The Perfect Tow Vehicle goes to the transmission doctor

Monday, April 23

The crew and I are up and out of Quail Ridge RV Resort by 7:20 a.m.   Only a few minutes later we arrive for our 8 o’clock appointment at Kelly’s Transmission in Huachuca City, Arizona.

Why are we here this early?

Well, not being sure how much trouble I’ll have shifting the Perfect Tow Vehicle into drive, I pop the crew into the PTV very early and give the shifter a try.

To my relief, she goes into drive easily.

Rather than turn off the engine and try again closer to appointment time, I drive us to Kelly’s.

Reggie and Roger benefit from us being early.

I walk them around the block through a neighborhood of modest homes.  Roses bloom in several of the yards.  Dogs bark from behind chain link fences as we pass.  It’s another sunny morning in Arizona.

“Okay, you’ve had your walk.  Be good boys while we wait.”

Roger picks out a spot on the door mat where he can survey inside and out, he being the main man in our little trio.  Reggie plants his paws  in front of me and commences The Stare.

The Stare is a pressure tactic. 

You see, there are dogs who realize that humans cannot stand being stared at for longer than a few minutes.  Invariably said humans become uncomfortable and restless when stared at and this causes them to do something.

Canines use this human weakness to their advantage.

“Not today, Reg.  It’s not going to work today.  When the man comes out of the shop, I have to talk to him and you will have to wait.”

Transmission Guy comes out and greets us.

“Good morning!  What can I do for you?”

Immediately Roger employs his own, signature pressure tactic, that being The Conniption Fit.  Reggie drops The Stare and joins Roger, hopping up and down, barking, whatever is obnoxious.

“Excuse me a minute please,” I say to Transmission Guy over the din.  “I’ll put them in my van and be right back.”

“See ya’ later, boys.”

I shut the door of the PTV and walk away, resisting the urge to turn around to lock eyes with two indignant, canine faces at the passenger side window.

I explain to Transmission Guy that I talked with another Kelly’s man previously about a transmission rebuild.  Transmission Guy enters information about me and the PTV into the computer.

I ask him about adding a transmission cooler to the job.  (We check to see if the PTV has a transmission cooler.  It doesn’t.)

“Yes, we can do that and it won’t take any longer because we’ll put the cooler on while the transmission is out.”

“I’d like you to install a big cooler, not . . . .”

“That’s the only kind we install,” he interjects.  “We don’t handle those little coolers,” he adds with a tinge of disgust in his voice.

For emphasis he holds up his hands about ten inches apart to indicate the disgraceful puny-ness of the coolers they wouldn’t dream of installing.  Not at Kelly’s Transmissions of Huachuca City!

No sir-ree!

“Oh-kay . . . . How much will a BIG cooler add to my bill?”

“About $250, parts and labor,” he responds automatically.


Hey?  What’s $250 when you’re swimmin’ in the deep end of transmission repair?  Hah.  Big, honking deal.  I LAUGH at such a trifling amount!  Go ahead and slap on that cooler and put it on my tab, sweetheart!  Woo-hoo!

And while you’re at it, pour me another drink . . . .

(Seriously, the total bill for the transmission rebuild plus the transmission cooler will be discussed in a future post. I need time to prepare myself psychologically.)

The boss man drives up.

A friendly greeting, I leave the keys with Transmission Guy, grab the crew out of the PTV, and the boss drives us home (to our home, not his!) at Quail Ridge.  He will pick us up when the PTV is all better, estimated to be Thursday afternoon.

~ ~ ~

In other news . . . .

“Crazed Chihuahua Attacks Golden Retriever”

Activity at the dog park proceeds as usual until Reggie challenges Trace!

Reggie’s cohort, Roger, sees what’s going down.

Reggie feigns helplessness and Trace plays along, while Roger assumes the role of spotter.

When Trace lets down his guard, Reg sees an opening!

Oh!  Trace is down for the count!

Reggie can’t help but smile at this conquest!  Mighty Trace is determined not to give up!

