What goes on when not blogging

Wednesday, January 31

Today got away from me.  I intend to write a blog post and do, in fact, start one.  It goes nowhere, which some would argue is the way of most of my posts, but this one goes nowhere FAST, so I  quit.

Besides, I’m struck with an urge to clean.

I close up the laptop and get busy!

Lord knows when this urge will strike again, if ever.

My strategy for cleaning my little house is to throw everything that isn’t tied down out the door onto the blue mat, wipe the interior with a damp cloth, and then put everything back where it’s supposed to go.

It doesn’t take long to accomplish this (I don’t include the bathroom) and . . . .

Ooh, I’m hungry.  

It’s Griddle Time!

After lunch the boys and I go for a short walk.

We return to camp and I pick up my Paperwhite.  

It’s loaded with several, inexpensive books by James Willard Shultz that I found at Amazon.

I start reading “An Indian Winter or With the Indians in the Rockies.”

In case you aren’t familiar with this author . . . “J. W. Schultz (1859–1947) was an author, explorer, and historian known for his historical writings of the Blackfoot Indians in the late 1800s, when he lived among them as a fur trader.”

Fascinating!  I read the whole thing and start on another!  This one promises to be just as interesting:  “Rising Wolf, the White Blackfoot.”

While I read, Reggie and Roger play on their pillow.

What a comedy!  

The big, blue pillow is so spongy that it serves as a canine trampoline. The boys jump on and off it as they play.

Lots of biting, yet no one is hurt!

They take turns being The Conqueror or The Conquered.

Reggie is a master of the upside-down, kick-to-the-face maneuver!

Oooh!  A surprise move!

If I’m not reading, I’m laughing at these two!

By late afternoon, we all need a nap.

And so goes another day.  No blog post.  Oh, well.

~ ~ ~

Thursday, February 1

About that nap . . . . The crew and I don’t sleep well for three nights.  Three or four times each night Roger leaps out of his sleep to bark at the back window.  I suspect coyotes and, sure enough, one night I look out the window, over Roger’s frantically bobbing, barking noggin, and see two coyotes slinking below the window, not more than five feet from the Best Little Trailer.  They leave and I close the curtain.

“Good job, Roger!  Now let’s go back to sleep . . . again.”

~ ~ ~

During one of my lounger ruminations yesterday . . .

I’m pushed back doing nothing when my gaze wanders to the griddle on the table.

Aha! I know why the coyotes are coming ’round!  It’s the griddle!  They smell the griddle!

Last night Reggie, Roger and I sleep through the night without interruption.  Maybe the coyotes have given up on scoring one of my scrumptious griddle creations.

~ ~ ~

Our time at this Sonoran boondock is winding down.

On Monday we reach the 14-day limit.

I don’t know where we will go next.  I haven’t given it much thought.

Too “busy” with now.

These beautiful days are for puttering around camp, relaxing in the lounger, eating good food, reading interesting books, watching the chihuahua circus performances, and savoring the sweet solitude of the desert.


NOTE:  Recently a reader who is downsizing asked for tips on what to do with treasures like family heirlooms or items with which one has a strong, emotional attachment.  After the yard sales, online sales, gifts to friends and family, and donations to charity, what do you do with what is left in order to live comfortably in a much smaller space?  — Sue


If you’d like to browse and shop Amazon and see a few of the products recently purchased by readers, follow these links:

Car Organizer
Tuft & Needle Mattress
Women’s Sun Protective Hat
Fry Healthy Airfryer w/Cookbook
Men’s Waterproof Hiking and Snow Boot
Hoover WindTunnel Bagless Vacuum Cleaner

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69 Responses to What goes on when not blogging

  1. Joy says:

    Hello…playful boys

  2. Seana in AZ says:

    Top 5???

  3. Dawn in Mi says:

    I’ve never been hit with an urge to clean instead of blog! Lol. Be careful out there!

  4. Cat Lady says:

    Last time I had an urge to clean like that was 48 years ago when I was a few days from giving birth to our daughter. I stopped that urge in its tracks…no more kids, lol.

  5. Pillow fights……modified!!! Had these with my sister growing up only difference was we used the mattress as the trampoline! lol

  6. Calvin Rittenhouse says:

    That sounds like the best kind of day. Well, maybe not the housekeeping, but it has to happen and when the mood strikes is the best time for it.

