The simple pleasure of a cool Oregon river on a hot day

Wednesday, June 24

P1050891-001Summer is here!

The air temperature climbs into the 90s today, and highs of 101 degrees are expected for the weekend.  Nevertheless, the crew and I are comfortable in our shady campsite.  Gotta’ love dry heat.  I run the fan in the ceiling vent for about a half-hour when we come inside for the night and that clears out warm air.

It’s nice sleeping with the windows and door open. 

When we wake up in the morning, the birds seem to be inside the Best Little Trailer singing to us.

P1050849-001Photo taken from fishing platform at day-use area on Route 46 near our campground

“I have a surprise for you two,” I announce to Bridget and Reggie as we set out on a late afternoon walk around Humbug Campground along the Breitenbush River.

Earlier today I approach a fellow camper.

During the week there are only a few over-nighters at the campground.).  I asked him if he knows a place where you can get down to the river.  The banks are very steep all up and down the Santiam and Breitenbush Rivers in this area.  He says that he does know a path and it starts right here in the campground!

He shows us and that’s where the crew and I are going this afternoon.

The first part of our descent toward the river is easy.  The sound and glimpses of the river lure us.

Then we come to the steep part.  The ground is loose gravel.  Reggie, being so light and also possessing the recklessness of the young, scampers down the trail (photo below).

P1050859-001Bridget and I, possessing the caution of maturity, proceed slowly.

“Well, Bridge.  It’s time to make gravity our friend.”

I sit down and together we scootch and slide to the bottom. 

On the way down I dig in my heels to stop and take a photo.  How’s that for dedication to this blog, eh?

P1050858-001“Oh, look at that!  A pool!  And a little beach!”

P1050860-001Scrambling to my feet, I rush to the water.

“What a pretty color!  Gosh, it’s beautiful here!  I can’t believe it!”

P1050861-001“And the water is so clear!”

P1050872-001Everything in the above photo is under water!

“C’mon!  Let’s get in!”

I step in with my camera ready to record the fun.  Bridget follows.

P1050869-001“Doesn’t it feel great?  Look at you, Bridgie!”

Without hesitating, Reggie marches in, too!

P1050880-001“Wow, Reggie, you’re lovin’ this!”

P1050885-001At this time of day light is harsh and shadows are dark.  Reggie is bleached out in the photo above.  I’m dancing around trying to keep my shadow out of the photos, holding on to the tether, jiggling the camera with each shot, and having fun in the water with the crew.  I realize picture quality is pretty low in this post.  Let’s not notice that, okay?

P1050883-001I can’t help at marvel at the clarity of the water and the beauty of this little paradise.

In the bottom of the photo below you see a rock ledge under water.  Beyond that the water looks to be twelve, maybe fifteen, feet deep or more.  Where we wade is comfortably cool.  I imagine it’s very cold out in the deep water.

P1050871-001Bridget, Reggie and I are in and out of the water, having a great ol’ time.

P1050884-001I find a rock to sit on and we relax in the shade for a few minutes.

Reggie doesn’t sit still for long.  Too much fun stuff to sniff!

P1050881-001Bridget, being the fastidious lady that she is, busies herself cleaning her legs.

P1050870-001A slight breeze wafts off the river.  I move around to take photos and the crew becomes curious about something in the bushes.

“Oh, no, stay out of there, you two.”

P1050887-001Here they come . . . . What sweet pups they are . . . .

P1050865-001The campground fees are paid until this coming Sunday when we, most likely, will move to another camp.

P1050866-001I didn’t realize when choosing this place that it would keep us cool during a heat wave!

P1050868-001Afternoons I sit in the shade and read. 

Bridget and Reggie nap nearby.  I’m reading Jinx Schwartz books.  Light, funny, and just right for a summer day.  I think this is the fourth one I’m into now.  You can read reviews at this Amazon link and decide if it’s your kind of book:  Just Add Water (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 1).

P1050876-001Breitenbush River pool

Bridget and Reggie come out of the water.

They’re wet up to their bellies, bright-eyed and happy.

“You ready to climb up to the campground?”

Make that crawl up to the campground . . .  on all fours.

What a fun day!




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148 Responses to The simple pleasure of a cool Oregon river on a hot day

  1. rvsueandcrew says:

    It’s 100 degrees in Detroit, Oregon, as I type this! 🙂

  2. eliza says:

    looks heavenly….

  3. eliza says:

    hey, wait, does that count as a first? anyhow, i am in illinois and getting sick of the rain. i actually miss watering the garden. stay cool!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING FIRST, ELIZA! My comment doesn’t count… I have an unfair advantage.

      It took a long time to put this post together. Internet signal faded away. Plus the battery in my air card became so hot that I had to put it into the refrigerator to cool off.

      The signal is strongest in the morning. Don’t think I can keep up with comments until then.

