Schoolhouse Rec Area, Mesquite Campground

The big reveal!

Unless this is your first visit to my blog, you know I haven’t posted the location of our latest campsite on Roosevelt Lake, east of Phoenix.  Usually that’s one of the first things I do upon our arrival at a new camp.  I didn’t this time because I needed some alone time.  Since Bridget and I will leave the area soon, today’s post will show and tell you about this very nice campground.

Schoolhouse Rec Area is on the southwest end of Roosevelt Lake.

The lake level is low which, of course, means the shoreline has receded. The boat ramp next to Mesquite Campground leads into dry lake bed.  Mesquite isn’t really called a campground, but rather one of the loops of a very large camping area.  The other loops are closed for the winter.  Therefore, I call it Mesquite Campground.  (I can do that if I want.)

1-P1020002The camp fee at the present time (soon to change) is $6 regular/$3 with senior pass.

This is paid at a local business where one purchases a Tonto Pass.  The pass is placed on your vehicle’s dashboard and your senior pass (National Forest Service lifetime discount pass which you buy when you turn 62) is hung from the rear view mirror.

1-P1010998The roads to and within the campground are paved. 

Each site has a shelter, fire ring, and a picnic table (some have two tables, like ours).  There are trash dumpsters, two drinking water spigots, and two restrooms with flush toilets and sink with large mirror.

1-P1010995I haven’t counted how many sites there are.  I’m guessing forty.  In the last two weeks Bridget and I have had the campground all to ourselves, save for a couple of campers who camped for only a night or two.  It’s been a treat living here!

1-P1020008Several sites are long pull-throughs.

You can see from the truck camper and boat (below) how long the parking areas are.  His truck fits easily ahead of the camper.

1-P1020001These photos were taken early in the morning, thus the harsh shadows.  I took a few of the Best Little Trailer, but they didn’t come out well due to the door side being in heavy shade.  I’ll try again tomorrow, later in the day.

1-P1020004Our site has a shelter, two picnic tables, a fire ring, a mesquite tree and palo verde tree, and room to park vehicles side-by-side. In other words, there’s plenty of room for an RV, a toad, a boat, and a visitor’s vehicle, probably with room to spare.

1-P1010993I moved one of the tables to the back of the site, not wanting to use the one under the shelter because it’s close to the road.

I  chose this site because it’s unlikely to attract a neighbor, it’s near the restroom and water spigot, it has a view of the mountains (the bigger mountains not shown in the above photo), and it has a pretty mesquite tree (shown below).

1-P1020009In order to create the next photo, I ordered Little Miss Dumpling out from under the BLT and positioned her in front of the mesquite tree with a strict order to stay put.  Notice the long back-in parking area in the site beyond ours.

1-P1020014I haven’t checked cell phone coverage here (haven’t charged my phone since we arrived).  The internet signal is steady and strong with 4G at 2 bars.  Of course, that’s with the Wilson antenna.

We have visitors!

Bridget and I are inside the BLT when I hear a vehicle stop at our campsite.  I step outside and immediately recognize John Schroeder from the profile photo I’ve seen on his blog, Just Finding Our Way.

John and his wife, B.J., live in Apache Junction (near Phoenix) along with their King Charles spaniel.  They camp in a Scamp 19 trailer.  You can read about their search for our campsite in John’s 12/28/14 post entitled “Boxing Day.”

By the time they find us, the light is fading fast.

1-P1020011We have a brief chat (brief because it’s cold, as well as becoming dark).  John hands me a bag of citrus and several of B.J.’s hand-decorated, home-baked Christmas cookies and snickerdoodles.

Sorry, no photo of the cookies.  That’s too bad because they were pretty.  I wasn’t able to set the shutter speed at CTM.  (That’s Cookies To Mouth, a very high speed that even my Panasonic LUMIX can’t handle.)

So far I’ve eaten one of the oranges which I’m guessing came from John and B.J.’s tree at their house.  Very sweet!

However, those little yellow-green things — I don’t know what they are, lemons from hell maybe? — boy, are they tart!  I think my ears are permanently backward.

Gee, John, you could’ve put a warning label on them.  Just kidding… Thanks for the cookies and fruit!

1-P1020013Remember the funnel I bought?

1-P1020020Here it is in action.  It works very well for funneling water poured from my one-gallon jugs into the fresh water tank.

When I dumped the waste tanks on the way to Schoolhouse Rec Area, the Shell station in Globe didn’t have a spigot for drinking water.  At least I didn’t see one there, only a spigot at their dump station and that’s not water for the fresh water tank.

Since a hose isn’t allowed on the spigots here at the campground, the funnel-and-jug method is an easy solution!

1-P1020006One last photo of a campsite at Schoolhouse Recreation Area.  Until next time . . . .



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144 Responses to Schoolhouse Rec Area, Mesquite Campground

  1. DeAnne in TN says:

    Woo hoo–right place, right time!