  7. bess in Oregon says:

    hi Sue! i love the Sonoran Desert and your photos bring back some very happy relaxed days from 35 years ago. thank you.

    i began purging my house of extra clutter last September and i am still doing it, although i am not down-sizing to a smaller or living quarters. i am finding lots of dust-balls, spider webs, and too much paper. it feels good to make a little progress each week because it is depressing to try to tackle too much at one go. it is easy to be judgmental of myself for accumulating all this stuff and, happily, i know how to stop judging myself. as soon as i hear my inner voice start with the complaints, i tell myself to not get caught in that trap again and move on.

    i don’t have any suggestions for your readers about what to do with the remaining stuff after downsizing. but here are some questions they might ask themselves:

    can i live without it?
    does it hold memories for me that are precious?
    can i replace it in the future if it turns out that i need it then?
    if i take a photo of it, can i then use that to hold the memories and then donate the object?

    thanks again for the photos and i am glad you are relaxing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good, helpful questions, Bess. One question that helped me immensely when sorting through my stuff. I’d look at an object and ask myself: “If I die tonight, what will happen to this?” That put it in perspective!

      Another thing to encourage folks in the mire of going through their possessions…. It’s a great feeling when the stuff is gone. Anyone who has been left with a large accumulation of possessions from a parent knows it’s a gift to those who live after you to do the job oneself.

      • mostlylost says:

        Another way to make the purging easier is to give away your stuff as gifts. A family member was thrilled to get the family vacation slides, another family member was just as happy to have the family bibles, a friend loved getting the stand mixer. We even found somebody who was estatic to get our set of cooking pans 🙂 And RVsue is right – boy, does it feel good when all that stuff is gone!!

  8. Pat McClain says:

    About the ‘treasures’ tips, I’d say that when you are down to ones you want to keep some connection to, ask relatives to keep them for you. When you feel you can live without them, just don’t go back for them!

  9. Rob, Mittry Lake Arizona says:

    Writing a blog is work, I understand and admire the heck out of you folks who can do them often!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Rob. When the writing comes easy, it doesn’t seem like work to me. Those other times…. one tries again later or slogs through.

  10. mostlylost says:

    did I make the top 10?

  11. Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

    As one who has downsized and simplified many times in the last 25 years (it started with the book by Elaine St. James, SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE), and as one who needs to go through our home in Oregon and clean out even more, here are a couple of tips I’ve found helpful in getting rid of stuff. I’ll say, though, that while I never had anything large (such as furniture) that I needed to dispose of, I’ve had numerous smaller items which were hard to discard.

    I think the main thing is to determine if you’ll miss it if it’s out of sight. Possibly store it somewhere such as a friend’s house, or if you have a lot of stuff, try getting a storage place for a few months. If you find you have forgotten all about it or discover that while you have good memories of the item(s) but don’t find it necessary to keep it, have a third party take photos then donate it. If you go to do it yourself, chances are you’ll fall in love with it again and won’t want to part with it. One thing I did with prints and award certificates was take them out of the frames and put in a file where I can still pull them out and view. I assume one of these days I’ll be ready to discard them–after taking photos.

    Books are really tough and did a couple of things to help me get rid of them. One was to decide if they were readily available at the library, on Amazon, at a used bookstore, or as an e-book where it could be downloaded should I wish to read it again. I ended up making a huge wishlist on Amazon and discovered quite a few were only 99 cents or even free, so immediately downloaded on my Kindle.

    Another idea is to box up your possessions, label it with a date and store in the attic or whatever you can’t easily access it. If after a year you’ve forgotten what you put in the box, simply donate the entire box WITHOUT OPENING IT! That’s pretty extreme and one I haven’t been able to master but if you open the box, chances are you’ll find a few things that you’ll say “Oh! I forgot about that! I might be able to use that someday!” 🙂

    Anyway, this is rather long but if you can get the Elaine St. James book, do read it. It is a quick read. Another one that is very extreme but kind of fun to read is THE LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING-UP by Marie Kondo. It’s rather silly in places but her basic point is anything you keep must “spark joy.” It’s an interesting exercise.