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        Mel the former electronics tech for the Navy says that was a good idea to cool it as long as you don’t freeze it or get it damp. Heat is never a friend of electronics.

  4. Nora says:

    Sounds like a PERFECT RVing day!

  5. Lovely post today. Sure looks like the Humbug camp is turning into a winner. I’m glad you found some cool water to alleviate the heat. The pictures are fine, it shows the water and crew enjoying it. What more could we want?

  6. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    What a lovely place, the water really looks cool and comfy and clear to boot. Have a great time and enjoy the water.
    Am I first?

  7. Warm everywhere, but looks like you have found a sweet spot! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos Sue!

  8. Oh it is so cool looking there, my pups and I would love to be in that water wading around. I love the pictures. The heat factor is 106 here so we are laying low and doing nothing outside today

  9. Alice says:

    It looks wonderful and you are a great photographer. In So. Fla. we’re supposed to hit 95 with a heat index of 105. It feel like an oven outside but looking at your pictures makes me feel cooler. Sick dog so I can’t go anywhere right now. Your babies are adorable.

  10. weather says:

    Hilarious,Sue-describing yourself as mature before sliding down the hill like a child,Ha!Most delightful incidence of you at play ever,I love this post!Heat wave beat by hidden gem,you really are lavished with gifts from above…It’s great ,from here,to see the crew being that happy,it must be just wonderful at your heart’s proximity,sigh

  11. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I LOVE your swimming hole! Perfect for you all to cool off! I bet you are ready for another dip after crawling up the bank! Enjoy this little piece of heaven! Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  12. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

    Camping by rivers is my absolute favorite. Your photos convey that this one is certainly special and sooo inviting for an icy dip! I would be scootching in up to my armpits just like the crew…

  13. Chris B - Southern California says:

    Ahhhhh….that water! It’s so inviting!

    Another beautiful area!

    Chris B

  14. GREAT pool you found, it looks like paradise! Boy those daytime temps would do me in though. I’m headed to northern Mich. and hoping the temps and bugs are not too bad.

  15. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Sweet! Exploring hidden gems with RVSue and the crew.

    What a lovely day! Glad all of you enjoyed it!

  16. cate walsh says:

    Lucky Sue; lucky crew,

    Would love to be in the cool green water surrounded by nature right now. Its pleasantly warm here in Portland, ME today, but I wanna be out of the office.

    Tonight is the first “day” of our annual Greek Food Fest and live Greek music and dancing. The ladies at our local Greek church make awesome traditional dishes and deserts. OOPA! anyone?

    I’ve been sneaking onto the internet researching smallish travel trailers today. Yikes so many good choices, and yes I am considering Casitas. I dooo love the look of the Olivers tho’. Looks like they are back in business since the economy improved. Any opinions of the Scamp line?

    Hope all is well with you, and the blogorinos. Enjoy the highways and byways for me. INVU.

    Hugs and kisses to the furry ones,
    Cate W.

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Have a wonderful time at your Greek Festival!!! One of my dear high school friends was Greek and she did all the things you mentioned to prepare for her festival, the dresses, the foods, the songs and music, the heritage and history…all all richly beautiful. It was always one of most favorite times of the year to go with them for a day. I think it lasted almost a week including all the build up for it. I have always loved Greece and Crete, on my bucket list to see on day ~ hope to anyway. If I remember correctly, Prince Phillip of England was a Greek Prince BEFORE he married Princess Elizabeth, now Queen Elizabeth II. Such history there and I love reading about it all. Again, enjoy and have a FAB time!

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        Oh, some thirty years ago Klemper and I had our very first date. He took me to see Anthony Quinn in the play Fiddler On The Roof when he came to minneapolis MN. He knew how much I loved Greek culture, and he did too. Yep, he is a KEEPER 🙂

      • cate walsh says:

        Thanks Pamela,
        I’ve been known to go all three days and really get my fill of the Greekness. Shall I have a piece of baklava (sp?) or some lamb in your honor?
        I didn’t know that about Prince Phillip..very interesting.
        Greece, esp. the Greek Isles, is on my bucket list too. Hey, want to think about doing a Greek Isle cruise with Grand Circle Cruise Lines (Boston Co.)? I need that traditional tourist photo of the white houses with blue domes on Santorini, and to dance on the beach like Zorba!

        Its fun to have our dreams, no?

        Take good care,
        Cate W.