  2. Anne H says:

    Tee hee! I might be first!
    What a lovely spot! I keep meaning to keep my maps close by when I read your posts so I can mark potential future camping spots – but then rarely remember to do so. This one I’m taking notes on!
    Bridget looks really cute in her sweater!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anne,

      On behalf of Bridget, thank you. As I wrote, the campground has been mostly empty. However, it could be much different at other times of the year.

      Congratulations on being Almost First!

  3. Phxkayaker says:

    The little ones are limes – sqeeze one in a glass of water 🙂 Am I first?

  4. Jan in Montana says:

    Could not resist commenting on the great photos showing a very nice site that you have been using. More snow and well below O’ coming here.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, how nice of you to comment on our site, Jan, when you are in the snow and cold. Wish I could send some warmth your way, although our weather is about as cool as I want… 60s during the day.

  5. Kay Dattilio says:

    Hi, Sue! We lived in Ahwatukee (sub.of Phoenix) for 10 years and love Arizona, but missed the 4 seasons so moved to the country outside of Kansas City MO. Everything about Arizona is beautiful, esp. the sunsets. I just started feeding the birds and got a bird bath and heater, so I love your bird pictures. Someone suggested putting out oranges so will try that. Bridget is a doll! You all have fun and stay safe!

    Kay from KC!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      I appreciate the feedback on the bird pics. I was thinking, gee, people are probably tired of me and my birds… Have fun watching the activity at your feeder and birdbath. Last time I put out oranges I had four or five flickers fighting over them. Nice hearing from you!

  6. Mert in Kentucky says:

    Hi Sue,
    Very nice home. Pretty there!!
    Is that the “strict order to stay put” in Bridget’s face? 🙁 Haha so cute!
    Thank you for the prayers and prayer requests. I really appreciate it.
    I shouldn’t have put all my problems out there like that. That’s not normally my style however , I just wanted to explain my previous reaction I suppose. But thank you , and thank you fellow followers for the prayers and kind words. Everything will work out, I have faith
    Any luck with new family member yet?
    I would love to have a new baby. But I don’t think miss. Asia would have it. She likes being an only brat… I mean child 🙂
    Safe travels to you!
    Peace and great health to you and lots of chicken to bridge
    Mert and Asia.
    Ps she said to tell you she’s being pretty good girl. Most of the time 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mert,

      There’s nothing wrong with sharing what’s going on in your life. I certainly don’t hesitate! Several blogorinos are very willing to offer supporting words and sincere prayers to those going through tough times, health problems, etc.

      No new crew member yet. Believe me, I’ll let you know when I find him. I’m suspending my search until we’re relocated in a few days.

      Good girl, Asia! Now if you can figure out how to serve Momma breakfast in bed…

      • Mert in Kentucky says:

        Yes, no doubt on breakfast in bed. It would never make it to me even If she could lol unless it was bacon and eggs she likes neither if them. Thank goodness.
        She’s a chicken girl … All the way!!

  7. weather says:

    Gosh I really love all the vegetation there that you’ve shown.To me that makes a great find of site with mountain views,lake access,good paths and a few amenities even more appealing.I’m so glad you had it all to yourselves while there.Beautiful place,Sue,thank you for revealing your secret treasure.That’s so generous of you to do considering how much a refuge means to you.Hope you are rewarded by finding many new ones that hold everything you need.

    Enjoy the roadrunners cooing later,this being close to your last night spent there this season must be making you find it all especially sweet.I can feel it’s peace from here…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know you understand why I wanted to keep this camp to myself for a while, even more so now that you’ve seen it. It’s been a wonderful time for us. The longer I am alone, the more I feel like myself. You get that. Good night. 🙂

      • MB says:

        I get that too Sue and am glad you were able to find your little private home. I love people. I am blessed with a wonderful group of friends. But, my home is my refuge. I crave the peace and solitude. I can’t wait for the time when my front yard changes from week to week like yours. Your blog makes me smile….and occasionally cry…..and sometimes laugh out loud! But, most of all shows the possibilities and gives me hope for a time when it will be my turn. With love from VA. MB & Co

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You write beautifully, MB. There’s a gentle rhythm to your comment. Thank you for telling me the positive effects of reading my blog. This blog makes me laugh, too… We’re laughing together.

          I appreciate you understanding me.

  8. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Hello Sue, very nice campsite, but I am afraid the lack of water has made it a non-entity to the people of Phx as they can’t do any boating. I suspect Lakes Pleasant and Sahuaro are getting most of their attention. I also think that the planned increases to the rates will not have the desired affect that those in power are expecting.
    I always loved the birds in AZ. they are usually so colorful and brighten up the landscape.
    I personally have moved on to Grand Junction where my cousin and her family live. I am camped next to the Colorado National Monument and have been looking for places to photograph. I will be here for a long time, maybe till May. After that is still up in the air, but will probably head toward NM. There are several areas there that interest me but I suspect GJ will become a sort of home base. I plan on using the VA center here for my medical needs.
    It seems that you are ready to adopt another fur kid. I hope you find the perfect mate for Bridget and yourself. I am sure you will find one and probably in a place you never expected.
    Well that is about it for me. I wish you all the best. Take care and enjoy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alan,

      Enjoyed your comment. I’m sure you’ll find plenty to photograph in your new location. How nice that you can camp at your cousin’s place. It makes sense to have that as a home base.

