Thank you and we move up the haystack

Dear readers,

If you would like to express your sympathy to Rusty, please do so under the previous post so that all the condolences are in one place for him.  He will see your message there.

Rusty thanks everyone for the notes of sympathy, comfort, encouragement, and prayer, and for sharing his sorrow at the passing of Timber.  I thank you, too, for caring about my friend.  Sue

~ ~ ~

Wednesday, July 22 – Friday, July 24

The crew and I move to a new campsite at the same campground.

P1060276View of Mt. Jefferson from our higher campsite at Haystack Reservoir, Madras, Oregon

We’ve enjoyed our lakeside campsite.  A noisy family sets up camp next to us.  Rather than sit in my lounger trying unsuccessfully to enjoy reading, I hitch up the Best Little Trailer and move camp to a site where I can.

Our new site is just as nice!

We’re much higher here, we still have a lovely view of the lake and Mt. Jefferson (above photo), and we have peace and quiet.  Actually the noisy campers turn out to be a blessing.  If it weren’t for them, we would still be camped next to the water and that’s where the skeeters have come to camp!

Our higher site catches breezes that tend to keep the mosquitoes away.  When a few come around after sunset, the crew and I go inside for the night.  (Thank you to the inventer of window screens.)

The water in Haystack Reservoir is going way down.

Camp Host Bob tells me that the reservoir was very low not long ago, and then, right before we arrived, it was full again.  Good timing!

P1060286The water level was up to the tree and the tufts of grass when we arrived at Haystack.

The crew and I walk down to get a closer look and that’s when I snap the photo above.  Immediately a swarm of mosquitoes attacks and we take off running.

Up at our new camp, hardly any skeeters at all!

P1060296Kayakers don’t seem to mind the low water level.

P1060285-001The folks with big motor boats stay over at the other end of the reservoir where the water is deeper.

P1060293The shallow end . . .  A beach where there wasn’t one when we arrived

With the BLT’s repair appointments behind us, we can hang out in the shade of the juniper.

P1060281Can you find Bridgie Babee in this photo?

The refrigerator/door side of the BLT faces west which means it is hit with direct sun in the afternoon.  Readers have asked in the past, “Do I need an awning?  Do you ever use yours?”

My standard reply is “No you don’t need an awning. I hardly ever use mine.  But when I do need it, I’m very glad I have it!”  Without the awning the interior would heat up and be uncomfortable.  It’s amazing how shade brings down the temperature.

Okay, you people who know plants . . .

What is growing in this field?

P1060287Hint:  The plants give off a heavenly perfume.

The field, much larger than the photo shows, is such a pretty sight along Route 97 south of Madras.  We passed it several times going to and from repair appointments last week.

Finally I turn onto the side road and take these photos.  I want a close-up of a bloom, but there is an irrigation pipe to climb over and a house close by and, well . . . .

P1060289I almost know what it is.  I just can’t place it!

Note:  Readers tell me this is a field of carrots for producing seed.  Did you know that?

Let’s talk tires.

The Perfect Tow Vehicle sports four magnificent, all-terrain Toros, purchased from Les Schwab in 2013.  The BLT, however, has the same tires that were on her when I picked her up at the factory in August 2011.

Again, while driving through Madras several times last week, I pass a Les Schwab Tire place.  One of those trips I swing in.  I want someone to look at the BLT’s tires and this is a good time to do that because we’re towing the BLT!

I park in the parking lot and, before I open the PTV’s door, a man comes jogging out of a service bay.

“Helloooo, ma’am!  What can we do for you today!”  Smile as wide as Kansas.  Gee whiz, what a welcome!

“Hello!” I smile back.  (I don’t do Kansas, more like Rhode Island.)  “I want to know if I need new tires.”

“Just drive into that carport over there and we’ll take a look,” he cheerfully replies with an enthusiasm that implies he’s waited all morning for me to show up so he can check my Marathon, Class D, 15-inchers.

In a few minutes he’s measured the tread.

“You have 7/8 of an inch left and there isn’t any sign of weather wear.”

“I don’t want to go down the road worrying about these tires,” I point out.  In other words, I’m not interested in driving them down into the danger zone, something I did as a rule during my poverty days of old.

“You’ve used up about half the tread,” he explains.  “You still have a way to go before they need to be replaced.”  He says this as if he’s personally happy for my good fortune.  Gosh, Les Schwab better hang on to this guy . . .

He makes sure both tires are at 65 psi and we leave!

Next . . . I’ve had this dang bird photo hanging around . . .

I took it about a week ago.  Keep trying to find a place where it fits.

Here’s the bird.  He/she/it gives me dirty looks.  I think previously someone put food out for him/her/it.

P1060174Note:  Readers identify this dove as an Eurasian Collared Dove.

Something for vintage travel trailer people . . .

One day while walking the campground with the crew we come upon this cute camper.  I meet Bess, the proud owner, and she gives me a tour.  Not really a tour.  I peek in the door.

P1060214I love the paint color!  Look at the matching propane tank.  Sweet!

Feel free to ask Bess questions.  She reads this blog and the comments.

Most of the time Bridget likes walking with Reggie and me.

P1060191Path to the group shelter in the day use area at Haystack

There are times though when she absolutely refuses.  She sits or lies down and will not budge!  I have no way of knowing whether she truly has aches and pains or if she’s being stubborn. Bridget can be stubborn.  She likes to have control.  Especially over me.

P1060284Bridget goes on strike in the road

One thing I’ve noticed . . . .

If Bridget gets her way and I turn us around — “Okay, you win.  We’ll go back”  — She perks right up and is pretty darn lively and sprightly, prancing her way down the homebound stretch.  Hmmm . . . .

Saturday, July 25

All of a sudden it’s cool again!  And breezy!  And overcast!

P1060292We go down to the water again.  No mosquitoes, maybe they’ll come out in the evening

 I wear a long-sleeved shirt while lounging and reading outside. Very pleasant.

The crew and I motor into Madras.

I buy, among other things, more nectarines.  They are out-of-this-world delicious although I think they may be the reason my ankles and the tops of my hands turned pink and itched like crazy.  Even so, I have three more of those babies and I’m not holding back!  We shall see if they’re to blame.

Remember the photos of the crew when we were at Dave’s RV Service and Repair?

That was such a long post that I left out my favorite photo!

I looked out the shop office window one of those days and this is what I saw . . . .

P1060215When will RVSue come baaaaack.  I wanna go home!

Tomorrow is Sunday the 26th.

The crew and I will leave Haystack Campground, having used up the 14 days allowed.  It’s been a great camp!  Do I know where we’re going? Of course not!  I haven’t even narrowed it down.

Hmm . . . Let’s see . . . north, south, east, or west?



P1060291Fresh haystacks in a field near Haystack Reservoir


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212 Responses to Thank you and we move up the haystack

  1. Jan in MI says:

    Am I first for the first time?

  2. Shawna says:

    Tomorrow is Sunday the 26th… but who’s checking. LOL The plants look like baby dill, but they are awfully short. So really, haven’t a clue. Am I first?????

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What is it with me and dates? Thanks for telling me, Shawna. I changed it. Gee, I even looked at the calendar on my laptop!

      I thought the plants might be garlic or something similar to that. I feel like I’ve seen them before.

  3. Shawna says:

    Nope. not first. Dang. Oh, and I meant to comment on the stubborn Bridget. I can see her dancing and prancing back to the BLT. She is playing you like a violin Sue! Tee heee.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know she is. But I’m always unsure, maybe she has arthritis pains… and then she skips away!

      • Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

        Have you ever had a blood test on Bridget to check her thyroid? Muffin gained weight and got kinda sluggish. Found out she needed thyroid meds…just like her human.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Bridget is sluggish off and on. I’ve never had her tested for thyroid and no vet has ever suggested it. She’s had a tendency to gain weight her entire life. She loves to eat and I could control that with leaner food. I was feeding her very lean and she lost weight. Then Reggie came along and in this small space Bridget would move to his food and he would move to hers….

          Fearing Reggie wouldn’t get what he needed for his young, active body, I now feed “regular” food to both. Before someone (I know you wouldn’t, Linda Rose) attacks me, Bridget is a very contented and happy dog. This doesn’t show up in many photos due to her reluctance to be photographed.

