Virgin River Gorge, Arizona, to Cedar Pocket!

Friday, October 23

On the way to our next camp, the crew and I stop at Wal-Mart along Interstate 15 on the south side of St. George.  Besides wanting to stock up, I need to buy drinking water.

“I’ll be back as fast as I can,”  I promise the crew before hurrying inside to shop.

P1080234It’s Friday and the place is hopping!

P1080232I load up my cart.  Hmm . . . Skinless, boneless chicken breasts, $1.99 a pound.  A family pack should take care of my family for a while.

Over in produce I spy something interesting . . . I pick up a bottle of Bolthouse Farms Berry Smoothie.

I bet that’s really good.  Kinda’ pricey though.  Well, it is fruit.  Oh, and there’s a blueberry one.  Yeah, I’ll take that.  And, what the heck, the Daily Greens, too.  Maybe I can put some kale in me with little or no suffering. . .

  All three go in the cart — I’ll give ’em a taste test!

I roll the cart to a check-out aisle. 

Three people are ahead of me in line.  After the groceries are paid for I scoot the cart over to Customer Service.  In my palm I have the receipt for the battery I bought at Wal-Mart in Richfield.  I intend to collect a refund of $12 for the core battery fee.

Two lines of customers change my mind.  

Oh well, like I always say . . . another day, another Wal-Mart . . . .

“Hi, sweeties.  I’m back!”  I proceed to load the groceries on the floor in front of the passenger seat.

“No, you can’t have that now, Reggie,” I say as I tuck the rotisserie chicken where he can’t reach it.  “We’ll have that at our new camp.”

Bridget knows better than to sniff grocery bags.  Over the years she has developed the long perspective that’s a mark of maturity.  She’s confident that eventually she will have some of that chicken so why grovel like a . . . a common dog.  All in due time . . .

Back on the interstate and through Virgin River Gorge!

Many of you reading this are snowbirds and you’re familiar with Interstate 15 as it goes south out of St. George, Utah, and through the Virgin River Gorge.  Oh, my.  What a stretch of road, eh?

We float through the gorge like a bird riding air currents . . . No, we’re on a magic carpet in an enchanted land of sandstone castles with turrets touching the clouds.  We glide downward and around mighty, rock fortresses carved over the ages.

I can only sneak glimpses as the road twists downward and out to where the gorge opens up.

“There’s our exit!”

The sign says Virgin River Recreation Area.

This BLM campground is perched above Cedar Pocket Wash, thus the name commonly used is Cedar PocketsCampground.  The Perfect Tow Vehicle takes us and our home-on-wheels through joshua trees and creosote to the campground entrance.  I stop at the self-pay station and read the sign.  The camping fee is $8 regular or $4 with senior discount pass.  I look up at the gorgeous rocks.  Oh, I like this.

Reading further I’m pleasantly surprised to learn you can camp here for $90 a month.  Three dollars a day.  Nice!

I choose a pull-through campsite.

P1080140This is a good site, as are most of them at Cedar Pocket.

Everyone has a spectacular view!

Quickly I set up a minimum camp — the mat, camp chair, doggie beds . . .  This being the weekend, we’ll bide our time and move to a better site when one is vacated.

P1080142As is our custom, Bridget, Reggie, and I enjoy a celebratory feast of rotisserie chicken. 

Later, as the setting sun highlights the rocks around the campground, we take a walk together.  Bridget and Reggie love a new place to explore!

P1080145Saturday, October 24

I’ve got my eye on a primo campsite.  It’s occupied by a diesel truck and a fifth wheel with slide.  I notice the people haven’t unhitched and they don’t have stuff outside.  Hmm. . . Looks like overnighters . . . .

Nonchalantly I sit in my camp chair, sipping morning coffee and keeping a sharp eye for any sign they might leave.

A woman comes out and climbs into the truck.  The man fiddles around for a while, going in and out of the fifth wheel.  Then the moment I’ve been waiting for . . . .

The slide goes in!

With lightning speed I throw the mat, the chair, the doggie beds, and the crew into the PTV, jump in, fire ‘er up, and we whip around the campground loop (well, actually we drive responsibly around the loop).

Out goes the fifth wheel and in goes US!

P1080168I position the BLT in such a way that the door and refrigerator side is shaded in the afternoon.   I can sit outside and not see any other RVs.

This is a close-up of our view!

P1080205Turning a bit to the left . . . .

P1080200-001We walk past our picnic table to the fence and look down into Cedar Pockets Wash.

“The Virgin River out our back door!  Pretty nice, huh, guys?”

P1080153The original crew and I first saw the Virgin River in 2012 when we camped further upstream.  The water was clear.  That’s where the current caught Spike unawares and took him on a little float downstream!

This section of the Virgin is muddy with red sandstone silt.

P1080154I happily set about making this site our home.



Here are a few of the items recently purchased by readers:

Seatbelt Adjuster
Portable Butane Stove
Ecologie Mixing Bowls
Weather-Resistant Outdoor Step
Organize It All Iron Board Holder
Stemless Wine Glass Set, Shatter-Resistant

P1080199“Ya’ know what would taste good right now?  A berry smoothie!”


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227 Responses to Virgin River Gorge, Arizona, to Cedar Pocket!

  1. David Ainley in Houston, TX. says:

    Hi, Sue

  2. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    ok lets see whos first now

    • Pookie in SE Texas says:

      I can just see you chunking stuff into the casita making a quick
      getaway to another campsite…..HA!
      Thanks for the great pictures….wish I was a fly on the
      outside of your casita…

  3. Ann from TX says:


  4. Ann from TX says:

    Well, the Texans have it!

  5. Deb D says:

    Beautiful campsite. Enjoy ! Great pics !

  6. David Ainley in Houston, TX. says:

    Okay, I have to admit I posted first, THEN read the blog and looked at the pictures, but HEY if it’s a traditional competition then getting off the line first frequently wins the drag race. Anyway, Sue, so glad you didn’t get towed away at Walmart. Beautiful camp site. Enjoy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, David. If a tow truck tried to haul the PTV and BLT away, I think I would’ve stopped it with my bare hands. After decades of shopping at Wally’s? I deserve royal treatment…. my own parking space, for crying out loud!

      Have a good evening. 🙂

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      WTG David,
      I think it’s a way to demonstrate our passion for RVSues blog. Where the competition for First began, I’m not sure, or why.
      I was first about a month ago. I was washing dishes, check the email, wash a glass, check, repeat, wet hands, dry hands, and First!

  7. PCTWhereIsChris says:

    Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your travels.

  8. Mary in CO says:

    A beautiful spot! Have to remember it for next year.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary in CO…. The campground fills up on the weekends. During the week there’s only about four or five of us here. Of course, this is late Oct. I don’t know about other times of year.

  9. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    “so why grovel like a common dog”…. I almost fell off my chair, too funny.

    I can only sneak glimpses as the road twists downward and out to where the gorge opens up.??? ok that doesn’t sound like fun. Do you have guard rails at least? But it sure is pretty so I guess it is worth it.

    Be safe…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alice,

      I don’t remember guard rails specifically. I do remember a concrete barrier along the side of the road. I think they call them Jersey barriers.

      The road isn’t terribly scary. The first time coming down through the gorge, you don’t know what to expect and there are two lanes going in the same direction which can mean big trucks passing. I didn’t have that awful I’m-going-to-fall-off-this-road-into-oblivion feeling. The main problem is keeping one’s eyes on the road, it’s so beautiful through there!

      • Larry in AR says:

        I remember telling someone after a white knuckle trip up the Million Dollar Highway that I hoped Booger (that’s my dog) enjoyed the scenery because I didn’t get much of a chance.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          So true, Larry! The ride through Virgin River Gorge is best as a passenger.

          BTW, I’m relieved to know Booger is your dog. 🙂

          Oh, if you’re still here… or anyone.. Where is the Million Dollar Highway?

  10. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Boy in the top ten? not bad for a newbe. What a view, will have to mark this one in my atlas,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dave,

      This definitely isn’t Missouri! I hope you visit the St. George area. My blog shows only a small part of the amazing things to discover around here.

