That’s the way the wind blows

Wednesday, September 3

1-DSC07349Photo taken on our return from a hike near Horse Creek Camp, Dubois, Wyoming

The drive on Route 26 from Dubois to Riverton is scenic the first half of the trip.  The road clings to the Wind River as it flows through a grassy valley.  This is followed by an area of dramatic red rock cliffs.

Before long one drives across desert —  the badlands of the Wind River Indian Reservation. 

One thing I’ve learned driving around the western states of the U.S. is this — It’s not necessary to see a sign to know one is driving through an Indian reservation.  If the land is really crappy,  you’re probably crossing a rez.    Much of the Wind River Reservation cannot be traversed by land motor vehicle.

It has natural beauty — stark forms striped with geologic layers, but forget about raising cattle or growing vegetables on it.

Before reaching Riverton, Bridget and I take a break at a rest stop.  She wiggles with excitement as I put on her black suit and leash for a walk.  She’s been a good traveler today, sleeping most of the way so far.  I want to give her some activity before leaving her in the Perfect Tow Vehicle when I shop at Wal-Mart.

Soon we arrive at Riverton, a bustling, little city (pop. 10,615: 2010 census).

I leave Bridget in the PTV with the windows cracked.  It’s a warm day, yet it’s breezy and I know from experience that the interior of the PTV will remain comfortable.  Bridget puts up a fuss, of course.  She always does that.

When I return, she gets to eat the chicken from my pre-packaged Caesar salad.

Next we find our way to the United Parcel Service Customer Center.

I do not have a pleasant experience at the CUSTOMER Center.  The clerk isn’t rude, but she certainly could use some basic customer relations training.  “I’ll be with you in a moment” is always better than”Yer gonna’ hafta’ wait,” especially if one is already quietly waiting and there are only two customers in the building.

I see the package containing my new laptop sitting on the counter.  I ask about the other three packages and I’m told that the camera lenses were sent back.  The reason?  Because the package had no name on it and because it was delivered by Fed Ex.


How did she know that was my package if it didn’t have my name on it?  How does she know what it contained?  And what does Fed Ex have to do with anything?  What?  Fed Ex packages have cooties?

I admit I’m not at my polite best when I look around the large, empty warehouse and remark sarcastically, “You had to send my package back because you didn’t have enough space to store it until I arrived?”

I ask about the other two packages and I do not get the response I’m hoping for.

Where are the other two packages?  My new camera and the memory card that goes with it?  There aren’t enough boxes in this warehouse to fill the bed of a pick-up, yet she doesn’t know about the other two packages.

This distresses me.

“Do you have the tracking numbers?” she asks.

I tell her I’ll go out to my van and look them up online.  This persuades her to walk 15 feet to a cabinet and open the door.  The cabinet is empty, except for two packages . . . mine.

I thank her and leave.  I sit in the PTV for a few minutes to allow my nervous system to untangle itself before I attemptt to find my way out of Riverton.

Even so, I’m so rattled that I lose my sense of direction.

After twice driving the length of busy Riverton, we turn onto Route 789 to drive across the flat, desert plain to Lander.

That’s when we are hit with the notorious Wyoming wind.

You’re probably seen the Wyoming wind sock . . . .

1-wyoming-wind-sock-500x408I tighten my grip on the PTV’s steering wheel.

I envision the PTV and BLT bouncing like beach balls across the flat landscape.

Gee, it’s only another 25 miles or so to Lander.  Do I want to drive in this wind?  Noooo.  At that moment, two miles south of Riverton, we approach a big, flashing sign:  Wind River Hotel and Casino.

“Well, Bridge,” I remark as I drive us into the casino parking lot.  “Tonight will be our first experience with casino camping.”

1-DSC07407One of the results of sleeping every night for three years in secluded boondocks is one becomes accustomed to two things at night:  silence and dark.

All night long the casino parking lot is lit up like daytime. 

I cover two of the three windows with Reflectix, leaving one uncovered for ventilation. Even so, my brain is not convinced it is nighttime.

And then there are the reefer trucks and the highway noise and the monster RVs and the diesel trucks and the motorcycles and the people laughing and squealing . . .

You get the idea. 

If there were a Love’s Truck Stop or Pilot nearby, I would drive over there for some peace and quiet.  I’m amazed and thankful that Bridget sleeps through it all.

Wow!  What a charming post this is . . . .  Oh well, not all days are lollipops and roses.

Thursday, September 4

Peace at last!  It’s mid-morning at the Wind River Hotel and Casino.  When I finish this post, I’m going to secure the interior of the BLT and the Bridge and I will hit the road for Lander where my vehicle registrations are being sent.

I haven’t tried my new camera yet.  I haven’t even figured out how to attach the strap.


NOTE:   I investigated the disappearance on my blog of the email-notification-of-comments feature.  At WordPress I discovered this has happened to many bloggers as a result of an update.  The solution is a convoluted puzzle of inserting code that is way above my tech-competency level.  And it doesn’t always solve the problem.  I’m sorry.

Hey, blogorinos!  You did a great job making everyone feel welcome in the comments section!

Reminder:  Do not worry if we are absent from this blog for a few days.  Bridget and I may be camped in a canyon with no internet.


Here are a few of the items recently purchased at Amazon from my blog:

Radio Flyer Classic Walker Wagon
Coleman Expedition First Aid Kit (205-Piece)
PetSafe Busy Buddy Squirrel Dude Dog Toy
Spa Bath Wrap Towel for Women with Velcro on waist
EOTech EXPS2-2 Holographic Sight
Omron Tri-Axis Pedometer

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221 Responses to That’s the way the wind blows

  1. Kay Dattilio says:

    Sue! Wow, I’m first, I read today’s blog and I’m a first-time commenter. I’ve kept up with your travels for about 2 years now and especially love your pictures and your doggies antics. I’m so sorry about Spike and as a dog lover, I hope things get easier for you. Keep blogging and I hope I’m first! I’m excited! Kay

  2. Barb George says:

    Sue OH MY GOODNESS! Did you catch a thief or what? That is as our dear Clark Howard would say “the ULTIMATE in customer NO Service!” Glad your detective skills are in tact.

    I am goofing off. I need to be planning for Brain Injury Group today… it is more fun to read you.

    Hugs from sunny and nippy Hoquiam!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s fun hearing from you, too, Barb!

    • Chuck says:

      Hi Sue, You just may have found a thief. “No name” is B.S. and how did she know what was in the package? Back trace the shipment and let me know if FedEx was involved, I may be able to help. In rural areas they sometimes will deliver to each other but??????? Let me know if can help! Another great post!
      Lollipops and roses, cheeeeees….

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Chuck. I’m going to forget about the lenses for the camera until we’re in Yuma this winter. I’ll reorder then. The UPS people in Yuma, although busy, are polite and on the ball.

  3. I love it when someone just doesn’t care enough to do their job well, sounds like that is who you found manning the desk at the UPS place.
    Better luck next time!