          Thanks Linda Rose for your input.

  4. Wendy H says:

    I so enjoy your writing! One day I will be you! Thanks for entertaining, enlightening us wannabes!

  5. PCTWhereIsChris says:

    Thanks for the tip on Humbug campground along Breitenbush River. We were just there and really enjoyed ourselves. Safe travels to you and the crew.

    You may want to checkout Chickahomony Reservoir for a stopover if headed East, but you’ll need that awning for shade. It’s a nice place to overnight if the forecast calls for cooler weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris,

      Is that the campground west of Burns? If so, I stopped there a few months ago and it was closed. And then I found out my friends camped there a few days either after or before. Thanks for reminding me of that place. It’s a long haul for me to cross that area without an overnight.

      I’m tickled that you enjoyed Humbug! Safe travels to you, too.

  6. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    Ahhh— So close — I wanted to be first!!

  7. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Hmm…..yes hmmm in regard to your dear Bridget and her behaviour on her walks with you. Reminds of my horse Cody who can be slow as a wet week when we ride out and then when we turn around to head home, up comes his head, this ears prick up, his feet pick up a good tempo and hey, we are home in no time…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Glenda,

      Aww, that’s a cute anecdote… You’re right. Cody is like Bridget. You’d think I was dragging her to her doom on the way out and then on the way back she’s Little Miss TwinkleToes.

  8. Jan in MI says:

    I read the post and it looks like I am still first. We are working hard to pack the house and get it on the market. Pictures Monday and then listed. We thought we had it sold twice without listing it but they fell through. We want to be on the road by winter so we don’t have to stay in Michigan for another one. I haven’t been around lately and missed some events but I am catching up fast. Very sorry to hear about Timber as I followed him & Rusty in your posts.
    Sue, if you worry about your tires you can get the tire monitors for the PVT & BLT like we have for our motor home and towed vehicle. They let you know the pressure and temperature of all the tires and will warn you of problems with these. I’m sure they sell them on Amazon. Thanks for all the great pictures of the crew and I hope we can find as great as campgrounds as you do.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan,

      Oh, the disappointment when a seller doesn’t come through. I remember that! If you thought you sold it twice before it was listed, your house sounds very marketable. Good luck!

      And I can understand you wanting to be out on the road before another Michigan winter….

      Thanks for the tip on tire monitors.

  9. Glad you didn’t need to spend more money right now on BLT tires. Those two look so sad and abandoned in that last photo of them. I bet they perked right up when you came out side. I can’t help with the plant, but the bird is a Eurasia Collared Dove.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa W,

      Ha! Those “sad and abandoned” pups were wanting to play in the grass again! Oh yeah, they were doing a happy dance when they saw me head toward them.

      Thanks for the bird ID… I knew it was a dove of some sort…

  10. Cat Lady in Tacoma says:

    As always Sue, I enjoyed the mini peek at the wonderful life you get to live. I hope to one day do the same. Thank You!
    Those vintage trailers!!! LOVE them. I have a 34ft class A Bounder for vacation use… but a 1965 white and turquoise 17 ft Aristocrat has been calling my name. It’s a cutie, they just don’t make them like that anymore.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cat Lady,

      Looking at Bess’s trailer up close, I can see the appeal! Her cabinets… I think they’re birch… are nice and she has an old-timey stove that looks in perfect condition…

      Of course I like Casitas. Wouldn’t it be neat if they came in colors like that blue and other pastels… Easter eggs! Ha!

      • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

        Tee Hee! You know I caught that right away! I miss my wee one like this (was a 69 Aladdin). I am coming up with a design for one… just for ME. Moosee still has my <3 but it is Jim's trailer really. He chose it.

        LOVE the Les Schwab gusto. They are ALWAYS that way.

        Where in the world will Sue land next? How are the crew doing? What is the next adventure?

        Hugs from a drizzly (YAY!) Hoquiam,

  11. kgdan says:

    North! Go north, friend Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh my…. I don’t know where I’m going and I have to leave first thing in the morning because someone has reserved this spot!

  12. Lynn Brooks says:

    Love it!!

  13. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Little Miss Bridget reminds me of a barn sour horse 🙂 But I agree, you never know when she may be having an “off” day – we all do!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia . . . .A “barn sour horse”… never heard that phrase before… ??

      • MB says:

        It’s like what Glenda described. A horse that you might have to quite literally fight to get to walk away from the barn… walks slowly, calls to other horses….down right refuses. Then when you turn it around… have to hold it back because it wants to run home. One like Glenda describes is still fun to ride but some of the worse ones are not at all. Have fun deciding where to go next.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Barn sour! Hah hah

        We rented horses CA to ride on the beach! Well needless to say they “walked” (or rather dragged) themselves down the path. Nothing I repeat NOTHING you did …would make them go faster.

        As soon as you turned around toward the stable…they would seriously gallop like they were in the Kentucky Derby!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I kinda’ figured that’s what it meant. Very interesting!

  14. Sidewinder Pen says:

    Hi Sue,

    I like your new spot “up in the trees.”

    I’ll give you my two cents on trailer tires. There are varying opinions, but mine aren’t out in left field, particularly.

    1) Trailer and RV tires tend to “age out.” Many people would agree that five years is about when you want to change them. This is five years from the date of manufacture, not from purchase or first use. This is because the rubber ages just all by itself. Whether or not they are worn down, cracked, etc. (of course that is also not good). If you look at the DOT code on the side of the tire (you can Google and see what it looks like), there will be a four digit number at the end. This is the week/year the tires were made. So for example 5112 would be the third week in December of 2012.

    2) Trailer tires oftentimes aren’t what they used to be (this is somewhat size dependent). Now maybe you can get good ones, but oftentimes they are more or less “take what you can get” (unlike car tires, where it is easier to upgrade to premium ones). This is the case for my trailer because it takes 13″ tires, which don’t have a wonderful selection. Because of this, and because I dislike worry more than I dislike buying tires, I replace mine between 3-4 years of age (although they still look great on the surface).

    3) In general, I would suggest a radial, trailer-specific tire (ST). This is as opposed to a car tire, light truck tire, etc. Trailers are subjected to different forces than tow vehicle tires is why they make ST tires.

    4) I always get my trailer tires balanced. Some places try to talk me out of it, there is no need, we don’t usually, etc. I just say I understand, thanks — I’d like them balanced. (I’m sure you are a master at this :D) I also ask for all metal valve stems (sturdier than rubber ones).

    5) I inflate to the level that corresponds to weight of the trailer that will be on each tire (free public scales in Oregon!). So with single axle, divide axle weight by two and that’s the weight for each tire (you don’t customize if the sides are slightly different, just divide by two). The amount of air you want to put in them varies according to how close they are (or aren’t) to rated capacity. You probably already do this, but just in the interest of completeness.

    6) Lastly, trailer tires are “lug centered” as opposed to most vehicle tires which are “hub centered.” Not that you have to know all the details though: Just know that because of the way this works, trailer tire lug nuts can dramatically loosen not long after leaving the tire shop (they “settle in” differently because of being lug centered). So you want to stop and check them carefully at around 20 miles and around 100 miles. One time I waited until around 50 miles and every single lug nut on one wheel was right at the end of the lug! I learned first hand about the “lug centered” dynamic that day.

    7) For extra bonus points you can look up the torque rating for your type of lug pattern/size, and let the shop know what it is. Some shops already do, some don’t, I find.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      PS: On #6, this isn’t every time you drive (probably obvious), but rather after they are put back on, such as when you get new tires.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks you very much, Pen! What a thorough essay on trailer tires!

      Forgive me for not replying thoroughly. I’m rushing through the comments this morning because we have to leave this campsite early.

      About #6, Casita Travel Trailers advises checking the lug nuts 50 miles after pick-up of your new trailers. The BLT’s were fine. Good advice for all of us!

      For some reason the tire on the stove/sink/bed/battery side of the BLT loses air more than the tire on the other side. Hasn’t been a problem…

      Thanks agian, Pen, for sharing your knowledge here.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I understand when it’s “move camp” day you don’t just have hours to peck around on the website. I always picture you up and at ’em, bustling around and perking coffee, and then getting an early start down the road to a new camp (gee, just writing that has an exciting feel to it – new camp!).

