Tragedy strikes a friend of this blog

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On Friday, July 17th, while Rusty and Timber camped in Dixie National Forest in southern Utah, Timber was attacked and killed by a mountain lion.


Timber, a dog who made national news and touched the hearts of many

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How is Rusty doing?  As well as can be expected.  Unfortunately he witnessed the attack, which makes the loss even more painful.

RustyLooksTimberMany of you care very much about Rusty and Timber, as I do, and you want to offer your condolences.  I encourage you to do so.  I know from experience how much your kind words can help.  I’m sure Rusty will appreciate hearing from you; however, he won’t be writing individual replies.

~ ~ ~

TimberSmilingRest in peace.

~ ~ ~



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220 Responses to Tragedy strikes a friend of this blog

  1. rvsueandcrew says:

    Dear Readers,

    Please choose your words carefully when writing comments under this post. I ask that you refrain from asking questions. Any comments that are not sensitive to the situation, no matter how well-intentioned, will be edited or deleted. On behalf of Rusty, thank you for your messages of comfort and support.


  2. Cat Lady on the road in Green River, Utah says:

    I am so sorry to hear this news, Rusty. My heart goes out to you. My family and I will keep you in our prayers.

    Take care.

    Cat Lady

  3. Calvin R (Ohio) says:

    Rusty, I wish I could help you through this. I know how painful this must be, and I hope you understand how many of us would like to sit with you and help you through your loss. Please keep in touch with people as well as you can.

  4. Diann in mt says:

    Rusty. May God protect your mind and heart while you process the tragedy of losing your precious forever friend. No words can adequately express my sorrow for you. Take time to heal, good man.

  5. Carol in Auburn says:

    My deepest condolences. Our pets are family and are loved deeply. A huge loss.

  6. Robin Brower says:

    This story breaks my heart. I am truly sorry for your loss Rusty.

  7. Cari in North Texas says:

    Rusty, I am heartbroken to read that you lost Timber. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. He was such a special dog and a part of all our lives.

  8. Toni says:

    Rusty, I wish you strength to get through this unimaginable grief. Know that we are here and thinking of you. Rest in peace, Timber. You were loved well.

  9. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    OMG! I can’t tell you how sad this makes me!

    Typing thru tears…I’m so sorry for you Rusty!

    Rest in peace Timber!

  10. eliza says:

    Rusty – I am so sorry for your loss and that you had to endure this trauma. You were wonderful for Timber and he was wonderful for you. I, and I am sure others of us here on this blog, have suffered from the violent loss of a much-loved companion. We are holding you in our prayers, thoughts and hearts. Please let us know if there is anything we can do….

  11. Anna says:


  12. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Oh Rusty – I am crying for you and I know how your heart must be breaking. Hold onto the memories of what a wonderful dog-dad you were. Timber was a very blessed dog to have your undivided 24/7 attention. There are so many of us on Sue’s blog who understand the love, and loss, of a dog. But I also know each person’s loss is so personal and unique. Just know there are many holding you in their prayers and you WILL see Timber again in heaven.

  13. Oh Rusty….my heart is breaking at this news….there are no words to describe the love our furry family members give us, always so unconditional, and it was evident how much the two of you loved each other. And, we all love you both as well….

    I pray for God’s peace for you during this time, and know that Timber is in no pain, he’s running around playing with Spike, my Ziggy, and all of our other 4 legged loved ones who have gone to the rainbow bridge.

    I’ll keep you in my prayers, much love to you….

  14. Mick'nTN says:

    Rusty, I am very saddened to hear of your loss of precious Timber. Your strong faith in God will help you through and I will be sending many prayers for both of you.

  15. Dearest Rusty, there are no words that can express the sadness that myself and others here are experiencing with you. Remember, we are family and your family will be here for you whenever you need. We will remember Timber and Spike in our hearts forever. Hoping that your road will get easier and the pain will lessen. God bless you Rusty.

  16. Pam N says:

    Rusty, I am so sorry for the loss of your best friend Timber.

  17. Dawn in NC says:


    Words can’t describe how heartbroken I am for you. You gave Timber the best life he ever could have had. He was with the person that he loved most 24/7. My prayers are with you. Please let us know if there is something that we can do for you.


  18. Rusty; I’m so, so sorry for you and Timber to have to suffer this tragedy.

    This is the worst thing in life that us humans have to endure. And to see it happen…well…I know those images will never leave you, and I’m sorry for that, too.

    I know my own tears (which I’m fighting back right now) will not help you, but please accept my condolences for your loss.

  19. Casitagirl says:

    Oh shucks Sue and Rusty. I’m so sad to hear this. Timber was so loved. Rusty, I’m so very sorry.

  20. Rhodium says:

    I am so saddened by your loss. Please know you are not alone. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  21. Debbie in VA says:

    I am so, so sorry to hear about the loss of Timber. I know how much you loved him. He will always live on in your heart. Thinking of you and hoping you’ll feel comfort in the days ahead. {Hugs}

  22. Bill & Ann, Bend, OR says:

    RIP, Timber. Take care, Rusty.

  23. Pam and Maya says:

    Rusty, sending you hugs and peaceful thoughts. Timber was a wonderful friend and loved by all that read this blog. Rest in peace Timber!

  24. Tina says:

    Rusty, how horribly sad and tragic, especially that you had to be a helpless witness to such a violent event. Our hearts are heavy with sadness for you. We sincerely hope you will find peace and comfort during the days ahead, and eventually heal from your loss. We believe our dogs really DO go to heaven, and that someday, you will be reunited with your very special buddy. Take care and be gentle with yourself.

    • Agreed! I’m a little late to the blog, and was so very shocked. I think I cried out loud when I read it on break at work. My heart is broken for you, Rusty. I wish I could reach through this screen and hug you. I wish that I could somehow take some of your pain and carry it, if even for a little while. I do believe our pets will be with us in heaven. I don’t believe they have a soul, but I believe they have something similar. The Bible talks of animals quite often. I, too, lost a pet in a tragic way. I beat myself up over it for a long time, and to this day can’t let my mind go there. Please know that there was nothing you could do, and my many thanks to you for being such a great dad to Timber. You’re a great guy, and will have many jewels in your heavenly crown. Praying for peace.

