Surprises that put the fun into camping

“Reggie!  GET OFFA’ ME!”

Usually I wake up eager to greet the morning.  There are days, however, when I like to loll in bed, allowing time for my body and mind to transition from sleep to wakefulness.  You know that delicious feeling when the bed is warm and comfy and the mind is drifting effortlessly with no sense of time.  That’s how I’m luxuriating this morning.

The crew has a different plan for me.

Bridget turns on her signature whine which consists of single, low-volume syllables repeated incessantly.   A relentless grinding of one’s nerves.  A variation of Chinese water torture.

Reggie’s methods are physical.

He jumps on my shoulder (I’m a side sleeper), puts his nose in my ear and growls and huffs and puffs.  He alternates between digging into my shoulder and vigorously back-kicking into my left kidney.

“All right!  All right!  I’m getting up!  Gee, can’t ever sleep late with you two . . . .”

Grumble, grumble.

I sit up and look out the window.

“Oh, look at that!  Where’s my camera!”

I leap out of bed and fly out the door of the Best Little Trailer.

Photo #1

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The rising sun has transformed the grey mountains! 

But rather than be the star of the show, the sun highlights the full moon suspended above mountains turned to copper.  This is Colorado?

Wow! What a surprise!

Whereas seconds before I was reluctant to lift my head off the pillow, now I sprinting around the field by our camp with delight, having a great ol’ time, marveling at the photo opportunities presented to me this morning.

A surprise gift!

Photo #2

P1120927-001 - CopyIt’s fun seeing how many ways I can create a composition with the elements of full moon, sky, mountains, and trees.

Photo #3

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Bridget and Reggie bark at the screen door . . .

As if they’re saying, “Hey, what about us?  Did you forget about us?”

“Okay, I’ll let you out!”  I run to the door. Bridget hops down the step as I dash inside and grab Reggie’s suit.  Quickly I snap it on him and clip him to the tether.

Photo #4

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This is what I love about full-timing and camping in natural surroundings — the surprises!

Every day brings new gifts!

Photo #5


I take scads of photos.  Later I choose a few to post because I’m unable to pick just one.

Photo #6


How about you make that decision?

Which photo appeals to you?

Photo #7


I’ve numbered them to make it easy.  Join us in comments with your choice.  It also would be fun to share . . . .

What surprises have made camping fun for you?

Next post I’ll get back to talking about RV stuff and the mundane tasks with the crew, including the good and the not-so-good of daily vagabond living.

“Well, that was fun.  C’mon, crew.  Who wants breakfast?”

Silly question.



Follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog and your Amazon purchases will send a commission to “RVSue and her canine crew.”

Here are a few of the items recently ordered by readers:

Premium Cat Tree
8-Person Party Grill
Water Pressure Gauge
Aquatic Preserver for Dogs
Tropical Turquoise Crew Cooler II
SmartShell Case for Kindle Paperwhite

P1120966HRH waits to be served.


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244 Responses to Surprises that put the fun into camping

  1. Renee from Idaho says:

    Hi Sue!

  2. Renee from Idaho says:

    How serendipitous! I happen to just check my email when voila! I see your notification!

  3. Sandy says:

    Pictures are amazing as always…thanks

  4. Linda from Oregon says:

    Top three again Rusty? Glad to be able to join the top ten.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


    • Linda from Oregon says:

      I like photo 4 best. Don’t know why but it has a pattern that says,” see how wonderful nature can be?” Best way to wake up, unless you can teach the crew to bring you coffee.

      • rvsueandcrew says:


        Photo #4 looks like construction paper cut-outs to me. 🙂

        • Linda from Oregon says:

          Maybe that is why I like it. I could see it wrapped around a coffee cup.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Yeah! That works…

            • Velda in Roseville CA says:

              Wonder of there is a place you could offer a coffee cup with your copyrighted photo and get a $ kickback. I like #2 best. It was my first impression scrolling through and I stuck with it after looking again and again. You have a good eye Sue for scenery.
              Gonna be a scorcher here for next 5 or so days. All stay safe as I hear its HOT in many places.

  5. Judith camper says:

    I like #2.
    Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Judith. Thanks for being here.

      P.S. I think the second photo is my favorite, too. 🙂

  6. Deena in Peoria says:

    Goooooooooood Morning Sue, may you have a happy day! We are enjoying a wonderful morning here in the desert.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  7. Renee from Idaho says:

    Ok. Since I’ve read the post now. I like the first photo because it is closest to being compositionally correct. The colors are amazing and I like the fact that you can see the PTV off to the side!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      “closest to being compositionally correct?” Help me to be a better photographer. How would it be perfectly, compositionally correct?

      Thank you, Renee.

      • Larry in AR says:

        There is no compositionally correct photo as there are no perfect children, except our own :). But, when you make suggestions on someone’s photos, it’s almost like trying to tell them what’s wrong with their children. They are personal things. However, (look at me, starting sentences with conjunctions and adverbs, which certainly isn’t compositionally correct) if I were to make any changes to the composition of the first photo, I would 1) make the tree trunk on the left the edge of the photo as the space to the left of the trunk distracts from the main focus, which is the moon, 2) crop the bottom of the photo to eliminate most of the dirt/sand, which is just empty space, and 3) crop the right of the photo to just left of the PTV, as it is also a distraction since there is only a very small portion of it showing. All this would put the moon almost in the center of the photo and sends the eye almost immediately to it with no distraction. On the other hand, I like it just the way it is. It is realistic of your location and camp site. Just as it is, #1 is still my favorite.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Larry. Good suggestions.

          Of course, I kept the PTV in the shot to anchor the photo in my personal reality. The only part of your analysis I disagree with (disagree is too strong a word, oh well)… I think the space to the left of the tree trunk allows the mind to “see” 3-dimensionally, as being able to wrap one’s arm around the trunk.

          Images that are off-center may strike us as being incorrect, while what they can do is add dissonance/tension to a scene. Tricky to pull off successfully…

          It’s fun talking about this stuff! Thanks for adding your thoughts!

          • Larry in AR says:

            I don’t “disagree” with anything you said. All the pictures are good. Sometimes we lose sight of the humanity or the warmness that can be conveyed in a photo by trying to make it “perfect.”

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Good point, Larry. Don’t have to worry about me trying to make photos perfect. Haha!

      • Renee from Idaho says:

        Since I’m an artist, the best paintings must be compositionally correct – if you break the painting up into thirds vertically as well as horizontally, your subject matter should be 1/3 or 2/3 in and either 1/3 up or 2/3 up. So when I select a photo as my reference, I sometimes will arrange it differently on the paper when sketching to provide the correct position for the subject. My husband is a photographer, but only as a hobby, and his camera has a setting to let him know if the subject is compositionally correct before he takes the photo. Hope this helps. All the photos are great, really!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks for explaining that for me, Renee.

          I admit I hate “rules” when it comes to anything artistic, although the 1/3 and 2/3 is a safe way to compose a picture.

          When you see me veering away from that rule it might be because I want to fit something into the composition for the purpose of content (illustrating a story)…. like when you see Bridget or Reggie in the corner of the pic. 🙂

          When it comes time to put a post together, usually I have to work with the photos I took when the “events” occurred, so I do the best I can with what I’ve got.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I forgot to mention “the Golden Ratio,” mathematically speaking. 🙂

  8. eliza says:

    I love #6 because I can see myself climbing that tree and just hanging there. It’s got the long-range and the immediate, and draws you in.