        If you see a public scale on the highway and they are not open for business reeling trucks in, remember that you are fine to just pull in and weigh. Lots of them have a scale readout that you can read right from the driver’s seat. Most times that I come to one on a non-freeway highway, they are empty and I can take all the time I want, weigh the combo, then unhitch and weigh the trailer tongue, then pull forward and do the trailer axle(s). And on many there is room off to one side so you can just put either a right or left axle on the scale, then do a little math and get your right and left weights too.

        I wish all states were as accommodating as Oregon and Washington (maybe others are, but those are the two I know of). I don’t mind paying at a CAT scale or similar, but what I don’t like is it is always rush-rush, with a line of working trucks behind you, etc.

  15. Monica-CA says:

    The flowers looks like Queen Anne’s Lace. Now I’ll go back and read the rest of your post and the comments from others.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Monica,

      They do look like Queen Anne’s Lace only not as flat. See the comments below…

      Oops… Now I see your other comment… aka wild carrots. 🙂

  16. laurie says:

    I think its carrots.Madras area grows lots of carrots and potatoes for seed.

    • Monica-CA says:

      Wild carrots aka Queen Anne’s Lace.

      • Jan Johnson says:

        They’re not Queen Anne’s Lace, I don’t think, as these are tall, not so bunchy, and the flowers are flat on top, not round. Also, I think they are somewhat of a weed and doubt they would be grown in organized fashion like that.

        • Monica-CA says:

          Yes! Carrots, which makes more sense for the farmer. Otherwise, that’s a huge field of Queen Anne’s Lace. Queen Anne’s Lace is beautiful in flower arrangements. So, I was first thinking flower arrangements. The seeds can be purchased for planting in one’s garden. I was thinking some farmer was growing them to sell the seeds to a large company like Burpee or the flowers to the florists.

    • Sue Malone says:

      Yup. Carrots. grown for seed. I looked it up the last time we drove through Madras.

  17. Monica-CA says:

    Bess, I love your vintage travel trailer with matching propane- too cute!

  18. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

    I’ve tried following a couple of other people’s travel blogs but I think you’ve spoiled me/us. I don’t know what it is exactly but your posts, pictures and descriptions of you and the crew makes me look forward to each post so much. I hope whichever way you head you will be able to avoid the terrible fires that seem to be everywhere according to the news reports. Smooches to yer pups from me and the 4 M’s.

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      I’ve tried to follow a couple of RV blogs, too. But they eliminated the ability to post comments. Without the ability to interact and ask questions of the blogger, the blog doesn’t have an “alive” character and I don’t learn anything new. Then there are blogs that take comments, but only reply to ones from family and neighbors back home. That’s one reason of many why RVSue’s is so special. We are a community here.

      • MB says:

        I totally agree with both of you. I have email notifications of three blogs. RV Sue and two others. I can’t wait to hit the button to read Sue’s but the other two get deleted most of the time. They are good writers with nice pictures….ect. But Sue’s blog is different, in such a good way. Enjoy your day! MB from VA

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Linda Rose, Gayle, and MB . . . Your remarks delight me more than you can know. I think I’m blushing. Thank you for thinking my blog is special and for “saying” it publicly. Love you guys!

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        You’re welcome! You’ve earned the praise! Now I think I’ll go out and look for a picnic table to sit under, a la Bridget…

        • Jean/Southaven, MS says:

          I agree, I have stopped following most of the blogs that I started out following. They were impossible to comment on and I did not get a whole lot from them I do still follow Wheeling It because she has lots of great information usually. But I come here to be part of a family, I learn things, I just feel good usually when I read what everyone is thinking. We are a family of like minded people. You make it easy to comment which I like.

  19. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I vote for carrots..the field of fragrant plants. The fragrance is heavenly! They raise carrots across the San Joaquin Rivver from us, they have sandy soil, we have clay…go,figure….but the fragrance you never forget!

    Silly dogs….barn sour horse is right. We used to have a pony that would go out so far from home, then gently lay down…he looked a lot like miss Bridge! Or should she be Miss Stump when she does that? Gotta love her!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      Oh, the perfume of those plants… I’ll remember it whenever I eat carrots. What a surprise! This is what I love about the vagabond life… the things you see (and smell) and learn enrich future experiences and it just keeps getting better!

  20. Annie in Oregon says:

    A few facts about those plants: I was curious about the plants and did a little research….they appear to be fields of Hybrid Carrot Seed pollination. The white flowers are male and the green are female. With the help of bees this helps provide the majority of Hybrid Carrot Seed to growers around the U.S.

    • Marilu from Northern California says:

      Wow! thanks, Annie. Who knew I’d log onto Sue’s blog with my coffee this morning and learn about the sex life of carrots! Also a whole lot about trailer tires. This is such a fun community. Have a great day Blogorinos

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree, Marilu… Annie in Oregon knows carrots! I didn’t know any of this. There were bee hives along the fields…

      Thanks, Annie!

    • Monica-CA says:

      That’s interesting. Thanks for sharing this information!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Count me as another who found your info super interesting. Thanks for finding and posting it.

  21. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Have you been into Wyoming yet? I’m so ready for FALL!! (not that one has anything to do with the other…..)

    • Diann in MT says:

      Oh, no, Ladybug! We are just getting into summer here is south central Montana. It’s been a cool, in the mornings, kind of summer and just so pleasant. Our humidity is very low which takes some of the edge off any hot days we experience. The campgrounds and fishing access sites have been packed this summer, so the only reason I would want Fall is to clear out the campgrounds so this old retired lady can go camping. You have a good one!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Diann..

        I cringe reading about crowded campgrounds. Soon… in a few weeks… school will be in session. Aahhhhh….

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          Who would have ever thought that the day would come where you would be yearning for the new school year to start? 🙂

      • Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

        HAH! That’s funny…..sometimes I’ll just come up with itineraries in my brain, just to take the edge off the road trip fever. Lately I’ve been looking at Idaho Falls/Yellowstone/Montana area for summertime visits, whenever I do get to hit the road (years from now). Ahhh, the dreams we can dream when time and money are no object….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ladybug,

      I love Wyoming! We haven’t been there yet this year. Maybe we will go that way…

      • R. now in WY says:

        I’m still in WY!!!! Anyone here? Anyone with Casita or a small camper I could tow with my new Nissan Xterra? I would like to see inside Casita. I know, I know there is a website I could see floor plans but nothing like seeing with my own eyes inside of a very appealing Casita.
        I revisited Yellowstone NP but because of crowds I decided to leave after two days.
        When a hunting season starts in WY and MT? I rather not be in National Forests hiking at that time

  22. Laurie in NC says:

    I bet it is exciting to be planning your next location! When my husband and I start traveling in our camper, I know that I will love moving day! Now when we have a week off we usually camp in a couple of places and move in between. I love looking forward to the next place, arriving, setting up, and making the area my new temporary home!
    More great pictures! Of course, the ones with Bridget and Reggie are the best! I spotted Bridget hiding under the picnic table!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Laurie,

      I love anticipating a new camp and setting it up, too! And you know I’ve done that many times already, never tire of it.

      I can’t anticipate our next camp until I figure out where it is… and I still don’t know. I guess I’ll drive out of Haystack and toss a coin at the first main fork in the road. 🙂

      You found Bridget’s hiding place!

  23. Where ever you are going, I am going too!

  24. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Good morning sunshine!

    First and foremost, we have a great blogorino family when it comes to the compassion of another blogorino. Truly amazing!

    It’s so nice of business folks to be honest….instead of the “cha Ching” mentality.

    I have NO idea what is growing in the field. It does amaze me how the rolls of “whatever” always has a type of pattern.

    Drive safe. Looking forward to our next adventure!

  25. Doug H says:

    Hi Sue, great to see you in our neighborhood. I live at Crooked River Ranch, near Terrebonne, just got home myself after 2 month trip. I wanted to comment on the plant in the field. It is probably carrots, they grow most of the carrot seed that is used in the US near Madras. I think it is over 80% of what is used in the US is grown there, but dont quote me on that. Enjoy your blog, someday maybe we will meet as we travel the same areas a lot. Sorry to hear about Timber, that is such a rare thing to happen. I feel sad thinking about it. I hope Rusty will look for another dog. we lost ours last year due to age but it is tough to lose them.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Doug H.,

      I will keep you and all the blogorinos informed regarding Rusty, with his permission, of course. Obviously a lot of folks care about him and are concerned at this time.

