Southwestern homes and shingles

Shingles are on my mind.

Not the kind on a roof, the kind that attack your body with needles of pain and an ugly rash.  It’s a viral infection caused by the chicken pox virus.  People over sixty years of age who have had chicken pox are encouraged to get the live-virus vaccination. My mother suffered with shingles.  I’d rather not.

Aren’t you glad you stopped by rvsue and her canine crew?  Never can tell what the day’s topic will be!1-P1020569

Hmm . . . Maybe I can get the shot down at the Ajo Community Health Center.  I pop the crew in the PTV and motor on down there before I change my mind.


This is not the Ajo Community Health Center.  These photos are Ajo homes.1-P1020558

I like to see where people have made an effort to beautify their property.  Ajo homes are often decorated with pottery and statues, in addition to cactus and other plants.


The receptionist at the health center tells me the soonest I can get a shot would be a week from the end of this week.  “I’m sorry, but we have a hard time getting enough primary care physicians,” she explains.


Oh well, that’s okay.  I’m fortunate to have a healthy immune system.  Even though I may still be in the Ajo area then, I don’t want to commit.  I’ll wait until I’m near a bigger town.  No need to add more to their already overloaded system.


Ajo has several homes in need of repair.  I did notice quite a few in the process of being fixed up, like this one.  What a great porch for a family!


Some people don’t want to be bothered.  I can relate.  Your home is your castle.  You can keep the drawbridge up if you want.  I also admire clarity in speech and writing.  No doubt what this man is trying to communicate.


On the way back home, I park the PTV and walk the crew in the desert.  They’re delighted, of course.


Back home a couple of ladies walk by, Bridget and Miriam.  They inquire about the solar panel.  I enjoy telling them about my home and my new life.  Spike licks Bridget’s ears (not the lady’s, the dog’s), a sign that he’s happy to meet new people.  Why?  Who knows.  That’s one of Spike’s weird compulsions that Bridget and I accept.1-P1020554

I’ve added more items to the Shopping Links pages (See header).

You may see something you’ve ordered recently is now on one of the pages.  I like to look at the items people buy (no, I don’t see any names) in my search for products that other readers might be interested in, too. Take a look periodically to see newly added items.  I welcome your suggestions, too.


Thanks to those who use my blog’s links to order from Amazon.

I appreciate it very much.  I’m anxious to tell you how well this little project is going, but I’ll wait until Amazon makes a deposit to my bank account.  (Heh-heh, she says as she rubs her palms together.)

I’m beginning to wonder about our next camp.

the gila woodpeckerAs much as I love it here, the road calls me.  I haven’t as yet figured out what direction we will go, let alone where we will camp.  I want to be careful not to put us in cold weather.

It’ll come together.  In the meantime I research online, peruse my maps, and dream.

Take a look at this gila woodpecker!  Sheesh.


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82 Responses to Southwestern homes and shingles

  1. Joan Gagnon says:

    Any Walgreens can give you a shingles shot Sue. Ajo looks like a very interesting place.

  2. Karin (phxross) says:

    Anywhere close to a Walgreens? CVS? Safeway with pharmacy? (Or will you be headed that way?). All of those are offering Shingles vaccines I believe. GKaet ready, AZ weather is going to take a chilly turn by Wednesday. 75 in Phoenix today, due to be high of 55 on Wednesday.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Nope, no Walgreens, no CVS, no Safeway pharmacy. I’ll look for one of these places when we get near a bigger town than Ajo.

      You’re right. Cold is on its way, even possibly some rain.

  3. Joan Gagnon says:

    Yuma Az at the moment

  4. EmilyO from KS says:

    Sound like me in getting a shingle shot – haven’t yet. I keep forgetting when I go to town, doesn’t seem to be high priority; it should be since I have suffered thru a shingles event 15 years ago.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And just because you had it once, doesn’t mean you won’t have them again, as I’m sure you know. I’ve intended to get a shot for about 3 years. Had my mind on other things and let it go!

  5. Btakagi says:

    Sue, Shingles are painful and you really don’t want them! Being in the area you are in be on the watch for ” valley fever ” a good friend of mine contracted it. While rving in Az. The V A said he has a spot on his lung,,but a follow up trip to MD Anderson where they tested him proved to be Valley Fever… Dogs. Can get it too…

    People get it.

    I have been following your blog for a few months . I like the idea of a pull trailer and not having to mess with a huge rv..!

