Happy Thanksgiving from Reggie, Roger, and me!
The crew and I hope you had a wonderful day of thankfulness. Counting my blessings, I’m thankful for you, for opening my blog and for sharing yourself in comments.
Reggie, Roger and I laze about our home in southeastern Arizona in accordance with holiday tradition. We aren’t eating turkey though, because it’s a regular menu item at our house, plus major cooking events remain in my distant past forever, much to my relief.
I hope, whatever you do, wherever you go or stay, that thoughts of your blessings well up within you and overflow in joyful gratitude.
What’s our news since the last post?
The year 2020 has been incredibly disruptive and discouraging for many of us. We all know the challenges and tribulations, from the personal to the national, that have befallen many, so I need not go into that. In perusing some websites today, I came across many stories of “silver lining” found by those who struggled this year.
That’s good.
Relatively speaking, the past eleven months have rolled along without major speed bumps for the boys and me. Reg and Rog greet each day with enthusiasm and sleep well at night, worn out from a full day of playing, eating, and protecting the homestead from threats such as the FedEx and UPS trucks.
As told earlier . . . .
Last summer I had cataract surgery on both eyes. A good experience all around and I reward myself with new glasses with progressive lenses.
At the follow-up appointment, the surgeon suggests I have a blepharoplasty done. That’s surgery for droopy eyelids, a condition of aging I remember seeing in my late grandmother. My eyelids weren’t terrible, but the condition was only going to get worse as the years go by, so what better time to have it done than the year 2020?
The procedure is performed at a hospital in Tucson with no complications (although going around with scabby eyelids that would traumatize small children is not fun. Even Reg and Rog were taken aback.)
Well, yuck, is rvsue all about medical stuff?
No, I still have a few stories to tell. Here’s one — a true story — from the recent past.
At the first sign of dawn I harness the boys and we head out for our daily walk of 1-2 miles. Reggie and Roger love this routine.

Roger and Reggie, my personal exercise trainers
Happily they trot ahead of me, stopping occasionally to lift a leg on a bush or to lunge at a rabbit playing “statue” alongside the road. Reggie is easily distracted by scents he picks up, while obviously Roger would rather we keep the pace and complete our course.
The sun makes her entrance with beams of pink and gold reaching up from the mountains. The neighborhood is mostly quiet. Occasionally someone drives past us. On the way to work, no doubt. A roadrunner runs (of course) across the road in front of us. Quail talk among themselves.
Suddenly I hear a clatter behind us, a clatter of approaching . . .
I wheel around and here’s a full-sized adult javelina charging right toward us!
This is one of those moments when time hangs suspended and, inexplicably, the mind is able to flip through several thoughts in a nano-second, yet my recollection of the same takes several seconds.

An adult javelina (collared peccary) in a better mood. Stock photo, not mine.
What to do? Fight or flight?
Is it time for Sophie’s choice? Pick up Roger and let go of Reggie’s leash so he can run? (Reg being the faster of the two.) No, no, I don’t want any of us chased.
In the instant I decide to stand my ground, so does the crew. I throw up my arms menacingly and stomp toward the beast with a roar — “GET OUTTA’ HERE! GO ON!!!” Reggie and Roger do their part. They jump and twist and bark with the ferocity of much larger canines.
Quite impressive display we put on, I must say.
The javelina is about four feet from us when it slams on the brakes, reels around, and clatters away. He flees about twenty feet back from where he came and disappears into the brush.
“Good job, guys! You were great!”
Wow, this day is off to a heady start . . . .
This charging javelina is part of a herd of seven adults and one juvenile that we came across on a previous walk. That morning they cross the road in front of us, not paying us any attention, except for the last one. A male, he stops and stares at our frozen forms for a few moments. Probably due to poor eyesight, he figures we’re part of the landscape and moves on.
Since The Early Morning Showdown with the Charging Javelina, we’ve seen the roving squadron (the correct term) of javelinas a couple times. One morning I watch them chew on the across-the-street neighbor’s landscaping for several minutes. (The first trim those shrubs had in several months, I might add.)
Sometimes the crew pops out of a middle-of-the-night slumber to bark insanely at something outside. I suspect it’s the javelinas.
Arizona living . . . .