  9. I love all the pictures however #6 is my favorite.

  10. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    I love number six, probably because I want to make a painting of it! Maya and I just got back from several weeks inMaine ( I need to catch up on episodes of RV Sue). My camping surprise was when I got up on a really foggy morning, there were spider webs everywhere, covered with jewels of dew, so pretty! I love the ocean and all the weather it brings! Hugs to the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a wonderful surprise, Pam! I love how something often considered icky (spider webs) were beautiful for you that morning.

      Gee, I’d love to camp in Maine. It’s a gorgeous state… inland and seashore. Love the smells of the ocean, fishing boats, lobster traps, crashing waves on craggy rocks, the sound of seagulls…. *sigh*

      • I loved Maine too…camped in Acadia National Park, hiked the trails and enjoyed looking at different trees and plants. I also love the quaint little villages along the coast with lobster shacks…yum!

      • Velda in Roseville CA says:

        With so much desert and mountain time, I’m curious Sue, how often do you dream of going back to say Oregon or Washington coast?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          To be honest, not as much as I used to. Last summer included some wonderful camps in Oregon. The crush of people, including some crazies, plus the heat and wildfires, took the glow off.

          I do want to visit Oregon and Washington again. I’ll make sure to go sometime other than summertime!

          • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

            Autumn is nice here?not as colorful as the NE but very beautiful. In spring you might run into crowds also as many towns have their festivals for whatever flower is commonly farmed in their area and the spring snow levels may keep you from getting away to the mountains.

  11. Dawn in MI says:

    For me it’s a tie between #3 and #4. But #3 made me stop and go back and relook. So I guess my vote is for #3!

    I love surprises like this. Katie (the sheltie) gets me up early every. single. morning. When we’re camping and I have to take her out at 4 a.m. I usually end up thanking her because the stars are always so bright about then. Other times I’ve seen cranes flying with their undersides all pink from the rising sun, or planets, or a huge moon, all because she insisted I should be up. Often she doesn’t even have to go bathroom, she just thinks I should be up. Silly girl.

  12. Linda-NC says:

    #6 is my favorite, though I admit I love them all! What a gorgeous scene to wake up to! Reggie and Bridget didn’t want you to miss that-Of course there is always the pee factor:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Sometimes they get me up for the “pee factor.” Usually not though because they have a regular potty break between midnight and 2:30 a.m. I started that to help Spike make it through the night and now Bridget needs a middle-of-the-night run.

  13. Chris B in Southern California says:

    Hi Sue – #2 for me. I had to laugh at the way the dogs wake you up. Diego has a technique for me and one for Clete. He licks Clete right on the eyeball. When he wants me up, I usually get a smack on the side of the head but sometimes, when he’s in the loving mood, I get a hug. He just snuggles up to me with his head so that both of our heads touch. Dogs are funny!

    How’s the weather there? Has it cooled down at all? We were up in the nineties yesterday in the beach area. The heat loving tropical plants in the back yard are growing like crazy.

    I’m off to the dog park with Diego before it gets too hot. Weather should be 10 degrees cooler today. Have fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s so cute! Diego licks Clete’s eyeball… trying to open it up. Haha! You get the lovey-dovey treatment or a slap upside the head!

      The weather here? Cool enough to be pleasant. The sun is hot in the afternoon, of course. Nice in the shade.

      Your “heat loving tropical plants” remind me of the elephant ears in my backyard in Florida. Those things grew so fast, they were like flags opening up in a wind.

      Have fun at the dog park! Diego has a good life.

  14. Linda in Manito Illinois says:

    Hi to all!
    I choose #5, because I like the look of the tree a little better.
    They are ALL so good. Beautiful place and pics.

    Oh, and Peoria is in the middle of Illinois! About 30 miles north of our little town.

    Happy camping!

  15. Your photos are amazing! I like #4…simple but sweet. I’d love to squeeze and hug Reggie…he’s like my Ralphie. Ralphie, Chowder, Rudy and Mimi (all tiny dogs like Reggie) chased a bear out of our camp last weekend. The black bear high tailed it full speed into the woods. I told my daughter the dogs could’ve gotten hurt or us but she said ‘Are you kidding? Those dogs can bob and weave. They are so nimble.’ Of all times I couldn’t find my noise maker or whistle….gotta hang that whistle around my neck while tent camping in the woods.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks re the photos, Rita…

      BEARS! They have to rank as the biggest surprise of all… “Those dogs can bob and weave…” Funny!

      Well, that’s a surprise you will long remember. Glad you and your crew survived!

  16. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I love all the photos, but # 1 & 2 are my favorites. #1 because shows that panoramic view that one sees with the naked eye at first look and shows all there is to behold before zeroing in on a more precise shot. #2 as it gives a more details view of all the elements.

    The crew waking you up was too funny! Angel comes in about 30 minutes before my wake up time of 6:30 to let me know it is almost time. she lays beside me and licks my hand so I will pet her, then she goes to her bed to wait for the next 30 minutes.

    Enjoy your day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, what a good little girl Angel is in the morning, letting you sleep until wake up time. How precious. Reggie and Bridget could learn from her.

      I agree with your explanation for the first two photos…

      You have a great Saturday, Barbara!

    • Barbara in Nashville, Rusty here,,,, I was wondering what is the weather like , say from early October and early November? I’m going to see my family in Magnolia, Kentucky for a month, and would like to be ready for what it may be like, ,,,, Rusty

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Weather here is tricky with the change of seasons. The usual comment is “If you don’t like the weather, hang around 5 minutes, it will change.”
        But seriously, it will be starting to cool down here. Typically, Ky is about 5 degrees cooler than we are and I would put the temperatures mid 40’s at night to mid 60’s during the day, unless we have some kind of fluke. If it gets too cold, you could head south from there and then head west.

        • I was there back in ’08, July to October, , I could not breath well, but I am prepared for cold as long it don’t snow,, yes I am thinking of heading west through Texas on I-10 , the state that takes 2 long to cross, , thanks for your advice and wisdom, ,,,,,,, Rusty, ,, Piper says hi ya all, ,,,,,,, 🙂

  17. Pamelab says:

    Hello, Sue and crew –
    I think my favorites are photo 2 and photo 6. Very impressive scenery, especially with the sun making the mountains rusty orange. And the moon during the day is always a winner to me.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Pamelab in Missouri CityTX for another week or so.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab.

      The color of the mountains reminded me of the mountains in southeastern California during the “golden hour” right before sunset. .. the Cargo Muchachas and the Big Marias.

      Funny, I’m looking forward to when we return to the desert. And I look forward to every spring when we leave it…

  18. Annie in Oregon says:

    Hard to pick which photo I like best but I chose #5. Beautiful pictures! Could almost smell the cool morning air.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Annie,

      You’re the first to choose #5. I like that one because it looks like you could reach forward and touch the pine needles.

      I hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

  19. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    My favorite picture…1…2…3…4…5…6. Like Lays potato chips…cannot pick (eat) just one! 🙂

    Sweet HRH….pretty girl! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi again, Denise and thank you!

      I couldn’t pick one photo either.

      Speaking of chips….I think I’ve finally rid myself of my salt cravings. I used to love salty snacks. I’ve even learned to enjoy popcorn without salt. This is a major accomplishment! 🙂

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Good for you, Sue! Kicking salt cravings can be tough! Hanover makes salt free pretzels – tasty. Xochitl offers salt free tortilla chips; they are very good, but thin – not good for dipping salsa. Just spoon your salsa on them! 🙂

  20. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    I’m here and thankful!!?

  21. Marysia says:

    The last one!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Got it! I’ll have to tally up the photo choices later to see which one “wins.”

      Happy Saturday, Marysia!

  22. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    #1 & #3 are my favorites. Great visuals in this post. THANKS A BUNCH.