      Hey, top ten is pretty good. 🙂

  11. Chris says:

    Judging by your last photo, I think we parked in the space right in front of you last year driving home to Denver after spending a week at Zion NP. This is a lovely BLM site. May be a little too public for you. Guess time will tell.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris,

      Yes, this is a bit public for me. We’ve been here a week and people have been unusually quiet. Maybe the rocks absorb sound? Maybe the rocks tell people to shut up? I don’t know.

      There is one couple who have been here all week and their generator takes the prize for The Most Irritating Noise Every Produced by a Machine. Fortunately for us, they’re on the other end of the campground.

      Yes, time will tell. It only takes one idiot to ruin a camping experience.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Your last line is what’s the real bummer. Because it seems that in just about any campground, there is at least one. I’ve gotten to the point where even when it’s quiet I’m on edge, just waiting for the noise to start. Bummer for me.

        Personally, I think if a campground doesn’t have hookups, then no generators (or other noisy ways of making power) should be allowed. But since I don’t rule the world, I realize it won’t happen. BUT, I do think it’s high time to change the “quiet hours.” Now it seems the standard is 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. That means it’s noisy ALL day, plus during the “golden hour” of evening, when even folks who go places for the day might like to sit and enjoy a quiet campsite, watch the sun go down, etc. Plus, unless you go to sleep on the dot of 10, and don’t wake up at all in the night, you can’t even get eight hours of sleep.

        My guess is the rules were made back when “not quiet” meant maybe the laughter of children, or someone splitting wood for a half hour. Those rule makers would probably be turning over in their graves to hear generators on from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

        Given the new reality, I think generator hours should be something like 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (I can forgo my nap ;))

        No one has asked my opinion, mind you; but I do make it as a suggestion on camp slips, when they have space for suggestions. I do really miss being able to camp happily in the little primitive campgrounds (or relying solely on luck).

        I stayed one night only at Cedar Pocket. It was fine for that, and the area is exceptionally beautiful. I think I remember they did not have showers (which struck me as slightly odd as I think they had flush toilet/running water bathrooms). Or maybe I just didn’t find them….

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I agree with you, Pen. The quiet hours as a solution to annoying noises doesn’t work anymore because people interpret it as meaning, hey, we can make all the noise we want, as loud as we want, up until 10 p.m.

          Rather than your afternoon generator time which would drive ME nuts (different biorhythm), I think the best solution is separate sections, one for generator people and one for non-generator people. With the growing popularity of solar, this is the way to go. Separate loops entirely. This is the way it is at Las Vegas Campground, east of Las Vegas, for instance.

          A person camping with a tent or with solar shouldn’t have someone pull up next to them and start a generator. It borders on cruel.

          No showers here, yes, flush toilets and water in the bathrooms. Outside there is one water pump which was set up for camp host use. Since there isn’t a camp host, everyone is free to use it. I’m wondering if the absence of showers is due to the water storage tanks, maybe no well here?

          • wildflower in prescott says:

            My worst experience with generator noise was Chaco Canyon. Perhaps my experience was bad because my expectations were so great. This was many years ago so maybe they have now separated generators from non-generator campers. If so, please tell because I would love to go back there.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Your expectations should be great! I had a funny (for me, anyway, although I didn’t laugh) experience a few moments ago. I was walking the crew when a man asked me if I had a certain tool so he could fix his generator (I didn’t). He and his wife looked like lost puppies without a working generator. She was holding an electric coffee pot.

              Love my solar!

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Hee. I’m sorry but that just struck me funny about the lost look and the electric coffee pot (I like my coffee too, but use a non-electric method).

              “Why yes, I have the tool, we just remove this carburetor and throw it away…”

            • Chris B - Southern California says:

              I don’t know if you will still be reading replies because I’m late to read this post but here’s a good one. A Casita owner removed the vent hood over the stove because their coffee maker wouldn’t fit under it! LOL! How big does a coffee maker have to be for two people? I have always thought that campgrounds should be segregated. I have thought up all kinds of “sections.” Barking dogs are one of the areas that I would like to have. Why do people have to not only have five dogs but why do they bring them into a quiet campground? Grrrrrrrr!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Hi, Chris B! Hi, Clete, Hi, Diego! 🙂

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I like your idea better than mine, Sue. I don’t want to have to listen to generators from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. either! Only problem I see is sound carries so far, so the “sections” would have to be super far apart or have a wall or something. Still better than nothing, but that seems like an awfully low standard (better than nothing).

            I have talked to camp hosts who are going nuts with the noise, but “they are allowed to run them from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.” I pretty much now try to avoid campgrounds, which is a bummer. Less revenue for them too, and one fewer quiet person who picks up trash.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Generators in the campground, ATVs in the boondocks. It’s the world we live in and it’s hard to escape it.

  12. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (Seattle) says:

    Oh what a beautiful camp you have-I can see how you would be interested in the long term stay possibility with that view. Even without a shade tree you seem to have a nice shady lounge spot with no need to deploy the awning. I especially enjoyed reading how you nonchalantly kept your eye on any sign of pulling out from the primo spot, then pounced! Reminds me of all the pouncing on this comment section by people hoping to claim the primo spot of FIRST! : )

    Just found out that my little Casita is right on time and leaves TX next Friday for delivery to me Sunday or Monday. So exciting to be on a real countdown now as so many of you have also savored.

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      OH Molly, Good for you! I’m excited too!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Molly,

      We’re in the desert and can no longer rely on having a tree for shade. By paying attention to shadows when positioning your rig, you can create shade for the time of day when you need it most.

      If you look closely at the photo, you can see that the BLT and PTV are angled. I did this for privacy, of course, but also for shade. The BLT’s angle gives shade in late morning and the PTV’s angle gives shade throughout the afternoon, across the front of the BLT. I like figuring out stuff like this. I think it’s fun. 🙂

      You are going to have so much fun with your Casita! Already the excitement builds! Oh, how happy you will be… Do what I did when I first met the BLT. I went up to her and gave her a hug with my cheek pressed against her fiberglass.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Ooh, so close! I’m excited for you. Best 50th ever 😀

  13. Lady Piper,(Piper), and Rusty near th' River in AZ says:

    Great Spot!!!! 90 bucks a month,, Hey that’s cooolll,,,,,,,,,,, Nice photos too, Sue,,,, Have a great Weekend and stay Safe in this Wind,,,,, It’s gona be down in th’ 40s at night real soon down here and We’re all set and ready for it Too,,,,,,,, give them babies a hug from us, will ya,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty,,,,,,,, Oh,, Piper says HI Too,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty and Piper,

      Man, did we have wind last night! I don’t want to tell a future blog post here, but I have to say… It was the windiest night we’ve experienced since living in the BLT. The wind was hitting us broadside!

      It’s a wonder we weren’t tossed right out of bed. We didn’t sleep much. Doesn’t matter, we took a nap to make up for it.

      You stay safe in the wind, too. I know you like to point the nose of your rig into the wind. Smart! Can’t always do that in a campground…

      I’m glad you’re prepared for the temperature dropping. Lady Piper has her winter coat on!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Same here Sue, in the Sierra. Really WINDY yesterday. I guess you got it a bit later on. I was thinking of how you’d spoken to weather (I think it was) about the wind rocking you pleasantly, and so that ameliorated it for me, thanks (and luckily it wasn’t dangerous-windy, and I was not in a dusty place).

      • Lady Piper,(Piper), and Rusty near th' River in AZ says:

        Sue,, If Lady Piper gets any Bigger, I’ll not need a blanket,,, when she sleeps on the floor, her Butt is at the door and her head is at the heater and when she’s up in my bed and stretched out, she takes up the bed a lot,,, “Hey Girl, ya gonna let me come to bed”?,, She looks at me and takes her time getting down to her bed,, LOL,,, SO SWEET, She is,,,,,,,,

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          That’s too cute Rusty!

          • Lady Piper,(Piper), and Rusty near th' River in AZ says:

            Cindy n’ Jules,, And everyone she meets, She licks them to death and mildly bark-howls,,,, she’s in the front of the cab on her side,(shotgun) , ready to go, but we’re not going anywhere for awhile,, She likes it there,,, BTW,, This morning she was out on the sunny side laying on the ground and I notice a Coyote coming’ towards our camp, as I got up from the table to ward it off, it saw her Stand up and growl and that Coyote decided to go around a long rout to get by us,, off far away it looked back and kept going,,, must of sensed a Wolf in her and didn’t want a hassle,,, neat, huh,,,,,

  14. Cinandjules (ny) says:

    Too funny!