  4. Kaye from Oregon says:

    Hi Sue & Bridget….I used to think my first name was kinda rare but as I am reading all the comments, I see there are quite a few of us blogerinos named Kay/Kaye. Maybe we should start a “K” club !!! LOL !!! There’s Kay the RV park owner, Kay with the border collie from Texas, now the new Kay Dattilo and me/Kaye from Oregon !!! My husband is Ray so we rime ! The trouble I found with being named Kaye was-tons of times my teachers would be writing something on the chalkboard , then as they finished and turned around they would say outloud, “OK” . If I hadn’t been paying good attention, I would think the teacher had called my name and was going to ask me a question and I was dumbfounded ! SO SORRY you & the Bridget had to CASINO camp! It probably will never happen again after your experience there !!! I had a laugh when you commented, “Oh, well not all days are lollipops & roses!” Some of your worse days are probably better than some of us blogerinos best days…so GODSPEED you too !!! I just thought of this-you could replace your “Allen” sign with the words-reserved for the “BLOGERINOS family !!!!” P.S. We promise if we see it in a posted picture we will not show up in person only on the comments ! LOL

  5. Alan Rabe says:

    You know you are in a small town when you get bad service. They can’t fire them because there ain’t no one to take their place. Talk about job security.
    What you didn’t go throw a quarter in a slot just to see if you can hit a jackpot, can’t win if you don’t try. 🙂
    Still waiting on what camera you got. It is a shame the filters went to limbo. It is amazing how nasty UPS and FedEx are to each other, it only hurts their customers when they do that. But it will give you time to get used to the camera before you start understanding filters.
    As always Enjoy.

  6. Tawanda (Ut) says:

    Oy, to the bad customer service…. 🙁
    Sad but seems so true about the most Rez’s in the west, oil drilling and casino’s seem to be one way they can make lemonade from it all, but still sad on the whole…
    Not my fav part of Wy. with those winds but then the tree lined mountains are my preference in any state…
    Trust you and Bridget have gotten to a beautiful new setting and enjoyed a good nights sleep!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tawanda,

      I’ve found that “beautiful new setting” and I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep tonight. It is very nice here and there are trees and no wind so far! I’ll post about our new camp, probably tomorrow.

  7. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Hmmm….sumpt um sounds a bit fishy with the clerk. She knew why too much info bout yer packages! She was prolly hoping you didn’t have the tracking number. Didn’t by chance catch her name did ya?

    And then to have the lazy attitude like she was actually busy! Sheesh!

    Oh the lovely Wyoming wind sock! Wait until you see the sign that says” the wind is your friend”. Yeah if you own wind turbines and sell energy to the power company…the wind is your friend.

    Have a wonderful windless day!

    Oh ……the PetSafe Squirrel dude on your amazon list is for AO! Stuff treats up it’s “you know where” and she’s occupied for about a minute! Hahhhhh. Too smart for her britches!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      LOL Cinandjules, My Ratie Dexter did the same thing with the Kong equivalent to your Petsafe model. Got to the treat in about 15 seconds, gulped it down and than looked at me like she was saying “next.”

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Apparently she thinks it’s my duty to refill the toy ALL day long! Umm excuse me….you AO are a dog… are going to be a cow if I continuously stuff it.

        She proceeds to throw herself down…elbows slam on the hardwood floor and sighs! OY!

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Ha! Gracie does not understand either that I cannot give her my undivided attention! “Why do you hafta go to work?! Why can’t we just play all day until I am ready to take a nap? I just don’t understand!! Please, please, I beg you – pet me some more…I’m feeling kinda needy!!”

          We all are such mean pet parents!! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for purchasing the squirrel through my blog, Cinandjules. I think it’s funny that AO can empty it in a minute.

      I’m such a cheapo . . . . When I was working I used to put kibble in a plastic bottle that water comes in. Bridget emptied it with a few swats. Spike learned to let her do the emptying while he did the eating.

  8. Wayne Scott says:

    Been there and hate it. Those people like your UPS clerk. There should be a way to inflict as much pain in their direction as they dish out. Makes my blood boil. The local Post office here is staffed with really miserable people. All over town there are pictures of the various postmasters and post offices from the mid to late 1800s. I asked one of the businesses if the town was simply trying to remember the days when the post office in town was a friendly place? The answer was yes!!!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      You would think in a small town…..the customer service would be great!

      Perhaps she was having a bad day or preoccupied with some sort of issue going on in her life. Maybe it’s so small of a town….calling in with a “mental health day” is not an option. Doesn’t give her a reason to treat customers poorly!

      Meh thinks something else was up her sleeve and Spot-on RVSue spoiled the plan!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Maybe some early Christmas shopping?!

      • Mick'nTN says:

        I just received a Samsung TV in the Samsung box with “Steal Me Please” in TV description all over the box. Amazon usually double boxes for that reason but this came from a third party. I watch the tracking numbers like a hawk and email a complaint as soon as I see something wrong. The tracking numbers have probably made a huge dent in the “lost” packages.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It is interesting that the woman asked me if I had the tracking numbers and when I said I’d go out to my van and get the numbers…THEN she went over to the cabinet and gave me the camera and memory card packages.


        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hey, I think I saw a Samsung TV on my Amazon orders list! 🙂

        • Yup. Seems sleezy to me. I think she was gonna take your items home with here. Here in our local USPO, service used to be pretty uh…marginal. I was waiting in line one day when the talk turned to politics & a particularly belligerent clerk stated that she’d like to take a gun to Washington, DC & “teach those guys a thing or two.” You could’ve heard a pin drop there in the lobby. Said clerk didn’t lose her job (3 cheers for union power) but she’s definitely had an adjusted attitude since then that seems to have spread to the other clerks as well. Yup. Life in a small town. Glad you girls found a windless spot!

          • BadgerRickInWis says:

            It’s sad but I think anybody that works in a postal facility takes it pretty serious when co-workers talk about “gettin’ a gun”. In my experience the vast majority of postal workers are doing their best in the midst of whats necessarily a huge bureaucracy. But they have had lots of tragic days.

  9. weather says:

    If you’d gone through all that and missed a pic of a low flying train,then I’d have been really,really bummed! 🙂

    As it is,until everything else falls into place,I at least hope- that the drive to Lander ends up having you find -a place to catch up on the rest you missed last night,with a nice enough setting to enjoy -a bit of peace-the stuff from Walmart,and Bridget’s company .

    Your new posts always make me wiggle with excitement like she does ,lollipops and roses or not.You make such a cute story out of frustrating times or great days,that I start smiling before they’ve even been read.Thanks for that again,good to hear from you,as always….-may what wind comes near you only part the clouds.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Your wish materialized for me and Bridget. We didn’t encounter wind on our drive to Lander today and we found a pretty and quiet spot in which to enjoy nature, relax, and get some good sleep. The lack of sleep last night makes this site all the more valued! You probably can tell from the tone of this post that I wrote it while sleep-deprived. 🙂

      • weather says:

        Aw,what tone?That’s just us shakin’ the mud off our Pollyanna hats.Betcha this new camp’s gonna find you feeling less tired everyday!

  10. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    As many times I drove my semi across Wyoming, I never saw that wind sock. However, I’ve seen the wind warnings and been forced to stop and wait out the wind many a times going through there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ladybug,

      It was the gustiness of the wind that I didn’t want to fight, not after driving around Riverton and encountering that UPS clerk. I notice I’m tiring more quickly these days, although I’m feeling pretty good and Bridget and I are taking walks. I think it’s the underlying grief. It will pass. Anyway… I didn’t feel like driving another mile. Little did I know what kind of night I’d have . . . .

      • Toni says:

        Don’t ignore the tiredness if it doesn’t go away. Maybe just go have a check-up. This is coming from someone who had a heart attack at age 54 and a stroke just last October. Take care of yourself, Sue.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I have much more energy today after a good night’s rest! You’re sweet to show concern, Toni. I’m sorry you’ve had those health crises. I wish you well.