  23. Beth AZ says:

    Hi there Sue and the awesome crew! I like #6 the best, but I really like them all. #6 has the tree off center, I read somewhere that it’s best not to center your photos, of course I don’t remember why. The moon is centered, but the tree in the foreground isn’t, and it’s beautiful! Such hard choices to pick one!

    I’ve started my vagabond adventure! July 20-21 I was parked in Phoenix with my mother wanting to “help” unpack all the boxes in my trailer and Tahoe…it just wasn’t much help, with two people in 22 ft of space with boxes all around us, it was chaotic, plus we were worn out by moving her stuff into a uhaul and my stuff into the trailer.

    So now I’m parked in a nice, but kind of sardine-like campground in Prescott, AZ, where the temperature is 20-30 degrees cooler than Phoenix. I’m on my own, YAHOOO!

    I’m supposed to name my rig, but can’t think of anything that sounds good. I have never been good at naming things. I had a cat once and her name was Kitty! See what I mean!?

    I learned from you, Sue, about ant spray and traps, and boy am I glad that stuck in my head ’cause this place has all kinds of ants! LOL

    SO, blogorino’s and Sue, can you all help me with naming my rig? I was told yesterday it’s a bumper puller! I don’t have a dog yet, but once I get settled and used to the trailer life I do want a dog.

    Sue, you have been a true inspiration to me. I’ve wanted to do this for years, found your blog, read it from beginning to today, and knew if you could do it then so can I ! Thank you so much for being my inspiration to make this no longer a dream, but a reality. Last night I slept for the first time in years for 9 hours straight! Now that’s living when one can sleep like a baby like that!

    Give the crew some ear rubs from me, and yourself a pat on the back for being a positive example for me, and once again thank you!

    Beth currently in Prescott, AZ until I’m unpacked ?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think I’m going to cry. Oh, boy, here I go…

      What a joy it is to read your comment, Beth. I am so very happy for you! To realize one’s dream, to make it happen, to find yourself where you hoped you would be, to know you stepped out of the ordinary into new challenges and new experiences, a new life! What a wonderful feeling!

      Ants and all! HAHA!

      Okay, we need more information if we’re going to come up with good names for your rig…. What kind of rig is it? What attracted you to a life on the road? Do you have any obsessions like hobbies or interests that are a big part of who you are? Any hints to help us with name suggestions… It’ll be fun!

      • Beth AZ says:

        My rig is a Nash22h, it’s a four season 24’9″ trailer with a rack on the back for my bike and whatever I want to strap on there, which makes my rig from hitch to back of the rack about 27 ft. long.

        I wanted to go on the road cuz I love nature, the sounds, the smells, well EVERYTHING ValGal (westernWa) wrote about nature. She said it perfectly!

        I’m tired of people, kids, the rat race of the “normal” everyday life. I despise noise. I have fibromyalgia real bad, it causes sensitivities to noise, smells, lights, and I get real tired real fast,
        and my body will just shut down when I overdue it, so I just want to escape into nature. Eventually doing what you’re doing, boondocking, searching out new boondock campsites. I’m technically disabled, can’t work anymore, which is fine, I just have to watch my budget. I also have to watch how much I’m doing physically and mentally. I was a teacher for 25 years, grades 5-8, different years different grades. I have several physical problems to add to the fibro, but the list is long and depressing, so I’m not going into all the disability problems, the important thing is I’m able to manage a trailer and bought one that if I need to someday park it, it’s just big enough and insulated enough that I can choose where and when and my trailer can handle it and I don’t think I’ll feel closed in.

        All my hobbies and interests were stripped by fibro, I can’t do the things I used to love to do, like long bike rides, playing sports, listening to music or playing music. I was a professional trombonist in my late teens till around 28 years old.

        I then became a teacher, and a darn good one, if I may say that ?. The kids loved learning cuz I made it fun, we’d have a blast every single day, and they always did better than any other class their age on those ridiculous yearly tests! Teaching became harder with “No Child Left Behind” law…I was teaching ELS or ELL kids, their first language was Spanish, there was no way every single kid was gonna make the scores required by President Bush! The paperwork became enormous, teaching by script became the norm, it wasn’t fun anymore…oh my, I’m telling my life story, who cares about that anymore! I’M FREE NOW, TO GO ROAM, EXPLORE, EXPERIENCE NATURE! YIPPEE!!

        Teaching was my hobby for 25 years. I really enjoyed figuring out every kid and how best to meet their needs. I guess I’m the creative type, except when it comes to names. I wasn’t able to do much but work, and with fibro stripping me of my athletic side and my music, I became an avid reader of crime, CSI type novels, the who dun it type of books, then fibro took part of my memory and I couldn’t retain all I was reading. Now I can only read articles that aren’t too long, like RVSueandhercaninecrew! Yours is my favorite blog of all time!!! I’d give that a whole page of exclamation marks!

        So I’m Fibro Beth with a bumper puller (according to a guy I talked with yesterday) and someday I want to get a dog. I had several growing up, but then I got a cat, cuz their easier on the every day working folk. It’s just me right now, enjoying that I don’t have to take care of my mother now that she’s in a retirement home. I get to achieve my dream of traveling the states out here where there are many opportunities to boondock. I plan to stay north in the summer and south in the winter, to go where boondockers like to go, once I find them. ?

        So, that was a long post! I check my email more often now, just to see if you have a new post! My mom says I should start a blog, but I don’t think I can write as well as you. I need a new camera too. I used to take lots of photos, so I guess that was a hobby.

        There, I think I gave you all you asked and more! Sorry for rambling, but it may have been therapeutic, maybe…or it was depressing, and if that’s the case I apologize to all fellow blogorino’s and to you, Sue. You always keep your posts upbeat, pretty cool!

        Beth, currently in Prescott

        I don’t hate people, just don’t prefer to be around large groups, I’m kind of shy, but I can manage myself when I have to.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          “Thank you for sharing” sounds like a pat answer. I really mean it, Beth! And thank you for the nice things you said about my blog.

          I admire you for choosing a vagabond life rather than sitting in one spot, letting disability take over.

          Anyone have suggestions for a name for Beth’s rig?

          • Retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

            The Can Do! Beth, you sound like you can do anything you put your mind to! I do admire your moxie to take your personal reality and mix it with adventure. Girl, YOU CAN DO it!

            • Beth currently in Prescott says:

              Retiredcajunlady’n Louisiana,
              So, I’m living in a can of sorts, LOL!!
              Are you suggesting the name The Can Do?
              That’s pretty cool! I like the spirit and attitude it suggests. I’ll put it on my list, it’s the only name I have so far, but it’s a good one!
              Thank you, Reitedcajunlady’n Lousisina!

              Beth currently in Prescott

          • Beth from the Phoenix area says:

            Thank you! You’re one of the first to realize that I’m not letting disability take over my life! I appreciate that more than you know! Everyone thinks I’m doing something dumb, and only 3 of my friends think it’s the right thing to do. My only sibling thinks I’m nuts! But at least my remaining parent is supportive, even though she worries.

            THANK YOU, IN ADVANCE 🙂

            • Retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

              You are very welcome, Beth! And yes, my entry for your “name my rig” post is The Can Do! Beth, you sound so self aware that I just had the feeling that you will wonderfully blend your life with your adventures. Often people can’t imagine a different life for themselves so their comments tend to be negative–but that is negative for their own lives, not yours. You know you best, you know your strengths and limitations; therefore, you will do wonderfully. As for others who can’t or won’t support you, just forgive them for not being able to see a different life for you. Hugs.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You know what’s fun, Beth? When your lifestyle becomes the envy of those who said you shouldn’t try it. hee-hee.