    And the moment I’ve been waiting for…..the slide goes in! Battle stations she off and running! I must say you’re in rare form today! I chuckled all the way through the post!

    Spectacular view indeed! Absolutely gorgeous!

    Have a nice dinner ya’ll! One for you ms Bridge, one for you Reg man and one for me!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Little Reggie Man is still learning the rotisserie chicken protocol. Sometimes he tries to make it one for you and one for you, now two for me . . . He thinks if he moves where Bridget is sitting, he will get more chicken. Un-uh, you lose what you would’ve gotten in the other spot, silly boy! Haha!

      Sleep well…

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        You do the same!

        Two VERY windy nights…sounded like a freight train. Time to get the flannel sheets and down comforter out….presently it is 31 degrees and dropping.

      • Chey (WA coast) says:

        Re: Chicken Protocol …oh gee, thanks for the laugh. so true, (still with the grin) “He thinks if he moves to Bridget’s spot..”

  15. carlene from Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, New Mexico says:

    OH MY.. $90 a month… wow… so I will add this campground to my book. I’ve developed a book for future camping, once solar is online and I’m looking to volunteer winters and summers and camp and visit other locations on off seasons… or then again volunteering when it works and visit other places when I want to get there for specific reasons. I haven’t seen everything I want to see yet. So as a full timer I’m still a work in progress.
    Loving Bosque del Apache. Having worked for the “government”, state of California for 27 years, I am amazed with my opportunity to work for AND with such quality people. The Fish and Wildlife Service employees, those who truly work for the agency, are just so wonderful. Counting my lucky stars and feeling so very blessed.
    I’m still attempting to configure / put together / START a blog of my location. It is somewhat difficult as I only have my Gamer Babe (Minnie Winnie) to get around. I’m searching for a toad… hopefully in the next month it will fall into place.
    Thank you so much Sue for another wonderful future camp site. You make some really great choices. The Crew are going to love your new home.
    Safe and Happy Travels…
    Carlene and Corky

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome. Your comments are such fun to read, Carlene. The excitement and enthusiasm you have for what life can offer jumps off my monitor.

      I’m very happy for you, that you like your volunteer position at Bosque del Apache, that the people are good to work with, that you are feeling blessed. Good luck finding the right toad for you!

      • bess in eugene, oregon says:

        for my information, what is a toad?

        hello everyone!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          A toad is a vehicle that is TOWED behind a rig. (Sometimes people confuse it with a tow vehicle, which is a vehicle like the PTV that PULLS a rig). The purpose of a toad is to allow people to drive around, free of their rig. I’m glad you asked, bess.

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      Hi Carlene, You may have answered this in a previous post, but I don’t know which one I asked the question. Have you met Lynne? She volunteers there as well. She has a Winnebago View, and her toad is a yellow Chevy tracker. She is very tech savvy and could probable help you with a blog set-up. She writes the Winnie Views blog.

  16. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Hi RV Sue, the pics are amazing! I love the colored rocks , I love the views ! Your babies know the routine and they are always ready to ride aren’t they? The monthly price is really reasonable, would love to stay there in the near future. It seems like a good find, hope you enjoy it. Do you know what the average temperature is in that area this time of the season? Take care Miss Sue, give the babies a hug for me, love them both! Have a great weekend.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Thanks re the photos. The average temps here? We’re south of St. George, about halfway to Mesquite which is a bit warmer. I like this website, Click this link and you can see recorded temperatures for St. George this month and previous months, as well as a two-week forecast and average temperatures for future months. The calendar format is very easy to read.

      You have a great weekend, too!

  17. Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

    I don’t see Ms. Sue replying to posts at the moment so I’ll just pose this question to the group and see what the blogerinos think:
    Did you get cold feet?
    When the time grew closer to make the full time leap, did you have second thoughts?

    I’m still about 6 months out from my great escape (from work, the sticks and bricks, the cold weather…) and suddenly I find myself asking if I’m sure. I’m reminding myself that I don’t HAVE to go through with selling the house. I don’t have to live in my darling little motorhome full time. What?! Am I nuts?? I’ve spent all this time dreaming and working toward this life and …. wht da [@c# is wrong with me?

    Your experiences would be of great comfort, especially if you got worried sick, snapped out of it and are now living happily ever after. That’s actually the story I need to hear tonight.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I never did have that feeling, but I have had that feeling about *other* decisions, so I understand it. I can think of a couple of ways to handle it (and I’m sure there are many more).

      1) If you “know” you want to do it but it’s just nerves, or you are just “the decisive type,” then maybe just go on ahead, rip the band aid off, and go.

      2) Presuming you can, why not hedge your bets? Head out for six months (or whatever) and then make up your mind. I suppose there is the chance that then you don’t feel the “true freedom” or whatever, but OTOH, you then won’t have the pressure of “I’d BETTER like it as I burned my bridges.”

      A modification of #2 might be to get everything settled (purge stuff, organize house, etc.) so you leave with keeping the house but have it set up for an easy go of it should you decide to go back and close things out for real and stay on the road (and if you don’t, you have a nice tidy house without eons of clutter).

      Just thinking out loud. Of course there is no objective “right” answer. I think many of us have been there in one way or another. I some ways I have it “easy,” as I can’t afford to do both, so it’s home base or travel, one or the other.

      But if I could have both? I likely would.

      • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

        Thanks for the advice, Pen.
        I sometimes do this to myself – make a perfectly good plan and then panic, and then have to recreate the plan to assure myself that everything is actually fine. The reality is that I don’t want to afford both because I’d stretch myself too thinly and make myself miserable trying to make ends meet.
        By selling, I’m getting rid of an albatross that is much to large for me, too much expense in keeping up. By hitting the road, I’m gaining an adventure that I think I’ve been gravitating toward my whole life. And I could afford it.
        I’ve committed to a year. I think it’s very unlikely that I will regret my choice but I can survive just about anything for a year.

        • Chey (WA coast) says:

          Biz, I adore you! You will be fine.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I agree with Chey. From what you’ve written, BC, I’m pretty sure chucking it all and going fulltime will be a decision you won’t regret.

          My father used to tell me that change, no matter if it seems good or bad, will eventually work out to be good. That sounds simplistic. I’ve found it to be true.

          You know what living in your house is like. The change to a new lifestyle will bless you, I’m sure. Even folks who eventually decide that full-timing is not for them have enriched their lives for having tried.

          As for me, I was desperate to live a full life with new experiences, to the point where I didn’t care if I ended up sucking on a prickly pear in the desert to stay alive… I needed change!

        • Pookie in SE Texas says:

          years ago I had my kids with me on a camping vacation in
          colorado and coming home we stopped at a commercial
          campground so we could shower and shave. we met our
          camp host who was from Kansas said he shut down his
          house during the hot summer and went to the cool mountains
          in colorado… to camp free since he was working (if you want
          to call it work) I always thot that was a cool way to do it…

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          Now that I read your reply, I say “go!” Sounds like even if you change your mind, you’d want a different house, better suited to you. So you can finish up preps, go, try your year, and then see how you feel 🙂

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            (I meant to say, “without keeping your house,” since it sounds like it’s not the house you’d choose in any case; but I left out the “shed the house” part so it wasn’t clear.)

    • David Ainley in Houston, TX. says:

      Biz Crate;

      Everyone’s situation is unique to them but I believe everyone who chooses this life as opposed to being forced into it gets cold feet and has doubts along the way. It’s normal. We all fear the unknown more than the known regardless of how much we dislike the known. The old “rut” we know versus the unknown. I can only tell you that I just sold my house 2 weeks ago and hit the road a week later. I was so excited I could hardly wait. I’ve been planning this for over a year. The sense of FREEDOM is exhilarating! It will not always be pleasant but it will be better than that “rut” you’re in now. Have a little faith and a little determination. You will see your dream come true.

      • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

        Holy cow, David!!
        That’s GREAT! Good for you!
        And this is exactly what I need to hear. The reality is that it probably won’t always be pleasant, as you said. But that’s just life, right?
        I’ll look for future posts from you as you live your dream,
        Happy trails!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Love your comment, David! Love your spirit!

