Escaping the cold

Monday, September 18

“Okay, guys.  Your bellies are full, you’ve had your walk, it’s time for you to take your morning nap.  We’re on the road again and we have many miles to go.”

Having made this announcement, I start up the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  She transports us and the Best Little Trailer across Ashley National Forest, south of Flaming Gorge in northern Utah.

“Thank God the heater works, eh?  This heat feels so good.”

Reggie is curled up in his doggie bed beside me.  He closes his eyes.  In the passenger seat, Roger stands on back legs, peering out the window. (That’s peering, not peeing.)

The PTV whips around ten switchbacks as we descend toward the town of Vernal.

“Roger, lie down, honey. You’ll get sea sick . . . .”

~ ~ ~

First part of today’s itinerary:  

Route 191 south from Ashley National Forest to Vernal.  Route 191/40 west to Roosevelt, continuing to Duchesne.

Although only approximately 70 miles, road construction with sections of two-lanes funneled into one lane make this a slow-moving trip.

Duchesne is surrounded by desert, but the town has access to plenty of water from the Duchesne River.  A couple years ago the original canine crew and I enjoyed a few hours at this park, the crew relaxing in the thick grass while I read my Paperwhite nearby.

My present crew sees thick grass and immediately it’s time for a game of  “Bite Me If You Can!”

Meanwhile I go online to check my blog.

Not one comment all morning!  Depressing!

The crew and I have a snack, I drive us over to the grocery store to pick up a few items, and we leave Duchesne.

Second part of today’s itinerary:

Route 191 southwest from Duchesne, through Indian Canyon, up and over Bad Cliffs and Argyle Ridge, between Price Canyon and Book Cliffs, to the village of Helper.

We descend into Price where traffic is busy on Route 191/6.  I stop and buy gas at a bustling travel center. The crew has a potty break.

Turning southeast we pass through Wellington.  I ignore the sign for the RV park we stayed at on a previous trip through this area.

It would be nice to stop now, but no, we will keep going.  I’ve had enough of RV parks for a while.

The drive between Price and Green River is straight-line through desert dotted with sage and rabbit brush.  The stark, gray Book Cliffs rise up on our left.  We cross the Price River and continue to Interstate 70.  A few miles on the interstate going east and we reach the town of Green River.

It’s about 120 miles from Duchesne to Green River.

At last we’re over the bridge that crosses the Green River and I see the sign for Hastings Road on the left.

Whew!  Only a few more minutes and we’ll reach the campground.  

~ ~ ~

Of all our camps, none has a grander entrance than this one!

Our destination is Lower Gray’s Canyon Campground.

Commonly referred to as Swasey’s Beach, it’s a beautiful camp, surrounded by rock “castles.”

At last we’re at a place where the boys and I can relax and be warm!

Longtime readers of this blog may remember this lovely, riverside camp.

Nice, eh?

It’s always good to come home.  It’s especially good after a long day of driving!



The links below go to a few of the products recently purchased at Amazon by readers of this blog.

Men’s Biff Shorts
Slim Fold Cook Station
Big Agnes Sleeping Bag
1-1/2-Quart Teakettle, Red
Monochrome Laser Printer
Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa

“Bite Me If You Can” on the beach!

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127 Responses to Escaping the cold

  1. Dawn in NC says:


  2. Joy says:

    I’m dreading the cold.

  3. Pat from Mich. says:

    Fast today!
    Two minutes and I’m 5th!

  4. Susan in south central WA says:

    Sixth? Or better since some are comments. Now I’ll go read.

  5. Pat from Mich. says:

    Actually 4th I guess, or second or third depending on how you count, lol. Beautiful pics as usual Sue. Those boys are sure cuties!

