I say, it happens to the best of us!!

  37. The Reggie Man is SOOOO talented!


    And so are you, Sue. I love the dash to get Reggie out to do what he needs to do…such that you grab 2 different shoes in the process. That’s dedication 🙂

  38. Lee J in Northern California says:

    The author that was my all time favorite when I was a kid was Paul Brown. He wrote stories about ponies! Crazy Quilt, War Paint: An Indian Pony
    , Pony Farm, and his illustrations were so beautiful! His books are out of print now, but I still,have some of them, and still enjoy them.
    Oh! Spin & Marty
    ! Their stories were at a summet camp. Did you ever read any of those? They rode horses and had all the adventures this Tom boy could wish for!

    What a cool discussion!

    I ordered the book you mentioned today, Yellow Mesquite, it sounds interesting.

    My uncle lived in Odessa, he was a fisherman….oilfield fisherman. He spent his whole career in the oilfields and specialized is fishing wells. When a well would break the pipe underground, or break off a drill bit , it had to be fished out, and that was my uncle’s special skill. He even was flown to forgein countries to fish, once went on a sheik’s private jet. He fished one on a rig in the North Sea . His name was Red Perry, well known back in the day, when a rig had a problem, they called him. So this book about the oil fields will no doubt stir memories, thank you!

  39. DesertGinger says:

    Love Reggie’s acrobatics! And Bridget’s expression when you tied her to the fence! If looks could kill….

    So I got in to see knee doc today, they had a cancellation. And, as expected, not good news. Aside from having bursitis around my kneecap (got an injection), he said my knee is ‘sloppy’. It moves side to side. Which isn’t what you want. He said that when it feels like it is out of place, then SLAMS back into place….that is exactly what is happening. He did say that if I exercise my knee muscles a lot, they might hold it in place better. Meanwhile he put me in a big black hinged knee brace, which I must wear for foreseeable future. And if I can’t control it with knee exercise thing…then more surgery. I think everyone knows how I feel about that. My usual luck continues.
    I will see him again when I get back from NY.

    So, that didn’t make my day, although it was pretty much what I expected. Now I’m getting ready to eat half of my $11 steak and hope it doesn’t cause nausea…been sick most of the day already.

    Hopefully tomorrow I will have the energy, and no nausea, to start in on my paper sorting, tossing, filing project.

    Nite all!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Hang in there DeGin!

      At least the brace will support your knee while you’re traveling. You have so much determination….it will all work out!

      We’ve witnessed it in the past…leaps and bounds ahead!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      So sorry, Ginger…will pray for your healing!! As our bodies age, it does get discouraging…for us all. Hope you can get maybe some therapy to help the knee!!

      • DesertGinger says:

        Well I had tons of therapy following my knee replacement. You don’t expect a titanium knee to be a problem. But it is. He didn’t recommend more therapy now, just said I needed to exercise a lot to strengthen my knee muscles. I am so sick of knee problems!

        • Lee J in Northern California says:

          NoT good! It is way past time for you to be getting all fixed up and on the road..take care my dear!

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Yea, Ginger, I hears ya…I fell very badly in 2002…my knee will never be as it was. I can no longer run…doing good at a fast walk…but grateful and HOPEFUL no surgery in future…but we do what we must don’t we? You might research online…or if you have a good health food store with some smart folks nearby to help you…there might be some natural ways to help your body. I have gotten a lot of help in the past from those kind of folks. I think you swim, right? Lucky you…I never learned and cannot go into water deeper than my chest or I cannot breathe from the pressure…but if I could swim that is how I would exercise. I hope you figure out some ways that will give you less pain!!

  40. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Lol, we just picked up “The poky little puppy” today for our granddaughter. she asks every day if there are new photos of the puppies.
    So you even have a 6 year old fan!
    She asks all about you and your travels.

    Thanks, for keeping her entertained!

  41. Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

    I loved the pippi longstocking books, and that was the first movie matinee I went to WITHOUT my mom…boy did I feel mature. I loved how independent pippi was, living alone in that big house with her horse. Childhood fantasies!