        • Beth, I am truly inspired by your courage to go out on your own with the physical limitations you describe. We are 8-10 weeks from our own adventure and I have been concerned about some of my own limitations. You have inspired me. Way to go, girl. Do a blog!! You write well and have a good story to tell.
          Just a suggestion…don’t identify with your disease as Fibro Beth. Maybe being out in nature, doing what you are doing, will cure you!! Just a thought.

          • Beth currently in Prescott says:

            Your right Martha Goudey! It’s a negative to think of myself like that! I’m glad you pointed that out. I’m so used to having to explain why I can’t do some things that I let it take over my thoughts of myself. Thank you! Don’t let your limitations limit you! That’s one thing I’ve learned. I may have to do things differently, or slower, or not at all, but if there is something I really want to do…I find a way to make it happen. You can do that, too! We our limited by our minds more than our bodies most of the time. I’m no longer Fibro Beth, that’s history, thanks to you!!
            With sincere gratitude,
            Beth currently in Prescott

            • Beth currently in Prescott says:

              Retiredcajunlady ‘n Louisiana,
              Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, they are greatly appreciated! I like The Can Do! and it’s the only one on the list so far… I’ll let you know what the name of the rig will be. Thank you!
              Beth currently in Prescott

            • You are welcome! and thank you again…huge reminder to me as well. We are finding a way to make it happen!!
              Prescott is on my list of places to go–never been there and my grandfather lived there many years ago for some time, as did my aunt. See, a camera is the next thing, right?

        • Velda in Roseville CA says:

          Beth, I so much enjoyed getti g to know you. I’ll think on a name but I do like the Can Do idea. Welcome!

          • Beth currently in Prescott says:

            Thank you Velda! Thank you for taking the time to read my long post! I hope Sue doesn’t think I’m trying to take over her blog, cuz I’m not! LOL
            Yes, please think of a name. The Can Do is a good one, but would like a few more to choose from if possible.
            Beth currently in Prescott

            • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

              I love Cajun Lady’s suggestion of “Can Do” or “Beth Can Do.” I think it wonderfully incorporates your attitude and your cute little trailer. I hope your travels will bring you peace and better health! And a dog would certainly be a terrific companion to share your new life with you.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Okay, here are a few suggestions….

            “The Dreamcatcher”


            “Yes I Can Can”

            The “Can Do” idea is really good!

        • Beth, the more you write, the more excitement I feel emanating from you! It is a joy to experience that with you! You’ve been through much and you already know you will have good and bad days but that won’t matter near as much now that you are on the road. There will always be something that can feed your soul. I do not have a name suggestion but I really do want to encourage you to start that blog you mentioned in one of your responses. You do not have to be upbeat like Sue – that job is taken already! All you have to do is to be yourself including both the good and bad days. You will be HUGE inspiration to others with chronic issues, including fibro. Too many think a chronic issue means they have to crawl in a corner and give up but not you! You can offer others another possibility, another way of dealing with could be a rather depressing reality. And for those whose chronic issue does not allow them to do what you are doing, you offer them the opportunity to live vicariously through you. For that reason I have to say my preference (not that we are voting!) for naming your trailer would be something in the Can Do realm. It is a true testament to how your positive nature can win over the cards you’ve been dealt. I really enjoyed your comments and the excitement you feel. It was mine not all that long ago as I went full-time. You go girl! Enjoy it!

          • Beth AZ says:

            Deborah K,
            Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement, I really do appreciate it when people recognize all I’m accomplishing with many chronic health issues. It makes life a little harder but not impossible. Attitude is 99% of life, at least that’s what I tell myself, and you get that spot on!

            I’m happy you’re now full timing it, and I hope you’re enjoying it. Yes, beginners excitement is awesome and I hope my excitement carries me for a loooong time. I believe it will because of all the places I want to go, as well as the things I want to see, that excitement will stay with me. I know there will be those days when I won’t be able to do something, but then when feeling better I will be able!

            I like your thought of, “There will always be something that can feed your soul.” I’m gonna write that down and post it where I’ll see it everyday! It’s a wonderful thought that I need to remember.

            As far as a blog, I know nothing about writing a blog, starting a blog, etc. I’ll have to do some research. It’s a cool idea of being an inspiration for those with chronic health issues. I would like to keep my blog, if I start one, as upbeat as possible, but those with chronic problems would understand if I post a not so positive post. The blog idea is in the future time zone ?

            I really liked Cinandjules name idea of CatchN a dream, it incorporated Dreamcatcher and the idea that I’ve caught my dream and dreams to come. I still haven’t decided on a name, but getting close!

            Thank you from my inner most being for all you said…

            Sincerely grateful,

            • Beth,
              I, too, have had to deal with some chronic and some new stuff coming up while full-timing. It can make the journey a bit more of a challenge as well as offering new opportunities one would never expect. I’m a short timer now since I’ll be leaving the RV life to return to Tucson soon for health reasons. I do not regret it at all; it’s been a helluva journey. Just remember for yourself – take your time and know it will take longer for you in many cases than for someone not dealing with health issues. That’s okay since it will give you more time to take in wherever you are! There are many days I just sit in my chair, looking outside, and taking in the beauty around me that way.

              One of my very favorite blogs was written by a woman who was doing her residency in psychiatry. She had just been diagnosed with cancer. Her writing was dark, raw and, by some standards, anything but upbeat. She wrote about the intensity of her emotions. Her whole life was dramatically changed. She wrote from her heart and it was anything but pretty but it was extraordinarily real and showed her absolute courage and strength. By far those posts were some of my very favorite blog posts I’ve ever read because they were real and from her heart. There were so many comments from those affected with similar issues about how her writing touched them and helped them. So what I’m saying is that if you write from your heart, good day or otherwise, your blog will reach others and influence their lives.

              I’m sure whatever name you chose for your RV it will be perfect! Good luck and enjoy the journey!

    • weather says:

      Hi, Beth, reading everything you’ve shared all that came to mind was Beth’s beauty-in your wonderful story of overcoming so much, the well deserved pride in the things you’ve done in life and it’s being what you’ve dreamed of seeing and now will live in. Perhaps a name that reflects who you are and what your traveling and trailer represents and gives – Beauty. It’s not particularly creative, just seems to fit.

      • Beth currently in Prescott says:

        Gee, you guys! So many good names to choose from, it’s getting harder to decide now! Hmmm, gonna have to think on it. I really like the I Can Do, but I’ve always loved Dreamcatchers, used to own some until they fell apart in all my moves. Right now, I’m wavering between I Can Do and Dreamcatcher, or maybe DreamcatcherBeauty? oh the decisions! LOL

        This is fun, Sue! And I do hope those that said I shouldn’t do this begin to envy the freedom I have, to do what I want when I want and where I want! ha ha ha That will be fun!

        Thank you to all that have contributed to the naming of my rig, I’m still taking suggestions, though.

        I’m slowly getting my trailer unpacked from boxes. I want to find my pans so I can cook something to eat! I don’t feel like microwaving (since I’m plugged into shore power I can do that) the food doesn’t taste as good when it’s been nuked! But I may have to, I’m getting pretty hungry! What a silly problem! LOL I have food, I have a microwave, I can eat! I’ll find those pans eventually 🙂

        Sue, thanks again for your help and letting people help come up with a name for my rig. It’s taking up a lot of your blog!

