The message of a sunrise

Saturday, January 10

Bridget and I emerge from the Best Little Trailer to another Arizona sunrise.


Bridget and the sunrise at Painted Rock Campground west of Gila Bend, Arizona

Today is the fourth day of our second visit this year to Painted Rock Campground.

We left this Bureau of Land Management campground recently and journeyed across the state to Yuma where we enjoyed meeting up with friends.  I did not intend to return to Painted Rock when we drove away from Yuma.

I didn’t have a plan at all.

That’s nothing new.  I often head down the road with no definite destination in mind, no idea where we will spend the night.  I do use my map to find public lands.  Just because the land is public, however, doesn’t mean it’s where one can boondock.

Vast areas of BLM desert land are not accessible by a tow vehicle or RV.  Vehicles are not allowed in a lot of areas.

Other factors make an area undesirable for boondocking — too exposed, power lines (transformer noise), frequency of ATVers (noise, dust), ground too soft, no existing campsites (a requirement), unclear boundaries between public and private land, possibility of becoming marooned by a road turning to deep mud, just plain ugly, etc.

After driving a few hours I decide not to look for a new boondock.

It takes some mojo to explore for boondocks and I don’t have any this day.  Instead I’m drawn to the familiar and easy camp of Painted Rock.

1-P1020082It’s an uncomplicated detour  off the interstate, very inexpensive ($8 regular/$4 National Forest senior discount pass), and the campground is spread out, making it possible to camp without close neighbors.

I’m glad Bridget and I are here.

Every day Bridget and I walk the desert together.  For our second walk of the day, we go up to the petroglyph area.

I carry a bag containing the day’s trash and throw it in the dumpster near the campground entrance.  We stop at a group shelter for its shade. Bridget lies down on the cool concrete while I browse the titles of paperbacks left in a bin for campers.

1-P1020083Thank you for your suggestions regarding the future of my blog.

If you don’t read the comments under each post, we’ve discussed how I can protect my privacy while at the same time continue blogging about camps I make our home.

Privacy policy reminder:  No photos of our camp, no photos of me, no visits to our camp, no exceptions.  On the other hand, if our paths cross in a public place, I’d enjoy meeting you!

Okay. Let’s move on from that topic.

I’m tired of the privacy issue.  If you’ve read comments, you probably are, too.

1-P1020079Every sunrise announces another day and reminds us that we can make a new start.

I’ll try to steer us back to where we belong ….  learning, laughing, loving, and living each day to the fullest as we ride the road of life together.




NOTE:  It’s time for me to disappear into the background.  I’m going to resist the urge to reply to comments in order to get that fresh start I wrote about.  Of course, I can’t keep myself from reading what you have to say!

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135 Responses to The message of a sunrise

  1. Suzi in MD says:

    You are the best 🙂

  2. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Great way to start a new day.


    • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:


      You may have missed the note I left for you a few posts back. Thanks again for your view on Buddy heaters.
      I’ve wondered what you found inspiring to shoot in Grand Junction?

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        Sorry, I missed it. The Buddy heater is doing fine. I have rigged up a stereo cooling fan that sits on top and blows the heat into RV. I am having a bit of issue with condensation but am looking for a small dehumidifier, I have one but it is not that great and I use it in the bedroom, Still looking for one for the main compartment. Problem is the small inexpensive ones use the same technology as the 12v portable coolers and aren’t that effective. I am thinking about getting a couple of these, they look like they maybe better and I can put them any where because they don’t require power.

        Grand junction is at a prime spot for a home base. It sits just below the Colorado National Monument, a mountain range with big canyons. It is also close to Arches and Canyonlands parks in Utah, Just to the north and a little west is dinosaur country. To the south and east is the Grand Mesa. It is a small city with everything you need but not so much population it becomes a pain. Also it is west of the Rockies and doesn’t get the severe weather that goes on to the east. Check it out on Google Maps.

        • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:


          G.C., being on the western slope with that milder climate, rivals central Washington in fruit production. Some of the best apples and cherries and their ciders. Hope you can partake; especially the sparking ones.

          Your photography may have had a link here once, (?) a few years ago. Also recall you prefer B & W. Do you shoot mostly macro or wide?

          Do you have any plans to hit Gunnison or Crested Butte? Will you make it to some of the hot springs near Glenwood Springs? Hope to hear about some of the spots that work well for you and what you captured.