    Bill in Oklahoma

    Sent from my iPad

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Bill, for following my blog and welcome!

      Believe me, every time someone races down one of these dirt roads stirring up a plume of dust I hold my breath and turn away, thinking of valley fever. This year I’ve seen several quads (ATVs, OHVs, whatever) racing around. None were here last year. I don’t know how they can take all that dust in the face when one follows another.

      If you can be happy living with less, meaning a smaller RV, I think it’s the way to go. You can get to out-of-the-way places and have more money left over for other things!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks also for the informative links.

  6. Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

    I love the architecture of the area and how they decorate their yards. The homes in towns in the desert areas of Australia is very similar, though they have very different plants. I especially love the ones with the curved doorways. Thanks for sharing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Donna. Obviously I enjoy the Southwestern architecture. Ajo residents tend to be artsy and creative which is reflected in the way they paint, decorate, and landscape their homes.


        DID YOU KNOW……Many of the homes in Ajo were once owned by Phelps Dodge, the copper mining company that used to own the local mine. In the 70s they sold them off for about $4000.00 each. Most were a project home for sure…Many Phoenix people were the ones who bought them up and worked on them over the years and now use them as retirement homes.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I think I read somewhere that the homes of the original Mexican and Indian residents were bulldozed over to make room for the new homes. Don’t quote me on that . . not sure of my “facts.” I do know artifacts of Mexican and Indian heritage were lost as the town grew with the mining business

          Interesting comment, Joan. Thanks for writing.

  7. Lynn says:

    Hi Sue – The Shingles vaccine needs to be kept frozen, so I found that only bigger pharmacies or ones connected with supermarkets (where there are freezers) have it. I also found that not all doctor offices and clinics have it because of the freezing thing. But-doctors with family practices do because many pediatric vaccines need to be frozen. Not sure I’m making sense with all this. But please DO get the vaccine. I did this year and figured a slightly bruised sore arm for a day or so was better than getting the horrible shingles.By the way – love your blog. Read it regularly, so please keep traveling.
    Lynn, Kingston NY

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Interesting information, Lynn. I’m happy to hear you love my blog. Welcome! I used to live not far from Kingston, BTW.

      Oh yes, I’ll keep traveling, God willing, for a long time yet. There’s so much I haven’t seen. And this type of travel, carrying our home with us, is a lot of fun!

  8. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Some people get sick from the Shingles shot because it is a LIVE virus. It usually only lasts for 3 days. If you get the shot go somewhere where they know how to give a shot. I am leary of Walgreens ect. Also doctors are hard to find in Arizona that know what their doing because the standards have been lowered so much. People of Arizona BEWARE !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I can tell right away if the person doesn’t know what they’re doing. It wouldn’t be the first time for me to say, “So sorry, I’ve changed my mind” and get up and leave.

      I plan to get the shot when I’m settled in one place in case I have a reaction.

      • Rattlesnake Joe says:

        Oh I forgot to tell everyone that if you get shingles on your face, nose or close to your eye you need to see a doctor ASAP because you could lose your sight.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Ooh, that’s not good at all! Dang, I’ve got to get that shot.

          • Bob Giddings says:

            For what it’s worth, I’ve had the shot. I’d barely heard of shingles, but a few years back I was at a class reunion and a woman I went to school with said her husband had gotten it on his face and neck. It hadn’t take his sight at that point, but it did paralyze the right side of his face, and was extremely painful. She was quite adamant that everyone should get the shot.

            My doctor didn’t have the vaccine available. So I went to the HEB grocery pharmacy to get the shot. Turned out to be extremely expensive at the time – a couple of hundred dollars, as I remember, and they had to special order it – so on the pharmacist’s recommendation I went to the county health department and got it for free. They were the only ones that had it around here at that time. Don’t know if that would work for a person with no local fixed address, but worth a try. You only have to take it once, as I remember. While I was there I loaded up on all the usual vaccines that I was behind on, including tetanus. All for the same low price.

            Shingles is caused by a variant of the herpes virus. Here’s a little motivational picture:


            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Wow! The story of that woman’s husband is quite a motivator, along with the wikipedia link. Now I’m very glad I decided to write about shingles. I almost didn’t, thinking people don’t want to read about shingles… Good information, Bob. I appreciate you sharing it.

              I’m fortunate that my health plan is pretty good for preventative medicine.

              Stay well!