“Hahahahaha!  That was FUN!  Now whattawedo next?”

Remember Simba?

He’s the one on the left in the next photo.

Blogorinos were asked to  identify Simba’s breed.  Various guesses came in:  Manchester terrier, Italian greyhound, rat terrier, part weimaraner, Heinz 57, a mini-pinscher mix, and so on.

I go back to the dog park and ask the owner.  He says Simba is a rat terrier!

Another identification from a previous post . . .

Readers identify this cactus as an agave, quite likely the artichoke agave.  It does look like you could pluck off the “leaves” and dip them in melted butter.



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97 Responses to The Perfect Tow Vehicle goes to the transmission doctor

  1. Robin (Oregon & Arizona) says:

    Don’t suppose I’m first??

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      • Robin Beerbower says:

        Yay! Good for me. 🙂

        We drove by Quail Ridge RV park on our way to Sierra Vista a couple of months ago. I remember remarking it looked like a nice place to spend a few days. The country around there is quite lovely. Have you thought about checking out Parker Canyon Lake west of SV? We wanted to bur ran out of time. SV does have a very nice library, though, and Dickey’s BBQ is quite good.

        I just realized I need to remove “Arizona” from my location as we are pretty much back in Oregon to live full-time with forays to various places in the NW and SW.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Parker Canyon Lake was going to be our next place to go, not to camp because the elevation would’ve made it too cold for that at the time. We did get to Patagonia Lake and then the transmission changed our course from that point forward.

          I hope you enjoy living in Oregon. It is a good, central location from which to travel.

          • Robin Beerbower says:

            Actually, I’ve been an Oregonian all of my life; Arizona was a seasonal respite but selling the condo so we’ll be more varied in our travels. Considered moving to AZ but decided Oregon is home and it is a fabulous place to be in the summer.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Oh, I think you told me that. Sorry… I didn’t connect you with the Green Valley condo that sold lightning fast.

              It’s good to know where life is best for you.

  2. Ann M in Va. says:

    Ah, shoot! One minute too late. Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading the post now. I scrolled through quickly and just saw dogs! LOL Love your posts. Have a nice evening, Sue!

  3. Pat McClain says:

    Almost 1st! The boys will miss their park playtime!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Seems every time we leave a camp I think the boys will miss something– Skeeter and the rest of Del’s crew, the running-off-leash at subsequent camps, the dog park gang here at Quail Ridge.

      Then it turns out there’s something good to take the place of that which was left. 🙂

  4. Joy Loner says:

    Always scary when the vehicle acts up.

  5. Pat McClain says:

    That wireless magnetic rear-view hitch camera is what you need Sue!

  6. Columbus Calvin says:

    Good evening! It’s good to see the other dogs “joining in” with Reggie and Roger’s play.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good evening, Calvin. After I put up this post, we took off for the dog park again. Without any transportation, that’s our main form of entertainment other than the computer. I hope you are enjoying a lovely Ohio spring.

  7. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Wow! Top 5?I even read the post! I am glad you got the cooler too! I don’t know why, I have never heard of a cooler for the transmission, but if the guys here think you need it, that’s good enough for me!
    Fun to see the boys rough housing with their new friends! Hugs to you all!💗

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      Well, while writing the comment I went from 5 to 9, but still in top 19!😁

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      If I’d been smart I would’ve had a cooler put on the van right after I bought it. Oh well, hindsight. 🙂 I can’t complain — 7 years with that transmission which got us up several mountains and across a lot of ground.

      Hugs to you, too!

  8. Dawn in NC 🐈 says:

    I am so sorry about your big bill Sue. I recently had four trips to the garage to get my car fixed, so I feel a little bit of your pain. I would love ❤️ to be able to donate for a fund for this. I’m not a big shopper, although I am sure to go through your link when I do order Amazon. The joy and pleasure this blog brings, I can’t describe. So thank you so much!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Dawn. I appreciate you shopping through my blog. Every bit helps. We are blessed with everything we need and much more.

      I hope your car is in good running condition now. Thank you for the sweet words about my blog’s worth to you.