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          I have a grand friend on Flickr who lives on the Island. She is always saying to come there. I really do want to someday. A cruise would be perfect for a meet-up with her then. You come along and we could be the three Americans, lol. 🙂 And yes, you pick either of those wonderful festive foods for me, I love them both! The Lamb for dinner and the grand dessert as a topper to the day! Baklava is a FAV! Oh, and so cool that I told you about Prince Phillip of England. Back when they were engaged, many Greeks thought he was marrying-down, so to speak, because she was not yet in line for the throne until after her uncle advocated to her father. Phillip was the son of the exiled King. Under British law he had to renounce his titles and renounce and future rights to the Greek throne. I think history has worked out well for both of them 🙂

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            Well, something like that anyway… He was the son of Prince Andrew, the King’s youngest son. Princess Elizabeth was the heir presumptive at the time of their engagement. I should brush up on my history facts, a favorite thing of mine to read the history about all the ~kinfolks~ of Queen Victoria and the Golden Age before so many royal houses fell during WWI and again in WWII.

          • cate walsh says:

            Hey Pam,

            Let me know when you and your friend are ready to cruise to the Greek Isles, and I’ll get packing!

            Oh thanks for the additional info about Prince Phillip and his Greek family royal ties…so interesting.

            Yes…I think he and Elizabeth did well after all.

            Have a good day,

  17. I love, love, love to camp by water. That water looks heavenly. With that clarity I wouldn’t be able to stay out. Our temps here in southern IL have been in the upper 90s. We’ve had a lot of rain, but breezes haven’t been too scarce. Humidity is always a problem, but we are heading to Colorado for vacay!

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      Crystal, I checked out your site. Your T@B trailer is really cute. Which model do you have, and can you give me a price range?

      • Barbara, thanks. I love my T@B. She’s an ’07 made by Dutchmen. Little Guy Trailers bought the rights in 2010 and now make them. I have the “Q” model, which is queen bed and “L” shaped kitchen. I bought used in 2010. I see them advertised used around 6k and up depending on year and amenities. They’re Amish made in OH and I’ve toured the factory. We have a couple of Facebook pages you might want to join for photos. One is “T@B Camping Trailers”. Hope this helps!

        • Also…I’m north of you in southern IL. I Go through Nashville often attending T@B gatherings or Sisters on the Fly.

          • Barbara (Nashville) says:

            Thanks Crystal for the info. Would love to meet and see your T @ B. If you get down this way, maybe you can post and I can contact you somehow. I do not have a smart phone nor am I on facebook.

            • Will do. I am going to TN in a couple of weeks but will cut across east of you heading to Bandy Creek near Oneida in Big South Fork.

            • Pam N. says:

              Cute little yellow trailer, I’m Googling them to see more. You must be a homie, based on your flag logos-the Pack, and OskDef, where I spent five happy years before the 2013 layoffs. Happy trails!

  18. G B says:

    This will be my first comment ever but I have enjoyed you blog for quite awhile. I have read Jinx Schwartz and found her writing to be quite enjoyable also. I, like everyone else who follows your blog probably add to our personal lists of places to see for our own travels. I thank you for that.

  19. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Oooooohhhhh…. just wanna lay down in that cool, clear, private ‘spa’. Pretend I’m driftwood. Some of those photos reminded me of your hot springs oasis. But with melted snow instead.

    Here, in the western foothills of the Cascades, it’s pushing 90* in the shade. The all day hum of the neighborhood’s air conditioners is somewhat negated when they come from work, after the heat of the day has passed, and are overheard saying they just cannot understand why their power bill is so high. Meanwhile, I sit in my sun-warmed kiddie pool with all my clothes on looking up at all the activity in the sky- scraping trees with my binoculars. There’s the not-so baby crow! He’s eyeing my pool and hoping it will be vacant soon. And just a tiny bit of growth on the tips of the branches. Last year, when there was much more rain, the weight of the new growth made the branches droop and the entire tree’s color change. Oh look! Those squirrels are chasing each other in spirals up and down the trunk. Whoops! Plop… regroup…and they’re at it again. Just wish they didn’t traverse the power lines; unprotected transformer terminals. Well, my cat has wandered over to let me know he’s too hot and for me to hose him off. Really. He does this. Then stands under the nozzle until he’s done, then wanders away to ‘fix his do’. He also loves to have his armpits scratched. And yes, the back leg starts to go just like a dog.

    Sue, by the way, Breitenbush has some ‘alternative’ retreats. Clothing optional and other personal growth venues. You may want to set your monocular aside for the time being. 😉

    GO TEAM EDITH!!!!!!!!

  20. Linda Rose & the 4 M's says:

    What a wonderful little pool of cool clear water. Every time I see them in the water I think of Spike and how he loved to plop down in it. It’s going to be in the 100’s all week here in Sacramento, CA so if I do anything outside it’s early in the morning. The pups and I are laying around inside in the air conditioning the rest of the day. Looking forward to hearing what wonderful place you head to next.

