The simple pleasure of walking along water

Thursday, May 30

Directly behind our campsite at Sunglow Campground in central Utah, a tiny stream flows through a wash.


For several mornings Bridget, Spike and I let the stream direct our walk.  It’s a wonderful way to start a day!


1-P1040771It’s fun to pick our way through rocks and water in such interesting surroundings.

Funny.  I remember playing along the stream near our house as a young girl.  Here I am, more than fifty years later . . . playing along a stream.  Simple pleasures never grow old.


At first Bridget tries to stay out of the water, jumping over the stream instead of walking through it.  Soon she discovers the water is fun and refreshing!  Atta girl, Bridget!


We detour from the stream to once again make our way up to the high, magical place. Never in my life did I imagine I’d ever be somewhere like this. 


On the way back to the stream we meet a young woman walking with her daughter and two sons.  Spike immediately checks out their white German Shepherd and asserts his authority by raising his fur.  Ooh, scary Spike.


An agreement is reached between the white, sticks-and-bricks dog and the not-so-white vagabond dog.


 Nothing like a little lovin’ to turn a guy sweet and mellow!


 Back at the stream Bridget, Spike, and I resume our walk downstream.


We come to a pool where Spike decides it’s time for another soak.  That cool mud must feel good on the belly.  Bridget’s concentration is on wading which enables me to take this photo of both of them from my seat on a nearby rock.


Gee, the crew and I will soon reach the forest service’s 14-day limit at Sunglow Campground and we’ll have to leave. 


Spike will have to give up soaks several times each day, unless I can find another camp by water.  That would be nice.


Sunglow is a good camp in a great location.  If we come this way again, we’ll camp here.


Spike would happily volunteer to be Sunglow’s camp host!








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68 Responses to The simple pleasure of walking along water

  1. Ladybug says:

    HAH!! I knew as soon as I saw the word ‘water’ that it would be all about Spike!

  2. Sherry says:

    I love the pic’s of Bridget and Spike .
    Spike is king of the walk. lol
    Glad you are having a great time.

  3. cinanjules (NY) says:

    Glad you all enjoyed the walk along the water.
    Beautiful country.
    Spike is such a character! Soaking up the loves!
    Good girl Bridget!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      When we lived in a regular house in Georgia, there wasn’t any good place for walks near our house. The road out front was straight and a place where idiots would speed. The fields around us were fenced by owners with a keep-out attitude. Now I appreciate living in places where we can wander and explore. . . and water makes it even better!

  4. Geri says:

    Wonderful pictures! Sure wish we had explored the Sunglow Campground while we were there! Spikey looks right at home, if you had a bit more time, even Bridgette might try laying down and soaking! So glad ya’ll are having a good time!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      If I can find a camp near water that’s deep enough, clean enough, and warm enough, I’m going to take Bridget in my arms and we’ll both go for a swim!

  5. Mary Ann (Pontotoc, MS) says:

    Simple pleasures is my speed too. I loved the photos of Bridget and Spike, especially the one with Spike laying on his belly and Bridget picking her way across. Great! Bridget looks happy and proud.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Although Spike’s enjoyment is obvious, Bridget really has fun on our walks along the stream. She loves it! And you’re right — She’s very proud of herself.

  6. Cecilia says:

    Such a lovely spot. I’d be right along Spike soaking up the cool. I loved to play in the creek as a child. Our imaginations spun wild west living tales and games.
    Bacliff, TX

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Me, too, Cecelia. Even though I grew up in the Northeast, due to TV westerns I imagined wild west adventures, too.

  7. Donna in CT says:

    Did you soak your feet also? That would be fun. If you wanted to stay there longer could you leave for a few days then return? Do they have people checking each day? Just curious on how they enforce that. Looks like a great spot.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I soaked a little bit where there wasn’t mud. 🙂

      Sunglow Campground is a national forest campground managed by High Country Recreation. A person comes around at approximately 2 o’clock (check-out time) and collects the fees out of the self-pay station. You write the date, your license plate number, and other info on your pay envelope so it’s easy for the length of your stay to be monitored.