  3. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    Beautiful pictures, Sue, and a welcome break from the gray gloomy skies we have here in North Texas right now. Thankfully, no snow or ice, but we may get some tomorrow.

    I can understand about not having the motivation to look for a new site. Sometimes on vacation I just stay in my room and rest, read, and relax, rather than going out and exploring or sight seeing. Our brains and emotions just need a break every so often. I’m glad you had somewhere you could go to recharge your batteries. You’ve had an emotional week or so!

  4. Kay says:

    Pretty sunrise….. Glad Bridget enjoys her early morning get outs!

  5. Lee J in Northern California says:

    absolutely stunning photos!

    Glad you jumped out with your camera and caught that fantastic color, thanks!

    When you say senior pass, are you talking about the Federal pass? I have that! Or is it a state pass?

    • Nivrapa in AZ says:

      Hi Lee!

      I’ll jump in for Sue since she is taking a break. The senior pass she is talking about is the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass available to anyone 62 years or older (US citizens) for a one time fee of $10 ($20 online) and good for a lifetime. Since BLM land is federally managed you can use the pass and save 50% off the camping fee at Painted Rock (or any BLM campground fee unless otherwise noted).

      Arizona does have an annual pass but it is not cheap. For $80 you can gain free entrance any AZ state park’s day use area for an unlimited number of times. The pass is only good for two people and expires twelve months after purchase. It must be purchased annually to remain valid. The pass is not good for any discounts toward the overnight camping fees within the park. Not such a great deal unless you frequently use the state park system. Now when the annual pass was just $20/year I was a card carrying member. Not any more–I just pay the entrance fee and don’t use the parks as frequently.

      Glad to hear you have the senior pass. It’s one of the biggest bangs for your buck out there. It can pay for itself with just one night’s camping in a national forest campground and gets you into the national parks and monuments for free. What a deal!


  6. Pamela says:

    Just wanted to say how much I love your blog and admire you!

  7. Marilu from Northern California says:

    Just extraordinary colors in the sunrise. We noticed it when we were camped in Arizona, too. I wonder what it is that makes the sky so dramatic in Arizona. We have sunsets and sunrises in California but not like that. I also noticed it in Costa Rica.
    Have a great day, Sue and Bridget.

  8. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Beautiful photos, Sue…brings to mind coming out of a camper (years ago) into a new day, with all the fresh smells of the morning, etc. One thing I enjoyed the times we camped (mostly as a child but a few times years ago when our family was young too). I think $4 a night for a nice place is not much!!

  9. K & B in CO says:

    I discovered your blog about a month ago, and after perusing a few entries, I decided to go back to the beginning and read it all. I skipped over comments, until now. As I read your blog, I wondered about how you can maintain privacy, personal security, when blogging in real time from boondock camps. The comments from your last blog answered a lot of my wonders.

    I am amazed and delighted by the quality of your writing and photography. I observed remarkable improvement in your pictures over the 2+ years. I complement your “eye” for selecting and photographing interesting subjects, in addition to the wide landscape beauty of an area.

    One of the motivations for reading your blog was to learn about what we would do (my wife and I) if we took off in our TC for long trips. How would we entertain ourselves day to day? I am retired 4 years now, and keeping myself busy and entertained here at home is hard enough, even with all the projects, the internet, tv, etc. What I have learned is that we will very much need to setup internet in some way similar to you setup.

    I praise your attentiveness to your readers, and respect your desire for privacy. I too have always abhorred clingers, inconsiderate generator usage, and unwanted visitors when out camping. I hope your travels continue to be safe, enjoyable, and I look forward to reading your blog (with comments :-).

    • weather says:

      Welcome to the comments section K & B,as Sue always says-that makes you one of the blogorinos 🙂 In case you haven’t noticed it,the Internet Antenna title( below the header photo on top of the page)when clicked on is a great resource about her internet set up.Mick,Sue’s long time friend and tech adviser comments here and answers questions written here about it as it was his design.Have fun planning and taking your long trips and ,of course,taking part in this terrific blog.

      • K & B in CO says:

        Thanks weather. Proud to be welcome among this blogorino crowd. I have looked at the Antenna page.

        I would very much like to swap emails with Mick, as I have some questions that he might help with. I would like to use the same wilson antenna setup, but maybe not with the Verizon air card. I was hoping I could use my smartphone as a wifi hot spot using the wilson antenna to help boost signal.

        • K & B in CO says:

          Oops. I need to read all the comments on the Antenna page, answers may be there already.