  6. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Now that view is to die for!!!!!
    Feeling a little low (but glad for your post – keeps me motivated – that is a vista I want in my future) as our shakedown trip revealed new problems. We had a lovely time and thought all was good but on the last day as we packed up discovered my gray water tank is leaking all the way around from its seal to the under carriage (I’d never actually filled it up before to full). And not just leaking, let’s say gushing out when it reaches the top! And on the way home Juno did not do well on trip back up the mountain. She bucked and missed and slowed. It was quite the white knuckle, hazards on, gear in low kind of trip. I had hoped it was just a fussy carb adjustment but she continued to do it on the straightaways back in town. Fuel filter? spark plug? distributor? choke? We’ll see. It sounds minor (with major repercussions). In the meantime my already delayed launch is further postponed to deal with this (and my credit card is groaning). As I watched it snow in Denver yesterday I just wanted to bang my head – LOL. Now I’m heading into the time of year I didn’t want to be driving but settled for a bit. Ah well. It’s about going with the flow, right???!
    Don’t worry if comments peter off – I know for myself sometimes I just don’t have much to share, but always read and enjoy. Need the passive stance once in awhile. Like slipping into a hot tub. Just entertain me – grin.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Dawn, it’s good to hear an update from you! I’m sorry that Juno is having such a hard time. Hang in there and keep us updated.

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Thanks Dawn in NC – I will. I’m almost to the finish line. Just having a really..seriously…REALLY? moment – LOL. Have to remember how far I’ve come.

        • Barbara(Nashville) says:

          You have come a long way and you should be proud of that accomplishment. Hope Juno’s problem is not too serious and you will be underway soon.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      I hope Juno’s problems turn out to be minor and not expensive. Your launch WILL be happening soon! 🙂

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Thanks Denise! Appreciate the support. That little mantra of the little engine that could keeps going through my head….”I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…” GRIN!

    • Linda says:

      Hi Dawn. I have been away for quite a while. I ended up spending the whole summer in wnc on a farm while I was renovating my Coach House. I had lousy internet and cell service but I did try to contact you once. Anyway, renovations are done, just beautifying it now. I am doing a mosaic on the step entrance. It will take a while but am doing it on the road. Don’t let all those rv things get to you. I too have had problems with mine. It is a used rv so I expected it but also want it to end. I left the farm a couple weeks ago for a shakedown again. I am in Kentucky now. My best friend, Maggie my dog passed away in June at 14 yrs. So before I left I found a mutt puppy and named her Hannah. A puppy, what was I thinking:) Anyway I love her and am having fun. So this summer besides renovating, I fed cats, dogs, rabbits goats, cleaned the barn out, and also delivered a baby goat! There were nine baby goats in all and they were fun! They play like children. This is long and I apologize, I am trying to play catch up. Hang in there and pretty soon all will be fixed and you will just enjoy.

      • Dawn in NC says:

        Linda,great to hear from you😻Love the updates. I am so sorry about Maggie and happy for you about Hannah. It is always good having a creature to care for and who cares for us. Can’t wait to hear about your future adventures

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Linda!! So glad to hear from you!! So sorry I missed your attempt to get a hold of me. I checked back on the entries on the contact form and didn’t see anything that might have been from you, so let me know here if you are unsuccessful. I’m trying to be better now about following along on Sue’s blog and going back to check old comments now that (hopefully) I can focus more time on “the rest” of my life!

        Oh, and I am so so saddened to hear about Maggie. I’d hoped I’d get a chance to meet her. There is nothing worse. I know Sue and most of her blogorinos completely get it. Hopefully Hannah eases some of the ache in your heart? Freyja is getting older and having more difficulty with arthritis so I have some days ahead I’m dreading.

        I will be heading up through Kentucky on my way out – up through Lexington (I’ve done the southern route through Tennessee so many times in the past I want something new) before I cut west. The tanks are fixed, and she’s at the mechanics now. Hoping it is something simple (I really think it is – but problematic nonetheless) and fingers crossed I’ll be on the road no later than Wednesday and earlier if possible. My mechanic is a saint and is working on it this weekend just so it can get done as soon as possible (I think he thought he’d seen the last of me three times now!)

        Again, Sue – if you read this (and had the time) I wouldn’t mind you sharing my email address with Linda.

  7. Pat from Mich. says:

    Maybe no comments because the blog hadn’t reached anyone? When it popped into my computer, only 2 minutes had passed.

  8. Shari Nova says:

    Hi Sue,

    This is the first time I’ve reached out to you, but I follow you religiously. I was working in Gardiner, MT this summer and followed your trail – a few weeks later – from MT to UT. Thanks for sharing your tips and campsites. You never know who is going to benefit from the info.
    Traveling sister,

  9. Susan in south central WA says:

    I am way (over) familiar with all your routes highlighted today. I’ve been driving to and from Denver 2-3 times per year the past couple of years and try to change up the route each time each way. Was very happy when Vernal got a S-Bux. I can’t stand their coffee but really enjoy their ice tea so it’s a nice treat on a lonely road. Your beach camp is beautiful!