      I believe you have to stay away for at least another 14 days before returning.

  8. Dedra says:

    I have alway wondered. If there are open spaces, why would it hurt to stay a little longer? Just more money for them. You can tell I was in accounting.
    Great pictures! Tell the crew Hi!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I can think of two reasons why people aren’t allowed to continue camping in a campground, even when there are open spaces.

      Someone would complain that they can’t get into that campsite because a certain person is “always” there.

      Also the national forest service, probably under pressure from other sources, wants to discourage people living (rather than camping) in campgrounds. Maybe there’s a fear full-timers will erect a lean-to, raise chickens, put a car up on blocks and remove the transmission, plant a garden, tie a goat to the site post, etc. LOL

  9. Ron says:

    I really like the country you are camping in right now .
    I have a friends that camp in a nation forest for several months at a time ,there is a 14 day limit. He has it down to a t ,tanks and water food is set up to last 2 1/2 weeks .
    He has three camping spots he rotates between. I think he told me they had to be 25 miles apart at least.
    He is an animal photo guy and does this 9 months out of the year.
    Ps If a person wanted to stay in an area I am sure it could be worked out.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think I may have camped near that guy at Anza Borrego. He has an Airstream and was setting up lure boxes so he could photograph kit foxes.

      I’ve heard of folks who do a rotation. Maybe someday I’ll “settle down” and do that. Now I’ve got too much wanderlust!

      Yes, it’s hard not to like this area.

  10. AZ Jim says:

    Great spot and as always you make great pics. Good to see little spike get his soaks in. I really miss the familiar email notices but such is life I reckon. I am sorry you have to leave there. Is there another location nearby you could spend 14 days in? It would be cool to alternate them. I know you’re enjoying yourself and that’s what it’s all about. Do it while you can. You left the lower desert just in time, it’s been over 100 here now for weeks. Well I still love it here in Arizona and we enjoy lot’s of great weather when others shovel snow (Like I did for 10 years). Keep those tires rollin Sue

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Jim, it would be nice to stay here, but you know what I say… I like to leave a camp while I still want to stay. Then if I come back this way again, I know where I want to camp!

      I’m surprised by how fortunate I’ve been with weather. I can’t say we’ve hit
      70s and 80s because of any skill on my part. Utah offers a variety of temperatures in proximity, available by going up or down.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Apparently — given what you wrote about emails — the email notification still isn’t working. Arrrghh!!

  11. cozygirl says:

    What I’d give to meander down such a fine stream…I’m feeling a nice mud pedicure! Going to put a big fat red “x” on my Benchmark map. Last week or two, I’ve been pulling them out and trying to learn how to decipher them. It’s the colored areas that really have been the toughest part to figure out. But they sure are lovely! And one of the best things I brought from you site. Oh, the motion light you put in the bathroom at night…worked like a charm for a last trip out!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good to know you’re happy with your Amazon purchases I’ve suggested. As for the colored areas, the most important are Yellow for BLM and Green for National Forest. LOL

  12. wheelingit says:

    Just getting back online after a week off and catching up on blogs. SO HAPPY to see you back up again! I wanted to sign-up for e-mail delivery of your new blog, but I don’t see a link to do it? That may be something to add. Otherwise all looks great and the crew looks very happy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Nina! Great to see you here.

      Yes, many readers have commented that they miss the emails. I’ve tried to put the notification button back with various plug-ins. No success so far!

  13. Alison ~ pacific northwest says:

    Sounds like the most perfect day ever!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s a good thing I enjoy the simple things in life because the crew and I never do anything too difficult or complicated! LOL

  14. CT says:

    Sunglow looks like a wonderful place to camp! Are there sites that can accommodate big 5th wheels?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You probably could put a fifth wheel in the first campsite we were in at Sunglow (#6). I can’t remember if there were limbs over the parking pad that would interfere. I don’t think there were.

      There’s also a site on the cul-de-sac that’s a pull-through (actually it’s on the edge of the big paved circle between two group sites). You could park with your door toward the picnic table, grill, and stream.