      I’m sorry you had to part with your dog. No matter what the reason, a beloved dog leaves a big empty spot of pain when they go.

      I enjoyed reading the info on Madras and its carrot seed production. There is so much more to see in this area. I’d like to stay a few more weeks. It seems like a very nice place to live.

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        RVSue, I am most concerned about Rusty suddenly being so very alone. Should somebody pay him a visit? Should somebody help him to find a new dog after an appropriate time?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Very kind and thoughtful of you, Gayle. Some of us need alone time when grieving. Having people around drains what energy we have. For others, having people around gives them strength. Rusty is communicating with friends through email. Thank you for your concern.

  26. weather says:

    If nectarines or other fruit make one itch ,oddly,taking a rolaids or an equivalent antacid usually helps as most likely the reaction is to the fruit’s acidic component.Of course,limiting how much one has of the particular food causing it would be best.Just saying,a day driving in physical comfort is much nicer than done in discomfort…I hope you feel really good and find a great new campsite .

    A bird photo in a new post is like icing on a cake ,thanks for including it!My take on Bridget being reluctant to leave the homestead and enthusiastic to return to it is that the comforts of home soothe on days when any potential stress would make her feel worse than she already does.A lot of animals,and people,would do well to follow her example instead of exacerbating what ails them.Carpel tunnel operations come to mind,and dogs needing surgery to amend vulnerable tendons and joints in their limbs having been too aggravated.My horses were at times obviously opposed to the path I wanted them to take as I rode them away from their own turf and a thrill to ride on the way back-it was like riding wind!I attributed it to their knowing better than to trust the choice to another as we don’t know where the poor footing,snakes,wild cats ,etc. are.At home the dogs,us and the horses kept things safer so of course they couldn’t wait to get back to where they ruled their own small kingdom.I’m the same way after too much interaction with “outsiders” to my little realm…

    With a few pics you show a side of Oregon and it’s many appeals unseen anywhere else on the web,again I love how you get inside of places and take us there with you.My favorite is yours ,too,of the crew by the PTV’s window.No wonder they have most of your waking thoughts,attention and heart-they’re adorable 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You always makes astute connections… No chance of me driving in discomfort due to nectarines. I won’t eat any until we are settled (and they are riper!).

      Thank you for educating us about the ways of animals, their motivations and “wisdom.” I try to be sensitive to Bridget, attempt to “read” her. Usually I’m pretty perceptive with animals. Bridget has to be the most enigmatic of any animal I’ve every had a relationship with. I still feel like there’s much I don’t know about her and probably never will. She’s very complex!

      I usually go along with her wishes simply because I’d rather err on the side of her needing comfort. I also know she must have exercise. Sometimes she balks at the start of a walk and then, once we’re into the walk, she has a great time. Like I say… tough to read her.

      I admit I’m very pleased with your compliment, “I love how you get inside of places…” Thank you.

      And, yes, the crew is adorable!

      Thanks again for another thought-provoking message. Best to you today … I don’t know when I’ll be online again. You have a lovely day.

      • weather says:

        Here’s to all of us having a lovely day 🙂 ! Bon voyage until next time

      • Susan Jeppesen says:

        My dog has multiple herniated discs but with care and some medication she does great and we walk most days between and three miles.BUT there are days when she will just stop and turn around. She seems to know her limits and has a good grasp on her halfway point. Bridget could be the same. Going back to base means everything is in reach again


  27. Applegirl NY says:

    Sounds to me like Bridget has the perfect system worked out – clever girl. When we run our dogs, they can’t wait to get out the door, but they’re ready to go home on the return. A tired dog is a happy dog.

    We bought a used Casita – it was 7 years old. It had only been on one trip, but we replaced the tires, since we didn’t want any problems and we heard that if they were old they were probably brittle. We upgraded, and it sure is nice to have it off of our minds.

    Love Bess’s vintage camper. Is there a bathroom? That would be my only concern, because they sure are awesome and loaded with charm. Definitely a cutie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl NY,

      Smart of you to replace the tires on a newly purchased, used Casita. I was ready to replace the tires on the BLT. The Les Schwab man convinced me it wasn’t necessary…

      I don’t know if Bess’s trailer has a bathroom. Maybe she will drop in here and answer your questions.

      • Sondra-SC says:

        I wonder if you need to rotate the tires on the Casita? I guess it makes no difference? Happy home hunting!

      • bess says:

        hi! the vintage 1955 Rainbow trailer has 12 feet of living space and no bathroom. my husband Barry and i have a port-a-potty for dry camping, and we store it under the bed. we have pee-jars for night time calls of nature, which we empty in the morning in the toilets.
        we are newly retired and bought this trailer last fall. it was fully restored to the axel in 2010 (we did not restore it) and is very comfortable. it feels like a little house, all wood interior. double bed, 4 burner propane stove, icebox and cute dinette which sleeps one.
        we always go to campgrounds with a toilet and every so often we go to a campground with showers.
        i also get free gym membership with my medicare advantage plan and there are 11,000 gyms nationwide that i could also use to take a shower. so far i haven’t done this.
        vintage travel trailers are usually pre-1970 and some of the newer ones have bathrooms.
        ours weighs 1500 dry and we have it packed to 2100. our 2010 Subaru outback can tow 2700 pounds. trailers with bathrooms weigh more.
        if you google search vintage travel trailers, you can see how lots of people have decorated them to themes. elvis presley, betty boop, cowboys, etc. these trailers are called “canned ham”.
        if you want to restore one on your own, there is a guy on youtube (i think his name is canned ham) that has over 35 episodes showing how he tore one down to the axel and rebuilt it. each episode is about a half hour long.
        so there you have some information. i have a ton more if you have other questions. love to all, bess

  28. Page says:

    Sue, I believe the bird is a Eurasian Collared Dove. They were introduced into the US and have become somewhat of a nuisance species. There are populations of them all over the U.S.
    I have never smelled carrots in bloom. Guess I will have to travel to Madras and find out!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Page, on the bird ID. There are a few of them at Haystack Campground and this one does act like it expects to be fed.

      Oh my, the fragrance from that carrot field! I’d love to walk up and down those rows. Better yet, set up my lounger in the middle of the field!

  29. Terri From Texas says:

    Did anyone see Bridgie Baby under the picnic table in the photo? Ha-she thinks she is invisible!
    Also that dove sure was cranky looking!
    Have a good journey today Miss Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Terri…

      You and Laurie (above) spotted her. She was in the perfect spot to be the focal point of that campsite scene and then she saw the camera and …. oh well.

      • Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

        Knowing her routine, I first looked under the trailer and then located the picnic table… she is predictable. LOL

  30. Jodee Gravel on the road in Hoodsport, WA says:

    We always wish that crops along the road were labeled so we could all learn – maybe they think folks will “borrow” more if they know what they are….. In any case, these are very pretty, whether carrots or something else. Had no clue their flowers smelled so good 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree about labels on fields Jodee. Many times I’ve wondered what is growing in a field. There is a stretch of highway… an interstate, I believe…. maybe the one across the desert going west from Spokane? I’m not sure… Anyway, there are signs, one after another, telling what is growing in the fields along the highway. Makes interstate driving a bit of fun…

  31. rvsueandcrew says:

    Well, time for us to get moving! I don’t know when I’ll be online again (or from where). Y’all have fun!

    See ya’ later,

  32. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    The view of the mountains is breathtaking!! The information about the seed carrots from Anne was very interesting. My, my…what one can learn here at RVSue’s and Crew! 🙂
    Got home at 3 AM this morning from 10 days in UPSTATE NY . I had my tablet with me so I read the blog but hate to type on that thing. Plus I stayed on the go. Several of your classmates were asking about you and wondered if you ever would come East. I sadly told them….probably not. Our 93 year old Auntie was very well and sends her love.
    Temperatures were wonderful…in the 70’s- low 80’s. Now I am back to 100° but it is home.
    Travel safely Dear Sister. Looking forward to the next camp.
    Sending lots of love and big hugs to you, Bridget and Reggie.

