The screwdriver angel

“You know what I’d like to do?”

Reggie and Bridget perk up and eye me curiously.

“I’d like to take a ride to Patagonia.  Look at the town, buy some groceries, wander around, maybe eat lunch in a park.  It’s another beautiful day.  C’mon, let’s go!”

Soon the crew and I rumble out of our campsite in the Perfect Tow Vehicle. 

Before leaving Las Cienegas National Conservation Area, five miles north of Sonoita, Arizona, we ride over to Empire Ranch Headquarters.

P1100250-001We need water and there’s a spigot at the headquarters.

I fill up several one-gallon containers and load them into the PTV.

P1100234Good!  Now we have plenty of water. Funny how obtaining water gives me such a happy feeling.  Never when I turned on the faucet in my house in Georgia did I exclaim, “Yay!  I’ve got water!”  I didn’t even think about it.

I slide behind the wheel of the PTV.

“Okay, guys.  We’re off to Patagonia!”

I turn the ignition key.

Nothing.  Dead.  I turn it again.  More dead.

Oh, boy.  This is not good. The battery is practically brand new and I know the connections are secure.

I get out and lift the hood anyway.

While examining the engine (as if I know anything about auto mechanics!), I discover shredded tissue paper behind the coolant reservoir.

Oh no, I hope this isn’t an electrical problem from rodents chewing wires.  Well, maybe it’s the starter.  I’d rather it be the starter.

As I’m pulling out shredded paper, I hear a young man’s voice.

“Got a problem?” he calls out.

I look up.  A man in his twenties is walking toward his van, having come out of one of the buildings.  His is the only other vehicle in the parking lot.  Nobody else is anywhere near here.

“Yep.  I sure do.”

“Wanna’ jump start?”

“Yes, that would be great!”

He climbs into his van and drives it around to the battery side of the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

He gets out, pulling back his dreadlocks and securing them into a ponytail.  As he’s hooking up the jumper cables, I remark, “It’s awfully nice of you to do this for me.”

He looks up with a bit of a smile and says,  “Always happy to help a fellow traveler.”

He starts his engine and revs it.  I turn the PTV’s key and  . . . nothing.  Nada.

Well, that’s that.  I guess I’ll have to call emergency road service.  Darn.  This started out as such a nice day.

P1100243To my surprise, the young man doesn’t prepare to leave.

Instead he puts away his jumper cables and appears with a screwdriver.

“Make sure it’s in Park and turn the key like it is when it’s running,” he instructs. “And put on the emergency brake.”

“Okay, done,” I respond from the driver’s seat.

What is this guy gonna’ do?  He’s crawling under . . . . ?

In less than a minute, the PTV’s engine comes to life!

Oh, how wonderful to hear her purring again!

The young man’s head pops up.

He smiles through the open passenger window, past Reggie’s head.

“It’s the solenoid on your starter,” he reports.

I’m still in shock.  “You’re kidding me.  You got it started.”

“The solenoid is like a plunger,” he explains.  “It gets gunked up.  All I did was touch it with the screw driver.  Go to an auto repair place.  They’re gonna’ want to replace the starter which will cost you about three hundred dollars.  Mostly for the part.  The labor isn’t much.”

“This is great!  Thank you so much!”

He comes around to my side of the PTV.

“My name is Kyle, by the way.”

“I’m Sue.  Thank you, Kyle.”  We shake hands.  “Where you from?”

“Tucson.  I had some time and thought I’d check out Gardner Canyon.”

“I was just over there!”

We talk.  I explain how I live, traveling, camping for free on public land, and he says that’s what he wants to do.

“This repair cost doesn’t bother me,” I point out,  “because, to me, it’s rent.”

“Yeah, it’s the cost of traveling,” he adds.

I mention my blog and ask if it’s okay that I write about this. 

“I’ll refer to you as Kyle from Tucson, okay?”