  9. Linda in NE says:

    Don’t know about there, but around here the shingles shot is expensive. By the time you add in the office call it’s almost $300. I had shingles last year, and maybe I was just lucky, but I thought it wasn’t nearly as bad as all the horror stories I’ve heard. Maybe I just have a strong immune system or high tolerance for pain or maybe it’s that I’ve taken Alpha Lipoic Acid for several years to ward off nerve damage from diabetes, but once the rash was healed up I didn’t have any more pain. Even during the worst of it, two Excedrines + 1 aspirin every four hours and dabbing the rash with apple cider vinegar took care of the pain. Mostly I was tired and cranky…..just ask my husband. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ve heard the same thing about the high price of the vaccine. I called my health insurance this morning and found out it’s covered 100% for people “of a certain age” as long as the shot is given by an in-network provider. Hmm… which makes me rethink the Walgreens idea.

      I’m glad your case of shingles wasn’t as painful as some.

  10. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    My dog got a fungus like Valley Fever by digging in ground squirrel holes and breathing the dust. Don’t let the crew dig for rodents in Arizona. My dog had a bloody nose, fatigue and no appatite. The Vet said it is a terriable death so i had to put him down. Because of the threat of coyotes, snakes and cactus I don’t have a dog anymore.

  11. Carol L says:

    The shingles vaccine here in Ohio at RiteAid Pharmacy was about $180. I felt it was worth it to not get shingles. My insurance paid for it. My husband’s insurance did not. So check your health insurance.

  12. Val. Lakefield Ontario says:

    Thanks for the tour of homes, really enjoyed it. Love your blog. It is #1

  13. cinandjules (NY) says:

    A dear friend of mine…just got over a bout with shingles….she had the shot prior..which according to her doctor…..lessened the severity. Now… that doesn’t seem right to me. Chicken pox..isn’t that something every kid gets? My sister has a scar on her forehead thanks to me…apparently I picked something way back when……..I don’t really remember but she hasn’t forgotten the incident.

    Cute little homes. I thought you stayed in Ajo for the entire winter. Oh no…the crew can’t be cold!Is the BLT insulated? Right now it’s 75 degrees…in the house 🙂 and 4 degrees outside.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The shot isn’t 100 percent guarantee against the shingles. It’s supposed to improve your odds though. If you’ve had chicken pox, you still have the virus waiting to jump up and drill holes into your body!

      I should stay in Ajo for the entire winter. I get itchy to move — because I can — even though it doesn’t make sense to move this early. It’s going to get colder here, but probably even colder elsewhere in AZ.

      A 71 degree drop when you step out the door… Man, those northern NY winters can be brutal.

    • Connie & Mugsy says:

      Nope, not everyone has had chicken pox. I was exposed to it a number of times that I know of and never got it. (remember when Moms used to expose their kids to get it over with) But, I have had a life-long fight with cold sores/fever blisters… mostly on my nose… every time I get too much sun or a high fever. My mother had chicken pox as a kid and shingles in her 50’s, but never got a cold sore (though Dad got them all the time too… expect I got mine from him). I suspect that many who get one don’t get the other. This is an interesting virus. To me it is a good investment for the shot… even if it just lessens the symptoms or helps you get over it faster.

  14. Cathy says:

    Loved the pictures of the various homes!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad, Cathy. As I drove around I saw many, tiny homes for sale and in need of repair, and imagined how I would turn them into little jewel boxes. Home renovations, however, are best done in the imagination!

  15. Teri Lee says:

    A cold front is coming through this week and I think AZ is in line for some snow.

  16. patricka51 says:

    If there is a Kroger’s aka Ralph’s Grocery close they have them also Wally World gives them. Don’t forget your Flu Shot.
    “She Who Must be Obeyed and I both got our Flu and Shingles shots a couple of weeks ago.
    Enjoy the rain it’s on it’s way. Hasn’t started here as of yet, but we will gladly give it to you folks when were done with it.
    Rain Rain Go Away….don’t come back some other day. ( I shouldn’t say that we here in Taxifornia are in a so called drought.

  17. Rita from Phoenix says:

    I’ve never been to Ajo but the houses and decor are beautiful including landscaping. Been reading Tioga George’s blog about Peter’s house built in Mexico with Bovedas (vaulted/arched ceilings) and I love them. Also liked the fact houses are built with stone/brick in Mexico due to termites…even the roof are concrete or brick. My little bungalow home is made of cinder blocks & concrete floors stained dark brown…the house is cool in summer & warm in winter…windows have double panes & tinted & the windows all face N & S. A small home builder built my home back in late 1970’s & I love it. Back then there was no development around me…we were out in the boonies w/jack rabbits, coyotes, snakes, etc. Now, I’m surrounded with new development & a freeway not far from me.

