San Juan River hike and our friends arrive!

Friday, May 10

“Okay, poopies.  This is going to be a short walk.  Get your business done and we’ll go back for breakfast.”

We start out on the campground loop at Sand Island Campground, Bluff, Utah.

Well, looks like our neighbors left early this morning.  I wonder what their site looks like.  Bridget, Spike, and I snoop around the campsite and follow a path that goes to the river.  Before I realize it, we’re embarking on a riverside hike downstream.

"Hey, Spike.  Isn't this place cool?"

“Hey, Spike. Isn’t this place cool?”

Let's go see what's on the other side of the bridge.

Let’s go see what’s on the other side of the bridge.

Looking back, the BLT is almost hidden.

Looking back, the BLT is almost hidden.

There's the Best Little Trailer!

There’s the Best Little Trailer!

"Hey, Bridge!  There goes a rabbit!"

“Hey, Bridge! There goes a rabbit!”

Spike takes his first soak of the year 2013!

Spikey in the San Juan

Spikey in the San Juan

Oh, what's a little mud.  I'm happy for you, Spike!

Oh, what’s a little mud. I’m happy for you, Spike!

A couple quietly passes us.

A couple quietly passes us.

A maze of dirt roads leads to a few boondocking sites.

I think this is still BLM land.

Evidence of previous campers

It's pretty here.

It’s pretty here.

By the time Bridget, Spike and I return to camp, we are starving!

After breakfast I take a bath and wash my hair.  I’m outside letting my hair dry in the sun when friends Geri and Chuck pull up in their truck, towing their fifth wheel!  I expected their arrival this afternoon.  They made good time from their camp last night at Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, and I’m happy to see them again.

Chuck and Geri live in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.

This is a special get-together for all of us because they are selling their home to full-time, spending the winter in Appalachicola, Florida.  It may be a long time before we’re together again and it’s been over a year since we were last together.

The crew is excited to see their pals, Radar and Doogie Bowser.

After sliding their fifth-wheel into a nearby campsite, Chuck and Geri come back to our campsite, and we put our canines in the pen.  We sit in the shade of the BLT’s awning and have a good chat.

Aren’t these little nutcakes cute?

From left to right:  Bridget, Spike, Radar, and Doogie Bowser

From left to right: Bridget, Spike, Radar, and Doogie Bowser

Happy canine camper companions!

Happy canine camping companions!  Even the Bridge is smiling!

Later Bridget and Spike go on a play date!

Geri, Chuck, and I leave the four canines in their fifth wheel while we go to the Twin Rocks Cafe in Bluff.

The restaurant has a gift shop and art display.

The restaurant has a gift shop and art display.

Geri orders BBQ ribs.  Chuck and I share a Classic Navajo Pizza.  And then we share a Supreme Navajo Pizza!  And then Geri rolls us out to their truck . . .

No, not this truck, their truck.

No, not this truck, THEIR truck.

Tomorrow — a day trip to Mesa Verde!




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50 Responses to San Juan River hike and our friends arrive!

  1. Jool says:

    uh oh…. no Scotty the Sheltie? So sorry for Chuck and Geri’s loss if that is the case.
    –Jool in North Texas

  2. earthdancerimages says:

    Thank you Jool, Scotty left us just after Christmas to join the others from the hound herd! Sue! No pictures of those beautiful Navajo pizzas and you and Chuck shoveling bites into your mouths as fast as you could? TSK TSK!

  3. Ladybug says:

    I was just looking at Chuck and Geri’s blog today, because I’m thinking when I’m ready to hit the road, I want an Evergreen. I was wonderiing what they were up to, since it hasn’t updated since April 24! *hint hint*

  4. Cari in North Texas says:

    So Spike gets his first soak of 2013 – I’ll bet he’s a happy camper now! The crew and friends look comfy and happy together under the table. My mother and I camped in Mesa Verde about 5 years ago – you have a treat in store! But be prepared for a lot of driving, it’s a huge park.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      When Spike saw he had access to the river, he went for it. How he loves to soak! He doesn’t care if he gets to swim, as long as he can drop his belly into the water.

  5. gingerda says:

    I love the picture of the old truck!! I’ve never had a Navajo pizza but it sounds interesting.
    The fur buddies look like they enjoy each others company. A cute bunch for sure. It’s pretty neat that you meet up with friends on the road.
    Ginger Las Vegas.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I first met Chuck and Geri in Truth or Consequences, NM. They gave me a surprise birthday party complete with bagpiper in October 2011 and then had me over for Thanksgiving dinner. I met up with them again in Quartzsite Jan. 2012, and from there we camped together in Ajo, AZ. Now we’re together again in Utah.

      Yeah, the four dogs get along great!

  6. Reine in Plano,TX says:

    Hey Sue, What day are you/did you go to Mesa Verde? Paul and I have been here at the Morefield campground since Friday and are leaving tomorrow (Monday). If ya’ll were here today (Sunday) we probably crossed paths. It would have been good to say hi and give you a hug.

  7. Rita from Phoenix says:

    The canines under the table are great pictures. Very nice area Bluff, Utah. No marshmallow roasting yet or making smores?

  8. Judie from Alabama says:

    So glad Spike got his good ole soak-bet he’s enjoying himself now-hope he gets more soaks soon. They all look mighty sweet and well-behaved there together.

  9. Mick says:

    It’s understandable that you would eat those pizzas fast with the rocks behind the Cafe poised to roll through at any moment. Great pictures.