      Yes, the low water levels don’t lure people here, that’s for sure. There’s still plenty of water for boating and fishing, but the weather’s a bit cold for that and this is the wrong time of year for fishing.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Alan, pretty chilly in Grand Junction this time of year but it is one of my favorite corners of the world. Sounds like you are sleeping warm however, remind me again what kind of rig you have?

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        I have a 40 ft 2001 monaco diplomat. It is a nice home but I don’t want to disconnect all the hoses and cords to fill up with propane. So I have bought a MR. Heater Buddy heater and have a 20 lp canister hooked up to it. That way when I need to refill it is easy to do. I have found that in extreme cold electric heaters just don’t work. But I do have an eheat wall heater that puts out 400+ watts of heat in the bedroom section. I have it on a timer so it starts up at 9 pm and shuts off at 8 am. I doesn’t keep it real warm but it keeps the chill off.

        • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

          Do you have the Buddy or Big Buddy? How does it do for your 40′ home? Any condensation issues? How many vents/windows do you open? How far open? If you have a carbon monoxide alarm, has it ever sounded? Have you had it long enough to figure propane usage per hour/day? Did you get/use the recommended in-line filter?

          • AlanOutandAbout says:

            I use just the Buddy. I keep it on low. I keep one roof vent open about an inch. No condensation issue and I have a propane alarm and it has never sounded. Nor the CO2 alarm. The Buddy’s are certified for indoor use. I don’t use a filter. I haven’t figured out usage. But a tank lasts about 5 days of light usage if I run it 24/7. I am now turning it off a night to conserve and for my own safety concerns.

  9. Timber n' me says:

    wow, that’s another great camp site Sue. It was down in the degrees this morn, a three dog night, but I only have one, Timber got real close and was curled up right behind my legs. we didn’t get the camper warm till afternoon and it’s warmer this evening than yesterday, NO WIND, yay!!! Stay WARM you two. Nice photos. ,,,,,,me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      Sorry you had a cold night. You do have to start the heater before the temperatures drop really low. Is your camper insulated?

      • Timber n' me says:

        yep she has 1 in. in the side walls and 1 1/2 in. everywhere else. it got down to 32 in the morning at 05:30 outside and the wind slowed down this afternoon. the heater is started when inside temp starts to drop to 60 and at this moment at 9:00pm, it’s 43 out and 66.4 inside. I shut off the heater just 15 minutes before going to bed, soon and I leave it off till we get up, useally at 06:30 to 07:00 in the morning is the first thing I do is lite the heater. then when the sun comes up well enough to warm the camper, I shut the heater off and close the two vents. We’re getting a north storm Tues., Wed., with possible snow mix on payday, Wed. ,,,,,,,,,,

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Now that you have two tanks, I hope you won’t hesitate to turn on that heater and keep it on. Especially with a storm coming… get all your blankets and walls warmed up. I’m glad you have some insulation. I like to dress in layers for bed when it’s cold, even double socks…. I have my men’s thermal shirt on under a sweatshirt tonight…

          • Timber n' me says:

            We don’t get cold in the bed, I still have my good wool blankets. it’s cold when we get up out of bed. and I tried a idea last nite, I put up over the back door a blanket to cut a bad draft after the heater is off and this morning it was 30 outside and 48 inside before starting up the heater . I need to seal the door up better. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    What a peaceful place!

    Nice bowl of fruit! Love the one on the branch! Your shutter speed CTM made me laugh!

    Ah hah…..its going to be a boy!

    The cold is coming! I just read Vegas might get 1-3 inches of snow! Their annual is .3 this will definitely cause havoc! It’s been raining here…had a heat wave of 35 and all of the snow has melted! Weird weird weird weather!

    Been thinking about you a lot lately….have a warm relaxing evening!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Aw, you’ve been thinkin’ of me… That’s nice.

      Gosh, it’s like I’m pregnant or something…'”It’s a boy!”

      What? A storm is coming? Nooooo…

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Seriously…..warnings for Southern Gila/Tonto NF

        I don’t know your exact location but heads up! Heads up to you also Rusty and Timber!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you very much! This is the first I’ve read about it. The prediction is for Wednesday and Thursday. We should be away from here by then.

          We woke to a very cold morning, but running the Wave 3 heater, cooking Bridget’s breakfast, and making my coffee has warmed us up nicely.

  11. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Sue, this campground is so very nice, beautiful as well. Because of you, I hope to go there one day, as it’s one of my favorites. Thank you for the helpful review of this campground. Bridget looks so mindful, HA! Safe journey to your next set up. Take Care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diane,

      I forgot to mention in the review of the campground that there are showers available right up the road at Cholla and Windy Hill Campgrounds. I hope you do visit all the places on that list you’re making!