  25. Suzette says:

    Rusty –

    I just don’t have the words to say how sorry I was to read the sad news about Timber. I hope the knowledge that so many friends out here in the blogging world are grieving with you provides some measure of support and solace.

  26. Marilu from Northern California says:

    How tragic for you! I am so sorry. Freedom comes with some risk but I know freedom was what gave Timber such joy. You couldn’t have given him a better life.
    My t thoughts are with you as you make your way through this sad time.

  27. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Rusty, we are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to you at this time, may you find comfort in knowing what a great life you gave Timber. Out thoughts and prayers are with you always.

  28. This is just heart breaking. I am so sorry this has happened.

  29. Lolalo in CO says:

    Rusty, I am sorry to hear of such tragedy. My thoughts are with you. RIP, Timber.

  30. Kitt, NW WA says:

    I am so sorry you lost your beloved Timber. It hurts my heart to hear of his loss and I understand the terrible pain that comes with such loss. Stay steady and revel in the wonderful memories you created together – he was so loved.

  31. Claudia Sutherland says:

    R.I.P. Timber may your new wings take you far.
    Lots of hugs and love to you Rusty in your time of mourning.

  32. Evelyn says:

    Oh Rusty, (long pause) I’m so very sorry for your loss. Words can’t express. My heart and tears are with you.

  33. BuckeyePatti (Ohio) says:

    Rusty: My heart breaks for you. Timber is on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge and will be smiling for all the love you gave him. RIP, Timber.

  34. Dawn says:

    Rusty – so devastated for your loss and the terrible pain you must be feeling. There are no words, but know there will be so many here shedding tears on your behalf and Timber.

  35. t-n-t and the bear says:

    Loss of a loved one is never easy. I pray you will be ok, and know that Timber was very special to all of us.

  36. Lee J in Northern California says:

    This is such heartbreaking news. I never net you or Timber, Rusty, but I have come to really enjoy hearing of your adventures, your achievements, your travels. So I hope I am speaking as a friend, when I plead with you to not torture yourself by wondering how things could have been different.

    Eccliastices 9:11 says….I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all.

    This is just so sad for you….so very sorry.

  37. Penny in AR says:

    Rusty…..through reading Sue’s blog, we all feel like we know you and Timber well, and have enjoyed reading about your story and adventures. Please accept my sincerest condolences in the loss of your beloved Timber. Our prayers are with you as you travel this tough journey!

  38. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Oh Rusty, I am so so so so sorry. There is nothing more to say. Bless you. I am so so sorry.

  39. Monica-CA says:

    Oh NO! This is so sad.
    Rusty, I’m so sorry for you loss. Timber was very blessed to have such a caring and wonderful human to look after him. I’m sure Timber is in heaven playing with Spike. My prayers are with you. May you find peace in the days and months to come. If I could hug you now, I would give you a huge hug. <>

  40. Betty -Shea says:

    So sorry for your loss.
    Just know that the Angels are surrounding both you and Timber in a circle of love.

  41. kgdan says:

    Rusty, I hope the many wonderful memories you have of your travels with Timber will sustain and comfort you at this difficult time. Blessed thoughts.

  42. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    I am so sorry Rusty, Timber was so much more than just a dog. Stay in touch with everyone thru Sue’s blog, we feel like you are one of us and we worry about you. You are in my prayers and I will miss hearing about Timber. Stay safe Rusty.

  43. Linda Sand says:

    My first thought was, “Damn!” I rarely swear but that seemed the right response to me. I hate that this can be a cost of enjoying the wilderness but I think we all need to keep going out there anyway. Rusty, please know our hearts are breaking for you and we wish you whatever comfort you can find in this horrible situation.

  44. Reina and Arrow says:

    Rusty, I’m so very sorry to hear the news about Timber. My prayers are with you during this very difficult time….

  45. Kristi & Daisie says:

    Love and warm wishes sent your way. <3

  46. Joy A. says:

    My heart dropped when I read this sad news. It’ll be hard for awhile but just remember all the good times with Timber, he had a great life with you.

    Close your eyes and think of the great big lick Lily sends to you and the great big hug I send to you.

  47. Sharon in MO says:

    Rusty, I am very sad to hear the news of Timber’s death. He was a great friend to you and your were a great friend to him. Praying for you during your time of grief.

  48. Idaho Gurl says:

    I am just gutted… In shock and devastated and crying… There are no words I can possibly say to make it better…

    Rusty, may the creator comfort you and cradle you in peace… Prayers and blessings for you through this process and that in time you will heal… Sending all the love and light in the universe you… ♥♥♥ I simply do not understand the unfairness of life sometimes…

  49. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Oh, Rusty, I am so sorry for your loss. I am crying as I write this. Timber was a special pup and he was very lucky to have you as his Dad. Timber will always have a special place in my heart. I am sending you loving condolences and healing hugs. Please take good care of yourself, Rusty.

  50. Wheelingit says:

    Oh no, I so very saddened to hear this. Rusty must be totally devastated. My heart goes out to him!


  51. Linda in CO High country at 8500' says:

    May the many beautiful memories you have of Timber bring you comfort at this difficult time.
    Linda and Tu-Soxx

  52. Velda says:

    I am so sorry for the unimaginable pain you are going through. My thoughts and prayers go with you each day, now and always.

  53. Marcia GB in MA says:

    I am so very sorry to hear this news. Rusty, my heart goes out to you. Please know I am thinking of you and sending healing light and prayers.

