Sunday, January 3
Our first morning at Ogilby Road Camp opens with a brilliant sunrise!
Ogilby Road boondocking area is a few miles north of I-10 in southeastern California
Bridget and Reggie are enthused to explore a new, desert camp.
We’re about 80 miles or so south of our previous camp in Blythe, California. The slightly warmer temperatures make for a comfortable stroll in the desert.
To be truthful, this is more than an innocent stroll.
I’m scoping out our nearest neighbors for signs of imminent departure.
Aha…. There’s the guy with the Class A coming out his door. Okay, he’s going to his car, maybe to hook it up? No, he’s pulled something out of the trunk.
I squint to see better, looking out the corner of my eyes.
Now he’s going over to his motorhome and reaching up. Maybe to disconnect something? Okay . . . okay . . . Oh, darn! He’s bringing his awning down. Well, we won’t be grabbing that site today!
You see, I want to re-position the Best Little Trailer.
I haven’t unhitched yet. I’ve learned to wait to be sure before committing to a site. This is an instance where hesitating to unhitch pays off.
After making camp yesterday I realized I couldn’t watch the sunset through any of our windows. The crew often goes to bed at sunset and I don’t like waking them up when I run outside to take photos. I want a sunset view from the back window!
As long as I’m going to move us, I might as well find a new place, right?
We wander toward the other RV neighbors who are camped further along the wash. No signs of life.
I guess no one is moving out this morning.
The crew and I return to our campsite.
While the crew naps, I go online. When Bridget and Reg wake up, I take them outside for potty.
What? The neighbors left! I didn’t hear them go. This is great! (The Class A is still here.)
In a flash I’m pulling up tent stakes around the blue mat, tossing chairs into the PTV, clearing counter tops, chucking the Bridge and Reg onto the passenger seat, pulling chocks and pulling out!
Our new camp has many improvements!
Besides the back window pointing west, we now have two outdoor rooms.
In this position the BLT’s door faces morning sun. I put half of our 9′ x 12′ mat and my camp chair with attached table on that side. This is our sun room.
Then on the shady side of the BLT I put down the other half of the mat and with lounger and dog beds create another outdoor room. From this room we can see the mountains and the “landscaping” along the wash.
We have an ocotillo in our back yard.
It grows at the edge of the wash (at left in photo above). The greenery in the center of the photo is a stubby ironwood tree. Of course there are creosote bushes, too. A palo verde is close by (closer than the next photo makes it seem).
Do you see something weird about the above photo? To me it looks like Reggie Man is levitating! He’s floating above the blue mat!
Reggie is a magician. Who knew?
Anyway . . . . I love our new camp!
The crew and I have a great day making it into home.
I whip up a batch of sugar water for the hummingbird feeder. I drive the pole into the hard desert sand where I can see it while sitting in bed reading (or daydreaming). The palo verde provides a good background.
I expect hummers right away, but none appear.
Palo verde are special trees to me.
I like the way they reach upward like green flames. In strong wind the branches become brushes, gracefully sweeping the sky. When the yellow blossoms appear, hummers and butterflies show up like precious accessories on a well-dressed woman.
Palo verde look soft but, believe me, they aren’t! I tried to hang a feeder from a branch of a palo verde once and the dang thing almost killed me with its thorns (talons?). These are rugged trees, well adapted to the desert! Ya’ don’t mess with palo verde!
Back in Blythe the other day, I bought chicken barbeque.
It’s Jack Daniel’s brand, made with the gen-you-whine Tennessee whiskey. I decide to have that for supper.
Having lived in Georgia for — oh, I don’t know — fifteen years, more or less, I learned the proper way to eat barbeque. You’re supposed to have cole slaw on the side and a slice or two of Wonder Bread. That’s right. The soft, make-believe bread with zero nutritional value. Hey, you don’t eat barbeque for nutrition. You eat it for fun and Wonder Bread does soak up every drop of sauce really well.
Well, I don’t want a loaf of Wonder Bread hanging around.
Instead I bought a pack of flour tortillas. I heat one in a big pan and put it on a plate. Then I slather the tortillo with a swath of heated barbeque down the middle. Fold that puppy up and . . . oh my . . . Georgia meets Mexico in a union made in heaven. Heaven being the BLT, that is.
I give Bridget and Reggie one bite each of the barbeque and their eyes roll back in their heads. Not really, but it makes an interesting mental image.
I’m thinking I’ll end this post with a back window view of the sunset. Turns out there’s no sunset visible due to heavy cloud cover. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.
Monday, January 4
In the early morning hours, raindrops gently kiss our home. Oh, I love you, too. In the distance a train rumbles. I wait for the its wail — There it is.
Reggie nuzzles his sleepy head closer under my chin. I reach to check on Bridget who doesn’t stir as I stroke her warm behind. Pulling the comforter snug around us, I soon drift off to sleep.
Later, after breakfast and during a break in the drizzle, the crew and I venture outside.
“Oh! There’s a hummingbird at the feeder!”
Of course, this outburst doesn’t register on the brains of my canine pals. They continue sniffing the damp desert floor for traces of night critters and who knows what.
“There’s another one! We have two hummers!”
Gosh, they’re tiny things, even smaller than the ones at our camp at Midland. I’ll have to look up what kind they are.
Away they go, flying high on sugar!
I shield the camera lens with my hand to protect it while I take this photo through the mist.
“C’mon, you little monkeys. Let’s get out of the rain . . . .”
I appreciate you shopping at Amazon from my blog.
I’m trying for first!
I have always resisted because it’s so silly, but, hey, it’s a new year!
Tortillas are a great bread substitute for any meal. I like frying up a sausage patty with a scrambled egg, add a little salsa and cheese and you have a mini breakfast burrito. I try to always keep shredded cheese, cilantro and chopped onion on hand when we are camping. Left over steak, chicken or just about anything can be turned into a taco. Can you tell that I like Mexican food?
Your new camp nice and the little bit of rain makes it better.
Enjoy your new home!
Chris B of the Clete and Diego tribe 🙂
I’m sold on tortillas! They last longer than bread and they’re more fun to eat. I like your breakfast burrito, except for the cilantro. Gosh, I hate that stuff. Tastes like soap.
Otherwise, if it’s Mexican and not a cute and dead animal, I love it!
Nice to see you’re not resisting silly, Chris B. of the Clete and Diego Tribe. 🙂
add a little Chorizo with that combination and Im good to go……
Looks like you made it Chris. Congratulations.
Thanks, Reine. Is everything okay in your neck of the woods? You went through some mighty strong storms last week, didn’t you? Hope that it missed you!
Chris B
Oh, YES!
OK, now that I’ve read the post (after racing to get my 2nd place ribbon!) I’ll say something I’ve been wanting to say for a few days but I had a poor Internet connection up at Mammoth Mountain. I don’t think you should ever feel guilty about pulling up stakes on a hummingbird feeder (I don’t remember which day you mentioned that). I have nine feeders in my yard and scores of hummers visiting regularly. However, I’ve noticed they also feed heavily on the flowering shrubs on the slope behind my house. I’ve also noticed when we have nests with eggs or babies in them, the mama bird tends to feed heavily off the natural vegetation and eschews the sugar water – as if she knows where the real nutritional value is. Also, when we leave for an extended period of time, I take the feeders down so they won’t get dirty and make the birds sick. When we return and I put the feeders back up, the hummers return to feed from them as if they were never removed, although they have clearly found food elsewhere while we were gone. I think if you find hummers in a boondocking area, that means there is sufficient natural food nearby to support them, or they wouldn’t be there. Providing supplemental sugar water is just a special treat – kind of like dessert for us.