  42. Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

    Another of my all- time favorite series in elementary school was The Great Brain
    books, about 3 Mormon brothers in Utah. Tom considered himself The Great Brain and was always outsmarting his brothers and winning the right to skip his chores for the month. Set in the 1890’s, these stories of the family getting their first “water closet” indoors, or getting punished by ” the silent treatment” fueled my early interest in history and other people’s lives. Very funny adventures. By John Fitzgerald.

  43. Elizabeth in WA says:

    My children loved the Pokey Little Puppy as well as many other golden books!! What a bargain they were too! My Grampie during the couple years we lived nearby would often go buy a new one and bring it over to read to them and leave of course. Good memories…

    Your dogs are very photogenic…funny seeing the little guy on his front feet only!!

  44. Becky in Houston says:

    I have always been a ‘bookworm’ so I have favorites from different stages of my childhood. Go Dog Go which of course is a Dr. Suess book was the first book that I remember reading entirely by myself. 🙂 Then I remember falling in love with the Paddington Bear series. Encyclopedia Brown books were my first mystery books. As I got into my teens I lost myself in library books of all kinds. As an adult I started buying books and filling up shelf after shelf in my home. About 10 years ago I finally realized how out of control my collection had become when we started to downsize when we became empty nesters. So I reluctantly began donating books. It became very freeing! Now I use my Kindle and regardless of how many books I buy, they all fit in my purse wherever I go!

  45. Gail says:

    Didn’t have the time tonight to read all the replies, but so remember the poky little puppy and reading our son Good Night Moon, one of our favorites. A movie not from my childhood but one of my all time favorites that I have to watch every six months or so….Local Hero…..lovely amusing story and great music….give it a watch.

  46. Glenda in OZ! says:

    I remember the Poky Little Puppy so well, but don’t think I have my copy anymore, sadly……….now that was a blast from the past Sue.

  47. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Two favorites in this house were Pokey Little Puppy and Ned’s Number Book. ESP poignant memory is being downstairs in our solar home in Reno in Late May of 1982, hearing my father upstairs reading those books to our older son, then two, as I rested and nursed my new baby, his brother. Daddies been gone 27 years now and The boys turn 33 and 35 in a few weeks and I still have both their Little Golden Books and mine from the late 40’s and 50’s. Yes I recall Spin and Marty- it was my favorite tv show back then.

  48. JazzLoverW.Ma says:

    Thank You Sue for the best laugh I’ll have all day. I sat here at the desk and just chuckled. Made me wonder about your socks? Sweet of HRH to bestow a kiss on Reggie as she used to do to Spike. I know, that’s from an earlier post, I’m slow, what can I say? Is this her way of telling him she’s accepted him into the fold I wonder?

    We had a snow squall here Thurs. afternoon for an hour, going to be an interesting year. Stay warm.

  49. Pamela K. says:

    Well, that is some fine fashion statement you have going there, LOL! You just needed one poka-dot sock and one striped sock to complete the look 🙂 I have often heard you and others talk about your love of KEENS. Never have seen them before. Now with this whole new fashion thing you have created, well, seeing them for the first time was such a hoot! Kidding aside, they do look very comfy! Well, I cna’t say that I have ever missmatched shoes but I have a real habit of putting my t-shirts on wrong way out. You see, I turn them wrong way out when I take them off so dog hairs will not get on the good-side. Sounds easy enough, right? Not. I wake up, pull leggings and a “T” on quickly, dash out with the dog and there ya have it…wrong side out until I notice it again…right about lunchtime! Of course by then I have met countless people also walking the dogs. Now back to your shoes… You know it is like saying don’t laugh during church, and then you have too because you aren’t suppose to 😉 So now I will be LQQKING for anyone with mis-matched shoes on and asking them, “So, do you follow RVSUE’S blog…? 60, 000 people answer, Yes! 😉

    • DesertGinger says:

      Pamela you have to try a pair of Keens; they are the best shoes ever. I have a pair of Keen sandals I have been wearing for over 10 years and they are still in great condition. And they are so comfy!

    • Monica- CA says:

      Keens are the best! Comfy and durable.

    • wildflower in prescott says:

      I live in keen sandals during the summer. They are good for walking the dogs, day hikes in the mountains, grocery shopping. Mine only last one year then I toss them. Lots of people in this area wear them.

