Wind and mud

Tuesday, May 6


Cabin in Lower Gray Canyon, Utah

All day long the wind whips across the Green River into the campground, blowing sand and bending bushes.  The leaves of the cottonwood tree outside our window flutter frantically.  This is a door-grabbing, howling, unidentified-flying-object kind of wind.

A brief lull gives me the opportunity to run outside.  I check the branches above the Best Little Trailer.  I’m relieved to see the cottonwood branches are young and strong and not liable to come crashing down on us.

I let Bridget and Spike out to do their business.

Bridget rushes back inside as I lean against the door.  Poor Spike lifts his leg and almost blows over.  The campground is empty except for a tent at the other end, which I suspect is unoccupied.  We stay inside all day.

Of course, I don’t take any new photos today.

A few days ago Bridget, Spike and I went part of the way up Lower Gray Canyon.  We walk a spur road going toward the river.  Spike rushes ahead as we approach a huge cottonwood tree shading the riverbank.

Down the bank he goes!


Spike’s idea of paradise


A tolerant Bridget waits.

Short post today . . .

Toward the end of the day the internet signal becomes increasingly weaker and I don’t know what effect the wind will add.  I’d better wrap this up while I can.


Ooh, it’s squishy!

Thank you for stopping by!



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“Ah, what’s a little mud if it makes you happy, Spike.”

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107 Responses to Wind and mud

  1. AZ Jim says:

    You mean you missed my words of wit on the last episode?

  2. AZ Jim says:

    Are you kidding me? I was finally first? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Reine says:

    And I’m second.

  4. Larry M from the PacNW says:

    I imagine blowing sand also means blowing dust. 🙁 I can’t take being down south in the winter, because I can’t handle the dust when it blows. 🙁

    I’m glad to see you and the crew are doing well!! 🙂

    Larry from the Pacific NW

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry. . .

      Well, there really isn’t much anyone can do on a day like this except stay inside. The wind advisory said gusts up to 45 mph. I believe it.

  5. Barb George says:

    WOW I don’t think I have ever gotten this close to the top! Whew!
    Stay upright and don’t blow away!!!

    Hugs from Hoquiam!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I have to leave at least one window partially open. I left the crew’s dishes out. When I went to dish out their supper, their dishes were gritty with sand. I can feel grit on the floor when barefooted. I have a feeling I’ll be getting rid of sand long after we leave this place. Oh well, a small price for a great camp!

  6. DesertGinger says:

    Rats! Too late again.

    We are having a windy day today, but cooler, which is nice. Glad Spikey found a place for his soak. I misplaced my swimsuit in the move and am waiting eagerly for a new one to arrive from Lands End so I can use the pool and spa. I wouldn’t mind a mud bath too, but we don’t have that option here!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      Aw, gee… And Amazon’s been having a sale on swimsuits. 🙂 How nice that you have a pool and spa and your new place!

  7. Spike was looking so clean. I hated to see him in that muck.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, we don’t worry much about appearance. We’re all about living each day to the fullest. 🙂 That’s Spike’s way!

  8. weather says:

    First thing you question- strong enough to withstand the howling wind?
    Finding that it is ,you shelter yourself and the little ones,still preparing for tomorrow,
    like you have for so much of your life…
    Strong enough to withstand,you’re like the tree-
    growing and extending your reach come what may…

    Thanks for the soak pics,they always make me smile 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for your reaffirming words, weather.

      • weather says:

        Good morning,Sue,
        What nice reactions you’re having to Bridget’s happiness in having you sit that way with her.
        You make places part of you by walking them.I make places part of me by sitting on the ground in them.As rain changes the scent of my skin.the plants,soil, and air,so does warm sun one day and wind the next.
        As I child I noticed animals,wild or domestic, regularly approached me in trust.
        That became my way,then,with people.Allowing them to feel above,safe or equal brings understanding encounters that have so enriched our journeys…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          As always, weather, your words and actions are very wise.

          I don’t have regular experiences of “trust” with animals… only occasionally, not consistently as you express. My affinity is with birds. They follow me and, if I take the time to allow it to happen, I sense a wordless communication that’s quite pleasant. I recall individual birds in my travels as keenly as the people I’ve met, in some cases even more so.

          I’m intrigued by two orange-and-black birds that visited our campsite during the worst of the wind. Beautiful markings! They navigated the wind around the BLT, flying from the bushes to the windows and back. I’m going to walk the crew soon and look for them. Also get my field guide out of the PTV to identify them.