As we’re talking — me in the PTV’s driver’s seat and Kyle standing in the open door — I lean over and pull a twenty out of my purse.  I place it in Kyle’s hand and before he can shy away, I say firmly in a this-is-the-way-it’s-gonna-be voice,

“Take this, Kyle.  Don’t be proud.  You saved me today and I appreciate it.”

I thank him again.  He wishes me safe travels and returns to his van.

“Enjoy Gardner Canyon!”

Well, there he goes.  Gosh, nobody around and he walks up at the exact moment I need help.  I didn’t even have to ask.  Always happy to help a fellow traveler, he said.  What a kind and gentle soul . . . .

The sound of the PTV’s engine is as glorious as any song angels might sing.  I sit with arms folded on the steering wheel, listening until the stares of two sets of eyes break through my reverie.

“Change of plans, crew.”

I pull the seat belt from behind my shoulder and click it into place.

“We’re going to Sierra Vista!”


POSTSCRIPT:  The crew and I ride 35 miles to Sierra Vista (without stopping) and find an auto repair shop.  The PTV receives a new starter.  $209  for the part; $68 for labor; $19.39 shop supplies; $3 hazardous materials.  Tax: $17.93   Total repair:  $317.32

~ ~ ~


To my fellow Christians, may your joy in the Easter miracle be renewed this weekend. 

To all my readers, whatever your faith, wherever you are, wherever you go, may you encounter angels along your path.


I’m taking a break from comments.  Happy Easter! — Sue

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109 Responses to The screwdriver angel

  1. Janis Harrison says:

    Ha First???

  2. Carlene in Nocal says:


  3. Carlene at NoCal says:

    2nd again. … Good for you Janis…

  4. Kim says:

    Hi Sue! Still loving your blog and photos!

    Off to Korea tomorrow. One of these days want to slow down and do what you’re doing.

    Kim in TX for now

  5. Annie in Oregon says:

    I’ll settle for 3rd

  6. Right place, right time! Amazing how it happens 🙂 Happy Easter.

  7. Sharon in MO says:

    Happy Easter, Sue! You certainly had a meeting with an angel this day.

  8. Janis Harrison says:

    Not gonna get a comment from you so I will tell you about what has been up with me !! Chemo all done!!Radiation all done !!! Radiation burns were a little infected but now they are all better !!! Got my camper loaded, hitched and in the driveway ready to leave first light. Taking all 5 grands and two daughters fossil hunting .We are going to have a blast.Daughters are letting the husbands hold down the home fort. We did have flooding at my lake house but it is drying out as we speak. Our home town of Monroe Louisiana is still flooded. So glad I moved to Shreveport when I did. Huggs to all of you and Happy Easter!!!!!

    • EmilyO in NM says:

      Don’t push yourself too hard right now Janis, let the body recoup – being with grandkids and doing something is as good for the body as it is the soul – the body just needs a little time to get back on its feet. Have fun.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Good news Janis, I agree with Reine. You should probable take it easy and let your immune system build back up. Let the younger ones do the work.

    • What a bunch of wonderful news!! I hope you and the Grands have the BEST time!

      • Reine in Plano says:

        And as your body recovers, let the DAUGHTERS do the work and the grands if they’re old enough. They need to be pampering you, Janis.

    • BoxinTheCompass says:

      Janis, God bless you and your journey… with all that flooding take 40 days…. Noah did!

    • MB from VA says:

      I am sooooo happy for you! I can “hear” the joy and excitement in your words! If you feel like it….DO it! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Happy news, Janis! Have fun on your trip with your girls and grandkids! 🙂

  9. Colleen from Alabama says:

    Enjoy your Easter. Great blog today.

  10. eliza says:

    Happy Easter, Sue! Not to trivialize the sacred, but I’m glad the PTV came back to life! Small blessings are often all we need.

  11. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Happy Easter to Sue and Crew and to all who read her blog!

  12. Annie in Oregon says:

    Okay I’m 4th. That will have to do. So appreciated today’s blog…kindness from a stranger and not expecting anything in return….and just appearing at the right moment.
    We all need to carry that in our heart..kindness and goodwill towards each other.