  11. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Oh Lander, our good friend is from Lander and his family still lives there! I would love to see photos when you get your new camera whipped into shape!

    Grr, bad service, no excuse for it. When I was in retail management I had my share of bad clerks and they got the boot…grrrr again!

    Kisses to you and Bridget !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      I plan to stay in this are for a while. My vehicle registrations are supposed to come to the Lander post office. Our camp is pretty and Lander looks interesting, so I’ll be sure to post plenty of photos.

  12. Dawn in MI says:

    Hope you’re in a safe, quiet and happy spot now! Customer service there was t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. Casino night on top of all the stress you’ve been under also not good. Now go relax. We’ll entertain ourselves.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      We are in a “safe, quiet and happy spot,” and we did relax all afternoon. I was so happy when I found this place!

  13. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and Bridget,

    Wishing you a safe, uneventful trip to Lander, and hope that you find a nice, secluded, peaceful site. Wow – that is some wicked wind!

    What a rude UPS clerk! Makes me wonder what good will be coming your way. It seems that good fortune follows bad at times. Maybe a helpful stranger, a beautiful camp or some deep, cleansing sleep. 🙂

    Safe travels! Try not to stress about the new camera…you are doing an awesome job shooting “blind”! Hugs to you and Miss Bridge….Gracie pup sends nose kisses, too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      We are already experiencing the good that follows the not-so-good. I think the sound of the river that flows by our camp will guarantee a restful night. Thanks for the compliment on my photos.

      Hug Gracie for me . . .

  14. Kris says:

    We’ve been camped where there is no internet signal also (day 11 of fulltiming) so I’m just catching up on blog reading. Don’t want to make you cry more so I’ll just say “heartfelt hugs”.

    Camping in southern Ohio now but hope to visit many of the places out west that you have blogged about. Heading to the Natchez Trace for October and then who knows, just some place warm 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Kris, and congratulations on Eleven Days of Full-timing! Yay!

      It’s the “who knows?” that I love about this way of life. . .

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      I did the Natchez Trace a couple years ago. Watch out for the deer. And wait until you get to the area where the big tornado hit a few years back. I wasn’t aware of it and it was an OMG moment.

  15. Kay says:

    Ugh, Riverton Wyoming.

    Lost our roof just outside that darn place…. took over 6 weeks, lots fighting, stomping feet with insurance company to replace it, ALL 40 feet. I won that battle.

    Lander, oh lordy. Careful of the Laundromat in that town. Unless they have LEARNED to clean their machines, washers, you could EASILY come away with freaking crabs. Yes, that is a fact folks. My poor sister-in-law learned never to buy new sheets and dash into the Laundromat to wash so she could use them on her bed in the RV that night.

    Ah, the nice, friendly people in this little town is very refreshing. Have not met a one rude person yet, but if one does exist… let’s just say, I have lots of sharp kindness I could dig out of my well lined human closet.

    I guess I should tell myself to get inside and paint another bedroom. However, myself doesn’t listen too well to ME.

    Have fun in the Lander area….

  16. Sidewinder Pen says:

    Classic line by the UPS employee. Almost as good as when they are officiously “busy” and refuse to even look up, make eye contact, or give you a quick “be with you in a moment” hand wave.

    I had a lot of similar problems last winter. I was in a town with a UPS Customer Center AND a Fedex version of the same, so I boldly started ordering things and (if I didn’t know how they were shipping) addressing them to the UPS CC, hold for pickup. Well, about 25% of the time the things came via FedEx and were either refused and sent back (about half of them) or either UPS or FedEx would somehow get them to the FedEx place for me to pick up (for which I was very thankful and let them know as much, and that I couldn’t always control the delivery method). But it was a pain chasing things down and/or re-ordering them.

    If I end up in a town with a UPS store that is reasonable ($2 or $3 per package) I have taken to having things sent there. It’s irritating to have to do that (especially if an order of six items gets sent in five boxes), but the UPS *Stores* will accept USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. So there is that.

    Wyoming wind sock… ha! I remember my first visit to Wyoming many years ago to visit a friend who was going to college in Laramie. The wind fired up every morning at 9 a.m. and I had never realized how much wind could irritate me! I craved no wind! (I do like a breeze, but that constant high wind was exasperating).

    A casino overnight after months of boondocking. I can imagine the shock!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pen,

      I’m going to take your advice about using the UPS stores, but only after checking the price per package. When I think of UPS, USPS, Fed Ex, Amazon, etc., the question comes to mind, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Another one I have used is the private “Mailboxes” or “Ye Old Postale Centre” type of place. I usually call them to check first, but find that most of the time they will accept deliveries from any courier (UPS, FedEx, etc.) not just mail. And their rates are often less than a UPS Store franchise (or there is one in a small town that doesn’t have a UPS Store). I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $2 or $3 per package at those. One even cut me a break when I ordered around 8 small things and they came in something like 7 boxes (groan!)

  17. AZ Jim says:

    You know I think of us as kind of a family. We meet here mostly on a daily basis and we share our lives and we are lucky enough to leach Sues adventures too. Very seldom do we have to fend of doers of evil here. Most come full of respect and love for the rest of the “family”. We have had some great days when we all went away satisfied and happy. Now, through the loss of our little guy, Spike, we have shed many tears together, but as fearless adventurers we have a responsibility and honor to see what’s around that next bend. I am glad Sue got her Laptop and Camera but had I been with her when she picked it up I might have had to conduct a short seminar on common courtesy and customer service. I have in my many years conducted these impromptu
    “discussions” sometimes with much success and other times I only gleaned from the experience the satisfaction of having at least tried.
    So, Sue….What IS just around that next bend? *Hug for Missy*

    • Cari in Plano Texas says:

      Jim, as always you are spot on when it comes to describing Sue’s blogorino family. I don’t post all the time but I feel the welcome mat out when I do show up.

      Sue, I’m so sorry you had all that aggravation with the UPS person, followed by the noisy night at the casino. I hope that your travels to Lander and beyond are less stressful and that you can find peace and rest at the next stop.

      And that’s too bad about the WordPress change. It seems to also have taken away the link and ability to receive emails about new posts to your blog, as well as the comments. Oh, well, no biggie, I’ll just have to check in more regularly now. At least it didn’t make your blog disappear altogether – then we might have to have some discussions with them LOL

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Cari, I’m glad you feel welcome every time you come here.

        I’m really annoyed that the email subscription is lost, too. I won’t give up on that.

        • Cari in Plano Texas says:

          Please don’t put this high on your priority list. It’s just a little inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. 🙂

          I follow Michael at ZenOnWheels, and his blog has the items that are missing from yours. Hmmm…

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            He may not have updated recently. In what I’ve read about the problem, not every blog is affected. Maybe it depends on the blog’s server… Gollee, I hate technology!

    • Pauline from Mississippi says:

      We are a family! I really liked your post AZJim

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Jim…. You reaffirm the friendliness of this comments section and make it stronger with your words. Thank you.

    • Krystina in Box Elder SD says:

      So true AZ Jim. I feel like everyone here is my family!

    • Jim, it sounds as if you have as few filters as me! Ain’t it great?

  18. G says:

    I have always been intrigued by the level of customer service or no service one can receive. Part of it is that the person grew up never getting good people skills and the other part of it is that management could care less to maintain people of those poor skills without coaching and training.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You nailed it, G!

    • Toni says:

      Management would rather have crappy employees than do the job themselves.