  21. Timber n' me /at Bennet CG, ID. says:

    Hi you three,,, I bet you fellow pups in joy the cool water,,, the 2 creeks here move to fast for me to go all the way in, but I like the trail that Dad takes me on,,,,,,,, for a free CG we are in ,,,, it’s filling up,,, glad we got the drive thru campsite and we just see the people commn’ n’ goin’,,,,,,,,,,,, My Dad hert his self some how a few days ago,,, I know this cuse he’s been takin’ meds and drinkin’ a lot of creasotte tea and feelin his neck just below his right jaw and ear,,, I think he poped his ears when we went down the steep hill to fast,,,,,,, I’ll keep ya up to date,,, oh My Dad says nice photos and for you 3 to stay cool,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Timber

    • weather says:

      Timber tell your Dad I’m glad he’s not hurt so badly that he can’t help you leave a note on here.I’ll pray for his healing -bet having you with him makes him feel better,Love’s good medicine.

      • Timber n' me /at Bennet CG, ID. says:

        Hi Weather,,, I feel like I have a cold or something each morn when I get up And yesterday My ear hurt when I took my morning shot of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, but it didn’t hurt this morn, but when I bend over to put on my boots or something, I feel like a presser on the right limp gland under my right jaw and sometimes it feels like it’s draining, so I’m drinkin’ plenty of tea and takeing some anti by octeets and my herbs and I’m trying to stop chewin’ my tobacco,,,,,,,,,,,, No fever yet,,,, Thanks for your prayers and love ,,,,,,,,, rusty

        • weather says:

          Glad your ear felt better ,Rusty,praying everything else will or already does 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Rusty,

          If you don’t feel better when you wake up tomorrow morning, you could go to a walk-in clinic in Burley. Leave really early so it will still be comfortable for Timber in the truck. You may need antibiotics to knock this thing out.

          Riverview Urgent Care
          382 North Overland Ave.
          Burley, ID

          Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am to 9 pm
          Sundays 9am to 3 pm

          No appointment needed. Here’s the phone anyway: 208-678-6996

          Directions: Go down the mountain to Route 77 and turn left to head north to Burley. Route 77 is Overland Drive (also known as Rte. 27). Stay on that route and you should see Riverview when you get to the 300-400 block.

          I’m trying to email you. No success so far. I’ll keep trying. I’m worried. If you wait until you have a fever, driving will be difficult.

          LATER… I can’t get my email to load this morning. Hope you feel better soon, Rusty.

    • weather says:

      Good morning,Sue,I hope everything you reach for this morning goes the way you want it to.Good news and connections in every way and good coffee in your cup 🙂

    • Krystina - In Neskowin, Oregon says:

      Gee Rusty, sorry to hear you are under the weather 🙁 I sure hope that this morning you are feeling better! I agree with RVSue…please don’t wait until you have a fever. When I had all the “stuff” going on with me I called a few walk in clinics in CA…none of them took Medicare. I had to pay cash. UGH. I would call and ask them if they do take Medicare. I think that maybe that was just in CA though. I hope so. Please rest a lot a drink lots of water.


      • Timber n' me /at Bennet CG, ID. says:

        HI to ALL And a Good Morn to wake to,, Thanks Lord and all,,,,,,,,, The pain is lite and I feel a whole lot better and no cold or flu feeling this Morn,,, I’ll keep takin’ my Remedy Herbs, 1/4 aspirin, 2 caps of Astragalus twice a day, chew or suck on a small peace of Osha Root, Drink 2, 12oz. cups of warm Creosote tea, twice a day,, take 2 1000mg of vit. C, twice a day along with my normal Vitamins………. I went to bed last night ’bout 8:30 and rose ’bout 7 am and I Prayed be for going to bed… I feel purty much in the norm this day………… rusty

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          That’s great news, Rusty! Thanks for letting us know. 🙂

        • Yay! I am hoping for speedy full recovery today. Sounds like you are taking really good care of yourself. Keep it up. Woof and rubs to Timber.

          • Timber n' me /at Bennet CG, ID. says:

            I thank you all for your prayers and wishes,,,,, Some think that we are all alone in this World,,,, but by Lovin’ the Lord our God with all your Heart , Soul , Strength , Mind and Love of RvSue and her Crew and Love of all the Blogeroos who follow her and Him,,,,, We’re all not alone,,,,,,,,,,, Thanks to all,, We LOVE YOU ALL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

  22. cate walsh says:

    Have a great weekend, everyone. Thurs. is my Friday and until I get a new laptop for home, I email from my office computer (boss doesn’t care). So I’ll catch up with Sue and all of you next week.

    Pleasant dreams,
    Cate W.

  23. I have read all of the Hetta Coffey books and love the light fun of them! Glad you like them to! I remember you also liked the Outlander series! Did you know that the Stars channel has turned The Outlander into a movie series? It is extremely well done, the did the original story proud! Great costuming, filmed at the castles in Scotland, the acting is top notch! I wish I had DVD recorder so I could copy them for you!