    • Alex says:

      I’m just finishing up “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning” by Margareta Magnusson about clearing stuff out at any age. It’s to ease the burden of stuff on you now and for whoever has to clean up when you’re gone. My grandmother wouldn’t clean out her junk drawers saying “I’m leaving it for you to do when I’m gone!” Having had to do several death cleanings after relatives died I don’t want to leave that kind of a burden to anyone. Unfortunately I live with people who feel that if an ancestor touched it its sacred! I figure if I get to the point of not remember them their dress cavalry boots won’t help. Get stuff out for others to use and enjoy.

      • Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

        I saw this book but wasn’t sure I would find it useful as I’m a little burned out of simplifying and cleaning books. However, this is intriguing and I’ll look at it.

        I love the idea of someone addressing cleaning before dying as I’ve been to way too many estate sales where the resident had so much stuff it’s a wonder they could move around their home. I went to one the other day who said it was the third day of the sale and there was still a ton of stuff. I feel bad for families who have to take care of an estate when that happens.

  12. It’s usually the reverse for me…I’ll do anything except clean. I’d give my treasures to close relatives…I have lots of family who’d love to raid my storage shed and closets. Recently I told niece, it will be in my will…hahaha I enjoy buying stuff but I quit buying for me and buy for others i.e. a book, movie, a bracelet, gift cards for dinner, coffee, even for gas. Small stuff that someone might enjoy. I’m with you laughing when our dogs play or when Izzy picks up her dog dish and slams it in front of me for food when she’s hungry close to feeding time…..too funny.

    • Recently Ralphie was running around at my feet with tail between his hind legs. I check to see what was the matter…couldn’t find anything. He whimpers and runs to the doggie dog and stands looking at me pathetically. The security screen door had blown shut and Ralphie couldn’t get out to use the potty. So smart.

  13. Rover Ronda (WA) says:


  14. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    I photographed, scanned and downloaded to a memory stick old family photos, my father’s numerous paintings, souvenirs from parents travels and my own and burned everything. My parents didn’t collect a lot of stuff so cleaning out their place after they passed was not to bad. It’s the personal stuff that’s the hardest to let go of. Now if something is coming in the house something is also going out.

  15. Stephanie Turner OR says:

    Great question. Because I have moved a lot, I have stuff that has travelled more miles than the average person. For the move into the tiny home I pledged to only move the sentimental treasures I would use or display. But it was tough. Plus not having children who was I saving it for? Would my brothers millennial boys really care about my mothers glassware when they’d never even met her? So that made it easier. So, I now use those glasses. As to the rest, I have a bit more to dust but I’m dusting the treasures that bring a smile when I glance at them. But, let’s be honest. I still have 2 boxes of treasures tucked away that I just can’t get rid of even tho no room to display or use. Laughing. So, no saint but better!

    • Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

      If something brings you “joy” and you smile whenever you look at it, then by all means keep it. I have a few items like that and quite frankly, most were garage or estate sale finds, and usually involve cats or cherries. 🙂

      • MB from VA says:

        That’s what it came down to for me….does it make me smile to look at it? And like you Stephanie, I don’t have any children….not even any brothers. My cousins wanted a few things. But most things have been sold, given away or thrown away. I kept my dad’s Christmas sweater, two dolls….one made for me by my grandmother to look like a china doll that her grandmother had….and a rag doll made for me by a wonderful friend when we were in middle school. We are still friends though she lives in CO. And my most valued treasure is a picture of my mom, dad and me with the dogs we had at the time. Everyone is smiling. I wouldn’t take a million dollars for it! I had the most “trouble” with books and pictures.

        Anyway, it would be interesting to know the few items that made the cut with other people. I’ll bet they aren’t the things that are “valuable”….but the ones that are “priceless”. 😉

        I hope both of you have a great day!

  16. Mike Leonard says:

    Thanks for another great blog! I rarely contribute here but still love your blog! And of course the pictures, especially the pups! And thanks for letting us know about JW Schultz. I just ordered one of his stories on Amazon.
    Mike and the Bichon Brothers

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Mike. I hope you enjoy it!