    • Marsha ( MI) currently West Yellowstone says:

      Good customer service is in large part attitude along with good training. Having worked in Customer service I’ve come to expect to be on the receiving end of good service. If that’s not my experience, someone gets to hear about it. After all, in some way I’m paying their salary.

      And when I get exceptional service, someone gets to hear about that, too.

  19. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Can’t believe you haven’t played with the camera yet. I would have been tearing the box apart in the parking lot. Or better yet, unpack everything inside the customer center and than asked the Customer Disservice Rep to take care of the packing peanuts.

    I know you have more than enough to deal with right now but yes, something is up with the subscription notice, I even went to try to sign up again but I don’t see the subscription widget. Not really a problem, I will just check every day with my morning coffee.
    I hope your next camp is better than the casino. But if you tell us that you have spent the last 24 hours at a slot machine with a cup full of quarters I’m headed west to pull you out of there. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      I’ve never been a gambler. A risk-taker, yes. 🙂

      The subscription notice is part of “jetpack” which covers a lot of stuff. I’ll have to research how to fix it. I hope it isn’t too complicated for me.

      Well, I can tell you this — I’d much rather be learning my new camera than fiddling around with tech problems!

    • Oddly enough, Sue’s latest post was waiting for me when I opened my e-mail this morning. So it appears to still work for me.

      With regard to poor customer service, while I can be argumentative (as my wife will attest 🙂 ), I tend to go out of my way to avoid confrontation, and I sometimes have difficulty standing up for myself. I suspect if I had found myself in a situation similar to what Sue faced, I likely would have stewed about it but said nothing and simply yelled or screamed about it after I’d left. I’d then probably have needed a sedative of some sort, perhaps a nice glass (or two) of Shiraz or Sauvignon Blanc. 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You made me realize something regarding the “stewing” that can occur after walking away from rude people. Venting on a blog, as I have done, restores one’s equilibrium!

        So, Walt…. The next time you can’t sleep because of what someone did or said… or the next time you get acid indigestion over obnoxious people… or the next time you keep replaying what some jerk said to you and what you wish you’d said in return… well, I invite you to come to my blog and let it all out. 🙂

        I know how it is… I’ve done all of the above!

        • Walt says:

          Over the years, I’ve had enough practice at avoiding confrontation and later getting over it that I do not suffer from acid indigestion. Those types of things that involve people I’ll likely never see again are the things I am usually able to let go of. Other things, not so much.

  20. Willow (AZ) says:

    Dear Sue,
    Sometimes you just gotta laugh! I often wonder how some people find their way out of bed in the morning. Obviously this person knows someone to get the job it is certainly not a good work ethic.
    I’m hoping by now you have found a perfect boondocking site with some beautiful views and trails for you and Bridget to take some nice walks. When I lived in the country I used to have a trail I walked all the time, I called it my sad, glad, mad trail. My little Corgi and my cat Willow often enjoyed a nice stroll under the big oaks. We were quite a picture I’m sure. Now they have gone to heaven and I miss their sound advice and comforting presence.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Willow,

      The trail under big oaks sounds lovely. I’m sorry your cat and Corgi are no longer here to walk it with you.

      Tomorrow Bridget and I are going to try one of the trails here. I’m very happy with our newest camp!

  21. Karyn says:

    Take comfort in the fact that you can leave, and that clerk can’t.
    Maybe it’s not a great place to work, or live?

    Give Bridget a scratch for me!

    Take care, drive safe.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re a forgiving person, Karyn. I’ve seen people working in horrendous situations and yet they manage to be courteous. Shucks, I’ve been in those jobs myself and managed to be courteous! LOL!

  22. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Susan, I just can’t imagine you parked in a casino parking lot overnight!!!! Sorry, Dear One, but that made me chuckle. I really pray you have found a quieter spot since then. Glad to hear that Bridget is traveling well. She is a sweetie.
    Lack of respect gets me every time!!!! People don’t respect their jobs, the customers, the product/service. It drives me crazy!! On the other side, it would drive me crazy when a customer wouldn’t get off their phone long enough to be served. Let me move on.
    Anxious to see what you will do with the new camera. Always love your pictures
    Give Bridget a big hug and of course, am sending one to you.
    I love you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline,

      My options were rolling across the Great Divide Basin or spend the night in a casino parking lot. After one night, the desert option doesn’t seem so bad.

      I love you, too… Hugs to all, including Charlie and Sassy.

  23. Jenny Waters says:

    I hope you found a better spot to camp and get some rest out of the wind. I am loving some of your quotes: “Oh well, not all days are lollipops and roses.” That one is worth remembering. 🙂

  24. Jolene/Iowa says:

    I hate dealing with customer service in those places and I sure hope you can get your lenses soon. Dang it!

    I can’t imagine how all that noise was after the years of peace and quiet. Wow.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Have fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jolene. Bridget and I did have fun today.

      Yeah, I have “boondocker ear.” I may not hear what you’re saying to my face but I can hear a generator or traffic or people laughing from miles away. 😉

  25. AnnieB says:

    Don’t blame you for being a little suspicious of the UPS clerk who knew what the contents of your packages were but didn’t know they were in the storage closet! Hmmm. Glad you are leaving the vicinity of the casino. Can’t be a good place. Take care, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Annie B,

      Some RVers like camping at casinos. I hear there are deals on meals and drinks and all that. Doesn’t interest me at all. There were several Class A and Class C motorhomes there.

  26. Paula says:

    Poor customer service has really been getting me wound up lately! Your UPS experience is just another example of people not caring what kind of job they do. They don’t deserve to keep the position they have. Whew!!!!!

    I was in the local grocery store a few days ago and met up with my own situation with a shelf stocker. After checking out I went straight to the “CUSTOMER SERVICE” counter to register a complaint about the employee. After a fairly lengthy discussion, I finished with, “Does your management ever wonder why your parking lot is nearly empty all the time, and yet you can’t find a parking space at the competition (Note: In the next small town a few miles away.)? Let me tell you why.” It sorta went downhill from there.

    The really dumb thing is I got out to my Jeep and realized I forgot to buy green food coloring. Heavens, I couldn’t go back in that store after I complained so profusely. I had to drive to the next town – yup, the good store – just to make my purchase of green food coloring to make Pepper Jelly. And yes, the parking lot was packed — BUT the staff was fabulous! It was a nice drive back to Frisco.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Paula,

      Cute story. . . Shopping for groceries shouldn’t be a depressing experience. And if it is, people are not apt to return if there’s a better choice.

  27. Paula says:

    Oh, by the way Sue, I just purchased a Char Broil grill that will fit nicely in our new, little, Mini-Moose RV. We’ll be heading out on the road shortly after the grill arrives from Amazon. Just trying to do my part and keep your “Amazon Fund” going.

  28. Kay says:

    Hehe…. The “Blogerinos” Family reunion will be held…. September 2015 at the Kay’s RV Park located in Kimball NE, your host will be “Nameless Hubby”.

    Okay, I am reporting that “myself” got fired by ME today, she has not even gotten dressed, no painting has gotten done, hell, she had not even fed ME yet today.

    I guess, MYSELF decided ME needed a veggin out day…..

  29. Mick'nTN says:

    Just a couple of simple computer navigation items:
    I have been in the habit of using the mouse for all my internet browsing but with the wild popularity of RvSue&Crew and 300+ comments the slider bar got tedious so:

    Use the “End” and “Home” buttons on the keyboard to make thing much quicker.