  10. Cat Lady back home in Baton Rouge, La. says:

    Sue, are you able to power an electric skillet, 6-slice toaster, slow cooker, electric coffee pot with your solar? Not all/most running at same ktime, of course. I’ve got my 34’ motorhome sold and I want to get a B+/C no larger than 25’. Any suggestions on how much solar I should get? How about some prayers from you and my fellow blogerinos that I find a unit soon.

    I like seeing the boys having a good time. They’re about due for some rotisserie chicken, aren’t they? Safe travels.

    • JazzLover says:

      Cat Lady, I’m going to take a guess here and say that RVSue probably doesn’t even own any of those appliances. They all take a lot of juice to run. Bet others out there might be using solar for some if not most of these gadgets tho and could help.

    • Reine in Plano (when not camping) says:

      I’m not Sue but I’m fairly sure she doesn’t have any of the electric appliances mentioned above. We also have a Casita and the we have a slow cooker and electric coffee pot but only use then when we have hookups. My guess is you’d need a generator to power that stuff.

      Good luck on finding the rig you want.

      • Cat Lady back home in Baton Rouge, La. says:

        Duh! brain fart. I forgot she doesn’t have a generator but you don’t think solar would run any of these appliances? Thank for your help.

        • Barbara(Nashville) says:

          There is another blog out there that upgraded to her 5th wheel to 400w of solar to run the microwave when boondocking, if that helps any.
          If memory serves, Sue got rid of her toaster, no microwave, uses a percolator and a toaster that fits over one of the stove burners. I don’t think she has a crockpot or other electric appliances either.

        • John McDonald in Duluth MN says:

          To run those devices you need an inverter (changes 12 volt DC to 120 volt AC current) large enough to power them, probably around 1000 watts. So it is more about the size of her inverter than the size of her solar panels. For running her computer on AC she could get by with a smaller inverter, 400 watts or maybe smaller.

          Cheers John

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Cat Lady,

      If my memory is correct, Sue has a toaster contraption that you put over your gas burner. Kind of like a teepee over the flame.

    • Donna Hight says:

      We have 150 watts of solar, 2 6 volt batteries. I can run anything but hot.. no coffee pot, hair dryer etc. But we put in inverter on and I have one outlet I use to charge laptops, run fan, cut. Vac. …good enough for us…

  11. Joe Bruner says:

    I’ve fished the Green River on a day much like the one in your picture. It was probably the best day of fishing in my life…and I didn’t even catch a fish. So beautiful. Thanks!

  12. mrdsee in Riverside says:

    “Nice, eh?”

  13. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I love this view. So pretty where you Casita is sitting. I hope it isn’t too hot there, just nice and comfortable. I believe that if I was in this camp, I would be tempted to stay a long while.
    Rained on us here in Memphis this morning. It hasn’t rained in awhile. I got a new roof put on my house a month ago and I had to wait until today to see if it leaked or not. It didn’t, they did a good job. Stay safe9

  14. Peggy says:

    I’m really bad about not commenting on blogs but I want to let you know that I enjoy very much your posts and pics! I’m a long time reader. Thanks!

  15. Anna from NC says:

    Yes, that is a grand entrance to the campground. Reading as always. Working every day so I don’t always have time to comment if I get all my reading done. But, I love your blog…the pictures, the descriptive writing, your rascally dogs and sometimes I have time to read through the comments.

  16. Barbara from Camano Is. says:

    Can’t believe I am near the top! I usually read emails at night. Beautiful campground entrance!! Look forward to seeing your actual camp site. I have my maps out following you.

    I have returned from my “planned” four week camping trip. Camped for only about – third of that time. Heat fires and smoke drove me to a motel twice. The rest of the time was at my brother’s house as he was at mine, then stayed an extra week for his 80th birthday. It was 94 degrees in the North Cascades (where I camped six days) and 101 in Republic Washington which is near the Canadian border in Eastern Washington. That’s where I got a motel! In Sandpoint Idaho, couldn’t even see the lake from the road; Glacier National Park was closing roads due to fires, and southern Idaho was covered in smoke. (Called my friend whom I was planning to visit there and she said the smoke was so bad they were cancelling sports events.). Maybe I’m a woos but I was hot and tired. A little bit hard on myself for not camping through all this. But on the other hand, felt like I learned a lot in ” rolling with the punches.” Do think getting out all my tent stuff out and putting it back on the days I only stayed in a destination one night was a bit too much. I’ll have to try again when I get a Prius and sleep in the car. And by then I’ll probably realize I need a van!!!