    • Pamela K. says:

      Hi Biz Crate,
      I think your second guessing, even third guessing, is normal and it is a very big decision to sell your house after all those years. Maybe if you talked to a property management company that specializes in rentals you could see if renting your house through them. They would quailify the renters, collect the rents, etc., and it would give you an income and extra time to *try out* full timing before you sell. Unlike most people here, my husband and I did not plan to full-time in our RV, it just happened by chance. That sounds odd but that is what happened for us. We were in banking at a major bank up north and give our resignation letters so we could move south again. We had agreed to stay and help them find our replacements. Having already sold our house we had the cash to make the move south once the replacements were found. Well, it took longer than they thought to find and train someone. They asked if we would RV in our RV if they paid the lot rents and we agreed to do that for a period of time…wanting to leave the north country before the first snows of the winter season. We found we LOVED living in the Airstream and that years ago now…still LOVIN’ it 🙂 It is a good lifestyle for many, not for everyone. Some stay on the road for years, others try it and go back to a house again. I would love to tell you it will be wonderful but I won’t do that. Only YOU can come to terms with what YOUR needs in life should be defined as. I wish you the Best Of The Best in whatever your choices are.

      • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

        Thanks for weighing in, Pamela.
        Great story, and how interesting that you were in banking “up North”. I’m in banking up North!
        Now looking forward to full timing down South!
        Seriously, I appreciate your thoughtful comments. I’m feeling more settled hearing from you, David, Sue and all.
        Thank you!

        • Pamela K. says:

          Biz Crate,
          How interesting! What did you do at your bank up north? We were the data programmers/structural data builders for their B to B systems. Also did all the Predictive Models for M&A Marketshare and Run Off Marketshare pre-merger. I put that in lay terms, you will know what I mean. My husband was *Mr. B-to-B* for the bank.

          • Pamela K. says:

            Customer MCIF Systems and Predictive Models and or Decision Trees for the bank’s business lines.

            • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

              I’m a learning specialist for First Midwest Bank headquartered out of Itasca, IL. (not to be confused with a similarly named bank in the Dakotas).
              I wonder if we’ve used your company’s services before. I wouldn’t know from my position but we’ve certainly done some growing through M&A over the last few years.

            • Pamela K. says:

              Biz Crate,
              My husband and I had exclusive contracts with US Bank, Minneapolis corps headquarters for their full banking system. Before that, Marquette Bank head quarters in Mpls., and Community Bank Shares, Mpls. to name a few. We liked being in banking there. It was good to us. But those cold, cold winters did it for us over time and we left to move south where it was warm 🙂 I guess we did about 23 M&A in total for them ranging from Mpls to across country. In retirement we are gearing up to do the newest 2014 HMDA analysis and reporting analysis for small to mid-range clients. We have done HMDA before, since the 1980s.

            • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

              Eee-gads! Have fun with the HMDA analysis! I wish the regulators would get their act together and lay off already. As a trainer, it helps with job security but the poor personal bankers get caught in the middle trying to explain disclusure after disclosure and delay after delay if the client makes a change midstream in the process.
              Oh well, sign of the times, I guess.

          • Pamela K. says:

            Later he analyzed the top 20% of Aquired Customers for a year following the aquisition that doubled the bank’s size. It was a fun ride, loved it but those winters are way too cold up there.

            • Lady Piper,(Piper), and Rusty near th' River in AZ says:

              Yo,, BIZ Crate,,,,,, Rusty n’ L.P. here,,,,,,,, I’ve been on the road,(trail), life for years,, ether walking with 2 donkey’s , me dressed as a Rocky Mountain Fur Trapper living it 24/7/365 to now living the retired life as a full timing RVer in a 42 year old Ford, F-100 with hand made camper, with 173 watts solor on top and most of the gear of a RV, missing Shower and a Fridge,, and We take to this life real fine,( with God’s Guidance),,,, and I have a income for the rest of my life,, Retired Army,, not much, but enough to keep going and we’re not starved’,,,,,,,,, Like RV Sue, and some of the Blogerooos do,,, ,,,, one can read about life and never really feel it,,, To the best of a good Journey is to take the first step out and follow through and soon you, BIZ, you’ll be out and enjoying the FREEDOM like rest of us do,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty n’ Lady Piper,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FREEEEDDOOOMMM,,,, Alba GO BLAW

            • bess in eugene, oregon says:

              if you have the interest, i followed RVSue’s advise and i am reading her blog from the very beginning. so far i am at July 2011. her descriptions of settling up all of her affairs and getting the equipment is fantastic. bess

            • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

              YAHOOO! Rusty, this has been a wonderful response to my jitters about taking my leap into Freedom. Thank you for the support and taking time to write. All the best to you and ear scratches to Lady Piper!

  18. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    Almost!!!! but not quite!! Thanks for a great post!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Jenny. I feel like you deserve a consolation prize or something. Keep trying! You’ll make first one of these days!

  19. Dawn in Mi says:

    Just beautiful. Do you ever make a campfire? Just wondering…

    • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

      You know, I’ve found myself wondering the same thing.
      Does the attraction of a campfire wear off when you full time?

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      me too, do you ever make a campfire RVSue?

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Dawn, Biz Crate, and Chey…

        I made a few campfires in the beginning. I don’t any more. It doesn’t appeal to me, being by myself. Seems I get one going and then I want to go inside and I need to make sure the dang fire is out.

        Reggie is making sure we don’t have a campfire. I’m having a heck of a time getting him to sit outside in the evening. Gosh, at 5 o’clock he wants to go inside and go to bed for the night, and yet he can’t stand to be inside while I’m outside. If I keep him outside, he sits with this forlorn face looking up at me….

        That was the long answer. The short answer is No, I don’t make campfires. Haha!

        • Chey (WA coast) says:

          Oh thank you Sue, Yes I and can laugh aloud! (loud laughing)

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I’m like you, not really a campfire person, especially when I’m solo (although they sound great in theory). I do find that if I get together with others, and push myself to have one, that I enjoy it; but that’s fairly rare.

          Probably other people have one every night!

          • Pamela K. says:

            I guess I’m a casual campfire person. I love having a nice, well maintained one during early Spring or in the Fall. Well, sometimes in the Summer too. BUT I almost never have one when we are at out *home base*. Many campers are there and when you have one often it tends to sut up (smell of smoke) in your camper and also the nearby campers. For that reason we keep our campfires to travel areas for just an overnight thing. It also keeps it more of a novelty rather than have the pleasure wear off. Special dinners with friends outside is mostly when a campfire is nicest, and to keep the bugs away while gathering with friends. It’s more of a mood thing for us. They do set a nice cozy mood.

    • Pookie in SE Texas says:

      in all my followings of Sue Ive never read where she built a campfire….
      now as far as me, I love to sit by a campfire at nite and watch the coals
      glow and throw sparks up into the nite air….hot dogs on a stick is one
      of my favorites….ha

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Aha! You missed one of my early campfires. Look at this beauty in this post “I hate to say it”… We were boondocking at Williard Springs south of Flagstaff in 2012…

        • Chey (WA coast) says:

          I loved “Hate to say it”

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Great! I’m smiling!

            • Dawn in MI says:

              My favorite line in “I hate to say it” is:

              Bridget is staging a sit-in in the middle of the grassy meadow. She sits there like a mutant blossom surrounded by all the little white flowers.

              I love to camp, but it’s for 2-3 days at a time…just me and the dog. We usually have a campfire at least one night, but I agree, just about the time I get the fire going nice and settle in, Katie the dog insists on going in the tent to go to sleep.

            • Lady Piper,(Piper), and Rusty near th' River in AZ says:

              Well ,,, way back when,, had a camp fire goin’ all day ,, from sunup ta sunset, wel to just afore goin’ ta bed,,,, but now,, twice a month just to have smores and burn my cans so they’ll crush better and fit into the trash bag and once in while with guest over for a evenin’ fire,,,,,,,,,,,,

            • Pookie in SE Texas says:

              rusty, I love to fix egss, bacon, hash browns and biscuits over an
              open fire……oh and some gravy too…..I usually eat all day on that
              one meal I fix so much but I dont do it but once every couple of

  20. weather says:

    “We float through the gorge like a bird riding air currents…we’re on a magic carpet in an enchanted land of sandstone castles with turrets touching the clouds.We glide downward and around mighty rock fortresses carved over ages.”