        OH, and I can’t wait to get a dog, but I need to wait in order to give my dog-to-be the right kind of attention. Figure out all the trailer stuff I can and get comfortable with it, then I’ll be able to give the dog my full attention. I hoping to get a dog, not a puppy, one that’s in the pound that’s out of the puppy stage. That’s my idea for now, but it could change. I have the freedom to change my mind, direction I travel, all that stuff. IT IS SO FUN!! As Dr. Seuss would say, “Oh, the places you’ll go!” and that’s me! hee hee

        Thank you All!

        • Wow Beth, , your on your way to a new Journey and as I would say,, you go girl, it’ll all work out for you, just take your time and soon you’ll be a true Boondockin Gal,,,, Bless you young Lady, ,,,,, Rusty n Piper, , camping west of Hebber, AZ, off FR300,,,, in th’ rain,,,,,,,,,,,,

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          CatchN a dream

          • Beth AZ says:

            It’s late, so I hope Rusty and Piper, as well as Cinandjules and Weather, too, read this…

            First, a big thank you to Weather! You gave such wonderful encouragement to me today, with the beauty you saw in me. I didn’t thank you and that’s not polite of me.

            Rusty and Piper, thank you, thank you to you too! Maybe we’ll run into each other since you’re in AZ and I’m gonna head to NM by way of Show Low, if you’re talking about Heber, AZ.

            Cinandjules, I really like the name CatchN a dream. Ya’all coming up with great names and making my decision tough! Good one, thank you!

            Good night!

          • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

            New Life Nash

        • JazzLoverWMa says:

          Beth it takes a great deal of courage to embark on the next stage of your life that you have chosen but you clearly have a good grip on things and know what you want. You go for it! As for names for your new rig, two come to mind for you, New Beginnings, and Free To Roam. Whatever you choose will be right for you. Never doubt yourself.

        • Beth AZ says:

          Weather, thank you for understanding.

          Deborah from FL, NC, and soon to be Tuscon,
          You’re so right, re the blog idea. I used to read a blog by a women with breast cancer, then suddenly with no warning she quit writing. I’ve always hoped she’s ok. But am afraid I’ll never find out, I still pray for her and her family. Her blog was from the heart and often dark full of the emotions that cancer brings upon us all.

          Another blog, from a fellow full timer I read from the beginning until his last post where he stated he was parking his rig and not traveling anymore and that would be his last post, about a year or less, a post finally arrived in my email…from his daughter, letting all his readers know he had passed from cancer. I cried so very hard for a man I’d never met, but felt was a close friend. I’m glad his daughter posted the final post, he had mentioned he had cancer but was doing well with treatments, but his daughter found a post he’d written by hand that he wanted on his blog, it was his own written obituary. I think that was the hardest I cried in a long time.

          It is possible to write a blog and not always be upbeat and I need to reconsider all of that when making my decision re a blog.

          I hope whatever is happening in your life turns out to be what’s best for you, and that your health improves greatly.

          Thank you for reminding me that people are touched by more emotions than just upbeat ones. I just want to make sure that if and when a blog is penned by me that I don’t just complain all the time. It’s possible to pen a blog with all the emotions I feel, just making sure I’m not a complainer 100% of the time.

          Thank you, I hope you read this, it’s in an old post, but if you don’t read it, life goes on! ☺️


      • Beth AZ says:

        Further (or is it farther, I always mix those words up) down in this comment section I thanked you for seeing beauty in me. I didn’t properly thank you yesterday, and that’s my bad. Please forgive my absent P’s & Q’s.

        I always enjoy what you write, you’re a deep thinker with great written expression and I admire that in you.

        Beth currently in Prescott

        • weather says:

          Thanks for the lovely note and nice compliments, Beth. My own P’s and Q’s lack structure or are entirely absent a lot of the time, Ha! Don’t feel the need to mind yours with me 🙂 I enjoy the kindnesses and friendliness of the gentlefolk Sue’s brought here without practicing the proper etiquette I do in formal situations. I hope your heart feels at home here, too.

  24. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    What stunning photos and place! Hard to pick a fave. I guess #3 with #6 a close second.

    The glory, the heart expanding exquisiteness of nature are what I love about camping. It brings tears to my eyes. Also, I love the smells, – the perfume of hot tree resin, pine and fir needles, sage after a rain, the sharp clean smell of the sea, and so on. I love the sounds of birds calling and flying by, crashing surf, rain, thunder, the crunch of dry grass beneath my feet, and so much more.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Beautiful, ValGal…. absolutely beautiful. All those things you mentioned and more.

      “the crunch of dry grass beneath my feet” and also, I’d add the crunch of desert sand….

      Thanks for the compliment on the photos!

  25. weather says:

    Number 5 is my favorite one. It’s simplicity appeals to me. With just 2 mountains, the moon, sky and a single tree both gifts-the color change on the mountains from sunrise and the moon still being there show. Also,I see figures of elf like people that seem to be enjoying it all , too, in the tree’s branches 🙂

    One of my most fun surprises while camping was on a small lake. I’d brought a canoe and went to get a better look at an island I could only see one side of from the shore. On the other side one was a rope someone had attached to a tree. I’d swing out over the water, let go, and fly a bit before a nice cool swim back to rinse, repeat…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Heavenly, weather… Thank you for swinging us out over the water on that rope with you. The cool swim… delightful, welcome image on a day that’s very hot for many reading this!

  26. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Good morning! Ari can be very insistent when she wants to go out or when it’s mealtime. Our furry friends may not be able to speak but they’re experts at making their wishes known!

    It’s hard to choose a favorite so I’ll pick #1 because it has your home in it & #4 because of the design the trees make against the mountains. They’re all gorgeous, really, and so reflective of the wonders of our world.

    Ear skritches to the crew–glad you’re in cool country!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Dawn and Ari!

      I’m glad we’re in cool country, too. I hope you are enjoying some cool breezes coming in from the water….

  27. Cynthia says:

    I have a 2006 casita and Tacoma truck. Love the casita! Do u have a benchmark book for each state? I’m an artist and was wondering if I could download those pictures u just took of mountains and moon how fantastic in camping in Colombine canyon in Red River lovely and cool.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad you’re happy with your Casita, Cynthia. Yes, I have a Benchmark for each of the ten western states. One of my best investments as they have helped me find numerous free camps.

      “Columbine canyon in Red River”… Is that Texas?

      Sure, go ahead and use my photos! I post them for your enjoyment.

      In my opinion, they aren’t great photos in themselves, more like designs, and that’s why I like them…. I think they’d be fun to paint as large murals.

      • Cynthia says:

        Thanks so much and wow about propane leak. Now I know how to shut mine off if it ever happens and wow about compressor too. I’m getting one. red River is about 25 miles north fromTaos where I live. It’s been really hot in Taos this summer so I took Skippy the spoiled rotten chihuahua and my blt to Red River 8600 ft. No problems quiet campground 9$ a day 14 day limit. I’m going to try painting one of it photos

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Isn’t it great how one can escape the heat simply by increasing one’s elevation? I’m glad you had that break.

          The cut-off valve to my propane heater was put in the line at the time of installation. Yes, an air compressor is essential! Hugs to Skippy..

  28. Kat says:

    Picking just one is almost impossible, I LOVE them all. Ok, I guess maybe #5.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kat… Thank you! I’m glad you like the pics.

      It’s funny… I reply to a comment and then I run outside to throw Bite Me for Reggie to fetch. Come back inside, reply to a comment, throw Bite Me… It’s a gorgeous morning here. I hope you’re enjoying your morning, too, Kat!

  29. Edie says:

    Number 2 is my favorite, the tree looks wild and free!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s my favorite, too, Edie.

      It’s easy to make a pleasing composition when the tree reaches toward the center of the photo. I like that this tree moves away from the center and yet the moon is still important to the design.