          • Mick'nTN says:

            Mick is here (coded): mkent at blomand period net

            • weather says:

              oops,was typing below while you appeared Mick,just didn’t want to offer access without your express permission.Glad you picked up the ball so fast.Hope you’re keeping busy and warm.

          • weather says:

            As that’s not where you’ll find access to his website it’s best to wait a couple of days until Sue and/or Mick themselves respond here so he can state his preferences regarding correspondence with you,whether here or a way he opts to disclose .Glad you’re enjoying being here 🙂

  10. AZ Jim says:

    Detta and I both feel normal again after a long bout of the flu. So, since I feel so good and have an abundance of mojo, I do hereby transfer to you my surplus. Now, that should be of some help in the restoration process. I guess we are in for some cloudy, rainy weather through the weekend which may have a bright side for you as most likely less people out in campers, etc. Have a nice day with your little pal, Bridget and the healing softness of the desert air.

  11. Rob says:

    I was just thinking about sun rises….

  12. weather says:

    The purple hues of those sky photos make a greyish purple shade of it seem to be in the soil(shown most clearly in the second photo),spectacular capture of desert morning Sue Wow!Makes me really glad you aren’t the type to sleep in,for a lot of reasons,but at the moment selfishly,because otherwise I wouldn’t be having the delicious feeling of being within that environment again.I ,too,am glad you chose to return there and always love to see Bridget.Still,my favorite is the final photo-that just nails how morning takes back the world everyday-great post!You accomplished exactly what you wanted to with it,nicely done!!!

  13. mockturtle says:

    I was at Painted Petroglyph last week so I just missed you. If I saw you and your rig, I would just give you a wave. You’d recognize my Tiger as it’s the only new one [I know of] with brown graphics.

  14. Obviously, we are into “Sunrise and Sunsets”, duh!

  15. debsjourney says:

    dear Sue
    nice hearing you are enjoying this camp and by the looks of the beautiful sky I can see why.
    Here I am camping at the same time and loving it.
    This gathering of friends who love bluegrass music and sharing a feast in the evening. This is my 4th night and its been great. Roaring fire and cold weather (fl winter)perfect combination.
    Trust the little voice inside of us all.
    love Deb

  16. EmilyO in NM says:

    Ahhh, AZ has the blue/purple sunsets/sunrises, NM has the orange/yellow. Home with a blocked Eustachian tube but me tonsil is doing its job cleaning the bad boys out of my system. Take care.

  17. Lolalo says:

    Exceptionally beautiful sunrise pics! Sounds like you are enjoying your visit even though you were just there recently. Nice.

    I would like to let you know that today is our first day on the road as full timers! Your blog has been such an inspiration and we are so excited to join this lifestyle!

    My husband retired on Dec 31 and we have a contract on our house. We have been studying, planning, and looking forward to this for a few years. Now it’s here. Thanks for your encouragement and example, Sue!

    Now…on to Florida where it is warm!

  18. Applegirl NY says:

    The very sky is painted at Painted Rock. Wonderful.

    It’s way below freezing here in Upstate NY. We’re heading to Florida in our Casita in about a month. Can’t wait!

    Ocala National Park, Fort Desoto Campground and Fort Clinch Campground. Hoping it will be warm enough for flip flops and T shirts. If not, we’ll still be out and about.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Hah hah isn’t that the truth!

      A friend of mine called from Palm Springs CA to tell me it was 84 and she was slathering up with sunscreen. I hung up on her!

      Have a safe trip!

      • Applegirl NY says:

        I have a friend in San Diego – same thing. She tries not to brag, but she sure is having fun out there in the sun.

        You are even colder than we are down here near Albany. We were in Speculator for New Years and it was cold but we still managed to have a big New Year’s bonfire. It was a blast.

  19. Diann in MT says:

    Dear Sue,

    I’ve refrained from commenting recently because I knew you’d figure it all out in the end. It’s so encouraging to hear that you won’t back down on what you love about this blog. You must know how unique you are in the world of travel and camping blogs. As Suzi from MD exclaimed, “You’re the best!”

    The sunrise shots are so perfect for the moment and intent.

    Best wishes for comfy days ahead, Sue. (I’ll bet you are so grateful for little Bridget) God bless.

  20. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Really enjoying your blog. Everytime I am stuck in traffic on the freeways here in San Diego I remember reading you said you don’t do traffic anymore. What a wonderful life of retirement in a trailer. I am considering this life at 62.