    I love your swimming hole! Looks so refreshing! I think I would have jumped into the deep end! Enjoy your time there!

  24. Dawn in Mi says:

    Cooler than normal here this week…highs in the high 60s, low 70s. Really good weather to weed the garden. Darn it all! 🙂 This camp looks wonderful, like so many others you’ve visited.

  25. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Love your private pool! I also love it when you take water shots where you can see clear through the water, so visual and relaxing. Those rocks and that stream reminds me of some great fishing times! BTW, are those mud-dobber nests on the post of the fishing platform? Almost looks like it! Well, as usual, Klemper thinks all those photos of oregon are pretty darn special! I agree, love seeing that place. We are going to see Oregon for sure, thanks to your stories and photos 🙂

  26. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, paradise found……….again. How do you do it?

    A perfect spot, a perfect day, with a perfect crew, hard to imagine what could make that any better.

    Oh, wait a minute…………I bet Edith might like that cool water. 🙂

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      *Oh, wait a minute…………I bet Edith might like that cool water. :)*
      LOL, we are such an Edith cheering section 🙂

      Edith! Edith! You’re so fine!
      You’re so fine, you blow our minds!
      Hey! Hey!)

      Poor Sue, we are just so shameless about being “Edith” fans…

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Add me to the Edith fans. I saw her on Pixieproject site today, but did not see her on the petfinder site last night. Maybe Sue’s interest caused them to take her down temporarily.

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Barbara added!

          It will be great to have Sue get her face-to-face time with Miss Edith. Only then will Sue know if Edith is a future crewmember or not. She does have a way of sticking in our minds 🙂

    • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

      Whoz got the Team Edith tee shirts? 😀

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        I don’t know, giggles now.
        I had to settle for the b’ball cap.
        They had a sellout-run on the t-shirts in my size 🙂

        • Timber n' me /at Bennet CG, ID. says:

          Team Edith Doggy Vests? I want one and my Dad says he’d like a ball Cap too.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Timbeerrr ,,,Wooff!!!!

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            Great idea for the vest. I should have asked you, since you are a doggie, what would be perfect! As always, you came through with flying colors 🙂 And that b’ball hat for your Dad, consider it done!
            Tell your Dad that I’m glad he is feeling better today and take care of himself for us.

            • Timber n' me /at Bennet CG, ID. says:

              Thanks Pamela K,,,, I’m a 6 year old Husky, miniature Germen Sheppard, Shiatsu, Whippet,,,but I mostly look like the Husky with a number 1 in the middle of my forehead and I,,, don’t tell my Dad,,, I Run the Show,,, mostly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Timbe ,,,,,,,,,, uh? oh just lookin,,,,,’ why dad? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

            • Pamela K. in GA says:

              Oh! I DO understand about you running the show, lol! Our Golden Retriever has us trained well too 🙂
              Her Bearness says to have a fine evening with your Dad, and Woof!

  27. Lynn Brooks says:

    So beautiful!!!
    Who knew there are still a few pristine places left?!?!?
    Thanks for sharing!

  28. Lenore says:

    Thats beautiful; the pups had a great time.

  29. TXBX says:

    Did you say “slept with the door open”? Oh, My!

    You are a braver woman than I will EVER be! (I can only be brave when I’m awake / aware. I am a chicken about sleeping with doors open!) My imagination is too vulnerable and I can’t control it!

    The beauty of your little beach is a true inspiration! Enjoy!

    • Chey says:

      My house I leave open, my faith lies with friends,
      If I can’t trust my instincts, I’ll loose in the end
      I’d rather take chances, than be on my guard
      That side of the moon is too dark
      Lyrics by Tret Fure

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      I am like you, TXBX, but most likely the doggies with their better hearing, smellers, etc. would put up quite a fuss if anything was amiss…

  30. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Nothing like a swimming hole on a really hot day. What fun to see Bridget and Reggie enjoying that cool, clear water!

  31. Penny in AR says:

    100 degrees here in Arkansas where I live, with a heat index today of 111! That cool water wading looks wonderful!

  32. Jolene says:

    This is so beautiful. I would have been right down there in that water too. However, not only would I be cooling off, I would be throwing a fly on my fly rod under that rock ledge. That clear water is so inviting for the fly fisherman in me.

    Enjoy your stay there and keep cool!!

    • Chey says:

      guess who else is an avid fly fisher…Madam Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg!

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        Really?! Even still, at her age and all…
        Who knew?!!!

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        There are fish bigger than her!

      • Krystina - In Neskowin, Oregon says:

        Wow Chey…I love learning stuff!! Thanks for sharing that.

        • Chey says:

          I met her when she and a few cronies booked a week at the Unalakleet River Lodge in Alaska in 2007 where I worked as a chef that summer. We had to address her as “Madam Justice”, “would Madam Justice like more toast?”