          • weather says:

            Wow,orange and black birds would excite me,too!Hope they haven’t followed the wind too far away for you to see each other again.A golden eagle descended in his flight just long enough to look me in the eye as we were both enjoying the winds on my cliff recently,it was enough…
            I went back to listening to the waves crashing below awed by being so blessed.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You paint a dramatic picture with your words… a golden eagle, a cliff, waves crashing below…

              Actually I think the pair of birds were a male and female. More accurately, only one was bright orange-and-black and the other was yellow-chested. My field guide has me thinking they were orioles. In the wind and with all their movement, I couldn’t note much more than color. They haven’t come back, but the wind has!

            • Colleen in Tehachapi says:

              I love seeing new birds also. We had a Western Tanager yesterday! Beautiful and bright. I had to get my book out to identify it. Of course it would not hold still for a picture!

  9. Diann in MT says:

    That cabin is so interesting. I wonder who built it and what were their enterprises??? Spike got his soak, albeit somewhat inferior to clean, forest creeks and river soaks, but he takes what he can get, huh! Did you catch that little “air kiss” he gave Bridget in the photo? When dogs want to show a kiss, they will sometimes give an “air kiss”. My “puppy” does this all the time when she appreciates that I just gave her a happy hug and she wants to tell me she loves me, too. A little kiss into the air. Watch for that. Stay safe, Sue and Crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann…

      I don’t know anything about the cabin. Gray Canyon/Desolation Canyon has seen pioneers, homesteaders, prospectors, and outlaws like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and, of course, prior to all these, the Indians — Fremont Indian culture.

      Bridget gives Spike kisses when they walk together side-by-side. I’ll have to watch more closely for Spike’s. He’s not as demonstrative.

  10. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts., VA says:

    Loved the “What’s a little mud if it make you happy” shot of Spike. He makes me smile. Guess no one like the wind there. Curious, does it scratch the fiberglass?
    Well good day to stay inside. Thanks for posting and take Care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diane,

      I don’t see any evidence of the blown sand scratching the fiberglass. I suppose it’s intermittent enough and not sustained, so it doesn’t do any damage.

      I walked up to the trash bin and wondered if my new glasses were being sandblasted. 🙁

  11. Wonder if I could send some of this rain that WILL NOT GO AWAY out to you to wet down that dust and keep it from blowing all over you. Does Spike like rain as well as rivers or is he water specific? 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sherry,

      Spike hates rain. Don’t send any. Rain is in our forecast. It was predicted for tomorrow. Now I see it’s been moved to the weekend.

      Great springtime photos on your blog!

  12. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Spike got to soak his little bones and had a bonus mineral mud mask – yeah!

    Hope the winds calm down soon. Have a great evening!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I’m writing this the following morning. The wind did stop in the middle of the night. Bridget and Spike were happy when I let them out this morning… Yay, no wind!

  13. Pleinguy says:

    Looks like you’re getting a chance to relax. I didn’t realize Green River had such a nice place to camp.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pleinguy,

      Green River is a popular rafting river. There are campsites along its banks which are often occupied by rafters as they make their way downstream.

      Your photos and paintings are wonderful! I may drive to Holbrook and visit the Petrified Forest in one of our treks to or from AZ.

  14. DeadEye says:

    Spike is so predictable. I can relate to his desire to plop it down in cool water. He is so funny as is Bridget patiently waiting on him on the bank. You are blessed, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, DeadEye…. Spike does have his preferences and routines! I really didn’t want to be messing around a mud hole on our little excursion, but, gee, he loves it so!

  15. SusanS says:

    I love the “Spike’s idea of paradise” photo. It looks like a painting! Did you do some post processing or did it come out of your camera looking that way? I may have to try painting that scene…

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Yes, I monkeyed around with these photos quite a bit. I don’t usually do much editing other than cropping, maybe a little saturation and sharpening. Real life scenes aren’t intense, bright colors. The photos may not be as dramatic, but I like to keep things real.

      These photos are mostly mud with a lot of shade, so I increased the highlights and “warmed” the photos. I think this turned the mud hole into a magical, dreamlike place to soak.