In other news, I held a successful yard and porch sale. A mix of fun and hard work. A few landscaping projects kept me occupied. As of yet we haven’t gone camping with the truck and camper top. That time will come.
Take care and be well all,
RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
Black Friday Deals for the Home
(Black Friday Deals last until Dec. 31, 2020.)
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue and Crew! So glad to hear from you. Take good care and stay well. JoanneG
Happy Thanksgiving!Luv knowing what’s gone on recently with you and the boys. Good move not letting javelina intimidate you. I am pleased that you’re pleased with the eyelid surgery. No turkey for me today either,as I often have it. I had a burger with some store baked pumpkin pie.Kyla and Polly kitties had tuna fish. We in central NY state had a warm for us day,mid fifties,I watched swans on the lake through a misty sun shower.Love and blessings to you, and fellow readers.
Sending you love and hugs, weather. Happy Thanksgiving! 😊
So grand to hear from you and the crew. VERY happy thanksgiving day to you all. Hugs and happy camping thoughts from the mid-south. Sherri and her crew too. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Crew! So glad to hear from you! The javelina would have scared me to not move, I don’t know how I would have handled it. Every TG we have a family reunion at our house, last year there was over 50, everyone bring something and it’s fun but this year we cancelled it. I hope next year will be full of turkey and family. I had both cataracts done with no problems. Here in Kansas City the sun is shining and about 50*. Take care
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Sue, you have coyotes in your area and both boys would, unfortunately, be easy prey for them. We just had one wander through our front yard. My boys are a little bigger but I still worry. I have a call in to the local fencing company to see about putting coyote rollers on our fence. Meanwhile, a little research found they do not like ammonia. Ammonia soaked rags on the fence were the recommendation.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the crew ! Good to hear all is well and all surgeries went well to. Blessings to you an fellow readers.
Happy Thanksgiving, Alice! 😊
Wow! I’d have been so scared. I hear they are nasty animals.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your crew and of course you all bloggers from the Vets of Liberty Point U.S. Vets and myself, we all celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday with the Blessings of the VSA folks so they could be with their families today. Been watching a movie on Prime when you’re email arrived, have a pleasant Thanksgivings and stay safe and
breathe well 👍.
Happy Thanksgiving, Rusty! 😊
Hi Rusty! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!
Glad to know you are hanging in here Rusty and had a great Thanksgiving.
Wow so good to hear from you. My girls are 12ish now and still chugging along. I just had my 72nd birthday. I also had cataract surgery on both eyes this summer. Still need a follow up to correct something like scar tissue but still think cataract surgery is a piece of cake. No camping for me in quite a while. Not ready to sell my Roadtrek yet tho. Happy Thanksgiving was had at my daughter’s and son in laws home. Burp
Happy Birthday, Linda Rose! I hope you enjoyed your special day! 😊
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the boys! Glad to see that you are doing well with surgeries, braved a visit by wild nature and had lots of wonderful days and walks with Reg and Rog. May your days continue to be thrilling and enjoyable. You’ve made my day more thankful with your sweet message.
Positivity and good thoughts to all the blogorinos.
Take Care
Happy Thanksgiving, Deena! I love your closing line. 😊
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the boys, Sue.
Happy Thanksgiving from North Carolina!
Always good to hear from you and your crew.
Hope the remainder of 2020 is a great one for you and all your followers!
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Glad to hear all is well with Sue and the crew. Be safe out there…
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue!!
So glad to see your post.
We are persevering. Experienced out first Laughlin summer this year due to Covid and very serious medical issues with Gil. So we will have been away from home for a year and a half before we get back there. The folks here are wonderful; we call our neighbors here our winter friends. I sure did miss my garden this summer, however.
It’s really good to know you are doing well; keeping on with keeping on. Hugs to you!
Hugs to you, too, Kathy! (I remember what a great hugger you are!)
Seeing your comment appear here gives me a mix of delight and sadness. Always good to hear from you and Gil, yet I’m sorry for the struggles that have kept you away from your home, family, and garden. I’m glad you have your “winter friends” nearby.
Take care, dear ones, and may God bless you both!