  13. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Uh huh, and some have entertained angels unaware…we had one experience so unusual we do wonder if that is what happened to us…ours was not a car repair that was needed, but some encouragement to our hearts…and that is exactly what we received!! Glad you were not stranded!!

  14. Pat at Lincoln City, OR says:

    I guess you can call Kyle your Easter miracle. Only proves there are lots of good people. Happy Easter everyone! !!!!!

  15. Have a wonderful Easter!!!
    Don’t you just love our sweet earth Angels !!???

  16. Pam says:

    Sounds like one of Gods angels to me, they are every where. Happy Easter.

  17. Renee Galligher says:

    Hi Sue!

    • Renee Galligher says:

      Happy Easter. What a blessing to have Kyle show up to help you and so knowledgeable too. He was just about spot on what it would cost you to repair the PTV!

    • Velda says:

      Sue that is a great Easter story. Helping one another is important. Have a wonderful safe rest of your weekend everyone.

  18. Suzette (TN) says:

    I love reading about nice people you meet along the way. I wish Kyle many happy trails. He certainly deserves them. Glad you’re back up and running. Enjoy your time off!

  19. Linda Hughes- North Carolina says:

    WOW! What a great story! It made me tear up , I really felt this story! Sweet souls meeting along the way. This is one of my favorite blog post. Happy Easter RV Sue and crew!

  20. Geri says:

    I love how miracles happen! Your angel has been riding with you since the day you made the decision to live free! You have had more than several miracles happen and Reggie is my favorite! So glad everything ended well! Happy Easter!

  21. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Funny how the blogorinos start their post with numbers. ….1st? 2nd, 16th? Makes me laugh! No one but a blogorino would understand. And then there is the question as to why? Because it’s what WE do!

    Well then…23rd?

    Kyle… he just appears in the right place at the right time! The magical screwdriver….I never knew about that! Okay I’ll fess up…what does a cellulite, er I mean solenoid look like?

    I love your “this-is-the-way-it’s-gonna-be” voice. I’m imagining a deep low stern voice.

    Thank you Kyle!

    Happy Easter to all! Glad you got the PTV fixed. Widget indicates a wind advisory! Put down the stabilizers and be safe!

    • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

      It’s the little cylinder looking thing hanging on the side of the starter, it has an electrically triggered plunder inside it. When you turn the key it is supposed to push the plunger to make contact with the post that the battery cable is connected to. This send electricity to the starter motor and it turns the engine over so it will start.
      Note: you can bypass the solenoid by taking a jumper cable from your positive battery terminal and connect it to the post of the starter and when you turn the key and the solenoid is the problem, the engine will start. I found this out because the starter on my RV has been doing the same thing on occasion and that is what I have been doing. I finally replaced the starter just last week. Sue got off easy, cost me $690 dollars for the starter. I replaced it myself.

      Still waiting on when the open house party will be in Surprise. 🙂


      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        And what Benchmark page is da starter on? ?

        We are flying out to AZ in May for 10 days. We plan on driving there sometime in Sept.

        How is your escapee kitty doing? We are going to try bringing the ferals inside after we return from AZ. Wish us luck!

        • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

          Scamps is doing fine. He is his old self. I have purchased a RF tracking device. He has a transmitter that he wears on his collar and I have a small credit card sized locator that will take me right to him. The unit comes with two transmitters so both kitties have one. The locator unit can handle up to four transmitter units. If anyone is interested it is called Tabcat and cost $100.00. It is not GPS so I don’t have to pay a monthly fee to some website to use.

      • Dawn says:

        What a great explanation and tip! Thanks!

  22. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    Blessed Easter to All. Your guardian angel is doing a great job. Thank You Kyle

  23. Lynn Brooks says:

    Happy Easter to you, too
    Lynn B. (Baltimore, MD)

  24. Helpful people are a good thing. Helpful people who actually know what the problem is are an excellent thing. And rare.