  30. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Back again….

    Just had to vent about customer service or lack thereof.

    First, some background: I had eight Leland Cypress along one side of part of my backyard. They were beautiful – about 35′ tall. Well, they succumbed to the rust fungus disease….one tree got infected, then it spread to all eight. Sadly, I had to have them removed about 3 yrs ago. They provided shade for the bunnies and lots of nesting spots and shelter for the birds. Oh, and they helped provide a visual buffer of the rental next door that has terrible tenants (a whole other story).

    So, I researched and found a Thuja “Techny Gold” that would be a good fit for a replacement. Disease, deer, humidity resistant and holds up well to snow/ice loads. It was a real PITA to get the six replacement trees planted, digging through dense old Leland roots. I have been babying the trees…watering when needed, making sure they grow happy and strong. They are now just over 3 1/2 ft tall.

    It had been dry for the past week, so I went to water them on Monday evening. What do I find? One thuja is missing. No hole….the ground was flat. This Thuja is next to a large Vitex “Shoals Creek”, so the area has to be weed whacked between the two plants.

    I have my grass cut, as my knees no longer tolerate me taking care of my yard. So….I call the guy who cuts my grass to find out if he knows what happened to my tree. Grass was cut last Wed, and it was obvious that the area had been but by a mower and not weed whacked. At first he said there was no way that a tree that size could have been run over. He has been taking care of my yard for about 5 yrs now. Come to find out, he is no longer doing the actual work; he has a crew doing it. I texted him some pics and he said he would check with his crew. Well, come to find out his crew DID run over the tree. They just FORGOT to tell him. He was apologetic and will replace the tree. May need to wait until the Spring….as this variety of Thuja is not found readily. I bought them from a private nursery. I will be checking nurseries stock tomorrow.

    So….maybe they thought I would not notice that one tree was missing?! Why not check w/the crew before calling me?! Sorry this post was so long. The lack of customer service is rampant….and it is not just the younger age group. There are a couple clerks at Target and Kroger who are 60+ who act pissed that they have to work. Well, thank the Lord you have a job and are able to work! Ok…done….just stepped off the soapbox.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, wow, that’s classic, Denise. And now you can enjoy looking at the place where your tree used to be, while the crew that mowed it down goes on their merry way.

      That reminds me… I had a tree STOLEN out of my yard in Florida. The funny thing is I didn’t miss it until I was mowing the lawn and went, “Gee, didn’t there used to be a tree here?”

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        A couple years ago, some neathrdal was digging out peoples trees and shrubs in the neighboorhood. The plants would be found down the street in trash cans. Pure vandalism…did not even use the plant or sell it. That was what first ran thru my mind, but the ground was flat – no hole.

  31. Evie says:

    Oh boy, I’m #88.
    Yikes, sorry for your UPS struggle. I haven’t done that yet but am having things sent to a cousins house in Denver. Mom and I are in Montana headed to Yellowstone tomorrow.
    Then we will come back to Montana to do some more exploring so we won’t have to deal with the Wyoming wind. Thanks for the heads up on that. We have spent one night in a casino parking lot and you described it to a T. Never again if I can help it.

  32. EmilyO in NM says:

    Have you checked to see if the camera lenses were actually sent back – with no name? Sent back where, if no name is my question. Opps, gotta go, grilled cheese sands are getting a little too grilled. Care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Emily,

      She said she sent them back because the address was to the UPS Customer Center but it didn’t have my name on the package. This I doubt because Amazon’s labels are computer generated.

      I’ll be checking with Amazon so I can be credited for that purchase price.

      Mmm… grilled cheese sounds good….

  33. Applegirl NY says:

    Yikes! That UPS gal sounds like she had something up her sleeve. Good for you for getting your packages.

    I agree with some of the others, your pictures are amazing even when you are “shooting blind.”

    Glad you only had one night at the casino. I don’t think I would have been very happy there. You’re brave for even trying it, at least you got a break from the windy drive.

    Happy trails ahead. Thanks again for taking us along. You’re our Pied Piper of the American West.

  34. Sondra-SC says:

    Makes me wonder what her plan was for the 2 boxes in the cabinet? Your boxes!!
    Hope you enjoy your new goodies–its Christmas in September for y’all! One hell of a week for me, a family member in the hospital with sudden changes in his mental status, horrible– its not good. I cancelled my plans for a early fall camp trip hopefully it will happen later in October maybe..
    One thing I love about where I live (now the yahoo with the guitar is behaving), its dead dark and dead quiet here in TimBuckTwo! Peaceful dreams!

    • Reine says:

      Sondra, so sorry to hear about your yucky week. It’s never a good thing when family members have health issues. Hopefully his situation will improve or at least stabilize so you can camp later in October.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sondra,

      I’m sorry about your family member’s health situation and for your cancelled plans.

      Good news about the noisy neighbor! Darkness and silence at night is priceless… If you can’t have that, well, the sound of a river is nice. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:


      Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  35. Idaho Gurl says:

    What is the punishment for punching a U. P. S. clerk in the throat? I’m proud of you Sue… I would have! Maybe you need to call an 800 number and let them know how rude their employee was… They are pretty strict about those kinds of things… And, with you being on the move all the time, those packages were important… I’d give ’em a call… When I was long hauling through Wyoming one winter I stopped at the Port of Entry for both my safety and paperwork and went inside… The fellas told me the wind was blowing 72 m.p.h. … Run!!! Get out of Wyoming while you can! : )

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Oooh….just the thought of Sue clocking that clerk made me laugh out loud! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Idaho Gurl,

      A punch in the throat — hilarious! She was a lot bigger than me. 🙂

      I do try to avoid towing in wind. It seems the worst winds occur in the afternoon which is one reason why I drive in the morning with the intent of arriving at the next camp around noon. Sometimes that’s harder to do, like when crossing a large desert.

      You were a trucker, too? Like Ladybug?

      • Idaho Gurl says:

        Yep! 30+ years of professional driving experience. Never a wreck or fatality (though many times I wanted to off a few rude and dangerous drivers… lol)… I’ve driven and hauled just about everything, soup to nuts, cars, heavy equipment, logs, hay, ore, fuel and everything in between. The grand finale was cyanide tankers out to the mines here in Nevada. It’s been a long and illustrious career but the old bod can’t take it anymore… Sigh… Just tickling the shady side of 60 and when the 25 year old brain tells the 60 year old body “it can do it” the body doesn’t believe it anymore… The brain is encouraging the 60 year old body that it needs to get it’s butt in gear and start living the fulltime lifestyle… But, after 2 broken ankles, another broken leg in 2 places, and two broken wrists and a recently broken toe the old bod just doesn’t move as fast as it used to… Whew… You can tell my name is not “Grace”. I’m hoping to get to go to the get together and meet my Lady RV Hero and Her Sidekick in Sept. I want to meet you in person so bad! : ) I want to be out of here by next fall… I think that your get together would be a perfect goal for my adventure to start. After cruising this country in a truck I can now actually slow down and smell the roses and spend time in places I’ve always wanted to spend time in… I bought a class A several years ago but think something smaller would be better for the boondocker mentality. So I’m looking for that perfect smaller rig… I like livin’ like your livin’… Away from the maddening crowds. I’ve lived out in the country for so many years I’m a little bit anti-social. (A lot!) Love You Sue!!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I appreciate the love, Idaho Gurl. Maybe I’ll see you in September. . . .