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue and crew and blogorinos! I’m so glad to know things are going well and that you have your wits and courage and fierceness at the ready. We stayed home and had food prepared by the local grocery – turkey breast and all the trimmings and mushroom loaf with vegan trimmings for my husband. It was all surprisingly delicious. I do miss having my family here and visiting them but we are all being very careful. I’m grateful we at least are all in agreement on that. There is much to look forward to.
So good to hear from you. Like hearing from a friend. Give the boys a scratch for me!
Happy thanksgiving! We are well and happy in our tiny apartment and grateful to be so. I am especially loving being an introvert in this time of social distancing. I don’t know how true extroverts can do this.
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue and crew. So good to hear from you. May God bless and keep you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Sue and of course The Crew!! So lovely to hear from you and that your year has not been too taxing. Wishing you all the best as the new year approaches.
Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Crew… 2020 almost over, 2021 has got to be better, and yet it appears TP hoarding has started again here… as all the stores are out of TP and Paper Towels… I must admit I do NOT understand this, COVID does not cause intestinal distress… no need to go crazy folks… but crazy is just the way things have gone this year. Camping in our 5th Wheel begins Dec 6 … can’t wait to hit the road again with my crew.
Elaine, as to TP and that mess (yes, partly caused by the stores lack of proper planning)…I no longer even go down those aisles at the stores…I order most of mine online from BOXED. They are instock better there I have found and not much different in price…and they deliver quickly to the door. Love them!!
Happy Thanksgiving, RV Sue and Reggie and Roger! Good to hear from ya’ll! We have been hunkered down in ABQ in our new home for 1.5 years, now. Kinda glad we aren’t in Texas anymore as Covid cases are much higher there. Masks are the norm here but we know it won’t last forever! We are thankful for our blessings! Be well and be safe!
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue and boys! So good to hear from you and know that all is going well. I have to say, I ‘m glad we don’t have javelinas here in Georgia, though I must say I might trade our armadillos for an equal amount. Our yard is torn up – you could get a sprained or broken ankle trying to walk across it.
Take care and give Reggie and Roger a big hug from me!
Happy Thanksgiving Sue and crew and everyone else!!
Those boys are so cute and I am sure they keep you hopping! I would have been terrified by that chavalina or whatever that ugly thing was!
I am glad you are doing well and staying healthy. We have so far as well but it hasn’t been without cost. It is just not safe for Rick to be working right now in other peoples homes with his heart function as low as it is. So our income is cut a bunch. Hasn’t been fun but we are getting by.
My son was just diagnosed on Tues. with Covid. So far just loss of taste and smell. His wife tested negative but she is coughing worse and now today says she has lost her sense of smell as well. Dr. told her to assume she is positive as well even though her test was negative. So we are praying they get through this ok.
Not going to lie, this is starting to get to me. I have shed a few tears this month because I am very tired of not being able to feel like we can safely visit family and I know it is the responsible thing to do not to gather at this time. It has just been a tough year all the way around.
So we, like I am sure many, are looking forward to better times and I am hopeful the next 4 to 6 months we will see this turn around. In the meantime, I pray often, give thanks for every day and am thankful for you and everyone here!
Hi, Jolene – Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope your son and his wife’s symptoms can be managed at home. I have friends and family that have tested positive and were/are thankfully sick at home. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. **hugs**
May 2021 bring positive changes for us all.
So sorry to hear about your son and his wife. Hoping that they only have mild symptoms. I’m sorry that being isolated is starting to take its toll on you. It is hard not being with loved ones. I just keeps telling myself that this will not last forever. Hang in there.
Sending prayers and best wishes for the fast recovery of your kin with covid!! We all hope that soon this will pass and life be better again!! It has been awfully hard in many ways for most all this year. I remember LONGING for 2019 to be past (as it was such a hard year for us)…and then 2020…mercy me!! Hope you are able to stay well too!!
Hope your family gets well soon. Prayers are with you.
Thank you everyone! My son and wife were able to manage at home. They were pretty sick though. My son’s wife as she progressed did end up testing positive. My son did go back to work this past Thur. but I think he is still having some lingering affects. This is such a nasty virus. Take care everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving to you Sue and boys!! Glad you are doing well and got some surgery taken care of too!! Ah the joys of growing older… I fixed a somewhat traditional meal here today…but not in my way of past times…and it was meh…well, except the apple pie turned out WELL…which is no small thing using nontraditional ingredients. Still have some work to do on the crust recipe though it tasted great…again, when you must eat gluten free you are not able to find anything that truly tastes like wheat did. But different can still be good. And so it goes with most of our lives…sometimes we must hunt very hard for any silver lining. Hubby has good and bad days and requires a lot more help (time) from me at times. But still I feel it worth my time to continue hunting for ways to help him be at least better. Wishing all here the very best!!