  54. Gail of IAH/Texas says:

    Dear Rusty, I am so sorry to read this news today about your dear friend Timber. Words cannot describe the sadness I feel whenever anyone’s beloved dog companion passes. I’ve heard the dog kingdom is one dog soul which to me means every dog is every dog we have loved and can love. May Timber guide you to your next dear companion. I’ve told all my dog angels to rally around Timber and keep him company at Rainbow Bridge. God bless you, Rusty. Gail

  55. Dear Rusty,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. We are all sending our love and prayers to you.

  56. Bill says:

    Rusty I feel your pain and emptyness. Timber died young, strong, brave and he died in his way of thinking protecting his human…. He went in a blaze of pride and glory…. He will be remembered to me as high roller and winner.

    Bill n Sadie plus Mic

  57. Jan Johnson says:

    Rusty, I am crying after reading this. I know he was your best bud and your loving partner on the road. Even though you and Sue are just folks I read on the internet I feel I know you a bit from hearing about your life and seeing it in pictures. I am so sorry this happened and that you had to witness it. I cannot even imagine what you are going through more than a little as I have lost beloved dog family members as well, and I know how much that hurts. I will be praying for you in this time of great loss. I am so very sorry.

  58. This is so very sad. Recently, Bob Wells almost lost his new dog Cody to a Mountain Lion, but luckily Cody made it… and escaped, was turned in to Sherriff and Bob was called. I am so sorry for Rusty’s loss.

  59. How terrible..My heart goes out to you. God bless you.

  60. Joel says:

    They say all good dogs go to Heaven! I know from experience how the loss of a dog; friend/buddy/companion hits hard. No words can fill the hole left in ones heart. May you find Timber waiting at the gate for you.

  61. Wendy H says:

    Awe so sorry to hear this news, prayers for Rusty during this horrible time!

  62. Marsha says:

    Oh, Rusty – my heart goes out to you. I know this is a difficult time for you and I want you to know I’ll be thinking of you and hope you draw strength from all the friends you have, including those of us in blogland.

  63. BadgerRickInWis says:

    R.I.P. Dear Timber, your life touched and enriched more lives than you will ever know.

    Rusty, There are no words that can take away the sorrow you must feel. I know that you are a man of faith and I pray that the comfort of your Lord will help to see you through this time. Timber was a great friend and companion, hold on to those memories of your time together and you will never really be apart.

  64. suzago says:

    Dear Rusty,
    Please know that you and Timber have touched people from coast to coast with your special bond and joyous life together. My sincere condolences on your loss. May sweet memories of Timber comfort you in the days and nights to come.

  65. CRedd n Tx says:

    Rusty, I was saddened to hear of your loss of Timber. I know he was your best friend and buddy, even as you were his. May he rest in peace. My prayers to God that He bless you richly with peace, comfort and healing.


  66. Jenny Waters says:

    I am so sorry, Rusty. I hope you will find comfort in knowing that you gave Timber a good life full of excitement and love.

  67. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Such a tragic loss. Timber was living the life he wanted to live and we all know he was as happy as a dog could be. Rest in peace Timber.

  68. Sandy Riley says:

    So sorry to hear this. Blessings & hugs to you all

  69. DebsJourney says:

    Dear Rusty, I am so very sorry to hear of your Timbers passing. Words can’t match the feelings I have for your huge loss. Timber will be waiting at the end of the rainbow bridge. All my prayers and thoughts are with you. Hang in there! Deb

  70. Deena - Peoria, AZ says:

    Rusty, we hold you in our thoughts and prayers. RIP Timber.
    Stay safe.

    Deena, family and Miss Mollie.

  71. Jolene says:

    Rusty, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your Timber. Hugs to you.

  72. Phyllis in Phoenix says:

    Rusty – I am so sorry to hear about Timber. Our pets are our family members, and I know you must be very sad. I pray for your peace and comfort.

  73. Mark, Salina KS says:

    Rusty, so sorry to hear about Timber. I don’t post often but felt compeled tonight. I have so enjoyed reading about Sue meeting Camo Man and all your stories about traveling with donkeys and living in tents. Was sad to hear about you losing timber then excited when he was found. Now it is with heavy heart that I read about Timber’s encounter. The Bible teaches us that everything in Heaven is made perfect… and Heaven could not be perfect without our fir kids.

  74. Melinda says:

    Sending my deepest condolences on the loss of Timber. I am so glad you had each other, Rusty, even though your time together was far too short. I am so sorry for your loss.

  75. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Rusty, I am so sorry for your loss. I almost dropped my computer when I read this horrible news. May Timber Rest In peace, my thoughts & prayers are with you. May our
    Lord bless and watch over you in this time of sadness and always.
    Timber was a wonder and loving friend to you. He will be missed by all of us, as well.
    Take care, Rusty.

  76. weather says:

    dear rusty,this time is so hard for you to go through that my sending prayers,sympathy,words and love cannot fix what’s hurt within you,the Lord can .Please remember to take especially good care of your body now as God heals your other parts.Lots of water,rest,herbs,protein and prayer,you know the routine,you took a hit buddy,try to keep yourself strong,the world needs you ,your example and message,hugs and blessings,weather

  77. Deb Larson says:

    So very sorry to hear this terrible news. Prayers sent to Rusty, no words right now will ease his grief.

  78. kathy ann says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of timber Rusty.
    not much else that I could say except sorry.

  79. AZ Jim says:

    Rusty, you have been the best guy in the world with Timber. You have gone to extreme conditions to keep and protect Timber. You are a man of great faith so you must know Timber will find a wonderful life after leaving here. I have followed your adventures with Timber for a long time. I feel cheated too that he is no longer here, but Amigo we must keep on truckin’. I wish you the very best and can only tell you how bad I feel at the loss.

  80. Jeannie in SW WA says:

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your best bud, Timber. It takes time to recover from the loss of a beloved pet. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you go forward. Warm hugs to you.

    Thank you for keeping us informed, Sue.

  81. Shawna says:

    Oh dear Rusty, I am so sorry this happened to your beloved Timber. It is so hard to lose those furry family members. Hugs to you. May God comfort and keep you near. Hugs to you from me, The Chiweenie Brothers, and the Burger Meister.