      It’s a small campground… Only 7 single sites and 2 doubles.

  15. mitchell says:

    Sue, as I understand it, the email notification system you had when hosted by WordPress will not work when self-hosted. But my sites have always been self-hosted so I know very, very little about being hosted with WP so take that with a very big grain of salt. But I have read that.

    And although I think they have recently made some changes, you might check out Feedburner.

  16. Barbara B says:

    Hi Sue,
    I read your blog every evening and have never sighed up for the email notification. I, personally, don’t see the big deal in having it. I have done that for 3 other sites and find myself just going to the blog sites that I bookmarked and put into its own file in my favorites. For me it works just as well and I don’t have to log in. Unless I am expecting something important in email, I don’t even check it everyday.

    Love the photos and glad all of you are enjoying the area, especially Spike. Bridget is getting adventuresome.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I personally don’t like email notifications either, but apparently several people do like them.

      Thank you for reading my blog, Barbara.

      • Margie in MN says:

        Your blog is linked to a number of other blogs though, Sue, and update notifications are showing up there, so that should help your readers…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Margie, for putting a positive spin on the situation.

          • Kellee says:

            I actually like the thrill of clicking my link in favorites to your site and seeing a new entry! I always tell my husband to come and see where you are. If it was not for your blog, he would not be as enthused about full-timing as I have become.

            Love the dogs in the water!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Thank you for writing that nice comment, Kellee. It tickles me to learn that my blog has put a fire under your husband for full-timing. 🙂 Give him my warm regards!

  17. Kim says:

    I spent the best part of my day walking along a stream too. Actually it was a roaring thunder of snowmelt, but still….

    Aren’t we lucky to spend time doing such things?

  18. Ron says:

    I just compared last April to this April. Girl you are running close 2 tenths difference.

  19. Dawn says:

    Sweet. I’m smiling that Spike gets to soak so often. He’s a good boy.

  20. Rita says:

    I can understand Spike’s addiction to test the waters….I too love to stick my feet in the water. While traveling with sista to Glacier NP a year ago, we pulled over at almost every stream, river, lake we came upon to stick my feet in water. I even have pics where we thought there were bear scat on rocks nearby while soaking my feet. Love your camp and hiking up/down stream with the crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I can relate, Rita! It’s never enough to just look at water. I want to get in it. And, obviously, Spikey feels the same way as we do.

  21. Love that Bridget is getting use to wading. Spike makes me laugh with his sitting in the mud and water…so cute! Boy, his fur can really stand up. Once again protecting his family:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Spike has the tenacity and devotion of a terrier. He would defend Bridget and me to his last breath. Gotta’ love a guy like that!

  22. Gaelyn says:

    Wow, red rocks and water too. A very special treat.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I feel like that little stream brings us “up close and personal” with the wonderful state of Utah.

  23. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    There is a neat Utah State Park called Kodachrome. It is so beautiful it looks unreal. I was there back in 1993 and met a cowgirl [lady] that ran the general store. She was friends with Butch Casity’s Sister and we had a good talk about the wild west. If she is still there you could learn a lot from her and have fun camping too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Maybe we’ll go to Kodachrome someday, as long as we don’t have to drive scary parts of Highway 12 to get there. It sounds interesting.

  24. russ1734 says:


    I don’t read BLOGS….EXCEPT yours…..I enjoy reading your entries and have gotten so I scan my e-mail daily to search for the e-mail of your BLOG. I do this BEFORE reading any of the other mail entries so I can read about your most recent adventures…I DO have a problem though…since your web site has changed from .COM to .NET, I no longer get your blog by e-mail as I did before….I’ve checked your new web page looking for a registration box but haven’t found one. Any way to get the BLOG via e-mail again?


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m honored, Russell, that you seek out my blog daily. I’m aware that the email notification feature is not available on my new blog location. I know several readers like that option (over 1,000 people had signed up for it), but unfortunately the WordPress plug-in does not transfer to a self-hosted site.

      I’ve looked for others and have tried to install them. So far, no success. I’ll continue to try. I apologize for the inconvenience.