  12. Mert in Kentucky says:

    I have seen mentioned a couple of times about black dogs having difficulty being adopted. I never knew this. Why is it that people don’t like them??

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t really know why, Mert. Maybe because they all look similar? People tend to want their dog to look different. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but there you go. I prefer a light colored dog… why I couldn’t tell you.

    • Cherie from OH says:

      I’m sure there are other reasons, but I shy away from black dogs and cats because I’m afraid of tripping over them in the dark when I have to get up and go to the bathroom. They are also hard to see when I let them out in the backyard at night to do their business.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Good comments and reasons here…but I agree….black dogs or mostly black ones are hard to see at night. The only thing that helped us was when our last dog was situated right (with tail towards us) we could see her….she had a skunk white going from one rump across to the other….not same direction as a real skunk…but we called it her skunk stripe!!

        • Mert in Kentucky says:

          This is interesting to me. I have only had one black dog now that I think about it. And she was a boston so she had white as well. And she was probably the smartest dog I have ever met. Asia is red (chow/Shepard mix) you can see the Shepard in her face a little. But you can definitely tell she’s chow!!

          • Mert in Kentucky says:

            The last dog I had before Asia was husky/Shepard/lab.
            She was blonde with a white chest and the bluest eyes I have ever seen with the husky black circles around them. Her name was Stevie ( as I am a huge Stevie nicks fan) but I called her Alice cooper because of the circles around her eyes 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I forgot about the visibility issue. That is a big reason why I prefer light-colored dogs. Being able to see them in the dark is helpful when boondocking. (I never leave an outside light on overnight — Why advertise my presence?) And when I’m anywhere near other campers, I avoid turning on an outside light at all.

          • edlfrey says:

            Thank you, thank you! One of my pet peeves, people that leave their outside light on ALL night.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You’re welcome, Ed.

              It strikes me as odd that people leave a light on all night because they are afraid to be in the dark. To me the dark is a friend. I don’t need to make it easy for prowlers to see what they’re doing! Ha!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You reminded me of Halogen Man at Oak Flat. He must have found that light off an airport runway. On all night.

            • AlanOutandAbout says:

              That’s what BB guns are for. 🙂

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      I used to volunteer at our local shelter and they told me there were lots of reasons for BDS (Black Dog Syndrome……really that’s what they call it.) One reason I was given was that black dogs tend to go grey in the muzzle at an early age. So a 4 year old black dog looks older than they really are.

      Also a lot of breeds people tend to view as aggressive tend to be black. Such as Rottweilers, GDS, Dobermans, and some Pits. Truly not fair but customer perception can become reality.

      Last and saddest is the people just have a built in prejudice to black things. Lots of references in society; blacklist, blackballed, black magic, black widow. They all seep into our subconscious and affect our choices.

      The reality is that black dogs especially BBD’s (big black dogs) are much harder to adopt and have a much higher rate of euthanasia. So very sad, some of the best and sweetest dogs I’ve had have been BBD’s.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I don’t mind a black dog, but really prefer some white and brown, etc around the face to show all their expressions better. But I guess how a dog looks does not matter as much as how they react to us. One dog I never meant to adopt as she looked rather funny, came right to me and laid up against me…well, no way I could walk away then!!

  13. DesertGinger says:

    It’s quite cool down here in the south. I think the high today was 54 and it’s supposed to be 31 tonight. I’m hoping this cold doesn’t last long. It was so hot in the summer I never thought about it being too cold in the winter!

  14. Lynn Brooks says:

    Thank you, Sue, as always for allowing me (all of us) to be a part of your life with Bridget.

  15. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    Thank you for sharing your campsite with us, and I do understand your reasons for keeping it a secret. I always enjoy seeing bird pictures, even though I don’t know their actual names. 🙂

    I really haven’t had time yet to enjoy my retirement days yet – the day after I finished my work assignments I headed to my mother’s for the week of Christmas. But I’m home now, with no travels on the agenda. So I plan on catching up on some much-needed rest, then look forward to a time of no commitments or obligations, except of my own choosing. I finally got the first Outlander book from the library so that’s first on my list!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      Of course you want to relax and rest now that you’re retired. It takes a while to get rid of that pressured, scheduled feeling. I can’t remember how long it took, but it was quite a while before I didn’t jerk awake, “Oh my gosh, did I oversleep?”

      I hope you enjoy the Outlander series. I’ve read all the books and the Lord John series, too. The latter are pretty raunchy… more detail than I ever want to know about what two people can do to each other…. golly! But I love the dialogue of Lord John, so British, so funny!

  16. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Really like the looks of this place too….and appreciated your telling how you do things, again, Sue!! Thanks!! It looks very peaceful there!! Your photos are always welcome…love the ones of birds too!!