  9. Sherri D says:

    I’m probably just being dense, but what is the story on the little dog at the very very end of your post?

    Wishing you a gazillion miles more with your new transmission. Cringing at the cost, along with you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No story to go with the little dog. She’s another visitor to the dog park. I think she’s precious and wanted to include her. I’ve been showing dog park visitors for the past few posts.

      Thanks for the wish for the tranny. The “pain” of the cost will be soothed by the miles we travel.

  10. Cinandjules🌵 says:

    Oh what a day eh? You had me rolling thru the entire post! That Reg stare is almost….not quite…half squint…stink eye! Ya know if you stare back until they look away…you win?
    And pour me another drink…she says.
    I’ll take a wild guess……..errr uh 3.5K. In any will be fixed and waiting for another 200k miles of exploration!
    Playtime again…..whoooeeeeee!
    Thanks for the agave ID….and who is that lil feller (last photo)?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I’m expecting the bill to come in under $3,500. We shall see….

      That last dog is a female who visits the dog park. I can’t remember her name. I’ve heard the names of a lot of dogs recently, plus the names of their owners…. I’ll get them sorted out by the time we leave here.

      • Cinandjules🌵 says:

        What a cutie pie. Hah we normally remember the dog’s name and never the owner…oh aren’t you so n so’s mom?

        • rvsueandcrew says:


          • Barbara (Nashville) says:

            That’s for sure about the dog’s name. I didn’t know too many of my neighbors before Angel. Now I know most of them, but at first they all new Angel and not my name. Still they all speak to her first when we are out for our walks. Some of them also have nicknames for her.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Methinks Angel knows how to become the center of attention, even when new people are around. 🙂

  11. Tesaje says:

    My big dog does that drop to the ground with little dogs. I think she’s telling them I can be little too.

    Good luck with the repair.

  12. Stephanie Turner OR says:

    I love to see the big dogs and little dogs play. The big guys quickly adjust to the size of their sparring partner. I know Toby’s cousin, 50 lbs, adjusts to his 12 lbs and they have a great time. I also could feel Reg’s stare. Toby has same one. In my house it means get off your butt and take me for a walk. Now. The transmission – what can be said. It’s ugly. Hope the pain is over quickly soothed by future miles and some great boondocks. Will keep you in my positive thoughts.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Stephanie. Yeah, The Stare used to mean “take us for a walk!” Now it means “take us to the dog park!” At the transmission place it means “take us home!” It’s an all-purpose technique to get us to do something. I really wish Reggie wouldn’t do it. Drives me nuts sometimes.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        We all get the stare, Sue. Angel does it for her pieces of hot dog, in which I put her heart meds, for food, and to go outside. Good luck.
        Hope the transmission repairs and cooler make for many more trips in the PTV.

  13. Jeff in AZ says:

    Glad you’re getting the PTV fixed.
    It’s getting hot here in AZ.
    Maybe, 100 this week.

    Time to head North!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jeff,

      Will you be going north this summer? I find the best time to leave Arizona is the first week of May, when going northward, in order to avoid camping in snow. I still run into some very cold mornings.

      Yep, the days are getting warmer . . . .

  14. Jean in southaven, ms says:

    Wow a transmission rebuild. That’s going to cost you some bucks, but it won t cost you like a new van would. So glad it is fixable.

    I only have 6 days and I will be retired. I am sooo looking forward to it. I won’t be hitting road full time, but I will be hitting the road for vacations that will not have a fixed time to end.

    Thank you for sharing with us and letting us cringe with you as you get that trans taken care of you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Jean,

      Good point about a transmission rebuild being cheaper than a whole new van. That’s being positive!

      I like your phrase “vacations that will not have a fixed time to end.” I hope you feel like the rest of your life is one big, wonderful vacation, Jean. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Jean,

      Congratulations on your retirement! Enjoy – you earned it! 🙂

    • Linda Rose, Molly & Midgy Carmichael, Ca says:

      Jean, I hope you love retirement as much as I do. Every day has a Sunday kind of feeling.