Hi, Elizabeth! Happy Thanksgiving! 😊
At least the apple pie recipe was a winner! 🥧
I ordered a to-go turkey dinner and extra vegetables from Cracker Barrel. It was good and I had enough for two meals. I missed my family dearly, but am very thankful that I was able to talk, text or FaceTime with them. Today’s technology allows us to keep in touch and provide some peace of mind.
Have a good evening! 😊
Hey Denise…glad to hear your food was good…we used to eat in Cracker Barrel quite a lot when we lived in NC…lovely meals!! And it is nice to have ways to connect with others we are forbidden to see face-to-face…glad you got to do that. Our NC daughter skyped with us for a bit yesterday too…and the one here will come by in awhile to pass some food goodies over the fence and I will relinquish the rest of the pie to her!! Thanks for connecting here too!!
Hi, Sue and my fellow blogorinos! Happy Thanksgiving!
It was great to see your new post, Sue! Wow! Adventure always seems to find you – whether out in the wild boondocking or in your own neighborhood! So glad that you and the boys were able to scare the javelina back to his herd. That’ll get your heart pumping! Who needs coffee?! 😂
Gracie pup and I are having a nice Thanksgiving day. I picked up a turkey dinner to go at Cracker Barrel. We FaceTimed with my sister, brother-in-law, and the twins, my little peanuts. It was wonderful to see them. Gracie even said, “hello” to the toddlers. 🥰
Congratulations on having a successful yard/porch sale.
Have a good evening, Sue. Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 😊🐾💕
I am thankful for Sue’s blog and the wonderful people that I have come to know by visiting on Sue’s virtual front porch. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you, dear Sue. 😊
I’d rather face down a lion than those javelinas! Sounds like you three handled your intruder just fine though. We rarely see them in Tombstone although we know they’re here. Glad you’re all staying safe and healthy and that your surgery was successful.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi, Sue and Crew and blogorinos too!
I had a very nice meal for the holiday with two real friends. Please don’t tell the governor.
I’m particularly glad your cataract surgery went well. Whenever sanity returns to medicine, I’ll probably be getting that. The blepharoplasty might be for me too, and every bit of knowledge helps.
I have yet to see javelinas in person. I’m glad you and the Crew chased that one away.
I look forward to your truck-cap camping adventures.
Hi, Calvin,
Sorry this reply is late; I hope you see it because I want to direct your attention to my reply to Elizabeth further down-thread wherein I give some details on the blepharo’ experience. Thank you for the kind words. 🙂
Thanks for the reply, Sue. I saw that information. It’s important because I already knew people who had cataract surgery, but I hadn’t been aware of the blepharoplasty being done at the same time. (I’ve been aware of needing it, but not of the details.)
You’re welcome, Calvin. Just so there’s no confusion…. The blepharoplasty was recommended and a referral to a plastic surgeon made by my doctor at the Eye and Laser Clinic. The cataract surgery was in early summer and the blepharo’ in mid-November.
If and when you have these two procedures, I hope you won’t be required to take a Covid test followed by up to 14 days of quarantine. I tested negative for the 3 tests I’ve had (no antibodies) and my EKG (which not all doctors require but my plastic surgeon did) was normal in all respects. I had much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Sue. I won’t be doing anything medical until the insanity ebbs.
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue & all!
I checked too early yesterday, before your post arrived. Was awakened at 6:30 by someone shooting off fireworks!!! He must have been trying to annoy us all as he would wait 10 or 15 minutes and shoot off some more. It went on for an hour and a half. When I got up to see if it was gunshots or fireworks, broke the handle on my sliding door. Maybe I can fix it, maybe have to buy a new mechanism.
My son had a migrane, so cooking was pushed to today. I try to be thankful every day, so no big deal. The weather’s been nice. Finally able to turn the AC off and open some windows. It’s cool enough after dark to go outside and have a hot flash! Probably be turning that ac on today after the oven’s been on. So much to be thankful for…..and for all of you. Happy days to everyone.