  50. MB says:

    Ahhhh……the memories that can be brought on by the title of a book one loved as a child. My grandmother taught me to read on her front porch… a rocking chair that rhythmically went “kerthunk…..kerthunk….” as we read. The Billy and Blaze books started me on my lifelong love for horses….and The Secret Garden opened my mind to the magic of nature….and friends. I still read it every spring. And those old rockers have a new paint job and are currently on my deck. Good memories……..

  51. Laurie in NC says:

    Great pictures! Reggie is so cute standing only on two legs! He sure does “pose” for pictures! I have one dog that I cannot capture in a picture. She will not stand still for a second!!! All of her pictures are blurry!
    My favorite book when I was young was “The Borrowers.” It is a story about little people who lived in the walls and floors of a house and borrowed odds and ends from the family for their furniture, clothing, and food. I read it many times and enjoyed the movie as well. I also had a large collection of Nancy Drew books! I read them over and over! Wonderful topic and wonderful memories!

    • Monica- CA says:

      I loved “The Borrowers”! I had a teacher read us one book in class, and I was hooked on the stories.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Ah, Nancy Drew!! And the Hardy Boys…I would never have made if through 4th to 6th grade without all those books…took my mind far away from the present which was often a torture!! I got so absorbed in those books, I never even heard my mom call me to supper!! And now I understand my 3 oldest grandkids are thick into them too…we watched them open up a box of such we sent…they began grabbing the ones they wanted to read first…as happy as if they had been given a huge box of candy with lots of money inside!! Did my heart good to see that. They have gobs of books…but still the hunger to read more is there.

  52. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    That Reggie is a very talented pup–love his handstand! Bridget is equally charming as the wise elder who watches from the side. My boys & I enjoyed all the Golden Books when they were young. I’m glad they’re being reprinted so a new generation of parents & their children can enjoy these classic books. Loved your shoe photo–it’s lovely how little things like that just don’t matter as we age.

  53. Applegirl NY says:

    The picture of Bridget and Reggie tethered to the post cracks me up. They look stunned and more than a little annoyed. Oh well, two minutes later it’s all forgotten and they’re trying to drag you off a cliff.

    I certainly understand the vertigo. We do a little bit of hiking, and when we get to the top of a mountain, it always takes me a few minutes to gather my wits enough to enjoy the view, even if I’m far away from the edge. Climbing high peaks is not the best pastime for someone with a fear of heights, but I can’t help myself. It’s worth it, if I can just push through the fear.

    Poky Little Puppy – I still have a copy of it. Loved those Golden Books.

    I have the Keene hiking shoes – just like yours, and I’m considering the sandals. Probably pick up a pair this spring, if it ever truly arrives. The shoes look so huge on my feet (which are not small). I feel like Olive Oil from Popeye when I wear them. LOL.

    Hope the weather clears for you. Take care.

    • DesertGinger says:

      The Keen Venice H2 are the absolute best sandals and last forever. I have a pair over 10 years old and still great. The Whisper is also very good. Zappos has a good selection and great service…free shipping both ways.

        • Applegirl NY says:

          Yup, they’re the ones. I didn’t realize how many colors were available. Wow!

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Just went and looked at the selection of the KEENS. WOW! Very nice and the many colors are just stop-on! I tend to wear solid colors in my tops and pants but love to have fun with the multi-colored patterns in my shoes. Those are a perfect summertime shoe. Next month will get some…I’ve already spent too much this month getting all the stuff for travels in my Van. Besides, I want to open a new checking account of Amazon -RVSUE purchases only, been meaning to do that before now. I have been so relaxed about some things and hurry, hurry about others. Such is life.

        • I have 3 pairs of these…only in the Men’s, since my feet are too wide for the women’s.

          I bought mine years ago…and they still keep on truckin’

          I take them on every RV trip I go on.
          I take them on every water adventure I go on.

          Plus…when a situation calls for “closed-toe shoes,” like when we went to a rescue and worked last week…I wore my Keens…’cause technically they are ‘closed-toe’ shoes.