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            Did she reply, “Yes please, Chef.”?
            Chef Chey, I was saddened to read of the hiking death of the former White House Chef. Such a talent lost and a sad end to a long and accomplished career. I spent many horseback riding weekends at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs WV during my younger days. A foodie’s dream after a morning’s ride!

    • Hello Jolene, from one fly fisher woman to another…I thought the same thing when I saw that pool. I wondered just what might be down there…

      • Jolene says:

        Yup Shirlene, when fly fishing is in your blood, it is hard not to look at water like that and not think that!! 🙂

  33. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    What an absolutely beautiful spot! I thought for sure you were going to slide right down that slope into the water!

  34. Donna 'N Girls says:

    Oh, gosh that look likes fun. I’d slide down the hill, too. Did a lot of slidin’ down hills when I was growing up in Portland.

  35. Ron says:

    Sue I love the pictures of the doodle heads having a good time in the cool water. I have been up that way a few time over the years and it is beautiful part of Oregon. I have been enjoying Oregon since moving here from Los Angles in ‘48.

    Come Sunday, my wife says that we are going to look at a potential new furry family addition. I lost my camping buddy of 14 years about a year and a half ago, and have not been able to think of replacing her till recently. I have found that I am petting every dog that I meet on the trails, so I guess it is about time. She is a female Bichon just like my Annie was. I am sure she will fill the empty spot in my heart. Can’t wait to walk the Oregon beaches with her when she gets a little older. (She is just a month old right now).

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Awww Ron,
      I know that pain and how hard it is to go through. May your Annie R.I.P.
      Nice that you are at a place and time to find that sweet new furry friend. Here’s hoping Sunday will be the day you pick her out as your new beach buddy 🙂

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        I too can relate to losing a fur buddy. I have found a rescue in KY that I would really like to have. I am waiting to here back from them regarding a few questions. Hubby is not too thrilled, but, oh well….

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Hope you get your new furry friend. No doubt your husband will come around once those first few snuggles and kisses come his way 🙂

  36. Reine in Plano says:

    Just to keep up. We read your blog pretty much every day but don’t comment very often. Glad you’re enjoying the water and the campground. Don’t expect many comments in the next month. Paul and I are headed out to meander through southern Tennessee and then up the Blue Ridge Parkway and back by Cumberland Gap, Mammoth Cave and Land Between the Lakes starting July 6. I expect that our internet signal will be questionable to nonexistent so I’ll read the blog on my phone but won’t do much commenting. I’ll let the other blogorinos do the chatting.

    Have fun in Oregon.

    • Mick'nTN says:

      Welcome to TN, Reine & Paul; enjoy your trip.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Welcome to TN Reine, Hope you and Paul enjoy our beautiful state. Nashville has some interesting museums; art (Frist Center & the Parthenon), country music hall of fame, The newly renovated Ryman auditorium, Grand Ole Opry, just to name a few.

  37. Deirdra Doan says: My husband and his music. He used to play at the hot springs where you are.

    We live in Salem near where you hanging now. Fun to see your blog and follow your travels. Giving us idea’s for places to camp in Oregon. You might really love the Oregon Coast Sept-Oct. No wind of fog. Hope to keep up with you. I am fixing up a little Uhaul 13 ft. now.

  38. Pam says:

    Bridget looks happy in every pic! There’s not one photo of her looking at you with the evil eye!

  39. Sondra-SC says:

    It was worth the incline I know a cool pool on a hot day is akin to Heaven…Have a quiet and cool weekend!

  40. Jodee Gravel on the road in Trinidad, CA says:

    The clarity and color of the water in that little pool is beautiful. Definitely a special treat on a hot summer day. It had to be inviting for Bridget to brave the water and the camera at the same time! Good for you for getting all of you back up the slide 🙂

  41. Cat Lady on the road in Panguitch, Utah says:

    I really like the right side of your blog that shows the weather and Fire conditions. Slow me…I just noticed it.

    Panguitch is hosting a balloon fest and Little Britches Rodeo this weekend. I’m looking forward to getting some good pictures with my new (RV Sue) camera.

    Cat Lady

  42. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Morning everyone, It’s…FRIDAY!
    The official start to The WEEKEND.
    I know, everyday’s the weekend for RVSue…
    but for some of us it’s still a big deal.
    So, in honor of the weekend, I made a little doodle for Miss Edith 🙂

    by Pamela K.

    Team Edith Fans Come Out In Droves !!!
    The Players Take The Field…
    The March To Portland Is On!
    TEAM EDITH Has The Ball !!!

    The Momentum Builds…
    A Timeout Is Called…
    The Big Play Is Constructed!
    TEAM EDITH Fans Cheer!