  17. Hi, Sue!
    I love your bird pictures but then I love pretty much all of your photos!

    I believe the reason black dogs/cats aren’t so adoptable is for two main reasons (so I’m told by those who know more about these things than I do!). First, the superstitions that some people hold about black animals. Second, they are near impossible to photograph well in compromised lighting. Picasso is black and white with black around his eyes. If he is outside, not a big problem with photographs. Inside is another story. I tend to have to lighten the area around his eyes in Photoshop so you can see them. My personal reason for not always been keen on black dogs has more to do with how they can have dandruff or look greasy. Having said that, I’d love to consider an all black Havanese as a friend for Picasso!

    I love the photos of the desert perhaps more than any of the others. I cannot wait to get back there and those photos help bridge the gap. Speaking of Bridge, she really does look like she has lost a few pounds. Love the sweater on her!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It may seem petty to avoid a dog with a black face. You’re right….It is difficult to photograph a black dog in a way to reveal expression. I’ve tried with visitors’ black dogs . . . I suppose if I fooled around with settings I’d do better. Most of my crew-meeting-another canine shots are spur-of-the-moment. (I’m into hyphens this morning!) I didn’t know that about black dogs and dandruff or looking greasy.

      • Calvin R says:

        My wife and I rescued a black miniature poodle. She and her fellow rescue stayed with my wife in our split, and I still miss the dogs. I am not a photographer except for personal purposes, and I would take our black dog back in a second. It may be because she’s a poodle, but she never looked greasy or had dandruff. Her face did go gray at an early age, but that doesn’t bother me or my ex.

  18. Hi Sue,

    That funnel…it looks like it might be tilted or curved? Guess I haven’t seen one like that, but I’d like to get one, since the Casita water inlet has that kind of angle to it.

    It’s cold at night here by the Salton Sea too. Not sure where I’ll head next, maybe Pegleg…or maybe I’ll just go south.

    You made me giggle when you were talking about dog size the other day. I’m living in my Casita with two 80 pound Golden Retrievers. I have the Freedom Deluxe and removed the chair by the bathroom so we have a little more floor space for turn around room. I love these fur children dearly, so it works. The really nice thing right now is on these cold nights, to be snuggled up between the two of them. It’s like having two extra heaters!

    May you be blessed with Joy and Peace through the coming year, dear Sue!

    • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

      Hey Micky!

      Come visit me here at Tier Drop RV Park in Wellton, AZ (25 miles East of Yuma. Sounds like things are going well with you and the pups. xxoo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Micky,

      The funnel has a flexible spout (accordian). It’s called a “Hand-E Flex Funnel” and only costs about 5 bucks at an auto parts store. Try to find a funnel with a large receptacle and not one with a narrow spout, so you can pour quickly. You knew that already. 🙂

      Love the picture of you snuggled between two 80-pound Goldens. If they put out the BTUs that Bridget does, pound-pre-pound, make sure your smoke detector has fresh batteries because you’re liable to catch fire!

      I’m glad everything is working out for you, Micky, including adapting to a smaller space. Joy and Peace to you, too, traveling lady!

  19. Mert in Kentucky says:

    I have another question for all of you.
    I am having company today that will be staying a few days with me.
    My apt. Is one bedroom. However, I bought a big triple decker air mattress. So I slept on it last night to make sure it was suitable for my guest. It was very comfortable… But… I about froze to death. I am guessing from it being on the cold floor for one and two I figure the air in it became cold during the night. So who better to ask how to rectify this problem than campers.
    Any ideas? I thougt maybe put a sleeping bag on top of mattress. I have a mattress pad on it. But that did not help me at all last night.
    Thank you all and have a blessed day!!

    • Mert in Kentucky says:

      I do not particularly want to spend any more money. The air mattress was $110.00, and I will let my friend use my bed if she wishes. But I still have to figure out show to stay warm. Lol
      Temps in 20’s at night here. My apt is a garage apt. So below my floors is my garage and laundry room. I have heat in laundry room but not garage. I bought this place 6 years ago and it is perfect for Asia and myself, but not so much for guest 😉

      • Mert in Kentucky says:

        But on positive side of that last line, not many vacation or visit in NE Kentucky 😉

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        It’s kind of like camping on the ground. You need to have insulation between the air mattress and the garage floor! Rug blanket or whatever! The problem is the cold gets inside the air mattress and transfers to you! Your warm body will then create condensation on the sheet!

        One of those Mylar survival blankets may work between the mattress and the sheet…2 dollars at Wally world! Your body doesnt create enough heat to warm the air in the mattress!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I don’t know zip about camping on the ground. Seems like one of those army type cots would help. I imagine they go fast at the thrift shop though. Something to keep an eye out for when browsing a thrift shop, to have at a later date.

    • Jan in Montana says:

      The cold is probably coming up through the unheated floor below. Try several sheets of cardboard under the mattress or splurge on dense ridged insulation sheet. Hope friends don’t read about this problem or no one may visit.

      • Shirlene says:

        Mert, I second what Jan says….the homeless people use cardboard a lot because of its insulation qualities…I guess if they can be out in the snow with a cardboard house, it must work somehow. Good luck with that, I hope you stay warm.