      • Barbara from Camano Island says:

        Yes, thank you, Sue. I ordered one too. And even got the kindle app on my iPad. Thanks for giving me the impetus to do that

        Things keep moving along as far as buying the van. It is located in Canada so have had to get paper work etc. in order. I am driving up on Monday for my first physical look and drive. One step at a time. I must admit I’ve had a few panic attacks along the way, but they haven’t lasted long.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          “but they haven’t lasted long”….. I like the way you pushed down those panic attacks by putting them in perspective. Way to go, Barbara!

  17. Linda, Molly and Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    R&R sure do have fun together. You live an enviable life, Sue. Thanks again for sharing it with us blogorinos.

    I can’t add anything very helpful about downsizing. I’ve lived in my house for 34 years and the accumulation of “stuff” is overwhelming. I do fill several boxes every once in a while and then call Salvation Army to pick them up before I change my mind.

  18. Hi Sue! Those JW Schultz books sound interesting I’m going to take a look at them. Funny, I got the cleaning urge this morning 😀. It’s funny how I have all these plans to do certain chores but just don’t seem to get to them and then one day the motivation is there.
    As far as downsizing, I think it is more difficult if one is still going to live in a S&B. For years I wanted to de-clutter but since I had a basement and plenty of room, I never did it. When I decided to RV full time I made the decision I wasn’t going to have a storage unit. So that pretty much meant I had to dispose of most of my stuff through selling, donating, giving to friends family or in the trash. I quickly learned people didn’t want to buy my “junk”! A lot of stuff went to the thrift store. As far as keepsake items and photos, when I went to FL, I took all that and left it at my sister’s house. One thing I considered is I don’t have any family in the west. When I’m gone, no one will want to come out here and sort through a lot of stuff. So that was motivation to get rid of it. It isn’t easy, but once stuff was gone, I really didn’t give it any more thought.
    I’m camped in Yuma and it is getting hot here. I’m planning to head for Ajo area from here. I want to see Organ Pipe NM and spend some time there. You make it sound like a wonderful area!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Debra,

      Your experiences with getting rid of stuff are similar to mine. I was surprised how few people were interested in my possessions. Ha! I had to give a lot of it away. My sisters were given a lot of stuff including photos. And I, too, decided early on NOT to have a storage shed…. an unnecessary bill each month and a tether to one location.

      It’s hot around Organ Pipe, too, but probably not quite as hot as Yuma. I’m sorry that the desert isn’t as green as it can be, although there are pocket areas that look “lush.” Whatever you do, safe and happy travels!

    • MB from VA says:

      “It isn’t easy, but once the stuff was gone, I really didn’t give it any more thought.”

      That was true for me too. And I did things in “stages”. Some “big” things had to go quickly in order for an elderly uncle to move into my (then) recently deceased parents’ (my) house. Because of the circumstances….I just had to get it done. And once it was, I didn’t miss anything. That made each step in the process easier. I knew it might be difficult to “put it on the truck” but that after it was done, I wouldn’t really miss it. That’s probably the biggest change in myself that I’ve observed in the last 10-15 years. I used to be such a pack rat and loved “family” things. But the memories take up way less space and don’t need dusting at all. 🙂

      Have a great day!

  19. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    Two tips I’ve read for downsizing those memorable things. First take a picture of it so you can still look back and enjoy the item and its memories. Then give it a victory lap–put flowers in that gift vase one last time, use that huge platter one last time, etc. Then it’s easier to let it go.

  20. Becky in NJ says:

    Whew! It is tiring just looking at pictures of those little rascals in their play-war all day!

  21. Reine in Plano (when we're not camping) says:

    On the “what to do with”..after my Mom dies we were left with a house full of great thing that none of the family had room for. We hired an estate sale company that sorted, threw away the true trash, then staged and held the sale. In the process they too over 500 pictures- yep I said 500. She gave me a thumb drive with all the picture to keep. When the sales was over we donated what didn’t sell to charity. The pictures provide the memories and the cash was nice. The best part was we didn’t have to do it!

  22. Sarvi in OR says:

    That is a question I have, also. This past fall I was really working on purging stuff; my kids were all moved out and I had time and ambition to start getting rid of “things”. Well, then my mom got sick and passed away, and I drove a moving truck full of HER “things” back to my house. I have 8 years (or hopefully LESS!!) before I start on my nomadic adventures, and I need to figure out a way to start purging even more stuff.