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Now only 5 more days!!! Early Congratulations!

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Congratulations on your retirement Jean! There are days I still feel like I’m playing hooky from work. The best part are those road trip/vacays with no fixed time to end, and running errands during the week when everyone else is not running errands!

      • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

        thanks everyone for the well wishes on my retirement. I am looking forward to joining the retirees club.

  15. Susan in south central WA says:

    I was going to guess agave. Really I was!

  16. Hi Sue,
    Glad the PTV made it to the shop. I so hope the work comes extremely close and under the estimate. Glad the pups are getting along with the other dogs.

  17. Jo from OR says:

    Hi RV Sue and Bloggerinos I’ll comment on this post later but I have a question. My Sister is ill, lives in University Place WA.
    Do any of you know of a safe RV park in that area? We know there is in Gig Harbor but would prefer not to pay the toll to use the bridge. Thanks for your help 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jo,

      I’m sorry your sister is ill. I wish I had an answer to your question. I assume you have searched the internet for “RVparks near University Place, WA.” Maybe someone will read this and be able to help.

      Blogorinos: Do you know of a safe RV park in the area of University Place, WA?

  18. Kitt NW WA says:

    Hi, Sue,
    We are hanging out at Ft. Worden St. Pk. in Port Townsend, WA. The weather is spectacular. We can see both Mt. Rainer to the south and Mt. Baker to the north. Thursday we will meander south into Oregon and the NOG gathering at LL Stub Stewart St. Pk. near Vernonia. Here is hoping the weather stays sunny for awhile longer.
    Glad you’re getting the transmission fixed. You might prorate the cost over the months you have owned the van. It can mentally ease the sting a bit!
    I,too, think that last pup pretty darn cute.


      That is even better than I was thinking, over the 7 years. That is what I do with our condo unit owners when we have a bill. That makes it easier to accept.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt,

      Springtime in Port Townsend….. Oh, how nice for you! Enjoy your beautiful views, as well as the seaside smells and sounds. You have me wanting to be there, too. 🙂

      I look forward to a report on the North Oregon gathering — Do tell us!

      Thanks for the suggestion to prorate the transmission bill across 7 years. I’ll do that!

  19. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    It sounds like you and the PTV are in good hands. Knowing that they only install the proper sized cooler, and don’t bother with the smaller, less effective model says a lot about the business. I hope the install goes smoothly. 🙂

    Loved all of the pup photos – thank you for sharing. The closing photo of the little girl pup is adorable. She looks like she is a sweetie! Did Reggie or Roger show any interest in her?

    Thank you to Ed for identifying the cactus. I thought it looked like an artichoke! It is so great that we all learn so much from you and each other! 🙂

    It has been raining nonstop since last night. We need the rain, and it will temporarily wash away the pollen. The pollen is so thick, that when one puts their car into drive, a thick coating of pollen flies off the windshield – puff!

    Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! N’nite! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise,

      I hope you and Gracie pup slept well. Rain is a blessing in many ways. I remember the pine pollen of Georgia that allergy sufferers dreaded. It would coat vehicles, turning them yellow.

      The little girl at the end of this post is adorable. Reg and Rog didn’t have much of a chance to get to know her as she and her owner came in as we were preparing to leave.

      It’s fun seeing the many different breeds that appear at the dog park. If someone is wondering whether they should have a dog and, if so, which breed or mix of breeds, a dog park is a good place to hang out. But, as those of us who are or were dog owners know, whatever the breed, there are dogs to adore. 🙂

      Have a wonderful day!

  20. Ken Canada says:

    Hi Sue….
    I am glad you are getting a LARGE transmission cooler.
    Please remember that you can have it transferred to a different vehicle.
    If your different tow vehicle has a cooler already, take it off and keep it as a spare.
    They do not wear out.
    Love your dogs.3

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s good to know, Ken! Thank you!

      Gee, knowing I can keep the cooler makes the additional cost seem less. Your comment has me glad that I decided to have one installed.