      Thanks for “voting!” 🙂

  30. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    Aren’t they funny the way they wake you up. Missy paws me on the arm and then the whine. Prissy puts her paw on my shoulder and then licks my face. There is no sleeping in.

    The pictures are all so perfect they almost don’t look real, making it hard to pick one. But I guess no 1 would be it.

    Stay safe and well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alice,

      Oh my! Missy and Prissy…. too funny! It’s interesting how each dog’s individual wake-up strategy reveals their personality.

      Bridget is more cerebral and passive so she whines. Reggie is a man of action, so he physically tries to get me out of bed. Sometimes he burrows under me as if he could lift me up or push me over the side.

      You stay safe and well, too. You’re right. The photos don’t look real!

  31. VictoriaEP says:

    Beautiful photos! I’m going to have to get a real camera – something other than my cell phone. Still, I don’t expect my photos will turn out as well as yours!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you. Get that camera, Victoria. It’s so much fun!

      I bet you’ll be surprised what photos you can create. I know I am repeatedly. For me a lot of the fun is opening the photos up in my Picasa photo editor and figuring out how to crop them to make them better.

      It’s not necessary to be technically expert to have fun with photography and to create pics that you and others can enjoy. As long as we’re talking about surprises…. Go surprise yourself with a new camera!

  32. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Your description of how you start your morning is hilarious! Guess what? It’s gonna happen again tomorrow, and the day after that, and after that………… cute is that?

    What a surprise! All of the photos are awesome…..if I had to pick a favorite….it would be …….number 6!

    Have a great day!

  33. 🙂 It is so hard to choose one photo !! I settled on #3!!
    Close second is HRH waiting to be served !!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!

  34. Terri From Texas says:

    Six gets my vote followed by…all the rest!
    Great photos all! I love how digital technology just makes it soooo much easier to get great pics! Of course I think you have to have an eye for it too-as you definitely do, RvSue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      It is amazing what one can do with the cameras of today. My late mother used to love to take photos. She couldn’t take as many as she wanted because of the expense of buying film and having it developed. It saddens me sometimes to think how much fun she would’ve had with a digital camera.

      Thank you for the compliments… Wishing you a beautiful day!

      • Velda in Roseville CA says:

        Here’s my interesting two cents. After my Mom died, I ran across a envelope of black and white photos. They had some pencil notes on the back, stuff like first photos from my new camera. Pictures taken I’m guessing around 1914 from age my Mom looked. After a while I realized it was my Grandmother, born in 1880’s, married in 1900, a teacher and caterer, who had to be the photographer as she was missing from all photos and it was her handwriting on the back. I also love taking pictures!

  35. Mick'nTN says:

    Your photos are great; it is hard to choose just one . I will go with #3 as I feel it gives the best feeling of depth and the magnitude of the location. Your photo composition is rivaled only by your prose.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Mick!

      • Beth AZ says:

        I wish Mick’TN could help me design a solar system and rig an antenna for my Jetpack! He did a superb job with yours, Sue. Someday this year, I’m gonna get solar and hopefully an antenna on my rig. It’ll make it easier to boondock. I have a quiet Honda generator that’s big enough to charge my batteries if I need to, but I’d rather have solar so I don’t have to hear or unload a 29 pound generator. I’m not supposed to lift over 20 pounds, so hopefully I’ll never need that generator. I was very impressed with Mick and all he can do! Awesome work Mick’nTN!

        • Velda in Roseville CA says:

          Mick is very talented but there are also several who frequent the desert in winter who do excellent work I have heard. Ask around RV groups and you will find someone.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Great suggestion, Velda. Beth could show a person with the right talent the photos of the antenna set-up (see header).

            • Beth currently in Prescott says:

              Yep, I will do that when I get the chance. I studied those diagrams a lot! I’m still learning, and I have to save some more money for everything I want. Starting up in a trailer for a living is expensive! It hurt my pocketbook or savings account however you want to say it! But I know about your diagrams! Thanks Sue for putting out so much info!!


        • Mick'nTN says:

          Hi Beth, Thanks for your complements. One of my retirement hobbies is helping Blogorinos with technical issues, within limits.
          Here is a link to a solar panel mount designed for a pickup truck fiberglass top (shell). The panel shown is a huge, 260 watt Kyocera. (66 x 40 inchesw).

  36. Rob, in northern Georgia says:

    The last picture is my favorite.

  37. DeAnne in TN says:

    #6–I love the composition. I love the sharp contrast.

  38. Retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

    “If Mars had trees, it would look like these photos,” was my thought as I read through your post. I love the second photo because it looks like the tree is yawning and stretching to welcome the new morning. But truly, I loved them all. Nature has endless ways to surprise us, and you capture one glorious surprise!! Thank you so much for the unique post, Sue, and for giving us the chance to share in it. Have a wonderful weekend. Belly rubs for pups, prayers for you all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I love your imaginative view of the photos! There is an other-planet look to these photos. 🙂 I wish you a wonderful weekend, too, Retiredcajunlady! Thanks for stopping by…

  39. Steve & Zeke says:

    I am not a big commenter but those pics sure caught my eye… I narrowed my fav to #6 with #3 a close second. Some day we will meet Sue, I always seem to be a couple weeks behind you for the last few years… hugs around…

    Steve & Zeke the mountain dog…

  40. ApplegirlNY says:

    #6 is my favorite. Composition with the tree and the light and shadow of the mountains.
    Gorgeous, as usual. I guess the critters knew there was a reason to rouse you out of your peaceful morning.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      It’s not the first time they woke me up to a pleasant surprise. I’d miss a lot if I didn’t have the crew to remind me to notice all that surrounds us.

  41. You want us to choose one of these photos??? I really like them all. But if I have to choose I’d go with #5. There is something about the tree almost holding the moon amongst its branches that speaks to me.
    Great post.

  42. Even though the moon is centered in #4 (in reference to the off-center technique others describe), it drew me back. I love layered photos of contrasts, stark and simple. But the others are beautiful as well. It was a hard choice. I would have done the same thing…take multiple photos with different perspectives.
    I hope I remember to let Taz (our Aussie) wake me up early…instead of moaning and rolling over. I love the early-light photos.
    We got our truck yesterday, another piece of the puzzle. Eight to 10 weeks from departure, assuming the house sells in a timely manner. It will be listed on the first.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Martha, on acquiring your truck! Oh boy, only weeks left to your launch date… exciting!

      Interesting that you noted photo #4. Yes, it breaks the common rule about composition. Sometimes the rule-breakers are intriguing in an unsettling sort of way.

      Thank you for your positive response to these photos. Yes, do let Taz get you out of bed to see the early morning light! 🙂

      Wishing you good luck with the sale of the house…

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      I remember reading along when Sue bought her van! Each step is an important move towards your new life! Congratulations. Will keep fingers crossed that the house sells pronto!

    • Beth AZ says:

      I don’t know your location, but my mother and I just sold our house. It was on the market for only two weeks and bang it sold! The buyer wanted to move in sooner than 30 days, it was quite the rush! Be prepared, start getting rid of as much stuff as soon as you can, even 30 days goes by fast if you’re down-sizing to start full-timing in an RV.

      Best wishes,
      Beth in AZ

  43. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Wow, this is a difficult decision. I especially like 4, 5, and 6, but if I’m forced to choose just one, I’d say #6. It has the lovely tree in the foreground, the forest of dark trees, the undulating mountains, and the moon that looks as if it’s refusing to say good bye. I guess the munchkins knew there was something just waiting for you outside, huh?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      Your description of photo #6 made me realize I left out one of the photos I wanted to include! I’m going to add photo #7. Hey, I can do that, right?