  33. kgdan says:

    Good morning, Sue! I love nectarines also. I might have said they are my favorite but there are so many favorites. I picked up a small watermelon the other day at a local fruit stand, that I found to be especially sweet and crisp. It is a seedless variety called ‘Imagination’. It is really good.

    After a week’s visit with friends Lindale, we are back to the chores. Still quite a number of ‘to-dos’ before getting on the road. The challenges that have faced us this spring/summer have surprised us and tested our resilience. You have done much to sustain our focus on our goals with your wonderful adventures.

    Looking forward to your next stop.

  34. Susan in Dallas says:

    Love the rows and rows of carrots and wish you could bottle that smell. Just when you think there can’t be one more cute photo of Reggie and Bridget, there it is, with her head just peeking over the window and Reggie rarin’ to go!

  35. AZ Jim says:

    Doggonit Missy! I just am too late today. I was gonna be the smart kid in the front row of desks and raise my hand two of three times, plants, Bridgets location and the bird but some others beat me to the two I knew, Bridget and dove.
    I did learn a couple of things about tires today though so all is not lost. We sure have a nice bunch here. Well, I’ll sit back and see where we’re going now.

  36. I’ve only had one encounter with Les Schwab Tire but it was also very positive. I think they require that all their service guys be super friendly and knowledgable. I had a low tire and they just filled it up on the spot and sent me on my way, even though I’d bought my tires from Discount Tires while in Texas.

    And I, too know that I NEED my awning. A visiting friend and I took on the task of setting it up and found it was broken. So we have it held up with ropes, which are keeping everything together in high winds. And my trailer is livable in the afternoons and evenings since the temperatures are now much closer to those outside in the shade. (I’m on the Montana/Idaho border at 6000 feet so shade temps are usually under 85 degrees. )

  37. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    looks like a ring neck dove………… 🙂
    it amazes me to see so many empty campsites in the summer
    time that you are finding…….campsites around here are always
    full even during the week…….but Im glad your finding them…
    its nice to be able to pick and choose your camps….

  38. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Hi Sue and blogorinos,
    I have put a link to Angel’s rescue, if anyone is interested in checking her out. This was her official adoption day, yesterday. When you scroll down, she is on the right side, second row of the group of photos on the left hand side of the page. She is the one with the red harness. She is also further down on the right side as you scroll through comments. (if the link doesn’t work, just type or cut & paste this address in a new tab or look up russellrescuetn).

    FYI, I took her for a vet check on Friday and she has a heart murmur, but after talking to the rescue group and another chat with the vet, her medication came down to an affordable cost. I thought of returning her, but love took over and I couldn’t do it, so I searched until I could find a manageable medical solution. She is the best dog for us.

    Back to the comment. Haystack was a beautiful camp. Myself, I would have loved to have stayed there longer than 14 days. I know it’s against the rules, but still would have liked to. Bridget was shading herself under the table. Can’t wait for the new camp.
    Good news on the tires. Only 50% wear after 4 years is really good.

  39. Pamela K. says:

    for Bess…
    Love your *Canned Ham* !
    Such classic colors and styling too, great find.
    No doubt you should be so proud of it, the true classics are getting harder and harder to locate. Sadly many are being shipped out of the U.S. to other countries to refurb and enjoy 🙁 Groups like *Tin Can Tourist* help to keep many of them here in the U.S. bringing their history to life again…what wonderful group of Classic owners they are! Of course I’m just a little biased, hehehe, we own a Vingage Airstream, a 19 ft., so the classics are near and dear to my heart 🙂

  40. Pamela K. says:

    Miss B is resting under the picnic table as her chosen spot on the day.
    Carrots? That’s over my head, I have no clue about what that crop is but if they are carrots then Thank ‘Em for me, I love carrots!
    Soooo, Bridgee has another sit-down, HA! Hard to tell if she is having an Off Day or having a Day Off, lol. Like me, sometimes a good shade and a good rest is the only thing that is on the day’s agenda… Of course Bridgee, being Bridgee, takes that to a whole new level – gotta love that gal 🙂

  41. Dawn in MI says:

    Love all the photos of course, but really, for some reason, love that last one of the haystacks. Color and light I guess. Of course the crew photo is also at the top of my list. Can’t wait to see which way you go next!

  42. wildflower in prescott says:

    I have always loved the retro style campers. Yours looks very well taken care of. Could you tell us more about it?

  43. Julie says:

    Hi Sue!
    So sorry to read about Timber. Wanted to inform you about Cave Lake CG which is near Bechler RS very southernmost part of YNP. I hear it is wonderful but have not been there. Plan to go. Have been researching Escape trailers today. Expensive but soundly built fiberglass RVs. Plus if you have questions about SE Idaho CG’s let me know. Areas around & in the Sawtooths are amazing. Thx for your interesting posts! I am addicted.
    From a Boise fan with a Scamp. Julie

  44. Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

    Sue… I forgot to thank you for the recommendation of the book about North Dakota by the guy from LA. 15 Months of Winter. It is my bedtime book and I lay in there laughing at his mostly accurate look at small town life in the cold north. I haven’t even reached his take on winter yet. But it won’t take long… I should be sleeping and instead I’m reading just one more little essay. Thanks…

  45. DesertGinger says:

    Well I think I have renters for my house, and they want it on Aug. 1, so I will have to go soon. Not sure what I will do next. Don’t think I’m really ready to head home yet. But if I go back to my friend’s I have to pay rent again. What to do, what to do. It has been a nice cool summer here. I think I used the air conditioner three times.

    I continue to work on the ‘shadow’ teams doing Knife stories. Probably I have two or three more weeks until I can get on the publishing team in some capacity. It will be nice to start earning money. Although I may not get to be a writer for a bit. Still building that skill.

    And I’m working on my health, of course. Trying to get stronger, thinner, breathe better, walk better. Making slow progress.
    Well, that’s my news. Off to bed. Ta-ta!

  46. Rita from Phoenix says:

    I read your post but couldn’t concentrate due to news of Timber…what a shock to my system!! I had been on the rez to gather wild Navajo tea to dry and take with us to Alaska as gifts to my future granddaughter’s in-laws. My granddaughter got engaged to her long time boyfriend this past spring. I didn’t take my cell phone and we do not have internet so I was out of touch for a few days. I also learned Nina’s mother had passed away. I learned of your blog when the Arizona Republic published the news of Timber and Rusty. Since then, I’ve been reading your blog and several others as I learned about them through your post i.e. Wheeling it, Wagonteamster, and others. As I learned and read about your travel and lives, I slowly became attached. So hearing sad news breaks my heart as well as hearing good news make my heart soar. I’ve left Rusty a note but I’m still a little out of it. I’ve also left a small comment on Nina’s post as well. When I recover and can concentrate, I’ll come back and re=read this post. Thank you Sue for keeping us informed.

  47. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    Awe, I must be last. It’s great to bring up the rear. I love this post. The dove is a great picture and the pictures of everything are great. It sure looks dry there. I guess this time of year the rains are few. About Bridgett, she and I are alot alike, in the mornings when I have to go to work I am dragging and slow and looking for any excuse to delay leaving, but in the afternoon when I am headed home I have all kinds of energy. I call it headed to the barn, I can’t wait to get there. Maybe Bridgett has a few aches and pains too and maybe her want to just got up and left, can’t fault her over that, it happens to all of us at some time or another. Love her and I am getting used to Reggie. He is growing on me too.

  48. weather says:

    There was a light blue and white fog on the lake this morning at sunrise.The height of the cliff rising above it made where I stood look like a land raised above the earth and it’s clouds.Untouched by views or noise of all else it’s so easy then to see just beauty,to think on just what’s good…I hope,Sue,that state is available to you at your new home site

    • weather says:

      -continued-sounds from your note below that my hope for you was realized and then some 🙂 thanks for the update that tells us you are safely and happily resettled.

  49. rvsueandcrew says:

    Good morning!

    The crew and I are camped along another lake! It’s at a higher elevation and surrounded by forest. Quite lovely… I’m looking forward to setting out with Bridget and Reggie this morning to take a look around and capture some scenes with my camera.

    Signal strength is 1X with 1 bar. The connection drops frequently. It took 25 minutes to open up my home page. I’ll try to blog later today. Maybe the signal will be stronger then.

    Your comments are fun to read. As always, I thank you for being a part of my blog.

    Reggie and Bridget love it here!