      • Jan in Montana says:

        Check on getting free used carpets at store. Afraid only a heat blanket will make it really warm…..good luck

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Mert, We live in a place with little or no insulation. It does get very cold too. Our daughter was just here…part of keeping her warm (on her air mattress) was where we placed her in regards to the heat…also we have a little ceramic heater….I would recommend getting one of those to place fairly near your guest, or you. We have put big blankets under the air mattress….this time I put a medium weight blanket under the sheet upon the top of the mattress, layered 4 thinner blankets, with those woven that catch air and regular blankets every other one. Added a heavy blanket and a lighter blanket at the foot of the bed so that she could use either as needed. Keeping her warm was my biggest worry in her visiting us. But we decided to just pay for whatever extra heat was needed. Kept the heat up higher than normal. Hope it works out for you….those space blankets can be quite warm too….others have good ideas here….hopefully something works out well for you both.

      • Mert in Kentucky says:

        Thank you all very much. I’m going to try several things. Hopefully it wil work. I am giving her my bed. Ms Asia will not be pleased. But only a couple of days. 😉

        • Sondra-SC says:

          Air mattresses are like sleeping on ice cubes in winter time…we found the same problem. The air inside picks up the cold from the air and it seems impossible to make it better. Hope you figured out a solution. On my last camp trip I pulled the plug on mine it was warmer without it.

    • Chuck says:

      An inexpensive 6×9 rug under the mattress makes a big difference.

      • Mert in Kentucky says:

        Thank you. I put a rug down and a thick comforter under it. Then I put a comforter on top with a mattress cover over it. Hope that works.
        Thank you all for the help!!

        • weather says:

          As you’ve decided to be the one using it ,perhaps this hint will also be helpful.Prior to tucking in,put what you wear to bed in the dryer,dress quickly in that and climb right into bed.The heat from your clothes will transfer into the bedding…I wouldn’t necessarily suggest asking a guest to partake in the ritual,as it smacks of the primitive vs. luxurious accommodations…yet it feels and works great.

    • Pamela K. says:

      Thought I might chime in here on this. I am an avid tent camper even at my age of Sixty-something…just seem to love doing it during Spring, Summer and Fall. During early Spring and late Fall I put a pre heated hot water bottle in a towel at my back. It really helps to keep the core body warm, certainly enough for you to fall asleep with more comfort. And I’m a big believer in heavy canvass on the ground or floor. Not the plastic kind, real canvass. Maybe call around to the local Army/Navy store in your area, they usually carry them. Hope this helps as another option to consider. Enjoy your company and it is nice for you to give up your bed for your friend…that’s what great friends do for their company. Good on you 🙂

  20. Shirlene says:

    Good Morning Sue, I had to go get my cup of coffee with peppermint creamer before I sit and read the blog…yum…I hope today finds you warm and your soul refreshed from the alone time you sought…reports are that an artic storm is coming our way here in So. Cal and it may snow in Vegas on News Eve…I hope you are south enough so that it does not bother you…Although I know that you and Bridget are prepared for colder weather, as she is sporting the cutest sweater ever….Stock up on soup and chicken and enjoy the coming new year. You and Bridget will be on my New Year’s Eve Christmas wish list for a joyous and prosperous new year….I value this blog and all who support it… I am leaving Jan 2 for Florida for a week of frolicking with the manatees and I am hearing it will be 80 degrees there next week, what the heck?….Safe and happy travels to you and Bridget and whoever is in your future…Hugs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      Wow! An arctic storm in southern California… What will that be like? Fall? Haha!

      Thanks for the good wishes. I always have a supply of chicken soup on hand, even in summer, in case I am sick. I keep the cans in a bin in the PTV. I also try to have Gatorade on hand, too, although I’m out right now. My main preventative is Emergen-C powder in a bottle of water. That tip came from Cinandjules… written here and sent via mail.

      As for the snow in Vegas… “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”… We hope!

      I appreciate the value you place on this blog and the bunch of blogorinos who frequent it. It’s a pleasure for me to see how people with very different personalities, backgrounds, and life situations can come here and enjoy each other. Much nicer than the divisions among people featured in the news!

      Oh boy, a week in Florida, 80 degrees, palm trees, manatees, sunshine in the face… Have a wonderful vacation, Shirlene.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Wishing you a nice warm spot for awhile and enjoy your trip, Shirlene!!

  21. This is definitely a lovely site, I can see why you’ve stayed a while. Bridget is really pathetic in her role as model 🙂 I am familiar with that lack of speed option on all the cameras I’ve had – I rarely capture photos of delicious food! Fresh home-grown citrus is such a wonderful winter treat, enjoy!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      I think I ate several cookies before John and B.J. made it out of the campground! When you don’t eat sweets often, they disappear fast soon after they appear. … I never understood how people can buy a multi-pack of candy bars and keep them in the cupboard for whenever they wanted something sweet. I’d eat the whole dang pack, starting in the store parking lot! Those candy bars wouldn’t make it home!