Loved the photo of Reggie Man levitating! Must be some kind of optical illusion??
Hi, Cynthia,
Gee, you (along with some other blogorinos) have completely erased my guilt feelings over yanking the feeder away from my hummer pals at Midland. You make good sense. They are remarkable creatures. I don’t know how they survive what with the desert blooms all dried up.
Isn’t that levitating photo weird? I don’t know what caused that… the design on the mat maybe? I took it while sitting in the lounger.
Can I be 3rd!
You can, Annie, and YOU ARE!
Hi Sue, might be near the top this time. I like your idea of not setting up the first day in a new site. Makes easier to relocate when necessary. How are you back yay I have to get some hummingbird feeders so I can put sugar water out when we Boondock. I can’t wait to do that we are looking at leaving the Tucson area around the 11th of January. Heading out towards Blythe and/or Quartzite somewhere to find a good Boondock. Don’t worry, we will not be obnoxious blog stalkers, we also like to be alone. Have a good stay and hopefully the weather will cooperate.
Hi, Lisa W.,
The rain will be gone by the 11th and you’ll have a wonderful time with Quartzsite all revved up and hopping with RVers!
Yes, get yourself a hummingbird feeder.
hi Lisa, it looks like you like hummers too because your webpage is full of beautiful photos!
Close but no cigar!
Only two minutes shy of 3rd place…. 🙂
Two minutes is like 2 hours with the fast blogorinos!
After going back to read, I have to say, I love the levitating Reggie! Oh, and envisioning their eyes roll back in their heads! That was a good one too. Good thing I just ate my lunch or I would’ve been salivating and drooling down my chin. Pavlov sure knew what he was talking about!
I had a barbeque tortilla again for lunch today. I do live well. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed the post, Renee…
RVSue, please ease my mind that you won’t get washed away by rainwater if it pours and washes down your adjacent wash, OK?
Looks like a nice place to be. Frozen here in Salem and just starting to thaw.
Not to worry, Robin B. This wash is wide and very deep. Nice of you to be concerned.
Look up Enchanted Trails RV Park in Albuquerque NM on a Google map. We were there in 2008 going east and it seemed like a safe quiet place. Stopped there on the return trip west and ground looked wet from a little rain! But there were mud trails everywhere. I remarked on that as I checked us in. The woman at the desk said, you should have seen it an hour ago, we were under 6 to 8 inches of water just a little while ago, big rain storm flooded the park. It came and went quickly but folks were lucky for no damage. If you look at the map you can’t really see a defined wash. Desert rains can be deceptive and dangerous. Do be careful near a wash, it can flood in minutes beyond its banks. I care about you too much not to provide the story. Have a good day Blogerinos.
Thanks for the warning, Velda, for all of us who camp in desert areas.
How is Mel doing?
Thank you for asking! He seems to me like he is having some improvement already though it’s subtle and slow and he does not recognize it because he is impatient. He is eating better than even a week ago and able to barely detect he is beginning to get taste back a little, but it’s a start. His neck skin is peeling and uncomfortable and he has to be careful to protect from infection. His pain is less in some areas more in others. But for only 6 days from end of radiaton, when they said he would continue to “cook” for two weeks at least, I’m very pleased with progress. I am so glad he continues to be diligent about the turmeric mouth gargle and swallow and the aloe and glutamine same. I fully believe that is why he never got sores or rawness in his throat as usually happens with throat radiation. I hope over next few weeks the neck pain lessens and he gets more taste back. I will be happier when 3 months go by and he is well along in healing and he has a high contrast CT scan and it comes back clean, but for now I’m relieved at where he is. He is having problems with his ears and hearing which I hope are inflammation, which is hard,on son and I because he keeps tv up so loud, but Santa gave him a new tv for our room so son and I watch tv in living room to stay away from loud speakers in our room.
We look forward to hearing about Mel’s “clean” CT scan! 🙂
Thanks Sue!
Third??? Yaha..:)!!
Not quite, Betty-Shea. I like your enthusiasm!
Me too!
Love that sunrise!
Isn’t that something? A day in the desert starts and ends (usually) with a spectacular sky.
Love to see the pictures and hear about a totally different part of the country from where I live (Oregon coast). Each place has it’s own beauty and unique characteristics. Loved that sunrise picture. As always pets to Bridget and Reggie.
You’re right about that, Annie in Oregon. No matter where one goes in this country — even into the harshest “badlands” — there’s beauty to be found if one really looks.
I love how you make an oasis in the desert for the hummers!
Hi, Dawn! And the hummers give us more than we give them…
I love the hummers too!
I love your new camp Sue!! I imagine the sand is nice on the crews paws too! I never noticed the FB share button before but I suppose I just overlooked it. Anyway, I did share today!
It is cold and dreary in Iowa today. Sometimes I long for the simplicity of your life but other times I am glad to have my home. It would sure eliminate some of life we deal with when we have a sticks and bricks home that is for sure!
Take care and I will be back soon! 🙂
Hi, Jolene,
You didn’t notice the share button because it’s something I added recently. I suppose I should post my blog on Facebook and put post announcements on Twitter like other bloggers do to increase traffic. Maybe someday…
Thanks for sharing my blog!
Simplicity of this life or living in a regular house…. Both are good. The trick is knowing which is best for one at the present time. Be where you’re supposed to be, right? 🙂
Exactly right and right now, I choose your life!! lol
Great pics of the beautiful desert!!!!
Hope you are enjoying the rainy day. No rain in Tucson, but sure is cloudy.
I can’t wait to get on the road and do some boondocking. Can’t take another rv resort, just not for me. I need some open spaces and no close neighbors. Loved boondocking south of Ajo and thanks again for your help in finding the perfect spot.
Enjoy your day!!!
UPDATE….see a few raindrops! !!!!
Thanks, Pat H. I’m pleased you like the photos.
Oh, you have the itch for boondocking… The place near Ajo (Darby Well Rd) has changed a lot since you camped there. If you go back, you might like boondocking south of Why. It’s not much further up the road out of Ajo and it’s closer to Organ Pipe for an excursion (or you can camp in Organ Pipe’s campground with a reservation).
Enjoy your day, too!
New camp looks very nice!!
Yes, it is, Jenny. It’s a good feeling to be settled into a nice campsite.
Hi Sue!