          • Barb George says:

            Wait… what is happening in September? I am lost, in my own mind…

            Hugs from Hoquim where it is currently 92 degrees. Yes, In WA. UGH!
            Barb 🙂

            • weather says:

              Hi Barb,September 2015 is when Kay is planning the RVSue Family Reunion for everyone one here to meet(in western Nebraska)

            • Barb George says:

              OH!!! Well, I hope to catch her on her next trek to the PAC NW… Can’t wait to see pictures though!!!
              Barb in Hoquiam!

  36. Kay says:

    Okay, this woman is going to bed, well, going to sleep. I have been in bed all day dilly dallying around on the computer. Didn’t even nap. I am tired and going to drive to Minneapolis tomorrow. Then, drive back on Saturday. A fast trip, well, prolly not so fast as I know better to speed in Iowa. Don’t Ask, I don’t tell.

    I am leaving the PC home, I think it’s better that way. You see, I am afraid of blogging and driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I get too bored, I’ll find a few corn fields in Iowa. Shouldn’t be hard to do. However, DRIVING is when I do my best thinking, and I have some seed ideas brewing in my head.

    So, everyone hold the fort of RVSUE and Crew down, I’ll be back. Hopefully, I’ll get re-energized by taking this trip, I hope so anyways.

    Until next time. Kay

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Minneapolis? Is that anywhere near western Nebraska? LOL! You sure are one energetic woman, Kay.

      Have a safe trip!

    • Kellee says:

      Enjoy your drive through Iowa (I live there). This is a beautiful time in iowa!!

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Be careful Kay. I had the pleasure to have to make a 200 plus mile trip today for work and the deer are terrible right now along our Iowa highways in the country. Have a good trip!

  37. Elizabeth in WA says:

    So sorry about the lousy experience with the UPS….indeed, do report higher up than that teeny town in WY!! Here is my UPS story of many years ago. Was picking up my son at college in a town some 3 hours from the headquarters of it in that region…saw a UPS driver almost mow someone down in another car (and this was long before TEXTING was even available). No, it did not affect us, but we watched and a bad accident was narrowly averted basically through the skills of the other driver. So when we got home, I called up and reported, giving a good description of the vehicle. The person answering the phone profusely thanked me for letting them know and said, “This guy has had many warnings about his bad driving. When he gets here tonight he is FIRED!! We don’t want to be responsible for his hurting anyone else!!” While I was not trying to get the guy fired, obviously he needed a job that did not require a lot of driving. So your reporting the whole episode might help this inept person find a job more suited to them!!

    I always feel sad when I hear something bad about someone from the states of Idaho, Montana or Wyoming because GENERALLY people from these places will go way out of their ways in helping others!! But this proves that BAD ones can be in every location.

    We have always had good help from Amazon, by the way, with any issues such a pkgs that do not arrive, or arrive in bad condition. And yes, folks, if you examine your pkgs these days, that go through our lovely Post Office, even they will have been “Looked inside”!! The invasion of privacy is so completely maddening. For crying out loud, they did not even try to re-seal up my last pkg coming via the post office….I even wonder if someone tried on the bra I ordered before deciding to let me have it!!!! GOOD GRIEF!! Apparently it is not enough to poke holes in every box snooping around. Somehow all this does NOT make me feel protected or safer either….I just feel violated!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      In the situation with the bad driver, it was clear-cut. The UPS situation wasn’t… She could’ve been having a bad day (although I doubt it) and she might not be stealing from customers. I don’t want to take action against someone unless I’m absolutely sure, as you were.

      Amazon does have an excellent reputation for customer service. I’m confident my account will be credited.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I understand Sue…it is not always easy to know what is just a mistake, what is plain dumbness, or what is perhaps the policy of that particular office… Yes, it is better to ere on the side of caution…maybe what you said to her will sink in later on…

        It is a frustrating world we live in, where it is not easy to find good service. Hopefully the next spot will have a bit better for you!!

  38. DesertGinger says:

    Hey blogorinas and blogorinos! Got home tonight after attending the seminar on bariatric surgery. My friend Noni came to visit and spend a couple days. And I get Chloe back in the morning! Not feeling too shabby. Will have home health coming to the house ….nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist. It’ll be a parade thru here. I’ve got to pay my rent tomorrow and pick up my ton of mail, then spend the next week or two getting my life sorted out. I have to remember to not push myself too hard and rest. I just want to jump out of this sick body and GO!
    I’m glad she didn’t get to pinch your camera Sue! Where we headed next?

    • EmilyO in NM says:

      So glad DG you can go along with us as we travel with Sue and Bridg. It’s fun having you along as you have such a “can do” attitude. See ya next time.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi DesertGinger,

      Yay!!! Your Friday will be off to a GREAT start! Keep on looking for the positive! I know Chloe will be so glad to be home, too!!! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree with EmilyO… Your take-the-bull-by-the-horns attitude is great! I’m very glad you are part of this family.

    • Pauline from Mississippi says:

      Ginger, I had gastric sleeve on May 5…4 months ago. Down 55 lbs. If I can be of any support, email me at

      • DesertGinger says:

        Oh how nice! Thank you. Went to seminar last night. Filled out application and got lots of info. He said he will have to work with me to get me cleared cause of my health problems but he thinks would really help me. So great to have someone with experience to talk to!

  39. Cat Lady (on the road in Bradyville, TN) says:

    Sue and her fellow boon dockers: please check out
    Just a heads up to keep you all abreast of what’s going on so you can take action you feel is needed.

    Cat Lady

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Cat Lady.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Folks, among the many, many things I love about this blog is that Sue has always made sure that it remains a “politics free zone.” Without doubt a wise choice in this day and age.

      But I urge all of you to take few minutes to research HR 5204 which Cat Lady references above. There is a very good chance that this will be attached as a rider to an appropriations bill with little or no public input. Your local congress person will probably not even be aware of it’s implications for those of us who use and enjoy our shared public lands unless they hear from their constituents.

      I will just leave it at that and let all of you make up your own minds how you feel about this.

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        Sue, please feel free to delete my post above if you feel it is not appropriate. But I encourage you to look into this. It could have a dramatic effect on your lifestyle and those of us who dream of living a similar life.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Rick…

        Thank you for giving me an opportunity to address my policy for comments on this blog.

        “No politics” means no rants about political parties, elected officials, and all the other junk that one can easily find on the internet. What Cat Lady and Rick are concerned about — HR 5204 — is directly related to RVers and therefore is perfectly acceptable. I’m glad to see it here as keeping free access to public lands is important to me and, I assume, to many of my readers.

        “No religion” means no evangelizing, preaching, long scripture passages, or comments that are potentially annoying or offensive to people of other faiths than one’s own. An occasional “bless you,” “I’m praying for you,” or short references to God are fine. I do that myself. Please don’t put me in the position of having to delete Scripture, your personal testimony, or other religious content.

        Thank you!

    • Cari in Plano Texas says:

      Thank you, Cat Lady for bringing this to our attention! I have just sent emails to my Senators and Congressman about this. I think this is really sad and even a bit underhanded, pushing it through with no discussion. I won’t say anything further, but I urge all blogorinos to consider contacting their representatives and Senators about this. Its passage may infringe on all our rights as boondockers and campers.

    • DesertGinger says:

      How do I sign up for Help please.

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        I don’t believe that you have to sign up to read it. Are you referring to RV Net, the Open Roads forums? The sign up is on the main page – normally upper right.