    Best wishes for 2015 and Happy New Year.


  21. Susan in Dallas says:

    Beautiful, vivid colors – what a great way to start a day. It has been overcast and dreary too long here in Dallas but at least we do not have any ice, snow or sleet.

  22. Timber n' me says:

    Sunrise, Sunsets, ummm ,, a Play about a Jewish town? Somewhere in the back of my mind, the Song goes. ,,, and the thought of an old saying pops up, Red sky in morn sailor be warned, Red sky at night sailor’s Delight. ,,,,,, Silver n’ Gold, I have none,,, But the beautiful Sunsets and Sunrise’s is all the Silver n’ Gold to behold!!! 8>O ,,,,Those desert photos with Bridget and the Sunrise, Sunset are inspiring to hear distant songs of a Time in the past. Thanks Sue and Give The HRH Bridget a BIG HUUUG from,,,,,,,us

    • Timber n' me says:

      OHHH it just came to my mind,,,, Fiddler on The Roof,,, Great Play n’ movie ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

      • AZ Jim says:

        Saw it live on stage. It was a wonderful play. I was also lucky enough to see Yul Brenner (RIP) when he did Anna and the king of Siam on stage. I used to see quite a few stage performances. Getting back to Fiddler one of the most profound lyrics was: “Sunrise, sunset,Swiftly fly the years,
        One season following another,
        Laiden with happiness, And tears” and also speaking of his children, “I don’t remember growing older, when did they?”

        • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

          AZ Jim, you reminded of that song exactly! Between RVSue’s sunset pix and Ed’s Sunrises and Sunsets, just couldn’t quite think of the words. But you printed the most poignant line, reminding me of my son’s Thanksgiving Day birthday this year. I said, “How can you be turning 47 today? We BOTH can’t be 47 years, can we?”

        • Timber n' me says:

          I have all the “Fiddlers tunes in my head Jim, just can’t remember all the words. been looking for all the sound tracts of the great movies like Fiddler on the roof, south pacific, etc. I all so remember the great brass bands of the 30s and 40s, + classical, like Mozart ,,,, they all are great to listen to when the sunrises and sets. ,,,,,,,,,,me

      • mockturtle says:

        One of my all-time favorites! 🙂

  23. Glenda Laine says:

    Painted Rock is nice & handy. We’re in BLM south of Why, quiet, level, not crowded, lots of bushes & some trees, 4G closer to Hwy 85, no camp host. Darby Wells was pretty deserted. Heading north to Buckeye’s free Regional Park. Hope to cross paths again. Safe travels.

  24. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Absolutely gorgeous!

  25. Pamela K. says:

    Awww, the shear beauty of a Cotton-Candy Sky! There is something so calming about them, so very peaceful and renewing. Wonderful images, Sue.

  26. Jolene/Iowa says:

    It is so pretty there. Glad you are taking that break and getting a fresh start. Saying prayers for whatever new crew member works out. That will be another great fresh start for you and Bridget!!

  27. Greg says:

    Sue…I might be late on the draw on this advice for finding a a new crew member but I will throw it out there anyway. The Arizona Humane Society Campus for Compassion as well as Westside Maricopa County Animal Control are both in Phoenix a short drive up from Gila Bend. Not all of their dogs are listed on their website so it might require a visit to see what is available.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Sue has said she doesn’t do Phoenix. Just so you know.

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        She may not have a choice. As she has seen small towns just don’t have the selection she needs. I got my first kitty from the Phx animal shelter. It and I believe the human society are in the south west part of Phx. and I’d bet she could sneak in and out the back way and never have to deal with the major mess that is the greater metropolitan area.

  28. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Lovely photos, Sue! As a frequent reader/infrequent commenter on your blog, I want to say that you are absolutely making the right decision regarding your privacy. The way your spirit shines through your writing is enough for your faithful readers

  29. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Just thought of something. We have an audience of over 8000 in our RV tips group on Facebook. I have just posted a question and we are having a discussion about camping privacy. I’ll do my part to help educate other campers that don’t understand this concept how important it is.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Would love for some of you on here who I know are in that group to come add to the discussion. We can help Sue by educating others.

      • AZ Jim says:

        Jolene, I know you are well intentioned but I hope you or anyone else are not using Sue’s name or the blog’s name or address there. The last thing she needs is a Facebook following. Her desire is to keep it low on radar and primarily for RVers.

        • DesertGinger says:

          I’m on Jolenes fab page and no, she never uses the blogs name or Sue’s when she is discussing some issue from the blog.