    Thanks again, Sue, for all the time you spend entertaining, educating and uplifting us.

    • Dawn in Asheville says:

      I hated to hear you were chased by the smoke! I’ll have to remember when I get on the road there are still lots of things that don’t go as planned. Rolling with the punches – I’ll echo you on that. I have a Prius and there are many days I’m like “how crazy am I not to just have fixed that up to camp in and been on the road ages ago”. But I do know why…dog, cat and I want at times to travel with someone else. I actually didn’t get a trailer because that would have meant buying a tow vehicle too…and I can’t afford TWO cars. And there was no way I was giving up my Prius 🙂 You can bet I did a lot of research to figure out if there was anyway I could have towed something with it (maybe a motorcycle camper…). The newer ones do have some towing capacity? Nothing made sense. And then I didn’t want anything that would be big enough to tow that on a dolly (since it won’t do 4 down). Sigh. There are just no perfect solutions. At least you are getting out there and doing it and not bogged down trying to get your set up ready!!

  17. Barbara from Camano Is. says:

    Whoops, you did show the campsite and it is beautiful.

  18. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    Sue, this brings back memories for me. We’ve traveled that route many times to southern Utah and I love it! I wonder what those geological formations are called? Batholiths? When I see them, I always think they could be the ancient shoreline of a prehistoric lake or even the ocean! I’ll have to check!

  19. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    I just “binged” Lower Gray’s Canyon Campground and your BLT and PTV come up in several images!

  20. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue. I really hoped you have beat the cold. I am still battling the heat in NC. I can’t believe that it’s still humid in October! My a/c is still running. The boys look awesome, as always. Thanks so much for the blog!

    • Jan Johnson says:

      Isn’t it awful!? I am in Georgia, and it has been terrible, especially since we barely had a fall last year. I am sitting her sweating – no air in my room and I have waited so eagerly for cool weather. We’re moving to Asheville – actually somewhere in the mountains around it – in the next few months and it better be cooler there!

  21. JoanneG from San Rafael says:

    Hi Sue, so glad to see you back at one of our favorite camps as well. And we never would have found it if not for your blog! Enjoy!

  22. Marcia GB in MA says:

    I do remember this camp! It’s just as lovely now as when you stayed before 😍

  23. Lee says:

    Hi Sue, glad I checked the blog, just checked an hour ago and nada, and now here you are. The campsite looks incredible soothing. I hope you and the boys are able to stay awhile, if that is your choice, at least stop driving for a few days, since the mat is out I assume that is the case. Safe travels.

  24. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    I remember all those switchbacks down to Vernal !!! As you might remember, I am NOT a good passenger! LOL poor Chuck had to put up with me all the way down! Hahaha! Obviously we both survived! Hugs to the Crew! Love the picture if them wrestling in the grass!

  25. Calvin R says:

    I know the feeling of not getting comments. I didn’t care about writing if I wasn’t having a dialog, and I gave up blogging over that.

  26. I hope this camp is as lovely and quiet as the last time you stayed here. Enjoy the warmth.

  27. Ken McElyea says:

    Your blog is my break at work. You have given me so many places that i would like to experience. I like to think I know the west pretty well, but it never cease to amaze me with the places you find. I really enjoy your experiences.

  28. Tamara and Honeybear says:

    Warm is good. We are having a long summer here in lower Michigan.

  29. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    The lush green grass is beautiful and so welcoming especially for little paws. To me, not so much the rocks, cliffs and mountains but vive le difference. Hope you and the boys are enjoying a great Tuesday. Here in Wisconsin we’re finally having normal October weather, after unseasonable 70s, 80s and even 90 in the past few weeks. I like sweatshirt temps, and sweater weather for tiny Toby the mini Dachshund.

  30. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Now I get it!
    I love reading your blog and you love reading our thoughts on your blog. How discouraging it would be taking the time to write a blog and finding power to publish it and then no comments. So if you can do that at least I can comment. I go to Denver at least once a year and Utah is my favorite state to drive. Keep on Keeping on.