    Wishing you a day full of goodness,

    • cate walsh says:

      That’s great news Sue…so happy for you that you have landed in another beautiful camp. Looking forward to the post about it when you have enough bars to chat with us. (No pressure!)Hopefully it has the Reggie/Bridgee seal of approval. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Sue,

      More waterfront property! You seem to be led to the sites that have wonderful, comforting water features. I am eager to see pics and hear all about it. Please don’t stress finding a good wi-fi signal – that would surely take some shine off an otherwise relaxing place! “Reggie and Bridget love it here!” Well, that says it all!! 🙂

      I have enjoyed this post and the blogorino’s comments: Learning about carrot seeds, tires, and weigh stations. I was almost sad for you having to leave this spot, but that feeling was quickly replaced with excitement! Where will we be going next?! 🙂

      Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  50. Krystina ~ Auburn, WA says:

    Dear Bloggerinos…I think I might be back among the living! All I have done is sleep…like 16 hours a day. I wanted to respond to all of you a few posts ago but my brain came up missing and I had no energy to think and write at the same time. I really appreciate your warm thoughts about me getting better. Thank the good Lord I was able to stay in this park for the whole time. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d had to move. Thank you Barb for taking the time to be there for me. I know you had a lot on your plate. Thank you again everyone!!! I love you all to the moon and back!!


    • weather says:

      Yay,Krystina!-that you are back “among” us,thanks for using what energy you have to let us know.I’m so glad Barb was there for you and you could stay put to rest,I’m still sending prayers,smiles and hugs your way 🙂 Please feel no need to reply to this note,I know you may be quite tired.

    • Good Morning Krystina,

      Good to see you here again, you have been missed. The Dali Lama says that the best form of meditation is sleep…she you had some good meditation going on, helping your body heal. Keep up the good work, sometimes it takes a while and it is wonderful that you have a spot in which to heal. Although we cannot do it in person, we are reaching out and giving you good energy. Continue good healing!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the update, Krystina. Keep taking good care of yourself. 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      So glad to hear you are better, Krystina!! May it continue!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi. Krystina,

      Thanks for checking in! Glad that you are resting and are in a perfect spot so you don’t have to stress about moving. Rest, eat well, and repeat…for as long as needed. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and sending you healing hugs, and positive energy. No need to reply! 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Glad to hear you are on the upswing!

      “Brain came up missing…” Since I know it’s probably not REALLY true, it made me laugh.


      • n' me says:

        Ya Krystina , Keep on the up n’ up way of life,, eat good food get out on a short walk and build yourself up slowly and get good full nights of sleep, I know you can do it and I’m prayin’ that soon you’ll be out steppin’ me and I have long legs,,,,,,,,,, rusty

        • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:


          What a nice comment….it’s good to hear the cheer in your words…..we’ve been worried about you. Hugs from one of your fans,

  51. DesertGinger says:

    Well my renters fell through. Bad news is I have to keep showing house and no money coming in. I’m afraid I might not rent it now for another month, as people generally want to move on the first. Good news is I have a place to stay longer. Oh well. That’s how cookie crumbles.

    • Hi DG. I know the feeling, I also have rental property. At least you don’t have people running out on you without paying. I have had two renters that just moved without notice and without paying…ugh. Hopefully you will get through all this soon. Keep us posted, we all care.

    • weather says:

      Hi Ginger,hopefully the extra time at your house will work well to let you work on your shadow writing and health,I hope everything goes well in all you have going on-getting on the team ,getting a renter,getting better… 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Having been landlords, tis nice when some of them go past without moving in!! We had some I WISHED had not ever come!! Wishing the best for you in your time there and that some fine folks will soon appear to rent it!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, DesertGinger,

      Sorry that the renters fell through – drats! Be sure to have some cold milk or a nice cup of coffee or tea with those cookies. Hope you are continuing to enjoy your writing. 🙂

  52. cate walsh says:

    Hi Sue, Crew, and all who travel along,

    1st: Sue, thanks for the edit on my note to Rusty…you were very wise to make that important change…I sure didn’t mean to bring back to his mind the worst moments of that tragedy. Forgive?

    2nd:Question…please chime in. If I got a big van like Sue’s PTV, would it have the power to tow an 21 foot travel trailer? I’d rather not invest in a truck but like Sue’s van lots!

    3rd: I finally need to shop for an item on Amazon…so will be able to “thank” Sue for this excellent blog, and all the good information, advice, tips, and awesome photos.

    Have an excellent day everyone,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cate..

      1st… No problems!
      2nd… I’d be more concerned about the length. Assuming you’re thinking of a van as long as the PTV which is 17 feet, that would make your rig 39 feet long and you would be too long for many of the older national forest and BLM campgrounds of the type we camp in. Maybe that’s not important to you…

      READERS? What are your thoughts?

      • cate walsh says:

        Oh good grief…how did I miss such a vital fact (combined length)! And I DO want to camp in the type of places you use. So blogorinos…what are my options for a good tow vehicle if I end up with a 21ft trailer, and I need to fit in BLM’s etc.?
        Thanks, CateW

        • Sidewinder Pen says:


          I don’t think you’ll come up with a much shorter combined length with a 21′ travel trailer. Reason I say that is when towing, wheelbase is king. That is, the longer the wheelbase on the tow vehicle, the more “relaxing” the tow, with less business to tire you out. Hence a smaller/shorter vehicle (even if it had the capacity) isn’t something I would recommend.

          Now, that’s not to say you have to reduce your overall length. Of course it makes you more nimble, which can be important, but on the other hand you have the option to unhitch and “become” shorter, which can help at some spots. When I tow I’m about 50′ combined. however I can often back my trailer into a shorter site and then park beside it. But not always.

          Where I find the combo limits me most is in how much I’m willing to explore. Because if I don’t know whether there is a place to turn around, well, I’m only willing to back so far (1/2 mile would be a long backup when towing).

          My camping rig is only around 21′ (the trailer is not the camper), and I don’t tow all the time. With the 21′ single rig it’s a whole different world. There are not too many roads I won’t poke my nose down (although I’m only 2WD), and I can back up a mile or more if I need to, no big sweat. ‘course it’s also much easier to turn around.

          It really just comes down to the best setup (and best compromises) for your own self. And it’s hard to make those decisions for others. However, if I were to make one recommendation it would be to start with as small a rig as you can be happy in vs. as big a rig as you can buy/drive/tow. Even this would not apply to some folks, because I know many people who wouldn’t be comfortable in anything smaller than, say, a 36’ Class A — so if they’d bought my little rig, they would just have lost money/time/effort selling it for their big one.

          But for undecided folks, I’d say try small and see how it goes if it’s at all appealing to you.

          And again, be sure to know the real-world, loaded for long-term travel, scale weight of a rig you may purchase. It’s all too easy to get “over trailered” and “under tow vehicled” if you are going by the optimistic (to put it nicely) brochure weights of many mfgrs. Just know your figures for yourself, IMO.

          • cate walsh says:

            Hi Sidewinder Pen,

            Very helpful considerations to keep in mind. I so value that you shared your personal experiences with length, towing, exploring. My hope is not to limit myself, and to boondock lots to save money and because the thought of crowded, expensive full service campgrounds gives me a panic attack. Freedom, peace, privacy, the natural world…it calls to me.
            That said, I do enjoy people and would seek out company when needed. Just don’t want to be driven by where my rig and I can go.

            Keep your good thoughts coming. I appreciate the help.

        • Pamela K. says:

          Hi Cate,
          Another thing to remember is this; Not all trailer brands measure from the same measure points! You would think they would but they don’t! Some brands measure from the front hitch ball to the full length of the trailer *including* the bumper. Other brands measure from the front of the trailer’s body, it’s self, to the rear of the trailer’s body. Making you add in iches to the max length for the trailer ball and the bumpers. So when we were looking to buy our trailer I took a tape measure with me and walked off the lines from front to back and then I added extra for any add-on back hitch cargo rack needed for extra storage for a ice chest, or a bicycle rack, or a generator, or a blue-boy tank, you know, whatever. Hope that makes sense, those inches add up. I have a 19 ft. Airstream and a Chevy Express 1/2 ton Van as my tow.