    This could have been a plain white page with just that on it and your blog would be worth following.Really,who thinks like that ,far less be able to pen it that beautifully?I did see the and read the entire post,I’ll come back another time to leave a comment,I need time to get past focusing on that and stop sitting here just saying,wow,oh my,wow…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You say the nicest things, weather. . . . here and under the previous post. Thank you.

    • weather says:

      What gorgeous surroundings to make your home,you must have seen every bit of it differently each morning and evening as the lighting changed.Like going somewhere else each time without having to move camp-beautiful!It took me a while to pick up on that particular site’s advantages-the way it curves into the land and having the bush along the side people drive and walk on let’s one have space apart instead of just pulling along the road the way the other sites are set up.Add having the river to look down on in your own yard( the others camped there don’t have that,do they?) makes it perfect.How nice that the fifth wheeler pulled out so you could pull in,I love how you did that 🙂 I’m glad you splurged and got three bottles of the new beverage. A whole family pack of chicken breasts for the crew and you pause before buying yourself fruit drink treats,so typical of you.You are so good to them.The warmth of your family details is so touching.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Oh, yes, the light! As I type this the morning light is playing on the mountains. I’m going to post some light and shadow photos soon.

        Another good thing about this particular campsite…. On one side of us are tent campers who are here for a month. They are very quiet. On the other side of us is a site that attracts smaller rigs like truck campers, also quiet. Most of the other sites have things that I avoid — too close to the bathroom, near big sites that attract generator people, near the entrance where there are more drive-bys, steep slopes with no fence, sites positioned so one’s door faces the afternoon sun if turned away from the road for privacy, etc.

        The first site we had was an interior site. Our view included RVs.

        The campground is on a spit of land above the river which curves around it. This means several sites have views of the river below.

        Well, the skinless, boneless chicken breasts are for Bridget and Reggie, but I benefit,too. They’re easier to prepare for them. I’m looking out for the cook, too! 🙂 Thanks for the kindness in your comment.

        • weather says:

          A lot of people that tent camp don’t bring their own toilet.Most RVers have one in their home on wheels. I would have assumed there’d be little foot traffic to bathrooms without showers,and not taken into account that some campgrounds having tent sites makes a difference.Thank you for adding the details about those camped beside you,that place and what influences your choices.

          It’s a rare occasion if I feel like having anyone talk to me before I’ve had morning song time and coffee.Now I know another way to avoid that when staying in a campground and to keep enjoying gifts that make sunrise so wonderful to me 🙂 Thanks,Teach’

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            One more thing about not camping near a bathroom… First off, I like to leave those spots open for folks who do not have their own facility.

            Secondly, families often take the spots near bathrooms, like this one where the kids can wash up at the sinks. I like children, however I’d rather not have them squealing around my campsite.

            Thirdly, and this isn’t the case with most campgrounds. . . People drive in here for the sole purpose of using the bathroom and then they get back on the interstate. I don’t want the traffic by my campsite. And, of course, in the case of vault toilets, there’s often a smell…

            Well, I guess the above isn’t “one more thing.” Haha!

            • weather says:

              Thanks,Sue ,I really appreciate the extra thought and effort you’ve gone through today on here. It is and will be helping my (and other readers’) life going forward be more comfortable and enjoyable.

              Other than vault toilets I’d likely have chosen spots near the bathrooms for the convenience of the sinks and extra water without using the small amount the T@B tank holds,and thought “Oh neat,no one else took this swell spot!” Ha!

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Is the T@B everything you thought it would be? Are you close to home or did you venture off for the winter?

            • weather says:

              Hi,Cinandjules,yes,it really is!Actually ,better than I expected in terms of it’s suiting me,my tastes and size and feeling like home when I’m in it.I haven’t ventured off yet,there are still a lot of things I need and want to do here first.One of those is rehoming the cat family I’ve been taking care of.I know you understand how much that matters.I love what you did with your Vegas winnings.I hope you’re keeping warm,you always make sure others feel that way and have what they need 🙂

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Oh….so you were just testing it out! From the stock’s absolutely adorable.

              Yep I totally understand about the kitties.

              Have a wonderful day.

            • weather says:

              Thanks,I did and hope you did,too!

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Not to mention they often have lights on all night (and I like dark sky), plus sometimes the door bangs, which can get old.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I’ll never forget the time a group of women with tents pulled in next to us. There were three SUVs involved and I think they opened and slammed doors for every single item they wanted before going to sleep, right down to their toothbrushes.

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Hah I remember you telling that story! ?

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              That was near the entrance to Yellowstone. Remember the family that were startled by a loud roar at the river? The man ran first, leaving the three kids and mom behind! It’s funny the things one sees living on the road. . . .

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              The curse of car/tent campers! The incessant door slamming. I like tent camping, and so have a soft spot for tent campers (until the door slamming…). As a result of realizing how far it carries, I try never to slam my doors.

        • weather says:

          Quite the picture!For tolerating the smell the rewards are when highway traffic slows down less bathroom and car doors slam until bedtime which allows no sleep because it’s too bright out until daytime when squealing children take what’s left of ones sanity.What’s not to love,they should charge extra for those sites,Ha!

  21. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I *love* driving through the Virgin River Gorge. Almost like “how can this be an Interstate?” It’s so amazing. I was taken completely by surprise the first time I traversed it.

    One night in early summer 2013 I stayed at Cedar Pocket – last spot on the right hand side 🙂

    I was cackling along with you as you planned your “takeover” of the best site, watched the signs, and then….. Sprung! Yeah!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I thought the same thing, Pen, about Interstate 15 going through the Gorge. There are places where interstate drives are really scenic.

      That was a lucky break, to have those people leave on a Saturday morning, the day after we arrived. I think it’s the best site in the entire campground.

  22. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    What a breathtaking, beautiful spot! I could see where an extended stay would be desirable. *happy sigh* I agree with Alice (So. Fla), your post had me giggling! How far is this area from Walmart/gas/showers/dump station? Hope you all enjoyed the rotisserie chicken dinner! I especially loved the pictures of the crew. Yes, Miss Bridget, I see you under the BLT in the last photo. You just can’t hide beauty….your light shines! And the ever viligant Reggie, standing guard, so cute. 🙂

    Have a great night, Sue! Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      You spotted the Bridge! I had to enlarge the photo to see her body under the BLT. She figures if she can’t see me, I can’t see her. Too funny!

      Yes, rotisserie chicken never disappoints!

      Okay, the campground is about 16 miles from the southern side of St. George. When you drive I-15 north from here, you take the second exit for Wal-Mart. It’s a bit of a challenge because there are two of those circles to drive around. Hate those things. Anyway…. The first exit takes you to the municipal airport.

      Of course, gas is available at the second exit. I’m not sure where the closest place for showers would be. There’s a dump station right in St. George at Temple RV. I haven’t looked in the other direction, going to Mesquite. would probably give the nearest dump station.

      All in all it’s the kind of place where you come prepared with waste tanks empty. That’s why I drove up toward Pine Valley to that free dump before heading south to Cedar Pockets.

      You have a great night, too. Snuggle that Gracie pup for me!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Thank you for the detailed info, Sue. Gracie sends her thanks for that wonderful snuggle!

        You are having fun tonight replying to comments. 🙂
        Minds eye envisioning you sucking on a prickly pear cactus – too funny!! 🙂


  23. Chey (WA coast) says:

    RVSue, that was the best post ever! And I have read them all!
    Have you ever read I book that you just couldn’t put down, except for activities of daily living? And had serious grief when you finished it? Yes? That last post was one of those. Thank you so much RVSue. *i bought a walking stick & cotton briefs through your amazon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh my gosh, what a wonderful compliment, Chey! Thank you!

      Your last line gave me a big laugh. Suddenly I had this mental picture of you in nothing but cotton briefs walking along using your new walking stick!

      I appreciate you shopping Amazon here. I saw those things in my reports. 🙂

  24. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I noticed someone commenting about towing and was thinking “Oh no, she was just hurrying because of leaving the crew in the PTV, maybe it’s sunny, etc.” But then I went back to savor the photos (always worth it), and I saw the “no camper parking – tow away” sign. Was that at Wal-Mart?! I’ve seen no 0vernighting at quite a few Wal-Marts, but never no camper parking, as if one couldn’t park and go in to shop. Was that the intent do you think?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know what to make of that sign. They were all over the Wal-Mart parking lot. Typical of me, I took a photo of one of the signs and forgot about them, did my shopping, and went on my way.