  21. Jo from OR says:

    Love the happy playful dog pictures. Our lil Peanut loves every dog she meets if they aren’t interested she rolls on her back and shows off her belly begging to play. Peanut loved our trip to AZ she made friends with dogs, donkeys and kids. She even got to stay in a hotel for free because she was so darn cute.
    So glad you’re getting a cooler and new tranny it will provide many more safe adventures. You are carrying precious cargo 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jo,

      Peanut sounds like a delightful companion with a big heart, wanting to make friends and play with all sorts of “creatures.” And she’s a good traveler, too! I’m glad you have each other. Life is better when shared with a dog (s).

      Thanks for the nice note. Best wishes for you and lil Peanut. 🙂

  22. Sandra Stewart says:

    Hi Sue and crew,

    I look forward to each and every blog and they never disappoint me! What a joy you bring to so many. Luv those little pups.

    Good luck with the new transmission and cooler.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Sandra, and good morning! Your words about my blog make this morning even brighter. I appreciate the encouragement very much.

      I hope you are enjoying these last days of April, wherever you may be!

  23. Rochelle in IN says:

    I just want to tell you that your blog is special to me. I follow a number of RV blogs and when the notification hits my inbox, I’ll glance at the title and then wait till a more convenient time to read it. BUT, when it’s an RV Sue notification, I drop what I’m doing and read it right away. And that’s not because I am trying to be “first”, either. By the time I get a notification, there are always at least several comments. The two times I’ve been “first”, it was because I was trolling your blog, thinking “I want a new post and I want it now!” LOL

    Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you for the joy you bring to so many with your beautifully written, artistically pleasing (dog pictures! pretty scenery! cows!) blog!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know, Rochelle? I think I can hear you when you’re thinking “I want a new post and I want it now!” Haha! Keep on thinking those thoughts to keep this procrastinator on task. 🙂

      Such a lovely expression of appreciation. It was like opening a special gift as I read your words. Thank you. I hope your spirits are lifted as you’ve lifted mine and your day unfolds with many blessings.

  24. Susan in Dallas says:

    Those photos of Reggie staring are priceless! Talk about concentration and persistence, boy he has real staying power. The way Roger places his back legs when he lies (lays?) down is interesting. Bet it helps him jump up faster!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s a delight for me when a reader writes reactions to photos that reveal how they studied them, rather than drifting over them. Yes, Roger assumes that position for quick response. He’s our guard and protector. 🙂 Reggie could stare paint off a wall!

      Always nice to hear from you, Susan. Hope all is well with you.

  25. chas anderson says:

    I am a snowbird but the biggest mistake many fulltimers make is not to allow for the depreciation and maintenance of their rigs.If you expect to use it 10 years you need to put away 10% of its value per year, maybe even 15%.Inadequate healthcare is the next biggest.However, someone with a budget plan, like you Sue, can enjoy the lifestyle to the fullest.

  26. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    Hi Sue, I hope all goes well with the PTV.

    I was surprised too that Simba is a Rat Terrier, but there are many varieties. We have a Lemon Rat Terrier, Teddy Roosevelt body style – ha! Look that up. Yup, I was surprised too. Our vet told us she was a rat terrier when we adopted her. Simba has a sweet face!

  27. weather says:

    Oh my, I laughed while reading about your taking the PTV into the shop. I’m glad you see the humor in it all. The boys are going to throw fits sometimes and the repair bill is going to be huge, you may as well laugh, moaning wouldn’t help.

    Poop mobile- what a clever label and idea, rolling a wagon is easier than dragging a trash can to a dumpster. It’s been a treat for Reggie and Roger to go to the dog park everyday. I think they’ll enjoy just being with each other when you leave there, too. Play dates are fun sometimes, yet I imagine meeting strange dogs constantly may involve a bit of stress for them.

    That lovely dog in the last photo has such a beautiful face. Is she taller than your crew? It’s hard to tell from the picture of her by herself.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      As has happened many times before, you bring up a subject in a comment and it relates to something happening with us or vice versa. We returned from the dog park a few moments ago, leaving earlier than usual. I noticed Roger hanging around my chair and being very subdued. Usually he’s “King of the Manor,” overseeing the activity of all dogs, big and small.