  82. Carol says:

    Dear Rusty,

    May you find peace in the depth of pain,
    a measure of comfort in the support of friends,
    and ease for your heartache through Timber’s love and strength,
    which will never
    from the richness of your soul

    Warm hugs from a fellow dog-lover,

  83. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Dear Sue,
    As I have been thinking of this, I was reminded that you too have had a loss. Timber was a friend. A best friend to your friend as well. It must bring up sadness for you as well. I am so so sorry.

    Sending you all hugs, from Hoquiam. May Spike be at the rainbow bridge to meet Timber and they roll in the dirt and lay in the puddles.

    Thinking of you all,

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Such insight Barb. You are right. I remember how happy Timber always was to see the crew. Sorry for your loss too, Sue.

  84. Idaho Gurl says:

    One of my favorite poems for lost loved ones;

    Do not stand at my grave and weep,
    I am not there, I do not sleep,
    I am a thousand winds that blow
    I am the diamond glints on snow
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain
    I am the gentle Autumn rain

    When you awaken in the morning’s hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quite birds in circled flight
    I am the soft stars that shine at night
    Do not stand at my grave and cry
    I am not there, I did not die

    Mary Elizabeth Frye

  85. Pamela K. says:

    I am profoundly saddened to read of your, *our*, loss of faithful Timber’s passing.
    I know you are a Man Of Faith and it is with that enduring faith that you will seek some peace again over time. In my own faith we believe that a death is like a birth, a single moment in time but we also believe that the heart and soul lives on. It is with that belief that I hope you, too, can find comfort in knowing that Timber loved you Yesterday, and Today, and all of the many Tomorrows. Know that I will light a candle in Timber’s honor and open a window for his safe passage through the Rainbow Bridge.

    Timber, sweet, sweet Timber…
    You will be forever missed by all of us who had the pleasure of knowing you though RVSue’s Blog! R.I.P dear one.
    Pamela and Klemper

  86. Linda Rose & the 4 M's says:

    Rusty, our tears are added to yours, dear man. Consider yourself hugged, if only in thought.

  87. FloridaScott says:

    “I’ve Loved You All Over The World”

    You’re my buddy, my pal, my friend
    It will be that way until the end and wherever you go,
    I want you to know
    You’re my buddy, my pal, my friend
    And I’ve loved you all over the world
    You are my sunshine
    You keep my life in a whirl
    And you love me sometimes
    I’ll always follow my heart
    Wherever it takes me
    And until death do us part
    I’ll love you all over the world
    I’ll always follow my heart
    Wherever it takes me
    And until death do us part
    I’ll love you all over the world

    Willie Nelson

  88. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    To Rusty: You and Timber inspired me to treasure every life. Finding Timber showed me to never, ever give up! Timber’s life had great value and yours does, too! Keep on keeping on! You’d be surprised to know how many people are cheering you on!

  89. Teri LiveOak Fl says:

    This breaks my heart Rusty. You were the best dog Dad. Timber had the most loved and free life. You can’t do better than that. Take care of yourself and may God ease your pain

  90. Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

    What more can I say… Timber was such a beautiful dog. All of us who have lost beloved pets know the sadness and loneliness that you are feeling. Living with the wild creatures can be dangerous, but you know that… and that doesn’t make it hurt any less. RIP Timber. We will all miss him too.

  91. Rusty, you and Timber have touched a special place in all of us. As you grieve, may your pain be somehow lessened by those that love you from near and afar.

  92. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    oh my…that just breaks my heart so I can imagine what Rusty is
    going thru………..
    prayers go out for Rusty in his time of need…

  93. Dawn in Mi says:

    Oh no. Oh no. That’s all I can seem to come up with. I am so sorry Rusty. So very very sorry. I just can’t imagine. I’m sending you hugs.

  94. Kay Dattilio says:

    Rusty…Timber was a beautiful and faithful friend. I have a feeling he loved you from the beginning when you first met. I am so sorry, because to most of us, animals are our family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Much love and prayers!

    Kay from KC!

  95. Cathy T. says:


    I love the words of Willie Nelson. I’m so sorry for your loss. Timber was your best friend and will be with you always. My sincere condolences.

  96. Jazz Lover says:

    Dear Rusty,
    If words could take away the pain you feel at this time in your life, those from all of us here on Sues blog, as well as our prayers for you and Timber will envelope you in our quilt of love that will be with you where ever you go for the rest of time. It is not easy to have part of our heart taken from us, but the love we gave and received will never leave us. Rusty, now you have Timber your canine guardian angel watching over and protecting you, as Spike watches over and protects Sue. Those two have a lot of catching up to do. Your faith will see you through this time in your life and we are all here for you if you need us.
    God Bless You,

  97. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Rusty, my heart hurts on hearing the news. We all grew to love you and Timber. I will pray that the Lord will give you comfort and peace as you grieve for your dear friend and companion.

  98. shelley from california says:

    Rusty I am so so sorry. I send you my heartfelt condolences. You were a wonderful pet father and gave Timber a wonderful life. I am sending you a great big cyber hug. I hope you can get past this and remember the good times.

  99. Sondra-SC says:

    Rusty, SO sorry to hear this tragic news, I know Timber was your soul mate and he will forever be in your heart. Big Hug for you.

  100. DeAnne in TN says:

    Rusty, you have been part of this family for so very long. I hope you can feel the love that is being sent your way and that it can somehow help to ease your heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  101. Pat in Rochester says:

    I had just been looking over the llbean site. My Charlie dog chewed up my favorite hikers and I’ve been pretty ticked at him. Next I clicked on Sue’s blog. It’s all in perspective now. Charlie can have my other shoe as long as I still have my Charlie, Gracie and Sweetie. Hugs to you, Rusty. I wish there was magic to take away that kind of pain.

  102. Ranger100 says:

    Very, very sorry for your loss.

    Maybe your beloved pet gave their life for yours.