  54. Sondra-SC says:

    Many books have changed my life…and as you have shown it starts early in life I had that Golden Book for my son, I read it to him many times…I read the Black Stallion and I was a hooked horse lover my whole life, had many in my lifetime loved each one, got my first horse at age 12, glad you have some better weather, the rain is needed but I’m sure it wont stick around for long we have a rainy day here today. Have a great weekend.

  55. Krystina Lompoc, CA says:

    Great post RVSue! Great pictures…love the one of your mismatched shoes!! Been there done that LOL Miss Bridget is such a good girl…tolerating Reggie’s antics. In the picture of them tethered to the fence it looks like she is staying “Where the heck are you going”? Too funny.

    I was a collector of Golden Books. I had 125 of them…but only the .25 ones. Of course I had to part with them when I sold my house. Two of the books were sticker books…one about dogs and the other about birds. They were in mint condition and still had the tissue in them and no stamps pasted into the books. I sold them on Ebay for $55 each! I loved Golden Books, my kids loved them too. My favorite books growing up were the Nancy Drew books. When the kids were a bit older we LOVED “The Polar Express”!!! I would cry when I got to the end (I cry at just about anything). I bought Hardy Boys books at yard sales when my son was born and The Bobbsey Twins when my daughter was born. By the time they could read them they had a zillion of them. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. xxoo


    • Applegirl NY says:

      Oh my goodness, The Bobbsey Twins. Loved them and had just about forgotten all about them. Thanks, Krystina, for the reminder, and thanks to everyone else for these walks down literary memory lane.

      My favorite first chapter book was Charlotte’s Web. Oh how I cried!

      I am so grateful that I had a mom who was an avid reader and passed the love of books to me. I remember her reading to me mostly from A.A. Milne – Winnie the Pooh, of course, but we really loved The House on Pooh Corner – his collection of poetry. I can hear my mom’s voice… “they’re changing the guards at Buckingham Palace, Christopher Robin went down with Alice…..” I think I could quote the whole thing, along with so many other treasures from that book.

      Please, don’t forget to read to the young ones in your lives.

  56. judithcamper says:

    The Golden books were a childhood memory too. I still have some of mine and those of my children. As for the shoes, Kindergarten children would always notice if I happened to wear a navy and a black shoe to school. I didn’t , but sitting at my feet for story time they would and we would all have a great laugh. Also, little children would love to run there little fingers up and down my hose. It seemed to sooth them. What great memories of story time!
    Thanks for bringing up great memories.

  57. Kay Dattilio says:

    Good Morning! My favorite books were anything with horses such as The Black Stallion series. As I got older I read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Cherry Ames, RN. She was quite the nurse as she could do anything such as OB, Pediatrics and Surgery…she really got around in the hospital.

    I mowed yesterday and we had a nice rain last night so enjoying the smell of freshly mowed grass. I’m going to hang my hummingbird and oriole feeders today. The birds aren’t eating as much as they did in he winter, but they’re still fun to watch.

    Kay from KC!

    • Did you read the Margaret Henry books? “King of the Wind”, Misty of Chincoteague” – I must have read all of them at least three times.

      • Kay Dattilio says:

        Jodee! Yes, I had forgotten about those! I think my daughter still has those in her book shelf. It may have been me that didn’t want her to get rid of them yet. I have never been into science fiction at all. I tried Hunger Games, Harry Potter and even 50 Shades of Gray but yuck. I know a lot of adults have enjoyed Harry Potter! Kay from KC!

  58. DesertGinger says:

    I loved the Margaret Henry books! And one of my favorites was Black Beauty. As a child I wanted a horse so bad, but never had one. Too old now!

    • Kay Dattilio says:

      DesertGinger, My Grandparents lived on a farm so they had lots of horses and that is such a fond memory for me! I still have the little red saddle that my Grandad bought me when I was 3! I can’t get rid of it and I’m sure my kids don’t want it. It reminds me of a gentler and calmer time! My first pony was named Beauty!

      Kay from KC!