      We came home and he and Reggie immediately settled into bed and promptly fell asleep. They both love the experiences here at the RV park but eventually all the excitement caught up with them. Plus we were up earlier than usual this morning. Your statement rings true: “Play dates are fun … a bit of stress for them.”

      The dog in the last photo is about the same height as Reg and Rog, much more delicately boned and lighter all around.

      • weather says:

        How nice for the boys to have you be so attentive to their moods, wants and needs. Would that all creatures received such care and understanding.

        In order for our little ones to be where they want and need to be, whether that’s at home, outside, with friends or strangers, they rely on us to make that happen for them.

        In order for us to go where we want and need to be, we rely on our vehicles. This afternoon you’ll finally have the PTV back. Enjoy having your freedom again! 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, weather. When one considers the frustration we would experience if we had to rely on someone else for every facet of our daily lives, maybe it would help us be more patient with our non-talking family members. I think that’s one reason Reggie’s stare drives me nuts. I want to explain why we aren’t doing what he wants.

          Yes, it will be good to have the PTV again. I was going to bring out the BLT’s awning today and then remembered the crank and supports are in the back of the PTV. The PTV is part of our home!

          By now spring must have arrived at your home. I imagine your kitties are happy to be able to sit in the sunshine and warmth outdoors.

          • weather says:

            You will probably be busy today taking care of things you need a vehicle for and getting ready to move soon. I hope the PTV is running great and you three have enough time to just enjoy the RV park’s amenities again before you leave.

            We need a few more warm and sunny days without rain before the kitties will be able to enjoy being outside. They seem happier with a window between them and larger creatures anyway, so I’m enjoying the slow transition of this season.

  28. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Everybody-
    Great fun post and funny, funny comments. “could stare paint off a wall”. It’s been a few days now…. I can only get out of the moon shadow if I get on the Peace Train……………

    Love & hugs to all!

  29. Elizabeth in WA says:

    The little delicate dog at the end of this entry is surely cute…nice face markings too! Hope the repairs will be done excellently so you can go on your way for a long time to come! Our lives here remain the same…some others we know here going through similar hard days…this old woman may yet have to get RE-involved politically someway…sigh…so many ways women and children are not being protected these days!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      I appreciate you keeping in touch, regardless of the struggles you and your family are experiencing. I wish the best outcome and soon!

      And thank you for hoping for excellent repairs for the PTV.

  30. Judy J. in S.C. says:

    This was a fun post! Just love how you’re rolling with the punches and seeing the good with your issues. Wish I were close by; could run you on any errands. You’ll just appreciate your beloved ptv even more after all this.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You speak big truth, Judy! Many times in the past we have lived several days without caring about going anywhere and yet when we can’t jump in the PTV and take off, suddenly I wish we could. Why is that? Ha! Yes, I’ll appreciate the PTV more than ever!

      Thanks for the nice comment, Judy.

  31. Ozarkjoy says:

    Your $3500 sounds good to the $6000 I paid. The shop owner did stay up all night rebuilding though. The hard part was producing the money when they refused a check. My husbands credit cards had a 20000$ balance on them but they were canceled when he died and reissued in my name with only a $3000 balance. Never thought about needing more than that so never worried about it. I called and explained my problem and they upped my balance for me. Thank God. My son told me to abandon it and take a plane home. Very tempting.
    Checked out that camera. Very tempting. May indulge. I had one wired in on the motorhome and love it. But a wireless one for the car seems nice. I could do it myself.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ozarkjoy,

      What a terribly stressful thing to go through! It sounds like you handled the problem well by calling with an explanation. Still there’s that time between knowing you have a problem and when it finally is resolved that can be very scary.

      Lots of folks do like those back-up cameras. Otherwise they wouldn’t sell the way they do. For me, I’m content being able to do the task on my own. Kind of like cranking up the BLT rather than having an electric jack. Probably if I had an electric jack I wouldn’t want to go back to the manual crank. 🙂 I don’t miss what I’ve never had.