        • Jolene/Iowa says:

          Jim, no I am not using her name or blog and as Ginger said, I never do when I bring up an issue like this in hopes of educating people. This is an RV group and RV’ers in this group and there are times that Sue’s blog gets mentioned when it can help someone learn about say for instance the Wilson antenna. I have a file for blogs that people follow on RVing and her blog is listed there among others. Sue does benefit from people who would find her from our RV group because they may also be people who buy through Amazon. That was another discussion I had one day was to let our members know that some bloggers have Amazon links and how that worked. Bloggers like Sue help us and it is a way that we can help Sue. It is all good and I am very careful how I post things in the group and we watch what gets posted also.

          • AZ Jim says:

            Great! I hope you didn’t take offense at my remark. Sue does not deserve hassles and I am only trying to ensure we try to help her in her quest to be free to enjoy her lifestyle and entertain her friends with more beautiful pictures and adventures.

            • Jolene/Iowa says:

              No offense taken Jim and I completely understand where you are coming from.
              Trust me, I am very careful.

          • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

            You have a blog?! How do I follow that? (or not!) 🙂

            • Timber n' me says:

              Is Facebook safe? I heard that it’s a rip and that there are people who try to get your personal emfo , like passwords and such and down grade people on it, so I don’t do Facebook, ,,,me

            • Jolene/Iowa says:

              No blog but I am an admin of a Facebook group. RV Tips and Helpful Hints. Just search for it and ask to join. It is just a great group for sharing tips with each other.

              Rusty, Facebook is as safe as anything else on the internet. You just have to use caution. You have a password to sign into your account and you can change your password as much as you want if you feel the need.

            • Jolene/Iowa says:

              Rusty, the other thing is that you choose who you want to be personal friends with, you can control your privacy to what the general public sees and for that matter what your friends see. When you are in groups on Facebook, it is up to the group creator and admins as to the tone of the group. In our group, we try really hard to keep it respectful and friendly. I think the thing with anything on the internet, Facebook included is caution.

            • DesertGinger says:

              Well, I’ve been on Facebook for years and have no problems with email. Etc

            • Timber n' me says:

              Thanks for the info, Jolene/ Iowa., i’m kind of slow in some stuff, like I was real primitive till 2012 and met Sue, now i’m catching up, but kinda wanting ta stay primitive, cause some tings are just too fast for me, my speed used to be almost 2 1/2 miles an hour, it took a long time just to walk from Big Bear, CAL to the Blacksmith Fork Canyon to up the Left Hand Fork, just to Ron Dee Voo in Utah, n’ back. ,,,, 04′ – 05′,,,,,,,,3f, ,,,,,,,me

  30. DeAnne in TN says:

    Beautiful sunrise. However, when I retire, I might sleep through several before I get the mojo to get up early enough. I see one every morning on my way to school, and right now, I enjoy sleeping in when I can!

  31. Dave Helgeson says:

    There are some nice boondocking spots in the Mohawk Mountains just east of Yuma off of I-8

  32. cluelesscampers and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    We’re so glad to see that you are getting back to your normal posts! The appeal of your blog is your appreciation of nature and a slower pace of life. The rest of us are still caught up in the responsibilities and problems of our own lives and and wish we were in your position. The past week has been a reminder that life isn’t perfect anywhere, we all have our challenges.

    • Kay Dattilio says:

      Cluelesscampers – and one of our challenges here in Missouri has been the blasted cold and wind! I’m ready for it to be a little warmer!

      Kay from KC!

      • cluelesscampers and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

        No kidding!! And we are heading to Forest City, IA this week to have some work done on our camper….can’t believe how much colder it is up that way!

  33. PJ Crim says:

    Highly approve of your decision to guard your privacy and your time! Ignore those with an issue about it and continue letting the rest of us enjoy information about your boondocking sites, travel info, and photography. Excellent solution! We appreciate you continuing the blog on your own terms.

  34. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Sunkmanitu tanka obi waci

    How are the propane tanks working out for you?

    • Timber n' me says:

      They are workin’ great, fill’d one up on the 15th of Dec., and when I refill’d it on the 2sd of this month, it only took 2 gallons. this wave 3 heater is real ee fish ent and keeps us nice n’ warm. i’m looking for a hose hookup for the cook stove for tank # 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,, washe stay a ho,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  35. Idaho Gurl says:

    A lavender sunrise… How delicious!