  16. Timber n' Rusty says:

    Yo Spike, I bet cha that river is cold , huh. ,,,,,,see ya, I gotta go, ,,,,,,,,,,rusty’s comin’ in from the garden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Timber

  17. Love your description of Bridget gazing up into your eyes. We girls have to stick together!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Those were a precious, few moments. You know, Bridget, overall, is a pretty morose character. She has her times of excitement, skipping and scampering around, but most of the time she’s serious.

      I think my sitting down on the sand with her is what thrilled her. I usually sit in a camp chair or at a picnic table. I’m going to sit on the ground with my arm around her more often, since it makes her that happy.

  18. Gayle says:

    “I hear the cottonwoods whisperin’ above,
    Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love.”

    Whisperin’, eh? LOL!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know, Gayle… All the many times I’ve heard that ol’ Debbie Reynolds tune, I never noticed the line about the cottonwoods. At that point in my life I didn’t know what a cottonwood was. 🙂

  19. Cinandjules (temporarily in CA) says:

    I love the quaint little cabin….out in the middle of nowhere is even better!

    Yes, Spike is predictable…the expression on his face is priceless! Not a care in the world….life is good!

    Flying grit..and sand inside your abode? Dirt/sand inside drives me crazy….but there’s no way around it.

    Of course I have to check in…it’s how I unwind! My sis from AZ and I have been on a mission since we arrived last Friday. We’ve managed to TOTALLY clear out one house. Thank you for the thoughts…

    May I interrupt your blog for just a moment to make a suggestion to my fellow blogorinos….one does not need to save miscellaneous items you never use now for the future. Make it an “adventure” to weed out items slowly …every once in awhile….trust me on this one…your children will appreciate it!

    We now return to your normal blogcast! 🙂

    Have a wonderful evening!

    • Marsha (MI) says:

      Excellent suggestion on weeding things out slowly. So it doesn’t overwhelm me I’m devoting 15 minutes max each day to go through our accumulation of “stuff.” We’re not hitting the road, but like you said – others will thank us one day. Plus I don’t want to end up on an episode of “Hoarders” and I think we’re headed there if we don’t do something now. 😉

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good plan, Marsha! Thanks for adding your comment. Maybe you’ll motivate others to do the same.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I’m glad your sister is with you!

      You make an important suggestion. I’d like to elaborate on it . . .

      My parents died in the same year and then a few years later, before I had gone through their stuff, my uncle passed and left a ton of his stuff behind.

      Three lifetimes of stuff to go through, stuff that belonged to those I loved, much of it triggering painful emotions. I resolved that as soon as I sorted and distributed their stuff, I would make sure to live lightly from then on.

      I say to readers . . . Whether it’s one’s intention or not, getting rid of possessions while switching from a life in a stationary home to one on wheels does a big favor for those you leave behind.

      If you have a lot of stuff in your life that you’ve put off sorting, organizing, disposing because it is an overwhelming and tedious job, just imagine facing the same task through sadness and grief.

      • Gayle says:

        Excellent point! I’m doing just that. As if we aren’t upset enough already when we lose someone we love, then there sits “the stuff” waiting for us. I’m digitizing family movies, audiocassettes of us, photos, and giving them to my son NOW while I can explain aspects of them and laugh with him and answer his questions about the memories they inspire. I came upon this idea when he asked for my French 60s rock tapes and it went into a natural progression of memories that I decided not to wait upon.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          How blessed you are to have a loving son who is mature enough to see the value of those memories. The time you are spending together going over your family history is precious.

  20. Rita from Phoenix says:

    I love the pics of Spike in mud…it’s so Spike! I think he’s living life to the fullest. I don’t care for the dust storms and wind…it dries up everything. We use to get dust storms followed by thunder storm but not anymore….we just get the dust storms and wind but no thunder storm. I haven’t had to break out my emergency propane lantern in years.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      Let’s hope it’s a routine weather cycle and those thunderstorms will return.

      It was great to wake up to a calm morning. The wind does prune the trees of old, rotting wood and sweeps the sand clean. Some big limbs came down yesterday but not near us… over where the more mature cottonwoods are.

      Spike has his aches and pains but he still enjoys each day. 🙂

  21. Wendy says:

    Hi Sue and Crew, I hope you don’t mind me saying…..I get such enjoyment from reading the comments on your blog, as well as loving reading along with the adventures of you three. Keep enjoying life you three!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi,, Wendy,

      No, I don’t mind you saying how much you enjoy reading the comments. No matter how many times I read that, it makes me smile. I’ve always considered the comments as an extension of each post, often better than the post itself.