  32. Oh look we haz decent internet so I can comment! Gulp – lets hope the transmission doesnt cost too much! We had to get new drums and brakes a couple of months ago and then last month we had to get new coach batteries, so we feel your pain 🙁 At least you will know you and the crew are safe travleing again, right? Love the pix of the boys wrestling – they really don’t know their size, do they?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, mostlylost,

      Since we camp for free or in inexpensive campgrounds most of the year, I consider things like new brakes, a transmission rebuild, new tires, even gas, etc. as my rent. It’s part of my lifestyle. I plan for these expenses financially and I accept when they come. Any angst over the cost of the transmission work is me wishing I’d followed advice seven years ago to have a transmission cooler installed. Oh well, sometimes I make smart decisions, sometimes not. 🙂

      Happy trails!

  33. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, Every post showing your two little charges pleases me so much to know how lucky they were to be yours. That “the stare” pic with Reg is precious. Bless you for being such a good mom to those guys. Transmission heating problems reminds me of my Wyoming problem and how good the trooper ( a woman) treated us and got us off the highway and a place to stay while we got our transmission checked out. I told the whole story here years ago. Good to get it all taken care of now so you can cruise in peace hereafter.
    You are a special lady and we send a hug….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I remember your transmission story, Jim. It illustrated very well what a difference one person can make just by being understanding, kind, and helpful.

      You’re right. The boys are fortunate. They don’t know how good they have it compared to other dogs! Maybe Roger remembers his hard times because he still thanks me for meals. 🙂

      You and Detta are the special ones. Hugs to you both.

  34. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Oh my goodness, you had me rolling on the floor with the description of R&R’s antics in the transmission shop. The stare – isn’t it amazing? My husband and I always say our dogs communicate better than a lot of people. There’s the stare, the head cock, the nose nudge, the paw nudge, the stretch/yawn sound, and the butt wiggle – just to name a few. And they all mean something different. I think Reggie and Roger are probably more tuned in to you than many dogs are to their people, because you are together as a pack 24/7. So when you disengage from the pack by talking to the transmission guy (or doing anything else they consider to be not focused on them), you get the stare or the obnoxious conniption fit. What’s funny is that it is apparently okay for them to run off and play with other dogs, but you are not supposed to be distracted from them!

    I do have one question – I actually woke up about 3 in the morning thinking about this the other night and have been meaning to ask you …. since Rog and Reg sound so much alike (just one vowel different), do they both respond when you call one or the other? Or do you usually use their full names, which sound more distinct?

    I couldn’t agree more with what Rochelle said. I get a number of blog posts every day (some related to RV life, some gardening, some birds, some cooking) and if I’m busy I delete some without even opening them, others I read later when I have more time, but I always open yours as soon as I see them. Part of it is the content, part of it is the connection, part of it is the canines 🙂 Oh, and to keep my math skills up!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Cynthia, you write such fun comments! You and your husband relate to what my daily life is like with these two constantly putting me through obedience training. They don’t approve of me having a moment separate from them. Talking to another person is verboten!

      I wondered about the boys’ names being similar. When I brought Bridget home I considered a bunch of names, hunting for one that would be entirely different-sounding from Spike. That’s how I came to the choice of Bridget.

      Well, Reggie was Reggie when I adopted him. And what do you name a dog found in Rogerson, Idaho, except . . . Roger! Since they don’t come when I call them anyway, it doesn’t matter if they can differentiate between the two names. Haha!

      Okay, to answer your question. I call them by their complete name, mostly because it’s easier to yell “RAH-ggeeerrrr!” and “REH-ggeeeeeee!” To be fair, Roger will come when I call his name, unless he really doesn’t want to. When the two of them run off and disappear, calling Roger will bring them back, usually in their own, sweet time. Calling Reggie spurs them to run the other way.

      Thank you for your last paragraph. Cute last line! We MUST practice our math!

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