    My health ins. covered the shingle vaccination this past year. My arm was sore for a couple of days. I had two co-workers transfer in from Seattle and both ended up w/valley fever. Also a lot of people end up with allergies…prob cuz we have almost no humidity to keep pollen/dust in check.

    thank you for sharing photos…I can visualize Ajo a little now. BTW canine corner was cute in the last blog post…’rat face’ LOL!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m happy you love your home. I had a home I loved once, but I had to sell it because I couldn’t put up with the neighbors any more. A home you love is a great comfort. I smile whenever I head home and my little trailer comes into view.

      Interesting about the shingles vac, valley fever, and allergies. Every place you go, there are pros and cons. We need to stay out of the dust!

      You’re welcome (for the photos). There were more homes I wanted to photograph. When people are out and about, I don’t want to intrude with a camera lens.

      My two rat-faced pups are snoozing. It’s morning nap time here.

  18. Timber n' me says:

    Hi, Sue, Well, let me think, Oh ya, Shingles, I had them about 19 years ago and the doctor said that fatige and stress brings it on and I’ve been lucky or God is doing a good job of keeping me well,,I don’t like shots,,,,,Nice photos of Aljo homes,,,and Timber sess hi too,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  19. PamP in SW Florida says:

    Oh how I love the photos of local houses. When I travel, I always like to look at how people fix up (or don’t) their homes. Gives a town a bit more personality. Please do it more often. PamP

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, Pam, I will take more pics of homes in the future. I appreciate the feedback. I could’ve shown you some rustic cabins in Wyoming and Montana. I’ll have to do that when we go back. Oh, how I love those two states!

      One of the things I enjoy about travel is seeing how other people live… their homes, their animals, their gardens, how they make a living, the atmosphere of their town, and so forth.

  20. bythervr says:

    Hi Sue,
    Although I’m in my 60’s now I had shingles when I was in my 40’s; not a fun experience. Your reference reminded me both of my shingles experience and also that I haven’t written you for a while. While you’re enjoying the southwest I’m digging out from a weekend blizzard. I am sooo looking forward to spring. I purchase quite a bit from Amazon and will make sure I use your site as a launching point for my purchases. I continue to enjoy hearing about your exploits and especially like hearing about Spike and Bridget.

    All the best,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello again, Barrie!

      Always nice to hear from you, and it’s especially nice to hear you shop Amazon through my links! Thank you.

      Oh, how I remember that ache for spring after tackling the cold and the snow drifts. It was many years ago, yet it’s a clear memory. I’d actually look out the window on a dreary February day and get angry! “Enough already! I’ve had it!”

      I’m quite aware that it wouldn’t take much for the crew to completely take over my blog and run me out of cyberspace! 🙂 They are an endless source of enjoyment for me and I’m happy you enjoy them, too.

      Wishing you an early spring . . .

  21. Sue, if you go to a pharmacy to receive the shingles vac you still need a prescription from a doctor first (depending on state laws). I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to turn people away because they were not aware of that. Also, the vaccination is not 100% effective against the virus. I’ve known a few of our patients to get the shot and then still get shingles down the road. Proceed at your own risk! 🙂

    Shelly (pharmacy technician)

  22. Cheryl Ann says:

    Oh, those houses are adorable! My uncle had shingles and it was not a pleasant experience, but you already know that…I can’t wait to see where you are heading next, although wildflower season is coming to the desert fairly soon, especially after this week’s storm! Will you stay in the desert or go elsewhere? There’s some nice BLM land right outside of Joshua Tree national park’s eastern entrance, right off Interstate 10 and they should have wildflowers there shortly! 🙂 Also, I understand that there are already wildflowers blooming in Anza-Borrego.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Cheryl Ann,

      As much as I want to see wildflowers, I plan my travels primarily on weather. Even so, I manage to get caught in a snowstorm at least once every winter!

      Yes, there’s some boondocking around Joshua Tree, but I think it’s cooler there. Same with Anza-Borrego…

      Although some people do it, I’m uneasy about staying on this BLM for months at a time. I’ve considered leaving and then coming back later when the cactus flowers are blooming. But then the snakes are out . .. One of the greatest challenges of full-time vagabonding, for me anyway, is planning the winter-into-spring camps… to stay in good weather and enjoy new, scenic places at the same time.