  25. Linda from Oregon says:

    Happy Easter Sue and all. “He is risen”. For everyone, may tomorrow be a joyous day. Good people are such a blessing.

  26. Dave says:

    Well it was a good day for you wasn’t it. What if it failed while you were out on your camping spot and maybe required a tow? But it all worked out. Pretty neat.

  27. Linda-NC says:

    50th? I’ll take it for now. What a wonderful Easter story! Everyone needs an angel now and then. Do Bridget and Reggie bark at angels or wag their tails? I bet they knew! Have a wonderful holiday everyone.

  28. Happy Easter rvsue and crew. What a special travel story to finish off a special week full of adventures. All is well that ends well and that your last photo is of one of my favorites, a Fairy Duster. Always have great regard for its hearty resolve not only to survive but put on a delicate display of feathery pink blossoms butterflies and bees love. Wondering what Fairy Duster honey would taste like. Enjoy!

  29. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    So glad it all worked out so well. Happy Easter and spring!

  30. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Happy Easter Sue, crew and fellow blogorinos. May we all be as blessed as Sue. Thank you Kyle for being her angel.

  31. Gumo says:

    Thank you for your kind Easter blessings and for your nice stories and pictures. Happy trails to you!

  32. AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

    Yep, if you ever doubted it before you now know for sure, you are blessed with a guardian angel.


  33. Sue I have always called those situations as ” Divine Appointments, ” “Jesus with skin on” Always there just at the right moment when we need Him most”

  34. Sealarkesmiles says:

    Wishing you and the crew a blessed and gentle Easter, Sue.

  35. DesertGinger says:

    I really like that Kyle, what a great guy. And a s Alan pointed out, it is so rare to find someone who knows what they are doing. I wonder if Kyle is a mechanic in his regular life.

    I don’t have much to report. A quiet Saturday at the rehab hospital. My friend Barbara visited yesterday and has promised to go by Tabby’s and get my computer from my car and bring it to me! How great is that? Then I could start working! I may have it by Monday night.

    Barbara has been my friend since we worked together in the 80s. I never saw her often but we always kept in touch, and she just happens to live very near Newport. When I go home to Tucson I will miss her. Nothing like good friends.

  36. Utah Bonnie says:

    I wasn’t sure where this post was going from the headline but I was happy when an angel with dreads and a screwdriver saved the day for you. I’ve had a few Angels appear on my path before, seemingly out of nowhere. Many blessings to you and the crew this Easter.

  37. AZ Jim says:

    THANK YOU KYLE!!! All of us who know and care for Sue appreciate you helping our gal out like you did. I hope some day if you too need help a person such as you is there for you…. Missy..Whew….

  38. Tawnya says:

    Happy Easter Aunt Susan ! I love you !

  39. MB from VA says:

    Happy Easter Sue! Thank you for the story of the angel with a screwdriver. So many stories like that….in my own life and in my friends’ lives. People just showing up at just the right time with just the right skills, tools or information. Coincidence? I…don’t….think…! 😉 One of my very favorite Bible verses since I was a child says, “Be careful when entertaining strangers. For thereby some have entertained angels unaware.” Have a wonderful day!

  40. MB from VA says:

    PS….And about the water. Funny, since I have begun thinking about living a more mobile life, I am thinking more about the things I once took for granted. Even now, when I settle into a hot bath after a hard day’s work….I speak a prayer…”Thank you for hot water.” So many things we take for granted. I think if everyone could live the way you and other full-timers do…even if just for awhile….we would appreciate what we have a lot more. Most of us go through life totally oblivious and taking so many blessings for granted. Gratitude is so very important.

  41. Libby Nester WV/PA says:

    Wow! Your guardian angel was right there. Fellow campers/travelers are usually pretty helpful.

  42. Sandi Stewart says:

    And a very Happy Easter to you and the crew. Absolutely love and enjoy your blog.

  43. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    Happy Easter Sue and Crew! When I was on the road I also experienced amazing acts of kindness at just the right time. I remember the couple with the chain saw when a tree had fallen in your path. I like to think of it as karma, and you have very good karma Sue.