  103. Susan says:

    That is such sad news and brought me to tears! I don’t even know what to say. I am so sorry for your loss Rusty !!! May Angels come all around and help you at this time to find some peace. And may Angels hold Timber in their wings until you meet again. I am so sad. So, very very sorry !

  104. “There is no death, just a changing of worlds”
    Chief Seattle

    Dear Rusty, I keep staring at this white box that hold all the thoughts, all the words, all the love, all the sorrow that I want to express… But the words just don’t seem to be enough!
    Rusty, you are so loved by this Blogerino family! We all loved Timber! He was as much a part of our lives as Spike, Bridget and Reggie. We will all miss him. But I know he will be missed most by his daddy Rusty.
    Please know that if there is ever anything Chuck and I can do for you, we will do our best to fill that need. You are loved and you are not alone! We are all here for you with our hearts wide open!
    Be strong. Timber was the best of the best!

  105. Annie in Oregon says:

    Rusty I am so sorry to hear about Timber. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  106. Rusty, My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry you have lost Timber. Remember in your heart all the wonderful times the two of you had. Celebrate his life you had together. I know the pain of losing a loved pet. May God give you peace during this difficult time. Please know we are all thinking and praying for you. Timber is on the Rainbow Bridge where all pets go to heaven. You will meet him again some day. May Timber R.I.P.

  107. jeff from Va says:

    So sorry for your loss.

  108. Marcia in PA says:

    Oh Rusty, I am heartbroken for you. I am so, so sorry. Timber knew how much you loved him, and that he was your best friend. You were a damn special pair of friends. Damn. Take time to grieve. Please know we are thinking of you.

  109. Shelly Nowik says:

    Saddened to hear the news. Prayers to you and Timber.

  110. Glinda says:

    So sorry to hear about Timber. My heart goes out to you.

  111. Lynn Brooks says:

    So very sorry for your loss, Rusty.
    May Timber’s memory be for a blessing.

  112. Vicki Schaefer says:

    Rusty, I’ve enjoyed reading about you and Timber. The love you had for each other shone thru. My sympathy on the loss of your dear friend. You gave him a wonderful life.

  113. Don in Okla. says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. What a heartbreaking tragic loss. Please know that Timber will be with you again someday. May God bless and keep you during this time and always.
    Don in Okla.

  114. GB in norcal says:

    Rusty, sorry to hear about losing your closest companion so suddenly. I know that Timber will be with you in spirit & follow you on all your travels. Please take some time for yourself to remember your life together. Peace & Love.

  115. Rusty,
    Many of us know how difficult it is to lose a beloved pet. Few of us, however, have any idea how much worse it is under the circumstances you just went through. I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  116. Laurie says:

    Rusty, my deepest condolences on your loss. I followed yours and Timber’s story and was always so happy to hear from you on Sue’s blog. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this heart breaking time. There are so many people like me who you’ve never met who care deeply about you. Take care.

  117. Tawanda says:

    Cyber Hugs to you Rusty, RIP dear Timber…

  118. Libby Nester says:

    Dear Rusty,
    So sorry to hear. Timber will always be in your heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    -Libby Nester

  119. green says:

    Dear Rusty
    Our pack holds you in love and prayer.
    You gave Timber the life any wolfdog would love,
    and he was so devoted to you!
    What a blessing, the time you had together.
    We hope one day you may share your life with another wolfdog.

    Sending you a group howl…

  120. Elizabeth in WA says:

    So very sorry to hear this, Rusty… Will be praying the Eternal will surround you with love and peace at this most difficult of times!! We do look forward to the Kingdom and a place of no more such things!! I am certain at least the dogs who were so bound to us, will await us in that life.

  121. Nancy from South Georgia says:


    I lost my dog in 2007 to snake bite and I watched him die. I really didn’t think I would get over it, but I did in time. So I believe I know how you’re feeling.

    His name was Splash, a mix of border collie and something else, rescued from the streets of Detroit. It took awhile for him to learn to trust again but when he did, he was just a happy dog. And I was His Person. He loved me and I adored him.

    Please know that you gave Timber a wonderful life and he loved you and felt your love in return. Crying as I write this….


    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Oh Nancy, I’m so sorry. I bet Splash knew just how lucky he was when he went from lonely streets to your love. And it sounds like he had freedom with you in the wide-open west. What a paradise in comparison. I’m sorry for what you went through in losing him.

  122. Dave Burdick says:

    Rusty, last time your separation ended in a happy ending, and this one will too. Timber is at the Rainbow Bridge, feeling no pain, no anxiety, nothing but love and happiness…awaiting your reunion. –Dave

  123. Angie says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry about sweet Timber. I feel like we got to know him through this blog. I can’t imagine your pain Rusty. Prayers for you to get through this very sad chapter of your life. Memories will help you but will still be hard.

  124. Colleen in Tehachapi says:

    I am so sorry Rusty and Sue. What a sad day. My prayers are with you. I pray for comfort during this difficult time.

  125. texcyn says:

    Oh no. I am so very sorry to hear this. It truly is devastating news. God bless Timber & Rusty. There are very special dogs & very special people that allow the relationship between them to be unconditional love & friendship. Timber will live on in Rustys heart & soul….

  126. Wendy in Thailand says:

    Such sad news, RIP Timber. Take care Rusty. Saying prayers for comfort.

  127. JW says:

    I am so sorry Rusty. Hang in there. You and Timber are in my prayers.

  128. Dear Rusty. I am so very sorry for your loss. It’s hard when you have to say good bye to a friend sooner than you expect. All my sympathies.

  129. Sandi says:

    Rusty, you must be traumatized to witness such a thing, I am broken-hearted for you, and so so, sorry for the loss of your best Friend, take care of yourself and watch your own back, big hug buddy

  130. Glenda from Glendale says:

    Rusty I pray you find peace and comfort. Please know you are not alone, we are all here for you and keeping you in our thoughts. You and Timber have touched us all and we mourn with you.

  131. Laurie in NC says:

    Rusty – I am so sorry about Timber. There is such a bond that we have with our animal friends. I know he will be missed.