My sympathies Barb…noise is a horrid pollution…but most locations seem not to care. We have to put up with huge construction noises at our apt as owner is building on…no matter that there are plenty of empty apts right now…heh, hope springs eternal huh? But the worst noise begins about daybreak…around 7 AM. Hubby looked up ordinance…yep allowed from 7 AM on…crazy…whatever is wrong with 9 AM? I remember back in the dark ages as a kid, it was very rude to make any noise prior to 9 AM or after 9 PM…but whatever happened to manners or good sense in this country!!? I hope things will be quieter now on for you there. Being locked down does not give us a lot of choices as to going elsewhere either. A friend who used to live in their travel trailer said she LOVED it cause if the neighbors bug ya, Ya quickly put on the hitch and go elsewhere!!! Wish we could do that but Hubby will never be able now…and I am getting older too. OH well…at least we sleep at all hours, taking naps whenever we want to…some help in that!!
Dear Elizabeth,
The neighbors aren’t too noisy. The fireworks shooter was a neighborhood away but still close enough to get me out of bed. I usually am up by that time anyway. It’s so not common that it did sound like it could have been gunshots. You never know in this day and age. Sorry to hear of your construction noise. Does your stomper still live upstairs? I was going to answer your comment the other day, but took a nap instead 🙂 Have a good day! p.s. The lock on the door is being fixed by the door company next week, hopefully for free.
My sympathies as well. I have moved “outside the outer belt”, but the suburban image isn’t holding up. I’m hearing quite a few more sirens than I did in my former neighborhood that has a bad reputation. People tell me that it’s because I’m relatively near a hospital, but the logic of that doesn’t really work. Also, traffic is much louder at the same distance from the same arterial street. Then last week, the clinic/pharmacy across the street was raided complete with local news coverage. I’m grateful that I’m a renter who can leave when my year’s lease ends.
Hi Calvin,
I am in a neighborhood just off the end of a pretty major road. Traffic noise from that and the highway at the end is noticeable outside, but the windows I had installed cut down on a lot of that. However, our sheriff has a helicopter he likes to use and that was the noise two mornings ago as they make their 20 circles in the sky. We also have a connecting road behind us, between to neighborhood’s back yards – a good escape route not on the major road. So he goes over our house quite often. Our gate has a camera that the PD has the code to so they can see who goes by. So because of all that, I have never quite decided this was permanent. Had I known about the rv lifestyle after my husband died, don’t know if I would have bought another house. Still thinking about it, but the years are rolling by.
A couple of months ago, Barb, to our delight and joy, the stomper left…no idea why nor where she went but we are happy campers. The new couple upstairs also make noise…but so far it is not anything that bothers us much (by comparison especially) though at times I wonder if someone falls down and that is a worry…but thanks for asking!! That is one answer to prayer that we are so very happy about!! Nice to have the locks fixed too!! We use these under each of our doors (https://www.amazon.com/Master-Lock-Security-Adjustable-White/dp/B0002YUX8I/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=door+stopper+fits+under+door+handles&qid=1607154751&sr=8-2 )…yes, I know nothing is a sure thing…but it would take longer to break in plus it would make noise…we do have some surveillance here, but not sure how much…hubby put up his own camera in one window that looks out on our car. So far, so good!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue, Reggie, and Roger,
It was just me for Thanksgiving but I rarely have turkey and had a hankering for stuffing so picked up the smallest turkey breast I could find and TRIED to make a small batch of stuffing…epic fail as in ‘I have no idea what to do with all this stuffing’ LOL. I did enjoy and that craving should be satisfied for a couple more years.
Jeff and Jack are also happy as they will be getting turkey with their kibble for the next few days.
Glad you are well and safe! Great to see your post today!
Jan, Jeff, and Jack
Happy Thanksgiving Sue! 🙂 one of these days I’m actually going to get caught up on my little blog about all the wonderful things that have happened this year for Charlie and I! I know it’s crazy because it’s been a Wild and Woolly year too, but we’ve had some amazing things happen this year.