    • Mick'nTN says:

      You can go to the manufactures websites for the best information on vehicle capabilities. Here is a Chevy Express van:

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        And be careful to check the specs every year. For example …a Toyota RAV4 had a higher tow rating years back.

        Hello Mick…

      • cate walsh says:

        I’ll do that! Thanks so much.

      • cate walsh says:

        Hi Mick,

        Very helpful…thanks for taking time to send that to me. Boy, do I need all the help I can get while I figure this out.

        Thanks for being there for me,

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Cate,

      For tow vehicle specs, go to Click on the “Resources” header, then “Towing Guides”. This is a great reference tool, as they list many years of specs, not just for new vehicles! Have fun researching! 🙂

      • cate walsh says:

        Hi Denise,

        That sounds like just the kind of resource I need…thanks so much! Y’all can tell what a newbie, RV wanna-be I am, right? I have 17 mos-2 years before I can launch, however, I might try dry camping in my tow vehicle while I keep saving for the trailer. One reason I like the look of the vans. Just need to be careful not to “put the trailer before the tow” in my shopping.
        Love this community! Thanks for your help with my questions.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Cate,

          I am a newbie, too! The thought of a travel trailer just popped into my head a year and a half ago. It will be a long time before I am able to purchase a TT and PTV, so in the meantime, I research obsessively! As you have already seen, Sue’s blog is full of so much info, and the blogorinos chime in, too. Always a learning experience! I am so glad that I stumbled upon Sue’s blog when researching the Casita TT. 🙂

          Your launch date is just around the corner! I look forward to seeing what you decide, and learning from you, too! 🙂

          • cate walsh says:

            Hey Denise,

            You don’t sound like a newbie in your blog comments…I think I must be benefiting from all of YOUR research. Lucky me!

            Thanks for the encouragement…2 yrs feels like “forever” to me ’cause I’m so itchy to get started on my vagabond life.

            Thanks again for your good advice,

  53. Terri From Texas says:

    Not to muddy the waters, but..
    In response to Cates questions and also a question of my own to Sue- She will only be 4 feet longer than your set up, Sue. Will that, in your experience, really keep her out of alot of the NF and BLM sites? If you unhitch isn’t there usually room to play with on the site-like angleing the car or putting the trailer a couple of feet over at the back? Also, Cate, do you read at all? They camp with a 40 foot motor home PLUS toad and seem to find room in all sorts of campgrounds, BLM and otherwise. She also gives really detailed park and campground reviews that are amazing. Of course, this blog is AMAZING too!! Just saying, 4 extra feet doesn’t have to be a game changer, I don’t think.

    • cate walsh says:

      Thanks Terri! I was already mourning the “loss” of the 21 ft trailer I want and I want Sue’s type of tow vehicle too. I want it all!

      Yes…I do read Wheelingit and love Nina’s very helpful campground reviews, work camping experiences, in-depth pieces on all kinds of topics valuable to folks like us, etc..

      Sue’s my fav…Nina comes in second and they are both inspiring, encouraging, knowledgeable women. Now…Terri gets added to this list. 🙂

      Cate W

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, the 4 feet will make a big difference. At 34 feet there are campgrounds where the PTV/BLT fits with an inch to spare, and that’s pushing the overhang as far back as possible. I wouldn’t want a rig any longer than what I have.

      39 feet would eliminate some campgrounds, not all.. some. Sometimes the parking “pad” is not wide enough to park the PTV sideways (perpendicular to the BLT) on a short site. One doesn’t always want to unhitch, if it’s an overnight stop, for instance.

      You’re right, “4 feet doesn’t have to be a game changer.” Just know how it will affect your camping. One has to determine what is more important, the extra interior space or having more campgrounds from which to choose.

  54. Terri From Texas says:

    Comment to R. in Wyoming-
    We visited Yellowstone NP in September a few years ago. Very uncrowded!! Would you believe we had the Uncle Toms stairway to ourselves for at least a half hour. Anywhere off the beaten path was crowd free such as most of the geyser trails that were longer than 40 feet! Ha! Also the top of Mt. Washburn was lonely. It was a bit on the chilly side in the mornings but it was worth it!

  55. Terri From Texas says:

    I am very busy this afternoon..
    To Cate-more thoughts. Remember, if you are going to be traveling the west you will need power for those higher elevation climbs! We pull a 22 foot airstream-weight around 3700 I think. We pull her with a F150 truck regular V8 engine. Some places we could feel it! I hear the Eco Boost engines are nice for the power. I did test drive a F150 Eco boost when they first came out and it practically shot out of the parking lot! However, my spouse did not trust them (and they did have glitches that had to be fixed) so we went with the regular V8. Just saying-you probably will need a V8 or Eco boost to pull your trailer, unless it is a super light weight. That narrows the field to trucks, vans, or a suburban. You have to figure the weight of the loaded trailer and look up the towing capacity of your tow vehicle. DO NOT TRUST THE DEALER TO TELL YOU THE CORRECT THING! All they want to do is sell a car plus they don’t know anything at all about your trailer and generally don’t care. So do independent research. Just my two cents. Have fun with your search!

    • cate walsh says:

      Thanks again Terri, esp. for taking time out of a busy day to share this with me. Much appreciated! I won’t make any uninformed decisions to regret later with you watching my back.

      • AZ Jim says:

        I absolutely echo Terri’s advise about dealers. Never trust them to know anything about towing. Depend on the trailer side but NOT the dealer side of the deal when purchasing both tow vehicle and trailer. I share your excitement.

        • cate walsh says:

          Hi Jim,

          Thanks…I consider myself duly cautioned about dealers now. I’m excited as I dream, research, and plan. At the same time I’m itching to leave 9-5 (actually noon-8pm) behind and just get out there!! Now would be a great time to win the Powerball.
          Stay tuned for the next question,
          Be well..CateW

      • Lisa says:

        Hi Sue, nice new site! I love the pine trees and the shade they provide. Living in south Fl has taught me to appreciate the benefits of shade and those skeeter chasing breezes.
        I see Bridget, I think, is she under the picnic table? Those fields of flowers are gorgeous, too bad I can’t smell ’em, lol. I never saw carrots in bloom before, but the seeds come from somewhere. I’ll have to try that this year and see if I can get some seed. I love experiments.
        Thanks for sharing your travels. I look forward to what’s around the next bend!

        And for Care……I prefer the fiberglass trailers due to weight. I recently bought a used truck to tow my 13 footer, so length is not an issue. Some factors you have to decide on are; how much space do you need? If you go to fulltiming you may find you are living more of life outside, thus need less space inside. Rainy cold days tend toward sedentary activities…. So how much space do you need to cook, read, sleep during inclement weather?
        How big a rig are you comfortable driving? If you plan to go off road, do you want four wheel drive? Bigger engines exchange more power (e.g. bigger trailer) for led mpg. Diesel engines do deliver more power than gas. While camped, the TV is your daily driver, can your budget feed a gas hog?

        Lots to think about….there are some great forums where you can learn lots to help with these decisions

        • Lisa says:

          More for Cate, sorry about the automatic typo. Consider renting a trailer and TV to try before you buy. Good luck!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good reminders, Lisa.

          Another consideration… they never end!… regarding mpg. The PTV gets about 12-15 mpg. You may think that’s bad. I don’t. I look at it this way. Her v8 engine pulls us to lots of free camps. I don’t pay much “rent.” Since it’s the gas that takes us to free and inexpensive camps, I consider the gas my “rent.”

          As for diesels, lots of folks, obviously, love them. A diesel doesn’t fit my quiet lifestyle. I hate noise and I don’t like being noisy. I’ll never have a generator and I’ll never have a diesel. For the same reason I’ll never have a jet ski or an ATV. . . You find what suits you, your needs, and your way of living.

          • cate walsh says:

            Thanks Sue…its all good to know and figure into my plan. I am sooo like you in my adversion to NOISE!! It takes me right to the edge emotionally and physically. Can make me so stressed I am not fit for public consumption. Anything to share with me that will help me camp in the more peaceful wilderness will be gratefully received. I understand the trade-off of gas vs. paying to camp so glad you reminded me to keep that in mind when looking at the gas use ratings of tow vehicles.