      Thinking back I don’t recall seeing any RVs or campers in the parking lot, which, BTW, was quite full with cars. It seems odd to keep RVers from shopping. I don’t know what the intent is. Obviously it wouldn’t be wise to try to spend the night there.

    • Pamela K. says:

      Just in the last few nights I have read about RVers who have been had law enforcement demand that they *move along* when all they were doing was having dinner at a local restaurant! Seems there are some areas (towns) that do not allow RVs to park within their towns. I believe that Flag Staff is one of those towns. The couple where asked to move along were dining at a reasonable dinner hour too, not late in the evening! They, the RVers, said they were *lucky* they even saw the officer at their RV before having it towed. The husband went out and spoke to the officer telling him they had no car, their Class C coach was their only car. The officer let them finish their dinner but insisted that once they were finished eating they had to move along to a campground or leave the city’s city limits. I was shocked to read this, it was pretty new news to me. I hope it is not telling of things to come!

      • Pamela K. says:

        I read about this on a website that posts local and county regs for RVers. I will look back and see if I can find that site in *history* and let you all know. There is a lot of good info on places where RVs are WELCOME or where they are NOT RV friendly at all. Pretty good info to know before spending time and money to visit their towns and counties! I’d rather spend my $$$ where I’m made to feel welcome, not like rife-rafe or a criminal! BTW, the RVers wrote the Mayor of that town a letter about it and got a reply letter back saying their officer was right to have moved them along. No RV Parking within the city limits unless it is in a campground, period. That’s nerve!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That’s horrible, Pamela! I never heard of such a thing!

        Although I will say this… If ever there were a place to start such a practice, I’d guess that part of Arizona to be the place. Coconino National Forest surrounds Flagstaff and it isn’t what I’d call RV-friendly. I’ve read on other blogs that there’s an attitude that living full-time in an RV is against national forest rules.

        But to be hustled along while eating in a restaurant? I wonder what the Camping World in Flagstaff thinks about RVers being hassled in their town.

        Yes, pretty shocking.

        • Pamela K. says:

          Yes, that was the campground area they were staying in and were simply out for dinner with friends! They also post several other areas that are hard-nosed about RVers. I’ll find that site and post the name of it later tonight.
          Have a fine evening with the crew 🙂

      • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

        This is not new and it is not always driven by the municipalities involved. It is the campground owners that lobby the town councils to ban the parking so people will use their campgrounds instead. Also many RVers have abused the hospitality of the communities so much that they had no choice but to ban it. Flagstaff is a perfect example. It is a small community with lots of RVers passing thru.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I can understand banning RVers from overnighting at businesses in town, but banning them from a brief stay, long enough to eat dinner in a restaurant? Like the example Pamela gave, if you have a Class C and no toad….

          Yes, your point is well taken about the consequences for all of us when a few people wear out our welcome for us.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I’ve had a similar experience while parked at a Wal-Mart in northwest Arizona (not Flag). It was very clear that they did not allow overnighters, which was fine by me as I had no intention of camping there.

        This was at around 2:30 p.m. I parked more or less in the normal parking spots (my rig fits), but out a bit from the close in spots (in other words, I was parked like any normal shopper, not like an RV out along the side, but not hogging the best front spots either). I went in and did a huge shop, then came back out to my rig and unloaded things into that area by the door where you then have to try to leap over everything to get inside, and put the cart in the corral. I’m sure you know that routine!

        Then I went back into my rig, and was taking a bit of time getting everything put away so I could hit the road. Maybe I took a half hour (?). Next thing you know, “knock Knock KNOCK” on the door. I looked out and saw it was security in one of those carts they drive. Went to the door, opened it, and greeted the fellow. I couldn’t figure out what I might be doing wrong.

        Well, guess what? He just wanted to make SURE I wasn’t planning to stay overnight. Not all that pleasant either. I was a little miffed, and said something like “Well I just went in and did a huge round of shopping, and it’s only a bit after 3 p.m. Isn’t it okay if I put my stuff away before driving?”

        His reply? “Well we don’t allow overnighters here, and I don’t want to have to come back again later and talk to you then.” Sheesh guy, it’s not even 4 in the afternoon! Plus talk about lazy. I mean, you’re driving a cart. You could maybe come back around in two hours and then if I’m still here… (which of course I would not have been).

        Not to mention that the way I was parked in the normal slots, I was on such a slant there is no way I could have slept there anyway. (There was lots of empty space in the parking lot, BTW – not like it was a Saturday afternoon or etc.)

        I have to admit, that one stuck in my craw.

  25. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    I have been through this area many times going to Colorado and didn’t even know there was a campground. The Southwest is so amazing just like San Diego County, no wonder I hardly ever leave. It might be a little warm in the summer for sure. I went to Los Algodones to the dentist in August and it was 112 degrees.
    As always the pictures are great. Halloween greetings from San Diego.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Norman,

      Oh yeah, it would be plenty warm here in the summer. I wouldn’t stop. I’d keep on going!

      112 degrees in Los Algodones in August… I believe it. I hope you’re pleased with the dental work…

      Gollee… I think the campground is filling up with people wanting to leave their neighborhood for Halloween.

  26. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    What a gorgeous area & nice campground, Sue! Love your photos. I bookmarked this post for future reference. I just noticed Bridge under the Casita. We could actually play a “Where’s Bridgie Baby?” version of Waldo each post!

    We’re slated to have a big rain & wind storm tomorrow. Jim’s hoping all the leaves will be off the trees by this time tomorrow. He told me today we will leave “when Quartzsite has an 80 degree day.” He’s getting itchy feet–mine have been that way for about 2 months.

    Cedar Pockets–I even love the name… Take good care, Sue; ear skritches to the Crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      There must be some cedar trees around here somewhere or there were some in the past. I don’t see any. I like the name, too, better than Creosote Pockets which would be more accurate.

      If you get wind like we had last night, you can count on all the leaves being blown off the trees. We were under a wind advisory of gusts up to 55 mph. Around 2 in the morning I said to the crew as the BLT seemed to levitate, “We have lift-off!”

      Have a good night, Dawn. Hope your wind is just enough, not too much.

  27. AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

    Bolthouse is good stuff. If you can find it they make a Mango Lemonade that is to die for. Back in the early 90’s that campground was just a rest stop. I stopped there once when I was driving big trucks and let my cat Butch out. It was almost a mistake, he liked it so much he didn’t want to stop adventuring and get back in the truck. The Virgin river cuts thru some of the best landscape there is.
    Keep on keeping on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alan,

      I agree about Bolthouse… The berry flavor is divine. I haven’t tried the others yet. I saw the Mango and had to pass it up. Mango gives me a rash. On my face, just to keep your imagination in check. 🙂

      Yes, one of the campers told me about the days when this was a rest stop. In fact you can see the building where it was. Also there’s a big day use area that is hardly used. They could easily allow camping there — the parking areas are like campsite pads — and it would alleviate the weekend crush somewhat.

      I’m still hoping you’ll find your dog. What is an abby? Or is that her name? A photo and description to Petfinder will improve the chances. I’m sorry if you don’t want to be reminded…

  28. Kary E says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I’m a long-time lurker just now decloaking. 🙂

    I have read every single post of yours way back since before you sold your house. Yours was the blog that got me through the long wait and seemingly endless search for a rig of my own.

    I finally found her – a minimalist Sportsmobile (has a canvas poptop like a Westy) with no interior, and now I’m slowly outfitting her just the way I want her.

    I love pretty much everything about your blog, but I confess that I get an extra kick out of it when I see one of my purchases show up at the bottom of the page. I’ll let you know how that butane stove works out. It’s a lot smaller than the Coleman-style two burner ones and allegedly sturdier, too.



    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a thrill to read your comment! Welcome, Kary! At long last you are officially a blogorino!

      I got goosebumps when I read the line beginning “Yours was the blog . . . .” It’s a privilege and delight to help people make their way to a new lifestyle.

      How exciting — a Sportsmobile! You’ll be able to go just about anywhere with her. Good luck equipping her and creating a living space perfect for you.