  132. MB says:

    Dear Rusty, I type this message through tears. I cannot imagine….. And I am so very sorry for your loss. You gave Timber a wonderful life…. filled with adventure, companionship and most of all… Take care and please know that a woman in VA is thinking of you.

  133. Casitagirl from NY says:

    You know, we sometimes read this blog like it is a story – there may be a few bumps along the road, but things always work out. May this reminds us that Sue, Rusty et al. are real people, and that tragic events do occur. Sincere sympathy, prayers and tears pour out to Rusty for the loss of his beloved companion.

  134. David Greybeard says:

    Oh, Rusty! I am so sorry to hear about your tragic loss. I know from Sue’s stories and pictures that you and Timber were lucky to have each other. You gave him a wonderful life and you were the best friend he could have ever had.

  135. DesertGinger says:

    Oh Rusty, I’m so sorry. Timber was such a wonderful, delightful friend. He had travail in his life, getting lost and waiting to get back to you. But he was dearly loved. And you will see him again someday. I’m sure of it. My deepest condolences Rusty. Big cyber hugs.

  136. Jodee Gravel on the road in Hoodsport, WA says:

    Crying while I read this, so very, very sorry for your loss. Timber was a brave and wonderful companion and I know his spirit will stay by your side always.

  137. Susie from Destin, FL says:

    Rusty, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Timber was your perfect companion. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Susie

  138. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Dearest Rusty,
    Please know that you & Timber are in my thoughts and heart. The two of you shared a strong bond of love, affection & care that will never be lost. You took care such good care of Timber & I know he loved you deeply as you were the leader of his pack & the center of his world. And he took good care of you in his special Timber ways.

    Find people to talk to. Take good care of yourself. Know that Timber is in good hands & probably having a soak with Spike right about now. Timber will live forever in your heart & so many others & one of these days it won’t hurt so much.

  139. wildflower in prescott says:

    Rusty, you were the best Dad Timber could ever have had. Timber loved you so much.

    Your friend in Prescott,

  140. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Dearest Rusty, I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your faithful companion Timber.
    He was a great dog and friend. I beleive he is in heaven and patiently waiting for your reunion one day. We will all miss him and pray for your healing heart. With deepest sympathies, Diane

  141. Linda says:

    Rusty, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs & prayers are being sent to you.

  142. Krystina ~ Auburn, WA says:

    Oh no, no, no!!! I am so sorry for your loss Rusty. I am keeping you in my thoughts. As everyone has said here…he is at the Rainbow Bridge with Spike and many other fur pets and will have lots of fun company. Please take care of yourself.

  143. stan watkins says:

    Deepest condolences.He was a good dog.

  144. Pam says:


    How awful……this news just breaks my heart. Timber was such a special dog, and to find you after a separation……there are no words, just my heartfelt sympathy.

  145. chas anderson says:

    If you have had one good dog in your lifetime, you have had a life worth living.

    RIP Timber

  146. Terri From Texas says:

    This is indeed heartbreaking! My prayers and thoughts go out for Rusty and Timber! I am so sorry!

  147. Joan Austin says:

    So sorry Rusty. When you lose a companion it leaves a hole in your heart forever. Peace.

  148. Dear Rusty, I’m heartbroken and in tears hearing this terrible news. So very sorry for the loss of your loyal companion Timber. Sending you wishes for peace and strength.

  149. Oh dear Rusty. My heart, prayers and tears go out to you. I know that you must be in such pain right now. Please take comfort from the Great Spirit and all these who love you here. Hugs.

  150. Applegirl NY says:

    Rusty, We are all holding you in our hearts and prayers. You and Timber shared an amazing story. What and awesome pair. God bless you and keep you.

  151. Karen LeMoine says:

    Rusty know that Timber took all your love and wonderful memories with him into eternity. May God grant you comfort and peace during this difficult time. We are all grieving with you.

  152. Rusty,
    Our hearts go out to you. Know you gave Timber a wonderful life filled with love and adventure. You did well by him. Take peace from that fact.
    Rob and Juley

  153. Wendy says:

    Sincere condolences, Rusty, in the tragic loss of your friend, timber.

  154. Merle from WA says:

    Devastating new!!!! My heart goes out to you Rusty for your loss of your Timber. Will keep you in my thought and prayers during this very difficult time.

    RIP Timber!

  155. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Rusty, my heart aches for you. Will keep you in my prayers.

  156. Debbie says:

    Rusty, so sorry to hear about your loss of Timber. He shared enough unconditional love with you to last a lifetime. Always remember our heavenly Father is by your side to ease your grief and heal your heart. You will remain in our heart and thoughts, Bill & Debbie

  157. Teri in SoCal says:

    Rusty, I honestly have no words. I’m so very sorry for your loss, but I am so very glad that Timber was with you these past few years. He was loved.

  158. Tom Moore says:

    I am sorry for your loss.

  159. Kellee says:

    Rusty- there are no words I can write that can help. Timber was so loved. Take care.

  160. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Rusty I am so very sorry for your loss. Timber will always be in our hearts and in yours.
    Prayers for you and Timber.

  161. Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

    Rest in peace, Timber. Peace to you, Rusty. Pat K.

  162. Nonna says:

    My heart is broken, I know the love you had for your true companion and to have lost him in such a brutal way is so hard to comprehend! I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this! I will be praying for you daily! We don’t know each other but thru Rv Sue I feel such a connection to you that it hurts even more that a friend has to deal with all this!

  163. Eric from Colorado says:

    Eric… I deleted your comment to prevent a discussion starting here on the condolences page. I will convey your suggestion to Rusty. At this point I’m not sure how to respond. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Sue

  164. Sidewinder Pen says:


    I am so, so sorry. I don’t even know what to type next, but I want you to know that I am thinking of you, and of Timber. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that you gave Timber a wonderful life that suited him so well. Maybe living in an apartment would have been “safer,” but I bet he would not have been happy that way. He had you, and he had freedom and travel. Lucky dog.