  31. Barbara(Nashville) says:

    I remember this lovely camp. So glad you had chance to stop there again. R & R just go crazy when they have grass or sand to play on, they are sooooo funny. Had to get up early today to finish work before my deadline at noon. Angel finally got out of bed about 7:00am and decided to play with her sock for awhile and the took it back to bed for DH.
    I checked for the blog about 1:00 today and had nothing until I got back online at 4:15.

    I need to get back to work so I can meet tomorrow’s deadline, then I can go at a normal pace the rest of the week.
    Hope you have found warmer weather for a few days to recoup form all the driving. It is still warm here in Nashville, lows in the 60’s/highs in 80’s Actually it is perfect weather, just warm for here this time of year. It is so humid, I need the a/c on.

  32. Helen says:

    What a beautiful Place to call home if only for a little while.

  33. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Yay! It is nice to be back at one of my favorite waterside camps that you let us visit with you! Reggie and Roger look like they have a lot of pent up energy! Last night Gracie pup was merciless with the game where I throw her little stuffed teddy bear. She scrambles to retrieve it, growls while she shakes him, and then she runs back to me and drops him in my hand for more….more….more! Sometimes, she will drop teddy and then bark like she is accusing me of hiding him – silly pup! Don’t you sometimes wish that we had their energy?!

    I have to wonder if the WordPress gremlins may be at work, hence the thin comment so far. The comments are very slow to post, and sometimes the format looks funky, with each comment outlined in red. After posting a couple comments, the page seems to be back to normal.

    Thank you again, for taking the time to share your thoughts, pictures, journey, and Crew with us. I know you are still blogging in past tense. That has to be a nightmare to keep up with. We love you, Sue. Thank you for all you do!

    Sending you and the rambunctious zoom-zoom brothers love and hugs from me and my rambunctious Gracie pup! 🙂 I am being “paged”….time to walk poochie-pie! Auto correct kept trying to change that to peachy pie! LOL!! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I’m sorry for the annoying slowness and weird format. It’s probably not WordPress….

      Thank you for persevering! I always enjoy reading what you have to say and getting hugs at the end. 🙂

      Snuggle Gracie pup for me!

  34. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Aw, I remember this camp, one of my many favorites…as you may remember, I map your travels, have your camps documented on google world by year and research the areas., I find myself seeing your previous camps in my mind’s eye as I read your words…I started saying out loud “Green River, Green River beach; boys will run on the sand tonight!”.
    Sue, you are part of my nightly blessings as are the blogerinos; so is the past and current Crews; you are family…thank you for giving us a view of your life, it gives me enjoyment and peace. I love your words and photos.

    Take Care

  35. Carolyn H in AZ says:

    Beautiful campsite!

  36. Jolene/Iowa says:

    This is absolutely beautiful Sue! What a nice camp you have right now. I am glad you and the crew are getting to warmer weather!

  37. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Absolutely beautiful!
    bite me if you can..they sure love each other’s company!
    Glad you’re getting to warmer temps. Do you ever get tired of driving? When not being chased by smoke….what’s the average time you like to drive?

    We don’t generally listen to the radio/music when we travel either. Not sure why…Adele was in the CD player leaving NY. Once we got to Erie PA…we just turned it off.

    Have a great evening….temps down here are very nice. Safe travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I don’t get tired of driving, meaning I don’t tire of moving camps. I do start to tire, however, after 2-3 hours on the road. I can’t believe I once drove 13 hours in one day on my way from NY to FL!

      I like to keep the driving time between camps less than two hours and that’s keeping speed at 58-60 mph.

      • mrdsee in Riverside says:

        When I was younger it was all about how much I could cram into the itinerary(having only a week off does contribute). A regular zoom here, zoom there of frantic madness. Now that I’m older and have the time I plan less and take the time to smell them roses!

        Much better indeed!

  38. Ladybug in Mid TN says:

    I thought I recognized that as being an old camp! I always liked the Green River area when I went through there in the semi. Really wish I could do a road trip right now, but job and finances won’t allow!!