  44. Rita Phoenix AZ says:

    Water in Arizona is precious…always has been. I use to have a green lawn in front yard back in the day when it rained a lot…then we went into a drought. I let my grass die, some bushes and even some trees died. After 10 years when my neighbors looked at me side ways (probably thought I was coo coo), I planted desert hardy trees compliments of my local power company SRP. They analyzed my home and showed me where to place the trees. Now my drive way is shaded with beautiful flowering palo verdes and desert rose. I have no grass but have a small flower bed. However, I often get compliments on my curb appeal. No more wasting water on grass or trees that need a lot of water. I water deep (drip method) once a month, and in winter no watering needed. Happy Easter Sue and crew…..miracles are everywhere i.e. water, clean air, good Samaritans, friends (including the four legged) and family, etc., etc. We just take it for granted sometimes. Thank you Kyle and Alan from Parump, Parump, Parump…and of course RVSue!!! I learned something new reading this blog 🙂 all the time.

    • Cinandjules (ny) says:

      Drought resistant landscaping, planted in a specific location that benefits the property owner AND curb appeal? Wow! Impressive!

  45. A wonderful story, shared with your usual charm. Since I believe that we get back what we put out there, you and Kyle were what you each needed this day. What a great opportunity to appreciate the kindness of strangers. Happy Easter Sue and blogerinos.

  46. Jim from Rockford IL says:

    Wow you were so lucky to have a young man that knew what he was doing nearby! I’m really impressed! My grand kids only know X-Box stuff LOL.

    I’m so glad to see my Amazon purchase show up at the end of one of your blogs, I don’t order much online to start with and I was delighted to see them!
    Love your Blog! and Happy Easter. Jim

  47. Sam says:

    Don’t you just love how everyone charges “bogus” items to your bill just to pad their profits.

  48. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Whoooohoooooo! Fellow traveler and all! Wonderful news! And glad it did not happen when the shops were closed! What a treat!!! I love that!

    Happy Easter, Sue and Crew. May the day bring you peace and joy and a snuggle or two.

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  49. Ann M from VA says:

    Happy Easter, Sue! What a strange thing to happen. Someone in the middle of nowhere to help you and he knew what to do. You are blessed, but you know that already.

  50. weather says:

    Masterfully done, Sue, you tell a story all readers can enjoy any day they read it, and at once write for those celebrating scripture’s reason for Easter. Your needing water, Kyle wanting to check out Gardner Canyon, a modern day long haired man as savior/hero, what was dead brought to life, seemingly coincidental details, deftly used as type and shadow within a few paragraphs… What a delightful dance- Providence orchestrating events for Kyle and you to exchange gifts, you use yours for writing to let us join in- thank you ever so much, I’m thoroughly enjoying it! 🙂 !

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Beautiful Weather. I too thought about the woman at the well and Sue at the water spigot. Living water!!!

  51. cc and canine (soon to be leaving Eastern Missouri) says:

    Happy Easter Sue, Bridget and Reggie! You three have been blessed once again….this time by Kyle…..Happy trails to you all.

  52. Judie Ashford says:

    I live in (and love) Sierra Vista – hope you enjoyed your visit to our happy town! ;->

    Virtual hugs,


  53. casitagirl says:

    Happy Easter, Sue!

    Your story reminds me of a ‘situation’ I found myself in once…

    It was 1980 and I was 18 and had a 1972 Ford Pinto named ‘The Rustmobile.” For good reason–the entire bottom of the car had rusted out and there were holes through the floor where you could watch the road go by. The muffler clamp fell off and we secured the tailpipe to the frame using a coat hanger. It was my first car, though, and I loved it (Not to imply that the PTV is in any way like the Rustmobile). At any rate, a couple of friends and I decided to take a trip from Michigan to camp in Virginia near Skyline Drive. We were very poor college students and had $55 between us. They brought their 2 month old baby on the trip.