      I don’t know anything about RSS feeds. That option is available in the sidebar under META if you’re interested. It’s also known as a “live bookmark.”

      Thank you for being a loyal reader of my blog.

    • Dave says:

      Hey Russell, this is Dave . The problem you are having has been THE topic of discussion for the last several days. I can’t help myself and I’ve got to throw in my 2 cents worth. Sue is having a technical issue with the email notification and is working on it. If you click on your favorites button and bookmark this page then you will NEVER have to search your email again for her blog. Anytime you wish you can just press a button and presto, you are at Sue’s place. Look at the top of the page and you will see arrows that will lead you to the last post and the next post. If there is not a next post arrow then Sue has not posted anything new yet but if you scroll to the bottom of the page there are almost always new reader posts to entertain you. Personally, I change the bookmark when a new main entry is made by Sue.

      Sue, I hope you don’t mind. I just couldn’t stand it any longer. LOL

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Dave . . . No problem! Apparently you wrote your comment to Russell at the same time I wrote mine. Thank you for explaining another way to locate my blog. That’s the method I used daily for several years in order to keep up with Tioga George’s blog.

        I still will try to get an email thingy going because several readers do like it.

        I like you adding “there are almost always new reader posts to entertain you.” So true! Readers entertain me every day!

        Thanks again for helping me out, Dave.

  25. Shelia says:

    For some reason I’m not receiving the new posts. I received the initial one about the website address change, but have not received any since. Could you add me back so I can enjoy yours, Spike’s and Bridget’s adventures? :o)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The email notification plug-in is not available on a self-hosted WordPress site. I’m sorry this feature is not here on my new blog location. I have tried other plug-ins without success. I will keep trying.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sheila… Read the comments above yours for ideas on how to easily locate my blog. I don’t want to lose you!

      • Geri says:

        hahahaa! Apparently you have many people who read your blog and not the comments! Maybe you should have your last comment ready to copy and paste!
        “The email notification plug-in is not available on a self-hosted WordPress site. I’m sorry this feature is not here on my new blog location. I have tried other plug-ins without success. ”
        This is really getting rather comical!

  26. Susan in Dallas says:

    “Simple Pleasures” is very descriptive, indeed. They are the very best. Wish there were some streams close by in Dallas where I could go wandering. Water like that is in very short supply although there is a new nature preserve opened up in southern Dallas.

    Spikes fur really did stand up!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I commiserate with you about the short supply of water. I’ve seen the shrunken lakes and dry lake beds in Arizona that once were a haven for all sorts of birds and land creatures.

  27. Pauline says:

    Let me tell you a story about my Sister..RVSue …and that stream she mention from her childhood. One Fall, Susan went to the creek and got some tadpoles (have no idea why there was tadpoles that late) Anyway, Susan put them in a mason jar and left them them in the barn. Some time later she was horrified to find that the water in the jar had frozen and the tadpoles were suspended in their ice tomb. The Winter went on and Spring finally came. The ice melted ….Lo, and behold!!! The tadpoles came to life! One Very Happy Little Sister.
    Love you Susan

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, Pauline… fess up! Did you put live tadpoles in that jar that Spring?

      I also remember finding trout trapped in pools when the creek almost dried up completely. I don’t know how I got the trout back to the house but I do remember sitting in the back seat of the station wagon with a bucket of trout sloshing around between my knees. We were on our way to relocate them into the Battenkill River. Haha! I had begged Dad to help me with my rescue mission.

      Enjoyed the memories, Pauline. Thanks.

      • Donna in CT says:

        That was a great story, both of them. Tadpoles and frogs can survive being frozen like that. Amazing creatures. The things we did as kids! Thanks for sharing them.

  28. Sue and Jerry Little says:

    Hi Sue, We’ve missed getting email notices when you post a blog and I can’t seem to see where to sign up for that since you’ve moved sites. Is this still available? Hope so. Still enjoying your blogs tremendously!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The email notification feature was lost when I switched to self-hosting as it was part of the WordPress platform that doesn’t transfer. I hope you will bookmark my new location or make a shortcut. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Just remember we’re at

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