I had to chuckle when I saw you posted a new blog entry so soon after our football talk on the previous post. Well, that’s one way to change the topic around here–just stick up a new post! I follow another RV blog and that’s all they write about on Mondays. On that blog, it’s like the Monday morning quarterback sessions around ye ole water cooler in the office . They are better at being “on topic” the rest of the week. LOL
Seems to be another attack of El Nino forecasted for this week. It’s started in my neck of the woods this morning. Windy, gray, and damp, although the sun did peek over the mountain tops first thing this morning. No overnight temps below freezing this time, so that is good. Are your solar panels able to meet your energy needs when there are consecutive days of no sun? The Reginator may have a rough week ahead only being able to briefly patrol, potty, and play between the rains. Good luck with that! A week without sun around here will drive folks crazy. They seem to get a tad bit grouchy when they don’t see the sun for three or more days. I anticipate an escalation in the episodes of road rage by the end of the week if the weather guessers have called for the right weather pattern.
I’ glad you found a good spot that comes equipped with a palo verde tree and humming birds. Ever see any road runners scootin’ around out on that desert? I’m sure you hear the coyotes occasionally. My huskey would “talk” back to them and it would seem as though they were exchanging greetings and thoughts. Very interesting to watch her when she heard them howl.
I hope you’re able to stay warm and dry the next few days. Hugs, ear scratches, and belly rubs to the crew from me.
Hi, Audrey… Reggie is pestering me for a walk. Be back later.
LATER…. we had a nice walk. The rain has stopped. It’s brisk and damp. We hurried up the lane and back because Bridget didn’t want to go. She’s smart and knows to stay in the covers on days like this. Gosh, the cloud cover is thick.
As for solar power in weather like this… I’m using very little power. The laptop, the fridge panel, and an LED light for a few minutes after dark. That’s it and we have enough power. I read a Paperwhite in the evening which allows me to read without turning on a light. The batteries aren’t being fully charged, but, hey, I’ve been abusing those Optimas for four years now. If they die today, I feel I’ve had my money’s worth, although it would be nice to reach the 5-year mark (Nov. 2016).
Isn’t it curious how people’s moods can deteriorate with too many days of grey, rainy weather? … Although road rage seems to happen anywhere, regardless of sunshine or lack of it.
Oddly I didn’t hear one coyote the entire 6 weeks we were camped at Midland LTVA. No coyote scat seen either. I do think a kitfox snooped around on the blue mat at night. The crew did a lot of sniffing of it and I found what looked like coyote scat only much smaller.
Yes, I have seen road runners recently. Twice on trips into Blythe from our camp I saw one run across the road. Love seeing them run full-out, head low, and body stretched out…
Well, the sunshine will return. You’re in Arizona. It has to!
I come back from lunch and what do I see but another blog from RVSue and Crew. There are already 28 comments, so no way I am going to be anywhere near first, but hey at least I get to read the new post. Maybe it is just my eye sight but it still looks dry even after the rain. In my neck of the woods the Mississippi River is flooding big time from all the rain we have all gotten lately. Now we have streets closed and houses flooded. If we were smart we would catch all this extra water and send it out West were they need it. But no one ever accused us of looking ahead and being smart. I read in the last post that Reggie ran out without the tether. So glad he is beginning to train to stay near and maybe someday he will be like Brigett and not need the tether. Glad you had a good holiday. Be safe
Hi, Jean,
I looked at the after-the-rain photo again and it does look dry, like you say. If it were dry though, the ground would be a lighter shade of grey.
I’ve been following the rain and flooding in the MidWest and along the Mississippi the past few days. What a fright and what a mess! I would be nervous about living near a levee.
I hope you stay safe and dry!
It would be wonderful if Reggie could run free. Maybe he’ll be ready for that someday.
I hope you enjoyed your holiday and are enjoying this first week of 2016!
Sounds wonderful!!!
Lynn B. (Baltimore, MD)
Hi, Lynn,
Love it!
Raining here at Fortuna Pond (Yuma) too, but a nice soft rain; looks like an all-day-er. I always mean to do what you do; stay hooked up for the first day & see if there are better sites available, but I almost always forget. I think I’m moving to Anza-Borrego tomorrow or the next day. Why would anyone doubt that Reggie-Man can levitate?!! I’m so glad he came back to you the other day when he escaped; that’s got to make you feel much more comfortable!
Hi, JanisP,
If you’re going to Anza Borrego, check the altitude. You don’t want to be too high at this time of year. You know that. The dry lake bed boondocking by Borrego Springs is low enough. 🙂
Oh! I was thinking about Yaqui Well, it’s 1400′ I think. I’ll check out the lower altitude campgrounds, thanks for the heads up!
Well, after five years full timing we are back at our S&B home. The renters trashed it so we will be working to get it back up and then decide whether to go back on the road full time or just take trips from here, like Kathy and Gill. But one of the first things we did was to try to find a hummingbird feeder. Wal Mart says it is a seasonal thing and wouldn’t carry any until spring. The birds are here so we searched until we found one. We will be hanging it soon. I love that you hang it where ever you stop. I know that helps make it feel like home.
We miss the desert this winter but life can happen and at least we have a wonderful fire going every day and our trailer sits comfortably under cover. We really miss the wonderful sunsets that the desert blessed us with every night.
Hi, Linda from Oregon,
Sorry to here your home was trashed by renters. That’s not an uncommon occurrence unfortunately.
In case anyone is looking for a hummingbird feeder, this one looks good and it holds a lot:
First Nature 3055 32-ounce Hummingbird Feeder
I’m glad you were able to scoop up that primo campsite. I’m sitting here watching my kitty play with her new Christmas toy and wondering about the logistics of her playtime after the RV becomes a reality in the spring. I’m looking at some portable play yards as I want my cats to get out more, but in a protected environment. Any suggestions from the bloggorinos to increase their enjoyment while at camp would be appreciated. All three of my cats travel well already, but I would like to be able to plan for the time we are in a camp.
I’ve got quite a list of things that I’ve deemed “necessary” for my spring time kick-off, but your list of required items has helped me to decide on the real need for some of them. Of course, the biggest limitation will be how much storage area I have in the final rig purchase.
Thanks again for allowing us along on the ride!
You’re welcome, Phiesty in Utah,
One thing about a list for items to carry away at launch… If you forget something, you can always go shopping!
I don’t have any suggestions for managing cats on the road as I’ve never done that. I’m sure you have looked at items like this: ABO Gear Happy Habitat for Indoor Cats
BLOGORINO ALERT: Anyone have suggestions for play yards or experiences to share regarding full-time living and travel with a cat or cats?
Pet Gear has a foldable octagon enclosed play pen.
Your cat/dog has to be “content” and not chew its way out as it is made out of durable fabric.
They come in many sizes. Don’t settle for a knock off brand…you get what you pay for!
Pet Gear Travel Lite Octagon Pet Pen with Removable Top for Cat and Dog up to 60-Pound, 36-Inch, Sahara
This is my link to Amazon — Sue
Thank you ma’mm!
I’ve done some looking and those looked good. I’m really not planning to keep my cats (there are 3) in the play yard for really long periods, but something for a change of pace. They have all been indoor kitties for a few years, but two of them spent time outdoors in their younger days. I’m also thinking of it as a temporary place if I need to keep them out of the rig for a while.
Thanks for your suggestions and input.
What’s nice is you can use the “blinds” to shade them from the sun. Our cats (indoor) loved it…as they wanted to go outside for fresh air. It also folds down and is easily stored.
Hey! Where’s Rick?
As in Badger?
Where did that pop up from?