    • MB from VA says:

      Good morning Sarvi,

      I am sorry for the loss of your mom. In my case….and I know everyone is different…..I only wish that I had had the option of “taking a moment to breathe” before jumping in. My process is mostly done and I don’t have any real regrets. But if you have to gift of “breathing time”, try to allow yourself to use it.

      Best wishes as you move forward.

  23. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I too am trying to get rid of stuff. Most of mine however is just clutter and not one bit useful. Mom had always taught me to keep my receipts and stuff like that. With the computer age, you just don’t need to do that, but habits are hard to break after so many years, but I am trying. It is a monumental task getting rid of sooooo much stuff. Just keep plugging away. As far as no longer needed, I am doing good with that.

    Love the photos of Reg and Rog playing. They certainly know how to have a good time always. Love to meet those two in person someday, maybe they could even teach Angel to play.

  24. Linda in NC says:

    Downsizing can be hard. I too found that not many people were interested in my stuff. I put everything out for a garage sale-a lot of work-that day there were rumors of a gas shortage-so not many people came. I sold some stuff, gave the furniture to an abused women’s thrift shop and scattered the rest around in thrift shops around town. There were some things that I was not ready to part with-too many memories- so I did get a storage shed for a while. I just couldn’t deal with it all at once. Now that storage shed will get emptied when I can as there isn’t that much to deal with now. That did make it a little easier. I don’t miss the stuff that I got rid of either. So doing it as you can might make it a little easier.
    Sue- I loved the pics of the rascals playing. They are entertaining. As far a cleaning-well it gets done when it gets done! I think that you definitely have to be in the mood.

  25. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    Oh what a wonderful peaceful post. I love it!! I sold my 5th wheel today!! Looking at a 29′ 2014 Class A. EXCITED – and sad, too. So many memories.

  26. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Chihuahua circus- lol! They do entertain- us and themselves.

    I find downsizing hard. I’ve gotten rid of so much stuff and have more to go! I also find taking pictures helps, as does giving it to someone who appreciates it.

    It also helps to do it in stages and small doses. I find I start out a session putting several things into the “get rid of” pile. Then, as time passes, it gets harder and harder to part with things until I find myself clinging to stuff. It’s better to keep the session short, like an hour or so.

  27. Eileen says:

    Looks and sounds like Roger is both a champion wrestler and an astute detective! Both he and Reggie are such adorable pups!!

  28. Tamara and Honeybear in MI says:

    Love your boys!
    I am still ‘considering’ the fact that it’s time to purge ‘stuff’. I am not a collector of things, but it does seem to happen on it’s own. Everyone’s comments is very motivating.
    Thank you!

  29. rvsueandcrew says:

    Good morning! Excellent suggestions for getting rid of stuff. While reading your comments, I thought about the hold our possessions can have on us.

    A few things connect us with our past, particularly to those persons we love and who are gone. Other things anchor us to the past and may keep us from moving forward.

    For those downsizing in order to live the full-time vagabond life or to simply relieve the drag of too much stuff, I say: Pull up anchor! 🙂

    • MB from VA says:

      EXCELLENT observation Sue! And a good way to “decide”. Does the “thing” connect us to a good memory that may accompany and strengthen us on our new path…..or does it weigh us down and hinder us from going forward emotionally and/or physically? In the end….stuff is just stuff. If I just HAD to let go of Dad’s sweater, the two dolls and the family picture, I could do it. The memory and sweet emotions will forever be a part of my life. But, for now, they are in the first category….so they may stay. 🙂

    • bess in Oregon says:

      Lord Ramage would agree with “pulling up the anchor” so that the new adventure can begin!

  30. Barb in Florida says:

    Had many a garage sale in my time. People don’t want our junk and if they do, they don’t want to pay much for it. The “free box” was usually emptied. Always had a “make an offer” and “all sales final” signs. My best rule, nothing goes back in the house – off to the thrift store.