  10. earthdancerimages says:

    We love our EvergreenRV Ladybug! The Evergreen factory has been amazing to deal with, no problems at all! Sorry I am tardy in updating our blog, guess I am more of the “occasional” blogger personality! I will get a blog together soon, I promise! (Sue, thanks for letting me answer Ladybug here!)

  11. Chuck says:

    Hi Sue, This is Chuck from Bluff, UT. Your pix of all 4 dogs came out GREAT. I don’t know how you get those great pix all the time. As for Navajo Pizza, let’s tell the readers that we did NOT finish both of them lest they think we oink! We both took a piece home in a doggie box( no folks, they didn’t get any)

  12. placestheygo says:

    Spike is so cute lying in the water. He looks very content. I love that the dogs had a “play date!”

    Looks like another quaint place to eat in Bluff and we don’t eat out much! How was the Navajo pizza?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The dogs are cute together. Bridget was so happy to see me after her play date. She pranced her feet up and down, seemed like she was proud of herself.

      The Navajo pizza was very good!

  13. Connie & Mugsy says:

    Do tell us what is on a “navajo pizza”? Is it on frybread?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It wasn’t on frybread. (We did get some frybread-to-go.) Geri could tell you better than I what the crust on a Navajo pizza is.

      • earthdancerimages says:

        Actually Sue, it WAS on frybread! They pile on so many goodies…. sausage, cheese, peppers etc, it was hard to tell what was underneath! Navajo Pizzas are a favorite of Chuck and I and this is the only restaurant we have ever found that serves them!

  14. geogypsy2u says:

    Say hi to Chuck & Geri for me. I miss their posts. Glad you got to meet up. I’m sure you liked Mesa Verde. Did you take any of the cliff dwelling tours?

  15. We’ve been in our current location for a month, an experiment to see how we liked planting ourselves and really getting to know an area. I’ve since discovered that two weeks is about my max tolerance, and seeing your wonderful photos this morning of you exploring your new place has me positively itching to MOVE ON!

    We leave here in two days, then turn right around and hit the road again in our RV for a 10 day / 3 location coastal trip. I can’t wait . . . I’ve missed the stimulation of moving from place to place. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Tamara . . . I’m the same as you. Two weeks is enough. That’s why the 14-day limit on BLM and NF land does not bother me. I also think it’s good to leave a place when you’re still loving it, rather than tired of it. I’ll say “enjoy!” but I know you would anyway!

  16. Marilyn Eykel says:

    Hi Sue, I am a new follower of your adventures. Sometimes you are a trip down memory lane for me as I spent 6 mos on the road every year for 15 yrs. Whenever possible could you include the elevation of your area? I still travel but 4500 feet is high enough since I have lost 54% of my lungs. I am so happy each day to read your blog! I have 3 doggies traveling with me in my 17 yr old class C winnebago. You are so smart to live as you’s healthy! I spent 3.5 months in the deserts around Quartzsite this winter (way out) & Anzo Borrego. Can’t wait to get back. Meantime, am traveling up the Oregon Coast this summer and Route 62 Oregon for BlM in the Fall. We are all so fortunate to know this lifestyle! Thank you for keeping me on the road with you! Marilyn Eykel

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Marilyn . . . What a pleasure to hear from you! Welcome to my blog. Thank you for following along with me and the crew.

      I’ll try to remember to post elevations. Feel free to ask me if I forget. I don’t know what the elevation is here at the moment.

      You have a beautiful route planned for the coming months. I wish you many peaceful days and exciting adventures, too!

  17. Mary Ann (Pontotoc, MS) says:

    I think that second photo of the crew with friends in the pen may be my favorite of Spike & Bridget! Radar and Doogie Bowser are so cute–it’s sweet how the two crews stick together. What a beautiful campsite you have, Sue!

  18. AZ Jim says:

    Did you get your inverter or did I miss something? Spike and his soaks, whatta guy he is. I love that site and were I you, I’d stretch out my stay there awhile. Have fun Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, Chuck and Geri brought the inverter they got at Wal-Mart in NM. It’s a Schumacher 410W. I’ve been living and writing about fun stuff and forgot about the inverter.

  19. Kay says:

    Awesome Pictures. Glad to see Spikey has reached his first soak spot. He looks so peaceful and relaxed. I assume little Princess Bridget sits and waits patiently for her buddy while he soaks.

    What a nice camp you have found, Sue. The sound of the river flowing is so peaceful.

    Have fun,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      If Spike weren’t a vagabond, I bet he’d love to have his own in-ground wading pool with circulating water. The Bridge used to stay away from water, but when we were camped at the Madison River in MT last summer, it was so hot, she learned that water can be fun. She likes to prance in it and make splashes. And then, of course, she enjoys kayaking.

      I do enjoy the sound of the river. I can hear it when inside the BLT with the windows open.

  20. Angie2B says:

    ……..Doogie Bowzer……….bahaaaaaaa lol

  21. dawnkinster says:

    Enjoy Mesa Verde! I love that place..though it’s sometimes kind of crowded. I like it when it’s quiet and I can imagine what it might have been like.

  22. tinycamper says:

    That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Bridget smiling! What a precious picture of all the doggies!

    It’s beautiful there. So glad Chuck and Geri could join you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like that picture, too. They look like kids in a play pen.

      I’m glad we were able to coordinate our travels to spend some time together. It’s been almost a year since we were together at Zion.

  23. libertatemamo says:

    Very, very cool to be reunited with good RV friends! I guess this means you get your new inverter too? All excellent stuff. The doggies look so happy together!

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