Probably shopping for another camp stove! Or shoveling the roofs!
Yeah, I’m talking about the Badger. 🙂
“About folding down and easily stored” I got one of those cages for my dogs when we are on the road to keep them safe when we are away from the RV for me than 20 minutes. Well, the unfolding was easy, it just went right up, but on the model I got, it was like those things that we used to put in the windows of our cars, they folded with wires and you had to stand on your head to fold them back up…..well it took us 1 hour to fold the easily folded back up and stored to get it back in the case….then it was easily stored in our RV closet! What were were thinking? Anyway, I am sure yours is much much easier….wires..ugh!
We’ve RVd with a cat and dogs for several years now. I suggest getting your cat used to wearing a halter. Ours is similar to the cloth one Reggie wears. We have our cat outside with us on a long lead. Of course we never leave him alone because of possible predators. A halter also makes it easier to grab the cat as he makes a dash out the door. If you have slides in your RV ALWAYS have the cat in a secure place before moving the slides.
Enjoy your adventure.
I’ve been working on the harness/lead program, but it’s a bit of a struggle since none of the three has every done it. I figured it would be much easier if I started now and worked on it slowly instead of waiting until there was an urgency. The worst part is getting the darn harness on them. I only have one, so I’ve decided to get them each one and let them wear it on a more regular basis. Any suggestions on helping the process along would be appreciated. I love all the helpful people on this blog.
I haven’t tried this but I wonder if it would work to put them in harnesses for feeding? It might associate the harness with something good. It’s worth the effort. My cat now will trot along with the dog on walks. Of course, as a cat owner, you know that every cat has a mind of its own.
I have this for my kitty and she enjoys hanging around outside in it, especially if I find a shady spot with some grass.
ABO Gear Happy Habitat for Indoor Cats
This is one of my links to Amazon — Sue
Thanks for the response. I think could be a good alternative, but was wondering about the strength of the product under daily use. Have you had it long enough to speak to its durability? Also, is it easy to put up, take down and store? I so appreciate it when I can “speak” to someone who actually has and uses a product I am interested in. It is so nice to have this blog as a forum as I trust the responses much more than ratings on a purchase site.
Hi Sue and Crew – I always love reading how you make a new camp a home – I guess I am a nester at heart. Your sunrise picture was especially beautiful today, and the spring in Bridget’s step has me ready to get out for a walk myself. I am wondering how your new mystery hobby is going…how about another clue…does it take up a lot of space when practicing this hobby in/around the BLT?
Oh, darn… It’s not much of a hobby. Takes up one storage bin. I wish I’d never mentioned it. I have the stuff and haven’t started yet. Mainly reading techniques. One of these days….. 🙂
it is always a good sign when day to day retired life keeps you too busy for a hobby – you are living the dream : )
This looks like a really nice camp. It would be funny if Reggie was really levitating, but the visual does give that appearance. Bridget looks so content with life, just like you sound.
My new year’s resolution is to get rid of everything not being used and getting our home much more organized. As it is, we have organized confusion. DH will be 72 in April and his memory seem to be getting worse. I stress if something happen to me, he won’t know where to look for the documentation to handle things. I have it written down, but he may not remember to look there. As much as I look forward to full-time RVing, it may not come about, under the circumstances. DRATS!
I am still going to hope and dream though.
Hi, Barbara,
I don’t want to meddle in your situation. Reading your comment a question came up in my mind, one that I don’t have an answer for. If a spouse’s memory is deteriorating does that mean one shouldn’t continue with plans to full-time? Maybe someone with experience will weigh in on that.
I’m sure you’ve taken the precaution of making a copy of what you wrote down to give to a trusted friend or family member. I should do something like that. As it is, I’ve written stuff on cards and taped them to the inside of cabinet doors.
Good luck purging stuff you don’t need or want. It’s a great feeling when one pares down to what matters. I’m still working on organization!
I also don’t want to intrude, but in the hope of being an encouragement, you don’t have to up and sell everything and become a full time RVer. Can you plan maybe to head out for a month or two at a time without completely pulling up stakes. Perhaps you don’t need an all or nothing approach. I know it’s not exactly the same, but maybe it would work for you and your hubby. Just a thought.
Everyone’s situation is different, but this made me recall the blog of a fellow (“Trainman”) who took his dad (known as “grandpa) on the road camping/traveling when he became his caregiver (Alzheimer’s). It sounded like they had a grand time for some years until he passed away (Trainman is still traveling). Let me see if I can find a link to his blog….
Here it is:
Granted, this was his dad not a spouse, and I don’t know you (or him), but I thought you might find it interesting reading.
Thanks for the link. I will start reading. At this current time, my husband is not willing to travel too far from home. He has a couple of other health issues besides the memory loss, which is due to his two minor strokes.
I could understand that. I was actually surprised at how “grandpa” took to the road and apparently loved it, because in my (admittedly brief) contact with Alzheimer’s patients, routine was very important. Maybe somehow for them traveling became a routine (in a good way).
Life is good! Stomachs are full and the hummingbirds have found you!
Hmm never heard someone say cilantro taste like soap! Silly you! Perhaps you used too much where the taste can be over powering.
Very chilly here -12 windchill. AO is rooting around in the snowbanks!
Have a great night!
Hi, Cinandjules,
Whoa! Yes, I’d say that’s “chilly.” At least AO is having fun in the cold…
I knew one other person (in GA) whose tastebuds said “Yuck! Soap!” whenever eating anything with cilantro in it. I never made anything with it. I ate it a few times in restaurants until I realized the soap taste wasn’t because the dish wasn’t rinsed well… It was that damn cilantro.
Now I know to scan the ingredients on a menu and check with the server to make sure it isn’t in the food.
You have a great night, too. Stay warm and cozy. Wishing you Arizona dreams!
Allison posted some interesting info ….down a couple of post.
I see it now… I had no idea!
I remember I was at a rustic lodge in the NC mountains where breakfast was served through a cafeteria line. Everyone was enjoying their breakfast of scrambled eggs and there I was… unable to swallow a bite. It was like dish soap solidified.
I went through the line again with a different plate… same thing. Oh well, the toast was good.
Funny but when I first had fresh cilantro around 20 years ago, I thought it was horrible and tasted JUST like soap. Ugh!! But then some years later, I found it wonderful, and I still love it to this day. Who knows why the change occurred.
Sue and Lee J (No CA)
Thanks for commenting in the previous post. I guessed right for the under seat storage/bed storage. I appreciate the center aisle measurement.
Lee J. must have been reading my mind about the twin bed, as that is what I was thinking of doing, but wondered about filling the space from the twin to full size across the back. Thanks for the suggestion of the extra storage containers. I wanted to know the aisle space to see if I could use a bigger table when I wanted to sew. I would also be adding some extra drawer units like Sue has next to the stove.
In spite of what may seem dismal in the above post, I am still moving my dream forward, as that is what keeps me going along with Sue, Crew and fellow blogorinos.
You’re welcome, Barbara. I didn’t think you were being dismal. I read your comment as you analyzing your situation without the rose-colored glasses we dreamers often wear. 🙂 I’m glad to read you’re keeping on the trail of your dream.