    • Walt says:

      Bob Wells at Cheap RV Living has a different take on this bill. His take, which in many ways makes a lot of sense to me, can be found at

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Thank-you, I just sent emails.

  40. Cat Lady (on the road in Bradyville, TN) says:

    Sue, I checked my spam/deleted files and the last notification I received of your blog updates was The Day After. Can you put me back on the notification list, please. I can’t get the RSS stuff, sorry. I’ll go back and read the other blog entry and this one. Sorry to be such a pest, Sue.

    Hugs and belly rubs to Bridget.

    Cat Lady

    • weather says:

      Hi Cat Lady,
      Because this and related notification issues were inadvertently generated by WordPress itself as part of an automatic update that affected many bloggers- a reentry system of codes necessary to amend the problem makes it implausible that Sue can resolve this right now.

      By entering this blog daily we are able to note new posts until the emails do it for us again.Sue,hope you don’t mind my answering in your stead,I did it in case you are unable to access this page soon .

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thank you very much, weather. I appreciate your help. The last time I had a problem with notifications I had to explain the situation over and over again, so feel free to assist me whenever you want! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for letting me know, Cat Lady. I will put a note at the end of my next post explaining that email notifications are not available at this time.

  41. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    I just thought of something….,

    Doesn’t UPS sometimes charge 15 dollars a package as a courtesy? With this type of “service” how does it stay in business?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The UPS stores charge upwards of $15 per package received. However, the UPS Customer Centers (also known as “hubs”) do not charge anything.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I’ve mentioned this before, so sorry for the repeat, but it is good info for folks like us. From what I understand, most (all?) of the UPS stores (not the hub/customer centers) are franchises. Apparently they can set whatever rate they like for receiving a package for you. What I usually do is call and ask them about it. My old “home” one used to charge $2 per package. I’ve also paid $3 per package (at a different one), and $5 per package. A few I have called (usually near busy colleges or the Canadian border where there is a huge demand for receiving packages) have quoted rates of $10 or $15 (I haven’t used those).

        To the good, even though they are called UPS Stores, they will accept packages from FedEx, USPS and other couriers. I use them sometimes even though it’s irritating to pay, because sometimes I can’t find out how something is going to be shipped (UPS hubs often don’t accept anything but UPS packages), or a UPS hub is far enough away that it makes more send to just pay the fee rather than buy more gas, etc.

        One thing I have found when traveling (boat or RV) is that it helps to have a few different ways to do things (such as receive packages) because what’s “best” varies. Unlike at a fixed home base where you figure out the best way and then can be pretty consistent about it.

  42. JodeeinSoCal says:

    Glad you hung in there until the packages were located. I’m so grateful that I never had a job that made me surly and rude.
    I thought the same thing when you mentioned desert and then reservation…..not very many tribes were “given” livable lands 🙁
    Hope you’ve landed in a happier spot with stars above and nothing but light breezes whispering at night.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      Your last line describes our new camp very well. The sleep I had last night was delicious… I went to bed early and got up late in the morning. I feel good! Hope you do, too.

  43. I’ve been experiencing the wind in Wyoming too, Sue…though on the east side of the state. Before that, it was the wind in Montana. So much wind that the dog dishes were blowing away. We simply could not go outside where we were camped, without fear of lifting off! :-)) Much better now.

    I’ve been full timing for almost a month now and my Wandering Spirit is feeling very content. I love the aspect of living simply. My biggest problem so far is that I have too much ‘stuff’ with me! The back of my truck is so packed that I can’t find what I’m looking for. I need to unload some more, even though I did LOTS of that before I left what was my home. I think I will slowly learn what is needed and what can be parted with.
    I have not yet been courageous enough to boondock. But it will come….thank you Sue for making me aware of how very possible it is.
    On my way to S. D. to become a resident! 🙂
    Count me in for the meet-up next September!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      One Month On The Road . . . Congratulations, Micky! I’m happy to read that you are content with your new lifestyle.

      I hate to tell you this… but I doubt you’ll ever have the back of your truck packed in a way that you’ll be able to find stuff easily. I can’t believe how quickly the back of the PTV turns into a landslide, even after all the purging and reorganizing I do. After 3+ years I’m thinking — Having to search for what I need is a small price for the freedom I enjoy. In other words, I’ve given up! 🙂

      Yes, you don’t have to jump into boondocking. Someday you can try it in a place where you feel comfortable.

      Re: South Dakota residency, for the benefit of anyone reading this… You can establish residency without actually going to SD. The only reason you need to go to SD is to obtain your driver’s license and that can be done in any SD town that has a DMV office.

      Enjoy South Dakota, Micky!

      • Well darn. I was hoping to hear that you had the organizing thing all taken care of and it was just going to be a matter of time until I figure out what I don’t need and have a roomy truck bed! :-))) Ack!

  44. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue and Bridget!

    Hope your day is off to a great start! Sunny and bright here right now, a chance of much needed rain later tonight. Hugs to you and Bridget from me and Gracie pup!

    Happy Friday to all! Yay! The start of the weekend for those of us that still are working towards freedom and permanent weekends!! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise! I’m glad you have a beautiful day to enjoy.

      When Bridget and I were camped near Dubois over Labor Day weekend, it rained most of the three days. I felt sorry for the working folks.

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  45. weather says:

    Good morning Sue,
    Golden yellow wild mustard opened it’s plush tops for the first time here this morning!Three flocks of birds relocated to the tallest pines stand out front-one of small sparrows,two of differing finch varieties.Another time I’ll tell you about why they’re relocating.For now,I just wanted to say a bit about this sunshiny day and see if your wonderful new riverside home had afforded you two that much needed sleep.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      The birds are flocking here, too, although probably for winter migration, not neighborhood relocation. 🙂

      I’m happy you have a sunshiny day. It looks like a beautiful day ahead for Bridget and me. The sleep last night was so good!

      The constant sound of this river is comforting and restorative. Not only do “still waters” restore the soul; rushing waters do, too!

  46. AZ Jim says:

    Hi Gang! In keeping with my policy of bringing you all the mundane issues in my life, I submit the following: I got a new laptop about 6 days ago. I picked it up at Best Buy and trotted home with the haunting feeling in my mind that I might not get along well with Windows 8.1, which is all you can get now in new portables. I am used to Win 7 and since I am a Dinosaur in this new electronic world, I hate change.
    Well, I got home and as soon as I opened the computer screen my fears were realized. This system is completely different. I have had this LT now for 6 days and so far my adventures with it have had me on HP customer service line three times. Not hardware, all software issues. I have already had to do a complete restore operation which took about 45 minutes. My experience with Customer service at HP was, I am happy to report, an excellent one. Each call connected me to someone in India and though there were instances of my asking them to repeat something several times I got nothing but very courteous help. Today the “machine” is running okay and I am getting more used to it, but I will never like Windows 8.1. It is, in my not so humble opinion not user friendly. Microsoft makes a fortune by constantly creating new operating systems. Old guys like me just have to try and deal.
    Who knows what other excitement awaits me tomorrow??? And you thought Sue was having adventure? Ha! It pales when compared to AZ Jim’s exciting life!