    I’m sure there is a huge, unfillable hole in your heart and life right now. I don’t think it could be any other way, given your bond. I can’t fill it, but I can let you know I care and that I am thinking of you.


    PS: I just so happened to see your distinctive camper on … I think it was Thursday. If you are still in the same area and want company (or anything), just let me know here. I won’t be surprised or disappointed if you don’t contact – it’s just an optional offer from a blogorino friend.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sure Rusty appreciates your kind offer, Pen. (He’s not replying to comments here.) Rusty has since moved from that camp to one in New Mexico.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Thanks Sue. I didn’t really expect Rusty to “need me,” but I wanted him to know there was a friend/blogorino nearby thinking of him.

        I just happened to see his camper on Thursday near the entrance to an area where I’m boondocking. I don’t tend to “go visiting” so just thought “Oh neat, there is another blogorino nearby.” Of course I had no idea what had happened then. I’m just broken-hearted about it. These things always bring back feelings about the loss of my own pup. I guess there is an RV Sue “dogorino” welcoming party just over the Rainbow Bridge now. May Timber frolic happily with Spike and the gang, until he is reunited with Rusty (we know that’s who he is *really* waiting for).

  165. Eileen in Phoenix says:

    So very sorry, Rusty, to read this. Our canine pals are the lights of our lives and when they move on from us, it leaves a terrible void. You and Timber had such a wonderful adventure together. I wish you peace as you recover.

  166. Chaunte in West Tennessee says:

    Oh Rusty, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish I could take your pain away. Hugs to you and we will be praying for peace for you too. RIP, Timber.

  167. Sharon says:

    So sorry to hear of the loss of dear Timber. May he run free at Rainbows Bridge til you see him again. You will be in my prayers.

  168. Mary says:

    Rusty, I am so sorry for your terrible loss of your best friend. Timber’s pictures show a noble, bright dog that adored you; I see your love for him, too. My condolences.

  169. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hello everyone,

    In an email, Rusty expressed his appreciation for your loving notes of sympathy and support, and he wanted me to let you know.

    “Thank you all. Timber sees all the love that is still around us. I miss him.” — Rusty

  170. Rusty,
    Our condolences on the loss of your beloved Timber.

  171. Diane McGarry says:

    So very sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

  172. Ron says:

    Rusty, I can’t find the words, just tears and a deep sadness for your loss of
    Timber. Holding you up in prayers.

  173. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Dear Rusty, so so sorry. I am so sorry for your loss. I have followed your story and that of Timbers and words will not come that express how bad I feel for you. Thinking of you and hoping that you are ok. RIP beautiful Timber.

  174. Alice says:

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your best friend. He was a dog and a very good one I’m sure. You are in my prayers.

  175. Beverly in Phoenix says:

    Rusty, I hope there will be a day very soon, where you can focus on all the wonderful days you spent with Timber and not focus on the one day that he died. Sending peace your way.

  176. C.W. says:


  177. Deepest condolences dear Rusty. May God be carry you through this heartbreaking time.

  178. Toni says:

    Please let us know, when you can, how Rusty is doing.

  179. Jill Blythman says:

    From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry. I think you and I are alike as far as loving 4 legged creatures better than most 2 legged creatures. I think that hurts even more, in ways many people can’t understand. God bless you.

  180. Karyn Lee says:

    I’m so sorry Rusty, I know how much Timber meant to you. The bond you shared was very special and will continue in your fond memories. RIP Timber.

  181. Paula in Indiana says:

    Dear Rusty, my heart goes out to you for this terrible loss. I believe dogs love their human companions just as much as we love them.

    But in their dreams, they are all wild. Their legs are moving and they are running free.

    You gave Timber the best of both worlds and he was one fortunate dog to have such a wonderful life with you. May you find peace in the good memories.

    Sue, you are also in my prayers as I know this is your loss also.

  182. cate walsh says:

    Dear Rusty,

    We haven’t exchanged messages on Sue’s blog yet, however, I am aware of what a special companion and family member Timber was to you. My tears are flowing. The two of you will always be joined in spirit, and I like to think that Timber and your good memories of him will continue to be a part of your life’s journey.

    With sorrow and a hug from a friend you haven’t met yet,

  183. Patricia in Colorado says:

    Dear Rusty I was so very sorry to hear of your great loss. Timber was a good friend to you and we will miss hearing about your adventures with him. Know he is resting with our Lord.

  184. darlene says:

    Dear Rusty,
    So sorry for the loss of Timber, hope you feel all the love from everyone here on the blog. you are in all our thoughts, prayers and hugs.

  185. Tim says:

    So sorry to hear about Timber. Our dogs are our family.

  186. Ruby says:

    Rusty, I am so sorry for your loss of dear Timber. You and Timber have touched the hearts of many including myself and I am very grateful for this.
    Thoughts and prayers of support to you during this time. Many blessings.

  187. Piper says:

    So very sorry to hear Rusty. It is always hard to lose a family member. My heart goes out to you. Remember he is not lost, he is over the Rainbow Bridge and you will see him again one day. Prayers and Blessings

  188. sherry in oregon says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Rusty.


  189. Tina says:

    Rusty … I am so deeply sorry, keeping you in my prayers during this heart wrenching time.

    Big Hug,

    Northern CA

  190. Millie says:

    Rusty, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Timber brought such joy to your life and to all of ours as we read of your adventures. All of our furbabies welcomed Timber as he crossed the rainbow bridge and they are all together now romping and playing…I know my Millie is sharing cookies with him! May you find peace as you pass through this difficult time.

  191. DebinIndy says:

    Rusty, I’ve followed your story from the beginning. I’m one of RV Sue’s lurkers. This is just heartbreaking. The two of you are such gentle, free spirits. Remember Timber in the days ahead, when you feel a soft breeze riffling your hair or a sunbeam shines unexpected through grey skies, when one star is brighter than all the others in the night sky or you look down and see one beautiful stone sparkling among ordinary pebbles. It’s his way of letting you know that the bond you share will never be broken. You have so many people out here who genuinely care about you. Reach out when you’re ready.