    The Rush Is On !!!
    The Play Clock Ticks Down…
    Go Edith! Go Edith! Go Edith!
    They SCORE !!!

    The Play Is REVIEWED…
    The Play Is GOOD !!!
    Go Edith! Go Edith! Go Edith!
    TEAM EDITH Fans Cheer !!!

    One Minute Left To HALFTIME!
    The Play Clock Ticks Down…
    The Buzzer Sounds !!!

    The Marching Band Takes The Field…
    Lead By ~The Crew~ !

    RVSue Holds Her Breath!
    to be continued…

    Hope everyone has a fine WEEKEND

  43. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Perhaps it is because of the drought conditions, but I noticed that, even though the fireworks stands have been open awhile now, I haven’t heard the usual pre-holiday volley of explosions. While I enjoy the huge display the neighborhood pyro tech guy does on the 4th, most of the critters around here freak out when the odd m80 goes off. My cat dives in the house (even through a screen) and stays under the bed for hours. The birds fly en mass up and away. The dogs intensely scratch at their doors to get in.

    Although I am sad to see the crispy, brown plants, maybe the noise mongers actually chose to use some brain juice and not set their houses ablaze. (again) I choose have hope for society yet.

    Anyone else notice a lack of early fireworks in their area?

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Maple Valley Gal,

      I have noticed the same thing here. There is some whahoo a couple streets behind me that gets great joy shooting off M80 firecrackers. Oh, and not only on the 4th of July. He sets them off every holiday. I feel bad for Gracie pup…she gets so stressed out.

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        It is eerily quiet around here. Not even the younger kids with the pop bottle rockets. I am very grateful whatever the reason is. Just wondering why? Maybe because the 4th is on a weekend and they are saving up? They don’t bother me so much, a little fun here and there, but I feel so badly for the animals. At least I’m prepared for the day of the holiday and lock the cat inside and close the windows and turn on the music. (Don’t really appreciate the cherry bombs @ 2am, though)

        Hard core Seahawk fans in this ‘village’ set them off EVERY point scored. Can always tell when they’ve won a game; fire crackers go off for miles around. Just folks saying they’re happy. But the cat is confused. He seems to be pondering…’It’s not hot summertime so it can’t be THAT day. What’s up with the scary noises?’

  44. rvsueandcrew says:


    You all are a fun bunch. I’m able to read your comments. Replying takes forever! Please welcome new blogorinos and answer any questions that come up. Thanks!

    To the blogorino who asked about SENIOR DISCOUNT PASSES…. I can’t find your comment and I’m sorry I can’t make a link for you. My internet is terrible right now. Do an internet search (don’t use my blog’s search box) for “national forest service senior discount passes” and you will find a load of info. Good luck!

  45. rvsueandcrew says:

    Oh, and no news on Edith…

    • weather says:

      The middle of a heat wave is no time to be making final judgement calls,trying out putting up a pen… dealing with moods or introductions.If you’d done any of that today it may have discouraged you or made you second guess yourself.Things are unfolding and going at this exact pace for a lot of good reasons.Like the cool water near you, it’s best to go with the flow,it’s all good…

      the woman waiting for umpteen things to fall into place said to herself and a friend 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You’re right. I’m not in a hurry regarding Edith, and I’m not doing anything to press forward. I’m not dwelling on it. When Amy emails me after contacting the foster parent, we’ll go from there. What with the heat and upcoming holiday, a meeting probably will not occur for a few weeks, if at all. It’s up to the foster parent to determine whether Edith is ready to transition to a forever home.

        I can wait as long as it takes, since I have wheels under my house. It’s nice of you to send this message, thinking I might be discouraged or whatever. Not at all. 🙂

      • weather says:

        A cool thing along those lines just happened here.I need work done on the jeep that’s repeatedly puzzled and bothered my mechanic and I for a couple of years .He had time to work on it a couple days earlier this week,but a friend had needed rides those days so we’d agreed today would be the best one to schedule the job.Someone else had pulled into the garage with an immediate need that took longer than expected to fix.

        Feeling badly that I’d waited patiently all day my mechanic said “Instead of what we usually do,give me the weekend to study the best new ideas and first thing Monday-done- it’ll be the last time we’ll be left wondering how long it’ll work this time.” We’re loyal friends,I would never have said “You don’t know what you’re doing,I’ll go elsewhere.” He was big enough to admit it,and willing to educate himself for my sake on an unpaid weekend.Now I’ll leave the state with a vehicle in great condition and he’ll make better money for years because of increased expertise in his field.Nice,huh?

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Evening Sue!
      Glad for the update. You do know that we are all just having some fun on a Friday and not trying to add pressure to you at all. All things *Edith* will work out for whatever is best for You, The Crew and Miss Edith. Sooner or later it will all unfold the way it is meant to be, the best way 🙂
      Hope your weekend is calm and peaceful at your beautiful camp!