  39. Maryanne Davis-Baldwin-CT says:

    Thank you for your blog & the beautiful pictures which you share with us. Today I took my FunFinder to be winterized–I know I could do it myself but am afraid I’ll miss that very important little bit & screw up the whole trailer. But now am wondering: does the roof really need sealing? It was new last year. It seems that this that & the other really need to be done & the costs just add up & up. This summer I only camped 3 weeks in New Hampshire & Maine, But I’m getting much better at backing up.
    On a happy note, my daughter & I spent 2 weeks in Ireland & saw one small class C. The roads are very very narrow but there are campgrounds (I saw signs) & everything is very well marked. Once we saw signs
    painted on the road ; it said “Slow”. Then “Slower”. Finally “Very Slow”. I drove.

  40. Bety -Shea says:

    A beautiful camp!! Stay warm and safe💕✌

  41. Beverly Kebrdle says:

    Hi Sue, I have been following you since you purchased your Casita and set on the open road with Bridget and Spike. I still love LOVE Luv all that you share with us. Your pups are a hoot and super entertaining, but the story writer you are brings it all to life. I used to read many blogs from folks traveling the country in their RV’s. It’s so hard to keep up! However, when I get the notification that you have posted, I always take time to see what you are up to. THANK YOU so much for your dedication to this blog. Your are a special lady. Always know your blogorinos are out there, always checking in.
    Be safe, Beverly

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Beverly, for reading my blog all these years and for sending me this lovely message. You add to the sunshine of this beautiful morning. 🙂

  42. Linda in NC says:

    Hello Sue, I have missed a lot of posts with lousy internet and work. I am playing catch up. So glad to be on the road again! I am sure that you will see my response to Dawn in Asheville as to what I have been up to. Planning to go SW for the winter season. Whoppee! I hope all is well in your part of the world. Glad to be back on the blog.

  43. Donna Hight says:

    Hey Sue love your recent posts as we love Utah… what is elevation of lower gray canyon Rec. Area? Do u know?

    We are planning trip south in March… we are from Montana.. so handle cooler weather well… in fact, we live quarter of mile from Beaver Springs campground, outside of Red Lodge!!

  44. Penny Stone says:

    Penny from Utah (and Baja)
    Hi Sue,
    Swasey Beach is in one of the areas my husband and I like to explore. We met you when you were camping there with your original crew. We have a casita but were using our Vanagon so we could go out to the Dirty Devil overlook. (You might want to drive out there but not in your casita.)
    This is the best time of year to go to southern Utah and red rock country. We’re headed down that way next week.
    I love reading about and seeing your photos of your 2 dogs playing together. I am so glad you found a great playmate for Reggie.

  45. Thank you for introducing me to Lower Gray Canyon back whenever it was. I’ve stayed there several times. It would be perfect if it weren’t for the flies. 🙂

  46. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Hello..California is burning! I don’t know how much you follow the news..but..lots of homes destroyed, businesses gone…north of San Francisco….wineries, hotels, trees, thousands of homes…nasty stuff. I have a nephew that is a mile from the worse part and is on standby to leave…so he and his wife cooked at an evacuation center today since they couldn’t go to their jobs…. my sister on the coast said lots of evacuated people there and the locals are taking good care of them..poor people… we are directly east of San Francisco and the smoke from the fires made it get dark early tonight. Sonoma, Mendocino, Solano, Yuba counties and the wind is picking up tonight. Count your blessings folks!
    I ordered some new coats for my grandsons today, look for them!

    • Cat Lady back home in Baton Rouge, La. says:

      I feel so sorry for these folks. Give me a hurricane to deal with anytime. I can escape it with a bicycle and radio. Fires…that’s scary and hard to forecast. Praying for high humidity and rain.

    • Diann in MT says:

      God bless, Lee J and California kin. Thinking about you all.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Take care LeeJ. I am so praying for rain out there. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone out there. It is such heartbreaking and devastating news.

  47. Val says:

    I just love the pics of that campground! What a glorious place! The campsite itself looks nice- right in the river, fabulous view, spacious, clean. The boys are having fun being beach bums.

    SUE- I had trouble posting a comment on your last post. This could be why you are seeing fewer comments. The Captcha just wouldn’t go through. I gave up. Now, on this post, it wouldn’t go through again. I read it on an iPad via Safari. I am going to try it via Chrome on the iPad. If you are reading this, it means the Captcha worked in Chrome, but not Safari.

    • Val says:

      Yep. It went through. Might be time to check the Captcha thing. Or perhaps it will sort itself out over time.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Val. I did reset the Captcha settings. Thank you for the details on what happened on your end. I don’t understand why Safari didn’t work.