    We had an auction company come in when my in-laws died/moved to facility. Family took what they wanted. We did go thru and sort things, how else can you know what’s there. Still missed the Sacajawea gold coins from their 50th anniversary stuffed in with a meat slicer. Funny auction moment. Good catch from the auctioneer. It worked well, but hard to watch sofas, etc. go for $2.00. At least it was gone/done. Of course they get a percentage. Luckily for us, the in-laws had moved from their previous home years before and had purged alot. My FIL refused to move my MIL’s pine cone collection that filled over 20 boxes!!(She made pine cone wreaths)

    After my husband died, I decided to move & that meant clearing out “his” garage. My dear, sweet husband, who I can never ever remember having anger towards or ever arguing with……oh, my! It was full of stuff he had scavanged over the years, from wherever. Not much of it sold. Some was taken to the junk yard (for $$), garage saled, thrifted, given, recycled, etc. What do you do with a hardend bag of cement?!? Some stuff I had to ask guys what the heck the item was or did. Some I never found out. However, my one mistake was not checking on-line for how much something should cost. I should’ve known when a guy showed up early and convinced me to open so he could see the advertised item first. His offer sounded good. Found out from another shopper later what they would’ve paid, about the item and even info about the guy that purchased it. Oh well……….Since then I have tried to tell people to do your loved-ones a huge favor and TRY to down-size while you still can. It really makes grieving hard when you feel like you’re throwing someone’s life away. Plus, some stuff might have significance that you know that we don’t, which might make the purging easier. Even if it’s easy stuff, sort, clean drawers (one at a time), straighten closets. Make a habit of having a bag ready to take when you know you’re going by the thrift store. Most times they will take it from your vehicle.

    Sorry for the long post. I hope it helps and you pack-rats are listening. We know who we are:) I try to think of fitting all my stuff into RVSue’s van & BLT and it makes me laugh. Some days it’s a good thing there’s not a dumpster in my driveway!!! Would love to sit and watch the stuff flying out the door of the BLT making a pyramid on the blue mat & to watch the crews expressions. Thanks for the puppy pics. Loved Reggies feet-to-the face move. Have a great day, Sue & crew.

  31. Terri in Tx. says:

    Very informative and motivating comments! Sorry I haven’t commented in awhile. We have been working on updating my in-laws 70’s house so it will sell. Lots of work involved. I, too, wonder what will be done with my mementos from my parents. I have 2 brothers and one sister and none of us had kids so no passing down of stuff. I like the idea of taking pictures and probably will someday. I have learned the lesson of not keeping too much stuff, but even so, when cleaning out even a frugal persons house it is a lot! But I will keep all the ideas in mind and thanks to those people who listed them. I loved your desert photos Sue! (and those of the crew, of course!)

  32. weather says:

    Roger’s attentiveness to what he perceives as a threat or intrusion really is remarkable, it’s so nice that you’re free to take a nap to catch up on rest you missed because of that.

    First you show us how easily you can clean your home, then mention the topic of letting go of possessions. That’s a great way of pointing out one of the benefits of getting rid of nonessential stuff! When I was getting ready to leave the last sticks and bricks home I owned I knew I needed someone with no emotional attachment to anything in it to help.

    After taking only what I needed to keep(some clothes, dishes, paperwork, etc.) I hired a friend that owns an auction business, and said sell or give away whatever you can, toss the rest out. I didn’t stay there to watch it all go and perhaps upset myself in the process. I really wanted to just make a clean break of it, and got a hefty check to bank afterwards. I don’t need mementos to remember the special parts of my past, and haven’t missed owning anything that was in that house.

    “…savoring the sweet solitude of the desert”- lovely! I hope you find that available at your next camp, too.

  33. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi All! I love the comments and suggestions about what to do with stuff! My parents have a house and garage filled with stuff. Some of it family heirlooms, much of it not. My dad has threatened to leave it all for as kids after he dies. My sisters get annoyed at me, because , as my mom gives stuff away, I am not taking my fair “share”. I don’t have a big place, but it is already full of stuff. I am lucky as I have cousins who might be interested in some of the family stuff that I no longer want. However, I am trying to only acquire more stuff in the form of smaller items that have meaning for me. I used to really want the family’s 100 year old china. Then, I realized, who was I kidding! I rarely entertain, and when I do I don’t want to deal with the China! Or, if I could take it, I would only want sets of four! Right now, I hang onto a pretty wooden dresser that was my dad’s as a child. I have no use for it and really don’t even like it that much. Yet, I am having trouble parting with it. So, I am trying to avoid getting more things like that. Ahh well, it is a work in progress.