  46. Elizabeth in WA says:

    So nice to find yourself with a lovely clear stream, Sue…one thing I so missed when we moved East, was these clear waters we are used to in the West!! The only clear stream I ever saw back there was high up in the mts, on the Cherokee reservation in NC.

  47. BadgerRickInWis says:

    I don’t see the list of recent Amazon purchases thingy anymore. But just so you know when you see the Snoozer Bicycle Pet Basket, Yep, that’s for Dexter, and she LOVES it!!!

    Picture a dog the same size and shape as Reggie except colored like a Min Pin, riding along in her bicycle basket. So darn cute!!!!! Now we just need to get her the little leather helmet and the goggles. 🙂

    Hope you are snug as can be sitting there in paradise. I know it drives you crazy to have a crappy internet connection but ya know when you get to the real paradise they won’t have any cell signal either. Guess we should get used to it. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the order, Rick. I can’t make the readers’ purchases link while internet is poor. It would take hours. Sorry. I can’t check Amazon orders either.

      Dexter sounds adorable!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Dexter sounds adorable! Just make sure to get her some rhinestone studded goggles to complete the look! You our your girlfriend could always bedazzle a plain pair… 🙂

      A cel, signal will not be needed or desired when we get to the real paradise! 🙂

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Oh! I can picture her now! *Glamping* in her new ride 🙂 Complete cuteness!
      Get her some retro sunglasses, very Hepburn…

  48. Deadeye says:

    I just don’t see how you can leave this camp. That pool of crystal clear water would keep me there a while.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Weekenders and holiday campers are using the pool. And if they weren’t, I’d have it all to myself. Not wise to swim in unfamiliar water without another adult around. I know what you’re saying… It is a lovely swimming hole.

  49. Deadeye says:

    By the way Sue. I don’t receive email notifications of your new posts anymore. I have tried to re subscribe but it gives me an error message.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, I’ll look into it as soon as I have a better connection. I’m surprised no one else has said anything about it…

      • Krystina - In Neskowin, Oregon says:

        Good Morning 🙂 I do not receive your new posts until the next day.

        • weather says:

          It may be your particular internet service provider delaying your e-mail,Krystina. I use road runner and new post notices arrive almost simultaneously with Sue’s publishing them.I think there may be an issue connecting two problems that makes Don get an error message.When the site visits problem began a black box was in place of the numbers.Now that’s changed to purple lettering that says site meter.Clicking on that results in an error message.Likely until conditions allow Sue a better connection these glitches cannot be resolved.I’m glad nothing more serious has happened,at least we can still see the posts and communicate 🙂

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            About sitemeter…. I visited a few other blogs who use sitemeter and they have the same problem. I have tried to contact sitemeter’s support and the link doesn’t work. Although I’m having connectivity issues, I’m pretty sure the counter isn’t working because of a snafu with the sitemeter people. I heard a few months ago of blogs having problems with sitemeter. I would’ve switched to another counter by now but I doubt I could stay connected long enough to install one.

            • weather says:

              You’d mentioned previously that you still have access to the correct current #s,so postponing corrections we see should be done at your convenience,readers really don’t seem to pay much attention until another million marker seems close.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              That’s the way I look at the situation, too.

          • Krystina - In Seaside, Oregon says:

            Good Morning Weather 🙂 I have a Verizon MIFI. Thank you for that explanation of what could be delaying RVSue’s posts. 🙂

            • weather says:

              Hi, Krystina 🙂 ! When I read your reply,I typed “problems with verizon mifi e-mail delays?” as a Yahoo search-pages!! Receiving most e-mail a few hours late probably doesn’t matter much,I don’t mention the search so you can solve something that isn’t really a problem,just to let you know you’re not alone and it’s not your computer or skills.I hope you’re back to just enjoying life and feeling great!

            • Krystina - In Seaside, Oregon says:

              🙂 What I know about computers, internet….on and on fits in a thimble! LOL 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I noticed your comments come in later…. Good morning to you, too, Krystina. 🙂

  50. Pamela K. in GA says:

    I should be logging off to fix a late evening dinner.
    Ground Steak sammies for Klemper and a Ground Steak patty with Baked Potato for me. Quick is always best on a hot and humid Friday night. Works for me 🙂

    Oh! BTW, has anyone heard from Ginger? I didn’t see any comments from her of late.
    Hope she is OK and still getting well.

  51. AZ Jim says:

    Great site Missy. That pool is wonderful. When I see Reggie in the water I automatically see Spike.. He would have loved it there.

  52. Dahkota says:

    Beautiful campground. I’m going to have to add this to my list! Reggie and Bridget look like they enjoy it. I love your blog. When I get stressed out, I stop by to catch up. Better than a glass of wine. Thank you for the therapy!

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