  48. Chaunte in West TN says:

    I can just imagine myself sitting there with the sun’s rays drenching my body. I have a cold drink in my hand and my toes in the sand! Yep, that’s living right there! I love the beautiful pics especially the grand entrance. Be safe!

  49. ApplegirlNY says:

    That is the greatest entrance ever. How amazing. Sue, I read faithfully, but haven’t posted as much in the last month or two. Been a bit blue. We lost good friend, as well as my father in law. Both so loved. Also, we lost one of our beloved pups earlier in the summer, and his brother isn’t doing so well, so we’re looking at that down the road, probably within the next few months. So…. your blog is as sunshine moment in my day (of course, I have loads of other blessings, but you transport me to another part of the country).

    We’re out here, whether we post or not. So keep them coming, girl, and we’ll all try to be more faithful on our end.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dear Applegirl… You and your family have been hit hard with losses. I’m so sorry and I certainly understand that you might not feel like writing. Hugs to you and a special wish for good days for you and your pup who is grieving also.

  50. Hi Sue.
    Glad to see you are getting back to warmer climes. I don’t envy those campers that are enduring the overnight cold temps while heading south on their annual migration.
    I love your new campsite and plan on adding it to my route when we are in that area late 2018.
    Hopefully you will be able to take your time driving now that you don’t have to beat the cold temps. Take care for now….

  51. Rochelle in IN says:

    Good morning, Sue and blogorinos! We’re sitting in Sacramento Union Station connected through a hot spot my hubby created on his phone. We got up way too early as our overnight train arrived here at 6:00 am. Our next train – the California Zephyr – doesn’t leave for 6 hours. We’re waiting for it to get light before we go out and explore a little. You sure have a beautiful, peaceful site – hope you get to enjoy it for a nice long while. 🙂

  52. weather says:

    You spent a long time on the road that day. Seeing what destination you had in mind, I understand why. Great camp AND warmer temps, Wow! What a change from the previous few days you’d spent driving and arriving where it was still cold. The first time you stayed there it was during summertime, so a lot of other people were camping there, too. I imagine it’s a quieter atmosphere during mid-September. In any case, it’s a really nice campground with beautiful surroundings.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I hope you are enjoying a beautiful autumn day in NY. Yes, this campground is nice, quiet during the week and busy on the weekends.

  53. Terri in Tx says:

    Hi all!
    Here’s a question- what’s the deal with camping and a Prius? Don’t understand the attraction. Somebody enlighten me!
    Love your campsite, RvSue! And, of course, the pups playing Bite Me!
    Just got our first front-it was 60 degrees this a.m. and the wind was so cold
    my ears went numb when I walked this morning. Yea! I heard a story about an 87 yr old woman who had minutes to evacuate the fire in CA. She got her dog, 3 cats and her miniature horse in her car and left with minutes to spare. What a woman! Take Care all!

    • Calvin Rittenhouse says:

      Camping in a Prius holds a couple of special attractions. One is that the specific Prius battery operations allow for running the heater or the air conditioner all night long, which cannot be done with most vehicles. The other specialty is very high fuel mileage for a vehicle with that amount of interior space. Of course, that’s also very easy on the environment, which adds to the attraction. Of course, different people require different amounts of space to be comfortable. If a car-size space fits the person, the Prius is pretty much the idea car to use.

    • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

      Just car camped in her Prius from AZ to NY and back! Her dog Chloe went also. She was planning on getting a habitent… Perhaps she could better answer your question!

  54. Jan says:

    I don’t remember this camp. Beautiful.

  55. Mike The Lurker says:

    Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, and I’m jealous – I want to do that! The problem is that I don’t really like the outdoors, bugs and dirt and all that, plus I’m super-dependent on my huge gaming computer with three huge monitors to play World of Warcraft on and surf the web, etc. Perhaps I could make do with a laptop and maybe one external monitor, but the power requirements would still mean I would be in campsites with power hookups most of the time.

    So for now I just live the camping life vicariously through you!

    I love the pups – I had two Cocker Spaniels for several years, they both passed, one in 2012 and one in 2014, so no more pups yet for me. I love reading about the pups and their antics, and about your travels. I have learned a lot from you and your blog! I appreciate it and the time you put into it. Thanks so much for all you do!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mike!

      It’s a treat to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog and for introducing yourself to me and fellow blogorinos.