I didn’t see it as a dismal post at all! Not knowing if DH’s memory situation would make it worse if you full timed or stimulate his mind. Guess there’s only one way to find out….trial and error…then “tweak” the error part into..trial and success.
Best wishes.
You know it may just work out. Usually people with memory disorders don’t like to be in crowds and this for most part is the opposite. Eveverything is simple and easy so this makes his life easy. He is not stressing trying to cover up his memory loss. Who knows it might be good for him. Crowds usually causes mor stress.
Oh Barbara, i feel for you across this wide country. my mother-in -law had dementia and if Barry and i hadn’t been available to be her caregiver for 6 years, she would have been lost. (not really lost, just figuratively) memory loss is such a heart-breaking experience for everyone. we helped her stay in her home for 4 years and did everything from taking her to the doctor to cleaning her house to handling medicare problems to making her life as enjoyable as we could.
i would suggest that you tell a trusted friend, relative, pastor, or someone where you keep your important documents so that if needed there is someone that can step in and help. a safe deposti box might be good, although we didn’t do that.
try to get as much legal documentation done before each person loses too much competency to make decisions, like:
–legal power of attorney for financial issues,
–legal power of attorney medical issues,
–DNR or Living Will that states their final wishes for health decisions at the end of life,
— update your wills.
he needs to sign these while he is still competent. explain to him that it will make everything easier for everyone if he signs.
we had quite a few medical decisions to make for Barry’s mom and if we hadn’t had these documents, the doctors wouldn’t have listened to us. she had the ability to appear to be totally competent. for instance, she told the doctor that she had live-in help and a gardener, which she didn’t!
have an appointment with his doctor and discuss the current state of his memory. and discuss a plan for his medical future. we did this and it was so helpful to have all the parties on the same page.
i don’t know about Tennessee, but here in Oregon we have a state Office of Senior Services. they can come to your house if needed and can give advice on how to make this transition easier for you. they do Meals on Wheels too. it is tiring to care for a memory-loss person so be sure to figure out some way for Respite Care for yourself. Senior Services can help you find this help.
i stopped taking care of her and we placed her in a wonderful Memory Care facility where she lived for 2 years. i told Barry that i didn’t want to give up my 60’s taking care of a dementia person and waiting so long that i would be to old so i would miss some big camping trips. i wanted Barry to retire this year at 65 so that we could get on the road. i know people that still camp in their RV’s in their 80’s with some help of their friends. you might even meet some friends to go out with you!
about postponing your RV future, maybe there can be a way that you take some short trips that would satisfy you and help you fulfill your dream.
if you need any other ideas, i can help you. you are not alone.
Thanks all for the encouragement, helpful suggestions, etc. Bess, we have taken care of most of the things you discussed. I do have copies of everything here at the house and an extra copy for the safe deposit box, that I am getting next week. My trusted friend and neighbor knows our wishes and where the documents are located, as well as, my sister-in-law also has the info for him and my sister for myself.
As far as financial, all of our accounts are joint, and/or beneficiary. Our home is in my name and the car is joint.
As far as getting away for short spurts, it is not feasible right now. We still have a mortgage, had to get a car after an accident and what was affordable is not suitable for towing. Also, I am not big on renting stuff. All of my plans have depended on selling the house. It was our plans until his health started deteriorating.
Our area also has great help and support for senior citizens.
Bess, I see you are in Oregon……..
what the devil is going on up there? I hear
conflicting stories about who is right and
who is wrong about this land thing…
I realize you direct your question to Bess… If you don’t mind me butting in… I read that the ranchers set fire to the federal land they were leasing and burned several acres. A big No-NO. They defend their actions by saying they were preventing wildfire/ridding the area of unwanted brush/ etc.
If the above is fact (and I can’t say I know that it is), why not ask permission before setting fire to land belonging to the public?
Methinks this family is grinding an axe . . . . and, of course, there are always people quick to join a protest demonstration.
My take on it is…who do you believe?
There is always three sides to a story…the two parties involved and the truth.
The media tends to be “one sided” often to glorify an event in an attempt to get higher ratings.
But they do sound a bit disorganized.
I agree with you about the media. I look at it this way… There are oodles of ranchers who lease public land through the government, year after year, and never make a disturbance or show up in the news. This family has caused two uproars in the past year. Yet, you make a good point… It’s true that I don’t know all sides of the story.
thanks for the reply Sue……Ive read pretty much both sides of the story
about the government wanting these peoples ranch and they wont sell…
but the government wants the land for wetlands or something to that
the main reason Im interested in it is that some folks here in Texas is
building a high speed bullet train that will go from houston to dallas
and they are wanting 2 acres of my land which I do not want to give
up…..I dont want a train so close to my house……grrrrrrrrrrr…Ive
been told if I dont sell they can take it bt imminent domain….
I saw a cartoon about the ordeal in Oregon yesterday…it said black
folks demonstrate in Baltimore by stopping traffic on the highway
and they call it peaceful demonstration but white folks occupy an
emptyh building where not a soul is around and they call them
militia…..its a crazy world we now live in….
Ah the ole imminent domain clause…yeppers…they will probably offer you considerable less than fair market price….drag it on for years..with you retaining a lawyer.
Sadly if they want it…they will get it…and they won’t play fair. Have you ever read about the family who has their homestead mining property near Area 51?
On the flip side…if the bullet train does go thru…will that depreciate your land?
Okay, I usually don’t do this…. Can’t help myself! It’s eminent domain, although it may be imminent. (Don’t hate me!)
thank you for doing that……..Im surprised my spell checker didnt jump up and
bite me on the nose………
You’re welcome, chuck. I hope this train project somehow works to your benefit.
What this iPad that has a mind of its own….didn’t know better when I copied and pasted!
Im sure it will cut my propertys worth in half….who wants to live next to a train
track? thats why Im so worried. we have considered putting our place up for sale
immediately but then we would put the burden on someone else and my mama
taught me better than doing stuff like that…..
That would be on the disclosures….some folks find that sound soothing.
I hope it works out for ya!
Very true, chuck….It is a crazy world! I’m sorry you’re in that situation with your land…
hi everyone,
the land that was burned was in Nevada. these people are sympathizer with the Nevada father and son that went to prison yesterday. i will try to give you my take on what is happening in Oregon.
throughout the history of Oregon (i am a 6th generation Oregon Trail descendant) there have always been separatist groups that don’t want the government telling them what to do. they usually are armed. most Oregonians are not in this category.
this current group wants the federal government to give back some wild bird refuge land which was established many decades ago. i assume the sagebrush wild land was purchased from someone at one time, but it isn’t farm/ranch land now. it may have been federal land before it became a wildlife refuge. this land looks a lot like Nevada and has very few people living nearby. there are cattle and sheep ranchers in the area and also wild antelopes.
it is mostly a big flat shallow lake. millions of birds (pelicans, cranes, geese, etc.) use it as a fly-way. the buildings the group is occupying are wonderful and include a stuffed bird collection of every bird in Oregon, stuffed many years ago. we visited these visitor buildings a couple of years ago and it is very educational and has beautiful grounds with lots of birds (naturally)! i highly recommend visiting it on the way to Steens Mountain and the little town of Frenchglen in May/June or the fall.
the FBI, State Police and local police are waiting to see what happens. i am sure they don’t want another Ruby Ridge or Waco. our Senator Wyden says everything is calm and they intend for it to stay that way. our local media were allowed in to visit a couple of days ago and everyone was treated very well. the reporter for PBS said she didn’t see much food. i have heard the government may try to starve them out rather than have a shoot-out.
it is my prayer that the protesters wake up and see that this is not going to get the land back to be ranched. and that the negotiations for peace are successful without shots fired. i know there is growing frustrations throughout the USA for all kinds of situations and i dearly hope for peace and understanding and a willingness to be open to hear all perspectives in peace.
there you have it. needless to say, i am not an authority on this subject. i am from Eastern Oregon originally from a ranching family so i understand the value of keeping the land in families. and also respecting the federal land uses because that land belongs to us all.
