The sun sets on a tragic day

My sympathy to anyone affected by the Yarnell Hill fire.

With people reeling in shock and grief, it doesn’t seem right to post as usual.  For that reason today’s post is short.


Monday, July 1

Most of the day I’m at my laptop fiddling around with plug-ins, widgets, and the financial report for June.  If you’d like to view the latter, make a hard click on the word “Money” in the header.  Links for each month going back to January 2012 will appear.  If you hover your cursor, you’ll see a drop-down menu.

Yesterday’s sunset . . .

The sunset is seen through the aspens.

A tragic day ends . . .


My thanks to Mick, a friend as well as a reader and supporter of this blog, for providing the following links.


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19 Responses to The sun sets on a tragic day

  1. It is all so sad, these firefighters were so young, most in their 20’s! The fires out here in the southwest are fierce! We had a bit of rain last night so the Silver Fire, close to us, went from 20% contained last night to 50% contained today! I am so sorry for the families of these 19 brave young men and I thank them for their sacrifice. According to the news, these Hotshots were the best of the best! R.I.P.

  2. Eileen P. says:

    Our state is just heartbroken over this loss. We owe so much to these men, their families, and those men and women who will take their place on this fire line and the next one. So much. There are really no words to express it. Thank you for your tribute today.

    Eileen in Phoenix

  3. Chuck Hajek says:

    They were just up here working near Santa Fe, NM. before transferring back to Prescott. A very sad day and praying for their families.

  4. Tawanda says:

    Tragic loss in Arizona, thank you Mick for the links…
    Awesome picture of the sunset Sue the colors are amazing..

  5. cinandjules (NY) says:

    A somber day. I spent the most part of the day thinking about the fire fighters and their families. They all were so young. The strength and courage that each one of them possess to do their job is truly commendable. Their efforts are heroic.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots and their family. Thank you and may you all rest in eternal peace. Godspeed.

  6. Sierra Foothill Mama says:

    Closing your post with the sunset was a fitting tribute to these brave young fire fighters. It reminded me of a red sunset we had when we were cloaked in smoke from a fire in the Sierras.

  7. mockturtle says:

    So very tragic! I pray for the families of those who were lost and for those still battling the terrible fires. The beautiful sunset is almost perversely so.

    • Eileen P. says:

      “The beautiful sunset almost perversely so….”
      Lovely turn of phrase…thank you.

      Eileen in Phoenix

  8. A very sad day. Thoughts and prayers go out to their families.

  9. Sheri says:

    My son-in-law is a firefighter in a different proud of him and those young men…so distraught for the families…perhaps the setting sun is the best tribute you can will go on for the rest of us due to their bravery!

  10. AZ Jim says:

    Here in Arizona we are all heart broken over this terrible loss. This fire is about 50 miles from me but we have had some smoke haze here. All our flags are a half mast and our TV stations spent most of the day covering this. The bodies of all these boys were brought out by brother firefighters. The Prescott FD lost one third of it’s firefighters in this fire which is still raging zero contained. Rest in peace heros.

  11. Karin (phxross) says:

    Also good is the 100 Club of Arizona

    They provided $15,000 to each of the 19 families today. Since they don’t normally deal with the loss of 19 first responders in 1 yr let alone 1 day.

  12. Dave Burdick says:

    Very fitting picture at the end Sue, a nice tribute.

    Dave (Marcia and Bubba and Skruffy)

  13. Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

    It’s horrendous and heartbreaking. It is encouraging to hear that people all over the states are sending prayers and/or monetary support for their families and community.

  14. Pauline says:

    So very sad. Praying for the families. Perfect picture at the end.

  15. kathy says:

    A wonderous sunset photo, a beautiful tribute to 19 lives passing much too soon, for each of us to live near these scenic areas, and to enjoy them as we travel. With prayers for their families.

  16. Gaelyn says:

    Well said. I am still at a loss for words. To think these brave young men died trying to protect our town.

    Here’s a link to the talk presented at the Prescott evacuation center to residents and press.

  17. Dawn says:

    Sad. Just so very very sad.

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