      Thanks for the sweet message. I hope your life is good, too!

  22. Elizabeth says:

    I wonder if Spike would enjoy having a little pot-bellied piggy friend to “soak” with?? Heehee…he cracks me up!! Don’t blow away!! Glad you are able to stay put when the weather gets crazy!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth…

      Spike wouldn’t notice a fellow soaker. He goes into a trance during his soaks. 🙂

      I hope this calm morning turns into a calm day. If we’re going to have wind it usually strengthens by mid-morning.

      Enjoy your day!

  23. JodeeinSoCal says:

    Spike was just anchoring himself in the strong mud to avoid being blown away…..such a smart little guy :-). We were under gray skies yesterday with 2 minutes of light sprinkles….not enough to even smell like rain. Sherry can send all the rain she can to us! Enjoy your cottonwood cabana.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      Oh, those photos were taken on a calm day. It was sunny and warm. When the wind blows, we hole up in the BLT.

      “Cottonwood cabana” — 🙂

  24. Ed says:

    This is possibly(?) good News for boondockers in all national forests.

    LOS ANGELES (AP) – A federal judge has ruled that the U.S. Forest Service can no longer charge fees for visitors who simply park and explore in undeveloped areas of the Cleveland, Los Padres, Angeles and San Bernardino national forests.
    The Orange County Register says the decision is a victory for four hikers who contended that Southern California forests were improperly requiring them to buy an Adventure Pass even when they didn’t use any developed facilities.
    The Forest Service is reviewing last week’s ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. In the meantime, visitors can park for free unless they use amenities like toilets or picnic tables.
    The regional pass costs $5 a day or $30 annually.
    The Forest Service has been overhauling fees nationwide, spurred in part by similar lawsuits.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      This is very interesting! If I understand the ruling correctly, it doesn’t affect camping directly. It eliminates fees for day use of forests that doesn’t involve amenities. In other words, no entrance fees to park to hike. That’s great!

      Kudos to people who recognize a wrong and are willing to take it to court!

      The last sentence is the kicker: I’m curious to know how the Forest Service overhauls fees nationwide.

      Thanks for posting this, Ed. I should keep up with Forest Service news but it’s all I can do to keep up with this blog and two nut cakes. Regards to Patches. 🙂

  25. Denise - Richmond - VA says:

    Hi Sue….Glad that the wind calmed down last night. Bet you were thinking you might need to have some ruby slippers handy just in case you and the crew had to get back to the Cottonwood cabana!

    CinandJules, Marsha and yourself are spot on regarding sorting through things and getting rid of the excess. I’ve been working on that myself – the other night my nephew commented that he could see I was making progress – he made my night! A little sorting every day or week does makes a huge task a bit more manageable. Paperwork takes the most time to go through….I cannot just shred things without reviewing them first, for fear that I might need a receipt or such for future reference.

    Spike was in la-la-Land while he was soaking….blissfully checked out. “Ahhhhhh…..”

    Have a blessed day, Sue! I enjoyed catching up on your blog’s comments during my lunch break – back to The Job. 😀

  26. Terri From Texas says:

    “Spike has his aches and pains but he still enjoys each day”

    Sounds like me!!
    I got to read TWO posts yesterday. What a treat! sounds like ya’ll are having fun. Oh,
    BTW, anyone who has rain can send it down Texas way….
    Take care!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri . . .

      Wish I had some rain to send to you. It’s a cool, overcast day here and the campground has emptied. . . Yay!

      The crew and I came back from Playtime On The Beach a few minutes ago and now they’re sound asleep. Dogs really know how to live.

  27. Willow says:

    Hi Sue,
    really enjoyed your blog, the pictures draw you in, I almost feel like I’m soaking with Spike. It’s so nice to see the crew enjoying life so much along with you, and you have found the perfect life for you.
    I’m planning a night hike with friends on the next full moon in Cave Creek Az, it’s so beautiful there and such a quaint little town, although it is getting a little touristy in the winter. But you still see real cowboys!
    Stay happy.