I hope everyone can look for those Silver Linings! 🙂
So glad to hear from you Sue! Always enjoy your posts. Those javelinas are scary. We have not encountered one in the wild yet but they are around. We have seen their hoof prints around our trailer and there have been many sitings in our park. Hopefully they continue to keep their distance while we are out and about.
We have pretty much stayed put this year, missing our kids and grandkids, who are all in the crazy land of California. Thankful that we have nearby friends to safely visit with.
Hoping that the world calms down and we can get back to normal, we have so many places we still want to go see!
Thanks for posting, still love your blog and your simple way of life!
Happy thanksgiving RVSue and Crew!! Good to hear from you. I roasted a small turkey and my daughter came over for dinner. My son lives with me … so three of us had dinner. Family all had dinner separately. I posted a memory picture on my FB and my daughter comment ‘Oh, that was the year Chowder (our dog) hopped up on the table and walked across it like a run way.’ Too funny…glad Chowder had clean paws on white linen table cloth!
I’d have died of fright with Javelina charge or passed out LOL Quick thinking on your part and Reg and Rog too. Team work!! Love it. Take care and keep us posted.
P.S. my hot water heater went out the night before Thanksgiving (Wednesday) and I had to boil water to wash dishes….brought back memories of washing dishes on rez.
P.S. my hot water heater went out the night before Thanksgiving (Wednesday) and I had to boil water to wash dishes….brought back memories of washing dishes on rez.
Nice to see you here Rita. I’m heating hot water for dishes again. That same faucet part is causing drips again and now can’t get the handle off to replace it. Can’t find my receipt to call the company for the lifetime warranty, maybe just the owner’s manuel will be good enough. They are on my list to call today. Has water availability improved at all for your family that still might live on the rez?
Update: I perservered with the out-of-country call center that receives calls for the faucet company. The company is shipping me a new one for free. Not the same finish, but may be a closer match to the sink. Took some effort with them on speaker phone and my son to help hear and decipher what they were saying. Thankfully my son is the computer person and was able to take a picture with his phone and hook up to my computer to send that for their proof of purchase. Of course they are already asking for a survey to see how well the call was handled. Might wait till it is shipped.
Happy Thanksgiving! We had our usual vegetarian food with extra ham for the five dogs. I made a fantastic discovery: Caputo gluten free flour from Italy. You can get it through Amazon. It makes bread indistinguishable from normal wheat flour My wife can not tolerate gluten but I can so I know what real home made yeast bread tastes like and this is it. There is a YouTube video you can follow. Make sure the internal temperature is 205-210 rather than the usual 190 for wheat breads. This should make real normal tasting gluten free pizza too, at long long last. So 202o has not been a total waste.
WOW…had not heard of this flour yet…thank you!!
Is such a nice surprise to hear from you again. Happy Thanksgiving from Ky.! We had a small group of five at our home. Our governor has been strict. It was interesting reading about the Javelina encounter. Glad you all are safe. My little dog Elphie had an encounter with a white skunk in our back yard a few weeks ago. we brought a little bit of stink into the house with us even though we did not get sprayed directly. We have a lot of critters coming through our back yard. I just bought some night vision goggles so I can see them. I am trying out my Glass Owl Binoculars.
Happy Thanksgiving Sue, Roger , Reggie and all the blogerinos! So glad you got through all your medical stuff in good shape!
We have a large group of Javalinas that live here in Ajo. Whenever they come into the neighborhood Maya and Cisco love barking at them, they always look pleased that they have protected us another day from the wild javalina. I really enjoy watching them, especially the babies. They are mischief makers to be sure!
Glad to see your post and glad your Thanksgiving was good. Always excitement even if scary. Always good when surgeries go well. Loved seeing Reg & Rog. being suck good dogs.
Sounds like everyone else had a nice Thanksgiving. I think of you all often. Our Thanksgiving was about like everyone else.
We are thankful for a lot, but things are somewhat stressful for us this year. Hubby had a couple of strokes earlier this year and was in rehab at home for several months when he had two more minor strokes and is now unable to walk or use his right arm and is now in hospice care at home.
Not only that, but I lost my sweet little Angel last month. She died from congestive heart failure, but I had to put her down to keep here from suffering any further. I still miss her so much.
As a result, I work a lot, walk a lot and for relaxation, I do adult coloring occasionally.