      • Mert in Kentucky says:

        So glad I don’t like sweets. I know … Weird even as a kid.
        Well I do like hard cherry candy. But pies cookies candy bars. Not a fan.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know you mean that smile to be under my reply. Something weird just happened …. Replies jumping around. Oh well…. 🙂

    • Shirlene says:

      Hi Weather, missed you….Warm New Years wishes to all the blogorinos.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        And the same to you, Shirlene!! May this year be a good one for us all…or at the least a mundane one!!

      • weather says:

        Busy day,missed you too 🙂 Geesh -Sue and the blogorinos sure are more fun to be with than folks I did business with today!They were all lovely folks and all ,still…it’s that open page,sigh thing about coming here…

        • Shirlene says:

          I was kind of hoping it was “monkey” business that you were up to….sorry it was just business, but you make the best of every day that you are given, and that my dear friend is why you are such a good friend.

  22. Marilu from Northern California says:

    Yippee! Santa brought me the sewing machine cabinet that appeared in your ” Look what RV Sue readers ordered” section a few days ago. I’m so glad Santa remembered to order it through your site so you would get a little gift, too

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations! What a fantastic gift! That cabinet is a treasure that I’m sure you will enjoy for many years. I hope I didn’t spoil the surprise by posting the link before Christmas.

      It was a fantastic gift for me, too. Hefty commission. Sales this holiday season have been even better than last year’s. I love my blogorinos and the people who buy their gifts here, too. 🙂

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      Marilu, you are luckier than my friend, many years ago, when her old sewing machine broke down. Her husband, a sewing machine salesman & repairman, took her old machine to his store and returned with a sewing machine-sized box all wrapped up. When she tried to tease him into telling her whether it was a Brother or a Singer, he said, Wait, you’ll see!” Christmas morn she opens the box and finds — wait for it — A DIFFERENT OLD SEWING MACHINE! “What’s this?” she cried. He said: “It’s a loaner from the shop until yours gets fixed.”
      And a Happy Holiday to you! (No, they are not still married!)

      • Marilu from Northern California says:
      • Pamela K. says:

        That story was Priceless! So not good on every level what he did but sure was a hoot reading about it…couldn’t help but laugh. Poor gal, I hope she kept the loaner just for a reminder of why they aren’t married still. I think I would have had it Bronzed!

  23. rvsueandcrew says:


    The weather forecast for across the state of Arizona is cold with precipitation. This potential for snow is expected to arrive at Tonto National Forest on Wednesday. I’ve decided to start moving westward today (Mon.) to eventually relocate near Yuma.

    Since I don’t like to drive several hours in one day, we will camp somewhere in the middle of the state for tonight and then continue to Yuma on Tuesday. Of course, any plans I make are tentative.

    Please do not be concerned if I don’t appear here for a few days. I may not have internet signal at our next camp. Also, I avoid driving in rain or snow which may lead to a decision to stay at our next camp more than one night.

    I hope you will enjoy the company of fellow blogorinos in the meantime and stay warm, wherever you may be!

    Love y’all!

  24. rhodium says:

    All your pictures are great, birds, cows, sunsets…If you ever get back to the Northwest, I would not be surprised by a Sasquatch.
    Its amazing the dogs people bring along. We saw one RVer with two Afghan hounds. If anyone is traveling to Puerto Rico, there are organizations that ask you bring back Satos (street dogs, ‘little gangster’ in Spanish slang) to mainland shelters. Its very easy and the mostly small dogs are wanted and quickly find homes. Our Zoe basically followed my wife home from PR, and Zoe loves to travel now.

  25. DesertGinger says:

    Glad to hear you are moving south. It isn’t very warm here, but it’s warmer than other places. Yuma is probably warmer than tucson.

    I’m trying to get myself moving to work on my house, but having a hard time moving. Don’t have much energy. But I have visitors coming and need to get things in order. Wish I had a magic wand!

    If you don’t have Internet, don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll just muddle along fine.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Ginger, years ago we learned from medical friend, that it can take a person up to a year to recover…just from being put to sleep for the surgery, not counting the toll of the surgery itself!! So I think you sound like you are doing quite a lot considering all that!! It is hard not to be able to do all the things one hopes however!!

      All I had was some oral surgery and they say I was not put totally out…sure felt like it….but I still feel rather draggy a lot….and that was clear back in May!! So hang in there!! Enjoy the company…so nice to have folks come for a visit!!

  26. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Instead of mayo on your battery terminals, might I recommend a nice vintage of Grey Poupon, perhaps a 2013? It should provide you with a more enjoyable nose bouquet when your heater is on and also does quiet nicely the same function mayo does.

    • edlfrey says:

      Does anyone understand this comment? I must have missed a lot of the ‘conversation’.