  34. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    What great pics of R&R! Remember those little flip books for children – when you flipped through them quickly you could “see” the movement of the characters on each page? The R&R pics reminded me of those flip books. If I scrolled through the photos very quickly I almost got a moving picture of their play-fighting.

    I’ve had to go through and clean out two houses after the deaths of loved ones. I had an especially difficult time cleaning out my mother’s home because she had a lot of nice things and so many of them held memories for me. However, I don’t like clutter and a lot of her things weren’t necessarily my taste. I gave a lot away to other family members who expressed an interest, and I just took photographs of some things that I didn’t want to forget. I’ve been making a conscientious effort not to accumulate too much stuff because I don’t want my son and DIL to have a huge task in front of them when I die. My current rule is: if I bring one new thing in (clothing, appliance, anything) two things must go out.

  35. Karen LeMoine says:

    So glad I’m not a pack rat.Material possessions mean little to me! My dogs are the exception:). Ditch the stuff life is too short to be toting the extra weight around..Purge and take off !

  36. rvsueandcrew says:

    It is not necessary to possess something in order to enjoy it. That seems like an obvious statement, however, it is something I had to learn. Soon after I decided to “chuck it all” to live in a little travel trailer I walked through a nearby mall.

    I remember walking into a gift shop. You know, the kind that smells of candles and incense and is packed floor-to-ceiling with interesting stuff. As I browsed the store, I remember thinking, “I don’t need to own any of this. I can enjoy without possessing.”

    Along with that I was reminded that I can enjoy people (and love them) without “possessing” them. All is connected. Let it go….

    • bess in Oregon says:

      letting it go and opening to see what is new in our lives allows a flow of surprises to be appreciated and celebrated. i like your idea of appreciating that store and realizing you didn’t have to possess any of the things to enjoy them. i will keep that in mind.

      all is connected. when we try to grasp, hang-on, control, or possess any aspect in our lives, we are blocking our awareness of the flow of the unexpected miracles. it is about awareness and gratitude. it is fun to see the little surprises of connectedness that appear every day and i like to keep my eyes open to these opportunities. thank you Sue for these opportunities to connect to people all over the place with positivity and sharing.

  37. FloridaScott says:

    Hi Sue,
    All this talk and suggestions about purging stuff is very helpful. We are getting closer. The more we get rid of the better we feel. It’s like the ball and chain are getting lighter and lighter! Still have a ways to go but were getting there.

    Sue, would you consider giving any information or tips about boon-docking where you are? I know it was either you or Al & Kelly that gave a great explanation of that area. I have searched and can’t find the post.

    Thank You for all you do, keep Safe & have Fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Scott,

      There is a boondocking area a few miles south of Why. South of Why you will cross a bridge and a sign on the left says something about a place to stop to picnic/rest (I forget the wording). A short ways beyond that you will see an open area with piles of dirt on your right, and in the desert behind that, you will see RVs. Go in and around the dirt piles and follow that road. It goes far from the main road and has campsites along it.

      Our present camp is further south on the lefthand side, through a gate.

      2015: “Searching for a boondock among the saguaros”

  38. Pat in Bulverde, Tx says:

    Awwww, Bridget 🙂 Thanks for posting that one, Sue.

  39. bonnie and the "dovemobile" says:

    first time I purged was after my divorce…went from 1200 sq. ft. to 900
    walked away with mostly the things I went into the marriage with and only a small portion of things acquired during(by choice)…
    have wasted a fortune now on storage fees since hitting the road, money that could have given me more pleasure in travelling…I see that now…so will begin the process again of purging things…we came into the world with nothing and I have yet to see a U-Haul truck following closely behind a hearse although I could be the first one to do it…LOL
    when parents were alive and in nursing homes they lost everything they had worked all their lives to accumulate including the homestead because none of the kids were in a position to take over the expenses and upkeep…managed to only retrieve a small portion of what was there, what a nightmare the whole process was so I am more determined now NOT to put my only child through that kind of mental anguish…after all it’s just stuff with no meaning to anyone but myself and once I’m gone I won’t care what happens to it…that’s my plan, now to just implement it…
    anyway, wish I was there in the sunny,warm southwest…I actually miss being in the desert this year, and plan on being there for sure come next winter…

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