How heartbreaking for you, Barbara! I’m so sorry. You and Angel loved each other very much. I’m sure Angel was grateful in a doggie way for the new and good life you gave her. It’s so hard to be parted.
I send warm wishes for daily victories, however small or great, for you and your husband.
Oh Barbara, I’m sorry for the difficult things you have been going through. It’s good to know you are up to working and doing what you can to take care of yourself. May God grant you comfort and peace now and in the times ahead.
Barbara, praying for your husband and you…Angel was blessed by you as she had always blessed her family. Peaceful thoughts for you.
Take Care
So sorry to hear this Barbara!! You are indeed living in difficult times…will pray GOD helps you!! It is hard watching those we love go downhill. And losing a beloved dog is very hard too!!
Dear Barbara,
Sorry to hear about sweet Angel & your husband’s health. Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. Sending a BIG hug to you!
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
What a nice Thanksgiving surprise to hear from you and the boys, Sue. I laughed out loud when I saw the little caption under the javelina photo: “stock photo, not mine.” I know you have guts but if you had managed to take a photo of your javelina while at the same time handling to squirming, pulling, barking dogs, I would have put you in the superwoman category!! I’m glad you and the other blogorinos had safe and pleasant – if different – Thanksgivings. We had just my son, DIL, and two grandsons, so if was much smaller than our usual crowd of extended family and friends. However, we all commented that it was nice and quiet and less hectic; it gave us more time to focus on each other.
I’m so glad your surgeries both turned out well. I can imagine it is a time-consuming ordeal – all the preop appointments, then the procedure, then the healing and the postop appointments. Do you think you look younger or different after having your eyelids done??
Hi, Cynthia,
I’m glad you enjoyed Thanksgiving. To answer your question: The plastic surgeon says I look younger, but then he would. 🙂 I look less tired. Not what one would call perky, but well rested. Haha!
I am afraid that looms ahead for me too…I am wondering Sue, did one eyelid droop more than the other? That is how mine are…I imagine you do look younger!! Not to say I ever thought you looked old!!
Hi, Elizabeth . . . Both eyelids drooped the same. I was looking through triangular openings. It wasn’t until the condition was fixed that I realized how much they drooped. My doctor took a “before photo.” I’m not ready for the “after photo” as the redness of the incisions has not faded away yet.
I hope you won’t be afraid. The surgery was easy — just went to sleep, woke up when it was done, and never had any pain. If there is a worst part, it’s the post-op, at-home care of cold compresses for 48 hours, followed by warm compresses. I tired of that routine quickly!
You’ll look like something out of a horror movie the first week (scabby) so don’t plan the surgery before a public appearance is planned, like a wedding to attend. I wore huge sunglasses in order not to frighten people. 🙂
After a week, another appointment to have stiches removed. My two-week appt. is this afternoon.
Sue, thanks for the clear description of the aftercare. It’s reassuring, other than I’ll look weird on Zoom meetings. That’s okay; the people in my meetings are used to a certain level of weirdness.
Thank you Sue for your desciption!! WOW, narrowed to a triangle…that would be scary…probably I can wait awhile on mine. I may need to get the cataracts done next altho the last visit they were not too bad and so long as I can continue NOT driving…maybe not so worrisome. I think with your driving it was no doubt very needed!! It has been quite some time so we need to visit eye doc again!! I am glad it was painless afterwards…that is indeed scary. So I assume it was some type of eye doctor…or was it a plastic surgeon you had to have tend to the eyelids?
Plastic surgeon.
Thanks, Sue…I had a very good experience years ago…both daughter and I had places needing removed…so off to the plastic surgeon…and it was only later I realized, that appt took place on HER birthday…can you believe it?? Argh…poor thing never forgot THAT birthday. But he did a good job on both of us…I decided to have us both done in the same room together because she was only 10 or so. So she would be less afraid. That part worked!
Great to see your comments and know that you and the crew are well! Glad that southeastern Arizona is treating you well 😉
Great to read you are all doing ok!
It hadn’t occurred to me that your vision had been reduced to a triangle,Sue. It must be wonderful to see everything fully again! Sending love,hugs and blessings to you,the boys and other blogorinos
Same to you, weather!