  36. Applegirl NY says:

    OK, so being in the frigid Northeast does have one or two benefits this time of year – there aren’t many. Had my critters out for a walk on the property last night. Sky loaded with stars and the moon so bright and reflecting off of the snow, it was almost like daylight. Beauty everywhere for those who look – still, I would love to be in the desert this winter. Maybe next year.

  37. Eileen says:

    I don’t remember how or when I came across your blog (at this age, there’s much I no longer remember!); but I’ve been reading your blog for, let’s just say, “quite some time.” Aside from sending/answering emails and surfing the internet, I’m very computer-challenged (don’t know if you’ll even get this post); if this does get through, however, please know that your pictures and words are “soothing to the soul.” I try to keep my life as simple as possible in this complex, scary world we live in; perhaps that’s why I enjoy the simplicity of your blog. I’m grateful for many things in my life and, Sue, your blog is one of them. Thank you!

  38. Karen SC says:

    Sue, I love all the nice pictures you post. They inspire me for a trip out west. I am hoping to travel for an extended trip this coming summer. Enjoy your respite and keep on rolling the highways your way.

  39. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    I personally found your post pleasant to the point and spot on!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  40. marg says:

    Hi Sue…..

    Long time reader but only the second time commenting. I read your blog faithfully everyday and I enjoy it so. I don’t camp and I really have no inclination to ……….but I enjoy reading about your journey. It is such a blessing to see someone getting to live their dream and be generous enough to share it with all who wish to follow along.

    My prayer this morning is for Sue to continue finding the awe and wonder of Gods blessings to the world and sharing them with us. I aslo pray that Sue and all of her faithful followers find peace and love and laughter and hope here at this place that Sue has created for us to enjoy and share with one another.

    I am not very good at putting words to paper but I wanted you to know Sue that you and all of your blogerinos are in my prayers as we navigate these rough seas. Take care and stay strong

  41. Willow (AZ) says:

    “This to will pass.” Sue, just keep living your life as you choose, your values, your way, you do not have to explain yourself. There is nothing wrong with guarding your privacy.
    On the other hand I’m really excited about you adopting a new family/traveling member, we animal lovers take this seriously, lol. I’m now considering adopting a little dog myself to share my life. God bless.

  42. Sondra-SC says:

    I recently found myself in a paradox, it seems to be going around..
    I love the photos Sue the colors are perfect Mother Nature has blessed you this day! And this too shall pass as the beautiful Sunrise will set 12 hours or so later another gorgeous day will appear unbroken and perfect in its promise.
    Back here in my own little piece of paradox, er paradise, I am busy building my freedom bridge to fulfill my own dreams…like a beaver I fell a tree and it lands on another and is stuck in midair….now I only need to figure out the best way to get that tree down to Earth and drag it over the swift creek and then I move forward-Wish me luck!

  43. AZ Jim says:

    Well, we had a few drops of rain yesterday and the weatherman says more possible late tonight. It clears the air and that’s always a good thing. G’Morning Missy, I see you there….

  44. wildflower in prescott says:

    Sue, just want you to know how much I have enjoyed reading your blog. You are such an inspiration that I am getting my house ready to sell and then I will hit the road. And in my own small effort to show my appreciation I will continue to use your Amazon links.

    I do not comment often but I love to read about the lives of your faithful Blogorinos as much as your and the crew’s lives. Looking forward to see how you find your new crew member.

  45. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Happy Sunday everyone!! 🙂 Make it a great day!!

  46. weather says:

    The quiet of dawn was almost silent,the wind settled into gently moving air.The silver sky looked like a cast metal mirror reflecting hues stretched across the ever changing lake.Brightening with each passing minute morning displayed why everything seemed to be holding it’s breath, quietly standing with me in awe of the view.The lake now has ice that’s taken on the appearance of land forms within it,making blue ponds and little rivers that slowly reshaped themselves as I watched.Knowing warmer temperatures will end the show soon I take seeing it as the rare gift that it really is.

    Soon after I came inside I looked at the web cams folks around the lake keep online access to available all year.They all showed views similar to my own.Without the life felt while in them the views shown in the photos leave one guessing what they really hold.Hope the view at your home holds your being rejuvenated within peace this morning Sue,and that Bridget’s loving the extra time you’re spending together.Your surroundings are surely more colorful than central New York’s now,I’m really looking forward whatever details you include next post!