  59. Rita from Phoenix says:

    I saw my pre-teen granddaughter wearing miss matched socks. I brought it to her attention and she brushed it off and said they are still socks. So, now I don’t throw miss matched socks out…I wear them….you can’t see them in tennis shoes or I use them as house slippers. I’m following travelwithkevinandruth heading back to Canada. They took some beautiful photos of Utah/Wyoming…take a took. I’m also loving the photos you took of your travels…with the crew. That Reggie is so adorable and Bridget so lady like. I’ve wandered all over the west following several blogs. Thank you for sharing your travels 🙂

  60. Monica- CA says:

    I was a deprived child since I didn’t grow up reading or having someone read to me the Golden Books. Instead, I was exposed to the Grimm Fairy Tales and A. A. Milne.

    Sue, I love your shoes!

  61. Need admin help – somehow I stopped receiving the email that lets me know you’ve published a new post so I entered my email address in the “To Subscribe” box – four times on two different days – and keep getting the message that there was an error and to try again. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?? I am going to check the box below that says “Notify me of new posts by email” and see if that works…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sandy…… I subscribe to my own blog and I receive emails whenever there’s a new post.

      READERS: Anyone having problems receiving notification of new posts? Anyone NOT having problems?

      • weather says:

        For about the last month and a half,every now and then it just doesn’t show up in my inbox,no big deal,for all I know it’s on my end-I got this laptop used and for a song,it’s old and much more used than when I got it.It’s easy enough to find the new posts as the prior one is usually still in my email to reopen to check in.Don’t bother yourself for my sake,hopefully Sandy checking the box worked for her.

      • Krystina Lompoc, CA says:

        I do not receive them until about a day later. I just go on and check every morning.

      • Marilu from Northern California says:

        I’ve been getting my email notifications just fine but I check several times a day to catch up with comments so it doesn’t really matter anyway.

      • NOT having problems.

        In fact…I’ve explained to a couple of your readers how to get notifications, AND how to STOP notifications.

        I suspect in the cases of “problems” it’s operator error.


  62. Terri From Texas says:

    Charlottes Web was a HUGE favorite. I think it influenced my love of animals. Also read every dog book I could get my hands on-Old Yeller, Savage Sam, Call of the Wild, Silver Chief Dog of the North, Lad a Dog, etc. And yup, I still own The Pokey Little Puppy! Also, love your posts and photos lately, as usual!

  63. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Guess the honeymoon is over. Gas jumping a dime a day and fast approaching $3 a gallon again. Boo hiss. Had a lovely rain overnight here in my part of northern California, so nice to fall asleep to, and so very needed. Not much on plan here today but to continue decluttering and tossing and organizing. Have a good day Blogerinos where ever you are. Hugs to Sue and the Crew.

  64. AZ Jim says:


    Jim and the Mountain Lion
    When I was younger I spent every moment free from my job out camping somewhere. I have camped in my old truck with its canvas covered truck bed to motorhomes, travel trailers, tents and just a station wagon. I never camped in campgrounds, always away from others and in some out of the way place. I have camped in Mexico back in the 50’s on the beaches down as far as Santo Thomas, San Quintin. In those days you could not go down further than 60 miles without a passport but my first wife spoke fluent Spanish (she was Mexican American) so when we got stopped at the checkpoint she told the guards we wanted to go further and hoped they would permit it. They always did. Now this was long before the freeway that now goes all the way down. Roads were simple two lane highways. Along the road under Palm thatched huts they sold fresh lobsters which they boiled in large kettles. You could buy a huge lobster for 1 US Dollar. They were fresh and delicious. I had many fine adventures down there in those days.
    But, I digress. Mountain Lion. When I had only a weekend to go somewhere I used to explore the back country of San Diego country. There was a valley in East county called Conejo (Rabbit) valley. It was a perilous journey to get there due to the very narrow dirt road which had a steep drop off on one side but my old ’55 Ford pickup could handle it.
    One weekend I headed out there and got setup, started my little gas stove to brew coffee and since there was a clean little stream there I decided that since the water would be boiled making coffee it would be safe to use some. I went over to the stream which was bordered by a high rocky enbankment on one side and just as I leaned over to scoop up the water I saw a movement in my peripheral vision, I turned and there, staring at me was a large mountain lion on the other side of the little stream. This stream was no more than 5’ from one side to the other. That cat was about 10’ away from me to my right. I abandoned the water idea and slowly backed off and to my camper.
    Later that day I decided (not one of my better ideas) to climb up the embankment and see where the cat went. As I was picking my way up it finally dawned on me that, that cat could see me long before I saw it and she may be up there with a cub to protect. That is when sanity kicked in and I retreated.
    I spent the weekend without seeing the cat again but believe me, I was looking all the time where I was walking.