  28. Patricia from Florida says:

    Emptying out the houses of loved ones that have passed. Yes, been there, done that. And the emotional rollercoaster that goes along with it. Emptying out my house was harder on my sisters than on me, as they had a hard time with this full timing rv lifestyle of mine. As with you Sue, everything I own is in the camper or truck. It is a nice feeling. Enjoying camping in FL for now. Would like to head out to the West in the future. Love your pics,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is a nice feeling to be like a turtle — everything you own goes with you!

      My sisters didn’t blink an eyelash re: my plans to sell out and hit the road. We’re three very different women and we’ve come to expect those differences in what we do. As time goes by your sisters will understand your life choice better. You may even convert them!

      Yes, when you’re ready to leave Florida, come out West! It’s very camper-friendly.

      Thanks for dropping in here, Patricia.

  29. Ron in TX says:

    I have been gone for the last couple weeks and just caught up on the back blog post.
    I had just the opposite weather from you as I toured Tx Ark Miss and Tenn. We went through 60 mile an hour winds , 8 inches of rain and twisters dancing around.
    I hooked mt TV to the Casita turned it into the wind and put my jack and stabilizers down and was snug as a bug in a rug. These little eggs take wind well.
    Glad to be back to reading about you and the nutt cakes daily.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome back, Ron. You may not believe this, but I did notice your absence and missed you.

      Wow! You’ve been through some tricky weather. Not much you can do to protect yourself in a trailer during a tornado, except pray. Glad they danced around you and not with you!

      You’re right about Casitas taking the wind well. This is our second day of wind and strong gusts (35-45 mph), and we do rock somewhat, but nothing violent or scary. Very snug, as you say.

  30. kentster says:

    Oh man, with the coming storms,hope the mud will be fun for Spikey.
    PS – Yes, I am that Kent.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I forget where you are right now, Kent. Where we are, rain isn’t expected until Sunday. I need to figure out how we will make it through the weekend. By that I mean, how will we stay away from the weekenders. If this weather doesn’t improve, they won’t appear. 🙂 That’s a silver lining, right?

  31. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Been a tad under the weather so haven’t posted lately. Doing fine now and am just popping in to let you know all is well. Loving your posts, as always.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad to know you are okay now, Pauline. I figured you were busy with the grandkids. Sorry to hear you haven’t been well. Take it easy. I love you!

  32. Edie says:

    Lovin the egg. We picked up our brand new scamp and the first thing we did was camp in Minnesota in 13 degree weather. Like Ron, we were snug as a bug. 🙂

    Have a wonderful evening Sue and crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Edie. I did have a good evening, reading in bed with the crew. It was chilly here, but nowhere near 13 degrees.

      Congratulations on your new Scamp! I wish you many happy trips, rolling your egg down the highway.

  33. Terri says:

    I love that little Spikey and his laying in the mud. Bridget is also super cute. 🙂

  34. Crystal says:

    Our daughter and son-in-law were home in April and I fell waaaay behind in reading your blog, and so have been catching up….or trying to. I wanted to jump ahead to today, though, to tell you that an acquaintance, another T@B owner, is in your area. She was recently in Moab, as well, and was approached by a couple who asked her if she was “RV Sue”!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Crystal . . . Great to see you here!

      I had a mixed reaction reading about the couple asking for me. I’m pleased that people like my blog enough to want to meet me, but I get an awful feeling that people are looking for me. Sounds ungrateful and paranoid, but I can’t help it!

      I’m curious… Is there a meaning behind T@B? I mean, why is it written that way?

      • Ed says:

        I don’t think there is meaning behind the @ in T@B other than it is memorable. Good marketing if that adds meaning.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Okay. . . I thought maybe they were designed by Tom at Boise or something. Haha!

        • weather says:

          Agreeing with there being no meaning behind it,I saw an innocent mistake-thinking @ means&
          T(tow vehicle)@(and)B(best little trailer)is how I might have typed it before coffee,tee hee 🙂
          Realizing anyone looking for me without acceptable intentions would probably not be a couple, have to,or choose to- ask if it was me-
          my antennae would still be on alert too!Content in knowing He and your gut lead your safe and beautiful journey,I trust you’ll enjoy a peaceful day

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            My reaction isn’t about safety. It’s my typical anti-social, knee-jerk response to the possibility of having company. 🙂

            • weather says:

              Boy, do relate to that!Guess that’s why I’m still laughing as I type.My neighbor and I just had a two minute chat before I could duck into the house.That’s about my quota for the season.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I once had a neighbor who wanted to chat every day when I came home from work. She’d catch me before I could get into the house and yakkety-yak on and on, even when I had groceries to put away. Both she and her daughter were compulsive talkers. I moved.