I’ve been wondering what’s going on with the “militia men” (what the media calls them). I’ve been reading a lot of comments from people who are against what there doing. This I don’t get especially when they probably don’t know how things are, especially how you described the situation. Looking at both sides is the best way to look at it. Thanks for the info.
thanks Bess for your input and thanks to Sue for letting us discuss
this matter….
lets hope this matter ends peacefully and let those 2 guys out of
Wow, Bridget is looking great!-in all the photos. The one above “You see, I…” is the picture of beauty and grace. She probably needed the recent six weeks of rest as much as you did, being as connected to you as she is and having shared all last year involved with you . Your site a Midland LTVA was perfect for that with it’s stillness, peace and solitude . Your new one has a raw type of quality that I love about the desert. Your beautiful description of palo verde explains why, and the photo you took through the mist shows why. Below anything that can thrive there’s gorgeous surface is sheer strength with the ability to endure.
Again and again you give me insights that I’ve overlooked, weather! I’m referring to your observation that Bridget is looking better after having a rest at our last camp. She definitely is “connected” to me. Her eyes follow me all the time.
Yes! This part of desert is raw, rocky, and rugged, whereas the desert around Blythe appears softer, dustier.
You’re in the small percentage of the population that has the shared group of olfactory-receptor genes, called OR6A2, that pick up on the smell of aldehyde chemicals, both of which are found in cilantro and soap.
My feeder ran out of hummer juice this morning. I brought it in to wash and refill it. While I was doing that, the hummingbirds were hovering in front of the windshield waiting for the feeder to come back out. I think they know where lunch comes from.
Tucson has received much rain today, and it is making me grumpy.
Aha! I knew there must be a reason I taste soap in cilantro! Thanks for the scientific explanation, Allison. Interesting…
Maybe the rain in Tucson will stop soon as it has here. Still cloudy and grey though…
I learn something new every day….
I love your description of the Palo Verde. I am sitting here envying you…no leaves to rake, no gutters to clean, no closets to organize, etc. I could be perfectly happy (for quite a while) reading my paperwhite and watching sunsets and sunrises and taking lovely pictures. You sure know how to live Sue!
It took me a long, long time to figure that out!
hi sue, i don’t know what happened to my posts being in not the right places. sorry.
i wanted to post one under Lisa about hummingbirds and the one to Barbara in TN was in the wrong spot. i think i may be not paying close enough attention. i will do better next time!. 🙂 bess
The comment to Lisa is fixed. I think I’d better leave the one to Barbara as is. I might mess it up trying to move it and it works okay where it is.
Lovely place, Sue. You’re in for some rain. Stay warm and safe. Diann
Thanks, Diann…. No rain this morning. Lots of fog. In fact I see my weather widget in the sidebar has a fog warning. The mountains are no longer visible from our campsite.
Soapy cilantro, I’ve heard it described that way by others, and with Allison’s information, now we all know why. So interesting. It helps us to keep an open mind when people don’t like the things we enjoy. Sometimes there are reasons – go figure!
Loved the sunrise and the rise of Reggie. Great post. Love it when you settle in someplace new.
Cold here in the Albany NY area, but not quite like what Cinandjules is experiencing up in the Adirondacks. We were up there for New Years, had a wonderful time in the mountains, and were happy to get home again near the woodstove. Winter has finally arrived.
Good point about keeping an open mind. You have me wondering about small children who refuse to eat what’s put in front of them. You know, the kind who will only eat white bread or something. I wonder if they truly do find the other food disgusting and inedible until their olfactory whatevers mature.
Ah, a glowing woodstove on a cold, NY day… 🙂
HA….thats a good point Sue…..I cant stand the smell of cooked liver or rye bread…
I dont know how people stand to eat those 2 items……but then again Im pretty
much a meat and taders man myself…
Well, cooked liver, yes, the idea of cooking liver is nasty, even without smelling it. As for rye bread, oh me, it does so much good for a sandwich with a dill pickle on the side…
Hi Missy, I was interested in your comment about tortillas. We always have them in the refer and use them for several things, I even use them for my hot dogs. Also they make a quick lunch if you melt cheese in one, it’s called a quesadilla. Enjoy the new camp.
Hi, Jim,
Hello to Detta, too! 🙂 After I use up the ingredients for bean burritos, I’ll try a quesadilla. Love cheese! I’ll use a non-stick fry pan — I don’t have a microwave.
After 8 solid days of heavy, gloomy skies and rain….YAY today we had sunshine! We are really lucky too! With all the rivers flooding heavily, we are on safe ground being so close to the Gulf! But a sunny day is such a gift after all the gloom! I hope your rainy weather as well as the blogerino’s living in southern AZ, will soon give way to sunny skies!
Bridget looks happy with your new site! She is so funny! Gotta love her! Reggie levitating??? The magic mutt can do amazing things! The Reginator Levitator! ?
Tomorrow, Chuck turns 72! Can you believe it? He is a young 72! We are getting together with friends tomorrow to celebrate!
I love your new home and so happy you have hummers! Now, will they sing to you? Give the pups an extra hug or two from us! Did you have a good sunset tonight?
Happy Birthday wishes to Chuck!! Enjoy your special day! 🙂
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHUCK! Wishing you a fantastic year! Have fun celebrating…. Wish I could join you and Geri…
The Reginator Levitator… Funny!
So far it’s been too rainy for the hummers to sing. They only do that on sunny days. And no sunset due to thick clouds with no place for the sunbeams to break through. The rain has stopped and we’re in thick fog.
Good to hear your stretch of rain is gone and the sun is out, right in time for Chuck’s special day!
I love your adventure and of, course, your pics. I, also, love your simple life. Being off from work for 10 days helped me slow down and see what I’m missing. I’ve been reading the blogs, not posting much lately, because of circumstances I didn’t want to share, but now I will. I bought a different TT, 15 ft. Jayco. It has a different floor plan that I think will be more beneficial when full time rving. Well, I took it out to Ocean Shores, WA with no hookup. Found out the battery was low even after charging it at an rv shop there. I bought a new battery, then found out there is a short in the electrical system related to the battery, since the fuse arcs. I could’ve moved to a hookup site at the campground, but decided to stay at some friends house in town. At least I was alone, but not in my rv. I did not experience life in my rv like I wanted to when I bought it and I’m dismayed about having to fix the trailer. I will be discussing my situtation to the place I bought it from, since I was told everything was working.