    • weather says:

      Later in the day-Saw and enjoyed your note below here,Sue,goodness will and always does prevail,great reminder!I hope now all that’s being consumed around you are fun foods,Ha!I had some fruited soft taffy a friend gave me,I like having dessert between meals instead of after one,it makes the treat stand out more.Finding your unexpected note -equally sweet and even more special!

    • weather says:

      even later-as I know the reason I feel like having sugar n’such usually, is that I need strength the burst having sweets mimics for a bit- meal time was very intentional for a change.Sat pounding the Word,water,protein and vitamins and thought about how blessed I am to have all that handy as needed.Just mentioning how much a difference all that makes at times…sending hugs, happy prayers and love,weather

  47. AZ Jim says:

    Some would view your lake and and just see a body of water, I want to see it as you do. I envy your vision but even more so your ability to let other see things through your articulation.

    • weather says:

      Hi Jim,thanks for your note.I’m really glad that you and Detta are feeling so much better,you were dearly missed for a while here.

  48. rvsueandcrew says:


    Your expressions of love and kindness toward me and toward each other are wonderful. I am fortified by your words of support and concern. I sincerely thank you!

    Several of you are fiercely loyal to me and my blog. You are willing to stick your neck out in my defense and rout the evil-doers whenever they appear. 🙂 I love you for that, but I ask that you not allow yourselves to be baited by those who would wreck my blog and all the good it does for people. I hope you understand why I deleted those well-intended comments about my privacy.

    A simple mention of the privacy issue, no matter how well-meaning you are, is picked up and turned into a thread of negativity. I’ve monitored my blog very closely the past few days and this has consumed the greater part of those days. I can’t do that forever. When I’m away, the trolls appear. Please ignore them. I’ll delete their comments when I return.

    I’m aware of persons trying to hurt me and my blog. I know it’s upsetting for my true blogorinos to read about people deciding not to follow my blog and making a big ta-doo about it. I’m not going to let it upset me so why let it upset you? Consider it a culling operation.

    Look at the comments that came in under this one post…. Lolalo announces the first day of her new life as a full-timer and blogorinos cheer! …. K &B in CO comments for the first time and is warmly welcomed by weather… Dave shares a boondocking tip….Sondra reports that she is determined to fulfill her dreams… Willow is now considering adopting a dog…. Jolene continues to build a site of helpful tips for RVers and invites us… Karen SC is inspired to take a trip out west….Audrey volunteers to explain the senior pass in my absence to Lee J who raves about my photos… Rusty, Jim in AZ, and mockturtle have a little chat about their favorite plays… Cinandjules responds to fellow blogorinos, creating an atmosphere of fun and fellowship…Greg suggests a place to find the new crew member… debsjourney makes us smile with her report of one of her first camps… PJ, Willow, marg, Marcia and others write words of encouragement…Applegirl NY shares her love of nature…Eileen and others express gratitude for this blog…Norman in San Diego writes about recalling my words, “I don’t do traffic anymore” when he is stuck in traffic on the freeway and also that he’s considering the vagabond life, and wildflower has decided to sell her house and hit the road!

    My gosh! All that and more goes on under one post! I pointed that out to you for this reason: Hold on to what is good! To those who don’t cherish the goodness here, please go elsewhere. And if you feel the need to write a parting shot, that’s okay. We will ignore you and, in so doing, GOODNESS WILL PREVAIL!

    Sue 🙂

  49. Lindale says:

    Just wanted to update you on our trip. We have both gotten new teeth and I am recovering from the surgery. We left Los Algadona. I could never have had the courage if I hadn’t seen your blog of when you went. We are spending time with Kathy and Gil in Nevada while I heal and wait for stitches to come out.
    I truly understand about privacy but. . . You have become like a friend who I hope to share a cup of coffee with some day. I know being famous has its draw back but probably most of your fans just love you and want what’s best for the two of you.

    • kgdan says:

      Having fun here in Laughlin with the newly arrived friends. However, two of the four have stitches! What’s with that? Gil is still a little gimpy but steadily improving & making short jaunts out on the bicycle. By the way, folks, he WAS wearing a helmet & that’s what did the damage causing a need for stitches. No concussion, however. Anyway, our friends have bright new smiles from Algodones a we are happy to see them.

  50. AZ Jim says:

    The oldest man on the construction site was tired of one young guy who was constantly bragging about how strong he was and calling the older guy old and weak. One day as the kid was running his mouth the old guy challenged him ” I be you I can haul a load in this wheelbarrow over to the end of this building that you cannot haul back!” The young smartass jumped on the challenge. The old guy gestured toward the wheelbarrow and smiled as he said “OK Kid! Hop in!!”