  23. Candace says:

    I was trying to figure out what the last picture IS .. thanks for the explanation. Now I realize it’s a close-up… I woudda NEVER guessed a bird in a cactus 🙂 Anyway, now that I have heard that Atwood has released an on-demand hot water heater to plug-N-play into the standard Atwood not-ever-enough hot water heaters for RVs … we are shopping. Since we just bought our 3rd RV – a fifth-wheel, that will be our first mod. Navy showers have never been 1 of my favorites 🙂 I’m going shopping:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Candace!

      Atwood heaters are available from Amazon (hint, hint 🙂 I don’t know if the one I saw is what you are talking about. I’d be curious to know how the heater works for you.

    • Connie & Mugsy says:

      I think I would wait and see how they work. Lots of RVers have had problems with them not providing hot water due to numerous issues (water pressure, etc). But… someone has to be the first… so you could get one and let us know here at RVSue’s if it works.

  24. Cat Lady says:

    Sue, you might want to check out this weather map to help with your travel plans. Simply move your cursor around the map and you immediately see what the current temperatures and weather conditions are in towns and cities throughout the United States!


  25. earthdancerimages says:

    Head over to New Mexico! Bill and Ann arrived yesterday and are staying at Elephant Butte State Park, across the road from where you stayed last year! We would love to see you here again. Bill and Ann will be staying here only 3 days then heading up to Socorro to the see all the sand hill cranes at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Preserve. We are gonna get some of that cold brrrrrr weather too, but only for 3 or 4 days then warming up again! Love seeing all the old homes in Ajo, they got that special kind of personality! Woodpecker in the cactus blossom is a great photo! LOVE IT !!! Geri and Chuck

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I wish I could take credit for the photo. It’s a royalty-free shot I took off the internet. Love how the woodpecker really gets into his food!

      Is it true Elephant Butte Lake is practically dried up and is covered in grass?

      Hmm… across the road from where I stayed… Do you mean in the same campground?

      Hello to all of you!

      • earthdancerimages says:

        Who ever took that photo of the woodpecker brought a smile to my face! Elephant Butte is very dry! We have had very little rain here this winter ! Bill and Ann are in the state park but it is very sandy there, I am worried for them because last night and today is very windy! They are likely to get a good sandblasting! We are going to Chloride tomorrow!

  26. Bev Deem says:

    My husband had Shingles above his left eye and his eye was swollen shut. He sought immediate medical attention when he started to feel the pain. The doc prescribed pills–he took five and the Shingles disappeared. He also used topical Benedryl. He said he felt creepy, crawly sensations for awhile. He said they were very painful. I got the shot! I was diagnosed with Valley Fever and it took me three years before I felt human again. One of our friends lost two dogs to Valley Fever and now another friend’s dog is suffering from VF. BUT you can’t stop living and enjoying life!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Whoa! What a scare for you and your husband. He could’ve lost his sight in that eye. And then you’re hit with Valley Fever!

      I like your attitude.. “You can’t stop living and enjoying life!” I could’ve stayed in my house in Georgia and lost my health there as well as anywhere . . .

      Stay strong and healthy!

  27. mockturtle says:

    Although the CDC states that the vaccine yields only 51% effectiveness in preventing shingles in people 60+, it has a 67% effectiveness against post-herpetic neuralgia. I haven’t gotten the vaccine yet, either. Still thinking about it. 😉

  28. Love the local pictures. Interesting to see how people landscape etc, in different areas of the county.
    I didn’t know there was a Shingles shot! I have a check up with my oncologist on March 11. Think I will check into that.
    Again, I am going to brag on you. You have such a wonderful eye for taking pictures!!!! Your blog is great and the pictures are like icing on a cake.
    Will be in Myrtle Beach SC next week…hope to send you some pictures
    Love you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Pauline!

      I know you are excited about your upcoming trip. It’s been a long time since you and Jerold have stood on an ocean beach together. I hope you make many wonderful memories, and, yes! Send me pictures!

      I’m going to look up the weather forecast for next week. Be sure to bring windbreakers. The last time I was there it was windy, but beautiful and a fun place! I’ll be thinking of you.

      Thanks, Pauline. I always could count on you to do some bragging for me!