    At one point we were driving along and the Rustmobile’s engine suddenly quit on us and wouldn’t restart. It was 9 at night and we were on Skyline Drive in the middle of nowhere. There we were, stranded on a curve at night with a 2-month old baby. Crazy dumb!

    Then a very nice man stopped and helped us push the car off to the side of the road. Because we were so far away from our next campground, he took us to Skyland. They took one look at us and offered to put us up in one of their cabins for free. It took 2 days to get the Rustmobile running again, and during that time we were in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

    So the story has a happy ending–People truly are good. We made it home, I sold the Rustmobile to my little brother who used it for several more years (unbelievably!), and the 2-month old baby grew up to be a kind and loving man–he soon will be a father himself. Life is good, isn’t it?

    Happy Easter, Sue.

  54. mockturtle says:

    Happy Easter! He is risen, indeed! 🙂

  55. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy Easter Wishes to Sue and all of her blogorino family! 🙂

    Thank you, Kyle, for your kindness to Sue. You rock! 🙂

  56. Kay Arnold says:

    I lived in that area years ago know it pretty well there are some nice places to visit around there and a few ghost towns too. Enjoy your visit I’m sure you will meet some more nice people there.

  57. None of the masters thought to paint an angel with a screwdriver in his hand; looks like they missed out… 🙂

    Glad you’re safe and sound. Hope you get to see Patagonia because it’s a nice little town with some interesting places.


  58. Applegirl NY says:

    Happy Easter! He has risen indeed.

    May we as ll be a blessing to someone, just as Kyle was to our friend Sue.

  59. katydid in Chicago says:

    Happy Easter to Sue, the crew and all the blogorinos.
    What an amazing experience with a traveling angel!

  60. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Kyle was surely an angel and I’m so glad he was there when you needed him. I hope you had a lovely Easter with the crew.

  61. Wow! Kyle is an angel! So nice to see there still is some good folks out there.

  62. Stan Watkins says:

    Beautiful blessing.

  63. rvsueandcrew says:

    Good morning!

    Thank you for your Easter greetings and for your response to this post. The crew and I are on the road today. Cold weather is moving into southeastern Arizona. It doesn’t look like we will be able to avoid it. That’s Spring for ya! 🙂

    We will keep in touch as we can. You do the same, okay?

    Bye for now,

    • weather says:

      Okay 🙂

    • edlfrey says:

      ” It doesn’t look like we will be able to avoid it.”

      Not so cold but lots of wind. You can run but can’t hide from it; the Wind Warning extends much farther than you like to drive. Hope you find a place to camp with some wind protection on the west side.

  64. Corkerinna620 (Mobile AL) says:

    Wonderful Easter weekend story, Sue. Glad Kyle came along when he did. Hope you all had a blessed Easter.

  65. Ronda western WA says:

    Thank you Kyle for helping Sue and her crew. It’s wonderful to hear of angels on the road. If you ever need an angel on your own travels I pray one will be there for you too. I know you didn’t help her to gain anything, still, may you be blessed even more.

  66. Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

    You lead a charmed life 🙂 Love reading along with your adventures. Pat K

  67. Kerry On (UT) says:

    I’m so glad you had an angel unaware who was in the right place at the right time to come to your rescue! I had a similar incident many, many years ago when I was driving alone to California for Christmas, in the era before cell phones. It was late at night and the wind was howling, and my car kept losing power going uphill. I tried my best to gain enough speed on the downhills to get me up the next hill, but it was no use, and finally, about 10 miles outside of Scipio, the car just died. I was fortunate to be able to get it barely off the road. It was far too cold and windy to try to walk in the dark, so I turned on my emergency flashers and grabbed a blanket from the back seat and wrapped it tightly around me, thinking I would have to wait until morning to find help. The fierce wind was coming through every door seam and I covered my head with the blanket, hoping I wouldn’t freeze to death before morning. After about 20 minutes, I see headlights pull up behind me. For a moment, I was scared I wouldn’t know whether or not to trust this guy who stopped, but I was amazed when a pretty young lady got out and walked up to my window to ask if I needed help. There’s no way she could have known I was a damsel in distress, I might have been psychopath lying in wait or something. She looked just like my cousin, and immediately, I felt a sense of peace come over me and I knew I would be safe. She gave me a ride into Scipio where I was able to get a room for the night and arrange to get help for my car in the morning. It turned out that the choke was sticking closed, so for a quick fix, a bit of wire was used to hold it open, and I made it the rest of the way to California without incident. I will never know why a young lady traveling alone stopped on a cold, dark, and windy night to help a stranger, but I do know she was my angel on that night!