    • weather says:

      Hearty Morning Greetings o ye of an exciting life,
      Have you considered returning it?Win 7 is still available in new portables,I don’t know what price range you find prudent to remain within,for now I’ll just mention that.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, yuck. My new laptop has Windows 8. 🙁

      • weather says:

        Does that mean you didn’t go with the Lenova?Short of exchanging your new one,Denise’s suggestion seems sound.The reviews included a statement of someone having used the download now able to work as comfortably as they used to.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I did get the Lenova. After I placed the order, I received an email offering me an upgrade to a 50 GB Lenova for the same price, but without the Windows 7 option. I agreed, mainly because it was easier to do while sitting in the PTV on the side of the road, and I had many other online things to take care of that same morning.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Good morning, AZ Jim,

      So sorry for your frustration – I feel your pain! I hung onto my laptop and desktop that had Windows XP installed until late last year, when I got the blue screen on death. The only reason I replaced my computers was that MS would no longer support XP.

      Check out This is a free download that will work with Windows 8, but give you a Windows 7 view – complete with the Start button.

  47. fossildreamer john says:

    Hi Sue,, I was so happy to read about the Hummingbirds encounter with you,,
    Last year when Max passed I was sitting and looking into space crying when
    a couple of them left the feeder which was about 50ft away and flew within 6 ins
    of my face and stayed there long enought for me to ask them about their day..
    It’s great how life gives us just what we need, and who would have thought it
    would be Hunningbirds…. Safe Travels Sue

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a extraordinary experience, John. Maybe someday we will understand these mysterious occurrences. For now, we can take comfort from them.

      I remember when your Max passed how it broke your heart and I thought . . . Someday there go I.

  48. Rod KC, KS says:

    Check this out!!
    this could change the way you are camping big time…..

  49. kgdan says:

    Getting so excited! Car & trailer went to the tire Dr. today for a check-up before departure. Gil & I went to people Dr. on Wed. for same and miracle of miracles; we seem to be doing pretty good. Pretty healthy, no medication and still on our own 2 feet! What more could we want? To be on the road! I’ve been promised by mid-month; if that holds we will be leaving here over a month earlier than last year. Hooray! Better yet would be to see RV Sue along the way somewhere – it could happen! And if it does she and Bridget are going to get a real, live hug!

  50. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    I have to share my own hummingbird experience, even though it was not dealing with a death. Well, maybe it was, in a way. I had gotten laid off from a job that I loved and had been with the company for almost 5 years. I discovered that my identity was based on my job, my title, and my duties, and without it I felt bereft. I was given a great severance package so I didn’t have to immediately look for another job. I made reservations at a cabin in a nearby state park for a week to just hide out, relax, and lick my wounds so to speak. About the third day I was sitting on the porch reading when I heard a funny noise. I looked over, and there was a hummingbird hovering right at the door. I don’t remember it looking at me, but I do remember it hovered there for several minutes. I had never seen one so close before. Not knowing the significance that others have pointed out, I took it as a sign from God of some sort that things would be all right. It flew away, never to be seen again, and things did turn out all right.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      That’s interesting, Cari. I wonder if hummingbirds can see the “aura” about a person, which, as I understand it from reading about people who can detect auras, changes color depending upon emotion. In other words, since hummingbirds are attracted to bright colors, maybe when the color of a person’s aura changes with intense emotion, the color signals the hummers.

      Well, one can analyze an experience until all the magic is gone. Whatever the case, I’m glad you received assurance from a hummer as I did next to Spike’s tree.

  51. Trip and Lisa says:

    Whenever I run across so meone like that lady at the UPS store,I tell Lisa they need to sent that person to “friendly school”,LOL.
    I might head out to Idaho in a few weeks so maybe our paths will cross,Drive safe Sue.

  52. Terri from Texas says:

    Hi all. I went to Bob Wells site and read his take on the public lands bill. I think his take makes alot of sense and he is right to tell people to research thoroughly before they go protesting this bill. Does anyone happen to read him regularly and does he usually have a valid opinion on issues? Hope I am not too political on this post!

  53. rvsueandcrew says:


    I hope you are enjoying your Saturday, wherever you are!

    I wanted to post this morning, but fun got in the way, and now Bridget and I are off for some more . . .

    Bye for now!

    • weather says:

      Oh sure-just because you have the perfect companion to roam the roads and riverside- with new toys and everything!!!! 🙂 -I had to go look for fun on my own.And guess what I found while I drove to escape the rain?A long stretch of road with banks covered in corn flowers-wide open-shining in the mist!Hope your fingers dance across the keyboard soon-to the tune your fun put in the day

  54. Paula says:

    Oh Sue, I’m just on a little Amazon shopping spree before we hit the road. Our BBQ is due in next week, and hopefully not long after we’ll get a couple of Energizer Solar Lanterns. Exciting new additions to our camping experience!

  55. Terri from Texas says:

    Aw RvSue, I would never stop reading YOUR Blog!

  56. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    There are other blogs? Bah! I like this one.

    I can predict my reaction to that UPS cluck…it would not have been a pretty sight. You handled it much better than I would have.

    We are still waiting on the house to sell. It’s been real slow. Spending my time working on getting the trailer set up so it will be ready to go when we are.

  57. ZenOnWheels says:

    How perplexing about the WordPress email notification snafu. I hope that a more straightforward solution becomes available for you soon (or even better – it just gets fixed on the backend by WordPress).

    I know what you mean about native american land being easy to spot…driving through New Mexico many years ago it was very obvious when I crossed that boundary.

    What a bummer about the interaction with that rude clerk. It is really perplexing to encounter folks who bring negativity and unhelpful energy to a customer service role. Like you, it takes me a while to settle down after interactions like these. It’s hard not to get engaged with it. Sometimes I wonder if people who behave this way really understand their impact on others.

    Wishing you stress-free and technology glitch-free travels in the days ahead!


  58. Toni says:

    Is it just me or does it look like a bear wearing a Navaho blanket in the header picture?

  59. dear RVSue
    I am sorry for your hideous happening at UPS Customer Center.
    It can hardly be experienced inside Japan. There is keen competition among the couriers (Yamato Sagawa etc.), therefore clerk are well trained for customer acquisition and retention. They are always so polite and thoroughly with beaming faces.
    Don’t you think that you want to experience this service in Japan? I suggest you forget about this. Because almost Japanese are not good at hearing or speaking English, but writing is a little OK. 🙂
    FYI We can receive packages from Amazon at the convenience store we specified
    Metaphorically speaking, you can receive packages at the gas station where you specified in the US.

    I am sorry for your having a sleepless night at the casino parking lot.
    It must have been a better choice than keeping towing BLT through the strong wind. I have seen some accidents of RV trailers lying on its side during our several travels in the US.
    Even so, I never seen that sign with a chain and been hit with the notorious Wyoming wind on our travels in WY. The sign is very intriguing, so I wonder where I can see. So Googled it. I finally found the Wyoming wind sock in front of the National Weather Service building in Cheyenne, WY. Low flying train, it is terrible just to imagine!
    The researching in this way it is also fun to read your blog.

    BTW It takes much time to read/understand the post and a couple hundreds of comments for a poor-English man. By the time I write a comment, the following post are coming. LOL 🙂

    Please have a good time, RVsue and sweet Bridget.

  60. Teresa from NC says:

    I was worried that you hadn’t posted for so long. Thinking that you needed some time for Bridget and yourself, I was patiently waiting, and worrying, and hoping you two were ok. Then, tonight, I needed some blogorino support (a fix really), and behold…I’ve been missing everything. Cursing my email, I get to the end of your post and realize I must have been one of the unlucky readers. Oh well, so much for a long night of sleep-blogs, comments, blogs, comments…so much to catch up on! By the way, I’m so happy you and Bridget are ok!!:-)

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