  29. Krystina McMorrow says:

    I agree with you RVSue! Knock on wood, I do not get sick either….no colds EVER, never had the flu…just a nasty melanoma. I think I have a good immune system too and hate to put anything in my body to mess that up. The last time I was at the Dr. she tried to convince me to get one…no dice. Now that you have brought the subject up I wonder if I should get one??? Lots of great comments about that. Thank you for talking about this. Love the pics!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know what you mean, Krystina. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Except in this case, I hope a shot will keep me from getting “broke.” Everybody has to make their own call on this.

    • Rattlesnake Joe says:

      Sounds like you don’t need the shot because of your strong immune system. I don’t get shots now days because of the fear of what’s in them. I don’t trust the government since Tricky Dick said he wasn’t a crook and Clinton didn’t inhale or have sex with that woman.

  30. Carolyn says:

    I don’t know I just posted a brilliant comment … filled in the required stuff to post and it went away… I think so. I backed up the page and my stuff is here but the comment isn’t … sooooo gonna try again but it won’t be quite as brilliant … comes in spurts.
    Saw the woodpecker question answered…. what a picture! I’m not much on getting shots for shingles or the flu ~ even though I’m old and told I should. I just can’t buy into it… I’ll probably die.
    Also, Elephant Butte… I was there a couple of months ago and the lake was very low … but I’m really not that much of a desert kind of kid… you would find beauty there, I’m sure.
    You make me tired! but I do enjoy reading about yer stuff… 😉 always a fun read ….
    I don’t comment often because it just seems WordPress and I just have a todo with each other.. I’ve tried to comply with all its requests … but it still fails to recognize me for the most part but I persevere …

    If this comes through twice … just delete the one you think is … well? do you have comment moderation on? whatever … do what you want with my comment(s)… 😉

  31. AZ Jim says:

    My wife got the shingles shot at Safeway. She didn’t know how much it cost until after receiving it. It was a $219 injection. I had chickenpox as a kid but I am not getting that shot. I’m 76 and so far so good.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Those shots aren’t cheap. If it keeps your wife from getting the shingles, then it’s worth it. None of us can read the future, so a shot may save a lot of discomfort or it may be a waste of money. You seem to be doing fine, Jim. Glad for you.

  32. DesertHawk says:

    Enjoyed the Gila Woodpecker photo feeding. Explains why they go for the HummingBird Feeders.

  33. Elizabeth says:

    Nice photos of homes.

    Knowing what I do about vaccines, though not the shingles one in particular, I would do a LOT of research before I ran down and got one. I would also NOT go to one of the public health clinics to get anything!! Last time we had the flu shots which was quite a few years ago, my hubby got something that ruined his liver (because I and the kids had asthma, we were given a different lower dose one that meant 2 shots some time apart…he got something different from us…so the rest of us were ok. We had one of 2 shots and never returned for the 2nd one after hubby fell so ill!!!). He will forever have problems with his liver because of that shot. Our doctor thinks they might have given him something other than the flu shot. In fact, he had a lot of other issues show up after that shot…I cannot prove it, but it seems to have made his normally great health go away. I would also want to follow the money trail in researching such things…the medical situation in this country is corrupt. There are a few really good doctors, but we have usually found them in small towns in old office bldgs that do not attract attention. Where they might be left alone to practice medicine more as they feel they should. Doctors are offered so much by the pharmaceutical companies. It is not easy to walk away from it. One of my doctor friends told me a lot that she had been offered. Fortunately she was a good moral person and refused to be bribed in how she treated her patients. I know shingles are bad…but not sure the vaccines are the answer. You might find a natural way to help your immune system be even stronger. Living as you do undoubtedly helps. I do hope if you get that vaccine, you will tell us exactly how it went.

    • Rattlesnake Joe says:

      This is exactly what I meant. We Americans tend to trust and believe in our medical agencies. But the CDC, AMA and WHO are not our friends now days. Our service men and women are being debilitated by the shots they get. Other things are being put into these shots…BEWARE.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Yes, most unfortunately you are right Joe…the internet DOES help some in getting the word out about such events…whereas usually you will not hear about this on TV, radio, or the newspaper. It is a travesty!!

        • Rattlesnake Joe says:

          Worse it is a CONSPIRACY of the Global Elite to dumb us down, make us sick and cloud our minds so they can bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER. The media is controlled by about 30 guys that are part of the conspiracy to give us disinformation, misinformation and BS. Ted Turner was married to the traitor Jane Fonda…does that tell you something?

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