      Thanks for the Amazon orders! I appreciate that very much. Yes, let us know about the stove. I bet there are readers who would like to learn more.

      Seeing you here, after all the time you’ve lurked and read all my posts, well, that makes my evening, Kary!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Someone who will definitely be interested in the stove review is BadgerRick, if he doesn’t have that model in his collection already!!
        LOL!! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Welcome, Kary! 🙂

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      hello there Kari, welcome!

    • MB from VA says:

      Welcome Kary! Your post brought tears to my eyes. I can imagine how much fun you are having outfitting your new camper. I can’t wait for that day! I am buying little things and putting them away….kinda like a “hope chest”……but I plan on doing a lot more than “hope”. And as she has for you, Sue has helped me learn new things that I’ll need when I can finally set off. And the blog and all the blogorinos has given me the sure and certain knowledge that I can do this too! 🙂 Safe travels! MB from VA (for now)

  29. Pamela K. says:

    I found that Cities and Towns Unfriendly to RVers info. I agree, pretty shocking indeed!
    Here is the link where I found it.

    I think it was listed in the tips section of their blog, can’t remember. Anyway, that is the blog

  30. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Awwww! Today we arrived at our winter digs in Laughlin. So nice to feel the warmth. Some of our last year neighbors were concerned when they saw us pull in because they thought someone was trying to take Gil & Kathy’s spot. Then they realized we have a new RV. So the tours began. It’s fun to be here; not your cup of tea, Sue, but fun for us. Nice to relax after the last 5 months back home. The new trailer is super. Only 4 more feet than the Casita but much more room and comfort.

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      Love is where you hang your hat. I wish you the best, indeed!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Welcome home, Gil and Kathy! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy and Gil,

      It tickles me to read how happy you are with your new rig, and now you have it in one of your favorite places. You’re all set for good times with friends. I wish you both a very enjoyable and healthy winter.

      Thanks for keeping in touch!

      • kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

        Thank you, Sue. This year our travel routes will be different since we left home so late. You never know when we might see each other at a crossroads stop sign in the desert ?. May you also have a pleasant southwest winter.

  31. Nivrapa back home in AZ says:

    Hi-Ho Sue! I’m back in the land of the giant cactus after having quite the adventure this summer. This was to be the year I explored UT from corner to corner but I put that on the back burner to take advantage of a unique opportunity in CO this summer. I house and dog sat on a small ranch that is very remote and isolated. The main house was six miles from the county road at the end of a dirt track. No phone, no electric, no internet, and no human contact but a beautiful timber framed house with incredible views out of the floor to ceiling windows in the great room. What gorgeous country! Supplies were eighty-eight miles away and you made sure you scratched off everything off your errand and shopping lists before you left town to return home. Like you, I enjoy my own company the most and the solitude was divine. Of course, I wasn’t really alone since I had plenty of critters around to provide entertainment and Cisco ( the family Aussie cattle dog) and I became fast friends even before the ranch owners took off for their trip. It was just an awesome time and an experience that taught me (again) about my own strengths and faults. A truly memorable summer.

    I left the ranch with my Scamp 13er bouncing along behind as I made my way toward the Durango area where I found some wonderful boondocks and explored at my leisure as the spirit moved me. When the leaf peepers invaded I packed up and headed back towards AZ. I boondocked my way from the NM/AZ border across the Mogollon rim over to Payson, AZ. Sadly, the last four weeks I had more rain than fair weather and at 7400 feet elevation it was damp (as in snow) and cold. My toes are still cold! From Payson I headed for Lake Roosevelt, AZ where I camped for a grand $3/night hoping the clouds would give way to those gorgeous blue skies of AZ that I love. Not happenin’. I drove home with showers following me all the way. I think those weather guessers who are calling for a very strong El Nino winter may be on to something. Folks who rely on their solar panels may need to be ultra conservative with their power on the southwest deserts this year. I really think all this rainy weather in the onset of El Nino. On the positive side of El Nino–the spring wild flower display on the desert should be outstanding.

    Before I highjack any more of your blog, I’ll just say that it is good to have unlimited internet, down booties on my tootsies, and a few good blog entries to read. I love, love my tiny home on wheels but I also love being back home on the desert.

    Your pictures speak of the beauty surrounding you. Enjoy and soak it all up! The rich description of your magic carpet ride through the Virgin River Gorge gets an A+ for travel documentary in my book. I was feeling the wind in my hair while I gazed down upon the unique landscape as we cruised the air currents through the gorge. Nice writing!


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      What a cool adventure, Audrey! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Audrey!

      It’s good to have you back! Yes, that does sound like a wonderful place to spend the summer, like an extended dream for one who loves solitude and nature’s beauty. And you don’t have the taxes and upkeep!

      When “Roosevelt Lake” popped up, I thought, “Oh, she’ll find warmth there” and then you say it rained. Bummer! A few days of rain are enjoyable; rain when one is weary of being cold, not so much.

      Yes, we boondockers/solar people may find this winter challenging. It will still be better than anything I’ve ever known!

      Thanks for the compliments on my Virgin River Gorge description. I never expected to enjoy an interstate drive that much! Thanks also for the newsy comment! Welcome home!

  32. MB from VA says:

    Hi Sue! Beautiful campsite. Thank you for letting us know that you can camp for a month there and the fee. I have an uncle who may be setting out with me when I go. He loves “that red rock country”. I can see him using that as home base for awhile. Is there water or any toilet facilities there? He lived out there for nine months in a Chevy Blazer so he really is no sissy….but that was 20 years ago. I am still biding my time till I can go….certain things need to happen…..or maybe not….it would just make it easier. 🙂 But, I did loose one crew member. My oldest dog Hazel. She was a 12 year old Catahoula/Cattle Dog. She was left at the top of our farm road at about 6 mos. of age. I told her all the time that “One man’s trash was this woman’s treasure”. She was fierce and loving. I will always miss seeing her bouncy-bouncy……front feet off the ground… the sight of my truck coming down the drive. I know you understand. Take care Sue. Love from MB & Co…..minus one.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      So sorry for your loss, MB. **hug**

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MB from VA,

      How difficult it must be for you to be without your bouncy-bouncy girl. I’m very sorry for your pain. Hazel definitely was a treasure, a special gift to you, delivered to your home. Yes, I understand. Anyone who has loved and been loved by a dog that has passed on knows the sharp pain and the twisting ache of loss, and in time experiences the wistful smiles, remembering the good times.

      Now for the mundane…. The facilities at Cedar Pockets include flush toilets, running water inside the bathrooms, one water spigot outside (at the present time anyway), trash barrels throughout the campground, campsites designated for disabled (with a shelter), and, of course, picnic tables, fire rings, and grills. The loop road is paved as are several of the campsite parking pads or very hard-packed gravel.

      There’s a link within the post that will take you to the BLM website about Virgin River Recreation Area.

      Warm wishes for the healing of your heart, MB.

  33. Applegirl NY says:

    Your camp looks so nice tucked in there beneath the mountains. Although the scenery is different, your description of the drive reminds me of travelling the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  34. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Those mountains are spectacular!!! All the desert needs is a some trees and more moisture and I would like it better. 🙂 I agree with those above who said it doesn’t seem like a RVSue and Crew site…a tad too populated…but it might thin out soon. I hope the generator people move on.
    Getting chilly here in Mississippi. I am not a hot weather person so I am enjoying getting out the sweats, long pants, sock, boots, etc. I miss my pool but go to water aerobic 3 times a week. I am now the instructor so I HAVE to go. Can’t sleep in which is a good thing!
    Taylor Beth’s basketball season starts next week; Elly’s the week after. Usually the college and high school are on different nights but not this year. What a problem that causes!!!! We want to be at all of the girls’ games but can’t be in 2 places at once.

    You are always in my prayers. Love to you and the crew

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline,

      Oh, trees and more moisture would ruin the desert! 🙂

      I had to chuckle where you mention going to water aerobics and then “I am now the instructor.” That is SO PAULINE! When the line dancing craze hit, you not only learned how, soon you were teaching it to others, big time, people coming from miles around! I’ll never forget the musical you created with young people. Whereas other people wax nostalgic about their high school, you create an alumni association with annual reunions that touches people all over the world. Wherever Pauline is, things get going and people get happy!