      I’m sorry for your pain of losing your longtime canine crew.

      Hmm… I can see where it would be tough for you to give up your super electronic set-up. Maybe someday the power situation will be vastly improved and you’ll be able to do your gaming on the road. As for the dirt and the bugs, I think they’re here to stay! 🙂

      Yes, hang with me and my crew! I hope to hear from you again. 🙂

  56. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Everybody!

    It’s so frustrating…. wanting to reply to each of you, yet my computer is so slow, then I get that annoying beep that means “Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re running out of power.”

    I must say…. Seeing you here is a joy for me. Thank you!


  57. I can’t imagine you ever opening your blog and finding no comments – you must have been in an alternate universe!

    Fun to see in your words the area we traversed a few weeks ago. We enjoyed the beautiful drive in Nine Mile Canyon when we stayed in Wellington.

    Your site is lovely along the river.

  58. Love the area you’re camped. I haven’t commented lately usually my comment or question someone has covered it already. It must be tedious to blog everyday. But since you’ve been posting every few days/weeks, I usually don’t check until sometimes after lunch. But those that post everyday, I check while I am having my morning coffee. I shut the computer down about 9 a.m. or so to go about my day running errands, attending events or house cleaning. I read blogarinos have been traveling across the pond. I too will be traveling next week to British Columbia – Victoria Island for my niece’s birthday. Sister and I have joined my niece each year to travel for her birthday. Niece has a packed itinerary including Halloween Train we will be riding. Anyway, it had cooled in Arizona and snow birds arriving and college kids back on campus. I’m sure some of your favorite camp spots are still empty 🙂 in Cali, AZ, NV. Safe travels to you and crew.

  59. Patricia55 says:

    Glad u r heading south. The snow is coming. Here in Fl it is still quite humid and hot. Hopefully, next week we will see some fall coolness.

  60. Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    I am one who reads every single post and have for a long time. Waaaay back. I just don’t comment much. I LOVE the kind of travel you do and wish I could more than a day or so with a standy teardrop. Like days on end would love. I have been all over most of the western states but you open my eyes to even more of them! I really appreciate your blog, the dogs, the way you explain things in detail and the pictures. Safe travels to you and the pups.

  61. Hello RV Sue and bloggerinos! Today is the day I finally post something! I have been reading your blog for 3 years now, Sue…it is the highlight of my day. I dream of doing what you are doing, and reading these posts keep the dream alive.
    Has anyone told you lately how good your blog is? Well written, interesting, informative, and oh.oh..oh those photos! They take my breath away.
    Right now I am dealing with some health issues and an upcoming operation but your blog keeps me inspired and wanting to get 100% healthy again.
    No coincidence that as I am writing this, my Pandora station just came on with Ventura Highway which I will take as a message from my Higher Power:

    “Chewing on a piece of grass
    Walking down the road
    Tell me, how long you gonna stay here Joe? (Sue)
    Some people say this town don’t look
    Good in snow
    You don’t care, I know

    Ventura Highway in the sunshine
    Where the days are longer
    The nights are stronger
    Than moonshine
    You’re gonna go I know

    ‘Cause the free wind is blowin’ through your hair
    And the days surround your daylight there…”

    Picturing you with the free wind blowing through your hair..maybe someday that’ll be me travelling this way too!

  62. Dianne Day says:

    I read your blog and enjoy reading about your travels with our 2 canine companions. Great pictures. Getting ready to order on Amazon on your link. Hope I do it right!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, Dianne! Thanks for shopping Amazon from here. You don’t have to do anything special. As long as you enter from one of the links I post, a commission is sent to us.

  63. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Greetings from NC…we are fast at work on the storage unit, getting rid of most of it and figuring out how to get the rest back to WA…where we probably will be for sometime now, if not forever. Plans? What is that? We actually had a fine flight…great treatment. Wonder if maybe folks are traveling other ways due to inhuman treatment on many flights in recent months? Plane was not full. I hope we will be as fortunate going back!!
    Thanks to Weather for the nice comment about our anniversary…yes number 45. We worked like a horse that day…flew out the next so barely got enough to eat and also left tired beyond words. But one does what they must. Our daughter had to have some extra help that day…no plan of hers either.
    Hope your travels continue going well Sue…had to check in to see how it was going!! We do admire such a lifestyle!!

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