            Be well my new “soul sister”…you have been adopted (hope that’s ok) smmoooch to the babes,
            :):) CateW

          • Pamela K. says:

            …and a diesel sometimes needs to be plugged into a heat block so it will start in very cold weather. Depending where someone will be camping during the cold winter months, or snow storms, it will need a campground with power hook ups. Something to think about if you’re wanting to boondock on a tight budget, those for-fee campgrounds with power hook ups can quickly add up in winter costs. I’m curious as to whether solar power would also run a heat block overnight to keep a full charge on a diesel? I don’t know, seems it might. Then again, I have gone grocery shopping and caught a bit to eat at a near by cafe only to find I should have plugged in the heat block when it was really cold out. Nothing wrong with the truck or the batteries, just the Minnesota cold weather conditions. So, for those who LOVE the cold climates and are going to be venturing to them during winter beware of the special needs diesels have during those kinds of climates.

        • cate walsh says:

          Thanks Lisa…all good to bear in mind. I do plan to rent an RV for my next vacation and take it to Acadia Nat’l Park area in Maine or the Canadian Maritimes for a trial run. I will almost surely do a trailer and tow vehicle myself when I buy, but the RV will be a good way to experience the daily routine.
          Keep those good thoughts coming and thanks,

    • AlanOutandAbout says:

      A word about Eco-boost and engines like it. Since the first gas shortage in the 70’s manufacturers have been playing around with engines to get economy but still have power. What they do is put a turbo charger on small engines. This is fine for pickup/acceleration but useless for towing. You will find that the turbo kicks in on any hill or incline, this will shorten the life of your engine. If you are towing real weight then there is only two choices, either a large V8 or V10 or go with a diesel. If it was me I would go with the diesel. They last longer and are by design intended for pulling heavy loads.
      Good luck with your venture but be wary of small engines claiming high power.

      • n' me says:

        I don’t know ’bout that, I’m runnin’ Custom 40 year old F 100 with a 302 with wincer heads and a 2 barrel auto lite carb, with a FMX trans, and 64′ , 9 in, rear and this ol’ Gal of a Truck gets good MPG and goes up a hill ok,,,, But I only drive way under 55 , let the folks who want to get there in a hurry burn or dump the fuel out their exhaust pipes and I aint kidin’ nether,,,, on some , it comes out Black , like a Desele, dam spellchecker ,,,,,,,,,,,, me

        • AlanOutandAbout says:

          That is so true Rusty. The old 302 was a strong engine built for working. And with your mods it should do fine for what you are doing. I think you might have issues thought if you were pulling a good sized trailer up 6% grades all the time.

          Wishing you the best!

          • n' me says:

            well Alan, I don’t think I’ll ever get a trailer on my Wages, But or also I take my time and we get where we want to be just the same,,, Ops I mean me,,,,,, well like I was sayin’ in past post, I take good care of my Truck and the Truck really belongs to God,, intern this ol’ gal gets me to all my destinations, I just take her easy,,,,,,,,,,,, and Thanks my friend,,,,,,,,,, rusty

            • Pamela K. says:

              If someone had a TT and wanted to donate it to you, would you take it maybe? I ask because I have a 31 ft Gulfstream TT that we will not be taking with us when we head out to the southwest full time. Say in a year from now. I thought of you earlier when thinking what to do with it. It needs some minor TLC, it’s a 1996 model, but you are great at fixing those kind of minor repairs. I thought it might make you a nice base-camp if you have a place to put it and then you would have your truck rig for your travels 🙂 Just a thought. I’d like to see someone get good use out of it. Not for everyday traveling but for a great base-camp during some off-the-road months. Let me know, we can talk 🙂

            • ooohhhh….fingers crossed for all.

            • Pamela K. says:

              Yep, would be nice to see it get a nice new home and Rusty would have the where-with-all to do any repairs on it. It has a great kitchen too, a front kitchen and rear walk around queen bed. We enjoyed it for 10 years.

        • cate walsh says:

          All personal experience advice is welcome and taken to heart. Thanks Rusty:)

          • n' me says:

            Your very welcome CateW.,,, Sorry I’m into old and strong Cars n’ Trucks,,, they’re still seen all over this land workin’ just as good as if they were new,, It just takes true love of them to keep them goin’ n’ a pullin’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

      • Pamela K. says:

        You are soooo right on about what you said! We learned that the hard way several years ago. We had a half ton Chey Diesel Suburban, strong in every way. After much consideration and so-called research, we added a turbo to it. At first it was great, later not so much. Later still, it killed our tranny completely, beyond repair. It was an after market add on, a great brand name with great reviews but even with all that, it just didn’t take the sync timing tranny to egine that was needed to function at full load up and down mountains. We were lucky, when it did give out we were on flat roads. I have read the stories of those who were not so lucky, some with tragic stories. Bottom line…more added power is not a sub for torque. It will tax your engine to the point of taking your tranny with it, especially if it is an add on after market turbo booster.

  56. n' me says:

    Well,,, I saw a VW Bug pullin’ a shorten 5th fifth wheel once and they passed us up goin’ up hill, I think it had a V8 in it for a engine , it didn’t sound like a V-Dub and the hitch was just above the rear window,,,, I lol’d as it passed,,,,,,, rusty

    • Pamela K. says:

      So wonderful to see you here again! I have missed you something aweful. I just left you a note on Timber’s page. I was making ready for bed and thought of both of you. I won’t recap it here, but wanted you to know how delighted I am to see you here again. You made me smile with joy 🙂

      • n' me says:

        Good morning, Pamela, Keep Smillin’ and don’t worry,,,,,, I’m comin’ back Real Fine and Thank you,,,,,,,,,, rusty,,,,,,,,,,,, oh and worry not,,,, Some times I have no signal,,, but when I do I’ll be here or like “Arnold” says “I’ll Be Bach” in his deep voice,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

  57. I’ll just continue on and say Good morning Sue & Crew!

    Good morning Blogorinos!!

    Coffee is kickin in and I was just so happy to see Rusty’s post! Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!!

  58. Patricia in Colorado says:

    Hi Sue
    I was wondering if the flower in your pictures is sweet allysum? It has a nice smell and looks kind of like those flowers .

  59. Patricia in Colorado says:

    Well I just reread the captions under the picture and someone has identified it as the tops on carrots for seed. wow learn something new everyday!

  60. kgdan says:

    So happy to see Rusty here. Many good wishes to you, Rusty.

    • n' me says:

      Thank you Kgdan and all Blogeroooo’s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

      • n' me says:

        p.s. to all blogeroooo’s,,,,, yes,, as Arnold S. says ” I’m BACH” and thank you all,,,,,,,,,, but I don’t want to take away from Sue’s Beautiful Post ,,,, Have a Great Day And thanks a lot,,,,,,, ok now what was we talkin’ ’bout? ,,,,,,,,,, oh,, now I remember,, sh#&%!!! What Planet am I on,,,, what state am I in ,,,,,, what? ,,, I haven’t had my COFFEE YET,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ahhh that’s better,,,, see yall later,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

        • Pamela K. says:

          Enjoy that COFFEE Rusty, lol 🙂
          I left you a message about a TT we have and are thinking of donating it to someone, maybe you if you like, for a great base-camp. Would be perfect for those longer stays or say 6 mos in “Q” during winter. Anyway, the post info is up there from me, just do a “find” on my name from earlier today.

          • n' me says:

            Hi Pamela, I been thinking on that TT trailer and this is what came to thought,,,, Thanks for offerin’ it, but I have not one place to put it for a home base, And I’m happy with what God has given me,,, so Give the TT trailer to a Veteran in your area with love, I bet he’ll hug you both for it……,,, rusty

  61. Pamela K. says:

    Morning All…
    It’s 1:48 PM on this fine Tues and I’m just now having my first cup of coffee on the day. I trust everyone is having a laid back morning 🙂

  62. lindaler says:

    Well, talk about tires and it is contagious. As we were heading south from Washington we must have driven over something really sharp. We heard a bang and pulled over and found a blown out tire on our little fiber stream trailer. Good thing we have dual axles. In the 95 degree heat and a busy freeway we unloaded enough to get the spare and get back on the road. A stop at a friends and just under $100 we got the tire repaired and are ready to get back on the road. Tires are so important when you are carrying your world inside. Glad Les said you were good for a while. Ours were good but when you run over metal from some other vehicle it is not your tires fault it goes flat. We were just glad we could get a spare again and get back on the road.

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