      That’s too bad about the conflicting game schedule. Maybe videos would help… Have a video party later on… Of course, you probably do that anyway. 🙂 And there’s nothing like seeing the ball swish through the hoop at the moment it happens. You always did like to cheer!

      I love you, too… Hi to everyone!

      • Pauline in Mississippi says:

        Awwww shucks… thank you. The Lord has blessed me. I love to teach what I have a passion about. Love you too!!

  35. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy Halloween, everyone!! 🙂

  36. chas anderson says:

    That gorge is beautiful.Pass through there often as we snowbird.

    I use the same methods of swiping a site when people leave.Part of my repertoire is also scouring campsites for unburned firewood left behind as people leave.

    Was not aware of that camp.I usually overnight at one of the Mesquite casinos.Will try your spot next time when we leave after the Holidays.My new Class C should be more nimble than my 34 foot trailer and I plan to try more new places.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chas,

      I hope you are enjoying your new Class C. Any size rig will fit at Cedar Pockets, as long as the sites are available. I bet there will be plenty when you come through after the holidays.

      I see people all the time going from campsite to campsite picking up firewood. Nothing wrong with that! One shouldn’t transport firewood anyway… Leave it for someone else to use.

      • bess in eugene, oregon says:

        due to a really bad forest fire season here in the Northwest this summer, we couldn’t have campfires. last month when we were camping in our 1955 Rainbow trailer at Camp Sherman on the Metolious River, Oregon, we discovered an empty campsite with the most beautiful neatly stacked cut firewood. a HUGE pile.

        we stared at it with longing for a while, and then chose to leave it for the next lucky camper when the season of campfires returns.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, gosh… I had a senior moment again. You’re bess whom I met at Haystack Campground! I saw “eugene, oregon” and didn’t connect. So you’re home now…

          • bess from haystack res/ eugene, oregon says:

            yep that is me!

            when we met you, we were on a last leg of a 5 day trip to Mt. Adams. since then, we have taken some short trips to the Metolious River near Sisters Oregon, my favorite camping place on earth. there are 9 forest service campgrounds on this clear rushing river that has its headwaters about 1 mile from the campgrounds and a beautiful photo op of Mt Jefferson. for fly fishers, this river is a challenge. there are beautiful flat trails along the river and the ponderosa pine trees create a rosy glow in the air.

            did you know that Eugene has a “Rivera?” the town of Yachets (pronounced “Yaw-hots) is 90 minutes away from Eugene. Tillicum Beach National Forest Campground is nearby and we made another short trip to the coast. they have flush toilets, some electrical sites for $18 (with pass) and $12 (with pass) without electric. some sites are reserveible. this campground has shoreline views and access to the beach out your door.

            your readers may not know that the citizens of Oregon protected and purchased the entire coastline in the 1950’s, so all beaches are open to the public.

            i am having a blast reading all of your blogs from the beginning. i am compiling a list of your ideas for campgrounds and boondocks and areas of prettiness for a big trip we are planning next summer to Yellowstone and places all over the West.

            i am also compiling a list of equipment that you have purchased and what you are finding indispensable and what you have found that you don’t really use that much, if ever. (i am so happy your blog has spell check!)

            i may be writing in some question now and then to get some clarifications.

            hug the doggies for me and give yourself a loving hug from me too. i so enjoy your blog and it has become so uplifting and enriching to my life. i had been lonely for conversations and like-minded people. your blog has filled my need and i am blessed. thank you so much. bess

  37. Whenever we head out of S. California toward southern Utah, we usually overnight in the Virgin River Gorge. It’s quite beautiful there. But it can be quite windy. It’s that venturi effect created by the restricted nature of canyons and gorges. But also at the moment, our area is experiencing Santa Ana winds, which originate in the Utah area making for even stronger winds running from northeast to southwest. That’s what you were experiencing.

    As for generators, we hate the noise and try to only run ours when absolutely necessary, and even then only when boondocking where we are generally alone. Now that we have solar, even those times are infrequent. But even solar can’t run everything. Particularly, high watt/amp items like roof mounted A/C.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      In order to rid oneself completely of generator usage, one watches weather very closely and moves accordingly, up or down in elevation, as you know. Seeking nature’s air conditioning has led us to some of the most exquisite camps. Managing to move about while maintaining comfortable temperature is one of the challenges I enjoy about full-timing with solar only.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        That’s how I do it too, and like you, I find it kind of fun in its own way. Also, the occasional too-hot or too-cold day/night just makes me appreciate the nice temps all the more.

        (Of course I say this typing with cold fingers at 33º, but I stayed on purpose because today is going to be one last lovely day before the first big winter storm, and I had to kayak my favorite route one more time! Well, two more times as I did it yesterday too, hence why I stayed overnight at high altitude — so I could do it again today.)

        Then I have to beat feet before the snowstorm comes (tomorrow afternoon is the supposed arrival time).

  38. mockturtle says:

    I think you have the very same site I had last month. Very pleasant campground although it was HOT when I was there. From there I took 89A up to Vermilion Cliffs National Monument then across the Colorado River and south on 89. The Marble Canyon area is astonishing in its beauty and I highly recommend it if you haven’t already seen it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Now you know one of the reasons we stayed as long as we did at Baker Dam Reservoir and why we didn’t camp at beautiful Pine Valley — temperature! Cedar Pockets is a lot lower than Baker Dam, thus it was cool at Baker while Cedar Pockets was hot. Pine Valley is a bit higher, thus the mornings were too cold. You know this… The trick is moving around in sync with temperatures due to elevation.

  39. AZ Jim says:

    Nice site with a great view. That site, great little companions and Rotisserie Chicken, what could be better? Weather is getting ideal down here Missy. You’ll probably be in our neck of the woods before too long. I love the expectant look on Reggie’s face as he waits at the PTV window. You have a great life Missy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have a great life, too, Jim. We will keep heading southward to your ideal weather. I think the temperatures at Cedar Pocket will be fine for another week or so and then, who knows. . . . The averages for mid-November in this corner of Arizona tell me we need to move along soon.

  40. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    Saw a cartoon that reminds me of the day, pre-bear horn, when your Casita got a “bear hug”:

    Two bears are standing beside a travel trailer ready to knock on the door.
    One bear says to the other bear:

    “I just love these bear lockers on wheels. Knock here and a snack pops out the door!”

  41. Laurie in NC says:

    I love this campground! The view from your front yard is awesome!

  42. Love those views – hope you can enjoy them for a bit before moving on. Glad you didn’t get towed at the Walmart – looks like others have worn out the welcome for the rest of us. We finally had one of those chickens the other night and it was pretty tasty!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      We eat the legs and wings first when the chicken is hot. That leaves the white meat to use in sandwiches, green salad, pasta salad, chicken salad, or plain with a side dish. Reader Kathy of kgdan makes soup from the carcass. I’m not that ambitious in the kitchen!

  43. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Wings, the flat part not the drummette are my favorite. And the piece on the back, the oval shaped piece. What is that piece called?

  44. DesertGinger says:

    Hello all. My son has gone home. Now to face my financial problems, tax issues, hrblock classes, etc etc. I’ve got a big financial mess! Oh well. And I think my air conditioning needs repair. Oh well, I can do without it for a few months.

    Love this beautiful campsite! Utah is so pretty.

    Last night I had knock on the door…trick or treaters. I didn’t even know w it was Halloween. Had to disappoint them. Felt like a Scrooge.

    Well, I’m doing Block classes online all day. You all have a great day!

  45. Karen LeMoine says:

    I have one thing to say,” Woo Hoo I’m last” ! Lol!!!!!!!

    • Biz Crate (40m from Chicago) says:

      I think you deserve a hearty congratulations, Karen.
      Well done in wrapping up the post!
      (and to be clear: I am not stealing your position because I am only replying to you last post – not creating a “new” last post)

  46. stan watkins says:

    I didn’t get a chance to read the comments yet so forgive me if someone already posted this from the campground website you so kindly posted the link to: Campsites are $8.00 per night. Holders of an “America the Beautiful: The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass” series (Annual, Senior, and/or Access Passes) are entitled to a 50% discount. Your recreation fees are returned to the Recreation Area for continued operation and maintenance. BLM campgrounds are great deals.

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