  192. Mike, Robin and Alexis says:

    Dear Rusty, we are so saddened by your loss of Timber. You were a great team, and I know he will be greatly missed. You are in our prayers and I pray our Lord will give you healing and peace in the days ahead.

  193. Jordan says:

    Rusty, I am heartbroken for your loss. Timber was an awesome dog and I know he loved you for the wonderful life & all the love you gave him. He was a lucky pupper to get to go on so many amazing adventures with his best friend. You gave him the world.

    I know that he and his pal Spike are probably enjoying a game of puppy tag while they smile down on you and RV Sue and Bridget. What tales Timber will have to share with all the furbabies there with him.

    Sending you healing energy, peace and hugs.

  194. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Rusty, my deepest sympathy about the loss of Timber. I too cry and grieve for Timber. I discovered this blog when the story of Timber hit the Arizona Republic and the story touched many hearts as well as mine. Since then, I’ve been reading RVSue and have gotten to know you and Timber. Tonight I come home from traveling and learned the heart felt news. RIP Timber and the lord watch over you and your dad Rusty.

  195. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    I read this with tears in my eyes. As anyone who has – or who has ever had – pets knows, it’s so very, very hard to lose one. They are the best of friends, the best of companions, love unconditionally, and take up permanent residence in your heart. I am so, so sorry for Rusty’s loss, and hope for his healing. I also hope there are folks around who can ease his pain a little. God bless you, Rusty.

  196. Val R. Lakefield On says:

    I have been away and off line since Friday & am just catching up.
    Rusty, I am so very saddened to hear of your sudden loss of Timber. My heart goes out to you at this sad time. Please take comfort in knowing that so many people care.

  197. cate walsh says:

    Sue…please review this one and IF it will be a comfort, post it for Rusty. I’m thinking of all of us who love our dogs, and remember our dog “angels”. (I’m between dogs at this time.) I’m a dog magnet when I’m out walking on Portland’s trails or just downtown doing errands. Almost every dog I meet comes over to say hello. I think they can feel the good vibes I send out.

    “Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs your heart is very big”.

    Its obvious that our community has many dog and people lovers.Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with you here.


  198. Steve Kaeseman says:

    Rusty, My Heart skipped a beat when I read about you loosing your Best Friend and most loyal companion Timber. I know he will always be with you. He is now with Spike and they both are looking down on you and RV Sue, Bridget and Spike ensuring you all know their Love for you all will be there even until the End of Times.
    May God Bless you and fill you with His Love during this time of mourning.
    Steve Kaeseman, SK1 (SW), USN (Ret.)

  199. Linda says:

    Timber enjoyed life to the fullest, I’m sure. Our deepest condolences — and you and Timber are in our thoughts. How hard it always is to lose our best friends. May peace and good memories come back to you soon.

  200. Pamela K. says:

    Earlier in this blog post I left a message for you and for dear sweet Timber.
    Since then many of us have posted here and know you cannot come to say hello again until it is Your Own Time to rejoin us here again. Not to worry, dear one, we will wait as long as it takes for you to rejoin us here. I just wanted you to know that I am holding you in my prayers. Thinking of you and of your, *our* loss of Timber. As the night settles in I was ready to turn in and looked upon the sky and stars. There is such beauty there…made even more special knowing that Timber stands watch over you from above. Rest well, seek peace and reach out to us, any of us, should you have a need that only RVSUE and her beloved blogerinos can help to fill. Please don’t be shy, if you need anything we shall do out best to help. Well, just wanted you to know that you have touched us, all of us, with your kindness and we miss you. Always know that You’ll Never Walk Alone.

  201. Diana B (No. Calif) says:

    Oh my… Rusty … my heart is profoundly sad…. just so sad. You gave Timber boundless love… Please take good care… You are in my prayers.

  202. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:


    Our condolences are tardy as we have no computer while camping… You were such a good doggy dad. The loss of Timber is a heavy burden to bear. I know from following Sue’s blog that you are deeply religious. Now is the time to call on that faith, and to let the beauty and wonder of nature around you soothe your spirit. Know that the blogorinos (myself included) are holding you in our thoughts and prayers…..

  203. Anne Parker says:

    Rusty, I was so sorry to hear this news and just didn’t know what to say in addition to all the wonderful words others have posted. This morning I read this quote, and as a many generation dog owner and lover, I thought thought you might find some consolation as did I:

    From one of’s authors honoring his dog.

    “It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them.
    And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart.
    If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog,
    and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

    – Anonymous

  204. wil says:

    Words are inadequate. I’ve known your pain, the helplessness, the impotent anger, the loss and lost feelings, the fear, and finally, the resignation. Going forward can be a trial. Know that somewhere, some time, you’ll be tapped to care for a new canine companion. That you will welcome that new friend is the lasting legacy of your love for and by Timber.

  205. Karla in Kentucky says:

    Dear Rusty, Have gotten behind in reading the blog. Just learned about Timber . With a very heavy heart I offer my condolence. You are so blessed to have so many friends to share your sadness. Please add me to that list of friends. Only animal lovers can know how much we love our furry friends and how much it hurts when we lose them. I also believe that we will see our beloved pets in Heaven. I send you a hug from Ky.

  206. Timber led such a fantastic life, faithfully loving Rusty, surviving being lost in a forest fire, being found again far away, getting back ‘home’ to Rusty, and always being Rusty’s faithful companion. Timber is a special kind of hero!

    Thank You, Rusty, for sharing “The Heroic Life of Timber” with us!! He truly left a legacy for the future!! Becky —– an old woman in TX!

  207. WTXCal says:

    I haven’t had a chance to be on the computer. I just read about Timber’s passing. I am SO sorry. I’ve lost several great dog companions through the years. It takes a while but time heals. Please get yourself another great canine friend. God bless you and Timber both.
    A friend, WTXCal

  208. Karen says:

    So very sorry for your Loss.

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