      • weather says:

        Ed if you go back to Sue’s last post(Sunshine at the lake) you’ll notice in Sue’s reply to A gal her use of mayo.Personally I like my condiments to be on the spicier side-conducts the kind of electricity I prefer.Guess those two are more sophisticated about things under the hood 😉

  27. Chuck says:

    Hi Sue! Thought U had a ‘Water Bandit’ ? Makes filling SSSoooo much easier. Pictures great as always, love Bridgets ‘coat’. Hope Christmas was as you like it! Geri will catch U up soon. In Dade City enrte to Crystal River for 90 days! Chuck

    • edlfrey says:

      Sue said:
      “Since a hose isn’t allowed on the spigots here at the campground, the funnel-and-jug method is an easy solution!”

      I added the emphasis, a water bandit allows you to use a hose on water spigots that have no threads. If a hose is not allowed then I think what Sue did to fill her tank was an easy solution as she said.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      What Ed said is why I used a funnel. You weren’t able to get online when I mentioned that hoses are not allowed at the spigots at Roosevelt Lake due to the possibility of flowback.

      BTW I bought a water bandit a couple years ago. It was a Caamco. First time I used it the water pressure at a national forest campground blew it apart. I haven’t found a need for it since.

  28. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Sue and Bridge are headed toward warmer weather!

    Guess she isn’t coming my way! Currently, in the ADK’s of NY, it is 12 degrees with a wind chill of -2! Lake effect snow to start shortly…expecting 1-2 feet by Friday! Ugh! Can someone remind me WHY we moved here?


    • DesertGinger says:

      Why did you move there? I wondered before.

    • weather says:

      Unsure if your asking to be reminded why was said in humor only,I’ll hazard a guess in case you find the benefits at least are nice to think about while dealing with the cold.I suppose after careers in LE within a city’s harsh environment the move felt like overdue gifts to each other.Life renewed,quiet lake and town,free from so much…besides-your ferals needed you to come there!Bundle up and smile,winter’s deep snow will leave in a few weeks,the best of all you’ve had there will always stay with you

    • Jan in Montana says:

      So why am I ‘here’. Minus 8 last night and a balmy 5 above today–been doing this since the mid 70’s. Slow to learn. Did finally get a sort of RV so maybe next winter!!

  29. Kay Dattilio says:

    Good Morning, Everyone!

    I’m sorta a new poster, but I’ve read everyone’s comments. It’s 11* here with blustery winds, but no snow and the sun is shining, should warm up to 19*, hmmm! The birds are busy eating at the feeders which is an enjoyable sight to see. Everyone stay warm!

    Kay from KC

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      Sounds like you have a perfect day for staying inside with a cup of something hot to watch the birds you are hosting at the feeder.

      I’m happy to see you here again! After you make the first comment you achieve blogorino status and are never considered “new” again. Even if you don’t comment for months, when you come back, you’re still “one of us.” 🙂

  30. weather says:

    The news again is filled with peoples anxious faces mid-preparation.Whether for cold storms, pre-New Year’s eve warnings to expect DWI checks and ice on the roads,fall-out from political issues…Looking at the pups happy faces after they’ve run around beneath squirrels scampering through still leafed trees above them,I gaze at the lake.

    Brightly sparkling with morning light it seems to grin back at me,we both apparently expect to enjoy whatever comes.Good morning Sue,hope you got an early beautiful start today,too.According to reports Yuma may get as little as an inch of snow and even that won’t come until you’re set up if you finish driving to there today.

    It’s so great that a bit of propane is about all you need to keep happy where ever you end up later.Simple pleasures ,awesome life,enjoy !miss and smiling about ya,weather

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      It’s wonderful to be able to get away from “civilization.” I believe I pick up the stresses and worries and even the hatefulness whenever I’m forced to be in a city for any length of time. Leave and return to nature and it washes away!

  31. Shirlene says:

    Hi Kay From KC….Sue may be away from Keyboard for a day or two, but I for one would like to say it is good to have you join us…This is a very lively group with lots of good conversation….As Sue would say, come back often it is good to have you…although she will probably respond when she gets here, as you can see she responds to nearly every post….HI WEATHER!…lol. Trouble sends her love.

  32. rvsueandcrew says:


    Bridget and I arrived safely at our new camp. I have some things that need to be taken care of this morning which delays my next post. Be back with you as soon as I can!

  33. Applegirl NY says:

    Wow, I missed a couple of days. Now that I’m caught up with everyone, I feel much better.

    Sue, Mesquite campsite sure looks nice, glad you had some time on your own there. Hopefully you’ve arrived safely in your new digs. Bridgett looks adorable in that picture.

  34. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    There is a do-dad called a Water Thief you can buy that allows you to hook up to any water spigot. You can probably Google it or find it on Amazon for around $4.00 or so. Why there is no real honest to goodness water spigots at US Forest Service camp grounds has always puzzeled me…What part of SERVICE don’t they understand? This goes for state campgrounds too. 🙂

  35. Mick'nTN says:

    All black and adopted:

    How this Nevada shelter saved 7 abandoned ‘Dumpster Puppies’:

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