    • weather says:

      Thanks again,Jim,I always enjoy your writing here,this one I could really envision.When your sanity kicked in I have to wonder if you were sensing something.I once ,quite by accident,cornered a bobcat in an old barn.For once,I wasn’t running ,as something made me slow down near the door-which I backed out of before she could feel threatened.Love all the ways that you’ve camped,nights in a station wagon or tent can be as nice as anything,can’t they?

      By the time I was going into Mexico for lobster(starting in the 1977)it cost $4.00 for one w/rice,beans and handmade tortillas.By then I carried cash to pay off the occasional “police” that would pull folks over,ya know “can I just pay my fine to you,sir?”- 20 bucks for NOT speeding,free if we spoke Spanish or knew them.Only had to pay once in about 50 trips -worth it for all the adventures and pleasure I had …

      You’ve inspired me once again,I’ll brew a pot of coffee outside for the morning,it’s been real nice walking old trails with ya…

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Great story, AZ Jim. Don’t you just love the surprises that you see when you’re out in a natural setting? So glad your cautious side caught up with your adventurous side.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Enjoy your tales, Jim. This is a good’un! Thank you. I’m glad you survived the mountain lion encounter. 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Oh, that is enough to raise the hair on the back of your neck, for sure!! You it let you see it!! They are such sneaky things!!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        sorry computer skipping for some reason…

        meant to say…Jim you are fortunate that cat let you see it!!

  65. Rose in AR says:

    My Friend Flicka plus most of the books noted here. Never owned a horse until daughter came along, she had one everyone of her growing up years.

  66. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Reflecting back on childhood times I have no doubt one movie fueled my love of traveling. It was a 1960s movie starring Haley Mills as Nikkie in The Moonspinners. She traveled to the island of Crete from England as a teenager and was met with love and adventure. A real teenager’s thriller. Well, countless times when vacation times rolled around I whined to go to Crete! Looking back at it now my parents must have been amused since our vacations were never farther than the ocean beaches of Virginia, the N/S Carolina and Florida, lol. All were great vacations but the call of distant islands has remained a lifetime. So, as an adult, off i’d go, Bermuda is my favorite place on Earth and I still haven’t made it to Crete, maybe one day…still on my bucket list 🙂

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      childhood books…loved The Little Red Hen. Any books that taught a fable were my favorite, always were. They were good life-lessons to take with you through the years 😉 Oh! I was always most interested in poem books. Casey Up To Bat was an endless favorite and Two Vases. Too many favorite poems to count. My grandmother was of Irish parents, she has the most amazing way of delivering a great story or poem, she made them come-to-life with her sweet tones and gentle laughter. Rest her sweet, kind soul, such a gentle Lady. Bright eyes that danced as she read to me or told of her tales and travels.

  67. LilNomad says:

    I love Island of the Blue Dolphins and Little House on the Prarie Series.

  68. wa_desert_rat says:

    I have fallen behind in my blog reading… this is the not even close to the latest episode in the exciting lives of RVSue and the crew. I’ve been working too hard. I mentioned to one of my clients that this retirement thing is killing me; I’m going to have to get a regular job in order to rest! In a regular job you get to have coffee breaks, lunch breaks, chat at the water fountain, etc. As a “consultant” you are expected to focus and get the job done… especially at the prices I charge ’em. 🙂

    Comic Books affected my life. Not the usual Marvel comics… the ones I liked were the Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge and the adventures flying off to lost cities in the Amazon (I actually did get to explore the Amazon later) and Mexican Aztec ruins (ditto). Another book was English and featured two brothers who were always going off to visit their uncle during breaks at their boarding school (apparently the uncle wanted them more than the parents… but oh, well). They’d see puffins in the islands off Scotland and sunken treasure boats in the Channel.

    I guess it’s not surprising that I grew up to explore the world in airplanes, sailboats and, now, a motor home.

    When I’m not working, at least. 😀

    Craig in Moses Lak

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