  68. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Wind blowing HARD here in Laughlin. Hope you found a safe, protected place to hunker down, Sue. 5 days to departure for us. Gonna miss this place but looking forward to home as well. Kids sent me photos of my first flowers in bloom. Spring at home. Be safe, Sue.

    • Kitt, NW Wa says:

      kgdan, a quick question – how do you pronounce Wapato? I have lived in Washington since the early 50’s and have always heard it pronounced Wapa/toe/ but a friend just returned from there and says it is supposed to be Wapa/too/. I was quite surprised to hear the different pronunciation.

      • kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

        You are correct. Wah-pah-toe, accent on first syllable. It is a Yakima tribal word meaning ‘potato’.

        • Kitt, NW Wa says:

          Thanks! I just couldn’t imagine I had been pronouncing it incorrectly for 60+ years! Safe travels back to Washington.

  69. DesertGinger says:

    My friend Barbara brought me my computer, which means I can start working! Woohoo! I’m so excited!

  70. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Determination! Go girl! But go easy!

  71. weather says:

    Standing in a sheltered spot I knew the wind had changed direction by how the waves approached the shore. The white caps growing larger meant the storm was getting closer and would be a forceful one. The wildlife moved accordingly into places that are covered on the west side to ride it out. We all waited to see what would come next- which turned out to be rain ,cold, harsh and hard driven , yet trouble free and easy to withstand because it was short lived and without lightening.

    My friend called to report how they had fared. The wind had blown open their front door. She has vision in only one eye and her husband doesn’t hear well so it’s easy for them not to notice a latch not clicking shut all the way. When they found out it was because the pup they’d adopted around Christmastime was outside on the porch barking .He stayed to block the doorway and guard their daughter’s kitty for them,he knows it isn’t allowed to go outdoors though it was trying to.

    They found their daughter in a Russian orphanage,she’s had to struggle to develop skills and been a challenge to raise.Two decades later proud to be on her own but lonely she found a kitten to love, then a letter threatening to evict her for keeping it. She’s looking for an apartment that allows pets, and asked her folks to take care of it until she does. If she hadn’t that pup wouldn’t have had a reason to be safely on the porch. No lost pets,no broken hearts… It seems one has to wonder who’s rescuing who in this world sometimes, doesn’t it?

  72. Alan White says:

    Hi Sue
    Glad you got the PTV going with minimal problems…….Saw you today in the parking lot of Wal-Mart, but won’t disclose the location……Safe travels.

  73. Lisa and her pack in SoFl (for now) says:

    I am so thankful for your angel! have a wonderful Easter holiday everyone.

  74. WOW Sue, it snow in Kingman, AZ last night and there is a chance for more tonight,,, the winds yesterday were so bad and real dusty, couldn’t see 1/4 of a mile ahead,,,, hope you 3 are out of the way of this storm that’s heading this way,,,,, Oh Happy Viet Nam Veterans Day to the Vets who Served over there,,, Thanks for your Service and Welcome Home,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  75. Dawn in MI says:

    Angels are everywhere. Getting a little teary over here in Michigan. Glad it turned out the way it did.

  76. Jo Wishnie says:

    I can’t say I’m surprised your screwdriver angel is from Tucson. Since moving here a year ago I’m learning that so many Tucsonans are like that. So glad we made this our home when we came off the road. Happy Travels Sue.

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