            • weather says:

              We share a low tolerance to being held as a”captive”audience.I’m swift,and if need be,rather blunt,to establish boundaries.Hence,my chat’s being two minutes long before I smiled and waved as I strode away…It’s up to each of us to do whatever it takes to remain satisfied within our nature.You moved,I interrupted him to leave,he found someone else to talk to-it’s all good. 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              This woman wasn’t simply talkative. She was compulsive. Bluntness was ignored. Walking away meant she’d follow, still talking. I’d do both these things but couldn’t bring myself to shut a door in her face.

  35. Crystal says:

    LOL. I think Ed is correct. It must have been a marketing gimmick employed by Dutchmen. I’ve heard, but never verified, the TAB stands for “Take America Back”, as in back in time with a retro style.

    I don’t know that my friend was approached at a campsite and asked if she was you, especially since she uses campgrounds and is in a red/white teardrop. Although she didn’t go in depth, I know she was out sightseeing. I wonder if maybe she said or did, or even wore, something that prompted another to think she may be you… Just a thought.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      Hmm . .. . Take America Back… Now I know. . . been wondering about that for a long time. 🙂

  36. Ron in TX says:

    This is a reply I sent to a inquiry about handling high winds in a TT I thought it might help some newbys so posted it here ,I hope that is ok Sue if not please feel free to delete it.

    I just returned from a trip where we experienced 60 mile an hour winds and gust to 75. There were tornados dancing around in the area. This was the storm that hit Little Rock , and came on through Tenn where I was located.
    I do something in these conditions that I have used several times and it works well.
    Tried to get to an area without large tree overhead ,I hooked up the egg and headed the TV straight into the wind , the put down the jack and stabilizers.
    We never had a problem or much movement to the egg.
    Doing the above did a couple things , one it kept the tongue tied solid to a several thousand pound tv . When your towing at 60 mph and going into a 20 mph head wind you have 80 mile an hour winds , but that is what the vehicle and trailer are designed to handle. No problem at all.
    Now if the wind is broad side you may have a problem ,I have seen several simis and travel trailer go over on there sides in 70 mile an hour winds.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good advice, Ron. Thanks for sharing it here. I’ve noticed a big difference in the effect of wind, depending upon how the BLT is parked in relation to the wind’s direction.

  37. Patsy says:

    Beautiful area, can’t wait till retirement I hope much doesn’t change in the next 8 to 10 years :). So glad to see that Spike has his soaking, it won’t be him if water were near and he not in it.. Sue they have been saying here in Canada that Utah is going to feel some earthquakes.. I know there was a slight one here up North in Ontario, they say this was the partial reason two miners to lost their lives, partially true I believe. Its strange how the weather patterns keep changing and seeing the moon in the middle the afternoon. I hope you and the crew are safe and stay safe.. we are lucky up here bad snow storms and thunder storms (electrical), but really don’t see high winds, tornados etc. But we have all those great flying things that bite in the summer months lol.. take care thanks again for sharing, such beautiful country.. well if I never get to see it in person, at least I have seen some wonders through you. thanks again

    • AZ Jim says:

      I hate to tell ya Patsy, but 8-10 years will show a huge change. There will be plenty of the west to enjoy but out here things have a way of changing kinda rapidly. I was born here in the west, California and lived here most of my life and I have seen so many changes I can’t recount them all. Arizona same thing. If you want to see the parts that Sue has and will show you where change is very slow, follow her adventures in the Montana, Wyoming, and Dakotas. There things change too but so much slower. Those “slow change” places are great to see but you need to get out before the snow flies.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Patsy.

      I appreciate the heads up re: possible earthquakes. I haven’t felt any so far. Jim is right about changes. Let’s hope there are many good changes to offset any bad ones!

      • Patsy from Ontario Canada - North says:

        yes change is always happening, sometimes good and sometimes not a good thing. Sue I dream of your adventures with your crew and hope one day I am as healthy as you and can enjoy the solitude that you enjoy on a daily basis.. I love the pictures and want to thank you again for sharing. I have followed you from your first post but haven’t comment much, until lately, because you made a comment when Spike got lost about negative comments, I have seen some here in the past, but I think that the crew that follow you are of the loving nature now and the angry hateful people have left, which is a good thing. You share with us when you can the good in the world, the land the beauty and that’s all positive .. thanks again take care

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I think you’re right, Patsy… The “angry, hateful people” have left or they know I won’t tolerate their comments. My readers are a great bunch, helpful, kind, thoughtful . . .