      The moon is “refusing to say goodbye.” How poetic you are!

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        You made it tough by adding #7 – it’s a lovely photo too. But I still like #6 best because the tree in the foreground looks like you could just reach out and touch it or smell it’s bark, and still there’s that distant, lingering moon. I just love the juxtaposition of near and far.

  44. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I like the first photo makes me think that you are representing just what you see standing by the side of your camp.. is compelling. I want to see it for myself!
    I so enjoyed reading Beth Az’s comment. Dreams realized are so inspiring. I would use the word bower in the name of her new trailer…that is the way I think of my Casita, my little cozy private space…

    I want to encourage Beth to investigate clean eating for a remedy for fibro…I really think being a caregiver impacts our health so much. the six years I was my mother’s servant impacted me in so many ways. I had too many issues to count including mental fatigue that was unbelievable, a bout with cancer, on and on. I finally sent her to live with my sister and started healing. One change was adopting a new healthier lifestyle, losing weight, getting more active and I was amazed when the body issues started clearing up. Such an amazing connection between the psyche and the soma! So Beth don’t ever think things can’t change for the better, you are a strong woman to make such huge changes already.
    Ok off my soap box, Sue I hope you and the crew have a marvelous day, and all you blogorinos too!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      I put some of your words in bold so Beth will see your suggestions.

      I hope you have a marvelous day, too!

    • Beth currently in Prescott says:

      Lee J in Northern California,
      You are so right about being a care giver and how it just wears you out! I was having that problem too. I was blessed when my mother decided to go to a retirement home, she knew, I think, how frustrated and tired I was getting looking after her 24/7. I believe that’s why she finally said she was ready to move, so I could do what I had been dreaming and talking about. I’m thankful for her decision.
      I do plan on eating better, and walking more. I have trouble walking long distances, but I believe that will get better the more I do it. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet, it can be very painful and hard to walk, but I’m bound and determined to walk more and more! I’ve got a plan and I’m putting it into action. Those are some of my goals, and I believe nothing’s gonna stop me from completing them!
      Thank you for believing I’m strong, thank you for believing in someone you’ve never met.

      Again, thank you all…

      • Velda in Roseville CA says:

        There are some good supplements which can help nerve pain. Suggest you do some research and choose one to try for at least a few months.

        • Beth AZ says:

          I do take supplements, the best one that has helped is called Metanx. You have to have a prescription for it. It’s a vitamin B compound and it’s ex-pen-sive! I have some other expensive drugs I’m on and in order not to hit the “gap” in my Medicare supplemental health insurance I chose that one to stop taking (plus two other drugs). It’s just really bad to hit that gap, so I just take several different vitamin B’s that the pharmacist said would be ok, but not as efficient. Sometimes I think doctors over prescribe drugs, some of the side effects are awful. I do miss the Metanx, though.

          Thanks for thinking of me,

  45. rvsueandcrew says:

    BTW, I don’t want to start listing names so I’ll just say this…

    There are some regular commenters who haven’t appeared in several posts and I’m beginning to worry. Maybe you’re busy enjoying your summer or life in general. I hope so. Please check in with a “Hey y’all, doing fine” or something. Thanks!

  46. Jolene Bates says:

    Hi Sue,

    I love photo #1. There are so many neat things out in nature. Everyday is a surprise. I love that you capture it.

    On our recent camping trip Rick took Harley to a picnic area to run off some steam away from the campground and they encountered a mama deer and fawn. Long story short, Harley stood ready to pounce from a distance and mama deer was snorting and all of a sudden Harley shoots toward mama and she takes the fawn deeper into the woods. Harley just wanted to scare her off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Another surprise for Rick and Harley. . . and I note that it occurred “away from the campground.” Not that Nature can’t deliver surprises within a campground… More opportunties away from people.

      I bet Harley was proud of himself.

  47. Jan NH says:

    The photos are all stunning and I’m torn between #3 and #6 as my favs!

    I smile picturing Reggie back-kicking you and talking in your ear to wake you up.

    Well I’m off to Tucson again tomorrow for two weeks. Ugh…not looking forward to the weather but it’s my turn again to be Mom’s ‘cheerleader’. Was hoping I would be spending this time with her back at her home but she is still in the SNF for her PT and recovery. She only just received the OK from the doc to put her full weight on her hip for PT so a couple more weeks before she’s ready to be home again… she is doing awesome all things considered. I was hoping to drive out this time and spend more time and bring Max with me but I have to be back for training in Boston in a couple weeks so maybe my next trip will be longer and I can bring Max. I’m very fortunate to have a boss that is letting me work from out there.

  48. Susan in Dallas says:

    Photo #6, but it only beat out the others by a hair. They are all breathtaking in their own way, so different from a lot of other “mountain” scenes.

  49. Lee J in northern California says:

    Oh wow. Number seven looks like something Georgia OKeefe would paint. Just wow…

  50. Kay Dattilio says:

    To Sue and Crew,

    I would choose # 4 because you can see the copper colored mountains with the scrubby bushes or cacti on them and they look different than they usually do. We all love your pictures and I liked the contest, esp. seeing what others liked and why!

    I thought about you today, Sue, as I was mowing our acreage. I sometimes say prayers as I mow and get really deep such as praying for the old, dead tree not to fall over and crush me as I mow around it, but today I was thinking about how fun it would be to have all of our dogs, that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, to come back for a few days! That would be a hoot and they would all get along with each other, no messes in the house and not all of them on our bed at the same time! Our animals mold into who we are like our family and life. Keep the pictures coming!

    Love, Kay from KC, MO!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like that thought, Kay…. All the dogs one has ever loved, together in harmony, playing happily and then falling asleep in a big, warm pile after a day of fun.

  51. Marcia GB in MA says:

    #6 appeals to me the most because of the way the tree and mountains frame the moon. Everything seems to be in the right proportion and the colors really work together.

  52. casitagirl says:

    It’s so hard to pick which photos to upload to the blog sometimes!! We’re at Glacier NP right now and both Rob and I have taken a zillion photos. I had to pick the 10-12 that tell the story and that’s it!

    We’re continuing to head west tomorrow and are looking for a boondock or national forest campground site. We’ll see where we end up–Montana has lots of choices.

  53. Glinda says:

    I choose # 6 just because I really like it.
    I can only imagine being there……
    Safe travels and hugs all around.
    Glinda from Texas

  54. Sally in MI says:

    To name Beth’s trailer. How about Realized Dreams? As far as a photo, I like #7.

  55. Barb L (Knoxville) says:

    Amazing shots. My faves are #5 and #3.
    Getting ready to head out for New Mexico. Have been in E TN since May for major RV repair and vehicle replacement. Definitely getting “hitch itch.”
    Thanks for your great blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Barb. Have a safe, enjoyable trip to New Mexico! I hope you will keep in touch when you can…

  56. Pookie in Todd Mission, tx says:

    yep amazing photos…….I like #6 because you have boxed the moon between
    the trees and the mountains…….great photo….
    thanks for the post..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, chuck. Thanks for the “amazing” and “great.” 🙂

      I think photo #6 is the one liked by the most blogorinos.

  57. BadgerRickInWis says:

    I think all the photos are great!
    But my favorite? It would have to be the last one.
    Of course there’s a tiny chance I’m just in love. 🙂

    Morning camping surprise:
    Many years ago I was solo camping in the Sawtooth range of Idaho and in the middle of the night a huge thunderstorm comes up. Rain coming in sheets, rain fly on the tent flapping, snapping and sounding like a freight train. There was nothing I could do but just lay there and watch the fiberglass poles flex up and down about a foot at a time. Well eventually despite the noise the effects of a full day on the trail catch up to me and I somehow mange to fall asleep.