Hi, Barbara (Nashville),
I am so sorry that you have lost your constant companion, Angel. You were blessed to have her company, and Angel was doubly blessed by having a loving home with you and your hubby. May the memory of your sweet pup bringing you a gift of socks to bed make you smile. She was a special girl, I know you are heartbroken and miss her. **hugs**
I am also so very sorry to hear that your husband’s health has declined so much this year. May you find comfort in knowing that you both are surrounded by warm, caring thoughts and prayers. Please remember to take good care of yourself. Sending you more **hugs**
Don’t know how I miss this post but I did. Anyway, Susan and I are truly sisters! I had cataracts taken off both eyes a few years ago. Last year I had eyelid surgery. My eyesight was getting worse and darker. I wasn’t looking through a triangle anymore, I was looking through a slit. My doctor had told me that I need the surgery about 2 years ago but I waited. Don’t know why!!!! The surgery was not difficult and although I had a black eye for a week, the improvement in my eyesight was wonderful!!!!! Now, you can’t even find any scarring. My next eye story is the beginning of glaucoma…very beginning. I put drops in my eyes every night and Voila!!!! My eyelashes have become so long and lush!! Granddaughters are really impressed !!Seems that this was discovered some time ago and the cosmetic industry latch on to it and now sell it as a lash lengthener. Cost a pretty penny also.
Sorry it took me so long to reply, Dear Sister!!! I sure do love you!
Sending lots of love and big hugs to you and the crew.
Okay, Pauline. We need to know the name of the eye drops. I didn’t care about my eyelashes until I read your description of “long and lush.” 🙂
Love you, too. Love to all the Mississippi family…
Hi, Sue!
Thank you for sharing your experience of cataract and eyelid surgery with us. Do you feel like you are seeing things differently now that you have new lenses and the curtains of extra skin have been removed?
I hope you, Reggie, and Roger have a great weekend. We are expecting lots of rain the next couple days. The perfect kind of grey days to get chores caught up and maybe address Christmas cards. I had started to make last years cards and then was not able to find a couple key supplies needed to finish, so I did not send cards last year. While sorting and clearing out “stuff”. I found the supplies I needed – yay. The cards will be completed and mailed out.
Sending you and the boys lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 💕 🐾 😊
Love and hugs to you and Gracie pup, too! How nice you found the supplies and now you can finish your cards.
The cataract surgery improved my vision tremendously. The eyelids did not interfere with my vision much, just a little bit peripherally. It was going to get worse (as did for Pauline) so I had the procedure done. I figured 2020 was a good year for it! 🙂
Thank you, Sue! 😊 🐾
Hi, DesertGinger,
I was so sorry to read about your health challenges this year. You are truly an amazing, strong woman. In the short time that we have known you (here on Sue’s virtual front porch), you have been through so many serious health crises. I hope that some uneventful, quiet, healthy time is in your future. ***hugs**
And I am so sad to hear about sweet little Chloe being sick. She has been by your side providing love and comfort through thick and thin. Chloe is blessed to have you as her family. Please know that you and your sweet pup are in our thoughts and prayers. Please take good care of yourself. **hugs**
Happy holidays! Glad to see your thanksgiving post and know all is well. Hope to see a New Years update 😉
So the time finally arrived, the time I’ve been dreading, that we had to put Sammy down. I simply couldn’t manage his pain any longer with medication. So on December 9th I cooked a filet mignon for his breakfast and he topped it off with a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream. At 1 pm. the vet came to the house and we held him as he left us. I just picked up his ashes today so at least he is now back home where he belongs. This only makes me want to get to heaven sooner.
So sad to hear it Cynthia. It is sure not an easy thing to do. My “little leaker” will probably have her last Christmas this year. Dreading “that time” already and am sure it is still months & months off. I always think, you never know. . . until you do:( Sending you a BIG hug. Peace & love to you!
Having a special meal and being held as he “fell asleep”, now Sammy has no pain – all good feelings for him, I know you feel sadness and loss, may God comfort you.
Such a gentle and loving goodbye, Cynthia. Know that you did well by your precious Sammy, giving him good care and a royal send-off, a fitting close to a wonderful life with you and your husband.
I’m sorry for your heartbreak. God bless.
Your family gave Sammy a wonderful life here on earth. Your faithful friend will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. Sending you **hugs** Cynthia.