I probably would’ve been more apt to stay in the trailer if the Mr. Heater Buddy I purchased at Cabela’s had worked. But, no, it wouldn’t start even though I had turned it on before I left. I have since exchanged it for one that does work.
I actually am ambivilent about full time rv’ing because I don’t mind being out in the cold (as long as I can go inside to get warm). Probably has something to do with working outside, too. lol I like snow sports, so I need to figure out a plan where I can do those activities and explore the countryside. Btw…Ocean Shores is a great place to slow down. There are a number of rv’s in the parks, at least, when I was there. Maybe not now though, that it’s been snowing in western Washington.
Cheryl- So sorry to hear about your first experience in your new-to-you trailer. But I am glad that it was a short trip, the purpose of which is to “get the bugs out”, and you have found out about a major problem that needs to be addressed. Better to find this out now, than when you are full timing.
It seems like (at least to us) there is always something on our rig that needs to be repaired…we have just finished removing two large windows that had sagged in their openings,( to the extent that they were leaking ) shimmed them, and reinstalled with new butyl tape.
At any rate, RV Sue is to be admired as she is able to take these hiccups in stride, and not let them discourage her from her chosen lifestyle. We’ve watched her deal with her solar system, a balky propane refrigerator, and an electrical system that wasn’t working properyly…And she is still our there camping!!
So take heart, and don’t let this keep you from your dreams!
Thanks for your comment about me, cc… If I weren’t on the road, if I were in the house I had in Georgia, stuff would happen, things would break down…
I apologize, Cheryl O., for missing your comment. I read it among others and thought I had replied when I hadn’t.
It’s understandable to be discouraged by things going wrong with a big item you’ve purchased and that was described as having no problems. Buy a new battery and find it doesn’t fix what’s wrong. Frustrating! And then you have to return the Mr. Buddy heater…
It sounds like you rode through this and came out the other side with a good attitude. Wishing you a great new year, Cheryl!
Thanks for the encouragement, cc and Sue. I’ve been through worse experiences than this one and I tend to bounce back. I’ve noticed I get more support from us blogarinos than others. People tend to tell you what should’ve been done, instead of relating.
Appreciate your positive support and happy new year!
Your photo of Reggie floating above the blue mat reminds me of a helpful critique that my watercolor teacher offers to help “ground” our work. That is to add shadows. It makes the watercolor (drawing or whatever) less flat and more realistic.
A quirk of our visual processing is to look for shadowing, among other things, to tell if Reggie is “on” or “above” the blue mat. Since the photo was taken on the north or shady side of the BLT on an overcast day the normal shadow is not apparent – tricking our eyes in to seeing Reggie as above rather than on.
I very much enjoy your photos. The landscapes, birds and sunsets make lovely subjects with which to practice technique. I’m not very good at my hobby but your pictures inspire me to keep at it!
That’s really interesting, Biz.
I agree with Pen… very interesting!
I learn so much on my own blog…. Thanks, Biz…
Well if I could, I would send you some real BBQ from the little hole-in-the-wall restaurant a few blocks from my house. Oh, the smell of that pit-cooked BBQ is heaven. They serve all the favorite Southern “sides” like macaroni-n-cheese, collard greens, baked beans, red rice, and vinegar-based cole slaw. You can choose from Western mesquite-smoked style, NC sugar/tomato style, SC mustard-based style, or good old Georgia tomato-based BBQ sauces in different palate offerings ranging from mild to intense. And they always have a freshly-baked coconut creme cake in a stand right by the front register along with a basket of Moon Pies. Lemonade and sweet or unsweet tea is offered along with the usual display of soft drinks. So yummy!
Sounds delish!! 🙂
That restaurant is a real Georgia BBQ place… sweet tea, coconut cake, moon pies… Boy, that brings back memories…
Regarding full timing with kitties:
I completely agree with the other posts, I’m just going to add a couple of things.
you absolutely need a harness similar to Reggies, we’ve tried the thinner ones &
they don’t work, however you still have to becareful until they’re used to walking on a leash. I was talking with a couple at a campground who were completely devastated. They were walking their kitty on a leash when something scared him. He ran, pulled his head out of the harness & didn’t come back, they were having to leave without him. So be very careful till kitty is used to walking with a harness & leash. Also if you have basement storage I have a great way to hide a litter box. It’s a little detailed to explain but I’m happy to do if you’re interested . Nancy S
Thanks for the input. I haven’t made the final rig purchase yet – still looking for that perfect deal. if I get one with basement storage, I’ll touch base with you on the letter pan solution.
” In strong wind the branches become brushes, gracefully sweeping the sky. When the yellow blossoms appear, hummers and butterflies show up like precious accessories on a well-dressed woman.”
you sure have a way with words………….leaves me wanting more…
I agree! Sue has a way with words!
I noticed you “chucked” the crew in the PTV this time instead of tossing them. Wonder if they noticed the difference 😀
Just last week during that big wind, I decided to move the hummingbird feeder to the lee side of the palo verde tree it was hanging in (but on the windy side). I found out first hand that those branches conceal (or maybe “are”) spikes! Like some sort of large-scale wooden wire barbs. Well, guess I’ll just put the feeder back where it was (it survived just fine).
I went all out and a second hummingbird feeder it sticks to the outside of a window with suction cups. Oh boy is that fun! They feed three inches from where I sit at the table and never notice me. So amazing!
I’m keeping a weather eye out as we are predicted to get up to a half inch of rain tomorrow. I think I’ll be okay where I’m camped but there is a possibility the road leading in could get a washout rut. There are quite a few people camped in here so I imagine someone with a jeep or desert 4wd rig would “tramp” the way out (I’m stocked up with food/water/etc.). OTOH, I’m ready and open to driving out if the forecast gets worse tomorrow (worst rain is supposed to be tomorrow evening/night). Most of the camping areas around here are in washes – although some of them are very wide and have high ground in them as well – they are not slot canyons or narrow washes.
So far, like you, I’m using little power so doing okay solar/battery wise. Nice to have modest needs during cloudy spells.
Hi, Pen,
Yeah, the crew got chucked. Ha! I already used the word “toss” for the chairs…
I have one of those suction cup hummingbird feeders! The darn think won’t stay stuck to the window! I’ve never had any luck with suction cups, no matter what. Yes, I clean the surface and follow the instructions and then I watch whatever it is fall off.
It must be fun to see the hummers right at your window. Amazon sells that feeder. I’m not going to link to it because it’s that time of the month again (NO, not that!)…. the time when I’m running out of data and heading into pricey overage land.
Gosh, “camping areas around here are in washes”…. What the heck? Never camp in a wash is my rule. Also, you’re wise to consider the condition of the road in and out…. When the ground tends toward mud is when the idiot OHVers set out to tear up the desert and ruin the back roads.
I know you will be watchful of conditions and careful not to be caught in flooding. Yes, I agree with your last statement. More than once in my life I’ve been glad I’m not “high maintenance.” 🙂
Enjoy the up-close hummers. I’m jealous.