    In the morning when I get out and zip open the tent door there is a Lodgepole pine tree about 18″ in diameter laying on it’s side not 20 feet in front of me that wasn’t there the night before. If it had fallen just a few degrees to the left it would have come down right on top of me. It wasn’t until I was up and drinking my coffee that it dawned on me that the area was so remote and I was far enough off of any marked trail they probably wouldn’t have found the body for years.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And the person who found it would REALLY have a surprise…

      Geez, that was close, Rick. Makes a great story though, especially when told by a master storyteller!

      Aww…. You do have a special place in your heart for the Bridge. 🙂

  58. Seeker says:

    #6. I love the way the tree branches frame the moon. Plus I like the contrast of the near and far hills.

  59. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    I would have had trouble choosing a few as well.

    #1 I like the reflection in the PTV windows
    #1,3,6, I like to frame a focal point with a tree in the foreground.
    #4 May be my favorite. It’s not a picture I would have thought to take. However, I really like it. I like the contrasting colors and the dark silhouette row of trees across the bottom.
    (#8)?of course I always like to see Bridget & Reggie in your pictures.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Also I would like breakfast. It’s now 9:30pm. We work nights. I’m usually getting up about now to go to work.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rover Ronda…. Thanks for your votes! Glad you liked the pics and hope your breakfast was good. 🙂

  60. Bodhi says:

    I was surprised when I started reading the comments… so few seemed to like #6 best. To me, it was the only choice. However, I know nothing about photographic composition. I prefer abstract art to all others and I like what gives me a feeling of “peace”, “comfort”, “joy”…

    Of course, as I read on, I found that there were others who preferred #6.

    Anyway, as always… Thank you Sue for sharing this with us. You are blessed to have the life you have and we are blessed because you share with us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And I’m blessed to have you, Bodhi, in my life. I’ve become accustomed to chatting with the blogorinos. Without them — without YOU — my life would be diminished.

      Wishing you peace, comfort, and joy today!

  61. Wendy in Thailand is in Australia says:

    I do like them all, but #5 would be my fav. A friend and I used to go walking in wetlands in the early early mornings, it was amazing the photos we could get with the different weather conditions, so much fun. Add in a lake with Pelicans, trying to get action photos of them, was a continual challenge for us.
    Safe travels you three.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How nice for you and your friend… The morning light with its many variations is a delight. Oh, pelican action photos are lots of fun!

      Enjoy Australia, Wendy! Also good to hear from you…

  62. JazzLoverWMa says:

    You don’t make it easy on us with the pictures you know, but yes, you do know. Each one has it’s own appeal for different reasons but I keep going back to #6 it just pulls me in, so 6 it is.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JazzLoverWMa,

      I think Photo #6 is the winner! Thanks for the compliment hovering behind your words. 🙂

  63. Jan in Montana says:

    As I scrolled down through your beautiful photos, I was reminded of a childhood viewfinder that I once held up to my eyes. Each new photo catching my imagination, each new click a journey of my mind…..thank you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Jan.

      It’s funny how readers react to different posts. To be honest, I “phoned in” this post. In other words, I didn’t put a lot of effort into it, letting the photos be the main content. When I finished and was about to click the “publish” button, I thought, “Oh well, this isn’t much. I wonder if anyone will bother to vote.”

      Ha! Look at all the comments! Talk about surprise! 🙂

  64. Jo in OR says:

    Beautiful pictures, they don’t look real. I’m choosing #4 because it’s simple and gorgeous colors, love the moon.
    Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

  65. Heda says:

    #2 and of course HRH waiting to be served.

  66. Laurie in NC says:

    RVSue – All beautiful pictures, but I love #1 since it has the BLT in the picture! It illustrates your story beautifully!
    We camp several times a year in a National Forest and if we sit very quietly outside our camper, we eventually see little chipmunks! The first time we saw them was such a wonderful surprise! Most people never see them because you have to sit quietly and wait for them to come out to play.
    Beth – You definitely have an inspiring story and I would be very interesting in reading a blog if you start one! I think of my camper as a cozy nest and I always sleep better when we are camping. We have a foam pad and a wonderful mattress cover that makes the cheap camper mattress feel like sleeping on a cloud. Also, being close to nature naturally lowers your blood pressure so it is the best place to rest and rejuvenate. Thanks for sharing your story!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Laurie. Chipmunks are often very playful. I’m happy you know to be still and enjoy them. 🙂

    • Beth AZ says:

      Laurie in NC,
      Thank you! If I ever start a blog maybe RVSue will allow me to let all the Blogorino’s know.
      I need to add a foam pad to my mattress, I bought a mattress cover last night that’s supposed to add a little cushion to the mattress, but haven’t tried it yet.

      Thank you for your nice words of encouragement, it has been a joy to receive all the kindness and encouragement from the blogorino’s!


  67. Hi, Sue! My favorite photo is #7. It allows me to somehow just relax into it and enjoy it. Compositionally, to my eye it follows the Rule of Thirds – the pine tree anchors the left third; the moon anchors the right third; and the horizon more or less anchors the bottom third. To me, the bottom line about using the Rule of Thirds is that doing so just makes for a composition that appeals most to others but since you take photos first and foremost for yourself and to illustrate your journey, who cares? You always have a wonderful variety of photos and looking to adhere to the Rule of Thirds could get in the way of your style of shooting! Some of them will fall into the Rule of Thirds and some of them won’t. You are looking to illustrate your life on the road and what you are doing clearly works for you! What a photo moment you had that morning!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It was a spectacular way to start the day! Thanks, Deborah, for your thoughts on composing photos and on using photos to illustrate our journey.

  68. Terri From Texas says:

    Beth, Something retiredcajunlady said in her post to you–MOXIE!! You should name your trailer Moxie!
    Good Luck!

  69. RfromMN says:

    There’s something about the composition of photos #3 and #7 that is very appealing to me. Your eye for beauty is really working for you in these!
    I can’t wait for the new post about “the good and not so good about daily vagabond living”– I love the honesty in your writing, and this sounds really interesting!

  70. rvsueandcrew says:


    It’s been fun reading your comments and your choice of the photo you liked best. I think #6 received the most votes. I’m too lazy to count votes. Besides, I have a new post to finish…

    It should be ready soon…


  71. WI & FL Beverly says:

    I’m going to go with #6. All are really wonderful.

  72. Leesa (IA) says:

    Late to the party but just had to comment on the beautiful pictures! My vote is for #1 and #3. It’s triple digit weather here so looking at the mountains is sure refreshing.

  73. Lauri C. says:

    Hi Sue & crew!!! I am now an avid follower of your blog. It is my current passion to get on the road in a very similar situation. I, too, have two little munchkins. Currently I have an SUV that I want to trading for a van and alter for van dwelling. I know that’s a little different than you but more along my lines.

    The question is how do you find the energy? You just get settled in, and then you have to turn right around and hustle onto another location. Does that bother you at all?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Lauri C!

      Thank you for following my blog and for introducing yourself! Glad to have you riding along with us. Best wishes as you plan and prepare for your own adventures.

      To answer your question… No, I am not bothered by having to move every 14 days. Usually after a week or two, I’m ready to move somewhere else.

      This is true even though I’ve never been a high energy person physically.

      I think the reason I don’t find the moves tiring is the way I pace each day and the low-energy way I live my life. Rarely do I go to events . . . air shows, festivals, fairs, farmers markets, concerts, museums, restaurants, window shopping, tours, etc. I don’t climb rocks or hike trails to high places. I’m happy to be at camp enjoying nature around me.

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