          I pray that you obtain good health and that your dream of adventures and solitude comes true. Thank you for your sweet message to me.

  38. kgdan says:

    Thought you’d like to know that Gil & I arrived home today. Of course it feels very strange after so much time on the road. I do declare I am looking forward to my first bubble bath in 6+ months. It is raining here; something we have not seen since we left. Just want you to know that we have a free hook-up site here for you (including dump) should you venture back to Washington state. Will be following you and the pups from here during the rest of the spring and summer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good to know you’ve returned home safely. Winter on the Baja and summer in Washington… sounds like a pretty nice life! Thank you for the welcome to your home. You’re sweet. 🙂

  39. Ed says:

    I don’t think you need worry excessively about Utah if past is prologue. However, you might reconsider you travels to Washington, Wyoming & Montana. Although you did make it through California and it was a wise move to have avoided Nevada this year. HA

    Earthquakes, Magnitude 3.5 and Greater, 1974 – 2003
    # % of Total
    1. Alaska 12053 57.2 %
    2. California 4895 23.2 %
    3. Hawaii 1533 7.3 %
    4. Nevada 778 3.7 %
    5. Washington 424 2.0 %
    6. Idaho 404 1.9 %
    7. Wyoming 217 1.0 %
    8. Montana 186 0.9 %
    9. Utah 139 0.7 %
    10. Oregon 73 0.3 %

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ed, you never fail to impress with the information and details you provide. I frequently float around my blog with assumptions, guesses, questions, and flat-out wrong information and you consistently come to the rescue!

      The earthquake statistics are revealing. It would be interesting to see those statistics in a line graph showing the frequency and intensities of earthquakes across that time period. I was surprised to see Oregon’s numbers, compared with its neighbors.

      Thank you!

  40. JAMES MULLIGAN says:

    Hello RVSue. First thing every morning I look for the newest publication from both you and Howard at RVDreams. I’ve learned TONS from both of you. You were the first person I discovered using a Van to pull a Travel Trailer, and you were the inspiration for me purchasing the same. I took delivery yesterday of my new GMC Savana 3500 cargo van (V8 6.0 engine, 6 speed trans, locking diff., etc.) and today I had an alarm system, electronic deadbolt locks (on the back and side doors), a partition behind the seats, metal shelves, and a backup camera installed. Next month I’m going to order a Forest River Rockwood 2306 trailer, which has a bunkhouse area. I’m going to remove the bunks and use the area to store my 5 cubic foot chest freezer and boxes of supplies so that I don’t need to travel to “the big city” very often for good food. I plan on keeping the freezer cold in between campgrounds using a small Honda generator. The only thing I haven’t researched is what Weight Distribution and Anti-Sway system to use. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jim

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Jim.

      Wow! You’ve taken van-as-tow-vehicle to a much higher level! Quite the set-up . . . alarm system, electronic locks, back-up camera, etc.

      I know it’s blasphemy to write a shortcoming of the Perfect Tow Vehicle, but . . . The one thing I wish it had is metal racks on the side to control my stuff. I do like the steel partitions behind the driver’s and passenger’s seat. Good idea to install those . . .

      I don’t know anything about weight distribution and anti-sway systems. Maybe a reader will give you suggestions. I have a simple anti-sway bar from Curt Manufacturing. It came with the BLT from the factory. It works very well.

      I wish I could be more helpful. I am happy that you’ve found my blog a learning place and not just a bunch of nonsense. I do tend to dribble on about the antics of my crew. 🙂

      Interesting plans for adapting the bunkhouse model to suit you. I hope you’ll drop in here again and let us know your progress. Thanks for writing.

      READERS: Any info to share re: weight distribution/anti-sway?

      • The Equalizer anti-sway hitch is what we used on the travel trailer. It is both anti sway and weight distribution. They do not used chains, which is nice. Their reputation is good. If you go with that product, make sure you know what to grease and what NOT to grease. We were doing it wrong when we were first out.

  41. Jason in NY says:

    A while back you where talking about getting a kayak or a folding boat . where here is a folding Kayak.

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