After you have cleaned your window do you put some veggie oil on the suction cup before trying to stick it to the clean window? Not much oil, just a dab around the outer edge. The heat from the sun will fix the oil like the steam on a pot lid. That should get it to stick for you. 🙂 Do you remember those Garfield soft animals that kids used to stick to the car windows way back when? Well, my son loved those and I did more than my share of sticking suction cup Garfields on my windows, lol. I think I still remember all the lines from all the books too! Anyway, hope that helps and does it for you. If not then I would guess the weight of the sugar water is just too much for it to stick with the suction cups that came with it. The hobby stores have the bigger suction cups…maybe try that if the oil doesn’t get it to stick. It would be fun to see those Hummers that close up!
I’ll try that, Pamela. Thanks! Now to find where I put the dang thing…
Good morning, Sue,
When insomnia strikes (UGH!!), I have been putting it to good use…catching up your posts and the blogorino comments. 🙂
That sunrise photo reminds me of layers of cotton batting…pretty in pink. Bridget looks very happy and pleased with this camp. Of course Reggie is levitating….on the magic mat. It’s not one, but two, yes, two folks…two mats that can be used together or separately. Magical, indeed! 🙂 I like your two outdoor rooms at this site. Is there any fragrance to the Palo Verde shrub or its flowers? The plant reminds me of the Mexican Sage perennial. Very drought hardy, with fragrant foliage; the blooms attract the hummers, bees, and butterflies. It does not lose its tiny leaves in the fall/winter, so it provides a bit of shelter for the birds and looks nice in the garden. I have several colors; it is one of my favorite plants that does well in my yard.
After having Christmas and New Years weeks off, it was back to work yesterday. The break was good, and I spent part of the time sorting through more “stuff”, donating, and shredding. It was nice to see the top of my desk; it had been buried under paperwork for years. 🙂
Today, temps will drop down to the low teens, struggling to get above freezing. Yesterday was the first time this winter that I had to wear gloves. We had some brief, but pretty snow flurries Monday morning. All is well – Gracie and I are cozy and warm.
Have a wonderful day! Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂
Good morning, Denise,
I’m sorry you suffer with insomnia, although, I admit, I enjoy reading the newsy comments you write while unable to sleep. 🙂
I don’t remember a fragrance from palo verde. The strongest fragrance here and now is from creosote, because of the rain. At first I didn’t care for it. Now after a few winters in the desert I like it.
From your comment I can tell you have a lovely yard. My western experience has taught me to recognize the sage plant — good heavens, it covers a lot of ground — and next I need to learn the different sage varieties.
“first time this winter I had to wear gloves”… I remember that as a sign of being in full winter mode. I’m glad you and Gracie are comfy and that you had a restful break over the holidays. Poor Gracie probably wishes it could have gone on forever.
Wishing you a good sleep for tonight!
About putting stuff in safety deposit boxes before traveling…
Many states have many different laws regarding safety deposit boxes. Our lawyer told us to get two different boxes. And to put my stuff in HIS box and HIS stuff in mine. That way if there is any delay in getting to the box’s location it will not be sealed so you can get what is needed with any court orders. Just thought I would pass that info along. Same goes for any storage lockers where important HIS or Hers things might be in storage. Most storage unit places will only have one signature on the unit as the primary so it is good to do that as well especially of those who have second marriages and prior children from those marriages. We looked into this when a friend of ours had their joint safety deposit box sealed by his daughter from a prior marriage. Took the current wife months to get court ordered opening of the box as part of the estate probate process.
Thanks for sharing this, Pamela.
line 5 should read: “WITHOUT” any court order.
Judging by the black hill in your photos, you’re within waving distance of where I was camped until I headed off to Quartzsite for the RTR.
I’m not surprised, Al! I saw lots of campers rolling up Ogilby Road on the way to Big Q. I suppose a migration of RVs occurs from this area to Quartzsite every year.
(RTR, for those who don’t know, is an annual gathering near Quartzsite called Rubber Tramp Rendevous. You can find the dates online.)
Good morning all. It is cold here in NC. Can’t wait for spring time. I like your post yesterday on the tortillas. I make chicken fajitas and steak fajitas occasionally for dinner. One is more than I can eat and nutritional. It has your bread, meat, vegetables. It is simple to fix and 2 dish clean up. Easy peasy as pie. Love it.
The possibilities seem endless with tortillas! I have refried beans, salsa, green chiles, and cheese on hand to make burritos. 🙂
Pull in the rugs, it is pouring here! Hi Sue, sorry I hope you don’t get soaked, we are, but I guess it will be worth it, the plants are loving the moisture.
Yes, rain is good, rain is good… 🙂
Yes it is. Yes it is. Plenty of it here in Laughlin today. Staying cozy & warm with good eats.
Just checked out Nelson DeMille’s 1st hit novel The Rivers of Babylon. Already into it. Tho published in 1978 very timely in today’s world. Good day for reading.
Also watching 3rd season of Homeland—excellent!
Definitely indoor weather here, too!
Oh no, sounds like you forgot the cole slaw!!! I spend 15 years in the Memphis area and you have to have slaw with BBQ! LOL
147th response……………I will never ever make 1st spot on responses……..LOL. Because of our time difference I will always check in well after your post and subsequent comments. Loved this post Sue and it feels like I am right there with you enjoying a new camp. Love that you have humming birds coming to this camp too…… love those little birds that we don’t see here………..happy New Year!!
Isn’t it neat that you can feel like you’re here watching the hummingbird feeder although you’re across an ocean from our camp? Happy New Year to you, too, Glenda. I’m very glad you’re a part of my blog, no matter when you show up! 🙂
for those of you that are interested, i just added an answer to the land dispute in Eastern Oregon above. bess
I have that same cat habitat you pictured Sue. To me the best one out there. They can see out, it’s about 5×7 or so when set up which is easy to do. I can set it up under the awning. They love the fresh air but close enough to the RV to feel safe. Plenty of room for a litterbox, bed water whatever. It has a floor and is cat proof so to say. Very reasonable for what you get. For exercise when the cats see fit they race up and down the inside of the RV. Even though small, back and forth they go for a bit. Then back to lazing as cats do 90% of the time. Some people use these habitats for small gentle doggies too!
I have a question Sue. Don’t laugh too loud, but have you ever thought of tethering Reggie to his sister? I have done that with my two dogs when I had them. One was good as gold right close to me off lead, the other a wanderer. A little confusing at first but they figured it out and I never had to worry over the wandering boy again. I used about 12 ft leash so they were not fight under each others feet. Just a thought and maybe you already thought of this or tried it. Probably wouldn’t work too well if heavily treed area, but some of those deserts might be ok. Or with a shorter tether like 4-6 ft. Just thinking here. 🙂 Hah, just think when Brig is tired and sits down or walks back to the PLT. lol
Hi, Gal n a cat in FL…. I did try hooking Reggie to Bridget. It might’ve worked with practice. I didn’t continue it because 1) it annoyed Bridget and 2) Reggie needs to run, run, run and being tethered to Bridge didn’t allow him to do that, where a 20 ft tether does– He zigzags all over, runs back and forth, and in circles. If Reg doesn’t get his exercise he’s a devil to live with.
Thanks for sharing that.