  51. Robin Brower says:

    Thanks for the great pictures and inspiration. Looking forward to going there someday.

  52. Ron Sears says:

    Sue let’s face it….you are a star! If you didn’t write so well or take such beautiful pictures folks wouldn’t follow your blog . I personally follow your blog because you are living your dream. I once thought it was the type of lifestyle i also wanted but have decided that i have a few other things to do in my life before doing so. I love the excitement of a new crew member coming aboard and with that i look every day to see any news. I think you should take what ever means it takes to protect your lifestyle and your dream. If it means delaying your post a couple of weeks or so to do that then that’s what you need to do. It sure doesn’t take away from your post of pictures and adventures. What ever it takes girl….be safe..

  53. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Noticed and checked suggestion to an interesting site while reading in a group. Checked it out and it looks useful. I like how it gives,different symbols for different type places from BLM to local county campgrounds. Will be using to plan our next trip once hubby finishes radiation and gets to feeling better.

    • cluelesscampers and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

      Velda– Thanks for sharing the link to this website. It looks like it will be very useful for planning our upcoming trip. I really like how you could zoom in on a campground, and switch the map to a USGS topo map, to help find some of the remote campgrounds. I am a map person, used to use DeLorme Gazetteers, but I think that the Benchmark atlases that Sue recommends are better. (But they only cover the west — DeLorme is nationwide. Thanks again!

    • Timber n' me says:

      Thanks Velda, That Site will come in handy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rusty

  54. Monica- CA says:

    While my husband and I took a walk around town today, I noticed many saucer cup magnolia trees starting to bloom. I think the blooming is a couple of weeks earlier than normal. With the December heavy rains and now some warm daytime temperatures, I believe the trees think it is springtime. Two weeks ago the geese were still migrating south. I haven’t seen the geese heading back north yet. Hopefully winter isn’t over yet here for California because we really more rain. This drought is far from being over.
    Peace and safe travels!

    • AZ Jim says:

      Monica, I was born in California and lived there until 1991. I went back later and spent another 2 years there. I do not recall a year when water was not a concern there. It is essentially a arid desert. Were it not for major aqueducts feeding it, it would be uni habitual. I really do hope California gets it’s rain but the whole country needs rainfall and snow pack to fill those lifesaving arteries, the aqueducts. BTW we are no better off here in Arizona.

      • AZ Jim says:

        To put that into better perspective I was born in 1936.

        • Timber n' me says:

          You a big brother, AZ Jim, I was born at the end of the forth decade of the last century,,,,,,,,,,,, 1949 , when Ford pic ups started looking neat.,,,,,,,,,,,

          • Timber n' me says:

            oh,,, in the intersection of Hwy 18 and Old Woman Springs Rd. , Lucerne Valley, CA. ,,, at 2am on a Tues morning in the back of CHP car. ,,,,,,,,,,

  55. Betty Shea says:

    Gorgeous Sunrises, a new day and a whole new set of possibilities!
    Hugs to you and Brdget!

  56. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hello, Sue and fellow blogorinos!

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend! Mine was spent with with one of my “seesters”; we celebrated her Birthday. As always, our visit was wonderful, but way too short!

    Sue, I love the sunrise pictures on this post! Most folks have commented about the sky having a purple cast. My monitor shows cotton candy pink colored clouds! So pretty and delightful! It continues to be bitter cold here, but one of the benefits is having clear, dark blue skies at night. The past two nights, the stars outdid themselves with their display – absolutely beautiful!! 🙂

    Jim & Detta: Glad you’ve got your mojo back! Your really ARE over the flu! Yippee!
    DesertGinger: Your big day is just around the corner….I know you are excited!
    Rusty & Jim: My high school did a production of Fiddler on the Roof….one of my favorite plays, too!
    Cinandjules: I won’t be offended if you keep all that cold up ‘nort…it’s ok, you REALLY don’t have to share…. 🙂

    Sue…Hope that you enjoy your down time and are able to top off your batteries, so to speak. With those beautiful skies and love from Miss Bridget, you’ll be refreshed in no time! Sending you wishes for a peaceful night. Love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  57. Libby Nester says:

    I enjoy the blog so much. I am also impressed with the “community” the readers have formed. I am always anxiously awaiting the next blog and comments.

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